#Trini Model
boredinleather · 6 months
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April Fool
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
Vari is clearly delighted to be back...
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deebeeus · 7 months
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A few shots from my recent trip to Folkway Music in Waterloo, Canada.
1956 Les Paul Junior
2006 Gibson R7 Aged
1967 Gibson Trini Lopez Standard
2 x 1967 Fender Coronados
Brand new Brown Bear Jr. model. Handcrafted by luthier Jesse Brown in Kitchener, Canada.
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kimberlyannharts · 2 months
I wonder how they’re going to handle Aisha should they ever add her to the game. They’ve made some…interesting choices with their characters who have multiple suits so far (Tanya and Adam being Turbo, when Tanya was arguably more iconic as Zeo and Adam probably would’ve also gotten Zeo as not to double up on MMPR Black Rangers) but they also have Trent’s ATV in the game so just make her Ninja MMPR
I'm only up to episode ten so I could be wrong but the vibe I was getting was that there's one main rep for each season in the actual story and other Rangers from those teams were special event-only additions. So since Rocky is the main Zeo rep, Tanya gets her Turbo form instead (and the Turbo v2 team's In Space forms would get priority, not their Turbo forms - like I know from the intro screen that TJ is In Space Blue.)
But yeah, it's a shame Aisha's only really MMPR Yellow, so she has no alternate forms like the other "replacements" and thus gets left out from stuff like this because MMPR Yellow prioritizes Trini. (This is probably part of the reason why she doesn't morph in Once and Always.) Ninja Yellow and Metallic Armor Yellow are the closest she's got. I hope it can work out that they can include Ninja Yellow, even if it's such a dramatically different suit that it doesn't quite fit the Ranger model template they've got going on for this game, because it would be nice to include her in SOMETHING
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augment-techs · 6 months
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👀wanna try?? Billy/Skull??
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Wow this looks ugly, I am sorry. But for the sake of clarity:
Alternates between being the big spoon and little spoon, but is slightly bigger, so it works out better if he's the big one.
Oddly, of the two of them, he's slightly more responsible with his clothes and therefore always has extra on hand for Billy to borrow when Billy... gets "oil" on his shirts or tears his jeans "working on an engine" by the week.
Being that he is a quiet little king of music, he has a way with words and calls Billy all manner of cute things. Things like, "Rain Dance" or "Sugar Star" or "Ocean Heart" or, his favorite "Bones"~
Amongst people he knows and trusts he is exceptionally extroverted. If he is not used to a group of people, he tends to fade back until he's sure he can be tolerated.
Acts of Service is his main love language, but he speaks all love languages, so if Billy needs more than one or the other, Skull can supply.
There is exactly a one in fifty chance he would ever confess first. But, the multiverse exists; there's gotta be one somewhere that didn't chicken out.
He could break a window screaming over seeing a cockroach skitter by or duck for cover if a moth or grasshopper or wasp gets into the house. Yet, oddly, he won't let anyone kill them, preferring to carefully relocate them, even while freaking out under his breath.
He has a license, he can go from point A to point B. He is not allowed to drive cross country due to the nausea that comes from prolonged coasting.
He basically started cooking for himself when he could reach the stove with a stool. When he is lacking in funds, he can still make a good meal. When he gets older, this is how he truly shows devotion.
Grab him, kiss him, hold his hand, carry him bridal style out in the open. He cannot be embarrassed by affection.
In a relationship, he is very much aware that Billy can handle himself, can watch his own back and is not a fragile flower. So he is generally chill with Billy doing what he will, Skull just requests that he send texts if he knows he might be late or needs something. Unless there's some homophobic douchebag bothering Billy. Then WATCH OUT.
His having more relationship experience is kind of a sad, horrible kind of joke amongst their friends. Sure, he's got a body count higher than two, but holy fucking shit, they all were a horror show. When he wasn't being used for convenience, he was being used to prevent loneliness and lied to the entire time. Not to mention when a mind control or love potion is added to the mix. So...yeah.
He tries to be the big spoon at least three times a week, but he is fully aware that he has more muscle and softness than Skull, so he might usually be the little spoon, but that's mostly because he's basically a lovey for his boney-ass boyfriend.
Half of his closet and drawers are filled with clothes he's snatched from Skull; which is very amusing to Kim and Trini when they visit and want to go out and often end up dressing him in his boyfriend's wardrobe. He once wore stirrup leggings with Cinderella flats and a black linen blouse that hung off his shoulders with only the top two buttons latched so he could show off a deep blue sequined crop top that complimented the elk skull and Death Head moth necklaces around his neck--all from Skull; the entire ensemble making him look like a model. (And Skull is fully aware that he's never getting those clothes back.)
