#Varia Mammon
analviel · 8 months
Might go back to put more details eventually
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Varia Mammon
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ninensei-ace · 1 year
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what-the-fuck-khr · 4 months
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all photos were taken from listings on Mercari Japan, but here are the Vongola adjacent selfie cards!
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eeriehowl · 3 months
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KHR! - Favorite relationships (3/?) 
(XM) Xanxus & Mammon // “Boss... When the time comes, you're gonna pull through, right...? I'm believing in you.”
// “Mammon. (...) It's not that bad. It's just a few more assholes to wipe out.”
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rien0408 · 2 years
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👑 Happy (belated) Birthday to Bel the Prince!! 🥳
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in-asterism · 5 months
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I am in fact still on this kick. the mind of this character fascinates me
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minkufu · 1 year
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“That’s him officer, that’s the kid that attacked me because I wouldnt let him buy an M-rated game!”  ( TロT)σ
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Varia Bedroom Headcanons
@myrmyrtheorca @childe-of-saulot @tangomagnolija @unwrathful @srtruth
I gotta be fully honest, accidentally put all my energy into Mammon's room lol. I tried to spread the love, I did, but how I imagine a lot of their rooms can be summed up quickly. Meanwhile, Viper's has layers lol.
Viper’s room is painted in dark indigos and deep violets, making it look really dim. Also making it look dim is the fact they only keep about three lamps in there in total and all the tapestries on the walls and ceiling. Most of these tapestries are old items from the others. A stitched up blanket Squalo had once ripped in frustration, old curtains Lussuria tried to toss out because he didn’t like them anymore, and other items of categories like that. In fact, that’s how they get a lot of their furniture. Wobbly coffee tables fixed via putting a book under it, an electric fan that only works half the time, and stuff like that. There’s a chest at the foot of their bed full of old uniforms and clothes. Bel’s old uniform from when he was a kid? They have that. Some clothes Lussuria planned to donate to a thrift store? Mammon’s got them tucked away. They might have a bit of a hoarding problem… But that’s something to be addressed another time!
They have the second biggest bed in the Varia base, the number one spot obviously belonging to Xanxus. It’s a canopy bed, only adding to the things that hang down in their room. The bed is also pressed right up against a wall that has a window seat that they’ve added more cushions and pillows to. They mostly sleep on said window seat, mostly using their bed as glorified storage space for things like books and their money. The bed is also home to their copious amounts of blankets, yet again, mostly ones they’ve stolen from the others or ones they’ve put back together.
The crowning jewel of their room though simply must be all their books and trinkets. If a shelf isn’t stuffed full of books and reading materials, it’s lined with little things they’ve found. Almost every surface in the room has trinket trays that hold a cacophony of things. Little metal thread spools, cheap rings, cool rocks, and more. You can find just about anything in their room! In fact, it’s practically guaranteed if you lose something small in the Varia base that it’ll end up in their room. Good luck getting it back though, they don’t like others getting into their room.
TYl/Future Arc Fran
Fran actually keeps a lot of the things from Mammon’s room there still. He lessens how many blankets he uses, removes a lot of the tapestries, and little changes like that. But the most he adds to the room are little things like posters or his own odd decor and trinkets he finds. 
So! In canon, he’s ranked the second in having the messiest room, so ignoring the mess that’ll be there! I feel his room is, rather stereotypically for him, painted in a deep red. He doesn’t have much in terms of furniture outside of his bed, a desk, a tv, and an armchair. He does however have a ton of posters and pictures on his walls. Bands he’s listened to once, tv shows he’s never fully finished, pictures of missions he liked, and more. Though, the set of photos he likes the most and that he has hidden in a corner of his room under a poster are photos of him and the rest of the Varia. He finds it too cheesy to admit to any of them how much he likes the pictures, hence the hiding.
One of his odder decor pieces is a dart board that he uses for knife practice when he’s bored. The wall around it has holes from said practice that he claims are intentional. Whether that’s the truth or not, no one knows as he never uses it when there’s someone else in the room. 
