#UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth
tellmeallaboutit · 5 days
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 15, In Which You Dance Twist With Mr. Goat (Pulp Fiction Style)
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TAGS: self-harm, sharp objects, glass, politics
There was a time, not so long ago, when you were terrified of flying. 
The mere thought of that huge metal thing plummeting from the sky for no apparent reason (well, the human factor. It's always the human factor), a minute of sheer terror, descent, and then boom.
No survivors.
No bodies ever recovered.
You used to fear situations that so brazenly took control away from you. 
Well, you were wrong; there was something strangely comforting about letting go; about snuggling up in the plush comfort of an oversized leather seat, scrolling through messages on your phone to the roar of the twin engines. 
Raphael's hand was always on your knee, his tail wrapped tightly around your ankle, as if you could escape him on the private jet - or off it. A black diamond ring on your finger sparkled in the sunlight filtering through the oval windows. 
Across from you sat Camilla, while Jens occupied the far corner seat. Yurgir was conspicuously absent; you didn't pry into his reasons, just assumed his size exceeded the weight limit of any aircraft.
A headline in the Daily Mirror caught your eye: "Who is Anya Berger? What do we know about the mysterious girl who won the heart of a billionaire in ten days?"
What do they know, you wondered and clicked.
"Walk me through the panels again," Raul asked. "And the key people to talk to."
"Morning is boring," Korilla replied. "Mental health crisis, supply chain disruptions, sustainability regulations. You start in the afternoon, sir: your first is the AI discussions with the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Technology."
"I won't say a word about this soulless drivel," Raphael said, skimming through the agenda.
Camilla choked on her coffee while Jens flinched at her sudden movement, his hand swiftly resting on the gun now.
"Mr D'Avergni, Avernus' portfolio is 15% invested in AI technologies," she said as soon as she collected herself. "What do you mean 'soulless nonsense'? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly what I said. I will not say a word about these abominable technologies. I have been made privy to information that they are cannibalising art and I will not stand for it". 
"Where did you hear this nonsense?" whispered Camilla. "Tumblr? Anya? Is that your doing?"
"I'm totally against AI," you interjected, without looking up from your phone, engrossed in the news article about your grunge heroin chic and manic-girl attitude.
They recommended black nail polish, drawing dark circles under your eyes and perfecting the look of total derangement to repeat your success. There were also some advanced blowjob techniques at the bottom of the article. 
"What is this panel 'Securing an Insecure World'?" asked Raphael. "I quite fancy the name."
"Sir, it has nothing to do with you. This is the macroeconomic panel on the dying middle class, youth problems, inequality, blah blah blah. Fear-mongering."
"Fear-mongering?" said Raphael. "I seem to have found my stage."
Camilla closed her eyes and put on her best smile. The flight attendant glided by in her pressed uniform and replaced your coffee; you were momentarily struck by the amount of cleavage she was showing as your eyes glanced upwards. 
To see very familiar eyes and a smile. Haarlep put a finger to her lips and gave you a little wink. You smiled back.
"Sir," Camilla said gently. "It doesn't work that way. You can't just speak whenever and about whatever you want in a global forum. It's all scripted, all pre-written."
"Astute observation," said Raphael. "Scripted conversations, scripted problems, scripted solutions, no room for improvisation. Davosneeds a breath of fresh air. Of honesty. Of a genuine hope for change".
Camilla said, "Of course, sir," and forced a smile. 
Back to the article: did they really get your ex-boyfriend to give an interview about you? Did he have anything good to say, that bastard who regularly forgot to flush the toilet?
Yes, he had plenty to say, mostly about you being not right in the head. You put him on your hit list and stroked Raphael's tail, which in turn stroked your ankle. They even got your mum on the phone, who thankfully had nothing much to say except that you were a good Catholic girl.
You saw some frantic movement out of the corner of your eye.
Camilla was waving you over to the plane's galley. You tried to get up, but were stopped by a tail wrapped around your ankle like a boa constrictor. "May I go to the toilet?" you asked, and Raphael uncoiled his tail, three times, with a slight reproach in his eyes. Jens did his best to keep a straight face, the corners of his mouth twitching.
Camilla pulled you deeper into the galley. She smelled of fresh coffee and burnout. 
"Anya, listen, I am very sorry that it has to come to this, but just between us girls..." she said, her fingers fidgeting with her diamond necklace. "Did Raul remember to take his medication today? I don't like his mood”. She shifted on her feet. "God, I miss the days when you could smoke in these things”.
"I'm not his doctor," you shrugged.
"Well, maybe it would be worth reminding him," Camilla drawled. "I'd rather not see viral videos of him committing political suicide in Davos. And I'm sure you'd agree."
You weren't so sure.
"I'm not going to poke the devil, and I suggest you don't either," you said, leaning against the galley counter.
Camilla sighed and gave you a very sympathetic smile.
"Anya, may I give you some friendly advice? Raul may seem like a half-god to you, but I've seen him curled up in a ball sobbing about how Daddy never loved him when he was high as a kite on coke. He's... as human as the rest of us. For better and worse”.
Just then, the plane shook violently, sending you both clutching the walls for support. The pilot quickly apologized over the intercom.
"Don't patronise me, Korilla," you said. "Do you think I'm just some pathetic, love-struck girl Raul likes to abuse?"
Camilla paused for a moment before suppressing a grin. "I'm going to invoke my right against self-incrimination. So tell me, my dear: who are you really?"
"Much more than meets the eye." You straightened up, standing slightly taller than her (which was not difficult). "I'm the one who gave him all this power in the first place."
"Wow," Kamilla snorted out in surprise. "Wow. Okay. Cool. Never mind."
"You need proof?" you said quietly. 
"Not really," she said.
"I wish you would get down on your knees and kiss my hand."
"What?" Kamilla burst out laughing. "Maybe you should share your medicine with Raul. Ask Dr Bambauer for a family discount. He will be at Davos, by the way, speaking on the mental health crisis".
"I wish for you to kiss my hand," you insisted. "Come on, do it, I have a point to prove."
You really need to learn how to calibrate these things. This one worked, though; she complied, sinking to her knees before you, a wild look in her eyes. Then she planted a surprisingly gentle kiss on your palm, leaving a crimson mark. 
"What the hell?" she whispered as she looked up at you. Raphael was engrossed in his paperwork, oblivious to the scene, so was Jens.
"See, Korilla," you started again after letting the moment hang awkwardly in the air for longer than necessary, "don't worry about Raphael talking nonsense. You'd be surprised how many people eat it up."
"Who the fuck is Raphael?"
"Your new boss," you said. "Well, old boss actually. Ahh... you won't really notice much of a difference; I hardly do myself sometimes," you lowered your voice to a minimum. "But don't tell them that, they'll get angry. You can get up now, this is getting a bit weird."
She tried to say something, her lips barely moving. You think it was 'how'. She was asking ‘how’.
"You see," you said. "The devil thinks I am very, very  special”.
Having said that, you came back to your seat. Raphael's tail immediately darted to your ankle and wrapped around it. You leaned back in your chair and watched Haarlep flirting with the pilot out of the corner of your eye.
