#Varian will be like ‘’I’ll protect you’’ and WILL protect her but will also be screaming
ashasworld23 · 3 months
When Eugene woke up he yawned and stretched his arms but he looked around and noticed that he was in an unfamiliar/familiar place when he got out of bed he noticed that it wasn’t an extra large purple blanket and no sight of Rapunzel then he heard a knock on his door. “Eugene! You're gonna be late for your coronation.” Lance said as he pulled out Eugene's outfit
"You know how your dad gets about you being late especially for important events.”
Lance then quickly went to his closet and grabbed his coronation outfit and placed it on his bed then there was a knock on the door
“Horace are you there sweetheart?” It was a female voice but why did she sound familiar could it be… the door opened revealing his mother who walked over too him concernly
“Are you alright dear?..your shaking.”
Eugene looked down at his hands and realized that he was indeed shaking he didn’t even notice “Yeah man you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
Lance commented as he noticed how pale Eugene looked. Eugene sat on his bed and sighed deeply
“I…I don’t understand why I’m I at the Dark kingdom did something happen in Corona where’s Rapunzel?! Varian Lance we’re are your kids?” Lance and the Queen looked at each other confused and concerned Martha looked at her son and said
“Honey nothing bad happened in Corona or Rapunzel frankly I didn’t even know you knew Rapunzel.” Lance then chucked “Yeah and me having kids please you probably dreamed about that stuff….and Varian is here I believe he’s training with his father.” Lance then grabbed Eugene’s uniform and said “you should really get dressed though.”
Martha nodded her head in agreement she kissed Eugene on the forehead and said as she left.
“Also I originally came to tell you that the pastor still has too say your real name instead of Eugene .. I know you don’t want to hear them say Horace but it’s the rules to say your given name.”
Eugene just sighed in disappointment as his mother left.
“Welp you’d tried pfft ha Horace man what a name.” Lance noticed that Eugene was Spacing out again “Sorry Lance I…I guess this dream I is getting really getting into my head But I’ll get dressed.”
Once Eugene was dressed he went too sit with his father for lunch he saw Varian enter with his father Quirin who was wearing his brothhood armor outfit Quirin was walking towards Hector fist bumping him. Okay that was odd even for him then he saw Lance kissing Adira on the cheek and laughing at something that Quirin had said but he didn’t quite hear the joke. Varian sat next to him at the table.
“Training today was very difficult hopefully you have a easier day than I had dad made me climb up a mountain…A MOUNTAIN!!” Varian exclaimed as he shook Eugene back and forth with his hands on his shoulders.
“I’m sure that it wasn’t that bad kid” Eugene commented as he took a sip of his drink
Varian had his hands sliding down his face in agony as he said “You’re right it wasn’t that bad”
“mmm” Eugene hummed as he took another sip of his tea but he spat on out his drink as Varian yelled and shook him again by his shoulders “IT WAS HORRIBLE!!”
“VARIAN!” Varian froze as his father yelled his name and gave him a stern look at him “What have I told you about acting out in front of royalty?” Varian released his hands from Eugene’s shoulders and said “Sorry dad and Prince Horance. Guess training was a lot tougher than usual.”
Now a very familiar voice spoke up but the only difference was that the voice sounded very high and confident tone then what he was used to.
“And there’s a very good reason for that my boy! For today’s Coranation mustn’t go down bad which is why I’ve decided that you must be on your first duty as protecting the Prince.”
“What!! Why Me Why Not Lance Not only that he’s your highness closest best friend but very way more capable of protecting your son than I’m!” Varian said fearfully. Quirin then spoke up “Your highness as much as I want to be on your side in this decision I don’t think my son is quite ready for this position.”
That hurt Varian as much as he really really didn’t want to do this knowing that his own father didn’t think he was ready for this was most definitely something that he didn’t want to hear.
“Your highness I believe that Lance is the best choice for the protection of your son and Varian could guard with me and the rest of the brother hood.”
Edmund thought for a moment then he sighed in disappointment and agreement.
“Very well Lance you can—” Lance smiled widely as Edmund was about to say until he frowned again once Varian Spoke “WAIT I CAN DO IT I’ve changed my mind if you still want me to protect your son.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about my boy taking in interest I see” Edmund said Varian then responded with “ Yes very much I actually have something that could help me protect Eugene”
Varian unknowingly said Eugene’s name out loud but he left the room quickly to build his machine. The other brother hood including
Lance got the message quickly from the kings face and left the room but the Queen entered the room as the others left. “What’s happening” Eugene could tell that his father was pissed but for what reason.
“Son, what have I told you about asking people to call you Eugene instead of your given name?”
“I don’t see the problem with it!” Eugene raised his voice at him but Edmund yelled louder “I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT NAME!”
“WHY!,FATHER?” Eugene questioned angrily. Edmund just stood there in silence “You know what, forget it cause clearly you don’t have a good enough reason for me not to use that name.”
Eugene left the room and screamed in frustration then he opened his bedroom door and sobbed on his bed but froze when he saw a familiar green chameleon crawling on the bed. “*gaps* Pascal?”
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aquaquadrant · 7 months
I'm so shocked how you managed to make Frederic a much more compelling character in your darkness exists fic! Like his actions in your fic are mostly the same as his actions in the show, but we know where he's coming from and he isn't unreasonable. And he actually tries to make up for his faults.
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oh shit, a wild tts post in the midst of all my gay blockman angst! first off i appreciate y’all taking the time to send these in, lots of ppl have a sort of taboo against commenting on old/hiatused fics for some reason so it’s wonderful to know there are still readers out there enjoying it, especially since i had to lock my A03 to users only due to the AI bot problem (for the unaware, all big writing AIs like chatGPT scrape from sites like A03 to fuel their ‘writing.’ it’s like the art theft that art AIs do, which is why i’m against the use of AI in any kind of creative capacity. yes, even character AIs.) at a certain point i think i’ll just have to give up and accept there’s no true way to defend against having my writing stolen by AI, just suck it up and start using A03 again, but i’m not quite there yet. that wound’s still fresh.
BUT I DIGRESS. frederic’s characterization was one of the biggest problems i had w season 1 of tts. like, to a certain extent his motivation was understandable, though still unreasonable, but the biggest thing that annoyed me was how the show tried to paint him in a sympathetic light, and how his own family constantly put up with and excused his horrible behavior bc ‘he was doing it out of love.’ when gothel showed her true colors, rapunzel stood up to her- the woman who raised her for her entire life- without hesitation, no WAY she would sit idly by and let her father treat her that way. and his wife!! the queen!!! a total doormat. very disappointing and a direct result of the showrunner’s own inflated ego and self-admitted self-insertion of the character.
the way i handled frederic in my fic was basically my opportunity to show how i think rapunzel- the real rapunzel, from the movie i love- would have reacted. she’s willing to hear out the concerns of those she loves, but is also willing to put her foot down against injustice, especially in my fic where she has such a protective role as varian’s big sister. that shit just won’t fly. so i’m glad that decision was as gratifying for u to read as it was for me to write 🙏 i’m trying to do right by the king we saw in the movie, who captured so many hearts without saying a single word.
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
I’m dying to know, how did Cass lose her arm in your au???
Well... as predictable as it may be, it was The Great Tree!
Though how exactly she injured (and later lost) her arms was a bit different to the show.
Basically in this AU Cass has sundrop magic running through her veins which actively keeps her alive. She can release it but if she does, it needs replenishing and seeing Rapunzel can't heal anymore that is done via the 'sundrop vials' a series of six vials that Varian extracted from the remains of the sundrop flower.
When in the Great Tree, just like the show Rapunzel resorts to using the decay incantation to stop Hector, trying to protect her friends and family. Cassandra thinks the spear is the way out but Rapunzel's too panicked to hear her. So in a moment of desperation Cassandra sends the sundrop magic out through her hand to reach for the spear.
However, the sundrop magic is at this point corrupted by the decay incantation and having it around her hand for such a long time kills that limb fully.
Though it's actually a good few days later that Eugene gets Cassandra to a medical center and they discover this and remove said limb.
Here's some snippets:
Cassandra didn’t want to die. Not like this. Not due to an incantation Rapunzel was singing. How would that make Rapunzel feel? Cassandra needed to get the spear. She reached out her right hand. As she moved her wrist, the bracelet Caine had given her caught the light and sparkled, the colors swirling like a kaleidoscope on her wrist. Cassandra’s eyes widened as the colours gave her an idea. She reached for the magic she’s used earlier, but it was all being used by the vines, so instead, she reached inside of her; she didn’t find the warm feeling; it was cold, but she decided that was good enough; she pushed it out, black trails with green sparkles came out of her right hand, surrounding her skin. It didn’t feel the same as the golden one she’s held before, more solid, almost gooey. It seemed to extend her hand, though, just as she’d wanted. But it also brought the pain back. She screamed as she forced the black magic forward and grabbed the spear.
-The Great Tree, Chapter 9: The Spear
They arrived late at the doctor’s office and Eugene urged Cassandra to wait outside for just a moment. It was late, and he needed to convince the doctors this was an emergency and he didn’t want to scare Cassandra. Fortunately for him, it just took mentioning the fingers for the nurse to go wake the doctor and Eugene to go fetch Cassandra. They sat her down on a small table and instructed her to remove the glove, when she tried to pull it off it was difficult and the doctor told her to leave it as she fetched some scissors. Cassandra didn’t look happy about the leather glove being cut. It had been a birthday gift from her father after all, but she bit her tongue, knowing if her dad were here he’d tell her to let the doctor do as needed. “Do you want me here?” Eugene asked, not sure he wanted to see whatever state the hand was in, but Cassandra nodded. “Please.” So Eugene took her good hand in his and stayed. The glove came off revealing something that didn’t even look like a hand; it was black, it was crumbling, it should have been traumatic to see, but Eugene didn’t find it traumatic because the hand was so far gone, it couldn’t even be identified as a hand. It looked like something that had been left on a frying pan for too long. Cassandra frowned and looked away. Eugene hated how her eyes landed on the floor. She was trying to not acknowledge what was going on, and he couldn’t blame her. “This isn’t salvageable,” the doctor said, but Eugene already knew that. “It’s a huge risk for infection. I’m going to get the preparations ready to amputate. I’ll have the nurse prepare a room.” Nothing the doctor said was surprising, yet Eugene felt his heart sink in his chest. “Thank you, Doctor.” Cassandra watched the doctor leave and the door close. Her eyes went up and met Eugene’s. His brown eyes were clouded by tears and he was shocked to see hers weren’t. “You’re taking this a bit too well, Cass…” Cassandra looked towards the door again, then up at Eugene. Her eyes were avoiding her right hand. “Eugene…” “Yes, Cass?” “What’s does amputate mean?”
-The Great Tree, Chapter 13: The Question That Broke Him (for anybody not familiar with the AU and confused, it's a Cass was never abandoned and grew up in the tower with Rapunzel AU, so this just so happens to unfortunately be a new word for her that Eugene gets to explain)
Thank you so much for the ask!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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andrigyn · 1 year
I’ve git inspired by the hp anon: what are your favorite acotar ships? or any ship you do not like at all as well!
OK LETS GET INTO IT! I’ll try and briefly explain why as well. When I say I “like” a ship, I mean that I actively seek content for it or would rb it if it came up on my dash.
- Neris: We all know my feelings on this one! This is what should have been.
- Nezriel: Didn’t quite get it until I read Nesta vs the Buffer by ladyofbloodshed, but it really does work. At the end of the day I want Nesta to be cared for and protected as she heals, and canon Cassian wasn’t doing it.
- Azris: They are both SO messed up but they’d be a power couple.
- Gwynlain: This is just a good wholesome ship. Every time I see art of them I’m reblogging it, but I haven’t read any fics of them.
- Tamsand: Childhood friends to lovers to enemies… need I say more?
- Rhysta: This is the wokest acotar ship, and they would be SO TOXIC but in a sexy way.
- Tamcien: They were living together for a long time, you can’t convince me it didn’t happen at least once. There is also clearly a lot of love between them, at least in TAR.
- Elucien: This pairing has so much potential it’s insane… not even just in terms of the characters just where the plot can take them (Autumn, Day, and beyond). If I don’t get to read Lucien as a love interest in canon, I’m done with these books fr
- Helion x LoA: I just want her to be happy 😭
- Lucnes: They would help each other heal, they have SO MUCH in common. SJM was wrong when she said they would tear each other apart!!
- Nesta x The Mercenary: This ship embodies what I like about nessian, but gay. We need to let Nesta be an intellectual with a muscular guard dog type character.
- Emerie x Balthazar: I love Balthazar and he needs to be brought back. I’m also intrigued by the idea of a ship that is between two Illyrians like maybe we can finally get a nuanced view of their culture.
- Gwynriel: Azriel is a total mess so he needs to shape up before he’s deserving of Gwyn, but the potential here is crazy.
- Neslin: Two deeply flawed and broken people. I like the idea of Nesta finding refuge in Spring, and helping Tam rebuild his court. She has a flair for politics that Feyre doesn’t, and from her upbringing would know how to conduct herself as a noblewoman.
- Nesta x Mor: I know I don’t like Mor, but this would be hot. Both of them would soften up as soon as they got to know each other more.
- Cassian x Rhys: Another one where you can’t tell me this didn’t happen at least once.
- Elriel: I came around to this one recently. Do I like it as much as elucien? No, but the forbidden aspect does appeal to me.
- Nesta x Jurian: thank you ladyofbloodshed for putting this in my brain. It’s just so… 🥰🥰
- Canon Nessian: i mean where do I even begin with this… ACOSF has been discussed to death. However I do indulge in some nessian fanfic from time to time, and the talented people on here know how to correct the dynamic so it’s something we can all enjoy.
- Feysand: I was all in on feysand until the baby thing happened in SF. However, there is really good feysand fanfic out there that I will read from time to time.
- Emorie: Mor is really not my favorite character, I can’t lie. However, I could come around to this if I read a good fic or if we get a sympathetic storyline from her in a future book.
- Feycien: Idk, this just doesn’t work for me. I can’t explain why I’m not feeling it, but I’m not.
- Feylin: I see why people loved it in TAR, but it’s not something I will seek out bc it’s just been nuked so much by canon. I prefer them with other people.
- Tamlain: Their personalities would not work together. I’m also too elucien brained to even consider this.
- Amren x Varian: After Amren and Nesta fell out, I was not vibing with her. But even beyond that, this pairing makes no sense.
- Moriel or Mor x Cassian: NO. JUST NO.
- Lucien x Vassa: I don’t like ships where one party is mortal, especially with Lucien bc he has been through enough as it is.
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gojosatorurailmepls · 4 years
I’ll say it because at this point it’s already a war zone over here about whether Azriel is ending up with Elain or Gwyn. Let’s talk about that Nezriel Winter Solstice scene!
Why do I keep seeing people say that Nesta’s aware of Az’s feelings for Elain? Yes I’ve seen your argument on why you think so because of that conversation that they had during Winter Solstice.
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I’m going to show you who was sitting before that fireplace because a lot of you didn’t take the time to reread.
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Mor is sitting right before the fireplace. Amren is sitting on Varian’s lap opposite Mor. Which means that she is sitting in a couch that’s opposite Mor. We can assume that Amren/Varian & Mor are facing each other. The crackling fireplace is next to them. Then Feyre sits down beside Amren/Varian, so she’s also facing Mor. Then later on we see Elain sitting down beside Feyre & Amren/Varian in this excerpt :
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Elain is sitting between Amren/Varian & Feyre. She’s also facing Mor.
I guess y’all are a bit confused to how everyone is placed. I was too so I decided to draw it.
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Now you can see why i’m saying Azriel was talking about Mor. She & Amren/Varien are the closest to the fireplace. And yes before you ask me, Cassian leaves his armchair to Nesta hence why she’s talking to Lucian. Azriel is leaning against the doorway so the total opposite of the fireplace.
