#Top psychic readings in UK
ellies-life · 5 months
Intro post
Thought I should finally get round to making this (active May 2024)
(block don't report 💗)
Dm's are always open for any one who needs to talk or just wants to be friends 💌
Hi im Ellie 👋🏻
age: 19 🤍
UK 🇬🇧
●Sun Taurus♉️
●Moon Libra♎️
●Rising Scorpio♏️
Tw ed & $h
cw: 88lbs /39.9kg 💗 (june 22nd 2024)
bmi: 17.3
height: 4'11 /150cm
Sw: 100lbs /45kg ?
Gw: 70lbs /32kg
I don't really know why I'm doing this but a lot of it is to do with the comments my mum makes and how she always tells me I'm going to get fat if I don't eat healthy and exercise🍽
Sometimes post about $h iswell which is also mostly cuz of family 🩸🩹
I've had an ed on and off since i was 16 and $h since 17, sometimes get really depressed and almost attempted to off my self in Feb 2023 but didn't end up going through with it.
Some random things
I want to travel the world, so far i have been to 5 countries🌍
I love anything to do with the universe, space and astrology🌌
I sometimes do tarot card readings and always have crystals bracelets on🔮🧿
I'm a little bit psychic, I don't have dreams often but when I do they often predict the future✨️
I love romance movies, star wars, the hunger games, my fave movie is 10 things I hate about you💕
I'm always picking up random hobbies🛼🎨🪡
I love baking (which is a little bit weird considering I try not to eat and constantly count calories)🍪🎂🥞🍦🍰🥐🧁🧇
My top 10 music artist at the moment🎵
One direction
Artic monkeys
Taylor swift
Lana del ray
Harry styles
Nail horan
Maisie peters
Noah Khan
The vamps
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20 notes · View notes
vicky82gargoylesfan · 6 months
My Thoughts on the First Three Episodes of X-Men 97
I was hoping to do the 3 episodes separately but i've been really busy, so I'll do all 3 episodes altogether. Sorry if i've missed anything.
X-Men 97 is awesome, I love the animation and the mature tone, it already has some blood and swearing in it already.
I love that they gave the intro a update, they included Morth and Bishop, got rid of Warpath and the purple headed guy, with Lady Deathstrike and Emma Frost.
Originally the old line up was Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey and Professor X.
It is now changed to Cyclops, Jean got bumped up to 2nd, Storm is now 3rd, Wolverine 4th, Morph is 5th, Rogue 6th, Beast 6th, Gambit 7th, Jubilee 8th, Bishop 9th and kept Professor X at the end
Love the voicing acting, some of of the changes to some voice actors haven't bothered me. I took to the changes very quickly.
The fight scenes have been brilliant, very well choregraphed.
The first episode, To Me, My X-Men, was great.
Gambit in a crop top was hilarious.
Love the big picture of the original X-Men with Professor X. I hope we see Iceman and Archangel again soon
Love Morph. At one point, when I saw Archangel, I didn't realise Morph changed into him, lol. it also happened again, in the next episode when he was Lady Deathstrike.
I thought Jean was going to faint after going into Henry Gyrich mind lol but should she be doing that while pregnant.
Cyclops using his optic blasts to land was awesome.
The fight scene's between the X-Men and the Sentinels was great.
The 2nd episode, Mutant Liberation Begins was also great, bit of a mixture of emotion and funny moments.
I'm glad they kept the 'Previously on X-Men'
I love that give the intro an update and Magneto is now part of the line up is now 1st.
Wolverine reacting to Jean going into Labour and driving like a lunatic was hilarious.
Baby Nathan is cute, I laughed when Jean said to Scott that the baby has his eyes..
Love the sisterhood moments between Jean and Storm.
Love the fight scene's between the X-men and X-Cutioner. I could tell he's voiced by Cable's old voice actor.
Storm losing her powers was pretty emotional
I'm not that familiar with Rogue and Magneto's relationship in the comics, I know she had a fling with Joseph, Magneto's clone. I did used to get the X-Men comics but it was under Essential X-Men in the UK ( it was 3 comic books in one book) I started during the Onslaught Saga (I can't remember when I stop but it was before Jean died for 100th time and Cyclops got with Emma Frost) but anyway It does seem a little creepy as Rogue is her 20s maybe and Magneto possibly is in his 70s, but I'm intrigued to see what happens but do I feel sorry for Gambit though.