It would be really stupid to crash because Haarlep wanted to have a quickie in the cockpit. The plane began its descent to Samedan St Moritz airport. The rugged Swiss Alps came into view out the window, snow-capped peaks glistening in the afternoon sun. 
When you book a presidential suite you no longer have to check in, you can just walk straight past the reception. The hotel was a mountain resort so exclusive that the website was just an artistic photo with no way to reserve a room. 
Raphael was eerily calm as he watched the staff unpack your belongings. His calm demeanour lasted until some poor sap nearly wrinkled his suit while trying to hang it in the en-suite cloakroom. A deafening growl sent the trembling fellow scuttling from the room.
The rest were given very generous tips.
Soon after, you found Raphael rehearsing his speech in a mirror, repeating the same phrases three times in a row, "when youth was told their souls were worthless, easily replicated by machines". Each time he spoke, there was a subtle change in tone, as if he was trying to capture some emotion - you were not quite sure what he was getting at - was he trying to imitate genuine concern? 
If so, he could work on his delivery.
He gave it another shot, the tension in his back muscles evident through his shirt.
"Excellent choice of attire, gattina," he gave you a look you approached. "Might I suggest an improvement? Not these trousers. The black pencil skirt with the white vertical stripes, the Saint Laurent one from the spring collection."
"It looks absurd on me," you looked away. "I don't have the body for it."
"You have the body for anything," he said. "Don't debate me on this. Slip into the skirt, return here and see how right I am”.
That damned skirt was a nightmare: so constricting that any wrong move felt like a tear waiting to happen; clearly designed by someone who either had never laid eyes on an actual woman or harbored a deep-seated resentment towards anyone the wrong size and proportion, which would be everyone. 
Yet somehow, you managed to wriggle yourself into it and made your way back to him.
"Now that's what I want to see," Raul smiled. "A beautiful woman and all mine."
"It's two sizes smaller than what I wear".
"Come closer, you silly creature, and grasp how breathtaking you are."
He tugged you towards the full-length mirror and swept your hair to one side so that you could take in your entire reflection.
Only it wasn’t yours.
When you played Sims and tweaked the controls to create the ideal you, you ended up with someone like this. Every trait similar to what you had, only better. A lot better. Smoother skin, better hair, smaller waist, perkier tits.
"They will see you through my eyes," Raphael said as his hands slid under your blouse and cupped your breasts. "These mortals will seethe with jealousy, envying me for having you and you for having me."
The woman in the mirror looked like someone Raphael would choose to be his consort. The skirt looked perfect, as it was tailor made just for you. 
"That’s not me," you said, mesmerized by the eerie reflection.
"Nonsense. You didn't know who you truly were until you met me," he whispered in your ear. "If it's not you I'm putting my arms around, why would you feel them?"
You felt his palms squeeze your breasts and roll your nipples between his fingers. His lips brush your neck. His growing bulge against your backside.
"Now would you be so kind?.." he asked. 
You could swear the woman in the mirror was bending over before you did, eagerly offering herself, sliding her panties down to her knees and placing her palms on either side of the mirror for leverage. His hands kneaded your buttocks, spreading you apart as his erection pressed against your entrance.
Foreplay wasn't on his agenda, you realized with a shiver. True enough, he penetrated you with a single thrust. First sharp pain, then the very familiar pleasure, liquid and pitch black and all-consuming.
"Look," he said. "Look at yourself. Look at me. Marvel at what you see."
The woman in the mirror moaned in response, pleasure etched on her face as the devil behind her ravaged. Her features twisted and blurred in ever-changing motion, skin wobbling like waves of water; she was shifting between all the women you ever dreamed of being - one moment Tav, then Christine, then Sarah Williams.
"It's not real," you moaned. 
His eyes remained fixed on the mirror the whole time he fucked you. You arched backwards into him, grinding against him with each thrust, skin slapping against skin.
"There is no reality," he whispered back. "Other than what you see in that mirror”.
His thrusts came harder now, jolting you against the cold glass. The woman in the mirror seemed to have gone insane from how well she was being fucked, her face twisted in a barely human grimace of bliss.
"Climax," he commanded with a snap of his fingers.
You saw the woman in the mirror go limp in his arms, a look of absent bliss on her face, and then remember that the woman was you. A jagged sound ripped from you. Your body responded to the command like a dog thrown a biscuit; your cunt tightened around his cock once.
The woman in the mirror morphed again; now it’s someone you’d seen a thousand times, the weird pale girl nobody ever gave a second look. 
The mirror you were propped against shattered - spectacularly so, its razor-sharp fragments raining down like confetti.
"Hang on," you managed to gurgle out in sheer terror as you tumbled, losing your balance. "Raphael, hold on..."
He didn't. Instead, he let gravity take over and you fell face-first into the broken mirror below, his weight following right after. Your scream of pleasure morphed into a wail of agony as countless tiny shards opened up on your skin; mutilating, cutting, obliterating. 
oh god it hurts 
Raphael groaned as he drove you deeper and deeper into the jagged fragments, your writhing and screaming doing nothing to deter him. The shards under your skin thrust in and out with each thrust, piercing right through you, through your face.
oh god it hurts; pulsated the single thought. The pain was nothing like you had felt before; it was the clearest sensation your clouded mind had ever processed.
A growing pool of blood spread like spilled wine on the white marble tiles beneath you. You closed your eyes tightly, but that didn't make the blood disappear. You blinked them open again... then closed them... 
Blood was still there. Raphael thrust once, so hard there wasn’t a single shard left that didn’t hurt you. 
Three times, and he came inside you, spitting curses in Italian between ragged breaths. 
The pain suddenly vanished as if snapped away by his fingers; but its ghostly memory kept your tears flowing.
"I swear to God, kitten" Raul murmured as he rolled off you, "the way you're screaming would make anyone think I'm murdering you."
You opened your eyes and stared at the perfectly white tiles.
No blood.
No shards. No cuts. No pain.
Nothing. You looked up in the mirror: the Gorgeous Version of You looked back. You looked down on yourself. 
Exactly how you always wanted to be. 
You laughed in blissful abandon. Then, you rolled onto your back, catching sight of Raul's gobsmacked expression which made you laugh even harder.
read the rest on ao3
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jordanianroyals · 4 months
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15 May 2024: King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Hussein attended the main strategy session of the Regional Ocean Summit, held at the King Hussein bin Talal Convention Centre at the Dead Sea.
Jordan is hosting the first regional edition of the World Ocean Summit, organised by the Economist Impact, in cooperation with the Aqaba Marine Park (AMP) initiative, the government, and the Jordan Tourism Board.
The summit brings together over 200 participants from around the world, including politicians, officials, businesspeople, investors, experts, and academics, to exchange expertise on means of finding balance between protecting the ocean and fostering sustainable economic growth.
Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh said at the session that green growth is key to Jordan’s Economic Modernisation Vision, noting that topics discussed in the summit highlight Jordan as a distinguished destination for future businesses, due to its talented youth, strategic location, robust infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability.   Khasawneh added that the AMP will become a hub for scientific research cooperation to preserve oceans and marine life in Aqaba and the world, by providing innovative solutions to mitigate climate change impact on coral reefs and biodiversity.   For his part, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean Peter Thomson warned in a recorded message of the dangers of the continuation of rising temperatures, which negatively affects marine life in oceans and humanity at large, ultimately making the planet uninhabitable.   He commended Jordan’s efforts, under His Majesty’s leadership, to launch the AMP, an embodiment of the Kingdom’s commitment to working towards achieving one of the key sustainable development goals to protect marine life and oceans.   Due to the Gulf of Aqaba’s strategic location, the AMP includes over 200 species of coral reefs, according to Thomson, who noted that 25 per cent of biodiversity in oceans depends on coral reefs, which underscores the need for their preservation.   In another recorded message, Prince Albert II of Monaco said Jordan has been a model in the region and the world for its contributions to environmental preservation, noting that the AMP is an example of Jordan’s commitment to the sustainable management of resources, despite regional challenges.   Prince Albert added that crises and conflicts around the world may make some believe that protecting nature is not a priority, while in fact environmental degradation only exacerbates adversity, stressing the need to preserve resources for future generations, by creating protected areas like the AMP.   In a panel discussion held during the session, Ray Dalio, co-founder of OceanX, spoke about the King’s efforts in bringing to light issues related to oceans and biodiversity protection.   Both Thomson and Prince Albert II expressed best wishes to His Majesty on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee.   The three-day summit, which kicked off on Tuesday, addresses timely and pressing topics, including climate change mitigation, marine conservation, blue economy initiatives, and ground-breaking advancements in ocean-related technologies.   Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and a number of ministers and officials attended the session.
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High Level Segment to mark the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2023.
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Traditional ceremony
by Joe Baker (Lenape) Secretary-General's Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Chairperson, Dario Mejía Montalvo (Zenu)
Panel Discussion
- Josefa Cariño Tauli (Ibaloi-Kankanaey Igorot), Member of the Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change
- Autumn Adams (Yakama Nation), Law Student, Advocate
- Luis Acosta (Nasa), National Coordinator for the Indigenous Guard of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
Moderated by Aminatu Gambo Samira (Mbororo-Fulani), Grants Associate, MADRE.
Discussion Commentary
- Rosa-Máren Juuso (Saami), Saami Youth Council
Closing Remarks
- H.E Leonor Zalabata Torres (Arhuaco), Permanent Representative of Colombia to the UN
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2023
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swldx · 1 year
China Radio Int. 1205 3 May 2023
15590Khz 1157 3 MAY 2023 - CHINA RADIO INT. (CHINA) in ENGLISH from URUMQI (XINJIANG, CRI). SINPO = 35233. English, s/on w/dead carrier fb "world today" in progress, closes, then pips @1200z and news read by Su Yi. A shooting at a school in Serbia's capital Belgrade has killed at least eight students and a security guard. The interior ministry says another six students and a teacher were injured. Police have arrested a 14-year-old student at the school, and officials say the suspect is alleged to have used his father's gun. Heavy rains and flooding have killed more than 100 people in Rwanda. Over 90 of the victims were killed in rain-triggered floods in the Western Province. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that Afghanistan is facing "the largest humanitarian crisis" in the world. The UN chief also called for more funding for the UN humanitarian response plan. Guterres' remarks came after a meeting on Afghanistan with special envoys from over 20 countries and international organizations, including China, Russia and the United States. A new seven-day ceasefire is set to take effect in Sudan on Thursday, even as gunfire and air strikes continue in the capital Khartoum and surrounding region. Previous ceasefire pledges have ranged from 24 to 72 hours, but there have been constant violations. Chinese President Xi Jinping has replied to a letter from students participating in a program at the China Agricultural University that dispatches students to the frontlines of agricultural production. In the letter, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, encouraged the students to make greater contributions to rural revitalization. He also extended festival greetings to China's young people as Youth Day falls on May 4. China's holiday spending has rebounded quickly to surpass pre-pandemic levels. Data from China's service-focused e-commerce platform Meituan shows in the first three days of the Labor Day Holiday, nationwide consumption on dining has surged by 92 percent compared to the same period in 2019. The US Government will send 1,500 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border next week, as a COVID-19 restriction that limited immigration expires. A ceasefire between Colombia's ELN rebel group and the government must be adhered to "100%" if it is to win the confidence of the Colombian people, the head of the ELN delegation said on Monday ahead of fresh talks in Havana. @1205z an in-depth news program "The Heat" anchored by male announcer with American accent. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 500kW, beamAz 308°, bearing 359°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 10137KM from transmitter at Urumqi (Xinjiang, CRI). Local time: 0657.
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73rd anniversary of the Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide.
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The voices of youth for a peaceful and inclusive world.
On December 9th, The United Nations office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsability to protect have celebrated the 73rd anniversary of the Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide.
 The Convention signifies the international community’s commitment to “never again” and provides the first international legal definition of “genocide,” widely adopted at national and international levels. It also establishes a duty for State Parties to prevent and punish the crime of genocide.
2021 Virtual Event was held on 9 December 2021, from 11:00am to 1:00pm EST.
The event will feature opening remarks by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Mr. Abdulla Shahid, President of the 76th session of the General Assembly and Ms. Nderitu, Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, followed by an interactive dialogue moderated by Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Youth. Remarks will also be made by member states, representing regional groups. 
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prnanayarquah · 2 years
Avance Media announces Tems, Tiwa Savage, Dentaa Amoateng, Nana Aba Anamoah, Peace Hyde and more as 100 Most Influential African Women
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/avance-media-announces-tems-tiwa-savage-dentaa-amoateng-nana-aba-anamoah-peace-hyde-and-more-as-100-most-influential-african-women/
Avance Media announces Tems, Tiwa Savage, Dentaa Amoateng, Nana Aba Anamoah, Peace Hyde and more as 100 Most Influential African Women
Leading African PR & Rating firm, Avance Media has announced the 4th & 2022 edition of its annual publication of 100 Most Influential African Women to celebrate African women in leadership inspiring the next generation.
The list made up of prominent women represents African women breaking the bias across the world and includes 2 Presidents, 5 Vice Presidents, 5 Prime Ministers, Ministers, Regional CEOs and Founders of both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations.
According to Prince Akpah, MD of Avance Media, the 4th edition of the list features women from a record of 36 African Countries and represents women who are changing the perception of women breaking barriers in their career, business and life pursuits.
Very notable among the influential women are, H.E. Sahle-Work Zewde and H.E. Samia Suluhu Hassan presidents of Ethiopia and Tanzania respectively, and H.E. Jessica Alupo, H.E. Jewel Taylor H.E. Mariam Chabi Talata, H.E. Mutale Nalumango, H.E. Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior, Vice Presidents of Uganda, Liberia, Benin, Zambia and South Sudan respectively.
The list also includes the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, H.E. Amina J. Mohammed and the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr Monique Nsanzabaganwa.
The list also features 3 women, Vanessa Nakate, Elizabeth Wathuti and Bogolo Kenewendo who are leading various climate action initiatives across the world, marking the introduction of a Climate Change category to the list.
