#Twd Rick grimes
lilgoblinbitch · 6 months
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when rick fucks you, he doesn’t stop till you’re shaking. his goal is to have you a moaning, shaking mess underneath him. all wrapped around his finger — and his cock.
“rick, please! gonna cum!” you squeak out, your second or third climax building up quickly.
“i know, baby. thas what i’m goin for.”
and he’s plunging into you like he’s on a mission, his cock searching for all the buttons he can push inside your cunt that will bring you closer and closer to your destination. he always does it so well, effortlessly.
his lips pressing against your own, tongue punching yours while one hand is gripping the back of your thigh that’s pushed upward against your body and another hand pressing on your tummy, his cock deep in your pussy. you could feel the outline of his length deep inside you. holy fuck, this man was an expert at what he did. and you’d always thank him for his service by gushing all over his cock while he’s still inside you.
rick peppers kisses along your jawline while keeping you in that position, fucking you into the night and preparing for the next morning, where you’d end up giving him the best head of his life.
the two of you were a power couple when it came to pleasuring each other.
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happy74827 · 6 months
The Lesson of Reality
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[Rick Grimes and Child!Reader]
Synopsis: You accidentally get a lot more “experience” than what Rick had planned.
WC: 3080
Category: Slight Angst, S6!Rick (no TOWL spoilers) {TW — Gore, Violence, Walkers, Blood, Death}
There’s so many fics about Daryl being a father figure that it’s about time that Rick had his Joel Miller moment (especially now that all the episodes of The Ones Who Live have aired). So have fun with this cute Protective!Rick moment.
They say when times are tough, people can rise to the occasion and show their true colors. For some, it's an opportunity to prove they can survive the hardships and come out the other side stronger, wiser, and more experienced. Then there is the scum of the earth. They will take any opportunity to steal, kill, and hurt others while they try and make it out unscathed.
For Rick, he wanted you to be part of the former. He always saw your potential to become a fighter—a survivor. Hell, you made it this long by yourself, after all. You had to learn and adapt to the world.
And given your age, it was a hard thing to accomplish.
Your innocence didn't help, either. On one hand, he wanted to keep you as innocent and childlike as possible for as long as he could. The world was already a shit-show. The least you could do was still have the mentality of the child you were supposed to be. Being only ten years old, it was the right thing to do.
But then he remembers what the world was like now. If he let you live with that naivety, it'd get you killed. And it didn’t matter how intelligent you were because even if it saved your ass a few times, it won’t forever.
The fact of the matter is you were going to be hurt no matter what. And you had to be prepared for it.
He had already shown his own son, Carl, the harshness of the new world. He didn't want to do it, but the world left him no choice. And he couldn't deny the boy the means to defend himself and his family.
And even if you weren’t his kid, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do the same for you.
He just needed the right time to teach you… to remind you that Alexandria isn’t the safest place on the planet.
The perfect time came when the Wolves attacked the group, and the gates were broken down.
After all the tragedy and loss, and Alexandria started to rebuild and strengthen their walls once again, Rick decided then was the time to toughen you up.
And thus, there you were, sitting on a tree stump as Rick stood in front of you, knife in hand, and Daryl beside him.
Eugene was also there, but he was standing to the side, watching with mild curiosity.
“You sure ‘bout this?” Daryl asked, looking from you to Rick, brows furrowed in concern. “It’s good takin' 'em outside the walls, but now? After everything that just happened, I mean? The people need yah right now, man. And the last thing we need is for the lil' squirt here to get hurt, too. Yer already lookin' rough as it is."
"I'll be fine, Daryl," Rick replied, his eyes not leaving yours. “Besides, I won’t be gone long. It’s just a quick look around. In and out, and then I'll be back. Two days, tops.”
Everyone around you seemed to be on edge, with the attack on the walls still fresh in their minds. But you?
Well, you were too busy staring at the shiny, shiny knife. Excitement shone in your eyes as your fingers twitched.
Truth be told, ever since Daryl and Aaron found you alone, wandering the woods and eating raw squirrel, and brought you to Alexandria, you felt as if something was missing.
You had never been the most social kid. You had the bare minimum amount of friends at school. None of them stuck around after you were pulled out of school. You had no close relatives that wanted you around. No father figure and the only motherly presence in your life was gone before you understood the new reality.
And while there were other kids in Alexandria, the older ones were already too busy trying to act like adults, and the younger ones were too immature. Sam, the kid that had once been closest to your age, was just a crybaby who didn’t know any better. He was scared of the dark and the idea of a walker. He never went outside the walls, so it was no wonder.
It was like living in a house full of strangers. They were all kind to you, but there was something missing.
But the Grimes family? Well, you couldn't help but feel more comfortable around them. Carl didn’t seem to like you, at least not at first, but ever since the “Wolves” attack and sudden loss of his eye, he was becoming nicer.
And then there was Rick. He was always kind, but after the incident, he became even kinder. More attentive and caring. Always checking on you, making sure you were safe and comfortable. Something about that night must've really changed him because he's been different since then.
And you liked it. You felt more comfortable around him. You didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was because he had saved you from a walker, or perhaps it was the way he talked to you, but you enjoyed his company.
You also loved destroying him in Gin Rummy. With the mix of his shocked expression and Michonne’s laughter, it was priceless.
Rick looked back at Daryl, who was still giving him a doubtful expression. But it wasn’t a no. So, Rick took it as a sign of agreement.
Daryl huffed and put a hand on his hip, shifting his weight to his right side. "Alright, alright. But if somethin' goes wrong, I won’t hesitate to tell ya I told ya so, yah hear me?”
Rick snorted. "Wouldn’t expect any less from you."
Daryl rolled his eyes and shook his head, a smirk on his lips. He gave you one more glance, and then he turned and left.
With that out of the way, Rick focused on the task at hand. That’s when Eugene made his presence known. He was the man with the map, so to speak.
He came over and laid the map of the area on the ground in front of you.
"I've marked the areas of the woods I believe would be best suited for your scavenging mission. However, should your route take a turn, there are several alternate routes to get back. There are also a few marked areas with potential food sources, water, and the possibility of tools or other survival necessities.
"Thank you, Eugene. I appreciate this," Rick said, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. Eugene smiled and nodded.
"You're welcome, sir. Now, if you'll excuse me, Rosita and I have an appointment at the gate to inspect and repair the damaged panels.” Eugene stood up and straightened his clothes, and then he was gone, heading back to the gate.
"Ready?" Rick asked. You looked up at him, smiling, and gave a nod. Soon, you were off into the rusty car that Daryl had brought from outside the walls.
You sat in the back seat, along with the bags semi-full of supplies and some extra weapons. Most of them belonged to Rick, however, so all you had was your old baseball cap.
And, of course, the old switchblade that Daryl gave you a while back.
For most of the scavenge trip, it was peaceful. The occasional walker showed up here and there, but for the most part, they were few and far between.
You found a lot of supplies. Food, medicine, clothes, and anything else you could think of. Rick also made sure to teach you how to pick locks, avoid traps, and a bunch of other skills.
But, of course, as things go, something has to go wrong.
A group of walkers, about twenty or so, showed up. It was no big deal. It was a lot, but nothing you couldn't handle.
You and Rick quickly got to work, taking them out one by one. You had gotten good with your knife, and with some pointers from Rick, you were practically a pro.
And then there was Rick, swinging his machete, stabbing and slashing his way through the herd. His face was a mix of focus and calm. It was impressive.
But the problem wasn’t the walkers. You were both doing fine. The problem was the aftermath. When the last walker fell to your feet, a gun rose and pointed at Rick's head.
And the guy holding the gun? Well, he looked like a psychopath. He had a smile that sent shivers down your spine, and it didn't help that the sun was starting to set.
"Hey there. Nice work taking out those rotters. But I'm going to have to ask you to hand over the bags and all the weapons you have. Oh, and I love that baseball cap. That'll be mine, too."
Well, Rick wanted you to toughen up. It seemed the universe had the same idea.
Somehow, you ended up behind Rick, shielded from the man and his gun. Your heart was pounding in your ears as the adrenaline kicked in. You didn't know what to do.
Rick didn't, either. Not when a group of armed men stepped out of the trees and aimed their guns at him. He didn't even have the time to reach for his machete.
Rick raised his hands, but his body was tense.
"Don't," was the only thing he said. His voice was stern, a growl hidden underneath. The man grinned and laughed.
"Oh, I'm gonna have fun with you," the man sneered.
Suddenly, all of them charged forward, grabbing the two of you. Your cap was taken, and Rick's machete was tossed away.
Despite the stronghold, Rick was able to kick and punch his way through his attackers. Even with the gun being pointed at him and the man pulling the trigger, he still managed to dodge the bullet and throw a few more punches.
The man growled, but the smile didn't leave his face.
"Feisty, aren't you? I love a challenge."
With a flick of his wrist, he knocked the butt of the gun against Rick's temple, sending him to the ground.
"Rick!" You yelled but were cut off when someone grabbed you by the hair and pulled, eliciting a scream from you.
"What a cutie," the man purred, grabbing you by the chin. You tried to pull away, but he held tight.
"How old are you, huh? Six? Seven? Eh, it doesn't matter. All kids are the same. Little shits who don't know their place."
You took that as a sign. You spat in his face. He didn't even flinch. In fact, the smile only widened. It pissed you off so much that you did the one thing that would definitely take a smile off his face.
You saw it done once, with a foot. A woman back in Alexandria seemed upset with a man, and she took her boot and kicked him right where you aimed your switchblade.
You weren't sure if it was a good idea, but it was the only thing you could think of.
So you did. And let me tell you, that was one of the few times you had ever heard someone scream so loud. He dropped you in an instant, unfortunately taking the knife with him.
“Son of a-!! You little-!!” Pain and anger laced the man's words as he clutched himself. You scrambled back, watching with wide eyes as he slowly recovered.
He didn’t dare try to crawl over to you, though. He didn’t trust his body to move.
Instead, he turned his attention to his side, where his small pistol had been tossed. He reached over and picked it up, pointing the barrel in your direction.
“I was gonna be nice… maybe have a little fun, but now?” He let out a painful chuckle. The smile was still there, but it was laced with anger. He groaned in pain, and his body shook.
Still, his hands remained steady.
"You little shit. I outta blow your head off. Let the rotters tear you apart, limb from limb. Would serve you right.”
Rick's heart stopped at that. The gun was aimed at you, and he was too far away. Even if he charged, he wouldn't make it in time.
There was no other option.
Just as the man squinted his eyes, about to pull the trigger, the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. It made the man jump and look around, right in time to see one of his men fall to the ground.
"What the-?"
You turned and saw Rick tussling with another man, the one holding a gun, who was fighting for control.
The man who had his gun pointed at you took the opportunity to shoot it again, but you were prepared enough to duck out of the way.
The bullet went into a tree, and by the time the next one fired, he was the last one standing.
And boy, was he pissed. The bullet once again missed his target, but only barely.
That was enough, though. Just enough to get Rick to kick the gun out of his hands before pressing his boot right where your pocket knife was still sticking out.
Rick had the advantage, and it was obvious, with the screams of agony coming from the man. He was on his knees, clutching his crotch, and Rick had a firm hand on the back of his head, ready to bash his skull into the ground if need be.
But he didn't. He had other plans.
He pulled out your knife, only to stick it right back into place and then some.
"Ah! You crazy bas-!! Fuck!!"
"You’re going to listen to me. Real good, you’ hear?” Rick’s voice was dark, and the man nodded frantically.
