#Twitter HQ in San Francisco
aci25 · 2 years
Oh shit lol. Twitter HQ in San Francisco tonight. Twitter users are sending out ‘last tweets’ amid another worker exodus and fears the site could go dark 
Turmoil at Twitter reached a new level on Thursday, as users witnessed in real time the mass resignation of staffers in the wake of Elon Musk’s $44 billion takeover. Some questioned whether the social media company would survive the exodus of staff on top of previous layoffs of around 3,700 workers.
“Goodbye Twitter” and “#RIPTwitter” were trending with more than 60,000 combined tweets, and hundreds of workers reportedly left on Thursday after Musk’s 2 p.m. deadline to commit to his strategy or resign. Some users speculated that they were sending out their last tweets and that the social network would soon stop working.
Departing workers took to the social network, sharing sentimental, humorous and defiant messages.
Matt Miller, who said he worked at Twitter for over nine years posted a video       from what appeared to be inside the company’s offices as the deadline came. “We’re all about to get fired,” he said nonchalantly while standing next to four other workers.
“I walked away from my dream job today with a full heart because of the people I got to work with everyday,” said Jessalyn Johnson, a departing Twitter Real Estate and Workplace Strategy operations manager. Johnson shared photos of what she called “the best 4.5 years a girl could wish for” to her timeline.
Kristyn Kawaja, a senior client account manager, tweeted that leaving was one of the most difficult decisions she’d ever made. “Coworkers turned into family, and clients turned into trusted partners and friends. I wouldn’t change this experience for the world,” she said.
Musk himself tweeted on Thursday evening in the wake of the departures, in what appeared to be a reference to Twitter’s dire finances.
“How do you make a small fortune in social media? Start out with a large one,” Musk said, after previously claiming the company was losing $4 million per day, which necessitated layoffs. Musk took out more than $13 billion in debt to complete his deal and is liable for over $1 billion in annual interest payments.
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mariacallous · 2 months
The social media company X is closing its San Francisco office “over the next few weeks,” according to an internal email sent out by CEO Linda Yaccarino earlier today. “This is an important decision that impacts many of you, but it is the right one for our company in the long term,” Yaccarino wrote in the email, first reported by The New York Times.
Employees in San Francisco reportedly will be moved to new locations in the Bay Area, “including the existing office in San Jose and a new engineering focused shared space with [xAI, Musk’s AI startup] in Palo Alto,” the note said. The company’s executive team is said to be working on “transportation options” for staff. X did not respond to WIRED's request for comment.
The official announcement comes a few weeks after Musk said in a post on X that he planned to move X and SpaceX headquarters to Texas. X would move to Austin, specifically, Musk said at the time. Bloomberg reported earlier this year that X had already been staffing up a trust and safety team for X based in Austin.
While the state of Texas is known to be more business-friendly than California—it has one of the lowest tax burdens in the US—Musk’s publicly stated reasoning for the move to Texas was more ideological than financial. He said at the time that the “final straw” was a new California law that aims to protect the privacy of transgender children, which he perceived to be “attacking both families and companies.” He also said that he’s “had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building.”
The latest update from Yaccarino suggests it’s the San Francisco office, specifically, that is the thorn in X’s side. And it’s an about-face for Musk, who tweeted a year ago that, despite incentives to move out of San Francisco, X would not move its HQ out of the city. “You only know who your real friends are when the chips are down,” he waxed poetically on X. “San Francisco, beautiful San Francisco, though others forsake you, we will always be your friend.”
The shuttering of the X office marks the end of an era for the company formerly known as Twitter, and for the historic Mid-Market neighborhood that in the 2010s managed to lure in burgeoning tech companies like Twitter, Uber, Spotify, and Square.
Twitter’s earliest offices were in SoMa, or the South of Market neighborhood of San Francisco, until 2011, when then mayor Ed Lee instituted a controversial tax break for tech companies. The ruling erased the 1.5 percent payroll tax for companies that moved into certain Mid-Market buildings. Twitter jumped at the opportunity.
The company was considered an anchor tenant in a densely populated neighborhood marked by homelessness and open drug use. Suddenly an airy, high-end food market, a Blue Bottle Coffee shop, and tech workers with MacBooks and overpriced sneakers dotted Market Street, alongside people in various states of distress camped out in front of still-vacant storefronts.