With a record of 36 African countries represented on the list, Nigeria leads with 18 representatives, followed by Kenya (10), Ghana (7), Senegal, (6) and Tanzania (5).
Profiles of the 100 honourees have been published on 100women.avancemedia.org
Below is the official list of Avance Media’s 2022 100 Most Influential African Women list
1. Dr. Agnes Kalibata || CEO, AGRA
2. Ahunna Eziakonwa || Regional Director for Africa, UNDP
3. Aïda Diarra || Senior Vice-President for Sub-Saharan Africa, Visa
4. Aishah Ahmad || Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria
5. H.E. Aja Fatoumata C.M. Jallow-Tambajang || Former Vice President, The Gambia
6. H.E. Amani Abou-Zeid || Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission
7. H.E. Amina J. Mohammed || Deputy Secretary General, United Nations
8. Angela Kyerematen-Jimoh || Strategic Partnership Lead for Africa, Microsoft
9. Anna Ekeledo || Executive Director, AfriLabs
10. Anne Kansiime || Comedian
11. Anne Muraya || CEO, Deloitte East Africa
12. H.E. Anne Waiguru || Governor, Kirinyaga County
13. Awa Ndiaye Seck || Head of the UN Women Liaison Office to the AU, United Nations
14. Aya Chebbi || Founder, Nala Feminist Collective
15. Ayra Starr || Musician
16. Barbara Gonzalez || CEO, Simba Sporting Club
17. H.E. Bineta Diop || Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security, African Union Commission
18. Bogolo Kenewendo || Africa Director & Special Advisor, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions
19. Brenda Mbathi || CEO, GE Africa
20. Caren Wakoli || Executive Director, Emerging Leaders Foundation Africa
21. Rt. Hon Catherine Gotani Hara || Speaker, Malawi National Assembly
22. Chido Cleopatra Mpemba || Youth Envoy, African Union Commission
23. Coumba Dieng Sow || Country Director, FAO Rwanda
24. Debra Mallowah || Vice President, East and Central Africa, Coca-Cola
25. Delphine Traoré || CEO, Allianz Africa
26. Dentaa Amoateng || Founder, GUBA
27. Diariétou Gaye || Vice President (Human Resources), World Bank
28. Diene Keita || Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund
29. Dzene Makhwade-Seboni || CEO, Mascom Wireless
30. Edith Yah Brou || Co-Founder, Akendewa
31. Elizabeth Mrema || Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
32. Elizabeth Wathuti || Climate Change Activist, Green Generation Initiative
33. H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf || Founder, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Presidential Center
34. H.E. Elsie S. Kanza || Ambassador to the United States of America and México, Tanzania
35. Eve Bazaiba || Deputy Prime Minister, DRC
36. H.E. Fatima Kyari Mohammed || Permanent Observer of the African Union, United Nations
37. Fatima-Zahra Mansouri || Mayor, Marrakesh
38. Fatoumata Doro || Managing Director, Vlisco Ghana
39. Fatoumata Ndiaye || Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services, United Nations
40. Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo || Mauritius Minister of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity
41. Folake Soetan || CEO, Ikeja Electric
42. Françoise Moudouthe || CEO, African Women’s Development Fund
43. Funke Akindele || Actress
44. Giovanie Biha || Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS)
45. Graça Machel || Founder, Graca Machel Trust
46. Jamila Mohamed || Managing Editor, Citizen TV
47. H.E. Jessica Alupo || Vice President, Uganda
48. H.E. Jewel Howard-Taylor || Vice President, Liberia
49. Jokate Mwegelo || District Commissioner, Temeke (Tanzania)
50. H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko || Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission
51. Jumoke Jagun-Dokunmu || Regional Director for Eastern Africa, IFC
52. Louise Mushikiwabo || Secretary General, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
53. Lúcia Maria Mendes Gonçalves dos Passos || Vice President, Pan African Parliament
54. Makena Mwobobia || Executive Director, MS-TCDC
55. H.E. Mariam Chabi Talata || Vice President, Republic of Benin
56. Marie Louise Mwange || Coordinator, African Women Leaders Network DRC
57. H.E. Martha Ama A. Pobee || Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations
58. Martha Karua || Politician
59. Martha Koome || Chief Justice, Kenya
60. Dr. Matshidiso Moeti || Africa Regional Director, World Health Organisation
61. H.E. Amb. Minata Samaté Cessouma || Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, African Union Commission
62. H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa || Deputy Chairperson, African Union Commission
63. H.E. Mutale Nalumango || Vice President, Zambia
64. Rt. Hon Najla Bouden || Prime Minister, Tunisia
65. Nana Aba Anamoah || General Manager, GhOne TV
66. Nangula Nelulu Uaandja || CEO, Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB
67. Nene Maiga || CEO, Orange Botswana
68. Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala || Director-General, World Trade Organization
69. Odunayo Eweniyi || Co-founder, PiggyVest
70. Osas Ighodaro || Actress
71. Oulimata Sarr || Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation, Senegal
72. Owen Omogiafo || CEO, Transcorp Group
73. Paula Ingabire || Minister of Information and communications technology and Innovation, Rwanda
74. Peace Hyde || Television Producer
75. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka || Chancellor, University of Johannesburg.
76. Senator Dr Rasha Kelej || CEO, Merck Foundation
77. H.E. Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior || Vice President, South Sudan
78. Rt. Hon Robinah Nabbanja || Prime Minister, Uganda
79. Rt. Hon Rose Christiane Raponda || Prime Minister, Gabon
80. Rt. Hon Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila || Prime Minister, Namibia
81. H.E. Sahle-Work Zewde || President, Ethipia
82. H.E. Samia Suluhu Hassan || President, Tanzania
83. Sarah Abdelbaky || Sports Journalist, Al-Bayan
84. Sefora Kodjo Kouassi || CEO, SEPHIS Group
85. Sinach || Musician
86. Sophia Bekele || CEO, DotConnectAfrica group
87. Tems || Musician
88. Tiwa Savage || Musician
89. Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng || Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, United Nations
90. Tobi Amusan || Athlete
91. Dr. Tuma Adama Gento- Kamara || Chairperson, Sierra Leone National Revenue Authority
92. Vanessa Nakate || Climate Change Activist
93. Vera Kamtukule || Minister of Labour, Malawi
94. Rt. Hon Victoire Tomegah Dogbé || Prime Minister, Togo
95. Victoria Kwakwa || Regional Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa, World Bank
96. Winnie Byanyima || Executive Director, UNAIDS
97. Yawa Hansen-Quao || Founder, Leading Ladies Network
98. Yolanda Cuba || Group Vice President Southern and East Africa Region, MTN
99. Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr || Mayor, Freetown
100. Yvonne Ike || Head of Sub-Saharan Africa, Bank of America
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sageglobalresponse · 4 years
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Africa needs greater inclusion of women in peace and security processes
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and the UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) have called for greater inclusion of women in peace and security processes if Africa is to meet its development aspirations and enjoy meaningful stability.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, OSAA and the APRM, are advocating for the full implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Africa, with women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in sustainable development goals (SDGs) planning and domestication at the local, national and regional levels through the effective monitoring and evaluation of SDG 16 within the Decade of Action to deliver the SDGs (2020-2030).