"Grab his gun and come over here."
You did as you were told, picking up the pistol and slowly walking over. The man whimpered, tears staining his cheeks as blood seeped through his pants.
"You're gonna stand there and keep your gun pointed at his head while I tie his hands together. If he even twitches, shoot him."
You gulped but nodded. You kept your arms out, hands as steady as you could make them.
“You sick, twisted, fuckin' asshole. I'll fucking kill you!" The man snarled, his teeth gritting and his face contorted in pain.
"That's cute," Rick said. He was quick to tie the man's wrists together. Rick was just as quick to grab him and force him on his feet before kicking the back of his knees and sending him sprawling on the ground.
"Stay," Rick commanded him like a dog, and you couldn't help but smile a little at the man's pained, angry expression.
Rick quickly gathered the supplies and the bag, and then he was over to you, giving you a once-over.
"You hurt? Bleeding? Anything broken?"
"N-No, I'm okay," you replied, voice wavering a bit.
"Good," he breathed out, and you noticed he was shaking a bit, too. Not enough to notice at first glance, but enough to know that he was trying his hardest not to.
He took the gun from your hands gingerly, and then he was kneeling before the man.
"Who are you?"
The man was silent. Rick didn't wait long before aiming the gun at the man's right thigh.
"Let me rephrase that. Who are you? What's your name?"
"Fuck y—”
Rick shot the man in the thigh without any hesitation. The scream of pain made you jump.
"Try again. Who are you?"
"Aah!! Fuck!! I-I'm Dave, okay? My name's Dave!"
"Okay, Dave. Good. Now, why did you attack us? And don't think I'm above shooting you again, or worse, so be honest. I can tell when someone's lying to me."
"We were just passing through! Saw you and thought, 'Hey, easy pickings!' Didn't expect you to be the goddamn terminator!"
"Passing through to where?"
Silence. Rick sighed and shook his head, but before he could fire another shot, Dave finally caved.
"Back to c-camp. Please, we have family. Wives, children… We meant nothin' by it! We swear! We just-! We were hungry. We were starving! Please, have mercy!"
"Children? Like the one you just threatened to shoot in the head?" Rick growled. Dave flinched.
"N-no, I-"
“Where are they? Down that stream? I saw your tracks earlier. That was you, wasn’t it?"
Dave's silence spoke volumes. Rick looked back at you, and you were staring at the man, wide-eyed and fearful, not of him specifically, but of what Rick could do to him.
Rick took a deep breath and then turned back to Dave.
"How many are there?"
"T-Ten. Maybe eleven."
"Are they armed?"
"J-Just with knives and stuff."
"You got anything else? Any other guns or ammo?"
"N-No. Please, just let us go! We won't bother you again! Just don't hurt me."
Rick looked back at you again. Your eyes were still locked on the man, but you could feel his gaze. You looked up at him.
"With that stunt, you just pulled,” Rick stood up, his eyes still aligned with yours, but he wasn’t speaking to you. He was addressing Dave.
"I can’t take that chance.”
Then the bullet fired, and soon it was just you and Rick with a bunch of corpses.
He quickly holstered the gun and rushed to bags left on the ground.
"What about his family?” Your voice was shaken. You had never seen someone shot like that, point blank.
Rick sighed, pausing in his movements.
"They don’t exist.” Rick stood and turned, looking you in the eye. “I know people like him. If he had a family, they're already dead, or he killed them himself.”
You didn’t break eye contact, “and if you’re wrong? What then?"
Rick didn’t even blink. "Then I saved them a lot of suffering."
Rick didn't like doing this, killing people, taking life. He hated it, really.
But he would be damned if anyone ever laid a hand on his family or his people. Even if it meant getting a little bloody.
You had to turn away from him, from the intensity of his stare.
Rick sighed and walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"You did good back there. Really good. The world it’s… It ain't kind to people. And even though I hope it never happens, you have to be prepared for anything. For anyone."
Rick squeezed your shoulder, and his voice was gentle.
"And, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you."
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ssvnriseya · 12 days
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summary - you and rick had a forbidden affair that you knew was bad for the both of you, but you loved him and you can't help it.
warning - MDNI 18+ heavy angst, smut, unprotected p in v (wrap it buddy!), cumming inside, rick is a bit of an asshole and a jerk but we love him for it, lowercase intended, mentions of shane, mentions of lori and shane cheating on our poor baby, I think that's it. (lmk if i missed anything.)
notes - i love rick, period, previously the other woman but i changed it to love affair.
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you glanced at rick as he assisted lori and carl out of the car and onto the little camp you and the group has decided to settle in for the night.
it had been months since the farm fell when it was hit by a herd, months since you and the others have been on the road and were consistently on the run.
it has been months since something happened between you and rick, five months to be exact. you didn't know what happened or how it happened.
you only knew that you and rick needed comfort and stress relief since that night when you and rick were on the top floor of a house your group stayed in for a week.
you and rick were guarding the house from the top of the balcony, well rick was, you were just accompanying him because sometimes you know it gets too lonely.
you were talking his ear off and trying to converse with the man you've liked since the first time you met.
he was older, you were fine with that, it wasn't much of a big problem. it wasn't the thing to stop you from your feelings over him.
he has a wife. that was the thing that would stop you, you've tried to stop liking him but you could not, he was a great leader and he was a great father.
carl is rick and lori's son, he was a teenage boy that was a very sweet guy, he was the reason you met rick. otis has accidentally shot the boy and that brought rick to ask your uncle for help.
you looked away from the family as you bit your lip, staring at the fire embers instead as if it would make the aching pain in your chest go away.
fuck, you can see from the corner of your eyes how lori and rick lovingly held their son as they told him stories and cuddled with him.
"is that how you met mom?"
you could hear carl ask innocently as he looked up into his fathers blue eyes, you tilted your head a bit to the side to look at them and now you wish you didn't.
rick was smiling as he made heart eyes to his wife, the woman also had a smiling face as rick slowly nodded and looked back down at his son.
"yeah, bud. that's how i met your mom." rick nodded as he played with the boy's hair. was it really a good memory that it had them laugh amidst the chaos around the world?
you've never made him laugh, were you not really just funny? you also wanted to make rick laugh, you wanted to be the reason why he was laughing.
he rarely ever smiles when he's with you, whenever your bodies are onto each other or after that. he rarely smiled or laughed.
it was truly a rare moment to see him smile with you, and you would give up everything you had just to see him smile again, because of you.
you're crazy and down bad but whatever, you loved him. what can you do? it's not like you can control who your heart likes or loves.
"share it with us." beth smiled at the couple as she laid her head on your uncle hershel's lap, the old man was stroking the girl's blonde hair as he also looked at the couple.
everyone was looking at the family by now, also wanting to hear a love story once again for the first time since shit hit the fan.
you can feel butterflies form inside your stomach when rick's gaze landed on you, you smiled a bit as you looked away again.
he always had this stupid effect on you. you hate and love it at the same time, you hated it because it shows how weak you are for him, you love it because you love him and only he could make you feel this way.
you can hear the silence of the night as everybody waited for the story or rick and lori, how they met and how their love happened.
you didn't wanna hear it, you can't hear it. it would burn you and hurt you but you can't do anything, others would get suspicious.
maggie was a smart woman, she would instantly figure out what was going on and you didn't want anyone to know what's up with you and rick.
you only pressed your lips into a thin line as you mirrored daryl's usual position, you dazed into the fire as you waited for rick to start the story.
"well, there's this college party my brother and i attended." rick started and you didn't dare look at him while he told the group how he met his wife.
"and?" carl asked impatiently and everyone laughed at the little boy, even you let out a little smile as you quickly wiped it.
"i saw your mom with her friends and we fell in love." rick stated simply as he finished the story in two simple sentences.
"that's it?" beth and carl grumbled as they wanted more, treating it like a bed time story as beth finds it hard to sleep on the cold grass.
"well, lori... she liked to make pancakes on sundays..." rick stated in a teasing voice as lori slapped his arm, also smiling at the memory.
"they weren't great." she instantly informed everyone as she waved at the air like she was trying to clear off the fact that rick tried to make her look like a good cook.
you frowned a little, you were a better cook. you don't burn your pancakes and surely you could do them a little better than lori.
you shook your head and thought about the times the older woman has been kind and generous to you. you can't say things about her just because you love her husband.
you were attracted to her husband yet she was the one who stood like your mother when you and the group were still in atlanta.
"rick doesn't bring lunch to work, he buys them." she chuckled as everyone laughed along with her. you let out a small scoff.
how could rick like her if she doesn't even know how to cook? how could she be a wife without learning how to cook in the first place.
but yet again your cooking skills would be no use if the guy you liked already has a wife and loves her despite her bad cooking skills.
you were glad hershel and beth were between you and the family. you can't stand being that close to rick. you would probably just have broken down.
he wasn't okay with her just a month ago, that's why you were both grinding against each other while everyone was asleep in the next building.
he definitely wasn't okay with her two months back, hence why he claimed that he needed you and only you could make him feel better.
three months back was the worse, lori and rick weren't even in speaking terms despite the woman trying to converse with her husband.
they weren't okay four months ago because lori cheated on rick with shane, thinking that her husband's dead, they weren't okay because she hooked up with rick's best friend.
they started drifting apart five months back when the farm was hit by a herd and shane died, rick wasn't even able to look at her in the eyes.
so when did everything go wrong? they weren't on good terms one month ago and now they're just laughing like a family like everything is back to normal?
maybe everything is back to normal. maybe rick has forgotten the fact that lori had cheated on him or maybe he just forgave her.
maybe it's just because his feelings for her came back and they were willing to try again for carl? maybe they were willing to try again as a whole family?
you took a quick glance at lori's stomach and your heart felt like it was being stabbed multiple times at the same time with different knives.
she was six months along, she was pregnant. none of you knew if it was rick's or shane's but the former was willing to stand up as a father for the baby whether it was his or not.
and that made you sick. he dropped you at the sidewalk to start a family again with the first woman he loved. he dumped you because he wants the four of them as a family.
did you actually mean so little to him? were you just really a bed warmer or a body he could use whenever he was feeling horny or stressed?
but you didn't care, you loved him, right? you don't care if he was using you or not. you would do anything for him because you loved him.
loving him comes along with things, and you were willing to pay for it. you can endure the pain and suffering, as long as you can love him.
you would rather it be that no one loves you than no one loves him. he was your everything and he's great, he deserves all the love in the world.
if letting him go means him being happy, you would let him go a million times. you loved seeing a smile on his face, you loved hearing the sound of his laughter.
your smile at maggie held so much meaning when she offered you a beef jerky that was being passed along the group as rick and lori went on sharing stories.
you passed the beef jerky to your uncle hershel and beth and you accidentally made eye contact with rick. only this time neither of you looked away from each other.
you smiled bitterly as if telling him that you understood, telling him that it was fine, that you were fine. but you weren't and the both of you knew that.
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"rick..." you moaned his name as you both kept the pace you had, desperate to get some release. your hands were entangled in his curls as he was kissing your neck.
he was thrusting his hips into you so bad that the bed almost broke, you almost felt bad for the bed if you both weren't so starved for each other.
"please..." you begged as you met his hips, you were nearing and he was too. "ric—" you moaned loudly and rick had to cover your mouth with his hand to keep you quiet.
you would scream his name out loud like it was the only word you knew, but you knew you can't. the group was sleeping on the third floor of the building.
it was too quiet except for the occasional grunts and moans of the passing walkers. it meant that your moans would echo and reach those who were sleeping.
