#Ukrainian tries British sweets
misslinala · 2 years
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
Cybertronix and accents
So, Cybertronix does have different dialects, most notably those of the colonies, the “founder’s tongue” of the old city-states where insular cultures have created their own version of the planet wide language, and the half code/half dialect junker talk, incredibly mutable and diverse, sometimes practically a foreign language to a junker from just the other side of the same city. Different dialects are still all Cybertronix, and mostly mutually intelligible, but they contribute a lot to perception and personality.
This means, of course, I’m gonna assign human accents to represent the vibes of a character’s speech.
(by the way, if you’re worried that I’m just taking a grab bag of random foreign accents and throwing them around, I’m not. Most of these accents I’ve heard from real people before, usually other uni students or roommates. I’m not just relying on stereotypical media portrayals and bad voice acting, I’m drawing on personal experience and associations with fond memories of my international friends.)
-40′s/50′s American Television Actors Accent: bog-standard “proper” Cybertronix, which of course is mostly just Iacon, Praxus, Polyhex, and Altihex. Upper class society in Rodion also sound like this.
people who sound like this: Orion Pax, Minimus Ambus, Arcee, Blackarachnia and Deadlock but very rough around the edges. Shockwave affects an accent like this to be more acceptable to his audience in the Senate. The Grand Architect technically has this accent, but the most striking thing about his voice is how impassive and intimidating he sounds, rather than his pronunciation.
-Posh Snobbish British Schoolboys Accent: much of Vos, where the higher you go, the more upper class you are, and thus the more posh and snobbish you are.
people who sound like this: Starscream, but he affects a heavier accent than he had as a middle class child. Skywarp and Thundercracker have mostly dropped theirs. Brainstorm, Perceptor. Slipstream has a very posh accent.
-German, But Like Specifically A Bavarian Accent: Tesarus, Helex, and parts of rural Tyrest. A strong, “noble” accent left over from a huge united empire prior to a united Cybertron, still considered a mark of a member of the backbone of society.
people who sound like this: Predaking, Tarantulas, Fort Max, Tailgate, Dion.
-German, But Like Specifically A Westphalian Accent: Tesarus mostly, with some communities in Stanix and groundside Vos. Considered rougher than the more “cultured” version above.
people who sound like this: Blitzwing, Makeshift, Jhiaxus, Shockwave when he gets too emotional or tired and forgets to stay upper class. Forestock also tries to drop this accent, but a lil less successfully.
(I’m also imagining some mix of Standard American German and Pennsylvania Dutch accents to be an in-between blend of standard Cybertronix and thicker Tesaran-style dialects.)
-Swiss French Because I’ll Be Damned Before I Willingly Give Anything Of France To Any Character Of Mine, Even An Accent: Tyrest and some of Praxus, also Crystal City. Lovely and charming, supposedly a mark of someone graceful and benign.
people who sound like this: Councilmember Tyrest, Skyfire, Terminus although he’s lost much of his accent. Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen in his natural voice but he often obfuscates his accent.
-That Brooklyn Or Jersey Accent Where You Pronounce It Like Joizee: lower class Iacon, Polyhex, and most of Rodion. Sometimes called the junker’s accent (which is terribly inaccurate), folks with this accent aren’t going to be lauded by the upper class anytime soon. Full of slang and euphemisms.
people who sound like this: Rumble and Frenzy, Ravage, Powerglide, Swindle. Nightracer, Bludgeon, Wheelie, and Red Alert all have a specific version of this that marks them as junkers. Springer used to, but he’s started copying Prowl’s accent now. Hot Rod to a small degree.
-An Absolute Ace Aussie Accent: Carcer! Which, much like Australia, started as a penal colony that then turned into a regular colony and then a nation proper. It’s younger than the other colonies, and far from Cybertron, so they’re considered kind of backward and stupid, which means anyone with their accent is often automatically dismissed.
people who sound like this: listen I need you to imagine Ariel speaking like Steve Irwin but about to punch a croc instead of wrestle it. Also Obsidian.
-Brazilian, But Like Specifically Recife Accent: Tyger Pax, thickest in the city itself. Very animated and vibrant, super expressive, sometimes criticized for being loud, but it’s also very fun to listen to.
people who sound like this: Jazz, Alpha Trion but he sounds like he’s faking it, First Aid. Rosanna has been touring Cybertron as a pop star for long enough that she needs to deliberately practice her accent to keep it.
-Brazilian, But Like Specifically Southern Accent: Velocitron! Not only is the accent notable, but the speed at which they speak is very distinctive. They gotta say Everything Right Now Immediately.
people who sound like this: Moonracer, Swerve, Blurr (but he’s got a stutter too), Override, Knock Out.
-Portuguese, As In The Country, Which Is Different Than A Brazilian Accent: Eukaris! They speak very casually, unhurried, like a nice warm evening around the dinner table with family.
people who sound like this: Lickety-Split. I haven’t decided who else is from Eukaris yet.
-Sort Of Yiddish, Sort Of Polish, Sort Of Greek, I’m Thinking Specifically Of One Tricultural Friend’s Accent: Much of Tarn, a few parts of Kaon, and bits of Helex. Not wildly different from standard Cybertronix, but strong and heated and very opinionated, a good accent to be angry in.
people who sound like this: Cogman, Wheeljack, Lugnut, Megatron though he’s lost some of it.
-Russian, Not Evil Movie Villain Russian, Just A Real Russian Accent: Kaon and a good half of Tarn. They are very precise with what they mean, but not so much with the grammar and order of their words, which means their precision communication is often lost on outsiders.
people who sound like this: Strika, Damus, Wasp.
