#Uncle Joshy
tqtc-art · 12 days
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had to do this with them
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duck-newton · 1 year
If When Amber gets back to Founders Wake she has the opportunity to pull the greatest imaginable vibe check on Joshy
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thekingthatwrites · 1 year
ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʏ ᴇᴍʙʀᴀᴄᴇ
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Summary: With time comes learning to cope with the past. But sometimee it's hard to do it alone and, often, talking about it just isn't the way to go. How about a hug from your dear friend amber?
Genre: Fluff
Amber Gris x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1590
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡
Founders' Wake was, what some might call it, a city of hustle and bustle, where every layer seemed to be full of activity and energy. Especially after everything that happened with the Sallow coming back, the city being infected, and then refurbished, the people of Founders' Wake seem to find a new sort of vitality within them. As if the world was anew, a city that had been painted over with fresh air, air that hadn't been breathed in more than 25 years, air that was crisp, as some seem to describe it as. There was not a single complaint about it, especially not from you.
You find yourself within the commotion that this city thrived on, with people talking to one another, making sales, and, especially in your present location, Joshy's Knuckle, discussing the recent occurrences within Founders' Wake. You knew it well, having experienced it first hand along with the crew you embarked with on your recent journeys, you couldn't help but listen in on the rumors and slight discussion that filled the air. Comments about the Ballaster's, about the Sallow, about how it all happened, but what really caught your interest was the familiar names that you grew to be quite fond of. Amber Gris, Devo La Main, and Zoox, and of course your own name being thrown in the mixture, as you too happened to go along with the plan that was fighting a demi-god worm being until its death. The fight itself wasn't entirely… something to be excited about. It was painful, disheartening, and … even sad, really, as you think back on the words that echoed through that magical chamber, now destroyed. You ran your hand through your silky hair, pushing your feelings aside, and staring down at your hands. Every time your gaze reaches your palms, you always find surprise rising in your chest, as the hands you once knew, with rough skin littered with different marks, from freckles to scars, were now of a different kind of nature.
With webbed fingers, scales inching up your hands and arms, as well as your now sharpened fingertips that not only consisted of the cartilage of your nails but also a natural sharpness to the ends of your fingers. This is how the Sallow affected you, and, while it definitely wasn't as bad as some other people had it, was most uncomfortable. You stare down at your newly-formed hands, an almost frustrated look morphing on your features as you can't help but think about what they looked like before all of this. Your hands were gentle, or at least you had been told that in your past, with every mark unique to you, and now… they were a side effect of an illness. It hurt your heart, and as you thought about it, maybe a bit too honed in on the moment, you quickly got distracted by where you were walking.
As you took steps, you found your body colliding with something that was too soft to be a wall. Quickly, as your head reacted before your body could, you deducted that whatever you had run into was likely to be a person. Stumbling back a few steps, you'd open your mouth to apologize, but who was before you was … kind of unexpected. Though, really, based on where you were it probably shouldn't have been all that shocking.
Amber Gris, one of your shipmates and, not only that, the captain of the Coriolis. Your eyes widened for just a moment before your features quickly relaxed,
You'd say, giving the girl a light smile, as she turned around to face you. She seemed to have been shopping, as that is what you and your group had decided to do when you all split up before your next mission and smiled right back over in your direction,
"Hey there, you finished up here or what?"
She'd ask, raising an eyebrow to you and you found yourself shrugging. She tilted her head some, keeping that light grin on her lips as she turned around, paid for whatever she had been shopping before, and tucked it in a bag. You seem to have grabbed her attention. Now, while the woman was an observant person, she didn't have the greatest eye when it came to taking notice to the emotions of other people. That is except when it was with you. She read you like a book, maybe that was your fault, but she always seemed to know when you were upset. Putting a hand on your shoulder, she began to walk with you, pushing your body into movement before you would keep up on your own.
"Now what's the matter, hm? Got some problem or uh- can't find somethin'? You don't seem to be in the most chipper of moods here,"
She'd say after the both of you found your way out of the streets that made up Joshy's Knuckle, heading in the direction that was the Cloaca. Now, while the both of you might not head down into the rundown clubhouse, it was a better setting than the shady setting that you found yourselves to exit out of.
You'd laugh a bit, nervously, shaking your head and waving your hand dismissively.
"No no- nothing like that. I'm just sort of … taking everything in, I guess, getting over all that happened. I know it's been a few weeks, or however long it's been, but I can't seem to get my head around all that happened I mean… the fight with Cambria and all, I mean, it was terrifying! Before you guys, I didn't really get into all that much trouble and so, almost dying and … watching everyone else get hurt well… it was something else."
You'd find yourself shrugging, and as you spoke you'd make your way closer and closer towards the sort of safe haven that Amber seemed to enjoy much more than any other setting that you could take her to. She'd smile at your answer, letting out a laugh as she'd steal a glance your way before looking out to the older building that was getting closer each moment that passed.
"Aw, you worried about us, huh? Well, guppy, we ain't dead just yet, so no need to be a downer about it. We're alright, right? Not a single scratch still on us, after all, we beat the hell outta that worm."
She'd smile wider, and you couldn't help but giggle at the other's words. You both stopped in front of the Cloaca, knowing that this was the place that your little group would meet up after going your separate ways, temporarily, you'd end up here either way.
"You're right…"
You'd find yourself saying, shaking your head, trying to dismiss the uneasiness that sat in your chest. You wouldn't respond with anything else and when she didn't seem to get any other response other than that, which she seemed to be expecting, she let out a huff,
"What, you want a hug and a pat on the back to seal the deal? We're alright, and it'll stay that way."
She'd ball up a fist and lightly hit your arm with a teasing intent. You'd smile wider,
"I mean… if you're offering."
