#UGH i love bernie so much
trippinsorrows · 1 month
give me a reason + two
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authors note: wow! so humbled by people's interest in this one! forgot to mention that i'll be playing around with joe's career, in terms of the timeline and whatnot.
also, if ya'll ever watched the bernie mac show, i was very much inspired in one section by that scene where vanessa and them was doing that car wash at bernie's house lmaooo
in addition (last point, i swear lmao), i can do faceclaims for the character, mainly mariella's family. if ya'll want. i know some people prefer to visualize for themselves. just lmk.
i don't own any lyrics used.
previous chapter
words: 7k
song inspo: just give me a reason by p!nk and nate ruess
warnings: language, fluff, some angst, blink and you'll miss it sexy time.
Spring, 2005
Spring break.
The time looked forward to by most students, especially college students, who are granted a free week to get into all kinds of trouble, mischief and then return to campus like nothing ever happened. 
Joe and Byron can’t deny that they’ve definitely had their fair share of that the first part of college, but now with two years under their belts and only two years left to go, they’re focused on having killer seasons and landing their dreams of going into the NFL.
It’s why when coach decides to give the players a break, canceling all practices during said break, there’s not even an initial question about what they should do with their time.
They’re going home.
Because while being away is nice at times, there’s absolutely no place like home and being surrounded by the people you love the most.
Byron glances at Joe who’s looking down at his phone. “You gonna see Brianna while we in town?”
Joe looks up. He can’t say he hasn’t thought about it. Brianna, Joe’s last high school girlfriend, was inarguably the easiest of all the girls he’s ever dated. And if not for him not wanting to be tied down while away at college, he would have tried to make it work. 
“I don’t know,” he answers, truthfully. “We’ll see.”
“Well, I’m definitely hitting up Tamia. Heard she and ole’ dude broke up.”
Joe shakes his head. Tamia has been Byron’s on and off girlfriend since freaking middle school. They date, break up, date other people, break up with said other people and start right back over. Truthfully, Joe can see Tamia being the one for Byron considering how long they’ve been in this little cycle. 
“Just make sure you’re safe, man.”
Byron looks like he’s just been told to make sure he wears a seatbelt. “Always, bro. You know me.”
Joe knows him alright. Knows he can be reckless at times. And with so much at stake in the next upcoming two years, they can’t afford to be reckless. 
“I do. That’s why I’m saying it.”
“Man….” Joe laughs at Byron’s dismissal. “What do we have here?” Joe turns his attention to where Byron has set his gaze only to quickly scowl with disgust. “Ugh, they in high school.”
Joe is also instantly repulsed. “That’s fucking gross.” 
Byron shakes in his seat, as if trying to shake the disgust off himself when he sees something. “Wait a minute…” Joe again tries to see what’s triggered the exclamation of irritation. “Oh hell no.”
“What are you—what the hell!” Joe shouts out as Byron suddenly swerves into the next turn lane, barely missing hitting a car. “The fuck are you doing, man!”
“That’s Ella out there!” He answers, speeding near the station where a bunch of high school girls are operating a car wash, trying to raise money for who knows what. 
At the mention of Ri, Joe’s attention is snatched. “What?” He’s looking around as Byron looks to quickly park the truck, clearly eager to get out. Joe doesn’t see her just yet. It’s not until they’re parked and out of the car that his eyes land on her.
Her smile is the first thing he notices. She’s laughing. Not surprising. For as long as he’s known her, which has been his whole life essentially, she’s always the one in the group to make everyone laugh.
Usually from her klutziness. 
It’s never a dull moment with Mariella Holmes. 
Moving closer, he can see that it’s definitely Ri, and she’s giggling along with the other girls, dancing to what he recognizes is Black Eyed Peas latest song, “My Humps.”
It’s that realization that helps Joe understand why Byron is so annoyed.
The dancing could be seen as a bit provocative.
Her head snaps up at Byron’s voice, easily landing on him. Joe watches her mouth drop open in shock before she shouts, “BJ!”
Dropping the soapy rag in the bucket, she’s nearly sprinting over to the two of them, tackling Byron with a hug first. “What are you doing here?”
It’s when she steps back that she moves over to him. She smirks, crossing her arms. “Should have known you wouldn’t turn down a chance to come see me.”
Joe laughs, pulling her in for a hug. “Never.”
“What am I doing here?” Byron cuts in, angrily gesturing to her. “What are you doing out here dressed like this?”
She looks down at her outfit, frowning. Joe does the same. It’s a bathing suit top with jean shorts and flip flops. What’s so bad about that?
And she expresses as such.
“Ummm, the dance team is having a car wash. We’re trying to raise money for travel costs this season.”
This doesn’t seem acceptable to Byron as he asks, “well, you ain’t having nothing else to wear? All exposed and everything.”
That’s when she rolls her eyes. “Oh my god, you’re so annoying.” 
He starts to pull his shirt off when even Joe chimes in, “dude, come on.”
“She’s half naked!”
“I’m wearing a bathing suit, BJ.” Mariella says it like he’s slow. Like he was on the short bus. “I know you’ve been away at school, so you haven’t been around as much, but I have boobs now—”
At that, both Joe and Byron turn up their nose. The last thing they need is that type of visual.
She continues, gesturing to her body. “I hit puberty, and allll the areas started filling out. It happens!”
“I’m gonna be sick.” Byron covers his mouth. “I don’t give a damn. You’re sixteen, not twenty-one.”
She gives a sly smile. “That’s not what my fake ID says.”
Joe catches her gaze, seeing that she’s just messing with him. It makes him laugh. 
“Your what? Girl, you done lost your damn mind.”
She laughs, shaking her head. “Relax, BJ. You know I can’t get a fake ID. My dumbass would feel too bad and turn myself in.”
“That’s true,” Joe chimes, and she glares, reaching over to hit him. She starts to say something, only for her eyes to go wide. “What’s wrong?”
She says nothing, just awkwardly shifting her weight from one leg to another. He starts to ask again when a new voice joins the conversation. 
“Hey, babe.”
Byron jumps to a new level of annoyance. “Babe?” He and Joe watch as some scrawny looking little boy, who’s really not that scrawny in actuality but looks it compared to Byron and Joe, walks up to Mariella, kissing her. 
Byron looks like he’s about to have a stroke. He asks with all the smoke. “Who the hell are you?” 
Scrawny scoffs and has the audacity to throw the question back at him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Oh my god.” Mariella murmurs, slapping her hand against her forehead. “BJ, this is my boyfriend, Derrick—”
Mariella having a boyfriend makes sense to Joe. She’s 16 now. Why wouldn’t she be dating? It’s normal and expected. 
If only Byron saw it that way. “Boyfriend? Since when do you have a boy—”
“Derrick, this is my brother, BJ or Byron, and basically like my non-blood brother, Joe.”
Scrawny AKA Derrick looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Oh shit, my bad—”
If only he knew that Byron doesn’t forgive nor does he forget when it comes to his little sisters, especially Mariella. 
He steps toward the shorter young man. “Naw. You bad. You wanted to know who the hell I was, so let me tell you, I’m the nigga that’s gon fuck you up if you ever—”
“Byron!” Mariella is now fuming, grabbing him by his arm as she tugs him in a different direction. “Give us a couple minutes.” She flashes a sweet smile at Derrick and a pleading expression to Joe for him to also be nice.
Joe waits until they’re out of hearing distance. He then slaps Derrick on the arm. “Don’t take it personally. That’s just Byron. He’s always been a hothead.”
Derrick gives a nervous laugh, showing off braces that Joe didn’t notice before. He refrains from frowning. Ri could definitely do better than this dweeb. “You like Ri?”
Derrick shrugs, offering an unimpressive. “She’s alright.”
And that’s all Joe needs to hear to know what this kid is really about. Stepping toward him, he keeps his voice leveled and expression ice cold. “Do anything to hurt her, and you won’t have to worry about Byron.” He gives a steel smile. “I’m the one you’ll never see coming.”
Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) 
Or some milder form of it. 
Amnesia, at the very least.
That’s what Dr. Reynolds says is the cause of Mari’s complete loss of memory. A result of the head trauma she received from the accident. A prognosis that somehow feels almost worse than the coma, at least to Joe.
Because for the life of him, he doesn’t know how to look at the woman he’s known his entire life, and have her look back at him like he’s a stranger, like she has no idea who he is. 
Because she doesn’t have any idea who he is.
As devastating as that blow is, he knows it hits harder for her parents. April nearly collapsed in Byron Sr’s arms as Dr. Reynolds informed them of Mari’s memory loss.
She was in tears, desperately asking, “but—but she’ll get them back, right, doctor?”
And Joe only has to glance at the doctor, the way his lips press together before he informs sympathetically, “we don’t know. Some patients do eventually retrieve their memories. Others….others never do.”
Joe can’t even allow himself to think of the latter option. 
A couple days post coma, he knocks on her door, seeing she’s alone, her parents most likely grabbing food or something.
She glances at the door offering a small smile that doesn’t meet her eyes. It’s insincere, and he doesn’t know how to feel about that either, because one of the things he’s always loved about her has always been her smile. So big and infectious. Just like her personality. 
“Hey.” There’s nothing big and infectious about her almost unsure tone. 
“Hey.” He doesn’t wait for her to welcome him in, just walks in, taking the seat on the side of her bed. “How you feeling?”
She gives a one sided shrug. He notices the cuts and bruising on her face have gone down tremendously. That's a plus in a situation full of minuses. “Don’t know.” After obviously thinking about the question more, she offers a more descriptive answer. “Very...confused.”
“About?” He then adds. “Maybe I can clear it up for you.”
“I don’t know. It’s….it’s mostly about who I am.” He could definitely answer that one for her. She shakes her head, providing an example. “Like, I’m apparently this big singer, but I can’t even think about singing right now. It doesn’t—it doesn’t even feel like me.” She chuckles bitterly. “Not that I know who me is.”
“You love music. Always have. And you’re good at it. Singing. Writing. Producing. Dancing. All of it.” She looks over at him as he says with all the honesty and sincerity, “there’s nothing, creatively, you can’t do.”
Mariella nods, as if taking in the information to analyze later on. “What about you?” She asks. “What do you do?”
A lot of things. A lot of things he now regrets deeply. But, that’s not her question. “Professional wrestler.” He starts to say WWE to see if she knows what that is, but that isn’t important. Shit about him isn’t the priority. 
Mariella looks him over, nodding. “It fits.”
He smiles a bit. The first he’s done in weeks. “What else do you want to know?”
She’s quiet for a few moments before asking the question he didn’t know he was dreading until now. “How did I end up here?”
What a loaded question he was absolutely not prepared for.
There’s a lot of things that led them to where they are right now. A lot of which he blames himself for, and her as well, but not nearly as much as he blames himself. They both played a role in how badly their relationship deteriorated, but Joe puts the bulk of it on himself. 
He’s older and should know better.
But, the specific incident that resulted in her accident, the blowout that ended with her requesting the one thing she always swore she never wanted to have happened when they got married…that’s it.
That is the truth she is probably looking for. It’s a truth, however, he can’t find it in him to tell her.
Because selfishly, he doesn’t want that to be the thing to trigger her memories, or any memories of all the things that have gone so terribly wrong the past two years. He doesn’t want that for her.
Doesn’t want it for them.
It’s why he settles on an answer that’s neither a lie but also not the full truth.
“You had a lot on your mind and went for a drive.” His voice shifts into something quiet. He’s still trying to process his feelings about that part of this whole thing. “You were hit head on by a drunk driver.”
For a brief second, he’s unsure if he should have just told the truth. Been honest with her and let the cards fall as they may.
And then she speaks.
“Well, that’s unfortunate.” He looks up. Joe sees it. That sense of humor that some could only take in doses, but for him, it’s always been a highlight. She’s always been able to put a smile on his face even in the darkest of his days. “How long have we been married?”
Another unexpected question, but he answers truthfully. “This March makes 11 years.”
“Wow.” This seems to take her by surprise. “And how long have we been together?”
“That….that’s a bit of a long story.”
She lifts her brow, gesturing to her hospital bed. “Not like I have anywhere to be.”
He chuckles. She has a point, but the story of them…that seems too complicated or detailed to share in a freaking hospital. Because in his mind, he’s started to sort the different ways and things he can do to help remind her of who she is. 
Of who they were. 
Finally, he answers, “I just—I think you should—” 
There’s a knock on the door, Joe turning to see April and Byron Sr.
April is the first to speak, walking over to them. “I’m sorry to interrupt.” She’s almost hesitant to move too close. Joe can see she wants nothing more to engulf her youngest in a hug but recognizes the same almost uncomfortable expression Mariella wore the minute he walked in.
“It’s okay.” He assures, going to stand up. “I’ll leave you guys—”
“Actually,” Byron Sr. interjects, shooting Joe a sympathetic expression. “We were hoping to speak with you.” He looks toward Mariella, and Joe hates it. Hates the almost discomfort that exists between them. She’s always been super close with her parents. Especially her dad. “If that’s alright, sweetheart?”
Mariella shrugs, clearly unbothered. “Sure.” She starts to lay back in her bed a little. “I’m kinda tired anyway.”
Joe wonders how much of that is truth, and how much of it is her just wanting to be alone from people who are virtual strangers.
That’s definitely a word he never thought could be used in any context regarding Mariella.
