#Valhalla IP
vikingnerd793 · 16 hours
So, I just want to laugh at every AC fanboy blaming this on the trilogy.
First of all, the stock is its lowest in 10 years. Know what killed it last time? AC Unity and fans tiring of the same formula released annually. Know what performed well shortly before that and was helping Ubisoft thrive? Black Flag.
Then you have the trilogy which drastically improved sales and brought the franchise back to life. In fact. VALHALLA sold so well....for TWO YEARS... that it was the 2nd best seller in the history of Ubisoft and the best selling game for that IP. Their pride and joy IP, mind you.
And you want to blame this on the trilogy and the open world RPG format when Black Flag AND the trilogy both sold like hot cakes? Lmfao!!!
No, fanboys. Because your little nostalgia game, Mirage, was supposed to bring your franchise back to glory with the old formula. Remember? how'd that go? Oh yeah. It was a glorified DLC, short, linear, and the characters were cookie cutter. Y'all didn't get Ezio with a skin thrown on him and didn't buy the game. So...post trilogy, the nostalgia game actually bombed.
So anyway, what is actually causing this company to tank is not AC as an IP. AC is the only hope they have. Far Cry and Rainbow Six? No. AC. And the trilogy made that abundantly clear. Valhalla being the most clear example.
As the article states, what is actually killing Ubisoft is not AC, fanboys. It's the trend chasing. It's constantly venturing into new IPs that delay, delay, then cancel or bomb (Skull and Bones anyone?) Or sell modestly instead of like the trilogy did, which is what they desperately need. Games to sell like the trilogy did. Especially Valhalla. Except none of the new IPs are.
And by stretching the company entirely too thin, with too many projects (and too many of them being huge projects, too!), they aren't delivering anymore.
Nevermind how the working conditions caused talent to leave in droves. Nevermind how the same culture that thrived during the original AC games, that sexist and highly toxic culture, is a huge part of the company's dysfunction in the first place and had led to a lot of turmoil between the old guard leadership everyone hates and the staff who can't take it anymore. But y'all don't talk about that. Nah, it must be the open world RPG format and "wokeness" that killed Ubisoft, right? Despite not a single data point supporting those weirdo claims.
I mean, at this point I am laughing because Ubisoft ditched Valhalla with the shittiest "Ending" I've ever seen just to tee up Mirage and appease those of you saying those exact things....then expected to retain all of us who got into the franchise due to the trilogy or came back due to the trilogy by creating a bunch of different games, including some we may buy.
But don't get it twisted. You're not going to stay in your little fantasy land and pretend like the trilogy killed Ubisoft. It saved it. Just look at facts. For once.
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canadiangold · 4 months
another thing that's fucking getting me about Ass Creed Shadows is
why a samurai?
No, seriously. Fuck being a black samurai (i ain't touching that fucking debate) in the game series built on being a blade in the crowd, being a nobody, killing your target without their guards even knowing you were there. I know that that hasn't really been AC's actual gameplay loop since Brotherhood, but like... Ninja. A ninja would be perfect, could so easily gel with the AC fantasy. Sneaky without being weak, using special tools to overcome enemies that outnumber or outgun you, espionage, blending into a crowd (because, lest we forget, the iconic black costume was never a thing historically). It would open a wide door for a fictional protagonist thrust into historical situations, give a new more historically authentic portrayal of a classic archetype...
Especially now that I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima, which does everything the AC RPGs do but better. It's a better samurai game than Valhalla was a viking game, with better combat and more interesting side content and a more beautiful world and no RPG mechanics ruining combat balance or discouraging exploration and a framing device that feels more like a handicap than an interesting part of the narrative...
Ubisoft has been backsliding for years, and it feels like they're squandering AC after shitcanning Watch Dogs and fumbling Skull and Bones. AC is such a good IP, has so much potential that has never quite been nailed down in writing or mechanics, and it's only been getting worse as the Animus is getting less attention, as the historical accuracy is being supplanted by stereotypes and historical fantasy, stealth and parkour--once staples of the game--are becoming secondary to the mediocre hack n slash combat.
Mirage was a step in the right direction, putting more focus on being sneaky and maneuverable, but it's still a weaker stealth experience than Tsushima or Hitman or even Shadow of Mordor.
i dunno man i'm just sad that a franchise i used to love has turned into something i find so......... not worth my money. Again.
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dancingbread · 10 months
I'm making a Mass Effect music video set to Bonnie Tyler's Holding Out for a Hero and I just finished up ME2, save for a few DLC missions. As I approach 3, I find myself dreading it. Not because it's bad, but because it ends. I had the luxury of experiencing Mass Effect all at once my first time, so I didn't have as many negative feelings towards 3 that others have had.
What makes Mass Effect 3 painful for me is also one of the numerous reasons I love the trilogy: It ends. It's painful to watch two of my favorite characters, Mordin and Legion, die. It's painful having to say goodbye to the best love interests Garrus and Jack. It's painful having to decide how Commander Shepard dies. But I'm a masochist in this manner because it ending means I can put it into perspective and reflect on it. Sure there's Andromeda and whatever that new game in development is, but Andromeda is a spin-off and I hope the new game is too.
In today's media landscape, where profitable IPs are pumped out, having an ending is a selling point. It can be examined as a whole in a way that something like an MMO can't be, and I'm incredibly grateful that the story of Commander Shepard is over.
There's a head-canon I have regarding Mass Effect 3 and the Citadel DLC, that the Silversun Strip is Shepard's Valhalla. An eternal state where she goes after death where she can hang out and chill with her friends and simulate battle for the rest of eternity. It's incredibly comforting to imagine Shepard dancing with Garrus at the bar, playing dumb arcade games with the Normandy Crew, and running the simulator a million times with her closest friends. But like all beautiful things, it must end. It's incredibly beautiful and the devs poured so much love into the area, but finally leaving to finish the game is the worst part about it.
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horrorartist23 · 1 year
Alright so after listening to the song ,,Valhalla calling me" i had an idea. Bare with me .
1. Ok so the idea or more the what if is... what if Elsa as the fifth spirit is more like a spirit that needs to be prayed to or made an offering for to make sure that the winter that was coming ahead was a calm one. I also had the idea that there would be a ceremony around her with dances, kinda like a festival that ends up with everyone going up to this massive Statue to pray to her.
This whole thing would be located inside a massive mountain. Thier great ancestors have build it to ensure the calm winters.
Or its more to ensure that the Spirits stay calm and the balance between humans and spirits are insured. Im not sure yet but im thinking of sticking with idea one and combining this in.
And another idea was that over time this tradition was somehow lost. So this is where Honeymaren and Ryder come into play. They discover the mountain and find the entrance this enormous cave. And they are baffled! Since the knowledge got lost over time they never knew about the ceremonies held for her . They question why this is here and why its in such a good shape if it was build such a long time ago.
So they start to uncover the mysterys about it and the fifth spirit in general. This was also gonna have Anna and the rest also involved.