"i-i missed you..." you moaned.
you both were on the ground floor but you knew you would never lose a thing by making sure you were quiet. rick could keep his moans at bay while you? you can't.
it was too much of a pleasure for you and you wanted rick to finish inside you, to have him cumming the same time you are. you wanted to feel close to him more than ever.
"i-i'm coming..." your moaning was muffled by his big hand that almost took over the whole part of your face. you closed your eyes as you tightened up around him and came.
rick groaned in relief as he stopped thrusting and muttered praises as he felt your warm walls tighten up more around him.
"fuck... lori—" he came inside you as you stopped yourself from moving, you were frozen as you gripped his shoulders, pushing him away from you.
"what the fuck?" you stood up once he was off you, he also looked shocked when the word slipped out of his lips. the same lips you loved to kiss.
you searched for your clothes as tears threatened to spill out of your eyes, you found your undies and jeans as you reached for your bra and shirt along with your sweatshirt.
you didn't even dare to turn around and face his stupidly handsome face, you were too scared to do so. he was stuttering as he tried to come up with an explanation.
"what?!" you finally faced him as you started slipping on your undies, followed by your jeans. "you can't fuck her so you fucked me?!" you screamed, you didn't care if anyone heard you at the moment.
"what? is it because she's pregnant or she fucking only wants your best friend fucking her?" you hissed in pure anger.
"it's not—" he started as he tried to grab your arm, you backed away as you put in your shirt followed by your sweatshirt after putting in your bra.
"i'm not—" you sobbed as you stopped yourself from completing your sentence, "i'm not a fucking whore you can k-keep around to fuck when you feel... feel horny!"
"it's not fair how you just fuck me because you want to... or when you want to fuck your wife but forget you can't so you fuck me..." you sniffled as you crouched down.
"i-i love you that's why i always have sex with you." you confessed to him as you hid your face in the palm of your hands.
"it hurts me how you were laughing with her last week when you weren't fine a week ago..." you shook your head, disappointed at yourself.
"i said no strings attached..." rick looked down at you as he also started clothing himself if anyone ever came down due to your screams.
"i know... but i got attached. maybe too much more than before." your voice cracked as you looked up at him, wiping your tears.
"we're—" he started as he ran his right hand over his face and hair, "we're casual." he finished and you nodded several times.
"i-i know rick. i know." you nodded as you slowly stood up as you looked up at him, slowly walking towards him as you wiped your tears away.
"c-can't you try loving me?" you asked once you were standing face-to-face in front of him, voice cracking as he looked anywhere but you.
"i'm sorry." he looked down at the ground as he put a hand in his hips, shaking his head as you reached for his hands. he was breaking your heart and he knew it just by the sobs and whimpers that escapes you.
"please?" you begged as you lifted his head to look at you, pulling your hand away from his hand as you supported the sides of his cheeks.
"i-i can't." he shook his head and he also had tears in his eyes by now, also waiting to spill out any moment. he was shocked how he could hold back his tears.
you were desperate, sad, and angry. maybe this didn't hurt him too much and he really had no feelings for you that's why he can't even spare a tear for you.
"in another life?" you asked as you gave up, your shoulders slumping as you smiled at the older man, caressing his stubble.
"in another life." he nodded finally breaking as he saw your pained smile and at how you were so accepting and understanding.
"i love you, rick." you whispered out as you searched his eyes for any signs that he wanted you too, not the way of you being beneath him but wanting to be with you.
you waited for a second but all you got was silence and his silent sobs. you nodded and smiled again, wiping his tears as he looked down.
"it's okay... i understand..." you assured him as you brought the taller man into a hug, he buried his face into the crook of your neck as you rubbed his back.
maybe you weren't meant to be in this universe. maybe the universe had other plans for the both of you. maybe in the next life... he could finally learn to love you.
he might not love you in this life or universe, the next life and the next one after that but you knew one thing.
you might be the other woman in this universe, in this life. but maybe in another life you could be the one he chose, the one he loved.
you would always be waiting for him.
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daddydixonscrossbow · 1 month
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*you walk up to Rick, shoving him back*
Rick - “The fuck was that for?” *he turns to look at you*
Y/N - “You’re losing it, Rick. You need to stop before someone else’s gets killed”
Rick - I’m losing it? *he shakes his head* you have no idea.
Y/N - *staring at Rick* you have two kids who need you. You can’t just go berserk like this.
Rick - *he laughs* You keep it up..” *he lowers his voice* “..and I’ll have three to worry about.” *he walks away*
My first ever Rick post :) thanks for reading!
Here’s a kiss for likin’ and rebloggin’💋
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kookiekult · 3 months
Sometimes I like to pretend that these pics of Andy are actually rick grimes and it just makes me really happy inside.
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The hat
Summary: reader goes missing and only leaves one sign of life: the sheriff’s hat Carl had given to her.
Tw: angst, gore, walkers (both characters are 18!!)
Rick grimes’ sheriff’s hat had been passed down many times. And Carl took it upon himself to give it to you, as a sign of protection of some kind. Carl when he was little always stated that when his dad would wear the hat then he would be protected from all the violence in the world, and in some ways he was correct… but all of that hope and belief turned into some sort of horror as soon as Carl stumbled upon the sheriff’s hat left discarded on the floor.
“Y/n!!” Carl yelled as he ran around desperately searching for you, running upstairs of the home and downstairs, the gated community of Alexandria was safe.. always.. but you’d never leave without telling him. The hat was held in his hand before he eventually put it down on top of his head as he sprinted back downstairs palm skimming lightly against the banister before he stumbled outside seeing Rick talking to michonne. “Dad!!” Carl practically screamed, making the former sheriff’s head snap in his direction seeing the sheer fright on his sons face “woah… what’s wrong?” His hand came to rest against carls shoulder to try and calm him down “y/n’s missing!”
“Missing?” Rick spoke confused, Carl nodding breathing heavily “I found the hat discarded… I looked all around but I can’t find her. I asked Eugene and Rosita but they said they didn’t see her go out.” Rick’s face twisted with concern, his hand coming up to rub against his forehead, pinching against the bridge of his nose “she doesn’t just leave she would’ve told me!” Carl spoke with wide worried eyes, Rick nodding, hand quickly tentatively grabbing onto the boys shoulder “I know. I know… it’s unlike her. I’ll get a few people to go out and look for her. She couldn’t of gone far.” And as Carl’s lips parted Rick only shook his head already knowing what he was going to say. “No. You stay here… I know how much you love that girl. I don’t want you getting hurt by jumping into action..” he spoke simply, Carl disliked that, but knew damn well his dad was right. And so he would just have to sit and wait around for good news.
Hours had passed by and although multiple search groups had been sent out, they had returned empty handed and now it was dark. The sheriffs hat was still planted firmly upon Carl’s head. He couldn’t sit still. He couldn’t calm down either. You and Carl were best friends, you had been best friends for a long long time even before the apocalypse and now with you missing he was beyond terrified for you.
Carl had dinner with his dad and michonne, not being able to eat much- too nervous. “Do you think she’s dead?” He questioned, Rick giving him an almost warning look to not give up before silently shaking his head. No one else spoke a word, as often times if you speak of something you fear then it will happen. Even as dinner was finished and everyone went to bed, Carl remained wide awake, now sat upon his bed packing a bag. He wasn’t going to give up. He was going to find you. As he zipped up his bag he threw it over his shoulder, opening the bedroom window and carefully climbing out, carefully so, until he felt his feet hit the floor before he immediately but quickly fled towards the gates that were left unattended, he silently slipped out of the gate shutting it behind himself before he began the long hike to try and find you.
Carl walked for ages and now it was pitch black, he continued searching around for you, but it was practically impossible to find you. He was growing worried and more sure about the fact that you had been killed until he heard an abrupt scream- his head snapping in the direction of the sound before he began sprinting wasting no time to come to this persons rescue hoping it was you. He saw and heard walkers all around but he didn’t stop, until he blindly slammed into something or rather someone. He feared it was a Walker but as he pulled back and saw your familiar face, dirty and mucky his eyes widened “y/n!” He exclaimed his eyes remaining wide, watching as your eyes teared up “Jesus Christ where were you?!” His hands came to caress against your face the groaning of incoming walkers getting closer and closer but Carl was in too much shock.
“I wanted to impress Daryl. By hunting a deer… he has been teaching me all these techniques and tricks to follow the markings on the ground but.. I— I guess I’m not ready.” Carls brows furrowed, but he knew how you always critiqued yourself way too often and constantly wanted to impress “fuck y/n.” He murmured shaking his head before he stood up grabbing onto your hands and pulling you up, instantly noticing the limp you had but he didn’t question it, instead wrapping your arm around his shoulder as he began helping lead you away from the herd of walkers. Your breathing was heavy as you gripped onto him “I- I just wanted to try and be an adult.” You spoke to him quietly “well you’re not. And if you keep pulling dangerous shit like this you’ll get yourself killed!” His words were harsher than they intended to be, and he immediately felt guilty for the way he spoke to you, murmuring an apology to you as he helped guide you somewhere safe.
Eventually the two of you found an old abandoned house, in the middle of no where. He helped you sit down before he sat down keeping his eyes on you worried and upset before he shook his head “you could’ve been killed.” He murmured and you nodded slightly embarrassed before looking down. He exhaled softly before he pulled the hat from his head and slowly popped it back onto your head leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek “next time you do that… wear your hat.” He spoke with a small smile, hand caressing against your cheek.
“Okay… deal..” you said with a small smile, you knew Rick and michonne were going to kill you and murder Carl for being this stupid. “You missed by the way.” You spoke with a playful grin and Carl raised his brows before you puckered your lips making Carl laugh “god you’re unbelievable sometimes.” He muttered before nonetheless leaning in and kissing you on the lips gently. “My dads gonna kill me.” He murmured against your lips and you smiled “oh no.” You spoke sarcastically a playful offended look appearing on carls face before he rolled his eyes “unbelievable.” He chuckled shaking his head.
(Part two on reuniting Rick and michonne+ their reaction?? Maybe? Lmk!!)
This took me forever to get out. Im sorry!!!
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thecitybee · 5 months
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So bless my heart, and bless yours too. I don't know where I'm gonna go, don't know what I'm gonna do.
Commission for my lovely friend @givesupp! I hope you love them!
✨ 🐝 Commissions | Instagram | Buy Prints 🐝 ✨
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itsgrimeytime · 4 months
he's such a pretty liar || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz @deadgirlrin
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Dialogue Prompts: 8 + 2
Inspiration: my boy by Billie Eilish
Summary: You and Rick had gotten along at some point, at the farm and prison. You were friends even. Until the Governor killed Hershel, which you believed to be perfectly preventable. Because of his inaction then, you'd gotten a bitter taste in your mouth at the thought of him and eventually, he started to reciprocate the behavior. But as time passes, and you experience more and more with him, is it really hate that you feel?
TWs: enemies to lovers (like fr though), yelling, mentions of death (Shane, Lori, Beth, and Hershel), mention of the Claimers scene, cursing, anger, nosebleed, bruising, love confessions, injuries, blood, and all things TWD.
[[A/N: This is based on Carl being mad at Rick after the prison. Rick do be stressed out, and he do be saying some terrible stuff, but like so are you. This gif is so 🫣💞🤭💞🤪. Anyway, enjoy :))) ]]
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You weren't a bad person, and in that regard, you wouldn't say Rick was either. Honestly, you respected him as a leader -you just didn't agree with all his choices. That's where it all started, after all, isn't it?
