#Tori Ketchum
runawaycarouselhorse · 8 months
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Our pure-hearted, all-loving hero... he can be a little brat (especially back in OS/early in his journey, when he was much more of a hot-blooded boy hero), but his heart's worth its weight in solid gold and he grows into such a kind, patient character with strong ideals, which is why Hero of Ideals suits him best (even the movie manga opted to adapt that version of the movie, rather than the one where Ash is Hero of Truth, and expanded on it!)
[I hope you have "long post" and "image heavy" muted if you need to, because this post's a doozy and given tumblr, if my blog's ever deleted, posts with read mores will be rendered inaccessible forever, so I don't like to make them!]
A lot of people complained about how young Ash looked in BW! (and complained even more about Sun & Moon's very divisive art style... and we wound up seeing great growth for his love of a whole region, and achieved a goal integral to achieving his dreams), but from the first episode of BW!, my first impression was of how mature and calm Ash is with Iris and Trip in regards to their initially abrasive and varingly aloof personalities.
Iris was friendlier and more excitable, more childlike, but Ash took her barbs in stride and patiently waited for her to open up about her dreams (she keeps it secret in the first episode, using that cute, childish word "naisho" instead of saying it's a secret "himitsu"--the same childish word she uses when asked about what Kairyuu/Dragonite told her in their reunion episode) and background (we don't know she ran away from the academy or what her hometown was like until season 2!)
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The way Ash handled Tory (who was a traumatized, younger child--and Ash wanted to fight him at first, before understanding him!), Lucario (also traumatized, insulted Ash and Pikachu's bond--Ash fought him and fell off a hill, wrestling with him, before he saw Lucario's memory of being "abandoned" and broke down in tears, apologizing for what he said when he didn't know anything...), Chimchar (a traumatized Pokemon, Ash was patient, kind, and loving to him, even when he lashed out while out of control due to Blaze, which he previously could only use to save his life...), etc., is very different from how he handled Iris (who was bullied subtly by being completely ostracized, no one would sit or eat or play with her at the academy, she was so depressed, she stopped eating--this is canon and not lingered on, but she plainly says it and that her dorm mother making her food that would remind her of home, just berries skewered on a stick, "saved her") and even Trip.
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(By the way, Ash apologizing to Lucario, in tears of regret over what he said to Lucario when he didn't understand him is when I first started to truly love and respect Ash's character and growth! Before that, I really was only a big fan of the TRio.)
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By contrast to those rockier beginnings with other kids, Ash was patient and encouraging with Trip, even while Trip purposefully kept him and everyone else (even his Pokemon who loved him, as Alder said...) at bay and rejected all his attempts at friendship, before he got the answers he needed from Alder and slowly stopped shutting others out. He had every right to lash out at Trip for making fun of him, but kept trying to befriend him and showed interest in his journey and growth.
(Trip was also his youngest main rival at that point, even if he is a very book-smart child prodigy type who was an excellent battler from the start, he still fell apart in front of unexpected, unorthodox techniques like Bell/Bianca and Satoshi/Ash's out-of-the-box strategies.)
Naturally, there's also his very patient and encouraging bond with Lillie, who also had her trauma-induced fear of Pokemon (much like Tory!) and dissociative amnesia, the early loss of her father in infancy, and the distance between her and her mother (too wrapped-up in work and her obsession with Ultra Beasts to notice her own child's trauma and falling behind her peers...) to overcome, but the focus of this post is BW! I already write a lot about Lillie, she's another favourite of mine. <3
It's worth noting, too, that Pikachu was Ash's first "problem Pokemon"... even if it's usually the Fire types who are traumatized, Pikachu has abandonment issues like Chimchar and Tepig did. Pikachu famously hates being inside a pokeball and Ash always repesects this boundary and becomes very, very upset in XY when he believed Pikachu was forced into a pokeball... the pokeball factory episode was, otherwise, a very light-hearted episode, but Pikachu's boundaries and possible trauma is taken seriously.
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This scene mirrors a similar breakdown Alain has when he finds out all he's done, under the impression he was protecting his loved ones, was aiding Lysandre's genocidal plans... both smash their fists into hard surfaces, blaming themselves for failing to protect loved ones.
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In a very early Kanto episode, Sparks Fly for Magnemite, we learn Pikachu has abandonment issues so bad, he doesn't want to be separated from Ash for even an overnight stay in the Pokemon Center. It seems Pikachu (fortunately) quickly become much more secure in his bond with Ash and no longer fears being separated for medical treatment, but this is very, very sad and telling!
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Although we never delve very deeply into that for most of the series... (an early magazine scan has Ookido-hakase/Professor Oak theorize Pikachu's previous trainer abandoned it), we were finally given some answers late in series!
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In the AU movie, Pikachu says* his reason for not going into the pokeball: "It's because I always want to be with you." ;O;
... unless this is a dream or hallucination, given Ash is on the verge of unconsciousness when it happens--but if we really want to believe it happened, maybe his latent Aura post-cognition abailities kicked in and he understood Pikachu's feelings, like when Victini slept in his lap, crying, and Ash saw Victini's dream of his past.
As for the main series canon, in the first episode of Pocket Monsters 2019 (Pokemon Journeys), we learn Ash's Pikachu was a lone, possibly orphaned, Pichu, who was briefly raised by a Kangaskhan, carried in her pouch with her child, until he grew too heavy and quietly left at night (without saying goodbye) to live by his own strength, evolving into Pikachu as he did so.
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If Lusamine not taking Lillie's (because they're irrational or not logical) feelings seriously gave her a complex where she always needed to claim her stances are "logical" even when they're based in emotion... I wonder what it tells us that "child prodigy" Trip defaulting to blaming his loss to Alder on him doing something wrong or being inherently lacking ("What did I do wrong? What do I lack?"), because he doesn't ever consider a simple difference in experience is all it is... that Alder's many years of wisdom and Pokemon training give him an advantage over rookie trainer Trip, who's shown to be averse to being called a "child" (Iris ropes him into battling Ash twice by calling him a kid), because he always has to prove he's an adult. He thinks there's something inherently "lacking" in him or "wrong" about his method if he doesn't achieve.
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All of that is canon, but if you further analyze his character, Trip has a superiority complex, which is very often a defense mechanism to mask feelings of inferiority. He canonically places a lot of worth in the image he projects and constantly puts down others. Add that to being a child prodigy and his preoccupation with proving he's an adult (but doesn't bat an eyelid at someone calling him "unjust" for his violent methods in the Venipede episode, like he's already accepted being a terrible person, because he thinks striving for peace like idealistic Ash is "naive"--Trip has a very cynical view of adults, yet thinks of himself as such...)
Trip only cares to be seen as strong and mature, not good (he's not even surprised to be called bad, he's already accepted it, he doesn't care), and if he fails, he blames his lack of knowledge or his inherent nature as lacking.
Because his self-worth is in being a genius and being better than the rest, so he seeks outside validation, namely Alder's, who Trip behaves so jealously about, Alder canonically compares him to a fickle-hearted woman (well, he messes up the phrase 'Onna-gokoro to haru no sora.' "A woman's heart is as fickle as the sky of spring" because he was hitting on Junsa-san/Officer Jenny earlier, so he says "fickle as Junsa-san"... Freudian slip. ^^;;;;)
Trip, when asked what he was battling for, what he wanted to prove... he said it was to prove his strength to Alder.
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That's all he wanted! To prove his strength and be acknowledged by his hero. Alder even asks him if he likes him. Adeku frankly asks it in the Japanese version, but the dub dances around with "do you have any admiration for a man such as myself"--which Trip doesn't answer verbally, although he really doesn't have to, because the scene makes it clear and is a lens that clarifies all his past behaviour.
That's all Trip wants: love and acknowledgement. Which he believed he could only get by becoming stronger, smarter, and more mature as fast as possible, likely taking Alder's to be some stronger and grow up quickly too literally, as head animator Iwane said, Shootie was just "a little too grown-up."
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It takes a long, long time for Trip to unlearn prioritizing battles over anything else and to embrace childhood (which hey, is one of the main themes of BW!), because it's a precious time which we can never return to... so, Alder's current idealogy is to enjoy life, make friends, love Pokemon, and not dwell on the past. Ash's approach to being a Pokemon Champion and Master is the same.
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Alder's introductory episode made it very clear he and Ash are very, very similar characters... and we see this again in Journeys, in the kind of advice Champion Ash gives younger kids. Ash and Alder have a similar wisdom they'd like to impart, I know, it's funny calling Ash wise, but he has high emotional intelligence and is incredibly wise in that respect for his age... it took Alder many, many long years to arrive at the same conclusion Ash reached.
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Ash's Japanese name, Satoshi, means "Wisdom." (Another cute detail: Ash's little brother, Lei, whose Hawaiian name means a "Garland of Flowers-- in Japanese, would be pronounced as Rei, which also means "Wisdom." Lei likely has a name chosen to have meaning in both Hawaiian and Japanese. ^^)
Bonus shout-out to Ash, Iris, and Cilan all protecting Keldeo until he finds the courage to face his fears, correct his mistakes, and save his friends...
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Ash is a very good friend, AG, DP, and BW! are all part of his development into the kinder character he became today. Some people might miss how rude he was to his friends in OS, but he can still playfully dish it out, he's just calmer and more sure of himself, so less likely to sweat the small stuff and recognizes when someone, whether Pokemon or trainer, just needs time and patience.