And for this idea I made a loose drawing of how I imagine this shrine looks like. Enjoy
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So the shrine itself is the statue of Elsa sitting crosslegged on a stone with one hand ip kinda like taking an oaf. The 4 pillars representing each of the spirits (Wind, Fire, Water and Earth) and in the background is a massive picture of Athohallan and waves that represent both the magical River and the Dark sea that needs to be corssed in order to get there. With a couple of Reindeer above
And Honeymaren and Ryder for scale just to see how massive it all is.
Its a small idea let me know what you think tho. Id like to hear some ideas and opinions that you have and yeah...enjoy :)
Ps: also Elsamaren involved :)
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calvincell · 6 months
Kunitsu-Gami seems to be exactly the type of action game out of the mainstream gaming industry I’ve been eager for lately. A Shinto-influenced Mythological Fantasy setting that steps away from straight up and down western medieval fantasy, one part plate-spinning Tower Defense + one part flashy character action, and an Original IP not locked to the current obsession with live service elements or always online requirements which gaming execs have drooled over the past near decade. Shot up to the top of my wishlist after the Gameplay Overview Trailer:
In many ways, like Hi-Fi Rush before it, it injects a similar bit of hope in me for at least a part of the AAA gaming industry that has been sapped away through tripe like Kill The Justice League, Marvel Avengers, Starfield, Gotham Knights, AC Valhalla, Skull & Bones, Silent Hill Ascension etc. I’ve got nothing but kudos to grant Capcom for both this & Dragon’s Dogma 2!
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This is why this hobby will always fail, esp against counterfeits...You dont know IP laws or basic copyrights...the artist always retains some rights to any of their art unless its a work for hire or commercial product......which isnt art and isnt protected as art and just an expensive as monster high doll.
When we purchase an item, whether it’s a blender, a car, or a really cool toboggan for snowmageddon races, the purchaser owns what they bought and can modify it to their heart’s content. Buying an artistic work, on the other hand, and the ownership is joint, with some rights going to the buyer while others are retained by the work’s creator. Whether the purchase is an original oil painting or a corporate logo, ownership rights are not the same as owning a toboggan, even if it is handmade from ancient oak found in the forests of Valhalla.
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darilto-blog · 1 year
Avaliação Prática do VAIO FE15 VJFE59F11X B0411H Desempenho, Design e Mais!
A linha FE15 da VAIO permanece altamente competitiva quando se trata de laptops de configuração intermediária, adequados tanto para uso profissional quanto para atividades cotidianas. O modelo VJFE59F11X-B0411H chega equipado com o processador AMD Ryzen 5 5500U, uma memória RAM de 8 GB, um SSD de 256 GB para armazenamento e, em termos de gráficos, apresenta a placa de vídeo integrada AMD Radeon RX Vega 7. O sistema operacional instalado é o Linux.
A tela deste notebook  possui 15,6 polegadas com resolução Full HD (1920 x 1080 px) em um painel do tipo TN, que, infelizmente, apresenta distorção de cores dependendo do ângulo de visualização. A carcaça é feita de plástico na cor prata, pesando apenas 1,75 kg e medindo 1,9 cm de espessura, tornando-o extremamente portátil para uso diário. O teclado segue o layout ABNT2 e inclui um teclado numérico dedicado. A webcam possui resolução HD de 720p, tornando-a adequada para chamadas de vídeo familiares ou reuniões de trabalho.
Este modelo é altamente recomendado para tarefas exigentes, como navegação com várias abas abertas, edição de planilhas complexas e até mesmo para trabalhar com projetos de engenharia e arquitetura em programas como AutoCAD e Revit. Além disso, ele é capaz de rodar jogos mais leves, como Valorant, CS GO e Fortnite.
A memória RAM de 8 GB DDR4, com velocidade de 3200 MHz, é ideal para multitarefa, e o laptop suporta um máximo de 64 GB de RAM no total. Vale ressaltar que a RAM não é soldada, o que significa que há espaço para futuras expansões.
Quanto às portas e conectividade, o laptop oferece 1x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.1, 1x USB-C, 1x HDMI, 1x P2 (para fone de ouvido e microfone), 1x porta de rede RJ-45, 1x leitor de cartões e 1x trava de segurança.
Aqui estão algumas recomendações específicas para diferentes usos:
Para atividades de escritório, como Word, Excel, Power Point e PDF, o desempenho deste laptop é excelente. O processador e a memória RAM são adequados para tarefas avançadas.
Para navegação na internet usando navegadores como Google Chrome, Firefox e Edge, a memória RAM de 8 GB permite uma experiência fluida com várias abas abertas.
Para assistir a filmes e séries em serviços de streaming como YouTube e Netflix, a configuração é boa, oferecendo uma boa qualidade de imagem, embora um painel IPS proporcionasse uma qualidade de imagem ainda melhor.
Para atividades de fotografia e design com softwares como Photoshop, Illustrator e Corel Draw, a resolução da tela é adequada, mas o painel TN pode distorcer cores, o que é uma desvantagem em laptops com configurações similares.
Para edição de vídeos com programas como Premiere, Vegas e After Effects, a placa de vídeo integrada de nível médio é capaz de lidar com edições simples. No entanto, um painel IPS seria preferível para melhor qualidade de imagem.
Para tarefas relacionadas à arquitetura e modelagem 3D com softwares como AutoCAD, Revit, SolidWorks e 3ds Max, este laptop é uma escolha sólida para projetos de nível médio, embora projetos complexos possam exigir uma placa de vídeo mais potente.
Para programação em linguagens como HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP e Python, este laptop é altamente adequado tanto para estudos quanto para atividades profissionais. A inclusão do teclado numérico é um bônus para facilitar algumas tarefas.
Quando se trata de jogos mais leves, como The Sims 4, CS:GO e FIFA 2022, a placa de vídeo integrada oferece um desempenho sólido, enquanto a memória RAM está na média do mercado.
No entanto, para jogos mais pesados e recentes, como AC Valhalla, COD Warzone e Forza Horizon 5, é importante notar que uma placa de vídeo mais poderosa seria necessária para obter uma qualidade de jogo ideal. A tela também possui uma taxa de atualização padrão de 60 Hz.
Em resumo, o VAIO VJFE59F11X-B0411H da linha FE15 continua a ser uma escolha competitiva para aqueles que buscam um laptop de configuração intermediária. Seu processador eficiente, memória RAM considerável e armazenamento em SSD proporcionam um desempenho sólido em várias tarefas, desde atividades de escritório até entretenimento e até mesmo algumas tarefas mais exigentes, como edição de vídeo e programação.
