#Twd Negan smith
da-owo · 7 months
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MY FAV ASSHATS HAHA anyways making myself some charms cuz i deserve it
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dixonsgirl93 · 9 months
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🎀 Negan’s Favourite Girl 🎀
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
The One That He Wants | Negan Smith x Grimes!Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine.*
Summary: Negan knew that he shouldn't want you. You both fought on opposite sides of the same war. But god, you were damn near irresistible.
Genre: Suggestive? I don't really know.
Era: Alexandria, Saviour arc + post Saviour arc.
Warnings: Sexual innuendos.
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: In celebration of JDM's birthday today, I decided to write a little something for Negan! I probably won't write for him on a consistent basis and I doubt that I'll open requests for him, but this was fun to write. I hope y'all like this!
Negan knew that he shouldn't be looking at you. You were Rick Grimes' sister, unofficial royalty to the people of Alexandria. If he wanted to keep Rick loyal and working for him, he shouldn't be making it obvious that he wanted you. Besides, you hated him, and if that punch you landed across his jaw on that first day he had come to Alexandria was anything to go by, you'd probably take great pleasure in bashing his head in with Lucille, his beloved baseball bat.
Negan knew that he shouldn't find it hot when you glare daggers in his direction. When he brought Carl back from the Sanctuary, he had found you seated on the couch, clad in shorts and an oversized T-shirt, cradling Judith in your arms. If looks could kill, he would've been a dead man that day. The nasty looks you had sent his way that day was enough to shake any man down to his core, but he didn't scare easily. He found it absolutely hot, and he couldn't understand why. But you had also managed to have a semi decent conversation with him without biting his head off, and had actually managed a smile at him, and that radiant smile of yours was enough to make butterflies do somersaults in his stomach.
Negan knew that he probably shouldn't have hesitated to kill you when the war broke out. You, Carl and Rick were lined up and all he had to do was bash your head in to show Rick who was in charge and not to mess with him. But one look at your face was enough to make him rethink what he wanted to do, and that gave the people of the other communities the opportunity to strike and take down a ton of his men. As he fled the scene, he felt confused, pathetic and downright disappointed in himself. You weren't someone he should find important or special, so why couldn't he kill you?
Negan knew he shouldn't have enjoyed it when you visited him in his cell. Your demeanor towards him had shifted immensely. No longer did you see him as the monster he had become. No, you actually looked at him like he was another human being, like he was someone worth keeping alive, someone worth saving. You spent a couple of hours each day just talking with him, telling him about what was happening outside, about Judith, just about anything in general. You even talked about your life before the apocalypse, and in return, he shared stories of his own. The two of you had formed an unlikely bond, and it was unnerving yet amazing to him. Over the years, you continued to come down just to talk to him, even when your brother seemingly died. You had become the highlight of his dreary days, and what initially had started out as want turned into something else, something deeper.
Negan knew he shouldn't have kissed you. He had a chance to escape due to Gabriel's negligence, and by god he was going to take that opportunity. Just as he was climbing over the wall, you had stopped him in his tracks. However, instead of shooting him or making a ruckus, you had instead handed him your gun, as well as some ammo and a bag filled with some supplies.
“Stay safe out there, and don't cause a scene. If you do, I'll hunt you down myself and kill you,” you had told him, taking a step back.
Negan had laughed and nodded. “Wouldn't expect any less from you, doll,” he had said, and before he could stop himself, he took a step forward and kissed you. However, instead of pushing him away or slapping him across his face, you had kissed him back. After that exchange, he had left, but his heart stayed with you.
Negan knew it was stupid to return to his cell. He was free, he could go wherever he wanted, but for some unknown reason, he wanted to return. Whether it was the safety the cell provided him or the food he was getting, or the fact that you were there in Alexandria's walls, he didn't know. What he did know, however, was that seeing you again filled a hole in his heart he hadn't known he had. And finally, after six years, he wanted to know why you treated him like you did.
“Why don't you want me dead? Why'd you try to stop Maggie when she wanted to kill me all those years ago?”
“Because Carl saw something in you. He believed you could change. He believed you could be better, and I believe it too. Call me stupid, call me naive, but I really think you're not a bad guy. If you were, you would've killed me back then. I care about you.”
“I've done things. You've experienced first hand what I could do. You should hate me.”
You had smiled at him and slowly opened his cell, before reaching for his hand and pulling him out. He had allowed you to take it and interlaced his fingers with yours, his heart pounding against his ribcage.
“I've never been one to play by the rules. If I was, I wouldn't be down here talking to you. I care about you, Negan. And if you'll let me, and promise to be discreet and come back to your cell right after, I'll show you how much.”
