#Turtles in FNaF real?????????
rainbow-sparks · 2 years
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 42: Artificial Intelligence
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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"Raph, I'm fine!" Mikey argues as he looks up at his older brother. "Really! You don't need to hold my hand..."
Raph nods, but doesn't look down at him -- instead opting to keep lookout, glancing back and forth as they walk down the halls.
Raph's usual pace has always kept Mikey struggling to keep up, his longer legs causing his steps to be wider than the average ninja mutant turtle teen. But even now, he's speed-walking. Mikey's forced to jog in order to keep up and not be forcefully dragged by his older brother, who is keeping a deathgrip on his wrist. They turn a corner and Raph raises his hand to signal him to stall -- though he raises the one he's holding Mikey with at first, causing the little brother to dangle in midair for a moment before Raph hears him clear his throat and frantically sets him back down and silently apologizes.
Mikey glances down at Raph's ginormous hand enveloping his own. It's enormous, strong, and covered in calluses and rough skin -- and yet it still manages to be gentle and sweet, the kindest hands Mikey has ever known.
He glances back up at Raph -- the eldest brother's face is stone and serious, a grim expression of sternness hiding the obvious fear and anxiety underneath. His Raph-chasm is deep-set, his eye twitches, his teeth grit and grind as he stares down the hall for incoming dangers. Mikey glances back down at their fingers interlocked and gently squeezes Raph's hand twice.
For a moment, Mikey's chest fills with a familiar anxiety as he feels the difference between his fingernails and Raphael's. As rough as Raph's hands are, they're nothing compared to Mikey's palms now. His crooked claws threaten to pierce Raph's skin, the sharp talons scraping against his knuckles.
But Raphael's face lightens once he feels Mikey's squeeze, a signal that was made between all four brothers when they were little. A signal to show that they were present, that they cared. A tiny gesture that represented a specific phrase to help when all other words seemed to fail.
I love you.
Raph stares down at the two hands. He squeezes back twice.
The anxiety in Mikey's chest drifts away immediately. But he can still sense the lingering fear in his brother...
"Are you okay, Raph?" Mikey whispers softly, looking up at him. "We're gonna be alright, y'know... Now that Chaplin's gone, no one's going to be coming after us once we get out!"
Raph gives a weak and pathetic attempt at a smile. He wears his heart on his sleeve, he has no poker face whatsoever. Mikey can tell he's scared.
He slips his hand out from Raph's and reaches up, cupping his face gently. Raphael's hands reach up and wrap over Mikey's. He breathes in deeply, exhales slowly, closes his eyes. His fingers shake as he tries to form the words.
"...I'm just scared, Mike," he whimpers, tears pooling under his eyelids. "I can't help it. I'm... I'm scared a lot more than I let on. I don't want to lose you again..."
"You're afraid you'll lose me?"
"Why do you think I wanted to stay with you when we split up?" Raph whispers. "I... I know you forgave me. I know it wasn't my fault. But it was my responsibility, you were my responsibility, and I -- I --" Raph chokes down a sob before opening his teary, blurry eyes. "I can't lose you again. I'm not.... strong enough."
Mikey pulls Raph close and holds him tight.
"You're not Mr. Incredible, you know. You don't have to be the strongest one all the time. And you won't lose me!"
Raph whines softly, hands trembling against Mikey's as his tears drip down his cheeks.
"...Raph, I swear on my life that you'll never lose me again."
"Don't say stuff like that," Raph cries, squeezing Mikey against his quaking chest. "Don't say that, it makes it sound like you might --"
"I need you to know, though --" Mikey says, stroking his older brother's spiky shell in slow reassurances. "You'll never lose me again. I promise. Nothing in this world or any other could take me away from you. Or you from me." He pulls away to make sure Raph can see his face. "Not even death."
Raph's eyes glisten, his lip quivers.
"...But I don't want it to come to that, Mikey," he sniffles. "I know that... I know we have that Hamato ghosty-thing, and all the anatawa hitorijinai stuff, but... I don't want that. I want you to be safe and stay with me in this world. I want to make up for my mistakes and flaws, I want to make up for lost time. I want you to come home."
"Then I promise that I'll come home," Mikey smiles. "Easy. So why are you still scared?"
Raph shrugs before pulling Mikey back in again.
"I dunno. Just... just a feeling. I hate this place. I hate what it does. And I hate feeling scared for no reason. I know we'll get out, I know we'll be okay, and I know I'll never let anything bad ever happen to you ever again. But... that doesn't stop the scared thoughts from creeping in."
Mikey nods and sighs.
"Well... I can only tell you advice that someone told me once," he says with a smile. "Trust me. And remember that those thoughts are just lies. Right?"
Raphael smiles softly, squeezing Mikey in a hug one last time before letting him go.
"You're right. C'mon, let's find Bishop and Honeycutt and get outta here..."
The two meander down the hall carefully, even though it's mostly deserted. They check every room, though Raph elects to have Mikey be lookout in the hall to avoid getting triggered by anything unexpected. The floor they're on has a lot of medical equipment and rooms for surgery...
They're about to go searching on the next floor when they receive a text message from Leo, stating that he's found the professor.
"That means we can head out now, right?" Mikey asks, climbing up onto Raph's shell and perching on his shoulder.
"I think so..." Raph says, though the tone in his voice is unconvincing. "Casey just messaged us and said he found Bishop and April, and that they're going to look for something to use against the EPF and the TCRI."
"Use against? Like a weapon?" Mikey asks nervously.
"No, I think they meant like proof of illegal activity."
"Oh," Mikey sighs. "...Should we go help them?"
Raph takes a moment to think it over. Mikey knows that he wants to get out as quickly as possible, and he doesn't blame him. But not even the fear of this creepy lab could null Raph's loyal heart, nor his hero mentality.
"...Yeah, I guess we should," he mumbles, rubbing Mikey's head.
Mikey's pretty sure Raph did that just to be certain he was still with him. But Mikey doesn't mind. He's secretly pleased that just being a physical presence for Raph is enough of a way for him to help ground his older brother... and besides, Mikey's love language is touch, after all. Despite how much the TCRI tried to beat and sculpt and scrape that out of him, he still adores it when his brothers hug, or pet, or snuggle, or cuddle.
Raph messages the group chat and gets a few texts back in response.
"Okay, so -- we're all gonna meet up in the records room, where we'll come up with a plan on getting the stuff we need, and Dee will give us back our weapons. But we're not gonna stay for long; April and Casey will stick with Bishop and Honeycutt long enough to recover the files they copied. While they're up to that, Leo will portal us home."
"What about the others?" Mikey asks nervously. "How're they getting home?"
"Leo or Draxum will portal back for 'em," Raph explains. "But Leo wants to get you home quick. Plus, he took a lot of voltage. I think he needs to lie down for a bit..."
Mikey hums sadly, crouching against Raph's shoulder. The older brother feels his baby bro's vocal cords vibrate against his skin as he whines, and he instinctively reaches up to stroke the back of Mikey's shell.
"That wasn't your fault, and you know it, big man."
"...Yeah, I know," Mikey whimpers. "But I still feel guilty about --"
Mikey pauses.
He stiffens, his nostrils burning from a specific scent. His muscles tense, his lifts himself up slightly from Raphael's shoulders to sniffs the air once more, searching for something.
"Mikey? Mike, what's wrong?" Raph asks, noticing the obvious shift in his brother's attitude and stance.
"Something smells... wrong," Mikey answers, brow creasing as his head moves from side to side, still trying to locate the smell. "I smell something bad."
"Bad? Like what? A gas leak, or maybe a scientist??"