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gameforestdach · 1 year
Kurzzusammenfassung: Ubisoft hat angeblich Pläne für eine Fortsetzung seines 2020er Games Immortals Fenyx Rising aufgegeben und konzentriert sich stattdessen auf seine Hauptfranchises. Die Entscheidung, den Teil zwei zu kippen, wurde von Ubisoft Quebec getroffen, die bereits in einer frühen Entwicklungsphase des Spiels waren. Kernpunkte: Ubisoft gibt Pläne für eine Fortsetzung von Immortals Fenyx Rising auf Der Entwickler konzentriert sich auf Hauptfranchises Die Entscheidung wurde von Ubisoft Quebec getroffen Es gibt Herausforderungen bei der Etablierung der IP Der erste Teil des Spiels erhielt positive Bewertungen Entwicklung des Spiels und die Reaktion von Ubisoft Eingeweihten Quellen nach hat Ubisoft seine Pläne für eine Fortsetzung des 2020er Spiels Immortals Fenyx Rising Key verworfen. Die Entscheidung wurde von Ubisoft Quebec getroffen, die sich in einer frühen Entwicklungsphase des Spiels befanden. Die Abkehr von der Marke scheint auf wahrgenommene Herausforderungen hinzudeuten, die Ubisoft bei der Etablierung der IP sah und deutet darauf hin, dass das Unternehmen nicht genügend Potential in Immortals Fenyx Rising sah, um die Franchise weiter auszubauen. Die Rezeption des Originalspiels und Ubisofts Zukunftspläne Der erste Teil von Immortals Fenyx Rising erhielt im Allgemeinen positive Kritiken, einschließlich einer 7/10 Bewertung von GameSpot. Ursprünglich hatte Ubisoft vorgesehen, dass Immortals Fenyx Rising zu einer Franchise wird, die verschiedene Mythologien jenseits von Griechenland erforscht, einschließlich der hawaiischen polynesischen Mythen. Jedoch wurden Zweifel an der Zukunft von Immortals aufgeworfen, als Ubisoft beschloss, seine Hauptmarken zu priorisieren und die Absage von drei unangekündigten Spielen früher in diesem Jahr ankündigte. Ubisoft konzentriert sich auf die Stärkung seiner Haupt-IPs und Live-Dienste nach geringer als erwartete Softwareverkäufe während der Urlaubssaison. Gemeinschaftsreaktion und offizielle Antworten Als um einen Kommentar gebeten, lehnte ein Sprecher von Ubisoft es ab, die Gerüchte und Spekulationen rund um die Absage des Sequels zu kommentieren. Obwohl Immortals Fenyx Rising eine bescheidene Anhängerschaft fand, waren seine Verkäufe in Europa im Vergleich zu Assassin's Creed Valhalla in einem ähnlichen Zeitrahmen deutlich niedriger. Angesichts der Strategie von Ubisoft und der Umsatzleistung des Spiels ist die Entscheidung, die Serie einzustellen, nicht überraschend. Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick Das Ende von Immortals Fenyx Rising könnte ein Weckruf für die Spieleindustrie sein. Indem Ubisoft seine Strategie ändert und sich auf seine Hauptmarken konzentriert, sendet es ein kraftvolles Signal an Spieler und Branchenbeobachter. Was denkst du? Ist es richtig, ein Spiel mit Potential zu opfern, um sich auf bewährte IPs zu konzentrieren? Teile uns deine Gedanken mit!
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mainsstereo · 2 years
Brawlhalla combos caspian
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rookieforlife · 3 years
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Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC | Valhalla IP
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cacheblog920 · 3 years
Amiga Hdf Games
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WHDLoad is a way to run Amiga games from hard disk, even for games that did not originally support HD installation. Thanks to the fantastic work of the WHDLoad team, we can run those games, both on real Amigas and emulators, quickly and easily. Features downloads of all Team17 games in ADF or IPF format. Some CD32 ISOs are available as well. The site also includes Team17 related goodies such as game MP3s, wallpapers, fan art and a.
Accueil>Amiga >Commodore Amiga - Hardfiles - HDF (0.01)
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Agony (1992)(Psygnosis) Alien Breed 3D (1995)(Team 17)(AGA) Bloodnet - A Cyberpunk Gothic (1994)(Microprose)(AGA) Breathless (1995)(Fields Of Vision)(AGA) Burntime (1993)(Max Design)(AGA) Cannon Fodder (1993)(Sensible) Civilization (1992)(Microprose)(AGA) Colonization (1995)(Microprose) Darkseed (1992)(Cyberdreams) Dune 2 - The Battle For Arrakis (1993)(Virgin) Dungeon Master II (1994)(Interplay)(AGA) Flashback (1992)(Delphine) Flight Of The Amazon Queen (1995)(Interactive Binary Asylum) Frontier (1993)(Gametek) Hare Raising Havoc (19xx)(Disney) Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis (1992)(LucusArts) King's Quest VI (1994)(Sierra) Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (1993)(Psygnosis) Lost Vikings, The (1993)(Interplay) Mean Arenas (1993)(ICE) Patrician, The (1992)(Ascon) PGA Tour Golf (1991)(Electronic Arts) Reunion (1993)(Grandslam)(AGA) Rise Of The Robots (1993)(Mirage)(AGA) Secret Of Monkey Island 2, The - Le Chuck's Revenge (1991)(LucusArts) Secret Of Monkey Island, The (1990)(LucusArts) Settlers, The (1993)(Blue Byte) Simon The Sorceror (1994)(Adventure Soft) Star Crusader (19xx)(Gamtek)(AGA) Star Trek 25th Anniversary (1992)(Interplay)(AGA) Syndicate (1993)(Bullfrog) Valhalla And The Lord Of Infinity - Plus Both Sequels (1994)(Vulcan) Waxworks (1992)(Accolade) Workbench V3.0 (1992)(Commodore)
I’m trying to get running an Amiga again, to see if I can remember what was rocking my computer world twenty years ago. I want to run that code, swim with the Fish disks, and generally muck about with what was my life back then.
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Amiga Hdf Games Online
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Emulation is interesting. Variants of UAE (which came with an Amiga Forever CD set I bought in 1997 or so) rule the roost. Quality is variable – on Windows, WinUAE is very comprehensive, even making grink-gronk noises as the floppy spins. On Mac, E-UAE is really not worth the bother kinda okay – it doesn’t want to emulate anything above a 68000, and falls over quite often but has decent sound. On Linux, it’s plain and stable, and I happen to have an old Thinkpad going spare I can dedicate to emulation.
I would have expected all the old disk images to be readily available for download. It seems that the current owners of the Amiga name (this week, at least) still cling on to the old IP as if it has real value. The Amiga games market (which was the market) basically collapsed with Commodore in 1994. I really wonder who is buying the PowerPC based, vastly overpriced new hardware? For now, I’m relying on good old-fashioned torrent sites for my data.
I want to emulate two machines; the A500 I had for all my cringe-worthy magazine writing running Workbench 1.3, and a fast thing maxed out with all the processors and RAM I never had, probably running 3.1. While I did have Amiga(D)os 2.04 (can’t remember if they’d dropped the D by then), it wasn’t the main focus of my interest by then.