Her eyebrows raised at the response and she'd snicker some. With a quick roll of her eyes, she'd grab your arm and pull you into a tight embrace. Her hold was strong and her body was warm, the perfect combination for a good hug but that wasn't the end of it, oh not at all. She'd spend a point of her Ki, especially since she knew she'd have it back by the next time she'd really need it, to summon the translucent arms she always seemed to fight with. With these, she'd up the intensity of the hug, a now four-armed hold that felt like … home, in a way. You smiled even wider, your heart warmed with a strong love you had for your friend (be it platonic or romantic ;)) and you'd find yourself hugging back, just as … or well, no, you could try to be as intense as her, but you wouldn't even come close to it. You held each other for quite a while, or what seemed like it, and when you let go, you both were smiling wide.
"I won't lie, that was one hella good hug."
Amber would say, crossing her arms over her chest. What she didn't know was that a certain someone was lurking in the shadows, watching this tender moment between you and your friend, and, all of a sudden, you heard a loud, booming voice.
The voice was unmistakable, it was Uncle Joshy, and this was really proven when he landed on top of Amber, tackling the girl to the floor,
"God dammit Joshy! We're kinda havin' a moment here!"
Amber would call out, pushing the other off of her. Joshy would jump up to his feet, a proud smile on his lips as he laughed,
"You always gotta be ready, Amber, Your enemies don't wait for you to have tender moments with friends, now do they?"
He'd question, raising an eyebrow. Amber scoffed and waved him off as he ran back inside. Looking over to you, Amber seemed to shake off the whole thing, quickly.
"Alright, let's get inside now, don't wanna stand out here too long and give the guy another chance to jump me."
You'd smile and nod, and she led the way into the building, where you'd wait for your comrades.
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eldrigeonsss · 2 years
“A little respect, alright? It’s Uncle Joshy, he’s a psychic warrior who saved us from the blink sharks”
Amber says, knowing damn well that she’s the real reason the blink sharks aren’t a threat. But decades ago, Joshy gave her hope. Gave her a home, something to fight to protect.
And she knows everyone else at Joshy’s Knuckle needs that hope, they need something to keep them going. She doesn’t talk about Joshy as a hero because she’s making fun of him, nor because she’s delusional. Joshy genuinely saved her, and in turn, saved the community. And she believes he’s due all the respect he gets, even as shady as he is.
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knightforflowers · 27 days
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Drawing something for every episode of Ethersea - Episode 1 (next)
Part one of a project I’ve been wanting to start for a while now! Whatever I’ll draw for each ep will probably vary from either full illustrations, comics, NPC line-ups or just doodles! It’ll be whatever my heart tells me as I listen to the episode 👍
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montrosepretty · 9 days
The cloaca also doubles as founder's wake's premier gay bar. they neglect to mention this in the podcast because it's just so obvious
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angry-pinscher · 5 months
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adrian-sheppy · 1 year
I DONT KNOW IF I SENTT AN ASK FOR IT can i get feetman hcs pwease
SORRY this took forever i wanted to rewatch some of hlvrai so i woulsnt be just saying nonsense to you :3 undar cut
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he's so divorced. joint custody of joshie. stubborn, frustrated easily, argumentative and anxious . tugs on his hair when hes stressed, also fidgets with his hands. i think he and freemind (and corporation) bond with their hatred of cops + anarchist tendencies :3. the straight man to most freemanverse antics. transmasc man and bi . hes ok at cooking but it's nothing to write home about. he always looks stressed or tired. considers himself the normal guy of the group (wrong) and gets along better with the more ""calm"" freemen (gordon og, cicero, freemercy, etc). he wears hoodies and dad clothes (those fucking woven button ups). protective of joshie because all the other freemen are WEIRDOS and joshie doesnt need more influencing (he comes around eventually). he and freemind feed off eachother's anger and anxiety. in a domestic au setting hes a streamer (obviously) ans i think it would 8be really funny if chat is so confused about why martini has like. so many fucking roomates. says twitch emotes out loud , though infrequently, and gets ruthlessly bullied every single time
OH ALSO  he and john freeman are friends and Henry and Josh have play dates :3 hes so jealous of john's youthful energy . he is so tired
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j-esbian · 9 months
every day i wait for a return to ethersea btw
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dynamitekansai · 1 year
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phantasiiae · 5 months
Jill paces, obviously nervous about something. She's had a lot on her mind lately, what with everything going on...but for other reasons as well. Nausea, exhaustion, headaches. She has every reason to believe that she may be with child, but she hasn't told anyone, least of all Clive. To tell him and have him have another thing to worry about on top of everything else feels selfish. It would be better to tell him when this is all said and done, but she feels like if she doesn't tell someone, she might explode.
When she sees Joshua passing by, she quickly walks over to him and gently taps him on the shoulder. "Joshua...I'm sorry to bother you, but we really need to talk." She looks anxious, twirling her fingers around each other and her heart pounding in her ears. "It's rather important. Could we, um, go somewhere more private, maybe?"
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charliespringverse · 1 year
lightly bullying my 3 yr old goddaughter on the phone because she's apparently forgotten how to say hello to me if she can't see my face
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chameli · 2 years
I'm reading Rishi Kapoor's autobiography and it's a pretty interesting and entertaining book. He talks a lot about filmmaking, music, and how the industry was back in his day. I've always been fascinated by how films (and the music) are made and what goes on behind the scenes, which he describes in great detail. I also enjoyed reading all the stories about the actors & actresses he worked with (embarrassing how I'm familiar with literally every single person he talks about). You can tell Rishi was passionate about his craft and loved cinema. I also agreed with a lot of his opinions regarding the current state of the industry 🤐
But my favorite thing is how he loved agarbattis (incense sticks) and brought them everywhere. I thought that was sweet because I also love them and light them whenever I'm stressed. I have a small collection of my own.
