reminding myself once again that PG Wodehouse was quite possibly asexual and that most of his characters are semi-repulsed by sex as a concept
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probablyday · 1 year
Followed you, anyone who is deeply dippy about Plum is my sort of mutual. Now you have me imagining a millennial Ukridge investing in bitcoin.
I'm pleasantly stunned by the amount of Wodehouse appreciation on this site! Sure, I'll write you some Ukridge
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aceredshirt13 · 10 months
Bertram “Bertie” Wooster, writing stories about Jeeves: My man is a genius. The most brilliant chap I’ve ever known. I would probably die without him. We have our little spats, and he’s got a rummy sort of schadenfreude in the soul, if that is the word I want, but my life with him is so pleasant that it’s all worthwhile. I am also passionately in love with him
James “Corky” Corcoran, writing stories about Ukridge: My best friend is literally the most annoying person alive. Can’t stand his dumb ass. Every problem I have ever had in my life is his fault. There is no interaction I come out of with Ukridge in which my wallet, my belongings, and my pride are intact. It is usually all three. I am also passionately in love with him
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underwatersurfboard · 9 months
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ukridge did What to jeeves and wooster 😳😳
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funnuraba · 5 months
Modern Wodehouse (or "Jeeves get iPad")
-Ukridge canceled
-Jeeves briefly wrenched from Bertie's employment when the startup he was hired through goes belly up
-Spode super-canceled
-Ten women go viral for exposing "Tuppy from London"
-Stiffy dumps Stinker for refusing to try pegging. (Bertie: Trying jeggings, did she say? JEEVES: No, sir. BERTIE: Ah. Speaking of jeggings-- JEEVES: No, sir.) Jeeves eventually reveals a Bible verse that convinces Stinker pegging can be a god-honoring experience
-Ukridge re-canceled
-Lady Constance furious with entire younger Threepwood generation after finding their groupchat where they have a running tournament to see who can bait her into saying the most unhinged thing about Mr BaXtEr
-Mr Mulliner and the Oldest Member have competing 132-part TikTok stories
- Stilton threatens Bertie's life for saying "all coppers are blighters"
-Rodney Spelvin gives up on his Timothy Bobbin poetry after entering a charity livestream of Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby
-Ukridge debuts 4th, uncanceled alt account; Corky exposes him to Gawker
-George Cyril Wellbeloved accuses Psmith of cosplaying socialism and Psmith deflects by explaining polyamory to him
-Lady Constance takes Lord Emsworth's iPad away because he won't stop looking at his livestream of the Empress sleeping
-Sir Roderick Glossop recommends Bertie LSD, first combatively and later as a friend. Jeeves starts quoting Reefer Madness around the home ("It has been observed that if you do drugs, sir, you go to Hell before you die." "And who observed that, Jeeves?" "The late Captain Lou Albano, sir, speaking in his capacity as Super Mario.")
-Rosie M. Banks writes billionaire CEO Marine shifter omegaverse HEA romance; Lady Constance considers inviting her to Blandings but then actually picks up a book and is immensely disturbed by their taboo themes of marrying poor people
-Aunt Dahlia was really into the DIY zine scene and refuses to take Milady's Boudoir digital
-Bingo in hot water after throwing little Algernon's iPad into the fireplace over a Baby Shark incident
-Literally everyone assumes Baxter and Lady Constance are having an affair, but finally Julia hires someone to hack their Facebook DMs, and it's just the dryest, most autistically formal exchanges any two human beings have ever produced and Julia is like 😑 Connie... only you would pick a man so stuffy that neither of you even thinks of having an affair in the middle of your affair
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dovand · 10 months
P.G. Wodehouse characters on panel shows
Because I had A Thought in the jerver (Jeeves x Wooster server) and had to expand it to Many Thoughts, owing to my normalness about both Wodehouse and britcom :)
Long & incredibly niche post (x"D) under the cut!
Preface: Characters covered vary and I may not be entirely accurate as I have not consumed as much Wodehouse as I'd like. Polite discussion entirely welcome (and, in fact, desired)!
