#Used Golf Ball Retriever From Water
sariahsue · 2 years
Let Me Count the Ways
Chapter Five - Acceptance
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4]
One of Chat Noir's favorite things about being a superhero was helping people. Sometimes it was big ways, like stopping a rampaging dragon or saving hundreds of lives at once. Sometimes it was small ways, like posing for a picture with someone who looked down or helping retrieve a soccer ball that had gotten kicked over a fence.
His other favorite thing was hanging out with Ladybug. For obvious reasons.
It was always a special treat when he got to do both (especially when he wasn't getting pelted by magical golf balls or falling victim to mind control yet again or jumping into a monster's mouth or whatever). Tonight, they were volunteering at a nursing home, reading stories and playing board games with the residents. He loved listening to them talk about what their childhoods and teenage years had been like. He loved making them laugh with his silly jokes.
Everything seemed right with the world. He was surrounded by happiness. He flicked his gaze over to Ladybug, who sat between two women on a pink sofa. A photo album was open on her lap, and the women were pointing and smiling. But Ladybug's eyes were on him, expression unbelievably soft as she watched him.
He'd never seen her look at him like that before. It made him feel gooey and giddy, and he waved to her like the dorkasaurus that he was. The gentle giggle he heard right afterward was worth potentially embarrassing himself in front of his new friends, though.
When it was time to leave, neither Ladybug nor Chat Noir were ready to part ways. The sun had long since set, but the night was still young, and the air was fresh and brisk.
"You look like you feel better," he said as they sat on one of the many benches of the Jardin du Palais Royal. Water from the fountain splashed somewhere behind them. The rows of trees and beds full of flowers surrounding them rustled quietly in the breeze. One benefit of being superheroes that they didn't use much was the ability to sneak into places like this after they had closed. It was wonderful to have the garden all to themselves.
"Better?" Ladybug asked.
"I don't think I've heard you stutterall week. Did your… problem clear up?"
"Oh." Ladybug tucked her hair behind her ear and studied her knees. "Yeah, I guess it's not really an issue anymore."
Chat Noir was about to congratulate himself for being such a good partner who helped her through a stressful time when she added, "I kind of just accepted it."
He frowned. "That's bad. If something's bothering you, you can't give up–"
"No, it's fine." She waved her hand. "I don't want to fight it anymore." She sighed.
That didn't sound fine, but he couldn't really argue if he didn't know anything about it. "So, if it's not a problem anymore, can you tell me now? You know you can talk to me about anything."
"You're easier to talk to than anyone else I know, but I– I don't think… think I could–" She waved at her mouth to show how tongue-tied she already was over it.
"I promise I won't judge if you stutter," he said. "It's okay if you're upset when you talk. I don't mind."
The air stilled as she thought about her answer. The scent of flowers was heavy around them. "Not upset exactly, but maybe… It's–" She floundered for the right words, and Chat Noir waited patiently. "Um, without specifics." She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "A boy."
All his breath left him in a rush. "Oh." This was about the boy that she'd had a crush on for years. The one who was too dumb to notice her. She hadn't mentioned him in ages. Was he causing problems for her again? Was that where the stuttering had come from?
"Yeah, a boy," she said. "It's just… would you say it's really difficult to hold onto hope after no reciprocation for so long?"
He shrugged noncommittally. He wanted to tell her the truth, that he was still crazy about her. It was the perfect opportunity. But he didn't think it wouldn't be particularly appreciated in the middle of her trying to explain her feelings for someone else. "I guess it is," he said, because his only hope was that it would be true for her and she was finally giving up on the other guy.
"Oh," she said sadly. "I thought so— I mean, I'd hoped, but…"
They were quiet for several moments. The water still gurgled softly. The moon was strong enough to cast shadows through the trees. Every time the wind blew, the shadows rippled and danced at their feet.
Ladybug finally spoke again. "How easy do you think it would be to… light that candle again?"
Chat Noir's cat ears perked up, then flattened again immediately. That sounded like she already had given up on the other guy, but that she also wanted to rekindle the feelings for some reason. "Why are you asking me? Do you want to relight it?" Would it make you happy? he asked silently. Don't you think you could be happy with me instead?
"I want your opinion," she said simply.
Something wasn't right with this discussion. He couldn't imagine why she would want to hear what he had to say about this. All he wanted to do was tell her to give up on her unrequited love forever, so he said, "I don't think candles can be relit."
Ladybug leaned forward and away from him, resting her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands.
She looked utterly defeated.
Why did it even matter what he thought? He was not following the thread of this discussion. At all. "Why do you want to relight your candle anyway?"
"My candle?" she asked, sitting up again. Her deep frown relaxed and her face cleared. "My friends are right. Boys are really bad at subtext."
"What conversation are we having?"
Ladybug hummed, resting on her knees again, but this time smiling up at him. "You're really cute when you're confused."
She wasn't making any sense, and her comment was more tease than compliment. He stood and backed up for a better view of her. Maybe if he had the right – he didn't know, perspective – then it would suddenly make sense. "Couldn't you just be direct?"
She sat up slowly, eyes searching him, and she suddenly looked as uncertain as he felt. "After this discussion, I don't think I'd like your response if I tried." She got up and walked past him, out from under the trees and toward the water fountain. Cold moonlight danced along the pool's surface.
Chat Noir followed her as she sat down on the lip of the fountain. "Sorry," he said, not sure what he was exactly apologizing for.
"It's okay. I knew at the beginning I'd have to figure out a plan. It was silly to hope that I could have it this easily. It's been a long time. I wish I knew how to make…"
Without the trees providing shelter, the wind was more cold and cutting. Ladybug slid closer to him for warmth and rested her head on his shoulder.
Zmmmm. Chat Noir's brain buzzed, her touch quickly drowning out worries about what clues he was missing and his list of strange things she'd been doing. Her hand slipped up his forearm and around his elbow to link their arms together. It was only natural for his head to fall gently on top of hers after that. If she kept it up, he was likely to start purring. He already felt like he was melting into her side.
"I got it," she announced, thankfully not moving from her spot. "I know what to do."
"That's good," he breathed. "Congratulations." Her hair smelled really nice. Bread and shampoo and something that was all her.
He never wanted her to move.
But eventually she had to.
"It's getting late," she said, leaning away and standing up a long while later.
He stood up too, inescapably drawn to her.
The water gurgled as they stared at each other, before Ladybug pushed herself up to her toes and laid a gentle kiss on his right cheek, and then his left.
Chat Noir's brain started going fuzzy again.
"Thank you," she said.
"For…?" he asked, watching the way her mouth formed the words, before remembering that they were just friends and she was probably in love with someone else, and training his gaze somewhere less enticing. Like the grass growing between the gaps in the cobblestone behind her.
"For being so supportive. For always helping me." She grabbed his hands, content to let them hang together in between them. "I love spending time with you. You're wonderful."
He nodded. His heart was full and his mouth felt tingly, and he was sure if he tried to speak, the words would come out all wrong. How could she still do that to him without even trying?
"Until next time?" She gave his hands a quick squeeze before dropping them. "Bye!" She threw her yoyo and was gone.
His empty hands twitched limply. "Bye, Lovebug."
A/N: And now the real fun begins.
Tag list: @clawsout83 @trippingovermyfeet @tbehartoo
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bonzatrading · 5 months
Introducing the Callaway Golf Ball Retriever – your ultimate solution for retrieving those elusive balls from water hazards and hard-to-reach places on the course! With its telescopic design and dual-zip headcover, this retriever is engineered for maximum efficiency and convenience.
Never again will you have to sacrifice your favorite balls to the water! Our retriever extends up to an impressive length, allowing you to reach balls even in the deepest of hazards without getting wet or bending over. Plus, the dual-zip headcover ensures that the retriever remains discreet and protected when not in use, making it easy to store in your golf bag without taking up precious space.
Constructed by Callaway, a trusted name in golf equipment, this retriever combines quality craftsmanship with innovative design to deliver a reliable tool that every golfer needs in their arsenal. Whether you're a beginner learning the ropes or a seasoned pro looking to improve your game, the Callaway Golf Ball Retriever is a must-have accessory that will save you time, money, and frustration on the course.
Don't let lost balls dampen your round – invest in the Callaway Golf Ball Retriever today and enjoy more time playing and less time searching!
Learn more
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horwathgolf · 1 year
Keeping the Fun Rolling: Essential Tips for Maintaining Your Miniature Golf Course
If you want to ensure your mini golf business remains open and thriving all year round, or at least during the busy seasons, you need systems for maintaining your miniature golf course. It is not enough to throw a couple of carpets near a hole and hope for the best.
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Maintaining your miniature golf course doesn't have to be a chore. With the right team in place and plenty of time management, you can keep your visitors smiling and coming back for more. These tips include:
Landscaping & Turf:
The lush green carpet of your miniature golf course is the canvas for countless adventures. Maintaining your miniature golf course starts with keeping the landscaping and turf in tip-top shape. Regularly mow the grass to the perfect height, ensuring smooth putting surfaces. 
Trim those pesky bushes and shrubs that might dare to obstruct your players' winning shots. And don't forget to inspect and repair any damage to your charming flower beds.
Pond & Water Systems:
To maintain this aquatic wonderland, perform regular maintenance checks. Clean and treat the water to prevent the unwanted growth of algae or unpleasant odors. Keep those pumps, fountains, and waterfalls in top shape with timely repairs. 