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shinkai14 · 2 years
Pokémon AU family List
(will give more info if needed)
Red Miyagawa and Blue Oak (Married)
Akane, Willow, Ichiro, Kaede & Samuel "Sammy" Miyagawa-Oak
Ash Ketchum and Misty (Married)
 Kyla, Caspian & Marilla Ketchum
Brock Harrison and Lucy (Separated)
Thomas, Wade" and Terra" Harrison
Brock and Rebecca (Fling)
Amethyst "Amy" Harrison
Brock and Liliana (Married)
Maria'’’, Sophia’’’ & Macy’’’ Harrison
Leaf Greene and Kris (Married)
Jade", Ivy" & Lin Greene
Trace Herrings and Chase (Married)
Kyrie, Allen & Angelina Herring
Janine Hayashi and Elaine (Married)
Haru, Kenji, Makoto" & Haruna" Hayashi
Goh Yamashita and Horace (Married)
Fumiko, Azumi, Daichi", Jiro" and Hiro Yamashita
Chloe Cerise (Single)
Lucy Cerise
Gary Oak and Domino (Fling)
Juniper Oak
Gary Oak and Zinnia (Not together anymore)
Ivy Oak
Gary Oak and Edric Ross (Married)
Samantha, Darron and Kathrine Oak
Ritchie Berry and Damian (Not together anymore)
Lexie Berry
Ritchie Berry and Derick (Married)
Alex and Daniel
Lt. Adam Surge and Violet
Nixie, Gale and Bolt Surge
Erika Kayano and Darcy (Divorced)
Fiona Kayano
Sabrina And Will Tanaka (Married)
Emiko Tanaka
Lorelei Landa And Winona (Married)
Breena, Maya, Zephyr, Neil & Claire Landa
Bruno Grayson (Single)
Casey and Mason Grayson
James De Rossi and Jessie (Married)
Jamie, Julia, Jackie and Jasper De Rossi
Butch and Daisy Oak (Married)
Rosie and Paisley Oak
Tracey Sketchit and Daisy (Married)
Heather, Holly and Wyatt Sketchit
Ethan Asahi and Sliver (Married)
Scarlett, Riku, Sumire, Haruki, Ryuki, Sierra, Ember, Talia and Gale Asahi
Elio Sunna and Lyra (Married)
Lyre, Leilani, Oliver & Kai Sunna
Lance Blackthorn and Hanako (Married, Hanako is dead)
Luna Blackthorn
Morty Ellis and Falkner (Married)
Raven, Robin and Elliot Ellis
Bugsy Withers and Whitney (Married)
Beckett Withers
Jasmine Tachibana and Solidad (Married)
Rosianna and Ross Kernel
Clair Blackthorn (Single)
Ryu Blackthorn
Karen Lee (Single)
Connie Lee
Cyrus Caddel and Saturn (Not together anymore)
Portia Caddel
Archer Lawrence and Saturn (Married)
Aries, Polaris and Rhea Lawrence
Archer Lawrence and Proton Richter (Not together anymore)
Artemis Richter
Proton Richter and Domino (Not together anymore)
Juno Richter
Professor Elm and his wife (Married)
Cedar Elm
Eusine Smith (Single)
Serenity Smith
Khoury Matthews and Casey (Divorced)
Alice Matthews
Liza Rose and Zinnia (Separated)
Maeve Rose
Brad van darn and Fantina Albret (Married)
Elizabeth Albret
Pierce Elrod and Wendy (Affair)
Freya Elrod
Attila Sharp and Hun (Married)
Demeter, Calypso and Helios Sharp
Brendan Birch and May (Married)
Madison and Henry Birch
Max and Tory Lund (Married)
Alice and Aiden Lund
Wally Harrell and Lisia (Married)
Hayden and Maybelle Harrell
Drew Campbell and Brianna (Married)
Autumn and Summer Campbell
Harley Gray and Nando (Separated)
Marianna Gray
Harley Gray and Juan Richelieu (One night stand)
Francis and Mary Richelieu
Paris Mercia And Solidad (Divorced)
Dena and Jackson Mercia
Wallace and Steven Stone (Married)
Elaine and Petra Stone
Brawly Rush and Roxanne (Married)
Mia and Alexander Rush
Sidney Parker and Flannery (Married)
Flare Parker
Korrina Derand and Phoebe (Married)
Jenna, Gracie & Erwin Derand
Looker Spade and Anabel (Married)
Layla, Helena and Edward Spade
Nando and Tucker Conners (Affair)
Grace Conners
Maxie Embers and Archie (Together)
Kyna, Hector and Darren Embers
Glacia And Ervin Sawyer (Divorced)
Elsa Sawyer
Shelly Waller and Courtney (Married)
Mira Waller
Dana Desmond and Zinnia (One night stand)
Lydia Desmond
Barry Tsumura and Lucas (Married)
Tsutsuji and Hiroko Tsumura
Dawn Berlitz and Zoey
Aurora, Weiss, Gwendolyn and Ronan Berlitz
Paul Norwood and Ursula Lovett (Divorced)
Meaghan and Sasha Norwood
Paul Norwood and Miette (Married)
Anthony and Briar Norwood
Cynthia Reiss and Diantha (Married)
Genevieve and Mariane Reiss
Roark Blair and Riley (Married)
Thea, Rhea, Noah and Lapis Blair
Gardenia Fujimura and Cheryl (Married)
Ayaka Fujimura
Maylene Olsen and Candice (Married)
Noelle & Hayley Olsen
Flint Russel and Volkner (Married)
Dustin and Sophia Russel
Lucian Garnier and Aaron (Married)
Rachael Garnier
Thorton Rhodes and Marley (Married)
Lelia and Luis Rhodes
Hunter J and Mars Seymour (Together, Hunter J is dead)
Pluto Seymour
Buck Russel and Mira (Married)
Blake Russel
Reggie Norwood and Zero (Not together anymore)
Dina Norwood
Reggie Norwood and Lena (Married)
Ezra and Stella Norwood
Kenny Hudson and Leona (Married)
Carmen Hudson
Sho Jonas and Autumn (Married)
Weiss, Lily and Mint Jonas
Tonio Hvam and Alice
Anisa and Dale Hvam
Baron Alberto and Queen Ilene (Fling)
Amaris De Rota
Baron Alberto and Lilith (Married)
Mercia. Jewel and Josephine De Alamos
Grimsley Millard and Zero (Not together anymore)
Crispian and Demi Millard
Lysandre Allard and Zero (TBD)
Vesper & Zeke Allard
Zero and Baraz Laurier (One night stand)
Arleth Laurier
Kevin Mythos and Sheena (Married)
Kyra and Roland Mythos
Sorrel Hart and Verity (Married)
Luna Hart
Verity and Cross West (Separated)
Austin West
Hilbert and Natural Harmonia Gropius (Married)
Aria, Mercy and Euphemia Harmonia (Euphemia is adopted)
Chili Gardener and Hilda (Married)
Cassandra Gardener
Chili Gardener and Burgundy (Divorced)
Millicent “Millie” Gardener
Cilan Gardener and Clemont Alarie (Married)
Adrien and Audrey Gardener
Cilan Gardener and Alain Sycamore (Married)
Cecilia Gardener
Clemont Alarie and Alain Sycamore (Married)
Ciel Alarie
Cress Gardener and Calem Xavier (Married)
Lyne and Nathan Xavier-Gardener
Lenora Abrams and Hawes (Married)
Verdona and Vincent Abrams
Serena Castillon and Shauna (Married)
Elodie Castillon
Lysandre Allard and Malva Aubert (Not together anymore)
Alexis and Bastion Aubert
Wikstrom and Siebold Blanchet (Separated)
Lucienne Blanchet
Lysandre Allard and Bellatrix (Divorced)
Cédric Allard
Lysandre Allard and Alain Sycamore (Not together)
Irene Sycamore
Lysandre Allard and Baraz Laurier (Not together)
Ausra Laurier
Lysandre Allard and Professor Augustine Sycamore (Not together anymore)
Sylvie Sycamore
Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius x Colress Keene (Not together anymore)
Euphemia Harmonia (Adopted by Hilbert and N)
Butch Cathcart x Cassidy
Mitch and Mera Cathcart
Todd Snap x Julie (Married)
James, Jamie & Madison Snap
Lysandre Allard x Concordia Harmonia
Moira Harmonia
Hugh Maes x Nate 
Violet & Blake Maes
Rosa Weiss x Roxie 
Patricia “ Patty “, Eliza’’ & Edric’’ Weiss
Iris x Benga Eales
Iona & Rex Eales 
Cheren Griffith x Bianca
April, Cornelia, Corwin, Darrell & Luna Griffith
Rudy Gate x Trip
 Davena & Bruno Gate 
Stephan Tayler x Heidi
Max, Sophie & Kelly Tayler
Georgia Morgan
Gregory Morgan 
Elesa Melbourne x Skyla
Skyler, Taran, Audra & Vetra
Brycen x Burgh Kersey
Lorraine, Colleen, Terrence, Travis Kersey
Marlon Raine x Kelly
Ariel and Clyde Raine 
Caitlin Everett x Shauntal
Emaline’’, Emilio’’, Farrell & Atlas Everett
Newton Graceland 
Lawton and Martha Graceland
Lysandre Allard x Celosia ( TBD)
Sarah Allard
Rei Eto x Yui (Married)
Akiko Eto
Akari Berlitz x Junko (Married)
Yuri and Yumi Berlitz
Volo Reiss
Verna Reiss
Adaman Hishikawa x Hayami (Married)
Akemi, Haru and Honoka Hishikawa
Mai Okumura x Jiro (Married)
Fujitsu and Kenzo Okumura
Arezu Akamine x Kimiko (Married)
Ezume Akamine
Iscan x Palina Magnolia (Married)
Rosianna Magnolia
Irida x Fredrick Castillon (Married)
Akane Castillon
Professor Laventon x his wife (Married)
Maria Laventon
Cyllene Caddel x Daichi (Married, Daichi is dead)
Cora Caddel
Melli x Ingo Collett
Tokiko’’, Tomiko’’, Kenji’’, Kentaro’’ & Etsuko Collett
Tucker x Avery Hackney
Arthur Hackney
Shielbert x Avery Hackney
Cordelia Hackney
Giovanni Forte x Rena 
Giana Forte
Lily Lynde x Hannah 
Tulip & Roland Lynde
Lara Laramie
Michael Laramie
Regina Mills x Jeremy
Garrett, Kaylie & James Mills
Valerie Bristol x Evelyn Desmond
Daphnis, Alette, Elros & Aine Bristol
Florian Villatoro x Kieran
Valeria Villatoro
Luna Blackthorn x Yellow
Tea Blackthorn
Aria Daviau
Daphné Daviau
Professor Samuel Oak x Elisa
Willow Oak
Celio x Lanette Bailey Lindsey, Booker & Ashton Bailey
Forrest Harrison x Maizie Oscar & Carl Harrison
Quillon Mittelman x Petrel Amber Mittelman
Quillon Mittelman x Danika Allegra & Marcus Mittelman
Morgan Desmond x Bridgette Bailey Marsha Desmond
Sordward x Sonia Emily, Mary, Lawrence, Annabelle and Garrett Magnolia
Lizabeth Blair x Christie
Marina & Danny Blair
(Will update more later)
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hunty627 · 11 months
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Tory can sometimes be a teeny timid at times, but he's a kind young boy who is one of my favorite movie friends of Ash Ketchum.