Fire Made Flesh was a great episode, very intense and emotional, but it felt hard to watch because of baby Nathan being put in a containment tube and being infected by the techno virus.
I did wonder why Bishop was here at first. I thought maybe he got fed up going back to the future and finding out nothing has changed so he decided to stay in the past lol, but it was because his time traveling device was broken.
I didn't notice Storm was taken out in the intro, the first time round.
The episode had some pretty creepy moments, Morph in the shower scene. Gambit seeing Magneto and Rogue sort of melted together ect.
I didn't realise who Morph changed into at first as I don't know much about Illyana Rasputin, all I know she's Colossus's sister and she died of a virus in the comics. I should read more about her.
Jennifer Hale voice acting performance, voicing both Jeans was brilliant.
The psychic moment between the the 2 Jeans was great.
I do wonder when Sinister swapped the 2 Jeans, I think maybe during the episodes Beyond Good and Evil.
So clone Jean has renamed herself Madelyne Pryor and has decided to leave. I wonder if she comes back.
Storm appears at the end and is approached by Forge , hopefully he can bring her powers back.
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garina · 2 years
So. I made a terrible mistake. I started watching 'Stranger Things', and now my brain is just full of Thoughts and Feelings after only two episodes.
I managed to sidestep it completely initially, but then when series 4 came out certain people whose blogs I enjoy reading lost their minds over Eddie Munson (looking at you @kedreeva!) And I enjoyed reading meta and fan things and looking at gif sets.
Then I thought 'I would have loved this as a teenager.' And then I realised that my tastes haven't changed all that much in 20 years, and maybe I should check it out. (New stuff can be hard for me to get into).
I'd already been spoiled for a lot of things, and because I don't deal well with horror elements I went and spoiled myself more so I knew if/when not to look.
However, how I managed to miss that Winona Ryder was in this is a mystery.
Joyce is an amazing character and I love her. I especially liked the fact that she realised how much her initial reaction to Will's disappearance (before they realised something was really really wrong) of blaming Jonathan was unfair, AND made sure he knew that and that she was wrong to say it.
I love the boys. They seem very very real to me, the way they slide from silly kids to almost sensible, and the conflict between the right thing to do if things were normal (tell a responsible adult), and the right thing to do in the actual reality of their situation.
Nancy and Mike's dad is a prat. Why isn't he helping to look for his son's friend? Grr. I do love the sibling dynamic between the older Wheeler kids.
Hopper really interests me. I look forward to to seeing more.
Millie Bobbie Browne is making her 'troubled waif with psychic powers' distinct from the many others and I am impressed.
My opinion of Nancy took a bit of a nosedive at the party. If you drag your best friend to a party she doesn't want to go to, you don't join in with applying peer pressure, you stand up for her. I really felt for Barb, being the odd one out sucks, and Nancy ditching her was bad behaviour. (I am not completely writing her off for a lapse of judgement, it's far more interesting having nuanced characters)
The sheer unfairness of this world: of all the inhabitants of Hawkins that I've met so far, the two that seem to least deserve being taken by monsters are the two that are (if we ignore the toddler). Things being supernaturally unfair on top of regular unfairness (deadbeat dads, bullying, Hopper's daughter) is a LOT.
The flashback showing Jonathan and Will listening to music was adorable. Will needs all of the hugs, and I was getting some definite ND feelings from him. I'll see if I was right later on. I really really want to see more of him.
Steve is hilarious, and a wonderful example of how dorky supposedly cool guys get when their emotions (and hormones) get involved. I await his character growth (and the Scoops Ahoy uniform) with great interest.
Mr Clarke is an awesome teacher. AV clubs weren't really a thing in the UK when I was at school, which I think is a shame.
I have run out of steam. Clearly more episodes are in order...
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hadit93 · 1 year
I struggle learning how to read the pendulum! Do you know any books are you happy to share how you've learned to do this?