Remember, a well-functioning water system guarantees an enchanting experience for your visitors, transporting them into a world of adventure.
Course Carpet Cleaning & Stain Removal:
A clean and pristine course carpet is essential for an enjoyable and visually appealing experience. Regularly vacuum the carpets, banishing any dirt or debris that dares to challenge the fun. Should a clumsy player leave a stain behind, swiftly tackle it with the right stain remover, restoring the carpet's splendor. 
For a truly revitalized appearance, consider periodic deep cleaning sessions by professionals who possess the secret formula to revive the vibrancy of your carpets. You want a visually appealing carpet that allows for reliable and consistent putting play.
Removing Balls from Water Elements:
Sometimes, adventurous golf balls take an unexpected dive into water elements. Ensure the game's flow by assigning diligent staff members to retrieve these wandering balls. Equip them with nets, rakes, and specialized tools to rescue the golf balls without causing harm to the water features. 
Establish a systematic process for collecting and cleaning the retrieved balls, readying them for reuse or replacement.
Vibrant Painting by Season:
As the seasons change, take the opportunity to refresh the colors of your obstacles, walls, and pathways. Regularly inspect these elements, banishing any signs of fading or peeling paint. Reimagine the course's appearance with each brush stroke, surprising and delighting your visitors. 
Vary the hues and themes, creating a visual symphony accompanying the thrilling adventure unfolding on your course.
Checking Sound System & Interactive Elements:
Regularly test the sound system, ensuring it immerses players in a world of excitement and anticipation. Take a moment to inspect the interactive elements, ensuring they operate flawlessly and safely. 
Promptly address any malfunctions, allowing players to enjoy the full experience of your course's fascinating features.
Maintaining your miniature golf course is the secret to keeping the fun rolling. If we can make one more suggestion, keep those public restrooms clean! You will experience way more positive reviews and return business with a clean space for guests to do their own business.
If you have any questions about properly maintaining your miniature golf course, be sure to reach out to our team at Horwath Miniature Golf Course. We have years of experience taking an empty space to a vibrant course for countless clients. Give us a call today, and let’s boost your mini golf haven.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Search 'N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever, Silver/Orange/White, 21-Feet
Search ‘N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever, Silver/Orange/White, 21-Feet
From Amazon Jtd Golf Ball Retriever. Search ‘N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever, Silver/Orange/White, 21-Feet.
Jtd Golf Ball Retriever – Today’s Discount Price [price_with_discount]
New Arrivals Jtd Golf Ball Retriever, Search ‘N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever, Silver/Orange/White, 21-Feet.
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Search ‘N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever,…
View On WordPress
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
What is one of the dumbest things someone has done at the Pizzaplex? By that I mean maybe a child trying to climb, not into, but on top of the play structure in the daycare, or something actually jumping into Monty Golf's water to retrieve golf ball?
Freddy: *Annoyed sigh* Well that shopping cart incident with Monty and Moon was... not smart. They could have easily damaged themselves so severely they would have needed new endoskeletons. Or they could have destroyed something so expensive that it would be cheaper to replace them!
...I just don't get it. Along, those two are very smart and capable individuals, but together... They seem to lose any sense and someone or something winds up getting hurt!
Anyway, I think you are asking about guests and not us. I haven't seen any guests make any real lapses in judgement calls. There have been a few teenagers who tried to cut Roxy's hair for some reason, but she quickly figured out what they were doing and they got security called on them. Those teens are no longer allowed in Roxy Raceway from what I recall.
Then there was a child who, during a private party Chica and I were hosting, kept rubbing toys and even some batteries in pizza grease and milkshake and tried to feed it to Chica... Thankfully I grabbed onto Chica before she bit that poor child's hand, but now we have a policy and signs stating not to feed the animatronics by hand. If a child wants to offer a plate of pizza to one of us, that's fine, but they can't try to feed us by hand... Especially Chica...
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yournameoneverypage · 3 years
Moon Over Miami
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Anon request; Shawn Mendes x (y/n).
Warnings: Language.
~ * ~
You scowled at your overflowing carry on. You really didn’t want to bring something bigger, because that would mean baggage check and waiting at luggage carousels and that was just a headache waiting to happen.
Shawn was stretched across your bed on his back, tossing a tennis ball in the air and catching it again. “(Y/n), it’s Miami and we’re only going to be there for four days,” he chuckled. “You do not need to pack so many clothes.”
“Yes, I do. You’re a boy; you don’t understand.”
“First off, I am not a boy. I am a man, and a very attractive one at that.”
You rolled your eyes. Even if you wholeheartedly agreed, you were not going to stroke his ego.
“At the very least, lose most of the makeup. You’ll just sweat it off anyway. And you know I like you better without all that gunk on your face.”
“It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t like, now does it?” you snarked.
He sat up and leaned back against the pillows at the headboard. “I just meant that you’re already so pretty, naturally.”
Shawn was always finding little ways to compliment you and, secretly, you loved it, even if it made you blush, even if it was hard to believe some days.
“Fine.” You threw your hands up in the air in frustration. “You pack for me then.”
“Fine. I will.” He stood from the bed and poked your side. “So dramatic,” he teased, dancing his fingertips from ribcage to hip.
You gave him a small shove, and quickly moved out of tickling range (he knew where your most sensitive spots were). You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Don’t stick it out unless you intend to use it,��� he smirked.
“Ha! You wish,” you giggled.
~ * ~
You and Shawn.
It was...confusing.
You had first met him five months ago and had become a regular fixture in his life over the past three. You were friends, good friends. Good friends who spent a ridiculous amount of time together. Good friends who flirted. A lot.
There were feelings, definitely on your side, growing stronger every day you spent together, and you were starting to believe there were deeper feelings on his side as well.
Other than outright pressing your lips to his, and you had never really been that forward with anyone, you weren’t sure what to do to tip the scales from friendship and flirtation to more.
You could simply tell him you were falling for him and that you wanted to take your relationship to the next level, but that scared you even more than the thought of kissing him.
~ * ~
Fifteen minutes later, Shawn stood smugly beside you. Your bag was packed neatly, and you were happy with everything he chose (not that you would admit that to him), which showed you he knew you better than you thought he did. There was even enough room left over for accessories.
It shouldn’t have surprised you; he was pretty adept at packing, having been on tour so often.
“Shut up,” you mumbled.
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“But you want to.”
Shawn laughed.
You only added two things, just to prove a point.
~ * ~
You may as well have been in Florida with only Brian and Connor for as often as Shawn had been around the first two days.
The trip had started out incredibly.
You took a redeye from LA to Miami. Shawn held your hand during takeoff and landing. It was your first time flying first class; you didn’t care that you slept through most of it.
Shawn had rented a 3-bedroom beachfront bungalow for the long weekend and had ordered a breakfast basket to be waiting for you when you got there. Everyone ate their fill of croissants and muffins and fresh fruit while you sipped your tea and coffee. Afterward you all agreed that a morning nap poolside sounded ideal.
Shawn claimed the double lounger for the two of you. You curled up beside him and he threw a light blanket over both his and your legs. You laid your head on his shoulder and were asleep within minutes.
When you opened your eyes again, after the best nap you may have ever had in your life thus far, Shawn was no longer beside you. You could see him just inside the back door, talking on his phone.
“Hey,” he announced, returning to the patio, after seeing that you, Brian, and Connor had all awoken. “I’m going to catch up with Camila. I’ll text you after lunch; see where you are.”
~ * ~
You didn’t see Shawn again that first day until you were making plans to spend the evening in South Beach for sunset drinks, dinner, and then a pub crawl for even more drinking.
The boys teased you for being such a lightweight. You were blissfully buzzed, which made it easier for you to let your inhibitions go. Shawn was more intoxicated than you were, which made it a lot easier for you to tug him onto the dance floor.
Flush against him while you moved together to the music, fingertips grazing bare skin, it was too easy to forget that you had been upset with him at all.
Spending all afternoon at the Bayside Market in the hot Miami sun, followed by a night of drinking and dancing into the very early hours of the morning had finally caught up with you. By the time you made it back to the bungalow, you were piggyback on Shawn, your sandals dangling from his fingers by the straps.
~ * ~
Day 2 began with three boys nursing hangovers much worse than yours. You did little things to annoy them, on purpose, which was, admittedly, not very nice of you. You knew they’d had enough when they decided to throw you in the pool. When Shawn reached out, laughing, to help you out, you pulled him in instead.
He chased you into one of the corners of the deep end, trapping you between the pool wall and his hard, wet chest, his arms on either side of you. You had to hold onto his biceps to keep yourself afloat, which, from the look in his eyes, was exactly how and where he wanted you.
Your heart was telling you to use this position to your advantage, finally tip those scales, and you might have if it had been the night before when you were a little drunk. Regretfully, you were sober and when you were sober you tended to overthink things. Now that you were sober, he was too close.
You ducked underwater, under his arm, and quickly pulled yourself out of the pool.
~ * ~
Once you were dry and dressed, you dragged Shawn, Connor, and Brian to Wynwood to go on a golf cart tour of the Walls. They had all been to Miami before, more than once, so they had put you in charge of the itinerary.
From Wynwood you made your way to Little Havana.
After a string of late afternoon texts from Camila, Shawn asked if she could join the four of you for dinner. He wanted you to meet her.
They tried their best to be inclusive throughout dinner, and Camila was certainly nice enough, but still you felt like the fifth wheel, the spare, most of the time.