He does have some fairy lights in his room, but he doesn’t use them often. 1. Because he yet again doesn’t want the others to know about them. 2. Because I personally headcanon as having a sensitivity to light for various reasons. Maybe him and his brother throwing rocks at each other’s heads as kids wasn’t the best idea… But that’s a health problem to be handled later!
(For pronoun clarification, I use all pronouns for Lussuria lol) His room is the definition of cozy and warm. Lots of warm colors that aren’t too bright, sun shaped wall decor, lots of mirrors. I imagine her room either has multiple windows or one big one, either way, it gets a lot of natural light. They also have a lot of potted plants like succulents, an assortment of fresh herbs, different flowers, and some ivy. Lussuria also has a collection of soft things, normally those plush things you can microwave to help with muscle aches. They help her a lot after training sessions or missions when she can’t use too much Sun flames.
Levi A Than
I’ll be fully honest, I have very few headcanons for Levi’s room. He’s a hard character to decorate for. However!! I feel like his room would be green, but like a dark and dull green. And obviously, he has a Xanxus shrine/a lot of photos of him on one of his walls. Also we know in canon he has and uses 116 alarm clocks apparently. So I can only imagine he has enough surface space to match. So either, a lot of tables or they’re set up all around his room and even on some shelves. Outside of that, he really just feels like the type of guy to keep his room rather plain.
Squalo Superbia
Much like the others, I feel like Squalo’s room color matches his flames. However, it’s far more of a grey-blue than a bright blue like Rain flames. He also feels like the kind of guy to keep things simple. A desk with a chair, some framed photos, rather average bedding, and such. The stand out feature of his room is his giant fish tank that takes up a good chunk of the room. Whether he simply has multiple fish or some mini sharks, they’re painfully spoiled for aquatic pets. Only the best for his babies! This also means in his room there’s always the faint sound of his tank’s filter.
And finally, the darling boss’ room! Breaking the trend of his subordinates, I feel like his room is a dark color like a deep grey or black. And, as mentioned in Viper/Mammon’s section, his bed is the biggest. I feel like he keeps his room rather simple, but not plain. Fancy style dressers, stylized shelves, and things like that. Things you’d expect to see from someone given not only his personality, but also given the fact he was raised to be Vongola Decimo. Plus, look at the dramatic chairs he has in canon. His other furniture simply has to match.
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hehedoesntdrawhere · 6 months
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some more varia text posts that i forgot about
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zoroara · 9 months
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|| Buon Anno! ||
The year 2023 has finally come to a close, and with it the art challenge where I draw every Varia member during their birthday month! I thought I should close off with pictures of them past present and future!
I want to thank everyone, whether you were here the whole time, were here intermittently, just for your faves, or even just for the tail end, the support was greatly appreciated! This year had the biggest amount of art I've ever made and unsurprisingly was a massive undertaking, just counting the challenge month drawings it's 5 short of 250!
2024 isn't going to be like that at all, but, I sure as hell am not going anywhere! I'm definitely going to still be drawing and writing and while I don't know what the future holds, but let's all move into it together!
|| For ease of access for the very art challenge I did this year: ||
Xanxus | Squalo | Lussuria | Belphegor | Fran | Mammon | Levi A Than
|| Bonus: ||
|| OCtober Varia Edition ||
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analviel · 8 months
The Il Priscelti Sette timetravelled decades in the future and cross paths with decimo Vongola generation.
Reborn: We're actually siblings.
Tsuna:..... You don't look alike.
Reborn frowned: Are you saying just because some of us are adopted it negates our parents' love for us?
Tsuna: Your parents.
Reborn, straightfaced and casual: Yeah, Verde and Lal are in a lesbian relationship.
Reborn: They found Fon in their doorstep, Verde tripped on him and that's why he's like that.
Reborn: Luce was scavenged from a mountain in the himalayas. When they were camping, Lal got the ugliest mushroom for Verde to cook and then it started crying. Verde is not allowed to cook.
Reborn: Skull was named for only his skull because everyone thought it was empty. Verde got him from a dollar store.
Reborn: Viper appeared after Lal had a dream about some disembodied voice trying to scam her into being a surrogate mother so don't look into their eyes. And be not afraid.
