#Top Psychic
Georgia's Top Psychic: Unlocking Your Future with Clarity and Insight
Discover the profound wisdom and guidance of Georgia's premier psychic, renowned for exceptional intuition and accuracy. With years of experience in tarot reading, clairvoyance, and energy healing, our top psychic provides personalized insights into your life's most pressing questions. Whether you're seeking direction in love, career, or personal growth, this trusted expert offers clarity and empowerment to help you navigate your journey with confidence. Experience transformative readings that connect you with your higher self and illuminate your path forward.
Contact Us: 6892436585
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mokshnaasthsadu · 5 months
Uncover Your Destiny with the Best Psychic Readings in NYC
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment with the best psychic readings in NYC. Our gifted and intuitive psychics in the heart of the city offer unparalleled insights into your past, present, and future. Whether you seek guidance on matters of love, career, or spiritual growth, our experienced practitioners use their extraordinary abilities to provide clarity and understanding.
Step into our serene and welcoming space, where the energy is attuned to facilitate profound connections. Our top psychic readers combine ancient wisdom with modern intuition, delivering readings that resonate with your unique energy. Each session is a personalized experience, unveiling the hidden aspects of your life and empowering you to make informed decisions.
Click Here: https://mokshnaathsadu.com/psychic-reading/
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catorikishin · 11 months
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So. Scavengers Reign, huh.
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ryan-sometimes · 17 days
Recently I’ve been getting anons and comments doubting the validity of some of the stories I tell on here. There’s nothing I can do to convince you that the stories I tell on here are completely genuine. All I can say is that they really are. I only post the wackiest, most interesting or funny stories of my life on here. You don’t get much of the boring day to day stuff.
Truth is, I come from a very long line of crazy people. When my dad was in med school he and some friends planted a small homemade bomb in an abandoned bathroom at their university. His roommate stole a pancreas from the corpse lab and put it in a girl’s backpack. The entire med school was suspended because no one owned up to it. My uncle would sneak out at night with my grandma’s car and she’d find out because she’d check the mileage and see it’d gone up, so my uncle started driving her car backwards since that didn’t increase the mileage. He got arrested driving her car backwards on the highway to another town. My uncle would steal my grandpa’s shotgun, tell his friends to jump in the pool, and start firing it randomly at the backyard. My cousin genuinely had two weed smoking girlfriends who were also girlfriends with each other. My great uncle had an affair exposed by having his intimate photos and videos with his mistress sent to the family groupchat by people who stole his phone, all because they were salty that my aunt told them to go fuck themselves when they messaged her asking for money. My aunt took out all her life savings and moved to another state to build a bunker because she believes the apocalypse is coming, and she didn’t even take any of her children. I don’t know how to tell you this, but life is just stranger than fiction sometimes. The sample size of life stories you get on my blog are just the instances in which that’s true.
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scribefindegil · 2 years
MP100 does such a good job of committing to its theme that psychic powers don't make you better than anyone else. It's really common for media with magic or superpowers to pay lip service to the idea that the people who have them aren't any better than the people who don't, but then have their actual plots constantly undercut that message.
But not Mob! It takes its non-powered characters seriously; Mob's time with the Body Improvement Club and his friendship with Tome and the other Telepathy Club kids are just as important to his character development as any big psychic battle. On multiple occasions, Reigen's big contributions happen specifically because he *isn't* psychic--I'm thinking of the Shimazaki fight and the scene where he realizes Minori is possessed, but there are others.
And even when there are fights, they're ideological as much as they are physical. That's why Mob defeats Serizawa with an offer of friendship. That's why in the confrontation with Dimple in broccoli arc, Mob wins by *giving up* his powers, recognizing that they were preventing the two of them from actually talking. And that's why the thing that stops ???%'s rampage isn't another psychic; it's Reigen finally admitting to his own powerlessness.
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yyyaammmmmm · 7 months
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vws 🤞🤞
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things we learn about mulder in s1
he wanted to be an astronaut when he was young, and stayed up all night when he was 14 to watch his hero do a walk in space
he's scared to death of fire because his friend's house burned down when he was a kid
he went to oxford 10 years before the start of s1, where he dated phoebe and they, at the very least, made out on arthur conan doyle's grave (but it's implied they went all the way)
he is a fan of like. all of the sports. i cannot keep up with them all, but he sure can
he had his first case at the age of 28, where an agent died because he wouldn't take a risky shot
(and he remembers everything about the man who died- his kids, their ages, what they do for fun- all of it haunts him)
((he also, at the trial for the man who killed the agent, screamed that he "should die like an animal, you son of a bitch"- so much for cool and composed spooky mulder))
he always falls asleep on his couch to the point where i don't even know if this man has a bed
before being moved to the x-files, he worked for 3 years at the behavioral science unit, where he profiled serial killers
(also literally no one wants him on the x files they just keep him around because he is too dangerous to fire lmao)
he will go out of his way to make any kids involved a case he's assigned to feel comfortable and/or laugh as a break from the Heavy Moments (probably because he remembers being questioned while very young and how awful it felt)
he believes that siblings have a psychic connection (heartbreaking when you remember his sister disappeared when he was 12 and he only has access to the memories due to hypnosis)
he refused to let his parents call him by his first name and only went by "mulder", even as a child
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ahappydnp · 7 months
dan howell staring into the deepest darkest corners of your mind
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alienwlw · 1 year
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ALIENWLW'S TOP QL DRAMAS | Old Fashion Cupcake (2022)
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marbearmarigold · 10 months
*clicks out of instagram*
*stares at phone home screen*
*slowly and shakily moves thumb over to the tumblr icon*
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Unveiling the Mysteries: Discover the Top Psychic in Georgia
Embark on a journey of enlightenment with the top psychic in Georgia. Experience profound insights, clarity, and guidance as you navigate life's journey. With unparalleled intuition and wisdom, our psychic offers transformative readings that illuminate the path to your true destiny. Trust in the power of the unseen and discover the secrets that await you with the top psychic in Georgia.
Contact Us: 6892436585
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kenobihater · 7 months
my old star wars mutuals are like siblings-in-arms to me. if you've been around since the beginning of my blog back when mando was good and we still posted about it during s2? we've been forever bonded by our shared service in the discourse trenches. if you remember the ENDLESS cult discourse, the frog egg discourse, the birth of dincobb, the recanonization of jaste(r mereel), the helmet discourse 1.0, the finale marking the decline of the show as a whole, the helmet discourse 2.0 post finale, and the birth of dinluke?? man. i would do ANYTHING for you. you get me on a visceral level. our mutualship has been forged in fire and flame.
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azoreaneve · 7 months
me: ah let's check out what kinda Alastor x Lucifer fics are out there. Love their kismesissitude and most of the stuff I see on tumblr involves that, so I'll just search for the ship itself with the M/M tag and nothing else. This has never failed me before.
the first page of results: fluff pregnancy fluff vaginal sex fluff mpreg fluff
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luc3ks · 1 year
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little dump of an au me and my friend have been working on, in which everyone's life is awful
it's not fully fleshed out at all but here's a summary of tails specifically..... if anyone cares.....
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conceptofjoy · 2 months
i had near encyclopedia levels of knowledge about a specific anime back in high school and i still didnt know i was neurodivergent. life is crazy like that
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