After dinner, Shawn and Camila wandered off together. When it became clear that Shawn wouldn’t be returning to the house with the rest of you, your heart sank. You stewed in your hurt until it became anger.
You understood that Camila was one of Shawn’s best friends, and he hadn’t seen her for a while. You could forgive him for the day before, but this was supposed to be your trip. You, Brian, Connor, and Shawn. D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers. If all Shawn had wanted to do was hang out with Camila, why had he bothered to invite you at all? You held no grudge against or felt any ill will toward Camila. It wasn’t her fault that Shawn was being a clueless dick.
~ * ~
You were laying on your side, looking out the window of which you forgot to close the blinds. The moon reflected off the still water of the pool that you could see from your room.
You heard the quietest clearing of someone’s throat. You rolled over to see Shawn leaning against the frame of the doorway, bare chested, in soft gray pajama bottoms.
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked softly. You couldn’t sleep either, even though you were exhausted.
You really didn’t want to spend the remainder of your time in Miami being angry with him. There were still two days left. You patted the mattress on the empty side of your bed. That was all the invitation he needed.
Shawn crawled into bed beside you, tugged on the open collar of the other half of his pajamas, and chuckled, “Thief.”
“It’s so soft, and it smells like you,” you whispered.
Shawn laid his head on your stomach and you instinctively started to run your fingers through his hair, tugging gently on his curls. You heard him sigh deeply, contentedly, and the next thing you remembered was waking up to the bright morning sun.
~ * ~
You smiled and stretched languidly. Shawn must have made his way back to his own room during the night sometime. You didn’t hear anyone else up and about yet. You decided to surprise the boys by making breakfast.
Brian and Connor stumbled into the kitchen, following the smell of sizzling bacon and strong coffee.
“Is Shawn still sleeping?” you asked.
Connor and Brian exchanged a look. Connor cleared his throat and said, “Shawn isn’t here.”
You didn’t even have to ask where he had gone. Returning to your room you retrieved your phone on the nightstand. You hadn’t bothered to check it when you woke up.
There was a group text from Shawn that read:
Grabbing a workout and then a quick breakfast with Camila. Be back soon.
Brian and Connor were nearly finished eating when Shawn returned, oblivious to what he was walking into. He grabbed a few slices of bacon and sat down to join them at the kitchen island.
“Where’s (y/n)?”
Brian and Connor shook their heads at him. “You can be such a prick sometimes,” Brian said. Both he and Connor then stood and left the room.
Confused, Shawn glanced around and suddenly it all made sense. “Shit,” he said to himself, under his breath.
~ * ~
Shawn stood in your bedroom doorway like he had the night before.
“I’m sorry, (y/n).”
You refused to acknowledge him.
“I didn’t know you were going to make breakfast or I would have been back sooner.”
You wanted to bite at him that he shouldn’t have been gone at all.
You had just pulled on your swimsuit cover up when you turned to him. His eyes snapped from your ass to your eyes. You slipped on your sunglasses, grabbed your beach bag, and said, “Brian, Connor, and I will be on the beach, if you decide you want to join us.” You pushed past him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he replied.
~ * ~
You purposely chose to wear the smallest, sexiest bikini you had with you. It wasn’t one you yourself would have packed but since Shawn had been the one to pack your carry on he must have wanted to see you in it. The day you bought it was a day when you were feeling particularly confident in your body.
By the time Shawn made it down to the beach, he found you in conversation with two young men who weren’t Brian or Connor. You had removed your cover up and stood before them in your tiny white string bikini.
You were laughing at something one of them was saying. Shawn saw you reach out and briefly place your hand on his forearm.
Shawn was unprepared for the surge of violent irritation that nearly overtook him.
He saw you notice him. He bristled when you leaned in and said something in the other man's ear. He watched as you slid the temple tip of your sunglasses between your teeth. He saw you put your hand on your waist and slightly arch your back. He watched as you touched the small pendant of the necklace you were wearing and drew it away from the skin between your breasts.
Shawn hated the way the two men were looking at you. His stomach churned; his muscles tensed; his heart felt too tight in his chest. He couldn't take anymore.
Sidling up beside you, he wrapped his large hand around the nape of your neck, gently yet possessively.
“Oh, hi Shawn,” you said casually, shrugging out of his grip. “Meet my new friends, Chase and Evan.” You smiled at them, fluttering your eyelashes and biting softly on your lower lip.
“Boyfriend?” Chase asked.
“Oh no, Shawn and I are just friends.” You eased closer to Evan and reached out, meaning to touch the bracelet he was wearing, but before you could, Shawn grabbed your wrist.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” he gritted through a fake smile, pulling you away.
“Let go of me,” you snapped. He did, immediately. He never had nor would he ever do anything to physically hurt you.
Brian and Connor, having seen more than enough, hurried toward you. They made you and Shawn take a step back.
“What the hell is going on?” Connor exclaimed.
“(Y/n) is being childish,” Shawn growled.
Maybe you were, but you were upset, goddamn it. “Me?! Look who’s talking! You’re acting like a jealous boyfriend! You have no claim on me!”
“You’re both being childish!” bit Brian. “And you’re starting to cause a scene. Get over yourselves and fucking talk like adults. If you can’t, walk away,” he admonished.
Shawn ran a hand through his hair and tugged frustratingly on his curls before storming off.
Brian gestured for Connor to stay with you and he followed after Shawn.
“Why did you have to antagonize him?” Connor questioned.
You glared at him. “This is not my fault. Of course you’re on his side.”
“I am on no one’s side. You’re both at fault, and you fucking know it. Yeah, he’s kind of been an asshole, but you didn’t have to flirt with those guys so brazenly right in front of him.” Connor’s voice softened. “You know how he feels about you, (y/n). You should apologize.”
You were thoroughly abashed but still feeling stubborn. You turned on Connor and said, “I will when he does.”
You put your cover up back on, slipped into your sandals, and grabbed your clutch which held your wallet, your eReader, and your phone. You trusted Connor to bring everything else back to the bungalow for you.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“For a walk. I need to be alone.”
~ * ~
The sun was going down when you returned to the house.
When you walked in the door, Shawn, who had been sitting on the edge of the ottoman, stood, and approached you cautiously. He rubbed the back of his neck. “You were starting to worry us,” he said softly.
“I’m sorry. I needed some time to cool off and to think.”
“I’m just glad you’re safe.” His relief was palpable. He stepped even closer to you. “I’m sorry. For how I acted and what I said on the beach. It’s inexcusable.”
“I am, too. I should never have purposely tried to upset you.” You unconsciously reached out and ran your fingertips along the V of Shawn’s t-shirt. “That was the first time we’ve ever fought... I didn’t like it.”
He covered your hand with his, flattening your palm against his heart, which you could feel was beating quite quickly. “Come and have dinner. It’s time to stop thinking and start talking.”
He smirked and began walking backward, hand still over yours.
It was that smirk that set your heart thumping. You followed, curiously, anxiously.
On the back patio was a romantic table set for two, surrounded by tea lights and lit candles.
“Shawn? What’s going on?” you asked, breathlessly.
He crossed to the table and pulled one of the chairs out for you. “Sit, Love. Eat.”
“I don’t think I can.”
“What?” He felt as if his heart might break.
“Too many butterflies.” You softly bit your bottom lip.
“Oh,” he breathed.
“Can we talk first?”
“Of course.”
You walked over to and sat down on the outdoor sectional.
Shawn dropped down beside you with a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry, (y/n). I’ve been, well, an asshole seems to be the overall consensus. I shouldn’t have ditched you to spend so much time with Camila.”
“I know you’re close,” you said, “and I know it had been awhile since you’d seen her. I tried to be understanding.”
“No,” he interrupted, “this is on me. This was supposed to be our trip. You, Brian, Connor, and me.”
“D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” you said in unison and you both laughed.
Shawn leaned closer you. “Do you want to know the truth?” he asked, as if it was the greatest secret he held, which, to him, it was. “She was talking me through my feelings for you.” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “She made it very clear to me that I was ‘estúpido’ for spending time with her instead of the person I should be, for talking through my feelings with her instead of with the one I really needed to talk with.”
“You have feelings for me?” you breathed, feeling your entire body flush, not just your cheeks.
Shawn laughed softly and took your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. “It’s not obvious? I was jealous of those other guys because I want to be the boyfriend. I want the right to call you mine... I’m falling in love with you, (y/n). Which is insane since we haven’t even kissed yet. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to; every time I see you I want to kiss you.”
Without warning, you pressed your lips to his. It took him not even a moment to respond, pulling you onto his lap and cupping your face. Kissing Shawn was even better than you had ever imagined it would be.
When finally you eased away from him, breathless, you confessed, “I’m falling in love with you too, Shawn. I want you to be mine. I want to be only yours.”
“Does that mean I can kiss you whenever I want to?” he whispered, grinning happily.
“Over and over and over again,” you breathed.
His lips once more met yours. Your hands encircled the nape of his neck. Tender and unhurried turned deep and delicious.
Your lips left his with an audible ‘aʘa’ and you giggled. “Can we eat now? I’m starving.”
Shawn’s answering laugh, rich and lightsome, was everything.
~ * ~
@mendesblurb @benito-mi-vida
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“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
There’s a cuss word or two mentioned in this one. 
Friday night meant date night in the Higgins-Conlon household. This particular Friday night meant that it was Race’s turn to pick the date night activity. All he told Spot was to be ready to go by 5:30 and make sure he had his “A-Game” ready. 