Once outside the room and in the private waiting area, her parents wait until a set of nurses pass before April is the first to speak. She reaches over and places a comforting hand. “How are you doing, Joe? Really?”
A mess. He’s a fucking mess. Joe has seen much, much better days than the past few weeks. But, he also doesn’t want to make this about him, about his mental state, so he provides a half truth.
“Been better.” His response is gruff as he quickly moves to change topics. “What about you guys?”
Having his wife have no idea who he is is brutal, but he can’t even begin to imagine what it’s been like for two parents to not have their youngest child recognize them, to have no idea who they are.
Byron Sr. is the first to answer, mirroring his son-in-law’s words. “Been better.” 
April shifts in her seat, bringing her hand back to her lap. “We umm—we spoke to Dr. Reynolds earlier today.”
Joe looks up, partially wondering why he wasn’t present for that meeting. “Okay.”
“She doesn’t remember anything, Joe. Not her childhood. Not her family. Not…not even us.” April voice breaks at the end of her statement as Joe looks away. Hearing this again isn’t exactly helpful, though he would never disrespect her parents by asking them to shut up. Even if it’s what he wants. “And we—well, we just think—”
Byron Sr. cuts in, hand on his wife’s knee. “We want to take her back home with us, Joe.” Joe’s stomach drops. “We want to take her back to Florida.”
Spring, 2022
That’s the one thing Mariella, Mari, still struggles to get used to. The bright lights flashing in her face as her photo is taken, whether on the red carpet, on the stage, or even when she’s just making a run to the grocery store. The latter one hasn’t happened as much as it used to, for which she’s grateful, but still.
So there’s a bit of an adjustment as she looks around the room, the hair and makeup team touching up her face once more before they kick off the segment.
She doesn’t regret it. Doesn’t regret it at all. It’s a good look for him. For her too. And beyond any type of benefit for their careers, she’s just happy she gets to see him.
Because that’s the part she doesn’t think she’ll ever truly get over or be okay with.
The distance.
As directed, she walks down the hall, making sure not to look directly into the camera. This is made infinitely easier by pretending she’s shooting a music video. Which, truth be told, it isn’t very different. 
Mari wears the confused expression perfectly, looking down at her phone as if it has information that could help her when she ‘accidentally’ walks into him.
Head up, she gasps and immediately gets to apologizing, just as was in the script. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I wasn’t even looking where I was going.”
His eyes widen as he ‘realizes’ who she is. “Wow. No, you are absolutely fine. Wow. You’re Mari!”
Smiling, she points at him, “and you are…..”
He seems a bit taken back at first, like he’s waiting for her to also recognize him. When that doesn’t happen, he offers his hand. “Sami Zayn. Master strategist and locker room leader.”
She nods, perfectly conveying another confused look at just what that means. “Does—does that mean you’re good with directions? Cause I suck at them.”
“It absolutely does, and you are in luck, because I just so happen to be free right now and would love to give you a tour.”
She opens her mouth to protest, “oh, that’s so sweet, but I really should—” she looks down at her phone. “You know what, I’m a little early, so why not?”
“Awesome.” He claps his hands together and offers his arm. Mari smiles and links hers in his as he starts leading them down the hall, pointing out the most obvious of things. 
The camera cuts, and she engages in conversation with Sami, who’s actually a lot like the ‘character’ he plays. Super charismatic and engaging. Kinda reminds her of herself. So much so that before she realizes, they’re back to recording after having moved across the arena. 
“And lastly we have—” His eyes suddenly widen as he realizes where they are, Sami moving his hand to her back as he directs them in the opposite direction. “Wait, we do not want to go—”
“There it is!” Mari, however, is smiling brightly as she walks toward the door.
Sami looks like he’s about to have a panic attack, frantically warning, “Mari, I know you’re like an international mega star, but trust me, you do not want to bother that man—” He’s silenced by her knocking on the door. 
His face is turning red as he urgently whispers to her, “we should really get out of here. Like right now!.”
She turns to him, confused. “Why?”
And before Sami can respond, the door is ripped open, the scowling faces of the Usos the first thing Sami lands on. He’s preparing to get chewed out only for them to look at Mari and instantly start smiling.
“Whassup, Mari!” Jimmy is the first to greet her, pulling her in for a hug. Followed by Jey, the two of them engaging in some secret handshake that ends with a ‘Yeet’.
Sami, however, laughs nervously, gesturing between the three. “Wait, you—you guys know Mari?”
Jimmy answers, slinging his arm around her. “Man, of course. This family!”
“You’re related to them?” Sami asks, eyes wide. 
Mari opens her mouth to answer when another person emerges from the private locker room, taking up almost the entire door frame, face stoic and eyes cold. 
Sami looks like he’s about to piss himself. He swallows. “My Tribal Chief, I’m so sorry—”
He’s interrupted by Mari who smiles and pulls away from Jimmy to walk up to Roman.“Hi, baby.” Sami looks on stunned as she leans up and kisses his cheek, pressing her body into his, hand on his abs. “Sorry, I’m a bit late.” She grins over at Sami. “Sami was giving me a tour of the place.”
The reddening of his cheeks is about what and what with the red of his hair. “I don’t—I’m not—”
Playfully rolling her eyes as Roman continues to look like he’s contemplating murder, she lifts her left hand, showing off a beautiful diamond ring. “Roman’s my husband.”
Mouth open like a child who just found out Santa isn’t real, Sami does his best to reel in his surprise. “Of course, you’re married. I totally knew that!” He laughs nervously, hands on his hips. “That’s why I gladly brought you to the Tribal Chief myself. Wanted to ensure nothing but the best for the Bloodline’s first lady.”
“That was really sweet of you. Thank you.” She continues to smile, and Roman continues to send daggers with just one, stolid expression. Mari peers up, kissing him again as she reaches for his hand. “Come on.” She tugs him toward the inside of the locker room, Roman finally budging as he gives Sami one last look that has the redhead contemplating requesting a switch to Raw. 
However, as Jimmy and Jey go to follow along with their cousin, Roman is quick to slam the door in their faces. 
“Hey, Uce, uhhh,—” Jimmy tries to jangle the knob only to realize it’s locked. He starts knocking. “Roman! Hey, you gon let us in?”
A couple seconds later the door does open, but it’s Solo, followed by Paul Heyman. Wise Man closes the door behind him. He looks around, briefly bewildered and clears his throat, announcing, “The Tribal Chief has requested to be left alone this evening.” 
Sami is the only one to laugh, playfully shoving Solo and pointing to the locker room. “I bet he has.” Solo, however, also looks like he’s also contemplating murder. Sami coughs awkwardly and turns to walk away, just as the camera crew announces ‘cut’.
The remaining men share laughs about the promo, meanwhile inside the locker room Mariella relishes in the feel of being reunited with her husband in real life, and now in the WWE kayfabe verse.
She’s pressed against his body, arms around his neck with his locked around her waist, holding her to him. “Hey, Big Daddy.”
Roman, Joe, rolls his eyes. Mariella giggles. She knows he has such a love/hate relationship with the term of endearment, one of many she has for the massive man before her. “You miss me?”
He makes a sound, leaning down to connect their lips. “Always, baby.” 
She smiles into their kiss, “good answer.” His big hands venture down to squeeze her ass, Mariella moaning into his mouth which triggers something for him. He lifts her up, her legs locking around his waist as he goes to sit back down in the big leather chair. Joe’s tongue entering her mouth is enough to elicit another moan but also alert her to the fact of where he wants to take this.
“Baby, we cannot do the nasty at your job.”
“I don’t know why you still call it that.” His fake irritation makes her giggle. It’s an inside joke between them that she’ll never let die so long as she lives. “And who says we can’t?”
“I don’t know. The FCC?” He rolls his eyes as she grasps at his beard that she can tell he dyed recently. Most likely because of his job. She wishes he could leave it be. She likes the gray. It does….things to her. “Besides, you know the deal. If we do it right now, we can’t do it tonight.” He continues to move his hands across her ass. “Mama’s got a show this Sunday, and I’d rather not be rendered immobile because my husband impaled me on his big ole’ dick.”
Again, Joe rolls his eyes, even though there’s more truth to her statement than the typical playful jokes she cracks at any given time. Joe has a high sex drive. She’s known this for some years. Mariella, however, does not. And it’s not even that she doesn’t enjoy sex with her husband. It’s that her husband doesn’t know how to stop, doesn’t know how to come, make her come one time for the one time, and just be done with it.
No. This man wants rounds. And truthfully, she just doesn’t have the stamina to keep up with him. Outside of porn stars, she doesn’t know who would.
Man is an absolute beast.
“So damn dramatic,” he chuckles against her neck. “You know I be doing most of the work anyway.”
She opens her mouth to protest. “Okay, that may or may not be true.” She can feel him smiling against her. It’s not like he minds. Joe is dominant in the sheets, wanting to be in control at all times. Her preference given he’s much more well versed in the sexual arts than she is. “But, in my defense, you’re built like a Greek god.” A Samoan god. “I get winded walking up the staircase in our house.”
“Bullshit.” He pulls back, pointing out. “You be on that stage dancing your ass off for damn near three hours.” 
She rolls her eyes, murmuring, “okay, that also may or may not be true.” Mari’s eyes flutter as he moves his hand under her dress. Long, thick fingers easily pushing aside her underwear, feeling the pool of her arousal. She squeezes his shoulders. “Joe….”
He grunts almost, gliding his fingers across her wet folds. She exhales sharply. “You this wet already and really want me to think you don’t want Big Daddy to fuck this tight lil’ pussy?”
Whining against him, Mariella unconsciously tries to move around on his lap to get his fingers back on her. In her, preferably. And it’s when he enters one of those deliciously talented fingers inside of her gushy opening, she caves. “Fine.” He smirks as she warns, “but you’re pushing me around in the wheelchair after!”
Between a rock and a hard place.
That’s how Joe has felt the past few weeks, maybe even longer. But especially now.
He knows Ri’s parents are right. That they have every right to want her to spend time at home with them, in the place where she grew up, where most of her formative years and subsequent formative memories lie. Logically, it makes sense.
But, he can’t seem to get past his discomfort at the fact that Ri won’t be getting discharged and coming home with him. No, she’ll be discharged and hop on a plane with them back to Florida. Selfishly, he was hoping the doctor wouldn’t clear her to fly, but that plan went out the window. Dr. Reynolds is clearly on the same page with her parents about the potential benefit of being around constant triggers. Triggers that could help generate memories.
And Joe isn’t against that. At all. 
It’s just the fact that he won’t be there that rubs him the right way. 
His eyes shut, an instant headache coming on. This is the last thing he needs. 
Turning around, he’s met with Olivia “Liv” Holmes default stare of icy indifference. Out of all of Mariella’s siblings, her family in general, Liv has always been his least favorite.
For a lot of different reasons. The main one being how she always treated Mariella when they were younger. Not mean, per se. But not kindly either. She always acted like Mariella was annoying, and she definitely could be at times, but not to the extent that Liv made it seem.
Like Mariella was just this big nuisance. It’s part of the reason she always wanted to hang out with him and Byron when they were growing up, because Liv spent most of her time with her twin sister, Everly, and her own friend group.
“Liv.” He really doesn’t feel like talking to anyone, let alone her. Their interactions have always been brief and limited to what is essential. For good reason too.
“I take it my parents told you we’re taking Ella back home to Florida with us.”
Joe has to bite back a smartass comment. Liv’s smirk and the almost smug tone of her voice isn’t what he needs right now.
“Yes.” He matches her energy a bit, reminding. “For the first couple weeks, at least. Then I’m going to bring her back home with me.” 
Where she belongs.
Liv smiles, but there’s nothing friendly about it. “We’ll see.”
Joe gives her a look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You know she called me.” He freezes. “The night of the accident.” Joe manages to keep a calm face despite his surprise at her words. Mariella has never been close with Liv, most of their communication occurring via texts and family group chats. 
There’s only one reason she would call her sister who happens to be a divorce attorney.
“I want a divorce.”
Liv continuing to speak is ironically appreciated, as it pulls him from the memories of what is now an infamous argument. “I was sleeping and missed her call, but she didn’t leave a message. Kinda wishing she did, because I’m still trying to figure out just what the hell she was doing out on the road that late at night.” 
He keeps his cool. Somehow. “I already told you—”
“I know what you said, Joe.” Her interruption is sharp. “I also don’t believe you, because what the hell could she have so heavy on her mind after winning 5 Grammys?” She crosses her arms. “It doesn’t make sense.”
When he doesn’t say anything, she continues her accusatory assault. “You seem to forget that we were in high school together, Joe. I know how you were.” At this, he can’t say anything, can’t necessarily defend himself against truth. “You and Byron fucked damn near half the girls in our school, probably at college too, and then all of a sudden you turn in your hoe card to be with my baby sister? Because you love her? I never bought that shit for a minute.”
While he can’t deny his promiscuous past, Joe isn’t about to stand here and let this woman act like he’s this horrible person who took advantage of Mariella. “What’s your point, Liv? Huh? I’m not fucking stupid. I know you never approved of me being with Ri, but just like I didn’t give a fuck then, I still don’t give a fuck now.”
Liv does relatively well hiding her disapproval among her family, to some extent. But Joe has always been hip to her truth. She thinks Mariella should have gotten with someone else, anyone else probably. Anyone who wasn’t him.
