#ULED technology
ankso · 1 year
Immersive Entertainment: LG TV OLED Smart TV
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dgmt-in · 1 year
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Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Eid ul-Fitar celebration filled with love and blessings. Eid Mubarak! ☪️✨
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akwyz · 8 months
Siemens and UL Solutions Revolutionize Certification with Digital-Twin Technology.
Discover how Siemens and UL Solutions are transforming product certification with cutting-edge digital-twin tech! A leap in efficiency and safety. Learn more: #Innovation #DigitalTwin #Siemens #ULSolutions
In a groundbreaking development, Siemens and UL Solutions are redefining the future of product certification. By integrating digital-twin technology with traditional testing methods, this collaboration is set to revolutionize how products are brought to market. This innovative approach promises to reduce costs and significantly accelerate the time-to-market for new products. Digital-twin…
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delta-chan · 8 months
every hex haywire stream is titled something like "my heart bleeds black🖤" and it's something like yoshi story
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Happy Eid-ul-Fitr
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bipolar02 · 2 months
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✦ Ultimate Senpai NPTS. Requested by @pearlyocean, hopefully I did okay!
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Keres. Chroma. Pixel. Misery. Kalea. Clem. Mekin. Ankou. Nano. Lavender. Jitter. Adelet. Lior. Chip. Viv. Saffron. Nine. (Number names). Prisma. Carmine. Nima, Nina. Dot. Sadoc. Nicky. Artimes. Digi.
These names have many different meanings : mainly themes that are reflected in the lyrics and music video — technology, justice, anxiety, and similar things!
Ul ult ultimate. Ne ner nerve. Se sen. Fi fin final. Sie hier. Pa pan panic. Se sole. Fe fear. Ne net nets. Thy thou. 01 01's. Bore boredom. On online. Anx anxious. Cy cyber. Ir irre irre's (irritation). Cy cyn cynicism. Web webs.
The internet icon. Her persona. The online personality. She who fears normality. The shell of herself. Her lack of stability. The mundane girl. She who needs to prove herself. The greatest persona. Her overconfidence. Her unplanned life. Her desire for justice. She who fears decent people. Her complex inner-workings. Her constant loneliness. The contradictory girl. The girls longing.
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answersfromzestual · 5 months
Phalloplasty Procedure Full Outline Offical (Radical Free Flap Procedure)
What is phalloplasty/ phallo?
Phalloplasty - "includes several surgical procedures that aim to construct male genitalia that looks as natural as possible. The surgery is divided into several steps that may vary from patient to patient. Generally, they are the three following steps" (Source1) . We aren't going to count if the prerequisite of hysterectomy. Since my surgical procedure, they have removed the requisite of an oophorectomy, that procedure is now optional thanks to the always advancing technology.
The first step:
a surgery that consists of creating a penis from a skin flap from a specific area of your body (most common areas are forearm and lower back) of the body that you would chat about with the surgeon(s) and that specific skin will be grafted to the genital area.
The second step:
Here, surgeons construct the urethra that will llow urination. This is known as Urethra Lengthening (often referred to UL) (Urethra Lengthening Procedure Post)
The third step:
At this stage, you will receive testicular and erectile implants that will allow for penetrative sex. Note: this is not the only type of phalloplasty sugerical options.
The first surgical step consists of:
the creation of a penis or phallus from a skin flap and fatty tissue of the donorn site involving the removal of blood vessels (to create a blood supply) and nerves (this is where nerves are disconnected and reconnected, which can take some time to gain full tactile function or feeling. This skin will be grafted to the genital area where a penis would naturally sit on your body. The next part of the procedure is:
"the burial of the clitoris at the base of the phallus;
the creation of the penile urethra within the phallus;
the lengthening of the biological urethra;
the creation of the glans;
the creation of the scrotum;
the closing of the vaginal cavity; and
the removal of a layer of skin from the thigh to compensate for tissue loss
on the donor arm." - (Source1) Some of these things are not the same for every surgeon, be sure to ask about if your clitoris could be not buried for example, or different pumping systems, varying styles in surgerical procedures from clinic to clinic, even surgeon to surgeon.