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 4
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Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast: Bahumia):
She's a hot elf with mushrooms growing on her. She has 1 level of barbarian. She's bisexual. She shapeshifted into a dragon and ate a god.
how tf does the post not mention Moonshine’s giant boobs her greatest asset
Moonshine has canonically gone down on a woman for a solid hour without asking for anything in return. Moonshine edged a dryad just by kissing them. Moonshine faced down someone being controlled to kill everyone in his path and told him if he still wanted to hurt her, she would take his blows as a friend. Moonshine makes jambalaya for her family and friends. Moonshine mispronounced someone’s name for a month and that woman still wanted to hook up with Moonshine. These are just a few of the reasons why Moonshine is sexy.
shes illiterate
canonically huffs dirty water from a bong
has big tatas
wears a belly chain with a demon trapped in it
almost became the queen of hell
ate a god
turned into a pregnant moose & gave birth
Amber Gris (The Adventure Zone: Ethersea):
Middle aged woman who punches sharks to death. My hero
If you love me you'll vote for amber gris I swear to everything holy on earth amen
Amber is butch, instant win
Amber Gris has a negative charisma modifier and she pissed her pants on purpose in order to trick a guard and knock him out. She tied up a dude. She once killed an evil magic shark (they're out for murder. not like real sharks) by punching it and then picked it up and smashed it into another shark, also killing it. She talks in a southern accent. She calls people guppy because it indicates a lack of respect. She has a big pair of magical green arms that come from her stomach. She got a fancy jacket and immediately ripped its sleeves off. She has a gay thing going on with one of the political leaders in the city. She gets in fights with people and doesnt do vulnerability and tries to lay low and not get in any social trouble she doesn't have to. She jumped through a portal into a new world because she could. She's now the god of said world, alone with only afformentioned political leader, who was previously possessed and she had to fight. She spends her time in a bar called the Cloaca. She calls people she doesn't like claspers, because it means shark penis. She and her friend, an old man named Uncle Joshy, sneak attack each other and yell VIBE CHECK! She tries to talk fancy to impress people and she's really bad at it (verily).
She’s everything and more. She’s irreverent. She punches sharks for a living. She becomes God. What more do you need in a butch.
amber gris propaganda: she is straightup the physical embodiment of "women want me, fish fear me." also she's an appalachian post apocalyptic sea captain. that's just objectively cool.
Art of Amber from @cookie-nom-nom.
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cameronspecial · 6 months
A New Kind Of Normal (Part 3)
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Fight With A Parent, Swearing, and Fear of Relapse
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.0K
Summary: Rafe has accomplished his goals and is now able to meet his daughter for the first time.
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Over the past month, Rafe has gotten a chance to learn more about Stella from his weekly meetings with Y/N. Stella was born on May 17th, 2020 at 10:59 A.M. Her first word was Joshy, said at eleven months old when she was calling for help from her uncle Josh when her uncle Benedict would mercilessly tickle her. At two years old, she became obsessed with witches after her mother read her a book about them and it has been her favourite topic of conversation since. Her favourite colour is dark purple and her favourite food is any soup in general because she likes to pretend she is drinking a witch's potion when she eats it. The most important fact of all to Rafe: Stella Rachel Y/L/N is his little girl’s full name. Y/N had tried her best to come up with a name close to Rafe, but all the names closer she found on the internet didn’t go with Stella. Nonetheless, the action still touched him when Y/N told him that was the reason.
And now, he’ll finally get to meet his little star. His hand fidgets with the small nob on his watch, making the hands go clockwise and counterclockwise. He watches as Y/N reads over his toxicology report. She didn’t require him to do a weekly toxicology report to prove that he was staying sober, but he wanted to show her she could trust him. The logical part of him knows she won’t say that he can’t meet Stella, yet a small part of him fears she might. 
The small smile she gives him relieves him of his anxiety, “This is great, Button. I’m so proud of the work you put into staying sober.” Forming a friendship with Y/N was another amazing thing that happened this month. When she started using the nickname she gave him the night Stella was conceived, he felt the air leave his lungs just like it does now. “Thanks. I was really scared that I might relapse this week after I got into an argument with my dad, but I called Diana, did some breathing exercises and looked at my picture of Stella. It all helped me get through it,” he replies truthfully. He had truly felt fear that week when he found himself on the road towards Barry’s trailer. Luckily, he was able to fight through his desire and pull over the car before he got there. Y/N nods and reaches out to place a reassuring hand on his, “Well, I’m glad you were able to recognize your craving and reach out for help with managing it. So do you want to come over after we finish our coffee?” 
His lips stretch so far apart that people would think he is the Joker. He pulls out his phone to check his schedule, “No, I won’t have enough time to go home and change if I come tonight. I also need to get her a few things before I meet her. How about tomorrow afternoon? Is that okay?” “You know you don’t have to make a big deal about this with the changing and the gifts. As long as you love her and show her that love, she is going to reciprocate those feelings,” Y/N argues. 
“I know, I just… Meeting her is all I have been dreaming about for the last month and I want it to be perfect. Plus, it really couldn’t hurt to get her a few bribery toys.”
“I understand how you feel. When Benny came home the week before Stella was born with the wrong colour paint for her room, I almost threw a chair at him. I wanted Finch yellow, but he got funky yellow. It didn’t matter that they were virtually the same colour. I just need her room to be exactly how I planned it. So you can come over tomorrow. Just don’t buy her too many toys.” 
“I can’t be held to a gift-buying limit. I have to make up for five years.”