-Very Sweet, Folksy Ukrainian Accent: Devisiun! On a colony where everyone is born with siblings, most folks also adopt a pattern of speaking with or over people, especially with family and people they know best. A Cybertronian will consider a Devisian rude for talking in the middle of their sentence, but that’s a normal conversation for a Devisian! They’d consider it rude if the Cybertronian didn’t start responding to them in the middle of their sentence.
people who sound like this: Jetfire and Jetstorm, complete with finishing each other’s sentences.
-Korean Accent, Which Is Actually Closest To The Original Primal Vernacular: Caminus! They held on very tightly to their roots as a colony founded directly by one of the first Primes, so they’ve preserved a version of the first language that, while mutated by usage over the megavorns, is still closely connected to the tongue of the ancients.
people who sound like this: Windblade, Chromia, Firestar, Flareup, Nautica, some people swear Maccadam has a hint of this accent.
-Deep Southern Redneck Bumpkin Drawl From Down On The Range Accent: the moons! Luna 1 and 2 have very similar dialects, and very thick country drawls.
people who sound like this: Ironhide, Cosmos, Bulkhead, Kup uses this one because he picked it up on an early visit to Luna 1 and liked it so he keeps it.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
Candy Crush
New AU
“You come here often?”
“Well, I work here, so I’m gonna have to say ‘yes’.”
Anna did her best not to frown when her attempt at flirting completely missed its mark. The girl standing on the other side of the counter is staring at her with the big, deep blue eyes that made Anna fall head over heels in love with her the day she first walked into Sweet Thrills. She tilts her head a little, as if she were a confused puppy, and that simile makes Anna’s heart melt inside of her chest.
“Ma’am?” The worker says, concern growing on her features. “Ma’am, are you alright?” Her voice, toned with an accent Anna believes is Italian, maybe Ukrainian (YES she KNOWS those two are two entirely different accents but with the slight British undertone from life in London, it was hard to put her finger on the exact tone), is as sweet as the drops of honey being sold on one of the counters a few feet away.
The rainbow fairy lights strung up around the sweets shop illuminated this girl’s soft, young features. The glow casts a multi-colored halo over her head, which then spills down the sides of her long, slightly scruffy, but silky-looking black hair. She’s got hands like wolf paws, minus the menacing claws, but the frame of a sun bear- moderately well built and small (Anna has to look down at her, actually). Bangs fall into those jewel-like, haunting blue eyes, swaying with her movements and occasionally falling into the orbs of sapphire that bring out the rest of her pale, but pretty face. Glasses top it all off, balanced on the bridge of her cute little nose.
“Yes,” Anna said quickly, “Yes, I’m fine. Just dozed off a little.”
The worker nodded, smiling softly. It doesn’t really meet her eyes, which Anna notices holds a deep sadness and pain in, but it’s genuine nonetheless.
“Alright,” She said, “Have a good day.”
“You too!”
When Anna returns the next day, she smiles at the girl over the counter as if to say, “Yes, I’m here again.”
So, here she is, again. Walking towards the peppermint creams, her devil candy, again. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices the girl take off her glasses and dutifully clean them with her shirt.
She looks very cute without them on.
Soon enough, Anna’s standing in front the counter again, gently placing the peppermint creams in front of the girl to weigh. She’s smiling sheepishly.
The girl grabs the candy, weighing it with an amused eyeroll. She doesn’t think Anna would have caught it, but she does.
“No judgement, miss sweet clerk. A woman needs her snacks.” Is what she ends up saying.
Anna watches as the girl’s head short-circuits, seeming to be simultaneously anxious, embarrassed, and guilty.
“Better than liquor, I guess.” She finally replies, not managing to make direct eye contact with the customer. She’s so awkward- it’s adorable, yet sad at the same time. How could someone be so anxious?
“I suppose you’re very much right.” Anna nods, handing the girl the money to pay for her snack. She watches her fumble with the change before adding, “Keep it.”
“What?” The girl looked up.
“Keep it.” Anna said again.
“A-are you sure? This is a lot of change-”
“Of course,” Anna smiled. She takes the candy, watching the girl stare at her, stunned, “See you later!”
Anna returns two days later and is ecstatic to see the pretty girl was working.
When she walks in, said girl smiled and greeted her with the usual phrase workers said to new patrons (not that Anna was new...this was probably her sixth trip to the shop within the month).
After picking out her usual candy, she goes to pay and starts to script what she was about to say to the girl.
“Will that be all?” The girl asked.
“Yeah,” Anna replied.
The girl hums and rings Anna up. After saying their goodbyes...Anna leaves.
It’s a week later this time. Rain is pelting from the sky, but Anna still makes the journey into the candy store. She thanks the lord when she sees that the cute girl was working, so she didn’t just almost get pneumonia for nothing.
When she walks in, the girl, who appears to be the only one working (and also isn’t wearing her glasses, Anna’s useless gay brain notes), perks up, her eyes widening in alarm and concern. The fact that she seems to be worried over Anna makes Anna’s heart flutter.
“You must really like sweets if you came here in that weather,” The girl said, easing herself back down onto her stool behind the counter. She brushes the papers she was working on aside and stands up to get ready to ring up Anna, who was setting her umbrella by the door.
Not as much as I like you.
“You could say that,” Anna said instead, which her gay brain grumbles at her for. She probably could have ended her miserable pining by saying that. Maybe.
After getting rung up, the girl glanced anxiously over Anna’s shoulder, watching the rain come down harder. Her eyes bulge a little when lightning struck nearby and the sky becomes an uproar of crashing thunder.