Liv, who has never done well with being challenged, steps forward, glare intense and purposeful. “I’m gonna find out what happened that night, Joe. Because I know there’s something you’re not telling us.” He keeps up his unreadable expression, though there’s a small chunk of guilt swimming around the back of his head. Not even about not being completely honest with Mariella’s family.
More about not being honest with her.
She lowers her voice. “And when I do find out—”
Joe and Liv turn to see Byron Jr. standing before them with a disappointed expression.
Arms crossed, he steps toward them, focused more on Liv than Joe. “Don’t be starting no shit today, alright? This the last thing we need.”
In recent years, especially since becoming a father, BJ has matured from his hotheaded days, often even a voice of reason. One of the reasons he’s been voted Locker Room captain for his team, the 49ers, 3 years in a row.
Liv rolls her eyes. “You’ve always been blinded by your friendship with him—”
“Hey.” Byron raises his voice a bit. “I mean it. You blaming people doesn’t change what happened, and you know damn well Ella would have a fit at you coming at Joe like this.”
Not really. Maybe before. Before everything collapsed so tragically between the two of them.
“Whatever.” She gives a final almost warning glare to the two of them before stalking off, probably to go see Mariella.
BJ places a comforting hand on Joe’s shoulder once she’s gone. “You good, man?” 
Not at all. “Yeah.” He clears his throat. 
BJ gives a sad smile. “Don’t let Olevil get to you.” Her nickname from back when they were in high school makes Joe chuckle. “You going back to work next week?”
Joe blows out a breath. That hasn’t even crossed his mind the past couple weeks. He doesn’t even really know what storyline they came up with to cover his absence. Nor does he care really. “I haven’t even thought about that, man.”
“I think you should.” And before Joe can protest, Byron lifts his hand. “Hear me out. She’s gonna be with our parents for a few weeks, so you know she’ll be in good hands. What you gon’ do while she’s gone? Sit around the house sad and moping and shit? You know she would be chewing you out for that, telling you that you gotta get back in the game.”
Joe gives a bit of a smile. Byron is right. Knowing Mariella, she’d have a whole theatrical ass presentation as to why he should return to work, song and dance included. 
Byron slaps him on his shoulder. “Just think about it, alright?” 
Joe nods, because he will. And not for himself, not even for his job, because he doesn’t give a fuck about that right now.
But for Mariella.
His Ri. 
Because she’ll always be his Ri.
And he’s determined to make sure she doesn’t forget it this time.
Spring, 2022 [cont.]
“Baby!” It’s a distant voice that becomes closer as it's repeatedly conjoined with a small hand shaking at his shoulder. “Baby, wake up.”
And he does. Eyes fluttering open, his vision is blurred initially, gradually clearing up to reveal the face of his beautiful wife. Cognizant of his surroundings, Joe realizes she’s sitting on top of him, notebook and pen in hand.
He smiles. It’s been a while since she’s woken him up for this. And while he’ll regret it in the morning, he’s grateful for it now. Grateful for these little callbacks to when they were broke, living in a crappy apartment, trying to chase the dream as inspiration struck her at all hours of the night. And she would wake him up, wanting his feedback. 
He didn’t really mind then. 
And he doesn’t really mind now.
That’s just his Ri.
Eyes squinting, she asks, “you up?”
He chuckles, also enjoying the sight of her straddling him wearing only his shirt. “Yes, baby. I’m up.”
“About time,” she complains, and he rolls his eyes. So damn dramatic. “I’m feeling inspired.” She says it while giving almost jazz hands, pretty brown eyes landing back on him. “Wanna hear the lyrics?”
He yawns, glancing at the digital clock that reads 2:37AM. “What else would I be doing at this time?”
She glares. “Is that sarcasm I detect, mister? Is it my fault my musical muse comes alive at night? That she flourishes when most—”
He closes his eyes. Joe loves Mariella with everything in him, but he’s not in the mood for one of her theatrical tangents at damn near 3 o’clock in the morning. “Lyrics.”
“Oh! Right!” Chuckling, he watches as she reads over whatever she’s written to herself at first. A bit of a habit. She’s always initially self-conscious about her lyrics. “Now, it’s just off the top of my head, so be nice, okay?”
“I’m always nice to you, Ri.” It’s the truth. As annoyed as he can get sometimes, she’s never been on that list. “And I’m sure it’s fine.” 
She smiles appreciatively, slightly taking him by surprise as she quietly sings the lyrics versus just reading them to him.
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we're standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive
It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny
But I've gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
Finished, she looks down at him, expectantly, “well?”
“I love it.” He loves most of what she writes though. He especially loves to hear her sing. “What inspired it?”
“I don’t know. I was just thinking about us. About how far we come.” She shrugs, his hands rubbing circles on her hips. “Your show was sold out tonight, Joe. Mine is sold out too. Like, we both sold out Madison Square Garden. That feels almost too perfect to be true.”
He makes a sound. “But, it is, baby.”
“I know.” She sighs heavily and asks in a partial hypothetical tone. “We’re like really hot shit, huh?” Joe chuckles as she gasps and places her tablet down on his chest, quickly writing something down. He says nothing, having been with her for so long that none of her quirky ways really surprise him anymore.
She glares but moves to place the notebook and pen on the nightstand, resting her hands on his chest. “I was thinking about our conversation earlier…” He’s quiet, waiting patiently for her to finish her sentence even if it does have him a bit on edge. He’s never been good with waiting. “Let’s do it.”
Her answer takes him by surprise. “You sure?”
She nods, tugging at his beard. “We’re not getting any younger.” She giggles, eyes playfully narrowing. “Especially you, old man.” 
At that, he sucks his teeth. “Who you calling old?” He squeezes her side, and she squeals. He knows that’s where she’s ticklish. She falls out, laughing, and he takes the advantage of her being distracted to flip them so she’s flat on her back. “Naw, say it again. I ain’t hear you.”
“Joe, stop,” she giggles as he hovers over her, tickling her until she pushes back against his shoulder. He grabs her hand, restricting her when she opens her eyes. Her laughter quietly dies down when their eyes lock. 
So much love.
Joe leans down and connects their lips, softly, slowly, just as meaningful as any other kiss they’ve shared. She moans into his mouth, feeling his hardened length graze against her opening, her essence already making its way down her inner thighs.
He feels this too, groaning and lifting her thigh to widen her as he carefully enters her, watching her arch her back at the entrance. She whimpers, hands moving around his shoulders.
He kisses her wrist, watching the pleasure on her face as he gives her deep strokes, slow and plunging, just how he knows she likes it. “Shhhh….let me take care of you, baby.”
And he does.
He always has.
He always will.
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doodledrawsthings · 1 month
Opinions on the Sols from Nine Sols immediately. Please. Your au is delish.
Keep in mind these are my very off-the-top-of-my-head, surface level impressions of them after having recently beaten the game on story mode once, while streaming. I won’t be giving any deep analysis or anything lol so the tone will be pretty jokey and unserious.
MAJOR major Nine Sols spoilers under the cut. Please do not read if you haven’t finished the game.
Kuafu: second favorite character. I love him so much. He’s such a pal, everybody likes him. Hou Yi left him as the final sun standing after shooting down the other nine cuz he’s just a stand up guy. The fact that he’s the one who pled keep Abacus around and set his settings to High Sympathy and kept coming in to talk to him out of guilt over what happened to Yi kills me. Smart, silly, handsome, the last remaining Solarian in existence and he can never go home for the remainder of his life. He’s my ride or die bestie, he’s one of my several husbands who babysit my little brother while I go off on a revenge murder spree and I’m kissing him on the mouth.
Goumang: I like her design and concepts and think she’s a fun character. She was the first boss I fought and i thought she was pretty fun, though I didn’t find the fight as memorable as others. I wish she had more presence throughout the game, I heard from a friend she had some more stuff that was cut apparently? Curious about her rivalry with Yi and relationship with Eigong. And since Yi technically never killled her I’ve considered including her in the Dont Worry About It AU.
Yanlao: Grampa!! I think he and Yi’s back and forth throughout the warehouse area was pretty funny. I was so ready to kick his ass the entire time, especially after the segment where he’s shooting at you as you navigate a maze. Loved his bossfight, first fight of the first three i started with where I really felt the parry/dodge/attack rhythm for the first time. Rip gramps.
Jiequan: BASTARD!! (Half-affectionate but only half) he’s giving Fruity Disney Villain Who Flirts With You As He Stabs You In The Chest. He sucks <3 but he’s such a FUN character, what a great antagonist. His fake out fight is so intense, the prison scene is so intense, his boss fight kicked my ass and his theme goes hard. He’s a war criminal, he’s a freak, he looks like All Might MHA and he regularly irradiates himself as part of his body building routine. “Heroes are forged in agony!” 10/10 Disney villain, very stylish. Defeating him was so satisfying especially after the Kanghui fight in the prison and learning what happened with THAT horror show.
Lady Ethereal: I LOVE HER!! SO MUCH!!! UGH!!! she makes me so sad! But everything about her is SO cool! Her fate! Her backstory!! Her design! Her boss fight! Her entire platforming area!!! Just!!! Aah! I won’t say too much but it’s just so good she had my favorite fight in the game, the dance for that one is so much fun. I was streaming the game on discord for my partner and another friend and when we first went into the cortex, she was like “oh you should keep going left and see what’s over there ;)” and then I did and just!!! So cool that Red Candle started off making horror games, it’s really great. Love it. Awesome character, awesome boss, awesome theme.
Fuxi and Nuwa: Rich asshole twins!! These two suck lol but I do think they’re fun characters. The entire empyrean district is experiencing a resident evil style zombie infection and Nuwa is throwing a rager at the club for the rich cryosleepers only. It’s really eerie over there though, I love the vibe of the east side and the discovery of the mutants and destruction of the west half is spooky as hell. And then I got to the area where you get Fuxi’s sol seal and didn’t even notice he was sitting there until my partner pointed him out. I thought he was furniture lol. She’s really puppeting around her brother’s pustule-riddled zombie corpse Weekend at Bernie’s style cuz she’s that much in denial. Also absolutely horrifying that the district supposedly once held 100,000 sleeping solarians that is whittled down to 300 after the mutated virus wreaks havoc through the area. Personally, I’m mixed on their bossfight, the first half with just Fuxi was fun once I got the rhythm but the 2nd half when Nuwa comes in with her attacks gets a bit too chaotic for me. Their boss theme, however, is probably my favorite in the game. I love the opera samples, it’s so cool.
Ji: I think about them a lot. Like, wow what a guy. I think a lot about his immortality, and that if he had not left Penglai with the council he would have been stuck there, alone for eternity. I think about the fact that because they will never get Tianhuo, there would be no need for them to be in cryosleep, which probably means that in the 502 years that Yi was recovering, he was probably up and about the entire time, probably wandering around new Kunlun mostly alone. I wonder if they ever hung out with the dusk guardians, or if they just stayed in the grotto for the most part. Their boss fight felt the most like a dance to me, or like friends sparring. Do you think they thought of Lear as you attacked them with the moves he taught you in the spiritual realm? He makes me sad, but he is very stylish!
Eigong: FUCK HER! SHES SO COOL, BUT FUCK HER!!! EVIL GRANDMA! this games story is like peeling back an onion of horrors where each layer you peel back brings new, mortifying understanding of the situation at large until it ALL. COMES BACK. TO HER! AND HER FRUITLESS PURSUIT OF IMMORTALITY! Her boss fight KICKED MY ASS. I was streaming my first playthrough, so I was already prone to doing worse than I probably would without an audience (emphasis on probably) but in my first attempt I was fighting her for like 6 HOURS STRAIGHT. And for the true ending too, which meant three boss phases. I just could not get her pattern down and my hands were cramping but i really wanted to finish the game that weekend so I could finally talk about it so I ended up turning up the accessibility options to one punch man her. I did eventually go back and do her fight by myself with the story mode settings and MAN what a fun boss battle once you get the dance down (I’m still so bad at unbound counter), and it is SO satisfying to beat. Incredible character, we love fictional old women who commit atrocities in the name of science.
Yi: and finally we have the man, the myth, the legend. I could probably write a whole separate post about him and Heng and his relationships with the other characters but to keep it short- I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! BUT IM ALSO BITING HIM AND PUTTING HIM IN A BLENDER AND RUNNING HIM THROUGH THE DISHWASHER AND HANGING HIM UP TO DRY. Just UGH! It’s not common for the main character of a thing to be my favorite character but Yi is my favorite character. It’s the fact that he is his own character, and we, the player, must gradually find out things that HE already knows. And his budding and flowering relationships with the other characters, especially those who set up shop in the pavillion which leads into his character development is just AUGH. AND THE ENDINGS. YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT GHE ENDINGS. THEYRE GOOD BUT AUGH. I love him, I’m rotating him in my mind on a skewer, he’s my little manlet, my poor little “I’m not a good person” shadow the hedgehog energy meow meow cat boy. I love him so much, I’m so distraught over his terrible life choices. Incredible character.
Ok hope that was entertaining to read, bye.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
I honestly think most of you hate rich people because you're envious
omg you're right!! How have I never seen it this way before?!?! Yeah I am so envious. I wish I could buy politicians and laws and wars that will burn the planet and end innocent lives! Or at least let me sit on a yacht and watch people starve at my feet! That would be so cool. Ugh. It's so unfair.
No but seriously anon, how does it feel to be a COMEDIAN?????!!!!! I literally giggled and kicked my feet like I was down atrocious for you or something.