Also if Nesta was aware of Az’s feelings for Elain, she would’ve said something it or even though something since we’re in her POV in that specific scene. Elain’s her sister. Y’all seem to forget how Nesta is fierce and very protective to her sister. She would’ve cut Az’s balls if she ever read his mind in that POV. Also she wouldn’t tease Az later on (after Winter Solstice) about Gwyn if she knew that he has a thing for Elain (i’d like to remind you of this scene because some of you seem to overlook this particular moment) :
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eugene-not-flynn · 3 years
Reframing Cassandra
So maybe this is a nonsense idea, but I’ve been thinking about it the past couple of days re: Cassandra. Specifically... what could have happened if Cassandra had been assigned as Rapunzel’s personal guard, rather than her lady in waiting.
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Some thoughts and wonderings below the cut. Warning for negativity in terms of how Cassandra’s canon arc unfolded over the course of the series. Disclaimer that these are just my personal thoughts, and should in no way make anyone feel bad for disagreeing. This read on the changes is also in-keeping with canon ships. 
Without further ado... 
I think it had the potential to change a great deal about what I, personally, didn’t really like about Cassandra’s canon arc and development. 
Cassandra as an Individual
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This is strictly a personal opinion... but I just don’t find the “she always felt like she was chosen second to Rapunzel” as a particularly meaningful or powerful narrative choice for her. I think it... functionally paints Rapunzel has a naive victim of Cassandra’s ambition, which I don’t think is fair to either female character.
I don’t mind the notion that Cassandra feels like she has something to prove. But I feel like pitting that sense against the Lost Princess of Corona is a disservice to both. I’d rather see it stand in contrast to the other guards. 
I think it would be a stronger framework for that subplot of her character arc to be that she feels like a second-rate guard because she’s been assigned to protect one person rather than be an actual guard/given a leadership role. (Of course, this is no actually small task, and I think Cass would come to understand that with time).
I think also that it would feed into her overarching plot and role and relationship to other characters, which I’ll more about in a sec. 
Cassandra and Eugene Tension
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For the most part, I didn’t have a problem with that Cass and Eugene argued/bickered a lot. (I do wish there was more moments that counterbalanced it, but I digress)
But I didn’t quite understand where the animosity was coming from, and I kind of wish it had been explored more. 
And I think that if Cass had been Rapunzel’s personal guard assigned by the king, then Cass’s distrust of Eugene (and Eugene’s corresponding frustration with her distrust of him) would make sense and also provide room for interesting growth between them. 
Because now Cassandra’s literal job is protect the princess, and what evidence is there that Eugene isn’t just playing some kind of long game? 
Meanwhile Eugene feels like time and time again he tries to prove how much he has changed, and everyone seems willing to believe him but Cass? And can he really blame her? Or fault her? 
I just think it would also have that much more impact to hear Cassandra tell Rapunzel in season 2 that there’s no way Eugene would betray her like that (when Cass harbored that distrust of him for so long), or that moment in Season 1 when Cass gets knocked down and Eugene goes charging in to the fray to help her). 
Cassandra and Rapunzel Tension, Fall Out, and Reconciliation
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So Cassandra has plenty of moments already in canon where she tries to protect Rapunzel because she’s her friend. But I think coloring those moment by a sense of obligation rather than just friendship could help develop the growing resentment towards Rapunzel that Cass starts to feel, especially pressing into Season 3. 
You also get the added dynamic of them both often being at fault for miscommunications and the disintegration of the relationship because Rapunzel almost certainly has issues with accepting “protection” because a lot of her childhood trauma is wrapped up in a neat little bow with the label “its to keep you safe”. So she doesn’t always want Cassandra to protect her, and she can take care of herself.
Meanwhile, Cassandra didn’t ask to be Rapunzel’s guard, and she doesn’t listen very well, so when Rapunzel does stupid stuff and is reckless, that puts Cassandra at a certain level of risk as well. (She also might see Rapunzel’s recklessness as a slap in the face in the sense of reading it as “I don’t need you”, even though Rapunzel is the one person that she’s supposed to protect?)
And I think directing that anger and resentment towards Rapunzel makes more sense--at least to me--if it’s not about other people and their reaction to the two of them. Because one thing that always bugged me about her canon arc is that while some of her anger towards Rapunzel is justified... I think a lot of it just... isn’t. 
I just think there could be an interesting story to tell where Cass feels like she’s always trying to protect others (specifically Rapunzel) and nobody is trying to protect her. So Cassandra eventually starts seeking power as a means of self-protection. 
I think Zhan Tiri can still play the roll she does in Cassandra’s betrayal in the sense of telling Cass what she most wants to hear as a means of manipulation. But I think fear is a powerful tool in that respect, and turning Cass’s main motive as a villain to be one of fear (like Varian’s is grief to an extent) makes her a more sympathetic villain than her canon arc. 
I think also that such a turn makes it easier/more believable, in my opinion, for Rapunzel to hold on to that hope that Cassandra is still a good person. Because Rapunzel would understand what it’s like to be afraid and to feel like you need protection, and if she can recognize that Cass is scared--and that’s what’s motivating her through her villain arc--then I could understand why Rapunzel refuses to turn her back on her. 
I also think that makes for a stronger reconciliation moment for them, and even if Rapunzel still uses her power to bring Cass back, I think the idea of “Rapunzel now chooses to actively protect the life of someone who did that so often for her and felt it was never reciprocated in full” a more powerful end to their friendship arc. 
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neokonewman · 3 years
Saw your post on Frederick in tangled. I was curious about your thoughts on quirin. He tried to warn Frederick about why he shouldn't have removed the golden flower and knew about those rocks. I get the feeling that while he also didn't have a plan? He did have faith in how the problem would sort itself out and in his new home. He did survive the fall of the dark kingdom afterall. Also Edmund is probably the better of the two kings. What do you think?
Yes finally. Finally an excuse to go off on more Tangled dads on Tumblr other than just Frederic.
I say this of course, but Quirin isn’t nearly as bad as Frederic, but I honestly think that’s mostly because he wasn’t given enough screen time or attention. Like his actions are more reasonable to an extent because he is only in charge of a town rather than a whole dang kingdom but I question what kind of ship he runs if none of the other members of Old Corona ever brought up the state of their homes to the captial (or maybe they did and Frederic shipped them off to keep their silence, who knows). In any case, yeah. Quirin having less power and a much more accident prone kid, as well as him being a direct victim of the dark rocks power in the past makes him a much more sympathetic character than Frederic.
Granted, I STILL have some major issues with him. He like most other dads in the show (with Captain and maybe the Baron being exceptions) he doesn’t show his kid, Varian, respect. I can understand it to an extent, again because Varian is extremely reckless at the beginning, but what really rubbed me the wrong way is how he would ordered Varian to trust him, yet he doesn’t even offer anything in return for that trust. Varian gave him a valid arguement against trusting him because he literally just saw him lie in court, but he just gets shut down without even explaining anything.
Another issue I have with Quirin is that despite his overprotective nature, he is still implied to be neglectful, sometimes to dengerous degrees. Like, I totally get him not always being there because he is the leader of Old Corona. I can accept that, but again my acceptance can only be stretched so far. At one point Old Corona is in the process of being completely overrun by the black rocks and he just…. lets Varian isolate himself in his lab? Does Quirin even know that a decent amount of black rocks sprouted there? He keeps telling Varian to stay away from the rocks, but other than ordering him around and scolding him after catching him in the act, he doesn’t do much to keep Varian away from them. Heck, he heard a loud bang sound coming from his son’s lab, the same son who nearly blew up the whole village not too long ago, and a book + a sheet is enough to delay the confrontation?
Don’t get me wrong though, it’s clear he genuinely cares about his son’s actual wellbeing (as opposed to Frederic who is just interested in keeping a fake state of safety until the bitter end) since he at least is constantly shown to worry over Varian, a bit too subtly for my taste, but I’m willing to chalk it up to him just being a really reserved character in the first place. Quirin is also a WAY better leader of his people than Frederic because unlike Frederic, Quirin legit had plans to at least evacuate his people.
Then again, I think his methods of handling the rocks in Old Corona isn’t him having faith in the problem being solved; quite the opposite in fact. Quirin’s a refugee from the Dark Kingdom who was forced to flee from the rocks before. He is simply doing it again. While he is better at handling things than Frederic, it is still a very temporary solution to a serious problem. Quirin gave up on the Dark Kingdom and left, so he is doing the same with Old Corona due to his experience. This is arguably the major conflict between him and Varian because Quirin lacks the will to fight for his home because he already lived through losing it to this same threat, meanwhile Varian has the will to save his home, but lacks the perspective because Quirin refuses to share.
Of course, much like with Frederic, I want to like Quirin a lot more than I do. All of what I stated before wouldn’t normally be actual criticisms I had to his character because having flaws is what makes a character more interesting in my problem. However, they are legit criticisms because his character stops before any of those issues are addressed in any sort of way. He gets himself fossilized by protecting Varian, then he is just reduced to a smiling background character who occasionally gets a “I’m proud of you, son” for the writers to reassure us that he is in fact alive inside for the most part. Heck, I would make the argument that in the last season Quirin is made out to be an even more neglectful father because he doesn’t even visibly show any concern for Varian anymore. His son legit got kidnapped by some crazy girl who stole the thing that destroyed his old home and nearly destroyed his new one and the only scene we get of him afterwards before the finale is him just pruning pumpkins. Not showing any care to your child at all isn’t the answer to overprotectiveness!
We never get his feelings over his home getting overtaken by black rocks once again. We never see Quirin make any real attempt to bridge the emotional gap between himself and Varian. We never even see him her a line between himself, his former fellow brotherhoods member, and his king. Much like how Frederic was reduced to the stupid dad trope in S3, Quirin is reduced to a shallow supportive becakground dad despite the show trying to build him up to be something more in both the end of Before Ever After and in the Dark Kingdom storyline. To me, Quirin so just the personification of TTS’ bad habit of promising interesting concepts and never delivering them.
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As for Edmund, I’ll try to make this quick because gosh Quirin took long. King wise, I have little to no issue with Edmund’s character. He wanted to protect his kingdom even if it meant sacrificing his place in his son’s life. Unlike Frederic, he seems to actually at least try to keep the damage from spreading out, even if it’s most definitely impossible on his own for the most part, but I can appreciate the effort. So yeah, a MUCH better king than Frederic, but the best king of them all is Trevor. Of course, I have a LOT more issues with Edmund as a FATHER rather than a king, but I think I’ll cut myself off there since you just asked about my thoughts on him as a ruler and also because this answer has become an essay and half.
Hope my excessively long answer satisfied your question, anon!
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doesromandoart · 4 years
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in anticipation of Book 4, have more Tangled/Infinity Train AU content. (also, thank you for all of the kind comments on my first post,, I made this au on a whim and didn’t think anyone would be interested but you guys made my week :’)) The mains (Cass, Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian, etc.) all have backstories for this au but uh I decided to focus on Varian first because I’m predictable and I have many Thoughts about this traumatized science boy
Varian was put on the train after the loss of his father (I’ve yet to fully figure out what the equivalent of the amber incident would be in this au but I’ll figure something out- just know that he isn’t dead per se) All of the sudden he was no longer “the unstable science boy who nearly leveled his house on a bi-weekly basis”, he was “the kid who nearly killed his father and orphaned himself.” In one fell swoop, it seemed like his whole life had come crashing down around him and noone seemed to care. Like Amelia, Varian boards the train hoping it’ll somehow bring his dad back. He quickly befriends a large racoon-like creature named Ruddiger that can transform into a large snarling beast at will. He provides much needed comfort and companionship to the scared and mourning teen, and they become very protective of each other. It’s after about a year of mindless wandering and puzzle solving that Varian starts to lose hope in getting home. His number keeps rising at an increasingly fast rate, the stress of which causing him to start covering his hands and arms in gloves and a heavy coat. He still isn’t sure how high his number has gotten- he just knows it’s started to crawl up his forearm. He ends up hunkering down in a mostly empty car, full of chemicals and knick-knacks that seem like they were waiting for him. By the time Cass and Rapunzel find him- he’s isolated himself in the car, unaware of how to leave and uninterested in finding out. When they find out that he’s a passenger like them- not a denizen like they initially thought- they decide to help him move forward, partially for his sake, but mostly so they can figure out how to get out of the car themselves. Varian decides to help them leave the car, so long as they leave him be and let him stay in the car. When the three of them find the solution to the cars puzzle, Rapunzel encourages Varian to come with her and Cass. He, of course, refuses, saying that there’s no hope of him getting home even if he wanted to.
Varian, in a rare moment of vulnerability and frustration, dumps all of his past traumas onto Rapunzel and Cassandra before breaking down sobbing. Rapunzel and Cass console him, and they end up opening up about their own traumas that got them put on the train. It takes a lot of crying and coaxing, but Varian joins the girls, Ruddiger tagging along of course. More plot stuff happens after that, but I’ll probably cover that in another post because it’s midnight and I’m struggling to type coherent sentences
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daevastanner · 3 years
Gwynriel: Starfall
Gwyn and Azriel re-evaluate where they stand
(Warning: trope and fluff overload incoming)
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Azriel arrived at the river house with a half hour to spare.
The stars would begin falling soon, but that wasn’t why his footsteps were taken with haste or why he nearly tripped over his own feet entering the foyer.
He was late and nearly five minutes from breaking his promise to Gwyn.
At their last training session she’d informed Azriel that she was leaving the priestesshood. That she no longer felt she required protection and that there were other people more in need of sanctuary than herself.
“I feel… liberated. But also sad,” Gwyn frowned as they did their cool down stretches. “Does that make sense?”
Azriel nodded, stretching his arm behind his head. “Of course. It’s always sad when something comes to an end.”
Gwyn smiled wryly. “They said I’m still welcome to the dusk services to sing. Though I will admit, the crowd at Rita’s is a far more interactive audience.”
Azriel had smiled fondly. This past summer Gwyn had taken to joining the inner circle at Rita’s and in autumn she’d allowed Morrigan to drag her to the platform for a duet. At first her teal eyes had been wide with fright but the moment she had opened her mouth, harmonizing with Morrigan and saw the patron’s enthusiastic response any sign of stage fright vanished. She had been radiant. Azriel’s jaw had dropped at her voice, at her smile, and when he applauded their performance it hadn’t just been to flatter Morrigan as usual, it had been pure awe that brought his hands together.
“You are becoming the bar’s most infamous customer,” Azriel grinned. “But it’s understandable to miss what you no longer have.”
Gwyn exhaled, a lock of copper hair blowing out of her sweaty face. “I haven’t decided if I’m attending the priestess’s Starfall party. I know I’m welcome but… it feels strange.”
Azriel didn’t waste a breath. “Come to the river house.”
Gwyn’s brows raised and a smirk spread on her lips. “How very forward of you, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel was grateful they’d been sparring or else she may have noticed that he was blushing furiously. It had been a little less than a year since that night by the Sidra. That night where they had both confessed their feelings for one another… and decided to hold off. Hold off until they were ready.
Well, Azriel was ready now. He had been for sometime. But the shadowsinger didn’t dare make the first move. Of the two of them, Gwyn needed to be the one to initiate. The one to take that first step. It was an unspoken agreement. She was in control of what happened between them, but it wasn’t a mystery that her feelings had persevered despite her hesitance to move forward.
The two had become well versed in flirting and exchanging banter. It came second nature. So second nature that Azriel’s entire family snickered and teased that the two were blind. That they were oblivious to one another’s affections. How very wrong they were and how little desire Azriel and Gwyn had to correct them. Not out of fear but because they didn’t care. It didn’t matter.
“I’m sure everyone would be glad if you attended, Gwyn,” Azriel added, trying to sound nonchalant. “Your call. It would also be a good way to ask Rhysand about employing you full time as a Valkyrie.”
He glimpsed in those clever eyes that she had seen right through him. That Gwyn knew this had nothing to do with the convenience for her recent life change. No, this was all Azriel wanting her to come to Starfall. To spend the evening with her.
“Very well. I’ll go. But promise you’ll be there…”
Azriel sent a crooked smile her way - the one he knew made her knees weak. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
And so she had agreed, grousing that she had nothing to wear. It didn’t take much convincing the following day to get Nesta to take her shopping.
And now here he was, straightening his jacket and smoothing his hair in the foyer of the river house.
He leaned against the bannister of the staircase to catch his breath, all the while he felt his shadows dancing excitedly on his shoulders.
