#Vampire Optimus
cozzzynook · 18 days
May I offer some spicy Shockop with some vampire Optimus?
Buzzing and beeps filled the lab as Shockwave quietly worked away at his desk. The purple mech hardly flinched when he heard the door open to his lab assuming it was either Soundwave or Megatron checking on his latest projects. Turning to see his visitor Shockwave suddenly felt his spark quicken when he spotted not Megatron but Optimus who had somehow quietly snuck into the base without drawing any attention to himself.
"Optimus, what are you doing here of all places?" Shockwave tilted his helm as he carefully put away the tools he was currently using before turning to gaze fully at the red and blue mech. Optimus stayed silent as he slowly walked towards the purple mech before snapping back his battle mask as he finally spoke.
"I missed you and I wanted to see you Wave" Optimus pulled Shockwave into a tight hug before pressing a light kiss on his helm. Shockwave blinked for a second before returning the hug despite his own confusion and suspicion. "Hmm, by 'missing me' do you mean wanting to feed my dear Prime?" The purple mech go his answer when he felt the Prime start to gentle nibble on Shockwave's finnals while lazily purring.
Letting out his own lazy purr Shockwave gently dug his clawed servo into Optimus's hip joins before arching his back to allow the taller mech to begin kissing and nibbling along his neck. Oh how Shockwave missed this, he remembered the days back when they were younger and snuck down darkened alleyways for hours at a time just wrapped in each other's embrace as Orion slowly sank his fangs into his neck to feed, it made the purple mech's plating tingle. Just then Shockwave felt himself being pushed backwards until his frame collided with his desk, he then looked up to see Optimus smirking as he ran one servo down towards Shockwave's hips while the other kept the scientist pinned on his desk.
"Nervous?" Optimus smirked again as pressed another kiss to the side of his helm as he slowly ran his servos lower and lower. Shockwave gave a small scoff narrowing his optic in a teasing manner. "Me nervous? How illogical of you to think that my Prime" The purple mech then coiled his digits deeper into the red and blue's mech seems pulling a small whine from Optimus. "How about we stop this little teasing game our ours hm? Would you like your reward my dear?~" Shockwave purred as he pressed his optics glass agents Optimus's burning cheek, Optimus nodded slightly as he lazily continued to lazily kiss and nip along his neck while slowly purring away. "Good"
Letting out a sharp hiss Shockwave pulled himself a little further up his desk before allowing the Prime to comfortably come closer without issues. Optimus's optics darkened with hunger and lust as he got closer and closer before bearing his long fangs and sinking them into Shockwave's neck. The purple mech let out a surprised squeak that quickly turned into a pleased moan, Shockwave allowed his legs to wrap around the Primes hips pulling the larger mech closer not wanting this to end too soon. Judging by the sweet scent, growing heat and buzzing EM fields it seemed no one was going to be leaving this lab for the rest of the evening.
(Hope you enjoyed, I wanted to add extra spice but NSFW is hard to write) UvU
This is a pleasant morning treat, thank you ☺️
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giantenemyrobot · 2 months
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maxicaiman · 15 days
working on some Vampire Au stuff after lovely yap sessions with my friend 💪
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(you might get double of this same ask bc I'm not sure the last one went through so ignore this one if it did)
Just thought of a weird thing where cybertronians aren't created by the allspark or any other canon variation but are instead made a la vampire/cybermen from Doctor Who style, where already living organisms are turned into cybertronians. I just think it'd be interesting to see how this au would play out (especially with the kids- would they get turned by the Deceptions for some reason- evil or otherwise- or, in an angstier way, by the Bots?). I just think it'd be interesting
This concept has me in a CHOKEHOLD. Now I NEED to write for it. I've always found these sorts of ideas interesting. This is going to be LONG though.
