#Truth of Gods Word
mt1820today · 1 year
Do you have a listening ear?
Photo by Enoch Patro on Pexels.com “When we hear God’s truth being spoken or even sung, are we willing to ask God the question “what must I do?” with an open heart and a listening ear? Psalm 25:14 says, “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him…” He whispers the glorious secrets of His kingdom to us when our hearts are postured to hear Him.” ErIc & Leslie Ludy
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shorthaltsjester · 3 months
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when people think delilah just completely takes over and laudna has no control. when people think jester is just an uwu child who has been manipulated by every man she’s met. when people think vex is an empty husk of daddy issues without her brother by her side. when people think fjord is an arrogant asshole who doesn’t pay attention to the party around him. when people think scanlan saying that vox machina doesn’t care about him is an accurate assessment.
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When recognizing a mistake, don't you instinctively strive for improvement? Similarly, when life knocks someone down, don't they inherently seek to rise stronger than before?
Our inner light is the greatest source of guidance. Is it not fitting that celebrities are called stars, shining bright? When we close our eyes, darkness fades, revealing our own radiant potential. Didn't the dragon's tail sweep away a third of the stars and hurled them to earth, reminding us God's Word is our eternal illumination?
Please pick a color to read. Or read them all 📚
Revelation 18:1
Revelation 21:23
Ezekiel 43:2
Genesis 2:1
Genesis 1:26
John 1:4
John 1:5
Revelation 12:1
Romans 12:2
Revelation 22:5
John 8:12
John 5:35
Isaiah 60:2
Psalms 36:9
Psalms 119:105
Matthew 5:16
Proverbs 4:18
Proverbs 6:23
2 Corinthians 4:4
Revelation 12:4
2 Corinthians 11:14
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palatinewolfsblog · 3 months
Truths remain truths even if they are spoken quietly or poorly,
with a hoarse or a tired voice
or a voice that is searching for the right words.
Lies remain lies even if they are spoken with silver tongues.
U.N. Owen.
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sophfandoms53 · 4 months
anyways i am very much still thinking about this,,, i have not moved and i will never move on
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walkswithmyfather · 8 days
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Genesis 50:20 (NLT). “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
Genesis 50:20 (ICB). “You meant to hurt me. But God turned your evil into good. It was to save the lives of many people. And it is being done.”
“All for Good” By Wendy Richmond:
“Sometimes when you are going through difficult things it’s hard to see the good. What good can come out of a bad situation? Surely that’s what Joseph was thinking. Things started out quite innocent. He was just a 17-year-old boy with a dream when his brothers threw him into a pit and then sold him into slavery.
For the next thirteen years, Joseph experienced one difficult situation after another. He was lied about, thrown into prison, and forgotten. But God’s favor was on Joseph and the Lord gave him a special ability to interpret dreams.
At the age of 30, Joseph was summoned from prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Because God gave Joseph the ability to interpret the dream, he was made second in command in all of Egypt. Then the famine came.
Enter Joseph’s brothers. They came to Egypt looking for food and bowed down to Joseph just like they did in the dream he had as a youth. You would think Joseph would have been furious. They were the ones responsible for all his hardships. It was their actions that landed him in prison.
But instead of being angry, Joseph recognized the sovereignty of God. “You intended to harm me,” Joseph tells his brothers, “but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
Even though God did not cause the difficulties in Joseph’s life, He used them for good and for His glory. You may not see the good right now but don’t lose hope. God turned things around for Joseph and He can turn them around for you.“
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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Benoit Blanc you will always be famous
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upliftourday · 7 months
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s00mia · 1 year
Do you know what happens when you decide to stop worrying about what other people might think of you? You get to dance. You get to sing. You get to laugh loudly, paint, write, and create. You get to be yourself. And you know what? Some people won't like you, but it just won't bother you all that much.
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fictionisalwaysbetter · 5 months
Many condolences to anyone who has had to wait YEARS in between the Stormlight archive books. I have been without Kaladin and Adolin for a few weeks at best and the voices in my head are back. Symptoms raging. Withdrawal severe.
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
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Maybe you are struggling to wait for God’s best. Everything in your heart, mind or flesh may be crying out for a shortcut — one that will relieve the pressures of life right now.
Though you can’t hear, perceive or see God’s master plan for your life, you can trust Him today in your struggles. Surrender all your hopes and desires to Him. Keep praying for as long as it takes. His presence will be an incomparable comfort if you choose to wait. 💙
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awideplace · 7 months
I encourage: step away from what is bringing you down–meaning bringing you down in the sense of what you know the Lord does not have for you (things clearly laid out in His Word for your edification and benefit). Don't go there. Step away. If He's said it, listen.
Beloved, He knows what is best.
What the Lord has for you is better.
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What about historical people who are known to be Christians? I have some fave historical figures.
Nope, sorry! People who have already died still fall under the no real people rule. Basically, it goes down to the fact that whatever people say, all we can really do is guess from their actions, and we don't want to make claims about the state of other people's souls. We can't know what is between someone else and God.
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petrichara · 10 months
There comes a moment, a few years forward. Precision of memory fails. The exact cadence of their voice, light of their eyes, the way they made their tea. You catch yourself in the midst of a story; you don’t know the next words. They’re not here to ask. Immortalised in grief, they are myth and memory.
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walkswithmyfather · 8 months
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Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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