…Gwyn? Gwyn? Gwyn?… they chorused.
“Relax,” Azriel muttered. “She’ll be here.”
“Look at you,” Rhysand whistled, striding into the room with Nyx on his hip. “Since when do you take this occasion so seriously, Az?”
Azriel gestured to Nyx. “It’s the heir to the Night Court’s first Starfall. It’s a serious occasion.”
“Mm, I’m sure that’s it.” The High Lord locked eyes with his son. “Yes, I’m sure it has nothing to do with the priestess upstairs pacing a hole in my floor.” He cast a knowing look Azriel’s way. “Or former priestess, as it were.”
Azriel felt his chest swell with pride. So it was official. She’d come out with it. “She told you then.”
Rhys nodded, returning his full attention to his son. “We’ll set her up with some quarters in the House. I’ll have her on my tab by the end of the week.”
“Thank you, Rhysand,” Azriel said, his gratitude nearly palpable.
But the High Lord shook his head. “I’m lucky to have her in my employment. She’ll make a fine member of our defense.” He smirked. “And she will continue to put you and Cassian’s reports to shame.”
Azriel ducked his head, smiling to himself. He was so, so very proud of her. Not just for already being such a promising member of Rhysand’s inner circle but also for her courage.
So many bold steps forward she had taken. Never once looking back. Always taking a deep breath and then plunging head first into uncharted waters.
She’d left the library. She’d started taking on assignments. She’d roamed the streets of Velaris. And now she’d left the priestesshood.
Azriel marveled to himself about what she would do next.
Joint laughter sounded from above drawing Azriel’s eyes up to the top of the staircase.
Feyre, Elain, and Morrigan softly treaded down the steps. Each of them looked more dazzling than the last.
At the foot of the stairs Feyre outstretched her arms for Nyx, smiling ear to ear. Rhysand surrendered his son and the High Lord and Lady took their leave cooing at their nearly one year old heir.
Morrigan and Elain cast a quick look Azriel’s way. He greeted them both with a wave to which they responded with knowing smiles.
Azriel’s brows furrowed at their behavior, but his attention didn’t linger on their retreating forms for a second longer. His shadows very quickly herded his line of sight back to the top of the staircase.
He heard her before he saw her.
“You look amazing,” whispered Emerie.
“You’re going to pull a thread loose if you keep up your fidgeting…” said Nesta.
Azriel’s lips parted as Gwyn, Nesta, and Emerie came into view. The three of them wore matching shades of silver. Nesta in a backless, beaded dress and Emerie’s gown bell-sleeved and form fitting.
But between the two of them, freckled cheeks pink, was Gwyn.
And he had never seen her so exposed. So… exquisite.
Her glossy copper hair was pulled over one shoulder, and she wore no jewelry, exposing the slender column of her throat.
But most startling, most ravishing, was the gown she donned. The straps were slim and put her freckled shoulders and clavicle on display, the neckline plunging down all the way to her breastbone.
The shadowsinger struggled to keep his eyes from roving lower and admiring how the dress hugged her waist and flared out subtly at her hips and thighs.
Gwyn ran her palms down the front of the soft, silver fabric, grumbling something to Nesta. The eldest Archeron elbowed her in the ribs then jerked her chin in Azriel’s direction.
Gwyn’s head snapped up and he saw her jaw tighten. She paused at the top of the stairs meeting his gaze.
Azriel swallowed hard, and felt his knees go weak. He nearly slipped from his position leaning on the bannister but quickly caught himself, standing up straighter.
When she didn’t move, Nesta and Emerie linked their arms through hers and the three descended the stairs.
Watching them Azriel was reminded of the Valkyries in their armor. A unit that made one another stronger. A group that brought out each other’s best traits.
Emerie leaned in whispering something to Gwyn that made her smile.
Arriving at the bottom of the steps, Emerie split off and Nesta practically pushed Gwyn into Azriel, smirking.
… beautiful…. beautiful… beautiful…
I know.
But they were taking it slow. They were not moving forward just yet. Gwyn was not ready.
And that was fine.
The shadowsinger was merely glad to be in her company. All along, his shadows singing that familiar melody he couldn’t exactly make out.
He smiled at her, taking in her appearance from head to toe. “You look incredible.”
Gwyn’s fingers combed through her hair and she grimaced. “Nesta picked out the dress. I agreed to matching with her and Emerie but I didn’t agree to something so… so…”
“It’s perfect,” Azriel finished with an encouraging nod. “It’s… You’re perfect.”
Heat bloomed in her cheeks once more. “Thank you.”
Azriel bowed his head then gestured to the double glass doors that led to the patio. “Shall we?”
The two headed outside and Azriel felt the strangest sensation to take her hand.
But he refrained. Not yet. Perhaps someday but not tonight.
“I heard you told Rhysand the news.”
“I did,” Gwyn confirmed. “I pretty much told everyone.”
“And?” probed the Shadowsinger. “How did it feel?”
“Exhilarating,” she smiled. “Freeing.”
The patio was dimly lit by fae light so they would better be able to see the stars. The inner circle mingled over food and drink, and Azriel saw before him nothing but pairs.
Emerie making Morrigan laugh by the lattice. Cassian with his arm around Nesta’s shoulders. Elain and Lucien conversing quietly. Varian resting his hand on the small of Amren’s back. Feyre and Rhysand kneeling on the patio, helping Nyx stand, beaming with pride.
Perhaps he and Gwyn weren’t a pair in the same sense as everyone else at the party. Not like Emerie and Morrigan openly flirting. Or Lucien and Elain tentatively courting. But that was surprisingly fine with Azriel. He felt no envy walking to the patio by Gwyn’s side. He only felt a warm sense of content.
“You look nice too, by the way,” Gwyn said as they joined his family on the patio. “Sorry I didn’t say so sooner.”
“Oh, my feelings were very hurt,” Azriel smirked.
Gwyn snorted and grabbed two glasses of champagne off of the round table at the edge of the patio. She handed him one and before she could take a sip, Azriel raised his glass to her.
“To you. To Gwyn the Valkyrie.”
Gwyn delicately tapped her flute to his then took a sip, smiling behind the rim of her drink.
The two turned their attention to the sky that seemed to glow brighter with every passing moment.
“I’m excited,” Gwyn said. “From the House we could watch the stars, but I’ve heard that in Velaris you can see them overhead.”
“Lucky for you, I know the best way to get a view of the stars.” He leaned in. “But it involves potentially dirtying your dress.”
Gwyn tore her eyes from the sky and gaped at the shadowsinger. “Well, fuck this dress in that case.”
Azriel met her gaze, arching a brow. “You’re sure?”
She bobbed her head enthusiastically.
“Very well. Once it starts I will share my secret with you, Berdara.”
She beamed at him and Azriel nearly gasped at how breathtaking the sight was. The way her teal eyes lit up and the freckles on her nose scrunched.
It did not escape Azriel’s notice, the murmurs and the glances of approval that were sent their way. The secret smiles and snickers of how blind and oblivious that Gwyn and Azriel were. He could practically hear Cassian and Nesta making bets.
Azriel grinned to himself as he imagined disclosing to his family that he and Gwyn were more than aware of each other’s affections. He imagined how Cassian’s jaw may drop as he took offense. He imagined Rhysand scoffing at his brother for keeping it all a secret from them.
“What are you smiling about?” Gwyn asked, tilting her head at Azriel.
The shadowsinger nodded his head towards Cassian and Nesta who eyed them both circumspectly. Upon noticing that both Gwyn and Azriel had caught them, the couple quickly averted their gaze.
Gwyn snorted. “Subtle.”
“When has that ever been the case with them.” He laughed into his champagne flute, taking a gulp. “They’ve been hounding us for ages.”
Gwyn did not share in his laughter. She only held her glass in both her hands and turned her eyes back to the sky.
Azriel felt guilty for saying the words. For pointing out the fact that it was obvious to everyone how happy they would be together. They didn’t know everything. They didn’t know the truth. That happiness would only come with their relationship if they waited till Gwyn was ready.
“Listen, Gwyn, I—“
And she gasped, eyes widening. “Look!”
Azriel followed her gaze to the sky where a single star streaked across. Gwyn took a step closer and the patio hushed.
“Did you see?” Gwyn said, eyes still skyward.
Azriel couldn’t help the way the corner of his lip lifted at her startled expression. “I did.”
Another star fell and another and Gwyn staggered forward, off the patio and onto the lawn.
“Oh!” She looked over her shoulder at Azriel, eyes sparkling and a heart-stopping smile on her face. “Az! Come here!”
Az. Az, she’d called him. Not Shadowsinger. Not Spymaster. Az.
Just Az.
Azriel felt Rhysand’s stare and glanced over at his brother who watched with a fond smile.
The High Lord angled his head. What are you waiting for brother?
Azriel’s ears were hot as he turned back to Gwyn. “Coming.”
He stood at her side, looking up at the sky with her as more and more stars made their way across the heavens. With each one Gwyn bobbed in place, gasping.
Behind them he heard more whispers of excitement from his family and an eager shriek from Nyx.
Azriel shifted his gaze to Gwyn. The starlight made her teal eyes sparkle and the moon set her skin glowing. Her lips parted in awe, Gwyn gazed upwards in wonder and Azriel couldn’t help the slight smile that broke out on his face.
He inclined his head, letting his knuckles brush against hers. “Follow me.”
She met his eyes with an excited grin and nodded.
Azriel started for the back of the river house. His family continued to watch the stars, only Morrigan glimpsed the two of them disappearing to the back lawn. She said nothing, only observed with a warm smile.
Alone behind the house, Azriel reached for Gwyn’s hand. She accepted and let him guide her to the center of the grounds. Then, slowly, he lowered himself to the grass, gently tugging Gwyn with him.
Without protest she descended, carefully smoothing her dress beneath her.
“Alright, lay back,” the shadowsinger said, reclining to lie down.
Gwyn mirrored his action and shivered against the grass, damp with night dew.
Azriel frowned. “Too cold?”
“No. I’m already used to it.”
And as though for once the Mother was blessing Azriel, the stars fell in a glorious parade overhead.
Gwyn gasped, hands raising to cover her mouth. “Oh, you were right. This is… amazing.”
Azriel smiled smugly, turning his attention to the night sky and the luminescent orbs that streaked across.
He remembered when it used to be him, Morrigan, Cassian, and Rhysand doing this. Watching the stars in the grass and musing softly about the future. What sort of lives they’d build and promising that it would always include one another.
It was strange to think he’d known Gwyn for only fourteen months. It felt like she’d always been there. If he didn’t think about it too hard, he could’ve sworn she’d been there during those Starfalls from centuries past.
Azriel turned his head in the grass to look at Gwyn. She watched the sky with a plaintive smile, one he could barely see.
Azriel sighed contentedly, and though above him the stars fell, he only had eyes for the female beside him. The female with eyes like shallow pools and freckles like constellations.
And then… her hand found his. She turned his palm over, eyes not leaving the sky, then threaded her fingers with his.
Azriel felt the kernel of warmth in his chest expand. He cleared his throat and looked back up at the star streaked sky.
After a moment, Azriel realized that he had never, ever, been this happy. He realized that time after time he felt this way around Gwyn. That he often found himself remarking he had never been so happy as he was in Gwyn’s presence.
A pause. “I’m… I have a question.”
She took a shaky breath and Azriel did her the courtesy of not observing her. Though he was curious as to why she’d become this quiet.
“Do you still,” she finally began, “want me?”
Azriel tried not to grip her hand tighter. His heart skipped a beat and he struggled to get himself under control.
Azriel worked a swallow down his throat. “I do.” He brought himself to turn his head and found she was staring at him. “If you’ll have me, Gwyneth Berdara, I do.”
She smiled at him.
“Are you… are you ready?” Azriel asked.
Gwyn didn’t answer. She only shifted close enough that their arms touched. Then, she tilted her head to rest on Azriel’s shoulder.
They laid in silence a few moments longer.
Azriel finally summoned the courage to speak again. “So… this is it then? We… we are… erm…”
“We are,” she said. “But let’s wait another day or so to say anything. Tonight… I want tonight to belong to us.”
Where he mustered the bravery Azriel wasn’t sure, but he allowed himself to do what he’d wanted to for so, so long.
He pressed his lips to the crown of Gwyn’s head.
Gwyn. Gwyneth Berdara.
He belonged to her and she him.
And all the while his shadows watched and sang in that same note that continued to elude him:
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everlune-evotide · 2 years
Name Meaning Tag
I was tagged by @crazybunchwriting! Thanks for the tag. I’ll tag anyone who wants to do this!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Broken Resonance 
Jasper: “treasurer”
Jerecho: normally spelled Jericho. It means “city of the moon,” and was the city that the Israelites marched around and felled. It spelled “wrong” because his bioparents were trying to be artsy (also I was trying to be artsy because his nickname Echo. Echo came to me because I thought it was a cool name for a ghost which was what he originally was.)
Brass: (for spoiler purposes we won’t be using his real name) an alloy of copper and zinc. His nickname however comes from the fights he gets in because he uses Brass knuckles. Idr how it came to me, just thought it was cool.
Mitchell: English variation of Michael "who is like God"
Mercedes: “gracious gifts, benefits.” “Mercedes is one of the few names attached to luxury living…it being a legitimate Spanish appellation stemming from one of the epithets given to the Virgin Mary--Santa Maria de las Mercedes, or Our Lady of the Mercies.” Source 
Sterling: “of the highest quality”
Raegan: “little king”
The Darkness Chronicles 
Desabelle: I made this one up actually. I wanted her nicknames to be “Des” and “Desa” so I just looked for other names that had that “a” sound with an extension if that makes sense (see: Annabelle)
Axel: “father of peace” (real ironic since he creates a lot of conflict)
Logan: “little hollow” (this is fitting)
Shane: “God is gracious”
Raelynn: “Raelynn is an invented English name that became popular during the 21st century. The name starts with the element rae. This use of rae can have several meanings. Rae is the short form of Rachel (meaning “ewe”), the feminine short form of Raymond (meaning “protective advisor”), or the alternative spelling of “ray” (as in sunbeam). The suffix -lynn means “lake.”” Source
Cassiopeia: “cassia juice,” “she who chooses to excel.” “The name Cassiopeia is a girl's name of Greek origin. It is “the name of a mythological mother who became a stellar constellation.” Source
Unnamed supernatural WIP
Dakota: “friendly one”
Xander: “Defending men”
Mackenzie: “son of Kenneth”
Paisleigh/Rebel: “church, cemetery.” The nickname Rebel comes from Paisleigh being a huge Star Wars fan growing up. 
Zereus: another one I made up of two names. Zeru which means “sky” and another one I can’t find :/ maybe Zeus which also means “sky” but his name on Lyre means “stormy.”
Kaiper: Axel’s future son. He wanted to name him after a space related thing, his wife wanted to name him Kai, which means “sea.” Axel tried for Kuiper, his wife asked for the spelling “Kaiper.” Axel settles for the spelling but they argue about it a lot. 
Alias: not his real name, but when he’s on the run and trying to keep his name private, he’s asked what his name is. “My name?” “Yeah, your name” “…” “Your name, kid. Your alias, what you go by. C’mon, it ain’t that hard.” So he took Alias lol 
Lunaura: another one I made up, literally from the words “Luna” and “aura.” It means “moon’s aura.”
Varian: “variable” or “fickle.” He’s one clone of many, all of them are called Variants. He was just the one his father deemed the best, cut off the “t” and bam. His name. (Apparently it’s the name of a WoW character?? But I didn’t know that. I don’t play WoW.)
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kingreywrites · 3 years
words cannot say (what I want them to say)
Prompt: "You weren’t there...why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren't there!" for @thefoghaslifted and anon
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 7670
Summary: "He's alive," she announces, yet there's no hope in her tone. "He… He won't be for long."
This picture is wrong, wrong, wrong, and Eugene wants to scream. Adira doesn't stutter. Adira doesn't talk in a soft, compassionate tone. Adira, the woman who chased down a myth for twenty-five years, does not lose her faith so easily.
And yet.
(Eugene receives a letter telling him his father is dying. He goes to the Dark Kingdom, and tries to find the right words.)
