#Uncle dudley
puppetwoman17 · 15 days
No because I actually wanna talk more about Billy getting a call/email about his dad’s remains years later, because the concept is just so life-altering.
Like, imagine that you’re Billy, who had to deal with his father never coming home and his sister not remembering much from before. After years of dealing with all the hurt and trauma, he’s finally at a place he likes. He’s older, he has his sister back, and they’re extremely close. He has friends in and out of the hero community. He’s trusted within that community. He has a good job. He makes enough so he’s not starving. And while the wounds from his parents’ brutal deaths are still there, they aren’t as bad. They’re healing slowly, but healing nonetheless.
And then everything comes crashing down. And whatever point he gets the email or phone call does not matter. That’s honestly one of the worst parts of this. He could be waking up to a new day. Going to bed.ar the watchtower. Doing his job. Going on a date. Going out with the JL. He could be doing ANYTHING and it wouldn’t matter.
And it’s more likely for him to get an email about it. Idk why I think this, but I do. So you can probably imagine how it feels for him to get a random email from a random @ that says “C.C. Batson’s Remains Found”. Like, what the fuck do you mean? What do you MEAN?
Ebenezer got the email. He is absolutely fuming and refuses to have anything to do with it, so it’s left to Billy, because of course it is.
What does he look like to the League? To his friends? One moment, he’s the same as he’s ever been, talking and laughing and finally acting like the child he is at heart, and then his phone lights up and he reads something on it—
He goes completely pale. He doesn’t speak. He doesn’t react when someone touches him or says anything. He just stutters out that he needs to go and asks for a sick day, or a sick week, or a sick whatever, because he doesn’t care. He just makes a run for it before anyone can ask.
They try to ask around, but Mary and Junior are offline soon after him. Dudley suspends Captain Marvel Inc.. Whiz Radio announces that the Whiz Kid segment will be doing reruns for the next two months. Diana is getting missed calls from all of her Fawcett war buddies.
Meanwhile, Billy spends agonizing days, weeks, waiting for his father’s remains to finally come home. There are warnings. From Adam. From Dudley. Hell, from the email sender. All about how gruesome C.C. looks. And billy is angry because that’s his father and he shouldn’t be so disgusted about finally seeing him again.
And then he finally does get to see him. He gets to see his dad after so many years. His ACTUAL, real dad, and not just Captain Marvel on the tv screen—
And he can’t look. He can’t. He just looks too…
Billy throws up all over the good-looking clothes he bought, because he thought the quality would make up for that entire situation. But of course it doesn’t.
Dad’s home, and Billy, for the first time, wishes he wasn’t. When he’s finally in the ground, next to his wife, next to their daughter’s empty coffin, all he can do is cry in shame.
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browsethestacks · 6 months
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The Shazam Family
Model Sheets
Art by Evan "Doc" Shaner
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kenandeliza · 2 months
Billy...not every thoughts need to be said out loud 💀
Shazam episode 11 1980s
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Dumb crossover idea but an idea nonetheless, Gravity Falls/Fawcett
Gravity Falls and Fawcett City both being weirdness magnet sites that pull in all manner of Weird Shit™️
Dipper tuned in to Whiz radio a few times thinking it was an urban fantasy podcast Billy hosted, looked into it further and realized it was real when he saw a news article with the same events during the Road Trip episode
Talks to Ford about it one time Post-Weirdmadgeddon after reading the part of the journal about weirdness magnetism, cue the road trip to Fawcett!
Were doing Fawcett as messy with time, so Stan is having a grand good time with the dirt cheap WW2 era prices
Mabel meets and befriends a witch coven, they’re swell old ladies and one’s talking baby gator familiar was a sweetheart
Dipper is burning through journal pages with Ford, cataloging the normal everyday weirdness Fawcett has going on
Ford is very fascinated with how normal people just accept the weirdness of their city, not even turning their heads at the talking tiger that walks down the street and happily entertains every question Mabel has for him and blushes past all his fur at her compliments on his dapper clothing and feline features
Mabel and Tawny are penpals by the end of this adventure, it’s inevitable
Same with Stan and Uncle Dudley if they somehow meet; Conmen who are too much of a lovable fraud to hate
Dipper eventually does get to have a conversation with Billy, dropping in unannounced during his off air hours of work and bombarding him with a notepads worth of questions, which Billy is not bothered by and has fun talking about all the fun magical stuff he loves about his city with a kid his age
The Pines and Batson twins would be great friends and a wonderful band of misfits
Mary and Mabel bond over crafts while Billy and Dipper are fountains of stories about the weird and magical
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brainrotgoverner · 3 months
Do have billy x klarion headcanons
Sadly not as many as I would like but I can give you a few!
-Billy snores. Loudly. Loud enough that Teekl has no idea how Klarion can ignore it. But it's loud.
-Both have raging sweet tooth's and their go-to gift is to bring the other some exotic sweet they didn't eat before.