The heads of the two entities, Ms. Cristina Duarte from OSAA and Prof. Eddy Maloka from the APRM, acknowledged progress made towards women’s inclusion to date, but emphasized that more still needs to be done. UNSCR 1325 was adopted in October 2000 and exclusively recognizes women’s right to have a leading role in achieving international peace and security.
Among the milestones achieved by African countries in the last 20 years, women’s representation in national parliaments has increased, especially with the African Union (AU) 50:50 parity campaign and the AU gender policy in 2010. Rwanda has exceeded this target, with 64% of parliamentary seats occupied by women, followed by the Seychelles, Senegal, South Africa and Namibia (from 40-44%).
However, the share of parliamentary seats at the regional average remains low at only 22.4% for women and 77.6% for men, with a slightly lower average for ministerial positions occupied by women.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, governance, gender, peace and development have become more interlinked than ever before. The pandemic has scaled back gains, with women and girls being disproportionately affected by its socio-economic impact.
A recent report by the APRM Secretariat on Africa’s response to COVID-19, sets women’s inclusivity in governance, and the fight against gender-based violence (GBV), as some of the urgent prerequisites to curb the pandemic. Further, providing skills, resources and funds for women, especially in fragile and conflict areas, is likely to help avoid further human catastrophes and accelerate recovery and building back better.
“One of the significant lessons learned from the novel coronavirus is that societies led by women in leadership display a sense of transparency and accountability, essential to mitigate disasters,” Ms. Duarte said, while commending the leadership of the 13 African female health ministers who are leading the continent’s efforts to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic at national level.
Despite the notable achievements by African women, their contribution to the four pillars of UNSCR 1325, namely conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding, still needs to be strengthened.
For instance, in 16 African peace mediation processes between 1992 to 2011, only two had 5% female signatories, and only three of 16 processes had female led mediators, according to the AU Special Envoy on women, peace, and security.
In addition, African countries are lagging behind in developing or adapting National Action Plans (NAPs) on UNSCR 1325. The APRM study on “Governance, Gender and Peacebuilding” reveals that in some African regions, only a quarter of countries have NAPs on UNSCR 1325.
“The conflicts in Africa necessitate women’s involvement in the mentioned four pillars, especially conflict prevention. Strengthening the role of women is crucial for the delivery of the SDGs, in line with the goals and aspirations of Agenda 2063 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Prof. Maloka said.
Although the state-based conflicts slightly declined, the rise of non-state armed conflicts during the last decade imposes severe implications for the African regional security. By 2018, Africa had 14 of the top 20 most fragile states worldwide. Adding to poverty, inequality, and social challenges in many African countries, mobilising youth – including females – to extremist and terrorist groups became a phenomenal trend.
APRM and OSAA applauded UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s Appeal for a Global Ceasefire and implored AU, UN organs and related bodies to assist African countries with necessary funds to raise women’s skills, resources, and infrastructure in fragile and conflict states in Africa. This is in line with OSAA’s mandate on global advocacy on Africa’s strategic priorities.
The two entities urged AU Members States, Civil Society Organizations, the private sector, academia and multilateral organisations to strengthen their collaboration towards fostering the adoption of gender-governance standards; Strengthening capacity and women’s resilience; Disseminating best practices, and Monitoring implementation of governance targets through the effective implementation of SDG 5 and SDG 16.
2020 is historical as it commemorates the 75th Anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations, and the 20th anniversary of UNSCR 1325. It is also the African Union’s year of Silencing the Guns, the year of maturity for the African Women Decade (2010-2020) and the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action (Beijing 25+).
Therefore, 2020 is, without a doubt, a year for the celebration of women and peace. This year gives prominence to key instruments and SDGs entailing goals such as: SDG 5 on Gender Equality, SDG 16 on peace, justice, and strong institutions. SDG 16 meets Aspirations three and four of Agenda 2063, which aim to promote “good governance and the rule of law in Africa” and achieve “A Peaceful and Secure Africa”. In the same manner, it is worth noting that the Aspiration 6 of Agenda 2063 calls for “An Africa Whose Development is people-driven, relying on the potential offered by African People, especially its Women and Youth, and caring for Children.”
Over the past two decades, African Women achieved various milestones of empowerment at political and economic levels. These achievements are alluded to by the African Union Constitutive Act (2000), the Maputo Protocol (2003), and the Kampala Protocol (2009). The framework also comprises of The Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) (2004), which led to the appointment of Women Special Envoys and The Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance (2002). The latter established the APRM as a tool for peer-review and sharing best experiences to promote good governance among AU countries.
As an early warning tool, the APRM as Africa’s home-grown organisation for promoting good governance was designated at the 30th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly held in January 2018, in Addis Ababa. In March 2020, inspired by the AU theme of Silencing the Guns, the 914th meeting of the Peace and Security Council reiterated the role of the APRM towards the Peace and Security Agenda.
The APRM coordinates with the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and the Africa Governance Architecture (AGA) towards promoting the Governance, Peace and Security Agenda while encouraging a greater women’s participation in the process.
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eretzyisrael · 6 years
'Mr. Secretary General, have you heard of Code Red?'15-year-old Israeli teen Uriah Hatzroni sent a letter to UN Secretary General Guterres, describing life under the rocket threat from Gaza; 'In the summer, when children like myself should be playing, enjoying games, being with friends, we're huddled in shelters, and the world has abandoned us,' he writes.
Itamar Eichner|Published:  08.19.18 , 10:24
Uriah Hatzroni, 15, from Moshav Yated near the Gaza border, wrote a moving letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, describing what life is like for him under the threat of rockets from the strip.
"It is now (the) summer holidays, when children like myself should be playing, enjoying games, being with friends. Instead, we have been in shelters and inside, afraid to go out in case a rocket is fired or an incendiary kite sent towards us. Mr. Secretary-General, children deserve to be outside playing, not in bomb shelters!" Uriah wrote."In recent months, my family and I had no (quiet) day and no (quiet) night! Just 'Code Red.' Mr. Secretary-General, Have you heard of 'Code Red'? This is the warning we receive when rockets & mortars are fired at us. Did you know that we have 15 seconds (!!) sometimes even less to find shelter. Fifteen seconds separating life and death!"
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In a letter sent for Youth Day, which the UN marks on August 12, Uriah noted that "My friends and I, thousands of children and teenagers, living in the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip, have lived in protected areas for years.""Not the ones that the UN resolution refers to, but those that are meant to protect me and save my life from rocket attacks, mortar shells, terrorist tunnels, and recently balloons and firebombs launched from Gaza, which is controlled by the internationally recognized terrorist organization Hamas," he went on to say."Often, the protected space, which (is) supposed to make you feel safe, becomes the exact place where deep fears and anxiety are floating," Uriah wrote.He explained that "While you are huddled with your family or friends in the protected space, listening to the horrifying sound of the rocket hits or the siren searing through the air, your mind can not stop wandering about members of your family or friends who may not (have) found a hiding place and are in danger. You wonder about what the missile might destroy when it will hit the ground. You pray with all your heart for luck."