Note: this is a Death Fic so uhm yeah, Edmund does die here. Also this takes place five years post canon! I kinda mention it in the fic but just in case it isn’t too clear... Anyway it’s kinda sad, kinda weird, kinda long, but I hope someone enjoys this anyway gdhdhhd
Read on ao3
Eugene's first clue is one of his father's ravens, not Hamuel, flying towards him with a message attached to its claw. It should have been a relief - Hamuel is... bad, at this whole messenger thing, and despite begging Edmund to send a bird that wouldn't get lost in the boot of a random nesdernian merchant along the way, his father had never relented, giving his full trust to his companion of decades. So it should have been a good sign; a sign that the letter made its way to him in the quickest, smartest way possible. A sign that nothing got lost, and that maybe, Edmund was listening to him. 
Yet, a pit of worry forms in Eugene's stomach at the sight. What kind of message couldn't allow for the delay Hamuel would necessarily cause? 
His second clue is the small, neat writing that greets him on the letter. Adira's handwriting. She writes to them, sometimes, in the empty space of his father's letters; when Rapunzel asks her something in one of Eugene's own letters to his dad, or when Adira wants to make a remark on one of their adventures, always neat-picking their fights even from miles and miles away. She writes to them, so he knows her handwriting, knows that she never sent him her own letter unprompted before, knows that she wouldn't if she didn't have something to say. 
Adira knows how to get to the point. The short message feels like a punch in the gut, and Eugene leans on the railing of the balcony without meaning to, hands trembling around the paper he keeps reading again and again. 
"Eugene?" Rapunzel calls. He doesn't know how long he has been there. His eyes blur, looking at the letter again.
Eugene (not Fishskin, and it had been his last clue, because Adira always called him Fishskin, no matter the years and the distance, no matter if he complained or bragged about it, and the fact that she didn't here told him the worst thing about it all. She was trying to be gentle.)
You must come to the Dark Kingdom at once. King Edmund was wounded in an accident, and his condition is serious. Doctors fear he might not pull through.
Bring someone with you, and don't die on the road. (Gentle, too gentle, and if her words hadn't been enough, he would have known here that she did not think his dad would pull through either.)
"Eugene?" Rapunzel asks again, closer, but he doesn't turn to her.
We'll be waiting for you.
- Adira
A dark spot appears on the last sentence, staining it. He rubs at his eyes, heart beating sharply in his chest, and hands over the letter to Rapunzel without protests, his hands too weak to hold onto it anyway. He sees her face pale, sees the cold determination in her gaze, and he knows she'll agree before he even opens his mouth, but he asks anyway. 
"Can we go visit my dad?" 
She hugs him fiercely when he turns towards her, and he melts into it, still trembling. They begin packing right after. 
Lance goes with them, steering the hot air balloon effortlessly. Eugene had tried to protest, words stuck in his throat as he had looked at Kiera and Catalina helping Rapunzel pack, but Lance hadn't budged. 
("The girls will be okay," his best friend had said, voice achingly soft, like everyone who knew about what was happening. "You need me." Eugene had wanted to say no, but he couldn't, so Lance had come.) 
Quirin is chatting on the other side of the balloon with Rapunzel. Eugene feels bad that he hadn't even thought of warning him when he decided to go to the Dark Kingdom, but Rapunzel had sent for him, and he was already coming to the castle, having received a letter similar to Eugene's own. Varian's father is a tall and silent man. The complete opposite of his son, Eugene had thought when he first met him, until the day Rapunzel and Quirin had a four hour long vivid discussion about apples and how to cook them, and Eugene had seen in the older man's excitement the echoes of Varian's own when he talked alchemy. Today, he learns that father and son get worried the same, all wringing hands and tired smiles that don't reach their eyes. It's a knowledge Eugene could have done without. 
Doctors fear he might not pull through. It's almost as if Eugene can see the words dance in front of his eyes, for how much he had read them over and over again. The environment passes him quickly, cold wind blowing through his hair, and Eugene can't seem to focus on any of it. 
There's a forest under them. Eugene is pretty sure they went through it the first time they were on the road, making their way to the Dark Kingdom with difficulty. He wonders, somewhat distantly, if there's a chance he'll spot Cass down there, riding through the woods on Fidella's back, her cape floating behind her. The idea is nonsensical - she's all the way over to the west side of the continent, and he knows it, knows she couldn't be there.
(His last irrational fear, before leaving, is that Rapunzel will miss Cassandra's next letter. It always arrives at the end of the month, and even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to warn her in time that they were travelling, and she won't get Rapunzel’s answer when she expects it, and she'll worry, and-
"Eugene," Rapunzel had said, her forehead against his. It was night. The Princess and the Captain of the Guard couldn't leave the castle in a day, no matter how eager they were. "It's okay. There will be more letters."
Maybe there won't ever be more time with his dad.)
Eugene keeps watching the forest down there, until it's out of sight.
That night, Rapunzel huddles close to him, seeking warmth as they fly through the colder air, and Eugene doesn't have it in his heart to ask for space anymore. He had done so earlier because- because he couldn't talk about it, not yet, not when he didn't even know, not when Edmund could- could already be dead as he hoped he wasn't, could survive as he grieved him. Eugene had asked for space, because he wouldn't be able to refuse if Rapunzel asked, and he didn't want to talk.
When he wraps his arms around her, it's with the cold resignation that now was a good setting for a breakdown anyway. Maybe in the dark, she wouldn't see his tears.
"I love you," she murmurs against his skin.
"I love you too," he answers easily, bracing himself.
She falls silent. Hums a soft tune under her breath - a song he taught her way back then, when everything was still so new and she didn't even know any other song than the incantation and the ones she had tried writing in her spare time. It's a song from his childhood, silly and simple, and he chokes up for the umpteenth time today, his nerves frayed. Rapunzel holds him tighter.
It takes a while, but Eugene falls asleep.
He hears the surprised and worried exclamations of his name as he jumps down from the balloon, but Eugene doesn't turn back. They were close to the ground anyway, and he can't wait any longer. Adira is there. A somber expression on her face. Eugene can't breathe as he walks towards her.
"Is he-"
"He's alive," she announces, yet there's no hope in her tone. "He… He won't be for long."
This picture is wrong, wrong, wrong, and Eugene wants to scream. Adira doesn't stutter. Adira doesn't talk in a soft, compassionate tone. Adira, the woman who chased down a myth for twenty-five years, does not lose her faith so easily.
And yet.
There are a million questions at the tip of his tongue - what happened why didn't you protect him why does he have to die what's wrong with him why my dad why now why why why - but there's only one that's important.
"Where is he?"
A word from her, and he's off. He remembers very well how to find the throneroom, and his father's bedroom so close to it.
He's not surprised to find Hector sitting next to the door, his two bearcats growling at Eugene. Eugene is too tired to argue - he knows that Hector's loyalty is as strong as he is stubborn, and he knows the knight loathes to leave his dad's side when Edmund is in trouble. If Hector hears everything he says in this room, then so be it.
To his shock, Hector gets up. His eyes, always so wide and angry, are cast down.
"I'll give you two privacy," he says, his voice so alien Eugene barely recognises it. Even in the years they had known each other on somewhat friendly terms, Hector had always been loud, full of righteous anger over the smallest things. The man in front of him looks… defeated. He pets the head of one of his bearcats, still looking at Eugene. "If something happens, tell them to come fetch me."
Just like that, he leaves. The bearcats lay down on each side of the door. Eugene, hands trembling anew, finally turns the handle.
Edmund is in bed, pale skin flushed red. The air is heavy, reeks of medication, and his dad - his dad, so tall he easily towers over him, a mountain of a man who can easily defeat the strongest warriors - his dad looks small, under the covers.
Eugene is still stuck at the door, unable to move. In all this time since he got the letters, he hasn't thought once of what he would say, what he would do once he finally saw Edmund. He half-thought it would be too late, and he should be relieved that it's not but- he won't be for long, Adira had warned, and Eugene is helpless to do anything, he doesn't understand anything, Edmund was fine before and now-
There's a low sound in the room, of his dad struggling to breathe, and it's like a bolt of lightning went through Eugene, spurring him into motion. There's a chair on the left side of his father, and he sits down here heavily, eyes never leaving Edmund's face.
"Dad…" he whispers. "Dad, I…"
There are tears in his eyes again, and Eugene hates his own helplessness. His father is in pain, his father is dying, and he's just sitting here, unable to do anything, to fix anything. His hand seeks Edmund's, and Eugene gasps at how cold it feels, heart dropping in his throat when he raises the cover and sees purple fingers with greying fingertips.
High fever. Failing lungs. Cold extremities, likely due to low blood pressure. The terrible certainty in Adira and Hector's expressions that his father was going to die. Eugene is no doctor, but he has lived on the streets for a decade, and he knew the signs to look out for, knew what illnesses he should avoid at all costs, and treat immediately if he ever fell victim to them.
His tears fall. Eugene, selfish as always, manages to say only one thing: "Please don't die."
Edmund doesn't answer.
After a while, Hector comes back to stand guard in front of the room. Eugene would thank him for the privacy, but he hasn't been able to say anything since that one whispered plea, the weight in his throat too overwhelming.
After a while, Rapunzel appears at his side. He doesn't notice, really - just, at one point, he raises his head and she's here, like she always is. She looks sad, too. He holds her hand. (He still can't take Edmund's without feeling sick. He can't give his own father comfort, because he's too scared of the cold and stiff fingers. What a son he makes.)
After a while, Lance is here too. His best friend of years, who has enough presence to make an empty theatre feel lively by being in it, is quiet as a mouse. Eugene wants to joke about that, before the mere idea catches up to him and his stomach twists terribly. How fucked up do you have to be to joke in front of your dying dad, he thinks. He can't avoid this, can't lighten the situation, but being a coward is ingrained in his bones at that point, and the fact that he could have- in front of-
"Hey Eugene," Lance says. His hand, big and warm, gently touches Eugene's, which is gripping his own hair tightly. He doesn't remember doing that. "Do you… Want tea?"
Eugene startles, not expecting this question. It takes him a moment before it registers, a moment before he tries to answer, only opens his mouth wordlessly, and closes it. Silently, he finally nods, heart speeding up for reasons he can't understand.
"Okay," Lance smiles. "Do you want to come make it with me?"
Eugene should say no. He should stay with his dad, who is at death's door and could die at any moment, his internal organs fighting a losing battle. Eugene should say no, he should talk and speak to his dad, speak to Rapunzel who he knows is worried, he should… He should be a good son, and say goodbye to his father, one last time.
His head is spinning. He opens his mouth, closes it without a sound, and nods again. He's not a good son.
Lance's hand on his shoulder guides him more than his feet do. The kitchen isn't far, and Lance busies himself with its sparse content, searching for a cup silently. Quickly enough, he's making tea, water boiling noisily in the kettle, breaking the oppressive silence of the castle. Eugene stands around, more and more aware that you don't need two people to make tea.
It feels like no time at all before Lance is pressing a warm cup in Eugene's hands, telling him to wait for it to steep. Lance keeps moving, making another cup. Eugene wants to ask who it's for, but can't bring himself to.
"Rapunzel and Qurin wanted tea too, remember?" Lance answers, at the question he can apparently read in Eugene's eyes. Eugene doesn't, in fact, remember; he's not even sure Quirin was in the room. "Adira said coffee, though. And Hector said he didn't want anything, but he strikes me as a coffee guy. I'll make myself tea, that way if I'm wrong, I can always switch them."
Just like that, Lance starts talking about anything and everything, and Eugene relaxes a fraction. He listens, and sips his tea slowly, the warmth soothing in throat. He thinks Lance put some honey in it. It's really good.
It feels like he's at home, and everything is okay, for a moment. Lance had become a cook after adopting the girls - he wasn't very good at listening to orders, so he had simply opened his own restaurant near the castle, soon becoming the most popular one in town. Of course, it helped that the princess herself visited it often, but Lance was genuinely amazing at what he did, and that's what kept the curious around.
For two guys who, fifteen years ago, thought their best chance at a future was to make a deal with the Baron, they were doing pretty good for themselves.
Eugene finishes his cup right as Lance finishes his preparations.
"Thanks," he croaks out shakily, earning a blinding smile from his best friend.
"You want another?"
Eugene hesitates, before nodding, making Lance chuckle. There's still boiled water in the kettle, so it won't take long.
"You know," Lance says, a certain carefulness in his voice, "it still happens to Catalina, sometimes. It's not like when she was a kid, but when she gets too anxious, her voice just… leaves her." Eugene feels himself flush, lowering his eyes. "Tea helps her. It doesn't give her her voice back if she's not ready, but it helps with her throat, when she feels like it's bothering her. I just thought…"
"It helped me too. Thank you," Eugene repeats. He wants to say that he's not like Catalina; that he's a grown man, who shouldn't have clammed up just because he felt bad, who should have been here for his father and everyone else, who should be there, right now, instead of drinking tea, but he bites his lips and holds it back. If he throws himself a pity party on top of it all, it'll take even longer.
"Eugene." Lance is in front of him, hands on his shoulder. Eugene can't do anything but look up, and sees in his best friend's eyes so much love and compassion that he wants to hide from it. "I know you. I don't know, exactly, what self-perceived failures you are torturing yourself with right now, but I know you're being too hard on yourself anyway. Your dad wouldn't want that."
Eugene breathes in sharply, tears burning in his eyes. He wants to get angry, or joke, or do anything to get out of this conversation, but he can't- he can't avoid this. The situation feels unreal, like he's going to wake up if he just concentrates enough, and he can't- he can't-
Lance pulls him to his chest and holds him tight. Eugene blinks, and suddenly he's crying, Lance the only thing holding him on his feet.
He shakes and he wonders how the shy kid he remembers became- Lance. Reliable, sensitive, funny Lance, who is a dad now and who can hold you together when you're falling apart.
Eugene remembers their first meeting, Lance crying in his new bed, freshly orphaned after the death of his parents. He remembers how quiet he had been for a while, and how he had stuck to him like a shadow after Eugene comforted him that first time, seemingly thinking him to be some sort of hero. Eugene, of course, had revelled in the attention, playing up his courage and his strengths, telling stories of his future adventures and of all the money he was going to have.
"How do you do that?" Lance had asked one day, after one of his stories. "You know, how do you… how do you not care about… your parents, and how they left? How do you stop caring?"
It had hurt, at the time. Lance's desperation (still grieving his family, still hurt, wanting to forget the pain without being able to) had flown right over his head, and all Eugene had heard was that his friend thought he didn't care, about anything. It was wrong, but that's what he had wanted, right?
So he had said: "Adventurers don't have the time to care about their family - they have the whole world to discover, after all."
It was a Flynnigan Rider quote. One of Flynnigan's enemies, sure, but Eugene thought it wasn't so stupid. He had wished he could be like that, like Flynnigan who didn't even have a family to care about, and could just do whatever he wanted.
But the truth he couldn't admit to Lance at the time was, Eugene cared. He cared and he cared and he cared, torturing himself with how much he did, crying himself to sleep with a practiced silence at the idea that no one in the world loved him. His own parents abandoned him as a baby, and he wondered what he could have done to them, wondered how he could be better if they came back. Eugene cared and he hated that he cared, hiding behind fantasies and made up names, desperate to escape his identity and his life and his skin. 
And when it hadn't been enough, he had tried to carve the kindness straight out of his heart, hurting everyone in the process. 
Even that hadn't been enough. Rapunzel had seen through him easily, finding him a worth no one would have even thought to look for. Gothel stabbed him, and all she managed to do was kill Flynn, because Eugene, who cried and loved and cared - Eugene had been there, like he hadn't allowed himself to be in a while. 
Maybe, if he was still Flynn, the thought of his dad dying wouldn't make him miserable. Maybe, if he was still Flynn, he wouldn't be crying on Lance's shirt, wanting for everything to stop. 
But if he was still Flynn, Lance wouldn't be there anyway. He would have lost his best friend after one betrayal too many, and never seen him again. He wouldn't love Rapunzel. He wouldn't love his friends, his family, his father. Probably wouldn't even know who Edmund was, or where he came from. He would be all alone. 
He doesn't want to be alone. He doesn't want the people he loves to leave. 
He doesn't want his dad to die. 