“What about the guard on duty? We could get ca—”
You had silenced him by gently cupping his cheek and pulling him into a kiss. The kiss was so soft, so tender, so undeniably you. He found himself melting into the kiss, but you pulled away to soon for his liking.
“It's my shift tonight. The next guard doesn't come to switch with me until dawn.”
Negan knew he shouldn't have taken you up on that offer. Michonne could've caught you sneaking him out of his cell and into your small home, but he couldn't resist you. For seven long years, he had kept himself at bay, but not anymore. He had you all to himself in that bedroom, and he was going to worship you like the goddess he saw you as.
Because for seven long years, you've been the one that he wants, and now he finally had you.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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loganlostitall · 1 year
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Negancore (with references this time)
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oceans-goddess · 9 months
Negan x reader pt. 1
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Author's note: Guys, I'm sorry, this is so shit. All I've written lately are papers for class, so I just wrote this to get the creative juices flowing. I know its not much, but PART 2 IS COMING AND IT WILL BE FLUFFIER DON'T WORRY!!! Trust the process🙏🙏🙏🙏. I'm planning on having this be a multi-part story because I've been fucking obsessed w this man lately like fucckkkkkk just LOOK AT HIM ARGH anyways let me know if you wanna be in the taglist😘😘
Summary: Female!reader is on her own until she comes across Negan and his men on a supply run.
Warnings: mentions of death, panic attack
Making it this far was pure luck. When the walkers came, I’d been lucky enough to have a father who’d been in the military and could teach me how to shoot. When we had to leave home and live life out on the road, constantly searching for cans of old food, I’d been lucky enough to always come across something to eat. When it got cold, we got lucky enough to find houses with fireplaces and enough firewood to last us the night.
I guess my luck ran out a month ago when a walker fell out of a closet and latched onto my dad’s throat while we were scoping out another house to stay in.
Since then, I’ve been on my own, running out of bullets, out of gas, out of hope. But I had to keep going. He’d been so sure that we would find others. Survivors. People who could help us. I had to find them– to know that his hope wasn’t for nothing. He’d kept a map with him, and we had been driving in a circular pattern, the center being our house in southern Virginia, looking for evidence of a settlement.
So here I was, staying in the master bedroom of a quaint house with a well-stocked pantry, planning out my next steps– with every closet checked, of course. I was plotting out the highway exit I would take tomorrow when I suddenly heard an engine.
A car engine.
I hurried over to the window and peaked through the blinds. Surprisingly, the people in the trucks and vans stopped just a few houses down from the one I was in. Why didn’t they continue on?
Several men climbed out of a large truck– and all of them were equipped with massive guns. I knew that they were likely for walkers, but the sneers on their faces were unnerving. I watched to see what they would do.
Then, a man with a black leather jacket and a barbed bat hopped out of the cab of another truck and began ordering the men in different directions with a wild smile plastered across his face. Anxiety grew in the pit of my stomach.
After a few minutes, his men came back out of the houses nearest to the trucks with arms full of soup cans and furniture. When they were done, he ordered them to continue on in other houses, pointing directly at the one I was in.
My father might’ve been right– there were other people out there– but I never really considered that they might not want to help me. That they might not want me to join them. Not to mention I hadn’t seen a single woman come out of any car...
I needed to get out before they got here.
I dropped to the floor, grabbed my things as quickly as I could, and shoved them into my pack, but before I could stand, there was a bang from downstairs. I heard men speaking, laughing.
My heart racing, I pulled the closet door open as quietly as I could and slipped inside, listening for a moment before I realized where I stood.
I was standing inside a closet, waiting for someone to finish searching the house.
Images of my father bleeding out on the floor surged into my mind. I gagged as I remembered the foul smell that billowed out of that closet when it opened just moments before I lost him. I remembered his screams, and my hands shaking as I shoved a knife through its skull. And then through his when he died.
Tears streamed down my face, and I covered my mouth, choking back sobs. They couldn’t find me. They couldn’t. I could tell these men wouldn’t allow anything to take them by surprise like my father had. They would shoot first, ask questions later.
I heard footsteps as a few men clomped up the stairs. More tears fell. All I could think of were their guns, and my father’s blood; their knives, and him lying there on the floor.
* * *
“It’s a girl, sir.”
Negan raised a brow.
“A girl? In the house? Alive?”
“Yes, sir. She was hiding in a closet upstairs, crying.” The leader of the Saviors hummed in reply, and stood thinking for a moment.
“Should I… should I bring her out here?” his subordinate asked. He only waved a hand in response and walked toward the house.
Inside, men looked at him with wide eyes and confused expressions. One man-- Nicholas, he believed his name was-- walked up to him and explained that the girl wouldn’t move from the closet floor.
Upon reaching the master bedroom, more of his men bombarded him with dimwitted statements.
“Sir, she won’t move."
“She just keeps crying.”