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"Mr. Secratery-General," the teenager wrote in his letter, "in the last (few) months—in fact even years—this has become routine for thousands of children like myself living in the south of Israel, with the terrible fear that at any given moment the silence may be disturbed by the shelling of missiles. The sense of anxiety and deep insecurity permeates even the strongest of us."Uriah stressed that "what hurts no less is the fact that we, children of Israel, feel that the world, including the UN, (has) abandoned us, as if our rights, our future, is somehow less worthy or not important."The teen concluded his letter with a hope for a better future. "My friends and I will continue to believe and dream that the day will come when the walls of hatred will become bridges of friendship and coexistence, in which the children of the entire region, Israeli and Palestinian, will experience a beautiful, good and safe childhood," he wrote.A copy of the letter was also sent to Israel's Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon and to UN Special Envoy to the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov.
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jordanianroyals · 5 years
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16 June 2019: Crown Prince Hussein received United Nations Secretary General's Envoy on Youth Jayathma Wickramanayake, in a meeting that covered areas of cooperation between Jordan and the United Nations to empower youth and maximise their role.
During the meeting, he stressed the importance of increasing youth engagement in development, building their capacities, and adopting their innovative ideas, in order for them to have a greater role in building the future. (Source: Petra)
Discussions covered efforts and initiatives adopted by the Crown Prince Foundation to harness the potential of young Jordanians, enhance their leading role, and hone their skills, especially since young people make up around 70 per cent of Jordanian society.
For her part, the UN official praised His Royal Highness’ efforts in championing youth, stressing the importance of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security, which built on the Crown Prince’s initiative after presiding over the Security Council’s open debate on the role of youth in countering violent extremism and promoting peace in April 2015.
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nehaalmayur · 2 years
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Panel Discussion: Rescuing the Sustainable Development Goals The pandemic, climate change, global instability, and what the UN’s Global Crisis Response Group is calling the “greatest cost-of-living increase in a generation have pushed millions of people back into poverty, damaged societies, and reduced our collective capacity to tackle climate change and other deep systemic changes. Staying the current course will lead to unprecedented convulsions within decades, putting at even greater risk all the gains of the last century against poverty, disease, and other inequities. For example, the pandemic alone disrupted education across the world for over 200 million children, With experts forecasting that by 2030, 825 million children will leave the classroom without even the most basic skills needed for decent jobs, the goals are not a ‘feel good list - they are a ‘must do’ job for a world that works for all of us. Policymakers and business leaders alike must invest in sustainable opportunities for a more prosperous future that leaves no one behind. Meaningful participation and the Global Framework are well structured all we need is action-oriented stretigies Stop talking start Acting. Thank you to the Panel H.E Martin Kamani, Permanent Representative for Kenya 🇰🇪 to the United Nations 🇺🇳 Damilola Ogunbiyi, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy. Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth. Ms. Chido Mpemba Special Envoy on Youth African Union. #77unga #sdgaction #actnow #actionagenda #youthenvoy #unitednations #SDG2030 #nehaalmayur (at Ford Foundation Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CikIbBpOekl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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World Leaders at UPF Conference this Past Weekend Memorialized both Shinzo Abe and Sun Myung Moon; FFWPU Worldwide Memorializes Moon
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Last Friday at UPF’s “Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,” a five-day international summit at the Jamsil Lotte Hotel in Seoul, Shinzo Abe was commemorated, which included a video message from Donald Trump, who claimed that Abe was a good friend of his and a great person, and expressed his gratitude for Hak Ja Han. 
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▲ Mike Pompeo speaking in-person
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▲ Trump’s video message in memory of Shinzo Abe
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▲ Participants were invited to put flowers on the stage
A picture of Abe was shown on a screen with his quote, "Peace is not given by someone. It should be won." 
Speakers and presenters at the conference included Mike Pence, former Vice-President of the United States (2017-2021); Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister (2006-2015); Newt Gingrich, US House Speaker (1995-1999); Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State (2018-2021); Dan Burton, US Congressman (1983-2013); and Brigi Rafini, Executive General, Community of Sahel-Saharan States and Prime Minister (2011-2021), Niger, Walter Sharp, Commander of United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command and US Forces Korea (2008-2011); Harry Harris, US Ambassador to Korea (2018-2021); and Joseph DeTrani, Special Envoy, Six-Party Talks with DPRK (2003-2006), Imboni Prophet Radebe, founder of The Revelation Spiritual Home in South Africa, Pastor Paula White-Cain, Senior Pastor, City of Destiny Church in the US; Jan Figel, European Union Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion (2016-2019); and Massimo Introvigne, Managing Director, Center for Studies on New Religions, Italy, Sheikh Mansour Diouf, Head of the Murid Brotherhood, Senegal; Ibrahim Natatou, Minister of Education, Niger; Hamza Said Hamza, Minister of Youth and Sports, Somalia; Adi Koila Nailitikau, First Lady (2009-2015), Fiji; Mwaba Tony, Minister of Higher Education, DR Congo; Neziha Labidi, Minister of Women, Family and Children (2016-2020), Tunisia; Dr. Sok Siphana, Chairman, Asian Vision Institute, Cambodia;  Jim Rogers, Chairman of Beeland Interests, Inc.; Bishop Don Meares, Senior Pastor, Evangel Cathedral, USA; Callista Mutharika, First Lady (2010-2012), Malawi; Dr. Song Yong-cheon, Chair, Sunhak Foundation; Dr. Hwang Sun-jo, President, Sun Moon University; and Dr. Yun Young Ho, Director General, FFWPU International.
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As part of the Summit, on Sunday, August 14, participants went to the HJ Global Arts Center in Seorak, outside of Seoul, for a memorial program hosted by Hak Ja Han honoring her late husband Sun Myung Moon.
Leaders from all over the world sent messages, including Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of the DPRK (North Korea): "Rev. Moon worked for the sake of world peace… and his achievements and legacy will be remembered for eons... We would like to wish prosperity and success to the International Family Federation and UPF." Kim sent flowers to the event.
Mike Pompeo, former CIA Director and US State Secretary, spoke in-person for ten minutes, hailing Moon and his accomplishments. Earlier that week, Pompeo spoke at the UPF event on religious liberty, likely due to the events in Japan.
“Rev. Moon and his peace work impacted millions,” said Cambodian Assemblyman Suos Yara, who delivered a message from Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia.
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Moon’s 10 year death (”ascension”) anniversary was observed this past weekend all over the world.
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▲ Unification Church gathering in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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▲ Unification Church gathering Brazil
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▲ Unification Church gathering in Thailand
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▲ Unification Church in Malaysia
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▲ Unification Church in Tanzania
Ten years since Moon has been dead, and the organizations he left behind, and the sects that have since formed, are continuing on his legacy of exploiting and abusing people for the sake of building personal wealth for a few elite church families as well as for the promotion of imperialist interests.
Hak Ja Han, Founder of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) declared she is “Female Jesus”
FFWPU President of IAPP Prosecuted for Money Laundering and Drug Smuggling in US Court; may be connected to UC / FFWPU Leadership
Leni Robredo is a progressive Moonie-supporter?
