#VERSE ;; Hoggy Wart Hogwarts (Marauder's Era)
starwrittenfates Β· 1 month
@sevhalfbloodp4 continued from HERE
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With this reply, green eyes watched him carefully, sensing more to this than he was letting her know. Perhaps she could take a wild guess that he was being picked on again, and by who else than at least two to three certain Gryffindor's she had in mind. However, Lily knew better than to ask Severus about it. Instead, she would ask the other boys later.
"I see." She replied with a smile. "But why do you need to study more? You're probably already one of the top students in all your classes. There's no doubt you're incredibly intelligent. It's not as if you can't handle whatever Professor Slughorn throws at you."
Lily had to get him out of here and away from the others as much as she could. He couldn't stay in the library forever, and nor did she want to herself. "Oh, I know! Why don't we go to Hogsmeade together? I need to grab some supplies anyway."
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@messrsmcrauders said: β€œI say this a lot, but, look, they’re not good enough for you.” {for Lily from Severus πŸ‘€}
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She can tell he's trying to help make her feel better. And it's working. Lily wipes away the tears falling from her eyes, a small smile coming back to her face. She can't help but rest her head on his shoulder, finding comfort in her best friend while shedding her vulnerabilities and insecurities to him. "Thank you, Sev. For always being a great friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Actually, Lily already knows the answer to that and she doesn't like it. After all, Severus had been the one to introduce her to the Wizarding world, informing her she was magical. If she didn't have him in her life, her childhood would have been lonely and confusing trying to navigate in a new place without him. "But in all honestly, I don't think this person even knows I like them. Granted, I should probably tell them, but...I can't. Do you have anyone you like too, Sev?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@luposcainus said: β€œYou dropped this Evans.” (for Lily)
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Glancing at the small little book he held in his hands, she readily accepted it back, giving a sigh of relief and holding it to her chest. "Thank you for telling me, Caspian. This book is special to me." She said, holding it out and flipping through it's pages to show him what was inside. "It's a book about floriography--or as better known in the Victorian era-- the language of flowers. My mum got me into it, but Sev was the one who got me this book as a birthday present." She pauses, smiling at him. "What are your interests?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@dcmoniism said: β€œ You’re wearing my colors, love.” [ from severus to lily ] // ππŽπ’π’π„π’π’πˆπ•π„ π‹πŽπ•π„ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π‚πŽπŒππ„π“πˆπ“πˆπ•π„ 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ππ”πŽπ“π„π’.
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Lily glances down at his green scarf she's undone and wrapped around herself in a symbolic way. A mischievous smile briefly graces her face before feigning innocence. "Oh, am I?! Well, isn't that fitting, what with me being yours after all." she says playfully. "It gives everyone a clear message that I already belong to someone...even if they may not exactly know who that someone is. That is what you want, right, Sev?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@pctentialbreakupsong said: β€œShit, okay fuck that actually really fucking hurts. ” ( i’ll let you choose jily, sirius/lily or the brothers, or even a snape with either of them if u want!! )
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Lily can't help but stare at Sirius with a look saying he should have known better. After doing something reckless, he had ended up hurting himself, prompting her to start putting her Healing skills to work. Dealing with the Marauder's and all the shennigans they got up to, she would get all her experience as a Healer in no time before they even graduated.
With the flick of her wand, using the Bandaging Charm, Lily conjured bandage wraps to help support his leg while she helped him make his way to the Infirmary to see Madam Pomfrey. "Of course it hurts, Sirius. You broke some bones. You really should have known better than to mess around on a broom like that-- especially from that height! It's a good thing I was around." She pauses, expression softening. "What exactly were you trying to do anyway?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 7 months
@sioraiocht said: ❛ what about me? ❜ {For Snape from Lily}
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"You're different. You're special..." Severus said, a blush starting to warm his cheeks. Somehow, their conversation which first started on the simple subject of classes had now taken a turn into a territory he was hesitant and nervous to approach, mostly because he didn't know how to approach it--- dating. He had only ever had eyes for one person and one person only -- and she didn't even know -- even if she happened to be sitting right next to him.