"No, nothing like that," Mikey murmurs, forehead wrinkling exponentially. "It smells... like a machine..."
"Yeah, they all have a distinct smell here. They smell like oil and tar. And burning rubber. A-and a weird metallic scent, like nickel or... I dunno. Maybe even obsidian?"
"But I don't smell anything," Raph whispers, peeking back and forth down the hall as Mikey crawls all over him while he seeks to locate the source.
"I know I smelled something," Mikey whispers. "Something dangerous... and... familiar..."
"Familiar?" Raph asks, "Familiar how --"
Out of the wall, a hand suddenly thrusts itself in front of the two, almost punching Raphael straight in the face before he ducks and deflects, scrambling away while Mikey exclaims in shock.
Raph reels, Mikey clinging onto him desperately as his older brother struggles to regain his balance. The wall crumbles, dust and debris tumbling as a figure bursts their way through the drywall.
"WHAT THE HOT SOUP?!" Raph shouts, fists going up as he readies himself for a fight. "WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE MADE OUT OF?!"
"Interesting query," the figure responds, voice soft and silky smooth. "While most of the people here are made up of flesh and bone..."
The figure smiles as she dusts herself off and straightens out her skirt.
"...I am made of more interesting materials."
Mikey growls from atop his perch, claws going rigid and trying very hard not to clench Raph's shoulders. His tail sharpens, the barbs and spikes sticking out.
He feels Raph's hand rest against his arm, gently reminding him to stay present and not let Instinct take control. Mikey forces his breathing to slow down and regulate, he grits his teeth to keep the fangs from forming, and curls his hands into fists to try and force the energy inside from coming out.
"Who... what ARE you?" Raph asks nervously, though he does a good job of hiding his nerves.
"I am Ms. Campbell," she replies with a sly smile. "Mikey and I have already met..."
Raph glances back at Mikey, who is having a difficult time keeping his seething fury in check.
"She's the one who captured me..." he growls. "She's not human, she's some kind of robot-thing..."
"She is?" Raph questions, his own face getting getting hot with anger as he turns and glares at the woman. "Oh. Then I guess it's clobberin' time, eh?"
Ms. Campbell tuts at them, clicking her synthetic tongue in disappointment.
"I know how skilled you are in combat. I've downloaded Mikey's training sessions, and pulled security footage of you and the others during the invasion and the two years prior. The four of you are quite impressive..."
"Thank you," Raph growls. "But we'll be heading out now."
"You ki̶l̶l̶e̵d Dr. Chaplin. I saw from the security footage," she says, practically spitting venom as she speaks. "You will pay for that. His work will be continued if it's th̷e̴ la̵st̶ thing I do̵̼̞͛."
Ms. Campbell dives at them, her fists ready. Raph jumps back and dodges the blows before returning fire and swinging his own fists at her. As he leaps forward, Mikey jumps off his shoulder and pounces on hers instead, clawing at her face and wrapping his barbed tail around her neck. Raph and Mikey simultaneously attack her, But even still she is a force to be reckoned with. Mikey's spiky tail cuts through her forged skin, as it tightens more and more. She screams in anger and grips his tail taut, trying to rip it from her neck. She pulls in two directions, the barbs and spikes cutting her palms. Mikey shouts in pain as she attempts to tear his tail in two. He releases his grip, and instead opts to bite his fangs deep into her neck. His teeth hit something hard, a metal tube or rod, and he nearly chips a tooth. Ms. Campbell screeches in pain, grabs him from under one of his scutes, and tosses him across the hallway. Raph catches him as easily as if they were playing a game of brother-ball. This gives the two an idea... Mikey nods and Raph instantly throws him back into the fray. As Mikey is flung through the air, he spins to gain momentum. Mikey slashes his tail and sending several projectile barbs flying ahead of him, stabbing the android woman in the chest and shoulders. As soon as he lands on top of her again, he pulls two out and stabs her in the temples, dragging the barbs down and slicing her face in the process. Sparks fly and oil spurts out as she gives a gutteral screech of agony. Mikey jumps off of her and lands on Raph as he barrels towards her, tackles her, and then swings her body like an oversized ragdoll all the way down the hall and into the farthest wall.
Mikey and Raph cheer and high five excitedly, celebrating their victory.
Their premature victory.
"Yo̸u̸ t̷h̵i̶n̵k̷ t̶h̴a̶t w̷i̵l̵l̵ s̴t̸op m̷e̵?̴"̵ she growls, her voice garbled and strained. Mikey must've bit through her synthesized vocal cords. "̴I̵ am̵ n̷o̷t̵hi̵n̸g̷ l̴i̴k̷e̷ wh̵at̸ yo̵u̸ ̵h̷a̴v̵e̴ e̶v̷e̸r̶ ̷k̴n̵o̴w̵n̷.̸ I ̶am ̶n̷o̸t̶ ̷h̷u̴m̴a̵n.̴ ̷I ̷am̵ no̴t̴ ̴ma̵c̵h̵i̷n̷e.̴ I̴ am part of the KR̶A̴N̷G̶.̸ I ̴will̶ d̴e̵s̴t̴r̷o̷y̴ ̴y̶ou.̸"
She pulls herself from the crater in the wall, slowly cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders, dusting off the debris from the drywall. Her face is covered in oil splatters and ripped fake skin. She reaches up and begins to peel the faux flesh from her face, revealing the metal that is molded to resemble human muscles underneath.
Raph and Mikey retch at the sight, unaware of how much worse it is about to get.
Ms. Chaplin's joints disconnect, causing her arms to separate into pieces and elongate. Her face unbuckles and reveals a hidden metal skeleton with serrated teeth. She begins to grow, her dress rips around the stomach and reveals her chest stretching like a coil. She towers over the two terrified teens, becoming a horrific amalgamation of nightmare of machinery.
"Okay, so this is new," Mikey mumbles in a hushed tone.
"Albearto, eat your heart out..." Raph gulps.
Ms. Campbell roars at them, her shrieks nothing more than the grinding of gears and scraping of metal. Mikey and Raphael scream as they run away.
"Why didn't you tell me there was a killer lady robot on the loose?!" Raph yells as he slides down a turn and slams into the wall, regaining his footing and booking it as fast as he can.
"Well, because I wanted us to fail!" Mikey mouths back, his tail balancing him out as he bounces off the same walls, his enhanced agility allowing him to make the turn much more elegantly and with greater speed. "...OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!"
The two run as fast as they can, the horrible screeching sounds of deadly mechanics following fast behind them. Mikey glimpses back and sees a giant spider-like monster giving chase, arms and legs twice the size of her body and made of uncoiled cables that bend with utter flexibility. Mikey feels like he's living in a nightmare or one of those spooky video games Leo and Donnie would play late at night when they thought Splinter wouldn't catch them.
He rounds another hall before realizing he's no longer accompanied by Raph. He skids to a halt, scanning the hall behind him. Raphael is several yards behind, trying his best to keep up. Raph's walking pace may have been quicker than Mikey's, but Mikey blows him out of the water when it comes to running for your life.
"Raph!!" Mikey screams, lunging towards him as the mechanical monster catches up and nearly grabs him. "WATCH OUT!!"
Mikey pounces atop him, acting as a shield as Ms. Campbells hands claw into his arms, digging through his flesh and spilling blood as her coiled arms wrap around him, imprisoning him in her hold. Mikey screams in pain as she lifts him up and stares at him, her eyes burning and her twisted mouth grinning at him.