“I don’t think it’s safe to go back out there.” She said, “You should stay in here. I’ll go grab you a stool.”
She got up, stumbling for a moment when she must have stepped wrong, pawed for her glasses, put them on, and disappeared into the back of the store. Before she returns, Anna glances at the papers and spiral notebooks stacked beside the cash register and saw notes and work on...she squints at it...murder cases?
Notes on Richard Chase, Jeffrey Dahmer, Harold Shipman, Ed Gein, were scribbled on the pages in great detail about what they’ve done, which included a lot of cannibalism, necrophilia, torture, and even skinning people to make furniture and clothing out of their flesh (god that Ed Gein guy sounds horrible...thank the lord he’s in America! And dead).
When the girl returns and notices that Anna was reading her work, her cheeks blazed so red the blush reached up to her ears. She hunched her shoulders around her neck, clearly embarrassed, and quickly scampered around the counter to put the stool down for Anna before returning to her own seat.
“I-” She tried to say, but couldn’t quite find the words. Her blue eyes cast down, dulling slightly with shame. “You probably think I’m crazy.”
“No, not at all.” Anna said quickly, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snooped.”
“No, it’s okay,” The girl said, “I shouldn’t have left my things lying around in the way.” She nervously rubbed her palms against her pants. “Um- I’m majoring in forensic science in college.” She explained. “That’s- that’s why-”
“Oh!” Anna said, “Oh, that makes sense!” She smiled at the girl, relaxing her slightly. “Do you like it?”
“Totally,” The girl smiled a little, “It’s fascinating! We’re learning EVERYTHING there is to know. Entomology, toxicology, trace evidence, fingerprints, blood splatter analysis, DNA- everything. It’s so,” Her hands flutter as she tries to find the words, “-it’s incredible. There’s a case-” She plucks up her journal and flips through the pages until she comes to a specific one and shows it to Anna. Notes on a case about a dismembered torso is scribbled on the pages. “-on this unidentified torso that was found and the pathologists were able to find out who it was by using the HIP BONE. Nothing else! Isn’t that incredible?”
“Yeah,” Anna agreed.
“Oh- I’m sorry.” She’s blushing again, but this time it’s a shy blush, equally as adorable as the one from before. “I’m babbling.”
“No, no, it’s alright!” Anna said, “You love what you’re learning. That’s great!”
The girl smiled. “What about you? What are you majoring in?”
“Music,” Anna answered. “I don’t have much to say about it, though. Not as much as you.”
The girl giggled and her eyes glitter in a way that makes Anna’s heart thump wildly.
“Sounds fun!” She paused, “You know, I don’t even know your name.”
“Oh, right! I’m Anna.” Anna said, “Anna Cleves. I’m twenty. Moved from Germany to here in London two years ago after high school to go to college.”
“Ah,” The girl nodded. “Germany, huh? Is it nice?”
“Oh yeah,” Anna said fondly, remembering back to her home. “What about you? What’s your name?”
“Elizabeth Blount,” The girl said, “But I go by Bessie.”
“Yeah,” She seems a little shy. “I know there’s a lot of other better nicknames I could go by- Eliza, Lizzie, Liz, Beth, Ellie- but, umm...” She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, “I really liked cows when I was little. Like- REALLY liked cows. And when I found out that Bessie was a stereotypical name for cows I was like, ‘Oh my god I have to go by that!!’ So I did! And it’s just stuck over time. But you should have seen my mother’s face when I first told her!”
Anna didn’t think she could fall for this woman any further, but that was just proved wrong.
“Oh my god,” She said, “That is absolutely adorable!”
Bessie smiles bashfully. She seems much more relaxed now.
“Really? I thought it was kinda weird.”
“No way!” Anna shook her head, “That’s so cute.”
“Thanks,” Bessie said shyly. “Oh, and I’m nineteen, by the way. I moved here from Italy when I was fourteen.”
So it was an Italian accent she had, then.
Anna nodded and leaned forward, propping her elbows up on the counter. She and Bessie basically began to do icebreakers, sharing things about each other, and by the time the rain slowed enough for Anna to go home safely, they seemed to be the closest of friends.
“It was really nice talking to you, Anna.” Bessie said. “Will you..” Her shyness returned, “You will come back, won’t you?”
“Of course.”
And Bessie genuinely beamed.
Three days later, Anna returned.
When she walked in, she saw that Bessie seemed a little...upset. Her eyes were dull as she stared blankly at the counter, not paying much mind to the customers inside unless they were paying. She was so distracted that she didn’t even notice the woman standing near the display of fudges, calling for her.
“Excuse me!” The woman finally roared, startling Bessie to awareness. Her annoyance didn’t diminish when Bessie turned to her with such a frightened, pitiful expression. “I’ve been waiting for you for TEN MINUTES!”
“I’m sorry,” Bessie whispered, dipping her head low and scampering over. She could definitely feel the prying eyes of the other patron’s burning into her. “I’m very sorry, ma’am.”
“You should pay more attention,” The lady growled. “Stupid girl. What could be so important that you couldn’t do you job?” She scoffs, “I’m sure you were thinking about getting with one of your male coworkers behind the store.”
Bessie paled. She’s paralyzed in her spot, eyes widening.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
Bessie doesn’t answer. Her bottom lip is trembling slightly.
“Of course.” The lady sneers, “I bet you aren’t even wearing an underwear under those pants. So ready to get knocked up, aren’t you? You dirty s-”
Anna practically charges the woman, shoving her so hard she stumbled backwards into the display glass for the fudge squares. Her fists are clenched, ready to strike and bust open the head of this middle-aged Karen like a jawbreaker, and her eyes are alight with rage.
