#Trish Jenner
horrorwomensource · 10 months
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Gina Philips as Trish Jenner • Jeepers Creepers (2001)
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caseycoopersblog · 1 year
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t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶ 😫
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heartwrrm · 1 year
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my two weed smoking girlfriends. cockshame vs pussy facing the world
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hitomashi · 11 months
watching jeepers creepers again and like idk trish just is not a wonderful sister 😭 like.. she's accurate! but it's frustrating. and there's so many odd things with this movie. like how long they spend dallying at the diner and the cat lady scene and the way all of the patrons in the diner seem so uncaring at these 2 college kids dirty and panicked.
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betweenthepages · 9 months
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Mr. Poli-Sci-Track-Team-Guy had so much restraint because i would’ve been fucking them both at the same time 😭
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I draw my boys :0
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The Creeper has good taste in men 😌
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(They are so fun to draw)
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spookytuesdaypod · 1 year
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meet our barbies and kens ✨
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 1
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The weather cannot predict how the day may go. Sure, a lovely spring day with light breezes, the endless emerald pastures, and the clear blue sky dotted with ravens croaking their calls could be a herring for a bountiful or peaceful day. As a young caucasian college student, with the name Darius Jenner or Darry, with short brown hair and matching, eyes drove down the seemingly infinite road in his sister's, Patricia Jenner or Trish, car thought the weather means a pretty okay day. Said sister right next to him on the passenger's side, gazing out ahead of them with her mind occupied abput her regular life, not thinking of any of the dangers ahead. 
Then again, how could she have known? It seemed like another regular Spring Break and another regular trip to their parents' house like for the past few years. How could either sibling know that was all to end this year? To know about the horrors that lies ahead
"Just turn 15, you were a senior. You took me out to mom's old station wagon, The Dragon wagon, to teach me how to drive. But there was that one tree."
Darry recalls to his sister to pass the time, laughing at the memory. Trisha continues to stare ahead at the road, her eyes focusing on a stop sign ahead. 
"There was a guy banging the car while we were in the building."
Trish recalls. Darry gives a short chuckle before he continues.
"That's right. You actually lied for me."
Trish rolls her eyes, wonder, not for the first time, is she really related to this goober? Yet, Darry could see right through his sister's denial.
"No no come one, you lied for both of us. You actually did something decent for me, that's a part of history you can't change."
Darry concludes as he drives past a stop sign which Trisha notices as she glances back.
"That was a stop sign."
She points out to which Darry just shrugs off as he glances at his sister, incredulously.
"You're kidding right?"
"In your car, I'd be kidding."
She answers sarcastically as she glances at her brother to show her commitment to her statement.
" On this road? I haven't seen a car in fifty miles."
Darry answers back. They continue to drive at an average speed for cars on highways until Darry spots an RV. Feeling the familiar rush of sibling competitiveness, Darry speeds up to the RV, seeing no danger of it given the mostly vacant road.
"Come on Darry."
Trish warns in a half tired tone. She again had to ask herself, how did he remain alive for all these years, again? She already knew the answer, but it doesn't quite take away the annoyance that comes with her brother's antics. They drive up behind the RV to where they can see the vanity license plate that read,
"Gay- Gay fever, no Gay forever! Gay forever! Ha! that's mine. That's 3 for little bro"
Darry claims in victory as they drive just a bit closer to the RV, seeing what he thought was a G, was actually a 6. Darry frowns dramatically at this which causes his sister to give a slight chuckle at his state, which only increases his frown.
"That's a 6, not a G you idiot. That's Sexy forever, that's mine and that's 5 to 2."
Darry mumbles disappointingly. Trish then glances over at Darry with a raised brow.
"Gay fever?"
Trish asks her brother incredulously. She just huffs in amusement, when they drove up to the driver's window to see an elderly couple, who didn't look too amused.
Darry utters out in realization, yet his tune changes after the elderly couple turn a corner and they drive past them.
" Sexy forever huh?"
Darry teases with a grin at his unamused sister.
"You know that's you in 40 years."
Trish deadpans to her brother, as she then proceeds to gnaw on a part of her reading glasses as neither had anything left to say, for now. They drive in silence for a good long moment, with their friend in the back snoozing away being the only sounds besides the road.