Reborn: And Colonnello- him, they fished him from the canal half-grown.
Colonnello, walking past: Fuck you, Reborn.
Reborn: That's incest.
Tsuna, hesitant, and fucked up by both his HyperIntuition and how convincing Reborn is:......... And you?
Reborn: I don't know. Can't remember.
Reborn: But yeah, Luce's my sister with the same mother.
Luce: Big sister.
Reborn: By two fucking months.
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rebornologist · 5 months
this just in—Belphegor sensory seeking and Fran sensory avoidance. No one asked for this, but these thoughts spawned in my head randomly so I will pretend the reborn gods just injected it into my psyche.
Belphegor, Fran, Mammon + sensory experiences ✧
♡ Bel fiddles with things a lot. He'll run his fingers across the blade of the knife, swinging it around and feeling the weight of it, dragging the cold steel against the fabric of his clothing, his skin, and even his tongue. He often ends up with small incisions on his fingers because of how he works with his knives and wires. Though, one cannot deny that he has mastered his craft.
He picks at the loose threads at the frayed edges of his old shirts. He likes the jingle of belt chains and the clink of metal against metal.
I can practically picture him smacking his gum, blowing bubbles with it, and twirling his hair absentmindedly as he sits bored in a meeting. He likes food with some chew to it, such as gummy candies, and also the raw richness of sashimi and the feeling of flesh being gnashed between his teeth.
He prefers cold drinks, the way sprinkles crunch between his teeth, fizzy cream sodas, and the frothy parts of a milkshake. He chews up straws like no one else.
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♡ Fran doesn't like the feeling of his hair being blown around and whipping into his face very much, and the large hats he wears usually helps with that. He has much less to worry about feeling uncomfortable things on his face and head when it's (literally) covered up. On the days when he isn't wearing a hat, he'll put his hair up more often than not just to keep it off his neck. He loooves his homeostasis.
During the summer, he'll get annoyed really easily if he feels too hot, so he often hangs around in a tank top. The feeling of too much fabric against his skin when he's warm makes alarms just go off in his head, and his only saving grace growing up was the cold creek that he had near his home. He would dip his fingers into the freezing waters for the cooling and numbing effect to calm him down.
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lil bonus ♡ Mammon's favourite thing to fiddle with is money of course, flipping it back and forth in their hands, smoothing out the bills and sorting coins into neat piles. They especially love crisp, new bills. They're the annoying person at the bank asking specifically for new bills.
They also like squishing things in their hands, anything soft and moldable in texture. They never do free labour, but can be convinced to help with fresh gnocchi prep.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 8 months
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hiiii @unwrathful specifically said they’d use Varia for wallpaper purposes so bc my little square was kinda shit quality I felt like I’d go and upscale them and shit a bit better her you go for all your Varia needs
edit: this… WAS better quality but…… if you need it please ask me I hate this website for ruining my hard work
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Hi, could you write headcanons for varia getting drunk?
-Levi becomes a bit of a philosopher when he’s drunk. He wonders what’s beyond space, questions the meaning of existence, and waxes terrible poetry with his musings
-If you thought Squalo couldn’t get any louder, you haven’t seen him drunk. His decibel level is off the charts, and some have to resort to wearing ear plugs when he starts slinging back the alcohol. He rants and raves, darting from topic to topic, and will stand in a corner talking to no one for hours
-Belphegor gets a bit touchy-feely when he’s drunk. Arms and legs will be draped over any family member within sight, and his grip is like that of an anaconda
-Lussuria is also a very noisy drunk, and tends to tell his most harrowing and inappropriate of childhood tales to a not so appropriate audience
-Xanxus is a quiet drunk. This is dangerous, because he does not exhibit his usual signals of becoming peeved off, and many use those warning signs to dodge a bullet or two
-Mammon and Fran, who can’t drink, film and record the antics of their families, for their own personal amusement and for blackmail material
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sleepy-nuvola · 1 year
I wish they'd make some Varia merch that has them wearing their flame colours. Yellow just isn't it for Bel, but you know what colour does suit him? RED
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justkhrstuff · 2 years
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Belphegor: The Origin.
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