Severus knew that was mostly his fault. He knew he should tell her, but it wasn't that easy. Besides, he wanted the best for Lily, and Severus knew he couldn't offer her that. If anything, he would remain her friend and it would be enough. "You're my best friend. Besides, I'm not really interested in anyone or the subject of dating." He paused briefly, knowing he might curse the answer to follow. "What about you? Is there someone you like?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 1 month
Severus sat in a secluded corner of the library, his eyes flickering over the text in the textbook in front of him, as he attempted to phase out everyone and everything else in the room, leaving him alone with this thoughts so that he would not have to face reality, or deal with any of the arrogant dolts he was forced to put up with on a daily basis.
As he turned the page, however, his hands moving swiftly and smoothly across the paper, he heard a familiar voice nearby, causing a jolt to his heart, and he nearly leapt from his seat, as his eyes shot upward.
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Lily figured she might find him here. She walked into the library, looking for any secluded corners, before finding the person she was looking for. "Sev!" She exclaimed happily, taking a seat at the table, placing her books upon it.
"I thought I'd find you here. How are you doing?" She could tell something was bothering him, even if this type of behavior wasn't unusual for him.
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starwrittenfates Β· 2 months
@luposcainus said: β€œyou are quiet all the time.” (for Severus)
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"So? Why is it any of your concern? Perhaps I'd rather not waste my time and energy speaking with idiots." It wasn't far from the truth. He found the best company usually involved his own or with being around Lily. It also didn't help that a good majority of the school liked to join in with those bloody four Gryffindor's who always picked on him. "What is it that you want, Wolfe?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@luposcainus said: for severus ? β€œ i saw how potter treats you.. it’s .. terrible.”
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Who in Merlin's name was this person? And why did they have the audacity to mention James Potter and the way he treated him? The last thing Severus needed was a reminder of it when all he wanted was to forget and give Potter a taste of his own torture. "No one asked for your opinion. Why don't you mind your own business and leave me alone. I didn't ask for your pity." He glances at his robes, sneering. "You're supposed to be in Ravenclaw, right? Where's that sense of intelligence and wit?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 4 months
@potentialbreakupscng said: "have you ever thought about what it might feel like to kiss me?" - this feels like a very james thing to say, so give me jily
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The moment the words leave his mouth, Lily can't help but give an eye roll, letting out a chuckle. She isn't surprised at how...brave and bold he can be, and yet, despite it making her annoyed, she also finds it a little endearing too. "No, I can't say I have." She shrugs with innocence. "But then again, I tend to think about important matters like passing my classes, studying, and NOT kissing silly troublesome boys!" Lily states with her classic wit. It's not entirely a lie. While she did focus on those things, her friends would also talk about kissing boys at times and Lily would never admit to the thought crossing her mind with James.
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starwrittenfates Β· 8 months
@pointedprongs said: [ knowing ] sender has been holding receiver's hand all this time without realizing it and hurries to let go. { reverse! and jily plz πŸ’• } // PROMPTS FOR THE ROMANCE OF HANDS & TOUCH
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It was just a regular trip to Hogsmeade. It was no big deal...even if it happened to be Valentine's day of all days. For Lily, this was just a day she was spending with friends--- the Marauders. The village was just as decorated as Hogwarts Castle was with hearts and couples roaming around, giving chocolate's and flowers to each other, but she tried to pay it no mind, even if she suddenly found the others had disappeared and she landed alone with James Potter.
"I think we've lost the others. We should go check Honeyduke's first and then Madam Puddifoot's!" Lily stated, pulling him along with her before it finally registered to her. Wait...when had she grabbed Potter's hand?
Green eyes blinked, looking at her hand, interlocked with his own, before hurrying to let go. Lily cleared her throat, but could feel her cheeks were warm. "It was nothing. Don't get the wrong idea....please tell me you aren't considering this as a date?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@messrsmcrauders liked for a short starter! (for Severus)
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Tears were streaming down her face and despite her best attempts to stay strong and keep moving, Lily was reaching her limit today. She had managed to find him and immediately dashed up towards him, taking him into a sudden hug without thinking. "I've had an awful day. Between receiving a terribly hateful letter from Tuney, to being reminded that I don't really belong here, I need my best friend..." She breaks down, sobbing into him.