You'd seen what a wrong choice could do, you'd watched Hershel die right in front of your eyes. You'd seen it all.
And, sure, maybe you were grieving a little but you still largely disagreed with Rick's actions on the matter. It was preventable.
It started there, and only really got worse. It was like once you identified one flaw, suddenly you were second-guessing his every move. The two of you couldn't be in a room without arguing, couldn't be put on shifts together, nothing. Daryl, for one, wouldn't let you be alone together at all. And if it wasn't him, it was someone else.
"Rick, seriously," you spoke once, almost sternly, "-that can't be your decision."
"Why?" he responded -pointed and short, "-Ya got a better idea? Go right fuckin' ahead."
You knew that since the prison, Rick had been strung thin. You knew that he had been harder on himself than you could ever be about Hershel. But, you still were angry. Sometimes, sometimes it felt like maybe he was just a target for everything that you'd been through. And you were trying to change your behavior, change your ways.
You'd known him for so long, and you were going to be stuck with him. The group, even though the two of you weren't on the best terms, was like family to you.
And then, it started getting personal.
This argument stemmed from something small, trivial, you can't even remember it now. Maybe a decision on a run? You can't-
"Ya act like ya ain't made mistakes of your own," he added, "-all high and damn mighty-"
"When did I say that?" You interrupted, more cold than anything, "-You're putting words in my mouth, Grimes."
"-Because I seem to remember ya tellin' me about your family," he continued, not even pausing to listen to you.
You stilled in place.
"Rick," you warned (voice slightly shaking), "-don't... don't go there."
Your family. At the beginning of all this, you'd froze -scared. Watched one of them get bitten, and then everyone just followed after -not willing to grieve. You regretted not being quicker, not being more aware, but you weren't used to it. You weren't-
"Ya fucked up," Rick continued, as if he wasn't bringing up what he was, "-We all do, why do you-"
"No, no," you shook your head, voice shaking, "-Rick, that is not fair. You can't bring up my family-"
You had hated yourself for that, hated yourself. Still did. You would never forgive yourself for not saving them, even though you really didn't have an idea how to then, you should have-
God, he was bringing this up? Really?
"-over a goddamn run strategy."
"Well, you pick apart every damn thing I do," he retorted, "-'Thought I'd do the same for once."
"Oh, fuck you, Rick," you seethed, tears burning the backs of your eyes, "-you want me to poke at your wounds? Talk about who you could've saved?"
He pursed his lips, and you saw something flash through his eyes (they were trailing the now shake of your hands) that looked a little like regret. Like maybe he was understanding what he said. You felt like your skin was on fire.
"Do you want me to start from the beginning?" You tsked, a fire burning in your chest, "-Shane? Or maybe Lori? Beth? Hershel-"
"Stop," he stated, quieter than before.
"-Why, Rick?" you hissed, and you felt the tears now, "-Is this not what we're talking about? Oh, do you not want me to bring that up? Over a run?"
"I get it," he spoke, softer, and something in you sharpened, "-I get it, Y/N."
"Do you?" you responded, frustrated and just... angry, "-Do you, Rick?"
"I shouldn't 'ave-"
"Can it," you interrupted -short, "-Let's just get the fucking supplies and go."
Rick frowned, blue eyes far more emotive (all you could see was regret and pity), "Y/N, I didn't-"
"You didn't what?" You countered, and your voice was cracking, "-You didn't mean to bring up the fact that I watched my family die, right in front of me? Do you think that I don't hate myself every day for not doing anything then?"
Rick didn't say a word.
"-Hate to break it to you, sheriff, but I fucking do."
"Y/N..." he trailed off, blue eyes much calmer, the rage from before dissipating out of his voice.
"No, just-" you cleared your throat, wiping mindlessly at your frustratingly red eyes, "-Let's get this shit done and leave."
From then on, it had been much deeper.
You couldn't stand him, you hadn't been alone with him since. He made your skin crawl and your mind flare up in anger, and sometimes, just sometimes, it would shake your respect for him. Because you did have some, you probably wouldn't even be here, if you didn't.
The funny thing about it all was that you were close to Carl, very close to him. At the prison, after Lori's death, you'd nearly been inseparable. It was kind of like a parent relationship, but at the same time a little like a friend. It made you want to reconcile sometimes, but all you and Rick did was clash.
So much that you started to wonder what a normal conversation was like with him.
And then, you had the run-in with the Claimers.
God, what they'd threatened to do to Carl? You personally would've snapped their spine yourself if you had the chance. But what Rick had done? You couldn't imagine it yourself.
But you knew that he did what he had to. And some part of you wanted to tell him that, despite... despite all of your problems, you knew he needed it.
It was late that night when you decided to talk to him. It was just the two of you awake. You, on purpose, and you just knew Rick would be. Doing that was probably still rattling through his skull, he probably couldn't even close his eyes without-
Your steps were slow and careful, trying not to startle him -he just seemed to be staring. Endlessly staring, and just pacing. Despite it all, you felt something in your chest swirl with worry.
"Rick?" you spoke, gently. Even still, you saw his whole body tense up.
"Please," he muttered, voice low and gravelly -blue eyes heavy on you, "-I don't need your shit right now. I kno' 'at I did somethin' bad, really damn bad. But I just can't deal wit' ya-"
"No, Rick," you interrupted, "-that's not why I'm... That's not what I want to say."
"What do ya want to say, then?"
"You made the right decision," you responded, tone sturdy and unmoving, "-you... you did what you had to."
Rick stilled, something flickering through his face -a flutter of emotions.
"I know, we aren't on the best terms, but-" you rolled your lip around your teeth, "-you're not a monster, Rick."
The silence was loud then, as his blue eyes skimmed over you -carefully. Maybe like he was seeing a new you, or maybe an old one he'd forgotten about. One you'd forgotten about.
"Trust me, I know it feels like it," you added (mind flashing with what you'd done over the years), "-but you did what you had to. You saved your son, and that's all that matters."
He didn't say anything for a moment, trying to process your words. And if you really looked, you might've seen his eyes fogging up a little and the slight drop of tension in his shoulders. A little like he was waiting for someone to tell him that.
And then, he replied, "Thank ya."
You pursed your lips a moment, fidgeting with your hands. You weren't sure what else to say. This was all so new. With a succinct nod, you moved to spin on your heel and lay down for the night.
"Wait," he called, and you turned back to him -eyes inquisitive.
There was a beat.
"-'At day, on the run," he continued, slow and regretful, "-I'm... I'm sorry. I never should 'ave said somethin' like 'at. I never should 'ave brought it up at all. 'Wasn't right of me to."
"Thanks, Rick," you responded, brief but genuine, grateful. You could tell he understood.
Before you could fully turn around though, he added -softer, with something you couldn't quite name, "Goodnight, Y/N."
There was a pleasant hum in your mind at the way he said your name, but you shoved it away. You'd locked all of that far away, a long time ago.
"Night, Grimes," you chimed back, lighter in tone.
He smiled at you then, and something in you gleamed a little from it. Not that you would ever say it out loud.
There was something different after that, a sort of trust or respect. Or maybe something else, you didn't really know. It was there, though.
When you found Alexandria, things shifted a little. Mostly because it was your group against another one, you and Rick were profoundly on the same side. That being said, you still clashed. You weren't sure if it was just the authority of it all, or what? (It might've had a little to do with a blonde wife that he was spending some time with, but you'd never say that out loud.)
"You're seriously not going to let me lead the run?"
"I got Daryl on it," he responded, eyes solely sat on you.
"He's been on all the runs lately," you continued, trying to explain your case, "-Shouldn't this shit be evenly distributed? Have you even talked to Daryl about what he wants? Or are you just assigning us like it's some dictatorship-"
"'Course I damn talked to 'im," he snapped back, and you could see something tired in his eyes, "-everybody gets a say in what 'ey're doin', ya know 'at."
"Except for me," you contradicted, "-you keep giving me the same fucking chores, when I'm useful in other places-"
And he was, he kept you in Alexandria -washing clothes, making dinner, keeping an eye on the people. He made you some kind of mediator between Deanna's people and your own. But you were useful, you shouldn't be locked inside like you couldn't handle yourself. Because you could, and you had before.
"-You know, I scavenged for months before I met you, right? I was alone, and I figured it out."
"I know 'at," he confirmed, pinching the bridge of his nose. You could nearly see the stress radiating off him, but you couldn't stop, not then.
"So, so what-" you asked, "-you don't trust me? You don't think I can do it?"
Rick sighed, big and loud -fully facing you, "It ain't 'at, Y/N. I know ya can handle yourself, I've seen it."
"Then, what is the problem, Grimes? I don't get it-"
"Just take the goddamn next run," he groaned, something in his tone broken (and something a little like guilt curled up in your stomach), "-I'll tell Daryl he's switchin'."
You stopped in place, words faltering off your lips. Your will and the fire in your gut extinguished, you suddenly felt very out of place, and a little like the bad guy. You knew you weren't though, but he just looked so tired-
"Okay," you finally responded, a little dumbfounded, "-thanks."
He nodded in your direction and didn't say a word. You took it as a motion to move along, so you did.
Apparently, he might've had a good reason to worry.
It wasn't that first run, or even the second or third, it was the fourth after that conversation that you were stupid. Well, it really wasn't your fault. You thought someone had your back, and they didn't; so, one of the walkers had clawed pretty deep into your arm.
It was bleeding a lot (maybe too much) and probably needed stitches, but you didn't worry about it. Denise could handle it, and you, as a community, were pretty good on medical supplies at this point.
What you didn't expect, was after Denise patched you up for one Rick Grimes to be on your ass.
You were still sitting in her doctor's space (you had no idea what to call it) then, silently trailing your fingers over the bandaging. You could already see some of the blood through the white of it. It made you a little nervous, you won't lie.
And then, the door swung open.
At first, you nearly grabbed for the knife you hid on you -alarmed, assuming it was someone coming to hurt you. Instead, you were met with one Rick Grimes -his face was all scrunched up in that way he always got when he was frustrated.
If there was one thing you could recognize, it was that.
"Rick?" you questioned -carefully, a little shocked by him bursting into the room. Did you do something to him recently?
"'At's why ya can't go on fuckin' runs," he grumbled out -suddenly so angry, it made your head spin.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What?"
"You're always makin' damn bad decisions," he continued, and something in you bristled. Your defenses were up in an instant.
"What the fuck, Rick?" you countered, "-You don't even know what happened, how the hell do you know it's on me?"
"You're injured," he clarified, a little like he was talking to himself, "-ya made a stupid mistake-"
"How the hell do you know that?" you hissed, "-Do you just think everything that goes wrong has to be my fucking fault, Grimes?"
"-and you're damn hurt."
There was something there in his tone, something different. Your frustration twisted into a little bit of curiosity. What was that?
"I can’t leave ya alone for one second without ya hurting yourself, can I?" He started up again, and it was there again, angry but also... but also-
Your eyes swam over him, and you recognized it then, worry. He was worried about you, you felt something in you stall. It was so different from what you knew from him-
"I mean," you responded, a little awkwardly -unsure (since when did he care so much?), "-I’m fine so it’s okay-"
"No, it’s not okay," he suddenly shot his eyes to you, blue eyes heavy with worry (so much, it shot to your core), "-Not when I feel like I’m goin' to go batshit fuckin' crazy, thinkin' you’ve hurt yourself."
It was silent for a moment, as your mind processed the words. Skimming along his face, as he seemed to do the same -frustration dissipating along his features.
That... That was new.
