#Undercover Missions
phoenixyfriend · 1 year
can we bring back the era of "male characters willingly go 'undercover' as girls, without explicit mention of queer contexts or readings, so the author can externalize some stuff without having to confront themselves directly about their questions and concerns"
because I feel like we've left a lot of young queers out high and dry with this "you gotta know that you're Marginalized or you aren't allowed to write things that are Problematique" culture that doesn't let them explore things with the plausible deniability of fanfiction
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eris-snow · 2 years
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, they don't get together at the end, angst, undercover
"Hero/n, Dynamight, your job is to infiltrate tonight's gathering as newlyweds find evidence of his crimes, and apprehend him swiftly." Oh, no.
The door to the limousine opens.
You take one step in, see a flash of blond hair, crimson red eyes and a surprised scowl before you backtrack 5 steps away.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Bakugou scoffs, folding his arms. "Fucking nice to see you too, Shortie."
"Get in, Hero/n. Lives are at stake." Aizawa says glaring at you from the shotgun seat.
Grudgingly, you took your seat beside the blond, dipping your head gracefully as you slammed the door shut. "I thought you were in America this weekend." You mumble, fidgeting with your dress's helm. "For that Top 10 Hero gala thing."
"That's what everyone else thinks." He mutters, facing the window on his side. "Thought you'd be able to distinguish real from fake news, Y/n. Quit fucking around."
Your hands clench into fists as the car starts to move. "Couldn't help but hope." You reply through gritted teeth.
Bakugou and you had broken up nearly 3 years ago, and you'd never expected to see him like this. No, not when you were on an undercover mission to potentially die.
Being trapped with Bakugou in a single car is going to kill you much faster.
"Eraser, why is he here?" You hiss, glaring at the underground hero. "I thought you were gonna pick someone who was part of the agency. Not the flashiest, most wanted hero on this goddamn planet!"
Bakugou glares at you with those piercing eyes. "Look if I knew I'd be working with you for this assignment, I'd never have taken the job either, okay?"
Bakugou hasn't seen you in years. Yes, he knew that you were somewhere on the planet, kicking ass, but with his life-long goal of claiming the title of the Number 1 Hero, your hidden disappearance and the area you'd chosen to specialise in, it was almost too easy to let himself get buried in work to distract himself from you.
But here you are.
After being over several miles away from you, the both of you were now only inches apart.
"Shut up, both of you." Eraserhead snapped. "I assumed you've read the file, but I'll reiterate it for you as a reminder. The murderer, Kage Tanuki has escaped America's security and fled to Japan to flee his death sentence. His quirk, as you might be familiar with is called Truth. It allows anyone he comes into skin contact with to believe anything he tells them to. Your job is to infiltrate tonight's gathering as newlyweds-"
"Oh my fucking god,"
"-find evidence of his crimes, and apprehend him swiftly." Aizawa notices you staring at Bakugou unblinkingly and reads your mind.
"Hatsume has designed Bakugou a gadget that prevents anyone from recognising him as the Number 2 Hero, but it's tailored to only his body. That's why we still had you wear contacts and go in with a disguise."
Eye contacts. No wonder your eyes look weird. You still look great, beautiful like a rose, but he misses the old you under those layers of makeup.
A rose still has thorns, though.
Aizawa's strong stare from the rear-view mirror has the both of you sitting up straighter. "Hero/n, you are undeniably the best in the underground heroes' department. Dynamight, you have talent and skills that allow you to adapt quickly. I expect this mission to be conducted with nothing but utmost professionalism. Understood?"
There's a beat of silence before you utter words back to your teacher, "You still haven't told me why he's gone and replaced Monoma."
Bakugou does a double take, finally whipping his head to face you.
"I replaced Copying Bastard?"
You rolled your eyes, looking up to meet his. "Yeah. He was supposed to be my partner this evening if he hadn't gotten himself nearly killed in his last assignment."
Eraser sighs. "The both of you have had a prior relationship. Agency's said that they wanted it to look more natural. Not to mention Monoma's untimely injuries had us scrambling to find a suitable replacement. Thanks to Bakugou's swift response, we managed to change the documents in time before the fiasco got noticed."
"THAT'S PRECISELY WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TAKE THE DAMN JOB," Bakugou booms, slumping down in his seat with a groan.
