#Trans Billy Batson HC for the win
cerealboxlore · 1 year
T4T Billy Batson and Cissie Sommerly agenda
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I might have drawn Cissie a bit too cute and sparkly, but she's adorable, I can't erase her! I think Cissie should be brought back into Captain Marvel comic canon though, I think she's a sweet girl. Billy and her would make a cute little pairing
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
did you see that post about how the power of zeus has a lot of unexplored potential like shapeshifting?
it got me thinking… gender fluid billy
i personally really like the idea of cap having memories from past champions lives and surely those champions must have had a very large variety of genders
so he could potentially just feel really comfortable with any gender
i want to see him just casually switch genders while with the league because it feels write for him at the time and for them to just be super confused and for billy to not explain anything if even one of them acts like assholes
anyways just a little thing i like the potential of
I have not seen that post but it makes perfect sense! Where there's Zeus, there's bound to be unhinged chaos waiting to happen.
Genderfluid Billy is absolutely darling and dear to me! I often HC him as trans, but I love and accept every version of him that exists in the multiverse and to everyone else! I'm genderfluid myself, so that's very nice to have a hero who's like me :D
As for The Captain being able to recall his past lives and having been different genders, and having former identities in the past is absolutely incredible! It's great to explore the storytelling potential of the Champion of Magic and their former lives, who they were, have been, and can be.
I headcanon something similar, where cap has indeed lived through various past lives as different people throughout his entire existence, and in one of them he had a child who later becomes immortal, spending centuries apart from them and then finding them again...only to see that tiny Billy Batson is definitely not their parent from long ago, and that things are now a complicated family tree. I'm an avid believer in giving Billy Batson more found family members and combining multiple ideas into one, haha.
Cap really would feel comfortable with any gender, and with magic, could totally become anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. Magic is free and surgery is not, so Billy would be down to use magic to explore his gender identity ✨️
CM: Remember Kids, the American Healthcare system is a garbage fire, use magic instead
I could 1000% see Captain Marvel being bored in an extended JL meeting in the watchtower, yawning, then just casually switching over to another gender in the blink of an eye. Doesn't even give it a second thought. But everyone else is suddenly wide awake and floored by this sudden magic use.
Superman was going to say something, but remembered he got transformed into the opposite gender once, and decided to just let cap be. He remembered it being kinda nice.
Plastic man joins in and morphs into a hotter version of himself, seemingly trying to one up cap. It's not a competition. But he's still found a way to lose.
Everyone eventually gets distracted and the meeting ends up going longer than intended. Genderfluid for the win 🏆
Gosh this ended up being so much fun! I wrote more than I thought I would, haha
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