The second step consists of the construction of the urethra:
This procedure connects the penile urethra so the part of the urethra inside the phallus itself to your biological urethra that was elongated in the first step of the phalloplasty surgical procedure. The connection of the urethra is made by creating a tube from the skin of the scrotum between the openings of both parts of the urethra.
Note that the anatomical makeup of the phallus is composed of only skin, fatty tissue, blood vessels, and nerves.
It does not contain any muscles or a sphincter (a muscle that opens and closes like your butt does aka "the breakwall"), which means that after the second step, you may have to empty your urine either temporarily or permanently manually from the portion of the phallus by applying pressure to the phallus. (UL Article)
A minimum of a six month waiting period is necessary between this and the next stage planning.
Permanent hair removal from the area that will be used to construct the urethra is also required to avoid complications (unless during the consult the doctor states otherwise). Note that it is impossible to determine in advance which area will be depilated since it must be evaluated after Step one. It is at this time that you will receive information about hair removal,
The third step:
Involves insertion of implants (erectile device and testicular implants).
This procedure will allow you to be able to get an erection in your penis (phallus) and now you have the ability of penetrative sex. Erectile Devcies Post
You will have to wait a minimum of three to six months after the second step (healing and surgeon(s) pending) and have no urinary problems before planning the third step. If complications do come up, they will have to be completely treated and healed before the implant surgery can be performed.
"Depending on the surgeon's assessment, the second and third steps may be reversed." (Source1)
Everyone has to decide whether to undergo one, two, or all three steps. Meaning you can stop after any phase/step of the three)
This choice is super personal and must be made according to what you need, your expectations of the outcome, and the impact it has on your daily life.
There are a few factors that may influence your decisions, such as wanting to urinate while standing, the desire to have penetrative sex, having more masculine genitalia, etc.
The estimated time to complete all three stages of phalloplasty can vary from two to three years, including the waiting I'm between surgeries.
These results may vary according to the age, weight, quality, and elasticity of the skin at the donor site, the scarring process, lifestyle habits and the overall health of the patients, healing, how well you take care of yourself, etc. The radial forearm free-flap technique is shown to produce the best results from bottom masculinizing surgery options.
Mandatory Prerequisites for Phalloplasty:
Hysterectomy with removal of the cervix done minimum six months before the phalloplasty procedure. *There are two options for this: removing the uterus only (called "total hysterectomy"), or option two removing the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries, also called "total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy"*
Permanent hair removal (second step when recommended to start). The recommended options are laser hair removal or electrolysis, which may be more beneficial for results. from the area of the phallus donor site to prevent complications with hair growth (fistuals), which can cause issues such as infection and even surgerical intervention to fix the issue area(s). Surgeons typically like to see the graft site not have any hair growth for a minimum of three months.
Talk to your primary physician and/or gynecologist to help you make an informed decision about your choice on the type of hysterectomy you get.
And talk to your surgeon and your primary doctor about which option of hair removal is better suited if one is not insisted on you using it.
A vaginectomy can be removed since only 2 cm will be used for the phallus.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Before phalloplasty can be performed, it is important to know that you must have a healthy weight or have a BMI under 30, and you can not have excessive fat accumulation in your abdominal area.
"Being overweight and abdominal fat can compromise the connection of blood vessels during the procedure and lead to significant surgical complications.
If your BMI is 31 or higher you be most likely required to lose weight before the surgeon will perform the procedure.
Patients with a high BMI also have a decreased potential for healing and decreased satisfaction with surgical results." - (Source1)
Source List:
Source1 -GRS Montreal,Quebec, Canada - downloadable PDF -used as the direct quotes and most of the information
John Hopkins Hospital - used for an information source. -https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/phalloplasty-for-gender-affirmation
Cleveland Clinic -an information source (I barely used this)- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21585-phalloplasty
Article- Self written on Urethra Lengthening Procedure
Article- Self Written - Erectile Devices Available
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asma-al-husna · 7 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-‘Allaam— The Most Knowing, the All-Knowing— on four occasions in the Quran. He is the one with the highest level of knowledge. Al-‘Allaam is both All-Knowing and Most-Knowing; His knowledge is complete, perfect, encompasses all of creation, and is far above any other knowledge!