Y/N watches as Stella tries to get ready by herself, thinking about what is going to happen in just ten minutes. “Mommy, help, please,” Stella cries out for help. Y/N’s focus returns to her daughter and she has to stop herself from laughing. Stella has gotten her shirt stuck on her head because she has been trying to get her head through the armhole. Y/N approaches the young girl and helps put her head through the right hole. “You were almost there, Stells. I’m proud of you,” she praises, giving the little girl a kiss on the head. Stella shouts a thank you as she runs into her mom’s room. 
Y/N follows her daughter to her room and carries Stella over to the bed. Once Stella is safely on the bed, Y/N turns toward her dresser to get her perfume. “One tiny spray for this wrist,” Y/N pushes the top of the perfume so the scent falls on her daughter’s wrist. “And one tiny spray for the other. Now, you are ready to go. Why don’t you wait in the living room for Mommy’s special guest to arrive.” The little girl runs off as her mother suggested and Y/N is left alone in her room. She looks at herself in her mirror, wondering how her life is going to change once Stella meets her dad. It’s not that Y/N doesn’t trust Rafe, he has shown her that he really is trying. It’s that Stella isn’t going to be solely Y/N’s anymore. She will have to share some parenting duties with Rafe and it feels strange for her to do that. She is the one who stayed up with Stella when she was puking all night last year. She is the one who would read the little girl a bedtime story every day. She is the one Stella goes to when she is scared. Now, Y/N is going to have to learn to let Rafe do those things too. 
Rafe nervously wipes the sweat off of his palm and adjusts the hat on his head. The time on the clock shows he is five minutes early, but he can’t wait any longer. He knocks on the door and rocks on the balls of his feet. The door creaks open, yet Rafe is met with an empty doorway. It is only when he looks down that he sees the perfect little star staring up at him with her brilliant blue eyes. “Stella Rachel Y/L/N, what have I told you about answering the door to strangers?” Y/N scolds, walking into the room with an adorable motherly look. Stella looks back at her mother with a pouty look, “I’m sorry, Mommy. But I knows we were going to have a special guest.”
Rafe is in awe at how adorable she is, but he takes this as his chance to do the first fatherly act he will ever do. “Your mother is right, Stella. What if I was a stranger?” he poses, kneeling down to her level. She gives him wide eyes, “But you weren’t. You are the man who Mommy yelled at.” Her words cause pain to shoot through his heart. The first memory his little girl has of him is his argument with her mother. Y/N can see the hurt that crosses Rafe’s face and beckons the pair away from the doorway. “Yes, he is, Baby. But he apologized to Mommy and we are friends again. Did you see his hat?” Y/N points out. The small blue eyes move from his face up to his head and her eyes turn to delight. “You’re wearing a witch’s hat!” she exclaims, reaching up to her father’s head to try it on. “Can I try it on, please?” Glad that his conversation start is working, he takes the hat off and places it on her tiny head. Everyone giggles as the big hat falls over her eyes. 
Now, that the ice has been sufficiently broken, Y/N decides it is time to make the introduction Rafe has been waiting for. “Stella, do you know why I asked my special friend to come visit?” Y/N sits on the couch, bringing Stella on her lap. The little girl shakes her head and rests it on her mother’s chest. “He’s your Daddy, Baby.” The excitement in his daughter’s eyes as she turns toward him sends him over the moon. The tiny girl flings herself into her arms and screams his new name. He never thought someone would call him those words, but now it’s the only one he wants to hear. “Does that mean you can play witch with me? I have a hat you can borrow.” With her now in his arms, he can smell the familiar vanilla fragrance of Y/N’s perfume. It makes him smile that she wants to be just like her mommy. Before he can answer, she runs off to her room to get her toys. She returns dragging a big plastic cauldron behind her. Rafe feels his father's instinct kick in. He jumps off of the couch and runs over to pick her and the cauldron up in his arms. Stella looks at him in awe, “Wow, my Daddy is super strong.” This absolutely kills him and he kisses her on the cheek. 
Y/N, Stella and Rafe have spent the afternoon playing various games their daughter wanted to play. When it got closer to dinner time, the three of them worked together to make something to eat. “Button, can you please pour me some more water?” Y/N asks, holding up her glass for him to do it. He picks up the water pitcher and pours it for her, “Of course, Buttercup.” Stella may be three and eleven months old, but she is very observant. Throughout the afternoon, she noticed the tiny glances Rafe would send Y/N’s way. She noticed how his hand would reach to find her skin, yet it never seemed to land. She noticed how he would always ask for Y/N’s approval. And just now, she saw how his lips formed a massive smile because of her mother’s attention. 
The small girl starts to form a plan in her head; she can see how much her father is pining for her mother. He clearly needs her help. “Mommy, I like Daddy’s hair. Do you?” she questions, looking back and forward between her parents. Y/N looks up from her food to look at Rafe, “I do like his hair. It looks nice when the front of his hair falls down like a little curtain.” He stops mid-stab of the pasta to look up at her through his lashes. “I’ll take note of that then, Buttercup,” he brings his hand up to hide the blush on his cheeks. Stella is very satisfied with the results of the beginning of her plan. She feels like a genius. Y/N doesn’t know that she is going to regret letting Stella watch Hallmark movies with her. 
After dinner, Rafe is preparing for the roughly hour-and-a-half drive back to the Outer Banks. Stella is holding on to Rafe for dear life because she isn’t ready for him to go. “Mommy, why can��t Daddy stay?” she begs, looking at her mother sadly. Y/N frowns at her daughter, “I’m sorry, Baby. Not yet, there is nowhere for him to sleep. Plus, Daddy has work tomorrow and you have daycare.” Rafe can see the struggle Y/N is having with saying no to Stella and he helps her out. “How about I go over to the diner on Friday? I’ll be there when you get back from daycare. Maybe I’ll even have a surprise,” he offers, whispering the last part in her ear. 
