#Underserved Community
mirrorreview · 1 year
Joshua is the Founder and CEO of F.A.C.E.S., which was founded in 2018. A company that helps students builds better careers and makes efforts to keep the community together. F.A.C.E.S. (Faith in Action Community Education Services) intently provides services to the community, which is filled with several issues. It serves school students mainly for mental health, behavioral health, and education.
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George Floyd should be here today, alive and well and celebrating the first Memorial Day that feels normal after the pandemic.
Minneapolis shouldn’t be (still) traumatized to this day after watching a murder in cold blood.
But Derek Chauvin should still be in jail for being a shit pig.
Rest in peace, George. The world needs to do better, still.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
my mother is entering my cat and mule in a charity pet costume contest benefitting a doctor's without borders style group of nurses. The mule is going to be dressed up as Jesus, and the cat a cardiologist bc his name is Cardio-Vascular-Health and I think that would be funny
this is he:
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the competition is primarily going to be voted on by nursing students and faculty. so folk who will not be wigged out by an anatomically correct heart, but who still might fall into a more normy aesthetic preference group.
The heart will be done in crochet either way bc I can't be fucked to spend more than 30 minutes on it.
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
I just applied for a summer job at a library in my area—keep me in your prayers? This would be an incredible opportunity for me!!
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pathologising · 1 year
one time I had a zoom call with a recruiter for a socialist group in nyc and I was like so what community action are we doing how do we get involved and he just went "oh we don't do that but I promise we aren't just a communist book club" (they were just a communist book club)
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800-dick-pics · 1 year
i know i dont talk abt it on here but since becoming an herbalist ive been wanting to cfund for some equipment/plants but also i barely get goals met for food so im hesitant
id like to be able to give ppl consults and herbal support for free but i also have no reserve funds to do that and survive rn :/
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How to Support Health Education in Your Community: A Blueprint for Empowering Wellness
In a world where information flows like a river, and discerning the currents of truth from the tides of misinformation can feel overwhelming, health education emerges as a lighthouse, guiding us towards informed decisions and empowered well-being. It’s not just about knowing the facts; it’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind healthy choices, and weaving those choices into the fabric of our…
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in-sightpublishing · 2 months
Climate education bills die in the Massachusetts legislature
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Critical Science Newswire Original Link: https://ncse.ngo/climate-education-bills-die-massachusetts-legislature Publication Date: July 31, 2024 Organization: National Center for Science Education Organization Description: The…
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mysetu · 4 months
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SETU: Skill and Empower the Un-Served SETU, an organization that focuses on skill development and empowerment, particularly for women and people with disabilities. It also includes a quote about the challenges faced by children due to climate change and lack of basic necessities.All over setu is best NGO in delhi.
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philanthropicpeople · 10 months
Chuck Lorre Donates To Push STEM For All
Chuck Lorre is donating $10 million towards research education for underserved communities, through his family’s philanthropic foundation. The considerable gift, given via the Chuck Lorre Family Foundation to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) aims to support research education for high school and college students, particularly those from under-resourced communities across greater Los…
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fenrislorsrai · 1 year
Justice 40
Joe Biden is boring and often bad at tooting his own horn, but by god, he is good at process.
Justice 40 is simple but powerful application of that. its a shift in how the executive branch works. 40% of money from a bunch of existing programs should go to census tracts that are overburdened with pollution, at higher risk for climate change, and have been historically underserved.
The shorthand here is basically "communities that don't have enough internal resources to deal with long term problems". So yes, communities that had been redlined for decades, ones that have Superfund sites, ones that have high rates of asthma from air pollution.
and this is by census tract. Not city. census tract. So parts of New York City qualify... but other parts don't. And the city HAS to use the money in the targeted part. it doesn't go into the communal pool. it's for THAT tract specifically.
Also all land federally recognized as belonging to a Native American tribe and all Alaskan Native Villages qualify, specifically.
And again, this is for existing programs that are already running and have existing staff and budgets. They're supposed to prioritize grants and projects for those areas specifically. And that's everything from Department of Agriculture, to FEMA, to Labor, to Environmental Protection.
Does it instantly get rid of all the baked in racism from decades past? No, not even close. But it puts in a countermeasure that has a concrete and measurable goal to aim for rather than a nebulous "suck less." even if the administration changes, many of those changes will stick.
And as things improve, some tracts may come off the list! Some may go on that weren't there before!
You can see a map here. Blue highlighted tracts are "disadvantaged" so qualify for that extra assistance! Check and see if you live in one or part of your town does. Because if you've been hearing constantly "we can't afford to fix X problem..." and you're in that tract.... there's money available. For you. Build that sidewalk, fix those lead pipes, get that brush truck your volunteer fire department has been asking for.
And tell your local officials that! "did you look at Justice 40 for funding". And even if they're doing their best, particularly people in little towns.... being a government official isn't their full time job. They may have missed it. Just asking them about the program may suddenly open a world of possibilities.
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greenthestral · 1 year
Breaking Barriers: The Challenge of Electrification in Remote Areas
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In today's rapidly evolving world, the importance of electrification cannot be overstated. Access to electricity is a cornerstone of modern living, enabling progress in education, healthcare, communication, and economic development. Over the past few decades, remarkable strides have been made in electrification efforts, but there remains a significant challenge in reaching the hardest-to-reach areas. This article explores the obstacles hindering impressive progress in electrification and sheds light on the efforts being made to overcome these challenges.