“Excuse me!” The woman yelped from being pushed. “What is your-”
“Leave her alone.” Anna seethed, “Don’t fucking talk to her like that, you fucking bitch. You have no right.”
“And you have no right speaking to ME like that!” The woman barked.
“What do you mean? Unlike what you’re spewing, what I’m saying is true.” Anna said, “Get the fuck out. And never talk to her again!”
With a final glare and a huff, the woman storms out. Once she’s gone, Anna releases the breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding and turned around...but Bessie wasn’t there.
Anna looked around, then dared to step behind the counter and go into the employees only section. There, she hears crying and finds Bessie in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet. This sends Anna to her side instantly.
“Oh, Bessie...” Anna murmured, trying her best to not look into the toilet, as she was sure the girl has already exhausted herself by emptying her stomach into it.
Bessie let out a strangled whimper and heaved again. Anna quickly grabs her long black hair and holds it out of the way, rubbing her back comfortingly with her other hand.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Anna murmured, “Just get it out, darling...it’s okay.”
After a moment, Bessie finally pulled back, panting heavily.
“Done?” Anna said softly.
Bessie nodded and flushed the toilet with a shaky hand. She uses her other to press the heel of her palm to one of her eyes, which are spilling out tears.
“I’m sorry,” Bessie whispered, hiccuping softly. “God, I’m- I’m so sorry. This is so gross. I shouldn’t have- You- I-”
Anna’s heart broke at how scared the girl was. Gently, she brushes a lock of hair out of her pale, tear-stained face and had the overwhelming urge to kiss her forehead, but managed to restrain herself from doing so.
“Shh, shh,” Anna hushed her. “It’s alright, darling, I promise. It’s alright.”
Bessie’s ears glow red like licorice when she’s referred to with the pet name. She ducks her head a little, clearly flustered.
“Okay,” She said quietly. “I just- What she said...it...”
“Was horrible.” Anna said for her. “It was horrible, Bessie. She had no right.”
Bessie just shrugged.
“Wanna know why?” Anna said, and Bessie looks up at her a little. “Because,” She cups either sides of her cheeks and lifts her chin so their eyes meet, “You’re a wonderful, beautiful young woman. You aren’t anything she said about you.”
The blush creeps onto Bessie’s cheeks and fresh tears spill down her face. She collapses into Anna’s arms, sobbing into her chest and thanking her over and over again.
Anna holds the weeping girl protectively, rubbing a hand up and down her back and rocking her gently. Right then, she vows to protect Elizabeth Blount. No matter what.
Two days later, Anna strides confidently into Sweet Thrills with a present bag dangling from her wrist. However, she deflates when she doesn’t see Bessie. Rather, a woman her age with her brown hair done in space buns is standing behind the counter. She looked as if she spoke in the verbal form of italics all the time.
Anna looks around with a disappointed expression and is about to make her awkward exit (she didn’t buy anything, after all) when she notices the worker at the counter grinning widely. She watches the woman crane her neck around and shout over her shoulder.
“Hey, B!” She called, “Your stalker is here!”
Anna wrinkles her nose, but her expression brightens when she sees Bessie’s pretty little head peek out from the employees only doorway. The girl matches her expression, beaming when their eyes meet, and she’s immediately walking over. The two of them actually hug, and it makes Anna’s heart beat wildly inside of her chest.
“Hey, lovely,” Anna grinned down at her, daring to brush some hair out of Bessie’s pretty eyes. She can’t help but smile even wider when Bessie leans slightly into her touch. “How are you?”
“Better, now that you’re here.” Bessie said, a soft smile curving perfectly on her pink lips, like arcing a Twizzler.
“Awww,” Anna cooed. “You sweetie.” She pokes Bessie’s shoulder, causing her to squirm away with an adorable giggle.
“I’m not the sweets, Anna.” Bessie said.
“You’re right,” Anna nodded knowingly, “You’re sweeter than the sweets.”
Bessie raised a hand to hide her blushing face and to muffle her flustered giggles.
“Reel it in, B,” Comments the worker at the counter.
Anna turned to her, ruffled and slightly defensive, ready to protect the girl at her side if she’s rudely spoken to again. She settles only because Bessie gently touches her arm and looks up at her, her eyes basically saying, “It’s alright. Calm down.”
“This is Anne,” Bessie said, nodding at her coworker. “Anne, this is Anna.”
“So, you’re the mystery girl Bessie has been telling me about.” Anne props her elbows up on the counter, resting her chin in her hands. She squints, “You are pretty.”
That doesn’t make Anna blush, rather just tilt her head.
“What? Not cute when I say it?” Anne shrugs, “Alright.”
“Anne, don’t you have to stock the sweet jars?” Bessie said, punctuating her sentence with a sharp, but pleading arch of her eyebrows.
Anne blinked, then smirks. She titters, stepping back.
“Right,” She said with way too much emphasis. “Just remember: The creams are over there.”
Anne laughed loudly and went to the back to get the candy she was “supposed to restock”.
“I’m sorry about her,” Bessie said quietly, “She’s great, I swear.”
“Great at parties, I bet.” Anna chuckled. “Are you alright? That comment didn’t...” After seeing Bessie puke over just a few words about her being accused of being a slut and not over her gruesome major, Anna was able to put the pieces together that Bessie must have had a sensitivity to sexual subjects. Any reason for it that her brain went to made her stomach twist up.
“Yeah,” Bessie nodded. “It’s- it’s different when Anne does it. She knows not to but sometimes she forgets and I understand that.” She steps back, moving to return to the counter when she notices the gift bag hanging from Anna’s wrist. “What’s that?”