The darling’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree and loosens her arms from his neck. “Okay! I can’t wait to see you. Bye, Daddy. I love you,” she bids adieu. She hops down from his arms and runs to get ready for bed. The quicker she goes to bed, the faster Friday comes. Rafe calls back I love you. The two adults laugh at the child as they watch her run off. The laughter dies down and Y/N turns her body toward Rafe. “It’s okay that I come by on Friday, right?” Rafe confirms with a hopeful smile. 
“Of course, as long as you are sober, I won’t stop you from seeing her. The extra business is good too.” 
“Haha, I’ll make sure to deposit my paycheck before I go in then. Also, please let me know if you need anything. Money for food, rent, toys, clothes, tuition. Anything, okay. I want to pull my weight. She’s my daughter too.”
“I will, I promise. Thank you for coming over tonight. You made her day.”
They both look at each other for a second and then notice the time. “I should probably get going. It’s getting late,” Rafe concludes, taking a step closer to the door. Y/N tries to hide her slight disappointment, “Uh, yeah. Drive safe. See you on Friday.” Rafe nods his head and opens the door. “See you on Friday.” Y/N stays by the door as she watches Rafe walk down her driveway. She waves goodbye to him as he gets into his car and drives away. Once he is out of sight, she closes the door and reflects on the day. It was strange to have Rafe there, but she doesn’t regret the decision. She saw how much he cared for Stella and it solidified the idea in her mind that he is meant to be a father. This is a new kind of normal that she can get used to. 
Since Sarah and Rafe moved out of Tannyhill, Ward insisted on having family dinner every week. Everyone knows Sarah’s departure is the main reason why Ward wanted to do so, especially since Ward tried to have just Sarah come to dinner. However, thanks to Sarah, Ward gave in to inviting Rafe. Most dinners start with Ward getting small talk with Rafe about work out of the way before he moves on with asking Sarah about a full second-by-second breakdown of her week. And this Wednesday is not any different, but Rafe has something else other than work to talk to his dad about. 
“Actually, Dad, there is something I want to talk to you about,” Rafe brings to the table, looking Ward dead in his eyes. Ward stops chewing, not really expecting Rafe to have anything else to say. Ward tilts the end of his fork toward Rafe, “Okay, what is it?” “I have a daughter. Her name is Stella. She is three years old, almost four. And she looks exactly like me,” Rafe gets everything out in one go. He may have known about Stella for a month now, but he didn’t want to tell his family until he knew he could step up and be the person his daughter needed. This causes everyone at the table to freeze and look at Rafe in surprise. Ward’s eyes narrow; his brows become one. “What do you mean?” he gets out in a rough tone. 
“I mean that five years ago, I had sex with Y/N and she had a baby nine months after that. I didn’t know about Stella until last month. I didn’t want to tell you guys until I was a month sober and certain that I could be there for her.”
“You better tell me that this is a joke because I can’t believe that you could be that much of a screw-up. How do you even know she is your daughter?”
“I told you, she looks exactly like me.”
“How do you know that’s not because you want to believe she does? How do you know that bitch isn’t lying to you? You were so useless that you didn’t even get a paternity.” 
Rafe stands up at what Ward calls Y/N and points a finger at his father. “You have no right to call her that. I know she isn’t lying because I trust her. I won’t make her get a paternity test,” he yells. Ward lets out a low chuckle, “Okay, fine. Do whatever you want. But I’m going to need you to get a lawyer and write up a contract for child support if that’s what the bitch is after. There is no way you are actually going to raise that kid.” “You need to stop calling the mother of your granddaughter a bitch. And why can’t I raise my daughter? You are always telling me I need to take responsibility and I am. Why can’t you just be proud of me?” he argues, his anger getting to a whole other level. The other members of the dinner see that this fight is not about to end any time soon, so Sarah steps in. “Dad, stop. This isn’t going anywhere. And you should be proud of Rafe. He overcame his addiction just so that he could be a better father. That’s amazing and I’m proud of him for that. I, for one, am excited to meet my niece,” Sarah reasons. Wheezie butts in too, “I want to meet Stella too.” Rafe gives them a thankful smile but gets up angrily.  
“Thank you guys for your support. I’ll talk to Y/N to find out when you can meet Stells. Dad, I wish I could say that I am surprised but I’m not,” he begins. “No matter what I do, I will never compare to Sarah and I won’t force you to meet your granddaughter. I think I’m going to go. Goodbye.” Rafe storms out of the house and slams the door. He gets to his truck and is about to drive away, yet he knows he shouldn’t. If he goes now, he is scared it will lead him to Barry’s. Instead, he pulls out his phone and dials a number that recently entered his contacts. “Hey, Button. Is everything okay?” Her voice is like a light guiding him back to home base. He vehemently shakes his head, “No, I’m not. Do you have time to talk?” Y/N immediately stops what she is doing and gives him her full attention for the whole night. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @drewstarkeyswifehoe @kisstaya @magicalyoura @mp-littlebit @loverfu55ii @dark1paradise @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @alyisdead @emeloyy @js-a-writer
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satansapostle6 · 10 months
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Josh Futturman has always had a crush on his beautiful coworker, the sharp, sexy scientist he thought he could only dream of talking to.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Smut. Oral(F receiving). Fingering. Praise kink. Slight degradation. Slight choking.
(Minors DNI.)
Part Eight: Gift Exchange
“Are you sure you wanna go to my house? Not, like, a Taco Bell parking lot, or Guantanamo Bay, or something?” Josh asked hopefully for the umpteenth time even after they had arrived. “You really don’t have to meet my parents on the first date.”
“I’m sure, Josh,” Brynne laughed as they got out of the car. “Besides. I like meeting people’s parents. Especially when they’re nice.”
“You say that, until they start trying to convince you to move in.”
“If they show me your baby pictures, I’ll rent a U-Haul.”