" You know there's usually a reason when you like the long way home." 
Darry starts, not wanting to beat around the bush and get straight to it. Better to rip the band-aid off, just as his sister would tell him. However, in this case, it would appear that Trish didn't want to hear it.
"Gee like, maybe I like the country?"
She retorts, turning her head to her brother with no trace of humor on her expression.
Darry replies, disbelief being definite in his tone.
' Geez, hypocrite much, sis? '
Darry thought to himself in irritation but decides in the end that he wasn't going to drop it.
"Just drive brat."
Trisha commands Darry, who persists with his questioning.
" Hey, I'm only thinking the same thing mom and dad are going to be thinking, "Trisha, why are you driving home for spring break with your brat brother, and not heading off somewhere with that nice Mr. Poly-side-track-team guy?"
Trisha rolls her eyes at Darry's "mom" voice and sighs. 
" I will tell them the exact same thing as I'll tell you, none of your Goddamn business."
Trisha again repeats, frustrated at her brother's insistence. Why can't he just let her keep her own damn life private? He's the baby, not her. 
" Better not let mama hen back there hear you." 
Darry teasingly warns, referring to the woman in the back with her luggage as well as the siblings'. She's a 6'1; olive skin; long messy caramel hair that goes past her waist slightly: full lips; a curvy figure; wearing converse, a teal bandanna, and a black baggie hoodie. This is Corbin: she is traveling with her close friends for the break since well, she's got nothing else to do or family to visit, at least that's what she told them.
"Oh please, she's knocked out like a light, something about late-night errands, and it goes the same for mama hen there, it's none of her business"
Indeed she was sleeping on the window, eyes shut with on hand on her cheek. Her long hair a mess from it rubbing against the door with some drool gathering at the corner of her mouth, signaling how truly asleep and dead she is to the world, currently.
"Oh you think Corbin and I can't understand the complex nature of your relationships?"
"No, I look at you two as real experts."
Trish replies back. She sometimes had to ponder in the depths of her mind, why would she tell her immature brother? How would he understand, when he never takes anything seriously? Corbin would be a no go too, knowing she'll pry even more insistently than Darry. Then maybe go kick whatever perpetrator there is where the sun doesn't shine. Darry just scoffs, trying to play it off.
" Heh, whatever, whatever I don't care."
Trisha then leans up to tune on the radio only to get crazy rambles, farmer reports, and about a lizard-headed demon. Annoyed with nothing decent is on, Trish gives up and shuts off the radio. Although, it's starting to sound
" Just saying that you should break it off with him, you should at least figure it out what you're going to tell Mom and Dad. They're the ones in love with the guy, or do I need to sick Mama Hen on the guy? Mmmhh? "
There was a silent pause, as Trish decides to just keep searching through different stations. Corbin not stirring at all from the back which Trish hopes would be the case for the rest of the trip.
"You wanted the back way home. That's 10 hours of preachers, farm reports..."
"Can you possibly just shut up and drive, please!"
Trish snaps. Ok, so sister is pissed, what do? Humor, the best way to go about this situation from what Darry knows. Darry then starts to sing, with a teasing smile.
"You broke my heart in two,
Now I can't find the duct tape
to put it together for you,
Come on, girl sing along now"
Darry says to his sister, oblivious to the large truck creeping behind them as he focused on the road ahead, ticking off his sister with every verse of his improvised song.
"When I met you, I thought I would die
I wanted to cry
Didn't know you were evil
or that you would hurt me
Mr. Poli-Sci-Track-Team guy,
Turns out your a twit and a real-"
Corbin shouts in utter surprise, practically jumping out of her seat which results in her bumping her head on the ceiling turning her head in the Jenner siblings' view, to a large rusty looking truck that being driven as if it were by a crazy driver.
" What the hell is his problem?!?"
Darry cries out fearfully in his high-pitched voice that, as Corbin pointed out, happens whenever he's scared.
" Just get out of his way Darry!"
Trish demands in a panic, as the trunk honks it's horn again, still not making up its mind as it tries to ram them off the road.
"Mes Couilles Sur ton front!"
Corbin swears frantically.
