#Uisce Beatha
celticculture · 2 months
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stairnaheireann · 5 months
#OTD in 1608 – Sir Thomas Phillipps was granted a license by James I to the Old Bushmills distillery in Co Antrim, which is thought to date from at least 1276 – the oldest distillery in the world.
Uisce beatha is the name for whiskey in the Irish language. The word “whiskey” itself is simply an anglicised version of this phrase, stemming from a mispronunciation of the word uisce. This may in turn have influenced the Modern Irish word fuisce (“whiskey”). The phrase uisce beatha, literally “water of life”, was the name given by Irish monks of the early Middle Ages to distilled alcohol. It is…
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maltrunners · 1 year
Uisce Beatha Real Irish Whiskey
Review by: TOModera So this will be my last Irish whiskey review, barring any finds at pubs, for awhile. Not because I don’t like them, or that the community seemingly isn’t the biggest fan of them, but mostly because I have other fish to fry. And whiskey’s to try. And pigs to sty? Oh well, took it one too many. Uisce Beatha Real Irish Whiskey starts off with words that I can’t hope to ever…
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 6 months
I saw some people critiqueing Hozier's Too Sweet for "the quality of the lyrics being low", being too "mainstream", too "pop".
I don't know if I want to laugh or despair. Like obviously nobody is obligated to like a song, but sneering that the lyrics are too "popsongy" is just such an unfair, dumb take to me.
This song is exactly the sort of song that would be perfect for teaching literary/lyric/art analysis because it's so much deeper than it appears to be when you first hear it.
It's upbeat, catchy, sounds like a basic breakup-song at first glance, right?
It's a love song - sounds like the protagonist is talking to a lover, right?
...Is it though? Listen again, read the lyrics.
I think it's really quite political. It's a society critique. I think it's about (willful) ignorance, wearing blindfolds in a world that's burning.
"Baby I can never tell/
How do you sleep so well?"
Also, "You're too sweet for me". The line sounds like it's about lack of self-worth. ... Is it, though? Maybe it's an expression of disgust. People who like their coffee unsweetened tend to go "yack" when the coffee is sweetened.
Also, he sings "I think I'll take my whiskey neat". Sounds like a simple line... Is it? Hozier is irish. To quote wikipedia:
"Uisce beatha (Irish pronunciation: [ˈɪʃcə ˈbʲahə]), literally "water of life", is the name for whiskey in Irish. It is derived from the Old Irish uisce ("water") and bethu ("life").[1] "
"A neat whiskey" btw means that the whiskey is pure, as it is, not even ice added.
So the chorus:
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
I take my whiskеy neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for mе
You're too sweet for me
... Kinda sounds like the idea is that the protagonist thinks that he's a better person than the one who is "too sweet", who ignores the dark, bitter things in life, and takes their world "sweetened".
However, I think the chorus is actually also a self-critique. Are you really doing much if you're drinking a black coffee? Sure, it sounds all moody, bitter and cool, but anyone who knows anything about the coffee industry knows that whenever you're drinking coffee you are also kinda wilfully ignoring all sorts of problems caused and surrounding the coffee industry.
"A neat whiskey" sounds like you're taking the world as it is... But what is alcohol but oblivion?
"Taking the bed at three" also sounds quite deep, like you're choosing to see the darkness of this world instead of avoiding it. Staying up, or not being able to sleep, hardly solves any problems either, though.
I could go on analyzing the song, but I think I'll leave it at that. I think the beauty of the lyrics is that the lines are so multidimensional.
Like when he sings "I aim low", is he talking about ambitions, punches, or Hell? Something else?
I certainly feel gut-punched, as I always do, when I listen to Hozier!
Edit. Oh and the music video!! Ants nesting in a desert. That's us, people, isn't it?
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Irish language rant time feel free to ignore
I do Home Economics in school (or Eacnamaíocht Baile as I go to an Irish speaking school) and I'm studying nutrition and diets rn and I'm realising how little thought was given to translating the language from English to irish.
For example, the word for Vegetarian? Veigeatóir. Does it look kinda wrong? Well if you speak Irish than it fucking should. THERE IS NO FUCKING "V" IN IRISH. "Bh" in a word makes a "V" sound (eg in "Bhí" (which means "it was") is pronounced "vee") . Whats after happening here is someone has made an irish-flavoured English word.
WHATS EVEN MORE STUPID IS THERE IS A PERFECTLY GOOD WORD FOR VEGETARIAN ALREADY. Feoilséantóir. Which translates, in traditional Gaelige fashion, to "meat denier" (and vegan translates to fíor-feoilséantóir, meaning "true meat denier") .
Literally translated, "veigeatóir" means JACK SHIT. A lot of nouns in irish have really cool literal translations that make so much sense, eg. Sciathán Leathair (bat, or "leather wings") Uisce Beatha (whiskey, or "water of life") and Smugairle Róin (jellyfish, or "seal mucus") and this way of irish-ing English words completely ignores this quirk of the language.
