fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
STARTER CALL  | @daybreakrising (Neji)
The news had not reached him until after all was over and his own recuperation was underway, so it was not until he had begun his studies to achieve the rank of jonin that Naruto was able to visit the man who had jumped without hesitation into the blow meant for him, risking it all on the premise he would go on to save them all. The hospital was an all too familiar place, especially after the injuries he had sustained himself and after a few polite greetings with beaming smiles he found himself outside the room he desired. Raising his arm, he hooked the basket in his hand at his elbow before knocking on the door. 
After a moment he slid the panel back, ducking his head into the room with one of his genuine smiles, always reserved for his friends, the ones who had accepted him before when he was but a genin back on Team 7. “Hey I heard you were stuck in here for a little while, thought I’d drop by and check in on you, since you went to all that effort to keep me alive, y’know?” he grinned wandering towards the centre of the room letting the basket slide from elbow to palm in a practised movement, resting it on the end of the bed. “Ino thought I should get flowers but I figured a fruit basket is more your style. And way more practical, you can’t eat flowers right!” he spoke, tone cheerful as he did so, avoiding the charged topic between them for the moment. Eyes found Neji’s own and he smiled again, the expression something more private this time, filling the space he could not summon the words to begin to do justice to.
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
@daybreakrising liked for a reunion starter from Naruto (for Kiba)
Breathing in as he stepped through the streets of the village, Naruto let out a satisfied sigh at the first sight of home in nearly three years. Taking a moment, he basked in the familiarity of the area that surrounded him, the sights and sounds that filled his senses with a sense of joy before he took off at a run, determined to get a few hellos in before he was tugged away to report to the Hokage and discover what was to become of him now he was back. If he could get away with it, he’d traverse the whole village and find as many of his friends as possible before that. 
Twisting around the corner as he walked, he caught sight of a familiar family home, knowing the two outside instantly from the red markings on their cheeks. He stopped and stared for a moment, a chuckle slipping over his lips, before he ran forward and clapped a friendly hand across a shoulder with a laugh. “Kiba! Don’t suppose you -” he began but trailed off at the sight of a ridiculously grown Akamaru who had previously been just out of his sight. 
“What did you do to Akamaru?! No way a dog gets that big! He’s huge!” 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@daybreakrising​ asked: He's probably already been to Ichiraku with Iruka, probably done something with Kakashi and the team, too. Yamato could have tagged along, but he opted not to. Instead, he slipped easily into Naruto's empty apartment, left the potted cactus on a table (his reasoning, easy to look after) along with the note. 'Happy birthday, Naruto. I thought your home could do with some life. Don't touch it, it bites. Yamato.' He knew Naruto would touch it anyway.
Returning to the little one bed apartment that had always been his home, if you could call it that, Naruto let a smile stretch across his lips as he closed the door. Despite the sadness that enveloped the day if he let himself think about the family he had never met and the loneliness that he usually felt, he’d had a great birthday. He’d gotten to see all those who he cared about, who had become his family, and even the glares and cold stares this year were far less than he had ever endured too. 
Spotting the pot on the table, he wandered over, grinning at the bright colour that seemed to contrast the rest of the room. Reaching out he made to touch the plant, wanting to examine it closely, before drawing his hand back and shaking if with a pained yelp. Bringing the finger to his mouth he sucked away the pinprick of blood and reached for the note with his freehand, a muffled huff escaping him as he read the advice. Dropping his other hand - already healed thanks to his permanent resident - he smiled at the words. “You should have told me before, Yamato-sensei! This thing hurts... but it does make a great present. I’ll have to thank him later... For now I think I’ll name you Prickles and we’ll put you somewhere sunny! It’ll be nice to have a friend about the place, we’ll get along just fine, y’know!” 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@daybreakrising​ asked: [ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance [Sai for Naruto !! gimme some Team 7 love]  ||  WORD PROMPTS COLLECTION
Laying on his back in the middle of the training field, Naruto felt the heavy rise and fall of his chest as his breathing evened out closed his eyes. The faint rainfall on his face was refreshing, a cooling sensation after the sweat he had worked up training, pushing himself - as always - to his limits and beyond. It did not help that he was restless, cooped up in the village with no mission in sight. 
