#Type2 infected
thegreenhordes · 7 months
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The Attack Part One:
Null barely has enough time to smack a loose table leg against the Growler's head, slamming it hard into the side and sending it flying. He wastes no time making a run for it- slow these things may be, it would be unwise not to take the opportunity to flee.
Sole Growler: GRoaaaaAAAAH
The beast's enraged cries deafen his ears even as he puts more and more distance between him and the Type One. His mind races, just scarcely able to keep track of where he is. Screw his nightly excursion- He needs to get home. Now.
Behind Null, he hears the beast scream and groan, no doubt it still hears his heavy hoofbeats. Once he gets farther away he can stop long enough to dampen the noise with a spell, but all his focus is on getting away. The farther and the faster, the better.
Null: Right turn here, then straight- Damn it, I'm supposed to be more careful than this-
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murari3 · 2 years
Global Burden of Diabetes and its Complications
About approx. 425 million peoples are diabetic in 2017. 5 to 10 percent have type 1 and 90 to 95 percent have type 2 diabetes. By 2045 it will rise to 629 million.
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which the body capacity to utilize glucose is disturbed due to impairment in insulin secretion or insulin resistance leading to chronic hyperglycemia.
Individuals may be classified as having pre-diabetes or diabetes based on their fasting blood glucose or postprandial blood glucose.
The diagnostic criteria for patients with diabetes are fasting plasma glucose>7.0mmol/L and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)>11.1mmol/L.
The three main types of diabetes are:
1.Type 1 diabetes(children and young adult)
2.Type 2 diabetes(Age>45yrs)
3.Gestational diabetes
Causes for diabetes
Type 1 diabetes: autoimmune condition-it means your immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin.
The damage is permanent.
What trigger the attacks isn’t clear.
It may be both genetic and environmental reasons.  No role 0f lifestyle in it.
Type 2 diabetes: Insulin resistance-it mean your body can’t use the insulin efficiently.
That stimulates your pancreas to produce more insulin until it can no longer keep up with demand. Insulin production decreases, which leads to high blood sugar.
Exact cause of type2 is unknown. Contributing factors are:
1. Genetics
2.Lack of exercise
3.Being overweight
4.Health factors
5.Environmental factor
6.Sedentary life style
Gestational diabetes: it is due to insulin blocking hormones produced during pregnancy.it only Occur during pregnancy.
Symptoms: excessive thirst and hunger, frequenturination,drowsiness or fatigue, dry, itchy skin, blurry vision, slow healing wounds, pain or numbness in feet, brittle nail,dark patches in the folds of skin, major weight loss.
1. Eye problems-retinopathy
2.Kidney damage-nephropathy
3.Nerve damage-neuropathy
4.Vessels disease- leading to heart attack or stroke or PVD.
5.Infection or skin conditions.
6.Amputations due to neuropathy or PVD
Complications in pregnancy: High blood Pressure , preeclampsia, miscarriage or stillbirth, birth defects.
To know more: https://www.murarihealthcare.com/global-burden-of-diabetes-and-its-complications/
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uglykidneystuff · 5 years
Proteinuria is a kidney-related problem that transpires when the kidneys are not working well. Kidneys are the organs that are responsible for filtering and excreting unwanted substances from the blood in the form of urine. Further, they also designed to create hormones that help form red blood cells. In the condition of Proteinuria, protein leaks out from blood with the urine. 
This video is about what Proteinuria is, its symptoms, and its causes. Protein is essential to maintain the health of the body. But, increased consumption of protein harms the kidneys and causes Proteinuria. 
The following are some of the symptoms of Proteinuria. 
• Foamy or bubbly urine 
 • Weakness 
 • Breathlessness 
• Swelling in the feet, ankles, and hands 
• Puffiness around the eyes 
 • Severe hair fall 
 • Poor appetite With the help of Ayurvedic treatment, Proteinuria can be terminated, and kidneys can be rejuvenated. 
Yes, Ayurvedic medicine is the way through which one not only gets relief from Proteinuria but also its root causes. Underneath are the risk factors correlated with Proteinuria. 
 • Type1 and Type2 Diabetes 
 • High blood pressure 
 • Kidney disease 
• Malfunction of the kidneys
• Kidney stones 
 • Urinary tract infection 
 • Increased consumption of protein 
 • Unhealthy diet 
 • Consumption of certain pain relievers It is very vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle and dietary habits. 
According to Ayurveda, natural and nutritious diets are the best treatment for a diseased kidney. 
 Proteinuria is not a condition that cannot be terminated. In case, if you or anyone in your family is suffering from Proteinuria or other kidney diseases, then head to Karma Ayurveda. 
 Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 
WhatsApp us : +91-9871712050 
Website : www.karmaayurveda.in/appointment 
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dryadpharmacy · 6 years
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Boswellia serrata 
Shallaki,  Arbre à Encens, Arbre à Oliban Indien, Boswella, Boswellia, Boswellia serrata, Boswellie, Boswellin, Boswellin Serrata Resin, Encens Indien, Franquincienso, Gajabhakshya, Indian Olibanum, Oliban Indien, Resina Boswelliae, Ru Xiang,
“is a plant that produces Indian frankincense. It is also known as Indian oli-banum, Salai guggul, and Sallaki in Sanskrit. The plant is native to much of India and the Punjab region that extends into Pakistan.
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The resin of Boswellia species has been used as incense in religious and cultural ceremonies and in medicines since time immemorial. Boswellia serrata (Salai/Salai guggul), is a moderate to large sized branching tree of family Burseraceae (Genus Boswellia), grows in dry mountainous regions of India, Northern Africa and Middle East. Oleo gum-resin is tapped from the incision made on the trunk of the tree and is then stored in specially made bamboo basket for removal of oil content and getting the resin solidified. 
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After processing, the gum-resin is then graded according to its flavour, colour, shape and size. In India, the States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are the main source of Boswellia serrata. Regionally, it is also known by different names. The oleo gum-resins contain 30-60% resin, 5-10% essential oils, which are soluble in the organic solvents, and the rest is made up of polysaccharides. *22457547
Extracts of Boswellia serrata have been clinically studied for osteoarthritis and joint function, with the research showing trends of benefit (slight improvement) in pain and function, warranting further investigation. Positive effects of Boswellia in some chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease have been reported. It has been used in Indian traditional medicine for diabetes.
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Gum-resin extracts of Boswellia serrata have been traditionally used in folk medicine for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory diseases. The resinous part of Boswellia serrata possesses monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, tetracyclic triterpenic acids and four major pentacyclic triterpenic acids i.e. β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid, 11-keto-β-boswellic acid and acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid, responsible for inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes.