The Most Knowing, the All-and-Ever-Knowing
‘Allaam comes from the root ‘ayn-laam-meem, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to have knowledge and be aware and certain, and the second is to gather information. The third main meaning is to have deep knowledge of minute details, and the fourth main meaning is to act according to knowledge.
This root appears 854 times in the Quran in 14 derived forms. Examples of these forms are ‘aleemun (“All-Knowing”), ‘ilm (knowledge), ‘alima (to know), ‘allama (to teach), and ‘aalemeen (the worlds).
Linguistically, ‘aleem is the intense form of ‘aalim (one who knows) and ‘allaam is the most emphatic form of the word.
Al-‘Allaam therefore refers to the highest form of knowledge of all things, past, present and future, an attribute which only belongs to Allah ‘azza wa jall.

Al-‘Allaam Himself says: You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen [Quran, 5:116] . . . Say, ‘Indeed, my Lord projects the truth. Knower of the unseen.’[Quran, 34:48]
The Knower of the Unseen
All four times Allah’s name Al-‘Allaam occurs in the Quran, it comes in the same combination: ‘Allaam-ul-ghuyoob – Knower of the unseen. His attribute of being most knowledgable, All- and Ever Knowing is linked to the unseen as this is an ultimate example of how human knowledge fails, regardless of all our technology and scientific discoveries.
However, there are also those who falsely claim to have knowledge of the unseen. Related to this issue ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: Whoever tells you that he knows what will happen tomorrow is lying. Then she recited, “No person knows what he will earn tomorrow [Al-Bukhaaree]
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi beautifully explained: … And with Him are the keys of the Ghayb (all that is hidden), none knows them but He…[Quranm 6:59] by referring to five things mentioned in Surah Luqmaan:  Verily, Allaah, with Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All‑Knower, All‑Aware (of things. [Quran, 31:34]  
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Strive for the best of knowledge.
There are different types and branches of knowledge; one example that of things created by Allah, of which some are beneficial and others are not. Knowing all about the life of a certain pop star is an example of knowledge of no benefit to your life in this world and the next. Whereas knowledge of certain skills can be of benefit in this life to be able to practice a certain career. Another example of knowledge, which is the most honourable knowledge with most benefit, is the knowledge of the Creator Himself. So study His names and attributes with the intention to transform your life by them!
2. Realize the virtue of seeking (beneficial) knowledge.
هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ – Are those with knowledge equal to those without knowledge? [Quran, 39:9] To which group do you want to belong? And the Prophet said: Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah makes easy for him a path to Paradise [Muslim] Keep reminding yourself of the importance of daily seeking Islamic knowledg, instill this eagerness in your children and start by asking Al-‘Allaam to increase you in knowledge which will benefit you in this life and the next by memorizing this beautiful Quranic supplication:
رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا (rabbee zidnee ‘ilma) -O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge [Quran, 20:114].
3. Convey knowledge.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Convey from me even a single verse…[Al-Bukhaaree] and mentioned an amazing fact: By Allah, were Allah to guide a single man through you would be better for you than a herd of red camels [Abu Dawood, saheeh] Make it a mission to share a piece of Islamic knowledge with someone every day inshaa’Allah!
4. Be comforted and motivated.
Let the all-encompassing knowledge of Al-‘Allaam of not only each leaf that falls, but also each of your thoughts and feelings comfort you and tell yourself in times of hardship: Allah knows. At the same time, realize Al-‘Allaam knows of every move you make, even when no other human being is aware, and let this motivate you to not only watch your actions, but strive to show Him the best of you, each and every day He gives you.
5. Leave a legacy of knowledge.
The Prophet said: When the human being dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him [Muslim]. When you die, you cannot do a single good deed anymore and you never know when the angel of death comes for you. Out of His mercy Al-‘Allaam taught you above three deeds which will keep counting for you, even when you die. An example is printing a leaflet with Islamic knowledge, think of a project to leave a legacy of knowledge and ask Al-‘Allaam to give you the ability to make it happen!