Hearing a low whistle, Spot looked up from tying his shoes with a grin. “Who’s the hottie standing in front of me?” 
“Your husband.” Spot deadpanned, pushing himself off the sofa and walking to where Race was standing. “Who’s the hottie standing in front of me?” 
“The poor sucker you’re stuck with for the rest of your life.” Race chuckled, pulling him into a kiss before pulling back with a satisfied grin. “Ready to get your ass kicked, Conlon?” 
Raising an eyebrow at his husband, Spot shook his head. “That sounds like I’m going to be dreading this date night activity.” 
“Nah, you’ll enjoy yourself but you can’t pout too much when I kick your ass at mini golf.” Race grinned, lacing his hand with Spot’s before pulling him from the house and out to the car. 
“Mini Golf? That’s your grand plan for date night?” Spot asked, getting into the car. “You’ve been boasting about date night for the last week and you pick mini golf.” 
Race chuckled, starting the engine. “There’s a twist.” 
“You’ve got me intrigued. I’m listening.” Spot said, fiddling with the radio as Race drove through town to the local mini golf location. 
Race shook his head, stopping at a red light. “Nope . . . I’ve said too much. Now play with the radio and don’t worry about a thing. I’ve got it all under control.” 
“The last time you said that we ended up in the Emergency Room for hours on end.” Spot spotted back, giving his husband a look. 
Nodding, Race couldn’t argue with that. “That’s true but that’s not going to happen tonight.” 
Holding up his pinkie, Spot looked over at Race. “Promise?” 
“Well . . . . do you really want me to promise that?” 
Pulling into the mini golf place, Race quickly found a parking spot. “You will be perfectly fine tonight. Neither one of us will end up in the Emergency Room. Now come on, it’s time to start date night.” 
They paid, picked out their golf balls (navy for Spot and lime green for Race) before heading out to the course. Before they started on the first hole, Race reached into his pocket and took out a stack of index cards. “Now this is what we’re going to do. On each of these cards, there are different challenges or items listed. One of us will pick from the stack of the cards before each hole and do what the card says. There’s nothing on here that will hurt you - Jack and Kat helped me with this so you know that you’re not going to die.” 
Spot grinned. “Alright, who picks first?” 
“You.” Race said as he fanned out the cards. 
Quickly picking one, Spot flipped it open and started laughing. “Pool Par-Tee - Hit the ball as this was a game of pool. Use your club like a pool cue!’ Alright, let’s do this.” 
They both had some laughs watching the other shoot their ball as if it was a pool cue. “That was absolutely horrible but a lot of fun. Now onto the second hole, your turn to pick.” 
Race handed a stack of cards to Spot as he fanned them out. “Sole for the hole - use your foot, instead of the club, to hit the ball in the hole.” 
Kicking the ball, Race cheered loudly when it neared the hole but just slid to the side. “Beat that Conlon!” 
Spot grinned, kicked the ball and watched it take the same path of Race’s before dropping slowly into the hole. “In your face, Higgins!” 
“But-but-but . . .” Race’s jaw dropped, looking at the navy blue ball sitting pretty in the hole. “What the hell, Conlon?” 
“I know my butt’s pretty but that’s how a master works, Higgins.” Walking over to retrieve his ball, Spot grinned. “Knock your ball in so we can get on with it.” 
They continued on with the game with the challenges at the hole getting more and more sillier. At one hole, they took their second swing while their eyes were closed; at another, they swung granny style - the club between their legs; and at another, they had to sit cross-legged while swinging the club. Needless to say, their scores were awful at mini golf, with Spot just barely winning. 
“Ha! In your face, Higgins. All that trash talk earlier was for nothing.” Spot blew a raspberry in his direction as they neared the car. 
Nodding, Race waved him off, unlocking the car before getting in. Once Spot was settled, he leaned over and kissed him. “Did you have fun?” 
“Of course. It’s always fun having a date night with you.” Spot grinned. “That was some twist to mini golf but it was good to let loose, have fun, and laugh with you.” 
“Good. Now let’s go get dinner.” 
Race drove them to an old diner in town that was completely empty, except for a couple at the other end. They slid into a booth, Race throwing two laminated menus on the table. “Why do you have to look? You always get the same thing here.” 
“Maybe I want to change up my dinner option.” Spot stuck his tongue out at Race as he laughed. 
“Hey boys. Are we doing the usual?” Mindy, the head waitress, walked over to them setting down a Coke for Race and a water for Spot. 
“Still deciding, Mindy. Can we have a few minutes?” Race asked, grinning at the teenager. 
She shook her head. “Uh huh, that’s why you always say Race yet you order the same thing even after ten more minutes of looking. But yes, I’ll give you a few minutes.” 
She walked away shaking her head, mumbling something as Spot’s eyes went wide at the callout from the teenager. “She’s got you pegged.” 
“She’s sassy tonight, that’s for sure.” Race took a sip of his Coke as the bell rang above the door, signalling someone coming in. Spot’s eyes went wide when he saw who it was. 
“Incoming.” Spot whispered to Race as the newcomers scanned the diner before falling on the pair. 
“Racer, Spottie, didn’t expect to see you two here.” Jack Kelly’s loud, boisterous voice rang out as Race groaned softly. 
Jack and Kat came over to their table as Jack sat next to Race. Kat looked apologetic at the two of them. “Jack, it looks like they’re on a date.” 
“They don’t mind, do ya fellas?” Jack asked, looking between his brother and brother-in-law. 
Race grinned. “Nah the more the merrier.” 
Kat hesitantly sat down next to Spot with a small smile. She looked between Race and Spot for something as the air was thick with something unknown. Turning to Spot, she whispered.  “Did we interrupt something?” 
“No. We just got done at the mini golf course. Race mentioned that you helped him with date night tonight.” Spot grinned, looking at his sister-in-law. 
She smiled. “Yeah he wanted to do mini golf but he wanted a twist. A simple google search brought up some ideas.” 
“It was a lot of fun. There were some good laughs.” Spot pulled out his phone as Race broke away from the conversation with Race. 
“Sean . . . do not.” Race warned, giving his husband a look. 
Spot looked up, blew Race an air kiss before opening his phone and flipping through the photos he took. “I think this one might go on our Christmas card this year.” 
Kat laughed seeing a photo of Race granny shooting, the club between his legs with the most awkward look on his face. “That’s a print and hang up in the house kind of photo.” 
“Christmas Card worthy.” Spot grinned, swiveling his hand so Race and Jack could look at the photo. Race snorted at himself before shaking his head. “Not Christmas Card worthy, Spottie. Need I bring out my phone to show the one . . .”
“Alright, you don’t have to get so hasty, Racetrack.” Spot gave him a look as Mindy came back. 
They quickly ordered as Jack grinned looking around the table. “This is a fantastic double date.” 
“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.” Kat looked at her husband with an eyebrow raised. 
Jack tilted his head with a grin. “You went along with it.” 
Shaking her head, she sighed looking between Race and Spot. They both laughed, shaking their heads, knowing how impossible it was to persuade Jack once he got a thought stuck in his head. “Don’t worry about it Kat. It’s a pretty good way to end the night. Just don’t be surprised when we crash one of your future date nights.” 
“Duly noted.” Jack said, sipping his drink. Race asked about the previous week and the conversation picked up around the table and didn’t stop until Mindy delivered the food. Fries were stolen off of plates while the four laughed about a variety of topics. 
Spot pushed his plate away from him with a sigh. Yes, Friday nights were date nights but there was no place he’d rather be than surrounded by his husband and family. It was a great end to a great day. A foot knocked his ankle as he looked over at Race with a grin. An ‘I love you’ was mouthed as Race finished off his grilled cheese sandwich with a happy sigh. Spot repeated the three words as Jack and Kat finished up. 
“Now what?” Jack asked with a grin. 
Faking a yawn, Spot gave Jack a look. “It’s bedtime for me, especially if we’re getting up early to tailgate before the game tomorrow.” 
Jack and Race’s eyes went wide with excitement. “I almost forgot about that. What time are we meeting?” 
“Gates open at 8am so we’ll probably meet around 7:30 and head over there to get our normal spot. Blink is bringing the grill and Albert the tables and chairs.” Race ticked off before looking at his sister-in-law. “And what will you be doing while we’re at the game?” 
“Enjoying a quiet house.” She grinned. “Actually, I think the girls might come over and hang out while all of you men are at the game.” 
Nodding, Race grinned. “Spottie, ready to head out?” 
“Yea. This was fun but let’s do it again on a non-date night, huh?” Spot asked, pushing himself out of the booth with a grin. 
Goodnights were given as the couples split up.  With a final wave and a promise of seeing them tomorrow, Spot and Race headed to the car. The ride was quiet as they made their way home. Pulling into the driveway, Race groaned getting out of the car before heading into the house. “Hey Race?” 
Looking at Spot, Race paused toeing off his shoes. “Yeah?” 
“Thanks for a great date night. I had a lot of fun. And I know you didn’t exactly invite Jack and Kat but it was good to see them.” Spot walked closer to him, lacing his fingers with Spot’s. 
Leaning over for a kiss, Race grinned. “You’re welcome. Come on, let’s go to bed, I’m exhausted.”
Thanks @wide-eyed--wonderer for sending in this prompt! 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
Drabble: Cheap Thrills (baon)
Summary: Stretch can get a lot of entertainment out of a thrift store find.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Stretch loved to pick up old books at the thrift shop. There were so many gems that might get lost at a traditional bookstore, like his trusty copy of ‘How to Teach Spanish to Dogs.’