Out of these four boswellic acids, acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid is the most potent inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme responsible for inflammation.”
Hs= Human study  Hc= Human cells
Analgesic  properties (excerpt from research: “The mean pain tolerance force and time were significantly increased from baseline at 1 hr, 2 hrs and 3 hrs of drug  “)  *see research link PMC4175880/ Hs
Potent anti-inflammatory *see research link  17321470   Hc , PMC5133128/  Hs,  20487208 , 17321470, 0125375
Contains boswellic acid, not in the steam or hydro distilled frankincense essential oil form,  see wiki * see research link  22457547
Safe for topical use, however it could be an irritant  *see research link 18304763
Cancer suppressant and adjuvant against pancreatic cancer & liver cancer (excerpt from research:”  In addition, AKBA inhibited the metastasis of the PaCa to spleen, liver, and lung “) *see research link PMC3204996/    Hc  , PMC4142179/ , PMC4142179/
Improves skin texture, reduces damage from UVA & UVB rays (excerpt from research:” an increase of elasticity, a decrease of sebum excretion “)*see research link 19918712,  /29157812 , /20136919 Hs
Improves erythematous eczema and psoriasis, redness and itch  *see research link PMC4235203/  Hs
Reduces pain in combination with Curcumin in patients with Osteoarthritis (excerpt from research:” The time required to ascend and descend a flight of stairs significantly decreased by week 12  “)   *see research link PMC5761198/   Hs 
Reduces knee-arthritis , works better combined with MSM compaired to Glucosamine sulfate  *see research link 26684635  Hs , PMC5806735/ Hs , 18667054/ Hs
Could improve Crohn’s Disease symptoms , and IBD *see research link 11215357/  Hs, .0125375 (Plos link)
Safely used by type2 diabetics on medications to reduce LDL  *always consult your physician/GP  * see research from PMC3929136/ Hs
Could help with recovery of ankle sprains  *see research link 29131239 Hs
Could improve sciatic nerve damage *see research link  PMC5900512/
Antimicrobial against Propionibacterium acnes, Candida Albicans, Trichophyton spp. which can cause toenail infection & Malassezia which causes dandruff * see research link 27730658
Could reduce cluster headaches *see research link PMC3620238/ Hs
Research links :
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due4amiracle · 5 years
Already missed days
Such a shame.
Oh well.
Not muched was missed. D&D happened yesterday, that takes up all day.
Today there was no D&D, the session was called off. 2 members who were important to decisions being made were unable to show up, thus, called off session.
i’ve been tired all day, left side feeling weak, headachy. Duckie was out, she colored a picture, learned how to count properly. She’s slowly coming around, one day she’ll mesh with the rest of us.
Duckie is 4 years old. She shattered off when i had a double ear infection. Mother wasn’t taking good care of me (not that she ever did) and Daddy was at work, my ears hurt so so badly and i just wanted it to stop, so i attempted to get medicine for myself. Unfortunately the bottle broke, spilling the medicine everywhere, earning myself the wrath of Mother who bashed me in the back of the head, smacking it forward into the counter in front of me. Thus, Duckie. 
i have learned, remembered?, so many things about my early years from this little one.
Bleach scrubbing the bathroom, barehanded, no proper ventilation. Pine-sol scrubbing the kitchen and entryway floors, barehanded, sure it was 50/50 water/pine-sol but that’s still improper mixing and barehanded is terrible. Amongst many many more things.
But Duckie is learning. Reading, letters, counting, numbers, no hit no yell, safety, coloring, it’s ok to ask for things but you don’t have to ask for the things you need (i.e. going to the bathroom). Music. Art. Watching Starcraft 2 and Dota 2 with Sir. Learning of the relationship between myself and Sir, but learning she does not and will not be a part of that kind of relationship with Him. So many things - and she’s sponging it up.
i was a smart child. i lost a lot of that growing up, and even more of that to the MS.
Fuck MS.
Going through a pseudo-exacerbation and also period skip-month shit is draining, but i just recently had two rounds of Acthar, so that’s something and i will rebound back up. Sir was recently diagnosed Type2 Diabetes, so changes in diet have been wonky, but it’s a thing.
Back to today - had rice & beans for supper, still kinda hungry but we’re low on food and have no money right now. Food stamps come in on Saturday so we’ll be able to get more food then. 
 More books: A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan - 6/10, did some skimming to get to the better parts, but decent enough. Partials by Dan Wells Fragments by Dan Wells Ruins by Dan Wells The Partials series is...well, it’s okay. It flutters between 7/10 and 4/10. There’s a lot of walking, trudging, medical jargon, tech jargon, faux-stress, and a lot of problems that would be solved extraordinarily easy if the parties would just stop, take a break, and actively talk to each other. But that would make for poor storytelling. i’m still making my way - skimming my way, really - through Ruins, but i’m almost done, and really only finishing it to know how it ends. See who lives, who dies, and what the final outcome is. (In my honest opinion? It would probably be for the best if everyone died and the world started over.)
ASMR & Blogging.
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skinarange · 2 years
Best Way to Lower Blood Sugar Level Naturally With Ayurveda
You are undoubtedly not the only one who has type 2 diabetes. Today, one in ten persons suffers from diabetes. Less than half of diabetics really achieve their target blood sugar targets, in spite of significant advancements in diabetes treatment over the previous 20 years.
The body's capacity to utilize glucose or sugar as fuel is compromised in type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition. In order for the sugar from the carbs in the food, we eat to reach the cells and be used as energy, our body creates the hormone insulin.
Insulin's functionality is impaired in type 2 diabetes, and with time, the body actually makes less of it. Less sugar will be available to the cells as fuel as a result, and more sugar will be present in the blood, where it will be wasted. Over time, having high blood sugar can harm crucial organs like the heart, kidneys, nerves, and eyes.
The reason for this could be somewhat attributed to the fact that physicians might be reluctant to modify a patient's course of therapy, even when the patient's treatment objectives are not being accomplished. The sheer volume of medications that are currently on the market might be one factor in this. Nevertheless, waiting too long to make changes to type 2 diabetes medication can have long-lasting negative consequences on the body and raise the risk of problems including heart and renal disease.
Type 2 diabetes tends to be milder than type 1 diabetes and advances considerably more slowly. Repeated infections may result from it occasionally. It's hard for the body to recuperate when the glucose level is high.