O Allah, Al-‘Allaam, we know that Your knowledge is above any other knowledge. Guide us to beneficial knowledge, increase our knowledge of Yourself and accept our efforts to gain knowledge. Aid us in conveying the best of knowledge and adorn us with true awareness of Your knowledge so it instills a feeling of comfort in us and motivates us to do that which pleases You most, ameen!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
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bwibwiko · 2 years
˗ˏˋ Yandere/Dark fic recs ˎˊ˗
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WARNING: minors do not interact!
note: random fandoms, mostly reader/SI/OC stories. 
➸ Rotten seeds by cyanspade
Fandom: FE:3H Pairing: Dimitri/F!Byleth
Consumed by grief over Dimitri’s miserable end at Gronder Field, Byleth musters the last of her power to go back in time to his childhood and prevent the tragedies that befall him all throughout his life.  Unbeknownst to her, Dimitri still has a darkness innate to him—only this time, he’s hell-bent on making his beloved tutor Byleth his and his alone.
➸ At the End of the World  by cyanspade
Fandom: FE:3H Pairing: Dimitri/F!Byleth
After defecting from the Empire, Byleth finds her way to Dimitri’s war council, and later on, his bed. She discovers she’s pregnant with Dimitri’s baby and takes a page from the Jeralt Eisner playbook—she fakes her death and runs away to protect the baby from the threats posed by every side in the war.   Years later, Dimitri finds them.
➸ Defiant by Lovernia
Fandom: MHA/BNHA Pairing: Aizawa/OC
Kai never fit the idea of how an omega should be - being meek, adorable, and domestic weeded out by those who would readily take advantage of it. How surprising that she’d grown up rude, tenacious, and unbound.  Despite her secondary gender being her one true burden, the source of her lack of choices, the warden of her internal prison, she couldn’t complain about how life turned out for her. She was employed as an express delivery girl, using her Quirk to rival anyone in their line of work, alongside her best friend and under a supervisor who didn’t seem to be fed up with her antics yet.
➸ Birds of a Feather by Elielephant
Fandom: MHA/BNHA Pairing: Keigo/OC
She was just the typical run-of-the-mill gal that was down on her luck. Though, her life takes a drastic turn when she was almost flattened like a pancake by a semi truck barreling from the sky and saved by the Nation’s No.2 Hero: Hawks. Now she is riddled with misfortune and it’s driving her clearly insane until she figures out who is causing all the pain. Then she is terrified for her life.
➸ Wish by Chickeninthebathtub
Fandom: MHA/BNHA Pairing: Various/OC
In which the reader has a quirk that allows her to grant everyone's wishes, and izuku takes advantage of that fact.
➸  everything's the same (definition of insane) by  Neleothesze
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Obito/OC
"Something went wrong when transferring Hotaru's neural impulses into the newest iMind.Mind mapping technology had advanced by leaps and bounds and, yielding to her grandkids' pleas, sixty-four year old Kita Hotaru had finally signed the documents and set a date for the procedure. On the morning of the 2nd of June, in a small hospital bed, the anesthetic lulled mrs Kita to sleep. The wakeup was far more painful and sudden, a tiny body dropping in the middle of a dirt road. "Reality isn't a creation of the mind. And yet here she is, sixty-four going on ten, forever young in a world where the young are the first to die.
➸  An Accomplice to Sin by CarnaReade
Fandom: Hellsing Pairing: Alucard/Reader
What would you do if a monster decides you are the perfect accomplice to uplift his boredom?
➸ Star-Crossed Obsession by Yanderes_and_Other_Poor_Life_Choices
Fandom: Hellsing Pairing: Alucard/Reader
All magic comes with consequences, and you, a time-travelling witch who accidentally rewrote history while trying to complete a university assignment, will learn that.
➸ the devil’s addiction by ULS
Fandom: Demon Slayer Pairing: Muzan/Reader 
The world you walk on is damned. Not to mention when the moon rises, demons come out. It’s Hell. These creatures out of nowhere hunt for humans, especially rare bloods like yourself. As an acquaintance of suffering, you grow dreaded over their existence, spending your entire life hiding, avoiding them every time the sun disappears from the sky. And during those days of lying low, you tried to save a stranger from being eaten by a demon, and after that, everything changed. Despite trying to live a quiet life, it led you to a point from saving someone’s life to encountering a young demon with strange letters engraved to one of his eye. A diligent child following orders from his master, who later on is intrigued by your existence. Little did you know, that so-called master, is the progenitor of demons himself.
