helaenatargaryencore · 4 months
I cannot stand people when they say “omg Viserys is such a girl dad!🥺” or “he literally only loves Rhaenyra because she’s the daughter of the woman he truly loved🥺” because no he didn’t truly love Aemma, he sure as hell didn’t mind standing by and watching her be torn open for a son, holding her down himself, he only showed more affection to Rhaenyra to feel better about himself because he wanted to see himself in such a good light, VISERYS TARGARYEN WAS A SHITTY FATHER TO HIS FIVE CHILDREN AND HORRIBLE HUSBAND TO HIS TWO WIVES!
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 2 months
this would’ve been Alicent when she was 14. (same age she was married off to Viserys.)
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don’t mind me im just crying and screaming and throwing up!!!
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alicent-archive · 11 months
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Babygirl did NOT want to marry that old man ☹️
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whateverthought · 2 months
With Targaryens being the "Incest House" and apparently canonically having no repercussions of inbreeding, I'm surprised they didn't solve all their Succession Problems with marriage.
Rhaenys is the First Born but Viserys is the Eldest Son? Marriage. Oh, "he loved Aemma? She loved Corlys?" Sorry, Duty and Sacrifice.
Rhaenyra is Heir but Aegon is First Son? Betrothed. Oh, the "age-gap is too big? She'll be past child-bearing years?" Aegon was visiting brothels daily when he brought Aemond at 13. And Rhaenyra was still having kids when Viserys died and she was 33. Speaking of, when Viserys finally dies, Rhaenyra is 32-33(roughly for both) and Aegon is 18(show) or 22(book). Their kids are similar ages.
It's Medieval Times. They ride Dragons and fuck family with no repercussions.
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mswyrr · 3 months
Mentioning again that Viserys, who loved Targaryen family lore and magic so much, was blessed with a Dreamer in Helaena, and never bothered to get to know his kids with Alicent well enough to see it. So he never knew and Helaena has spent her life being dismissed for her gift.
Before the Doom of Valyria, the Targs had a Dreamer, and listening to her saved them. Before the dance, they had a Dreamer, and walked right to their doom instead of hearing her.
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Guarantee you that if alicent was a boy otto would arrange a marriage between them and rhaenyra so fkn fast and he wouldve looked like this during the dance of the dragons
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winterpeta1s · 2 months
"Kindness is a quality i found lacking in his brothers"
Geez, I wonder why
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oh, wait-
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gifs belong to:
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ashblooddragons · 1 month
The Red Queen (Chapter 3/?)
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110 ac
Alicents pov
I’m Sitting on the floor of your chambers as I watch you stand in front of a mirror looking at yourself in your Nameday dress. You are smiling back at yourself as you touch your poofy purple dress, the purple of the dress compliments your hair and eye colors perfectly. The prince stands next to you, as he almost always does, smiling as you excitedly twirl in your dress. 
I perk up when you turn to me. “Do you like it, Ali?” I smile and nod. “Beautiful.” I respond and you beam happily.
“Well of course she looks beautiful, with that face any dress would look wonderful on her.” The price responds. The prince says things like this often, it makes many at court wonder why as he has never talked like this about Princess Rhaenyra. 
Sometimes when I watch you two it looks like he’s in love with you. But that can’t be for you are his niece, and only a girl of four now. I must be seeing things.
I stand once the prince has finished braiding your hair into a crown. “Are you ready to go princess? Many must be waiting for you.” I say smiling as the prince picks you up walking towards the door ignoring me. The prince does that often, especially if the little princess is near him. 
Once we make it to the doors I rush inside as you and the prince will walk in together. I rush to sit next to my father as the last noble family is announced and shown where to sit. “You're late.” My father says in that tone that makes my blood run cold and my body tense up. “The princess wished for me to stay with her. She wanted me to help pick her jewelry.” I say as I start to pick at my cuticles. I know he knows I’m partially lying, which is why he only hums in response. 
My father sent me years ago to spend time with the princess, what he didn’t think would happen is mine and yours attachment to each other. Sometimes I think he hates it, and then others I feel like he loves it. Hates because I defend you when you misbehave with Lady Laena, and loves because it makes us closer to the royal family. I never know how far my father would go for power, and I don’t want to find out.
I watch as the doors open and all of us stand. You hold the prince’s hand and look down as you walk down the steps, still not confident enough to walk down without looking. Many cheer and clap as you walk to the head table. You are talking to your uncle animatedly, he seems to be listening intently.
Once you sit in your chair everyone sits and waits for the king’s speech. “Welcome to my youngest's fourth Nameday! We are overjoyed on this most wonderful of days, and are thankful you have joined us on such a day! We will feast and then we will dance the night away! Happy Nameday, my darling girl.” After the king’s speech, we all say ‘Happy Nameday, princess!’ you beam happily at the attention. 
I watch as the prince stands and picks you up so he can starts filling your plate. I don’t hear it but I can see you telling him what you want, and him trying to talk you into more vegetables on your plate. I can never not giggle when you bend the famous ‘Rouge Prince’ to your will, you make it seem as easy as breathing, but everyone at court knows that’s not true and that you are his weakness. 