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The biggest problem I have is getting hard disk image, even blank ones. UAE is picky. Here are a couple I formatted under WinUAE, both blank.
Amiga Hdf Games Free
I wonder if they’ll work under 1.3?
Amiga Hdf Games On
Update: yes, they should. I formatted them FFS under AmigaDos 1.3.
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ilikedetectives · 4 years
Hi, did you play every AC game? If yes, in term of game plays which are the easiest? For someone without much experience in games, ty!
Not every AC game, because I can handle only so much of cookie cutter games at a time. Before I say more, lemme get this out of the way first: I played the Ezio trilogy back in 2018 because Da Vinci’s Demons was cancelled and I wanted more Da Vinci content and the white and red hoodie looks cool. In other words, I didn’t play the game because it’s called Assassin’s Creed.
The AC games I played so far, by the order of which one I play first. I’ll rate gameplay by my personal preferences (because it’s the only way I know how).
Ezio’s trilogy (AC2, AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, played in 2018): decent parkour, minimal grind (just invest in the villa and you’re a millionaire in a day or two), very story focused (perfect balance of historical and modern plots). Decent combat. The golden years of AC and I agree.
Unity (played a few months after Ezio): good parkour, medium grind (bigger map and more items to upgrade, you still get to invest in properties so it helps). Time-saver items are on sale for real money aka MTX (ew). Combat is ok, not much difference since Ezio. Historical story is meh (I don’t care for Arnold because Elise’s story is more interesting) and they completely ditched the modern plot (you think Odyssey has little modern day plot, try Unity). Buggiest AC game I encountered and I played this game 4+ yrs after launch (hold on to that thought, keep reading). Ubi spent all of their time and budget doing the interior design (which is gorgeous btw) that they have none left to fix the bugs.
Black Flag (a few months after): chasing flying papers is my favorite activity to NOT do. Grindy af (no property investment). I can’t tolerate the controls for the ship so I hate everything that involves ship in this pirate game, except for sea shanties. You’ll have more fun playing this game as a pirate than an assassin. Combat feels the same since Ezio. Other mechanics are like Unity (understandable). Modern plot is minimal, but it makes bloodline irrelevant and there’s a....soul inside a computer server that wants to possess a human body, meanwhile said soul’s husband is a maniac who has unlimited reincarnations (realism, I know). Black Flag is the gateway game that convinces me that I should stop wasting my brain cells in “what kinda bs realism is dis?”
Odyssey (a month after launch, bought solely because of Kassandra also when I heard Odyssey is set before the creed, oh fuck yea I don’t need to sit through another rehash of Creed crap or at least minimal anyway): oh gods a breath of fresh air from the old controls where you have to hold R2 whenever you want to run and my fingers hurt sfm. Climbing is the best because the protag actually moves where you want them to move. MTX (ew). Grindy but because the combat and movements are smooth, best combat so far; I don’t see Odyssey as grindy because I enjoy my time playing (also Kassandra); I platinum the game on PS4 at around 130 hrs I think, could’ve been earlier but photomode. Fun quests that I giggle whenever thinking about them (I don’t remember shit about any quests in any other AC game, but then again Kassandra). People bitch about no parkour but who parkour in the 450BCE?!?!? Full disclosure: I never cared for parkour and never will. I stop caring for modern plot after how Unity and Black Flag handled it. Playing Odyssey makes me realize that I enjoy AC games more if idgaf for the AC aspect, rather, I play for the fictional historical tourism aspect. Just ditch the AC and voila, blue sky and fresh air. Playing Odyssey also makes me realize that I want a spin-off IP that focus on the Isu so we can go full fantasy. Do I need to say how pretty Odyssey is? lol
Origins (planned to play Origins first, but Kassandra. Also, I remember Amunet from AC2, but somehow we play as a dude in Ancient Egypt, I’m not too eager to find out, despite I prefer Egyptian mythology over Greek and I’d like to thank Yu-gi-oh for that): combat is clunky, heavy, and slow, though no need to hold R2 to run so phew. Grindy af. The bow mechanics is a decade outdated (Horizon Zero Dawn came out the same year and oh boi the difference is night and day, oh yea I played HZD before Origins. I get it the bow isn’t the focus but does it have to feel like Skyrim in 2017?). I’m glad I play this game for the Ancient Egypt (which is beautifully designed *chef kiss*) aspect and no more. 
Syndicate (I play this along side of Origins, still haven’t finished it though. Literally bought the game for Evie and I nut over Victorian fashion): combat is no different from Unity. Grindy like Black Flag and Unity. Story is meh in both historical and modern plot so far. Evie is the only reason I’m still trying to play this game. At least the Helix outfits are included in the Gold edition of the game. Victorian London is gorgeous tho.
Valhalla (only care for this game because Eivor. Tbh after God of War and Hellblade, idc for another Viking game): game is buggy af, buggiest AC game I’ve played. Combat is like Origins but worse: the only saving grace is the finishing move & the bow mechanic hasn’t been improved since Origin; I honestly would rather have combat from the Ezio games over whatever-this-is. You have to toggle a button to run now, which is dumb af because I miss Origins and Odyssey automatic run. They bring parkour back (because Vikings totally dig parkour back in the Dark Ages) as well as the-character-doesn’t-move-where-you want-them-to from the older games. Chasing flying papers from black flag is back, no thx. Looting enemies is useless, but hey you get to run around to look for a key or two or THREE to get some minimal amount of materials; so imagine if 2/3 of every chest in Origins and Odyssey are locked. Oh! You have manually pick berries/food to heal, no healing potion, wtf is this half-ass RPG shit? Side quests, oh sorry World Events, aren’t tracked in an open-world game (guess who hasn’t been doing these bitches?). Grindy af. I’m wasting my time looking at the skill points interface (you have 99 lv in Odyssey, 55 in Origins, 403 power in Valhalla. A game doesn’t feel like grindy if you level up every 2 quests for 403 times, does it? lololol). The useless SP tree is so massive that I just don’t use the skills I acquire because it takes too much time to find out which buttons to push to locate the 10 skills in this 403-dot clusterfuck, but the astronomy design is beautiful (gotta give credit when it’s due). Scummy practice from Ubi: releasing “time-saver” pack AFTER reviews are published. Also, who wanna bet there will be more mtx outfits than in-game outfits? Don’t worry, Ubi makes inventory management cLEaNeR for you *hands over 8 outfits for an RPG game*. The free event bugs tf out of your already buggy event, but hey, you’ll get a free outfit that’s a reskin of what you already have, teeheee be grateful. Eivor is amazing but by the gods playing this game is a chore. Tbh I only play Valhalla if I don’t feel like playing Ghost of Tsushima that day. Lastly, why is England so yellow like it’s Ancient Egypt?!?!? And why the sunlight moves faster than Eivor’s running at full speed? Which parts of this game does realism count?!?!?!?