Okay but besides the obvious mass-murdering planet destroying enslaver billionaire thing, let me tell you why I hate rich people. First of all, different levels of hate for different levels of rich because here's the empirical truth. Studies have shown, over and over again, that the more wealth you accumulate -- and worse, the more wealth you were born with -- the lower your ability to empathize. And not just with poor people problems. Rich people taped up to a heart monitor didn't flinch or accelerate their heartbeats when someone talked about their dog dying or their cancer diagnoses. And the decrease in empathy correlated perfectly with the increase in net worth. Other studies have found similar correlations with wealth and a lack of altruism. So the richer you are the worse you are and the worse you are the more I hate you.
(((skip to the bolded if you don't want my boring bitter poor kid sob story)))
But yeah. You're not 100% incorrect about the envy thing. For me, at least, it did start with that. It started with jealousy that my fellow gymnasts took for granted what I worked so hard to afford. (Yeah I just didn't feel like coming to practice yesterday VS me a literal twelve year old hiring myself out illegally as a maid to the landlords of my neighborhood cleaning a meth house once the meth heads moved out and getting crazy sick and still working my ass off in the gym wishing I could rest at home and not worry about affording it) Then when I had to quit gymnastics for financial reasons in high school and work multiple jobs (coaching gymnastics, lifeguarding, and packing boxes of essential oils in a warehouse) and I was spending a large chunk of time with rich cheerleaders (think Missy from bring it on only she lives on the wrong side of town and Torrence hates her) my free time became consumed with reading. It started with Les Miserables and Rousseau, then drifted into Grapes of Wrath and Marx. I became interested in current events and politics and supported Bernie as a high school senior in 2016. I went to college and specialized in Marxist theory in my literature and writing classes. I expanded on my own petty experiences with the American class system to empathize with the much greater struggles of most of the world's population. Starvation. Geniuses who would never have the opportunities to fully use their minds. Modern slavery. Parents who couldn't truly raise and nurture their own children. Climate Destruction. On and on. And all caused by the same greed that had caused my own little pains. Capitalism is evil. Capitalists are evil. End of discussion.
Literally thank you so much for this anon. You can send me rage bait any time. It absolutely will work on me. This ask was so great on so many levels.
Much love!!
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Scarlet Blaze Ch 12
Spoilers below for all Hopes routes up to Ch 12.
More backtracking.
I had Shez say we shouldn't return because I'm sick of backtracking. Hubert got mad at me. Ugh.
I also don't get why TWSITD wouldn't want Edelgard do take over. Isn't that like their plan? She does all the hard work then they kill her? Isn't Rhea's death #1 on TWSITD's Christmas list??
Ashe is still miserable, but no special words for Annette. I hope Mercedes does.
Marianne is actually motivated to fight this time. She actively dislikes fighting the Kingdom though. (Dimimari still alive)
Lamo, Linhardt doesn't give two shits about Edelgard's war, he just wants to go back to Enbarr and take a nap.
Petra also seems relieved she's fighting rioters and not Kingdom soldiers.
Everyone else - there riots, hung. This one random dude - so there's this dance competition
Mercedes wants to be left alone and pray for Annette. She should've known though that the Empire's actions are sentencing a sizable portion of Faerghus to death, right? I have less sympathy for her than Ashe, who was just following Dimitri's direct orders.
Hubert looks like such a try-hard with this new design. Sometimes I forget.
Hubert doesn't trust Shez. This is such a stark contract to AG, because Hubert thinks Shez will lose control and kill Edelgard and is threatening to kill Shez.
So there's another cut scene where they say TWSITD doesn't want Fodlan unified, but don't they in 3 Houses? Isn't the whole point of the experiments on Edelgard so she's strong enough to kill Rhea and take over Fodlan? Like, I get why they'd be mad that Edelgard kicked them out, but if they were smart they'd let her do all the dirty work and then just take her out and then profit without losing anyone. This whole, "TWSITD doesn't want us to unify!" really smells like bullshit bc of the backlash Edelgard got for siding with them in Houses. Now they're retconning it into "oh, no no, they don't want her to succeed!" Uh, yes, they do, that's what they spent years planning on. Makes no sense.
They talk about training and how Caspar wants to surpass Shez in fighting ability.
Really the only thing of note is Caspar's persistence.
Linhardt is still investigating Shez's power, who has mixed feelings about it.
The problem is the power woke up when Shez was facing death, making it hard to recreate. So Linhardt just commits to studying Shez on the battlefield.
Linhardt is stone cold. After realizing he may not be able to study Shez's power he says he'll need to revaluate the value of their relationship.
Their plans to help Bernadetta is not going well. Everything ends in chaos.
There's moments Bernie's anxiety is treated seriously in this support at the very least.
It ends with Bernie realizing Shez doesn't scare her anymore and that the way not to be nervous around people is spending time with them.
Petra tells Shez he can come to Brigid once it's over.
She hopes to increase trade once the war is over and thinks having Shez around will help.
It's pretty fucked up that Petra thinks the best way for Brigid to stand out is to comply with their oppressors until they "earn" their power or whatever. Recruited Petra is always better.
Shez tells Petra she's "every bit the leader the Fodlan ones are" like fuck off, we know that. Petra just owns it though. She's like, "no, I'm Brigid's queen." We love that for her.
I'm having Shez be as much of a dick as I can though right now (fuck this route for making me kill Annette, Gustave, Rodrigue, and Ingrid - the Black Eagles deserve worse), and this was the first time I felt bad.
The battle of the simps.
I really wonder what the writers were thinking. Oh, I know what the Black Eagles needs, another mage and another character who wants to suck Edelgard's toes! We don't have enough of either yet.
Monica insulted Edelgard's painting without knowing it was Edelgard's. This is probably the hardest trial she's ever faced (yes, it's probably worse than kidnapping and imprisonment for her)
Edelgard got offended. That girl can't take any criticism.
Monica aspires to be Edelgard's servant and is happy that the war she's causing may make that possible. Question is, does Edelgard want to put up with a stalker?
Dorothea has realized that she owes Ferdinand an apology. Finally.
Ferdinand really rides that line between cringe and endearing and right now I don't know what side of the fence he's on right now. He's shouting at Dorothea so he can keep a distance and giving her the chance to laugh at him if she wants.
Dorothea's embarrassed because everyone is overhearing this lamo. And people are assuming they're dating.
Poor Ferdinand is like Dorothea's still annoyed with me. Then Dorothea tells him he doesn't need to apologize, which makes him think she'll never forgive him, but it's actually because she has too.
They both get embarrassed when she tells him what's going on.
Honestly this is a WAY cuter version of the same story and a lesson in how much execution matters. I was all team Petra/Dorothea (and Ferdinand I didn't really ship with anyone), but now I like Ferdie/Doro too.
While I'm kind of bummed we basically got the same conversation, a rewrite really helped in this case so I get why they went that route.
Why did they have to do my girl Dorothea like this? Wasting one of her supports on Monica.
Monica is upset she didn't realize Dorothea was the songstress sooner.
So, Monica is a fan of Dorothea too.
Also Dorothea finds Monica unsettling. Same.
But hey at least Monica got through a conversation without saying Edelgard.
So is this about Constance being mad that Linhardt doesn't care about his noble status or about him investigating her condition?
Linhardt calls her for siding with the church over the Empire for a bit, but it was only for survival.
Man, Constance just makes no sense fighting for Edelgard. She wants to glory of nobility so awkward.
These two aren't having the same conversation. Linhardt is curious about her crest situation and Constance is going off about wanting to revive her house.
He just walks off after getting annoyed by her lol.
Jetiza likes the war because without it he'd be killing someone "less deserving" because Fuck You random Faerghus citizen. I guess they "deserve it"
Also, holy shit, dude acts like it's just inevitable that he murders
At least he wants to get arrested. Edelgard doesn't want him to get arrested.
My question is, did Jeritza go around killing willy nilly or just House Bartels? Because he makes it sound like he can't resist killing and just went and ganked whoever was unlucky.
Or was it that Edelgard recruited him right away and made him her personal guard dog?
Hanneman and Leonie, not who I expected.
I love how we only see mothers crying over their dead kids when it's TWSITD's attack that does it and not Edelgard's.
Edelgard says no more innocent lives lost today, which may actually be true since we're attacking TWSITD and not commoners from Faerghus.
Is there anything you can do about Leonie? She died of poison, but since it's related to Jeralt stuff, I'm guessing it's because I didn't recruit him? If I did, would she have gotten recruited?
Solon retreated. Annoying.
Hubert, who was a dark knight the whole battle, claims he doesn't know the magic TWSITD uses.
I forget how anime magic girl Edelgard's design is in this game. It's kind of weird.
I keep earning reknown, but I don't know what it does.
Duke Aegir and co seized a fortress. Time for Ferdinand to do something cool?
Caspar's brother is a prisoner.
Does this mean I get to put off fighting innocent citizens of Faerghus for another level? Because I prefer SB bored out of my mind than upset that I had to kill Ingrid, Rodrigue, Gustave, and Annette.
Leonie's dead too now. Geeze, SB is a bloodbath.
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Happy Thursday!!
Tumblr media
Okay but what kind of person takes out that much cash at a street front atm at night, with ear buds in?! I get anxiety going to the bank in broad daylight. LOL
“4am isn’t morning, it’s still last night.” THANK YOU. Lol. We are one and the same
I need to start paying more attention to this show and potentially start writing for Shaw cause holy fuck
There’s a whole lot of AI shit going on in these shows this season… interesting that it’s being used to help (so far at least) on one and the downsides being shown on the others…
Okay damn… never even thought about ai videos being used as evidence… it’s really gonna be the end of us all, isn’t it?
Woof! That maroon coat?! Thank you wardrobe!
Okay, apologies, I ended up missing a good chunk of the ep to make dinner, lololol. Just know that dinner was delicious and worth it (and something new!) though now I have a pile of dishes. Ugh.
Svu time!
Okay yeah so thank god we’re not leaving the Maddie case behind like it didn’t matter to liv.
GIRL! Please don’t just run into traffic, you know better.
Serious question… do fitbits/heart rate monitors work if they’re over your clothes?
Velasco’s sweater looks hella cozy. I honestly want to steal all of his clothing lol.
We’ve had way more talk of profiling, behaviour analysis and shit on this show in the past little bit… are they trying to be criminal minds? Cause like… that show already exists.
Tell me why olivia’s “fin and I will keep working all night if we have to” made my brain immediately jump to mean girls “we will keep you here til 4…” LOL.
You know…. I will say, with less cops around at least carisi’s getting more screen time even though we never go to court.
Honestly… liv isn’t great on the stand and she never really has been. She lets her emotion and anger show through way too much. I get the idea/direction of that but also… if she’s always so snippy while testifying how is she allowed to demean her squad members for the same thing?
This kids a good actor
Alright, onto OC
“I meant at home” “I’m fine, we’re good” okay, so y’all are still married it just hasn’t been mentioned in a while.
Oh PLEASE, as if Elliot wouldn’t get an ego boost over younger officers calling him sir. He always wanted to be in charge, he thinks he’s in charge of OC half the time already.
I do not trust this officer guy, there’s something sus going on
Okay… how did this dude get hurt enough to end up in the icu?? He was halfway across the street when the blast hit?
Im screaming, crying, throwing up over that Melinda scene!!!!
First off: she hasn’t changed at all, the writing, the performance, the little quips where she’s all “yeah I can’t conclusively tell you what you want to hear,” she won’t fib and risk her job and we love her for it. Also the vulnerability from stabler?! What?? incredible. also her face when he hugged her, the ultimate confusion and tensing up “what… is this for?” LOL. Imma need more of her in the future on this show!
Is this other captain a “frenemie” or an ex girlfriend? Sus.
 “glad you’re in therapy” homeboi, that is WHERE YOU SHOULD BE TOO.
“that’s a shame, I always liked angela, what’d you do to her?��� LOL. BERNIE. I love you.
Well this isn’t good….
There was absolutely no way shape or form that none of those cops went into that warehouse and DIDN’T think there would be a bomb…
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nozoomie · 8 months
Byleth doesn't get paid enough for this. Frankly speaking, she doesn't think the loose change she loots from bandits on weekly missions can really be called a salary but that's neither here nor there.
What she does know, is that she was employed as a professor of Garreg Mach as a combat and tactics instructor.
Not... not whatever this is.
"Oh Professor, I don't know about this... What if she says no?" Dorothea drapes herself across the desk, sighing forlornly. "I don't think this is a good idea anymore..."
"Hm." Byleth purses her lips. Caspar misspelled his name again.
Dorothea pulls her hat down over her face and continues, "Ugh! I know this isn't like me, but... this is the first time I... I actually like the person I'm aiming for. What if... what if this ruins what we have...?"
"Mm." Byleth scrunches her nose looking down at the answer sheet before her. It truly is a blessing that the practical exams are weighted so much more heavily than the theoretical ones. What does 'give them a bam, boom, pow' even mean? Byleth shakes her head and adds a large question mark next to the section.
"No, I know... this wouldn't make Petra hate me, she's too sweet for that. But this is a Fódlan custom, would she even know what I mean when I give her the chocolate?"
A pleased smile emerges on Byleth's face and she nods in satisfaction as she marks an answer correct on the sheet. At least she won't have to tell Caspar he got a 0.