Jeeves would do well fact-wise but, owing to the fact that he does not watch the show and thus does not understand the format, would, on attempting to make a joke, be klaxoned to hell and back (possibly via goading by Alan). Unless he very carefully managed to dodge the goading he would not win and would be very bitter about it
The Elves would absolutely adore him btw. There'd be a behind the scenes photo of him looking puzzled/slightly scared while the Elves who are there on filming days all pose around him and grin at the camera
Would never forget to use his buzzer (regardless of how embarrassing it is) because he feels bad about interrupting. Would be very much unnerved by Stephen (obviously) and perhaps a little intimidated by how flamboyant he is. Aisling Bea would like him I think
Wooster would have no idea what was going on but would be endearing enough to make up for it entirely. Sort of like Johnny Vegas. He would have to be stopped forcibly from going on long rambling anecdotes a la Gyles Brandreth. If the host is Stephen he will not be paying any attention to anything being said the entire evening. Might win entirely by accident because he's saying nothing remotely relevant & thus is never klaxoned. (Though tbh he might have a heart attack before even starting the show on account of seeing a man who appears pretty much to be Jeeves wearing colour!)
Would get along well with Bill Bailey I think—agents of chaos the both of them. Alan would make fun of Wooster for being posh (a la the way the panel usually makes fun of Stephen). Would do very well on live demos. Stephry would adore him & he would not know what to do with it ("why is campier Jeeves so enamoured of me?"). Sandi would LOVE him. Might bring a blue whale plushie along for emotional support
Ukridge (and here my Wodehouse knowledge starts to thin) would very confidently be very incorrect but would be so charismatic about it that the Elves would forget to klaxon him until he was done speaking. Almost Rhod Gilbert-y levels of accidentally-on-purpose annoying (see: Rhod claiming that it gets totally dark at night in Denmark for like 5 minutes). Gyles Brandreth-levels of ability to talk at length. He starts spontaneously filibustering in the middle of the episode
(A.K.A. 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, but the full acronym is so much more fun)
Jeeves wins. Obviously. He would be guest team captain I think, and he would absolutely carry. Jon would be awkward the whole episode because he's being outperformed by this weird posh guy. The jokes about Jimmy being weird and non-expressive and android-like would be redirected at Jeeves and he would just kind of stare blankly at them
His mascot would be something very simple or something very strange/non-humorous (like. Not even a lucky fancy pen, just a fancy pen that writes well that he can use for the working-out). He'd get the conundrum immediately
If Joe Wilkinson was on to do A Bit you'd be able to see him looking confused in the background the entire time
Wooster is hopeless. Maybe if he's on a team with Jon or Jeeves he'd be able to scrape some points but, realistically, he's drawing on his paper the whole time. He takes to the mascot-ing with abject glee & does very well with that. Panel is not sure whether to make fun of Jimmy or Wooster for being posh. Russell Howard would like him
Would be delighted by a Joe cameo. Would be very polite when requesting his letters and/or numbers. Would delight Susie Dent
Ukridge is in Dictionary Corner fucking shit up. If he knows how to work PowerPoint then he's got a PowerPoint to back up his little bit of standup; if not he's got hand-drawn posters. Nobody is quite sure what he's talking about. There's something about ungulates in there. Possibly a mention of cellular respiration. He spends the whole episode asking Jimmy for money. He gets on with Joe.
Corky, for reasons* that go entirely unexplained sits quietly next to Ukridge in Dictionary Corner for the whole episode. He is not mentioned by name once. People in the YouTube comments are asking who the weird silent guy is & if anyone else can see him & if it's some avant-garde Bit that they're doing. Someone says they wish that they'd've tried this Bit out with Jimmy
(*He's emotional support)
Archie Moffam starts crying
Mock the Week
Wooster is entirely unfamiliar with current events. Lends a Milton Jones air to the whole panel. Dressed similarly to Ed Byrne; they are both made fun of for wearing waistcoats
Jeeves is not asked onto the show because he would start doing actual fully-fledged political commentary and being so good at it that nobody would feel comfortable interrupting him
Ukridge would have either Egg Scramble (i.e. Ed Gamble) or Milton Jones vibes for reasons I cannot explain. Would get distracted by the flies & start trying to catch them in his hands
Corky is too soft-spoken to get a word in edgewise
Would I Lie To You?
Jeeves has an excellent poker face & ability to distinguish truths from lies, rendering him excellent at parlour games. Unfortunately he does not understand what there is to be enjoyed in them & as such is only invited on for one episode. He does get into a good little argument with David about something horribly pedantic, though. Also Rob makes fun of him by doing his O.O face into camera and Jeeves entirely misses it
Wooster is great at telling stories but horrible at lying. Everyone loves having him on because he tells a captivating story but it's so so easy to tell when he's lying. Might team up with Lee to annoy David. Rob really likes him. Starts spinning on his chair when they're doing pick-ups, distracting everyone
Ukridge is pretty good at playing. His comedic rant abilities rival David's, except he's not actually really trying to be comedic. All his stories end up being about Schemes & he writes them down during the episode planning to try them. People think this is a bit. It is not.