The end results of Lee’s tax breaks and revitalization plans for the neighborhood are a topic of debate, and the pandemic has been a hugely complicating factor, with reports suggesting that San Francisco’s office spaces are more than a third vacant on average.
Musk, now famously, carried a sink into the Twitter offices just after he closed the deal to buy the platform in October 2022, tweeting, “Let that sink in!” After changing the company name to X in summer 2023, Musk erected a giant, blinking X atop the offices, only to be compelled to take it down days later when the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection received dozens of complaints about the flashing lights and concerns about the sign’s structural safety.
X also was allegedly a poor tenant in the Musk era: Its landlord, SRI Nine Market Square, in early 2023 filed a suit against X for more than $3 million in unpaid rent. SRI Nine Market sought to extend Twitter’s line of credit to $10 million as an assurance that future rent would be paid. Other vendors also have sued X for failing to pay its bills.
But in January of this year, SRI Nine Market dropped the case, Reuters reported. It’s unclear why. SRI Nine Market did not respond to an inquiry on the current state of X’s lease and whether the company would be breaking said lease by vacating its office space in the coming weeks.
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
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Billionaire Elon Musk is routinely followed around Twitter headquarters by two “bulky” bodyguards—even when he goes to the restroom, according to a Twitter engineer. The two bearded guards went viral back in January after they accompanied Musk at a securities fraud trial, and appear to have accompanied him to Twitter after his $44 billion purchase of the social media site. A Twitter engineer identified only as Sam told BBC News: “Wherever he goes in the office, there are at least two bodyguards—very bulky, tall, Hollywood movie bodyguards. Even when [he goes] to the restroom.” He said the constant use of bodyguards suggested that Musk, who has sacked a huge number of Twitter staff including coders, does not trust his remaining staff at Twitter HQ in San Francisco.
Mr Musk you need to embrace Gaddafi thought, have some sort of Amazonian guard squad.
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itznarcotic · 1 year
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hate this man so much
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tornrose24 · 2 years
I was remembering episodes of the Epic tales of Captain Underpants. Specifically the memory wipe episode. And I was remembering Krupp talking to Murdsley when I remembered him mentioning how everyone had to bring there own toilet paper after the TP mummy episode...
...And my mind went to a screeching halt because that sounded all too familiar.
I remembered how people working at Twitter HQ in San Francisco are saying that they too have to bring their own toilet paper because Elon Musk was firing the janitors amongst the MANY that he already fired.
And now I’m all ‘you HAVE to be kidding me.’ Because Elon is now officially the equivalent of a children’s book character. An antagonist character to be specific. And not just that, but the version of said antagonist character who also happens to be a complete moron most of the time.
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adtothebone · 1 year
This is the point in the story where he wanders out the front doors of Twitter HQ and through the streets of San Francisco while wearing nothing but the top half of his malodorous leather gladiator costume.
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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202105961caic2223 · 2 years
‘The Bird That Was Freed’, and The Destructive Hate Speech That Followed
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After Elon Musk expanded the reach of his dominant and groundbreaking empire, as the Space X, and Tesla CEO bought Twitter for a jaw-dropping $44 billion, it seemed as if Musk’s reign as “the world’s richest man" was an invincible force of nature. However, the tides have turned for the worst, as Musk, announced that he would be stepping down as Twitter CEO only months after taking over the company. This resulted from a Twitter poll, where Musk asked users of the site whether he should step down as CEO, promising that he would abide by the results of the poll. The results of the poll concluded that 57.5% of users of the site opted for Musk’s resignation, while only 42.5% of users wished for him to remain. (Take a look at the poll results down below:)
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It also seems that Musk’s other companies took a severe hit, following his ownership of Twitter, as well as his exit, and it gets worst… as his net worth has plunged dramatically. Musk’s net worth has reportedly also taken a severe bullet to the chest, with it dropping in value by a reported record-breaking loss of “$200 billion” according to Bloomberg. Danny Goldman from CNN has stated in an online newspaper article that “The CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter is worth $137 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, good enough for second place on the list of the world's richest behind LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault. But at its peak in November 2021, Musk's net worth was $340 billion. That makes Musk the first person ever to lose $200 billion in wealth, Bloomberg reported last week. The bulk of Musk's wealth is tied up in Tesla, whose stock plunged 65% in 2022. Demand for Teslas weakened as competition in electric vehicles from established automakers surged last year. The company missed its growth targets and scaled back production in China.” 