Dorothea gets up suddenly, slapping her palms on the desk. "Yes, you're right! Fortune favors the bold after all! My feelings will get through to her one way or another-- I'll make sure of it!" Revitalized, she skips her way out of the classroom, with a cheery wave and a "Thanks for everything Professor!" called as she leaves.
Byleth gives a half-hearted wave as Dorothea exits. When the door clicks shut she lets out a sigh and leans back into her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose. For the past week students have been coming to her for "advice" with regards to the upcoming St. Cethleann's day.
Apparently due to her young looks, neutral disposition, and relatively sound mental faculties, she has been singled out as the best authority figure to appeal to for romantic wisdom.
The idea baffles Byleth for many reasons, but namely for the sole fact that she has never given love advice to anyone.
The first of her students to approach her had apparently been Bernadetta of all people. When this had happened, Byleth has no idea, but apparently at some point within the week little Bernie had an inspiring conversation with her about taking charge in her love life.
Word had then gotten out that she was offering such a service to any love stricken students and Byleth hasn't had a moment to herself since. She thought that ignoring the issue would make people realize she had no nuggets of wisdom or encouragement to offer, but somehow that has been working to her detriment. She's toyed with the idea of giving some actually bad advice, but as bothersome as it is, she doesn't want any of her kids to be miserable.
So. Emotional sounding board it is then.
Byleth can at least take solace in the fact that the day of reckoning is nearly upon them, and these counseling sessions will finally end.
A knock at her door disrupts her moment of peace and she suppresses a groan.
Soon. It will all be over soon.
Byleth takes a breath and composes herself. "Come in."
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fractualized · 1 year
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Well, whatever the fuck is going on in Zdarsky's Batman right now doesn't make me feel great about the eventual reveal for the Jokers in The Man Who Stopped Laughing, but I enjoyed TMWSL #8 today and I'm going to focus on that and not how very fucking over the multiverse I am.
As always, spoilers for TMWSL ahead!
As much as I enjoyed last issue, I'm happy to catch up with who I still think of as Protagonist Joker. He's got that sad, half-dead underdog appeal! And he has a half-dead friend!
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Grundyjokes lives!
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They don’t have to be this cute. Why are they so cute in their weird little subterranean friendship.
You may remember, however, that the Joker in Los Angeles is, uh, not making friends.
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Real original commentary, lady!
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How much people across the country (or the world or the galaxy) are familiar with DC's heroes and villains changes depending on the needs of the story, but I think I prefer a world where their notoriety is more localized just for opportunities like this. lol
And so does Joker, who takes the opportunity to stab Manhunter and escape, before we’re back in the Gotham sewers with another Gotham creature, Killer Croc.
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>:[ Joker, you're not gonna make more friends like this.
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As Protagonist Joker antagonizes Waylon, LA Joker is desperately trying to not be in LA.
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I thought the door lock was a funny beat, and then this happens.
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Hee, classic.
Just when I think Mr. Waffles will finally come to the rescue...
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Oh, perhaps Killer Moth is a friend? But this issue is cutting back and forth pretty often, and we’re back with a different Killer on the hunt.
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Oh. Oh, that poor utility worker.
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Just burning up to nothing behind Joker, who is still wearing the same damn underwear. But at least a lot of his hair is back!
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Well, I certainly hope both of you aren't the result of another comic's multiversal nonsense that sure seems to be undermining your villain origin story in favor of making you more of a plot device than the character I enjoy BUT I SAID WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT
Anyway, Protagonist Joker passes out, leaving his fate for the next issue, and it's back to the west coast.
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Though just when you think Killer Moth flew across the country to help Joker for some reason...
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Oh, of course he's here for revenge. That makes more sense.
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Moth, you have to know you're gonna regret this.
Hey, speaking of Jason!
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That boy sure loves his Austen and Shakespeare and treatises on how violence is a tool exploited by the state.
A strange figure appears!
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I'm not sure if more is happening here than a visual signal or what, but Tiffany is actually Barbara.
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I'm going to assume it's Steph on the other end of the line just because of her previous appearance, and going by Barbara's last remark, I'm also wondering if this help for Jason is without Bruce's knowledge, but time will tell!
And then it's back to Los Angeles, and... ugh... the answer to why Mr. Waffles didn't come to Joker's rescue..
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But Joker said "almost!" Waffles can recover!
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO goddammit, I shouldn't have gotten attached. Buuuut maybe there’ll be a gag next time about how he’s barely hanging on??
... Also I wouldn’t hate it if Joker dragged poor Waffles around Weekend-at-Bernie's style.
Sigh. Alright. Onto the backer. Francavilla is back for the art! Hooray!
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Joker's an especially sad clown in this one! And he's sick of all the fighting, so he comes up with an invention.
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Of course Joker’s not gonna try out being good. Can’t you make out his badge?
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The fact that the victim's head merely goes POP. I can't.
And the device works in the air! It works in the sea!
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They had to put the "Superman created by" credit at the start of this story just so we could see Clark's head get obliterated.
I really try not to post too many full pages but lol these chyrons
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Naturally, after Randolph Joker decides to go all-out with his device...
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Holy unintended consequences, headless Batman!
Speaking of losing your head, don’t get too many bright ideas, Gaggy...
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Joker decides to go with a different career opportunity.
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Gotta love a good bookend! And look, it's Two-Face! Also is that a new Gaggy or a continuity error or what am I even saying it doesn’t matter
I'm not sure if the Joker duplicate in this story is his new life as a for-real clown or collectively all the shitty people he enabled... but this stupid @!#$?* mime is as unfulfilled as always, and isn't that what really matters? ✨
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First election!! How exciting! Yeah sorry it's not better. I was very lucky and got to vote for Obama in 2008 as my first.
One thing I HIGHLY recommend keeping an eye out for is any post encouraging not voting that uses progressive language. Such as the horrors in Palestine. In 2016 a lot of the suspected interference was found in progressive spaces. Tearing down Hilary, advising people not to vote or to write in Bernie.
People who want to control our elections, both foreign and domestic, did and will 100% again place people in progressive circles. And these peoples entire job is to try and discourage people from voting. They'll use our language and our causes against us.
Research everyone and every measure on your ballot. Ballotpedia is a great resource and you can often also see what organizations are backing certain ballot measures. Good way to tell if something that sounds fine is secretly terrible. Ugh.
I facebook stalk the school board candidates (that's the social media of choice for most of them) and its a good way to find out what they ACTUALLY support.
Everyones a liar, just a matter of how much and what about.
⭐️ Politics ⭐️
Very exciting!!! (very scary)
I have already seen an influx of people in my age and even, unfortunately, those who are older and SHOULD be wiser discouraging voting all together. I think it's a real shame and shows a genuine lack of knowledge on what voting is, why it matters, and why we do it to begin with when elections seem to suck more and more each year. As a reminder I've recently started repeating, "YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA."
It's so easy to stick your head in the sand and be unaware but it's so harmful to yourself and obviously to others. When I was in middle school I did volunteer work for my local House of Reps. candidate, and a Senator, seemingly lovely people until you're working 30 hours a week at 11 years old and hearing them talk about how they actually feel....yikes! One big issue I've seen growing up is idolizing politicians like they're in boybands or some ridiculous thing instead of largely important figures who make decisions that impact our lives in our own country as well as others. Horrifying, but a part of life today until we decide to do something about it.
I look forward to a hopefully better election year, and the four years that follow it.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
hhhh literally how dare archie make SO MANY cool fucking characters and spoil it by making the universe so viscerally opposed to every single one of the games' themes and motifs
so many of archie sonic's concepts were focused on kids obeying authority rather than pursuing their own agency. sonic as a franchise is literally about kids with no parental supervision fighting a dictator. like bro how do you look at a fun concept like that and then decide to ruin it by not only giving the kids parents, but making the parents overbearing and domineering..... and then MAKING THE CHARACTERS JUST ACCEPT IT. no. absolutely fucking not.
jules and bernadette are actually so goddamn cool in the archieverse; a roboticized character who survives only because of the roboticizer, a juxtaposition to the universal evil the roboticizer was seen as!! and bernie was implied to be a soldier and a war hero, much like jules. they were a battle-in-arms couple! genuinely cool! the trouble is that they were written as sonic's parents, which - what?
one, why does he need parents period? two, why were they made specifically to be sonics parents just to have more authority figures tell him what to do. why couldnt they be like. from the same neighborhood or island as sonic and potentially have information about his origins but not actually be his parents. like. seriously?
and then, if it's not giving kids parents just to have them be overbearing and toxic (looking at you king fucking max), it's to add characters that fundamentally cheapen existing characters' roles (elias acorn, and every single echidna added beyond knuckles). or adding characters just to lock them into middle grade relationship drama (julie-su, i love you with my whole heart, but the soulmate arc was so bad. mina, sweetie. you deserve better. geoffrey.............. die.)
so many of these characters were interesting and dynamic and could have been awesome, if they'd been given... literally any other role. a single scrap of plot.
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grandsonoflightike · 1 month
Grey Three Houses/Hopes P3: An Incurable Shut-In
*At The Base Camp near The Watchtower*
*Shadow Bernadetta stretches and sings to herself.*
Shadow Bernadetta: *Humming* Oh, I love days like today when there's hardly anyone around!
*Shadow Shez, Shadow Monica, and Duke Shadow Gerth enter the tower to talk to Shadow Bernadetta while her back is turned.*
Shadow Monica: Hello, Shadow Bernadetta. Do you have a minute?
Shadow Bernadetta: *turns around* Ack! What? I wasn't doing anything, I swear!
Shadow Monica: I'll take that as a yes. Listen. There's a small matter that needs a bit of handling, so I'm gathering up anyone who's available. Which, as of right now, is just the three of us.
Shadow Bernadetta: OK, well, I'm not much good at dealing with things, and certainly not with...you know. Matters.
Shadow Shez: Knock it off. You can more than hold your own in a fight, and you know it. I mean, sure, we'll be fighting bandits in a cave, but how hard can it be?
Shadow Bernadetta: Ugh, see? I should definitely sit this one out. Isn't there someone else you can ask? This is my day off! It's Shadow Bernie Day!
Shadow Monica: Actually, nearly everyone else is off seeing to one task or another at the moment.
Shadow Bernadetta: Oh... I guess that's why it's so nice and quiet around here today.
Duke Shadow Gerth: Enough! If we don't make haste, the enemy will realize we are coming and flee their location.
Shadow Bernadetta: *turns to Duke Shadow Gerth* Bwah! Wh-who are you?!
Shadow Monica: That's Duke Shadow Gerth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I assume this is your first time meeting?
Duke Shadow Gerth: This may very well be, but I have quite often worked alongside your shadow mother.
Shadow Bernadetta: Really? I guess I should be thanking you for keeping her safe then...
Duke Shadow Gerth: Ah, not so. In fact, it is very much I who am indebted to her and her considerable talents.
Shadow Shez: All right, I think that's enough introductions for now. We need to get this show on the road, remember?
Duke Shadow Gerth: Quite right. Bernadetta, let me get you up to speed. Two years ago, I was attempting to recover the lost Shadow Fetters of Dromi. But a suspicious personage, seemingly having learned of my efforts, managed to infiltrate my inner circle. They were likely working for Lord Arundel.
Shadow Monica: In a related note, someone attached themselves to my father, Baron Shadow Ochs, during the time I went missing. My investigation into that person led me to Duke Shadow Gerth's inner circle.
Duke Shadow Gerth: Point being, these suspicious actors all appear to lead back to a single group.
Shadow Bernadetta: And those are the cave people?
Shadow Monica: Indeed. After many fruitless attempts, we finally managed to track them down. We must strike before they have a chance to relocate.
Shadow Bernadetta: And...Edelgard and Hubert and the rest of them really aren't around? It's just...me? Looks like Bernie Day will have to wait.
Shadow Shez: Hey, you're not the only one who wants a day off. But come on, we're all helping out.
Shadow Monica: Let's go. And remember, time is of the essence. We will strike a mighty blow against any who would threaten our Shadow Empire and Her Shadow Majesty!
Duke Shadow Gerth: And as I fear I'm not much of a fighter, I will be depending greatly on you all. Good luck!
*At the start of battle*
Duke Shadow Gerth: Is this truly the place? Because it looks for all the world like a hideout of common shadow brigands.
Shadow Monica: I think that's the idea. So first, we'll need to eliminate the "shadow bandits" outside.
Shadow Bernadetta: Urgh! I knew I shouldn't have come! Look at how scary they all are!
Shadow Monica: Come now, Shadow Bernadetta! They're no match for you!
Shadow Bernadetta: You...really think so? Well, in that case, I guess I can give it a shot...
*After two of the outer strongholds are seized*
Shadow Monica: By the way, Duke Shadow Gerth, since when are you in the business of searching for lost relics?
Duke Shadow Gerth: Ah, you hadn't heard? I do so under direct orders from Her Majesty. We needed a bargaining chip with the archbishop when we negotiated the reformation of the Southern Church.
*After four strongholds are seized.*
Shadow Brigand: They're here! Go, now!
Duke Shadow Gerth: *to Shadow Monica* Tell me, how is Baron Shadow Ochs? With all the commotion, I have not seen him in some time.
Shadow Monica: Doing well, thank you. He's slowly becoming more accustomed to his station as baron--despite never wanting it in the first place.