Doesn't use nearly as many pet names as Skull, but he does call him easy things like sweetspark, honey heart, marigold, darling, etc.
He's not as shy and background oriented as he was in middle school, but he's not as out there as literally all of his friends. Which is fine and hasn't given him a complex at all.
Service, touch, gift giving, making things--these are his ways of showing affection. He will use words when needed, but he's so often in his own head that sometimes the words just...stay there.
He would have to be the one to say he loves and wants to love and wants a relationship when it becomes very obvious that all the signs for romance are there...but history kind of prevents Skull from acting on things. And he gets it. Of the two of them, Billy has people in his back corner to provide support, Eugene just has Bulk (and maybe his brother when he's...around).
He will not kill pollinators or spiders, but he will tear apart a work area just to get a mosquito.
Billy literally remodeled a car from the early '90s into a flying future miracle. He has risen above the "gays can't drive" thing, thank you.
He can make pasta and microwave dinners and popcorn. He can sort of bake cookies. One should not ask him to do more than that, because he will forget something and go work on an experiment and blow up the house.
So-so when it comes to PDA. Largely because he feels like he's somehow being impolite to other people, but if Skull is feeling low, Billy will actively make sure their hands are attached and that his boyfriend's face is flushed from Billy kissing him all along his face and shoulders.
There is a one in three chance that Bulk and Skull will be in the area of a monster fight at any given time. Rita and Zedd and their minions know them BY NAME. Of COURSE Billy gets protective of Skull to the point of ridiculous a lot of the time.
He's basically always known he's gay. He's had a lot of crushes on his guy friends and allies, but never actually tried to ask for a date. He has had sex with other boys, but not a real relationship--most of the time it was coming off of a stressful battle because of Power overload. So...not much experience. Thankfully, Skull is much more patient than others would believe.
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thecutiecollective · 2 years
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Kiera Blake
IG: Kiki_xp_
With Premiere Model Management
📷 Chris Trini
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ranger-ribbons · 1 year
If the Power Punks episode had gone into extra innings for Billy and Kim, how do you think that would have gone? + headcanons
*claps* Ohhh, I like this one. Okay!
Warnings for: mentioned serial harassment, possible/minor episode spoilers
- Obviously, there's the date that Skull and Kim would've gone on, which I think would've gone terribly.
- Then I have this idea that Billy, as Kim's friend/protector of sorts, would've busted some heads for Bulk and Skull upsetting Kim.
- Bulk and Skull? Newfound appreciation for Billy and Kim. At the end of the day, a bully is only rough and tough until someone rougher and tougher comes along. Billy Cranston and Kimberly Hart have the potential to BE that rougher and tougher, combined with the troubling lack of empathy, Bulk and Skull are converted into henchmen or model students within a few minutes
- Billy? Gets a tongue piercing
- Kimberly? Gets three more ear piercings, a nose ring, and a belly button piercing.
- Billy and Kim get matching tattoos for funzies
- Billy flirts with anyone walking in earshot, sounds artificial and intimatdating and nothing like himself
- Kim flirts specifically with Skull, making him extremely uncomfortable- just as he made her
- Jason, Trini, and Zach constantly trying to call their friends back to themselves
- Kim and Billy have a pact as the less aggressive, non-combatant members of the team, "together or not at all," and that is 100% carried into their personality changes
- Kim kisses Billy to piss Jason off, Billy kisses back to make him jealous (because I'll never NOT ship Jason/Billy)
- When they come back to theirs elves, they're both disgusted with their behavior- but holy shit was it freeing to not worry about someone else's opinion for once
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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Let your passion be the reason for your existence.
From the age of four, I was passionate about martial arts. But one day my mother suggested I become an actor, and the thought stirred my soul, so I took her advice. My first acting role was for an untitled project that would come to be known to us all as Power Rangers. I remember walking into the callback auditions and being surrounded by girls. My first thought was, "is the Green Ranger a girl or a boy?" I laughed at the thought. Although I was confused which part I was exactly auditioning for, I remember helping one of the girls with her karate moves. That same girl ended up being cast as Trini the Yellow Ranger.
Like everything I do, I put my passion into acting and into the role I was given: Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. Every day on set I would arrive early and go from department to department learning the ins and outs of filmmaking. I put my heart, soul, and karate into the role of Tommy. I was only hired for ten episodes, but I made sure that for those episodes, I would give Tommy my all. Tommy Oliver was a lot like me, the loner kid who spent most of his time training. But Tommy and I developed together. We learned the importance of friendship, as Tommy turned from loner to a key part of the Ranger team. Tommy was passionate about his friends, martial arts, and becoming an outstanding member of his community. This is something that I would carry with me long after my time in Power Rangers was complete.