“Oh!” Anna remembered the exact reason she was there and proudly presented the bag to Bessie, who seems shocked. “It’s for you.”
“F-for me?” Bessie stuttered. She notices Anne’s head shoot out from the aisle she was working in, but dismisses it for now.
“Yeah.” Anna smiles widely, “Open it!”
Bessie hesitates, then plucked away the paper sticking out of the bag. What she pulls out is a stuffed cow.
“Her name,” Anna said proudly, “is Elizabeth. Because she really likes humans and when she found out Elizabeth was a human name, she HAD to go by it.”
“That’s why Bessie goes by Bessie!!” Anne cried from her aisle. When Bessie and Anna both look over at her, she yanks her head out of sight and goes back to restocking.
“Anna...” Bessie murmured, staring down at the fuzzy thing’s black and white face.
“Do you like it?” Anna grinned.
Bessie doesn’t say anything.
“You...you don’t like it, do you?” Anna’s grin falls.
She knew she was pushing it. She knew she was stepping too far- how could she do this? Especially after her revelation about Bessie. How could she do this to the poor girl? She’s probably so scared. She probably doesn’t want to speak to her ever-
“I love it.”
Anna’s head popped up in hope.
“You do?”
“Anna, I love it.” Bessie just said again. She cuddles the cow close to her chest, lowering her head to nuzzle her nose into the fur between its ears. She didn’t care how childish it looked. “I love it so much...”
Anna’s grin returned. She pumps her fist in victory and her elbow nearly jabs Bessie when the girl flung herself into her arms.
“Thank you, Anna,” Bessie said, hugging Anna with one arm and the cow- Elizabeth- with the other. “She’s perfect.”
Anna hugged her back tightly, swaying her ever so slightly. She hears Anne go, “awww” from her aisle, but ignores her because Bessie was much more important.
“You’re welcome,” Anna said. “I’m glad you like it.”
“I really, really do,” Bessie said. She pulled back and quickly wiped her eyes.
“Oh- don’t cry.” Anna said, going to thumb away Bessie’s tears as well.
“Sorry,” Bessie laughed slightly. “This is- this is just so nice of you to do for me.”
“Anything for you.” Anna said.
“God, you two are SO CUTE.” Anne yelled from her aisle. When her comment is met with silence, she knows her direction is being stared at without even seeing the unamused eyes, so she adds, “SORRY!”
The next time Anna comes in, Anne is working at the counter again. The space bun girl jumped around so fast her hair nearly comes out of their seemingly trademarked buns and yelled, “B!!” Then, Bessie is hurrying out with a small, potted banzai tree in her hands.
“Anna!” Bessie smiled widely.
“Hey, sweets,” Anna smiled back. She casts a curious look at the tree, “Is that a new candy?”
Bessie giggled and lightly swatted at Anna’s arm.
“No, silly!” Bessie said, then held up the awkward, lanky, zig-zagged banzai as if it were the most magnificent tree to ever grow on God’s green earth, “His name is Herman.”
“Herman?” Anna echoed, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. Herman.” Bessie nodded.
Anna raised her hands and sets them on top of Bessie’s so they’re both holding the pot (really, Anna just wants to touch Bessie’s hands- they’re quite a bit smaller than her own and she thinks it’s adorable).
“Do you like him?” Bessie asked, looking up at Anna. Her eyes are holding the cutest expression ever- almost childlike or puppy-like. “He’s our tree. Since you come over so often. We can water him together.”
Oh my god we have a tree together.
“I love him.” Anna said and Bessie beams.
And I love you, They both think.
And Anne’s thoughts mused, GAY!!!
It’s late when Anna returns. After closing time, to be exact, but she still parks. She walks to the entrance, finding it open, so she thinks it wouldn’t be a bother to walk in since she was so close to one of the workers.
Speaking of Bessie, the girl is in the far left corner, restocking the American candies. She doesn’t notice Anna, despite the little golden bell that chimes when the door is opened, and Anna is about to say something when she realizes something.
Bessie was singing.
“Girls, we do, whatever it will take
'Cause girls don't want, we don't want our hearts to break in two”
Her singing voice is like smooth, warm caramel, oozing steadily from her lips. Husky, yet warm at the same time, and her accent adds a whole other chilling undertone to the words. It draws Anna in almost instantly- a haunting melody that slithers up her neck like a candied snake and coils in her ears.
“So it's better to be fake, can't risk losing...”
Anna steps quietly over to the counter where Herman is displayed. She notices that his soil isn’t damp, meaning he has yet to be watered that evening, so she plucks up the miniature indigo watering can with red roses on it (when Anna saw it at the grocery store, she knew she HAD to get it- when it was brought into Sweet Thrills, Bessie teasingly had said, “You spoil him too much!” to which Anna went, “Yes, I do. I’m TRYING to be his favorite mum, after all!”) and sprinkles some water into the pot. After patting Herman’s round hedge of leaves (“That’s his afro. Our son has an afro.” -Bessie), she turned her attention back to Bessie. At that point, her singing was all she could hear.
“In love again, ba-abe”
After that, the beat dropped and Bessie did the most adorable thing: She jumped. She jumped with the beat and began dancing in her spot as she sung.
“This is how to be a heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger”
Bessie was bouncing on her heels and swaying back and forth and bobbing her head- and Anna was nearly on her knees because this girl was absolutely perfect. She was completely smitten with this sweet shop, forensics major, and she wondered what she had done to make God so proud, because Bessie was perfect- she was a blessing.
“We'll get him falling for a stranger
A player, singing I lo-lo-love y- AAHHH!!!!”