"It's just some scratches," you spoke -a little lost, you weren't sure exactly what to say. He cared about you that much? Thought about you that much?
Rick's eyes darted to the bandages, which were just about as dark as before -which was just a little, the stitches seemed to stop it mostly. Something in him relaxed, you could tell in his shoulders -the drop of the tension. You couldn't believe that was because of you. When-
"Ya had to get stitches, yeah?" He spoke, suddenly and a bit awkwardly too (like he wasn't sure what to do).
"I did," you confirmed, just looking and something in you felt like you needed to tell him more, so you did, "-Uh, five in one, and three in the other."
He pursed his lips (like he was debating something), before shattering out a breath, "Can I see it?"
"It's already wrapped up," you responded, blankly -you were running a little on autopilot, "-She already-"
"Denise can rewrap it," he offered, stepping closer. Something in your stomach stirred.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "You want to waste medical supplies, just so you can see my wound?"
Rick's lips pressed into a thin line, something in him firing back up, "I'll replace the supplies my damn self, if I 'ave to, just let me see."
You couldn't really say anything, it felt like all the words had washed from your head. Like you couldn't speak if your life was on the line.
He faltered a second, sighing, and his eyes shifted to something softer (a little like pleading), "I... I need to see if ya are alright."
You felt like you were stone -frozen.
Your heart lept into your throat (and you let your mind drift somewhere you'd never let it before), "Yeah, okay."
That started the shift.
And he started checking over you after every run, you thought it would've been annoying but... you got used to it. And something in you liked helping him calm down, although you'd never say it out loud.
Things were a little different. You clashed but it wasn't as fiery anymore. Because you knew he cared about you, and somewhere you could acknowledge you cared about him. (More than you'd ever admit.)
This time it wasn't even Rick you were arguing with. It was someone originally from Alexandria. You couldn't even remember their name, but they'd said something about you and you let it slide. But then, they kept going.
"You made a shit call," the guy remarked, sauntering up to your side.
You were a little startled, but you stayed composed, "What are you talking about?"
"We could've gotten more supplies," he continued, "-that gun store was right there, and you called the whole fucking thing off."
You soured -something steeling in your gut, "You mean the one that was swarmed? Hate to break it to you, but we were outnumbered."
"We could've done it," he added -persistent, something frustrated in his tone, "-we had the manpower."
"Are you serious?" you laughed a little incredulously, "-There were three of us, and about 30, 40 maybe, walkers. That is-"
"Maybe you couldn't have done it," he tsked, lips falling in a flat line.
You flexed your jaw, trying to stay composed, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You're a sorry fucking excuse for a lead," he gritted through his teeth, "-You don't know shit about-"
"Next time, just go right ahead and do it yourself then," you shot back but stayed still in your space (composed, composed, composed), "-and I don't know about you, but I value life more than something we already fucking have-"
"It's ammunition," he seethed, stepping much closer to you -something sparking behind his eyes, "-Don't know if you fucking know this, but it's pretty damn important to survival-"
"No," you disagreed, voice calm and collected, "-it's not. You don't need to walk into a situation that you can't handle-"
Without warning, a fist flew at your face -right at the nose.
"Shit," you hissed, and you felt the thrum of pain under your skin and could almost immediately taste the coppery taste of blood, "-What the fuck? Why did you-"
"What the hell is goin' on 'ere?"
It was Rick, and his tone was something you'd only heard a few times -blue eyes flickering over you. They held onto your, now bleeding, nose which you were now trying to soothe, and something in his jaw tightened.
The guy was the first one to speak, mostly because you were trying to stop the bleeding. Luckily, Maggie rushed up to your side with paper towels -doing her best to help too.
"They made a mistake on the run-"
Rick didn't let him get far, "So, you punched 'em in the damn face?"
"Well," the guy fell quieter, "-we were arguing-"
Maggie snapped back, shifting her focus for a moment, "You were arguin'."
"They were just trying to talk some sense into ya," she continued, tone cold, "-You were the one who took it personally-"
Rick put a hand on her shoulder, eyes flickering toward you -something swimming through them that you recognized from a different day, and Maggie took the notion to stop talking. She turned back to you, and gently guided you to tilt your head forward. On instinct, you pinched your nostrils shut -breathing out of your mouth.
"Even if it was a fuckin' argument," Rick tsked, something cold in his tone, "-there's no damn reason to do 'at. They weren't gettin' violent with ya-"
"How do you know that?"
"Because I kno' 'em," he retorted, "-an' if 'ey got their hands on ya, you wouldn't be standin' in front of me."
You laughed a little and could feel his eyes shoot to you for a second. It made something in your chest flutter, something you were trying desperately to ignore.
"We need to get ya some ice," Maggie spoke, mostly to herself, "-It's already bruisin' up pretty bad."
"'S leave 'is for another day," Rick seemed to exit the conversation with the man, tone unshakable, "-but if I 'ear anythin' else from ya, 'ere's gonna be a problem. Ya got 'at?"
You could almost visually see the way Rick shifted as he made his way over to you. Composure slipping into something more worried, eyebrows furrowing and eyes shining in an entirely different way. Like he couldn't help it, his hands frantically found themselves along your shoulders. It made your skin buzz a little, and made you feel a little woozy. Well, you guessed there could be more than one reason for that.
On that note, you stumbled in place a little, and Rick's hands immediately slid to your sides -stabilizing you. Your heart skipped a beat, stupid fucking handsome men with big fucking hands.
"'Ey, can ya bring a chair over 'ere, please?"
Before you could so much as blink, he was pushing you into it -gently, mind you. Ever-so-gently. And almost on instinct, he fell onto one knee in front of you, trying to hold your eye contact with your head slightly forward, you guessed. His eyes were the same as that day, but there was something else there too, something fuzzier.
"Maggie, ya go get the ice," he turned to her, "-I'll stay with 'em."
She seemed to scamper off because you could tell it was just the two of you. Maybe he'd warded off everyone else, Rick had this... aura to him when he wanted to -a dangerous one. Sometimes you thought it was to balance out his natural nature as a leader.
Quietly, you heard Rick tear off another paper towel and gently wipe at your mouth (where you imagined blood was staining at this point). It was strangely intimate, as you just skimmed over his face.
He was entirely focused on the task, so your eyes roamed along the creases along his face, the blue of his eyes, the sharp line of his nose, the little curls that peeked behind his ears-
You blinked, clearing your thoughts. He was always handsome, you knew that.
"What even is that dick's name?" you questioned, testing to see if your nose had stopped bleeding as much. It had.
Rick smiled a little, looking up at your eyes from where he was focused before (he seemed to be done), "I 'ave no fuckin' clue."
You laughed at that, and if you were honest with yourself thought you saw something shoot through his eyes. Something warm. You ignored it.
"'S hurt?" he spoke, softer.
You responded, simply, "I've had worse."
Rick smiled a little at that, but fell into something more serious, "So, yeah?"
"Like a bitch," you admitted, and he let out a low sort of chuckle.
It made something in you relax, something warm lighting up in your chest. You let yourself feel it this time, just once.
"Just so ya know," he interrupted your thought process, "-'at ain't happenin' again."
You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows -warmth dissipating, "Are you- Are you chastising me right now?"
"No," he quickly responded, but didn't explain further, "-'M just tellin' ya I ain't lettin' it happen again."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Rick paused a second, ripping another paper towel off and dabbing at your nose. It was probably still bleeding a little bit.
You just watched him, waiting for an explanation. Even though, you weren't entirely sure he was going to give you one.
"Anyone touches ya, says anythin' to ya, so much as looks at ya the wrong way-" he listed, tone deadly serious (it shook through your skull), "-ya come get me, and I’ll set 'em straight. Understand?"
Your mouth moved before you could stop it, "What?"
"I'll handle it," he repeated, pulling away the paper towel and locking eyes with yours, "-It ain't happenin' again."
"Rick," you laughed -incredulously, and maybe a little defensive, "-I don't need a fucking guard dog. I can handle myself."
"'Didn’t say 'at," he hummed, carefully, eyes skimming along your face -a little like he was in wonder (it made your head spin a second), "-'S for me, not ya."
"How does that-"
"If 'ey're fuckin' with ya, 'ey're fuckin' with me," he interrupted, eyes so solid that you couldn't really look away, "-you can handle it how ya want, but Imma 'ave some choice words of my own. So, send 'em my way too."
The words faltered in your throat, something swirling around your heart. He was just so-
The coppery taste again.
You shriveled up your nose in disgust, and Rick laughed at it (something gleaming in his eye), as you reacted -spitting the taste out into the dirt.
"Yeah, keep laughing, Grimes," you tsked, but there was no bite, not really. Not like there used to be, "-I'll beat the shit out of you."
"'Ere's no doubt in my mind," he retorted back, smiling in a way that crinkled at the eyes. You thought for a spare second it was a beautiful one, that maybe he was beautiful.
After that day, you'd say that everything was a little confusing.
These feelings towards Rick were far from new, very far. They'd always kind of been in the very back of your mind. Part of you was actually pretty sure that hating him had in some way distanced you from what you felt otherwise. Now, that is to say, you had definitely hated him at one point. That just didn't mean that it erased the... other thing.
You and Rick were off-kilter. Or at least you were. You guessed you couldn't say anything about him, he was very much a mystery to you at this point.
He just kept doing things. Like the scratch and nosebleed. And every time he'd smile at you a bit warmer, say something you couldn't really avoid. Not anymore. (And you weren't sure you wanted to avoid, honestly.)
And he'd looked at you a lot more, searched you out (when before you used to shun each other, avoid each other), and just smiled at you sometimes for no reason. The thing was you didn't mind it. You wanted him to. Because you... because it was all different.
You were confused, but you weren't going to be the one to encroach on it. It all felt so surreal, that one day something would happen and you'd just snap right back into place -just like before. To be fair, you still argued. But, it was moreso bickering now. And even if it wasn't, before you could get as heated as you used to, you compromised -easily.
You slotted together perfectly and bounced off each other with ease. Hell, he started coming to you about running Alexandria, about problems he couldn't quite get. And the two of you would talk until you worked out a solution. Because you always did.
It made no sense why you'd even clashed in the first place.
You were confused, beyond confused. And you wanted things, wanted to ask things, but they seemed dangerous. Far away-
That brought you here, on a night when you couldn't sleep. Which were more frequent nowadays, if you were completely honest. This whole situation made your mind run for a lot of different reasons, and when it wasn't that, it was nightmares. Alexandria was safe, you knew that, but it didn't necessarily stop your fight or flight -the urge to constantly be on edge, protect.
So, sometimes you sat here on the steps of your porch in the night -the chill and silence of it soothed you. It wouldn't always get you back to sleep, but it would make you feel better. Remind yourself that you're breathing. That you're alive.
You exhaled, trailing your finger along the wood of the railing beside you -absorbing the low buzz of bugs in the air and the strangely familiar groans of walkers outside the walls. It was kinda fucked up that it calmed you down, but you gave yourself a pass.
"Funny seein' ya 'ere."
Your eyes shot up and latched onto his.
The Grimes house was just a couple of houses down, diagonal to yours. So, you could see him, but not entirely clearly.
He was leaning on the porch railing, you could see the sleeves of his jacket against the starch white, and his hair seemed a little messy -your eyes trailed over a particular curl. It was hanging slightly down in front of his face. (You got the urge to fix it, comb it back into place.)
"'Could say the same to you, Grimes," you replied.