"̶Y̶o̷u̵r̴ ̶t̸i̴m̷e̷ ̶i̵s̷ ̶u̴p̴,̵ ̷l̷i̴t̵t̴l̴e̵ ̵m̷o̴n̵s̵t̴e̸r̷,̶"̵ she drones.
"HEY!" Raph shouts, leaping up and swinging his fist at her. "NO ONE DOES THAT TO MY BROTHER!!"
Raph's unprotected knuckles collide with Ms. Campbell's steel face, knocking her back and momentarily stunning her. Raph falls to the floor hissing as he grips his wrist, his knuckles scraped and already starting to bleed from the impact.
"What is she MADE OF?" he growls before going back in the fray, attacking her relentlessly.
Raph tackles her and manages to shove her through a wall, landing the trio in an examination room filled with strange exercise equipment that look more like medieval torture devices to MIkey...
The impact causes her grip on Mikey to loosen just enough for him to wriggle out. Despite the blood running down his forearms, Mikey forces himself to crawl all across the terrifying automaton. Ms. Campbell shrieks in irritation and sends one of her arms after Mikey. This gives him an idea...
Mikey jumps from one side of her body to the other, pretending it's Dee's jungle gym. Ms. Campbell's arms swerve back and forth, chasing after him as the the rest of her limbs wriggle around like frantic worms. With her limbs tangled, Mikey seizes his oppurtunity.
"Raph!" he shouts. "Get her legs!"
Raphael, who had been slightly dazed and trapped under her flailing legs, comes to and grabs what he can, tying them all up into knots. Ms. Campbell shrieks, and her limbs start spinning out of control as she fights to regain stabilization.
"Whoah!" Raph manages to yell just before one of the tangled limbs throws him into a table.
Mikey dodges the limbs and grabs the first thing he can from a nearby desk.
It's a cattle prod.
He jerks as sparks fly once he presses the button, surprised by the power this thing has. He smiles as he realizes the karma he's about to pull, and slams the staff of electrocution into Ms. Campbells chest. Her tuned-up pitched screams fill the air and make Mikey's ears ring. Her eyes burst like bulbs after a power surge, and her body goes limp. Mikey pulls back, shaking as he looks her over.
"Is... is she, like... dead? O-or, deactivated?" Raph pants as he steps forward.
"I...I'm not s-sure," Mikey stammers, his arms going weak and wobbly as he recalls his injuries. The cattle prod falls to the floor with a loud clatter, and Raph rushes to Mikey's side.
"Here, let's get those taken care of," he whispers softly, removing his own wrappings from his arms and tightly bandaging Mikey's wounds.
Mikey hisses as the cloths touch the open wounds in his arms.
"We should look for a room with medical supplies, I'm sure they'll have some anti-bacterial spray or actual bandages."
"That sounds like --"
Mikey's words are knocked out of him as a coily limb once again slams into his stomach and throws him into a wall. Raph is also thrown as the opposite limb collides into his chest and sends him sliding several feet away.
"Mikey!" he shouts, getting up quickly and running over to him.
Ms. Campbell gives another robotic shriek before she manages to untangle her arms and grabs at Raphael, who momentarily wishes he was as small and agile as his little brother was.
But then he realizes that he's a tank, and smiles.
Raphael headbutts the metallic monster, shoving her into an observation room of glass walls and extreme exercise equipment. While she struggles to get back up, Raph grabs two heavy weights in each hand and activates his ninpo, turning the equipment into temporary sai and creating armor over his hands.
"̴W̴h̵a̷t̸ ̷d̵o̷ ̶y̵o̴u̶ ̸t̸h̴i̸n̸k̴ ̷y̸o̷u̴ ̷w̷i̷l̵l̸ ̵a̶c̵c̷o̵m̵p̸l̴i̵s̴h̴ ̵h̶e̴r̶e̷?̶!̶"̴ Ms. Campbell shrills, her voice distorted and glitching. "̴Y̶o̵u̵ ̷c̷a̶n̵n̵o̸t̸ ̴d̷e̶f̶e̸a̵t̶ ̴m̶e̴!̶ ̴Y̵o̷u̷ ̴s̶h̸a̷l̶l̷ ̶n̶o̸t̵ ̵d̴e̸f̵e̵a̶t̵ ̴t̵h̴e̶ ̶T̷C̶R̸I̵!!̵!"̷
"We'll see about that," Raph smiles smugly, creating two replicas -- so two of him can fight Ms. Campbell, and one can check on Mikey.
Two of the Raph clones begin to pelt the robot woman with dumbells and weights and other random equipment, doing their best to break her metal body into pieces. The third Raph slides up to Mikey, scoops him up, and carries him out.
"W-wait, what about the oth-thers?" Mikey stutters, the bloodloss starting to make his head spin and arms quiver.
"They'll be fine, they can handle her."
"But... which one is the real Raph?" Mikey asks, looking back frantically at the two clones that are still attacking her.
"You think I'd let a clone take care of you?" Raph winks. "Even if it was a perfect clone of myself -- I'm not letting you out of my sights ever again."
"So... y-you're the real Raph?" Mikey mumbles, clinging to his brother's plastron.
"Real as rain, bud," Raphael chuckles. "Now, let's find you some actual medical supplies while Springtrap back there is distracted..."
"H-her name is Ms. Campbell...?"
"Nevermind," Raph sighs. "Maybe someone else will get the joke..."
The two Raphs tag-team the fight, one smashing his fists into her alloyed countenance while the other tries to wrangle her weird limbs. Every time he gets one pinned, another comes loose and he has to wrangle the 'spaghetti noodles from hell' once again.
As the first clone swings his fist once more, Ms. Campbell's face opens up to the skeletal structure and serrated teeth, and closes around the mystic armor, chomping down hard and nearly piercing the hologram. Raph yelps and tries to pull his hand out, struggling to do so as she continues to rip him apart. The second Raph jumps behind her and puts her in a hibernator move, lifting her up off the floor and throwing her backwards towards a very terrifying-looking treadmill machine. One of her limbs gets caught in what seems to be a harness connected to the device. Raph clone #2 gets an idea...
Raph clone #1 gets the same idea and lunges outside of the glass room, rushing to a control panel and begins pressing buttons. The treadmill starts to whir. Ms. Campbell notices the movement, despite her eyes having been burst. Raph clone #2 takes advantage of her moment of distraction and begins grabbing the other limbs, wrapping them into several of the harnesses and tangling her up. She quickly catches on to what he's up to and begins to fight back, desperately trying to untangle herself. One arm clicks, the hand retreats into the cable and is swiftly replaced with razor blades. Raph clone #2 bends backwards as he dodges, the edges of his mask tails getting shredded as Ms. Campbell swipes at him. She manages to rip one of the harnesses and feels around for the rest, almost sawing her other limb in half as she does. Raph clone #2 ducks and dives at her feet, grabbing the tentacle limbs and shoving them towards the conveyor belt rotors.
Ms. Campbell swings her arm at him again, stabbing one of the scutes on his shell. The clone isn't bothered, he barely even registers the knife in his back as he smiles and watches the rotors and gears swallow her legs and begin to eat her up. Ms. Campbell pauses in shock as she realizes her imminent defeat and shrieks again, swinging her trapped arms as her body is pulled apart, half of it trapped in the harnesses and the other getting pulled into the gears and shredded in the process. Her pins and points pop, coils snap and springs fly. Her shouts are pointless as she's ripped apart, the circuits fry and her body falls limp as the robotics are flattened inside the mechanisms of the strangely deadly treadmill.
The two Raph clones smile at each other and give an exhale of relief before disintegrating into holographic pixels. The sai drop to the floor and almost shatter the tiles as they transform back into heavy weights.