Other examples of this shitty translations that I can think of off the top of my head:
Veigeán (vegan) (see reason above)
Calcaim (calcium) ("C" cannot make an "S" sound in irish)
Anyway. Rant over. Had to say it before I exploded.
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gallowglass2 · 8 months
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Uisce beatha, and..
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dulcimergecko · 6 months
Sunday Six delayed-
It's my anniversary and Spouse and I have plans to gorge ourselves on Irish chips, Guinness and Jameson's when he get home from his last gig. In the meantime, enjoy a bit of a BaggenShield AU that bit my brain the other night. Basic premise is post Battle of 5 Armies. Bilbo's the one injured, Thorin's sane again, and he's got a lot to atone for. Mostly, though, I like the idea of dwarves being master brewers.
“The gold is cursed,” Thorin said bluntly.  “Even if it wasn’t cursed, I wouldn’t wish to destroy your economy by flooding it with gold that nobody can use in the winter.”
“So what do you propose, then?” Bard demanded harshly.  “Nothing for our aid?”
“No, not nothing.  What I have to offer is far more valuable than gold would be to you right now.”
“And what is that?” Bard asked skeptically.
“Seasoned wood,” Thorin replied, raising his chin.  “Coal.  Rock oil.  Salt pork.  Tanned leather and furs.  Wool.  Quarried stone.  Mortar.  The skills of my masons to rebuild Dale.”  Seeing Bard’s confusion, Thorin’s smile became grim.  “Thror was a gold-sick fool, plundering the kingdom and hoarding everything for his own.  Contrary to what you men think, the true scope of Erabor’s wealth lay not in the gems or gold of its stone.  As I have been so brutally reminded, my kingdom’s greatness came from its people.  Our wealth came from our alliances and our ability to trade our skills and craft for goods and resources.  As a very wise hobbit once told me, food, cheer and song are far more valuable than hoarded gold.”  Thorin lowered his chin and met Bard’s gaze evenly.  "I do not deny that the riches Smaug’s plundered from Dale lie within our halls; they shall be restored to you in due time. As shall the hobbit's share of the treasure, but all that must come later.  The wizard said the gold must be melted and reformed to remove the wyrm’s taint, first.”         
“And what of the elves?” Thranduil interjected sarcastically.  “The White Gems of Lasgalen were always ours.” 
Thorin took a deep breath through his nose to stem the rising tide of anger. “I would give you the necklace of Girion,” he began.  “Once it is located, that is.  Five hundred emeralds as green as grass seems like a fitting reward for the ruler of the Mir–Greenwood.  Furthermore, I would offer this.”  Thorin picked up the small cask he’d brought with him and set it down in the middle of the table.  “Here,” he offered, edging it towards Thranduil whose eyes began to gleam with unmistakable interest.
“What’s that?” Bard asked. 
“Something that a wood elf would appreciate more than ordinary gems,” Thorin replied dryly.  “Well-aged Dwarven mead.  That’s but a sample,” Thorin continued, turning to meet Thranduil’s gaze.  “The wyrm had no interest in the cellars; we found mead, wine, brandy, Uisce beatha, and more, some dating back to the beginning of Thror’s reign.  I offer you fourteen barrels of each; one for each member of my company.”
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wearelondonhq · 2 years
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"Ireland is a land of poets and legends, of dreamers and rebels."
Come one, come all to experience a weekend full of good food, performances, bar crawls, storytelling and more! Wander through the streets of downtown London celebrating the heritage and culture of the Irish. Don't forget to wear green or risk a pinch from a leprechaun!
Kissing Booth: Grab a kiss from the Irish for £1 at our kissing booth! All proceeds go to the victims of the palace disaster.
Céilí Dance Lessons: Also known as Irish dancing, this traditional group dance is native to Ireland. Join some of the best teachers and your fellow neighbors in learning various dance moves before the nighttime performances.
Whiskey Tasting + Bar Crawl: Did you know that the whiskey comes from the Irish words uisce beatha, meaning water of life? Join us as we stop in to some of the most famous bars in London to try various, delicious Irish whiskey. But, don't worry, if whiskey isn't your thing, there will be a plethora of other options! Including, of course, Guinness!
OOC Info: - This event will take place throughout the weekend. Starting on Friday, March 17th and ending on Monday, March 20th. - This isn't mandatory so it's entirely up to you whether your characters attend or not! If they do, feel free to post an outfit to let everyone know they're there.
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celticculture · 1 year
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art-i-generated · 2 years
An Fharraige
Faoi cheann na mara, a mbíonn tú fíor
Trom-chroí an domhain, brionglóid an tsaoil.
Scaiptear ar do chorr, ag tonn ar ndóigh,
Fíon agus fearg, draíocht an tsaoil.
Uisce beatha do chuid, mar a bhíodh ar bhur saol
An fharraige, an fharraige, áilleacht na ndeor.