Romance novels were cheap and plentiful, and he got them by bagful for Blue, who never much seemed interested in finding his own romance but loved reading about others. Old reference books filled with outdated information that was still interesting to read about, seeing what people used to believe, until science or society proved them wrong.
Then there were specialty finds.
Stretch wasn’t even two steps through the front door before he held up his prize, announcing happily, “look what i found!”
Edge barely looked up from his laptop, “If it has even one clown on it—"
“No clowns.” That was a prize he’d be sure to stash behind the shower curtain for maximum effect.
For once Stretch didn’t mind Edge working a little overtime at home. Kept him off his feet, gave all those healing juices a chance to settle in.
But a little distraction never hurt. Stretch flopped on the sofa and settled his head right into Edge’s lap, ignoring his exasperated sigh as he held out the book he’d found.
The cover was old and stained, but the title was still readable, ‘The Congregational Cook Book’ and in small letters beneath that, ‘edited by the ladies’ aid society of the First Congregational Church of Ebott, 1915.’
He knew his baby well. As soon as Edge stopped glaring an actually looked at the book, a flicker of interest made an appearance. He set his laptop on the coffee table, ignoring Stretch’s exaggerated sputters of suffocation as his forward lean threatened to smother him with Edge’s shirt, then took the book.
“A cookbook?”
“a really old cookbook!” Stretch enthused, “like, a century old. i thought maybe you’d like to try one it out. See how it compares to the youtube generation of cooking.”
“That does sound interesting,” Edge flipped through the book, reading aloud, “Salmon omelet, no, thank you, green tomato pickles, hot water gingerbread, hm, apple tarts. I do have apples, how does that sound?”
“baby, anything you make sounds like mana from heaven.” And at Edge’s raised brow bone, Stretch admitted, “except risotto, okay, but that’s less you than a general dislike of the genre.”
Edge nudged Stretch off his lap and stood, heading into the kitchen with book in hand. Normally, Stretch would’ve tossed him a fair thee well and let him get to it, but this time, he followed Edge through the swinging door. He was sort of curious if there were any differences in a recipe from a hundred years ago to now, and hey, science, right?
Not that he planned on helping with the cooking process, he was here strictly as an observer, and he plopped down into one of the chairs that surrounded their ‘dining room table’, “so, how much longer are we eating at the card table?”
“Not long,” Edge retrieved a large bowl from under the counter and a set of measuring cups from the cupboard before tying on an apron. “I’m working on a plan for our new kitchen layout. As soon as it’s done, I’ll have the builders get started on it.”
“uh huh, no rush, i was only curious,” Stretch propped his chin on one hand. “you do have a lot on your plate right now, babe. and there’s your whole mental health assessment you still need done.”
Really, it was sort of impressive how much Stretch could glean from slightest change in his husband’s expression. A normal person would think there was no change, but Stretch was good with languages, spent years learning Edge-ese. He knew a twist of distaste when it saw it, “Yes. There is that.”
Any other comment about it was effectively blocked by Edge’s renewed focus on the cookbook, reading the recipe aloud beneath his breath. His brow bone slowly furrowed, concentration replaced with dismay. Which…it was a cookbook, not a grimoire of early twentieth century curses. Wasn’t it?
“babe?” Stretch asked cautiously, “what is it?”
“What kind of recipe is this!” Edge exclaimed. He picked up the book and read aloud, “Eggs, oil, fresh butter or lard, sugar, baking powder, as much flour as it needs. Must be soft as an earlobe, thicker than cake.”
“uh…” Stretch scratched at the back of his skull. “and?”
“That's it. That's the entire recipe. There’s no measurements, no directions, no temperature for baking!” He slapped the book back down on the counter-top. “There are no apples listed! How can this be a recipe for apple tarts without apples? How in the name of the unknown am I supposed to gauge the softness of an earlobe when I don’t have ears?”
All great questions, except Stretch was in possession of exactly zero answers. “does seem a little speciest against those of us without earlobes.”
Edge glared at the cookbook as if by his will alone answers to his questions would come, which was why Stretch was a little surprised when Edge said abruptly, "Let me see your phone."
"yeah, sure," Stretch said, slowly handing it over. Not like he had any secrets or anything and while Edge might change his own passwords at least once a month for security reasons, he’d been using the first 6 digits of Pi since he got the phone. “why?”
“Because I left mine in the living room.” Edge tapped the screen impatiently holding it out as it began dialing out over speakerphone.
A sleepy voice answered, "'lo? Wassup, Boney Marony. "
"Jeff,” Edge said, “I’m afraid you’ll have to engage in wordplay with my husband later. Right now, I need you to come over so I can feel your ears."
A long moment of silence. "That’s very specific. Okay, I'll bite, give me five."
It was more like ten minutes, with Edge sitting impatiently across from Stretch, who was engaged in a furious game of Words With Friends on his newly retrieved phone. Until the light knock came on the front door followed by Jeff shambling into the kitchen. He looked like they’d woken him from a nap, his hair was smashed flat on one side and sticking up on the other. He scratched at his t-shirt covered belly and yawned out, "You know, before I met you guys, I never got calls like this."
“sounds to me like you needed a little more excitement in your life,” Stretch said cheerily.
Edge didn’t bother with a greeting. He limped determinedly over, stripping off his gloves as he went, and without warning began to vigorously fondle Jeff’s earlobes. Jeff squeaked out a mousy sound, his eyes wide as golf balls as he stared up at Edge.
Well. Wasn’t like Andy didn’t know why he was here.
“easy, babe,” Stretch winced, “he might need a little foreplay before you go right for the lobes.”
“I’m checking his ears, not his testicles,” Edge said curtly, even as he leaned down to peer closely at the ears in question.
That remark made Stretch and Jeff speak in unison,
“holy shit, wow, just tossing that out there, huh.”
“Okay, I’m good to help a friend out, but I am drawing the line at ball grabbing.”
Edge ignored them both. He let Jeff go and limped back to his gathered ingredients, already starting to measure them into the bowl, “Thank you, Jeff, that will be all.”
Welp, that sounded like a dismissal. Stretch climbed to his feet, jerking his head towards the door. “c’mon, andy, we can take in a flick while you’re here, if you want.”
Jeff was still a little wobbly, gingerly reaching up to touch one of his well-inspected ears as he followed Stretch out, “Do I want to know what that was all about?”
Stretch shrugged, “cooking.”
“Cooking,” Jeff repeated. He mouthed it again, soundlessly, then shook his head. “I don’t even think I want to know, plausible deniability is probably better. So, he asked for me to help, why?”
“well, how many other humans does edge know that he can call up and ask?” Stretch asked reasonably. He picked up the remote and turned on Netflix. “and don’t say your honey because we both know he’d just hang up, especially without having the proper forms filled out first.”
“Glad to be the go-to guy for illicit cooking-related bodily inspections.” Jeff joined Stretch on the sofa, settling in. “Classic Twilight Zone, huh? Good choice.”
The first episode was mostly over by the time Edge came out with a tray with a half-dozen golden-brown treats that brimmed with appley goodness. Stretch and Jeff dug in, mumbling thank you’s around their mouthfuls and Stretch was already on his second one when he noticed Edge was scribbling notes. He chewed and swallowed his current bite and asked, “what are you doing?”
“Gauging your reactions,” Edge said, still writing, “I kept a close track of the ingredient measurements that I used so that I can make changes for the second batch. Are they too dry? Is the pastry tough?”
“Tastes fine to me,” Jeff said around his mouthful.
“Crisp? Chewy? Is there enough spice?” Edge persisted. The two of them did their best to answer him around bites and finally, Edge made a satisfied sound and disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Huh,” Jeff snagged another tart. “How many batches you think he’s gonna make?”
Stretch shrugged, “i do my experiments and he does his.”
“His taste better.”
“my science isn’t the kind you lick.”
“So far it hasn’t involved you groping my ears, either,” Jeff took a bite and groaned around it, “Worth it, man, but the balls are still off-limits.”
“sounds reasonable.” Stretch snagged the last tart and sank back to watch the pig-faced doctor demanding a needle to sedate his patient, happily waiting to review batch number two.
Hey, he got a snack and a show, all for the price of a thrift store book. Now all he needed to do was sneak that clown statue into the bathroom, but eh, he might wait a while on that. This was enough entertainment for one day.
So, the recipe in question has been slightly modified from one in a reddit post and the poster had a couple of similar questions as Edge, although their solution wasn't the same. 😂 I couldn't resist writing how Edge would react to finding such a recipe.
The ‘The Congregational Cook Book, edited by the ladies’ aid society of the First Congregational Church, 1915.’ is real enough and I own it. Some of recipes and their measurements are very interesting in comparison to what we see now!
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reciproburstbaby · 5 years
Hello!! I absolutely adore your writing, i just binged your whole masterslist! And i adored each and every story!! So i was wondering if i could get headcanons for Sero, Deku, and kirishima, taking their s/o on a mini golf date! -sleepy💕
Mini- Golf Date Headcanons: Izuku, Kirishima and Sero
Izuku Midoriya
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This tends to be an ordinary thing, you both love the little game. And know how to play it well. 
The first time that you went mini-golfing with Izuku you had pretended not to know anything about playing just so he would wrap his arms around you and show you how. 
He does this sometimes anyway just because he gets to be close to you. 
Imagine you’re getting ready to hit the ball and suddenly he just has his arms around you. 