Diabetes symptoms
·         Heightened thirst
·         Intense hunger
·         Unforeseen weight loss
·         Regular urination
·         Fatigue.
·         Blurred vision
·         Cuts, scrapes, unhealed wounds, and scars.
Type2 Diabetes Medicine
For many individuals, insulin injections are the only way to manage their blood sugar levels. The management of diabetes can be aided by the use of insulin injections and other drugs. It is not fit for everyone's budget because insulin is a lifeboat for people with diabetes and its price is going up every year.
You can recover more quickly and have immediate relief with allopathic treatment, but it may also come with some costs or adverse effects. You needn't worry about any negative effects, though, if you select Ayurveda because it is affordable and made entirely of natural ingredients.
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Herbal remedy for Diabetes
Ayurveda is based on ancient science, and all Ayurvedic medications for type 2 diabetes are derived from natural herbs and plant extracts and are based on nature. It won't have a detrimental impact on one's health.
You can approach Ayurveda to regulate your highest blood sugar levels with the assistance of Ayurvedic Remedy Dr.MadhuAmrit. The best you can do is this combination of herbal medications. It can stop and control all of your diabetes-related issues.
All you need is a healthy diet and the appropriate medications to prevent such terrifying events. Also, Dr.MadhuAmrit is at your side at every step of the route. It benefits in numerous ways.
·         Dr.MadhuAmrit has good blood sugar management.
·         It is a non-toxic pure herbal medicine with no side effects that also promotes health and gives you back your energy.
·         It also stimulates your pancreas to help with appropriate glucose metabolism.
The greatest Ayurvedic remedy from SkinRange to treat high blood sugar issues is Dr.MadhuAmrit. It is the most effective herbal treatment for blood sugar regulation. Dr.MadhuAmrit can be used to treat either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Depression and anxiety are two mental health issues that can be brought on by diabetes. Serious illnesses like Alzheimer's disease, kidney failure, vision damage, hearing loss, and heart disease can also manifest.
You cannot survive on medicine alone all the time. You should include a healthy diet and physical activity in your daily routine in addition to the appropriate medications. You should occasionally check your blood sugar level and regulate it. Additionally, make periodic appointments with your doctors and seek assistance if needed. Live your life as you see fit.
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santaherb · 3 years
Quercetin for Covid –19
To those unacquainted with the quercetin,” it is fundamentally a commonly examined in various fruits and vegetables. In prior times when the COVID-19 existed, healthcare professionals got into a state of confusion about what supplement would be effective. In response to this, we have gathered here to discuss Quercetin as a cure for the corona virus.
Quercetin for Covid treatment
Because of this having the properties such as its an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic helps the patient of the corona virus to treat their severe inflammation of respiratory system which is probably one of the most vibrant symptoms you can see in corona patients.
The main reason for patients who leads to death is a severe respiratory infections but amazingly this having such properties where this can treat the inflammations of the respiratory system which helps the patients to recover sooner from the covid-19.
What Quercetin actually do to Corona patients?
This act as a free radical scavenger. Its prevents the disease development. This lowers the levels of both superoxide radicals and lipid peroxidation products, implying that quercetin could be used as an antiviral medication to lessen the cytopathological effects of virus infections.
Characteristics of quercetin
Quercetin is a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are special substances that protect
the human cell from damage. In addition to this, Quercetin’s anti-inflammatory and anti­cancer features make it suitable for use against the coronavirus. This effectively combats the virus and has shown positive results in the long run.
The anti-inflammatory effects of Quercetin are the leading factor for its utilization against the novel virus.
How does this effects on Immunity
Effect on Gut Microbiome
The Gut Microbiome is the area inside the human body that comprises manifold bacteria and fungi. Following the research, the virus impacted the Gut Microbiome and created inflammation. This led to digestive tract dysfunction and a weaker immune system.
As part of an outcome, the overall human body faces uneven functioning.
In response to this, the anti-inflammatory effects of the improved the gut and immune system. Consequently, a weaker immune system’s laziness faced by a human being is eradicate.
Scientist. have believed in the “power” of Quercetin supplements, and therefore, one should keep an eye on the remedy.
Effect on Metabolic Syndrome
In medical terminologies, metabolic syndrome refers to a condition where high blood sugar levels and type2 diabetes are common. Following studies, Quercetin has been report to show positive results against metabolic syndrome by alleviating obesity, depression, and last but not the least, insulin resistance.
These were consider symptoms” of the deadly virus, so the works effectively.
To put it short, the daily intake of Quercetin supplements showed positive results, and the manifold was completely cure against the COVID.
Effect on AIM2
AIM2 is a factor that is imperative for activation to avoid any unforeseeable uncertainty, I.e., severe inflammation, and cancers. An important aspect to notice is that proper tuning needs to be done to activate AIM2. That being said, the supplements rich in Quercetin amplify AIM2, leading to the smooth functioning of the human body.
Foods that are rich in Quercetin
There are many brands of Quercetin supplements available in the market for sale purposes Supplements are suitable for intake. Taking about food that are rich in quercetin are apple ,olive oil, leafy vegetables etc. Eating these consistently can do wonders.
To send us inquiry right now please visit Santaherb
To explore more of our products visit Products
Tags: Quercetin
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sujitverma · 3 years
Ayurvedic Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes
How Can Ayurvedic Medicine Help with Managing Type 2 Diabetes? Ayurvedic medicine is known for its holistic approach to health. It believes in the body having an innate intelligence which is able to self-heal when given proper time and natural remedies. Ayurvedic treatment for type 2 diabetes has been shown effective in many studies. These studies show that Ayurveda can help manage the symptoms of type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar, increasing insulin sensitivity, and reducing cholesterol levels. The best way to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and taking care of your mental health.
What are the Symptoms of Diabetes? Diabetes: A chronic illness characterized by persistent increased sugar levels in blood caused by defects in insulin secretion, function of insulin or both. There are four main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes, and latent autoimmune diabetes. Type 2 is characterized by high blood sugar levels over a long period of time. The symptoms of type2 diabetes are typically fatigue, frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, hunger, dry mouth and frequent infections.
What are the Commonly Used Treatments for Managing Type 2 Diabetes? There are many options available for managing type 2 diabetes. Some of the commonly used treatments include exercise, diet, and medicines. While other remedies include dietary changes, herbs, and supplements. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is one of the resources that provides you with natural ways to lower sugar levels without medication. The treatment provides metabolic correction and activation of the functions of internal organs thereby effectively managing the present disease symptoms as well as its further advancement, thus keeping the patient away from future complications of diabetes.