Aizawa raises a quizzical eyebrow, before his eyes narrow. "What did I say about professionalism?"
"Fine," You spit out, as the car pulls over into a beautiful mansion. "We'll do the damn job. But I want compensation for the lack of communication on my end."
Aizawa smiles cryptically, "Don't worry, I'm sure the agency will plan many compensations once they know how badly they fucked this up."
It's almost comical how awkward Bakugou feels about you. His arm is looped around your waist intimately, firmly pressed against your body as a sign of protection even though he knows you don't need it. Your body is relaxed, eyes soft and sparkling prettily at him with a warm smile he hasn't seen in years.
It's only when he touches your back that he can feel the rigid tension you keep hidden as you beam at the doorman, who identifies you two with a nod of his head. "Ah, yes! The newlyweds, correct?"
You don't even flinch.
Fucking shapeshifter.
The party inside is loud and jarring, making Bakugou curse internally because he doesn't like the noise. He never did fancy parties. He lets you do the talking, the socialising, the mingling. It's almost too easy to fall back into this routine of your broken relationship.
The arm around your waist.
The glare he shoots people when they start to get too overbearing.
God, he wants you back.
"I might need to head to the toilet soon," You sigh, smiling up at him as you place a delicate hand on his bicep. Bakugou knows you too well to know what that actually means.
We should slip away soon.
"Of course, love," He responded, affirming your decision. That sleazy murderer had barely given you two a glance. It would be easier anyway to raid his house for evidence-
"Ah, the Bakugous," A voice interrupts his thoughts, and immediately he feels you straighten up to greet whoever strikes up a conversation with you. "Tanuki!" You greet, "Thank you so much for inviting us here."
"It's wonderful to see the both of you here tonight." He has the nerve to grin, a borderline deranged smile of a serial killer in disguise. Tanuki trains his beady eyes on the blond, "Your wife is absolutely stunning, I must say. You've picked a good one."
If that line hadn't ruffled your feathers, it sure got Bakugou to hate this guy even more. "Yeah? Well, this one's mine." He replies reflexively, tightening his arm around you. "Mind showing us the way to the washrooms? I'd like to freshen up in time for your closing speech."
He feels a surprised grip from your arm as he hides his smug smile. Yeah, fuck you and your pretty dress and makeup, he read the damn file. Just cause he doesn't do undercover missions doesn't mean he can't act.
He's the best at everything.
Tanuki nods his head, mindlessly waving his glass in a vague direction. "Of course. Just go up the stairs and open the 3rd door on your left. Don't be long now!"
You thank him again (while Bakugou does not) as the both of you walk in the direction he pointed you to. "Laying it on thick, huh," You say under your breath as you walk up the stairs together. "Thanks for getting us out of there."
Instantly, heat floods his cheeks as he replays what he had said earlier. Oh, God. The minute you reach the second floor and ensure nobody was there, you finally unlatch yourself from Bakugou's arm, eyes averted and cheeks pinked.
Oh, right. This is just pretend.
Bakugou swallows thickly, averting his eyes. He already misses the fact that you aren't by his side. "Let's find his office."
You find his workroom with ease thanks to the blueprint that was provided by your agency. Unfortunately for you though, it's locked by a card reader. "Let me have a go, I'll blast it open," Bakugou grunts, but one raised eyebrow from you has him backtracking his steps. "What?" He gruffs.
"Your quirk could set something on fire." You explained. "Just imagine what would happen if you end up blowing this entire place up. There're people downstairs too."
"Well then what do you suppose?" he bites back.
You roll your eyes, the soft, accommodating skin you wore downstairs already shredded and discarded. "By using this," you reach into a secret pocket in your dress, pulling out a slim keycard with a sly grin.
Bakugou almost gaps at you. "You shrewd pickpocketer,"
"Sticky fingers," You hum, swiping it across the keypad and swinging the door open with ease.
You're both greeted with the sight of files scattered across the mahogany table, warm, luxurious curtains, and a bookshelf stuffed full of documents. "Jackpot," Bakugou whispers. Stepping into the room, you take one of the files and scan it with widened eyes. "He's forging these files to make his victims' deaths look like an accident."
Bakugou's eyes narrow as he peers over your shoulder. You point at the dates and other parts of a paragraph. "He's making sure nobody knows that there's a connection between him and these esteemed people, that's why there hasn't been enough evidence of him so far!"