Raph exhales softly as he covers Mikey's arms with salves before stitches. He might not be the official team medic, but Leo taught him a few things, and with as many unintentional injuries as he gave himself and the many years where he had to pick up the slack for his ailing father, Raph learned a few things about taking care of others and treating some serious injuries.
"Okay... we're safe now," he sighs with relief. "She's completely destroyed."
"You can tell that from way over here?" Mikey asks, forcing himself to look away from his arms. He still can't handle the blood, and even though it's Raph... he still hates the feeling of being inspected or operated on.
"Yep," Raph nods, being as gentle as he can while he stitches up the wounds. "My ninpo told me."
"Do you... c-can you see everything they see?" Mikey asks. "Or... how does your ninpo work? Are all of the Raphs connected?"
"Sorta," Raph chuckles, noticing the way Mikey is trying to distract himself from the situation. "My ninpo is kinda weird. I can sorta... tap into them whenever, but usually I don't know what's going on unless I purposefully connect with them. We mind-meld sometimes, but it ain't real necessary since we all have the same thoughts and junk in battle."
He ties the thread, snips it, then moves on to the second arm. Mikey holds his breath for a moment as he waits for the needle to sew him closed...
"...Sometimes I can see what they see. It's a weird out-of-body experience, but also... not at all? It feels kinda more like teleportation. Which freaks me out sometimes."
"How? Why" Mikey asks, glancing back momentarily before looking away again.
"I used to wonder if I'd ever get confused which me was the real me, and which one was a clone. Poking into their minds felt almost like... transferring my consciousness, if that sounds right. It probably doesn't. But I always wondered what would happen if a clone got wrecked by a villain while my mind was still connected. I spent a good few weeks trying to figure out if I had been replaced by a clone and the real me died while fighting the Shredder... it was a weird couple of weeks, and I couldn't focus on anything."
"I had no idea," Mikey sighs sadly. "...Do my powers do that? Or is it just... mystic chains?"
"It's a little more complicated than that," Raph sighs back. "Casey said your powers evolve and grow, but before he showed up we just thought it was only mystic chains. But during the invasion you learned how to open portals, which was cool. Dangerous, but cool. All done, by the way!"
Mikey finally gives a real and deep exhale as Raph snips the tied-off medical thread. He quickly bandages the injuries as well, so Mikey won't have to look at them and get squeamish.
"Thanks, Raph," Mikey sighs. "For everything."
"That's what big brothers are for," he smiles. "To make sure their little bros get back home in one piece, like they promised."
Mikey nods with a grin, slowly climbing back up onto Raph's shoulders as they make their way to their rendezvous with the others.
"Do you think... we could practice cool mystic powers once this is over?" Mikey asks.
Raphael desperately tries to hide the sheer excitement from the inquiry. For years, Mikey always loved following Raph and wanting to hang out and learn from him. But somewhere along the line, Mikey grew up and they grew apart. Raph could never stop seeing him as the baby, and Mikey had gotten sick of it. But now, here he was again, asking for his big brother to teach him things like he used to do oh-so-long-ago.
"Sure, Mike," Raph smiles, patting him on the back, and feeling his baby brother's tail swing back and forth in a highly pleased manner. "I can't wait to..."
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bettertwin9000 · 1 year
Why do i feel like you were a fnaf fan at some point/currently
Caught red-handed....
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bellalunadreams · 2 years
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I made this and posted it on insta, but I think it belongs here too lmao
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luimagines · 5 months
What about modern clothing headcanons for the boys, I think wild would wear one of those shirts with the wolves looking at the moon and a pair of khaki shorts
I need to see Time in his black turtle neck, tucked into some black slacks with a brown belt. Don't ask questions.
Twilight had a read flannel somewhere and blue jeans paired with with either beaten down sneakers that have seen better days, or cowboy boots.
Warrior is likely to wear brand clothes. He probably has Gucci or Prada- dresses like a real life Ken Doll.
Legend probably wears things like basketball shorts and Nike t-shirts. Wears Jordans
Hyrule would wear torn demin jeans that have seen better days, beat up converse and a simple black t-shirt.
Sky is the King of Comfy. Cable knit sweaters and simple brown slacks. Likes sweatpants.
Four probably wears more athletic wear. (Yes, I'm stealing this headcanon). He could pass for a 80's jazzerise host. Just trade the leotard for the classic grey sweat pants and you're good to go!
Wind wears FnaF Walmart t-shirts with a mafia head Freddy on the front with demin shorts and light up shoes because they're awesome.
Wild dresses like you said. It's perfect. No updates, changes or alterations' please and thank you.
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quantumshade · 2 months
one thing i’ve learned about working with children this summer is that it is so important to have a favorite character from franchises you don’t care about just in case one of them asks. i know nothing about sonic outside of snapcube fandubs but if a child asks me my favorite character i tell them it is tails. my favorite transformer is bumblebee. my favorite mario character is peach (in reality mario is a franchise i Do care about and my real answer is rosalina but most of these kids only know the movie so they don’t know her. which is fair. i’m not blaming a 6 year old for not having played a wii game from a decade before they were born). my favorite bluey character is bingo. my favorite ninja turtle is donatello. my favorite fnaf animatronic is foxy. my favorite superhero is spiderman. et cetera. it makes them so happy if you see them in a tshirt from something and talk to them about it and (at least pretend to) have knowledge about the stuff they like. and all i have to do is google a list of characters and pick one at random. it literally does not matter which character because most kids won’t judge you for having basic taste or grill you about not being a Real Fan or whatever. if there’s any kids in your life i highly recommend having at least a little bit of knowledge about their possible interests because it makes them so happy when it comes up
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daysofmoron · 4 months
Okay, by this point I'm tired
A little bit of my thoughts on some situation, that one, by my surprise, that is still going and i see it like some hell of the ride
My discussion going to take places around one person /I'm not going to name them/
I met this person online while drawing in magma, and i thought/and still think/ about them as a fun to talk to and draw with
Let's be honest - we drew some NSFW stuff /in closed magma sessions/
At some point they revealed that they’re turning 18 and not 19.
After this everyone suddenly went into rampage mode/again, this is how i see the situation, you can have your own opinion on that/
Some people, like me, didn't care about their age, if they're fun to communicate with, I don't really think about how old they are
But other audience...well, some said that they're just disappointed, and i understand, they have their own reasons
But there were people who started anonymously or even openly harass this person
Let's be honest - nobody is going to sue you
You didn't know their age when you interacted with them. The fact that they were hiding their real age is their responsibility, not yours
Second of all - once they will turn 18 nobody is going to care or call the police. As if police would want to get involved in something like this
Okay, now to the point
On insta some other day i saw a couple of people posting in their stories "don't talk to this person" and sharing this person’s account
By this point i was so tired of seeing all of this happening, and I don't want people harassing one person because of one mistake they made, and, again, they admitted they were wrong, they’re already paying the price. Of course this doesn't mean that people will suddenly forgive them, but again, does this age stuff really matter when you just chatting?...
Anyway, i texted one person that posted this on insta, expressing my opinion that they shouldn't probably share this person's account, because let's be real, it can encourage more harassment, it even looks like harassment when you post stuff like this with some rude comment about this person
They replied to me that they weren't trying to harass anyone, just wanted to make sure that other people won't get involved in some weird stuff this person causing
. . .
I then saw that they also shared in the story that they have proofs
I asked for these proofs, they send me some screenshots of conversation with another person, who told that the person this whole situation is about not only hid their true age
Is also a t-cest shipper...
//a VERY heavy sigh//
I'm sorry...wHaT?