➸ Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by lakeffect
Fandom: JJBA Pairing: Giorno/Reader
Don Giovanna sets his sights on a beloved local school teacher.
➸ Dio Brando Wants a Quiet Life by spaceliquid
Fandom: JJBA Pairing: Dio/F!Jonathan  
 All Dio Brando wanted was the world, but he would settle for a quiet life with Joanna Joestar and their son. Maybe.
➸ the martyrdom of a final girl by MAI
Fandom: none Pairing: various!yandere/reader 
Halloween night you're transported into a cult classic slasher film, but unfortunately you can't seem to recall the plot. Your only leverage is that everyone sees you as the dumb best friend to the golden final girl.
➸ steel on glass by dior
Fandom: none Pairing: figure skater!yandere/reader  
You're a world-class classical pianist, and you've been given the task of composing an original piece for the greatest figure skater to ever grace the history of the sport. He's everything the world adores, but the only adoration he seeks is yours.
➸ broken sun by dior
Fandom: none Pairing: various!cyberpunk/reader  
Under the artificial sky of Saturn, you meet the creation of the century. He is the catalyst of annihilation, and you are the legacy of chaos theory, the butterfly effect personified.
➸ Lady Out of Time by fate
Fandom: none Pairing: yandere/time-traveller!reader   
Genius, billionaire, and unbearably bored. As the CEO of L/n Industries, you didn’t think you'd have time to be bored, yet here you are, on a forced vacation because “overworking kills”. A week into your exile, you saw a shooting star and wished for the adventure of a lifetime as a break from your exhausting routine. Unbeknownst to you, a man from nearly 200 years ago had also made a wish on that exact same star. You got your adventure alright, but how will society react to a woman out of time?
➸ No by Goddess Death
Fandom: none Pairing: mafia!yandere/reader
No. The word is simple, yet powerful. In case of love, in case of rejection, some can accept the ‘no’ word. Unfortunately, some don't. They can't. They won't. That's when hell breaks loose. Human turns to monster. Life gets ruined.
➸ Cutthroat by RainbowsNSmiles
Fandom: none Pairing: mafia!yandere/reader
“I can’t help it.”
more to come...
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chingleung · 2 days
Zhejiang Chingleung New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.
About us
Jingliang Technology was established in 1995. The group includes Jingliang Technology (Suzhou Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Jingliang New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.) and 23 branches at home and abroad. The Suzhou factory is located in the industrial park adjacent to the brilliant Jinji Lake and Dushu Lake, with masterbatch new materials as its main business; the Zhejiang factory is located in Yonghe Industrial Zone, Shangyu, Shaoxing, adjacent to the beautiful Siming Lake, with a forest oxygen bar and extremely convenient transportation. In recent years, with the further regulation and advocacy of environmentally friendly materials by the state, people's lives are increasingly closely linked to green products. Zhejiang Jingliang has specially established an environmentally friendly biodegradable material and product research and development expert team, focusing on the research and development, production and sales of biodegradable materials, biodegradable masterbatches and a series of biodegradable products such as 3D printing wires, straws, cups, tableware, shopping bags, packaging bags, garbage bags, express bags, films and sheets, etc. The group has internationally advanced color matching systems, high-end extrusion production lines, high-grade dust-free clean workspaces, the latest 3D Printing wire, film, sheet, straw, cup, bag, tableware and other manufacturing equipment and many complete testing equipment have created green products with both scientific and practical features. In order to bring better products and services to customers, the group passed the S9001.2000 international quality certification in 2000; UL safety certification; QS certification; the products have also been tested by the SGS authoritative testing agency and UL safety agency, and all meet environmental protection standards; and passed the tests required for domestic and foreign market access GB/T19277.1-2011, GB/T 18006.3-2020, GB/T 38727-2020, GB/T3 8082-2019, etc., in line with the testing of ASTMD, EN13432 and certification DIN Certco, BPI, OK biobased, OK compostable, USDA, etc., providing complete environmentally friendly plastic packaging solutions for large domestic and foreign companies.