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
NBA Rant: Ash Ketchum
LeBron became the All-Time Leading Scorer in the NBA a few weeks ago and cats are claiming that makes him the greatest to ever play. I disagree. Strongly. The greatest to ever do it is Michael Jordan. Cats tend to lean into Bron's statistical dominance to prove their point and I guess they have a valid position. The NBA is heavy into Analytics nowadays, Moneyball ruined sports, so by those very crunchable numbers, Bron is the dude. But I don't distill a person's worth down to an over/under average. I can't. Stuff like that might help in terms of constructing a coaching scheme or identifying places one can improve their game, but to claim that sh*t is what makes you the greatest to ever play, seems dumb to me. Not only does it disregard actually winning, but it puts cats like Westbrick or Harden over the likes of Oscar Robertson and Isiah Thomas. Based on stats, the latter two individual are worse players than the former and that's just stupid to say. But we give LeBron the title because of those individual numbers? Cats make that case like it's not built on a foundation of sand.
Look, for me, Jordan is the GOAT. He will be until I die. Mans dominated the league. Hall of Famers feared him. The statistical advantage Bron uses to claim he's the best is mute because Jordan didn't chase stats like he does. Jordan chased rings. He chased winning. You're ridiculous if you think Jordan wouldn't have been the All-Time Leading Scorer if he actually wanted to be. Dude averaged 30.1 points over fifteen NBA seasons, two of which were missed during his prime years and two of which were after he turned thirty-eight. Jordan wanted titles, not accolades. He didn't care about the stats because that sh*t doesn't matter in the face of hanging a banner. More to the point, Bron has played five more years than MJ and started earlier. Jordan went to College for three years while Bron went straight to the NBA after high school. More than that, the vast majority of Jordan's individual accolades can stand right up there with Bron's accomplishments. So, if those are equal, at least comparable, then all you have left is titles. And Jordan got that over the pretender King, all day.
Jordan has never lost a Championship he has played in. Never. From College to his retirement, including Olympics and FIBA, any time Jordan stepped foot in a Final, he came out the winner. There is nothing but gold in that man's trophy case. LeBron cannot say the same. He's also had WAY more help to get those NBA titles. Every ring James has one, with the exception of the Bubble title which, in its own way, was a gimme, dude has at minimum, two All-Star caliber players. Usually one Superstar and one All-Star. Jordan had Pippen. That's it. That was the help. Scottie f*cking Pippen. Jordan rattled off that first Three-peat with just Pippin. The second, they added Rodman and, l of a sudden, they put up the second most wins in NBA history. Bron couldn't even crack seventy wins with Bosh and Wade on his team, let alone Three-peat twice. How can a guy with all that help, all those stats, have a Finals record of four wins in ten tries? How can you say he's better than the guy who went six times and won six times, just because longevity gave the kid more time to pad those stats? Nah, Bron isn't the GOAT. Hell, he might not even be number two because there's a mamba who has a STRONG case for that spot. Everything I just said about Jordan, can be said about Kobe Bryant. That man was a straight up killer. Seriously, the Tories people tell about the Mamba are insane
Hell, the stories LeBron tells about the Mamba, are insane. The more I look back at this man's career, the more I actually reflect on his work ethic and how he sees the game, the harder it is for me not to put him in my two spot. Obviously, he lacks the stats of both Jordan and Bron but what he does have is pure brilliance. Bryant's sheer tenacity and commitment to the game really left impression the entire culture of hoop. Kobe means more to basketball than Michael Jordan ever will and that's not an exaggeration. Bron got Kobe be on stats, sure, but not in legacy. Not in meaning. Kobe Bryant is Jordan for an entire generation of brilliant players in the league right now. He taught LeBron how to win during those USA Basketball days. Dwayne Wade knew, as good as he was, he was always going to be the second best Shooting Guard in the league during his playing days because he played at the same time as Kobe. Mans garnered that much respect, that much fear. You ever hear Iman Shumpert talk about that game his rookie season in the Garden? That's Mamba Mentality at it's purest and there are SO many stories like that around the league about Kobe. You don't hear those about Bron too often. Also, Kobe went to the Finals seven times and brought home the Chip to LA five of those attempts. Mans was a straight up monster in every way Bron is not and you can't dismiss that just because King James played in ten NBA Finals and scored a ton of f*cking points over twenty goddamn years.
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0 notes
smokeybrand · 2 years
NBA Rant: Ash Ketchum
LeBron became the All-Time Leading Scorer in the NBA a few weeks ago and cats are claiming that makes him the greatest to ever play. I disagree. Strongly. The greatest to ever do it is Michael Jordan. Cats tend to lean into Bron's statistical dominance to prove their point and I guess they have a valid position. The NBA is heavy into Analytics nowadays, Moneyball ruined sports, so by those very crunchable numbers, Bron is the dude. But I don't distill a person's worth down to an over/under average. I can't. Stuff like that might help in terms of constructing a coaching scheme or identifying places one can improve their game, but to claim that sh*t is what makes you the greatest to ever play, seems dumb to me. Not only does it disregard actually winning, but it puts cats like Westbrick or Harden over the likes of Oscar Robertson and Isiah Thomas. Based on stats, the latter two individual are worse players than the former and that's just stupid to say. But we give LeBron the title because of those individual numbers? Cats make that case like it's not built on a foundation of sand.
Look, for me, Jordan is the GOAT. He will be until I die. Mans dominated the league. Hall of Famers feared him. The statistical advantage Bron uses to claim he's the best is mute because Jordan didn't chase stats like he does. Jordan chased rings. He chased winning. You're ridiculous if you think Jordan wouldn't have been the All-Time Leading Scorer if he actually wanted to be. Dude averaged 30.1 points over fifteen NBA seasons, two of which were missed during his prime years and two of which were after he turned thirty-eight. Jordan wanted titles, not accolades. He didn't care about the stats because that sh*t doesn't matter in the face of hanging a banner. More to the point, Bron has played five more years than MJ and started earlier. Jordan went to College for three years while Bron went straight to the NBA after high school. More than that, the vast majority of Jordan's individual accolades can stand right up there with Bron's accomplishments. So, if those are equal, at least comparable, then all you have left is titles. And Jordan got that over the pretender King, all day.
Jordan has never lost a Championship he has played in. Never. From College to his retirement, including Olympics and FIBA, any time Jordan stepped foot in a Final, he came out the winner. There is nothing but gold in that man's trophy case. LeBron cannot say the same. He's also had WAY more help to get those NBA titles. Every ring James has one, with the exception of the Bubble title which, in its own way, was a gimme, dude has at minimum, two All-Star caliber players. Usually one Superstar and one All-Star. Jordan had Pippen. That's it. That was the help. Scottie f*cking Pippen. Jordan rattled off that first Three-peat with just Pippin. The second, they added Rodman and, l of a sudden, they put up the second most wins in NBA history. Bron couldn't even crack seventy wins with Bosh and Wade on his team, let alone Three-peat twice. How can a guy with all that help, all those stats, have a Finals record of four wins in ten tries? How can you say he's better than the guy who went six times and won six times, just because longevity gave the kid more time to pad those stats? Nah, Bron isn't the GOAT. Hell, he might not even be number two because there's a mamba who has a STRONG case for that spot. Everything I just said about Jordan, can be said about Kobe Bryant. That man was a straight up killer. Seriously, the Tories people tell about the Mamba are insane
Hell, the stories LeBron tells about the Mamba, are insane. The more I look back at this man's career, the more I actually reflect on his work ethic and how he sees the game, the harder it is for me not to put him in my two spot. Obviously, he lacks the stats of both Jordan and Bron but what he does have is pure brilliance. Bryant's sheer tenacity and commitment to the game really left impression the entire culture of hoop. Kobe means more to basketball than Michael Jordan ever will and that's not an exaggeration. Bron got Kobe be on stats, sure, but not in legacy. Not in meaning. Kobe Bryant is Jordan for an entire generation of brilliant players in the league right now. He taught LeBron how to win during those USA Basketball days. Dwayne Wade knew, as good as he was, he was always going to be the second best Shooting Guard in the league during his playing days because he played at the same time as Kobe. Mans garnered that much respect, that much fear. You ever hear Iman Shumpert talk about that game his rookie season in the Garden? That's Mamba Mentality at it's purest and there are SO many stories like that around the league about Kobe. You don't hear those about Bron too often. Also, Kobe went to the Finals seven times and brought home the Chip to LA five of those attempts. Mans was a straight up monster in every way Bron is not and you can't dismiss that just because King James played in ten NBA Finals and scored a ton of f*cking points over twenty goddamn years.
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pokeshipping · 4 years
From the collection linked above:
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22 and 24 for Tori
my baby girl
22. What is their relationship like with friends/acquaintances/rivals?
Bella: Tori’s best friend. They’re sort of childhood friends, as they’ve met when they were 8 and talked online until they day they both started travelling together. Bella’s 9 months older though, so she had to do some things on her own in Hoenn but as soon as Tori turned 10 she left for Kanto. Their personalities sometimes clash, as Tori is extremely energetic and reckless whereas Bella is (or considers herself to be) more mature and levelheaded, after all… after I wrote her I thought her voice would 100% be Pile/Maki’s. But most of their conflicts happen because they’re both too stubborn for their own good. Despite this, they’re both very supportive of each other and when they had to separate because their dreams were taking them in different directions they cried for hours.
Gabbi: they met while Serena and Shauna were visiting Kanto. Since they’re both energetic and loud, they get along very well. When Tori started her gym quest in Kalos however, they also began a rivalry while Gabbi was rechallenging the league.
Wade: close childhood friends and travelled together through Sinnoh. Tori compliments Wade’s shy personality well, by standing up for him when people are rude and often encouraging him to break out of his shell more. Wade has a crush on Tori, but she’s unaware.
Ebony: another very close friend of Tori’s. Despite Ash and Iris meeting often due to their champion roles, Tori and Ebony never got a chance to meet. It wasn’t until Tori first came to Unova when Iris suggested that they travel together and so they did. They get along well and they hardly argued, as Ebony is an excellent problem-solver and knows how to avoid conflict in most cases.