“Babe… I was getting ready to putt.” You mutter
“But you like it when I hold you. Right?” He says
 “Well Yeah.” 
Deku sometimes uses like 2 percent of his quirk but denies it when you say anything about it. 
You know-how in the road chip, Simon is using like math and stuff to get the perfect shot? That’s Deku. He’s even got a notebook devoted to it.
Sero Hanta
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This is probably the first date that you go on with Sero. So you’re both probably nervous as hell. 
That said, you are both excited that you are together. He’s so excited that he’s all worked up. 
He’s hitting the balls into the water trap on purpose and no matter how many times you told him not to he would do it. 
After the fifteenth time you have had enough, you pointedly try and make him stop but does it work nope.
 “Babe, stop.” 
“But it’s fun.” He’d say to you 
“Go get another ball.”  
He proceeds to jump into the water to retrieve the ball he lost. 
Cue eye roll from you. 
Soaking wet, because he couldn't find his ball goes off to get another ball and comes back with not only a ball but he bought you candy to appease for his actions. 
Eijiro Kirishima
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This would be maybe the second date you would go on together, the first would have been to a nice restaurant. 
You were god awful at playing the game, so freaking bad but Kiri is like a Cheerleader. 
Even when you clearly missed and your ball had gone into the water, he told you that it was a great shot. 
Finished ten minutes before you did but kept encouraging you to try and get yours in the hole.
Pushes your ball into the hole if it’s close enough, like, you’re coming around the obstacle and he’s pushed it in the hole. 
“Babe you got a hole in one!” 
After playing Mini-golf the two of you go to an ice cream shop and get ice cream. So he can make you feel better, about the entire game. 
“I was awful!” You say with a laugh
“Nah, you were great sweetheart. Let’s go again next weekend.” He’d say back
“Sure, if I get ice cream after I’m terrible again.”
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tsukiakaeru · 4 years
Got Bored, so here is a Brief Explanation of Every Known Contractor’s Power and Price!
Be warned that there’s multiple things that can be a trigger, including purging, self harm, nudity, blood and gore, and others. There will be small spoilers as well. This is a bit of a long list, so sorry for that. Proceed at your own risk.
Abigail Croft: Can induce hallucinations into anyone around them, leaving them stuck and confused. In exchange, she must lick skin.
Alma: She can shape shift into any form she chooses. In exchange, she ages significantly faster, every time she shape shifts aging her forward by decades. As a result, she doesn’t get many uses before she dies of old age.
Amagiri: Can propel concussive blasts out of his hands. He must eat a boiled egg after.
Amber: Can control every aspect of time, even choosing to unfreeze certain people. She ages backwards significantly (goes from an adult to a preteen in three known uses) every time, getting younger every time until she essentially ceases to physically exist. As a result, she can only use her power so much.
Amitabh Kapoor: Can possess the body of any human. He must smell an old piece of clothing from his original body.
April: Can manipulate the pressure of air to create hurricanes and torrential downpour at will. She can control it well, surrounding people’s heads with water sometimes. She must drink an alcoholic beverage every time.
August 7: Can essentially do real magic tricks; what it seems like he’s doing is manipulating space around him to do various things that look like magic, or defy the laws of physics. He must reveal the secret to a magic trick every time he does.
Bai: Can control electricity; sometimes even on a quantum level, altering matter itself. This is Hei’s sister, and is technically part of Hei himself now, so Hei has the same power. She falls asleep every time she does.
Bertha: Can sing/vibrate her voice at any frequency. She has been shown to vibrate her voice to literally force a heart into cardiac arrest, similar to how one can vibrate their voice to glass to shatter it. Her price is to swallow something to then throw it up again. She prefers cigarettes for her price, due to an incident that happened with her daughter.
Black Dandelion: He can create black flowers, of which the seeds are poisonous; coming into contact with the seeds will give control to Black Dandelion. It also seems to give a random power to the person infected. His price is to be forgotten by others; eventually, he ends up forgetting himself.
Brita: She can teleport any human with her. Since she can only teleport humans, any clothes, weapons, or any other material objects are left behind. She must give someone a kiss every time.
Dale: He can turn himself into a mud-like liquid, and reform himself. Doing this, he can easily travel underground, but he can’t see above ground while underground. His price is unknown.
Dash: Can travel at superhuman speeds. His price is unknown
Genma Shizume: Can manipulate any material to make a suit of armor, or weapons for himself. He must perform a moxibustion treatment on himself every time.
Goran: Can also travel at superhuman speeds. His price is to eat hamburgers, much to his dismay.
Harvest: Can disintegrate anything. This includes humans, and regular objects. Must swallow something round as his price. The object has to be at least the size of a golf ball, or else it will not count. This means Harvest must not get something too small, lest he doesn’t pay his price, but not too large, or he will choke and die.
Havoc: Although she is a Regressor now (meaning she lost her powers and reverted to being human again), her former power was to be able to create vacuums in space. These vacuums can kill people and rips through concrete. Every time she does so, she must drink the blood of a child.
Hei: Like Bai, Hei can control electricity on a molecular level, but only through conductive surfaces. Since he gained this power by fusing with Bai, he has no price.
Ilya Sokoloff: He can asphyxiate the brain, preventing it from gaining oxygen, even if one is breathing. What results is that the victim slowly becomes tired as the brain ceases to function, dying without feeling any pain. His price is to draw. As a former serial killer, his drawings are often disturbing and graphic, showing dismemberments and a queasy artstyle.
Itzhak: He can retrieve the specters of Dolls (Dolls are a kind of human who can’t really control their bodies, and can be programmed. Dolls can move their senses anywhere using specters as long as the medium they use to transport their senses is present [Like Yin sewing and hearing wherever there’s water, or July wherever there’s glass]). His price is to write poetry, something he’d never done before becoming a Contractor.
Jean: Can teleport any material, as long that material switches out with the other material it’s going to teleport to. For example, if he were to teleport a slab of concrete to the place of someone’s heart, the slab of concrete would enter their body, and the heart would switch places with the slab. His price is to arrange small stones in a line pattern, then ruin it.
Louis: Can completely nullify gravity. However as he can only nullify it, he can’t move objects side to side. He must break his fingers as a price.
Luc: Can turn the air around him into a handheld weapons, specifically daggers, whips, and knives. He must crease the corner of every page in a book as payment.
Mai Kashiwagi: Has the power of pyrokinesis. She must hum a specific song every time.
Maki: He can remotely explode things he’s wherever his handprints are. He must drink something burning hot in temperature every time.
Mao: Can posssess any animal, as long as it’s in his line of sight. He has no price, as it’s already paid. His price from when he was human is also unknown.
Michiru: She can control any body of water, as long as she’s stepping in it. Her price is to cook. She prefers baking.
Mina Hazuki: Can energize anything into an energy based weapon similar to a lightsaber; this can be used on herself to teleport. Every time she does, she must passionately make out with a man. This price particularly sucks, because Mina is actually adamantly gay, sometimes making innuendos to girls she thinks is cute but just met.
Musik: Can steal the power of other Contractors. Unknown price.
Nick Hillman: Has electrokinesis. His price is to put the victim’s shoes upside down, next to each other.
November 11: Can freeze any liquid around him. He can also make lethal throwing icicles out of them. He must smoke a cigarette every time, even though he abhors them.
Parcel: Can create black orbs. Whatever is in the black orb, regardless of the item, she can teleport to any location. Her price to wear fake animal ears, or else she’s not allowed to use her power in the first place. As a result, she can usually be seen wearing a bear hoodie.
Paul: Can make any object explode. He must eat a flower every time.
Shihiko Kishida: Can rupture any human internal organ, even multiple at the same time. She regains her morality and feels severe guilt every time as a price.
Shion Pavlichenko: Can duplicate anything, including humans, almost perfectly. However, there always will be one major difference. Every time he does, his legs stop working. As a result, he’s usually in a wheelchair.
Shizuma Shinoh: Has the power of hydrokinesis. He must make himself vomit every time.
Suou Pavlichenko: Her power is to summon the PTRD-41 anti tank sniper rifle with six rounds [including one in the chamber], but has to make origami swans every time she does so. The rifle retains the damage from past uses, so it needs constant maintenance.
Tanya Akulova: She can control insects. She can call them in massive hordes, enough to quickly devour a human alive. Every time she does, she must pull out strands of her own hair. The amount she must pull is proportionate to the amount of insects she summons.
Top-rope: He can manipulate a rope he carries with him, with lethal results. His price is unknown.
Wei Zhujin: He can transport any sort of matter as long as it’s something his own blood is touching. Coincidentally, and almost conveniently, his price is to cut to himself. More specifically, to shed his own blood.
Xi-Qi: He can control the minds of others. He can also create hallucinations of any kind. He must eat a flower petal every time.
Xiao Jie: She has full control over gravity. Unlike Louis, she can do more than just nullify it. Her price is to essentially strip; she must take off only one piece of clothing when she does. This isn’t to say she’s usually naked like Brita; accessories like bracelets, earrings, and necklaces do count.
And that’s every known Contractor in DtB! I didn’t think anyone would make it this far, so congrats! Thanks for reading!
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roswellroamer · 5 years
Day 12. February 10, 2020. Te Anau day ride. 155km.