"Please don't leave me," he asks between his tears, voice quiet enough that he hopes Lance hasn't heard, but Lance holds him tighter and promises he won't. 
Eugene cries harder.
It's early in the morning. Eugene barely slept, kept awake by the idea of Edmund dying while he was resting. When the sun starts to poke through the sky, dim and feeble light reaching him, Eugene decides it's morning enough, and slips away to his father's room, careful not to wake Rapunzel. Hector is sleeping in front of the door, his bearcats piling up on him, but he opens an eye when Eugene arrives, and nods in his direction.
Edmund is still there, still alive. Quirin is here too.
"Couldn't sleep?" Eugene asks softly. It feels wrong to talk over someone unconscious, but… it feels wrong, too, to not acknowledge Quirin at all.
"I'm a farmer," Quirin says, "I wake up early more often than not." He doesn't return the question, but Eugene knows how awful he looks after a bad night, so Quirin is probably just trying to do the polite thing.
Eugene still has the chair closest to Edmund's hand. He also still can't take it, heart beating faster at the thought. His father's hand should be warm, agile as it handles a weapon, it should... it's his only hand left. It won't matter if he dies, but it's his only hand left, and Eugene feels ridiculous but he can't- he should ask Quirin to hold it, take his place since he couldn't give his father this one thing.
Edmund's breathing is louder today. He's struggling more. Eugene feels nauseous, unable to do anything, wishing he could have just slept and slept and slept so nothing would be happening.
"I met Edmund when I was ten," Quirin says out of the blue. Eugene raises his head, but Quirin isn't really looking at him. "I set him on fire, actually."
That gets a surprised snort out of Eugene, and a smile from Quirin, tired but genuine.
"Don't tell Varian, but I liked to experiment with all sorts of things at the time. It was supposed to be a self-destructive message, and, well, it was destructive alright."
"Why did you even give him a self-destructive message the day you met him?" Eugene asks.
"I was a friend of your mom," Quirin grins, a little self-conscious. "She was tired of Edmund being too shy to ask her on a date, so she asked me to deliver a message to ask him on a date. If he hadn't caught on fire, of course, I think they'd have both enjoyed it a lot."
Eugene smiles, and as the story progresses, he learns that Quirin gets embarrassed the same way Varian does, too. That's a knowledge he appreciates a lot more.
"It's all because he wanted to change," Adira says, cryptic as always.
The others left to have dinner. Eugene couldn't. Edmund's breathing is louder today, his fever higher, and he doesn't respond to pain stimuli. Eugene doesn't want to think about any of that, so he turns towards Adira, desperate for conversation.
"What do you mean?"
Her eyes are stuck looking at her king, pain and grief and anger in her expression. Adira doesn't usually allow herself to be read so easily, but she has been on edge the entire time. It takes some time, but Eugene understands that she's just as afraid as he is.
"The accident. Him getting wounded. It's all..." Adira swallows. Her eyes harden. "It's all because he wanted to move on. I wanted to move on." 
Eugene doesn't really understand what she's getting at. He's heard bits and pieces of what happened, mind so scrambled he had trouble making sense of it, but it was simple enough. They were doing renovations. Edmund got hurt - a stupid accident, as all accidents were, and then it only got... worse. An infection that didn't want to heal, and when they really started to worry, it was too late. Eugene wants to rage at the unfairness of it all, and maybe he will, later, but it simply makes him tired. 
Edmund shouldn't have to die like that after surviving decades of terrible loneliness. 
"It was an accident," he ends up saying, because he can see the tightness of Adira's jaw. 
She doesn't say anything to that. Long minutes pass, only rhythmed by Edmund's uneven breathing. 
"I've always hated traditions. Especially stupid ones. The first thing I did, after being accepted in the Brotherhood, was to ask for its name to be changed, because I am a woman." A sigh. Eugene doesn't dare interrupt. "I was asked to behave myself properly, and took to eating food as noisily as possible, daring anyone to come fight me if they were brave enough. Of course, no one did." She pauses. Looks at his dad again. "When Edmund decided to destroy the moonstone himself, I protested, but I didn't think it was such a bad idea. For a long time, I wondered if I could have saved his arm, could have saved our kingdom, if I actually tried to stop him. If I had listened to traditions more closely, because not all of them were built on false beliefs." 
Suddenly, Eugene gets it. The emotion in her voice, the lines around her eyes - a feeling so foreign in Adira that he hadn't been able to recognise it before. Guilt. And he knows that, for all that she's talking about the past, it's very much the present that is troubling her. 
"Maybe that's true," he shrugs, quiet. "But then again, you tend to be right most of the time. And my life is what it is because of what happened back then, so I'm pretty grateful it all went down like it did." 
That makes her chuckle, because what he says is definitely true. Adira's confidence is not unearned. But there's still something hanging in the air, and he waits to see if she's going to confide in him. He feels like he knows Adira as much as he doesn't - she's as straightforward as she's cryptic, and he thinks they're friends, in a way, but he's not one to push when someone has secrets they want to keep, and Adira isn't one for sharing. The silence between them is an understanding, and he's not sure how to navigate anything else. 
"This castle," she starts, hesitant and slow, "was built over the spreading black rocks. It's strong, but it won't hold forever, now that its core has disappeared. We weren't doing renovations as much as we were emptying it, because King Edmund decided it was time to move on from the past, and start to live somewhere livable. It was a tough choice for him, and I... heavily encouraged it." 
Bitterly, Eugene realises that after surviving so long in the claws of his past, his dad would still be taken by it. This castle, as much his home as it was his prison, won't let him escape it. Eugene wants to cry at that, wants to shake Edmund and ask him to get up and not let himself die for something so stupid, wants to shake Adira and tell her it was a good thing and it's not her fault it turned out so badly. Mostly, he wants to bury his head in his hands, scream and forget it all, because he knows his father only felt ready to leave behind his ancestors because Eugene always insisted that they did not define who they were. 
He thinks he should say something meaningful in answer. Something like, I forgive you Adira, but then again she does know that, and doesn't really need his forgiveness, because she didn't do anything wrong. She's not seeking that; she's frustrated, just as he is, and needs... companionship. Someone who understands. 
He's not good at coming up with life-changing advice anyway. 
"Stupid castle," he declares, voice unsteady. 
"Stupid castle," Adira echoes. 
That's enough, for now.
Eugene is alone with Edmund again. It's been four long days since he got here, and he knows… He knows it won't be much longer. Doctors, when they come, try to make the king comfortable - they don't try to save him.
Eugene is looking at the form of his dad's hand under the cover again. Edmund wouldn't even feel it if he touched it, but Eugene still can't shake off the guilt and the shame choking him. He shouldn't be disgusted by his dying father. He's not doing any of this right - he's not fighting to heal him, he's not loudly grieving, he's not holding onto hope, he's not talking to him, he's… He's not a character from one of his books. Standing vigil at someone's deathbed wasn't just a couple of lines in his backstory, and every single minute of it hurt in a way he shouldn't allow.
This isn't about him, and yet it's difficult to think like it's anything but. Edmund hasn't regained consciousness once. The fever and the infection are doing damage they can't even see, and the doctors suggested his mind might already be… gone.
"I don't want you to die," Eugene whispers, words like knives in his throat. "I don't want you to leave. We've only had five years together, and it's… It's too short, I want more."
I want, I want, I want - he's selfish, he knows it, and he can't bring himself to regret it, not when that's the only thing which makes sense. His dad is still young. They already lost so much time together, already had twenty-five years to catch up on, and it's over? One accident, and he's gone, Eugene an orphan all over again?
"You've still got too much to make up for to leave me like that," Eugene bits out, a familiar and safe anger drowning away the hopelessness.
It's easy, to blame someone who can't respond, to get angry at his dad instead of crying over him. Eugene had spent years being angry at everything, and mustering this resentment all over again takes no effort at all. He clenches his fists on his knees, tremors coursing through them, and the feeling grows like a storm, until he wants to hit something.
"You- You've been so busy, rebuilding this stupid country, and we've barely seen each other these last years! We kept saying later, later, we'll have time later, and look where that got us!"
Edmund sleeps. His closed eyes, his heavy breathing, it all becomes too much for Eugene, igniting a fire he doesn't control. He slaps his hands on his knees, hard, frustration making him shot up from his chair and pace, but it doesn't seem enough because- Edmund is dying, his stupid dad is dying because of a stupid accident and it's so terribly mundane, it makes Eugene want to bash his head on the wall. He grips his hair, tries to breathe -deep, even breaths that his father can't manage-, tries to keep his tears at bay even though his eyes burn.
"All my life, you weren't there for me!" he explodes again, "You weren’t there… Why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren't there! You weren't-" His voice breaks this time, and he cuts himself off, immediately feeling ashamed for his outburst. He sits down again, like a puppet with its strings cut, and his hands shake even more than before.
He doesn't feel better. Edmund doesn't look better.
"I'm sorry," Eugene whispers. "I'm sorry, I- I…" I'm a terrible son, he can't say. I'm not doing this right, I'm not being fair to you, I'm terrified and I don't know what to do. I want to wake up tomorrow, and still have a dad, still have a chance to get to know you better, because five years isn't enough and I don't want to lose you. I'll miss you so much.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles finally, mind buzzing with all he wants to say, all he's not sure how to say. "I forgave you for all of that long ago, I- I shouldn't have screamed." Not that it matters - but it does, at the same time.
Since he first received Adira's letter, Eugene had wondered about having the right words. It should be meaningful, right? His last words to his dying father, they had to be important, they had to be something that would help Edmund, didn't they? Except Edmund is unconscious. Maybe already gone. And these words, these words he tortured himself over, maybe they weren't for Edmund's sake as much as they were for his. It made him feel worse, for some reason. Selfish, again.
Eugene presses the palm of his hand against his eyes, slowly feeling how his tears slip through anyway. He wishes Rapunzel was here, even if he's the one who asked for some time. She would know what to say. She would… she would help, because kindness and advice and everything, it came easier to her. Eugene is still… still learning, he thinks, still not caring enough in comparison. He's never caring enough. He's rude, and yells at dying people because he can't keep his emotions in check, and doesn't hold their hands because he's scared, and- and-
He's not good at this. He doesn't want to be.
"I never thought I'd have a dad," he chokes out. "Even now, I'm not sure I know how to be a son, after so long of not being one. But… But I'm glad we could learn together, these last few years. I'm glad you are my father." Despite the weirdness, and the awkwardness, and Dabney - Eugene doesn't say that, but it makes him chuckle tiredly.
Maybe it would hurt less, if Edmund had died before Eugene could meet him. It certainly felt different learning about his mom; painful, too, but not anything like the claw he could feel bury itself in his heart. It's so soon, too soon to lose his father again, because five years is nothing in the grand scheme of things and Eugene had always wanted more out of life, but… If he could do it all over again, he'd want things to be exactly the same. He'll never regret meeting Edmund.
"I love you, dad," Eugene says, crying as he looks at Edmund. It's just the truth, not some grand declaration, but it's enough all the same.
Oh so slowly, Eugene rests his hand on top of Edmund's own, the cover between them. He thinks, maybe, that Edmund is breathing easier.
In the next hour, the last king of the Dark Kingdom dies.
"Want a drink?" Hector grunts from where he's laying, vaguely shaking a bottle in the air.
It's not really a surprise to find him here. Eugene sits down next to him, and doesn't bother with a response, instead taking the bottle from the knight's grasp and drinking a little out of it. It's definitely not the best stuff but Eugene has drunk worse in his life, so he doesn't comment on it. He's not looking to get drunk anyway.
He doesn't really know what he's looking for. Air, mostly. Rapunzel doesn't want him packing, she thinks he should rest, but staying too long with his own thoughts as company quickly gets heavy. Eugene sighs, and lays down completely, looking at the stars shining above them - there are a lot more than what you can see from Corona. Maybe because there's less people, and less light to hide them away.
"I'm not gonna comfort you if you start crying," Hector interrupts gruffly, sounding sick at the mere idea. Eugene laughs, because there's perhaps no funnier scenario than him seeking out Hector for a hug. At best he'd get trampled by his rhino.
"Staying inside sucked," is all he answers, and Hector hums. He seems to understand that.
They stay like this for a long time. Just silence, sometimes broken by Hector drinking a little bit more. Eugene would worry, if he didn't already know that everyone in the Brotherhood has a stomach made of steel, and that Hector will need a lot more to really get drunk.
It's not much, but it's nice. At least Hector doesn't pity him. Eugene is grateful for the comfort he receives, but sometimes the attention feels like it hurts more than it helps, and he's definitely getting overwhelmed right now.
"Any plan on taking his succession?" Hector asks after a while. It's not a surprise either that he breaks the silence first - when he first met him properly, Eugene thought he was the surly and silent type, but Hector did like conversation. He was unpleasant most of the time, sure, but if he was thinking something, he tended to say it directly. (He wouldn't say it, but Eugene also thinks Hector is a bit lonely.)
"Nah. Not really my kingdom to manage, and I'm too pretty to be king," Eugene responds. He told his dad years ago that he would never be his successor, and though Edmund had a difficult time wrapping his head around it, he had accepted it.
"Probably would have quit if you did," Hector says pensively. Eugene feels ready to protest because it's one thing for him to not want it, and another to have someone hate the idea so much, but he stops himself in time to hear Hector murmur: "I couldn't call anyone else my king."
Ah. Loyalty, the one thing in Hector Eugene understands easily. He can't really imagine having his one purpose in life being ripped away from him, can't imagine how it feels to keep going after that.
Then again, Hector has more experience with this kind of situation than most. It's a sad fact in its own right.
"Guess you guys will finally have to change the name," Eugene muses quietly, knowing it's better to change the subject. They're not the right people to have a heart to heart. "Dark Kingdom wasn't super inspired to begin with. Though, I hope you don't go for something equally stupid, like Dark whatever-the-new-regime-is."
He expects a barb about his own ancestors being responsible for that, but Hector falls silent. He's thinking, Eugene gets after a while, and he doesn't like the weird gleam in the other man's eyes.
"Edmundland," Hector whispers, nearly reverently. Eugene can't contain an audible gag.
"You are not naming it that."
Two weeks have gone by since Edmund's funeral, and it still doesn't feel real. Back home in Corona, it's easy to forget - Eugene doesn't see his father often, and his routine has barely changed, so it's easy to think, for a moment, that Edmund is alive and happy in the Dark Kingdom.
The wave of his grief recedes, before crashing back violently. When Eugene remembers, it hurts all over again, like he's back at his father's side hearing his breathing quiet, until there's nothing left.
He keeps going. He cries, too, and then gets up and keeps going. Rapunzel and him left for a week and a half, and there's plenty of work to catch up on, even if everyone is determined to ask him if he doesn't want to rest instead. In truth, he doesn't really know - keeping busy helps, but there are moments when he wishes he could simply curl up in his bed for a century, and never talk to anyone again. His mood is unstable, but he tries not to take it on anyone, as hard as it can be.
He already yelled at Lance to leave him the fuck alone once, and despite his best friend assuring him that he understood, Eugene wants to go apologise again.
So today, when he woke up on edge and then nearly threatened to kill Pete for stumbling, Eugene was quick to decide that it was better if he took that rest, finally. That's why he's on his bed right now, leaning back with his feet still on the ground, tracing Rapunzel's mural with his eyes and trying hard to not think about anything. But then his eyes stray to the right, to the painting he knows represents him and his father hugging, and Eugene doesn't know whether to cry or to yell. He takes a pillow, puts it over his head, and does both.
He doesn't feel better. He feels ridiculous.
Grieving feels like it should be more. He shouldn't wake up in the morning like he usually does, he shouldn't take his coffee the same way, he shouldn't hide behind a pillow and he shouldn't avoid his work and he shouldn't… He should do something more, and he cannot name what that might be.
What he knows, though, is that he misses Edmund, and doesn't feel like he's ever going to be able to breathe like he did before.
So he stays in his bed, pillow pressed against his head. He doesn't move when he hears the door open. Doesn't move when he feels Rapunzel sit next to him, before laying down just like he is. He's crying again, and he hates it.
"I don't know what to do," he admits then, voice muffled and broken. Rapunzel touches his arm gently. "I feel so bad, and I don't- I don't feel like it's gonna get better."