( ? POV )
The smell of fear, so invigorating and addicting I just can't get enough of it. What's this? Ahhh, this scent is new, though I've only had a faint wisp of it once, I can still recognize it for it still sends a pleasurable shiver down my spine. Sharp yet sweet, with a smokey tinge to it, but now I hunger for it in a different way from food. Desire is a more appropriate word, maybe even more than my regular hunger.
I may have finally found my mate.
(Now back to the terrified Jenner Siblings and an angry Corbin)
" Let him pass you Darry! Darry what are you doing?"
"Peau de fesses!"
Trish shouts in a panicked frenzy, as Corbin continues to spit out every insult she knows in her motherland's tongue.
"Go around me!"
Darry begs as he frantically signals the driver to move around him, but this driver continues to act like a maniac ready to most likely run them all over, still honking its loud horn.
"Get off the road and let him pass you!"
Trish shouts at Darry from her own panic rising within her. Darry looks behind his shoulder with wide eyes and teeth clenched, contrasting to Corbin's " I'm so done with this" face.
" He's nuts!"
"I know he's nuts, now pull over!"
Trish demands her brother. The truck's tires squeal as the driver once again honks its horn. Darry then once again signals with his hand frantically, hoping the driver could get the message. Yet, he suspects that with those tinted windows, the guy can't see sh*t through them.
" GO around me!"
"Slow down and let him f@#$%ing pass you!"
"Caca Boudin!"
" I'm trying!"
Darry shouts to his sister, as Corbin continues to swear. Finally, the crazy driver passes them, giving them a good look at its vanity license plate that says, BEATINGU.
Trish exclaims almost breathlessly, her ears pounding from the rush of blood going through her veins.
Darry breathes out, his heart still pounding against his ribcage.
" What the hell is his problem?"
Corbin shouts, knowing she wouldn't get any answers but needing to speak her frustrations out anyway.
"My guess,"
Darry then sticks his head out the open side window, and shouts in the wind to the now distant driver,
They watch for a bit as the truck gets smaller and smaller, finally disappearing from view. Corbin just facepalms at Darry's remark, shaking her head. Oh, she loves the knucklehead, but why is he so idiotic? She just knows one day it's going to get him killed.
" Get a load of that nasty old thing. What is that? The vehicle of choice for assholes and f*cking serial killers?"
Darry asks rhetorically, his knuckles going white from how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel.
" Everyone ok?"
Corbin asks with concern in her green eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just had the piss scared out of me, but otherwise just fine."
Darry comments which had Corbin having to hold in a smile and chuckle. She then elects to look at forward ahead of them, her eyes glued to where the manic driver went off to. She lets out a huff through her nose as she leans back against the window.  Silence took over for a brief time until Trish is the first to break the silence.
"Yeah, hey you know what I just thought of?"
Darry gives a knowing look as he briefly glances at his sister.
" Kenny and Darla? Trish, they died about a 100 miles from here"
"It's the same highway."
' Poor Kenny and Darla. '
Corbin tells herself as she recalls the news of their prom night. They were just heading home from the night of their lives when apparently their car smashed with the roof ripped open with their bodies nowhere in sight. She could still recall seeing the image of their wrecked car smoldering at the side of the road with glass everywhere. Who could've done that? 
"No no, they never found her head."
Corbin says butting in in the sibling's conversation. Darry nods his head glancing at Corbin.
"They found the car. Didn't find him or her head."
Corbin then takes Trisha's hand into her own.
"Goodness, you're still shaking Trisha."
Corbin gently told Trisha and then hands her a bottle of ice tea as Darry continues.
"You don't think every generation has their cautionary tale, of drinking and driving on prom night?"
Trisha shakes her head no, unscrewing the bottle of ice tea to take a huge swig out of it.
"I always heard it was true. Wheaton Valley High, class of '78."
She takes another gulp of the drink, a dry chuckle coming from her.
"Heh, want to know something?"
Corbin nods and Darry hums to signal that he's listening.
"When I first heard that story... I used to think this was the highway I would die on."
Silence is what filled the car for a brief moment until Corbin comments,
" Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?"
Corbin replies with a deadpan expression before giving a teasing grin, knowing not to take her pedantic moments to seriously. She just had to make friends with a drama queen, huh?