In this message i saw they were writing about this person following the artist that loves drawing t-cest, not only turtles, but April, Casey Jr and etc and etc
. . .
So like, we can't now like just the drawing style of artist? If they have some strange thing that we don't agree with, we should just ban this person
I still don't see people leaving, for example, fnaf fandom because creator hates lgbt
I still don't see people leaving the fandom of attack on titans because it’s chief editor killed his wife
And i still don't see people leaving hazbin hotel fandom knowing how shady vivziepop has been throughout many years, accused in drawing ped**hilia and z**philia
And wow, people still follow these fandoms and people just because they like what they’re doing.
They don't need to follow artist's ideas or thoughts just to like what they draw or make
And, somehow, we came to a point where the person this post is about is accused in being a t-cest artist basically without proof. Just because someone somewhere told something about that they think they saw. Just baseless words.
How about if I tell you that I am a huge unicorn with rainbow hair and i live in a big castle with butterflies as my servants –
Do you believe it without any photo proof? No, I don’t think so.
I’ve been drawing with them for months. I never saw anything remotely close to anything they’ve been accused in.
I follow their every account I know of.
And again, i didn't see any of this stuff -
I now think, that people are trying to make this person to be seen by others as a black sheep.
And now, I even think about stopping to interact with anyone in ROTTMNT fandom.
Why? Well because of people’s hypocrisy and egoism, how easy they’re ready to give up and turn their backs on a person because of one mistake.
Did the story of Alek Holowka didn’t teach us anything? Or recent story with Ed Piskor? Are you really forgetting that you’re talking about and with a real human beings? Or you just simply don’t care?
I'm getting sick of this -
P.S. again, this is my opinion on things, you can have your own thoughts on the situation
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starsfic · 5 months
Back-Up Poll
Yeah Witches vs Aliens refuses to let me write it.
TMNT, my incarnation: In the wake of learning about Splinter's real identity, Leo and Raph struggle with deciding on how to handle it. (Or, according to @stylishbutdefinitelyillegal, Hamato Saki earns the Worst Uncle award.)
TMNT, my incarnation: After learning that Hamato Yoshi is their human DNA, Mikey sneaks to an art auction of Yoshi's work and ends up learning a bit more about Baron Draxum.
Scooby Doo, my incarnation: The first part of Episode 1, when trying to leave their hometown of Crystal Cove to start their second year of college, the Mystery Gang finds themselves trapped in Crystal Cove.
LEGO Monkie Kid: Modern AU where Azure, the head of security in a fancy casino, meets a beautiful golden man.
LEGO Monkie Kid, based on some Discord ramblings with @draw-of-the-moon and @rain-bow-donkey: Sun Wukong can hear other people's thoughts. This means he has to listen to Azure and Macaque's dirty thoughts about him. Smut.
PJO: The Romans do not take kindly to random people judo-flipping their praetors, and Annabeth is forced to think about the amount of violence in her and Percy’s relationship. (A thing that came to mind when re-reading the books.)
LEGO Monkie Kid: Fairytale AU where Prince Qi Xiaotian finds a beautiful scarlet deer on Flower Fruit Mountain while Prince Red of the Demon Bull Clan goes missing
LEGO Monkie Kid: A year after her husband is sealed, Princess Iron Fan stumbles across the god of marriage Yue Lao and decides to ask who her son will marry. The answer enrages her.
LMK/FNAF: After a nasty argument with her parents, Long Xiaojiao decides to cut herself off financially from them and get a job. However, the only available position is a night guard of an American pizza chain. Shouldn’t be too hard…right?
LEGO Monkie Kid: The costar of famed actor Red Son is terrified of his true form...which is an issue considering they're doing an erotic version of Beauty and the Beast. However, one of the caterers doesn't mind beef. Smut.
Poppy Playtime: The moment that the angel steps into the factory, every toy knows. Dogday, down below, hopes.
TMNT, my incarnation: April O'Neil makes a new friend when staying up late studying at the public library.
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charlidrawz · 4 months
oh your purple guy allegations you are not beating
they are so tiny and i feel like you are also tiny
Not the first
My online name is Charli (Charlie Emily)
Fnaf may be a special interest
& my real name is Mike (Michael Afton)
My favorite/comfort animals are sea turtles, but second to them are bears. Any kind.
Bear in the Big Blue House, Care Bears, Winnie the Pooh, etc...
My main special interests are mlp (kids cartoons) & theme parks & vacationing (family entertainment & attractions)
I grew up going to Disney, Universal, & Chuck e' Cheese a lot then after moving I went to this one multi-story arcade a LOT.
I'm an eldest sibling/older brother too, & for the fnaf movie premiere I made a Fozy mask for myself & FazWatch for my younger brother & let him hold my FredBear plush.
My favorite shirt is a purple fnaf Hawaiian shirt from the Pizza the Action Stupendium music video
I am surrounded
by s o many plushies as we speak- including fnaf.
I have entire playlists of show tunes, cartoon songs, & 80s music
The list goes on & on, man
I can proudly say though- I have never uh.
K1ll3d kids. 💜
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n1ght1ng4le · 9 months
why, hello there, fellow humans!
(last update: 24/2/24 dd/mm/yy, 1:02pm, MYT)
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hi there! i’m Nightingale, call me Night, Birdie, or just call me what you like :)
i’m 15 and british, thai, irish and chinese
fun fact : i live for wilbur soot
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pronouns : she/her
sexuality : aroace
interests : music (lovejoy, arctic monkeys, mitski, lovejoy, will wood, good kid, lovejoy, los campesinos!, lovejoy, wilbur soot, LOVEJOY, etc.), writing, reading, songwriting, greek mythology, percy jackson, brooklyn 99 (watched it 12 times)
hobbies : lots of music, lots of singing, i write and read (the whole shebang!)
fun fact : people think im queer-coded/queer (looking at you @be-gentle-with-littluns /lh) YES I AM!!
secondary blog for when i wanna be depressed and/or silly and/or musical : @b1rd1e-ch1rps
my boundaries are pretty self explanatory (i am a minor so the rules should be pretty self explanatory) but if not :
-no nsfw/inappropriate content
-no personal questions (age, real name, etc.)
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‼️ DNIs ‼️
-acephobics/non-aroace supporters or people that just hate aro/ace people for existing
-ABLEISTS CAN LEAVE AND NOT COME BACK (as someone with a disabled family member (not extended), this is rlly important to me.)
-anyone from my school (you know who you are. bitch go away.)
- @memories. you insulted me and my mutuals. you bitch.