Jackie: since the Weisses and the Ketchums are family friends, they always visited the Veilstone gym to catch up. Tori and Jackie bonded quite well through teasing Tarran, and since Maylene was away when Tori wished to challenge the Veilstone gym, she actually had a battle with Jackie and won 3 vs 2. 
Sierra: they have mutual respect but they never really got a chance to form a close friendship. Since she’s Tarran’s best friend she often visited the Ketchum residence but they mostly had awkward small-talk and resumed to doing their own things.
Brooke: similarly with Sierra, despite the Ketchums and Sketchits being family friends their personalities just don’t bounce off one another. 
Elijah: only met a few times while in Kalos when she met with Tarran.
plenty of other acquaintances she met by travelling.
Tarran: wants to consider him a rival anyway. Despite the fact Tori is a better battler (makes sense since Tarran’s dream isn’t to be a trainer) she has huge amounts of respect and looks up to her older brother. In fact, she made him promise that one day they’ll meet in the finals of a league. Tarran wanted to keep her promise, but he’s never reached a high enough position in order to fight her in the finals. However, in the Sinnoh League (and Tarran’s final gym quest), they got a chance to battle against each other and Tarran felt like his promise was somewhat fulfilled and after the battle he told Tori about his actual goals.
Anthony: rivals in contests. Since Anthony’s an extremely passionate coordinator whereas Tori focuses on gyms a bit more, she has yet to surpass him. Though she can be a huge sore-loser, she sees him as motivation to improve. 
Amy: Tori’s biggest rival to date. Though Amy has a different approach to training than Paul did in his younger years, she’s just as skilled. Being four years older also meant she had a lot more experience, but she was impressed with how Tori came close to being equal to her. 
Elliot: became rivals in Sinnoh after Elliot teased Tori as being “daddy’s little girl” and “failed Ketchum”, mostly because he expected more of Ash’s daughter since he’s a big fan of his. Those accusations caused tension between the two and indirectly between him and Tarran despite never having formally met because if that’s what he thinks of Tori (the more successful sibling) then his opinions of him would’ve been harsher. Over time, they begin to be more friendly as Tori proved herself as being a competent trainer every time they met and taught Elliot to not judge someone from first impressions alone. (originally my ship for her but I think she deserves better.)
had other rivals that aren’t fankids of main protags. 
Kedrick: never met, but saw him on TV. 
24. How do they get along with their parent(s)?
Very well! They all have a healthy relationship as a family overall. However, Tori bonded a lot more with Ash but she still loves Dawn, obviously. 
Dawn is able to give Tori more honest constructive criticism and she never misses any of her contests and calls after every gym battle so she knows the result. Ash and Tori have a more friend-like relationship (with inevitable cringy dad jokes though) but he’s often her biggest cheerleader too (you should’ve seen him at the Indigo&Sinnoh leagues…. the whole stadium could hear him when Tori and Tarran were on). I think I’ve made a more in-depth post about it, but after her first league loss, which she took incredibly hard, he’s the one who told her to see losses as chances to learn instead of feeling angry, etc. 
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shima-draws · 7 years
I can’t get the idea out of my head of Ash sitting Lillie down one day and telling her about his many adventures all over, and that he’s met a person just like her, who loved Pokemon so very much but was afraid to touch them.
He tells her about the fear his friend had, how he just couldn’t bring himself to touch Pokemon even when it mattered most, and how he felt as if he’d failed his parents and his friends for being so afraid. And Ash tells her it’s okay to be scared, that he has faith that she’ll overcome her fear someday soon, because his friend did too--at the most important moment, and realized all along that there was nothing to be afraid of in the first place, that Pokemon are always your friends if you’ll let them be.
Lillie asks him, “What is your friend doing now?”
And Ash smiles and says, “He’s one of the best Pokemon Trainers I know, with an amazing winning streak at the Battle Tower with his double team of Plusle and Minun. They’re his best friends.”
Lillie figures that, if Ash could give his friend courage to finally overcome what he was most afraid of, then she could take that courage and do the same thing.
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elizabugz · 3 years
Osemanverse Characters As Phoebe Bridgers Songs 🎶
Tori Spring: I Know The End
Michael Holden: ICU
Georgia Warr: Georgia Bite The Hand
Rooney Bach: Little Trouble
Lister Bird: Ketchum, ID
Jimmy Kaga-Ricci: Chinese Satellite
Angel Rahimi: Graceland Too
Frances Janvier: My City
Aled Last: Forest Lawn
Charlie Spring: I Didn’t Know What I Was In For
Nick Nelson: Me & My Dog
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maddiicake · 3 years
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The Golden (Pre-Destiny) Trio!
Mattison along with her childhood friends: Casey Ketchum and Jasper Harrison. Tori definitely takes A LOT after her dad, especially with her determination and spunk ^u^ This picture would have taken place about 2 years before the events of "Destiny Heroes", so this group is a fun little bundle of pre-teens hanging out and dreaming about their own individual journeys!
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alolanrain · 5 years
Arceus’s Mothman!AU Part. 1
The wonderful @hiddenbyfaeries helped me with this as it’s only part 1 and I’m getting to the point where my body’s shutting down for the night. So here’s me and Tori’s take on this AU I’ve created on a whim!
- Where everything’s somewhat the same but Ash is a little more unhinged and is like a college student that’s absolutely reach the max LIMIT of putting up with Arceus shit
- More like: “Arceus you damn slut! Stop dropping other Legendary Problems on me and let me have a noRMALE VACATION”
- Ash vlogging all his Legendary BD
- and at first, everyone thinks it's a damn hoax
- he’s just so more open with all the legendary shit and everyone is so amazed but he’s like: “they eat and shit like every other living being!?”
- but then, he's 16 and just posts a pic of "I lived bitch"
- and he's just, lying next to which ever Legendary who killed him then revived him
- He just starts putting a little camera in his hat
- And so he just posts what ever happens
- Pikachu ends up wearing one
- no editing just, "that looks good"
- the whole world: "IS THAT FUCKING ARCEUS?!"
- Ash: "Arceus, stop trying to steal my shit!"
- "no arceus, my pot pie"
- Baking with Victini
- he’s an actual capable adultTM in this
- Which means he can bake, clean, do his own laundry, etc.
- Adult thingsTM
- "today, we're gonna see if weed can affect a pokemon"
- .... S o m e what
- he just shitposts
- he just doesn’t sleep and everyone’s now sure his blood is 87% coffee
- Like, no one has E V E R seen Ash without his gigantic traveling size mug that holds more creamer and sugar that actually coffee
- He complains about everything and Drake wheezes as Lance tries to negate the PR damage until he gives up and slowly joins with Ash and Drake
- also! he totally calls the League out on their bs and such
- he totally mocks most champions
- And they pay more attention to him now since his is the fated Chosen OneTM and in their folds now
- He has a YouTube
- And it’s just him complaining about Champions dress style
- Along with certain gym leaders
- He humanizes the Champion role a lot, but everyone else still fears him because he can call Arceus a Mew-fearing slut and not get kicked into hell on the spot
- "giratina, who is just a babey y'all, would like to be let out of their punishment realm"
- "god, I wish I could be Yvetal. Century long naps? only to wake up to wreck some shit and put the fear of God back into people? then go back to napping? Living the D R E A M"
- also, then he goes to alola
- kukui wasn't prepares
- rip kukui
- guzma, on the other hand, is a fucking F A N
- the alola kids are kinda sheltered, compared to his other friends
- except for Gladion and Hau
- who both have traveled around (even if it's just around alola for Gladion)
- Hau and Gladion have seen his videos
- Ash is a M E M E
- And he’s also not afraid to give his honest opinion about people and things
- Guzma soon becomes one of his favorite people in Alola next to Kukui, Acerola, Plumeria, and Nanu
- Because their all dead inside to some extent but Acerola
- They just speak he’ll speak at each other and cause Nanu even more pain
- Nanu is suffering
- No but that also means that Ash can actually read all the social cues people would send his way
- And Kukui is fucked because when Ash saw the Mask Royal in TV he was just like:
- “Yep that’s my Guardian, who the fuck does he think he’s fooling? They have the same fucking abs!”
- "same beard!" "same beard!"
- He’s also S O fucking tired all the time
- Like he’s literally seconds away from blacking out if it weren’t for his heightened ability and the pure caffeine pills he crushed into his traveling mug
- Because he takes on more league work from Drake and Lance so the two won’t be so swamped
- And also dealing with legendaries bs 24/7 365 days a year
- God but just imagine this 19-20 y/o fucker stumbles a little behind the Professor and is introduced as Ash Ketchum; Orange Islands Champion and the greater of the most loved shitpost the internet/world has ever seen
- And Ash just starts raining answer on questions when he looks up from other paper work
- He just creams Lillie and Sophocles. And ends up getting the top spot in the class, which also equals the top spot in the school because Ash is SMART
- He’s basically an OP human god
- But the only thing holding him back from using his whole potential is his spite for Arceus and he’s just d o e s n ‘ t want to.
- Like he caught on pretty fast to all the evil guys plots
- He totally fucks their shit up early enough to where he has time to actually focus more on helping his team grow instead of worrying about another ‘end of the world’ scenario
- I also feel like he would be VERY unnatural strong in this AU, but he’s just to tired/lazy/doesn’t give enough of a single shit
- like, no one expects him be so powerful or smart
- then he just, pulls shit outta the air all lazy like
- All that’s stopping him is the will to just
- Not Do It(Tm)
- He has no fucks left to give
- I don’t think he even had any to begin with
- In this AU he was able to repay Misty with a brand new bike
- But he was a hyper little shit until Johto with the Entie and his kidnapped mom situation
- Lance ranted about him to his colleges when Ash was younger, and the man still does. But when everyone finally meets him they’re all like: “is This the kid you were talking about?” And Lance is all excited and happy and says “Yep!”