I can't think of any books off the top of my head, but I am sure any psychic primer would have a method included. I can't recall if Matt Auryn's Psychic Witch has a pendulum exercise, but I would imagine it would. Even if not, the techniques of meditation and self hypnosis would be enough to get you going.
I learned from a witch to be honest. I bought my first pendulum at a local occult store after school. I miss the days when those types of stores were more common in the UK, they are rare now in smaller cities. This woman was a practicing witch and she showed me how she worked with her pendulum.
She would get centred first- which is hard at first, but if you meditate it gets easier to get into that state of mind at will. What I do is take some deep breaths and then count down into a meditative state from 11 to 0. 11 simply because it's a Thelemic number. Most people would do 10 to 0 probably, but it matters little, it is arbitrary. I also sometimes visualise myself in a lift going down floors, it has the effect of deepening consciousness. This seems very new-agey, but it works.
The idea is you clear your mind, you want to focus only on the question. You want to forget you are holding a pendulum, you want to be focused only on the question and think not about the answer. If you think about the answer you can influence the direction of the pendulum unconsciously.
It is also a good idea to invoke a being you work with prior to the working. Or a being associated with divination. I invoke the HGA or Hekate as I do in all my divination works.
Then you start with 'What is yes?' and note the direction the pendulum swings. Then ask 'what is no?' and note that too. I never ask for 'unlikely' or 'maybe'. The reason for this is, that I can tell when my pendulum is uncertain- my pendulums always go back and forth for yes and left to right for no. If it is unsure it tends to jiggle between the two and spin in a circle. You will come to learn as you practice.
You can also make charts- you can find many pendulum charts online for free which allows for you to get detailed answers. You can use it as an ouija board pointer, you can look at weather, you can use it over a map, you can use it anywhere to which it can point. The possibilities are quite large.
An interesting experiment I conducted was I made my partner, who does not practice any form of magic, hold my pendulum. I placed my hand on his heart and I directed energy into him and asked questions to the pendulum silently in this manner. I got responses, and they differed with each question. I also asked basic things like "Am I a male, is today Tuesday?" Things I could confirm to be true or false and it was correct each time. So then I asked about the future and again it came to pass.
My partner did not know what I was asking, nor did he understand why the pendulum was going in different ways. There was also no possibility of influence from my own mind or his in this setting. This made the results far more reliable in my opinion in a strange way.
I digress, but I really do think the pendulum is an underrated magical tool, and one I am guilty of underusing too these days. Every altar should have one!
Clear your mind, ask your question, focus your question, when you feel the pendulum move look at the response. Another tip- if the pendulum struggles to move at first spin it around clockwise once violently and ask again and it should alter direction from spinning- unless your pendulum responds with a clockwise motion for yes or no, then don't do it!
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Hypnotic (2023)
"Determined to find his missing daughter, Detective Danny Rourke finds himself spiraling down a rabbit hole while investigating a series of reality-bending crimes. Aided by Diana Cruz, a gifted psychic, Rourke simultaneously pursues and is pursued by a lethal specter, the one man he believes holds the key to finding the girl."
For the first time in a very long time I went into a film, almost completely, blind. I hadn't seen any trailers and, until Odeon announced a limitless member viewing, I don't even think I'd heard of it. Before the viewing I checked out Google for the poster and the précis at the top of this, but that was all I knew. I think this was absolutely the best way to go into this movie.
I'm going to have to be very careful with what I say because I always try to avoid spoilers, and that could be difficult. Please bear with me. The film is categorised as a thriller/mystery and to that I say yeah, thats pretty accurate. This was, for me, a real rollercoaster ride. When I saw that it was directed by Robert Rodriguez the style, and stylised action, suddenly made so much more sense. Rodriguez presents us with a world just a little different to our own, and does it in such a way that we still recognise a lot of what we see. It also means that the differences, such as they are, keep us in the story rather than pull us out. He is a skilled director that has made some iconic films. Whether this one will be looked at the same as El Mariachi and Sin City is doubtful, but it's definitely an addition to his catalogue that he should be very happy with.