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ankso · 1 year
Hisense TV: 75-Inch U8 Series ULED Smart TV for Immersive Viewing
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Hisense Quality Hisense TV, the 75-Inch Class U8 Series ULED Mini-LED Google Smart TV, is packed with features that promise an immersive viewing experience. From its 4K ULED technology to its Quantum Dot Color and Dolby Vision IQ, this TV aims to deliver stunning visuals and enhanced picture quality. In this review, we will delve into its features, examine personal experiences, and provide a…
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mthollowell-writes · 1 year
WIP Themes Tag
Thanks for the tag @writingbyricochet! You can find her original post here!
Rules: Bold the themes that appear in your WIP (& italicize those that are loosely covered) then tag 10 people.
This will be for my Festival Project WIP. This was fun to do!
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
Gently Tagging @digital-chance @rmgrey-author @malimaywrite @hyba @girlfromthecrypt @duckingwriting @axl-ul @imbrisvastatio @tabswrites @emelkaeand anyone else who would like to participate!
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demifiendrsa · 4 months
God of War Ragnarök PC - Announce Trailer
The PC version of God of War Ragnarök  will launch for Steam and Epic Games Store on September 19, 2024.
From Santa Monica Studio and brought to PC in partnership with Jetpack Interactive comes God of War Ragnarok, an epic and heartfelt journey that follows Kratos and Atreus as they struggle with holding on and letting go.
The sequel to the critically acclaimed God of War (2018), God of War Ragnarok picks up with Fimbulwinter well underway. Kratos and Atreus must journey to each of the Nine Realms in search of answers as Odin’s forces in Asgard prepare for a prophesied battle that will end the world.
Along the way, they will explore stunning, mythical landscapes, and face fearsome enemies in the form of Norse gods and monsters. As the threat of Ragnarok grows ever closer, Kratos and Atreus must choose between the safety of their family and the safety of the realms.
Key Features
A Future, Unwritten – Atreus seeks knowledge to help him understand the prophecy of “Loki” and establish his role in Ragnarok. Kratos must decide whether he will be chained by the fear of repeating his mistakes or break free of his past to be the father Atreus needs.
Fluid, Expressive Combat – The Leviathan Axe, Blades of Chaos, and Guardian Shield return alongside a host of new abilities for both Kratos and Atreus. Kratos’ deadly Spartan skills will be tested like never before as he battles gods and monsters across Nine Realms to protect his family.
Explore Vast Realms – Journey through dangerous and stunning landscapes as Kratos and Atreus search for answers.
Master Thyself in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla
Available right at launch with your purchase of God of War Ragnarok is access to the God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla downloadable content for no additional cost!
Accompanied only by Mimir, Kratos embarks on a deeply personal and reflective journey that pushes him to master mind and body as he is confronted with the challenges of Valhalla in an unravelling, replayable adventure that blends the beloved combat from God of War Ragnarok with brand new elements inspired by the roguelite genre.
An Epilogue to Ragnarok – Kratos’ journey continues as he enters Valhalla, a new location in the God of War Norse saga. Faced with echoes of his past, he fights to overcome the trials within himself and walk the path laid out before him.
Beloved Combat Reimagined – The beloved combat from God of War Ragnarok with fresh and experimental twists inspired by the roguelite genre. Valhalla will push you to master different aspects of Kratos’ arsenal during each attempt as you face new combinations of enemies and some surprises along the way!
Fight. Learn. Grow. – Death is never the end. Kratos will have access to his weapons, skills, shields and abilities, but each new attempt will reset his Stats, Runic Attacks and Perks. As Kratos progresses through each attempt, you will be presented with choices between rewards that will help you push deeper into the mysterious depths of Valhalla while building resources toward persistent upgrades.
PC Features
Partnering with Jetpack Interactive once again, God of War Ragnarok on PC will harness the power of the platform to deliver an exceptional experience.
Unlocked Frame Rates and High-Fidelity Graphics – Unlocked framerates and the option of true 4K resolution expand the full potential of our cinematic no-cut camera as you travel through the stunning vistas of the Nine Realms. Behold enhanced reflections, lighting, and higher fidelity shadows, as well as increased geometric detail.
Upscaling Technology – Full integration with NVIDIA RTX Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) 3.7, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 3.1, and Intel XeSS (Xe Super Sampling) 1.2 will allow you to reach higher graphical settings and output resolutions.
