#Tours And Sightseeing
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Citroën U55 Cityrama Currus, 1955. A sightseeing bus that was built for Parisian tour operator Groupe Cityrama. It was based on the chassis of a U55 truck. The top deck had a glass roof that could be opened up. The design was inspired by the iconic Bateaux Mouches that cruise the River Seine and the buses were built by Paris’s oldest coachbuilder, Carrosserie Currus. The fleet has long since been retired but in 2022 it was revealed that the last remaining U55 Cityrama is to be restored
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alenagerashchenko · 6 months
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Osaka Castle
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girlfriendline · 1 month
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blossoms-phan · 2 months
if y’all could take dnp anywhere in your hometown/city/country where would it be
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yuliia-ozen · 1 year
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buckevantommy · 4 months
Bucktommy AU inspired by Monica/Richard from Friends.
Meet-cute where Buck caters a fancy dinner hosted by Tommy - an old friend of Howie's, which is how Buck got the job. Eddie is helping Buck out for the event and he and Tommy hit it off, but Buck unknowingly flirts with Tommy all night (and Tommy tries not to flirt back because of the client divide, but they definitely have chemistry and have fun together). He's so curious about Tommy's pilot job that Tommy extends an open invite for Buck to come by for a tour some time - and Buck takes him up on that offer a week or so later. While at the hangar, Buck tries to make plans to hang out again but learns that Tommy has plans with Eddie, which is a surprise but not weird because they're both cool so it makes sense.
In the weeks that follow, Buck hears from Eddie how Tommy looked at his car and they sparred a bit and Tommy even met Christopher - who also thinks Tommy is so cool. Buck is feeling left out but at no point does he call or text Tommy to try and meet up again because he doesn't feel cool enough or like they have enough in common. Still, he keeps hoping there will be a group event where he can see Tommy again because even though he barely knows the guy he knows enough to want to spend more time with him.
The next time he sees Tommy it's unplanned: Buck is a little frazzled and wearing a daggy old stained sweatshirt grabbing ingredients for a meal at the grocery store when he hears Tommy say his name. It's so good to see him but Buck is also a little hurt at all the time Tommy has spent with Eddie and not him; he can't help but feel rejected and cast aside but he's not going to dwell on it because he doesn't blame Tommy. And Tommy looks good, which is distracting, and his presence lifts Buck's mood a little too. When he asks if Buck is catering for another event Buck tells him that it's for his parents (hence the frazzle) who his sister failed to mention were visiting and he doesn't have anyone to help him because Maddie is working and Eddie is busy and Ravi refused— next thing Buck knows Tommy is in his kitchen helping him cook dinner for his parents (and Maddie and Chim and maybe the Lees).
It's different from the dinner party: there are no guests around and no Eddie to divide Tommy's attention. Buck has him all to himself. Tommy knows how to cook, and while he takes Buck's direction for the most part he pushes back on a couple things in a sassy way but nonetheless seems charmed by Chef Buck and compliments and praises him numerous times and asks lots of questions about Buck's methods and recipes and business, one of the few people who seem genuinely interested in what Buck is doing and why. And Buck gets to know Tommy over the few hours they spend together and what he learns is interesting but the most important thing he learns is that he wants to learn more.
They share A Moment that gets interrupted before anything happens - a knock at the door, maybe Chim showing up early (late) with Kevin and Albert to help Buck only to discover their help is not needed. But Tommy has to get going, he has to work so he leaves them to it. Buck walks him to the door and says how he now owes Tommy two beers (he now has two reasons to see him again). And Buck is so distracted by how easy things are with Tommy that he doesn't really notice Tommy closing the distance between them until suddenly Tommy is kissing him, and—
It's nice. Well, nice is an understatement. It's unexpected but Buck realises instantly it's also exactly what he wants. And when he has a minute to untangle the past few weeks he'll realise this is what he wanted all along without knowing it. They make plans for a date and Tommy leaves Buck stunned on the doorstep. He's so bewildered that when he finally makes it back to the kitchen he doesn't realise the mess the others have made of things, too caught up in what just happened, in a happy daze. His day definitely took an upturn.
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grothesqua · 1 year
Views of Paris
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Hi! I’m going to London tomorrow. Is there anything you’d recommend me to visit?
I tried to be nice for once, had typed out a page-long guide where to exactly go and which routes to take. And then my browser crashed, so it's gone, it wasn't saved as a draft. So my niceness has expired for today.
I can tell you what not to visit, and that is 221B. I don't want fans breaking into my flat to steal my belongings and sell it on Ebay. Unless you have a case, then you can enter. Maybe there is a museum close by you could visist. Museums are always a good idea, my favourite is the Natural History Museum, the National Gallery, which are free to visit. The British Museum contains the Rosetta Stone, which is quite important if you know anything about history.
I don't know where they got the information, but somehow someone made a list of places where we solved crimes, so you could visit those.
I recommend to avoid places with high entry fees and long queues, just take a walk along the Thames. I recommend the south bank, as there are more places of interest. Start at the Tower of London (north bank), cross the Tower Bridge to the south bank, walk along until the Millenium Bridge, where the Globe Theatre and the Tate Modern are located. You can see the St. Paul's Cathedral on the horizon on the south bank. Continue west until the London Eye and the Palace of Westminster and the Clocktower (aka Big Ben for stupid people, although that's just the damn bell, people never learn). And go visit the Horse Guards or whatever. Buckingham Palace. Too lazy to give directions just use your damn phone.
Welcome to London.
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hauxicrook · 1 year
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Ikarus 620 Cabrio, 1962. Ikarus was a Hungarian bus manufacturer with a history dating back to the late 19th century. They made 7 of these open buses for sightseeing tours in Budapest in the 1960s and early 70s. All of them were scrapped in 1975 but more recently a bus enthusiast has converted a regular 620 series bus to make a replica. Ikarus went out of business in 2003
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nattaphum · 2 years
MILEAPO - a day in Macau
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Mile and Apo in Gift’s vid
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Mile and Apo’s matching stories
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Apo’s voice in Mile’s vid :)
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travelleryoutube · 8 days
Most Beautiful City of Frankfurt in Germany. You should check them out. ... and Let me know what you things about ?
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parallaxaview · 15 days
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Dendera Temple Complex: Sacred Home of Goddess Hathor
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