The Weakness of Flesh
The legends said that during the beginning of all things, Unicron created his minions of chaos. They were wrapped in living material, organic matter, and cast out amongst the stars that were forged from Primus's radiant light. World filled with organic life flourished, creatures spring up left and right, and in that moment, life filled the previously empty universe. The preachers said that Primus saw this desecration of his holy lands and strove to return all to the light of his being in the creation of his own champions.
From the strongest of Unicron's minions, Primus took them unto himself and raised them up. He remade them piece by piece, stripping away the weakness of flesh for the eternity of a frame of metal. From his own frame he cut until the swirling nebula of his lifeblood fell upon the creations of Unicron he chose. The tainted creatures of Unicron basked in Primus's essence and consumed it, the impurity of their beings washed away with every sip. Many of the chosen perished in the light of Primus's essence, too tainted to survive. However thirteen endured the changes and were born anew, each strong and gifted with power unique to them based upon what they once were.
The records said that once they were made anew the first thirteen fought against the chaos god at Primus's bidding and struck him down. It is said that they then used their gifts to reforge Primus's slumbering frame to be a world upon which they could live. However none know precisely what happened, only that the thirteen gathered up organics made of the chaos god and brought them to Cybertron, the slumbering form of their Sire. There they each took upon themselves organic creations and shared their lifeblood as Primus had with them, changing the organics to match them in image. Then just as the work began, it ended with conflicts among the thirteen as those with the most converts fought amongst themselves.
Little is known of their battles, but in the end, Solus and Liege fell, many retreated to the stars, and Onyx, Micronus, Nexus, and the Thirteenth quietly vanished after draining their energon for others to consume. With time, those that remained also vanished into obscurity, lingering but never acting in any significant way.
Those were the times of legends, and that is what the preachers said.
Whatever really happened, Cybertron was born and on its surface a race reliant on others to reproduce was formed. Made of metal and with cores formed from the essence of the divine, Cybertronians stormed the galaxy with Primes, those with the purest bloodlines, on their side. Those who wished for young travelled far and wide across the stars, searching out organics who they found to fit their bloodline and be worthy of conversion.
While they lived, Predacons gathered the strongest young of organic species after having them fight to the death in pits. The young that lasted were treated as treasures during conversion and cared for with utmost patience and love as they endured the torment of transformation. Although when Predacons arrived to search out young, war almost always followed as the organic worlds they travelled to fought against them bitterly for the sake of their children.
Minicons searched out the most intuitive and thoughtful through trials of knowledge. They spent vorns dutifully travelling to places of learning and high activity to find ones who might be worthy. Often they were heralded with great gusto when they came as it was seen as a blessing for one's child to be made into an immortal. The young they took unto themselves were always treated gently and raised with care, for every convert is a blessing due to how dangerous the process was.
Grounders rarely left, but when they did hunt for young, they searched across the stars for those of stalwart hearts. Those they gathered under them in droves, often turning many at a time and training them all lovingly. The arrival of a grounder in search of young to convert was often seen as a blessing or a curse depending on the world. For a grounder searching out young will not leave until they have at least one, no matter the circumstances. The grounder in question would serve the community they were trying to collect a child from, but they were known to get aggressive when unable to take a child into their fold.
Fliers were similarly conservative in their hunts for young, but when they left to search, they too were not content with merely one when possible. Their arrival was heralded similarly as well, often leading to great celebration or debate. Fliers came in trines, and that meant more potential danger. Not only that, but they were not nearly as willing to bargain as grounders. If they found young they liked, they took them regardless of the parent species's feelings on the matter.
Beastformers wandered the stars carefully selecting young. They took in the lost and the homeless and never asked questions about the children they took in who came from broken homes. They gathered those that others didn't want, and that was fine with them. They needed no heralding, they only wanted family.
This was the way of things and all the galaxy knew of the Cybertronian hunts for young. Some would offer up children in tithes just to avoid conflict. Others would train to possibly be worthy of being accepted as an immortal. And some still fought bitterly against the waves of Cybertronians coming for young, waging war and fighting tooth and nail to keep their young to themselves. Whatever the case, this was the way and Cybertronians continued their existence through the welcoming of new blood.