-lovejoy mega haters (i mean the verbal ones. you can dislike them, but you dont need to tell me thanks)
-anyone who thinks that wilbur was shelby’s abusive ex with no proof (they never even dated.) i will not discuss this. if i do, it will be on @b1rd1e-ch1rps)
-if you have a problem with me/my mutuals, respectfully gtfo :)
my organisation method needs cleaning…
all of my posts have either #birdie chirps or #birdie rambles (or both)
shitposts are under #not my usual shebang but wtv
lovejoy related things will be #lovejoy or #lvjy (or both) + all of the band members (#wilbur soot, #ash kabosu, #joe goldsmith and #mark boardman, most likely in that order) + #wilbur please come to malasyia
wilbur related posts will have #wilbur soot, #wilbur please come to malaysia and the specific song/album im talking about
ventposts will be considered shitposts along with the tag #does this count as a vent??
anything important/serious i talk about will be labeled as such (depends on what im talking about) but i dont do that very often
if you wanna hear my music shit, that’ll be on my alt blog @b1rd1e-ch1rps under #music or #musicblr
writing (whether musical or not) will be #writing, #writeblr and #writers on tumblr (in that order)
asks are #asks (obviously) and mutual asks are #moot asks (also obviously) along with the mutuals nickname
i dont have many moots soooo
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RAD SPANISH/GUITAR FRIEND MOOT 🎸@radio-to-trenchcoat-demons
GOOSE MOOT 🪿 @goosebeing and @lovejoycometoaustraliaplease
FNAF MOOT 🐻 @cobalt-axolotl
BIRD BROTHER 🐦‍⬛ @be-gentle-with-littluns and @life-is-okay-rn
OKAY WITH LIFE MOOT 👌 @life-is-okay-rn and @be-gentle-with-littluns
MUSICY MOOT 🎶 @trinloveslvjy and @chronically-anxious-person (trin please come back 😔)
thats about it!! any questions, just ask (please. i like silly questions.) :D
holy fuck i just realised how long this post is. oh well, deal with it womp womp /lh
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oleander-nin · 2 months
I had a flight today and those give my anxiety so i wrote out a buncha hcs to try n distract myself you dont have to actually read these i just already have them and dont plan posting them anywhere: Mostly non yan because i couldnt think up much that hadnt already been said. Grammar a tad funky cuz i wrote these on my phone (☍﹏⁰)
Leo 100% scared Raph with that one car jumpscare video when they were kids
Mikey watches those stupid 3AM videos and probably thought Momo and various creepypastas were real when he was younger
Leo and Donnie are both really into FNAF, but Donnie has been unable to to beat any of the games and Leo cant figure out the lore (I know Leo is smart and Donnie is good at videogames but this is funny so I dont care)
I feel like Leo would write in a diary
^ He would scribble (crush name) Hamato with hearts around it in it, because he’s corny like that
Donnie listens to Hatsune Miku and nightcore
Donnie never grew out of needing glasses from when he was a kid he just refuses to wear them
Leo will try to do dad stuff with Casey jr like playing catch but Casey jr is older then him ( “Late teens to early 20s” so probably 17 at the youngest (I actually dont remember if that was the exact phrasing but something similar)) So it just ends up feeling goofy
This is an observation not a headcanon but Mikey is obviously physically the weakest and he throws like a whole skyscraper at the Krang I know they were made for war but jesus christ what was Draxum feeding them
Casey jr refused to grieve for anyone he had lost before coming to the pressent because theyre technically still here. He knows its not really the same and theyre still gone but has decided to ignore that
Yan Donnie would probably originally assume he was hyperfixated on whoever he was crushing on (I checked you can hyperfixate on people) and just be incredibly annoyed about it finding it real hard to actually focus on anything
Donnie has a bunch of online friends since its the only way he can really make friends and he’s chronically online
Yan Leo would probably get jealous of objects like if his crush was clinging onto some stuffed animal instead of him he would get mad
Raph had a gravity falls phase
Casey jr is incapable of doing standard everyday stuff and generally kinda sucks with anything non combay
Mikey’s favorite superhero is spiderman Donnie’s is batman Leo’s is deadpool and Raph’s is superman (not including in universe stuff)
Raph does not know how to cook at all he once burnt the water
The turtles(plus april maybe) all tried playing minecraft together and it ended in a lot of TNT
When they were kids Leo told Donnie that he was immune to pain and told Donnie to punch him so he could prove it Leo ended up with a bloody nose
this is another observation but in the movie when Leo almost slices kranifed Raph A you can see him sorta start to flicker back(i think havent seen the movie in a while and i dont have the wifi to check), which was probably intentional on the krang’s part for the last thing he’s consciously there for to be his brother killing him and B you can see Leo mouth ‘no’ as he realizes what he almost did
When Mikey was first starting out at art he was reaaaally bad at it awful anatomy, shading with black, ect ect obviously he’s really good now though
April introduced Casey go ice skating together on the weekends
Splinter will say stuff like “Skibidi rizz” much to everyones dismay
im away from home at the moment so you’ll probably get a break from my yapping for the next couple of weeks haha
Ah, I hope your flight went good! I can relate, takeoff and landing gives me the heebie jeebies. Wishing you safe travels, SS Cake.
"Leo will try to do dad stuff with Casey jr like playing catch but Casey jr is older then him ( “Late teens to early 20s” so probably 17 at the youngest (I actually dont remember if that was the exact phrasing but something similar)) So it just ends up feeling goofy" - LMAOO I LOVE THAT
"Yan Leo would probably get jealous of objects like if his crush was clinging onto some stuffed animal instead of him he would get mad" - Yes yes yes, completely agree
"Raph had a gravity falls phase" - Probbles asked Donnie to help him with the codes/lore and such too
Sorry I didn't comment on them all😅 I love getting these but they're hard to answer because I don't know what to say lol. I loved reading these and I hope you have lots of fun on your trip. Stay safe!
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olivia200312 · 11 months
Christmas Romance~ (Freddy x Human! Reader)
The video is created by Zero2zero2 and believe me, it's so funny as heck that you'll love it! I discovered the video when I was a young teen or even before a teen at the time! My favorite part would be where Golden Freddy got pranked by Toy Freddy.
Have fun with this short romance one-shot!
Y/N shivered while walking through the streets that were covered by snow. The sky was grey with clouds and it was even snowing slightly! She wore an oversized warm fluffy hoodie that was also her winter jacket and also wore a scarf around her neck to keep that part warm. While walking, she was rubbing her gloved hands together to keep them warm. When the hands are cold and you have gloves on, it doesn't help sometimes until you rub them, probably. She also carried a backpack around and inside it, there were gifts for everyone. I mean, everyone. But who was 'everyone'? The animatronics. Technically, they were real-life alive furries! You have no idea how furries are popular today and very loved by millions. The most popular animal furries would be bears, bunnies, chickens, foxes, and even wolves. You should search online and see fan arts of hot furries. I, for example, love a lot seeing furries and humans together. Fnaf is like one of the examples that there are furries. Even though they're animatronics. There were a couple of times where Scott created the beloved characters as real furries like a game where Freddy and his friends were in space.
You need to think of Looney Tunes, Chicken Little, Zootopia, Sing, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon, and Thunder Cats are also examples where they have furries. As you can see, furries are everywhere, wherever you are. It's actually thanks to furries that many popular fandoms were created and many people don't even realize it.
But let's go back to the main point.
Y/N was friends with animatronics ever since she started working as a nightguard and she's basically the first female to do so. That caught the attention of the animatronics. All of their lives, they only got male guards and this time it was a female! The animatronics took great interest in her that they waited until 12 a.m. started and they began to move. Y/N was aware at that time of the animatronics moving around and even causing the disappearances of previous nightguards, males. It was either scaring them away to death or killing them. The animatronics wanted to roam free around the place.
Y/N giggled as she has a clear memory of her first encounter with the animatronics. She expected to be gone on her first night because all of the animatronics moved at the same time together. She expected her first night to be easy but she was so wrong as the animatronics were damn curious. She accidentally cut Freddy's paw (or hand) off before he got inside. She fixed it up and that's how the band started with the animatronics. Everyone was so nice to her! But she's especially close to Freddy Fazbear himself, the boss of everyone. He was the leader of Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, after all. He's the lead singer, the main star. His voice was deep and handsome as well. From the early times, she noticed Bonnie and Chica acting lovebirds to each other so Y/N hatched a plant to get them together. She succeeded and now they're a cute couple! But little did she know that Freddy would be... stubborn on them about PDA while it's Christmas.
Y/N finally arrived at the building and she got her keys out. She unlocked it and entered. She made sure that it's locked so that no one would break-in. Once she finally entered the main room, she got smiles from the animatronics.