Abe’s “ties” with the Unification Church were politically motivated
The Crime That Killed Shinzo Abe
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trade-cdfi · 2 years
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lifestylelaguna · 2 years
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The Body Shop and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth launch global collaboration calling for more young voices in the halls of power their joint the Be Seen Be Heard campaign.
That’s because millions of young people are missing from public life. With the climate crisis, global conflict and generational inequalities running rampant, the inputs, perspectives and representation of youth are needed more than ever.
Almost half the world's population is under 30. Yet, they make up only 2.6% of parliamentarians around the world. The average age of a world leader is currently 62. Of all the parliaments in the world, 37% do not have a single Member of Parliament (MP) under age 30 and less than 1% of these young MPs are women.
Young people have the right to be included in political decisions that affect them, however, numerous barriers prevent their participation. The Body Shop and the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth are collaborating to change this through the global Be Seen Be Heard campaign to amplify youth voices in public life. 
The campaign seeks to create long-term structural changes to decision-making to be more inclusive of young people. It was launched last May 11 with the release of a joint report, ‘Be Seen Be Heard: Understanding young people’s political participation’. The report which includes findings from the largest-ever survey carried out by The Body Shop in December 2021, covering 26 countries with 27,043 respondents in total, over half of which were under age 30.
The research found that 82% of people surveyed agree that political systems need drastic reform to be fit for the future. Across the board, 84% of people described politicians as ‘self-interested’ and 75% of people surveyed think politicians are corrupt.
The majority, two in three people, also agree that the age balance in politics is wrong, with 8 in 10 people of all ages believing the ideal voting age (the age when someone can first vote) is 16 to 18, despite that in most countries around the world the voting age is 18 or over. A third of those under age 30 surveyed would consider running for office versus only a fifth of those over age 30. People across all age groups agree that more opportunities for younger people to have a say in policy development and/or change would make political systems better.
David Boynton, CEO of The Body Shop says, “Our position is clear. The world’s problems cannot be solved by the same people making the same choices. Our research indicates the majority of young people are positive about the future, and we need to hear their views and ideas inside the halls of power. Be Seen Be Heard is rooted in creating a fairer world with and for young people, and together with the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth – we are on a mission to do exactly that.”
Jayathma Wickramanayake, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth says, “The intergenerational gap in power, influence and trust constitutes one of the biggest challenges of our time. As young people have made abundantly clear through their activism on the streets, in civil society and on social media, they care deeply about the transformational change needed to create more equal, just and sustainable societies. Participation is a right, and this campaign is an opportunity to change that.”
The Body Shop and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth push for transformational change. Among other actions, young people’s participation in public decision-making could be improved long-term by lowering voting ages, increasing formal youth representation through youth councils, parliaments, or committees, removing barriers for young people to participate in public decision-making, simplifying registration for first-time voters, and improving young people’s leadership skills.
Campaigning in 2,600 stores, in over 75 countries, across six continents.The collaboration between The Body Shop and the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth will mean that young people and other stakeholders will be able to engage with the campaign through many routes. Local campaign activations will include partnerships with specific youth-led or youth-focused non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and/or opportunities to support through petitions and other activations. 
The campaign launched globally in May 2022 and will run until mid-2025. Check out the campaign website for further information www.beseenbeheardcampaign.com
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thisdaynews · 3 years
Vaccines, digital foundation will flourish Africa – WTO, U.S
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/vaccines-digital-foundation-will-flourish-africa-wto-u-s/
Vaccines, digital foundation will flourish Africa – WTO, U.S
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The World Trade Organization (WTO) and the U.S. Envoy to the United Nations say admittance to antibodies, computerized framework and ladies and youth incorporation will move monetary success in Africa.
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This was uncovered in a virtual discussion named: “It’s Your Move! Africa’s Recovery Talk Series” facilitated by Mrs Vera Songwe, UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Monday.
Significant level members at the discussion were: Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO) and Amb. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Envoy to the UN.
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Okonjo-Iweala said Africa was doing a long time before the COVID-19 and gave an all-African way to deal with driving thriving on the mainland.
She said “We need to discuss something significant that will bring Africa back on that feasible way and that is the antibody imbalance.
“The second is young people and advanced. Our young people are our asset and more that 40% of them are on the web doing astounding things, beginning astonishing organizations.
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“I’m extremely cheerful that in the event that we can energize our adolescents and work on our computerized foundation, digitize our exchange even, that can help.
“The other is ladies and miniature, medium and little undertakings consideration. On the off chance that we can enable our ladies and get liquidity to our miniature, medium and little ventures and both work couple, on the grounds that around 50% of a considerable lot of these endeavors are claimed by ladies, I feel that will assist us with moving a recuperation.”
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The WTO chief general commended endeavors of African governments in their reactions to the all-African way to deal with the pandemic and in local administration.
“It shows we can go about as one and numerous advancements are set up.
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“These gave us the influence we expected to exchange with the remainder of the world and figure it will bring about more antibodies in the following not many months. A mainland approach is the principal thing,” she noted.
She likewise lauded endeavors of the UNECA in including assets and liquidity the landmass.
“One thing that you have begun in the UNECA, you are attempting to set up a liquidity and supportability office to will begin a repurchase market on the mainland, which we don’t have, so we have a method of expanding request of our sovereign securities, cutting down the value making liquidity more accessible on the landmass.
“That will place extra assets into the pockets and the incomes of our administrations and that can help us drive thriving,” she stressed.
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In the interim, Thomas-Greenfield focused on that the issue of thriving approached the future and expectation for Africa.
She said “The U.S. considers this to be a fundamental advance in accomplishing our objectives that in case there is a prosperous Africa, we are altogether fruitful. That implies guaranteeing multilateral antibody reaction to the pandemic.”
The envoy said the U.S. was focused on carrying similar desperation to global immunization endeavors showed at home.
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“AU part states will get around 25 million COVID-19 immunizations to upgrade inclusion across the mainland, adding to the AU focus of inoculating at any rate, 60% of the African populace,” she said.
She likewise called attention to the significance of amplifying the business venture of adolescents and ladies to assist with setting out positions and open doors to take into account interests in their nations.
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“We should likewise work all in all with ladies and adolescents to confront the overwhelming effects of environmental change,” she said.
‘It’s your move!’ talk series was dispatched to create imaginative thoughts for development that converts into activities for positive and enduring change.