As the feast continues I don’t think there is a soul who can not hear you and Lady Laenas childlike laughter, you two are in fits of giggles as you eat talking a storm to each other. You are the only one who makes me feel welcomed by the royal family. Rhaenyra is snide and always comments on the small country house I will help rule. the King never notices me unless I’m by my fathers side. the Queen always has a pinched smile, and that could be because she is always with child, but I feel she doesn’t enjoy my company. The prince ignores me unless you have spoken to me. Even my father sees me as nothing more than a means to a end, I must admit I’m surprised I am not wed off yet for his ambitious gain. You are the only one who smiles genuinely when you see me, the only one who acknowledges me with out help of others, the only one who calls me pretty, the only one who sees me
When everyone starts dancing you and Laena run around the room ducking between lords legs if they are in your way. But I am distracted from you as a very handsome boy around my age walks up to me. “May I have this dance my lady?” he asks as he holds his hand out to me. My father isn’t next to me anymore as he talks to the king, if he were he would have slapped this boy for what I will find out through the night.
He leads me to the floor and we begin the dance, thankfully it’s a simple one as I haven’t practiced this one in a long time. “What is your name my lord?” I ask as he spins me to the beat. “William Rivers, my lady.” he says smiling. I gasp when I hear the last name, the name bastards are given in the Riverlands. 
“Wh-Who is your father?” I ask as I look to make sure my father isn’t paying attention. “Lord Simon Strong, he’s a good man. Fell for a maid in Harrenhal, from that love came me.” he says as he search my face for any hatred for him. He does not find any, for there is none. 
That night we talked and danced together, and at the end of the night he pulled me into a dark hall and kissed me. The most handsome boy I’ve ever seen, with his dark brown hair and eyes, his perfect dimples when he smiles, with the cutest dusting of freckles across his face, kissed me. “We’ll send ravens, keep in touch.” he says once my father starts calling for me, I nod excitedly as I walk away towards my father.
But sadly that was the day I learned a mans sweet words are just that, sweet words. He left and never sent any letters my way as I sent three a moon, for five moons I did this, until I relized he just wanted what every man wants, a pretty face to look at as he ruts into me. Thank goodness my father called for me in that hall before that could happen, or else I’d be forever ruined. 
Daemons pov
Once your father finished his speech I picked you up to help fill your plate. “What do you want, my girl? The chicken, the turkey, or the pig roast?” I ask as you contemplate your options. I’ve always made your plate, especially at feasts. 
You scrunch your face and turn to look at me. “But it’s my Nameday, shouldn’t I eat cake Kepus?” you ask as you look at the ten tiered cake made for your Nameday.
I chuckle and shack my head. “After we eat real food, then you can have cake.” I say as I put a chicken leg on your plate, as well as a helping of roasted potatoes. 
Once your plate is made you demand to sit with Laena, so I sit you in my lap as you and Laena eat and chat about how fancy your party is. I smile as you interact, that is until Rhaenys taps my shoulder. “Laenor wants to be your squire, tell him no Daemon. I have a family member of house Velaryon taking him on. If you say yes you’ll find a certain extremity missing in the morning.” My ravened haired cousin says, with that cold tone and calculating eyes that can make any man tremble if she wished it.
“Do not fret cousin, I am not in search of a squire as of now.” I answer as I wipe your face of the gravy that covers your mouth.
You may know how to eat on your own by now, but that does not mean that you are a cleanly eater. Fork clutched in your chubby tot fingers, napkin tucked into your dress so you don’t ruin it, and a smile so bright many would think the sun had somehow made its way into the great hall of the Red Keep, it is a imagine of true childlike happiness on a darling girl's Nameday. 
Rhaenys takes me out of my thoughts as she hums and looks at me and you critically. “Good, wouldn't want you too busy. For who else will wipe the young princesses mouth when she eats.” she says as she raises a brow and taking a sip of wine. 
I grit my teeth at this comment, many at court look at me and you judgmentally when we are together. I’m used to it, but your always confused when people start to whisper as we walk by always asking. “What are they talking about? I want to know too.”  
I always say the same thing “nothing of note, Darling. Their lives are not exciting enough; they must look at ours to find it.”
I hum and stand as you’ve finished eating. “Yes and who will watch your son as he sneaks out with his crush?” I counter as I walk away with you in my arms. I watch with a smirk as Rhaenys whipped her head to the side to watch as her son runs out with his friend lord Joffery Lonmouth.  
Once I set you down you run off excitedly with Laena I give any lord or lady a glare if they start to reprimand or gripe at you two. Why can’t these pompous fucks let children be children?
You two run about the room giggling and chasing each other, you duck under lords legs if they are deemed in your way and continue your game of tag. I let this continue until you trip and land on your knees, you start to cry thankfully you aren’t sobbing yet or else that would catch the attention of everyone. 
I pick you up quickly and kiss your head and rub your back to sooth you. Laena  looks up worried. “Is she alright?” She asks, I nod, which seems to calm the Velaryon girl. It’s no surprise she is worried about you, you two have spent almost everyday together since you met all those years ago. 