NVIDIA Reflex Support – Utilize NVIDIA Reflex low latency technology allowing you to react quicker and hit harder combos with the responsive gameplay.
Super Ultrawide Support – Enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Nine Realms in panoramic widescreen with 21:9 ultra-widescreen and 32:9 super ultra-widescreen support!¹
Controls Customization – Play your way. With support for the DUALSHOCK 4 and DUALSENSE wireless controllers, a wide range of other gamepads, and fully customizable bindings for mouse and keyboard, you have the power to fine-tune every action to match your playstyle.
Haptic Feedback – Feel your journey through the Norse realms, made possible by immersive haptic feedback and adaptive trigger functionality.
Spatial 3D Audio – Take advantage of highly accurate, spatial 3D Audio; hear enemies approaching from any direction, including from above and below you.
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justadragonn · 1 year
Is there a piece of media you've consumed r(ul)ecently that drastically changed your opinion on something?
i wouldnt say it was drastic, but Nimona changed my opinion of modernized fantasy. i generally think slapping fantasy themes into modern times is clunky and strange, but Nimona did a really good job of taking the classic fantasy trope of "knights that defend the realm from monsters" and blending it with modern/future era technologies and ideologies. its not the first time ive seen a more traditionally fantasy theme brought into the modern era, but the ones ive seen in the past used themes that are easier to blend with the modern world (in particular im referring to Mistborn Era 2, where the magic systems introduced in the first era, which was a much more traditional fantasy setting, are brought into an era closely resembling the industrial revolution. it was done very well, blending the magic with the society and its technologies). id be very interested to see more media introduce classic fantasy tropes into the modern era, because Nimona showed me that there is more potential for it than i had previously considered.
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minutiaewriter · 1 year
~WIP Themes Tag~
Thank you for the tag @residentdormouse , I think this is a great way to showcase the themes of the HERA trilogy (not just To Catch a Star--these themes apply across the entire trilogy), and also because now I can see all the themes I can use in my future projects!
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Make a new post.
Embold the themes that appear in your WIP. 
Italicize those that are loosely covered and then, 
Tag 10 people!
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Tagging @little-mouse-gardens @toribookworm22 @late-to-the-fandom @elyteracy @imdefnotvanessa @aninkwellofnectar @axl-ul @elizaellwrites @bmaye15 @orphicpoieses and open tag for anyone else who sees this & wants to participate!
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addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | (found) family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
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🌟Hera: To Catch a Star is out now! Available here 🌟
buy a copy & feed a starving artist!
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securitysafecompany · 11 months
High Security Safes
In today's world, where security is paramount, safeguarding your valuable belongings and sensitive documents is of utmost importance. High security safes play a crucial role in providing that much-needed protection. Whether you're a homeowner looking to secure your jewelry and important documents or a business owner safeguarding cash and confidential data, high security safes are a reliable solution. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about high security safes, including their features, benefits, types, and considerations when purchasing one.
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Why High Security Safes Matter
Security breaches and thefts can happen at any time, and investing in a high security safe can give you peace of mind. Here are four compelling reasons why high security safes matter:
Protection from Burglaries: High security safes are designed to resist tampering, drilling, and other forms of attacks that burglars may use to gain access to your valuables. They provide an added layer of security that traditional safes may lack.
Fire Resistance: Many high security safes come with fire-resistant features, ensuring that your important documents and valuables remain intact even in the event of a fire. This is especially important for businesses and individuals with irreplaceable items.
Confidentiality: Safeguarding sensitive information is crucial. High security safes ensure that only authorized individuals have access to confidential documents and data, reducing the risk of data breaches and identity theft.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your valuables and important documents are secure provides peace of mind. This allows you to focus on your daily tasks without worrying about the safety of your possessions.
Features of High Security Safes
High security safes are not your average safes. They come equipped with advanced features that make them highly resistant to unauthorized access. Here are some key features you should look for when considering a high security safe:
Heavy-Duty Construction: High security safes are typically made of thick, solid steel walls and doors, making them resistant to physical attacks.
Burglary and Fire Ratings: Look for safes that have been tested and certified for both burglary and fire resistance. Ratings such as UL 72 and TL-30x6 indicate a high level of security.