“Oh, God,” Josh sighed, dreading the interaction as he unlocked the front door.
Josh opened the door for Brynne, as the two of them entered the house to find that the Futturmans were hosting a small get-together, which Josh had completely forgot about until now. Everyone was looking at them; Josh’s parents, the neighbors, and Josh’s Uncle Barry.
“Hey, Joshy!” Diane got up to greet him, as Gabe followed her. “Is this the famous Dr. Brynne?!”
“Mom!” Josh complained, mortified.
“Hi,” Brynne smiled, shaking both of their hands.
“Welcome, Brynne,” Gabe Futturman smiled warmly, “Nice to meet you! You’re always welcome at the Futturman house.”
“Thank you,” she smiled warmly. “It’s so nice to meet you. Josh has told me so much about you,” she teased him.
“All good, I hope?” Gabe chuckled.
“Yeah!” she lied.
“Oh, you’re so beautiful!” Diane exclaimed, “Could I get a picture of the two of you later?”
“Mom!” Josh gasped.
“Yeah, sure!” Brynne nodded.
“Come meet everyone, Brynne,” she led them over to the guests, “I’ve been telling them all about you!”
“I’m so sorry,” Josh whispered to her.
She just laughed as his parents led them into the living room.
“Everyone, this is Josh’s date, Dr. Brynne Johansson,” Gabe introduced her. “She’s the head of the research department at Kronish Labs.”
Josh was horrified at his parents’ lack of subtlety.
“Hi, happy holidays,” Brynne waved to everyone.
“Awooga,” Josh’s newly divorced uncle, Barry, stared at her.
Josh made a face, disgusted by the behavior.
“Just a warning about Uncle Barry,” he whispered, “You’re gonna want to avoid him right about… two whiskeys ago.”
“Duly noted,” Brynne murmured as they sat down, joining the party.
“Brynne, these are our neighbors, Melinda and Julius Seneca,” Gabe introduced the couple as they waved kindly. “And this is Josh’s uncle, my brother, Barry.”
“Well. How you doing?” Barry slurred as he jumped up to shake her hand.
“Uh…” Brynne looked to Josh for help as he mouthed a hasty apology. “I’m good,” she grimaced as she gave him her hand.
Josh watched in horror as his Uncle Barry took her hand, raising it up to his lips to kiss it, mouth still open.
“Oh,” she smiled, trying her hardest to be polite for Josh’s sake. “I take it you had a Philly cheesesteak for lunch?”
The bald man chuckled deeply, eyes still locked on Brynne.
“Barry,” Josh’s father sighed at his brother,
“What?” the drunk man asked defensively.
“Leave Josh’s girlfriend alone,” his mother chimed in.
“Mom! Oh my God!” Josh complained, at a loss for words.
“What?” she questioned.
“Come on, you two. Have a seat,” Gabe smiled invitingly.
Josh tried to cover his look of distress with an attentive smile.
“So, how did you and Josh meet?” the neighbor, Melinda Seneca, asked curiously.
“Oh, it’s not that interesting,” Josh assured her with a chuckle.
He looked to Brynne, gauging her expression off the look on her face to make sure that she was okay, which he had now made a habit of doing.
“We just met at work.”
“Yeah, so Brynne, I hear you’re a doctor?” Julius asked.
“A doctor of science, yes,” Brynne clarified.
“Really? At your age?” his ears practically perked up.
“Julius,” his wife laughed, embarrassed.
“No, it’s okay,” she gestured, “I got my PhD when I was twenty-three.”
“Wow. That’s impressive,” the man nodded. “You just be some kind of genius.”
“Not really,” Brynne laughed.
“No, she is,” Josh insisted with a grin, kindly resting his hand on her back, “She’s the head of the research department at Kronish Labs,” he said proudly.
“Wow,” Melinda smiled.
“Then what’s she doing with a janitor?” Barry asked from the corner with a mouth full.
Everyone slowly looked at him in horror, as Josh swallowed awkwardly.
“Barry!” Gabe said, aghast.
Josh’s parents looked at one another awkwardly, unsure of how to handle the situation. The Senecas seemed equally uncomfortable.
“You apologize to Josh right now!” his father yelled.
“No, Dad, it’s okay,” Josh avoided his gaze.
“No, it’s not. You don’t talk to family like that,” his father insisted.
Brynne looked at Josh sadly, seeing the way the comment affected him.
“Hey,” she whispered, taking his hand.
Josh looked up at her in surprise, touched by the gesture.
“We don’t have to stay down here if you don’t want to,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” Josh said quietly, clearing his throat as they stood. “Mom. Dad. We’re going upstairs.”
“Joshy,” his mother said as she stood, feeling sorry for him.
“It’s okay, Mom. We’ll come down in a little bit,” Josh told them, turning to the neighbors, “See you guys later.”
He took Brynne’s hand as the two of them walked up the stairs together, heading up to Josh’s room as he closed the door, sighing as he flopped onto his bed, sitting with his face in his hands.
“Hey. You okay?” Brynne asked, sitting beside him.
“Yeah,” he sighed, stopping to look at her, “I’m fine. I just… needed a break.”
“I guess we’re both having the same kinda night,” she pointed out, earning a small smile.
“Brynne?” Josh said finally.
He sat up straight, just staring right at her.
“I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Stop,” she chuckled, only half meaning it.
“No, really. I just had one of those… moments. You know?” he asked.
“What kind of moments?”
“I don’t know,” he thought, “Just one of those kind of things where you’re just feeling like shit, and then you stop, and you look at something… Like a butterfly outside, or a kid laughing, and you just… You realize the beauty in things. I saw it. In you.”
She smiled as she caressed his face with her thumb. “You’re very, very adorable,” she told him. “And I like you. More than I’ve ever liked anyone after knowing them only this long.”