Only Connect
Jeeves is far too literally-minded for the connecting board but he does remarkably well on the rest of it. Victoria pokes fun at him the entire episode for being posh. He does not notice
Wooster's mind works in such mysterious circuitous ways that he's actually rather good at the connecting board. Unfortunately he is bollocks at the rest of it
Big Fat Quiz
Jeeves does not do very well. Too much pop culture for him
Wooster also does not do very well. His mind is like a sieve except the sieve has very big holes. Or maybe even no holes tbh. So basically his mind is like a sieve if you took the mesh out and all you have left is the metal loop around the top. Essentially he remembers nothing about anything. He brings homemade* sandwiches for the snacking segment. He is goofy & delightful enough that he does quite well be he is not invited back on account of performing so terribly. He does wear a spiffing outfit for the occasion though
(*i.e. Jeeves-made)
Ukridge does surprisingly well. He does start talking about his schemes though. He tries to get Jimmy in on them. He does not succeed
Corky is apparently the only chap who reads the newspapers. He does quite well!
Reggie Pepper also reads the newspapers but he is too busy being inexplicably hot while phoning people from bed so he only gets the barebones of most stories
(I don't know if this really counts as a panel show, but what the hell.)
Jeeves takes everything literally and is very polite to Alex during all of the tasks. His prize tasks are almost all underwhelming except for one that is accidentally genius. He is so single-mindedly focused during studio tasks that he looks like he is about to murder someone the entire time. Surprise tasks/extra rules that he didn't notice prompt him to stare blankly into the middle distance. Greg is baffled by and attracted to him in equal measure throughout the season. The fanbase is very starkly divided on him. He probably wins the series but not many episodes
Wooster is a sort of Mike Wozniak figure. Endearingly baffled the entire time. Moves in an odd but captivating manner. Committed to the bit. Starts telling anecdotes while he's meant to be doing tasks. Absolutely delights Greg. Is probably lifted up in a studio session at least once (a la Jacaster)
Archie Moffam continues crying
Ukridge wears his mackintosh to studio sessions. He is overly familiar with Alex, who looks despairingly into the camera every time he is manhandled or asked to help with a Scheme. Every prize task is either an opportunity to get Greg in on a Scheme, or to offload things he does not need from previous unsuccessful (i.e. all) Schemes. He gets second place and is pleased as punch about it
That's about all I have at the present moment. Perhaps I'll update with more characters once I've ventured further into the House of Wode. Tootle-pip for now!
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It’s Always Sunny in Interwar London
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transtranslations · 9 months
so I'm thinking about buying the Japanese translation of Ukridge, because the art is super cute and it looks like a lot of fun.
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attempt at a literal translation of what Ukridge says on the intro page there (by "literal" I mean "without Edwardianing it up to match the vibes of the original"): “Yo, my bosom buddy! I’ve got a nice moneymaking scheme for ya - won’t you take a bite? You don’t have to worry about a thing - my plan is perfect, like always."
Fun notes about this:
よお (yoo) has the exact same meaning and connotation as "yo" does in English. This is very important to me.
The kanji for "bosom buddy" or "kindred spirit", 心の友 (kokoro no tomo), literally reads as "friend of my heart", which is incredibly cute.
Ukridge speaks very casually here, with 貴公 (kikou) being an old-fashioned form of "you" generally said to equals or social inferiors (for the record, it's often rude to even say "you" to someone at all in Japanese if you don't know them well - you're meant to use the third person even when talking to them - and while I have not yet read it in Japanese I suspect Ukridge is kikouing everyone he meets), and changes the negative verb ending ない (nai) to the slangier, more colloquial ね (ne) at every turn. It's such a big part of Ukridge's character that his casual nature has zero regard for class, situation, or decorum, and I love how this translation reflects that.
Easily the best part of this entire translation is the fact that Ukridge's personal pronoun (what he uses to say "I") is 我輩 (wagahai), which carries the connotation of the user being absurdly arrogant. There's a reason Wagahai wa Neko de Aru (I Am a Cat) by Natsume Soseki gives the cat protagonist this pronoun. He is a cat. Cats are like that. And apparently, so is Ukridge. The cocky bastard. I love him so much.
conclusion: there needs to be a Ukridge manga like, yesterday. please. there's already a Jeeves one and it's great. a Ukridge manga would be so much fun.
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lucilleverneuil · 8 months
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princelysome · 1 year
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An early Wodehouse story about Stanley Ukridge as narrated by his friend. Herein the first tender shoots of Wodehouse humor and farcical plot lines begin to emerge.