"Well, then we have what we need, then!" Bakugou says, gathering the files on the table and holding them close to his chest. "Let's get the hell out of here before anyone finds us-"
As quick as the wind, you lunge at Bakugou and pull him down to hide under the table. Scowling, Bakugou's confusion starts to dissipate in anger, "Oi, what are you-"
Your hearing must be better than his, because it's only now that he can hear footsteps clambering towards the room.
"Shit," A voice says, slicing through the silence.
"Someone's been in my office."
The both of you glance at each other, reaching the same realisation at the same time. He looks at you, and you look at him.
And then, you grin.
Bakugou knows what that smirk means.
It's go time.
Shooting to his feet, he held his hands in front of his face with an unhinged grin plastered over his face. "Surprise, Tanuki."
The fight doesn't take long, even though his Quirk was one that was annoying to get around. Then again, the both of you are in sync, the fighting almost looking as if you were dancing around your opponent without even uttering a word. You apprehended him in under 10 minutes.
"We've arrested the murderer." You say, voice strong and authoritative. "We're coming to the meeting spot."
And just like that, it's all over.
Part of him wishes that you could have just kept on going, playing along with the charade and believe that he still has you. But he doesn't.
This is real life and when he goes home that day, he remembers to catalogue every fucking memory in his mind because that was probably going to be the last time he would get to hold you like that.
What he doesn't know is that you too are thinking about everything too, kicking yourself over and over at the feelings that had resurfaced for him. The sensation of just having him hold you tight and feel protected is a feeling you'd buried under layers of suppression.
Sure, Monoma has pretended to be your boyfriend multiple times before, but it's never felt like this. No, when Bakugou did it, there was a spark of warmth that blossomed inside your heart, as if everything was authentic.
If only the night had gone longer, if only you could have talked to him properly.
If only you could just keep...
Playing pretend.
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It's an undercover mission in a ball where everyone have to wear a mask and dazai is smitten with one of the woman here.
It's chuuya who had to wear a dress for one of his mission ( he can even wear a wig in order to disguise his hair).
Chuuya see it as an occasion to get one over dazai for once so he play along.
Even if he wanted to personally lead dazai to the gate of hell that he long for when he invited him to a double suicide ( at this moment he fell a strong connection to dazai's new partner).
They both flirted in a over the top way with each others and both ended up foiling others peoples advance toward the others and then they both complete their respective mission and chuuya go away After managing to fluster dazai.
( and if dazai knew the whole time that it was chuuya, only him can answer that.)
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djbeatz · 2 years
Soukoku have a Strange relationship
Okay, so here me out. Soukoku have definitely been sent on plenty of undercover missions, some of them required them to act like a couple in some way with each other. After some time, they got comfortable (not any less bitchy) about being paired up to act like a young couple and one thing led to another, the next thing they knew some of the intimate gestures couples did, they started to do out of sheer habit.
As emotionally constipated teenagers, they did not address this, nor fix it, so eventually they just forgot that that kind of shit is usually exclusively for couples and just lived with it. The person who initiated it was Chuuya (to his fucking mortification).
So, they can kiss each other on the cheek and not bat an eye. Dare them to kiss? Don’t even think twice, just a sweet kiss on the lips and they’re moving on. They can hug, cuddle and do lovey-dovey shit without seeing anything wrong with it because it was normal for them. They are incredibly comfortable with any level of intimacy with one other, it doesn’t bother them or anything, they just won’t say anything about it. Hell they don’t normally talk during those times because they refuse to let the vulnerable, fluttery feeling in their stomachs bubble to the surface.
God forbid the day someone points it out or asks if they’re married. They aren’t even dating.
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doctordiscord123 · 8 months
Wilford has a crazy idea. For some reason, people go along with it.
Commission Info | Buy me a ko-fi
Wilford paced in the locker room of the police station, stroking his chin and playing with his mustache as he thought. He needed to crack Damien, to take him down. He needed something to get close to the man, there was no way in Hell old tricks were going to work, they hadn’t worked since they were teenagers. He needed someone Damien trusted, but his guard dogs – a man only called ‘the Host’ and an infamous hacker simply dubbed ‘Google’ – were even less likely to break or default away.