You cannot fathom my shock and happiness when thousands of letters and phone calls from parents came in asking for the return of my character to Power Rangers. The Green Ranger, Tommy, had left such an impact on thousands of children that they were sad about his departure, even refusing to eat or go to school. For the first time in my life, I understood that I was a hero to so many. Through my role as Tommy, I was able to motivate children to be altruistic and develop moral reasoning. I loved being able to travel the country and the world with my co-stars and act as role models.
Twenty-five years later, the Power Rangers remain role models and well-loved by all. With the outstanding love and support from fans around the world, which grows greater and greater as time passes, nothing makes me more proud than to have been Tommy Oliver and continue to show everyone my passion for life and the arts.
Luckily, I can relive and experience the story of Tommy in BOOM! Studios' Power Rangers comic books. The story of my most beloved character, and the rest of the Power Rangers, has come to life on paper. BOOM! has put together such an amazing story, one that goes into depth on the characters so many have grown to love and admire. A story that lets the reader experience the characters beyond what you saw on screen.
I love that I'm able to pick up a comic book that portrays Tommy Oliver and the Rangers. This new story, brought to life in comic books, is a fundamental part of the legacy of Power Rangers and brings a modernized, multifaceted aspect to the series. Fans of the original show, both new and old are now able to see a different side of their role models. BOOM! Studios' new story for Tommy Oliver highlights the struggle of good vs. evil, which is Tommy's biggest challenge and essential for readers to experience and learn from,
After twenty-five years, I try to continue to be a role model, whether it is fighting in the MMA cage, martial arts, or in my new acting roles. I am blessed to be a hero on screen, but portraying Tommy Oliver motivates me to be a hero in real life as well.
I'm blessed to have been able to take my passion and bring it to life and to have so many people experience it along with me. People with great passion can make the impossible happen just as the Power Rangers have been doing for all these years. Just like Tommy said, "It's not just the costume and powers that give you strength. It's who and what you are inside that really empowers you." It's Morphin Time!
Tommy Oliver, the original Green Ranger
April 2017
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mcmusing · 2 years
At best, Power Rangers was likely some laughable concept to the average person. Most adults never comprehended what it meant to us. They never cared what it meant to us. The two-parent households (housewives with nothing better to do) wanted to do away with it because of the “violence” of, you know, altruistic heroes defeating evil tyrants. Single-parent (fatherless) households just saw it as a helpful distraction to keep from interacting with their offspring immediately after work. Very few saw it for what it truly was. This campy but charming, fun, and inspirational show. That is no exaggeration. The actors have reported meeting kids who their characters inspired to join the military, the police force, the peace corps, etc.
Pre-Grand Princess, I grew up with two teenagers who took very little interest in me. All things considered, I might as well have been an only child most days. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were around their ages but nothing like them. Even before they gained their powers, the iconic Teenagers with Attitude spent their free time coaching and helping tweens around their local youth center. Not for any school credit or the like, but because they wanted to. They wanted to build those kids’ self-esteem up, teach them self-defense and other skills to help them become the best version of themselves. Those are the people I fell in love with. Yes, the cool suits, colors, weapons, and battle sequences were all amazing, but none of it would have meant anything if not for the people who filled those suits. Austin St. John’s Jason Scott, Amy Jo Johnson’s Kimberly Hart, Thuy Trang’s Trini Kwan, Walter Jones’ Zack Taylor, David Yost’s Billy Cranston, and later Jason David Frank’s Tommy Oliver.
These six super teens became not only role models but family for me. I especially grew attached to Kimberly and Tommy. They were all my older siblings and I retreated into them throughout grade school to combat my constant loneliness and despair. I was never among the most popular in school, but I always wound up playing the Pink Ranger to the boys’ beloved Green/White/Red/Black. We used to draw our own mini comic books based on their adventures. They truly brought boys and girls together and the Rangers continue to be an influential force in my life.
We were already devastated to lose Thuy Trang to a car accident back in 2001. Now, Jason David Frank. Unlike our big sister, however, our big brother left us by his own hand.
Tommy was the last to join the original team, but Jason David Frank became the face of the Power Rangers franchise. He reprised his role the most, appeared in guest specials, and participated in practically every convention and event they ever had. Little girls loved him and little boys wanted to be him, going straight into adulthood. Then, he turns around and does THIS to us! HOW COULD HE TAKE HIS OWN LIFE THIS WAY?