"I agree, quite the cheery think today, aren't we sis?"
Darry asks rhetorically before giving a small chuckle.
"What? What's Poli-Sci-Guy been doing to you anyway?"
A snarl forms on Corbin's facial features as her blood starts to boil.
" I don't like that guy's vibe, just something up with him."
Corbin retorts, her tone going down an octave as she claws at the back of their seats. Trisha looks back at her friend, raising at her attitude and feeling some annoyance bubbling inside of her. But before she could tell Corbin off, her brother spoke to her once more.
" Beating you? "
Darry says which in turn made Trisha and Corbin turn their heads to him in confusion.
" There was a license plate on the van we just saw, B-E-A-T-N-G-U. So beating you."
Darry cries out in victory.
"That's mine. That's 3 to 5!
"You can't call it now."
Trisha counters, smiling to herself.
"My ass!"
Darry complains. Corbin just lays her head on the back of Trisha's seat.
" Sacre bleu, you guys get over it!" 
Corbin complains exasperated by the bickering about the sibling's game but had a slight grin to her face in amusement. It's so cute to see them acting like little children, showing just how close and annoying they are. Just like with her own sister.
"No cause, You have to call it when you see it."
Trisha explains to Corbin. 
" I was in shock!"
"Does it really matter?"
Darry insists, as Corbin just rolls her eyes and leans back to her seat, unbeknownst to them, she was holding a hand over her mouth to hold in her chuckles at the ridiculousness of it all.
Trisha argues back.
(Corbin's POV)
The bickering went on for a while as they both exchange insults like middle school children, arguing over the rules of their game. Just like the day, I met them. And now they're arguing over license plates, and still annoying the hell out of me. Good times. Do you know what's not a good time? Getting almost ran over by a crazy driver, in an ol' rust bucket with wheels. The heck does he think he's doing? At least I'm guessing he's a guy from what I can tell; although something about that driver didn't sit right with me. I mean, who puts a cowcatcher on a truck?!?
Not to mention the glass was very tinted; anyone who looked at that thing would've thought that thing came straight from a horror movie. I hope we don't run into that guy again, as much as they can be a pain in the ass at times; I don't wish anything to fall upon Darry and Trisha. My gut's telling me something's going to go wrong, and my gut hasn't failed me yet.
A/N: Don't forget to comment, like, reblog, and whatever else! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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trish-jenner-fan · 1 year
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Trish Jenner Sailor Scout style
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daddyswhoresworld · 6 months
Must have been a deadly kiss
Paring: Darry Jenner × Trish Jenner
cw: angst
They managed to break away. The police station, which in just a quarter of an hour turned into a place of carnage for life and death, was left far behind.
Women's fingers are painfully clenched on the steering wheel, and there is only a road ahead, which they both see for the first time, but the saving canvas of which the car flies at top speed.
Adrenaline gives way to euphoria, and it seems to both of them that they are now immortal. Exchanging only brief eloquent glances, they drive until fatigue finally hits their head, and they have to stop. Prudently away from prying eyes, driving into the parking lot of an abandoned gas station that has long been overgrown with trees here and there.
His sweet tired look stirred in the depths of her soul something subtle, but very sharp. For the first time Trish takes a deep breath and turns completely around to make sure that the faded and dead-scared guy in the passenger seat next to her is still her Darry.
Apparently, he began to be covered with awareness and, although he tries to put on a mask of self-control, he is paralyzed inside as never before.
But when she puts a warm palm on his cheek, he comes to life quite a bit, his eyes flashing with a sparkle, comforting her at least for a short time.
Darry does not keep himself waiting when he reaches out to wrap her in the ring of his arms and hide his face away from the attentive gaze, because the first thing he needed right now was to feel the embrace of a loved one.
Trish feels the tip of his nose nuzzle into the curve of her neck. And there's nothing cheeky about it, because she was ready to unite with him into a single whole just to pacify his soul, which is tossing in agony.
Trish smelled like their shared home. Her room, which emptied so quickly after she moved out from their parents. And in this smell, Darry finds the most beautiful thing for himself at the time of his accidental rescue.
They both lived through tonight as if they were the heroes of the notorious game, whose goal was to survive. And they both tried their best to preserve each other, at least in their memories. After all, it is unlikely that they would ever have the opportunity to get to know each other from such a side.