You saw him smile, dropping his head to look at the ground. It made something in your chest flutter. But, before you could say anything else, he was stepping down from his porch and making his way to you.
As he got closer you recognized that he was in pajamas with just a jacket thrown over.
He stood just at the bottom of the stairs, leaning onto the railing slightly and just looking at you. Like he always did these days. With worry and... something else.
"Nightmare?" he questioned, genuinely.
You rolled your lip around your teeth, deciding to say, "Kind of."
Rick's lips pressed into a frown, eyes glazing along your face (you didn't look back at him), "Can I sit?"
You were wordless, but moved slightly to the left (despite not really needing to) as unspoken acceptance. He stared at you for a second longer, before slowly but surely making his way to the steps. He sat closer to you than you thought he would've, but it was almost in character of him to do something that surprises you so.
"Ya cold?"
On cue, you shivered slightly, "I've had worse."
Rick let out a low sigh (he knew you well now), nudging off his jacket and hanging it squarely on your shoulders without hesitation. His eyes trailed over you wearing it for a moment, a small look in his eyes that you couldn't name. All shiny as his lips quirked up just a smidgen.
"You don't have to do that," you objected, but it was quiet and weak.
"I want to," he replied, simply.
You couldn't argue with that. Hell, you didn't think you could argue with him anymore-
Rick interrupted the thought, eyebrows furrowed in that kind of way you knew to be worried, "What do ya mean 'kinda'?"
You took a second, staring out into the night -listening to the silence.
"My mind won't stop," you clarified, "-sometimes it's... things I've done, and other times it's... things that I just can't seem to figure out."
"What's it today?"
You pursed your lips a minute, before answering, "Something I can't figure out."
He stared at you, blue eyes flickering along your face in a hazy sort of way. It made something unfurl in your chest that you'd tried to keep shoved down, "Is 'ere anythin' I can do to help?"
You ran the idea through your head a few times, and let your eyes match him a few more. You aren't entirely sure why, but talking to Rick fel a little like he'd never judge you. Even though he had before, it was... it was now. Things were very different.
"Can I ask you a question?" you spoke, then, deflecting a little.
"Shoot," he responded, almost instantly. ( A little like he'd do anything you'd ask.)
"What happened to us?"
Rick's eyebrows furrowed, and you took it as a motion to keep talking, to explain. So, you did.
"We used to-" you dropped your hands on your lap, and stared out into the Alexandrian streets, "-We used to scream at each other until our faces turned red. We couldn't stand each other, and now..."
"'At ain't a good thing?" he questioned, something in his tone a little disappointed (it made your head swirl a little), "-'At it changed, I mean."
"It is," you reassured, facing him a second, "-but I just... Isn't it confusing?"
Rick stayed silent a second, eyes smoothing along your face. Just looking, like maybe he thought you were beautiful (just like you did on that day), or maybe like he never wanted to forget what you looked like.
You pressed your lips together.
"Don't get me wrong," he clarified with a smile, "-I hated ya once, a long time ago. But 'is? Now? It makes sense."
You asked before you could think about it, "What is 'this'?"
He just stared at you a second, something flickering through his eyes, careful and considerate. Something warm. The warmth you kept seeing now, the one you tried to avoid.
"You," he answered, vaguely, "-Us."
"What does that mean?" you asked, your confusion was ever-so-clear. This was all things you didn't understand.
He didn't say anything, as you stared out into the streets -watching some of the porch lights flicker. The night sky was still dark, so you weren't really worried about the hour.
And then, you felt calloused fingers on your chin -guiding you back to his eyes. The thoughts cleared out of your head.
"Y/N, you drive me fuckin' crazy," he laughed a little, and you felt your eyebrows furrow, "-not just in a frustratin' sorta way. You... I worry about ya like crazy, I think of ya like crazy... I care 'bout ya like crazy-"
Your heart skipped a beat.
"-an' I... I love ya like crazy."
Your lips felt stitched shut, as he just smiled at you -something in his eyes that you could see now. You could identify.
"Ya poke and prod at me until I'm reelin', yeah, but-" he pressed his lips together, eyes shimmering across your face, "-I wouldn't 'ave it any other fuckin' way. An' I mean 'at. I just... I'm not me without ya annoyin' the shit out of me. Without ya callin' me out on my shit."
You laughed, something burning the backs of your eyes, "I am the only one who would do that, huh?"
"Ya are," he grinned at you, and you felt something in your chest squeeze tight.
It felt clear then, abundantly clear.
"I love you too, Grimes."
He grinned, the big kind that crinkled at the eyes, "Thought so."
You rolled your eyes, with no bite, "Oh shut up, sheriff. I could still kick your ass, and you would deserve it."
He laughed, the genuine kind -hand coming to cradle your cheek, "Still, don't doubt it, sweetheart."
You smiled, and noticed just how close the two of you were. He only seemed to be roaming closer, and it made your heartbeat pick up in your chest a little. Before you could stop it, your eyes dipped down to his lips.
He grinned again, the kind that rattle down to your core, all handsome and shiny white teeth. And then, he started moving closer, his own eyes dipping to your lips.
"Ya kno', I can think of a way to get me to shut up."
"Can you?" you teased, quiet between the two of you.
He just hummed, distracted. It made something in your stomach stir.
"I am pretty desperate for you to," you remarked -playfully.
Rick busted into laughter, a loud kind that you barely ever heard from him. It made something in your chest shimmer, proud. You kind of wanted to hear that forever. And now, maybe you could.
The thought made you grin, as you leaned forward, impatiently, and connected your lips to his. It was just a press of lips, but you did feel him lean into it. Before you could get far, he laughed even more, breaking off the kiss, and it made you laugh.
"'Course ya can't wait for one second," he chuckled -playfully, "-You've always been so damn impatient."
"Oh, fuck you, Grimes," you laughed into the night, "-You're lucky I don't-"
And this time, he shut you up.
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interloved · 5 months
can u write a smut where rick dies in his world and then ends up in ours? reader is a singer and dancer, and to help him readjust she hires him as her bodyguard and as the time passes things finally get smutty and tall that shit 😓😓😓 and can you do reader timid, quiet and really girlie pretty pleaseee 💓
oh my god i love this ahh (i live for twd modern!au’s)!! took the freedom to change up some parts, so it’s a bit different than what you asked for but i hope you like this :)
also i’m kinda planning on making this a multi-series. this idea is too good to make it a one-shot<333
innocent actress!reader X possesive bodyguard!rick grimes (modern!au)
part 01
description box: rick grimes is a man who knows what he wants, and he wants you. and he may not be able to tell the world, but he damn sure can show them.
warnings: nsfw warning, porn with plot, minors dni!!, mostly smut, use of nicknames like ‘doll’ and ‘pretty girl’, rick is a little bit insane hahah (but when was he ever not), sub & dom dynamic
innocent actress!reader X possessive bodyguard!rick grimes
RICK GRIMES DOESN’T REALLY LIKE the way that interviewer is looking at you. his eyes are trailing up and down your small frame too frequently for his liking and he doesn’t like his eyes dipping down to your lips every two seconds or so.
what’s bothering him even more is how you won’t notice—won’t notice the way this interviewer licks his lips, won’t notice his eyes dropping to your chest, won’t notice his flirty little remarks.
“cut the cameras,” he orders frostily, and one of the camera men straightens himself, ready to protest, but rick grimes is an intimidating man. one chilly glance is enough to shut the camera man up and he grumbles something unfriendly under his breath as he tells his team to shut down the cameras.
you flash him a questioning look. god, look at you. so naive, rick thinks, so fucking naive.
this is one of the reasons you hired rick—he was tall, intimidating and strong. another reason was his handsomeness. you never really liked the suffocating fame that came with it nor the cameras that were glued to your back every second, but don’t get it wrong !! you love acting, but your famousness tends to overwhelm you sometimes, so you thought hiring a handsome bodyguard might off take a little bit of the constant attention and pressure you were getting.
rick had to admit that when he was hired, he first thought it was a joke. it seemed that all you needed him for was opening water bottles and cans, carrying your bags while going on shopping sprees with you—which necklace suited you better, the silver one or the golden one?
you were so sweet. so polite and sensitive. oddly naive. rick reckoned this was all an act for publicity, maybe the reputation and image of yourself you were trying to create, but after being your bodyguard for about two years, he knew this wasn’t the case. the sheltered upbringing you received thanks to your protective parents was partly the reason for your sheer innocence, but he’d noticed that people tended to become soft around you.
he didn’t like to admit it, but he too had become soft around you. grown fond of you. some might say affectionate, even. who else would tolerate the silly tantrums you threw; who else would go on (forced) ice cream dates with you; who else would roll their eyes but still entertain you like this?
but he knows you’ve grown fond of him, too. you depended on him so much, looked to him first for every little problem you encountered, valued his opinion the most. he was the first person you thought of calling when someone on a show announced you the greatest actress of the century.
“what’s going on, mr grimes?” you blink at him, as clueless and oblivious as ever. it’s a little adorable, rick guesses.
even though rick’s told you not to call him mr grimes multiple times, you never seem to remember. you’re shy, you wouldn’t dare calling him by his first name. rick knows that, but he can’t help but sigh inwardly every time he hears you call out for him as ‘mr grimes!’.
“what’s your name?” he asks the interviewer, southern drawl all too present and piercing, icy eyes staring him down as he chose to ignore your question for the time being.
the interviewer lifts an eyebrow. “me? i’m mark. mark millers.”
“huh,” rick nods, clicking his tongue, “mark.”
his voice is cold, but again, he is always; distant, taciturn. celebrity newspapers called you and him “the sweet angel and her brooding shadow” once. rick thinks it’s stupid but you thought it was so cool you once made him wear a couple’s costume, with you dressing up as an angel and him as.. he supposes he was supposed to be a shadow, but it turned into some kind of devil instead.
“well, that was all i wanted to know.” rick waves his hand, signalling the camera team to continue, “was just curious.”
he was, in fact, not just curious. after the interview, he would ask around, about this.. mark. mark would find himself in court, weeks later, on a sexual assault charge.
rick may be bad at emotions, but he knows he doesn’t like it when someone touches what is his.
and unfortunately for mark, he also has enough power to destroy his life.
YOU WEREN’T SURE HOW YOU managed to get yourself into this position.
“are you mad at me?” you ask quietly. rick and you were sitting in the limousine that was supposed to take you home.
ever since that interview, rick’s been oddly quiety. well, he always has been taciturn but never this.. silent.
rick sighs, “no, ‘m not mad at you, doll.”
you stare at him. “then why’re you frowning?”
“‘m not frowning.”
“oh but yes, you are!” you protest with crossed arms; “if it’s not me who you’re mad at, then who..?”
your eyes widen, “you’re not angry because of mark, are you?”
rick tenses up, and gives you a look you can’t really place. you couldn’t help but laugh, rick angry at an interviewer was a scenario that was so strange and unfamiliar to you that you just couldn’t stop laughing. it was hilarious, really.
“quit laughin’, i’m serious. he rubs me the wrong way.” rick adds grumpily.
you chuckle, patting his thigh, “everyone rubs you the wrong way, rick—”
you cut yourself off when you notice his eyes staring at your hand. on his thigh. you quickly withdraw your hand, you know rick doesn’t like being touched. the only kind of physical contact (that also you initiated) was a hug from him that you’d only gotten because you had received your first award.
“oh, ‘m sorry, i know that lori—”
“it’s fine,” he cuts you off before you can finish your sentence and looks out of the window, “lori and i… are havin’ some problems.”