Which, in Wilford’s mind, led to only one option.
“Uh, Boss? We’re needed to –” Yancy poked his head into the locker room, and Wilford started, wheeling around with a grin.
“Where’s Silver? I need him!”
Mickey Warner – also known as Silver thanks to the fact that he was already greying – was a younger detective Wilford had gotten to know well. He’d only made the rank recently, and Wilford had taken him under his wing a little on top of his own young partner, especially when Silver’s – a young man named Jackie – had been chosen to go undercover with the rival gang to Wilford’s personal white whale, the Byrne family. The fact that Jackie’s surname happened to be Byrne as well…well, Wilford tended to hope it was a coincidence. Silver didn’t talk about Jackie much these days, though it was clear as the year-anniversary approached, his nerves were becoming frayed.
Yancy blinked, then cocked his head like a puppy. “…Silver? He just got back, why?”
“Come along, my boy, I have an idea!”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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lady-wallace · 1 year
Whumptober Day 8 - "Under Cover" (Jujutsu Kaisen)
In today's Whumptober fic: tired business man beats up cocky jujutsu sorcerer to save his life. I hope you all enjoy. (Also this is spoiler free just so you know)
Prompts Used: Outnumbered Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Character: Gojo
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
Nanami was instantly greeted by two guards as he got out of the car. He remained passive as they checked him for weapons, removing the handgun he had tucked into his shoulder holster as part of the ploy.
"You may go in," one of the guards said, motioning him through the doors of the club.
Nanami straightened his coat and tie and strode inside.
The club was closed, at least for regular business, but the owner had his own business to see to, and Nanami was, unfortunately, caught up in that as well, all thanks to the perpetually insufferable Gojo Satoru.
The idiot's newest headache causing event had been him getting kidnapped by a yakuza family who also happened to deal in Cursed Objects and other similar relics. Including their newest acquisition: the Gojo clan's only Six Eyes user.
A clan that was not willing to deal even for Gojo's life apparently, and passed it off to the school to deal with.
So now in a desperate bid from Jujutsu High and the surrounding schools to get their most powerful asset back—aside from the people who would rather see Gojo gone for good—Nanami was posing as a contractor from one of the rival clans to go in and pick Gojo up.
He had honestly thought the idea was ridiculous, but the higher ups had insisted that the man they were dealing with wouldn't sell Gojo back to them, and it would be better to create a ruse around hauling him off to be put down quietly, promising protection should a war between the clans break out as a result.
And, who better to play the role of calm, cold assassin than Nanami Kento?
In all honesty, hauling Gojo out to a deserted part of the countryside and putting a bullet in his head sounded pretty good to the sorcerer right now, if he thought it would do any good.
He was led to the back of the club where the young yakuza family head lounged against a bar with a drink in his hand, grinning as he saw Nanami.
"Ah, you made it. So your boss didn't decide to back out after all?"
"No, the deal will proceed as planned," Nanami said, handing over the briefcase he held.
The man nodded to two of his goons to take it and they opened the case, showing off stacks and stacks of yen neatly piled up.
"Good," the man said, motioning Nanami forward. "Now, as promised, I'll let you inspect the goods before you make the final call—just so you can see we have the authentic product up for offer."
He led Nanami through a thick curtain to a private room which was filled to the brim with armed men. Nanami calculated quickly, and was not happy with what he saw.
His original plan had been to go in, and take out as many men as he could—preferably all of them. However, they certainly weren't taking any chances, probably because Gojo had a bit of a reputation. He was going to have to quickly think of something else then…
Speaking of Gojo, the man was looking a little worse for wear, sitting slumped over and bound to a chair in the center of the room full of yakuza toughs. To top it off, his restraints were covered in warding that was undoubtedly keeping his powers at bay.
"Here is he," the family head said, motioning with a flourish to the captive sorcerer.
One of the men stepped forward, wrenching Gojo's head up by the hair. Eerie blue eyes shot open and a dopey grin spread over his face as he saw Nanami.
"H-hey, would you look at that! If it isn't ol' Na—"
Nanami acted quickly, already striding forward, and slamming his fist directly into Gojo's face before he could even finish his sentence.