Footsteps drew his attention and he opened his eyes to spot his comrade approaching, sitting up amongst the dirt and grass. Raising a hand, he waved in Sai’s direction, before resting it against the nape of his neck, rubbing at the muscle. “Sai! Wasn’t expecting to see you out here, thought I’d just get some training in, y’know... keep working on the jutsu while we wait for Captain Yamato to give us our next mission!” he grinned. When he felt the hand on his shoulder, his voice trailed off, so unused to Sai bestowing physical signs of affection without an accompanying insult or failed attempt at socialisation. 
His grin returned after a moment, widening and he rested his hand on top of Sai’s own, patting it affectionately before he rose to his feet. “You here to train too or were you looking for me? Hey, you know we could go get ramen! You haven’t been to Ichiraku’s yet, right? Not properly at least. That’s like a Team 7 tradition!” He beamed, determined to get the other there now that the thought had occurred to him. Of course if Sai wanted to work up an appetite first, that would be okay with him too. 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@fromkites​ asked: naruto's not a child anymore, & hasn't been for a long time. this doesn't stop obito from lifting him into his arms & squeezing the life out of him. how dramatic, "i remember when you were so tinyyy, now you're oooold & you're almost as tall as meeee..." he whines as if he's lamenting, but the elder sets naruto back down with a bright grin, "happy birthday, lil' man, do you have time for me to take you out, or do you got plans?" but... he'd be happy if he's ditched. it means his kid has friends.
“Put me down!” Naruto yelped, but the joy in the words, the amusement, showed it was little more than a token protest. He might offer his words as though he did not enjoy it but held within Obito’s arms he felt invincible. Loved, protected and wanted. Things could have been very different if it was not for the family who had raised him and held him when the ugly nature of this village had reared up. “I’m not old, not compared to you...” he teased, smile bright even as his feet were set back on the floor. 
“I always have time for you, ‘To-san...” he grinned, not really wanting to spend his birthday elsewhere. He could bother the friends he’s made through sheer effort, but there was something about his birthday that meant it was sacred family time. He couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be than going out with his dad. His friends could always take him out to Ichiraku’s or on a picnic tomorrow if they wanted, there was time then. “So where should we go? Come on old man, the evening’s all ours to do what we want...” He felt content as nudged a shoulder against Obito in a playful tease, already considering ways they could pass the day. 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@byakugouseal​ asked: ❝ naruto― look what i made you! ❞ announced the pink haired kunoichi, holding up a small rectangular booklet with handwritten doodles. ❝ i made you a coupon book! ❞ full of custom made coupons, sakura had written them herself. a few examples were ; a coupon for him to use when he wanted to eat ramen with her, a coupon to use when he wanted to spend a day with her― she even managed to get lady tsunade to agree to a coupon which gave naruto the right to pick his own mission. ❝ happy birthday! ❞
The call of his name had Naruto looking up, turning in the direction of his pink-haired team mate, a smile stretching across his lips as he saw her. At the gift, he reached out to accept it, mouth slightly agape as he read through the various coupons she had created for him. He looked excited at the ones that meant he got to spend a day with her, or go and pick his own mission - how she got Granny Tsunade to agree to it was beyond him but he was glad for it. 
“Sakura-chan, this is...” he began, ducking his head as his eyes closed and a wide smile stretched across his lips. He held the gift between his palms, cradling it close to his chest, sure to keep it somewhere very safe in the coming days, where he could ensure it stayed in the best condition. He was determined to use it sparingly, not wanting to use the coupons up too soon, wanting to treasure the gift. “This is a great gift, I really appreciate it, y’know! You bet I’ll be taking you to Ichiraku as soon as I can! You really put a lot of thought into this, I can’t believe how many of my favourite things you covered! Thank you!” 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
STARTER CALL |  @copycopy
It was quiet in the twilight hours after a long day of training and Naruto sprawled across the grass, chest heaving from the exertion of repeatedly producing hundreds of shadow clones to benefit his chakra nature training. He felt like things were going well, the frustrations only lingering because of how little time they had to achieve what was necessary. 