Orion Pax was taken up from the rubble of a long forgotten world, the last survivor of a deadly plague while still a young child. None knew exactly what he was or where he came from considering his organic form did not match that of the race that lived upon the planet. Still, he wandered the surface, lost, starving, and struggling bitterly against death as he hunted for something, anything to keep him alive. He lived wild, hunting and rummaging through what he could to get by. Alpha Trion of all mecha sensed his presence and collected him, taking INCREADIBLE care when it came time to convert the organic child.
Orion Pax was not given just Alpha Trion's essence, no, he was also infused with the energon of the other Primes that Alpha Trion managed to save for this very purpose. Orion didn't know nor did he care. He survived the changes and his flesh was stripped away in favor of metal and a spark. All the Matrix did when he gained it was wake up the dormant power within him, forcing the power of the divine to change him into something greater, something purer.
Mortal to Immortal
The conversion process was by no means an easy thing to endure. There was a reason that potential young were taken only from among the strongest, be it in mind, body, or spirit. Few survived the process without dedicated care and love from their Sire. All sorts of issues could come up if a Sire was negligent or failed to provide adequate amounts of energon to sustain the young during the change.
Outliers formed randomly, there was no notable event that caused their existence. However ghouls, spark eaters, and terrorcons were a legitimate threat when young were not tended to. Ghouls were born of a lack of energon, their bodies unable to fully finish development due to the neglect or lack of a Sire leading to them having to supplement on the energon of others their whole lives. Spark eaters were born of a lack of love from a Sire, resulting in their sparks forming incorrectly and requiring the essence of others to try and stabilize their own self destructive being. And of course Terrorcons came from a sparkling perishing halfway through the process due to neglect and their unfinished frame being reclaimed by the chaos god.
So many threats were involved with the changes, and yet it was required to sustain their species. However with how time intensive the changes are, the war put a damper on reproductive efforts.
The only sparkling among the Autobots who was brought into the fold was Bumblebee, and that was only because he was on the brink of death in his mortal frame when Optimus and Ratchet took him in and agreed to bring him into the fold together. Even then Bumblebee's changes were carefully observed and every moment not at war was spent tending to him. There simply wasn't enough time or peace to really bring in more into the fold.
Thus when the Autobots and Decepticons arrived on earth and found it to be somewhat safe, the urge to bring more into their folds was strong but controllable... up until the children got involved. Cybertronians all have a natural urge to want to bring more into their fold once they are old enough and their bloodline stabilizes. It is even more powerful when there are too few of them. The Decepticons kept themselves in line, with few being willing to raise a sparkling during war. But the Autobots? With how often the children got into dangerous situations, they found themselves with little choice, especially after Starscream nearly nabbed Miko for his own purposes and Soundwave almost made off with Rafael.
There was no choice. The children needed to be brought into the fold before the Decepticons lost control and took them into theirs. It was a matter of safety, there was no other way. As such quietly the team prepared the necessary items and began designating Sire's while also readying their offerings to the humans in exchange for their young.
Arcee was given sole responsibility over Jack, a position she carried with pride when Optimus granted her his blessing for her to be Jack's Sire. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were given Miko to Sire, to which both were ecstatic and immediately began preparing the correct offerings. And lastly Rafael was taken on by Ratchet, and by extension Optimus. Bumblebee was too young to raise a sparkling, but Primus did he wish he could when the plan was announced. None were all too proud of having to take the children from their caretakers and their race of origin, but it was for the best.
June was offered respect whenever she came to base, often with Arcee bowing kindly and offering up small gifts and tokens which the nurse took with confusion. Miko's host family and biological parents found themselves wired with extra cash from an unknown source. Rafael's parents were anonymously gifted strange artworks and also wired cash. The children didn't know, but they didn't need to until the time came. It was best they remained unknowing.