- And Ash is just dressed in comfort clothes with a bulging backpack and coffee that you could smell the creamer a couple miles away
- Ash is just like all the Champions except Leon and Wallace mashed together into one very, very tired young adult with a coffee addiction that’s 100,000x worse than Lances
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hannahdearr · 6 years
Get to know me tag! 😗
💟 tagged by @spicysuga , loved reading & getting to know you better haha Mom Friends™ unite! 😤💪🏼
💟 rules // bold the statements that apply to you
I am over 5′5″ • I wear glasses/contacts • I have blond hair • I wear sweatshirts a lot • I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing • I have one or more piercings• I have at least one tattoo • I have blue eyes • I have dyed or highlighted my hair • I have gotten plastic surgery • I have or had braces • I sunburn easily • I have freckles • I paint my nails • I typically wear makeup • I don’t often smile • I am pleased with how I look  • I prefer Nike to Adidas • I wear baseball hats backwards (when stuff gets Ash Ketchum serious ya feel me)
H O B B I E S   A N D   T A L E N T S
I play a sport • I can play an instrument • I am artistic • I know more than one language • I have won a trophy in some sort of competition • I can cook or bake without a recipe • I know how to swim • I enjoy writing • I can do origami (aka hearts & boxes LOL) • I prefer movies to TV shows • I can execute a perfect somersault • I enjoy singing • I could survive in the wild on my own • I have read a new book series this year (..do manga/webtoons count) • I enjoy spending time with friends • I travel during school or work breaks • I can do a handstand (..in the swimming pool hA)
I have had my first kiss • I have gotten drunk • I have told a crush I like them • I have traveled outside of the country • I have flown on an airplane • I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours • I have had a near-death experience • I have caught something on fire • I have performed in a talent show • I have shot a gun • I have been on TV • I have gone scuba diving • I have broken a bone • I have slow-danced • I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship • I have been single for over a year  • I have a crush • I have a best friend • I have known a friend for over ten years • my parents are together • I have a brother • I have dated my best friend • I am adopted • my crush has confessed to me • I have had a long-distance relationship • I am an only child • I give advice to my friends • I have made an online friend • I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell • I have watched the sun rise • I enjoy rainy days • I have slept under the stars • I meditate outside • the sound of chirping calms me • I enjoy the smell of the beach • I know what snow tastes like • I listen to music to fall asleep (on road trips!) • I enjoy thunderstorms • I enjoy cloud watching • I have attended a bonfire • I pay close attention to colors • I find mystery in the ocean • I enjoy hiking on nature paths • autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle • I am the mom friend • I live by a certain quote • I like the smell of sharpies • I am involved in extracurricular activities • I enjoy Mexican food • I can drive stick-shift • I have memorized an entire song in a day • I believe in true love • I dream up scenarios to fall asleep • I sing in the shower • I wish I lived in a video game • I have a canopy above my bed • I am multi-racial • I am a redhead • I own at least three dogs • I am LGBT
aAAhaha this was fun lol, tagging @tori-yaaaaaaa @jiminsbellybutton @arosequartz @moreenchiladasplease @mahwdichette but you don’t gotta if you don’t wanna 💜
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years
Of course, the big movie of the weekend is Jordan Peele’s US (Universal), his follow-up to his Oscar-winning mega-hit Get Out, this one starring Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke from Black Panther. Right now, from the reactions and rave reviews out of its SXSW premiere, Peele is not going to experience a sophomore slump and the world will continue to be his oyster. (As of this writing, I personally haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’ll be attending the New York premiere on Tuesday night and hope to have a review done and posted some time Wednesday.)
You can read what I think of the box office prospects for Jordan Peele’s Us over at The Beat, and here’s MY REVIEW OF US.
A24 is also expanding Sebastian Lelio’s GLORIA BELL, a drama starring Julianne Moore which I loved, into more theaters on Friday, and that could also make an entry into the top 10 as solid counter-programming to Peele’s movie.
But let’s get to what hopefully you’re reading this for… and that’s the other stuff in theaters this weekend.
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I’m gonna start with this section this week, because I’m so excited about something going on at the IFC Center -- not the first time and definitely won’t be the last --  as it’s the 2nd annual WHAT THE FEST?!, which I sadly missed last year. This year’s line-up is slammin’, opening on Wednesday night with the World Premiere of Larry (Habit) Fessendern’s new movie Depraved, his take on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Later on Wednesday is the NYC Premiere of the Swedish film The Unthinkable and then on Thursday is the NYC Premiere of Pollyanna McIntosh’s Darlin’, a sequel to Jack Ketchum’s 2009 movie The Woman, which was in turn a sequel to Offspring.
I have seen a couple of the movies including Penny Lane’s doc Hail Satan?about the Satanic Temple’s fight against theocracies in the form of states trying to put statues of the Ten Commandments on government sites. It’s a movie that has humor as well as politics, and it’s part of the all-day Satan-themed Sunday that will include my buddy Grady Hendrix doing a presentation in conjunction with his novel We Sold Our Souls. Friday night is the New York premiere of Emma Tammi’s The Wind, an amazing Western horror film set in the desolate wasteland, starring Caitlin Gerrard (Insidious: The Last Key) and Julia Goldani Telles (Slenderman).
If there’s one movie you ABSOLUTELY MUST SEE, it’s Shinichiro Ueda’s horror-comedy One Cut of the Dead, which is very hard to describe without spoiling but imagine if a film crew making a zombie movie is attacked by real zombies… and then throw any conceptions you might have about the movie out the window. I have to thank my pal David Jaffee for recommending the movie so highly, as it’s a very clever take on zombies. (And honestly, at this point, I have no idea if and when it will get U.S. distribution.) I probably won’t have a chance to see Roxanne Benjamin’s Body at Brighton Rock but Magnolia is opening it in April so hopefully I’ll see it before then.
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Opening in New York and L.A. on Friday before a wide release on March 29 is HOTEL MUMBAI (Bleecker Street), the directorial debut by Anthony Maras, which looks at the 2008 terrorist attacks on the Taj Hotel. It stars Dev Patel, Armie Hammer and Jason Isaacs as part of the ensemble cast dealing with Muslim terrorists who attacked the hotel in order to take Western hostages for ransom. It’s a solid debut by Maras, one with a lot of moving parts but handled sensitively and tactfully due to the nature of the events. I definitely recommend the movie if you have a chance to see it. It’s not quite United 93 but still very good.
Oscar-winning Hungarian filmmaker Laszlo Nemes (Son of Saul) returns with his new movie SUNSET (Sony Pictures Classics), set in Budapest 1913, as it follows Irisz Leiter as she arrives there to work as a milliner (hat salesperson) at the popular hat store that belonged to her parents, though she’s sent away by the owner Oszkar Brill. When a man shows up looking for Irisz’s brother Kalman, she begins to look into her lost past. I have to be honest that I wasn’t much of a fan of the movie, maybe because it was very long, slow and confusing to the point where I really didn’t understand much of what was happening. Clearly, it’s not a film on par with Son of Saul, although I guess some people might like it more than I did. It probably will open in New York and L.A., as that’s the way Sony Classics usually does things.
Filmmaker S. Craig Zahler (Bone Tomahawk) returns with his latest genre film DRAGGED ACROSS CONCRETE (Summit/Lionsgate), a police thriller starring Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn as disgraced police officers who decide to hijack an ambitious heist, stealing the bars of gold that were stolen by a group of robbers. It’s a decent movie if you’re into this sort of thing. Zahler keeps improving as a filmmaker and here, he makes a movie with the weight of Steve McQueen’s Widows, although I thought Tory Kittles was far more interesting than the two leads, even though they do have good chemistry together. This will open in select cities Friday.
Opening at the Film Forum on Wednesday is a wonderful doc by Dutch filmmaker Heddy Honnigmann called BUDDY, which looks at a number of people and their relationships with incredible service dogs who help them get through everything from blindness to PTSD. This really is a wonderful movie, especially if you’re a dog-lover because all of the dogs have personalities as interesting as their masters.
Also opening at Film Forum Friday and at the Lammle Monica Film Center  is Nancy Schwartzman’s new documentary Roll Red Roll (Together Films) looks at a 2012 incident of high school sexual assault in Steubenville, Ohio where a young woman was raped by the football team. It’s a harrowing story but if you’re interested in the type of true crime docs that are all over Netflix, this one should interest you as well. (It’s particularly struggling for me to watch it, having one nephew in high school not too far away from where this happened.)
A movie that I saw and reviewed out of the Tribeca Film Festival last year was Robert Budreau’s STOCKHOLM, which reunites him with Ethan Hawke from Born to Blue, this time playing a bank robber who robs a bank in Sweden with his partner (Mark Strong) and takes a bank manager (Noomi Rapace) hostage before she falls for him … leading to the term “Stockholm Syndrome.” No, I’m not making that up. I don’t remember hating or loving this but just thought it was okay, probably elevated by the presence of the cast.
Patricia Clarkson, Jacki Weaver, James Caan and Toby Jones star in Carol Morley’s thriller OUT OF BLUE (IFC Films) about a New Orleans detective (Clarkson) searching for the killer of a renowned astrophysicist (played by Mamie Gummer), who was shot to death in her observatory. I’ll try to watch this and write more about it soon.
John Travolta and Toby Sebastian star in Karzan Kader’s Trading Paint (Saban Films/Lionsgate), playing a fat her and son racing duo who have a falling out, something that a rival racing company uses to drive a wedge further into the relationship. The movie has been on Ultra VOD for the last month but it will open in select theaters and regular VOD Friday.
Following a one-night theatrical release in 150 theaters on Tuesday, Jesse V. Johnson’s action-thriller Triple Threat (Well GO USA), starring Tony Jaa (Ong-Bak) and Iko Uwais (The Raid) will be available in select theaters and VOD. They are part of a team of mercenaries sent to stop a group of assassins from killing a billionaire’s daughter. It also stars Scott Adkins, Tiger Chen, Michael Jai White and more.
Joel Proykus’ video game comedy Relaxer (Oscilloscope) stars Josh Burge (who previously starred in Proykus’ Ape) as Abbie who is trying to beat the impossible 256thlevel of Pac-Man with no food or water and a bunch of friends and acquaintances showing up. The comedy also stars David Dastmalchian (Ant-Man) and it opens in select cities.
Eric Khoo’s Ramen Shop (Strand Releasing) also opens in New York at the IFC Center and Landmark at 57 West. It follows a young Ramen chef named Masato who leaves Japan to go on a culinary journey through Singapore where he discovers family secrets and new recipes. It will expand to L.A. and other cities on April 5.