Here’s how it happened:
On October 27th, Musk announced his takeover of the company with a cryptic tweet on Twitter itself, saying; “the bird is freed”. (See his tweet down below:)
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Following this Tweet, the world was fascinated by what the new Twitter CEO’s first business move would be, and I should probably point out that the current executives and employees of Twitter were extremely nervous (no surprises there!), and this is what followed…
His Victorious entrance into the Twitter HQ:
Upon his arrival at the Twitter Headquarters in San Francisco, Musk victoriously Tweeted a video of him strolling in cheerfully to his new office, bizarrely carrying a kitchen sink leaving many people in complete confusion over his antics. Musk captioned the Tweet; “Entering Twitter HQ - let that sink in!”. Hilarious right?!
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Although you really shouldn’t be surprised by Elon’s seemingly weird antics, as he is no stranger to playing the role of an internet troll on social media, and he was simply just gloating over his seemingly ever-expanding world dominance, like the James Bond Villian role he so well lives up to. 
See his full Tweet and video down below:
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Employee Cuts and Resignations:
You could undoubtedly say that Musk wasted no time in asserting his status as a ruthless businessman towards his new business endeavor, as he controversially and immediately fired Twitter’s former boss Parag Agrawal and numerous other leading executives within the company. He ruthlessly demanded that employee cuts needed to be made, leaving many employees worrying about the stability of their current employment. Nobody was safe from the ruthlessness of Musk’s business strategy, who had effectively turned the company upside down to create a better one in the long run. 
A news story published on the ‘Los Angeles Times’ website reported; “Musk had asked workers to commit to his more “hardcore” version of the company or leave.” Unsurprisingly many employees handed in their resignation form’s pretty swiftly (SHOCK!), as many employees didn’t see sustainably fruitful employment underneath their new boss, as he was firing employers left, right and center. Just to put these details of Musk’s obliteration of employees into perspective, the ‘Los Angeles Times’ also stated that “An internal counter of employees currently reads 2,750, one person said, though some resignations and cuts may still be in the process of being counted. Twitter had more than 7,000 employees before Musk took over in late October.” Judging from these figures alone, it's obvious that Elon takes no prisoners…  I also don’t think I’ll be looking for a job at the Twitter headquarters anytime soon, and you probably shouldn't either.
Read the Full article here:
Elon’s Changes To Twitter:
Within his first week as the new CEO of Twitter, Musk immediately made numerous plans to change the social media network. One of the first changes he wished to make was to charge users of Twitter $8 for the Blue Tick verification symbol to appear on their profile, and the idea behind this was to reward the content creators of the app with more profit. Musk also believed that paying 8$ for the Blue Tick had reward benefits for the consumer, as those who are verified will be able to claim reduced advertisements, and increased quality of presence on the app, and they will be able to lengthen the duration of recorded videos. 
Other substantial changes Musk wished to introduce to the site were rules and regulations updates, the banning of Twitters advertisements to endorse other apps (in an attempt to stop users from focusing their attention on rival sites), and the most important one being the banishment of ‘doxxing’ (location sharing). I think that most people will agree that this was one of Elon’s better ideas, as users across social media put themselves at a much higher risk of theft and physical violence due to sharing their physical whereabouts. However unfortunately for Elon, this wasn't enough to allow his Twitter endeavor to be a success.
The Destructive Hate speech That Followed:
Free Speech, Removing Censorship, and Reinstating Previously Banned Accounts Of Controversial Figures Such As Ex-President Trump and Ye (Kanye West) were also at the top of Elon’s to-do list. We already knew way before Musk’s ownership of Twitter that he was an advocate of the free speech movement. So you can easily put two and two together and conclude that Musk intended to allow free speech to be accepted on Twitter also, as he has always believed that censorship on social media platforms is more negative and that everyone has a right to their opinion. But this had many Twitter users extremely concerned and worried, which is understandable as many believe that there is merit to censorship, as it disables hateful speech such as bullying, racism, and distasteful images to the site. This argument is very true, as I can imagine most parents won't want their impressionable children to be influenced by potentially dangerous users of the site.