"It will," she says, so certain that Eugene can't do anything but believe her. "It won't be like before, but it'll hurt less, one day."
He closes his eyes tightly, until they hurt. Crying gave him a headache, but it's practically a constant these days. He thinks about Rapunzel's words, and knows intimately what she's referencing - remembers more than well how she grieved Gothel, full of hurt and pain and anger at the fact she even did. He hadn't really understood at the time either. But Gothel had raised her for eighteen years; Rapunzel had loved her for all of them, and still loved this mother she knew never existed. So she had mourned her, she had hated her, and Eugene had tried his best to be there for her.
It's not the same, with his dad. Of course it wasn't, because for all of their history, Edmund had still loved him, more than Gothel had ever cared for Rapunzel. It's different, but Rapunzel understands, in a way, what it means to lose a parent. She understands his grief. He sees it in her eyes when he finally discards the pillow, and meets her gaze. His face is a mess, yet she smiles sadly and kisses his tears away, pulling a worn out smile out of him.
"Thanks Sunshine," he whispers, "I really hope so."
"I'll be there, no matter what," she assures, even if he never doubted it. "I… I also have a gift, for you," Rapunzel says, more unsure of herself this time.
He straightens up as she does, intrigued, and wanting to let her do what she thinks will help. He thinks she needs it just as much as he does, because she lost someone too - no one wants to say it, but Eugene knows he's not the only one grieving.
He doesn't know what to expect from the piece of paper she holds towards him. Slowly, she hands it to him, careful and worried, and he wants to reassure her immediately that it's okay but.
There, under his fingers, is a painting. He sees himself, smiling, soft and beautiful in the way only Rapunzel paints him. On his left, his mother stands, a happier expression than the one on the only painting left of her on her face, her hand on Eugene's shoulder, looking so alive and present that tears spring up to his eyes. And then, on his right…
He realises, while he looks at his father's peaceful expression, that it's the first time in weeks he has thought of his dad as he was in life, instead of the dying man he had been at the end. His skin is pale, but healthily so, no traces of fever on his cheeks. His smile is wide like it often was when Eugene told a bad joke, and his eyes are aware and full of joy. He's touching Eugene's shoulder too, in the painting, and on his bed Eugene can almost feel it - that weight on him, neither stiff nor cold.
"I thought… I thought you'd like having a picture with all three of you," Rapunzel says, and he doesn't have to watch to know she's playing absently with her hair, nervous.
Eugene is careful not to crumble the picture like his heart is, putting it down as he desperately reaches for Rapunzel - and she's here, immediately, even if he's crying again and making a mess and holding her so tight he's afraid to hurt her.
"I love it," he says again and again, mixed with thank you and I love you and I'm sorry. She holds him and whispers that she loves him too, again and again.
Weeks will turn into months will turn into years. The picture will stay on his bedside table, always.
(Things do change, and because they change, they heal.)
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varianat7k · 3 years
Part 2
Varian walked into the kingdom with a spring in his step and a racoon on his shoulders. His mother’s journal was heavy in his pack, but he was too excited to care.
Varian had thought he’d learned their families deepest secrets when he learned about the dark kingdom and met his aunt and uncle. Then, he’d blasted a hole in the floor. Of all the things he’d expected to find, a coded journal was not one of them.
His father nearly falling to his knees when he saw it was also, not expected.
“This, I thought they were all gone. I thought Donella took them all.”
“This, this is one of your mother’s scientific journals.”
To say Varian was excited, would be an understatement. His mom. His MOM! Hearing anything about the woman from Quirin was like pulling teeth. He knew she’d been an Alchemist. He’d seen her portrait. He had overheard that she was wild, kind, energetic, brilliant, and optimistic. He’d heard other things from the villagers too, but he ignored those. People said he was crazy, and reckless, and dangerous too. They just didn’t understand science like he did. Like his mom did.
Varian also knew that she and her partner had packed up their research and left when he was only a year old.
Varian also knew neither had come back.
After a few sleepless nights and twenty odd cups of hot chocolate, he cracked the code. It had taken several decoders and every few pages the cipher would change, but the key word needed to understand the whole first chapter, was his name. His mom was incredible.
Then, he’d found that the chapter had been written to him.
My dear son,
If you’re reading this, something happened and I never made it home. Know that leaving you and your father to go on this journey is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Best case, I’ll be back in a few months and I can burn this book, but I’m sure you know that the best outcome, isn’t always the realistic outcome.
I’m trying to find the lost library. It exists in a kind of limbo, only appearing when all seven artifacts from all seven kingdoms are collected and taken to the mystical land under Creed Library. What’s so special about a magical library, you ask? It’s a magical library! The knowledge contained on one page in one book, is said to be more valuable and powerful than all the books in all the world combined!
And now, why I left. I’ve never been very, settled, anywhere. Before I met your father, Donella and I traveled kingdoms like there were no borders. We learned without limits. It was incredible. But then, like it always seems to, the impossible happened.
I met a kind, handsome man, who I wanted to settle down with. I wanted a home and a family with him, and he wanted one with me. We built a house together. Quirin added a lab area as a surprise for me, and I sold some of my chemicals to buy him the best cart on the line. It wasn’t long before you were on your way. I was happy to stay with you and Quirin for the rest of my life.
Then, Donella came to visit with a map. Sacred ground, defended by magic, each one of seven keys to a library with unlimited knowledge. I was hesitant, at first, even though I was also intrigued. Then, Quirin told me where he was from. How an entire kingdom was destroyed because of ignorance. He told me about a lost son and a father gone mad with greif. I know I can’t protect you from every evil in the world, but I think, I really truly believe, that with the wisdom contained in the Lost Library, I can protect you from more of it. I love you so much my little prince. Please, please forgive me, for not coming home.
You're Mother, Ulla
Two days and a literal ton of research later, Varian left. He left letters for his friends and family, and set out to find out what happened to his mother. He needed to know. If she really was gone, because he knew that the best case wasn’t always the realistic one, then at least he could finish what she started.
He stepped into the first kingdom his mom had gone to, Qion. He had been walking only a few minutes when an explosion shook the ground.
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aelin-world-walker · 4 years
Some headcanons I have post-ACOSF
(don’t ask where this comes from i’m just aching because i finished rereading acosf and thinking headcanons is my coping mechanism)
(i wrote “some” in the title but they are like a million????)
(like now this is a master list of headcanons i have...)
*Probably I’ll edit it pretty often because headcanons come whenever they like.
*i’ll probably add feysand headcanons in the future but not now because there’re A LOT out here but know I have some like feysand beign parents is too cute to ignore.
*sorry if there are some spelling errors, English is not my first language.
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The cabin headcanons
(yes the cabin has its own subtitle)
Cassian takes Nesta to the cabin after their mating bond ceremony and then happens chapter 55 but Nesta adapted. There’s no soup but a biscuit.
When Nyx is a little older he starts participating in the snowball fight. Rhys, Cassian and Az let him win.
In one of her visits, Feyre paints her sisters and Nyx’s eyes beside the IC ones, because they are now part of the Court of Dreams (this one made me cry a little honestly)
Whenever one of the IC’s couples wants to take a break they go to the cabin. Sometimes Az goes too to play chaperone. Spoiler: it doesn’t work (especially NOT with Nessian) (this one made me laugh)
Nesta likes the cabin’s vibes to read, so she goes often. Sometimes Cassian joins her but he bores to death so he wouldn’t let her read (if you get what i mean)
I can imagine the IC visiting it, long nights bonding in front of a fire and playing board games. Rhys, Nesta and Azriel are so competitive that stay awake til one of them wins. (actually Rhys and Azriel competitive spirit over board games is canon) (i just imagine Nesta playing the courtier to win) (then she loses and is cranky for a day). Meanwhile, Mor and Cassian drink themselves silly, and Feyre and Elain play with Nyx. Amren just purrs sitting in Varian’s lap. (Amren as the house cat)
The girls decide to do their own snowball fight honestly i don’t know why this is not canon yet. One year they decide to do girls vs. boys. The girls win and the boys don’t want to play against them again.
Nyx and his cousins learning to fly in a summer vacation there. (yeah because nessian’s children are happening in the future and they are in some of my headcanons sorry)
Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie go there sometimes (not so often because they prefer staying with the House please never forget they are all friends) and go hiking.
When Nyx and Nessian’s children are older and misbehave their parents send them to the cabin. Then whoever of them didn’t got to be grounded slips alcohol to the ones inside. (Actually i can see them doing this??? Rhys and Mor did the same. Also I can see Nyx and his cousins having a relationship similar to Rhys and Mor’s and Aelin and Aedion’s)
Inner Circle couples and the sauna. Not gonna say anything else, but just know it’s hella weird there’re no scenes in there...
The House of Wind headcanons
(big house deserved its own headcanons)
Nesta installs a dance studio in there and whenever she can she goes and dance for hours.
Nesta, Gwyn, Emerie and the House start a monthly sleep-over in the private library. The House always conjures the miniature pegasus without being asked.
Can we talk about the fact that in the future the House of Wind will have a nursery???? because i have to talk about it. don’t know if i’ll be able to do so without crying but just- nessian’s babies nation
When Nessian’s children are born the House would conjure anything just to please them and will protect them at all costs. The House as a babysitter and mother-hen.
The House starts talking to Cassian and recommends him smut books. He reads them and find them pretty interesting. He also recommends the House books but as they are of warfare the House finds them boring.
When Cassian and Nesta fight the House would be angry with Cassian for some days and would serve his food cold.
The House of Wind is Nyx’s favorite place in the city. Cassian and Nesta even give him a room when he is older. He loves it for the same reason Rhys did: flying. He also likes asking the House ridiculous things -the House loves his petitions-
Azriel keeps his room of course, but playing the chaperone is useless now (it always was)
Mor befriends the house and together they plan jokes to Cassian.
Feyre loves going to the House because it reminds her that her sister is happy and will never be alone.
Nessian headcanons
(of course there are nessian’s headcanons)
While sleeping, Cassian is very restless while Nesta sleeps in a ball, but they make it work. Also, Cassian takes all the blankets so Nesta ends up beside him and his wings.
The two of them loves sleeping in. Cassian would never admit it because he would never hear the end of it from the ic. (i know he said in acomaf that daylight is precious but now that he has found his mate he has change a liiitle his opinion about that. like now wake up beside his love is more precious than anything!!!!!)
I think it’s not fair we didn’t got a smut scene in the bathtub.
And in Windhaven.
Aaaaand in the cabin.
When Nesta has a nightmare, Cassian would hug her and comfort her while remind her it was a dream, and now she got out, and is loved and cherished by a lot of people.
Nesta loves that Cassian strokes her head, more when her hair is down. (i really like that nesta prefers updo hairstyles tho)
Nesta sitting on Cassian’s lap. That’s all I need for a next book. (i also need more domestic scenes between them like the one in Winter Solstice when Nesta hangs their coats) (also i need to read nessian from another pov i want to know how they look like from outside their pov)
Nessian dancing into the darkest hours, losing themselves into the music and their embrace. (i need a slow dancing fanfic thx)
Nesta is still a little uncomfortable to venture into Velaris so she asks Cassian to fly her over the city whenever she needs to go out and doesnt want to tangle in the multitude.
Cassian reading an Illyrian report while Nesta reads a romance book. Domestic mates part one hundred.
Nesta loves flying (WHY THIS IS NOT CANON SARAH) (like i would have been awesome to read nesta liking flying after that scene with rhys in acowar)
I love that is canon they like chocolate cake idk just wanted to say that.
Nesta headcanons
(my daughter deserves them)
Every Starfall, Nesta would take the stairs down and up just to remind herself the way up is long but by the end she would find happiness.
She is really protective over the House. She wouldn’t let anyone spill anything or mess around.
She starts taking dancing lessons again, even though she doesn’t need them. It’s her favorite part of the week. I can imagine Gwyn joining her. Emerie prefers watching them and smirk while drinking tea.
She visits her father’s tomb more than her sisters, and tells him every aspect of her life because she didn’t do it when he was alive.
She doesn’t like the Court of Nightmares, but the Winter Solstice ball in there is one of her favorites events of the year.
She goes back to being a courtier/emmisary for the Night Court and loves tormenting the people she has to deal with. (just imagine Nesta in Vallahan, they would sign the treaty in a second)
She continues working in the Library because she is still healing and the Library is such a big part of that. She continues fighting with Merrill too (gwyn is please of that)
Also she starts practicing with Amren to use her powers, even if there is not a lot to master (tho i think she is still very powerful but let’s wait for the next book to confirm this)
ALSO Nesta as a mother: she gives her children a lot of love because she remembers how it is to have a cold mother and doesn’t want to repeat the story.
Nessian’s children headcanon
(tho i imagine they have at least a daughter so she is gonna appear a lot in my hc sorry)
I can imagine them having an unexpected pregnancy idk why they would be very happy tho (like chaolene’s) (not so soon after acosf, they would enjoy some free-of-babies-years)
Now I want a fanfic about nessian finding out they are pregnant please writers do it
Tho I can imagine its during training.
Nessian’s baby would sleep between them. Cassian loves that and even though Nesta says the contrary, privately she loves it too.
Nesta teaching their daughter to dance, while Cassian teaches her to fly. Together, they teach her to fight. Their daughter wants to be a Valkyrie like her mom and aunts.
Also Nesta reading her daughter to bed and then getting asleep. Cassian would find the two of them sleeping and would cover them with a quilt.
Their daughter loves to hear the stories about Nessian’s Blood Rites, and would ask everyone about them.
Their daughter is their number 1 fan im crying in softness
She also wants to hear the stories of her uncles and aunts even though some are sad, because she knows they are happy and together now.
I can see Nessian wanting another baby tbh but let’s stop in one until Sarah shows us the contrary.
But just imagine Nessian’s children + Nyx playing hide-and-seek on the House of the Wind and the House helping them hide.
Nessian’s daugther loves hearing Gwyn sing, and is particularly obsessed with Emerie because she sees herself in Emerie (like they are both Illyrians i’m crying nessian’s daughter doesnt understand why her aunt can’t fly).
She has spring allergies too.
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codynaomiswireart · 3 years
Gauze in the Wound - Part 24
“‘In sterquiliniis invenitur’ – in filth it will be found. This is perhaps the prime ‘alchemical’ dictum. What you need most is always to be found where you least wish to look. … In rejecting our errors, we gain short-term security – but throw away our identity with the process that allows us to transcend our weaknesses and tolerate our painfully limited lives. …In participating in the process, the alchemists identified with the exploratory hero, and turned themselves unconsciously…into ‘that which redeems.’ This identification was complicated by the fact the the alchemist also considered himself as partaking of the state of matter – as belonging in the ‘state necessitating redemption.’ This basically meant that the alchemist viewed himself, at least in part, as occupying the same category as ‘matter’ (as well as being that which could become ‘gold,’ and which could aid in the transformation). … The alchemist was an unredeemed, suffering man, in search of an inexpressible ideal.”
~ Jordan Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief
“‘But I am not your judge. We must go to your true judges now. I am to bring you there.’ ‘My judges?' ‘Why, yes, child. The gods have been accused by you. Now’s their turn.’ ‘I cannot hope for mercy.’ ‘Infinite hopes – and fears – may both be yours. Be sure that, whatever else you get, you will not get justice.’ ‘Are the gods not just?’ ‘Oh no, child. What would become of us if they were?’”
~ The Fox and Queen Oruel, Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis
“Cursed short arms!” the un-man grumbled, reaching to pull himself up the rocky slope. What had begun as such a delight in wearing the boy’s form was now becoming annoying as he climbed his way up the mountain. While Zhan Tiri did have some of his additional strength to assist him, even that couldn’t make up for the smaller stature he now donned. But it would be worth it soon. Soon he would be back in his original body, and then he could really get to work!
“And as for the boy,” he thought aloud as he pulled himself up. “He’ll still be useful until I can get the actual Moonstone for myself. If he behaves, I might even let him join me as a disciple! Now wouldn’t that be nice – the Heir of Demanitus as my servant! Ha ha! Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since I’ve had any competent servants.”