“Do you miss it? Team seven...” he asked, gaze fixed on the darkening sky above rather than the person he was speaking to as he voiced the query about such a raw topic, as was always the case. “I think about it a lot, you know. Training with you and Sakura again reminded me of all the parts I missed... the hard work, the competition, the feeling of belonging to something...” He paused, letting his eyes fall closed as they drifted to the missing member of the team, the void of his presence so potent it would not ever escape his notice. “I wonder if Sasuke ever thinks on it, even a little... I know he enjoyed it really, no matter what he says.” 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@weaponwield​ asked: "hey, dummy." shikamaru's smile, soft as it is, betrays his affection. as does the way he brushes fingers across gently naruto's cheek, passing over a stray cut. he knows it will heal soon, but he presses a kiss to it for good measure. "you should be more careful out there." ( shikanaru ?? )
He should be more affronted than he was by the insult, and would normally summon vehement arguments otherwise, but the tender stroke across his cheek disarmed Naruto completely. He wasn’t used to being treated so tenderly, so few seeing him as someone to be loved as he had grown, and the way Shikamaru gave it to him as though it were no trouble at all baffled him upon occasion. 
“Hey...” he breathed eventually, his voice soft as he spoke, words barely louder than a whisper. He tipped his head to the side into the press of lips against his cheek, eyelids fluttering shut for a moment as he basked in the gesture, before he forced them open again, unable to keep his gaze from Shikamaru for too long. “You worry too much, you know me, I always get back up. Nothing much keeps me down, y’know?” His words are laughed, brushing off the concept of his own mortality with significant ease, though there was something in his chest that always warmed when Shikamaru asked him to stay safe, reminded him he cared. 
“Besides, I’ve got you watching my back, can’t be more careful than that!” he grinned, hand finding Shikamaru’s own and squeezing gently, fingers lacing together. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt me right now, his smile said as he leant in closer to rest his forehead against the other’s own. 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@shinobicoded​ asked: Kushina smiles softly at the boy, a hand gently placing itself onto his head to give his hair a gentle ruffle, not caring that he's a full grown man. "Happy birthday. It seems like just yesterday you were toddling around the house." She snickers softly at the memory before gesturing a bit at the food laid out on the table. "C'mon, let's have some dinner. And then you can get your present."
His mother’s smile is like the sun shining upon him itself and Naruto cannot help but return it with a wide beam in answer, eyes closing as his locks are tussled, content for her to ruffle his hair no matter how old he got. “You trying to embarrass me, Ka-san...” he chuckled, opening his eyes and turning his gaze upon the table laden with food. It all looked appetising and he could hear his stomach grumble at the sight with how busy he had been as of late. 
“Looks great, you sure went to a lot of work here. I bet it all tastes great!” he grinned enthusiastically, making his way across to the table to get himself settled. The thought of the present was dismissed for the moment, the meal itself enough of a gift as he looked over the range of food prepared. “You really outdid yourself this time, y’know! This is going to be the best, all my favourite things right here!” he grinned. While Ichiraku’s was his favourite going out meal, there was something special about his Mum’s cooking, and on his birthday he could not think of anything he wanted to indulge in more.
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@shinobistories​ asked: "Happy birthday, Naruto-kun." The bashfulness can be heard in Hinata's voice as she presents the blond with a hand-made card. It features chibi doodles of both Naruto and Kurama and bits of confetti here and there. She stares at the card, for it's easier to do that than to make eye contact (which would result in her blushing profusely). Staring at Kurama's cute chibi face, a question enters her mind. Asking it eases her nerves: "Eto-- Does Kurama-san have a birthday?" //Hello :')
“Hinata, hey!” There was a beam on Naruto’s face as he saw the other, glad for the company. He looked down at the card held out to him and found the beam changing into a look of surprise at the highly personalised card that he could tell she had put a lot of work into. Reaching out he took it into his hand and studied each of the doodles in turn, smiling once more at the little doodles of both him and Kurama, appreciating the inclusion of his lifelong companion. 