And this is where I bring former President Donald Trump into the discussion. Before Elon’s takeover of Twitter, it is quite hard to forget the events that occurred on January 6th, 2021, following Trump’s loss in the general election to current president Joe Biden. Most people will agree that Trump’s tweets after losing the election were responsible for the storming of the U.S. Capitol, which it is hard to argue why his Twitter account was banned from the site, due to breaching the site's guidelines. Twitter issued a statement explaining the banning of his account, stating “ we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” So you could argue that Trump’s account was permanently suspended for good reason and that the repercussions of such hateful speech on Twitter simply outway the benefits.
Click on the link to see the full statement (Trump’s Tweets are also included to provide context):
Then finally that leaves me with Elon’s extremely controversial decision to reinstate the account of Ye (formerly known as Kanye West). And, well unsurprisingly this decision from Elon quickly came crashing down in flames, after Ye (who leans heavily toward the far right) caused an extreme amount of controversy, after coming out with many Anit's Semitic outbursts directed toward Jewish people. Despite Elon Musk being an advocate of “freedom of speech”, after Ye outrageously Tweeted a picture of a Swastika on his account it seemed that he had no choice but to remove Ye from Twitter, and thankfully he did. In response to Ye’s Anti Semitic outburst, Musk Tweeted; 
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While you could argue that Musk made the right call, you could also argue as to why he would even have thought it was possibly a good idea to even reinstate Ye’s account, considering this is the man who claimed: “ 400 years of slavery was a choice”, back in 2018. This left many questioning Musk’s capabilities of responsibility and judgment as a CEO, with many debating as to what extent “freedom of speech” is acceptable. Just to put it into perspective, hate speech on Twitter has severely increased since Elon Musk’s ownership of Twitter. Studies carried out by Montclair State University, within the Faculty; School of Communication and Media News had proven that hate speech had dramatically spiked upwards only hours after Elon took office. (Have a look for yourself at the graph data down below:)
MSU, School of Communication and Media News Hate Speech Study:
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 Here are some of the key findings from the study:
“The seven-day average of Tweets using the studied hate terms prior to Musk’s acquisition was never higher than 84 times per hour.”
 “However, on October 28 from midnight to noon (immediately following Musk’s acquisition), the studied hate speech was Tweeted some 4,778 times.”
“Terms studied included vulgar and hostile terms for individuals based on race, religion, ethnicity, and orientation.”
“The potential impact of this hate speech (the potential number of times a term posted in Twitter could have been viewed) was more than 3 million.”
“Elon Musk has promised to reduce restrictions on the platform and “free the bird.” From these results, this directive represents an obvious danger to young people using the platform.”
“Platforms with lax or no moderation are frequently spaces filled with racism, homophobia, transphobia, and antisemitism.”
“Recorded data indicating the spike in hate speech:”
Judging from these figures alone, you can clearly see how potentially damaging posts and comments on Twitter can really be if they are uncensored. If millions of users, including kids, are within reach of consuming hate speech online, it can have a severely damaging impact on their mental health and general well-being, not to mention that many young kids are impressionable and may possibly decide to copy the behavior that they see online. This is where unlimited “free speech” becomes a problem, as negative behavior and hate speech online becomes normalized, due to the lack of punishment for their actions, which leaves those responsible for spreading hate speech to not be held accountable for their actions. So this inevitably causes children to think that this type of behavior is acceptable, and therefore become influenced to copy the type of language they see online. So you have to wonder… do you really want your vulnerable children to be within reach of a social media site where hate speech seems totally acceptable? Personally, I think not.