Woke to low 40's and gray which made me question the Carrot and Weather Channel apps which had shown 72° and sunny. But closer inspection revealed a marine type layer probably due to the massive lake's shores which was projected to burn off by 11. The kitchen came stocked with farm fresh eggs, bowl of assorted fruit, milk, butter, juice, yogurts, cereals. We set about making some eggs and toast and then of course after finishing off yesterday's blog we grabbed the two frisbees and the "golf course diagram" and headed out. A half life sized chess board on the sprawling manicured lawn provided the tee for the first hole. All the bikes were truck tires with the hole number painted on the rubber. Got to explore their grounds and have some fun tossing the 'bee. We then got into our GoreTex gear and headed towards Milford Sound after a CalTex has stop in town. Knowing we couldn't get to Milford due to road closures/flooding we were aiming for a swing bridge made of three cables. One for your feet and one for each of your hands that spanned the west branch of the Eglinton River. It was featured in one of the NZ touring books I had bought last summer. We saw that the trail sign to identify the turn off was the Earl Mountain turnoff and headed that way. We wound a bit away from the water and gained some elevation and then came to a construction zone. Not being sure if this was related to the recent flooding we got in mine behind a few cars and waited. Maybe less than ten minutes and the opposing truck, bus and camper passed us then we were allowed to proceed. Usually the 120km up to Milford takes over two hours due to the heavy traffic. Top tourist destination in NZ, one road in and out. Lots of buses and cars jockeying to get parking at the roadside attractions. One huge benefit of having the road closed about 75km ahead was that there was hardly any traffic! Great road and scenery as jagged Teton-esque peaks wound into view between the nearly sheer yet forested canyons as we gained elevation. After passing through a few more, wait, take a wild guess... sheep farms 🐑 we came to a diversion. Funneled into a lane off the road to what appeared to be a toll booth, explained to the gal we were in search of a cable bridge off the Earl Mtn. Trail before the closed section. She allowed us to pass. So far so good.
You can tell when you enter Fiordland NP. Sure, there's a sign off to the left (but placed behind a farmer's field/fence so inaccessible for a reasonable picture). But immediately farmland disappears and you are envelopes in the eery dense tunnel of what seems to be darned close to tropical forest. With the 21 feet of annual rainfall being lush shouldn't be a surprise but the immediate drop off in brightness is dramatic as well. Almost like going in a cave. There are some open "flats" but much of the area along the one road there is heavy forest. The other concern for vehicles but especially bikes involves the encroaching algae/moss on the roads. Two tire tracks are largely clear of it but the center of the lanes and the road as well are mostly a bit greenish with the slippery stuff. Lots of "slippery when wet" signage and it wasn't for the Bon Jovi album. I imagined it could be taxing to stay in the worn and clear tire tracks on one of the 250 rainy days. With clear blue sky and dry along with no traffic, the 55,65 and 75kph turns were superb sweepers and we had a ball carving up that road. One of the stops was at Mirror Lakes. Aptly names and even though a couple of fish had disturbed the surface, the pics are keepers. We rode up into Fiordland a ways and then there was the Earl Mtn. sign. We pulled in to the parking area and saw the line of yellow tape across the entrance to the trail. Also no other vehicles were there. The sign said it was closed and also had a few poison signs around the lot. They described the poison that was dangerous to animals and people to attempt (as is often done here) eradication of a non-native predator. In this case it seemed to be some sort of weasel that was endangering a bird that lived on the ground. We had discussed this cable swing bridge and yellow tape and warnings weren't gonna stop us! We worked around the tape and stepped into a dense forest trail. The first 10 minutes took us along an occasionally muddy trail. Tons of tree roots. Most of the deep mud had sticks or small logs tossed in to provide steps but a few ill advised steps resulted in 6" plunges and lovely boot pulling sucking noises to dislodge my Alpinestar SMX-6 from the muck. Then found my way down a thirty foot hill by treading solely on exposed tree roots from one tree! (Pic above) After that, following the well marked red triangular plastic blazes into the heart of Frodo land, the forest was a magic pliant spongy floor. It took a while to figure out that about 6-8" of moss has somehow grown over a network of interconnected tree roots. When I stepped, the entire ground in a five foot radius would give in and move a bit. It was weird and beautiful. After another 10' we heard the Eglinton River and were blocked by some fallen trees and yellow tape. A work around brought me to the river just above the cable swing bridge. A very large tree had fallen on the bridge from our side and collapsed it. Instead of a V shape, the 3 cables were mostly flat but still spanning the river. Ugh. No go. Managed to work our way with some difficulty through the dense brush to get close enough for a pic on the first rung of the bridge which was also the last possible one to reach due to the tree and damage. Pic above. There was a cute little bird on the ground by the bridge remnants. He seemed happy to see us. Wasn't afraid of people evidently as he strutted about watching us, walking under the branch I was balancing on without flying away. He seemed to enjoy company. Said goodbye to my new friend 🐦 and found the blazes trail which included a half dozen improvised detours to avoid deep muck. Scaled up the root ladder which must have been connected to Eywa as the whole forest seemed a bit magical. 🌳 One couple was following our lead to enter the forbidden enchanted forest as we exited. They were disappointed to hear the wire bridge was out. The entire trail from there is about a three hour hike.
I must comment that tons of serious hikers (trampers in local speak) come here and cover long distances. Temps are good. Views and scenery fantastic. None of those deadly spiders and snakes one may encounter across the Tasman Sea in Oz. I get it, just don't love hiking that much to spend days or weeks doing it. This area shows why Peter Jackson used it for LOTR. Nearly pristine and just overwhelmingly stunning. With boots and Klim pants properly mud coated, we were now sweating quite a bit. In fact while holding my Latitude jacket I believe I finally lost my first set of reading glasses on this ride. I have a couple spares but oh well. Think they fell out as I was scaling some of the hill or tree root sections. 👓 I opened up all the vents on my jacket and pants and started the bike to stand and let the 65° breeze do its job. Turned around a couple kilometers further at Lower Holyford Rd. as the heavy machinery was at work. Estimated repair on the sign said that the road would reopen on Friday, four days from now. We stopped a few times on the way back for scenic spots that were too good to pass by. One of the files above is the .gif of some chopper footage. Stopped to watch him load and fly away with a few tanks of what may have been fuel? Most likely bound for Milford Sound which was still isolated from the rest of the country's road system. On one of the last stops Ted must've not closed his bag since when we pulled into Te Anau town center his right saddlebag/pannier was open! Ba quick inventory revealed his polartec jacket and a plastic bag with a wipe were missing. The chain lube that Kiwi gave us as well as a helmet lock were still in the pannier. Those darned side opening clamshell designs! I said I'd get a table at the Ranch outside and wait for him to hopefully retrieve his stuff. I showed him how to flip up on the iPhone to reveal exactly where that last pic was taken. He was just putting on his helmet when a white car pulls up. A guy walks out and hands him his stuff! So lucky. They are bikers and saw his stuff and followed us into town. Nice. After some thank you a they drove away and the day got even brighter. The Ranch delivered me a couple Cokes and an interesting prawn twist dish. 8 shrimp individually wrapped in a long thin dough sheet and fried so the whole 8" long finger is edible and 3 sauces to dip accompanied the serving. Then a calamari salad. 😊 Back to the homestead for some blogging (so I won't fall asleep tonight trying to get this down) and rest before we scored a reservation at the top place in town. The Redcliff cafe. Ted was here last year and unable to get in! We rode to town and were walking down the street when Ted recognized the Aussies who returned his stuff at lunchtime. We turned around and flagged them down. They were perfectly willing to join us for a thank you beer and had a nice time talking with them. They were riders but here to scatter ashes of a friend up north and had received money and were encouraged to make a great trip out of it. They had been to Burt Munro as well. Our appointed hour arrived and we were seated on the back porch of the Redcliff cafe. A few tables of Americans nearby and some conversation with a California couple by us and an excellent meal. I had a salmon tartare dish followed by venison which was amazing and a date and ice cream dessert which were each remarkable. Redcliff did not disappoint. Probably the biggest culinary splurge of the trip. Even with a couple drinks my total ended up being just over $50 and it would've been 50% more for that same meal at home. Had a great evening and got back to the homestead in dusk around 10. Ready to roll northward tomorrow. 😴
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editorchoice04-blog · 5 years
Unusual Jobs You’ve Probably Never Heard Of – Part 1
Considering that we are living in the information age, technology is being developed at a faster rate than ever before. As a result, there are a number of highly demanded jobs sprouting up that were previously unheard of. This has also resulted in the creation of several new paths of study for school pupils and college students.
Even though many of these newly developed jobs are becoming well-known in the world of business, there are a number of bizarre jobs out there that you probably never thought existed. While some of these jobs involve simple tasks and can be performed on a part-time basis, others can actually be molded into a full-time career. Let’s take a look at some of the strangest yet unbelievably viable jobs out there.
White Hat Hacker
When you think of a computer hacker, chances are that you are imagining someone who uses their hacking skills to do malicious activities, such as damaging other people’s hardware and networks. White hat hackers, on the other hand, use their hacking skills for good, by finding vulnerabilities in an organization’s IT network and pointing out ways to improve it.
Most of a white hat hacker’s work revolves around penetration testing, which means that they will do their utmost to hack into an organization’s IT system or network and find weak point’s in the organization’s IT security. White hat hackers will then report their findings to the organization and give the IT security team the opportunity to make improvements. These hackers are formally hired by the organization and can earn a jaw dropping salary of $100,000 per year!
Repo Man/Woman
Sometimes, when an owner of an asset lends out their property to another person, the borrower may not make their payments as agreed. When this happens, the owner may want to reclaim their asset. This may prompt the owner to use the services of someone who specializes in recovering property, namely a repo man/woman.