At the question he tipped his head back up to her and leant it to the side, considering it for a moment. “I’ve never asked him, y’know, so I’ll have to do that! For now I guess he’ll have to share mine, if he wants to of course! Don’t want him to feel left out at all!” he grins again, turning the gaze back to the card, something about it making him feel warm and noticed. “Thank you Hinata, this is a wonderful card, you really are a skilled artist!” he murmured, voice quiet as he spoke, the tone warm and conveying his gratitude at the gift. 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
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@copycopy​ asked:  [ ruffle ] (naruto.)  ||  PLATONIC / FAMILIAL ACTIONS
Fingers tousled blond streaks in a comforting motion as lips parted with a gentle gasp, blue eyes shining with emotion as a renewed understanding of the gesture sprung to mind. Naruto remembered a brief meeting between two souls who had never had the fortune to meet, the passed words and the feeling of warmth that had burst in his chest, a feeling that now licked at him until eyes closed and a watery smile sprung to lips, a beam of pure elation for the treatment that had been so desperately sought after in his youth until it had burned to even watch others his age receive the treatment. 
He sniffed once, stifling the wobble of emotion that might otherwise spill in clearly refined tracks down his face and then beamed up at the man before him who had become an anchor in the most bitter of storms, a pillar of strength to return to when his own was depleted. “Y’know he did this too, Kakashi-sensei, when I met him. And then I realised, perhaps he had been with me all along a little, every time you did this...” The moments had been few and far between but each was a precious memory cradled in his chest, refusing to be relinquished for the simple fact he could not abandon the times he had felt important to someone, that someone cared about what he did. 
“Thank you, Kakashi-sensei, for believing in me when he couldn’t....” he grinned, head tipping forward as eyes closed in gratitude, glad to have experienced it even in the small snatched moments that had been offered to him. "I’m going to make you both proud!” There was a definitive tone to his words as he straightened up, hand curling into the familiar thumbs up gesture as he looked to his sensei. He may not have known his father, but he had his sensei, and that was enough. 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
@scnsei liked for a reunion starter from Naruto 
Jumping across familiar rooftops in a well traced path, Naruto let a smile form on his lips as the familiar building came into view. While it did not hold some of his finest moments, the place itself was special because of one person in particular, and that was who he was on his way to surprise. Having just returned to the village, he had managed to slip away, delaying the appearance before the Hokage for a little longer. The intent was not that of disrespect but of eager delight to see the one man who had been his turning point on the journey he was now on. 
Pausing on a branch just a way away, he took a moment to appreciate the view, before heading inside, nodding politely at those around, but not halting. He had only one classroom to attend before whispers got around and he intended to make it there with every breath in his body. Stopping outside the door, he took a moment to collect himself before throwing open the door with gusto and placing his hands on his hips. 
“Iruka-sensei! Bet you missed me, huh?” he beamed, grin wide on his face as he disturbed the class with his grand entrance. He could already hear a lecture about respect and interrupting in his mind, rehearsed from days of old, but he couldn’t find it in him to mind. He’d missed him too much to feel anything but the joy that radiated from him as he fixed his gaze upon the other. 
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fightingdreamcrs-aa · 4 years
Tag drop (5/?) - Naruto Uzumaki 
i never go back on my word (_____; naruto)
VERSES. [ naruto; the horror and the wild / au ] VERSES. [ naruto; they rescued me from my loneliness / cv ] VERSES. [ naruto; better laughter than silence and scorn / main i. ] VERSES. [ naruto; first to accept me for who i am / main ii. ] VERSES. [ naruto; if you don’t like your destiny don’t accept it / main iii. ] VERSES. [ naruto; the mantle is passed / main iv. ]
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