During the period before Elon Musk announced that he was going to be stepping down as Twitter CEO, many predicted that Twitter was going to suffer from extreme loss of users due to the new technological changes and the offensive content that had increased since Musk began his Twitter Endeavour. ‘The Guardian news website published an article predicting; “More than 30 million users are expected to leave Twitter over the next two years as concerns mount over technical issues and the proliferation of offensive content, after Elon Musk’s $44bn takeover, according to a forecast”. So this makes you wonder… how beneficial was Musk’s ownership of Twitter really going to be? When you weigh up the positives and the disadvantages of Elon Musk’s stint as Twitter CEO, you could definitely make a strong argument that agrees with the fact that the disadvantages out the benefits. (Read the full article in the link down below)
According to an article published by the MIT Technology Review Website “The firm Bot Sentinel, which tracks inauthentic behavior on Twitter by analyzing more than 3.1 million accounts and their activity daily, believes that around 877,000 accounts were deactivated and a further 497,000 were suspended between October 27 and November 1.” The article states that this was a result of the severe increase in “hate speech” on the platform, leaving many users wishing to become effectively disassociated with the site. The article also states; “We also believe the increase in suspensions is from Twitter taking action on accounts purposely violating Twitter’s rules to see if they can push the limits of ‘free speech,’” This particular statistic is arguably very important, as it highlights the issues within a site that pushes the boundaries too far with “free speech”. Users who use offensive language, such as racism, antisemitism, homophobia, bullying, etc, will attempt to see how far they can push the rules and regulations of Twitter before they get themselves suspended. This unfortunately is the price you pay for allowing a more lenient approach to “free speech”. (Be sure to read the full article in the link down below)
Following the results of the Twitter poll, Musk Tweeted; “I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job! After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.” (See Musk’s Tweet down below)
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Despite his intentions being good… it seems he has only forced Twitter on track to its potential grave, and unfortunately, the coffin might already be nailed. You can decide for yourself whether you think Elon Musk was the right person to take on the role of CEO, but because he himself had decided to step down as a result of the Twitter poll, I think it is quite telling that even as a man who has created such a successful and wealthy empire, even he believes deep down within himself that he has failed. It seems as if Musk had simply placed too much on his plate, and that he wasn’t able to transfer his successes from his other companies to Twitter. As a result of this, he faces the consequences, both to his reputation and financially. We will have to wait and see how he bounces back from this… and for some reason, I think he will come back with a vengeance. Who knows, maybe he will design his own social media platform, I think that could be interesting!
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mariacallous · 2 years
Watching what’s going on at Twitter is like watching a guy losing his mind in slow motion. The guy in question is Elon Musk, who once upon a time was the world’s richest man and now isn’t. (That slot is apparently occupied by Bernard Arnault, the luxury goods mogul.)
Musk is in a hole but apparently doesn’t know Denis Healey’s First Law of Holes: when you’re in one, stop digging. The funny thing is that he dug the hole himself. First, he paid way over the odds for Twitter. Then, when Tesla shares (the main source of his wealth) tanked, and Twitter’s share price dropped, he tried to get out of the deal. That failed, so he was forced to borrow a lot of money – incurring interest payments of around a billion dollars a year – thereby becoming the reluctant owner of a loss-making company. And he hasn’t the faintest idea of how to make it work.
So he’s thrashing around, doing one contradictory thing after another. He started by firing half of the staff, including quite a few key people who knew how hard it is to run a social media platform. He demanded that highly skilled software engineers print out their code on paper so that he could give it the once-over. He rescinded the bans that the company had imposed on legions of rightwing nutters and then discovered that many advertisers, who are the company’s main source of revenue, pulled out, anxious lest their corporate brands get tainted by proximity to lunacy, hate speech and white supremacist cant. He even rescinded the ban on Donald Trump, only to find that Trump was no longer interested in being on the platform.
He took to sleeping on a sofa in Twitter’s San Francisco HQ, babbling about a “code red” crisis, the need to “clear the decks of any prior wrongdoing and move forward with a clean slate” and describing the company as a “crime scene”. To find some evidence for this, he commissioned two journalists to go through stacks of internal records of moderation decisions made long before he owned the company. Reports suggest that the documents merely show staff panicking about the radicalisation of the US right before and after the election and trying to react to events such as the storming of the Capitol building in Washington on 6 January 2021 – in other words, no smoking gun.
And all the while, Musk has continued his maniacal tweeting. He tweeted a white rabbit, for example, which the QAnon crowd interpreted as a sign of support. He misread a blog post by the former head of trust and safety at Twitter and insinuated he was a paedophile, prompting others to label the man a “groomer”. (This chimed with his 2018 accusation that one of the team that rescued a group of children from a cave in Thailand was a “pedo guy”.) The other day, he tweeted that “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci” – a multipurpose and daft insult revealing, among other things, that Musk doesn’t actually know how this “pronouns” business works.