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The human body is continuously exposed to different types of agents that result in the production of reactive species called free radicals (ROS/RNS) which by the transfer of their free unpaired electron causes the oxidation of cellular machinery. In order to encounter the deleterious effects of such species, the body has got endogenous antioxidant systems or it obtains exogenous antioxidants from the diet that neutralizes such species and keeps the homeostasis of the body.
People with type 1 and type2 diabetes experience a great deal of oxidative stress as healthy cells are placed under attack .furthermore, oxidative stress is the cause of every known human disease. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that hydrogen can have a powerful antioxidant effect, helping to reduce oxidative stress. hydrogen inhibits glucose and dicarboxylic compound induced reactive oxygen http://species.so HYDROGEN act as auseful tool in prevention of diabetes.
Oxidative stress and antioxidants
It is a universal truth that oxygen is the major factor that has made the life finite. It is one of the important components of aerobic life. However in some circumstances, this oxygen may be a killer of cells when it generates reactive species that causes necrosis and ultimately the cell death. RNS and RCS also cause oxidation by the generation of certain mechanism that interferes with the normal physiological processes inside the cell . ―Oxidative stress‖ can be defined as any disturbance in the balance of antioxidants and pro-oxidants in favor of the later due to different factors such as aging, drug actions and toxicity, inflammation and/or addiction . It is in general, excess formation or/and insufficient removal of highly reactive molecules such as reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) Oxygen is highly reactive specie that has the ability to become part of potentially harmful and damaging molecules (Free Radicals). Oxidative stress causes healthy cells of the body to lose their function and structure by attacking them. Up until now, pathogenesis of about more than 50 diseases has been implicated by free radicals . It is when the antioxidant level is limited that this damage can become debilitating and cumulative . Damage to DNA, proteins, and other macromolecules due to oxidation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of diseases, most notably cancer and heart disease .
Oxidative stress induced organ damage .
Lungs Kidneys Joints Brain Eyes Fetus Heart vessels Multi-organs
Asthma, chronic bronchitis Glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure Arthritis, rheumatism Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, memory loss, depression, stroke Cataract, retinal diseases Preeclampsia, IU growth restriction Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia, cardiomyopathy, heart failure Cancer, diabetes, inflammation infection, aging
7. Oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus
It is believed that oxidative stress plays important role in the development of vascular complications in diabetes particularly type 2 diabetes . ROS level elevation in diabetes may be due to decrease in destruction or/and increase in the production by catalase (CAT— enzymatic/non-enzymatic), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH–Px) antioxidants. The variation in the levels of these enzymes makes the tissues susceptible to oxidative stress leading to the development of diabetic complications . According to epidemiological studies, diabetic mortalities can be explained notably by an increase in vascular diseases other than hyperglycemia .
Pathophysiology of oxidative stress in diabetes millitus
Nowadays, evidences have been reported that support the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Free radical formation in diabetes by non- enzymatic glycation of proteins, glucose oxidation and increased lipid peroxidation leads to damage of enzymes, cellular machinery and also increased insulin resistance due to oxidative stress . According to latest research, lipid is not only but also the apolipoprotein component of
LDL that forms insoluble aggregates oxidatively due to hydroxyl radical-induced cross-linkage between apo-B monomers that is responsible for oxidative damage in diabetic complications . In diabetes mellitus, main sources of oxidative stress are mitochondria. During oxidative metabolism in mitochondria, a component of the utilized oxygen is reduced to water, and the remaining oxygen is transformed to oxygen free radical (O ) which is an important ROS that is converted to other RS such as ONOO−, OH and H2O2 . Insulin signaling is modulated by ROS/RNS by two ways. On one side, in response to insulin, the ROS/RNS are produced to exert its full physiological function and on the other side, the ROS and RNS have got negative regulation on insulin signaling, interpreting them to develop insulin resistance which is a risk factor for diabetes type 2 .
7.2. Oxidative stress and diabetic complications
Many evidences from experiments have given link between diabetes and oxidative stress by measuring various biomarkers that include DNA damage biomarkers and lipid per-oxidation products. It is believed that in the onset and progression of late diabetic complication, free radicals have got a major role due to their ability to damage lipids, proteins and DNA . A variety of pathological conditions are induced by oxidative stress such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetes mellitus and cancer. Free radical and oxidative stress induced complications from DM include coronary artery disease, Neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and stroke. In-vivo studies support the role of hyperglycemia in the generation of oxidative stress leading to endothelial dysfunction in blood vessels of diabetic patients . Increase in the levels of glucose and insulin along with dyslipidemia in patients suffering from diabetes develops macroangiopathies that cause oxidative stress leading to atherosclerosis.
Things to note when you buy a hydrogen water machine
*Company should be launched in india. *US-FDA approval *Company must be using advanced technology. *After sale service should be at your doorstep. *Hydrogen water should be Mg free and zone free with neutral Ph. *Zero water wastage. *Nominal Maintenence cost / Recurring Expenditure
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dentaforce · 3 years
MitoBoost USReviews [Updated 2021]: Pills Price and Where to Buy?
MitoBoost US Weight Loss Supplement—What Is It?
The MitoBoost US supplement is detailed by consolidating various common fixings to foster an item that can empower its clients to get more fit. Subtleties gave in the authority entryway express that every one of its parts are well-informed to ensure wanted outcomes.
Ben Robertson, an American resident, is the mind behind this item. He professes to have battled with corpulence for quite a while prior to bringing matters into his hands to make the MitoBoost US recipe.
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On the authority site, the designer prescribes holding fast to specific schedules to permit you to appreciate every one of the advantages that the MitoBoost US supplement has to bring to the table. On the off chance that you are corpulent, utilizing this experimentally planned and tried enhancement is the way to recovering power over your weight.
To make the enhancement more productive, it's suggested that all clients consider making the accompanying way of life changes:
How Does This Supplement Work?
The data posted on the authority MitoBoost US site expresses that this enhancement is 100% common and intended to dispense with difficult fat layers. It does this without bringing on any results.
Its recipe additionally hinders maturing by guaranteeing that the body keeps on working at its most extreme limit. If it's not too much trouble, note that individual outcomes may shift given that the human body has changed reactions to various fixings.
Accepting the enhancement as suggested by the maker can likewise prompt a decrease of fat-related ailments. The evacuation of these dangers makes the client notice a consistent decrease in their weight.