The three main characters are Danny Rourke, played by Ben Affleck, Diana Cruz (Alice Braga) and Dellrayne (William Fichtner). Now I'll hold my hands up and admit I'm not Affleck's biggest fan. He's never really grabbed me during most of his films though I've never really disliked his films. That may have changed with Hypnotic. Here he plays a weary, psychologically disturbed, cop who is trying to find his daughter and he nails it. Throughout the film he handles the layers of his character with ease. I found myself rooting for him against odds that were stacked heavily against him. Bravo Ben, you may just have won me over.
I have seen Alice Braga in a number of films. I always enjoy her when she's on screen and here, yet again, she was a net positive to the film. I can honestly add her to the list of people that if I see they're in a film I know I'll probably enjoy it. William Fichtner has one of those instantly recognisable faces, and as soon as I saw him on screen I knew he would be the antagonist to Affleck's protagonist. He plays a villain/bad guy like he was moulded to it his entire career and he was suitably creepy and villainous here.
Overall this is a great film. I really enjoyed it. It has solid action scenes, some extreme violence and a few scenes of gory stuff and it all blends together into a pretty damn good Robert Rodriguez movie. Now I don't normally mention other critics scores in my reviews, but when I came out of the screening I looked on Google. I saw scores that ranged from 35% up to 5.7/10. I haven't read any othwr reviews and I'm not going to. Instead I'm going to give it a really solid 8.5/10, with a recommendation to go see it when it's released in the UK on the 26th May.
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psychicreadingsuk · 18 days
Finding the Best Psychic in the UK: A Guide to Top Psychic Services
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If you're searching for the best psychic in UK, you’re in the right place. In a world filled with uncertainty, many people turn to psychics for guidance and insight into their lives. Whether you need advice on love, career, or personal growth, finding a trusted psychic can make a significant difference. One of the most reputable names in this field is Gail Keenan Psychics, a service known for its experienced and intuitive team of psychics who have helped countless individuals across the country.
Understanding the Role of Psychics
Psychics have long been sought after for their ability to provide clarity and understanding in challenging times. The top psychics in the UK are known for their accuracy, empathy, and deep understanding of human nature. They use various methods such as tarot readings, astrology, clairvoyance, and mediumship to connect with spiritual energies and provide insights that can guide you in your journey.
Why Choose the Best Psychic in the UK?
When it comes to choosing the best psychic in UK, it’s essential to find someone who is not only skilled but also trustworthy. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which psychic to consult. This is where Gail Keenan Psychics stands out. Known for their exceptional service and dedication to client satisfaction, they offer a wide range of psychic services to cater to different needs and preferences.
Gail Keenan Psychics is renowned for its team of top psychics in the UK who are carefully vetted for their abilities and integrity. Each psychic brings a unique skill set, whether it’s tarot reading, numerology, or psychic mediumship. This diversity allows clients to find the perfect match for their specific needs, ensuring a personalized and meaningful experience.
How to Connect with Top Psychics in the UK
Finding the best psychic in UK is now easier than ever, thanks to online platforms like Gail Keenan Psychics. With just a few clicks, you can connect with a psychic from the comfort of your own home. Whether you prefer a phone reading or a video consultation, their platform is designed to make the process as seamless as possible.
One of the advantages of choosing a reputable service like Gail Keenan Psychics is the assurance of quality. With a strict screening process for all their psychics, you can trust that you are consulting with some of the top psychics in the UK. This level of professionalism ensures that your reading is accurate, insightful, and, most importantly, tailored to your needs.
Read More: - telephone tarot reading.
What to Expect from a Reading with the Best Psychic in the UK
When you book a session with one of the top psychics in the UK at Gail Keenan Psychics, you can expect a compassionate and open-minded approach. Their psychics are trained to listen carefully to your concerns and provide thoughtful and meaningful guidance. Whether you’re facing a major life decision or just need reassurance, they are there to help you navigate through it.
Choosing the best psychic in UK is about finding someone who resonates with you, understands your needs, and provides the insights you seek. Gail Keenan Psychics offers a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your questions and find the answers you’re looking for. So, if you're ready to discover what the future holds, consider reaching out to Gail Keenan Psychics today.
With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, they are truly among the top psychics in the UK. Take the first step towards clarity and peace of mind by booking your session with one of their talented psychics.