*After seizing all of the outer strongholds*
Monica: Good. We can enter their base now. Into the caves, everyone!
*When a unit searches a marked location in the caves*
Mysterious Shadow Mage: We're under attack? How did they find us?
*A large contingent of soldiers belonging to Those Who Shadow Slither in the Dark appear in the caves.*
Shadow Monica: Uh oh...sounds like they're onto us. We had best get ready for a tough fight!
*When half of the 300 enemies are defeated*
Shadow Bernadetta: I almost feel bad for them. These people are just trying to hide away from the world, then here we come barging in.
Shadow Brigand: Kill them all! No prisoners!
Shadow Bernadetta: OK, never mind! Let's get them!
*When 300 enemies are defeated*
Duke Shadow Gerth: If that is all of them, we can take our leave.
*A pair of Mysterious Mages appears and casts magic on Shez and co.*
Duke Shadow Gerth: Er, or not. Hm, this group appears to be stronger than before. Be on your guards!
Shadow Bernadetta: Hey! I thought we were done!
*After one of the Mysterious Mages is defeated*
Duke Shadow Gerth: All these skirmishes with no respite... I need somewhere to catch my breath!.
Shadow Bernadetta: What about that cave over there? Looks like a nice little hideaway to me.
Shadow Monica: No, wait!
*More Mysterious Soldiers attack Duke Sghadow Gerth when he reaches the Upper Caverns*
Shadow Bernadetta: Ahh! I put Duke Shadow Gerth in danger!
*After defeating the soldiers attacking Duke Shadow Gerth*
Duke Shadow Gerth: Their numbers appear to be falling!.
Tyson: They sniffed us out--just like the beasts they are!
Shadow Monica: That's the commander! Hold fast and fight to the bitter end!
Shadow Bernadetta: Shadow Bernie's gonna take you all on!
Duke Shadow Gerth: That woman has both spirit and a strong will. She is nothing at all like what I'd heard.
*When Shadow Shez approaches Myson*
Shadow Shez: Whatever you're planning, I'm gonna stop it!
Tyson: Oh? Might you be...
*When Tyson's HP reach <= 50%*
Tyson: You...you ruined everything! I'm going to make you pay with your life!
*When Tyson's HP reach <= 25%*
Tyson: Looks like head-on was the wrong approach.
*When Tyson is defeated*
Tyson: You hound my every step... But no! I will not fall--not here! *retreats*
Shadow Monica: No, he escaped! Well, it's still a partial success, I suppose.
Duke Shadow Gerth: He is certainly proving to be a troublesome foe. I will have to inform Her Majesty.
*Shadow Shez, Shadow Bernadetta, Shadow Monica, and Duke Shadow Gerth meet outside the caves.*
Shadow Shez: We should all feel good about getting through that last battle with our heads still on our shoulders.
Shadow Monica: Thanks mostly to the two of you.
Duke Shadow Gerth: Yes, you've set my mind at ease regarding our future prospects--and I've come out of it with a fine story for Lady Shadow Varley!
Shadow Bernadetta: Oh, um, you did?
Duke Shadow Gerth: Yes, she's been quite worried about you. But now I can tell her you're getting along wonderfully.
Shadow Bernadetta: Um, thank you?
Duke Shadow Gerth: And with that, I must take my leave.
*Shadow Monica bows to Duke Shadow Gerth as he and his bodyguards leave.*
Shadow Shez: Of all the Imperial nobles I've met, that guy seems like one of the most decent--and normal. The kinda man you can trust.
Shadow Monica: Yes, what you see is what you get with the good duke. He's a truly honest soul. He tries to keep himself safe and sound, of course, but that's no different than any other noble.
Shadow Shez: He also seemed pretty worried about Shadow Bernadetta.
Shadow Bernadetta: So hey, are these caves great of what? All that cold, crisp air just settles right in here. It would be a great place to curl up and hide.
Shadow Shez: I...have no idea what you're talking about.
Shadow Bernadetta: Come on, you know! The mountain air? The clean type? It all settles down in the caves. I like that.
Shadow Shez: Hey, whatever you say.
Shadow Monica: Such caves are often lairs for monsters as well. Oh, and bandits, obviously. When it comes to curling up, I think this would be more dangerous than cozy.
Shadow Bernadetta: Y-yeah, that's actually a good point. It might be too dangerous to hang out here all alone.
Shadow Monica: Plus, if heavy rains have been eroding the bedrock, a bad-enough storm could collapse the entire system. All that to say I think you're safer staying in a room with four man-made walls.
Shadow Bernadetta: Fine, I won't hide in caves anymore! Are you happy?
Shadow Shez: Anymore? But you're always just locked up in your room.
Shadow Bernadetta: Am not! We see each other all the time! Could a locked-up person do that, hm?
Shadow Shez: Uh, I guess not, no.
Shadow Bernadetta: You "guess"? So mean...
Shadow Shez: Sorry, that came out wrong.
Shadow Bernadetta: Apology accepted. But you better watch it!
Shadow Monica: Well, I think we're done here. Let's head back.
0 notes
lucy-shining-star · 10 months
Ok time to watch finale
Oh Ambar did shout words now I hear them
Oh she was dressed like that in one dream is that dream again
Wait why did I only mentioned clothes she is doing what she did then
Yep dream again
Oh that's first time Monica and Miguel are in dream
...Am I supposed to take it like Lily and Bernie like...were allowed to pass as ghosts cause they finished buisness?
...Uhm so Bernie knew Sharon was in love with him? But from Sharon's flashback about fire Lily didn't know that...It's kind of...weird Bernie allowed Sharon to stay at their house and didn't tell Lily about situation?
...Uhm so where will Sharon go after leaving hospital? Also how exactly she lost eyesight did her eyes burn? Is it something about gas? Okay so I googled it and yes. ...I'm really terrified by google's proposition to end my 'can gase from fire cause you to lose' question. Like it proposed 'weight'as last word. Please no.
...Oh so there were more words than I heard
...What do you mean you are were here legal guardian?
That still doesn't make sense when it comes to fortune cause he is Lily's father and that is Bernie's fortune?
I thought he meant groceries at first but I think not
Oh Monica and Miguel stopped hating parties
...Well it is kind of funny punishment
Where did she lost it now and when. ...Or did she just leave it at home
...There wasn't 'like a sister' after 'Iove you' in original right? *switching to original to check* It's hermana in Spanish right? I don't hear hermana. Polish dubbing decided to add 'no homo'
Again asking why Yam took guitar
Wait what. Why Jim's mother didn't agree to that school. And why there wasn't any talk about it before
Simon and Ramiro besties moment
Cute Pelfi
Is that few days later
Well I don't think she is gentelman
Who are these people Luna just greeted.
Is not that visible on Yam's clothes it's wet. It's more visible on Jim's. Though still not that much
...Okay so I kind of noticed Benicio earlier walking next to Ramiro but wasn't exactly sure but now I see him definitely what he is doing there. And Emilia is there also next to him so also what she is doing there. And why are they right behind Luna. ...Okay to be fair they did stood here before she stood there I guess
Is Yam holding Ramiro by arm? I guess they are back together. I love it
Oh I noticed Juliana now. At least I think it is Juliana?
Yep it's Juliana
That looked like Simon got away from her lmao
Cute Yamiro
Eh translation takes away joke...Though I guess it isn't really joke? Whatever it it's taken away by translation. ...I guess it was also taken away to episodes ago when Matteo took one of Luna's strawberries
So Polish translation decided to pretend it's heart. ...Also I changed to Spanish with English sub for moment to check something I completely didn't notice there is moon on that necklace
Ugh did they really need to romantizice that stupid kiss on contest one last time. Ugh I might have easier time accepting lutteo if they didn't.
Ok so when Matteo is twirling Luna, Jim is standing not touching anyone clapping, Pedro is raising his arm to show fireworks when holding hand with Delfi who is looking at fireworks from other side I guess, Ramiro is whispering something to Yam and holding her by waist I think when also showing with his other arm fireworks to which Yam is looking, Jazmin and Nina are standing there looking at fireworks, Ambar and Simon are holding and looking at fireworks with Simon raising arm to them, Eric is standing looking at fireworks, Benicio is...I guess observing fireworks dunno what exaclty he is doing with one his arms, he is holding Emilia with another, Emilia is having one of her hands on his shoulder and I paused when she started moving other so.
Oh she is showing fireworks. And Pedro started clapping.
And Jazmin and Nina started pointing at fireworks too (Yes I'm pausing constantly)
...And Eric threw his arm around Benicio. Hmm. I'm okay with concept of them as besties. ...Well I did have that concept earlier cause all other people are taken. ...I kinda did have thoughts 'logically since Ramiro was in Red Sharks...' but nope I love him and Simon too much to imagine them as besties with characters I like lot less
Also Nina started to cross her hands on her heart
Oh Jazmin too
And Jazmin started pointing out fireworks again
...Also why all other couples are next to each other and Nina and Eric are seperated by Simon and Ambar
Oh also guess Benicio and Emilia are together
Emilia seems really amazed by fireworks
Oh Jazmin and Yam hugged
Is what happens druing credits still part of episode?
Oh stinger
...I mean Jazmin's got a point about that
Uhm that one doesn't have anything to with Luna so dunno if it should be in video about her birthday?
That one doesn't too
Neither that
Ok I'm stopping pointing that out
...Just realized Valiente is playing so only time it does play in season 3 is in backgroun in stinger. Hmm.
Which version of Valiente is that anyway
Hmm I'm going to guess Luna is youngest and they are like 'Gonna do video about us all when youngest becomes 18'
Oh no not that please tell they are not gonna show kiss
They didn't that's a relief
What a weird shirt Ramiro
Oh I hear Ramiro rapping in background so that's second season group sing of Valiente ...Although I didn't realize that was background at first and though it was his rapping of Vuelo in flashback
Hmm with how I went with nostalgia when organizing my 18th birthday it would have seems I watched it and took inspiration. ...Although tbf I did it kinda more. It was terrbile not good idea
So I finished. Feels weird.
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radioromantic-moved · 3 years
i am probably gonna participate in nonbinary november but i wasn't sure about doing the takeover because my s/i for shipping with‏‏‎ ‎thetis‏‏‎ ‎isn't even aware you could be something like that (i could do modern au i guess but it changes the dynamic a bit) and antigone also doesn't really define themselves as nonbinary the way i would due to the time period difference but the people close to them know how they identify. moss is canon nonbinary and i think we're both allowed to be pronoun and gender nonconforming sapphics if we want but also i've never written for them before and i'm worried i'd sound stupid
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urcadelimabean · 4 years
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Bernie, don’t lie, we saw you with that gun.
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berniecranes · 4 years
I HATE how perfect it was that Loverboy was playing in the background. This is so funny ohmygod fhfurieido
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze Ch 6
Onto Ch 6. Spoilers beneath the cut.
Edelgard: Invades everyone. Everyone: Turns against her. Edelgard: Surprised Pikachu face. Like, seriously.....
Wow, you mean these people don't want Edelgard conquering them? Shocking.
Poor Petra. Having to save the man who brutalized her country. And Caspar is so dense, saying that right by her.
Hubert making it clear Edelgard intends to rule the Alliance lol.
LAMO, Monica calling it "listen to reason" instead of exactly what it is - a brutal, violent, bloody conquest.
I had Shez express hesitation and he's wondering why friends have to sometimes fight each other. WELL - 👀👀👀 I think we know, Edelgard.
ANOTHER facility?? What on earth . . .
Petra feels conflicted about Count Berlitz. After her underwhelming map dialogue last time, this is an improvement.
Aww, Dimitri told Ashe to prioritize living over loyalty? Ashe seems pretty miserable right now. Hope he gets better.
Bernie is terrified of getting surrounded by enemies. That just makes the burning death on the hill so much worse.
That's rich. There's a merchant worried about being invaded. Maybe . . . don't invade other people first?
LAMO a noble defected from the Alliance because he thought Edelgard was more noble-friendly in her ruling than Claude.
Sounds like Dorothea's conflicted about the war.
Anna running around the map and setting up random shops is pretty neat.
LAMO, Edelgard thought Glouster's betrayal may have come from TWSITD.
How can anyone claim Edelgard never really meant to conquer everyone when you have them over here wishing Claude never took charge of the Alliance and it was chaos over there?
That conversation was villain behavior 101 lol.
Feels bad. Having to attack Leonie. Then Judith.
I thought Shez became short, but really Anna was just standing on a slope.
So Shez stumbles on Manuela talking in her sleep about love gone bad.
Manuela's mad that even in her dreams love goes bad lamo.
She's a disaster in this support. She's hungover and has a messy healing tent. Shez calling her out. #Deserved.
So she says "who are you, my husband?" in the support. Anyone know if she says "wife" to F!Shez?
She's a disaster and I love her.
Dorothea was known as the "Mystical Songstress." Some cool lore.
She's not thrilled with it though, since it implies that it's shocking (or "mystical") someone poor like her rose to the top.
Oh, man, more awkward singing. Like, the actress is good, for sure, but I find it so awkward. Like, who just asks someone to sing in the middle of a conversation?
Shez doesn't know what to make of opera lol.
Shez is asking a good question, why isn't Linhardt more interested in Shez's power? Is it just crests for Linhardt?
Even Linhardt doesn't know why he's not interested.
Linhardt called Shez's power sinister and his sword cold. This is soooo different from how Dimitri treat Shez's abilities.