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Fixings Used to Make MitoBoost US Supplement
As noted before, all fixings are 100% home grown and intended to address the main driver of weight acquire related issues as opposed to dealing with its manifestations. It's accepted that the recipe can fix the body and mend any harms occasioned by weight acquire
Wolfberry is wealthy in enemy of oxidation properties, which are urgent in bringing down feelings of anxiety and destroying free revolutionaries from the body.
This cooperates to assist you with shedding pounds.
Amla Fruit
In certain nations, the Amla natural products are known as gooseberries. Its incorporation in the MitoBoost US supplement is intended to help with decreasing food longings while expanding digestion.
A decrease in yearnings and a lift in your digestion levels are both significant to getting more fit. Simultaneously, long haul admission of gooseberries will help lighten all pulse related issues.
Grape Seeds
Grape seeds are a mainstream incorporation in weight reduction supplements. They are known to diminish age-related issues in more established people, upgrade kidney work, and advance fat misfortune.
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MitoBoost US Benefits
As seen over, the MitoBoost US fixings are intended to empower overweight people to lose fat inside the most limited time conceivable. In the event that you have set aside the effort to look at the tributes posted by individuals who have utilized this enhancement, you probably seen a portion of its advantages.
100% Natural
Every one of the fixings utilized in making MitoBoost US are 100% characteristic. Clients don't need to stress over encountering any unfriendly outcomes.
The fixings are chosen following a cautious choice rule to guarantee they would all be able to aid weight reduction.
No Prescription Required
The fixings utilized in the MitoBoost US recipe focus on the stomach layers regularly connected with specific infections like type2 diabetes and coronary illness.
It's an enhancement that will essentially diminish your odds of getting these infections.
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MitoBoost US Pricing
The enhancement is moderately estimated and can be obtained for as low as $69 for each jug. On the off chance that you are enthused about getting thinner, you need to ensure you adhere to the maker's dose directions.
Coming up next is a brief glance at MitoBoost US evaluating:
One-month supply – $69 per bottle
Three-month supply – $177 ($59 per bottle)
A half year's inventory – $294 ($49 per bottle)
MitoBoost US isn't ready to move on online business stages or your neighborhood pharmacy. You can just get it by visiting the authority site. On the off chance that you are in the US, the enhancement will be delivered to your location at no expense by any means. 
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robbialy · 3 years
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JUST SAIN’ : Medscape Clinical Trend: Thyroid and COVID⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ New research presented at the virtual #ENDO2021 conference shows that COVID-19 appears to cause damage to the thyroid gland. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Investigators noted that individuals with thyroid gland inflammation during acute COVID-19 illness may still have subacute thyroiditis months later.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Experts say that COVID-19 appears to cause damage to the thyroid gland. The gland expresses high levels of ACE2 and transmembrane protease serine 2, which allow SARS-CoV-2 to infect human cells. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ In her presentation, Ilaria Muller, MD, PhD, emphasized, "It is important to continue to follow such patients since they might develop thyroid dysfunction during the following months." Some have suggested that thyroid testing should occur in this patient group every 6 months for a year.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Another recent study concluded that patients treated for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism are not at increased risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 and that treatment does not influence COVID-19 progression. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ However, patients with uncontrolled thyroid issues (especially hyperthyroidism) may be at higher risk for complications of overt thyrotoxicosis and thyroid storm. Experts recommend that patients continue their antithyroid medications to decrease this risk.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ You can read more about the latest thyroid research by tapping the link in bio and seeing the full text of this trending topic.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ #doctor #physician #medstudent #medicalstudent #futuredoctor #medscape #medicine #healthcare #medical #medscape #endocrinologia #endocrinologist #endocrinology #endocrinologista #endocrinonews #obesity #diabetes #T2D #type2 #physicianassistant #endocrinology #endocrinologist #thyroid #COVID #COVID19 #COVID_19 #coronavirus ⁠⁠ #autoimmune #hypothyroidism https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSBLJ3JHzHOx2wIIVkrRbPvC09N092ddNnUk40/?igshid=u9i1wn8exu2
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choudhari66 · 4 years
Point Of Care Infection Control Market Overview: Key Futuristic Trends and Opportunities 2025
The Point Of Care Infection Control Market report is an easy-to-understand document presenting section-wise details about the worldwide market. Starting with the brief outline of the general market, it'll put forth the all-inclusive evaluated market statistics and different parameters for the forecast period. Moreover, the report will describe the main factors boosting or hampering the worldwide Point Of Care Infection Control Market expansion. presents the risks and avenues which will be faced by the businesses or market players during the upcoming period alongside the possible solutions to urge over it. aside from this, the report entails the continued and certain trends within the market ready to shift the expansion trajectory of the worldwide Point Of Care Infection Control Market.
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Further the Point Of Care Infection Control Market report will go on to present the size of the global Point Of Care Infection Control market in terms of volume and value. It will also evaluate the segmentation of the global market based on different aspects such as [Product, Applications, End-Users, and Major Regions]. The report further categorizes the global market on the basis of region as well giving the view about different regions and market growth along with possible growth opportunities in those regions. Last but not the least; the report will also entail the impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic on the growth of market on regional as well as global scale. The direct impact of the pandemic differs on the basis of the market demand. Although few markets may witness a drop in demand, numerous others will continue to remain intact and display potential growth avenues. Thereby, our Point Of Care Infection Control Market report will be offering exhaustive analysis of the global market together with the COVID-19 impact on the global Point Of Care Infection Control market.
Point Of Care Infection Control Market
Key Players in the Point Of Care Infection Control Market:
3M, Premier, Stanley, SW Safety Solutions, Global Life Technologies, Magnolia Medical Technologies, Siemens, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Product Type segmentation:
Skin Sterilization, Environmental Disinfection, Others
Apart from that the application market is segmented into:
Hospitals, Clinics, Homecare Settings, Ambulatory Surgery Centers
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Point Of Care Infection Control Market is anticipated to urge Robust Growth by 2025. This report intents on the leading key players with perspective with knowledgeable and in-depth study on this state of Point Of Care Infection Control Industry. Point Of Care Infection Control market research report provides important market strategies and Latest trends with discussion of market consumption, major drivers, restraints and market share forecasted to 2025.
By Geographical Regions:
North America (the U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and other countries)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, Australia and New Zealand and other countries)
Europe (Germany, France, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Russia, and other countries)
Middle East and Africa (GCC, South Africa, Israel and Other countries)
Key Questions answered by the Report:
what is going to be the expansion rate of the Point Of Care Infection Control Market 2021 for the forecast period 2021 to 2025?
What will be the market size during this given period?
What will be the expansion areas within the market space and where should the participant focus to realize maximum ROI?