The man's shock was obvious, staring up at him with wide eyes, blood running down his chin from a split lip. "W-what are you—"
Shut up! Nanami snarled silently as he punched Gojo again, splitting the skin across his cheek. Don't you see what I'm trying to do, you idiot? Play along!
Gojo finally shut up after that blow and Nanami hoped he got the picture. He adjusted the gloves he was wearing and turned to the yakuza family head. "I apologize, he has been a thorn in the clan's side for a very long time and I wanted the satisfaction of punching him in the face."
The man laughed, a gleeful look in his eyes as he motioned grandly. "By all means, continue! You've given me the money, I'm not stopping you."
Nanami stared at Gojo who was looking back at him, wary. He weighed his options quickly, knowing that hesitation could count toward his presumed professionalism or it could only cause suspicion.
And, if he was being completely honest with himself, he might just have thought about a moment like this often. Perhaps more often than he should have.
So, to sell the role, he turned back to Gojo and drove his fist into his face once more.
Gojo let out a sound of surprised pain, head snapping back. Nanami didn't stop there. He kept throwing punches, bloodying Gojo's annoyingly handsome face, and delivering more blows to his ribs and stomach, causing him to grunt, eyes blowing wide with shock and pain, doubling over as far as his restraints would allow.
Nanami wasn't that cruel though, he got to work out his frustrations, and moved on. He knew Gojo had a very low tolerance for pain—what else could be expected from a man who didn't allow himself to be hurt? Who barely knew the feeling of a stubbed toe like the rest of them. Nanami would be lying if he were to claim that seeing pain on Gojo's face didn't give him some small bit of satisfaction, but he knew when the man had had enough and he kicked his chair over as a final blow, leaving Gojo panting and moaning past bloody teeth on the ground.
Nanami brushed his hair back with the back of his wrist. "I really needed that," he muttered.
"I can tell," the yakuza head said with a twisted smile. "Satisfied with your purchase then?"
Before Nanami could reply one of the goons came up to whisper in his boss's ear and Nanami suddenly found the family head's gun pointed at him.
"What are you playing at?"
Nanami frowned. "What do you mean?"
"The money's fake," the man snarled, stepping forward and shoving the gun against Nanami's temple. "So who the hell are you really?"
Nanami glanced down at Gojo who was looking back up at him with a steady glance—or as steady as it could be with one eye swelling shut.
Nanami simply sighed, and reached up to loosen his tie. "Why do you insist on causing so much annoyance to me?" he muttered.
"Hey, hands up!" the yakuza man said.
Nanami felt his Cursed energy rising to the surface and struck out swiftly at the man's elbow, an audible snap of bones sounded as the gun was sent skittering away with the man's scream.
Blades and guns were drawn as Nanami ducked and yanked Gojo from the chair, dragging him over to a back door, kicking a table over for them to hide behind.
"What the hell kind of rescue is this?" Gojo cried.
Nanami untied him as quickly as he could. "It appears Plan A did not work."
"Plan A was beating the crap out of me?" Gojo asked, incredulously.
Nanami refused to answer, yanking the ropes off of him and hauling him to his feet, dragging him out the back door as more gunshots rang out.
"So what exactly is Blan B?"
"Just shut up. We're going to have to fight our way out of here."
Nanami wrapped his tie around his hand as they came out into the main area of the club, the rest of the yakuza toughs assembled, waiting for them.
"Are you using Infinity?" Nanami asked.
"Yes, now I am—"
Nanami shoved Gojo ahead of him as bullets were fired, all of them coming to a stop before they could hit Gojo who let out a scream all the same.
"Nanami, what the hell!"
But Nanami was already leaping forward, taking out several of the men with a few blows. He was into Overtime now, and while normally he wouldn't use those powers against normal humans, they didn't really have a choice at the moment.
"Stop them!" the yakuza head shouted, staggering out of the back room, clutching his broken arm.
"Time to go," Nanami snapped, grabbing Gojo by the shoulder and hauling him toward the door, possibly using him as a shield for his back in the process. Nanami broke through the door and Gojo finally seemed to get off a blast of power, because something exploded in the club behind them as they made a dash for the car.
Nanami threw Gojo into the passenger seat and raced around, grabbing his keys.
Once they were finally on the road, he breathed a sigh of relief, flexing his bruised fists against the wheel.
Gojo on the other hand was leaning back in the other seat, head tipped back, pinching his nose to keep it from bleeding everywhere as he moaned.