As far as streaming, we get our third Western in three weeks with Scott Martin’s Big Kill (Cinedigm), starring Christoph Sander, Jason Patric and more. It involves a Philadelphia accountant who travels West to join the family business who meets up with two rogues who have been run out of Mexico.  It’s on VOD now.
Harmony Korine will be on-hand Friday for the start of a special seriesshowing his films, including 2012’s Spring Breakers, as well as showing 1995’s Kids, which he wrote. (It’s all to prepare for the release of Korine’s latest film The Beach Bum, starring Matthew McConaughey, which will screen for members only.) Film Society of Lincoln Center director Kent Jones ventures downtown to promote his new movie Diane with a “Dream Double Feature” of Westerns The Shooting (1966) and Rio Bravo (1959) on Saturday afternoon. Late Nites at Metrograph will show Catherine Reillat’s Fat Girlon Wednesday night and then Masahiro Shinoda’s 1969 film Double Suicide on Friday and Saturday nights. This week’s Playtime: Family Matinees is Ken Kwapis’ 1996 monkey comedy Dunston Checks In, starring Jason Alexander from Seinfeld.
Weds. afternoon shows a singular screening of The Three Faces of Eve  (1957) starring Joanne Woodward. This week’s double features are John Ford’s Fort Apache  (1948), starring John Wayne, with Robert Aldrich’s Ulzana’s Raid (1972) on Weds. and Thurs, the comedy double feature of Monty Python and the Holy Grail  (1975)and Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life (1983) on Friday and Saturday, and then the Paul Wendkos double feature of The Mephisto Waltz (1971) and Special Delivery (1976) on Sunday and Monday. This weekend’s midnight movies are Tarantino’s Kill Bill Vol. 2 on Friday night and Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex But Were Afraid to Ask on Saturday. The weekend’s KIDDEE MATINE is Clarence Brown’s 1944 National Velvet, starring Mickey Rooney and Elizabeth Taylor. On Monday, the Bev shows the amazing Parker Posey breakthrough film Party Girl  (1995) with director Daisy von Scherler Mayer in person, then Tuesday’s GRINDHOUSE double feature is two from Hong Kong, The Tattoo Connection (1978) and another “Bruce Li” movie Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger, also from 1978.
The ongoing Bob & Wray: A Hollywood Love Story series continues this week with the Fay Wray double feature of The Clairvoyant (1935) and Black Moon  (1934) on Weds, the Bill Riskin-penned Mister 880  (1950) and Broadway Will (1934) Thursday, then even more Frank Capra with American Madness (1932) and The Miracle Woman (1931)on Friday (and again, next Tuesday). The weekend sees a 35mm print of King Kongshown as part of Film Forum Jr., as well as in a double feature with The Most Dangerous Game (1932) on Saturday and again on Monday. Also showing this weekend is The Four Feathers ( 1929) – with live piano accompaniment--on Saturday and Magic Town (1947) and Capra’s Meet John Doe  (1941) on Sunday. Also Sunday is a single-showing horror double feature of The Mystery of the Wax Museum and The Vampire Bat, both from 1933 and both starring Wray.
Before coming to New York’s Metrograph, Harmony Korine will be here in person for a Thursday screening of Trash Humpers and Spring Breakers, plus “Bruno Ganz Remembered” continues as the Egyptian also shows Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire on Sunday. (At one point, the theater was also showing a double feature of Nosferatu, The Vampire and The American Friend, too.) Old movie fans might also be interested in “The Musketeers of Pig Alley” and More Films of 1912, which a series of shorts by D.W. Griffith that run on Saturday and Sunday.
Waverly Midnights: The Feds  wraps up with Steven Spielberg’s 2002 movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio. Weekend Classics: Early Godard also concludes this weekend with Pierrot Le Fou (1965) while this weekend’s Late Night Favorites is David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive.
MOMA continues the series Modern Matinees: B is for Bacall with the 1953 filmHow to Marry a Millionaireon Wednesday, Vincente Minelli’s 1955 film The CobwebThursday and Jonathan Glazer’s more recentBirth (2004) on Friday.
For whatever reason, BAM is screening Michaelangelo Antonioni’s 1970 “classic” Zabriskie Point on Friday night – I’m not really a fan -- as part of BAM and Triple Canopy: On Resentment, but already sold out is Mathieu Kassovitz’s 1995 film La Haine, starring Vincent Cassel, and other interesting films in the series, like Steve McQueen’s Hunger, starring Michael Fassbender.
The museum’s Tribute to Bruno Ganz will screen Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire on Sunday, and it’s showing this year’s Oscar-Nominated Animated Shorts as part of its ongoing family program.
The Nuart’s Friday midnight offering isJohn Waters’ Polyester (1981)starring the late Divine.
The quad continues its Bertrand Blier series with the 40thanniversary restoration of his 1978 film Get Out Your Handkerchiefs.
The AERO is booked up this week with the West Coast version of the Canada Now!Series.
This Friday’s big Netflix streaming debut is Jeff (Bad Grandpa)Tremaine’s Motley Crue biopic THE DIRT, starring Douglas Booth, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones) and more. I haven’t seen it yet but I’ll probably watch it sometime this weekend.
That’s it for this week, but next week, we’ll get Tim Burton’s Dumboand more.
0 notes
ciceroprofacto · 8 years
Hamilton War Timeline- SOA
Prior to August 1777, Hamilton’s actions during the war period.  No major content warnings.  This is based around historical timelines and conflated with fiction, so don’t take it as fact.  It’s just background for my narrative and characterization purposes.
1773, moves to King’s college- second choice school, loses some of his academic drive and gets distracted with Mulligan’s work with the Sons of Liberty. Alex is boarding with him, taking his advice about writing pamphlets and doing spy work to instigate riots and manage the uprisings
~February, 1775 age 20, drops out to help form The Hearts of Oak.  
June 15th 1775 Washington becomes Commander in Chief of the army.
June 25th 1775, Washington inspects The Hearts of Oak at the foot of Wall Street- first time Hamilton sees Washington, Mifflin and Trumbull- then aides to Washington.
August 23rd, John Lamb’s company supported by The Hearts of Oak and a light infantry unit, raids a shoreside battery under fire from 64-gun man of war, Asia. Loyalists had warned the captain of the Asia that they’d attempt to raid the battery he posted a patrol barge. The redcoats spotted Hamilton’s men and opened fire, Hamilton returned fire against the ship, killing one man- the Asia hoisted and started trying to sail away, firing shots, one hit the roof of a tavern.  Hamilton hands off his rifle to haul the ropes for a cannon which he successfully gets off the ship.  Mulligan leaves it on the ship, and Hamilton runs back for it under fire.
September 1775, called into Lieutenant Jay’s office to discuss the upcoming recommendations for commissions into the New York artillery. Since the Hearts of Oak stole the cannons, they’re the first in line to form the company of artillery to use those cannons. 
Hamilton’s skill with drill and his fearlessness under fire at the battery get him onto the list, but his superiors are concerned about his loyalty to the rebel cause- as he doesn’t seem to have the same attachment to ideals as others they’re considering
Alex resolves to put on the mask of patriotism for the sake of promotion.
Troup, Alex’s roommate, has been training Alex to have the physical ability to lead as an officer. He kisses him and expresses sexual interest which calls Alex to question why he assumed he’d be interested- hint that Alex has been using flirtation to prop up his social skills
October 1775: Alex talks with Mulligan about moving out so he’ll no longer share a room with Troup. Mulligan encourages it- so he’ll move in with Nicholas Fish, but warns Alex that he may not be able to avoid the desires that lead him here
Alex realizes that he thinks of Mulligan like a father
Alex realizes that he’s been working for the rebel cause because it made him feel like he had a family and it made him feel alive and like he had a purpose- he’s been following Mulligan, which has led him to feeling so at-odds with himself. He hasn’t picked the cause for himself, and doesn’t fully believe in it- because he’s following.
November- December 1775: Alex moves in with Fish and takes the job as match manager at Fighting Cocks. Fish regularly visits and Alex quickly learns that Mulligan has him tracking and working with a British double-agent, Cope. He knows loyalist sentiments are strong and most people in New York don’t want war. That culture is rubbing off on Alex despite his affiliation with the Sons of Liberty and his position in the Corsicans- and prospects of command.
No one trusts Cope is reliable as a double-agent but when the British are the aggressors, he’s stepped in and given info. He gave them the tip about the Asia which was the event that's been getting Alex attention now. Cope is playing both sides to keep the peace because he loves New York and doesn’t want to leave or see it destroyed in conflict while most of the people there are loyalist anyway. He’s essentially gone native.
Alex doesn’t like working with someone like that, but Fish reasons that they work with much worse- like known criminals, Dawkins and the Young brothers are counterfeiters and Dawkins has their connections in the prisons.
Cope is attractive and flirtatious and their relationship is a spitfire.
By interacting with Cope, Alex sparks the part of himself that is in this for himself and the urge to resist giving his loyalty to a cause or side. He hates it. They clash heads until the futility of playing both sides comes out and Alex realizes that if you don’t pick a team, you can never lose- but you also can’t win. They both end up polarizing each other.
It renews his drive and gives him the causes that Jay was sensing he lacked. He’s able to approach Troup again and continue physical training.
Jan 6th 1776, NY Provincial Congress raises an artillery company. Most commissions were going to native colonists of wealth and social position, but Hamilton worked his connections to get support of Congressmen John Jay and William Livingston.  His math professor from Kings vouched for his trig skills (exaggerating greatly) and Capt. Stephen Bedlam, an artillerist vouched for his skills with a cannon.
Meanwhile, Elias Boudinot, leader of NJ Provincial Congress wrote from Elizabethtown where Lord Stirling remembered Hamilton from the Academy and wanted him as a brigade major and aide-de-camp. (He’d be the youngest major in the army)
Nathanael Greene invited him to be an aide-de-camp as well, also with the position of major, but in charge of continental troops rather than militia.  
Hamilton doesn’t want to be stuck to a desk. He wants glory and a ticket out of the shadows. He sticks to his gamble for an artillery commission and on March 14th, NY Provincial Congress appoints him Captain of the Provincial Company of Artillery in NY.  He gets Mulligan to sew him a new uniform with the last of his St. Croix money.
March 15, John Clark, coincidentally, is commissioned as a 1st LT in the same Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment as McHenry is serving as an army surgeon.