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What is quite challenges hindering the event of the industry worldwide?
Competitive landscape of the Point Of Care Infection Control Market
What are the opportunities business owners can depend on to earn more profits and stay competitive during the estimated period?
Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective towards Point Of Care Infection Control market performance
Industry Overview
Point Of Care Infection Control Market Overview
Point Of Care Infection Control Product Scope
Global Point Of Care Infection Control Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2021-2025)
North America Point Of Care Infection Control Market Status and Outlook
EU Point Of Care Infection Control Market Status and Outlook
Japan Point Of Care Infection Control Market Status and Outlook
China Point Of Care Infection Control Market Status and Outlook
India Point Of Care Infection Control Market Status and Outlook
Southeast Asia Point Of Care Infection Control Market Status and Outlook
Global Point Of Care Infection Control Market Segment by Types (2025-2025)
Global Point Of Care Infection Control Revenue and Growth Rate Comparison by Types (2021-2025)
Global Point Of Care Infection Control Revenue Market Share by Types in 2021
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Amazing health benefits of GUAVA/AMRUD fruit and leaves via /r/herbalism
Amazing health benefits of GUAVA/AMRUD fruit and leaves
Guava which is commonly known as Amrud, is a fruit with a sweet and a slight astringent taste. It is a small tree belonging to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Native to tropical areas from southern Mexico to northern South America, guava trees have been grown by many other countries having tropical and subtropical climates.
It has anti-oxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, Anti-diarrhoeal, Anti-hypotensive, Analgesic & Anti-hypertensive, Antifungal, Antipyretic property.
                It has different names in different languages such as in English(Guava), Marathi(Jamba, Jambh, Peru), Hindi(Amrood), Gujarati(Jamrud, Jamrukh, Peru), Kannada(Gova, Jamaphala, Perala, Sibi, Sebehabbu), Bengali(Goaachhi, peyara),  Malayalam(Pera, Koyya), Tamil(Koyya, Segappugoyya, Sengoyya, Vellaikoyya, Uyyakkondan), Telugu(Jama), Oriya(Bodojamo, Jamo, Julabojamo, Pijuli), Sanskrit( amrutaphalam, maduphalam, peruka, bahubeej).
Guava fruit discription 
Guava  fruit  generally  have  a  pronounced  and  typical  fragrance.  Guava  pulp  may  be  sweet  or  sour,    tasting    something    between    pear    and    strawberry,  off-white  ("white"  guavas)  to  deep  pink ("red" guavas), with the seeds in the central pulp of variable number and hardness, depending on   species.   The   fruits are   fleshy,   sweet   and   emanate  a  slight  but  pleasant  odor. 
Vitamin and mineral content 
Vitamin : B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, K, A
Mineral : Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Podium, Zinc, copper
• It has more vitamin C than the orange. 
• Guava contains a large number of antioxidants and phytochemicals including essential oils, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and triterpenoid acid alkaloids, steroids, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids and saponins. 
                 - Guava contains a higher content of vitamin C and vitamin A. 
                 - Guava is also a very good source of the pectin which is an important dietary fiber.
                 - It has high content of flavonoids, fructose sugar and carotenoids.
                 - There are 41 hydrocarbons 25 esters, 13 alcohols and 9 aromatic compounds in guava
• The strong pleasant smell of fruit is credited to the carbonyl compounds.
• Guava fruit contains terpenes, caryophyllene oxide and p-selinene in large quantity which produce relaxation effects.
                 - The skin of fruit contains ascorbic acid in very high amount; however, it may be destroyed by heat.
                 - Ascorbic acid and citric acid are the major ingredients of guava that play important role in anti-mutagenic activity.
                 - The fruit contains saponin, oleanolic acid, lyxopyranoside, arabopyranoside, guaijavarin, quercetin and flavonoids.
• Essential oil is present in leaves which contain α-pinene, limonene, β-pinene, isopropyl alcohol, menthol, terpenyl acetate, caryophyllene, longicyclene and β-bisabolene. Leaves of guava have a lot of volatile compounds.
                 - Oleanolic acid is also found in the guava leaves. Leaves have high content of limonene about 42.1% and caryophyllene about 21.3%. 
• The bark includes 12–30% of tannin and polyphenols, crystals of calcium oxalate. 
                - Tannin is also present in roots. Leukocyanidins, gallic acid and sterols are also present in roots. Carbohydrates with salts are present in abundance. Tannic acid is also its part.
Benefits, uses and application
1) It is used as food and in the preparation of food products. It is also used in house construction and toys making.
2) Guava leaves has great medicinal properties and use in the treatment of various illness.
3) Drinking guava leaves juice, is one of the best way to Lowering Cholesterol, Lowering Blood-Sugar Levels and Preventing Type2 Diabetes.
                   - When guava is eaten, the dietary fiber present in it enters the body, binds to bile acid and excretes it out of the body. Now, bile acid is required by the body for the digestion of fat. To produce this bile acid, the body uses cholesterol, which is present in the body. Because cholesterol is being used for the synthesis of bile acid, its concentration in the blood decreases and hence, the overall blood cholesterol level is reduced.
4) Take unripe guava. Cut it and apply sendha namak and roast. Eat this roasted guava to treat cough. OR. Take few leaves of guava. Clean them properly and crush them in mortar and pestle and made paste. Add in glass of water and boil till water reduces to 1/4 of initial amount, filter and drink it is lukewarm.
5) Guava leaves imparts anti-stress effects. Drink herbal tea of guava leaves(Add some guava leaves in cup of water reduce half and then drink).
6) Chewing leaf is a common remedy for upset stomach, gum bleeding, bad breath, mouth ulceretc. 
7) Guava leaves decoction or infusion is useful in treating fever, spasm and rheumatism.
8) For Diarrhoea, dysentery, colitis and stomach pain : Take fresh Guava leaves , crush them in mortar and pestle. Boil water, add this crushed leaves and dry ginger powder. Cook till water reduces to 1/4th of initial volume. Filter and drink one cup of this decoction, every three to four hours.     Bark decoction is also very good diarrhoea.
               - Drink infusion of bark or eat bark powder(3-5 grams) with water, 2-4 times a day. This is very good remedy for mild food poisoning, hyperacidity, anal itching and indigestion.
   > Guava leaves have quercetin-3-arabinoside and quercetin which can be isolated from leaves. Its leaves contain a compound which has morphine like action. It controls the muscular tone. Quercetin repressed intestinal contraction encouraged by enhanced absorption of calcium. Quercetin has a strong effect on ileum. It is thought that quercetin in guava leaf are responsible for its spasmolytic activity. Guava has high cytotoxicity. Guava can be used to treat the diarrhea caused by the E. coli or S. aureus toxins.