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 month
Discover the Power of Psychics in London with Gail Keenan Psychics
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In today's fast-paced world, many people seek guidance and insight to navigate the complexities of life. Whether it's understanding a challenging situation, finding clarity in relationships, or exploring future possibilities, the wisdom of psychics London can be a transformative resource. One of the most trusted names in the field is Gail Keenan Psychics, offering a range of services that cater to your spiritual and emotional needs.
The Growing Demand for Psychics in London
London, a city known for its rich history and diverse culture, has a thriving community of spiritual practitioners. Among them, psychics London stands out as a popular choice for those looking to connect with their inner selves and seek answers to life's pressing questions. The demand for psychic readings has surged in recent years, as more people turn to these gifted individuals for advice on everything from love and career to health and personal growth.
Gail Keenan Psychics has been at the forefront of this movement, offering a variety of psychic services to meet the unique needs of their clients. Whether you're in London or elsewhere in the UK, you can access their expertise through online psychics UK, making it easier than ever to find the guidance you need.
The Convenience of Online Psychics UK
In our digital age, the availability of online psychics UK has made it possible for anyone, anywhere, to connect with a trusted psychic reader. This accessibility has revolutionized the way people seek spiritual guidance, offering a convenient and private way to explore life's mysteries. Gail Keenan Psychics provides a platform where you can connect with experienced psychics from the comfort of your own home, ensuring that you receive personalized readings tailored to your specific situation.
Whether you're dealing with a challenging decision, looking for insight into a relationship, or simply curious about what the future holds, online psychics UK can provide the clarity and direction you need. The psychics at Gail Keenan Psychics are known for their accuracy, empathy, and deep understanding of the human experience, making them a top choice for those seeking spiritual guidance.
Exploring psychic Light Readers with Gail Keenan Psychics
Among the various types of psychic readings available, psychic light readers offer a unique and powerful way to connect with your inner self. These specialized readers use light energy to tap into your aura and reveal hidden truths about your life. This form of reading is particularly effective for those seeking to understand the deeper aspects of their personality and life path.
Visit Here
Gail Keenan Psychics features some of the most talented psychic light readers in the UK, providing clients with profound insights that can lead to meaningful life changes. Whether you're new to psychic readings or have been exploring them for years, a session with a psychic light reader from Gail Keenan Psychics can be a transformative experience.
The world of psychics offers a wealth of opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Whether you're in London or elsewhere in the UK, Gail Keenan Psychics is your trusted partner in this journey. With their expert psychics London, convenient online psychics UK services, and skilled psychic light readers, you can find the guidance and clarity you need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and peace of mind.
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chiefimran20000 · 2 years
Black magic voodoo priest to bring your ex back|+27763069612 ancient spells
Top Psychic chief imran - ☎ "+27763069612"Feeling Stuck? Feeling Lost? Need Re-Direction in Life? Contact a VOODOO EXPERT. A Tarot ReaderDiscover Psychic Readings from a Reliable Source. Contact Us for More Details. Our Services Include Psychic Readings for Relationships and Careers. Get Answers to Your Questions. Satisfaction guaranteed. We are leading and best tarot card reader in USA,UK, SPAIN, FRANCE, LUXEMBOURG, CANADA, PORTUGAL, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE with great experience & expertise in tarot card reading, astrology, healing, Call | Whatssapp ☎ +27763069612Email:[email protected]:http://blackmagicexpert.over-blog.com/
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chiefpasca · 1 year

+27788523569 THE ONLY REAL BABA TO BRING BACK YOUR EX-LOVER BACK CONTACT BABA GAVA+27788523569 OR [email protected]…#S.U.BLACK WITCH/Lost love spell caster to bring Back your Ex back in 12 hours ,Powerful Traditional Spiritual Healer | Herbalist | Sangoma with trusted Spells | South Africa’s Top lost love spells caster+27788523569  / cure, break up spells, magic (black or white) love spells in kuwait+27788523569, love spells in Botswana+27788523569, marriage spells in uk london+27788523569, love spells in Qatar+27788523569 marriage spells in Dubai+27788523569 , love spells in Zambia+27788523569, love spells in South Sudan+27788523569,love spells in United states of America+27788523569,love spells in Abu Dhabi+27788523569,love spells in OMAN+27788523569,love spells in USA+27788523569,,love spells in Kenya+27788523569,,love spells in Tanzania+27788523569,,love spells in AUSTLARIA+27788523569 Sangoma healer based in South Africa+27788523569 and spiritual Marriage consultant, Specialist in Love affairs and clairvoyant using native divine spiritual healing analyze uses ability to tunIowa
e into most relationship problems and focuses on the emotions related in all aspects of the reading. THE LOVE SPELL, is a mixture of the strongest herbs and traditional spiritual medicine, the herbs are made strong to react faster than you expect and ensures that it brings back your lost loved one to you for LIFE. I work with your guides and my guides to bring about as much information as possible that will help you grow as a person and allow you to move forward. Sometimes as humans we just need a helping hand to guide us through a difficult periodic will never tell you what you want to hear, so please feel free to consult us for reliable and affordable great services as follow;
1- We Bring Back Lost Lover Even If Lost for a Long Time
2-Is your love falling apart?