Trish strokes his hair, trying to remind him that she's always been closer than Darry thought. His hair turned a pitch-black shade. How funny, because she remembered perfectly well that once, some seven years ago, they were lighter. They had the same color—brown and sun-bleached.
Now it seems that this feature was the only thing that united them at that time. Back then, he had just started middle school, while Trish had been flirting with the boys from high school for a long time.
And although the difference between them was almost formal, only three years old, in fact it felt colossal.
Darry was excessively bad and fussy. Too careless and sometimes annoying to the point of concentrating bile on the tip of his sister's tongue. He, in turn, always myopically considered her slightly arrogant and even cowardly.
But now, when they were going through the most terrible night of their lives and sharing it alone, he could see in her, not without a bit of trepidation, the steel rod in which care and perseverance would be enough for the two of them.
He hugs her so selflessly and tightly that she feels his heart pounding. It hoots too loudly and wildly, conveying Darry’s own horror to her.
— No one will take you away from me.
He finally looks at her consciously, neglecting the fact that the distance between them has now become formal not only in age.
Her whisper sounded too sweet and painful. Dishonestly cutting his way to the solar plexus and inflicting such a blow that only her proximity helps not to suffocate right now.
Dangerous proximity. Darry is still mentally sober, but when he catches her breathing not only with his hearing, but also with his own skin, it hurts so gloriously and delightfully inside that giving himself time to think seems almost torture.
She kisses him first without a doubt, giving free rein to her feelings and not thinking about the consequences. She's trying to get everything she can on this deadly dawn night, because she knows that her lust will not go unanswered.
She's right, as always. His arrogant Trish…
"It's like in the movies, when the main character does something stupid, and then everyone hates him for it."
She knows that he will pass her hair through his fingers in the most excitingly gentle way. And such a reckless, but pleasant rush to boiling blood, inadvertently interrupt with a stupid embarrassed smile from emotions that he has never been able to restrain.
Something between them, Darry cares about. That is why he clings to her in such an unusually touching way for himself, leaning towards her and caressing her lips between his own ones.
And the unnatural does not exist as long as this kiss burns through their skin. And when it comes, the two of them are gone…
Brotherly love makes you want to drown, and Trish drowns herself in it, believing that this is the least she can do for him.
"Don't be a hero for me anymore," Darry, reluctantly breaking away from her, as if between words, whispers guiltily, looking at her so sadly that his sister's heart sinks somewhere into the darkest corner of her interior.
And Trish wakes up again and again at this moment, feeling only the cold-blooded coolness that envelops her so completely and inappropriately.
And only a hot, voluminous tear rolls down the cheek and is poured into the ear in reproach, slapping a woman caught off guard in a carelessly made bed for twenty-three years in a row.
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slashermovhigh · 2 years
if Jeepers Creepers is Canon in your au, does that mean Darry and Trish Jenner are there too?
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they don't take the bus as a matter of principle
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In regards to Strong Female Characters, I'd say that Trish Jenner from the Jeepers Creepers series definitely fits that bill. She is naturally scared of the Creeper, as is everyone else, originally but when the Creeper chooses to take her brother Darry to his lair to be killed and dissected, based on the fear factor, she displays an incredible amount of courage. She offers herself up to be taken instead of her brother. She shows a willingness to sacrifice her life. She pleads for the Creeper to release her brother and subject her to a painful death. She's unafraid to die. That courage is enough to repulse the Creeper, who flees with Darry and then kills and dissects him off screen. Now, she literally wants to find and kill the Creeper. A true heroic badass
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rosiethefurry101 · 1 year
⚠️Flashing lights and
glitching text⚠️
3/8 Edits
Edit Template by mcyt.twltch on Capcut
(Pictures/Gifs/Art is not mine! Credit goes to the original creators!)
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hitomashi · 1 year
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me when I'm on my way home for spring break
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juniperhillpatient · 5 months
also shout out to my best friend trish jenner final girl who’s actually so smart for running over the creeper repeatedly with her car she should’ve slapped darrys bitch ass face for telling her to stop as if he’s not the one who got them into this mess jumping into creepy murder pipes & shit 😭
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