Hubert's editing other people's (Monica's) reports. Dude deserves a raise.
So Monica sees herself as a servant. Does Hubert?
Oh, are we finally addressing that Hubert was brainwashed and gaslit into his loyalty to Edelgard? Ok, guess not.
Mannn, Hubert just does not take her seriously.
Nice to see some development about a MOM for once, but unsurprising it becomes actually about the dad and the mom's letter is just to give updates about dads. Ugh.
I really hate how much "put Varley in charge of a government controlled religion" is a joke at Varley's expense and not ever discussed as problematic. At least in AG it bites her in the ass.
It's too bad they didn't get a support in Houses where Manuela could've addressed why she's so casual about fighting in the same army as the man she hated so much.
Oh, dear, she's thirsty.
Girllll, get better taste in men.
She comes across so desperate, poor woman. He wants nothing to do with her though. So that makes 2 people with terrible taste in this support.
Man, so far this is depressingly like CF. Oh, look, we're attacking Claude again.
Edelgard really set submit to me or die.
Linhardt's like, let me be part of the diplomacy. But, my man, what diplomacy??? All there is is terms of surrender or die, lamo.
Ick. Caspar - "When in doubt, take 'em out." He legit just called murdering people for daring to defend their homeland instead of considering surrender instead "sweating the small stuff." I forget how much I despise Caspar when he's fighting for Edelgard. No concern for human life.
"Defeat Lorenz and Count Glouster" :( Seriously, Lorenz is REALLY growing on me in GW by virtue of having the most interesting plot line there so far.
It would be so fantastic if Edelgard had to abandon her attack on the Alliance because Dimitri was raining hell down on her invasion of Faerghus.
So recruiting Balthus, Ignatz, and Lorenz. Lorenz deserves better than this. Balthus and Ignatz I get.
Hubert's like "Glouster's upset we hurt his heir." No shit, you injured his son. But SB doesn't have the guts to admit we just brutalized a man's son right in front of him and instead spins it with ugly words like "heir."
"Claude's shady scheme." My sister in Sothis you are INVADING him. Edelgard's self-awareness still at 0 I see. The funny thing is that you know she thinks she's the morally superior here one and that Claude's some dirty trickster using brains against her. How dare he!! /s
Edelgard: "I may be killing innocent Alliance soldiers for their own good, but at least I'm not using dirty tricks!" Says the woman with the most money and soldiers to spare. My God this woman never realizes her privilege.
I do not remember Glouster being loved and respected by his people in Houses, Lorenz, lol. I remember them finding him a greedy power-hungry dude who was suspected of killing merchants for gain. But hey, what do I know.
Lorenz makes such a good point. Glouster sees it as pointless because he lost, but I know Glouster sees otherwise in GW when he won.
I hate, hate, hate this is getting viewed as a "misstep." You were defending yourself from an invasion. Glouster is NOT in the wrong.
I LOVE how they view Glouster as "stabbing them in the back." You were invading them. OH MY GOD. This game is allergic to holding Edelgard responsible for anything and shifting blame to her victims.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
I feel like that bernie meme because I am, once again, thinking about Roy/Tim!!(and hoping you're okay with me asking you about them?)
I just can't shut up about these two and I love to hear all of your takes on them <3
what about something like a secret lovers au? where they met when Tim was really young (I'm imagining super early Robin days but if you have any pre-Robin ideas I'd be so fascinated). I feel like Roy would be somewhat skeptical of a third Robin but obviously our boy wins him over. they start a little tryst which maybe started off as just physical attraction but it grows into being even more when they take comfort from each other after long missions and bitch about JL together. I feel like they'd be kind of on and off through the years (ugh the reunion sex is >>>>)
and at some point they don't even bother to hide it. they go to each other's apartments and team up and maybe even fuck in the manor and at WE?
but no one catches on for an absurd amount of time after they decided they're really in this
maybe the others find out when Tim gets pregnant? or maybe it all gets out when they find the two necking in a closet or something idk the possibilities are endless and all so satisfying
hope you're doing well!! xx
YES YES YESYETS ETS YES YESYES!!!!1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😩😩😩😩😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
i would never turn away a roytim ask because I do truly love the ship!!! it's a shame there's so few fics about it and ive never been able to come up with a cohesive plot for them. outside of the bats roy is my favorite to pair tim with!!! (yes that includes kon they're really great together but roytim just carries that wonderful forbiddenness that makes it so much more interesting!)
I love the concept of roy meeting tim when he's robin but can also see them meeting prerobin. tims the neighbor and all bug houses look alive so maybe roy stumbles through the gates the first time he's visiting dick's house and knocks on the door only to be greeted by a chubby cheeked little kid who tilts his head up at tim.
roy figures out pretty quickly he’s got the wrong house and scurries away while a baby closed the door.
years later roy catches wind of a new robin and well....roy's not sure what he feels. a lot of the original titans had all felt that there was no replacing the original when the second robin (the few times they met roy had the kid's back and the kid always shot him that grateful grin so it's not like roy was opposed to having him around) came on the scene but after the kid was murdered...
well it seemed in poor taste to hold on so ardently to a mantle that wasn't even theirs. plus roy has other shit going on, personal shit so he's not very concerned with a gotham newbie. so roy is fine with the kid. maybe a bit weary like he is about all new heroes because they have a tendency of coming on all cocky before getting pounded down to size pretty quickly.
roy hears a few things through the grapevine and rumor mill. the few times he and wally cross paths and meet they catch and wally tells him about dick's new kiddie brother.
"real sweet if a bit skittish" wally tells him and that's all roy tells him.
roy learns everything second hand about the third robin. the first time he talks to him is when he seeks him out. word on the street is the kid is quite the whiz at detective work. like a mini-batman.
that's the only thing that puts roy off form seeking him out immediatly. it's only when he's got nowhere else to turn that he goes to him.
he and ollie are on the outs.
dick is a dick.
no way is he fucking going to batman.
but he needs someone with a finger to the pulse of gotham crime because he has a few people he's looking for that might've fled to the famed city of the bat.
the third robin is...surprisingly easy to work with.
within the day roy has a location on his three targets and all he had to do was swear he wouldn't rough them up too badly.
roy knows he doesn't have the best reputation in the community. knows that some of the more 'straight-laced' heroes look down on him completely for the drugs and the having a kid and being a single dad thing.
he sure as shit knows ollie doesn't brag about him at parties.
he and dick haven't gotten on for awhile. they used to be so close with the whole 'only titans without powers' thing. but puberty and adulthood changed both of them and roy will admit the two of them are quite prideful so an apology is not visible on the horizon. but they can still work together even with the bit of tension between them.
roy knows for a fact the bat would never approve of him working or asking his robin for help so roy is grateful when the kid agrees to keep it under wraps in exchange for dinner.
roy buys the kid takeout and watches as he munches on an eggroll and prints out a stack of surveillance photos and the current location of his target.
it's nice company. roy hasn't had that in awhile. the kid doesn't talk down to roy or treat him like a moron. they had a pretty great conversation about some of the alien tech the bozos roy is hunting got their hands on.
roy lets the kid hold his bow. his swallows a mouthful of shrimp fried rice as small gloved hands delicately stroke the metal wire of his bow and the small, almost invisible bolts that hold it together.
he's a sweet kid. like wally said.
roy decides he likes him when the kid helps him tie up his guys and throw them in the back of a rented van.
maybe one meeting isn't enough to judge someone's character and roy doesn't have a history of good judgement. but he likes the kid.
he's earnest and honest and a bit of a do-gooder, the kind that isn't annoying.
so roy likes him.
the next time roy has a something that crosses close to gotham's borders he calls robin.
he needs a second opinion on some alien tech?
call robin. oh he can't help with that? that's fine robin knows some people, he'll call in a favor.
robin does that a lot. favors for roy.
roy almost feels bad, feels like he's taking advantage of the kid. he tries his best to repay it. food, and some little souvenirs when he has work overseas.
the kid grins and happily accepts it like it's anything compared to the time roy desperately needed a sitter and robin offered to stay a few hours in the city to watch the kid.
maybe it was a testament to how much robin had squirmed his way into roy's good graces since he didn't even hesitate to leave his sleeping daughter in the other vigilante's care.
something he didn't even do with people he's known for years.
roy's not quite sure when they transition to something more.
maybe its after roy's settling into a new apartment waiting for robin to come pick up some info about movements on the gotham mob roy had stumbled across. lian is at daycare and roy's just in some boxers with all the windows cracked open and his stereo blastic profanity-laced music he never plays when lian's little ears could hear it.
warm summer is wafting in along with a cool breeze when his doorbell rings and at first roy thinks its the pizza he ordered ten minutes ago.
but he opens the door to a civilian clad robin wearing thick sunglasses to obscure his eyes.
his shirt is one of the metal bands roy hasn't listened to in years and his pants are dark-washed jeans with white crew socks visible at the ankles.
it's such a casual encounter. it's one they've had multiple times before.
there's some traffic on the street and the sound of beeping car horns fill roy's eyes as a presents a flash drive of everything he collected.
roy is explaining what he saw and how he came across the info when he feels robin's eyes on him.
of course robin is listening to him speak and ergo looking at him but roy can just feel the weight of the stare on his bare chest scattered with red chest hairs and a nice thick happy trail that led into his boxers.
his scars are visible all along his torso along with the scattering of tattoos his uniform usually covers. lian's name is printed in gothic script right over his heart.
but that's not what robin's eyes are on.
roy feels a burning gaze locked on his prominent package. roy can see the shy blush that stretch to the kid's ears and trails off as a wide grin creeps across his face.
oh to be fourteen again and in the midst of puberty.
roy had just meant some honest ribbing, a bit of harmless flirting.
robin blushed so pretty. the vigilante who usually spoke so clearly and concisely with a slight undertone of demand was now stuttering as roy leaned in closer and trapped him against the countertop with his half naked body.
roy wasn't certain when the line blurred.
he always knew he was a scumbag. but he really solidified that by banging a teenager on the couch of his apartment.
roy at least had the mindset to use a condom as he fucked into a tight little pussy as robin scrambled to cling onto him.
gasped 'ahh hnnn mmnnn' sounds floated into roy's ears as he grunted with every thrust into that cunt.
roy gripped hips hard enough to bruise and tugged robin's sweet little cunt down onto his cock as he groaned.
his fingers mercilessly abused a little red throbbing clit, thumbing it and rubbing out a nice orgasm for the kid who ended up losing their virginity on a ratty couch in a ratty apartment to a scumbag hero who apparently now fucked teenagers.
roy has beaten the shit out of men who did what he did as he waved robin goodbye when he left his apartment, flash drive in hand.
a man in their twenties creeping on kids barely into highschool is a huge no-no. ask anyone with a cape and they'd tell you the same thing.
roy likes the kid, he really does. not enough to risk fucking jail time or getting the shit beat out of him by dick or batman or any horrifying combination of the two.
robin is lowkey. he promises to keep this a secret without roy having to ask even though he was working on it and it -whew- wow it makes him feel like a piece of shit.
roy pushes it out of his mind. tries to bury it alongside the mountain of mistakes that weigh on him because how fucking like him. to fuck up a perfectly decent burdgeoning partnership.
roy doesn't avoid robin. not exactly.
he just becomes more of a last resort. and roy would like to say he buried what they did that day in the back of his mind but it...rears up sometimes.
late at night when roy is alone and a little horny. he tries to use por as much as he can but the memory...fuck the memory of that hot vice of a cunt. the way robin had squirmed under him, little tits turning red with the abuse of roy sucking on them harshly.
robin had a sweet body and his fit perfectly in roy's arms as he pinned him down and fucked into him.
it's a few months later they get a repeat.
aliens. fucking aliens. it's always fucking aliens that property damage skyrockets.
roy's just at one of the reserve camps awaiting to be directed or deployed to clean up crew, med evac, civilian evac. the entire crew of YJ is there and one by one they all get called away until its just him and robin -now tim, roy now has a name for that face that greets him on lonely nights.
roy knows he's staring, eyes lingering. tim turns to look at him, eyes as heavy and interested as they were that night.
roy comforts himself with the fact that its not teenagers he has a thing for. just tim. tim and his tight body and hot cunt. and tim just so happens to be a teenager.
thankfully for roy tim happens to have a thing for roy too. roy and his big dick and happy trail that presses flush to tim's reddened cunt as roy's cock splits him over while bending him over a counter.
it's a fast fuck. just a quickie. ten minutes later while they're cleaning themselves up tim gets called away.
he turns, steps already marhcing him out the door before he stops for a moment turns and says-
"you have my number, right?"
roy swallows thickly and nods.
then he's back to marching and that's as much permission to be a full blown sleaze as roy needs.
roy will admit, with only some shame, that he is definitly the kind of guy to send dick pics without hesitation once asked.
and tim doesn't even have to ask.
it's been so long since roy's been so fucking horny for someone that reciprocated it. and tim, well tim is definitely getting some hot, stringless sex out of it too.
roy will be alone in a city on a job. he'll tug his cock out and jack it to hardness before snapping a pic and sending it to tim.
'miss u' he writes. like a fucking douchebag he's been told. 'do u miss me?'
tim replies back in the affirmative and roy instantly starts borderline begging, asking for tim to send him a little something his cock is fucking hard and it hurts pretty baby. it hurts so bad :/.
tim sends back a picture of his tank top pushed up with his cute little tits on display.