Throughout the next few months, industry pioneers, VIPs and specialists will have exchanges with the chief secretary to share their dreams on what development for Africa will be post-pandemic and how they will deal with drive thriving.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Tony Blair Fast Facts - CNN (CNN) —   Here’s a look at the life of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Birth date: May 6, 1953 Birth place: Edinburgh, Scotland Birth name: Anthony Charles Lynton Blair Father: Leo Charles Blair, a lawyer Mother: Hazel (Corscadden) Blair Marriage: Cherie (Booth) Blair (1980-present) Children: Leo, Kathryn, Nicholas and Euan Education: St. John’s College, Oxford, B.A., 1975 Religion: Roman Catholic Although born in Scotland, Blair spent most of his childhood in Durham, England. His son, Leo, was the first baby born to a serving prime minister in 150 years. In his youth, acted in plays and sang in a rock band. Blair moved the Labour Party to a more centrist position by reducing influence of trade unions and dropping the Party’s goal of “collective ownership.” The Labour Party’s first prime minister to serve two successive terms. READ: The clear lesson of Iraq war 1976-1983 – After finishing his law studies at Oxford, practices as a barrister in London. 1982 – Loses an attempt to win a seat in parliament for the district of Beaconsfield. 1983 – Wins a seat in parliament for Sedgefield, near Durham. 1984-1988 – Front bench spokesman for Labour Party. 1988 – Is promoted to the shadow cabinet as shadow secretary of energy. The shadow party is the main opposition party that monitors and polices the official cabinet. 1992 – Is appointed shadow home secretary. July 21, 1994 – Becomes the youngest leader of the Labour Party after previous leader John Smith dies of a heart attack. May 1997 – Blair leads the Labour Party to win 419 seats in the House of Commons and its first electoral victory since 1979. Blair becomes prime minister, succeeding John Major. June 7, 2001 – Re-elected. October 19, 2003 – Blair is hospitalized after suffering irregular heart rhythms. May 5, 2005 – Re-elected to a third term. December 14, 2006 – Blair becomes the first serving prime minister questioned as part of a criminal inquiry; police speak with Blair regarding a “cash for honors” inquiry, in which political parties are accused of loans from donors in return for political appointments. Blair is questioned as a witness. May 3, 2007 – Blair’s Labour party suffers losses in local elections in England as well as national elections in Scotland and Wales. May 10, 2007 – Blair announces he will tender his resignation to the Queen on June 27, 2007. June 24, 2007 – Blair hands over leadership of the Labour Party to Gordon Brown during a conference of party members. Brown will become prime minister when Blair tenders his resignation to the Queen. June 27, 2007 – Tenders his resignation to Queen Elizabeth. Hours later, Blair is appointed by the Quartet (the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations) as special envoy to the Middle East. His job will require he “mobilize international assistance to the Palestinians;” help gain support in addressing the Palestinians’ governance needs; create plans to help Palestinians develop economically; and work with other countries “as appropriate in support of the agreed Quartet objectives.” 2008 – Establishes the Africa Governance Initiative. March 7, 2008 – Yale University announces that Blair has been named the Howland Distinguished Fellow for the 2008-2009 school year. He will participate in seminars and on-campus activities throughout the year. May 30, 2008 – Blair launches The Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Its goal is to encourage “inter-faith initiatives to tackle global poverty and to improve understanding of the great religions through education at every level.” January 13, 2009 – Is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President George W. Bush. February 2009 – Opens an economic and political consulting firm called Tony Blair Associates (TBA). January 29, 2010 – Blair is questioned by Britain’s Iraq Inquiry about decisions he made leading up to the US-led invasion of Iraq. Blair defends his decision to support the war. September 1, 2010 – Publishes his memoir, “A Journey.” January 21, 2011 – Blair testifies before the Iraq Inquiry for a second time to clear up inconsistencies in his previous testimony. May 27, 2015 – Writes to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to say he will be stepping down from his post with the Quartet. October 25, 2015 – On CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, Blair says he’s sorry for “mistakes” made in the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, but he doesn’t regret bringing down dictator Saddam Hussein. July 6, 2016 – The results of the UK’s inquiry into the invasion of Iraq are released. The report finds that the war was based on flawed intelligence and was launched before diplomatic options were exhausted. Chairman John Chilcot says Blair was warned of the risks of regional instability and the rise of terrorism before the invasion of Iraq, but pressed on regardless. Source link Orbem News #blair #CNN #Facts #Fast #Tony
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interkomitet · 4 years
Second Biennial OSCE meeting explores efforts to address risks posed by small arms and light weapons and stockpiles of conventional ammunition
Efforts by OSCE participating States to address the risks posed by small arms and light weapons (SALW) and stockpiles of conventional ammunition (SCA), particularly in preventing and combating the illicit trade in SALW, were the focus of a meeting organized by the German Chair of the Forum for Security Co-operation on 13 and 14 October 2020.
The Second Biennial Meeting was held to assess the implementation of the OSCE Documents on SALW and SCA, which stipulate the norms, principles and measures to regulate and manage the life cycle of SALW and ammunition, the production, transfer, storage, collection, and destruction of such weapons, and to control their export. The documents also provide for information exchange between participating States, which contributes to confidence-building.
“The OSCE provides a significant regional multilateral forum for the continued advancement of the regulation of SALW and SCA,” said Albrecht von Wittke, Head of Division Conventional Disarmament, Arms Control and CSBM Worldwide at Germany’s Federal Foreign Office. The partnership between regional and international organizations, like the UN and EU, or regional initiatives like the OSCE, in tackling the illicit trade in SALW is becoming increasingly more important and the OSCE has been at the forefront of this endeavour.”
Also addressing the opening of the meeting, Tuula Yrjölä, OSCE Officer-in-Charge/Secretary General, Director of Conflict Prevention Centre, said: “The OSCE conducts regular assessments of the implementation of the OSCE Documents on SALW and SCA, which also helps participating States to take effective action to address excessive accumulation and spread of SALW and conventional ammunition, built on informed and agreed recommendations.”
Noting the importance of integrating a gender dimension into policies regulating SALW and SCA, she added: “Mainstreaming gender aspects into SALW and SCA-related policies, as well as into standards and practical assistance frameworks, would contribute significantly to common efforts to combat illicit trafficking in SALW and SCA effectively”.
Taking stock of global actions, and new challenges and opportunities in addressing the illicit trade in and trafficking of SALW, panel speakers highlighted the security risks and the importance of international and regional agreements.
Marjolijn van Deelen, Special Envoy for Non-proliferation and Disarmament at the EU’s External Action Service, said: “Especially in the context of today’s deteriorating security environment and erosion of the international arms control architecture, our organisations have a great responsibility and must play their role for the sake of global security.”
John Brandolino, Director of the Department of Treaty Affairs at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, added: “Illicit arms flow is a complex undertaking that requires multiple and integrated responses that combine preventive and control measures at the global level. Our work on countering firearms trafficking is based on several interconnected pillars: from support for policy and legislative development to capacity-building and assistance in the implementation of preventive and security measures; from effective criminal justice responses to broad and inclusive national co-operation and to evidence-based research and analysis.”
Participants also discussed preparations for the UN’s Seventh Biennial Meeting of States on implementation of the Programme of Action of SALW.
“Moving forward, it is important that we design people-centred small arms control and ammunition management policies and frameworks, which are comprehensive, context-specific, gendered and prevention oriented,” said Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. “With a clear focus on impact, our engagement should be built on national ownership and geared towards multi-stakeholder partnerships, including regional organisations, civil society and youth activists.”
The meeting’s working sessions reflected on the importance of the OSCE’s Best Practice Guides on SALW and SCA; information exchanges as a way of assessing progress and gaps in implementing the OSCE Documents on SALW and SCA; and the functioning and efficiency of the OSCE’s Assistance Mechanism for providing support to States in addressing challenges related to SALW and SCA.
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