“That… That makes me really happy,” he allowed himself a smile. “Are you happy?”
“Yeah, I think I am,” Brynne chuckled softly.
“Good. I like making people happy,” Josh nodded.
“I’ll make you happy,” she told him, resting a hand on his thigh as she leaned in, pausing for a moment.
Josh froze, looking her in the eye, too afraid to move. He thought he might spook her, like a deer in headlights. But her resolve seemed to be strengthening. Taking the bewildered expression on his face for an enthusiastic ‘yes’, she pressed a kiss to his lips, the two of them existing purely in the moment.
Brynne threw her arms around his neck, losing her hands in Josh’s hair as he sighed with contentment. He tentatively pulled her closer to him, gaining confidence as she allowed him to hold above her waist.
It was a beautiful kiss, exactly what Josh had imagined. The kiss was deep, but not inherently making out. It was sweet, but not one-dimensional, and charged, but not dirty. Josh knew it was the kind of kiss that only existed in books and movies. He felt as if this right here could’ve been his happily ever after.
Regretfully, he pulled away, looking her in the eyes just to double check that she was enjoying it.
“I like you so much,” he breathed, looking at her in the most precious manner.
He was adorable like a puppy, looking up at its master for approval. Brynne realized he truly did just look happy to be there.
Josh nearly jumped up at the interruption, his mom opening the door with a plate made up of charcuterie items.
“Mom! What the hell!” Josh exclaimed, as Brynne just sat there awkwardly, offering her a smile.
“I just came up to bring you guys some snacks,” Diane Futturman said, politely leaving the plate on Josh’s desk. “I thought you might be hungry, after that fancy party, you know how they always just serve finger food...”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Mom! What the fuck! Please knock next time!” Josh cried in embarrassment. “We’re trying to talk!”
Brynne studied him, trying to determine whether or not he was okay.
“Okay, okay, honey, I’m sorry,” she apologized, hurrying out of the room to leave them be.
Josh looked incredibly guilty after realizing what he’d done.
“Oh, God,” he sighed, returning to his sulking on the bed. “Fuck… I shouldn’t have reacted like that. Fuck!”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” Brynne agreed. “But you can just tell her that. I’m sure she’d understand.”
“I guess,” Josh murmured, not seeming comforted. “I just… Never thought I’d be one of those assholes that yells at their mom.”
“So why did you become one of those assholes?” Brynne Johansson asked helpfully.
“I don’t know, I just panicked,” he groaned. “I just… We were having such a nice moment, and I was afraid that ruined it. Like you thought me living with my parents was weird, and you never wanted to see me again.”
“I’d be a pretty shitty date if I did,” she pointed out. “I definitely am not the kind of person who’d be bothered by that.”
“No, I know you’re not,” Josh sighed. “I just… Fuck, I just wanted everything to be perfect.”
“I know,” she nodded, “But did you ever stop to think that maybe, at the moment, everything is?”
That was more than enough for Josh to allow himself to enjoy the rest of the night.
“Why don’t we start over?” Brynne suggested, trying to put him at ease.
“Yeah, starting over… That’s a good idea,” Josh nodded. “What, what do you wanna talk about?” he asked.
“Why don’t you give me a tour of your room?” she asked him, standing up to look around. “I’ve always wondered what it looks like.”
“Really?” Josh nearly shouted in excitement, quickly realizing he sounded like an excited eleven year-old boy as he cleared his throat. “…Really?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, slowly tracing the shelves with her finger. “What’s this stuff? It looks cool.”
This, naturally, launched into a ten minute spiel by Josh about all the different collectibles and other valuable items he owned. As he spoke, his eyes would light up and his mouth would curl upwards in an endearing smile. Brynne could see just how adorably passionate Josh was, and how truly excited he was to actually have someone who genuinely wanted to listen to what he had to say. It only made her want him more.
Brynne gladly allowed Josh to show her every nook and cranny of his room, and explain every item that inhabited it, taking it all in with pleasure. It must’ve been thirty minutes before he came to a conclusion, but she definitely didn’t mind. As Josh took a moment to rearrange the things displayed on his desk, Brynne observed the way he fearfully kept his eyes on the desk as he bent down, trying his best not to stare up at her.
Observing him, Brynne thought it would be best if she took the initiative herself.
“This is where I keep all the old stuff,” Jost explained as he organized the drawer under his desk.
“What’s that?” Brynne asked, easily maneuvering her zipper.
“What’s what?” Josh asked distractedly, still concentrated on his desk.
“What’s that? On the floor, behind you?” she asked him.
Josh frowned, not sure off the top of his head what she was referring to as he turned around, kneeling on the ground and looking at what had been behind him. He didn’t recognize the object at first.
“Wait, what is that?” he asked himself out loud, picking it up, “Is that…?”
He very slowly looked petrified with eyes wide like saucers when he saw her.
“Oh. It’s… It’s your dress,” he said in a panic, his heart beating faster than ever before.
He looked up at her from where he was kneeling on the floor, unable to speak.
“Is this okay?” she asked calmly.
“More than okay,” Josh looked her up and down hungrily, “Hachi…”
“If you say ‘machi’…” she warned.
“Sorry,” he apologized hastily, “Sorry. It’s just… you’re not wearing a bra. Or underwear,” he thought out loud.
Josh was stunned, to say the least. Not only was this beyond what he would’ve imagined, it was also like something right out of his imagination. A small part of him still thought he might be dreaming, or hallucinating from inhaling too many cleaning products at work.
“Wow,” he stared, barely able to process. “You… You’re a goddess,” he spoke softly as his eyes savored every inch of her body.
“When does the worship part come in?” she wondered with a grin.
“Right fucking now,” he gasped, desperately grabbing at her thighs.