"Shit, Nanami did you have to hit me so hard?"
"I had to sell it."
"Well it didn't work!" Gojo retorted.
Nanami grabbed a handful of napkins from the center console and shoved them toward Gojo. "I would prefer you not bleed everywhere."
Gojo shoved the wad of napkins against his nose, mumbling and moaning under his breath as he nursed his injuries. Nanami would have felt worse if he knew the sorcerer wasn't such a drama queen. He hadn't hit him that hard.
"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it," Gojo muttered.
"I'm not," Nanami replied. "But we also may have started a feud with one of the yakuza families. In retrospect, it's probably best they figured out I wasn't from one of the clans—otherwise there might be a fullscale war on our hands."
"No shit," Gojo said with a genuinely gleeful laugh. "That would have been pretty funny though."
"I really don't see any humor in it."
"Of course not, but, that being said, that was pretty badass back there." He grinned, poking Nanami in the shoulder. "You know you're actually a lot more fun that I took you for. Is this what you always do on Friday nights?"
Nanami gave him a baleful look before turning back to the road.
Gojo sighed, pressing the napkins to his nose again. "I guess I should say thanks for the rescue, huh? But next time, can you pull your punches a little?"
"I make no promises."
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wolfstarshipping · 1 year
I need you (Like I need to breathe) (16745 words) by bookish_changeling
Rating: Not Rated
first war AU
And he can live with them hating him, grieving him, if he doesn’t have to grieve them.
It’s selfish, oh it’s so selfish, but he doesn’t want to grieve them
Remus throws caution to the winds, and trusts his family.
I love the premise of this fic and it had everything I want from a first war fic, all the angst and uncertainty, and I absolutely loved the storyline (and the dumbledore bashing).
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squishedmellow · 1 year
New fic because apparently I can't stop writing:
Undercover Brucie Wayne ! The trinity is on an undercover mission and Bruce breaks out the Brucie persona. Clark gay panics
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avid-mreower · 2 months
kockdaily 64
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based on that fruity scene between william shatner and leonard nimoy from their first crossover on a show together :]
reference from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. "The Project Strigas Affair" (1964)
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08.09.23 (kinda??)
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Qui-Gon: Remember padawan, what's rule number one?
Obi-Wan: Deny. Deny. Deny.
Qui-Gon: Ah no, the other one.
Obi-Wan: No matter what, commit to the bit.
Qui-Gon, handing Obi-Wan a fake mustache and a harpoon: Exactly! Now let's go.
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flamingpudding · 9 months
You need an adult. - I am an adult!
Danny in human age is an adult. He was a 24 years old adult that only recently started working in the Arospace Department of Wayne Enterprise. Human wise he was by all means an adult, with the paper trail to support it.
The only problem was. His ghost form.
Despite his human side having aged just fine and giving him a fine, build like a Brickhouse, body that came close to Dan's hulking ghost form. His ghost side was still stuck on looking like his fourteen years old self, small and build like a twig. Pandora, Frostbite and Clockwork had tried teaching him how to manipulate his own ectoplasm so he can finally adjust his ghost looks. But so far... that was a skill he has yet to master successfully.
Now, usually, that wouldn't be a problem. But considering he only recently found out two of his bosses also worked with the Justice League who happened to know him as Phantom, it spelled problems.
Because the Justice League was convinced he was a forever 14 years old dead ghost hero who is using one of his many powers to appear like a human adult. He only went human on them like twice for undercover missions. He saw no problem in them knowing about his human half. Ancients all his rogues and the entirety of the Infinite Realms knew of it already anyway.
But you make one to many jokes about deadly situations or act just a bit to childish one to many times with them and you are seen as child forever! Go figure why Danny had so many problems with authority figures is whole life.
They were the once thinking his human half was just another power! He never said it was!
And now here he was, sitting in the office of one of his bosses. Faced with the two of them trying to clear up the misunderstanding of a decade. Ancients they are convinced his paper trail is fake just because Phantom had Tucker on his team. A team that had already established their talents years ago, when they worked with the JL for the first time.
Wait.... why was Bruce Wayne pulling out adoption papers?
I dont need an adult! I am an adult!