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@dcmoniism continued from X
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She had been worried about him. Of course she would be. After all, she knew it wasn't his fault that he got hit with that Bludger. And with plans to be a future Healer, it was only normal for Lily to be worried over anyone who got hurt. Even if that person just happened to be James Potter in this case. Granted, thanks to Lupin, Lily had started spending time around James and Sirius after ending her friendship with Severus and began to start getting to know the boys. Things were changing...and so was her opinion on Potter, and it scared Lily.
She couldn't help herself, venturing to the Hospital Wing, and the moment she spotted that smile on his face, Lily had to remind him of how much of an idiot he was or else she would fear the alternative. "Me, worried about you? Over how much an idiot you can be? Yes. And why are you flirting with me while you are clearly injured?" She rolled her eyes before realizing that maybe she should cut him some slack. It wasn't like he asked for this. Despite her crossed arms, Lily's expression softened. "I know it wasn't your doing. You may have the biggest ego I know, but I don't think you'd be stupid enough to have a Bludger come after you for attention." She paused before giving a small smile. "And yes, I may have given Lestrange a talking to. What about it?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
❛ Β i'm here for you. no matter where or when i'll always be here for you.Β  ❜ [ from sev to lily ]
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She had had another fight with Petunia. It wasn't anything new for Lily. Usually she was able to shrug off her older sister's rude and cold remarks of calling her a 'freak', just as she was able to shake off some of the Slytherin students picking on her for her blood status. She had to learn how since her first day at Hogwarts, but this time was proving to be more difficult. She couldn't understand what could cause her sister to hate her so much. And after today, all the emotions that had been building up inside of Lily in that jar she kept hidden deep inside was suddenly bursting free.
As usual, she would run off to find Severus for solace. He was the only one who would understand what she was going through and how Petunia could be. However, she couldn't help the water works this time, wiping away at her tears and cursing herself for it. "I don't know what I did to make her like this. She blames it on me. We're supposed to be sisters-- siblings-- family... but this isn't how you treat family." Taking comfort in his words, she looked up at him, lightly grabbing his hand with a smile. "Thank you for sticking by my side. I'm glad I at least have you. I just-- sometimes I feel like I don't quite fit in here or there. I feel like there is something wrong with me, Sev."
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@dcmoniism said: β€œIf anybody were to kiss me, I would want that person to be you.” [ from severus to lily ]
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The words took her breath away, causing her heart to flutter. She couldn't believe the words she was hearing come from his mouth. Green eyes blinked, trying to process if she heard it correctly. Was it a figment of her imagination? Was it nothing more than the longing of a teenage girl who just happened to have feelings for her best friend and her fantasy was getting the better of the reality at hand?
Lily glanced up, looking around to see if maybe he were talking to someone else, but it was only the two of them in the courtyard. And then, mustering up her courage, she dared to glance at Severus, seeing his eyes on her. "Sev? What are you trying to tell me?"
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starwrittenfates Β· 6 months
@dcmoniism continued from X
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She was rendered speechless by this, her heart hammering away in her chest with a mix of emotions from the fact Severus was misunderstanding the situation, but mostly from the declaration he had just given. Green eyes blink, trying to process if she heard it correctly and it wasn't just a figment of her imagination-- Severus liked her?! Well, of course he liked her, they were best friends---but this went beyond their friendship. That much was obvious now.
Lily hadn't thought much on the subject before. Although, recently, that had started to change as she began to entertain the thought of seeing him in a different light, finding herself start to be drawn to every little thing about him. She wasn't sure how to bring it up. Wasn't sure if she should. And she for one didn't think he would ever think of her as anything more than a friend.
"You're wrong. It's not what it seems, Sev." Merlin's beard, how could she explain this? "I don't like Potter at all. He's not even my type. I'm only doing this to see if it will finally get him to leave me alone!" Lily paused, taking in a deep and shaky breath. "I don't want to go on this bloody date with him because there is already someone I like-- and it's not him. You probably won't believe me anyway. You've clearly made up your mind about that."
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