As all that went on, Optimus worked with the team to carefully prepare small injections of energon to be given to the children. He took energon from the designated Sires and offered it to the children in drinks he bought using a holoform. It felt underhanded, but the changes would be easier if the children were unaware for as long as possible since it wouldn't stress the mind quite as much. He added some of his own energon to all the children's injections just to stabilize things and ensure the children came out strong, but beyond that the only child he focused his efforts on was Rafael. It was not his place to interfere with the others.
Day by day over the course of months, the changes began.
Arcee treated her boy as gently as possible as his body ached and his internals seemed to burn more with every passing day around his chest. She cradled him when he fell asleep at base, singing to his slowly forming spark to calm it and cause Jack the least pain. She took great care to ensure Jack didn't receive too much energon and was there to quietly run scans and slip his Cybertronian painkillers when the aches grew worse in order to hide the truth from June for as long as possible. She stopped raising her voice, attentive to her boy's sensitive hearing and vision during the changes. She knew the changes, although those memories were distant.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack tended to Miko with utmost care as she came to them exhausted and unknowingly searching for attention as her slowly forming spark cried out. They held her near their sparks and sang to her as she slumbered all while quietly doing their best to soothe aching muscles and burning limbs as metal overtook flesh. They gave her higher doses of energon in order to speed the process along, but they never rushed Miko to do anything, instead being soft and loving with her even when she grew angry or snapped as new emotions ravaged her mind.
Ratchet and Optimus were well acquainted with the changes and cared for Rafael with practiced ease. Ratchet soothed aching muscles and stressed skin with special ointments and massages meant to lessen the pain. Optimus sang and used his field to care for Rafael's young spark, knowing full and well that his larger energon donation in Rafael made the boy more open to his affections. Together Ratchet and Optimus worked as one unit, both caring for Rafael physically and emotionally as his Sire's to be and both allowing equal amounts of their energon to be given to the boy. Bumblebee for his part did what he could to keep Rafael distracted as his bones slowly were remade and he began to loose feeling in his limbs as flesh was converted to metal.
The changes were necessary for their own safety. It was better they were brought into the fold by Autobots instead of Decepticons, especially since with the changes, their minds would shift and alter too. However this reality did not make it any easier when the children began to grow aware of how they were changing and their parents grew suspicious too.
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lovinglonerhybrid · 10 months
Hey what happened to the energon eater you know this guy
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Cause we know that chase and bolder gave it to Optimus
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But we just never have it brought up again did he just keep it in team primes basement did he tell the other bots that it was even on the planet or did he just kinda let it be and forget about it like come on Optimus tell us what you did with the possibly super dangerous creature you have in your basement don’t keep it like a kid hides a stray cat
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comehereeveryday · 2 months
Optimus Prime but Dracula
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shiuemi · 10 months
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I drew this for Halloween a while ago. I forgot to post it.😢
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
You ever have an image so distinct you need to sketch it
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giantenemyrobot · 2 months
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artificial-absinthe · 2 years
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This is my gift for the @megop exchange to @ruskeptical. I used the prompts NSFW "dead dove" and inspired by the one requesting supernatural AU, but instead of totally making them vampires or werewolves I made Megatron a cyber vampire such like what Airchnid became in 'Thirst', though gave it a vampiric scenario by placing the picture windows in the background. I hope I delivered.
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cowinthestars · 9 months
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decided to hop on an art trend going around for once :>
Original Post :3c
G1 Optimus is by far my biggest comfort character, but i had a hard time finding a character to pair him with before i settled on one of my biggest kins, Marceline! i think if i hadn't made this at like 2am i might've even put Spinel from Steven Universe in there somewhere, but i actually kinda like the way this looks so i didn't wanna potentially ruin it by trying to fit her in there! BUT the thought crossing my mind does make me wanna draw her at some point since i think the last time i did was in high school in an old sketchbook-
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rinpin · 2 years
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So I have a Hive now. If you’re buzzing around, come find me! 😎✨
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petitelepus · 1 year
Part 2 of Bloodbath AU? Alita takes them to their hidden base. How would they think of the treatment they get from everyone? (Child, teen, and adults are there) I would imagine it’s not the nicest (not to mention they are staying in an underground jail-) and they saw moonlight drops treating people with kindness and treating them medically. However, she is different whenever she faces them and they find out why when she burst out calling about what vampires did to her mother, her people and herself.