She was greeted by a hug from Toy Chica. "Hey, Y/N! Glad you could join us!"
Y/N smiled happily. "Of course! You all are like a family to me!"
Just then, Toy Bonnie walked over. He was happy to see his human friend and he had also a secret crush on Toy Chica. "Hey, Y/N."
Y/N nodded back at him as a greeting with a friendly smile. Just then, she noticed a Christmas tree on stage. "Oh! You're about to decorate the tree!"
"Would you like to help us?"
Y/N smirked. "The expert of decorating will be glad to help!"
That caused both toys to laugh and Y/N joined later as well. She was a big teaser if she felt like it but she wanted to make others laugh so she's trying. By then, Freddy came out from the boys' bathroom and he spotted Y/N. He felt his heartbeat skip and felt butterflies in his stomach. There she was. The girl of his dreams. Yes, she may be a human but he didn't care. He wanted Y/N to be his. There were indeed other males around but Bonnie and Foxy had their mates and Toy Bonnie is very close to being with Toy Chica. Other males that are single are Golden Freddy, Toy Freddie, Marionette (or Puppet), and Freddy himself. Although, Marionette didn't look interested to have somebody special.
Toy Freddy belonged to one of the toys gang and he's the lead singer as well just like Freddy Fazbear himself. But instead of calling him Freddy Fazbear, he's called Toy Freddy since he's basically the toy version of the original bear. Toy Freddy only looked scary when his eyes were black. Have you ever seen his eyes while watching him through the cameras? He's a big prankster in this family. He's currently planning to prank poor Golden Freddy or Goldie for short as Y/N liked to call him. They were in fact best friends. Goldie was quite mysterious and calm as well. Many fans out there described him through writing as a villain, a prankster, a flirt, etc. But Y/N didn't like any of that. Watch videos like made by Zajchu37 or Zero2zero2. Goldie is serious and calm. He's not a flirt nor a prankster and that's what Y/N liked a lot about him. He was once a singer as well named Fredbear. He had a best friend named Springbonnie, who's now known as Springtrap. Sadly, no one knew where he was now... Goldie misses him every day. Wherever he was, let's hope that his best friend can be found.
Freddy took a deep breath and walked up to her. "Hey, Y/N. Merry Christmas!" He then helps her with the winter jacket and hung it over a chair.
"Merry Christmas, Freddy!" She then kisses his muzzle cheek, causing him to blush. "I'm gonna help Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica with the tree, alright?"
Freddy nodded, still blushing from the kiss, and walked close by The Pirates Cove and leans against the wall, and crossed his arms. Since he was the boss, he wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly. Most of his attention was on Y/N, who was on the stage, helping to decorate while Toy Chica was on the ladder and Toy Bonnie passed the decorations to her.
Freddy Fazbear, you goddamn pervert.
His eyes moved on towards Toy Freddy, who was busy with a small red present that had a yellow ribbon around it. By the look on his face, it was smug and evil like a prankster would put it on their face. Toy Freddy was one of them. Just then, Goldie was walking around and got stopped by the toy prankster. By their short conversation, Goldie was in awe and smiled at the present Toy Freddy made that he made it fly in the air. Oh, how Toy Freddy couldn't wait to get Goldie but I wouldn't do that... Goldie is so cute for showing a confused expression with his head tilted to the side! In the background, Marionette came from the left hallway that led to the office of Mike Smidt, the current nightguard since Y/N decided to stop but she promised to visit like she always did! Marionette wore a Santa hat and carried a present.
Freddy decided to walk around, his eyes secretly connecting with Y/N's, who smiled and waved at him. This caused the bear to blush and wave back. In the background, Foxy and Mangle came out from the right hallway, with Christmas presents in their hands. They had sad expressions since Mike closed the door on them, probably mistaken them as they tried to get him... But they only wanted to give you presents, idiot! The bear stopped in his tracks when he noticed the official couple, Bonnie and Chica. God, you can see clearly that they were flirting and showing PDA!
Marionette flew up to Y/N, who was helping the toys to decorate and the tree is getting good! "Hello, Y/N. Merry Christmas."
Y/N smiled. "Merry Christmas, Marionette."
Just then, both of them heard screams coming from the bathroom. Both Puppet and Y/N snapped their heads towards the sounds. What was happening? Did something happen? They kinda got their answer when Chica and Bonnie came out from the bathroom, angry expressions on their faces. Freddy came out as last. Y/N took a good look and saw a clipboard that Freddy held. Had he just shown new rules about love? Oh no...
Her mind went out that she didn't notice the toys making a short conversation until Toy Chica screamed in panic as she lost control of her balance on the ladder that she held into the tree for dear life. Y/N held her laugh in as Toy Chica landed on top of Toy Bonnie. She walked towards the tree and pushed it up.
"So-Sorry," Toy Bonnie remarked in embarrassment as his crush was on top of him. Aaaaaw...
"Sorry too... I didn't mean to..."
By then Freddy walked over and he rolled his eyes when he saw their position. "Ooh, so new lovebirds, huh?"
"What!? We didn't mean to!'
But Freddy wasn't amused nor impressed. He laid his paw on his forehead. "Take your privacy, lovebirds." He then walked off.
Bonnie and Chica were very mad now. Why did Freddy give them privacy and they didn't? They wanted alone time and to be lovely towards each other! Yet, Freddy made dumb rules towards the couples such as Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Mangle. That needs to be changed!
Y/N giggled as she helped the toys up. "You alright, lovebirds?"
Both toys nodded as they felt still embarrassed for what happened. Y/N looked at Bonnie Chica, who were whispering about discussing a plan to get revenge on Freddy for making dumb rules and for taking their privacy away. She walked up to them, causing the couple to immediately stop and look up at her. "I can help you. I'll make sure to make him speechless." She had a grin on her face. She bent closer to them and explained the whole plan. The couple liked it a lot.
So, the plan was simple. Y/N disappeared to get dressed in a Christmas dress she brought with her. Not a sexy one, but still that it made her look very beautiful to catch Freddy's attention. She can't come out yet... Meanwhile, Chica brought a pizza box towards the parts/service room or simply backstage. That's where the parts of the animatronics were kept if one of them broke like Mangle for example. She became a victim of the kids who broke her. The animatronics managed to fix her up completely. Freddy can get easily hungry from working as a boss so if he smelled the pizza, then he'll go for it and Bonnie and Chica can finally knock him out and make him dress up like a Christmas tree. Amazing, right?
It really did happen! Freddy got hungry when he smelled the pizza! The plan was working! Y/N peaked from the hallway as Freddy entered backstage and the doors closed.
Sorry, Freddy... Y/N thought as she heard the screams and then beating.
Once Freddy was tight up, Bonnie and Chica felt satisfied when they got their revenge. The bear was waking up slowly. Once he opened his blue eyes, he noticed that he's tied up. He had a Santa hat on and he's decorated with Christmas lights. He's cute when he uses his ears moved. He let out a growl since he knew that Bonnie and Chica were behind this. He stopped growling when he heard: "Merry Christmas, Freddy." Some of the animatronics hugged him. This shocked the bear but he hugged them back. How? By closing his eyes, enjoying the moment, and snuggled one of them with his cheek. Aaaw...
"Merry Christmas, Fazbear."
Everyone broke out and turned towards the voice. They had their eyes wide open and Freddy had a shocked expression that he's blushing like crazy. It was Y/N in her the most beautiful Christmas dress that Freddy has ever seen. It may not look sexy but *whistles* she's looking hot! She smiled as she walked up on the stage. Everyone made space for her towards Freddy with smiles on their faces. Bonnie had his arm wrapped around Chica while watching them. Freddy's heart beats faster as she stood right in front of him. He wants to kiss her and he'll get his wish. But little did they know that Bonnie and Chica kept a bonus plan all along...