Look, I get it. He’s not the first celebrity or public figure to do this and, unfortunately, he won’t be the last. It’s impossible to know the full weight of another’s misery, no matter what mask they don for the outside world. I know this personally. AND I DON’T FREAKIN CARE! HE HAD EVERY REASON TO LIVE! He not only had his own four children but ALL of us! Countless fans around the world now left crushed and distraught. I will not be surprised if a few in crisis copy his example and likewise choose to end it.
I am hurt.
I am livid.
I am out of my mind.
I cannot believe he’s gone.
I cannot believe he betrayed us this way.
I hate him.
I love him!
Regardless of anything, I pray for Jason’s soul and only hope he’s received peace from whatever pain he suffered. I also pray for his family and my fellow fans.
God Bless, God Rest
Jason David Frank
💚Beloved Big Brother-Ranger💚
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boredinleather · 1 year
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Laid back and waiting
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deebeeus · 2 years
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Here are a few oddities & curios from my last visit to @thetwelfthfret: 1 & 2: 2012 #Gibson #JohnnyA Signature. I am not sure whether to fall to knees and worship the sheer beauty of this guitar...or be afraid of it! It is so pretty...but so POINTY! Still I have the feeling these will be the Trini Lopez 335s of 50 years from now. From the Twelfth Fret website: "Drawing from concepts and basic body dimensions used in the Gibson CS-336, the Gibson Johnny A Signature model starts with a block of Mahogany, cut and internally routed to create sides and supports for a carved figured Maple top with distinctive not-quite-F-holes. Visually distinct from the CS-336, the pointed ‘Florentine’ cutaways on the Johnny A are much closer to the Gibson Barney Kessel or Trini Lopez Custom (but not Standard!) models." 3: 2008 #Collings #I35 DLXS Thinline Custom Single Pickup. I personally def prefer a single pickup guitar to have the pickup in the neck position but not sure I would spend Collings money on something with one pickup! This is an odd but beautiful one, squarely aimed at the jazz player. From the Twelfth Fret website: "...carved, solid Flame Maple top and single Lollar Imperial pickup in the neck position. This wonderful example was originally custom ordered through The Twelfth Fret during 2008, and has been used professionally." 4: #Gretsch #MalcolmYoung Signature Jet #G6131-MY. From the Twelft Fret website "...based on a 1963 G6131 Jet Firebird with the modifications the late Young made over the years. That guitar can be heard in Malcolm’s hands on almost all of AC/DC’s albums delivering an unmistakable sound. The guitar originally had two pickups, and over the years a middle pickup was added – then everything but the bridge pickup was removed and left open, the red top sanded to natural, and the switch holes plugged. The trem was disabled, and just used as a tailpiece." #guitarshopping #collingsi35 #collingsguitar #gretschguitar #acdc #guitarphotography #reissue #tone #gibsonguitars #guitar #guitars #gibsoncustom #guitarra #electricguitar #customshop #guitarre #guitargear #chitarra
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kimberlyannharts · 1 month
OKAY WAIT. So Trini’s little portrait DOES NOT usually have a skirt. I didn’t think it did but I saw confirmation in the story later. So why do they even have a skirt version? This is how we get Minh or Aisha
Yeah no, Trini's model has been accurately skirtless the whole game, which is why this skirt model for the advertisement is so weird. My best guess is it's an early model that was eventually fixed for the main game but just didn't bother for the advertisement? It would be really funny if they just retcon in Aisha and Minh having a skirt though
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augment-techs · 1 year
"Pillow Talk" Skull/Billy
"Quite the catch" Bulk/Jason
"Royal pain in the ass" Jack/Sky
Since it's a three in one, I'm going with a theoretical summary/synopsis cluster. Singles next time, please, it makes this a lot cleaner ^^; Title: reckless ambivalence Rating: M Relationships: Billy Cranston/Eugene Skollovitch; Billy Cranston & Farkas Bulkmeier; Billy Cranston & Matthew Cook & Grace Sterling; Billy Cranston & His Parents; Eugene Skullovitch & Stan Skullovitch; Ranger Ensemble. Additional Tags: Coma; Monster Attack Aftermath; Physical Abuse; Parental Neglect; Scarring; Blood; Sibling Relationship; Pining; Guilt; Hand Holding; mention of the Annual Comic that nobody ever brings up gdi; Zordon Admitting to Being a Dick; 5+1 Things. Summary: Billy keeps getting dreams that don't feel like dreams in the aftermath of getting into a verbal fight with Skull, followed by a monster smashing him so hard into a wall that the punk fell into a coma. They were too detailed and the environment felt too much like that time he and his team walked out of Drakkon's make believe world and out into the very ether of the Morphin Grid. "Why do I have to come back again? What do I have to learn?" The questions shouldn't sting so much after the second time he asks Billy, dressed in a hospital gown and draped in orange light like a sundown. Looking so tired and resigned and eyes all wide and wet. But then, Billy actually thinks about it, looks into all the stuff he's missed out on since falling out of Skull's orbit (abandoning him) and begins to feel like he can't breathe: going through Skull's overly full medicine cabinet, helping the nurses in the hospital bathe the blood and sweat off of the scars decorating his back and arms and legs, talking with Bulk about how thin Skull is because his family is always gone and not a lot of people were willing to hire him for odd jobs. What could Billy answer with that could make Eugene (come back) stay?