“what? why? are you OK? what’s going on?”
rick almost smiles at the obvious worry in your voice, he thinks it’s adorable how much you care. even though he’s just your employee.
“don’t worry bout it,” he drawls and leans back, lips pulled up in a lazy smile.
part two coming soon!!
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connorsblog · 4 months
for the prompts, could you do “are you... wearing anything?” with rick? either male reader or gender neutral, whichever you feel like :)
˙✧˖° SHEETS 📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚
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a/n : thank you for the request lovely! also sorry for how short this was,,, i wrote this at 3am
pairing: rick grimes x male reader
warnings: reader has hangover, reference to nsfw, the usual !
as i woke up my head felt dizzy, my eyes reluctantly fluttering open. i stretched, my feet shaking as i did so. god that always felt so good.
soon after, i realized the other side of my bed had a weight on it.
looking over, i realized it was rick.
oh, that's why my head hurts.
now my blistering headache made perfect sense.
as i moved to wake him, my sheets wrapped around my leg. damn these comfortable ass sheets.
i maneuvered my legs for a few moments to escape from them, finally freeing my legs.
my head pulsed again as i swung my feet over the edge of the bed — finally realizing i was fully nude.
what the fuck?
i glance over to rick and he was too, his tan shoulders shining in the early morning sunlight.
i tried to nudge him awake again, but he didnt even move at all. he looked dead almost, but i was assured he wasn't by his dramatic sigh.
he's still just as dramatic when he's asleep, i guess.
after a few minutes of me spaced out — staring at his wall in front of me — he finally woke up.
i was faced away from him so i didn't register it until his voice rang out, that accent chipping my ears.
"are you... wearing anything?" was the first question.
"uh, no, actually. seems like you assisted me on that, rick," i let out a chuckle, which i regretted soon after because it made my head pulse.
he chuckled back, sitting up as i recently did. he flattened his curls, trying to tame the hair that seemed to be the only physical result of last night.
well, i was wrong. as he sat up, i saw a large purpling, yellowy mark on his neck. damn — when did i become a fucking werewolf? that thing was huge.
i realized about a half second later there were a few more littered down his muscled abdomen.
"do you remember what happened? last night, i mean," i decided to ask. i was curious, but i had an idea of what it could be.
"i mean.. do i have to say it?" he half-chuckled, looking me up and down for a split second.
"you worried what your pals are gonna say?" i teased. we've had sex before... but this seemed to be a little more intimate than the previous ones.
this time, he stayed in my bed. he didn't leave like he usually did — exiting quietly before dawn had erupted through the windows.
"no, not at all," he walked over to me, still nude (which... i was not complaining.) and planted a kiss on the top of my head.
i could barely feel it — but warmth tingled through my body as if i had.
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rickgrimesfever · 5 months
Soft Rick Grimes Headcanons
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Rick Grimes was many things, the world had changed him a lot, it would change anyone. Some would say that Rick's become cold, mean, or more tense, and some it's true.
But Rick...could never be mean to you, he loves you too much.
Sure, there are moments where Rick is tense and stressed out around you, but he would never be mean to you.
Rick's eyes soften the moment he looks at you.
He loves spooning you and having you in his arms, back pressed up against his chest and his arms wrapped around your torso.
Rick loves to nuzzle his face into the back of your neck or your shoulder.
He feels so at ease and relaxed around you, no one can comfort him like you do.
When walkers are around, his eyes are always on you, watching your every move.
If you every get injured, he's right there at your side, his soft, warm hand on your cheek as he's trying to comfort you.
His kisses are soft, but deep and passionate, trying to pour all his love into you.
Rick doesn't say 'I love you' often, but he def shows it and when he does say it, it's super meaningful.
Lets out deep sighs of relaxation when you run your fingers through his curls and massage his scalp.
Rick adores it when you rub your shoulders and or just have a hand on his lower back.
Loves to hold your face in his hands and admire your face.
If Rick ever leaves on a run or a mission, he makes sure to say goodbye to
Always has his hand on your thigh or an arm wrapped around your waist.
Always backs you up when fighting walkers.
At the end of the day after a run in with walkers, he'll sit you down and check your body for bites or any walker marks.
His touches are so soft and loving.
Rick is literal so soft with you and is always super patient too.
He speaks soft and never raises his voice at you.
Loves to be super cuddly with you in anyway he can be, especially with you nuzzled into his chest.
He feels like he can protect you best that way and he thinks that it's also just super cute.
Regardless of how much Rick has lost and has gone through, he'll always be soft and kind with you.
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daddydixonscrossbow · 27 days
smut with rick grimes?
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Summary: After making it back from a run, Rick can’t help but spill the beans on how he feels about you.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, AGE GAP (reader is in their late 20’s), mentions of weapons (guns, knives, etc.), killing walkers, flirting, kissing, hair pulling, biting, unprotected sex, oral (m rec), general filth
Word Count: little over 2k | unedited
— • —
“Y/n! Behind you!” Rick tells from across the way, and you turn around, jumping back and gripping your knife harder before stabbing the walker in the head.
You watch it drop, stepping over it to kill another.
You hear footsteps run up to you and you turn around, sighing in relief when you see Rick.
“Ya okay?” Rick scans over your arms, “That walker got a little close.”
“Yeah.” You nod, running your hand over your arm, “I’m good.” You look up at him, “Are you?” He nods, a smirk fighting to make its way on his lips, “Yeah, yeah I’m good.”
He looks around, “Should probably head back, though.” He looks back at you, “Only have a little bit more daylight left.”
You bend down, grabbing the backpack from the dirt, “Yeah, I think this run turned out to be a good one.”
He nods in agreement, “Yeah, let’s just hope it’s enough for now.”
“It is, Rick. Don’t.. sell yourself short. Those people appreciate everything you do. Everything you get, I know I do.”
He smiles, looking down as he nods, “I appreciate hearing that.” He nods towards the car, “C’mon. Let’s go.”
The car ride back wasn’t, too long. The whole time you kept trying to convince yourself that the tension you felt, was all in your head, but you just couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t.
As you pull up to the gate and stop, Rick’s voice catches your attention, “Thanks for coming with me today.”
“Anytime. I’m always up for a run.” You smile at him and turn your attention back to the gate as it’s pulled open.
Rick drives the car up, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You smirk as you get out of the car, slinging your gun strap over your shoulder, “Do you need help with anything else?”
He shakes his head, “Nah, it’s okay. I’ll get someone else to help. Go wash up. You look a mess.” He chuckle slightly and you roll your eyes, giving him a smile, “I look better than you.”
He nods, tapping the roof of the car before shutting the door.
You turn away, heading for your house.
Once inside, you kick off your boots, setting your gun down by the door and you head upstairs. One thing you were really grateful for, were the showers.
After the world went to shit and you found Alexandria, you vowed to never take running wanted for granted ever again.
You switch the shower on, waiting for the steam to start rolling off before you strip down and get in.
Your mind was heavy on Rick, and nothing but Rick.
Constantly trying to figure out if there’s something between the two of you, or if you’re just making it up because of your feelings towards him.
You shake your head, trying to get the thoughts to stop as you step under the water and let it stream down over you.
After washing up, you turn the water off. You wring out your hair before pushing the door open and grabbing your towel.
You wrap it around your body before walking over to your bedroom. As you’re standing at the one dresser, you hear your front door open, and it perks your attention.
You grab the knife from your dresser, quietly moving over to behind the door when you hear the footsteps come towards the steps.
You let go of the breath you’re holding when Rick announces himself, “Y/n? It’s me.”
“Don’t scare me like that.” You yell out with a laugh, “I’m upstairs.” You hear him laugh and you walk back to place your knife on the dresser.
“Sorry, I didn’t me-“ you hear him take a deep breath and you glance over your shoulder, “Sorry I just got out of the shower.”
“No, no. You’re fine.” He chuckles, “I did too.. I just didn’t-“ he pauses, “I would have waited if I had known you..”
You turn around, shaking your head, “You’re fine, Rick, what’s up?”
He runs a hand over his hair, his eyes fighting to not trail down your body, “I um, I know I already said it, but I just wanted to say thank you again for volunteering to go out there with me.”
“It’s not a problem, Rick. Like I said, anytime.” You smile, “If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.”
He nods, “I won’t.” He smiles and turns around, but stops, “You know, I’m glad you decided to stay. You’re a vital part of this place and I just wish I knew how to thank you.”
“I mean..” You laugh slightly, and Rick turns around slightly, “You mean, what, sweetheart?”
You turn around, facing your dresser and you drop the towel, “I can think of something..” you put on a shirt and turn around, “But I don’t know how you’d feel about it.”
He tilts his head, his lips forming a smirk, “y/n.”
“All you gotta do is close the door.” You pull your bottom lip between your teeth and Rick chuckles, “You know we.. can’t do that..”
“Who says?” You shrug, tilting your head as you walk over to him, “Tell me the name of the person who said that, and I’ll kick their ass.”
Rick watches as you hand slides up his chest and you push his chin to turn his head towards you, “You know I can.”
He licks his lips, sliding his hand up your arm to your hand. He pulls it up to press it against his cheek and his other hand slides over your hip, pushing you in close to him by your lower back.
“No need to kick anyone’s ass, sweetheart.” He turns his head, pressing a kiss to your palm before he bends down and picks you up.
Your hands cup his bearded cheeks and you close the space between your lips. He groans at the touch, bending down to lay you on the bed and he crawls up so his body is hovering over yours.
His lips trail back your jaw, down your neck, and he dips his head down to pull your shirt up your body with his teeth.
“God, you are a work of art.” He groans as he kisses between your boobs, moving over to take your one nipple into his mouth.
You moan out, laying a hand on the back of his head as your back arches upward, “Rick.” You whimper out, “Don’t tease me.”
He chuckles against your skin, lifting his head to look at you, “You’ve been thinkin’ about this a lot, haven’t you?”
You nod, “I’m not going to lie.”
“That’s good.” He presses his lips to yours and he sits up, undoing his belt, “I like honesty.”
You smirk, sitting up to push his shirt up, “I really like you.” He watches at you kiss over his abdomen, jaw slack as you slide a hand up his thigh to his growing bulge.
He pulls his shirt up over his head, tossing it down to the floor. He reaches down, his hand brushing down your cheek to cup your chin, “Since we’re bein’ honest here, sweetheart.” He pulls his lip between his teeth and takes a deep breath, “I’ve pictured you on your knees in front of me.”
You smirk, biting your lip, “I can do that.”
His eyes follow you as you move down off the bed, discarding your shirt before dropping down to your knees, “I’ve dreamed of it as well.”
“Fuck.” He groans as he tilts his head back, moving to stand up beside the bed. As he lays his duty belt on the floor, you work at undoing his jeans.
He watches you in awe, his hand moving to brush hair from your face as you tug his pants and underwear down his thigh.
You don’t hesitate, glancing up at him once before leaning in and taking the aching tip of his cock into your mouth.
His breath hit hitches and his head rolls back, “Shit, y/n.” He looks down, watching as you work, bobbing your head up and down.
You tilt your head back, licking up the underside as your eyes lock onto his.
His grow darker as his jaw cocks, “You really are something, C’mere.” He pulls you to your feet, sitting down on the bad as he grips your hips.
He pulls you onto him, your knees on either side of his hips and his head is tilted back, “Go on, baby.”
You nod, reaching down to hold him steady as you lower your hips. His grip tightens as he feels himself slip into you, “Fuckin’ hell.”
Your arm wraps around his neck, your other hand pressing into his chest as you moan, “Fuck, Rick.” You lean in, pressing your lips to his.