3-Do you want your love to grow stronger?
4-We could strengthen bonds in all love relationship and marriages,
5- Is your partner losing interest in you?
6-Divorce or Court issues,
7-Preventing your partner from cheating on you,
8-We may help to keep your partner faithful and loyal to you,
  9-We may recover love and happiness when relationship breaks down,
10-Making your partner love you alone,
11-We may create loyalty and everlasting love between couples,
12-Get a divorce settlement quickly from your ex-partner,
13-We could create everlasting love between couples.
  14-We help you look for the best suitable partner when you can’t break the cycle of loneliness,
15-Removal of bad luck and debts,
16-Buy a house or car of your dream
17-I help students pass their exams/interviews
18-I help those seeking employment,
19-Speed up money claim spell, delayed payments, pension and accident funds
20-Win b usiness tenders and contracts
21-Do you need to recover your lost property?
22-Promotion at work and better pay,
23-Do you want to be protected from bad spirits nightmares?
24-Are you an herbalist who wants to get more powers?
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thewaywardbruja · 2 years
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I posted 229 times in 2022
That's 229 more posts than 2021!
50 posts created (22%)
179 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 43 of my posts in 2022
#tarot - 34 posts
#hedge witch - 34 posts
#tarot cards - 33 posts
#divination readings - 32 posts
#spirit guide - 29 posts
#wolf - 26 posts
#witchcraft - 21 posts
#white wolf - 20 posts
#beginner witch - 19 posts
#green witch - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#guardians of the night tarot
My Top Posts in 2022:
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This is so important ❤️
2 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
About Sigils
So, I dont know much about sigils. But I am learning and I have learned a way to make your own sigils, which I am obsessed with. Its kind of a fun game to play as well. So basically, you go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------ A B C D E F G H I
Right, so you take a word. Also it looks better on paper, its hard to do on here I apologize. Take a word: Say -
Kindness. K I N D N E S S You cross out all the vowls. K N D N S S Cross out the dupes K N D S Then you take those numbers, and use the code up above. So 2 5 4 1 Theres two ways to do this, you can either write 1-9 in a circle like a clock, or you can do it my way and do the numbers in any order 1-9 but only the numbers that appeared in a circle. I feel like you get a better read with your intuition that way, so thats the way I do it. Either way is fine.
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So that would be my sigil for kindness.
What I've learned so far about Sigils is that you can use them, in spells and other things, you can write them, on candles, brooms and stuff and they envoke the power you give them.
I've got a ton of them, I've basically decided I'm going to create an entire language thats mine xD
But the thing I love about them is that you can do whatever you want and they are yours and yours alone, there arent many "Languages" that allow you to do that.
So yeah, theres my study into Sigils, please be aware that I am just BEGINNER learning at them, but I love, love drawing them out. I might start working on them digitally as well.
I plan on using a journal to create a language of key words that are all mine, but sigils. :D I'm excited.
3 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
So, over the summer we went to Cornwall, one of our favorite places in the UK, and in a little city called Boscastle there is a very historical Witchcraft Museum. And I finally got to go! I took tons of photos and would like to share them with ya'll 🙂
It was such an amazing experiance, all of the history and knowledge that was within that place. I didnt have much time inside the building but what I did have I will cherish.
