#Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard
etudiantfantome · 8 months
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Stéphane Mallarmé, Jamais un coup de dés n’abolira le hasard. Maquette autographe avec indications typographiques au crayon bleu, avril 1897.
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nunc2020 · 9 months
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en-abime-updates · 4 months
June 2nd
Early Morning
Multiple players try to listen to the /1217 audio at 12:00am, but are unable to. Player RED, who claimed to have heard it yesterday at 12:00am, now says they may have dreamed of hearing the audio. At this point, there is no conclusive evidence that we may be able to hear the audio on /1217 at 12:00am or otherwise.
Tati answers an ask inquiring her opinion on cake pops. She says that her favorite is the pink kind, which she assumes is strawberry flavor. 
Tati answers an ask that wants to know if she is an angel. Tati responds “h e l l o ‼️ i used to think i was. 🤍 it m a d e sense. though i'm not sure if this place is h e a v e n anymore. but it's nice to meet y o u 🤍”. In the message, “h e a v e n” was linked to /here.
Tati replies to Sylvan, who sent her a screenshot of a message Mal asked to be passed along.
Mal’s message summary. 
Summary of Tati’s response is below the readmore
Player m discovers the password for the /inspiration page.
Page + Message Summaries
Tati’s response summary: Tati says she found the message a nice surprise and she’s glad that Mal is thinking of her, but she disagrees with Mal that she closes herself off. Tati says that she also wishes she could talk to Mal, but that she wouldn’t know what to say. Then, player Mateo asks Tati if she would like us to send anything to Mal. Tati thanks him and says that she will ask Henry and Will if they have any ideas on how to “get us all t o g e t h e r”. The only messages she leaves for Mal is to hang in there too.
Inspiration page summary:
The page reveals two pictures of surrealistic art. 
The first image is an example of the drawing game Exquisite Corpse, but is currently unidentified. 
The image links to /1217 and its file name is “piece by piece.png”
The second image is identified by player Sylvan as Nude by Yves Tanguy, Joan Miró, Max Morise, and Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky) using the drawing game Exquisite Corpse.
The file name is “stitch by stitch.png”.
Behind the second image is an excerpt from page 14 of the poem Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard (A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance) by Stéphane Mallarmé. It reads “legs en la disparation / à quelqu’un / ambigu / Pultérieur démon immémorial”. Player Lyra translated this to “given upon the disappearance of someone ambiguous the immemorial ulterior demon”.
The excerpt links to the  /w-h-a-t-h-a-p-p-e-n-e-d page, which was originally found in a list of every page on en-abime in the code of a locked page. Players are currently working on finding the password for this page, but have been unsuccessful as of now.
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garadinervi · 6 months
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Aurélie Noury, Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard, (poster), 2008 [Books on Books. © Aurélie Noury / Éditions Lorem Ipsum]
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Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard
"Ne trouvez-vous pas que c'est un acte de démence ?" demande ingénument Stéphane Mallarmé à Paul Valéry lorsqu'il lui soumet les épreuves corrigées d'Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard.
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zurich-snows · 3 years
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Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard (A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance) par Stéphane Mallarmé 
Maquette autographe. Selon Henri Mondor, Mallarmé "a écrit lui-même en très hautes lettres, lorsqu'il tenait à ses grandes capitales romaines ou à de grandes italiques, et une petite écriture, lorsqu'il ne voulait, de l'imprimeur, que des petites capitales ou des italiques de format habituel".
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rakuhoku-kyoto · 2 years
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ステファヌ・マラルメ  Stéphane Mallarmé 『賽の一振り』 Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard  柏倉康夫 訳  月曜社 2022年3月刊
「じつは、お分かりでしょうが、と、先生はわたしの手を握りながら言った、世界は一冊の美しい書物に至るためにつくられているのです」 「文学の進展について」より
また、おなじく柏倉康夫訳で、『新訳 ステファヌ・マラルメ詩集』も、月曜社から出ています(2018年)。
 こちらは、マラルメの死の一年後に刊行された『詩集』 Poésies (1899年刊)収録の全49篇の詩と、彼自身による書誌解題との新訳です。
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elle-if · 6 years
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blushisthecourt · 7 years
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Stéphane Mallarmé, Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard.
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abridurif · 5 years
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Stéphane Mallarmé, Jamais un Coup de Dés n’abolira le Hasard, maquette autographe, 1897
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ellsworth-kelly · 3 years
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Un Coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard, Ellsworth Kelly, 1992, MoMA: Drawings and Prints
Purchased with funds given by Mrs. Melville Wakeman Hall Size: page (each): 16 15/16 x 12 3/8" (43 x 31.5cm) Medium: Illustrated book with eleven lithographs
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nunc2020 · 9 months
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collage-fromage · 3 years
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Marcel Broodthaers
(Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard: Image 
& Pense-bête)
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garadinervi · 6 months
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Aurélie Noury, Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard (Rubik's Cube), Éditions Lorem Ipsum, Thorigné Fouillard, 2005 [Books on Books. © Aurélie Noury]
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moma-prints · 3 years
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Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard (A throw of the dice will never abolish chance), Marcel Broodthaers, 1969, MoMA: Drawings and Prints
Partial gift of the Daled Collection and partial purchase through the generosity of Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann, Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III, Agnes Gund, Marlene Hess and James D. Zirin, Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis, and Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley Size: plate (each): 12 3/4 x 19 9/16 x 1/8" (32.4 x 49.7 x 0.3 cm) Medium: Mechanical engraving and paint on twelve aluminum plates
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buruno · 4 years
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رَميَةُ نردٍ أبـداً لَنْ تُبطلَ الزّهـرْ
Arabic edition of Mallarmé’s Un coup de Dés jamais n'abolira le Hasard
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