It doesn't go unnoticed that Optimus and his team aren't exactly welcomed to the rebels' base. People are glaring at them, and the vampires are sure that the humans would yell and throw stuff at them if they weren't with Alita.
"Uh... Nice place you got here?" Bumblebee said and Alita didn't even bother to look at the yellow Autobot.
"It's an old underground jail." She replied, "In a way, we are prisoners here."
"Oh." Bumblebee grew quiet and the Alita led them to deeper into the base, but a familiar voice shouted out-!
"What the Hell Alita!?"
The Autobots flinched and turned to look and a new woman rushed to see Alita.
"Moon-!" The young woman was saying, but her friend beat her to it, "What are these Things doing here!?"
"They are here to help us-!"
"Help us!? Do I need to remind you what these monsters have done to us!?"
"I'm sorry, but I assure you, we are here to-!" Optimus tried to talk, but the furious Moondrop turned to glare at the Autobot.
"Your kind took everything from me!" She hissed out like a venomous snake, "And I won't rest until we have taken everything from you...!"
And just like that, Moondrop turned and left to tend her patients and prepare the next rebels' meal.
The Autobots shared worried looks and Alita sighed.
"Give her some time... She will come to understand that to beat your kind we need your help." Alita frowned, "Hopefully."
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melishade · 2 years
Attack on Prime Halloween Anthology List
Hello everyone! For those who are a little curious and new as to what this entail, let me explain.
I have written a crossover between Transformers Prime and Attack on Titan called Attack on Prime, where Optimus Prime is sent to the world of Attack on Titan after the events of Predacons Rising. And this list here, is Optimus telling the Survey Corps scary stories because they have no knowledge about Earth, and they also made a betting pool. AKA, the Halloween Anthology. So enjoy, and Happy Halloween everyone!
Main Story
La Llorona
The White Death
El   Silbón
The Krasue
Pros and Cons: Vampire
Russian Sleep Experiment
Red Death
The Rake
The Tell-Tale Heart    
Oiwa’s Revenge
The Bride of Tola
The Wailing Spark 
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
So if almost every other Mech folded during the war is related to OP in some way does that mean Smokescreen is related to Optimus?
Nobody tell him, he’ll have a heart attack (spark attack?)
He absolutely is related to Optimus. He's got a pretty pure concentration of bloodline in him actually. He just came out looking different due to the genetic lottery quality of folding. Because of that strong bloodline, he's naturally inclined toward adoring his Leader (Sire).
The team can see he's closely related to Optimus just based on how he acts around the Prime. But of course, they aint saying crap about it. Best for Smokescreen to get the parental love through a mentor bond rather than a familial one. Don't want to blow his mind so late into the game.
He might start getting extra cocky and the team don't need another Bumblebee any time soon.
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a-life-revised · 2 years
Blood Sucker
Vampirism was a sacred thing, once.
The sharing of one's own lifeblood was seen as intimate, a ritual founded upon trust. Once upon a time, a coven and cult had founded itself on top of these principles, lifted themselves above and promised, in return for the strength and healing feeding gave them, protection, companionship.
For a time, these things were true. By like all things true, they began to rot. Gold leaf dusted shiny over the rust underneath. Mortal mecha grew fearful of their larger, dangerous brethren. Warframes, they called them. Clawed and fanged and winged, surely ready to turn on them.
Fear spread like spilled energon, and those wjo swore to protect found themselves in need of protection. And when they rose to protect themselves, they were cast down, and out.
Traitors. Outcasts. Megatron's lips want to curl at the memory. Instead, red optics narrow in contemplation.
"You come, without offering, asking for my help? You are either bold, or stupid. Or both."
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