#V exists
dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 9)
Uzi was in the snow, V lie dead, nanite tail pierced through her neck. And sword buried in her chest. N lay in her arms, core quickly fading into nothingness. His visor looking betrayed, oil leaking from his split open chassis. His eyelights and visor were dim, growing dimmer.
“No no no no!, I didn't, N please hold on!” She was trying helplessly to put him back together, trying to hold him together herself using her tail, but the damage was too great, his vents began to cycle down, his core stuttering in his chest.
“Fuck! No! Please! I need you!” She cried, but the dying drone in her arms just smiled, taking her cheek and running this thumb over the bottom crease of her visor.
“You'll be okay.”
His system lurched, and a cascading error flashed on his face accompanied by the loud, horrible screech of his audio devices failing, oil spewed from his mouth as he choked on his last breath.
Then it was over, he laid limp and cold, like any other burned out machine on Copper-9.
“N…V…” She choked out before sobbing into her best freinds hat, her entire body shaking with every heavy heave. She didn't mean to, she didn't...
“Uzi?” She heard his voice from behind her, but that wasn't right… he was dead, dead and never coming back and she'd never gotten to tell him how much he meant to her.
“I'm right here Zi.” She felt arms wrapping around her middle from behind her, she could feel his warmth, but she was still holding his cold body, how…?
“It's okay, I'm okay.” She let out a whimper, the oil stained her hands and body, her teeth glistened with it, she felt bile rise in her throat as she realized it was his oil that stained her mouth, that tasted like heaven on earth.
“Hey, look at me.” The N gently hugging her from behind forced her to look at him with his finger, an action that seemed a bit too aggressive for him, but it did the trick. She ripped her gaze away from the N in her arms.
“It's okay, it's not real, I'm real, I'm right here.” He took her cheek in his hand, denting the soft silicone as his fingers traced the same line as the other N had.
Eventually the dead N in her arms faded away, and the one holding her caressed her cheek, looking at her oh so sweetly, she buried herself into him, not quite believing he was real.
The oil staining her body seemed to evaporate, the fuzziness in her head seemed to slowly clear, although it left her head slightly tender.
“I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…” She whimpered out, she'd lost control, she'd begun to overheat and this time nothing had brought her out of it until both N and V lay lifeless in the snow.
“I'm here, it's okay.” She felt his tail wrap around hers and hold her there, his hand on her back and pushing her into his chest where she could hear his core-beat. He was alive, he had to be, she knew that sound as if it were her own.
“I…need help, I'm scared N.”
“I know, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure it out, together.” He took both of her hands into his own, holding them tightly, all but forcing her to look into those honeyed eyes.
“Please… don't leave me…” one of his hands moved to her cheek, pulling her visor into his, their foreheads met with a light tap from the glass.
“Never.” He purred, sqeezing her hand and pulling it into his chest, where she could still feel his core humming away, grounding her. They remained like that for a long time, until her breathing evened out and her logical thinking returned to her.
“This is a dream… isn't it?” She asked N, and at first he didn't respond, but then his eyes opened and he looked at her with a small smile.
“You're always so smart Zi.” He hummed, still holding her, still pressing his visor against hers. He was so warm.
“You're not the real N either.”
“Yes… No? I'm a real as you want me to be.” His voice went slightly deeper, a blush covering his visor, eyelights heavy in an expression not unlike the one he wore in the nursery.
“Ugh… cliche.” She rolled her eyes but still found herself smiling, this was a much nicer dream, even if this still wasn't the real N. Although it was weird that she couldn't force herself to wake up after she figured out it was a dream.
“But it made you laugh.” He grinned, before his expression changed again, back to sweet, back to loving. Back to making her core flutter with how he was looking at her.
“You want me to kiss you, right?” He asked, cocking his head like it was a completely normal question and not asking about a kiss. She felt her entire artificial nervous system alight.
“I… No. I don't.” She lied terribly, something dream N caught onto immediately, somehow pressing them closer without closing what little gap there was between their visors.
“You're a terrible lair Zi.” He whispered, sending chills up her back as his expression changed again into something she'd never seen on his face before. Longing.
“Even if I do, you aren't the real N.” She hissed, feeling too soft and falling back onto being prickly, all he did was laugh though, much like the real N whenever she fell back into habit with him.
“Then tell the real N. Or stop pretending you don't want this and kiss me.” He said simply, which sounded more like something that would come out of V’s mouth than N’s, but Uzi couldn't bring herself to argue. Instead finding herself drawn in by how… forward he was being.