One could go on, but you get the point. The guy is flailing around and Twitter has become “The Musk Experience”, as the blogger Helen Lewis puts it. Meanwhile, the world’s media watch in morbid fascination. How can the world’s second richest man – the guy who transformed the automobile industry and built rockets that can deliver payloads into orbit and return to land accurately and safely on ocean-going rafts – be making such a mess of reforming a mere social media platform. After all, that doesn’t require rocket science, right?
For the answer, we need look no further than Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Elon Musk is our contemporary gothic horror story. On the one hand, we have Dr Elon, a restless genius who transformed PayPal and used the proceeds to build two world-changing companies. Nobody who has seen him at work in these outfits doubts that he is fully on top of the technology and the business. Watch him on a tour of a SpaceX installation, for example, talking to the engineers who are building the kit and you see a CEO who really knows what he – and they – are doing. Likewise, ask him what’s special about the electric motors in the Tesla Model 3 or the Model S Plaid and you’re in for an interesting hour’s tutorial. In that sense, Dr Elon is the spiritual heir of Henry Ford, the genius who invented a new way of manufacturing complicated products at scale and, in doing so, changed the world.
And then, on the other hand, we have Mr Musk, a narcissistic man-child with a pathetic craving for attention, the attention span of a newt and a maximalist interpretation of what is meant by “free speech”. This creature now controls a platform that plays a small but significant role in the global public sphere. Run properly and with a viable business model, Twitter could continue to play a useful role in our lives. But for that to happen, Dr Elon would have to be in charge. And at the moment he’s missing in action.
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jamisonwieser · 2 years
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Arcade Fire played a fantastic show last night at San Francisco’s Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.
There’s a song on the latest album named “End of the Empire IV (Sagittarius A*)” which ends on the lines “Sagittarius A / We’ll see one day / What’s on the other side”.
If the name doesn’t ring a bell, Sagittarius A* (pronounced “Sagittarius A-star”) is the super-massive black hole at the center of the galaxy. As the song drew to a close, the star projected around the stage began to stretch as the stage fell into the black hole.
[Spoilers] What’s on the other side is an Arcade Fire show!
They also changed a line in the song from “I unsubscribe” to “I hope Twitter dies” with the Twitter HQ building about a block behind the stage.
They played their San Francisco songs. It was the first time they’re played “Cold Wind” since 2010. Win Butler got choked up sharing that the song was for his grandfather. During the day, he got the opportunity during this visit to San Francisco to lay a flower on his gravestone.
Inspired by City Lights Bookstore, Butler read Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem “I Am Waiting” from a dogeared book he stole from his high school and had with him.
Opening act Boukman Eksperyans was a lot of fun as well.
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theyoungturks · 2 years
Twitter is facing multiple lawsuits over unpaid rent for their San Fransisco office and offices in London. Brett Erlich and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elon-musk-twitter-missed-rent_n_63cfc84fe4b0c8e3fc79b103 "Twitter is facing two separate lawsuits over its failure to meet rent payments in its London office and its San Francisco headquarters, as the social media giant’s financial struggles continue. The Crown Estate, which manages properties in King Charles’ portfolio, is allegedly suing Twitter over unpaid rent in the company’s U.K. headquarters in London at 20 Air Street. A spokesperson for the Crown Estate said it had previously reached out to Twitter before filing the lawsuit related to rental arrears, according to CNN. Twitter was also sued by the landlord for its San Francisco offices Friday for missing rent payments in December and January, according to a copy of the lawsuit shared by the San Francisco Chronicle." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230124__TB03 by The Young Turks
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mongowheelie · 1 month
I found this on NewsBreak: ‘Good Riddance’: San Francisco Leaders React to Elon Musk Moving X/Twitter HQ Out Of City
I found this on NewsBreak: ‘Good Riddance’: San Francisco Leaders React to Elon Musk Moving X/Twitter HQ Out Of City
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seagull-astrology · 8 months
WordPress has dropped support
WordPress is no longer supporting Twitter feeds.  I guess to reach those subscribers I will have to double post.  Here’s the post: https://jetpack.com/blog/the-end-of-twitter-auto-sharing/ Our header picture is of Automattic HQ in San Francisco. Continue reading WordPress has dropped support
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olko71 · 10 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/11/former-openai-boss-sam-altman-pictured-at-firms-hq-amid-reports-of-return
Former OpenAI boss Sam Altman pictured at firm's HQ amid reports of return
By Zoe Kleinman, technology editor, and Daniel Thomas, business reporter
BBC News
The ex-boss of leading artificial intelligence firm OpenAI has posted a photo of himself at its HQ, following reports he is set to return after being sacked on Friday.