Unsolicited opinion: GoT is an example of how an AC game should be and how DLCs should be handled, but with Ubisoft it will never be and I’m so fucking glad that it is Sucker Punch Prod which handles feudal Japan with utmost respect and realism. See how “honor” is handled in both games and compare the writing. Ubisoft should have announced ding dong AC is dead and create a new IP, but AC is their most financially successful franchise so expect more of this MTX, I mean, grindy RPG approach with minimal narrative. 
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comicsandslushies · 4 years
So I'm watching the gameplay of AC Valhalla
and I gotta ask the fuck does this have to do with Assassins? This and Odyssey just look like they might as well have made a new IP and go from there. 
Ever since Black Flag it just seems like the games have less and less to do with the original series.  
If Ubisoft want to make a series about some random person kicking ass in history that's cool but the gameplay does not match the series’s beginning, it just seems like Ubisoft wanted to keep making historical action games and are just slapping the Assassin’s Creed logo on it to sell more copies. 
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gamingnc · 4 years
Dear reader, I took a crazy vow on myself and a task that may be a bit difficult is to search for all the upcoming games for the PS5 platform which are widely dispersed to collect them here in one article for easy access after that, this article includes exclusives, confirmed third-party games For the platform, the online games, the titles that will get a free upgrade for the platform on the PS4, the Indie games and finally the titles that will fall under the Sony rule for the 13th of July, which requires any developer to develop his game on both PS4 and PS5 if it will be released after the 13th date. Therefore, you may find some games in our comprehensive guide for today. They are not officially announced for the next generation but will be released sooner or later.
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Note: This article will be updated continuously with all new and any upcoming PS5 titles officially until the next generation release date. So, put that article in your bookmarks and come back to it later. This is the biggest guide you can find for PS5 games. I hope you like it and let's start.
During the PS5 event that took place on June 11, we got an idea of ​​the upcoming console exclusives and 23 new games.
1- Horizon Forbidden West
In the warmly awaited second part of Alloy's journey, our heroine goes to West America in San Francisco in a Post Apocalyptic world in which machines hover everywhere to save humanity from a new danger. We have seen in the official presentation of a new game of machines, a wonderful environmental diversity that will put speed The PS5 SSD is under test and of course, various villains
Release date: 2021
2- Spiderman Miles Morales
We did not believe at first glance that Insomniac Games had been able to create a new Spiderman game in two years until we learned that it would be a Standalone game like Uncharted The Lost Legacy, this time game puts us in the shoes of Miles Morales, who discovered his supernatural abilities at the end of the events of the last part, and we saw him swinging with movements and forces New, such as being able to hide and use his electric hands, the events of this part will take place a year after the first in New York during the winter, and we expect to see a masterpiece that relies on the power of the PS5 largely in terms of ray tracing and lighting, details and innovatively using the SSD.
Release date: 2020 Holiday Season (could be a launch title for PS5)
3- Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
A second game from Insomniac Games, where we return in a new adventure with Ratchet and Clank across dimensions where planets and dimensions come together for a mysterious reason and our heroes have to save the world. The unnatural, the lighting, and the use of Ray Tracing are remarkably amazing and finally, we knew that we would be playing the female character of Lombax.
Release date: unknown
4- Gran Turismo 7
Polyphony Digital Studio returns with one of the most amazing realistic car racing series through the seventh part of Gran Turismo, almost the game developed to show the power of ray-tracing technology and the most dazzling reflections on cars, the game promises us the return of the story phase with more modification and customization methods than before... The game will fully exploit all the features of the PS5 from ray tracing, 3D audio, SSD, and Dualsense to give you a different feeling in driving, but its developer aspires to deliver its frame rate to 240 frames per second and more than that too.
Release date: unknown
5- Demon's Souls Remake
One of the most highly requested remakes from players, Sony, and Bluepoint Games have already fulfilled their promise by showing them to Demon's Souls Remake, which was first released on PS3 and paved the way for the emergence of Souls games in the current form that we see. Generally, the game will contain an unknown Fractioned phase with its purpose and two methods. To play, either focus on the frames without graphic quality or vice versa and you are free to choose.
Release date: unknown
6- Destruction All-Stars
A game similar to Twisted Metal with some of the flavors of Rocket League, where different heroes compete with their cars to destroy others' cars inside arenas. Unfortunately, we did not know other details about it, but from what we saw, we think that you can jump out of your car and play with the same character in all that chaos
Release date: unknown
7- Returnal
This is Housemarque's new IP, of the action and Rogue-Like genre, that game takes you to an alien planet controlled by an astronaut, the problem is that the planet changes automatically with each time you die to always witness different events that are repeated with time and quickly change After your death, you are inside a repetitive cocoon, our heroine tries to break it and save herself from madness. Generally, the game is based on action, fighting with weapons using the 3D Audio features of the PS5 while using the Dualsense features!
Release date: unknown
8- Astro’s Playroom
Astro returns in an adventure of its own that will use all the features of the PS5, but you will feel the fluctuation of the atmosphere and the rain already through the sensors of Dualsense, the game will be available for free with the purchase of the PS5.
Release date: 2020 holiday season
9- Sackboy A Big Adventure
Sackboy returns on his own adventure alone this time when he'll have to navigate obstacles beautifully.
Release date: unknown
10- Quantum Error
A horror, excitement, and suspense game developed by Teamkill Media, in which you play a fireman as he tries to rescue his colleagues from a building that burned in mysterious and very terrifying circumstances that will put the horror games in a realistic framework for the first time in terms of the survival factor, the game will benefit from all the capabilities of PS5 even the Dualsense to sense danger With ray tracing to give additional realism, the game will work on a 4K display resolution at 60 frames per second according to the developer, the game will also release to PS4, more details you can find in bulk about this news during the developer team's interview with Playstation UK magazine
Release date: 2021
Read: Did Sony fail when it made the Japanese media review the PlayStation 5, or is there a secret battle you want to win ?!
Second and third party games (some of them are for PS5 and PC only, so these titles are not purely exclusive)
These titles are not purely exclusive for PS5 because they are developed by second or third party studios. Generally speaking, I have used Playstation UK magazine, which leaked 38 games for PS5 by third-party developers.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
The next Assassin's Creed segment from Ubisoft Montreal, which will take us to the era of Vikings, has been confirmed for the next generation of platforms, including the Xbox Series X as well, which will be the game optimized on it than the PS5 to run at a resolution of 4K and 60 frames per second, in general, the game talks about our hero Eivor, who He wants to move his clan from the Vikings to England to start a new life, only for King Alfred the Great to stand in his face, and of course, Eivor will use all he has and this includes the Hidden Blade and being the Assassin to win that battle, in general, you can know literally everything about the game through the link that we collected for you in it All about the game or read our comprehensive guide to it below, and we await the announcement of its gameplay at the upcoming Ubisoft Forward show.