He slides a hand back up your back, pulling you into him as he lays back, “M’gonnna need you to move, sweetheart.”
You slowly raise your hips, lowering back down with moan after moan leaving your lips, “Y-you’re so big.”
He chuckles, planting kisses along your neck, “Feel good?”
“Uh huh.” You breathe out, “So good.”
You move your hips faster, your one hand pushing into the bed by his head while your other one runs up his cheek, “Needed you so bad, Rick.”
“I needed you, sweetheart.” He reaches up, turning you face towards him, “You make me feel things I wasn’t sure I believed in anymore.”
You smile down at him before closing the space. His arm wraps around your lower back, holding you tight.
You push your other hand into the mattress by his head, moving your hips faster, “Fuck, fuck. I’m so close.” You whine, “So fucking close.”
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” His hands slide down your back to your ass, gripping tight, “Need to feel you.”
You whine at his words, pushing your hips down and rolling them forward as you cum, “F-fuck.” You bury your face into his chest and he takes the opportunity to roll you both over, his thrusts guiding you through your high.
He groans, leaving open mouth kisses along your neck as he thrusts in deeper. You gasp, moaning out as you drag your fingers through his hair.
His lips crash onto yours, “You take me so well, sweetheart.”
You look up at him, “Crazy to say I was made for you?” You bite your lip, your brows furrowing as he reaches between your bodies to draw circles on your clit.
“Not at all.” He smirks, tilting his head, “gonna get you to cum one more time. Can you do that f’me?”
You nod, back arching off the bed, “F-fuck, yes.”
He attacks your neck with kisses, biting and sucking at the skin, “Shit, y/n. I-I’m not-“ he groans, gripping your hip tight, “Fuck.”
He groans and your orgasm hits right as you feel his cock twitch. His fingers keep drawing circles, but they slow down, along with his thrust.
You cup his cheeks, staring up at him as you both try to control your breathing.
He gives you a smile and you lift your head up, pressing a kiss to his lip. He smiles within the kiss and leans up, “Looks like we have t’go on more runs together, huh?”
You nod, giving him a smirk, “Looks like it.”
He chuckles and bends down to grab his clothes, “I hate to, uh, run out on you, but I told-“
You cut him off, “No, it’s okay.” You put on your shirt, “Not like you don’t know where to find me or anything.”
He slips
His shirt on and nods, looking over at you while he clips on his duty belt, “Right, right.” He walks over, hands pulling you in by your hips, “Thank you.”
You peck his lips, “You don’t have to thank me, Rick. Just, believe it.”
“Believe what, sweetheart?” He tilts his head and you wrap your arms around his neck, “That love can still exist in a world like this.”
My first ever Rick one shot - I hope you like it. Requests are open.
Here’s a kiss for likin’ and rebloggin’💋
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kookiekult · 1 month
No seriously. I need him. Where is he. Where is my husband.
Chat I think I cooked 🍳
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The best duo
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Practice makes perfect
Request: please could you write one where Rick helps inexperienced reader shoot a gun and he also teaches her how to defend herself? Thank you!
A/N: hope this is okay!! Would you all like to see a daryl version of this??
Rick grimes x fem! Reader
You were new to the prison environment, you had stumbled upon the prison when you had lost your people to the dead. It was terrifying but thankfully Rick grimes and his people welcomed you in with open arms— or… well. Held at gunpoint. But that’s beside the point. You had been here for almost 18 days now and you were fitting in just right. You had found comfort within Hershel the kind man who seemed to be incredibly loyal and genuine. Not to mention his kindness towards everything was gratefully accepted during times like these. Beth too was a sweet girl but there were a few of the group who seemed a bit rough around the edges. Not that you minded of course, you were just glad you could say you had some kind of “friends.”
Here you were positioned near the gate where walkers were pressing themselves against, ruthlessly clawing at the metal structure desperate for the taste of flesh. You stood silently staring and listening to their groans and moans your hand numbly gripping onto the pistol that dangled by your side. It might’ve seemed stupid but you had never shot a gun in your life. And now that you were in this situation you wished you had accepted the many times family members offered to take you to the shooting range when the world was still normal. You exhaled shaking your head before you pointed your gun at one of the walkers heads, squinting your eyes slightly your finger resting upon the trigger as you tried to figure out how to do it, footsteps slowing just behind you— ricks scrutinising eyes examined you thoroughly before he cleared his throat. “The safety’s one” his thick accent touched your ears and you quickly glanced at him “what?” You murmured nervously “the safety’s on. That’s why you can’t pull the trigger.” He vaguely explained taking steps towards you before stopping beside you, slender fingers grasping onto the metal of the gun as he stood side by side with you his arm brushing lightly against yours “look,” he tilted the gun your way his thumb brushing against the metal before a click was heard “safety’s off now.” He spoke before slowly handing it back to you. “Try now.”
He took a step back giving you room to try but now under this much pressure you felt your nerves kick in. You were worried that because you didn’t know how to shoot a gun without looking like an idiot you’d be seen as someone lesser and be kicked out the group. But really that was just your over thinking. You hesitantly pointed the gun towards a specific walker Rick remaining silent as he observed you fingertips lightly brushing against the handle of his own gun it was just engraved into his mind to constantly do just in case he had to pull it on anyone or anything at any point. You couldn’t ever be too careful… you glanced back at him momentarily he was hard to read, you then looked forward again steadying your breath as you attempted it. And with one last deep breath you pulled the trigger the bullet flying through the air and zipping straight past the walkers a silent cuss leaving your lips as you shook your head embarrassed. “Not bad.” Rick spoke calmly, as if noting your anxious state and how you seemed to be slightly apprehensive about shooting the gun. He took a step towards you stopping beside you “have you ever shot a gun before?” He questioned and you glanced at him before shaking your head “no. I didn’t like using guns when the world was normal…” you murmur nervously and he only nods. “That’s understandable” he soon comments “I was a sheriff in Atlanta before all of this.” Rick began talking, your eyes snapping back towards him as you listened to him silently admiring him his jaw slightly clenching every now and then his baby blue eyes holding many memories within them. His eyes moved to look at you “so I was all involved in guns and protecting myself and my people.” He spoke as if trying to make you more comfortable. Opening up little by little…
“My wife…. She hated the thought of our son using guns. She refused to let him near them. Even when I offered to train him up for if anything ever happened she wouldn’t let him… even when the world went to shit… she wouldn’t let him touch a gun…” he analysed you as he spoke “until I convinced her enough… I wish I had held back slightly..” he swallowed thickly glancing down at the ground as he remembered the thought of Carl shooting his own mum. If Rick hadn’t of taught him how to shoot a gun then would Carl of shot Lori? It was a question left for speculation. No one truly knew. But Rick did feel guilt when he thought on it really hard… that’s why he tried to push it all down. Keeping it all at the back of his brain. “So I get where you’re coming from. But knowing how to shoot a gun now is… something we all need.” He spoke simply turning his back to you momentarily before he pulled his own gun out the sun reflecting off of the metal slightly making it glint every now and then “just copy my stance alright.” He spoke and you nodded watching as he put one foot forwards the other foot remaining in place almost as if he was bracing himself before he held the gun with two hands— one on the handle and trigger the other cupping it slightly as if to keep it stable. “Holding with both hands isn’t absolutely necessary but holding it with both hands keeps your focus and hands from shaking.” Rick explained and you nodded watching as he shot the gun the bullet immediately piercing the skull of the dead as it collapsed onto the ground. “Your turn.”
He spoke before backing away, and you exhaled shakily breathing in sharply as you attempted to copy his exact positioning slowly raising your gun until it was eye level with you both your hands steadying the gun “like this?” You murmured nervously Rick moving to your side his hands grabbing onto your elbow slightly “tilt” he suggested calmly making you tilt your arm ever so slightly before he moved behind you resting your hands on your shoulders knowing the force of the gun was far too powerful sometimes. He kept his hands on your shoulders “focus…” he advised gently and you nodded focusing as hard as you could. You inhaled sharply lining up the gun more straight before pulling the trigger the bullet piercing through a walkers shoulder “good. You’re getting there.” Rick praised before he reached forwards grabbing onto your hands as he positioned your hands more correctly “just remember they’re dead. Okay?” He spoke almost as if reading your mind. Knowing that you were struggling with the fact that these were once human beings. Just like you and him. “But they…” you swallowed thickly not knowing how to describe it, Rick maintaining eye contact with you “look at it this way y/n…. They don’t feel anything. They only have one job and one job only. Successfully get the food they’re constantly searching for. It’s a cycle… a painful cycle. If you shoot them you’re putting them out of their misery right?” He was right and eventually you nodded. You still needed to detach the people from the actual walkers and whom they once were but that would be a learning curve. “Alright shoot.” He spoke and you took a deep breath before squinting your eyes and once steadying your hands you shot the gun the smell of gunpowder growing stronger but you didn’t mind. You watched as the bullet pierced into the dead’s skull as it collapsed to the ground,
“Good. Again.” He spoke. The sun was starting to set and Rick knew it wouldn’t be long before more walkers started arriving. You then lined up the gun again before shooting the bullet again successfully hitting the Walker square in the head. You continued doing this over and over again until the clouds had turned a deep orangey colour rain specs starting to fall upon you and him “you did great.” Rick spoke with a faint smile “you’re going to be a pro at this soon enough. Gonna put us to shame.” He murmured nudging you playfully and you couldn’t help but smile slightly “thank you… could we do this again tomorrow?” Rick nodded slightly “sure. I’ll get you up at 7 am sharp.” He spoke and you nodded smiling as you began walking back towards the main area of the prison with him. “After all practice makes perfect.” He chuckled out lightly you could tell that helping you practice had alleviated something off of his shoulders and mind… and the same was said for you.
You walked inside with him some people eating some food and others already sleeping “I’m going to go to my cell.” You murmured and Rick nodded “goodnight. Sleep well. If you need anything just shout.” He spoke and you nodded watching as he began walking away. “Rick..” you spoke, making him stop as he turned to look at you Judith being handed to him as he held onto her securely his free hand skilfully putting his gun back onto safety “thank you. Seriously. Uh… you saved a girls life.” You spoke, Rick looking slightly confused but appreciative. “I lost my people. To the walkers…. I was close to just waiting for another herd to come take me down… you and your people gave me a reason to live.” The look on ricks face was difficult to read but he looked grateful, happy and somewhat relieved all at once. “Glad you’re still with us, y/n.” He gave you a nod lips curling up into a small smile. “Go get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” He gave you another curt nod before turning around tending to his daughter and you silently watched him before retreating back to your bunk a small sad smile forming on your lips— grateful for him and his people who had given you a reason to survive. You got into your bunk laying down as you began getting comfortable until you heard a slight creek before the familiar teenage boy was hanging over the top bunk “hey y/n” Carl spoke cowboy hat barely staying on and you smiled tiredly at him “hey.” He then disappeared momentarily before coming back continuing to dangle off the bed “don’t fall…” you warned with a tired smile and he only smiled holding out a red packeted chocolate bar for you to take. “Just in case you were hungry.” He spoke not letting up until you had taken it from him before he laid back down on the top bunk “thanks carl.” You spoke hearing the sound of pages turning and you smiled knowing he was reading his comic… what a thoughtful boy… a thoughtful group whom you didn’t deserve in the slightest. But you knew they’d continue over and over again giving you a reason to live.
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espressostylez · 2 months
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THE WALKING DEAD 1.03 — Tell It to the Frogs
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