#Tuvok works hard to and succeeds in getting Chakotay's report cemented in the history books for what happens when you go to warp ten
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Picturing Chakotay forever upset about the Threshold thing and Tuvok forever amused by it. (Janeway is just over it) 
Starfleet Command: So...the warp ten incident. Janeway: -sighs- Chakotay: -already glaring at Tuvok who has steepled his fingers in his meditative pose- Tuvok: Yes the...warp ten incident........I apologize. It is...difficult to discuss. Chakotay: -glare intensifies- Janeway: -looking out the window- Starfleet Command: Of course. Please, take your time. It must have been quite unsettling. Chakotay: If it unsettles you so much Tuvok please don’t feel pressured to continue. Tuvok: (ignoring him) I actually believe the commander is more knowledgeable on the subject than I. His report was quite illuminating. Have you read it? Chakotay: I don’t think they need to rea- Tuvok: I believe they should read it. To get the ‘full picture’. Janeway: Maybe they can read the commander’s report later. We wouldn’t want to trouble them wit- Tuvok: -pulls a PADD from his bag- I have taken the liberty of bringing the report with me. Chakotay: -teeth grit- Wow. How thoughtful of you. Tuvok: -staring him dead in the eye as he hands it over to the brass- Thank you. You will also note I have highlighted several passages of interest. Chakotay: Of course you did.
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