Ham, Troup, and Mulligan go out recruiting, but they can’t match the pay of the Continental line and anyone interested goes to them for better training and not to be ‘canon fodder’.  Congress raises the pay on his request- when he writes that his own pay will be unchanged, but the men deserve more.  At the time, an officer’s pay was about a third of the British officer’s.  An american enlisted man was paid far more than rank and file in the British army, and in theory had rations, clothing, and equipment given to him at the public expense.  The whigs in Congress were trying to use the army to introduce their version of equality.
Within three weeks Hamilton had 69 men (only needed 30).  He begins to get a view of how hostile the city is becoming in its Loyalist bent and feels antagonized by that now that he’s taken a side.
While he’d been recruiting, he was ordered to relieve Brig. Gen Alexander McDougall’s First NY Regiment in guarding the colony’s official records as they’re shipped by wagon from City Hall to the abandoned Greenwhich village estate of William Bayard.  Hamilton spent his time researching the designs of fortifications, and when his company arrived at Bayard’s hill, he had his company build a heptagonal fort, Bunker Hill with eight 9-pounders and four 3-pounders.  Washington commends the fort and Ham’s troops “for their masterly manner of executing the work”
Mid-April- Soldiers were allowed to go into the city and scrap supplies from Loyalist homes, rip up carpets, cut down trees, etc.  Hamilton gave his company a framework of the supplies they were permitted to collect and had men paddled if they deviated.
Meanwhile, Harrison and Tilghman are anticipating the same and increase their intel gathering, imploring Washington to formalize the unit under his intel manager, Major Knowlton- he’s the obvious choice, recently promoted by Congress for successfully burning the remaining buildings at Bunker Hill after their loss of the city- without firing a single shot or losing a single man. Whenever they have field intelligence, he’s the man they call on.
Knowlton can’t yet work with any men in the army itself- no one can know Washington’s staff is setting up their own intel-collection system while Congress maintains that authority for itself.
May 12 Knowlton turns to the Sons of Liberty who’s already established intel within the city, and he works his way through their credible agents towards Mulligan at their core, then compares notes with him, both of them following whisperings about an assassination plot against Washington and his chief officers.
Knowlton takes charge of his sources on the former governor, William Tryon.  He begins sending out feelers and suspects the Tory mayor, David Matthews is in on it. He uses Mulligan’s sources to start trailing several of the overlapping sources from the army, giving Mulligan the discretion of assigning his best agents to the most vital suspects on their list. Results came in quickly.
Fish reported that, while watching Tryon in New York harbor where the former governor’s ship was taking refuge, he’d been staying at Fighting Cocks. He had gotten Mulligan’s old contact to the Long Island prison agents, Isaac Ketchum, drunk enough to confess, in about February, Ketchum had made contact with a man on Washington’s life guard, interested in a scheme to counterfeit money and pay off some debts- strange that he should be eager to settle scores and deter watchful eyes. The man had used an alias, and Ketchum isn’t smart enough to trace him, but if they can find the counterfeit bills, they can find the officer.
Knowlton has a list of officers to trace and Mulligan recommends Alex for the job.
Alex is suspicious why Mulligan would task him with a counterfeiting case- that’s below his level, but he doesn’t question the urgency or the fact that the orders are apparently coming from Washington’s headquarters.
Alex spends weeks trying to balance his responsibilities to his own unit and trailing these officers, but it’s a difficult task. Meanwhile, Lieutenant John Clark is trailing one of the men on Alex’s list. Thomas Hickey tried to pay a debt to him in counterfeit money. And, when Alex runs into a man trailing one of his suspects, Alex becomes even more suspicious and intercepts Clark about why he’s trailing this man.
They’ve pretty much wrapped up the counterfeiting case, and Hickey is being charged and tried, but Alex isn’t satisfied, positive that there was some bigger purpose behind the case and all they did was lock up their best lead. Clark is similarly suspicious, and having earned Alex’s trust and met Fish and Mulligan by this point, suggests they should try and get an agent inside the prison to pull the story out of him. Clark and Fish manage to get word inside the prison to Ketchum about the plot and entrust him with getting the confession- it’s his ticket out of prison.
Alex knows, even if Ketchum gets the confession, it’s unsubstantiated. They’ll need testimony from Hickey’s contacts.
Alex turns to Cope and tries to play that he’s still susceptible to the middle-ground approach and that their previous flirting had some effect on his attractions. He tries the seductive angle, and Cope sees through it “I know you’re not here for this.” Alex presses him not to question it, and after they’ve slept together, Cope divulges that a plot against Washington exists.
Alex presses for confirmation that Hickey is involved- the name of his contact. Cope refuses that, since the protection of his sources is his primary objective. In exchange for telling Cope his name (he’d been going by Alec Stevens) Cope does give Alex a lead of where to find someone who can confirm it- and Alex sends Fish to investigate the house of William Leary- whose employee, James Mason confirms his own involvement in the counterfeiting scheme and Hickey’s contacts to New York Mayor David Matthews.
Knowing that Cope could use his name to implicate Mulligan and take down the ring, Alex leaves with a threat that he knows Cope’s true name- and his most important contacts in the city, including his lover and illegitimate daughter. They’re both tied together and could bring down those the other loves. Alex promises that, if the redcoats take the city, they won’t hear from the Sons of Liberty.
June 28, 20k spectators gathered to watch Hickey hang. The spectacle around it inflames more loyalist sentiment.
July 4th, 480 warships start approaching NY Harbor towards Staten Island
July 9th, at night, Ham stands to attention on the commons to hear the Declaration read aloud from the balcony of City Hall, soldiers run down Broadway to pull down and smash the equestrian statue of King George III
July 12th, the Phoenix and the Rose sailed up the Hudson to check the American fortifications.  One ill-trained gun crew blew itself up trying to fire on the ships.  In Tarrytown, the colonial troops abandoned their posts to watch.  Hamilton’s company fired when the ships came in range of Bunker Hill, he made a few hits, but he warships returned fire and one of Hamilton’s cannons burst, killing one man and wounding another.  Still, Hamilton’s company was the only one to successfully fire.
July 15 When Knowlton provides Hamilton and Clark’s names to Greene and Washington for promotion, Alex gives ultimate credit to Clark. He knows he’s effective at this kind of work, and for once in his life, he’s been able to protect those around him, but only at the cost of putting them in danger in the first place. He has no desire to continue the cycle. He’s just gained some glory with his artillery company and wants to stay there.
Alex knows he’s most useful to the cause when he can operate in the shadows while keeping his face in the light. Saving Washington and Mulligan is proof of that- he’s never been able to protect the people he cares about, so this leaves an impact.
The arc ends with Alex convincing Mulligan to lay low and cut ties to the Sons of Liberty- when Mulligan insists that he wants to help the rebel cause, Alex assures him that, if they ever have need of someone in the city, he’ll find him personally.
August 12 Washington promotes Knowlton to Lieutenant Colonel and orders him to select an elite group of 130 men and 20 officers from CN, RI, and MA. He invites Hamilton and Clark to the party and promotes Clark to General Greene’s aide de camp.
By September, the city was lost to the British.  Greene wanted to burn the villages and suburbs which were largely loyalist, but Washington didn’t allow that, and ordered the army decamped.  The British attacked at Kip’s Bay on the East River, two miles north of Hamilton’s hill, leaving his company cut off.  Gen. Israel Putnam and his aide Major Aaron Burr went to evacuate them.  
Hamilton held to his orders from General Henry Knox to rally his men and stand, but Burr used Washington’s authority to drag Hamilton and his company with just the clothes on their backs, two cannons, and their men by a concealed path up the west side of the island to freshly dug entrenchments at Harlem Heights.
While they’re escaping, Hamilton quickly befriends Burr until the Major talks freely with him.  Burr mentions the plot Greene had suggested to burn the city behind them.  Alex says he can make that happen- and they take a detour to the Greenwich Village where Alex has a friend willing to cut a deal with him.
September 20th, Alex stops by the Fighting Cocks tavern where he still has a contact in Stoker, and convinces him to start a fire near Whitehall Slip. 493 houses, a quarter of the city burned down.  Washington wrote “Providence, or some good honest fellow, has done more for us than we were disposed to do for ourselves”
September 24th, Alex collects the report of Nathan Hale’s hanging in the park of artillery.  He meets Captain John Montresor of His Majesty’s army under a flag of truce who explains his purpose of his visit- the execution of Lieutenant Hale- a formal courtesy and a thinly-veiled warning that Washington’s attempt at espionage had been an embarrassing failure.  Hamilton is sent to report it to Washington himself.
September 26th, Hamilton meets Fitzgerald who’s acting as one of the couriers for Washington’s office and demands to be brought to meet him with a proposal.  
“He will remember me- we’ve met twice.”  
“He meets many people many more times than twice, Mister Hamilton.”  
“He’ll remember me.”
He knows several patriotic merchants in New York who he met in person while living with Mulligan- partners of the company he’d worked with. (Hamilton worked as a clerk in the Christiansted office of a New York-based import-export house for Nicholas Cruger, the 25-year-old scion of one of colonial America’s leading mercantile families.)
Washington doubts the vitality of any kind of spy ring in New York so deep into enemy lines.  He won’t risk sending a courier with any kind of letter that far into danger.  So, Hamilton offers to make the ride himself.
Washington’s aide, Fitzgerald says he knows a fast rider (Meade) who can help him get in and out of the city undetected or disguised.  
By October 1st, Hamilton’s presented his full plan to Washington and been approved.  Fitzgerald introduces him to Meade and they suit up to make the ride.
When he gets back, he wants a promotion to Major, recalling that he’d been offered that had he worked as General Greene’s aide, after the ride he’s made, he believes he deserves a better command.  Washington turns him away.  
“One short ride into New York which may or may not provide me viable intelligence doesn’t win me the war, boy…”  
He stomps out and passes Meade and Fitz, muttering, “If he wants me to win the war for him, fine.  If that’s what it takes.”
Fitz is like ‘Is this kid serious?’ Meade just nods, having seen Alex climb roofs, fight men twice his size, and talk people into circles until they’re agreeing with him without realizing it.