                 9) For Fever : Boil the water, add giloy (Gaduchi) steam, few Gauva leaves and 2-3 Tulsi leaves, reduce it to 1/4th of initial and drink it when it is luke warm. This preparation also improve liver function.  OR. Drink fresh Guava leaf juice.
                                       10) For Gum problems, tooth ache and Bad breath : Boil water add some leaves of crushed gauva leaves, sendhwa namak(or salt) and clove(Laung) oil or eucalyptus oil. Boil this mixture for 2-3 minutes. Gargle this mixture 2-3 times a day when it is luke warm.  It's antibacterial, antiviral properties helps to get rid of such problems.
               11) Tree bark decoction and poultice(paste made of herbs, plants, and other substances with healing properties. The paste is spread on a warm, moist cloth and applied to the body to relieve inflammation and promote healing) is very good remedy for ulcer wound or normal wounds. It's astringent, antibacterial, antiinflammatory property helps cure wounds.
                 > Guava leaves decoction has an astringent (tends to constrict body tissues), antimicrobial, antiviral and antiseptic (controls growth of infection causing microorganisms) activities. Due to these action this decoction can be used externally to wash infections and kill bacteria.
12) For pimples and acne, apply paste of leaves and water preparation on face.
13) Fresh guava leaves paste is applied on painful joints to reduce swelling and pain.
                      - Guava can alter the heme oxygenase-1 protein’s(play role in inflammation) work. And due to this reason, it can be used as anti-inflammatory agent for skin.
                14) As per ayurveda, consuming Guava friut helps to strengthen the heart and immunity.
                   - According to modern science, Guava leaf extract might be beneficial in the management of atherosclerosis. This is due to the presence of ethyl gallate and quercetin in Guava.
15)  Guava juice is an effective remedy to treat dengue fever. It is recommended to drink the guava juice at least three times in a day for effective results. 
16) It reduces all types of doshas such Tridosha(Tridosha nashak).
17) Guava flowers have been used to treat bronchitis, eye sores  and  to  cool  the  body. 
18) Because of its high level of pectin, guavas are extensively used to make candies, preserves, jellies, jams, and marmalades.
Note : 1) If diabetic person want eat or drink guava fruit, then they have to reduce or cut their other carbohydrates content that they take.  With this it's high content of dietary fiber reduce or maintain sugar level. Pls consult doctor before use. 
            2) While eating guava do not chew its seeds instead swallow as chewing reduces its laxative properties. And do not peel skin of guava.
            3) Pink guavas contain twice the amount of lycopene present in tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects our skin from being damaged by UV rays and environmental pollution.
              4) Overconsumption of guava may also cause bloating and flatulence. Hence eat limited and live long.
Refrence : 
1) GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017, 01(02), 013–019 ; f_extracts
Click here for more information
2) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017 Apr; 18(4): 897. ; PMCID: PMC5412476
3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628524/
4) The phytochemistry and medicinal value of Psidium guajava (guava) ; https://clinphytoscience.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40816-018-0093-8
5) A short review on a Nutritional Fruit : Guava ; December 2018Toxicology Research 1(1):1-8 ; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330702066_A_short_review_on_a_Nutritional_Fruit_Guava
6) Antimicrobial Activities of Leaf Extracts of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) on Two Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria ; https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijmicro/2013/746165/
7) sciencedirect.com
9) Wikipedia
10) Local tradition and knowledge
11) Sushruta Samhita
12) Charak Samhita
14) Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2018; 6(4): 44-47
15) Ayurvedacolleage.com
Submitted November 09, 2020 at 09:37PM by kbjawadwar1 via reddit https://ift.tt/2UfrbJy
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shalome7 · 4 years
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#Health Benefits Of #Cinnamon ~ Powerhouse Of #Antioxidants ~ Remedy For #Toothache ~Weight Management ~ Treat #Virus #Infections ~Prevent Type2 #Diabetes ~ #Infertility Treatment ~ #Youthful Skin ~ Cure For Neurodegenerative Diseases https://www.instagram.com/p/CGk-WFLByTB/?igshid=17wsvkv3cn1fl
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qualityherb · 4 years
know about zeaxanthin
Zeaxanthin is a very strong and beneficial antioxidant which found in the plants that give fruits and vegetables of reddish and yellow colour. It offers a wide range of health benefits including protection of eyesight. it appears to absorb the excess amount of light energy to prevent the damage to plants from too many rays of the sun, especially from the high energy light rays known as blue light. It is rich inattentiveness in the macula of the eye and it gives a yellow colour to the macula. The macula is also known as “macula lutea” which means yellow spot. The current study has revealed a third carotenoid in the macula which is known as Meso-zeaxanthin, this pigment does not found in the various source of the food and emerged to be bent in the retina from intake lutein. zeaxanthin emerged to have essential antioxidant functions in the body with other natural antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. these are other important tints sentinel the functions of body also protects from the destructive effects of free radicals, which are unhinged substances that can obliterate cells and play an essential role in many diseases. In adding up to the imperative eye and its vision reimbursement, zeaxanthin can help guard from the disease such as atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty deposits in arteries), the disease that leads to most heart attacks. In glut, free radicals can harm the body cells and also enhance the process of ageing and can lead to several harmful diseases such as cancer, type2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer but zeaxanthin protects the body from such disease. It protects the body’s fat, DNA, and proteins from stress loaders and can also help reprocess glutathione, an extra type antioxidant in the body. The antioxidant property of zeaxanthin reduces the bad effects of LDL cholesterol, therefore declining plaque upsurge in the arteries and condense the heart disease risk. It also works to care for the eyes from the free radicals. Human eyes are bare to both light and oxygen which in twirl support the creation of injurious oxygen free radicals, zeaxanthin cancels out these free radicals and them no longer able to infect the eyes. zeaxanthin better works with the lutein and battle free radicals more efficiently when joint even at the same attentiveness. Zeaxanthin supports eye health. zeaxanthin is the dietary carotenoids that amass in the retina of the eye, predominantly the macula area that positioned at the backside of the eye and as they found in huge amount in the region of the macula, also known as the macular pigments. The macula is indispensable for the vision of the eye and zeaxanthin plays an essential role as an antioxidant to protect the eyes from the harmful free radicals. According to a study, it is stated that the reduction of this antioxidant from time to time can impair the eye health which is why consumption of such antioxidants are essential for the good help of the eye. zeaxanthin also works as a natural sunblock by enthralling excess light energy directly from the sun. It protects the eyes from the harmful blue light. Here are a few health conditions in which zeaxanthin can help: 1. CATARACTS: Cataract is a condition in which cloudy patches take place in front of the eye because of which vision of the human eye gets cloudy and unclear. Consumption of antioxidants such as zeaxanthin with other antioxidants such as lutein decreases the formation of cloudy patches in front of the eyes. They both work much faster and better together. 2. UVEITIS: This condition happens because of the excessive swelling of the middle layer of the eye. zeaxanthin along with the lutein decreases the process of swelling. 3. AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD): AMD is a condition which causes the permanent blindness and to protect your eyes from blindness, consumption of zeaxanthin is compulsory. 4. EYE DETACHMENT: It is well renowned that rats with eye detachment who were given zeaxanthin along with the lutein injections notice to have less than fifty-four per cent cell death than the ones who had given injections with corn oil. 5. DIABETIC RETINOPATHY: according to the animal diabetic studies, supplements of zeaxanthin along with the lutein have revealed to reduce oxidative stress maker that ultimately damages the vision of the eye.