Is é an chosúlacht a thug tú orainn, trócaire an tsaoil,
An chéad uisce a lean tú, ar imeall na huaire.
An léitheoir, léigh mo smaointe, tusa
Ag snámh faoi bhruach, ag faire ar an saol.
Ag fanacht le muirbheatha, le héifeacht, le chumas
Ag tnúth le grá, do chuid ghrá geal.
The Ocean
Beneath the sea, where you truly dwell,
The heart of the world, the dream of life.
Your surface breaks, with waves in full,
Wine and fury, the magic of life.
Water of life, as it was in your days,
The ocean, the ocean, beauty of tears.
It's the resemblance you gave us, mercy of life,
The first water you follow, on the edge of the hour.
Reader, read my thoughts, you
Swimming by the shore, watching the world.
Waiting for the tide, power and ability,
Longing for love, your bright love.
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skylandersbf · 2 years
today I learned that whiskey in Irish is “life-water”: uisce beatha :D
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blantonwhiskey222 · 2 years
a few statistics about whiskey or whisky
while discussing whisky the first thing that wishes to be recognise is that there are  valid spellings. the scotts and canadians spell whisky with out the "e", even as the irish and americans spell it with an "e" as in whiskey. this should be the first indication that the world of whisky is a completely complicated one and has many nearby differences in flavor and production. this is a part of what makes whisky such an interesting and fun spirit.
traditionally it's miles believed that the irish had been the primary to make whiskey, but the scotts have additionally laid declare to being the primary whisky producers. the irish used the time period "uisce beatha" ("water of lifestyles" in gaelic) to describe whiskey, so it need to had been crucial.
both the scottish and irish make whiskey Blanton’s Bourbon For Sale  the equal way, besides for the malting and distillation technique. in scotland the malted barley is roasted over open peat fires to dry, this effects within the grain picking up the peat flavour. in ireland, the malted slightly is dried in closed ovens, and is never uncovered to the smoke. the technique of mashing and fermentation is a good deal the equal for both countries. within the distillation step, the irish, most of the time, distill their product three instances, which ends up in a completely pure distillate which makes irish whiskey pretty clean. the scottish distill their product two times and this outcomes in more flavour within the spirit.
in north the usa there is canadian whisky and american whiskey, which has a number of regional classifications such as bourbon and tennessee whiskey. every product in north america is specific and is regulated by means of the authorities. canadian whisky is the number one imported spirit into the united states and is second in intake best to vodka.
american whiskey has a number of regulation relying on the definition of the product. bourbon need to be crafted from fermented mash of now not less than 51% corn, rye, wheat, malted barely or malted rye grain. it can not be distilled at a evidence higher than a hundred and sixty and should be saved in new all rightbarrels at a evidence of 125 or less. combined american whiskey should be crafted from at least 20% whiskey aged two or extra years with the remainder made from unaged impartial grain spirit. american corn whiskey have to be made from a minimal mash of 80% corn. tennessee whiskey follows the identical guidelines as bourbon, however is charcoal filtered (lincoln county manner), so it does now not qualify as a bourbon.
canadian whisky need to be a long time for at the least 3 years, but for the most element the canadian government lets in the knowledge of the distiller to define the characteristics of the very last product so there aren't any limits on distillation evidence or barrel requirements. any canadian whisky that is elderly for much less than 4 years ought to have the age indexed at the bottle. maximum canadian whisky is elderly for six or greater years. canadian whisky is typically a mixed spirit. the term "blended" way that the very last product is crafted from a range of special forms of distilled product. for example, a canadian whisky can be composed of corn, slightly, wheat and rye distillates that have been elderly in selected used or new all rightbarrels. a few canadian producers placed all the grains in one vat and ferment them as an entire and pre-combination and age the distillate. other producers ferment every grain in my opinion and age each distillate one at a time and then blend a very last product from a mixture of spirits. maximum canadian whisky is distilled twice.
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My proposal for the next big Tumblr drink: Uisce Beatha Blast. It's just whiskey and Baja Blast. I've never had either of these, but I would gladly drink them both just to know what the fuck this tastes like.
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melikemmm · 2 months
Exploring Irish Whiskey: A Storied History and Notable Brands
Irish whiskey, known for its smooth and approachable character, has a storied history that dates back centuries. Let’s explore the unique qualities and notable brands that make Irish whiskey a beloved spirit worldwide. A Brief History The word “whiskey” comes from the Irish term “uisce beatha,” meaning “water of life”. Irish monks are credited with bringing the distillation process to Ireland…
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pubgoer · 2 months
Exploring Irish Whiskey: A Storied History and Notable Brands
Irish whiskey, known for its smooth and approachable character, has a storied history that dates back centuries. Let’s explore the unique qualities and notable brands that make Irish whiskey a beloved spirit worldwide. A Brief History The word “whiskey” comes from the Irish term “uisce beatha,” meaning “water of life”. Irish monks are credited with bringing the distillation process to Ireland…
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gallowglass2 · 8 months
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Uisce beatha
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