Release date: 2020 Holiday Season with leaks to release in October as a PS5 launch title
Watchdogs Legion
Watchdogs Legion has been confirmed for PS5, our game takes place in England or London to be exact, as Deadsec tries to eliminate the ruined hands that manipulate the country politically, the amazing thing about the game is that you can control literally any NPC and each of them has amazing hacking capabilities and thus gameplay Completely different from one personality to another.
Release date: unknown after several delays
Rainbow Six Quarantine
One of Ubisoft's games is sure to come to the next generation, but we do not know much information about it except that it will be a co-op game, with a deadly virus and this is all. In general, as I mentioned Ubisoft exhibition is coming, and we will definitely see it there. Of course, the article will be modified constantly as I mentioned.
Release date: unknown
Gods and Monsters
A game that will take you to the world of Greece to fight the well-known gods of Greece (God forbid) in deep antiquity. We do not know much about it except that it comes to the next generation as well.
Release date: unknown
FarCry 6
I know that Ubisoft has not officially announced the game, but this is what will happen at its next exhibition, and FarCry 6 will definitely come to the next generation platforms, especially as it may be released in 2021, and according to the latest leaks, the game will take you in a world outside of America finally and rumors talk about a tropical atmosphere such as Narcos. There is nothing for sure.
Release date: unknown
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War
I also know that all the leaks confirm that Activision is preparing for a live event inside the COD Warzone game to announce Black Ops Cold War, but this has not happened but, it is obvious that Activision's next title in a series like Call of Duty is coming for the next generation, whether the PS5 or Xbox Series X.
Release date: unknown
Project Athia
A new project from Square Enix and Luminous Productions announced during the PS5 event, and it seems that our heroine will be a female and will have special abilities, including distant jumping and speed with fighting dragons and strange-shaped monsters, generally, we will know more soon, this game will be exclusive for PS5 home platforms to be issued to the PC also at a later time.
Release date: unknown
From the publication of Square Enix and the development of People Can Fly, Outriders are among the first games that we have known of their official arrival for the next generation, whether PS5 or Xbox Series X, in the Destiny-like Action RPG and Co-op, Outriders give us a great fighting mix between Gears of War and Bulletstorm.
There are sections for the characters, each with special abilities, whether fiery, defensive and so on. We watched the game on the ground at the end of May during the first live broadcast of Outriders Broadcast in which we saw the capabilities of The Trickster along with the fighting style, designing the planet Enoch world to which human groups go Outriders for his exploration of whether or not he is habitable after Earth in Single Player or Co-op story will be breathtaking.
Release date: 2020 holiday season
Resident Evil Village
Capcom announced the Resident Evil Part VIII bomb, the title we had been very expecting due to the leaks. Generally, the eighth part would have a completely different horror direction based on fear of the unknown, magic and sorcery that we had seen in Outlast before as well as the presence of Zombies with shields, wolves, vampires. And an evil character called Alan who founded a group called The Connections occupying the village in which the game takes place, our hero is Ethan, who returns again after his marriage to Mia to live in that infested village until Chris Redfield reaches them and kills Mia with petrified and cold blood..the game uses the features of PS5, especially the acoustics Three-dimensional to enhance the horror feeling more fully.
Release date: 2021 also coming for PC and Xbox Series X
A new game from Capcom, you showed us during the PS5 event. The truth is we did not understand much of it, but it seems that it will be kind of science fiction games, virtual worlds, and the difference between them and reality.
Release date: 2022
From Gearbox and Counterplay, Godfall offers us a new concept of RPG and looter games named by its developer Looter Slasher, simply the world of Godfall is a world of fantasy where the five elements of life, whether fire, water, land, and otherwise form forbidden kingdoms within a world called Aperion in which there are warriors They call the Valorian Knights. We do not know their goal, but within the game’s objectives is to obtain the best shields in this world, which are called Valorplates. Generally, you will be able to choose one of three types of warriors. You have to look for stronger shields in the framework of the RPG with combat full of Hack and Slash a little bit.
Release date: 2020 holiday season for PS5 and PC
From the Arkane Lyon team from Bethesda, Deathloop introduces a little new idea where you have to play a character called Colt and you have to accomplish some goals and kill eight people before the day ends and if you fail, the game will repeat your day from the beginning with differences in the design of the stages through each time you lose The challenge becomes different, it is a bit like Returnal, but the difference will be in the presence of a hostile character who will try to stop you in various ways.
Release date: 2020 holiday season for PS5 and PC at a later time
GhostWire Tokyo
This game will take you to a time when humans have ended and the city of Tokyo has become an abyss devoid of any life except for some souls that swirl around which you have to confront, there are different types of souls, each with its own characteristics, abilities, and you will also have supernatural abilities to defend yourself, the game seems very mysterious And it's worth a try.
Release date: 2021 for PS5 and PC
The mysterious Bethesda project about space, we do not know anything about it, but it seems that its announcement is soon, the game is released for the PS5 and this is known, but when? this is the question.
Release date: unknown
Elder Scrolls VI
Another awaited game from Bethesda's side is generally coming to the next generation but according to news, don't expect it anytime soon.
Release date: Unknown. May be 2022
Hitman III
The third part of the Hitman World of Assassination series has been announced, this part will be the last and will be the darkest of them. Its events take place in Dubai in some missions, but you can expect the return of all the beloved elements from the past parts such as disguise, stealth, and innovative ways that you can reach your goals.
Release date: January 2021 for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC
Battlefield VI
EA did not announce it for a moment, even after the end of the EA Play exhibition, but the company stated that its game will be released for the next generation only with the PC. According to a leak, its events may take place in the modern era for the first time since Battlefield 4, and we hope so.
Release date: unknown
Dragon Age 4
We did not get a new announcement for Dragon Age 4 for a moment except for some hints, in general, it was confirmed that it is already a next-generation game.
Release date: unknown
Next Need For Speed ​​segment
We learned from this news that Criterion Games is currently working on the next part of Need For Speed, and it will be the largest and widest game in the series, and of course, we can assure that it will be a next-generation game and so far, it has not been announced.
Release date: unknown
The Sims 5
We only learned that Sims 5 is coming to the next generation including PS5 through Playstation UK magazine, but EA didn't mention anything about it for a moment.
Release date: unknown
Dying Light 2
After postponing, again and again, we can say that Techland still has a lot to do before refining the game Dying Light 2 optimally, and therefore, it may be released in a large proportion for the next generation. Until now we do not have any other information about the survival game that has a world full of Zombies and has a Parkour system. Outstanding.
Release date: 2020
Sniper Elite 5
Believe it or not, dear reader, there is a new part of Sniper Elite, and also the developer has not announced anything about it for a moment, we learned about its coming to the next generation through the report of Playstation UK magazine.
Release date: unknown
Observer System Redux
A game of the type of mystery, investigation with the side of suspense and excitement, puts you in the shoes of a detective who analyzes crimes with very modern technical means and then traces the perpetrator to the end, the events of the game take place in a future world similar to the world of Cyberpunk 2077, and the truth is that the game was a masterpiece when its developer showed us An extended section of the gameplay, as the game is beautifully decorated with ray tracing technology.
