#Unpure Demonic Spy
onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
UnPure Demonic Spy: Mhh...
His demon: Is something wrong bos-
UnPure Demonic Spy: I want a Medic to marry me so bad.
His demon: What the-
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okameeznuts 5 months
CPS: "Spare him please."
UDS: "Brother! He literally killed a child, A CHILD!"
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Funny AU of me and my friend made. CPS has a brother.
My friend said I gotta tag my arts or else she will reblog and tag it 馃拃
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UDS demonic form!
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
Unpure Demonic Spy: ....
Demon: Do you still miss him?
Unpure Demonic Spy: What...?
Demon: Your brother... Do you miss him and... Still love him... Even though he stabbed you...?
Unpure Demonic Spy: Believe it or not... Oui... Je aime toujours mon fr猫re.
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
Unpure Demonic Spy
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Type: Demonic
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Attitude: Polite, Calm (When everything goes to plan), tricker, and intelligent
Fighting Style: Close Range
Abilities: Dark Arts, Demonic Power, Curses/Hexes, Summoning demonic beings, Blood Magic, Illusions, and Possession.
Status: Alive
Occupation: Servant of Darkness
Subordinates: Demons and Imps (Which he created)
Superiors: Himself
Allies: Nightmare Medic
Enemies: Christian Brutal Sniper (CBS) and Christian Pure Spy (CPS)
Demonic Priest Spy appears with red clothing, which looks what a pope would like. His eyes appear to be full of the color red. He would always carry a black staff.
CPS did have a brother, but he never told anyone about him. Because of what happened between them. As many of you already that CPS is the servant of God. Meanwhile, his brother was getting curious and wanted to look deep into it. Which is mostly about Demonology. His brother discovered so many things about it. His brother loved it! And it was too late for him to go back. He had already started to learn about demonic powers.
His brother tried to convince CPS that demonic power could be as good as angelic power. CPS denied it, and they both started to fight each other. CPS did manage to defeat him, but his brother escaped and wasn't found again...
But he will soon come back. He would come back wearing something that resembles holy clothing to mock his brother (CPS).
Personality and Behavior
He is always known to be oddly calm and polite, which makes his enemies feel uneasy. His calmness and politeness make his enemies unable to know what he is thinking. But his calmness can break when everything is failing around him. He is also a trickster, making his enemies put their guard down. And, he is very intelligent, which is why he always has a plan at any time, but he still gets mad when they don't work out.
Powers and Abilities
Of course, he is very well known for doing the Dark Arts all the time. Which are putting curses and hexes only on the people who tried to betray him or destroy his plans. He is able to summon demonic beings from the other world to aid him. He is also able to even create his own demons and imps. Which that's when his blood ability comes in.
He can use blood from humans to create his demons and imps. For him, his blood ritual is his favorite thing to do when he is not trying to fight his brother.
Illusions are another of his abilities, but he barely uses it. But when he does, it can be very dramatic, which his Illusions would include things from anyone past trauma. And use it against you.
Lastly, his possession ability just includes your blood. If he gets some or a little drop of your blood, he is now able to control you.
But when he is not using his powers, he can use his staff as a weapon.
Faults and Weaknesses
Holy/Angelic Magic
His own overconfidence
His brother (Christian Pure Spy/CPS)
He is actually from an OC challenge I made of people giving songs to make Spies OCs.
The song inspired to make him is called "Oh, Ana" by Mother Mother.
UDS is Unpure Demonic Spy for short.
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
Random Medic: So... what do you do for a living?
Unpure Demonic Spy: Oh! I fight my brother to the death and summon unholy creatures!
(This was his first date)
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
i drew UDS ^_^ i hope u like it ehe >_<
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He looks so beautiful!
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
Facts about Unpure/Impure Demonic Spy:
He actually has wings, which are white, but they always have blood dripping down.
He met Nightmare Medic when he was trying to summon something powerful. And they both made a deal that they'll each others' backs exchange for blood and souls.
He creates small demons to keep them as pets.
Yes, he still loves his brother (CPS) and fights him all the time. But he will kill anyone who tries to kill his brother.
He turns a run down church into his hideout and replaces the holiness with darkness.
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
*Goth UDS was sitting on a cliff holding his legs together. Then, UDS joined him.*
UDS: What's wrong now?
Goth UDS: No matter... How hard I try... Pure will just look at me in disappointment...
UDS: Mh... It's.. Something that we can't change you know?
Goth UDS: But I want it change... I just... Want my brother love me back...
*UDS puts a hand on his shoulder*
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
UDS: Mmhh... So you are a another me?
Goth UDS: Yes!
UDS: From another universe?
Goth UDS: Yes!
UDS: So you also sacrifice people too!!?? :D
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
Unpure Demonic Spy: (He was showing his hideout to his date) So! This is where I live! And this is my demons!
Unpure Demonic Spy: And this where I sacrifice people!!!
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
UDS: Mmhh... Damn... How depressed am I?
Goth UDS: Very much... (Is trying so hard not to have a breakdown)
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Goth UDS Demon Form!
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onlythespiesappearhere 5 months
My Goth UDS for @okameeznuts AU! Also, thanks to them for helping me to make his design!
His full design!
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Back of his cape!
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Type: Entity
Alignment: Chaotic
Attitude: Calm (when it isn't bothered), aggressive (when it needs to be), hungry, and curious.
Fighting Style: Close Range
Abilities: Biting, aggressive slapping (those can break a bone), scratching, and teleportation.
Status: Alive
Occupations: ???
Subordinates: None
Superiors: None
Allies: None
Enemies: Anyone who fights it
It's wearing a blue suit with a turtle neck that has a hole. Its neck is crooked. The reason is unknown. Its body is longed, and its skin is white.
The story of this creature is unknown. No one knows what this creature even is. But it appears to be wearing clothing of a Spy.
Personality and Behavior
It will act like a wolf when it hunts. It only appears aggressive when it's hunting and fighting against someone.
Once again, there isn't so much information about this creature. It's just wants to eat.
Powers and Abilities
Teleportation is one of the abilities that it uses to attack its enemies. It can appear behind its enemy to surprise them or take them down. Or it uses it to escape.
It might look slim, but their slaps are so strong that it brake a bone. Which will cause its enemy to weaken themselves that the 6 they can is to try to protect themselves.
It biting ability is so strong that it can break through metal.
Faults and Weaknesses
It can get overwhelmed when too much is going on, and can't it focus on one thing.
Based on an OC challenge that I made just like UDS (Unpure Demonic Spy).
It was inspired by the song called "The Other Side of Paradise" by Glass Animals.
Its pronouns are It/Its
It is agender.
It has one eye where it is placed inside of a crack on its face.
It doesn't have a name.
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Does anyone have an art of Nightmare Medic cause I am gonna ship him with UDS. (Unpure Demonic Spy) and I need a reference. Like... A line reference.
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