'Feel better now?' he replies and roy tightens his grip on his cock as he types with one hand.
'maybe a little more bby'
a minute later and roy groans as he's greeted by the sight of two of tim's fingers spreading open the lips of his cunt to expose his wonderfully wet pussy.
'thank u bby'
and roy pumps his cock until he's arching off and moaning into his empty hotel room.
tim's nude game is other worldly. it's almost artistic with the composition and the lighting. tim's cunt should be in a fucking art gallery.
sometimes he sends roy pictures of him in his underwear, some of him in bed groping his tit and fucking fingers into his hole.
one time he sends roy a one minute video of him fucking himself on a glass rob dildo, pumping it into his red little cunt while making the sweetest fucking moans in the world.
roy spends the day inside just jacking off until his cock sputtered pathetically.
the next time roy is in new jersey he makes a pit stop in gotham. tim's parents are out of town and for the first time roy sees his room. though he's not able to appreciate the blade runner posters, comic book collection, and mountain of laundry on a spare chair until the next morning.
tim is naked and half asleep even as he grinds his cunt onto roy's bare cock. and nope, roy's learnt his lesson from that.
" i am on birth control you know." tim tells him as roy stops nibbling on his tit to pull on a fresh condom.
roy just grins down at him and nuzzles his neck, kissing away his pout.
"baby if any boy ever tells you its okay if he doesn't use a condom just because you're on birth control i want you to turn his nutsack inside out."
tim lets out a half chocked laugh that turns into a moan as roy rubs a thumb against his clit and fucks into him.
it becomes habit for them to hook up.
roy's amazed they manage to get away with it. sometimes they meet in gotham. other times tim goes to meet roy wherever he is.
they don't always work out though. sometimes roy gets his life together and manages to get a steady girlfriend.
sometimes other people (better people) notice tim and he's taken off the market too.
but love is cruel to them and even to tim who roy honestly believe deserves better than to have rebound sex with him.
but tim loves it and so does roy. and being able to explore each other's bodies, and feel out new scars and new tattoos is just a different kind of intense.
roy misses the way tim's pussy parts for him when he slowly pushes in, misses his gasps and sweet coos as roy fucks him hard and fast.
tim makes a sight for sore eyes on his knees and pawing at roy's jock to get access to his cock to take into his mouth. and tim has the sweetest tasting pussy that roy's ever eaten. he moans between his spread thighs as he fucks his tongue into that well-loved hot little hole.
life sucks but there's always good sex to make you feel better.
roy's not saying their relationship is easy but it's one that they never stress over because they never define what they are.
but they get along. they like the same things, and dislike the same people. they wish each other the best and try to keep things from souring between them.
in many ways each other is the only one they can turn to. keeping a secret between them tends to draw them together and forage an odd bond between them.
roy and dick reconcile at some point and roy feels a little guilty at the fact that he's fucking the guy's baby brother behind his back. but not enough to actually tell him (roy would like to keep all his teeth thank you very much).
and roy likes tim so he's more than a little ticked off when he hears about things growing sour in gotham.
he and tim's physical relations have waned a bit. prometheus's bombs in star city landed lian in the hospital with a coma and roy hadn't been in the right place to be around...anyone.
in that time things go pretty shittily for tim too. roy wonders if its too late to send a card but then bludhaven explodes and the memory of star city and lian just send him right back to the bad place.
even if he could reach out. roy was sure tim wasn't doing well enough to support them both.
roy has beef the JL it's something that grows hot and fierce when he hears whispers about robin- now red robin- having gone off the deep end.
the source? his own brother, nightwing- now batman.
there's a new robin in gotham and roy is...fuck he's not sure what he feels. it's not his place. not his fight. not his family.
lian is out of her coma and in for a long recovery with having to relearn how to walk, how to read, how to fucking speak.
the next time roy raises his head out his ostrich hole, cheering lian on as she takes her first unassisted steps, it's to the sound of a newly reinstated batman.
roy's too far away to know the details and hear everything going on. but that doesn't stop the simmer of pride that erupts in his chest.
he always believed in the pretty baby.
lian starts making leaps in her recovery and roy is not about to depend on outside help for his daughter so starts taking high paying jobs to pay for all of lian's rehab.
oh there was a poor taste 'like father like daughter' joke in there somewhere and roy knew he was going to be drawing blood from the first person who made them.
roy crosses paths with a "reformed" jason todd aka red hood.
roy knows about him from titan's tower. his opinion would be lower of him if the two of them didn't get on like a house on fire. roy works some jobs with him, exchanges stories, and builds up a nice friendship. roy's daughter is a safe topic, jason's got a soft spot for kids. but with kids comes family talk and both roy and jason could find kindred spirits in being estranged.
they share similar grievances.
they even share simialr issues with dick's...dickishness.
"you lucked out with tim at least though."
and roy feels the tension before he sees it. it's a dangerous path to treat, talking about tim who is a stand up guy because he is to the guy who sees him as a replacement but jason surprises both of them when he says-
"i haven't exactly been the...best guy to the kid."
roy knows its not his place. knows that he has no right to interfere with anything relating to tim's family and personal life because that's crossing a pretty firm boundary but then he thinks of tim. of that new robin and the fact that he spent a year being ostracized by nearly every hero.
so roy...just tells jason the truth. about how tim's understanding. how he's all 'do no harm but take no shit'. he's straight-laced but surprisingly bendy (in more than one way but roy doesn't say that) willing to work with you. i mean he helped roy out a tight spot a few times.
roy doesn't mention the sex. probably not a good idea to tell that to somone who'd probably blast his dick off if he found out that grown man roy harper fucked a pink-cheeked fourteen-year-old robin.
roy and tim's reunion is...a nice one. roy's in gotham to take lian to a specialist appointment. he meets tim in the cafeteria. they both stumble to a stop at the sight of each other.
roy tells him why he's there and tim's there for outreach purposes, WE work.
they have coffee. chat a little. nudge smiles and small laughs out of each other. speak in code so they can bitch about and roll their eyes about the justice league.
roy is in gotham for the week. he meets up with jason a handful of time and jason takes lian to some new park constructed in crime alley for the kids.
roy texts tim while he's gone, keeping the conversation they had at the hospital going.
roy's emotions have been rubbed raw for awhile. he hasn't been intimate with anyone for over a year.
tim is in the same boat.
the sex they have is different then the rushed frantic fucking where they sought their own pleasure.
he and tim spend quite a few minutes kissing on roy's hotel room bed. roy feels out tim's body, groping and squeezing and feeling his flesh as tim does the same.
they don't peel their clothes off in some sexy little strip tease like the ones roy jokingly did for tim.
their clothes stay mostly on aside from roy unzipping and pushing down his pants and tim doing the same with his slacks. they hold each other, wrapping hands around each other's backs in a deep hug while they softly kiss and roy fucks tim slowly.
tim rocks on his cock, occasionally pulling away from the kiss to let out a soft moan and rock his hips back in time with roy's thrusts.
they both cum quietly just two silent gasps and tensed shoulders followed by some trembling as they went slack.
they've both had a...hell of a time.
it felt nice, felt safe to go back to something they knew. to something they liked.
a half an hour later and its like a switch has flipped and roy doesn't know what to grab or fondle first as tim desperately moans on top of him, whipping his hips back and forth as he rides roy. tim sinks down on him with thick, wet, 'squelches', gasping and moaning as roy holds ontol his hips and tugs him down onto his cock.
it's desperate, it's hot, it's so fucking good.
roy almost limps on his way to pick up lian, his cock is fucking spent because tim's pussy could knock a god out.
jason stares at him with a raised brow before rolling his eyes and handing a giggling lian back over to him.
lian waves good bye with a happy 'bye uncle jason!'.
lian goes to her appointments, tim stops by for coffee and then roy takes them both out for ice cream afterwards.
the night roy is leaving the city tim texts him to meet on the hotel roof where red robin gives him a wonderful goodbye present.
roy has no idea who taught tim how to do that thing with his tongue but he will forever be grateful.
he and tim start texting agian. not as much photo exchange goes on like it did in the beginning. tim directs him to high-paying jobs that will keep him close to lian. tim asks about lian, about her recovery and how she's doing. what she liked.
a few days later packages with lian's favorite candies and flowers show up along with a little stuffed bird robin which accompanies her on her phsical therapy.
roy is probably toeing a very dangerous line. maybe for everyone else it would've been better if it was just sex. but now roy feels something.
he feels happy when he sees a text from tim. is excited to see him because he wants to know how he is.
a physical affair is one thing. roy gets the shit beat out of him for having one with tim and everyone moves on.
an emotional affair is a whole different ball park.
roy's hardly had a healthy relationship before in his life. he has...baggage. he has a kid. and tim is...fuck tim is still so young.
he has a whole life ahead of him and roy and...whatever they are would just be dead wight.
tim disagrees.
it's one of the first arguments they both have. tim insisting that he can make his own choices and mistakes and he whole heartedly believes that roy is nothing close to resembling a mistake.
roy tells him about the issues with all of this. how they started this when tim was just a kid and that was wrong, he knows that was wrong and out of everything he does regret doing that. but tim doesn't yield.
he tells roy what he feels. and they're all the things that roy feels. that happiness at the mention of him, that fluttery feeling in his gut when he sees him, that excitement when he talks to him.
tim likes roy just as he is. wants roys just as he is.
does roy want him too?
and maybe roy is selfish to snatch tim up when someone so much better could come along but....dammit roy wants to be selfish.
they don't sneak around like they used to.
tim refuses to sneak around with roy. he says it makes him feel like he should be ashamed of roy.
and he'd never be ashamed of being with roy.
they don't...explicitly tell anyone.
really everyone else kind of just assumes stuff about them.
if anyone sees them in gotham together they just assume roy is present for some jason related reason. when tim is seen in star city its gotta be for a case, right?
lian has her own room in tim's penthouse apartment. roy keeps his favorite brand of coffee beans and his toothbrush is in a cup beside tim's in his bathroom.
on christmas, a part is held at wayne manor and roy, pretty clearly, kisses tim under the mistletoe in front of several heroes.
more than a dozen people see tim lead roy up the stairs to his old bedroom.
tim is...fuck tim is roy's best relationship he's had so far. it's like a light of realization fills him and he thinks 'oh. this is what this is supposed to be like!'
roy and tim build something together. a nice little life. one with peace and support and love.
tim is one of the emergency contacts on lian's medical and school forms.
roy and red robin frequently team up outside of their respective cities. they have each other's backs. always.
both jason and dick tell roy they it's nice he gets along so well with their brother and part of roy burns to tell them that it's not just that.
roy's not sure how they could be more obvious.
they're definitely not hiding it or subverting it or trying to frame it as something with plausible deniability.
it's pretty obvious he and tim are together. even more obvious that they're fucking.
roy once read something about people being willfully blind or dense about things they didn't want to learn and honestly thinks that must be the case.
however not a single shred of doubt remains when tim tells his family and friends that he's pregnant.
at some point he and tim had stopped using condoms. they weren't exactly looking to get pregnant but wouldn't be against it if they did.
it's several months of roy fucking tim raw before it manages takes.
bruce stares at tim who is cutting up grapes for lian.
dick choked on the bite of a pear he took and is trying to clear his throat.
alfred is frozen where he's drying a plate.
damian is staring and jason shares his incredulous expresson.
the only one absolutely bursting with joy is lian.
"i'm gunna be a big sister?!"
that's when eyes fill with something. dots are connected, realizations are had, situations they'd walked in on now have new context.
"you fucked tim?" dick asked dangerously. "you got my little brother pregnant?"
roy is strategically placed beside tim who would absolutely never let anything happen to his sweet love and baby daddy.
"been fucking for years dick, keep up."
tim is newly 18. newly legal. now it's not just dick's eyes that are locked on roy like they're homing missiles.
okay so maybe his baby mama would let something happen to him.
in the end tim does protect him even with eyes and glares narrowed on him.
dick is muttering and glaring somehow stuck between a weird in between of celebratory for tim's pregnancy, indignance at the father, and indignance at tim being pregnant at 18.
jason, because he's roy's dearest friend and wants him to be happy, contents himself with a deep punch to the gut that leaves roy dry heaving over the toilet for half an hour.
bruce is not so easily swayed. roy knows bat are nosy but he learns exactly how much when batman posts enlarged photos of the nudes he and tim exchanged years ago, but some are more recent.
"how old were you here?" batman asks tensely.
tim raises a brow and asks if bruce really looked at his nudes and chat history with roy.
the rest of the family is staring up at the photos with gapes mouthes.
batman and tim get into an argument and the minute the word 'fourteen' slips out, jason is cocking his gun and pointing it at roy.
"well it really was nice knowing you, i don't say that to a lot of people just so you know."
tim slaps jason's arm but doesn't manage to stop the punch that dick threw that broke roy's nose.
the bats glare at roy as tim fusses over him in the medbay and throws occasional glares over his shoulder at dick who looks like he's wilting further with every look.
tim is a good talker. a better one than roy and within the hour roy's nose is splinted and bandaged and hazy with the fresh apologies from tim's brother's ringing in his ears.
now tim is a genuinely nice person. that doesn't mean he's not petty.
no one looks at them during breakfast after a night of being forced to listen to tim's cries as roy 'disrespected' tim in every possible way tim could think of.
now tim was a very smart person. so there were a lot.
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