While twisting around on her heels, Bessie had finally noticed that Anna was inside with her, watching her.
She must have leapt ten feet off of the ground, and when she landed, she landed right into the box of candies she was putting on the shelves, causing her to slip and fly backwards. Her head thumped horribly against the shelf behind her before she crumpled into a shivering ball, keening in pain.
“Bessie!!” Anna cried, racing to her side. She kneels down and reaches for the curled up girl below her, eyes wide with fear. “Oh my god, oh my god, Bessie! I’m so sorry! Are you okay? Bessie!”
“Ow...” Bessie moaned against the wooden floor. She pried her eyes open, panting for a moment to catch her breath after the fright that overcame her. She reached back to rub her head and pushed herself up with her free arm. “A-Anna?”
“Yeah, darling, it’s me. It’s just me.” Anna said, her hands hovering, ready to catch Bessie if she keeled over. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I just- I heard you singing and I couldn’t get myself to interrupt you because- God, what am I doing? I shouldn’t be gushing right now. Are you okay? Should I call 999?”
“You heard me singing?” Bessie blushed shyly, not answering the question asked of her.
“Well- yeah.” Anna nodded. “But are you okay? Are you bleeding?”
“No,” Bessie shook her head, wincing slightly. “It hurts, that’s all.”
“I’m so sorry,” Anna said. She reached out and gently cupped Bessie’s cheek, which she leans into like a kitten seeking affection, using the other to reach around her head and carefully feel for a gash. When Bessie whines softly, she knows she’s found the injured spot- there’s definitely a bump forming, but no blood and no open wound. She sighed in relief. “Can you stand?”
Bessie nodded and stood up. She stumbled a little, but Anna quickly catches her, and that ends with Bessie pressed close to her chest. She looks up at the taller woman with big eyes, cheeks dusted with red.
“I watered Herman.”
“He missed you.”
“Did you?”
“Of course.”
Anna smiled widely.
“I’m glad.”
Bessie pulled away and turned back to the box of candies she had been working on. She clearly seems conflicted- she wanted to spend time with Anna, but had to finish work.
“I’ll help you.” Anna said, sensing her dilemma.
With that, they began tag-teaming the rest of the work Bessie was supposed to do. As they did so, Bessie asks, “If you don’t mind me asking...why come to a sweet shop so often? You could be at clubs or frat parties or a sorority...but you don’t.”
She paused.
“Is..is it because of me?” She whispered.
Anna looked up from the Milkyways she was putting into their specific bucket and met Bessie’s deep blue, gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah.” She smiled. “Well,” She went on, “And Herman.”
Bessie giggled, and they both looked over at their banzai son. Then, their heads craned up when a familiar, iconic piano tune began to play from the speakers overhead. Anna smirked widely and stood up, extending a hand to Bessie.
“Care to dance?”
“Heart beats fast
Colors and promises”
“I would love to.”
“How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?”
Bessie takes Anna’s hand and was pulled to her feet. The two of them got into the proper position and began to slowly dance.
“But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow”
Bessie started to sing along to the song, blessing Anna’s ears once more. She giggled lightly in between the lyrics when Anna twirls her.
“One step closer...”
They picked up the pace a little, swaying with more energy, but kept their synced movements careful and smooth.
“I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid...”
Anna was not afraid.
Dancing in a sweet shop, under the rainbow fairy lights strung about the building, with the most beautiful girl to ever exist, Anna could not be any happier.
She now knew for a fact that Bessie did come here often.
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mastcomm · 5 years
Coronavirus, Impeachment, Isabel dos Santos: Your Friday Briefing
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Good morning.
We’re covering the impacts of a viral epidemic in China, the Democratic strategy at President Trump’s impeachment trial and a landmark ruling on violence in Myanmar.
Outbreak disrupts China and spooks markets
In China, the all-important Lunar New Year holiday begins today, but the outbreak of a deadly virus is overwhelming hospitals and raising fears of a pandemic akin to one fueled by SARS, a similar disease that originated in China in 2002 and killed more than 800 people worldwide.
Here are the latest updates and a map of where the virus, which has killed at least 26 people and sickened more than 600 people in Asia, has spread.
Experts from the World Health Organization said on Thursday that it was too early to declare the outbreak an international health emergency, even as China took the apparently unprecedented move of keeping millions of people in Wuhan and nearby cities on a travel lockdown.
Looking ahead: The outbreak has dampened growth prospects for the world’s second-largest economy during what is normally a busy spending season. Financial markets fell across Asia on Thursday, led by a sharp drop in stocks in China.
Details: Many of the first 18 victims were men who skewed older and had underlying health issues. But the 18th was the first to die outside the city of Wuhan, the virus’s epicenter.
Go deeper: Wuhan, population 11 million, is an industrial and manufacturing hub that embodies China’s rise as a global economic power. Here’s a video of the city on edge.
Solemnity, and politics, in Jerusalem
Prince Charles of Britain is due to meet in Bethlehem today with Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, on the heels of an event in Jerusalem that marked the coming 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz.
Speaking days before the anniversary on Monday, world leaders at the event discussed the importance of remembering the Holocaust and speaking out against anti-Semitism. Some also used the opportunity to score political points on Iran.
Why this matters: The presence of several global leaders at Israel’s biggest-ever political gathering was a public relations boon for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who is campaigning ahead of a March election even as he awaits trial on corruption charges.
The Democrats’ strategy on impeachment
House Democrats are expected today to wrap up their opening arguments at the impeachment trial of President Trump by arguing that he obstructed Congress by concealing his behavior and withholding documents and witnesses. Here’s a roundup of our latest impeachment coverage.