The Significance of Electrification
Electrification is a critical component of building sustainable and inclusive societies. It enhances the quality of life for people in both urban and rural areas, enabling them to access vital services and technologies. Electricity facilitates the functioning of schools, hospitals, industries, and communication networks, empowering communities to thrive and participate in the global economy. However, despite its transformative power, millions of people around the world still lack access to electricity.
The Impressive Progress
In recent years, electrification efforts have achieved remarkable progress. Governments, non-profit organizations, and private companies have collaborated to expand electricity access to remote and underserved regions. The adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, has played a significant role in bringing electricity to areas with limited infrastructure. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovative micro-grid systems have made it possible to overcome geographical barriers and provide energy solutions to previously inaccessible locations.
Challenges in Reaching the Hardest-to-Reach
While impressive progress has been made, electrification in remote areas faces formidable challenges. Some of the key obstacles include:
Geographical Barriers: Many remote regions are situated in rugged terrains, such as mountains, forests, or deserts. Building and maintaining traditional power infrastructure in these areas can be prohibitively expensive and logistically challenging.
Lack of Infrastructure: Remote regions often lack basic infrastructure like roads and transportation networks, making it difficult to transport materials and equipment needed for electrification projects.
Affordability: In impoverished regions, the cost of setting up and maintaining electricity infrastructure can be a burden for both the communities and the providers.
Political and Social Instability: In certain areas, political conflicts and social unrest can hinder progress in electrification efforts, discouraging potential investors and disrupt ongoing projects.
Environmental Concerns: Balancing the need for electrification with environmental conservation is crucial. Some remote areas are ecologically sensitive, and care must be taken to ensure sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions.
Solutions and Initiatives
Despite the challenges, numerous initiatives are actively working to bring electricity to the hardest-to-reach regions. These efforts include:
Off-Grid and Micro-Grid Systems: Off-grid solar systems and micro-grids provide localized and decentralized energy solutions, bypassing the need for extensive infrastructure. They can be tailored to suit the specific energy demands of a community.
Mobile Technology: Mobile technology has become a powerful tool in facilitating electrification. Mobile payment platforms and smart grids help manage energy distribution efficiently.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between governments, non-governmental organizations, and private companies have proven effective in pooling resources and expertise to tackle electrification challenges.
Miniaturized Technologies: Technological advancements have led to the creation of compact and efficient energy solutions, such as portable solar panels and mini wind turbines, making them suitable for deployment in remote areas.
Community Engagement: Empowering local communities to take ownership of electrification projects fosters a sense of responsibility and sustainability.
Impressive progress in electrification has undoubtedly improved the lives of millions, but there is still much work to be done to reach those hardest-to-reach areas. The challenge of electrifying remote regions requires innovative solutions, collaborative efforts, and a commitment to sustainable development. As technology continues to advance and awareness grows, there is hope that the barriers hindering electrification will gradually crumble, lighting up the lives of those who have remained in the dark for far too long. It is essential for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and invest in electrification as a means of driving positive change, fostering economic growth, and leaving no one behind in the pursuit of a brighter and sustainable future.
What's In It For Me? (WIIFM)
Are you curious about the state of electrification in remote areas and the challenges hindering its progress? Discover how impressive efforts to bring electricity to the hardest-to-reach regions impact global development, the environment, and the lives of millions. Learn about innovative solutions and initiatives that can transform the future of those in need, while contributing to a sustainable and inclusive world.
Join the Movement: Let's Light Up Lives Together!
Be a part of the electrification revolution! Help us overcome the challenges of reaching remote areas with electricity. Share this article to spread awareness and inspire others to support electrification efforts. Together, we can make a difference and empower communities worldwide. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved and contribute to this meaningful cause.
Blog Excerpt
The quest for electrification in remote and underserved areas has seen impressive strides, yet it faces significant challenges that slow its progress. Access to electricity is pivotal in shaping modern living, but millions of people still lack this essential resource. This article delves into the obstacles hindering electrification, including geographical barriers, lack of infrastructure, and affordability issues. We explore the solutions and initiatives driving change, such as off-grid and micro-grid systems, mobile technology, and community engagement. By addressing these challenges head-on, we can create a brighter and sustainable future for all.
Meta Description (320 characters)
Discover the challenges impeding impressive progress in electrification efforts to reach remote areas. Explore innovative solutions and initiatives, empowering communities and transforming lives worldwide.
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iidgroupre · 1 year
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vizthedatum · 1 year
You call me foolish
When I can understand someone by what they’re going through
You call me foolish
When I feel their blood pulsate as if it were my own
Is it foolish to feel so deeply
Maybe it’s because I’ve thrown myself off balance before
Perhaps the personal imbalance is foolish
We are constrained by our humanity after all
But do you know what I think?
I think it’s sad that you can look at someone, maybe know them for years, maybe even fuck them, maybe even call them your friend…
And not even prioritize what it would feel like for them
I can tell within minutes, seconds even
It’s who I am
But you can’t bother to even make the space
(Unless you’re shamed into it of course
And oh baby, if you think you can’t have me
(Because I’ve asserted my worth and rejected you)
Then get prepared to be shamed all day)
Sometimes I wonder if you’ve even made the space for yourself
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yourfavehasanosmia · 1 year
I wish it was easier to get info on stuf. This is very specific but agagagghhg
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iixglobal · 1 year
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