Release date: 2020 holiday season for all next-generation platforms.
Elden Ring
We do not know anything about the Elden Ring game developed by From Software in cooperation with writer George RRMartin, but as long as the game is with him, we will wait forever, it is assumed that this will be the expected new Souls game, but its news has been cut short for a while and it is expected that we will not hear about it until 2021.
Release date: unknown
Lords of The Ring Gollum
A new game for the Lord of The Rings puts you in the Gollum shoe, one of the most prominent monsters or characters in this world. We do not have many details, but the game is coming to the next generation.
Release date: unknown
As far as we know, it has joined the WRC 9 series, which is one of the most prominent racing games for Codemasters, the team that develops the Dirt series, but in general, there is a new part waiting for us from WRC 9 for the next generation and so far has not been officially revealed.
Release date: unknown
Star Wars Squadrons
Up to this point, EA has not officially announced that its next satellite game will come for the next generation, but its release date is in October and therefore I think that an improved version is waiting for us soon. More about the game, its story, stages, Cross-Play, and Multiplayer, here is the link.
Release date: October 2 for the current generation and PC
Dirt 5
The most famous realistic racing game ever is officially coming to the next generation, and it seems that Codemasters has literally excelled in that game as it introduces a heavily modified Career mode for the first time that will feature both Troy Baker and Nolan North with a very large list of races, circuits across the tracks of the world and inside the atmosphere Very dynamic, the multiplayer is here, everything is here and the graphics look fabulous, the game will support 4K display resolution with a frame rate of up to 120 frames on Xbox Series X and it is also highly optimized for it, all the details announced for the game you can find here.
Release date: October 2020 for PS5, Xbox Series X, PC, the current generation, and Stadia
The awaited Batman game
I don’t know how long I’ll be waiting for this game from Warner Bros Montreal, but it seems that it could happen at the DC fandom event on August 22nd, where we might see the first show of the upcoming Batman game, which is sure to come to the next generation.
Release date: unknown
Harry Potter RPG game
At least, we know some details about that game from Avalanche's side, it will be an RPG, an open world where the Hogwarts school is explorable. It is assumed that you will play with a normal wizard and learn magic arts until you reach higher levels.
Release date: 2021 or so it should be
NBA 2K 21
During the PS5 event, we saw NBA 2K 21 for the first time ever and it looks like it will be stunning in terms of graphics, from sweaty to realism of the moves themselves.
Release date: 2020
Metal Hellsinger
This game is a mix between Doom and Beat Saber in terms of music, where you will kill monsters in the form of a fast shooter like Doom with the same brutality, but with musical rhythms such as Beat Saber, the idea is different, it looks promising and officially confirmed its coming to the next generation.
Release date: 2021, for the next and current generation, and for PC
Chivalry II
A game of the type of planning, wars, and strategy, which looks very good, especially in the aspect of war and fighting.
Release date: unknown, for current, next-generation, and PC
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines II
This game introduces you to the world of vampires, and the most wonderful thing is that you will play with one of them from a list that includes different types of them and each has his own personality, abilities, etc.
Release date: 2020 for the current and next-generation as well.
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One
Studio Frogwares is now working on a new game for Sherlock Holmes Strana that we control in his early days and in the early days of his career as a detective before he became famous in this way, the events of this part take place on an island in the Mediterranean where he tracks Sherlock who killed his mother, gets to know Watson and then they travel To London - The methods of investigation and linking conclusions with each other will return again. You will also be able to disguise themselves for the first time only to speak to certain people, and so on.
Release date: 2021 for the next generation PS5 and Xbox Series X, the current generation, and PC
Remedy announced a while ago that its game Control will be among the titles that support the next generation, whether Xbox Series X or PS5.
Release date: unknown.
Scarlet Nexus
A fighting game based on anime by Bandai Namco, coming for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC
Release date: unknown
Read: GTA5 enhanced version may be exclusive to Playstation 5
Other third-party games:
- Chorus, coming in 2021 for the current, next-generation, for PC and Stadia
- In Sound Mind is coming for PS5 in 2021
- Dustborn is similar to Walking Dead in 2021
- Cris Tales game on November 17th for the current and next-generation as well.
Games to get a free PS4 upgrade to PS5:
I talked to you about the idea of ​​Cross Gen games that are issued between two generations and the idea of ​​a free upgrade, which is simply followed by Xbox through the principle of Smart Delivery. As for Sony, it leaves the issue of the current generation games on specially developed copies for the next generation in the form and free upgrade in the hands of the developers, more information about each You can find this dilemma here:
Playstation has announced some games for PS4 that are free for PS5 if you buy them on the current generation, and they are:
For the third time, GTA V is released for the new generation after its release on PS3, PS4, and now for PS5, and this announcement occurred during the platform unveiling event that Rockstar Games started with its slogan that almost whacked us to follow with a provocative announcement about GTA V coming for free for PS5 if I owned it as a player on The PS4, of course, in an improved image befitting the features of PS5 and the next generation in general, the improved version will be available with the launch of the PS5 and in addition to PS4 players getting it for free, they will get a million in-game currency every month until the official release of the platform.
In general, I did not like the company's milking policy for GTA online in particular, so I wrote that article:
Believe it first, believe, we learned about FIFA 21 coming for free for PS5 for PS4 owners through the Blog. He mentioned that point between the lines on the official EA website and not during the EA Play Gallery itself. What was shown in the EA Play event was how titles like Madden 21 and FIFA were used. 21 for next-generation capabilities graphically, details of that can be found here.
But we soon talked to us until we discovered in the official FIFA 21 Blog that the game will get a free upgrade for the PS5 and this applies to the physical and digital versions of the game, generally more details about the pre-order bonuses you can find here
Release date: October 9th on current, next-generation, and PC platforms.
Marvel’s Avengers
One of the most anticipated games from Crystal Dynamics, which taught us new details and information in bulk from here:
The game will take us on a storyline journey in which we control our beloved superheroes as they try to confront the villain MODOK, we have a fun fighting style full of moves and superhero abilities, we have a very deep mod system, story, and co-op missions, RPG style, side missions and a lot more and above all, you will get Marvel's Avengers is getting a free upgrade to the PS5 if you own it on the PS4 and it will use all the features of the PS5 in terms of ray tracing, Dualsense, 3D audio, SSD and more.
Release date: September 4 for the current generation and PC, for the next generation.
Cyberpunk 2077
It was CD Projekt Red who detonated the Cyberpunk 2077 delay bomb until November 19, but it followed this news with a positive thing, which is that the game gets a free upgrade for the PS5 if you bought it as a PS4 player, and this will happen through an initial update of the game using the Backward Compatibility feature for both platforms, followed by an update. Huge to add next-generation benefits and generally ended since the days of the Night City Wire event, which showed us important information about Cyberpunk 2077, and we analyzed journalists' impressions of it after four hours of play.