-They go long distance from time to time, Billy can't leave his city and Klarion is here to see the world. But it just makes the heart grow fonder and the reunion more the sweeter <3
-Billy's uncle is very worried about Klarion just traveling alone for long periods of time and keeps trying to slip him some bills also bought him a phone so he can check up on him
-Other than that he adores Klarion, the witch boy has amazing manners AND he always insists on helping clean up
-Teekl loves Uncle Dudley more than both of them I'm so sorry
-Uncle Dudley spoils the living DC god out of Teekl he adores that kitty
-They are both troublemakers and their dates almost always turns into pranking people
-Overall, they are adorable okey <3
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marybatson · 2 months
trying to contextualize the marvel kids’ relationship with uncle dudley in a way that would make sense to them as very individualistic and independent children and how they would come to rely on him at all but then I realize exactly what dynamic it is
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wolfsbanesparks · 24 days
I was too busy worrying about Billy that I forgot about uncle dudley's safety. Oh no-
To be fair Billy is in a LOT more danger.
Uncle Dudley is going through it for sure, but he's not being actively tortured. It's more of a self-destructive sort of situation because of what he knows (and doesn't know). That's kind of cryptic, but you'll see what I mean soon enough.
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
My Uncle Dudley said that he was smart because he had lots of brains but since he took them all from people who were still using them, and eventually got caught I’m not sure that he was.
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evilhorse · 3 months
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Alter Ego magazine #182
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dcbinges · 4 months
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The Power of Shazam! #10 (1995) by Jerry Ordway & Peter Krause
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silveragelovechild · 4 months
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Like her uncle, Mary Dudley had no super powers but she created her own Marvel costume anyway. She she wouldn’t be confused with Mary Marvel, she took on the name Freckles Marvel. First appearance Wow Comics #35.
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puppetwoman17 · 7 months
A Happy House: Part 1
Headcanon that when there are any quarrels or fights between league members, they cool down at Billy’s apartment.
I see this happening in the future when Billy’s like, early to mid 20s. He’s finally settled to the point where he doesn’t always worry about becoming a homeless kid again. People in the League know him as understanding to a fault, and always willing to listen to both sides of the story. His apartment is homey, and there are always magical creatures or family walking around, like his sister, best friend, or uncle Dudley. Maybe a celestial or a god is visiting. Maybe the universe’s higher ups are having a meeting in his dining room. Whatever is happening, it calms everyone down.
Sometimes it’s Connor, coming in from another fight with Clark. Sometimes it’s a fellow Magic user who feels ostrisized because of their power. Other times, it’s a Batfamily member who wants Bruce off their tail, and Billy will gladly use a shield spell to give them privacy from Batman’s detective skills. Other times it’s members of the Team after arguing with the JL. Or the JL sorting out a quarrel amongst themselves with Billy’s careful judgement.
Billy doesn’t know why he’s such a calming presence to them. He’s known them since he was a child, yes, a kid who hadn’t even hit the double digits. But he tends to be blunt. Straight to the point. He makes sure to show he cares, but the feeling can feel foreign at times when the world keeps biting you in the ass. And he can get mad when people are so obliviously stupid it hurts. He’s seen and heard more than enough arguments between adults to know when they’re pulling bullshit or saying something that shouldn’t be said. It’s an art at this point.
But he’s mostly quiet when someone comes over, and when the other person is permitted to enter, he lets them hash the argument out themselves, offering nothing but privacy and a smile when they leave.
…So yeah, he’s confused. But he’s just happy to help.
And the JL, Team and Titans are grateful too. He’s their relationship wingman! The guy who you know to go to when things get heated. His home is an oasis of calm and care.
They can watch as the Batson siblings banter in the kitchen. They can watch Billy bring John Constantine in by the ear and rip him a new one. They can smile in amusement as Billy puts one over on his fellow higher ups in the magic community on a freakin ZOOM call!
He’s easy to be around. There’s no pressure from him, no questions needing answers. He’s also not biased(unless it’s more than obvious who’s in the wrong).
So yeah, the heroes love their not-so-little-anymore magic man.
They love him so much that they immediately clock onto when things go horribly, horribly wrong.
See, Billy doesn’t like to get angry. When he’s Cap, he’s afraid of the power he possesses. He gets nauseous when someone bows to him like he’s their boss or something(which you are Billy bean, you gotta deal with it). Even when he’s in his mortal form, he doesn’t go beyond a flood of curse words or a couple jabs built off stress.
But there are a few people who know what buttons to push, and they push them. A lot. So much so that he tends to get a little…loud.
Oh and did I mention he didn’t exactly TELL his coworkers that he had an uncle? Hell, that he did have a family, they just didn’t care enough to be with him?
Yeah, that’s not gonna lead to anything, I’m sure.
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orange-s-mario · 2 years
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kenandeliza · 6 months
A Marvel Family What-If : What If They grow up normally?