October 28th, Hamilton’s artillerymen are attacked by Hessians.  Ham’s gunners, flanked by NY and MD troops repulse the attacks before being driven further north.  They encamped, expecting another attack, but none came to Ham’s company before the Americans surrendered on Nov 16th.  The Americans evacuated so quickly they left 146 canons, 2,800 muskets, and 400,000 cartridges
Early November, Hamilton ordered back up the Hudson to join Lord Stirling at Peekskill and march to Washington’s camp in Hackensack, NJ.  He’s exhausted from his ride into New York to make post, and the trip makes him ill.
Hamilton hitches horses to his two remaining 6-pounders and marched his gun crews 20 miles in one day to the Raritan river past Elizabethtown where he went to school (he’s very familiar with the Raritan river).
None of his connections in New York have responded.  So, on the ride out, he stops to deliver a letter to New Jersey to follow through on his offer to Washington.  
Desperate, he swallows his pride and changes into civilian clothes, poses as a seventeen year old Princeton student, and visits someone he knew while he was at the boarding academy.  A John Honeyman who had... admired Alex while he studied in the apartment upstairs of his butcher shop.  Alex knows that Honeyman has been keeping his head down as a loyalist, but he also knows he harbors patriotic sentiments because of how he’d rail about taxes while Hamilton worked on his studies.
He makes it clear that there can’t be a paper trail- that’s why he risked the visit in person.  Honeyman is hesitant, but he knows he’s well-trusted to the British and he can get the information Alex needs.  So, he agrees to do what he can.
November 20th, Mulligan shows up where Hamilton is dug in near GW’s Hackensack headquarters.  He had been captured three months earlier at the Battle of Long Island and determined a ‘gentleman’ after his arrest, released on his honor not to leave New York City.  But, he got word of Hamilton’s offers out to their friends in NY.  Hamilton is ecstatic, and they set up plans for correspondence and passing information discretely.
The fighting continues, November 29, a force of about 4,000, double that of the Americans, arrived at a spot across the Raritan River from Washington’s encampment. While American troops tore up the planks of the NewBridge, Hamilton and his guns kept up a hail of grapeshot.
For several hours, the slight, boyish-looking captain could be seen yelling, “Fire! Fire!” to his gun crews, racing home bags of grapeshot, then quickly repositioning the recoiling guns. Hamilton kept at it until Washington and his men were safe
On December 20th, Honeyman wanders near the artillery line of camp where Hamilton’s company is stationed.  With Mulligan providing intel from New York, Hamilton doesn’t want to bring Honeyman in, but he’s already told Washington about him so he has to and he does.
Honeyman is brought to Washington as a legitimate prisoner and he gives his report of the British positions, men he had questioned and carefully counted.  Hamilton and Fitzgerald aide his ‘escape’ from the Patriot camp and give him directions back out to the Hessian camp where he’s to meet up with Colonel Rall and tell him “There will be no attack.  The American troops are so disheartened and so bedraggled, they have no plans of advancing any time soon.”  Hamilton then tells him the arrangements made to get his family to New Brunswick safely.  Hamilton gets away without having to show him any affection for the trade by being ill enough to be unattractive.  Fitzgerald makes several comments about how ill he looks, ‘knocking on deaths door’.
The gamble pays off and Rall believes Honeyman, expects no attack.  He informs his subordinates to stand down and commence Christmas celebrations- they break open casks of ale and Washington’s troops start boarding ships to cross the Delaware into Trenton
Tramping past darkened farmhouses for 12 miles, Hamilton’s company led Nathanael Greene’s division as it swung off to the east to skirt the town. One mile north of Trenton, Greene halted the column. At 8 in the morning, Hamilton unleashed his artillery on the Hessian outpost. Three minutes later, American infantry poured into town. Driving back Hessian pickets with their bayonets, they charged into the old British barracks to confront groggy Hessians at gunpoint. Some attempted to regroup and counterattack, but Hamilton and his guns were waiting for them. Firing in tandem, Hamilton’s cannons cut down the Hessians with murderous sheets of grapeshot. The mercenaries sought cover behind houses but were driven back by Virginia riflemen, who stormed into the houses and fired down from upstairs windows.. Riding back and forth behind the guns, Washington saw for himself the brutal courage and skillful discipline.
January 2, 1777, their numbers reduced from 69 to 25 by death, desertion and expired enlistments, Hamilton and his men wrapped rags around the wheels of their cannons to muffle noise, and headed north. They reached the south end of Princeton at sunrise, to face a brigade—some 700 men—of British light infantry. As the two forces raced for high ground, American general Hugh Mercer fell with seven bayonet wounds. The Americans retreated from a British bayonet charge. Then Washington himself galloped onto the battlefield with a division of Pennsylvania militia, surrounding the now outnumbered British. Some 200 redcoats ran to Nassau Hall, the main building at Princeton College. By the time Hamilton set up his two cannons, the British had begun firing from the windows of the red sandstone edifice. College tradition holds that one of Hamilton’s 6-pound balls shattered a window, flew through the chapel and beheaded a portrait of King George II. Under Hamilton’s fierce cannonade, the British soon surrendered.
In the wake of twin victories within ten days, at Trenton and Princeton, militia volunteers swarmed to the American standard, far more than could be fed, clothed or armed. Washington’s shorthanded staff was ill-equipped to coordinate logistics.  He turns to General Greene for assistance and Hamilton offers to assist him in working as a volunteer aide, a position he was offered and turned down- Greene takes his assistance and is impressed with his accounting ability.
This sets Hamilton in the clout of the other aides again and Harrison, Tilghman, and Fitzgerald are all raving about him, toasting him at parties and asking Meade stories about their ride together.  Meade’s just joined their staff and tries to involve him in their conversations but Alex stays reserved with them.  He jokes lightheartedly when Fitz applauds his miracles and mentions how he’d thought he was going to die of fever before they saw the victory he’d assured.  Alex teases that he’d bargained deals with a devil- of course he wouldn’t succumb before collecting on it.
Shortly after the army was led into winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey, Nathanael Greene invited Hamilton, who had just turned 22, to dinner at Washington’s headquarters. There, Washington invited him to join his staff with a promotion from captain to Major as he’d previously asked.  Hamilton demands rank as Lieutenant Colonel and stands by it- Congress had acted that Washington’s official aides all hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.  Washington capitulates.
On March 1, 1777, he turned over the command of his artillery company to Lt. Thomas Thompson—a sergeant who, against all precedent, he had promoted to officer rank—and joined Washington’s headquarters staff.
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full-imagination · 5 years
Frederick B. Dent
Frederick Baily Dent, 97, of Spartanburg, SC, died Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at Spartanburg Medical Center. Born August 17, 1922, in Cape May, NJ and raised in Greenwich, CT, he was the son of the late Magruder Dent and Edith Baily Dent. He was the husband of 53 years to the late Mildred “Millie” Harrison Dent and a member of The Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg. At the age of 3, Fred’s family moved from Ardmore, PA to Greenwich, CT, along with the textile sales operation of his father’s company, Joshua L. Baily & Company. Founded in 1876 by Fred Dent’s maternal great-grandfather, the company was a factoring and textile sales agency where he was first employed in 1946. A graduate of Greenwich Country Day School and St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH, Mr. Dent earned a BA Degree at Yale University where he was a liberal arts major with an emphasis on political institutions and also played varsity football. He also received honorary degrees from Presbyterian College, Charleston Southern University, Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, the University of South Carolina, and Yale University. He was an avid sailor as a youth and joined the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at Yale and was a U. S. Navy veteran of World War II. Mr. Dent was a resident of Spartanburg since 1947 where he served as president of Mayfair Mills – a textile manufacturing company with six plants, five in South Carolina and one in Georgia. Throughout his career, he also served as president of the American Textile Manufacturers Institute and South Carolina Textile Manufacturers Association. He was trustee of Yale University, the Institute of Textile Technology in Charlottesville, VA, Brevard Music Center, and the Arts Partnership of Greater Spartanburg, as well as Chairman of the Board of Mayfair Mills, Inc. His former directorships include International Paper Company, COMSAT Corporation, General Electric, Mutual Life Insurance of New York, Scott Paper Company, Armco Steel, S. C. Johnson & Company, and SCN Corporation. He also provided leadership as chairman of the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce and Spartanburg Planning and Development Commission and as a member of the Business Council. He was among the founders of Spartanburg Day School where he was a life-trustee emeritus. As a respected business leader, he served on President Richard M. Nixon’s Commission on All-Volunteer Armed Force in 1969, and was subsequently appointed Secretary of Commerce by the President, serving from February 2, 1973-March 26, 1975 and also served as President Gerald R. Ford’s Special Trade Representative with the rank of Ambassador from March 26, 1975-January 20, 1977. Mr. Dent was inducted into the South Carolina Business Hall of Fame in 1994. Survivors include his children, Frederick B. Dent Jr. and wife Susan Kenney Dent of Spartanburg, SC, Mildred Dent Stuart of Lexington, KY, Pauline Dent Ketchum and husband Thomas Bray Ketchum of Greenwich, CT, Diana Dent McGraw of Spartanburg, SC, and Magruder Harrison Dent and wife Sara Greer Dent of Chevy Chase, MD; grandchildren, Frederick Baily Dent III, Paul Harrington Dent (Grace), Catherine Dent Patterson (Jim), James Harrison Stuart (Katherine), John Alexander Stuart (Alana), Dylan Dent Ketchum (Debbie), Diana Dent Ketchum, Benjamin Dent Ketchum (Tory), Bray Ketchum Peel (Kevin), Frederick Dent Ketchum, Greer Jewett Dent, Millicent Carrington Dent, Margaret Holeman Dent, and Magruder Harrison Dent Jr.; and 13 great-grandchildren. In addition to his parent’s and wife, he was predeceased by his siblings, Magruder Dent Jr. of Charlottesville, VA, Edith Dent Moore of Fairfield, CT, and Diana Gwynn Dent of Greenwich, CT. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 PM Saturday, January 11, 2020, at the Episcopal Church of the Advent, by The Rev. J. Edward Morris and The Rev. Clay Turner. A reception will follow from 2:45-4:00 PM in the Parish and Community Life Center. A private committal will be held in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Episcopal Church of the Advent Foundation, 141 Advent St., Spartanburg, SC 29302; Mobile Meals Service, PO Box 461, Spartanburg, SC 29304; or Spartanburg Day School, 1701 Skylyn Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29307. Floyd’s Greenlawn Chapel from The JF Floyd Mortuary via Spartanburg Funeral
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