She looked away, still feeling his warmth, his core humming, his hand caressing her face like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. Well… this was just a dream, it's not like anyone would know.
And so she looked back, nervously smiling leaning in closer.
He did the same, his hand falling to her hip as he closed the gap…
And she snapped awake.
“Agh… huh?” It felt as though she was slapped by a wet peice of meat, her head groggy and limbs feeling fuzzy.
Most of all though, she felt warm. Which could only mean that the real N was the one that was radiating that warmth, and his core-beat humming gently next to her head.
She squeaked, blushing so hot she felt it burn her neck. She was as close to him as she could possibly get, legs tangled in his, hands gripping the fur of his jacket, and tail wound tightly around his.
Thank Robo-God he was asleep, otherwise she may have overheated and died right there and then. What a way to go.
His hat had been jostled off, revealing more of his platinum blonde hair, he was snoring lightly, and his tail twitched a little, followed by an incomprehensible mumble.
He looked adorable.
She went over her memories of the night before, the events being foggy, at best. Only to find her blush getting larger as she realized how out of it she'd been.
She'd called him a bird! Please bury her in the corpse spire where she'd never be found.
But it wasn't entirely her fault, her dreams had been so… vivid lately, even the one she'd just awoken from had been rather tame, nothing compared to the lovecraftian horrors she'd normally had to face. She never seemed to get much sleep.
She checked her charge, surprised to see that the first time in a long time, she was fully charged.
“Huh… thanks N.” She mumbled, slowly unwinding herself from his rather tight grip. Putting her tail away and looking around, trying to find her beanie, only to find it lodged in N's grip.
She leaned forward and pulled it gently, trying to snatch in back, only for his grip to immediately tighten, and a small growl escape from his chassis.
Well that was new.
“N, it's me, gimme my beanie.” She said flatly, pulling a little harder.
At the sound of her voice his growl immediately died, and his grip loosened allowing her to pull it out of his grasp.
“Zi…” He mumbled, causing a violet blush to invade her visor, immediately reminded of her dream, she wasn't sure what drew her in with that nickname.
“Yeah, I'm here goober.” She replied back, putting on her beanie and fixing her hair, which was much less tangled than usual. Weird.
She stood up, looking around N's nest, it was filled with salvaged blankets, pillows, and plush animals, covering up the macabre walls of the corpse spire with as much as possible.
She wondered how this effected him, sleeping in a structure made of his past victims, not all of them were his doing sure, but many were. Would he want to move into the bunker? Move out of this giant reminder of his pain?
She'd have to ask.
She stretched, letting out her wings and tail again to stretch them up and out as well before scrambling up the spire using the hands on her wings to check up on it's other inhabitant.
Only to find V was gone, her near empty nest vacant. Only a strip of paper laid on the edge, ripped straight from a notebook.
Was the only thing written in loopy, cursive handwriting, Uzi couldn't help but smile a little bit. For a drone hellbent on murder, she sure had a soft spot for the popular drone.
While there wasn't a lot in V's nest, there were some personal items, namely a pair of glasses, a digital makeup set, her prom dress, and a knife sharpener. Because of course, it was V.
There was also a singular plush, an old ratted one that looked ancient. It was a dog, more specifically a golden retriever. With a once white, now yellow, bone in it's mouth.
Uzi felt her core pang with a split second of jealousy, even though she shouldn't and it was wildly out of place. V had a soft spot for N, they'd been… close, for lack of a better word. And Uzi knew that, she'd seen both their memories, and she also knew V had changed a lot since then, if she still harbored feelings, she didn't show them very well.
After jealousy, she felt happy that maybe they'd be able to rekindle some sort of friendship out of whatever mess they had going on right now. They both deserved that, even if V would fight like hell rather than ever admit that was something she would want.
They were rather alike in that way.
She shook it off, put the note back where it was and flew further up the spire into J’s nest, which was completely empty. Save for one item. A framed picture of a young human girl, with the insignia Tessa.
That and a shit ton of JCJenson pens, all stacked neatly in the corner. Good old OCD.
She let out a sigh before letting herself glide down back to edge of N's nest, where he'd fallen over, curling around his own hat that he was gripping tightly. His nanite canister next to his head.
It was still light out, although the sun was getting rather low in sky, beginning to tint the sky a pastel pink.
So she sat watching it go down, a hand on N's back, and swiped through her playlist, oh wait…
She'd forgotten she'd added Eternal Dream to her playlist, and she'd seen he'd saved it to his own system, a blush made it's way to her face, happy he liked it but embarrassed he'd heard it.