Release date: November 19 for current, next-generation, PC, and Stadia at a later time.
Madden 21
EA announced that Madden 21 will get a free upgrade for PS5 as well.
Release date: August 25 for the current generation and PC, next-generation at a later time.
Read: The SSD in the PlayStation 5 may limit the lifespan of the device.
Other games to mention:
Operation Tango 2021
Remothered Broken Porcelain 8/25
Ghostrunner 2020
Twin Mirror 2020
Haven 2020
Rogue Lords 2021
Everspace 2 2021
Torchlight III 2020
System Shock Redux
Empire of Sin 2020
Samurai Jack Battle Through Time 2020
Destory All Humans 28/7
XIII Remake 11/10
Star Renegades 2020
Prodeus 2020
Gothic Remake
Moonray 2021
Path of Exile 2
Cygni All Guns Blazing
Paradise Lost
So to recap, here is the exact list of PS5 release games:
Spiderman Miles Morales
Astro’s Playroom
Dirt 5
Observer System Redux
Madden 21
Cyberpunk 2077
Marvel’s Avengers
NBA 2K 21
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Destiny 2
Jett The Far Shore
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
Those were all the details that you wanted to know as a player about all PS5 games, I hope you have reached this stage of the article already and hope you share your opinion and do not worry, a list exactly like the Xbox Series X games awaits you soon.
from Gaming News Center https://ift.tt/34YfJsk
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I feel so awkward about the Assassin's Creed: Valhalla trailer (first of all is that the best name you could come up with?)
Everything about the trailer screamed AC3 to me (my favourite game but we're past all that stuff) and absolutely reeked of what they were doing in Odyssey, which is fuck all to do with Assassin's vs Templars and all to do with "here's another aesthetic in history we want to bastardise so we can bank dollars off of"
And then they talk about the gameplay being heavy rpg shit and just, no dude! Keep that shit away from Assassin's Creed. We're continuing to move away from Assassin's Creed, an original IP and we're turning it into every generic game that's out there.
Now, Valhalla does present an interesting possibility to reclaim past glories purely because of where in history it takes place:
Before AC1 but way after Odyssey, so you never know we could get proper big AC lore stuff, since the entire series has really been hard on the whole, "England are the Templars" aesthetic.
It'd be nice for it to take place as close to 1066 as possible so that there's the potential for a connection to AC1 even though that technically takes place 120 odd years into the future, there's a lot of history mentioned in that game.
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regalgorgon · 5 years
I’ma have to stop you right here
Hemlo this is your reminder that putting pictures against one another without context or explanation to try and prove some point that’s so much of reach that your arms are like noodles is actually trashy thanks.
Just seeing more Shadowlands/Shadowbringers stuff.
Shadowbringers doesn’t have a Revendreth goth/vampire themed zone. They have sin eaters that look nothing alike and act nothing alike. You know what has vampires and goths and all that? The San’layn and Nathrezim. That’s where Revendreth came from. Shut the fuck up and go away. Blizzard is literally rehashing old shit and making it look new. It’s already been in their game before.
Shadowbringers does not have anything near Bastion. Blue is not purple like Lakeland, and Bastion is based off the Val’kyr with same aesthetics and themes as Stormheim/Trial of Valor with heavy Titan influences. Stuff that has already existed in WoW, and not Shadowbringers. Another reference I’ve seen is Mount Gulg. I’m sorry, but if you put the two together, the only similarities are the Val’kyr and sin eaters and the Val’kyr came first. And if we want to get super technical, angels came first before all of those. (The faction in Bastion is literally named after the Val’kyr; the KYRian)
Shadowbringers does not have Satyrs or the lore of Ardenweald. Ardenweald is the Emerald Dream and Ashenvale love child. The only thing remotely similar are the moth fairies and pixies. There are no Satyrs in Shadowbringers. The only things that Il Mheg and Ardenweald have in common is that it’s the sUpEr CuTe zone full of flowers and abundance of life and the fairy pixie people. Which isn’t original to either of the games, but go off I guess.
Then we have Maldraxxus- really, do you really need me to tell you that there is no parallel zone for Maldraxxus at all in Shadowbringers? That the Shadowlands has existed since WotLK as The Realm of Shadows? ?? Which predates FFXIV entirely. We knew it was the death zone, and obviously things like Nathrezim would be involved so places like Revendreth and Maldraxxus would make sense. Bastion is just the stereotypical “Heaven” modeled as Valhalla as evident with the Val’kyr and their origin, and the Maw is Hell. Shadowbringers doesn’t have any of that, only Biblical mentions and Hades which are two different mythos entirely.
The most annoying two I’ve seen is the name and the premiere picture representation. Icecrown’s opening to the Shadowlands is nothing alike in terms of lore or even physical representation. The name is  common. There’s shadow in everything. There’s even shit like Red Dead Redemption and Death Stranding. There’s World of Warcraft, World of Tanks, World of Darkness, World of- do you get it yet? A name’s a name. It was just unfortunate that they came out relatively next to each other. As for the premiere picture? The Shadowlands is an opening to the realm of DEATH with the mirror of ICECROWN while the Shadowbringers premiere picture/login screen is the  WARRIOR OF DARKNESS bringing DARKNESS to the world of LIGHT by breaking the sea of Light. Not the same thing, not even remotely.
Then let’s talk about production time and presentation!! Upon Shadowbringers release, Blizzard would have had 4 months to make an expansion that is ready to be demo’d at Blizzcon. Highly unlikely, next to impossible. The leaks were even happening before that. So if you want to go by the trailer and announcement, please note Blizzard isn’t known for how fast they are with expansions, let alone content. At the bare minimum, they would have had artwork and storyboard by that time. You all sorely estimate how slow creating this shit is, especially for Blizzard. They even cut half  the stuff they promise or talk about because it just takes too much time or they save it for another expansion down the road (remember when they cut Azshara from Cataclysm? I did).
So by the time Shadowbringers was announced- assuming there’s no secret spy working for Blizzard planted into their studio which is dumb and highly unlikely as there were no leaks whatsoever about this expac- Blizzard would have already picked out the IP and had their artists draw up creature and zone designs while the story team developed what we now were presented in a cinematic trailer.
Shit happens. But when you look at the two, they are very painfully different no matter how much you wanna’ reach. Not even the color pallets in any of these pictures they smash together are remotely similar. 
THE ONLY THING BLIZZARD TOOK INSPIRATION OR “STOLE” WAS PALACE OF THE DEAD and called it Torghast. And even THEN Palace of the Dead wasn’t an original concept.
Like I joked. I did the cute little jabs about the names and the post-apocalyptic feeling of the expacs, but facts are that they are entirely different and anything you can remotely compare the two already existed before they were even a thought in someone’s head from somewhere else.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 
Stop being unironic about this. There’s other things you can pitch a fit about in terms of similarities and stolen things. Just stop being cringe about it.
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