His hands squeezed her thighs as he knelt in front of her, face buried between them as he silently wished for this to never end. Josh happily nipped at her thighs with eager, scattered kisses, sighing into her soft skin as he indulged in her. Even where he was, her skin smelled like the heaven he’d first experienced when she got into his car.
He pressed excited little kisses all over her skin, never tiring of it at all.
“I could die right now,” Josh sighed, voice breathy with ecstasy.
“Maybe we don’t have to die to know what paradise is like,” she remarked.
“Maybe not. But just in case, I know exactly what I want my last meal to be.”
Josh looked up at her, eyes wide with a strange innocence as he silently begged and pleaded with her to take control. Brynne sat down on the bed behind her, leaning back as she crossed one of her legs over the other. Before he could stop himself, Josh threw himself on the ground in front of her black high heels, which were still on her feet. This, he thought, made everything even better.
Josh whined impatiently as he sloppily placed his kisses all the way up her body, from her ankles, to her calves, to her thighs, to right above her navel. Everywhere but the one place he really wanted to be.
Observing him happily, Brynne softly brushed her hand over his hair, watching him look up at her as he moaned impatiently.
“Please, Brynne, please, please, please,” he begged her.
“What?” she asked somewhat teasingly. “What do you want?”
“Please, can I, please… I really wanna eat your pussy,” he pleaded, his voice thick with an irresistible whiny quality, “Can I, please?”
Brynne raised an eyebrow in surprise.
“That’s what you want?”
“Oh, more than anything!” he begged her with his hands resting on her thighs. “I’ll do anything! Please, Brynne, please… I wanna make you feel good.”
He looked like a starved man, hungry for anything at all.
“You really want to?” she asked him.
“Yes, please, I’ve never done this before,” he confided, “I mean… I’ve done this, but not that,” he explained himself.
“Go ahead,” Brynne murmured, amused as she played with his hair.
He couldn’t believe what was happening. He was really about to eat Brynne Johansson’s pussy. Beyond pleased with her approval, Josh excitedly parted her legs, kissing the sensitive skin on her inner thighs as he closed his eyes, savoring every moment of it. She sat back, watching him as he teased, caressing and squeezing her thick, pillowy thighs as his kisses slowly became more wet and more aggressive.
Finding it made things even easier, Josh rested her knees on his shoulders as he dove in, liking the feeling of her thighs closing in around his head in pleasure.
“Please,” Josh begged her, “Just fucking suffocate me.”
Brynne felt she could only oblige as he got tantalizingly close to where he needed to be, suckling on her lower stomach right before he pressed a hard kiss right against her clit, locating it with impressive ease. The feeling was surprising and tingly as he made contact with the bundle of nerves for the first time. Brynne roughly grabbed a handful of his brown hair, signaling to him that he’d done a good job as he groaned.
“That feels so nice, Josh,” she cooed, her voice alone enough to make him finish as he instinctively rutted into the bed.
“Fuck,” he gasped, looking her right in the eyes.
“You wanna do a good job for me?” she asked him.
“Yes, please,” he moaned, “Please… Let me be a good boy for you, I’ll do anything. Whatever you want,” nodded vigorously.
She closed her legs around him as he sloppily licked up and down the sensitive area, maximizing her pleasure as he began to gently tease the opening with his middle finger. Brynne sighed with relief as he finally closed his mouth around her clit again, sucking relentlessly as he stared up at her, his eyelids heavy with pleasure. He was about as pussy drunk as he could get.
She pulled him in by the hair, forcibly holding him there as he sucked on her clit with sleepy eyes.
“You’re such a good boy for me, Joshy,” she gasped in excitement.
Josh could’ve passed away from how lucky he felt. He’d never even been able to imagine himself in this position, or imagine her in this position, come to think of it.
“You’re a fucking goddess,” he hummed against her center. “I’d do anything for you. You’re a princess. Fuck, please come on my face,” he insisted.
“You’re so desperate for me, it’s so fucking hot.”
Brynne held him close to her as she threw her head back, gasping aloud as he inserted his finger. The way he dragged his finger downward as he entered her made her feel even more full. She laughed softly as he instinctively continued doing the same thing, dragging his fingers downward as he shamelessly ate her out.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy,” she hissed.
“Yeah, that’s right, I’m your good boy!” he nodded, tongue flicking against her clit as he desperately played with her g-spot. “Fuck, you’re so fucking wet, I don’t deserve this! I’ll be your good boy! I’m your good little boy!”
Josh continued to stare up at her as he licked up and down in slow, torturous stripes, curling his fingers inside of her.
“You’re mine,” she sighed, beginning to choke him with her thighs.
“That’s right, I’m your good boy!” he whined into her. “You can do whatever you want to me! I’ll love it!” he promised.
“Such a good little boy, fuck,” she murmured, feeling herself getting close to a climax as her hand moved from his hair to around his throat, “You’re my good little slut.”
“Yes! Fuck! Yes,” Josh moaned loudly as he sucked, ecstatic at the feeling of her hand wrapped around his throat, “I’m your slut! I’m your little slut, all yours!”
Brynne tightened her grip on his throat, watching him as his eyes practically rolled to the back of his head.
“Fuck,” he lapped his tongue against her hungrily, “Come on my face! Please come on my face! Come all over my tongue!” he whined.
“You’re such a dirty little slut. Such a good little slut,” she breathed.
Slowly, she came to a finish, watching him grow excited as she grew even wetter.
“Good boy,” Brynne laughed, watching him in disbelief as he lapped it all up, enjoying every second of it.
He was high on her praise, forgetting the idea of shame entirely as he cleaned her up completely, not leaving a single drop. He looked up at her, eyes widened. He sighed exhaustedly, his eyes growing heavy as he was finally satisfied with himself.
“Did I do a good job?” Josh asked hopefully.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Nine
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