Y/N giggled as she couldn't help how cute and funny the bear looked like a new Christmas tree since Toy Bonnie accidentally scared poor Toy Chica out by sneezing. It was kinda funny how you would scare somebody by sneezing. How about a burp (A/N: funny fact is that I scared my mother once by letting out a loud burp while her back was turned XD)? Freddy looked embarrassed and shy by her giggles.
"You look adorable and funny right now, Freddy."
Freddy wanted badly to say a compliment to her, how beautiful she looked. But he couldn't since his mouth was also shut since he's tied up. Y/N reached her hands out to pull the rope down from his mouth. Once that was out of the way, Freddy didn't hesitate. "You look hot in that Christmas dress, beautiful."
Some animatronics looked surprised by his remark. Did Freddy Fazbear just call Y/N hot? Yes, he did. He wasn't lying at all. Y/N blushed by his comment and she smiled lovingly. Just then, something appeared above their heads between them. Both of them looked up to see a mistletoe! The plant was connected with a fishing rod and once you follow it, Bonnie and Chica were holding it with smug looks on their faces. Freddy was too shy and embarrassed to say something. Mistletoes were used to make people kiss. It was a popular tool to make new couples who secretly loved each other like Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica. But now it was time to make Freddy and Y/N a couple! Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile and grabbed Freddy by the ropes, pulling him closer as he looked speechless into her eyes. Wait, is she going to-
"Break the rules about love, Freddy. Because there will be more." She then finally kissed the bear. He may not be human, but you can still kiss him! Freddy closed his eyes and kisses her back, enjoying her soft pumpy lips on his mouth. Or muzzle? When the kiss ended, Y/N snuggled into him and Freddy could only nuzzle her back and even purr! It made Y/N giggle as it tickled her. "Merry Christmas, Fred-Cat."
"Merry Christmas to you too, Y/N. Thank you for the wonderful kiss as a present."
Goldie got pretty excited as he started to unwrap the present he got from Toy Freddy. Poor Goldie didn't know what was coming... He had an excited look on his face but that all changed when the present blew up into his face! He let his (famous) scream of shock and he was black... Completely black. His white pupils were glowing. Once Goldie quickly recovered, he realized something. He got pranked by Toy Freddy, who was laughing his ass off. He walked towards who knows where. Did I also forget to mention that Balloon Boy or BB was also covered in black by the explosion?
Y/N looked shocked while being in Freddy's arms. She felt sorry for Goldie but also for Toy Freddy because...
Goldie was so mad that he stood up and flew right towards him with an angry scream! Toy Freddy was so scared and shocked that he screamed as well. You heard crashes first, then voices.
"Come on, Goldie! It was just a joke!"
"It's not funny like this! Look how I look now! I'm now dirty!"
"I'm sorry, ok?!"
"Do not do it again, ok? If you do it again, it's not gonna be a good day for you... okay?!"
"Okay, okay! I promise!"
Let's just say that ever since that day, Toy Freddy never pranked Goldie ever again... He didn't want his ass to be kicked by another bear who would be freaking mad!
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!
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n4talia-chaparro · 1 year
Another question about the Krupp dummy: Does it haunt Krupp? Or is it like the Elf On A Shelf and just appears wherever?
Either one would be entertaining honestly
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Oh boy...speaking of it I kinda made some little fact about the dummy I guess..soo...uhhhh...
TW/TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of murder, etc cuz idfk what else to put.
Well, it doesn't haunt Krupp anymore like it used to, because of that Krupp is the owner of his dummy. Even tho I'm not sure if Melvinborg was the one who brought it or Krupp himself.
However, the Krupp dummy moves and talks by itself as I said. Not only it would appear everywhere like an "Elf on a shelf" thing. He or it can attack the leaving hell out of someone and jumpscare the victim WHOEVER TOUCHES THE DUMMY WITHOUT PERMISSION.
and speaking of moving and stuff, its eyes can glow through the dark; you see remember when I said Krupp upgraded it and made it idk. Little different I think? Yeah, this is what I meant by this. Its eyes can glow brighter to see and detect ANYTHING.
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Krupp's idea was to upgrade his dummy and change him a bit so he doesn't have to carry it all the time. And do you wanna know what's more cringy and disturbing? Him or it being a monitor inside of a dummy...
Yeah you see Krupp knows how to make inventions and things so he decided to build a mini robo-animatronic and try to insert that inside of the dummy but then he realized why does it need mental and robotic parts when he can also place organs inside to make it feel REAL. Yeeaahh....to make a long story short he killed a student for the first time....(and keep in mind it was one of Mr. Rected's students), Krupp wasn't sure where to hide the body until he decided to grab the victim's organs and connect them inside the dummy. Making sure that each organ is glued or connected properly and waited until it stops having a gross smell. Later on, he then used the electricity to give it energy (obviously it has the robot inside of it.) And stitched some parts of it. Fuck
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•| The dummy was also used to supervise Melvin, just like a nanny cam except it has to spy on Melvin and see what he's doing and it can ALSO record anything (conversation, audio, etc). Because if Melvin does something fish behind his dad figure (Krupp), or sneaks things without his permission the dummy will make use to catch the kid in the act.
* It was originally used to torment Melvin if he keeps ignoring his demands. After few months he then decided to give it to Melvin so he doesn't feel lonely whenever Krupp goes to find his other victims. The dummy slowly became Melvin's comforting dummy cuz all the dummy does is talk randomly by itself and moves. [SPECIALLY BECAUSE THE DUMMY LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE KRUPP/ABUSIVE FATHER FIGURE]. Melvin would also take him everywhere in his backpack, doing a playdate with it and venting to it, not knowing it can record a personal vent and possibly the man himself is listening to it.🗿
* This little fella knows how to walk. No joke...it DOES. All thanks to the electricity he kinda started to learn new things (?)
•| It's eyes can change from green to red. The red is supposed to represent the warning sign to the person who tries to carry it or get closer to it. If the victim tries to pick it up, the dummy will likely bite them and rip the skin off with its teeth. Mostly strangling them with a lasso or jumpscaring them. (Who knows seriously)
•| The dummy MUST ALWAYS be inside of its own box or somewhere hidden to not let it escape from its place. It would sneak out and sit somewhere like it does.
[Took inspiration from the "Tattle Turtle 200", child's plays, maybe some silly-ass abandoned animatronic as a reference to convince that together. Pls don't play the fnaf theme I'm begging you-]
So uhh yeah...hopefully I don't scare no one in here cuz half of the info was supposed to describe how sick gp!Krupp can be in this AU- yikes..😬
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taz-drgaone · 1 year
au where fnaf exists in the wof universe as sci-fi [bc scavengers. and bc robots, pizza, and neon lights dont exist in wof] and kinkajou is in the dca fandom so she tries to get moon to come to her to some sort of con dressed up as moondrop. for the pun. and kinkajou is sun, qibli is freddy [and is real rsmbunctious about it] amd turtle goes as monty. winter does not want to go at first but kinkajou gets him to dress up as solar lunacy y/n. anyway they find darkstalker cosplaying as william afton and vulture as vanny and clearsight is clara. iunno how clearsight would fit into all this but if she does shes clara. anyway the jade cringelet and darkstalker get into a big fight about smth [most likely theories] and kinkajou cancels him with a strawberry for being problematic to the icewings
made spitballed all this with @kinkajouwof in mind
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