“Alright, alright, guys. Honestly, it is just a girl. I’m sure you’ve seen one before, so fucking relax,” he said with exasperation in his voice. He stopped when he heard a sniffle from the closet, then walked over and peered inside.
Though Negan wasn’t known for his big heart, he was sure his broke a little when he saw the young woman that sat before him. 
* * *
“All of you, out. Now.”
That was all the man in the leather jacket had to say for the room to become empty again, save for the two of us. I was still on the floor, my chest heaving, my hands shaking.
The man squatted in front of me, bat in hand. It was chipped and cracked in several spots, especially at the head. In the blemishes, I swore I saw faint splotches of red. I thought I would vomit.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said, in a voice that sounded as if he was speaking to a cornered animal. In a way, I suppose, he was.
“Are you alright? Why are you crying? You hurt?”
I inhaled, meaning to respond, but all I could manage was another weak cry.
The man cocked his head to the side a bit, then looked down at the bat in his hand, realizing what was the matter. He tossed it behind him onto the bed, then turned back to me and raised his hands and continued.
“Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget I’ve even got her in my hands... I’m Negan. What’s your name, doll?”
With the bat out of sight, it was a bit easier to concentrate on his hands, his face. Though he looked quite rugged, with a shaggy beard and thick eyebrows, his brown eyes were soft, inviting.
“Y/n,” I whispered after a moment. My voice was hoarse, and I let out a cough. He sat down fully on the ground and crossed his legs.
“I’m sorry, can you say that one more time? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“Sorry… It’s-- it's Y/n,” I repeated, wringing my hands together as I spoke. He smiled.
“Y/n. What a beautiful name. It suits you, it really does. Look, I’m sorry we scared you, sweetheart. Is this your house? We didn’t know anyone was here when we came in.”
I shook my head.
“No, this isn’t my house. I was just passing through.” The man, Negan, nodded.
“Are you by yourself, honey?”
I hesitated. He put his hands up again.
“I promise, we don’t wanna hurt you. We were just lookin’ for supplies to take back with us.” My eyes widened as I recalled what I had been thinking when Negan’s trucks first arrived on the street. This could be my chance to escape the world my father hadn’t been able to. This is what he would have wanted for me, I knew it.
“I… yes, I’m alone. I have been for a while now.” A short whistle sounded from Negan’s lips. 
“You’ve been surviving out here all on your own? That’s fucking badass, I hope you know that.”
I smiled shyly, looking down at my lap and sniffling.
“Hey, have you eaten in a while?” he asked. “We’ve got a few sandwiches, apples, some sodas, down in one of the trucks. I’m sure we could spare some for you if you’re hungry.”
“I don't wanna take your lunch–”
“Aw, don’t worry about it, doll. There’s plenty extra. But I appreciate you bein’ so considerate,” he explained, finishing with a smile. He must’ve known he was making progress with me. I wiped my eyes a bit.
“C’mon, let’s go grab you something to eat,” he said, standing up and holding his large hand out to me. Looking up at him from where I sat, I could imagine how meek I must’ve looked– how embarrassingly harmless. But looking up at him stirred something in me. His confident half-smile, his slicked back hair-- his entire persona was so charming, so comforting.
I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up with ease before grabbing his bat and leading me downstairs.
* * *
“You feel like having another?” Negan asked as I finished my second peanut butter and jelly. We sat in the dusty cab of the truck he’d come in, and he tapped his fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel while watching me eat. I shook my head.
“No, I’m okay, thanks,” I responded. The bed of the truck shifted up and down as men piled boxes of supplies into it. If they needed this much stuff, I thought, there had to be a ton of people where they came from that were planning to use it. With that in mind, I cleared my throat to ask the question I’d been gathering the guts to ask since I’d sat down.
“Negan,” I began, and he hummed. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything you want, honey,” he said, a smile spreading across his face. I blushed and looked away, then carried on.
“You said you were taking the supplies back with you…”
“Mmhmm,” he grunted, gently urging me to continue.
“Back to where, exactly?” I whispered. He twisted to face me more in his seat.
“We’ve got sort of a compound set up,” he explained. “It’s not too far from here. It’s got fences, walls. Lots of people, and plenty more food to go around.”
All this time, my father had been right, and then some. People weren’t just surviving out here in this world– they were thriving.
“Do you… have any extra space?”
Negan laughed heartily.
“For you, doll? Abso-friggin-lutely.”
I nodded.
“So I can… I can come back with you?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“I’d love to have you come back with us, y/n. Can’t leave a pretty thing like you with them ugly sons of bitches, now can I? You’d be much more protected there than you are here, I can tell you that.”
* * *
About an hour later, Negan sent a grumbling Dwight to find a new seat in another truck and was driving back to the compound with y/n in the passenger seat.