On Thursday, the Democrats tried to disprove Mr. Trump’s claims that he was merely trying to root out corruption in Ukraine when he sought to enlist officials in that country to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, who served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
Analysis: Bringing up the Bidens is risky for Democrats, our congressional correspondent writes, because some Republicans are threatening to call them as witnesses.
Related: No witnesses have been allowed at the trial yet, but Democrats are essentially using Mr. Trump as one — by quoting from his astonishingly unfiltered public remarks on Ukraine and other subjects.
What’s next: Mr. Trump’s lawyers are scheduled to begin delivering their opening arguments on Saturday, and the trial could be over before the president’s State of the Union speech on Feb. 4. But if senators vote to subpoena witnesses and documents, it could go deep into February.
Climate change and the banking sector
Climate change is expected to figure prominently in a strategic review that the European Central Bank began on Thursday — on the same day that an umbrella organization for the world’s central banks warned that the issue could lead to the next global financial crisis.
Christine Lagarde, the E.C.B. president, acknowledged on Thursday that some members of its governing council questioned whether fighting climate change was a central bank’s job. Still, she added, “I’m also aware of the danger of doing nothing.”
Why this matters: Global gross domestic product could plunge by nearly a quarter by the end of the century because of the effects of climate change, according to some estimates.
Analysis: “Think the subprime crisis in 2008 was bad?” our business correspondent writes. “Imagine a real estate crisis caused by rising sea levels and coastal flooding that renders thousands of square miles of land uninhabitable or useless for farming.”
Related: Business and political leaders made a flurry of commitments on carbon emissions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week. But few provided details on how companies could rapidly transition away from an economy based on fossil fuels.
If you have 45 minutes, this is worth it
9/11, the F.B.I. and the Saudi connection
In a case that divided the F.B.I., agents spent years trying to understand Saudi Arabia’s connections to the worst terror attack in America’s history.
Now a joint investigation by The Times Magazine and ProPublica explores what some agents discovered: A series of missed opportunities by the agency to resolve questions about the link between one of Washington’s closest allies and the attack.
Here’s what else is happening
Ruling for Rohingya: The International Court of Justice at The Hague said on Thursday that Myanmar must take action to protect Rohingya Muslims after what many experts have called a campaign of genocide by the country’s security forces along the border with Bangladesh.
Storm moves north: A huge storm that has killed 10 people in Spain and left hundreds of thousands of residents temporarily without electricity was moving north on Thursday, setting off weather alerts for parts of France.
Poisoning charges: Bulgarian prosecutors on Thursday announced charges against three Russian spies, accusing them of using poison in a failed attempt “to deliberately kill” a prominent arms dealer, his son and an executive in 2015. A Times investigation last month identified the suspects as operatives of an elite military unit involved in the 2018 poisoning of a Russian spy in Britain.
Angola: Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of the country’s former president, is set to face charges after an investigation into the embezzlement of millions from the state oil company, which she once led. A banker who managed the company’s account was found dead at his Lisbon home in what was most likely a suicide, a police source said.
Subway chief quits: Andy Byford, a self-described subway nerd from Britain who has worked on the London, Sydney and Toronto transit networks, resigned as chief of the state agency that runs New York City’s subways. He had quarreled with the state’s governor over plans to fix a major line between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Snapshot: Above, a display of Benin Bronzes at the British Museum in London. The artifacts were looted by British troops in the 19th century, but two British police officers have made it their mission to return them.
What we’re reading: This profile of Lizzo in Rolling Stone “reveals how hard the Grammy-nominated singer fought to become a new kind of superstar,” writes Remy Tumin on the Briefings team, and the photos alone make it worth reading.
Now, a break from the news
Cook: Pasta alla vodka is a 30-minute dinner that leaves enough time to make a salad and pour a glass of wine. Skip the pancetta to make it vegetarian.
Watch: “The Gentlemen,” the latest movie from the British director Guy Ritchie, features villains and supervillains, crime and punishment, winks and splatter-happy schtick, our film critic writes.
Smarter Living: Our Climate Fwd: newsletter usually brings us a weekly tip on one thing you can do for the environment, but this week its team is looking at the bigger picture.
And now for the Back Story on …
The impeachment diet
Of the many rules that govern the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, there is none more incongruous than the food and drink allowed on the floor during the marathon proceedings: water, milk and candy. That’s it.
The candy is thanks to the “candy desk,” a historical relic that is now assigned to Senator Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania. It’s on the Republican side of the chamber, in the back row on the aisle.
The tradition of the candy desk started in 1965 with Senator George Murphy, a sweet-toothed California Republican, and in recent years has been controlled by lawmakers from Pennsylvania, which has the country’s biggest confectionary industry. It’s currently stocked with Hershey bars with almonds, Rolo caramels, Milky Ways, 3 Musketeers bars, Palmer Peanut Butter Cups and Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews.
As for beverages, only water is permitted — either still or sparkling — though a legislative rule book does refer to a lawmaker who was permitted to ask for a glass of milk in 1966. Unfortunately for everyone involved in the proceedings, which have so far made for some very long days, coffee is not allowed.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Mike and Sofia
Thank you To Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford for the break from the news. Adam Pasick, on the Briefings team, wrote today’s Back Story. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. • New York Magazine profiled Michael Barbaro and the team behind “The Daily.” • Here’s our Mini Crossword, and a clue: Use a stencil (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here.
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frothytundra · 5 years
Once, when my brother Philip was visiting my sister Vera in California, he asked her the names of the flowers in her back yard. Vera said she didn’t know, and Phil was shocked. How could she not name her own plants? Well, Vera explained, she didn’t care what they were called. She just liked looking at them.