There was also a spirit following me around, that I could feel, and I even got a photo of it.
All in all it was an amazing place to see and visit and I totally recommend it, if youre in Cornwall!
I have so many more photos but these are just a few.
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See the full post
3 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
.: Honing My Craft .:
So I have been thinking about, like what MY witchcraft practition looks like.
What I believe, what I dont believe, to see where I stand on certian aspects of the craft.
I do not believe that Witchcraft is a religion. I believe that Wiccan and Pagan are religions based off of witchcraft. Witchcraft itself is a lifestyle and a way of life. I dont have to be either to practice it.
I changed my lifestyle and life to do witchcraft and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Its been lifechanging.
This is where I am so far:
( If I miss anything please forgive me )
Spirits / Ghosts
( I have seen a few and spoken to a few in my life :) I can feel them around me, thanks to my abilites :) Psychic and Clairvoyance which I've had my entire life :3 )
Spirit Guides
( Have one who I adore, who's been with me my entire life. )
( I love doing divination, and talking to my spirit guide! Its so fun! And I have learned how to do it properly! 😊 )
( I adore! )
( Still learning! )
( Learning and making my own )
See the full post
4 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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6 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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psychicreadingsuk · 1 year
Top Psychics In The UK
The Creme de la Creme of Psychic Talent: Top Psychics in the UK
The realm of psychic phenomena has intrigued humanity for centuries, with individuals claiming to possess unique intuitive abilities to perceive information beyond the ordinary senses. In the United Kingdom, a land steeped in mysticism and folklore, there are several remarkable psychics whose reputations transcend borders. Let's delve into the captivating world of these top psychics, celebrated for their remarkable insights and uncanny abilities.
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Top psychics in the uk
Sally Morgan: With a career spanning over four decades, Sally Morgan is a well-respected name in the psychic community. Known as "Britain's Best-Loved Psychic," she has mesmerized audiences with her astonishing mediumship and clairvoyance. Sally's warm and compassionate approach has won her a massive following, including celebrities and royalty, seeking guidance and solace from her abilities.
Derek Acorah (In Memoriam): The late Derek Acorah was one of the most famous mediums in the UK. His appearances on popular television shows like "Most Haunted" brought him into the spotlight, where he showcased his exceptional skills in communicating with the spirit world. Derek's charm and genuine desire to help others made him a beloved figure in the psychic community.
Psychic Sisters - Jayne Wallace: Jayne Wallace, along with her team of gifted psychics, founded the Psychic Sisters. This London-based psychic haven has garnered a reputation for providing accurate readings and spiritual services. Jayne's diverse skills in tarot reading, crystal healing, and mediumship have earned her a loyal clientele, including numerous celebrities.
Gordon Smith: A true mediumship maestro, Gordon Smith is renowned for his ability to connect with departed loved ones and deliver evidential messages from the other side. His down-to-earth nature and unwavering dedication to his craft have made him a cherished mentor to aspiring psychics, ensuring the continuation of his legacy.
Michele Knight: With a vast online presence, Michele Knight has captivated audiences worldwide with her insightful readings and astrological predictions. As an accomplished psychic, astrologer, and tarot card reader, Michele's warm and uplifting demeanor has earned her the trust of many seeking guidance in their lives.
Sally Buxton: Known for her innate ability to communicate with animals, Sally Buxton has carved a unique niche in the psychic world. Referred to as the "Pet Psychic," she has helped countless pet owners understand their furry friends better and provided closure for those who have lost beloved companions.
Kim Alexis: A gifted clairvoyant, Kim Alexis, possesses the rare talent of remote viewing. Her accurate descriptions and detailed insights into distant locations and events have earned her a reputation as one of the UK's most intriguing psychics.
Read More Info :- Top Psychics In The UK.
These top psychics in the UK have demonstrated their extraordinary abilities time and again, captivating audiences and offering guidance to those in need. It's essential to approach psychic readings with an open mind, understanding that each practitioner has a unique style and expertise. While the allure of the psychic world remains ever-present, these gifted individuals continue to inspire and provide comfort through their exceptional talents, leaving an indelible mark on the lives they touch.
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