The un-man scowled now, thinking of his previous pawns. “Curse them,” he spat, gripping another rock. “Inept fools. And Gothel! That traitorous, vain, sniveling coward! Stuck around just long enough to get her hands on the incantation, and then what did she do? She went and hoarded the Sundrop for herself! Fah! I should’ve figured. She was always the worst of my followers. Tromus may still be of some use I suppose. And Sugracha…Well…” the demon grinned wickedly. “She had her chance…and I’ve made use of what was left.”
Zhan Tiri gave another grunt of exertion as he finally reached the top of the rocky gorge he’d been scaling. The land had changed a bit since he’d last been there. The trails leading up to Janus Point had become rough and overgrown now. He could remember the days when it was well-worn from those who traveled there to engage in dark rituals. Now it was all a deserted wasteland – nearly forgotten like a bad dream by those living in the kingdom below.
“But not for long,” he thought as he adjusted the mirror strapped to his shoulders, continuing his hike. “Soon, their nightmare will rise again!”
Varian blinked, his brain trying to catch up with what had just happened, like suddenly waking up from a dream. He felt like he couldn’t move. Part of him didn’t want to move. A part of him wanted all time to freeze here like this. He almost didn’t care if it might all be an illusion fed into his brain.
Xavier was here. Ruddiger was here. His friends were here. Xavier said it would be all right now.
Varian nearly shoved Xavier away, as panic began to bubble up from the depths of his mind as his train of thought went from a standstill to rushing a million miles an hour.
“Wha-What are you doing here!?” Varian asked Xavier, looking up wide-eyed at the blacksmith, the boy’s fists clutching in desperation at the man’s shirt.
Xavier only smiled reassuringly at Varian. “It’s all right Varian. We figured it out. You’re going to be all right. We’ve come to get you out of here!”
Varian continued to stare at him, shaking his head in disbelief.
Noticing his apprentice’s demeanor, Xavier laid his hands on Varian’s shoulders, trying to steady him. “Easy Varian, easy. It’s all right. I’m here now. Really! You’re going to be ok.” Xavier then looked to study the vines that bound Varian’s wrists and ankles, holding one of them in his grasp as Ruddiger also gave them a sniff. The raccoon’s fur stood on end, and he hissed as he detected the dark magic pulsing within the glowing tendrils. Xavier’s brow furrowed, and he began reaching into one of his pockets.
“Wait, what’re you doing?” Varian asked.
“Don’t worry Varian,” Xavier said, pulling a small folding knife from his pocket. “I’ll cut you free, and then we can-” “NO!” Varian screamed, grabbing Xavier’s wrist to stop him before he could make the first incision. “No no! If-if you tamper with the vines, he might notice you’re here and-” Varian’s voice cut out, he swallowed hard, and Xavier could feel the boy clutch even tighter at the fabric of his shirt. “‘He?’” Xavier repeated, becoming still. “Who is ‘he’? Varian, what’s going on? Who did this to you?” But Varian’s expression began to take on a faraway look again, and Xavier could see Varian was struggling to breathe. “Z-…Zhan Tiri-” Varian just managed to choke out. And then, the boy began to hyperventilate, grabbing Xavier again, and shouting. “Wh-why are you here!? You need to stop him! You’re just wasting time with me! Why did you just let him-!? He could be…I-I can’t! Why did you come here!? No! No no no! He’s going to get away-!”
Varian stopped shouting, but now only shook his head as he buried his face in his arms. “Varian!” Xavier tried again, trying to snap Varian out of whatever attack he was experiencing. But the boy only continued to quiver and breathe in quick, shallow breaths.
Just like that one day…
Xavier was unsure about what was going on, and Varian mentioning Zhan Tiri had not escaped him, but this much he knew – Varian needed help now, and he had to bring him back around before they could do anything else.
“Varian,” Xavier said again, this time in a much calmer tone, and giving Varian’s shoulders a comforting squeeze. “Varian, look at me, please.”
There was a long pause, and for a moment Xavier thought Varian wouldn’t comply. But soon enough, Varian managed to bring his face up to look Xavier in the eye, the boy’s expression utterly pained.
“It’s all right,” the blacksmith said. And again, like before, Varian opened his mouth to protest such a notion.
“N-no! No no, it’s not all right!” Varian cried, curling in on himself again. “Don’t lie to me! Can’t you see that we’re-!?” But Varian then felt himself being pulled into another hug, his mentor’s strong arms wrapped around him protectively. “Shh, it’s all right, Varian. It’s all right,” Xavier repeated again, as if the soul-crushing reality had no bearing on them in the present moment. Which of course was ridiculous, Varian thought. But in that moment, Xavier sounded so confident, that Varian almost believed him. “It’s all right.”
Xavier then pulled away again, steadying Varian’s shoulders. “I need you to breathe with me now, ok?” But Varian shook his head. “No! I can’t-! We- He’s going to-!” “Breathe in,” Xavier continued on, gently but insistently. When Varian didn’t respond at first, he tried again. “Breathe in…” Varian then also felt Ruddiger nuzzle into his side, and the little creature looked up at Varian with sad but encouraging eyes. “Please!” he seemed to be saying.
Finally, Varian felt his resistance start to give way, and though faltering at first, Varian managed to get in a slower inhale.
“Good,” Xavier said, a tone of relief entering his voice. “Now, breathe out…” And Varian did, though shakily. “Good. Again, breathe in… Hold… Breathe out…”
This went on for another few repetitions, and Varian did try to mirror what Xavier was telling him to do. But constantly Varian had thoughts flit in and out of his mind that caused his breath to hitch when they hit him. “We’re running out of time! I’m trapped here and I can’t get out! Why did Xavier come for me!? Zhan Tiri’s going to use me to come back, and it’s all my fault! It’s all my fault! It’s all my fault! It’s-”
“It’s all my fault…” Before Varian could think to stop himself, his voice betrayed his thoughts, and he could feel tears gathering at the corners of his eyes at his quivering words.
“No, it isn’t, Varian,” Xavier tried reassuringly. “C’mon, stay with me now. It’s going to be all right. I’m sure whatever’s going on, we can-”
But Varian shook his head. “No! It’s-it’s not going to be all right!” he cried, and through his sobs he began to tell Xavier everything; everything about Zhan Tiri slipping through the warp in time and space the other night, to meeting Zhan Tiri in the depths of his psyche, to how Zhan Tiri tricked him into believing he was really Lord Demanitus, and how – worst of all – Varian had believed him when he talked about them using the Moonstone’s power to go back in time and undo all of the bad things that had befallen Varian, and all the bad things that he himself had done.
Varian wanted to blame Zhan Tiri for all of this. He had been a liar, after all. Was it Varian’s fault that he had been deceived? Didn’t that make it better? Weren’t his motivations good in the end? That is, to go back and set things the way they should’ve been?
…But no. Varian knew the truth. Zhan Tiri wouldn’t have been able to entice Varian into his plans if Varian wasn’t already vulnerable to it. True, there were circumstances that were beyond his control. Perhaps it wasn’t all his fault. But some of it definitely was, and it also didn’t help that he had been so bitter towards everyone, driving away those who wanted to help him. If only he hadn’t been so desperate to run away from what had already been stamped into his history, perhaps he wouldn’t be in this even bigger mess now.
If he had only hung on instead of let go the other day when Rapunzel had appeared. Not that it was really her, probably. But if he didn’t give in to his anger…his hatred…
“…I’ve ruined everything…” was all Varian could say as he came to the end of his account, and he sat back with his shoulders drooped, and hands dropping from Xavier’s shirt into his own lap. Varian was so tired – physically and emotionally. He could feel the weight of all he had done pressing down on his already tired shoulders, and sling itself round his chest like lead-heavy snakes. And he was so useless now, too. Zhan Tiri had a hold of him. Even if he wanted to use his powers against Zhan Tiri now, the vines clinging to him would only channel it for Zhan Tiri’s own use. And in here, in this dark place, he had no access to alchemy or tools or anything else he might be able to fight back with.
“…You have to go.”
“What?” Xavier asked, clearly surprised by Varian’s words. Miserably, Varian looked up at Xavier through his bangs.
“You need to get out of here. Both of you.” Here Varian turned also to Ruddiger, who looked up at the boy with bewildered eyes. “Y-you’re just wasting time here. Zhan Tiri isn’t going to Old Corona. That was another lie to throw you off his plans. He’s going to Janus Point to-” Varian swallowed. “He’s…he’s going to try to use my magic to bring himself back – all the way back – where the veil is thin. You have to catch up to him before he can-”
“We’ve already tried, Varian.” “What?” Varian asked, looking at Xavier in astonishment.
Xavier frowned. “Varian, after Zhan Tiri made sure he got passed the guards, he used your magic to trap us here in Molson’s Grove with a great wall of black rocks. We can’t go anywhere.” “No…” Varian whispered, hugging himself. Yes, he had felt Zhan Tiri call upon his powers a couple of times earlier that evening, but he had no idea (and dreaded to think of) what the warlock had used them for. “That is,” Xavier said, once again setting his hands on Varian’s shoulders. “We can’t go anywhere without you. We need you to take down that wall, Varian.”
“B-but I can’t!” Varian shouted, grasping one of the vines in his hands and holding it up, as if Xavier needed a visual aid to get the situation through to him. “Look Xavier! I’m trapped here! And-and without my doppelgänger I won’t be able to get out!”
“That’s why Ruddiger is here,” Xavier explained, and Ruddiger immediately pricked up at the sound of his name. “The dark mirror has no affect on him, and he brought you back from the dream depths before. I have a hunch that he can also help to get you out of here, bypassing the need for a doppelgänger swap!”
Varian stared at Xavier, then at Ruddiger. Could Xavier be right? Could such a trick really work!?
“But first,” Xavier began again, reaching once more for his pocket knife.
“N-no!” Varian tried again to stop the blacksmith, grabbing at his wrist. “What if that makes him know you’re here!? What if he-?”
Varian then stopped, Xavier turning to look at him with an expression that Varian had never seen on the blacksmith before. Or, at least, not this intense. Varian had seen something similar to it when Xavier had been in battle before – a steeliness and determination that would make most anyone flinch if it were directed at them. But this time…
“We have to try, Varian. No matter what it takes, I won’t leave you here like this. I won’t let Zhan Tiri do this to you!”
Before Varian could say anything else to this, Xavier firmly but gently pried Varian’s hands from his wrist, and brought his hand down to lay the first strike on the eerie, glowing vines.
Zhan Tiri staggered, feeling as if a dart had just suddenly been lodged into his chest. Had he stumbled into something in the dark and not seen it? Was there a hunter or a bandit nearby that had taken a shot at him?
But as Zhan Tiri looked down to examine where the pain came from, he found no arrow or dart sticking out of his avatar. Although, he did see beneath his clothing the dim glow of green, indicating that some sort of injury had been done to him, even if only a small one. “How in the-? Aaah!” the warlock cried, feeling the incision hit deeper. What was going on!?
With haste, the demon pressed his fingers against his temples, and focused his concentration along the vines that extended out his back and into the mirror. There, he of course saw the alchemist – disheveled, weak and distressed, as he should be – but he also saw-
“Aah!” the un-man cried again, a third blow nearly causing his legs to buckle from underneath him, and breaking his concentration for a second. “No,” he hissed to himself harshly. “Why that meddling old-!”
Thinking quickly, the un-man again sent his consciousness down the string of vines, and conjuring a few more from his back in the process. It may take a lot out of him in his current form, but he was too close now! He could not afford to lose this chance!
“I’ll make you pay for this,” the demon growled as he launched his counter-attack.
Varian’s eyes widened in horror as Xavier delivered that first blow to the vine. As the steel of Xavier’s knife struck the glowing tendril, sparks spewed up from where he had managed to make an incision in the thick skin. However, Varian also noticed something else as Xavier braced himself for another blow. The knife had begun to glow green as well, and Varian managed to catch sight of what looked like steam rising from its handle. He could also see Xavier setting his teeth to keep himself from dropping the weapon as he began to feel the pain.
“NO!” Varian screamed, trying to catch Xavier’s wrist again to stop him. “Stop! Stop! It’s hurting you!”
But Xavier only responded with holding Varian back with his free arm, and bringing his hand down for another cut, grimacing as the knife glowed even brighter.
Varian remembered what Xavier had said – about when he had crushed Mila’s hand all those years ago. It was an injury that caused her to give up blacksmithing for good.
Was Xavier really about to-!?
“XAVIER, PLEASE! STOP!” Varian cried again, but Xavier brought the knife down for yet another strike, his hand itself now also starting to look green. If he kept this up for much longer, and if he tried to cut all of the vines this way…
In desperation, Varian tried to summon some of the magic inside of him. He had to try to do something to help Xavier before the man permanently crippled himself on his behalf. But as Varian felt the magic well up inside of him, he also felt it leave him, like water down a drain. Instead of the black rocks doing as Varian wanted, they sprang up to form a kind of cage around Xavier, with even more vines snaking their way between them to grab at the blacksmith, causing Xavier to drop his knife. Varian tried to make a lunge for the fallen blade, but was suddenly jerked back as the tendrils holding him dragged him away across the floor. Ruddiger then made his attempt for the knife, but flinched back as his snout got close to the heat rising from it. He then had to scurry and dodge as another vine tried a grab at him, and began chasing him around the chamber.
“You fools!” a voice boomed around the chamber, causing Varian to flinch at the sound of it, for Zhan Tiri of course would use his own voice. “Did you really think you could stop me now? I won’t go down so easily!”
Xavier looked frightened only for a moment as the situation sank in. But then, the man summoned again that steely determination from before, and resumed struggling against his bonds. This only caused Zhan Tiri to chuckle at the blacksmith’s futile efforts.
“Ah, so this is the best that Demanitus could leave behind for his vanguard, eh?” the demon’s voice said mockingly. “An old codger who barely understands the great mysteries he proports to love, and an impulsive child with a ruined life. If only you both weren’t so annoying, I could hardly have asked for better conditions!”
At these words, Xavier looked over at Varian, noticing that the boy had ceased struggling to get out of his own bonds, and now lay there limply on the floor again, like when Xavier first found him here.
“Varian!” Xavier shouted, but Varian didn’t appear to hear him. “Varian, don’t listen to him! Don’t give up!”
“Oh yes, that’s right old man,” Zhan Tiri interjected again, a smile in his voice. “Keep leading the boy on with false hopes, as usual.”
Xavier glared at the cursed mirror’s gateway.
“Honestly, do you really wish to tell the boy that he can come back from all this? From all he has done? Even if you were to get out of here, even if you were to defeat me, what would be left for him? He belongs to me now!”
“There’s still his father!” Xavier said. “We still have to free him!”
There was a long pause after this, only to be followed by another smiling tone from the demon as he said, “You really are cruel, aren’t you master blacksmith? Why can’t you just admit to the boy that his father must be dead now?”
Xavier couldn’t see Varian’s face from the way the boy was laying, but he did see Varian’s side seize up at these words, his breath stopping.
“You don’t know that!” Xavier retorted back.
“But if he were?” Zhan Tiri continued. “If he were dead, there would be no one left for the boy. He feels it himself – after all he’s done, no one else would be there for him. Nobody else would love him. It would be a shame to even associate with him on any level! Well, aside from his jailor of course. And if his father were somehow still alive, what would he say once he was free? He certainly wouldn’t be proud of the boy, now would he?”
At these words, Varian finally did move, but only to curl himself into a tight ball, the guilt of everything clearly crushing him into the ground. Ruddiger tried to get to him from where he had taken shelter in a basket in the corner, but the vine that had stalked him kept him at bay.
Xavier looked between the dark mirror and where Varian lay. Varian really was believing what the un-man was saying! Xavier knew that if Varian only thought about things for just a moment – really thought about them – all of this darkness would be dispelled. Of course Quirin really loved Varian! He had sacrificed himself for his son, after all! And as for the others? Varian may not realize it, but despite those out there who would write him off as hopeless and irredeemable, there were also those who were willing to give him another chance should he but ask for it and take it. But Xavier knew that doubts coupled with grief and guilt could be a terribly oppressive force. Life could not be expected to always be solved by purely rational means. Certainly not irrational, but sometimes merely thinking and rationalizing weren’t enough.