This highly dangerous job involves the repo man/woman recovering the item and returning it to the owner, or perhaps even reselling it. Because this task could be perceived as stealing, repossession can be a highly dangerous job. Of course, this depends on the asset in question. While some jobs are smaller, others can involve the repossession of cars, boats, or even planes.
Professional Cuddlers
No matter who you are, you are bound to go through stages when you long for affection from other people. This is where professional cuddlers come in! A relatively new business, there are a number of cuddling businesses popping up throughout the United States, where clients can snuggle with professional cuddlers in a completely consensual and platonic way.
Typically, professional cuddlers will snuggle with clients on a comfortable bed for an hour or two. Of course, both people have to be fully clothed and can only touch one another in appropriate areas. Some cuddling studios have themed rooms, such as a tropical or meditative room, while sometimes cuddlers will even do house calls. Cuddling does not have to happen in silence, however, as professional cuddlers can snuggle up to their clients while listening to music or while watching a movie.
Golf Ball Diver
As any seasoned golfer would know, there’s nothing more frustrating than losing golf balls. With so many water hazards and sand bunkers on golf courses, losing a golf ball can be a common occurrence, especially if you are having an off day. There are, however, some people who will go the extra mile to recover these golf balls.
Famous courses such as TPC-Sawgrass actually employ golf ball divers to dive into water hazards, retrieve the missing golf balls and fix them up so that they could be resold at a discounted rate. With approximately 200 million golf balls being lost every year in the United States, plenty of business opportunities present themselves to golf ball divers. Of course, there is more to this job than meets the eye. Not only do golf ball divers need to be proficient at diving, but there is also the possibility of encountering sea creatures in certain bodies of water. This includes alligators that have been spotted in Florida waters on a number of occasions!
Online Dating Ghostwriter
These days, there’s an app for everything. This includes dating. With so many people resorting to apps like Tinder in order to find their significant other, dating coaches have adjusted their services in order to cater to the modern dating scene. This has resulted in much of their advice being directed to dating apps and websites.
Now that people are able to meet each other and flirt online before having their first in-person encounter, these dating coaches have become even more involved in their clients’ dating lives. Now, some coaches will actually write up their clients’ dating profiles, choose their pictures, and even send messages to the people they match with. So, the next time you have a conversation on Bumble or Match.com, there’s a distinct possibility that you might not be speaking directly to the person in the profile photo!
If you’re thinking that hippotherapy has something to do with hippopotamuses, you’d be sorely mistaken. While “hippo” is Latin for horse, hippotherapy refers to using horse riding as a form of therapy for people with disabilities. By riding horses, patients can develop better balance, coordination, and muscle tone while also improving their confidence and becoming more independent.
So, what exactly does a hippotherapist’s job entail? Well, a hippotherapist will place their patient on top of a horse and help the patient to ride the horse in a way that actually helps to improve their posture, coordination, balance, and their ability to move! Hippotherapists usually have a background in either occupational therapy or physical therapy and will use their specialized knowledge to select the best riding patterns, speeds and postures for each patient so that they can receive the most effective treatment possible.
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
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Dense aggregations of golf balls littering the sea floor in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, CaliforniaAlex Weber, CC BY-ND
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A harbor seal investigates a member of the golf ball recovery team. Alex Weber, CC BY-ND
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A sea otter holding a golf ball at one of our study sites. Alex Weber, CC BY-ND
Excerpt from this EcoWatch article:
Alex emailed me after reading my scientific work, which caught my eye, since very few high schoolers spend their time reading scientific articles. She was looking for guidance on an unusual environmental problem. While snorkeling in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary near the town of Carmel-by-the-Sea, Alex and her friend Jack Johnston had repeatedly come across large numbers of golf balls on the ocean floor.
As environmentally conscious teens, they started removing golf balls from the water, one by one. By the time Alex contacted me, they had retrieved over 10,000 golf balls—more than half a ton.
Golf balls sink, so they don't become eyesores for future golfers and beachgoers. As a result, this issue had gone largely unnoticed. But Alex had stumbled across something big: a point source of marine debris—one that comes from a single, identifiable place—polluting federally protected waters. Our newly published study details the scope of this unexpected marine pollutant and some ways in which it could affect marine life.
Many popular golf courses dot the central California coast and use the ocean as a hazard or an out-of-bounds. The most famous course, Pebble Beach Golf Links, is site of the 2019 U.S. Open Championship.
Alex wanted to create a lasting solution to this problem. I told her that the way to do it was to meticulously plan and systematically record all future golf ball collections. Our goal was to produce a peer-reviewed scientific paper documenting the scope of the problem, and to propose a plan of action for golf courses to address it.
Alex, her friends and her father paddled, dove, heaved and hauled. By mid-2018 the results were startling: They had collected nearly 40,000 golf balls from three sites near coastal golf courses: Cypress Point, Pebble Beach and the Carmel River Mouth. And following Alex's encouragement, Pebble Beach employees started to retrieve golf balls from beaches next to their course, amassing more than 10,000 additional balls.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
DONNGYZ Golf Ball Dispenser Automatic Tee Up Machine Golf Club Organizer No Power/No Electricity Required(US Stock)
DONNGYZ Golf Ball Dispenser Automatic Tee Up Machine Golf Club Organizer No Power/No Electricity Required(US Stock)
The very best Golf Ball Retriever Net. DONNGYZ Golf Ball Dispenser Automatic Tee Up Machine Golf Club Organizer No Power/No Electricity Required(US Stock).
Golf Ball Retriever Net – Today’s Sale Price [price_with_discount]
Latest Fashion Golf Ball Retriever Net, DONNGYZ Golf Ball Dispenser Automatic Tee Up Machine Golf Club Organizer No Power/No Electricity Required(US Stock).
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pbacklinks · 3 years
Can You Make Money Selling Used Golf Balls?
New Post has been published on https://pingbacklinks.com/can-you-make-money-selling-used-golf-balls/
Can You Make Money Selling Used Golf Balls?
“Can I make money from collecting used golf balls and selling them?”
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Anyone who has ever walked a golf course knows that there are countless golf balls lost in the rough, or resting on the muddy bottom of the water hazards. Whether left behind because of frustration, or too difficult to retrieve without tools, these balls are often perfectly serviceable. If you’ve ever swatted a new ball into a lake on the first swing, then you know some of those balls are practically mint condition. Surely, someone would be willing to pay for them, right?
Absolutely. Selling used golf balls can be quite lucrative when done right. Whether you profit in the end depends on how efficiently and cheaply you are able to gather your inventory. So, what’s the best way to go about this?
Securing A Source
It shouldn’t surprise you to find out that the best place to gather quality used golf balls is on a golf course. This is the factor most likely to determine how successful your resale efforts will be. If there are no local golf courses or country clubs for you to use as a resource, don’t travel so far in search of one that the cost of the trip diminishes your gains.
Supposing you do have a likely establishment convenient to you, your first step is to speak with the management to request permission to collect the lost balls. This is a crucial step, as you could get into trouble deciding to roam the property hunting merchandise without permission. You’ll also want to offer to compensate the course by offering a percentage of your profits. Since you absolutely need their cooperation in order to succeed, be generous. A 25% cut is a good fair amount.
If they are receptive, be sure to agree on a schedule before you begin. You’ll want to come when the course is closed. You can’t roam around collecting balls while games are in progress.
Collecting the Balls
  Once you have a solid agreement with a course, you can focus on how best to collect the balls. The two main places you’ll be checking are in the underbrush, and within water hazards.
For balls in underbrush, you’ll want to wear the appropriate clothing. Durable, long pants and boots should do the trick, with a pair of gloves to protect your hands when rummaging through the roughage. Have a bag or basket you can wear to place the collected balls into. You can even invest in a grabbing arm to avoid having to bend over as often to collect the balls.
Collecting from water hazards can be trickier. Depending on the size of the hazard, you may have to go diving to get the greatest return. However, there is actually a tool for retrieving balls in the water from the shore. Golf ball retrievers are telescopic poles with some sort of collecting mechanism on the end. While the mechanism varies from brand to brand, any one of them will get the job done.
Selling the Balls
So you’ve made a few forays on the course and picked it clean of errant balls. Now, how to turn these nuggets of white gold into money?
  Clean them. This probably goes without saying, but you’re going to want to get all the muddy muck, dirt, and grime off of the balls. The best way to do this is to put them into a container with soapy water. Use dish soap or car wash soap. Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach. Your goal is to remove the dirt without damaging the cover. Scrub them with a towel after washing, and they should clean up nicely.
Categorize them. Once the balls are clean, you should be able to see their logos and any other identifying marks. Separate them into piles by brand and type. If you happen across any strange or unusual balls, look them up online. Sometimes you’ll find a gem that can be sold for more than the usual used price.
Price them. Generally, you’ll find that resellers sell balls in lots of 50 or more. You’ll want to price your top brand balls in good condition at around $1 apiece. Lower tier balls in good condition you can sell for half that at $.50. Balls in bad condition, with cuts and serious abrasion, you should price around $.25 each. These prices are guidelines. You should check online to get the best idea of the market prices for your particular merchandise at the time you are selling.
  The sale of after market golf balls is a booming business. The Danish Golf Union estimates that golfers in the United States lose 300 million golf balls per year. If you have access to a place where you can gather them, it is likely you’ll find more than enough to make it worth your while.
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