Title: sheets of egyptian cotton Rating: M Relationships: Farkas Bulkmeier/Jason Scott; Previous Jason Scott/Tommy Oliver/Kimberly Hart; Billy Cranston/Eugene Skullovitch; Rocky Desantos/Adam Park/Aisha Campbell; Zack Taylor/Trini. Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Underwear Model/Ambulance Driver; Kink Model/Nursing Aid; Eating Disorders; Anxiety; Mention of Physical Abuse; Meet Ugly; Substance Abuse; Frottage; Oral Sex; Cuddling. Summary: Probably the worst way to meet a model that Jason could think of was when some asshole got handsy during the after party and the biggest model on the line gets hit in the head with a champagne bottle trying to get the asshole to get the hell out. Still, Jason could kind of count himself lucky. It wasn't every day that he got to meet a plus sized model without a filter from the pain meds wearing nothing but the silky boxer briefs he had on the runway. Or his skittish friend from the BDSM showcase in the building across the street showing up at the hospital in nothing but a silk see-through kimono and an exceptionally complicated looking ensemble with leather and lace. * Title: dancing on the head of a pin Rating: T Relationships: Jack Landors/Sky Tate; Anubis "Doggie" Cruger/Kat Manx; Z Delgado & Bridge Carson & Syd Drew. Additional Tags: Heartbreak; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; That Last Episode Girlfriend Never Really Sat Right With Me; I Do Like Piggy but We ALL Know He'd Find a Way to Fuck Up; Jack Landors Needs a Hug; Sky Tate Kicks Some Ass; Z Delgado is Coming for Blood. Summary: Here's a level of hell that Jack could not imagine when he quit the SPD and went into business with a new girlfriend and Piggy that the ex-Red Ranger was not expecting: his relationship with Ally ending with her and Piggy hooking up and her cheating on him FOR MONTHS before he found out. One would think he was utterly bullet proof, but even after a whole year of taking on the worst of the worst, fighting an intergalactic menace, almost dying; Jack was as emotionally vulnerable as that kid who grew up on the street with nothing and no one. Somehow, though, Jack didn't mind Sky seeing him so vulnerable.
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buster-loves-pr · 3 months
man I realize how much Yellow VS Pink episodes in Power rangers
-Trini and Kimberly over the club
-Cassie and Ashley over cleaning
-Kendrix and Maya over Damon’s cake
-Dana and Kelsey over the whole model job
-Emma and Gia over.. (I mean that one was a spell so)
Man Saban sure liked making the yellows and Pinks fight
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chorusfm · 7 months
Dave Grohl Unveils New Signature Model Guitar
Dave Grohl and Epiphone have teamed up for the new DG-335 signature model guitar. A longtime Gibson user, his previous Gibson signature guitars have remained extraordinarily popular and command premium prices on the used market—when you can find one. Now Epiphone is extremely proud to once again partner with Gibson Custom on the release of the Dave Grohl DG-335. It features the combination of ES-335 and Trini Lopez model features Dave requested and that fans expect, including a semi-hollow ES™ body with bound diamond-shaped sound holes, a one-piece mahogany neck with an elliptical profile, Trini Lopez-style headstock with Grover® Mini Rotomatic® tuners, laurel fretboard, and split diamond inlays. The pickups are Dave’s preferred Gibson USA Burstbucker™ models, with a Burstbucker 2 in the neck and a Burstbucker 3 in the bridge position. They’re wired to CTS® potentiometers, Mallory™ capacitors, and a Switchcraft® 3-way toggle switch and 1/4” output jack. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/linked/dave-grohl-unveils-new-signature-model-guitar/
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piafellay · 11 months
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