Locking Mechanisms: Advanced locking mechanisms such as electronic keypads, biometric scanners, and dual combination locks provide additional layers of security.
Re-locking Devices: These devices trigger additional locking mechanisms if tampering is detected, making it extremely difficult for burglars to gain access.
Types of High Security Safes
High security safes come in various types to cater to different security needs. Here are some common types of high security safes:
1. Burglar Safes
Burglar safes are designed primarily to protect against theft and unauthorized access. They often have thicker walls and doors, advanced locking mechanisms, and re-locking devices. These safes are ideal for storing cash, jewelry, and important documents.
2. Fireproof Safes
Fireproof safes are engineered to withstand high temperatures and protect their contents from fire damage. They are essential for safeguarding sensitive documents, irreplaceable items, and data storage devices.
3. Biometric Safes
Biometric safes use fingerprint recognition technology to grant access. They are convenient and secure, ensuring that only authorized individuals can open the safe.
4. Gun Safes
Gun safes are designed to securely store firearms and ammunition. They often come with combination locks, digital keypads, or biometric scanners to prevent unauthorized access to firearms.
Considerations When Purchasing a High Security Safe
When you're in the market for a high security safe, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you make the right choice. Here are some key considerations:
Size and Capacity: Determine the size and capacity of the safe based on what you plan to store. Make sure it can accommodate your valuables and documents comfortably.
Fire Rating: If protecting against fire is a priority, choose a safe with a high fire rating to ensure the contents remain intact in the event of a fire.
Locking Mechanism: Decide on the type of locking mechanism that best suits your needs. Electronic keypads and biometric scanners offer convenience, while combination locks may be preferred for their reliability.
Installation: Consider where and how the safe will be installed. Some safes can be anchored to the floor or wall for added security.
In conclusion, high security safes are essential for safeguarding your valuable belongings and confidential documents. They offer protection against burglaries, fires, and unauthorized access, giving you peace of mind in an increasingly uncertain world. When purchasing a high security safe, carefully consider the features and type that align with your specific security requirements. Investing in a high security safe is an investment in your peace of mind and the protection of your most valuable assets.
Remember, our experienced locksmiths in Peterborough are equipped to assist you with your security needs, including high security safes. We offer a wide range of locksmith services, ensuring that your security is our top priority.
Here are 10 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about high security safes:
What is a high security safe?
A high security safe is a specialized safe designed to provide maximum protection against theft, fire, and unauthorized access. It typically features advanced security features and construction.
How is a high security safe different from a regular safe?
High security safes are constructed with thicker steel walls and doors, advanced locking mechanisms, and often come with burglary and fire ratings. They offer a higher level of security compared to regular safes.
What are burglary and fire ratings for high security safes?
Burglary and fire ratings indicate the safe's resistance to break-ins and protection against fire. For example, a TL-30x6 rating means the safe can withstand a professional burglary attempt for 30 minutes.
Are high security safes fireproof?
Many high security safes are fire-resistant, but they may not be completely fireproof. They are designed to withstand high temperatures for a specified period, protecting their contents from fire damage.
Can I open a high security safe if I forget the combination or lose the key?
High security safes with electronic keypads or biometric scanners may offer backup methods for opening, such as master codes or fingerprint recognition. Consult your safe's user manual for guidance.
What should I consider when choosing the size of a high security safe?
Consider the size of the items you plan to store and choose a safe with enough capacity to accommodate them comfortably. It's better to have extra space than to cram items into a too-small safe.
How should I install a high security safe?
Safes can be installed by anchoring them to the floor or wall for added security. Consult the manufacturer's installation instructions or hire a professional locksmith to ensure proper installation.
Are biometric safes more secure than safes with combination locks?
Biometric safes offer convenience and security, as they require fingerprint recognition for access. However, both types of safes can be secure if properly designed and constructed.
Can I move a high security safe once it's installed?
Moving a high security safe can be challenging due to their weight and size. It's recommended to consult a professional safe mover or locksmith for safe relocation.
Do I need professional assistance to choose and install a high security safe?
While it's possible to select and install a high security safe on your own, it's advisable to seek the expertise of a professional locksmith or safe technician to ensure the best security and proper installation.
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