She was a cute little thing, he’d decided, and he’d been watching her shamelessly since he’d brought her outside. Her teary, guarded eyes, her cute little pout, everything about her was fucking adorable.
Although, he was also amazed at how long she’d held up out here. People like her, people who hid and cried instead of standing and fighting, those people were pretty much gone by now. How had she made it this far?
He struck up a polite conversation, asking questions here and there. There had to be some explanation for how she’d survived for all this time. After a few minutes, though, it was clear that the questions were making her nervous. His curiosity about her was eating away at him as he drove– he was used to getting answers faster than this. But he supposed he could wait this time.
The sweet girl beside him sat silently for the rest of the drive, and though the questions piled up in his mind, Negan was smiling.
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lostinsaltburn · 7 months
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Is the truth too much to ask for? - A03
Pairing - Daryl Dixon x Negan Smith
Explicit 18+
It's a tad sad really, the first morning Daryl's ever gotten to wake up next to someone and he's gifted with this shitty feeling. This person who makes him feel this weird warmth in his belly, a person Daryl enjoys talking to, spending time with and just simply being in his company. It's an odd feeling to navigate, it doesn't necessarily feel great, makes him a bit nauseous actually, this idea he likes being around Dean.
Daryl's never had many friends before but he's certain this feeling he has toward Dean is different then that, sure theirs the sex component but there's this different thing, this kind of intangible essence. Daryl feels like he can taste this essence somehow, whatever this feeling is, this pull toward Dean that's different then a friendship, that makes his belly feel funny, makes him feel safe and nervous all at the same time. It tastes like a cigarette, not great at first but before you know it you want to taste it again, you crave the taste of it and even when you don't have it you can remember how it tasted, how it felt when the nicotine was pulled into your lungs and flooded your system.
That's how it feels when he walks into the bar on a Friday night and Dean's there waiting, feels like that rush of nicotine, flooding through his system, invading his blood stream and travelling from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. It makes him a little nauseous though, the same way a cigarette does when you haven't smoked it in a while, when its been a week and he's only had the ghost of the taste and then he's sitting next to Dean at the bar and his body is flooded with it, overwhelmed with it. 
Shamelessly plugging some of my older works :) This was my first long chaptered fic and I was and am still so proud of it. Read the archive warnings
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ravxvp · 7 months
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nmqii · 6 months
Carl desperately trying not to let Negan in the room where Judith is
Negan going hell no and walking in anyways to a smiling innocent baby Judith
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129838 · 9 months
if anyone also has any requests for twd or marvel fandom i’m always open☺️☺️ i’m a new writer!! love you all🫶🏼🫶🏼
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goldenispunk · 4 months
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da-owo · 6 months
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i found a brush that makes the rats in my head very pleased anyways actually took the time to look at the actors while i drew this one XD
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year
How TWD men would react to you flinching during an argument (comfort):
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- When you’d flinch during an argument he’d freeze, his eyes going wide. He’d rush over to you, looking into your eyes. “Hey. You know I’d never hurt you, right? I love you. I’d never hurt you.” He’d keep saying that as tears filled your eyes and he hugged you close to him, argument long forgotten.
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- When you’d flinch during an argument he’d stutter his last words and take a step back, seeing the look of fear on your face. He’d gently call your name and then move forward, crouching at your feet. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He’d speak gently, brushing the tears from your cheek and only when you’d look back at him with love would he stand to hug you properly, stroking your hair and shushing gently.
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- When you’d flinch during an argument he’d hold his hands up and step back, even taking a seat if one was near so he wouldn’t tower over you. “Sweetie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Can I…hold you? Would that be okay?” And when you’d nod he’d hug you close, finding somewhere to sit and cuddle you in silence until you were ready.
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- When you’d flinch during an argument he’d immediately ask what was wrong. When you don’t answer he’d walk up to you, trying to look at your face, even using a finger to tilt your face up. “What happened? Someone hurt you before? You ain’t never gotta worry about that with me, you know? I’d never.” And then he’d gently pull you in for a hug, patting your head and back and feeling awful, forgetting how brash he often is.
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
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★ I’ll keep on adding as I write.
Fluff—❤️ | Angst—💔 | Suggestive—👀 | Smut—🔥| Platonic—💜
The One That He Wants 👀
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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loganlostitall · 11 months
More funny OC content I guessss ✨
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Negan: baby, I’m not a good person…
Acyd: don’t say that! You are a Perc 30 and don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you’re Ibuprofen 800!!!
Negan: … and you’re fucking LSD. That’s my pep talk?
Acyd: I see what you did there. That’s fair.
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mightymetalmax · 1 year
You say it's wrapped in barbed wire, I say it's ribbed for my pleasure
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daryldixonnn · 1 year
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slut for them
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