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fosliie · 1 year
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You know what they say, once you got some fav characters, gotta blast ‘em with the gender ray B). Anyways here’s some fem versions of Sam and Max! Just as in love and murdering even more so if that’s even possible
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Talia took a 20+ Year Undercover mission a while ago
So! Talia is the Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, and has been alive and at his side for many years now. Decades even. She is well into her 100's, even though her physical Body looks like that of a 20 yr old.
And in all the years that she has lived, what's to say she didn't take a few years off as a vacation? Even Ra's must take a few years off every once in a while, leaving to spend time on some remote island he can relax on for once. So, one day in the Early 80's she decided to do the same.
But she wouldn't be completely relaxing, she would take the break to further the League's goals still. She decided to Dye her Hair, change her Name, get into an acceptable College, and study Lazarus Waters to their scientific limit. She decided to name if Ectoplasm, to avoid any unwanted attention.
And while there, she met a pair of men doing the exact same.
Jack and Vladimir were nice enough. Although their Research was more focused on Ghosts, or as she would call them, Pit Demons. They were convinced that Ectoplasm and Ghosts came from another Dimension, and if they could find a way to open a Dimension Gateway to this theoretical Ghost Zone, they could aquire Limitless Clean Energy (and maybe find a way to contain the Ghostly threat).
Over the years, Talia Maddie would fall for Jack. Eventually, even after she had completed her College Studies and Vlad had left contact with them, she decided to extend her Vacation to further study Ectoplasm with Jack. One thing led to another, and eventually she found herself pregnant. And then it happened again.
Jazzmine and Daniel were the cutest little babies. But she knew the danger they would be in if it was ever discovered that she was their Mother, so she trained them in everything she could so they could survive. She knew her time as Maddie Fenton was coming short, but she resolved to stay, at the very least until Jazz was an Adult.
She didn't account for Daniel becoming a Small Town Hero, but those were just the Trials of motherhood.
Then, the day came. She left a note on her bedside table explaining that she regretted what had to happen, and left in the middle of the night. It was better this way.
The year right after she returned, her Father forced her to have a Child with his most prospective Heir. The Bat, he called himself. Oh he was Charming, there was no denying that, but unfortunately she was still working through her feelings about Jack.
She treated her resulting child poorly because of that, and that she regreted it deeply. She loved him, honestly she did, but it was hard to look at him and not remember Daniel. Still, she persevered.
The day she once again had to give up her son for his protection was the hardest of her life.
But it was unavoidable. The Coup that had taken her Father's life had also fractured the Organization, anyone could have taken their shot at her Son as the rightful Heir. She needed to protect him as she took care of the Traitors.
Damian always knew he was the One True Heir. It was his defining character trait for his early years of life. Even though he had grown to be more than just that over recent years, he always felt like it was a key part of his identity.
Until now.
Because the BatComputer had just finished running a DNA Test on the Blood of a man who he had spotted on his Patrol the previous night.
A DNA Test that had come back, with results claiming that the man, who looked almost exactly like a younger male version of his Mother, was his Half Brother.
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luneariann · 5 months
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I’m hosting a dtiys!! :)! Ty guys for all the support I rly rly appreciate it <33
Rules and guidelines
- due date will be July 6th! Should anyone decide to participate after I’ll still definitely be seeing it (and screaming /pos) buttt it wouldn’t be taken into account in the final ranking </3
- pretty please tag your entry with #dtiysluneariann and tag me so I can see your art! :)!!
- any use of ai, art theft or tracing will immediately get your piece ignored sorry gang
- and finally feel free to experiment! ^^ so long as the general spirit of the piece is preserved go nuts with colors, posing, composition, etc etc
Prizes :)!!
- I’ll be choosing 5 winners, all of which get a commission of either a fully rendered character or a short comic in my usual style!
-I’ll also be choosing 3 honorable mentions who get a sketch of a character of their choosing :)!!
Oki yeah that’s basically it!! I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with and once again tysm for all the kind words throughout this past year, it’s rly meant the world to me 🫶💕
EDIT: this post will be pinned throughout the duration of the dtiys to make it easier to find hopefully :)!
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lavellaned · 1 year
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being a bad liar + unable to let people be incorrect about things = a very unsubtle man
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timothylawrence · 1 year
everyone talks abt wanting an undercover high society/party mission in bg3... that should've been part of Wyll's questlines.
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