Naming things seems to be very important to the English. When I was a child growing up there, I did my best to remember the names of plants and trees for school tests and for Girl Guide badges. As I recall, many people there took great pride in their ability to name all sorts of things. In fact, colonial Brits, when they went to foreign lands, gave names to mountains, lakes, and rivers even though the locals already had perfectly good methods by which to identify them.
When I was walking with Jamie yesterday along the promenade beside the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton, I was delighted by all the lovely flowers there. I asked Jamie if they knew what they were called and, just like their Aunt Vera, they said: “I have no idea.” That conversation led to this blog post and my attempt to name some of the plants we saw after we took a ride in the funicular down to the river valley.
Following the construction of the award-winning funicular in Edmonton, the surrounding area was restored with landscaping using plants that are native to the area. These plants have now become well-established and were in full bloom yesterday.
With the help of Google, I have tried to identify them and I have put here their common names. However, some I am not sure of and there is one that I could not name. If you can help in identifying them, that will be appreciated. You may have to find a British person or a Girl Guide to help you, though.
  Tufted Vetch
White Sweet Clover
Poems For A Small Park by E.D. Blodgett
Poems For A Small Park by E.D. Blodgett
Hairy Golden Aster
Englemann Ivy
Yellow Sweet Clover
Golden Bean
Perennial Sow Thistle
Red Elderberry
Alongside the path on the north side of the North Saskatchewan River are lampposts on which are plaques with the words of Poems For A Small Park by E.D. Blodgett. Two of those plaques are shown above. The poems were written in the languages spoken during Edmonton’s early days – English, French, Cree, Chinese, Ukrainian, and a Métis dialect.
  This video shows the view from the lookout at the bottom of the funicular.
Naming Plants for My Brother Philip Once, when my brother Philip was visiting my sister Vera in California, he asked her the names of the flowers in her back yard.
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spottedpear · 7 years
Writing Idea
12 highly intelligent young people are put in a luxurious underground bunker. There is another luxurious bunker below them filled with 12 highly beautiful young people.
They try to find out why they are there, and in the process grow closer together in their respective bunker groups. (spoilers and story plan-ish in read more)
They are there because people want to know whether intelligent and pretty people can solve problems together in their respective groups, and together.
The 12 HI people vary from unattractive to average looking by society’s standards, but it’s more focused on their high IQs of 130 or over.
The 12 HB people are all very attractive by society’s standards, but their IQs vary from 70-129.
Exposition - Waking up in the HI bunker, reading the help manual, introducing characters (based on files given out to everyone)
Settling In - First week or so, friendships being formed, Aaliyah and Kendall becoming leaders. Shinju and Kendall become close friends, Fabrizio becomes known as a good chef.
First Clue - Gyeong finds a camera under his desk, and quietly tells Fabrizio. More settling in, but Gyeong and Fabrizio are quietly trying to work out why there seem to be cameras everywhere.
Suspicions - Shinju finds Hubert trying to break apart a camera in the library, only for it to stab his finger and take a blood sample. They talk, and when Hubert tries to handle another camera it sparks and gives him a painful electric shock. Shinju warns everyone not to break the cameras, and Fabrizio and Gyeong start writing down everything that seems out of the ordinary.
Second Clue - Tú finds a control panel. tbc
HI Characters: (secondary character means not POV or not super close to Main so far) Shinju Tsukiko Saito - Main Character, POV, 17, Japanese, First Year University Student. Friendly, secretive, introverted, melancholy. IQ = 142 Fabrizio Spada - Main Character, POV, 20, Italian, Third Year Uni Student/Chef. Suspicious, curious, good hearted, good chef. IQ = 136 Kendall Joey Bonham - Main Character, 24, Canadian, Electrician. Cheerful, eccentric, paranoid, frugal. IQ = 147 Sven Van Daal - Secondary Character, 19, Dutch, Physics Scientist. Quiet, logical, talkative, thoughtful. IQ = 152 Aaliyah Mouna Zaman - Secondary character, 25, Syrian/French, High School Calculus Teacher. Sweet, deep thinking, artistic, confident. IQ = 139 Gyeong Eun Jeong - Secondary character, 18, Korean, First Year University Student. Calculating, easy going, kind, anxious. IQ = 155 Paora Anaru - Secondary character, 25, Maori, Meteorologist. Active, carefree, brave, grumpy. IQ = 148 Oksana Nicol Von Wegberg - Secondary character, 27, German, Pharmaceutical Scientist. Creative, closed off, jealous, caring. IQ = 161 Cooper Geordie Beck - Secondary character, 22, British, Nursing Student. Gentle, diligent, giggly, nervous. IQ = 131 Hubert Ambroise - Secondary character, 20, French, Second Year Uni Student. Reluctant, sharp eyed, apologetic, alert. IQ = 159 Tú Thi Phạm - Secondary character, 18, Vietnamese, 7th Form Student. Studious, polyglot, bookworm, soft spoken. IQ = 145 Luka Matvey Matveev - Secondary character, 21, Russian, Third Year Uni Student/Waiter. Musical, shy, gloomy, inquisitive. IQ = 153
HB Characters: Paulinha Emiliana Rodrigues - Main Character, POV, 20, Portuguese, Customer Service. Confident, kind, trustworthy, loud. IQ = 110 Maria Yaroslava Shwetz - Main Character, POV, 18, Ukrainian, Secretary. Quick thinking, impulsive, sarcastic, athletic. IQ = 89 more to come
More to come.
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