She'd listened to it on repeat the entire week after prom, committing the entire thing to permanent memory, it was sappy as hell and she'd never admit it, but it was one of the only songs she'd ever sung; In the privacy of her room of course.
Still, she set it to play as her fingers found their way into his hair, untangling the strands, she felt him relax, a low purr coming from his chassis.
And she smiled.
Next ->
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coloursflyaway · 5 months
I think it's so interesting that when the Night Nurse goes through Charles' trauma, she does see him being attacked by the other boys, sees him running alone through the night, but she never sees him dying. That only comes later, when she is searching for love.
And there is no fear in that memory, even if there is pain, there is just Edwin and the light he is bringing, metaphorically and physically, into Charles' life, there is smiling and joking and listening to stories. There is Edwin.
So, yeah, I don't think dying was a bad experience for Charles. Not a good one, per se, but one that led to the best thing in his existence.
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dogesterone · 1 year
i hope every trans girl in the world feels so so so loved.
this includes the girls who have just started their transition, the girls who have been transitioning for years, the old girls, the young girls, the sex workers, the ones who are struggling and the ones who are trying to help, the ones who aren't just a girl, the ones who are only sometimes girls, the ones who aren't really girls but are close enough, the ones who aren't really human, the ones who might might not be just one person, the ones who keep their girlhood secret, and the ones who don't yet know they're girls.
every single one of you.
i love you.
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edorazzi · 4 days
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Page 32 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix summons the confidence to open up to someone else, and the Miraculous begin to find their balance! ☯️⚖️
Index | Start | Prev | Next (coming soon!)
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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scre6m · 11 months
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MARIE MOREAU & JORDAN LI GEN V (2023— ) | Season One
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wrongspacetime · 10 months
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GEN V (2023–) | Marie & Jordan - Deleted scene
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matcha-b · 5 months
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happy 10th anniversary flower vocaloid!! 🎉🎉
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pumpkinrootbeer · 8 months
"how can he be ace when he acts like that 🤣😂" Im so sorry to be the first person to tell you this but... Asexual people. can have personalities.
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Quick doodle while I work on some of my WIPS!
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teal-fiend · 1 month
Hard vore pred: *has caught prey* oh boy i can't wait to eat this delicious Prey Soft vore pred: can i have a bite Hard vore pred: ok but just one bite Soft vore pred: yes just one bite
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izzybluebell · 3 months
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with the ghovie now just a day away from releasing i wanted to share my personal papa v theory :)
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electrozeistyking · 9 months
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Ghost Drone is an AU where the events of Murder Drones have been spread out some odd years and changed around (except for Episode 1, which remains the same as it does in the show). Alternate takes on Episodes 2, 3 and 5 have already occurred.
The first comic isn't canon to the AU anymore, but since it's the initial concept, I figured I'd include it. This entire post is basically my way of saying "Hey, this AU has been stewing in my brain since the 16th of November in 2023."
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literaryspinster · 11 months
I keep hearing that sex has no place onscreen and doesn't further the plot, but Jordan having sex with a man in their dorm and talking about Marie the whole time is the epitome of furthering the plot.
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jinstronaut · 10 days
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a taehyung a week until he's released ♥
week 15/52 (cr. namuspromised) for @kimtaegis 🌈
+ bonus
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dangoulains-devotion · 5 months
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to catch a falling star
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barklikeagod · 4 months
this moment where benson holds the door open and makes randy walk under his arm to get inside the diner drives me crazyyy. it's such an intoxicating interaction and i can’t help but wonder if he's ever done this to randy before… maybe when they've closed bbb together and randy's been a little slow gathering his things from his locker. benson's just been standing at the door all quiet, waiting. and randy's shuffled over embarrassed and feeling guilty for holding benson up. says a quick 'sorry' that has benson turning the keys over in his hand, not saying anything back. pushes the door open but stands in the way and waits again, arm up, eyes dark but the contact pointed. randy blinking. “oh. thanks.” goes under benson’s arm, gets so close the smell of cigarettes is dizzying. rubs at his nose as he heads to his car. only pausing halfway there when he realizes benson is still at the door to the restaurant, just standing there, door still open, arm still up. a fluttery, confused, “benson?” leaving him as he looks around. and then benson’s back to business with a roll of his shoulders, key in the lock, quick pull on the handles to double check. randy a little hopeful as he says “see you tomorrow?” by the hood. benson nodding, replies with a rough, knowing, “you will.” that makes randy warm.
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