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Ayurvedic Tea Online
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A minor cut was present on his feet. It had been two weeks and it wasn’t healing at all. Never did it happen before with him; not even in his childhood. He went to his doctor and went through various tests. In one of his blood tests; he was diagnosed with diabetes. He had never imagined in his dreams that something internally happening in his body could affect the healing of a minor wound present on his body externally. And hence, delayed wound healing is one of the factors that lead to diabetes being called ‘a silent killer’.
Persistent raised blood sugar level which occurs due to a group of diseases in body in which either pancreas produces low insulin or the cells of the body are not able to utilize the produced insulin. Low production of insulin from pancreas and low receptivity of cells of body towards insulin can occur at the same time and result in development of diabetes. Apart from raising the risk for other health problems such as heart disease; diabetes can lead to increase in time taken by injuries and wounds to heal. The only way a diabetic person can improve the rate at which wounds heal and reduce the chances of developing a severe infection is by keeping his diabetes in control.
One cannot avoid minor wounds, cuts and burns are unfortunate and unavoidable in life. For diabetics, these minor injuries can be highly deleterious to their health. When a wound is slow to heal; there is an increased risk of developing an infection in it. Such an infection can spread to adjacent tissues and bone to the wound. In severe cases; infection may progress to sites distant from the wound. In cases of emergency; infection can be life-threatening or may be fatal. In the absence of infection in the wound, the wound heals slowly and slow healing adversely affects a person’s over- all health and quality of life is affected. Also, cuts, injuries on feet and legs can make even routine works such as walking difficult and painful. There are chances that 1 in 4 people suffering from diabetes can develop foot ulcers. These are painful sores that may progress to a condition which demands foot amputation.
It has been observed that people who undergo surgery for wounds of chronic nature in diabetes are more likely to heal fully if they control their blood glucose well at the time of surgery. Disruption in insulin production and management makes it highly difficult to manage blood glucose levels. Due to persistently high blood glucose level, the functions of white blood cells are impaired. Role of white blood cells is central to the immune system. When white blood cells are unable to work properly, the body’s ability to fight bacteria and close wounds decreases.
Uncontrolled diabetes also slows down blood circulation and makes the blood flow poor. This is another contributing factor which makes it more difficult to deliver nutrients to the wounds. This further contributes to slow healing of wounds. In such cases, the wounds may not heal at all.
Diabetes also affects nerves and related sensation and cause neuropathy. Uncontrolled glucose damages nerves, numbs sensations in the given area. This indicates that if sensation in feet is not proper, then the person might not be aware of his injury. Such a person will not be able to receive treatment of his wound and this would worsen his existing situation. Slow healing and reduced sensation in the concerned area together can increase the risk of infection. The major risk is of developing bacterial infection in people with type 1 and type2 diabetes. Impaired sweating, dry and cracked skin, toenail infections, foot abnormalities can increase the risk of developing infections. There is reduced production of growth and healing hormones, decreased production and less repairing of new blood vessels, weakened skin barrier, and reduced collagen production.
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The other complications related to poor wound healing in diabetes include heart disease, kidney disease, and eye problems. Osteomyelitis occurs when untreated wounds become infected and infection spreads locally to muscles and bones. The infection can progress to a stage of gangrene which is a common cause of amputation of in people who lose limbs due to diabetes.  Uncontrolled infection can lead to development of sepsis, which occurs when an infection spreads into the bloodstream. Therefore, it is important to keep blood sugar in control. To prevent infection from developing in a wound, care of wound as well as
regulation of blood sugar level in highly important. The first step to prevent the wound from infection is cleaning the wound and covering it with a clean bandage. With diabetes, one should wear clean shoes and socks when walking around, especially if a wound is present. Walking barefoot increases the risk of infection. Regulating the
blood sugar is possible by including best Ayurvedic products online in Delhi for diabetes. These best ayurvedic products online in delhi and world include Diabewell Juice and Diabewell Tablets. Diabewell Juice is made of aloevera, noni, gooseberry, banaba, Indian blackberry, harad and curcumin. Each of the ingredients works to improve the production of insulin from pancreas and the sensitivity of cells of body to utilize insulin.  This juice also maintains healthy cholesterol and decreases the amount of bad cholesterol associated with diabetes. It reduces muscular fatigue and decreases oxidative stress. By helping in increasing the pace of wound healing and preventing the damage to blood vessels and nerves due to diabetes, this juice prevents complications associated with untreated wounds. Diabewell Tablets have curcumin, green tea, medhashingi, dalchini, amla, kutki, bitter melon, giloy and manjistha. These tablets improve the way the insulin in body neutralizes blood sugar and keep diabetes in control. They also prevent the bad effects of diabetes on other organs as well as of conventional medicines of diabetes on your body, especially liver and kidney. By promoting healing of blood vessels and side effects of diabetes on nerves, these tablets promote wound healing. Adding
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an ayurvedic tea online in your daily routine can also improve the healing of your wound. Stress is also one of the factors which aggravate diabetes and inhibit wound healing in diabetes. You can calm your brain and reduce stress with an Ayurvedic tea for stress known as Daily Calm tea. This ayurvedic tea for stress has wonderful effects on your mental and physical health as it controls all kinds of stress. Daily Calm Tea is also available as an Ayurvedic tea online. Save a disaster to your health by controlling your diabetes and in improving healing of wounds and injuries!
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