Writing on X, formerly Twitter, Sam Altman is pictured holding a guest ID pass and comments: “First and last time i ever wear one of these”.
The 38-year-old helped launch the firm which created the popular ChatGPT bot.
On Friday the board dismissed Mr Altman saying it had lost confidence in him.
Reports this weekend, however, have suggested investors and employees are pushing for Mr Altman to be reinstated.
According to tech news site The Information, Mr Altman and Greg Brockman – another co-founder who quit on Friday as the company’s president – were invited to the firm’s San Francisco headquarters for talks on Sunday.
The BBC has contacted OpenAI for comment.
AI boss Sam Altman ousted after board loses confidence
The extraordinary firing of an AI superstar
Mr Altman is seen as one of the most influential figures in the fast-growing generative AI space and his sacking sent shockwaves across the industry.
In a letter on Friday, the company’s board accused him of not being “consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities”.
The board did not specify what he is alleged to have not been candid about.
However, whatever the board was so alarmed about on Friday has perhaps been overtaken by the global reaction to its decision. There may also have been fears of Mr Altman setting up a rival company and taking OpenAI’s top talent with him.
Reports this weekend suggested his sacking had angered current and former employees who were worried it might affect an upcoming $86bn (£69bn; €79bn) share sale.
The firm’s venture capitalist backers and the tech giant Microsoft – which has a $10bn stake in OpenAI – have also called for his return, according to the FT.
Sources say there have been a couple of sleepless nights in Seattle, the headquarters of Microsoft, which has also integrated OpenAI’s technology into its applications.
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If Mr Altman does indeed return, some speculate he may demand the creation of a new board of directors.
Dan Ives from investment firm Wedbush Securities told BBC News he believes Mr Altman will be restored as OpenAI’s chief executive.
“The board clearly overplayed their hands. I would almost call it a coup attempt, in terms of trying to get Altman out. But this is going to backfire,” Mr Ives said.
“I would expect the board to be out in the next 24 hours and Altman to be back. He is the golden child of AI. That continues to be what Microsoft and other investors are focused on.”
OpenAI is widely seen to be a company at its peak, with lucrative investment pouring in, and ChatGPT – which was launched almost a year ago – is used by millions.
Mr Altman has been the face of the firm’s rise. More than that, he is seen by many as the face of the industry more widely.
He testified before a US Congressional hearing to discuss the opportunities and risks created by the new technology and also appeared at the world’s first AI Safety Summit in the UK at the beginning of November.
His ousting sparked an outpouring of support from Silicon Valley bosses, including former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt who called Mr Altman “a hero of mine” and said that he had “changed our collective world forever”.