If the suspendium event and the rest of the shazam 1970s comic series didn't happen, i wondered what the future would be for the golden age Marvel Family
Billy: Mr Morris would probably hand over Whiz station to Billy, so he'd be the new owner of the station. Happily married to Cissie Sommerly
Mary: based on my previous headcanon on her being a fashion model (because i kept seeing mary being used as a model for back to school advertisements or clothing advertisements in fawcett comics), I'd like to think she'd own a Fashion magazine brand or continued the Shazam.inc business after Uncle Dudley's passing
Freddy: He'd probably open a comic book shop. In future days where he is in his 70s-80s, he'd write comics based on his previous diary entries of his adventures with the marvel family with a fake pen-name, as the newer generation are not familliar about the family and thinks of his comics as fictional
Kit: He tries to spend as much time with his brother after revealing himself accidentally, going out everyday to fish in a boat or to admire nature. It was a bit sad seeing everyone grow old as he stays the same, but it saddens him even more when Freddy started forgetting past events in his older years, it was why he would often read Freddy's diary back to him
Tawky Tawny: Tawny had a pretty long and famous life, still relaxing with the marvel family, being a businessman, a hollywood actor once. He was incredibly famous that they tried to make a documentary on his life! Sadly, there weren't any young tigers who could talk and walk like him to play the role as Tawny (let alone a tiger who wouldn't maul the camera crew), so they used CGI despite Tawny's complaint about the tiger being uncanny
idk, it's just these headcanon that popped into my head if the family grow up normally without the events of the 1970s shazam continuing the golden age, sorry if thid had reached some light-angsty territory (i know my angst writing is bad, forgive me for the cringe :>
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One thing I used to think of as I was getting into Shazam all at once, delving into the comics and both versions of the marvel family at the same time and all, was that maybe Uncle Dudley and Darla might’ve been related.
Like, first thought was “Oh what if he’s her grandpa or something” and as it got more and more obvious that, yeah, that wasn’t happening and Darla’s backstory with her parents made it less possible I do miss the idea of some older part of the Marvel Family canon still having a tether in the modern one
Idk, I just think after everything that it’d be nice if Darla had a sweet grandpa figure that, while he can’t take custody for his actual criminal history as a fraudster, he is still allowed to visit and spend time with his granddaughter.
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Last Day Of Pride Post (Billy and Cissie Edition) 💖
No thoughts head empty but I am vibing with the idea of T4T Cissie asking Billy out to her school's Sadie Hawkins dance.
I think about this cute dance date as being in the beginning of their relationship and the first real date where Cissie is the one who makes the first move. Billy had been having a crush on Cissie since the moment he met her at the Whiz Radio station, thinking she was the prettiest girl in the world, so when he finds out that Cissie feels the same way that he does, the kid is jumping for joy :D
At the same time, he's like so nervous and shy though, because this is his first date ever! Of course he needs help getting ready! So, queue Billy going around asking everyone he can for advice on romance and dances.
Billy goes to Freddy to break the news and celebrate with chocolate egg creams.
He shly asks his twin sister Mary for help picking out which flowers to get for Cissie.
He smiles when he finds out Scott was also asked out by a girl at Cissie's school to the dance, relieved he won't be alone.
He studies a book of pick up lines that Sunny Sparkle gave (and promptly gave back because it was stolen).
He gets embarrassed when Mr. Bromfield helps him pick out a nice suit and tie while hearing his adopted father's dating stories from back in the day.
He laughs when Uncle Dudley tries to teach him how to dance with moves from decades ago.
He takes notes when Joane Jameson, his coworker at Whiz Radio, gives him polite advice on first dances.
He rolls his eyes when the wizard says he should be focusing on other important matters, but is grateful for the magic flower he's given for the corsage.
He groans when Tawky Tawny helps teach him the right elegant manners to use when on a date, Billy feels like he enrolled in a finishing school.
He asks for Solomon to give him the wisdom he needs to not embarrass Cissie.
He prays for Hercules to give him strength to be the best boyfriend he can be.
He begs Atlas to give him the stamina to dance every dance with Cissie.
He tells Zeus to mind his business 👋
He wishes for Achilles to grant him some courage to hold Cissie's hand.
He requests for Mercury to allow him the speed to help him get to the dance on time, not a minute or second late, to not keep Cissie waiting.
In the end, at the Sadie Hawkins dance, Billy and Cissie spend their first date holding hands and dancing along to bad music chosen by the chaperones and sponsor (Mr. Morris).
Billy calls Cissie beautiful. Cissie calls him handsome. Neither of them can take a compliment and go back and forth saying the other looks better.
Cissie is wearing an adorable pink and fluffy dress, wearing the flowers Billy got for her in her hair. Billy is wearing his first suit ever, and is so proud of it (although he hates the tie). They goof off and laugh at their awkwardness, smile at how good they both look in their suit and dress respectively, blush at the comments Scott makes about them being a good couple, and ultimately, know this was the best first date they could hope for.
The dance ends for everyone else at the end of the evening, but for Billy, his heart continues to dance for Cissie.
@wolfsbanesparks thought I would tag you since T4T Billy and Cissie
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