When I look up at a clock I see it is well past your bedtime. “Why don’t you go to your mother Laena, it’s quite late and you too should get to bed.” I say and Laena pouts but runs off to her mother. 
I carry you to your chambers and you lift your head up from where it was resting on my shoulder. “No Kepus, I’m not done playing.” you pout as I hand you to your nursemaid to be changed into a nightgown. 
“No, you will not be talking me out of this, Sweetling. You can’t even keep your eyes open, it’s time for bed.” I say comfortingly 
You whip your head to me as I lay you under the covers and tuck you in. “No! What about my story? You always read me a story!” you exclaim to which I chuckle. “Of course I didn’t forget about your story, my girl.” 
You smile and snuggle into me as I read a story from old Valyria, one about a girl and her dragon who help the weak, moving from city to city helping everyone in need.
Half way through the story you are sound asleep against me, I chuckle and kiss your head and turn to the nursemaid sternly. “Keep her safe.” I say, she nodded to this as I do the same thing every night. 
I would stay in there if I could, but I know it would cause too much of a scandal at court. So I stick to being the sole person other than your nursemaid to be a part of your nightly routine. And I’ll be damned if anyone tries to take that from me. they may just get to meet Dark sister, a honor I don't just give to anybody.
Special thanks to @sugutoad for making the header!
@ilikefelines @sugutoad @baybaybear1
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franzkafkagf · 4 months
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darilarostarg · 2 months
While I think I may have approached it in a much different way, I ultimately see/interpret the Daemon and Alyssa scene as a way of showing that, ever since her death, Daemon has been so completely deprived of nonsexual/unconditional love and affection for so long, that his subconscious is not capable of producing an depiction of any type of love (including matriarchal) of that without it including some form of sexual reciprocation.
Hence his horror when he realises he cannot even remember or accept the love from his mother, who he knows loved him unconditionally, without adding a sexual layer to it.
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emprcaesar · 10 months
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question why is the pregnant and holding a baby alicent standing.
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g0thamites · 3 months
"criston cole has female coded trauma" im fucking begging you all to take a real hard look at yall selves in the mirror. the call of misogyny is coming from inside the house.
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rhaenin-time · 7 months
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lagosbratzdoll · 8 months
You guys are always yapping about how Criston Cole is Rhaenyra’s victim. Even though the show contradicts you on this point many times. Even though the producers contradict you on this point repeatedly. 
However, no one wants to reckon with the fact that those men took a tale about a misogynistic paedophile and the child he groomed and isolated and then turned his child victim into the initiator/aggressor. 
It’s par for the course with the adaptors. We watched it happen with Dany and Jorah, Doreah and Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Loras Tyrell and the homophobic way they adapted his story. The racist, heavily sexualised way they adapted the sand snakes and Ellaria Sand. I had hoped the fandom would know better by now but alas!
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
saw someone say they're we're happy Alicent's and Otto's deaths forced them "realize what they had done" and like...
Otto's one thing, I get the animosity. but Alicent? your getting hot and bothered over her realizing she failed, she failed to save her children, she failed to protect them, to them alive? that she tried so hard, so fucking hard, making every hard decision, trying to get between her children and the fate they were damned to by Viserys and Rhaenyra? that she damned her kids, who were already damned to die to begin with, and had to suffer the guilt of them dying to her own hand? that she's going to drive herself mad with grief over her children, her grandchildren?
like... it's not satisfying (especially for show Alicent) watching a woman go so mad with grief it literally kills her because she fought with everything she had to save her children only for them to die anyway. ever since her father's exile, when Rhaenyra's lies took Viserys's favor, when Viserys ignored the Rhaenyra's sons bastardhood at the risk of the whole house, or when Luke took Aemond's eye and Viserys demanded good will; she knew her children's lives were forfeit. then Daemon killed Vaemond and her children's coffins were built, catching cobweb's all the while. she knew and she fought it desperately, taking risk after risk, living in fear until her moment came, she could out Aegon on the thrown, she could protect her kids, maybe, just fucking maybe they'd be safe... only for it to lead to a war that would kill her entire family.
her death, slow and tragic as it was, is heartbreaking. she didn't deserve it, she deserved to feel safe, to feel as though she could allow her past friend take the thrown without her children being at risk to feel as though she and her children weren't being circled by wolves and picked at by vulture's. she didn't deserve to live alone and die alone. she didn't deserve to have her hands coated in her children's blood.
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rosalinesurvived · 2 years
Do you‐uhh.
Do you ever think that the Green kids resent Alicent for being on Rhaenyra's side?
Because um. Obviously watching their gaslit, grief-stricken mother charging and making the Princess bleed for Aemond loosing an eye with no justice is harrowing and incredible and terrifying. (Our mother loves us! She's begging for our Father to care! She slashed the Princess! She does love us!) And then years later Alicent is telling Aegon to spare Rhaenyra, holding Rhaenyra's arm infront of them at supper.
Did they ever feel as if they were the late ones? The invaders? Do you think they felt as if it was a constant fight for their Mother's affections? Can you imagine the reproach they mustve felt, knowing that they were unwanted (What have I done but what was expected of me?) watching their mother raise hell for them, then always looking around for one of the objects of their agony?
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