Additional reporting by BBC business reporter Annabelle Liang
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Elon Musk Quotes Today Circa 02 November 2023
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1. "Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!" - Context: Elon Musk posted a video of himself walking into Twitter headquarters holding a sink. This quote is from his tweet. 2. "Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape." - Context: Elon Musk wrote this statement when he bought Twitter, expressing his belief that the platform should not become chaotic and unregulated. 3. "X will be an 'everything app'." - Context: Elon Musk has expressed his ambition for Twitter (referred to as X in the article) to become a comprehensive app similar to China's WeChat, combining shopping, banking, and social media. SOURCE: Elon Musk’s Unrecognizable App https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/11/elon-musk-year-twitter-x/675870/ 1. "There was a time when I was posting on Instagram, but I found myself doing selfies and I’m, like, ‘What the hell is wrong with me?'" Context: Elon Musk explains why he deleted his Instagram account and stopped posting on the platform. He realized that he was becoming too vain and questioned his behavior of taking selfies for likes. 2. "Why am I posing for selfies to get likes?" Context: Musk reflects on his actions of posing for selfies on Instagram and questions the motivation behind seeking validation through likes. 3. "I am concerned that Instagram actually leads to more unhappiness, not less, in the sense that it just looks like everyone is just having a great time and is way better looking than they really are." Context: Musk expresses his concern about the negative impact of Instagram on people's happiness. He believes that the platform creates an illusion of everyone having a perfect life and appearance, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. 4. "I think it can make you kind of depressed." Context: Musk shares his belief that Instagram has the potential to contribute to feelings of depression due to the constant comparison and unrealistic standards portrayed on the platform. SOURCE: Elon Musk left Instagram because he started taking too many selfies:... https://pagesix.com/2023/11/01/celebrity-news/elon-musk-left-instagram-because-he-started-taking-too-many-selfies/ 1. "In my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity. He’s doing things that erode the fabric of civilization, getting DAs elected who refuse to prosecute crime. That’s part of the problem in San Francisco and LA and other cities." Context: Elon Musk criticized George Soros for bankrolling progressive, soft-on-crime prosecutors and accused him of eroding the fabric of civilization. 2. "Once you get to city and state district attorneys, the value for money is extremely good. Soros realized you don’t actually need to change the laws; you just need to change how they’re enforced." Context: Elon Musk explained his theory for why George Soros focuses on local races instead of national campaigns, suggesting that changing how laws are enforced is more effective than changing the laws themselves. 3. "Twitter was fundamentally controlled by the far left" and functioned as an "information weapon" for radical progressives at the expense of other viewpoints. Context: Elon Musk explained his rationale behind buying Twitter and claimed that the platform had a corrosive effect on society, being biased towards the far left and suppressing other viewpoints. SOURCE: Elon Musk says George Soros 'fundamentally hates humanity,' erodes... https://nypost.com/2023/11/01/business/elon-musk-slams-george-soros-on-the-joe-rogan-experience/ SOURCE: We should listen to Elon Musk’s concerns about AI, says Rishi Sunak https://www.politico.eu/article/we-should-listen-to-elon-musks-concerns-about-ai-says-rishi-sunak/ 1. "Yeah, you built it like this just for fun?" - Elon Musk agrees with Joe Rogan's comment about the dent in the CyberTruck after shooting it with a compound bow. Context: Elon Musk is responding to Joe Rogan's observation about the dent in the CyberTruck, implying that it was intentionally designed that way. 2. "Trucks are supposed to be tough." - Musk responds to Rogan's question about the durability of the CyberTruck. Context: Elon Musk is defending the durability of the CyberTruck by stating that trucks are expected to be tough. 4. "Designed for Bladerunner." - Musk suggests that the CyberTruck was designed with inspiration from the movie Blade Runner. Context: Elon Musk is indicating that the design of the CyberTruck draws inspiration from the futuristic aesthetics of the movie Blade Runner. SOURCE: Dear Elon Musk, Let's Clear Up A Few Things About 'Blade Runner' And The Cybertruck https://www.theautopian.com/dear-elon-musk-lets-clear-up-a-few-things-about-blade-runner-and-the-cybertruck/ 1. "Italy actually was willing to let us use the Coliseum. I was like, well, can’t turn that down. Then I was like, well, if it’s going to be in the Coliseum, I like UFC and everything, but we don’t have tons of ads in UFC branding on the Coliseum 'cause it’s a place of great history. You don’t want to have it be all like NASCAR. And then Zuck pulled out." Context: Elon Musk explains why negotiations broke down for the fight with Mark Zuckerberg. 2. " accused me of not being serious, and I said, ‘Listen, at the end of the day, I’ll fight you any place, anywhere, under any rules.’” Context: Elon Musk responds to Mark Zuckerberg accusing him of not being serious about the fight. 3. “I’m like 50% heavier than him. I’ve got my patented 'walrus' move. I just lie on him. A walrus doesn’t need martial arts training because it’s really big.” Context: Elon Musk dismisses the notion that Mark Zuckerberg's jiu-jitsu experience would give him an advantage in a fight. SOURCE: Elon Musk Says It's Mark Zuckerberg's Fault MMA Fight Didn't Happen https://www.tmz.com/2023/11/01/elon-musk-tells-joe-rogan-mark-zuckerberg-fault-mma-fight-never-happened/ Read the full article
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