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lettersregardingjeeves · 11 months
I say, hello! I’m dashed well looking forward to the book club in the spring. It’s a frightfully good idea. Is there any chance that some notes will be provided along with the letters, as the references can rather overwhelm one like a whole flock of overwhelming things— particularly if one didn’t take home the prize for scripture knowledge during their jolly schooldays, or if they’re not familiar with blighters like Oswald Mosley who were influential at the time the stories were written. I’m much obliged to those who are running the whole bally thing whether notes will be added or not! Cheers!
Oh gracious, I entirely forgot to respond in a timely fashion! (One is always distracted by the daily grind, I fear… if only we all had a Wooster’s independent wealth!)
Regrettably, I am not a strong enough chap to annotate these stories by myself. But not-so-regrettably, I don’t need to be - because Madame Eulalie has already done it for me! That lovingly-crafted website has annotations for the majority of Jeeves novels and short story collections, including all the stories + the one novel used in this Substack, as well as some annotations on its transcriptions of the stories as printed in magazines. It’s extremely useful for picking up on references you wouldn’t otherwise get, and it’s also the site where I source all the magazine illustrations from!
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Commander X2 has about as much chanthce as a one-armed blind man in a dark room trying to shove a pound of melted butter into a wild cat's left ear with a red-hot needle.
Duck Dodgers
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probablyday · 1 year
modern nerd Bertie Wooster goes viral
previously: millennial nerd bertie wooster for some reason, millennial nerd woosterposting part 2 act 1 act 1, ukridge buys bitcoin, psmith "meets" elon musk
the original Woosterpost hit 4000 notes earlier. please, i'm just a simple lesbian who writes whatever this is
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(had to double-check I wasn't referencing a real blog with this one. never change, tumblr)
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aceredshirt13 · 10 months
Wodehouse Adaptations
Hello everyone! So, a while back, I made a Google Doc documenting Jeeves adaptations, and a different Google Doc documenting non-Jeeves Wodehouse adaptations. However, I decided it would be better to just combine them - and also add a bunch more that neither past document had! So now I present to you... the Ultimate Wodehouse Adaptation Doc!
It's got all the adaptations I could find on the Internet of Jeeves, Blandings, Psmith, Ukridge, Mr. Mulliner, Golf Stories, Uncle Fred, and Drones Club stories, neatly arranged by medium and date. If you're only looking for adaptations for a certain series, there's a handy-dandy emoji categorization system, so all you have to do is pop one of them into CTRL+F and it'll take you to any adaptations marked with that!
Naturally, if you know of any errors in the doc, or see anything that's missing, please let me know! Thank you very much, and enjoy!
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Can’t recommend enough looking up PG Wodehouse librevox audiobook recordings…. Found out they are on podcasts as a format too
Currently listening to Love In The Time of Chickens 🐓 💞
Apple podcast link for it ^^^
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funnuraba · 5 months
Lying in my sickbed, I have assigned myself to craft some official, wieldy and helpful Wodehouse ship names. Also, make sure to mask up in an N95 or better respirator for the ongoing Covid pandemic, and get some sealed safety goggles for the incipient H5N1 pandemic!
Bertie/Jeeves: Beeves
Aunt Dahlia/Uncle Tom: Dom
Aunt Agatha/guy she marries: Worplesgatha
Gussie/Madeline: Gusseline
Gussie/Emerald: Gusserald
Spode/Madeline: RodMad (not Basspode, which is Spode/Sir Watkyn)
Bingo/Rosie: BingBanks
Florence/Stilton: Fl'Orcy
Stilton/Daphne: Cheesehead
Florence/Percy: Florringe
Tuppy/Angela: Don't ship this
Stiffy/Stinker: Stiffstink Pinkbyng
Bingo/Pongo: Bongo, Pingo, Bingpong, possibilities are endless, idk if they ever speak though
Ashe/Joan: Marlentine
Joan/Aline: Only F/F Ship or Jaline igss
Ronnie/Sue: Fishbrown
Hugo/Millicent: Carwood/Threepmody
Tipton/Veronica: Ronton
Wilfred/Monica: Millsop
Gally/Dolly Henderson: Golly
Baxter/Lady Constance: Baxtance, yeah that's right they get a real one because they are #Real
Gally/Uncle Fred: Gallifred
Lord Emsworth/Uncle Fred: IckenEm. scraping the bottom of the Blandings barrel to find something gay
Sir Gregory/Maudie: Parslie
Ukridge/Corky: Stankoran
Psmith/Mike: Mīth
Psmithian polycule: my Covid induced brain damage can't handle this
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