…Sometimes, you had to act.
“I would be there.”
Another pause followed Xavier’s words.
“What?” the demon asked, but Xavier ignored him.
“Varian,” Xavier called his name again, and Varian just managed to look up at him from his circle of torment.
“Varian, listen to me – you are still my apprentice. No matter what happens, you can always come home to me, all right? And-”
Now here Xavier said one of the last things that anyone in that room expected him to say, and if Varian had heard him say it months or even a few weeks ago, he would’ve been deeply offended by it. But as things were now…
“And I forgive you, Varian.”
Varian appeared to be thrown for a few full seconds, his brain also trying to catch up with what he just heard. “What?” the alchemist asked in a small voice.
“I forgive you, Varian,” Xavier repeated. “For any wrong you have done to me, it’s over now. It doesn’t need to cling to you anymore. You can let it go.”
Varian blinked at his mentor, then grimaced, shaking his head. “No! Y-you don’t mean that!”
“I do Varian.”
“No you don’t!” Varian almost screamed. “Stop lying to me! How could you just say things like that!?”
“Exactly!” Zhan Tiri chimed in. “He’s just saying whatever it takes to sway you into doing whatever he wants you to do! Especially with how he is now, how could anyone say that it’s over when he’s here like this?”
“Oh, you mean like this?” Xavier asked, his eyes scanning the vines and black rock cage around him as if they were somehow not that bad. “Oh Varian, I’ve been held by far worse chains and prisons than these.”
“…Wha-what are you talking about?” Varian asked hoarsely.
“Do you remember, Varian? When I told you about Mila? What I had done then, the guilt that I had felt – those were some of the worst things to have ever held me in bondage. Worse than the Saporians, and worse than even Zhan Tiri’s now. Granted,” Xavier said through gritted teeth as Zhan Tiri threateningly tightened his grip, “they are quite terrible. But while we may physically be held captive here, our hearts need not be, Varian. Mila set mine free, as well as her own, all those years ago. How could I not do the same for you?”
For a flickering moment, it looked like the light almost came back into Varian’s eyes. Could it be possible? Could he…could he really be forgiven for the things he’d done? Could he really, in another sense, “go back?”
But his thoughts were interrupted with another eery chuckle from the un-man. “Oh, my my my, what nonscensical fluff we are witnessing this evening.” The demon scoffed at Xavier. “Oh please, master blacksmith! Do you really mean to continue to insult the boy’s intelligence, or tempt him with pie-in-the-sky thinking? And even if it were true. If ‘your hearts could be free’ as you so pathetically claim, what good does that do, hmm? Hmm? Would the boy not still be in the same circumstances as he is now?”
A dreadful pause followed, and Varian lost all hope again. Of course Zhan Tiri was right. Even if in this moment Varian somehow believed Xavier’s words, he was still in the same situation as before. He was still imprisoned. He was still an outcast, a criminal, all but an orphan. Nothing would really change for him.
“So was Mila,” Xavier now continued, earning another surprised look up from Varian. “So was I. Granted, you could claim our circumstances were on a smaller scale, but the loss was still real. It affected both of our lives in a deep way. When Mila decided to forgive me, her outward circumstances did not change. She never-” Xavier swallowed the lump in his throat at the memory. “She never practiced her smithing craft again. But her willingness to forgive set her free from remaining trapped in that moment. She did something new instead. It wasn’t in her plans. Her loss wasn’t fair. But she made her choice. She chose for change on the inside, and that allowed for change on the outside. It changed her life, and it changed mine. She let go of her anger and bitterness, and was able to strive for good – to wish for another’s good, and for her own good, even in the given circumstances. She didn’t wait to feel good about me or about herself before she did that. And she- Gah! Mmph!”
Varian’s eyes widened in fright as Xavier’s mouth was suddenly gagged with more glowing green vines that sprouted up. “Ugh, that’s enough of that,” Zhan Tiri’s voice came again, trying to sound bored with the situation. …But Varian could tell by the urgency of Zhan Tiri’s action, that it was more than mere annoyance that prompted him just now. “You really do talk a lot for such an old man. I’m surprised you aren’t winded by now. But, no matter. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ve wasted enough time with this nonsense, and the boy and I have important business to attend-”
Varian could feel Xavier and Zhan Tiri’s attention turn to him as he weakly said the word.
“‘No?’” Zhan Tiri repeated mockingly. “No? What do you mean, no?”
Varian struggled to sit up, bracing himself up with his hands. “I…I said, ‘no.’ Y-you’re not going to use me for your plans. I refuse to- Aaah!” Varian crumpled, as he again felt the squeezing sensation around his heart, and his hair began to dimly glow.
“Have you forgotten, child?” the demon purred in his ear as Xavier watched on in horror. “I still have my foothold in your heart. You willingly gave it to me. You cannot refuse me now.”
“No!” Varian hissed through gritted teeth. “I-I can! I won’t let you!” “Won’t let me do what?” the un-man cried, now truly exasperated. “Won’t let me get revenge on those who wronged us both? Won’t let me make sure that the scales of justice are balanced in our favor? Would your father really want you to leave unpunished those whose acts led to his demise?”
…This was where the demon made his crucial mistake.
It was like when Varian faced the Seporian spy back in the forests of Equis; when he tried to use Varian’s father’s fate as a point of leverage.
“Dad…” Varian thought to himself, feeling his heart break all over again as he thought about him. He knew Quirin wouldn’t have wanted this. Whatever Varian may have thought of himself, his dad gave up everything to keep him alive. Even if Quirin himself were somehow still alive, he had no idea in the moment what was going to happen when he pushed Varian away from the explosion of amber. He didn’t know whether or not he would come through all right. And if the worst turned out to be true, would Varian let his father’s sacrifice for him be in vain? That is, would he lose sight of what was good and give up the real fight?
And what about Xavier? Whatever doubts Zhan Tiri had sown about the purity of the man’s intentions for Varian, the boy couldn’t deny that Xavier gave up a lot for him. Varian’s eyes landed briefly on the blacksmith’s burnt hand. That and hearing the emotion in the smithy’s voice at the idea of someone not being able to forge again, it was enough to let Varian know that Xavier was making all efforts short of giving up his own life as well to help him. Though, under the current circumstances, that opition may not be far off either.
…And Varian would not let that happen.
“No!” Varian cried again, and once more trying to summon his powers, the rocks around Xavier starting to glow in tandem with his hair. “I won’t be your puppet in your plans! I won’t listen to you any more! I won’t-”
Varian then gasped, feeling Zhan Tiri tighten his grip harder around him, and feeling his magic begin to siphon back out of him again while Xavier struggled to try to reach him. “No!” Varian though in desperation, and began to push back against the force pulling at him, the two now grappling together in his heart. “No! You won’t let you take me! I’ll fight you-!”
“You’re too late boy!” the voice now thundered in his mind, and repeated again, “Your father is dead! Your enemies have gotten away with it! And nobody is left to love you! You feel that anger, that bitterness, that grief in your heart! Let it out! Show them all! Embrace the power that you have been given!”
Varian could feel his heart being torn in two. He couldn’t keep this up. He was losing the fight. He couldn’t do this on his own!
“NO! PLEASE!” Varian found himself crying out, to anyone or anything that may be listening. “PLEASE! DAD! XAVIER! RUDDIGER! SOMEONE! HELP ME!”
At these words, Varian felt the tear in his heart rend all the way through. He gave a sharp cry, his eyes rolled to the back of head, and then he was enveloped in utter blackness.
Varian gasped, his eyes snapping open at the sound of his name. He expected when he opened his eyes to see the dark mirror chamber around him, and to feel his body aching from the tight vines and the grip of Zhan Tiri’s binding spell. But, to his utter astonishment, Varian felt and saw none of these things. Instead, he felt only shallow, cool water around him, and saw above him a sky ablaze with stars, giant planets, and the dancing stream of the Aurora Borealis.
“Wait…I’m back here!?” Varian thought in utter surprise, quickly sitting up and looking around him. Once again, he found himself on the smooth waters of the celestial plain from his dreams. Immediately, Varian thought to look for the white stag, or Ruddiger. Perhaps one of them was somehow here with him. But though Varian turned to look all around him, and strained his eyes to see as far as they could toward the distant horizon, no other figure was in sight on that vast, flat land.
“What do I do now?” Varian wondered aloud, remembering how difficult it was for him to go anywhere the last time. What was he supposed to do this time? Should he try to wake up? He needed a guide back to the waking world last time, but perhaps he could manage it now?
In any case, Varian knew had to try something. He had to try to get back!
Tentatively, Varian moved to push himself up onto his feet. As he stood, Varian tried to decide on which direction he should go. As he was pondering this, Varian suddenly caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. Varian’s head whipped round, fully expecting to see Ruddiger coming to his aid at last. But instead-
“Aaah!” Varian yelped, staggering backwards. What he saw was a face! A face floating a few yards away, looking at him. As Varian watched, the full figure of a person materialized in front of him, and other figures also came into view in the same manner, all glowing with silver light. Varian never gave much thought to ghosts, and for a moment he hoped that he was just seeing things. But when he dared to look away, then look again, blink, and rub his eyes, and the vision didn’t go away, he felt himself begin to panic. His courage failing him, Varian fled in the other direction away from the frightening apparitions. But to his horror, more figures began materializing there as well!
Varian then turned to his right, and began running, but he was soon blocked in again by more figures looming in out of thin air. All of them were facing towards him in a large circle, and soon Varian was completely hemmed in by the large crowd.
And what a large crowd it was indeed! There had to be dozens of them, perhaps hundreds! Men, women, and children. Who were they!? What was going on!?
One of them stepped forward to approach Varian, and out of reflex the boy held up his arms to shield himself. But alas, this only caused him further dread, for as Varian went through the motion, he saw a terrible phenomenon before him.
His arms were see-through! He was a ghost!
Varian stared in horror as his eyes followed his arms and he looked down at his body. Despite the ghost-like behavior of the figures only moments before, somehow the tables had turned. Or, perhaps, a readjusting of Varian’s senses had taken place. He now had the haunting idea that perhaps the figures were not the ghosts here, but he was. Did they materialize to his senses just now, or was it vice versa? Had they been in full existence there already, and he had been the one who materialized to their level of reality?
Before Varian could consider more this frightening prospect, he was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the touch of the figure that had stepped towards him. He had been so caught up in his fear that he hadn’t noticed the figure draw so near to him! The touch of the man who approached was firm, but warm, and as Varian’s eyes snapped up to look the person in the face, he was startled to find that…he actually recognized him! Though he had never seen him in person, Varian had seen a small portrait of him in his father’s belongings.
The man…looked like his grandfather!
“Wait, what!? No!” Varian thought to himself, his voice failing him to say anything as he stared agape at the man. “No no! It’s-it’s not possible! He can’t be-! He’s not even-!”
Another realization then hit Varian like a thunderclap, and he looked again at the other faces around him. In some he could see the resemblance to either of his parents. Others were total strangers to him. But this much he somehow knew – these were his past relations! All of them! In one way or another, they were related to him. He was seeing his family tree extending back years into the past! Varian had never met any of his relatives outside of his parents, and he hadn’t really given much thought about them in recent years. But now…?
Being an alchemist, Varian had heard of those who believed that they could manufacture human life in a lab. Get the right ingredients, have the right conditions, and boom! You’ve created life. Varian never really found such experiments appealing. He was more for the practical, applicable sciences like mechanics and chemistry. Sure, he’d dabbled a bit in biology (as he did to know how to create Ruddiger’s transformation serum), but otherwise he didn’t really give much thought into what went into making a person, artificial or otherwise.
But now, in seeing the legions of past relatives around him, Varian saw brief but poignant glimpses of all the blood, sweat and tears that had gone into assuring his existence throughout the centuries prior. All of the sacrifices that were made so that he could get the chance to walk the earth. All of that went into making him.
“Oh no-,” Varian found himself whimpering aloud, his voice finally returning to him if only for a moment, and he quickly pulled himself away from the figure of his grandfather. Varian buried his face in his hands, overwhelmed by the feeling of transparency that he now felt (both figuratively and literally). Did they know? Did they all know? And was this how it was to end for him? Was he dead, and this was his final judgment?? Surely, they all must be ashamed of him, and must be wondering if it was worth all the struggle to produce him at the present end of the family line. What a disgrace he must be to them.
“G-go away!” Varian cried as he felt another hand try to touch his shoulder. “Get back! L-leave me alone!”
“But you need help, dearie,” a feminie voice replied from somewhere in the crowd, and Varian flinched at the sound, for it wasn’t so unlike the sound of all the singing he had heard the other night; when he had heard the stars after his powers had awoken inside of him.
“N-no, I don’t!” Varian lied in a cracked voice, wishing for once that the dark, deep ocean underneath him would swallow him up, if only to get away from the unbearable eyes all watching him. But those around him didn’t seem at all fazed.
“Easy Varian, easy,” came a deep, masculine voice, sounding not so unlike the comforting voice of Xavier, and Varian again felt a gentle hand laid on his shoulder. Quivering, Varian finally dared to look up again, meeting several faces this time as the spirits crowded round him. “Don’t be afraid. You’re welcome here!”
Varian blinked, looking about him again. He was so very confused. “Wh-where are we? I don’t understand! Am I-?” Varian swallowed hard. “Am I dead?”
“No, Varian. You’re not dead.”
At the sound of this next voice, the crowd around Varian parted a little, allowing one of the figures to pass through to the front. Though Varian was surprised, as the figure that came forward was not a solid silver like the others around them, but appeared to be a translucent ghost like himself. The figure was hooded, and also carried a small, sleeping monkey upon its shoulder.
“Oh no,” Varian thought as the figure came closer, and he caught sight of the little primate companion. “We’re not going THAT far back in the family line, are we?”
Fortunately, it was not the little creature who addressed Varian, but the hooded figure as he pulled his cowl back and revealed his face. “It’s good to finally meet you, Varian,” he said, kneeling down so he was eye-level with the boy. “I only wish it could be under better circumstances.”
Varian’s eyes studied the man’s face. There seemed to be something of a resemblance to his father in the man’s features. Or, at least, in the features Varian could still see, for nearly half of the man’s face was covered with metal plating.
“Who are you?” Varian asked.
“I am Lord Demanitus,” the man replied. “And this,” here he indicated the monkey. “Is Vigor, my familiar. Do not worry Varian. We are here to help you.”
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finnoky · 4 years
AU where pascal didnt save varian in time and andrew dropped him in Rapunzel's return? :3
•| Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts |•
Oh god anon, right out the gate with the angst... I like your style. BUT ALSO THESE WONT BE FUN FACTS CBDJDBX.
TW: Character Injury
1) I'm gonna say that Pascals little thing is delayed — that by the time to thwacks Andrew, Varian has already been dropped + Andrew sorta... Falls overboard just after him. Rapunzel heard Varian yelling for help, and fought the other Saporians off, but by the time she makes it to the boat edge he's just... Gone. Without a trace. She's so panicked she doesn't notice the balloon lines getting slashed until it's too late... Seeing Andrew gives her some hope — girl works out how to lift the ship out of explosion range from the town + Yadda Yadda canon stuff hair goes glow, Rapunzel saves the town all sunshine and rainbows.
2) Boyo landed on a roof in Corona — alive but VERY injured, no one is sure he's actually gonna make it. Rapunzel is horrified the bubble thing didn't work for him which I'm putting down to Varian just not having the reaction time to DO that, at least to himself. But he's not dead. Civilians got him down and were debating what to do with him until Rapunzel came along and made them try help. At least then if he doesn't make it they tried their best; Boy is still awake, though not responding to anything [Cue Eugene arriving to Raps cradling Varian close + singing the healing incantation]
3) Rapunzel gets the fun time of dealing with what she could have done better and starts overworking herself trying to balance everything — it's hard work, she has to deal with her parents, recovering Corona, Cass' betrayal and Varians injuries. She can't bring herself to visit him though she clears his criminal record and assures he won't be going back to prison.
She can't bring herself to visit Varian — she frees Quirin but Eugene has to explain what happened BC she keeps breaking down into tears, she's horrified she sacrificed a friend for her kingdom and it's just. A lot.
She focuses on the kingdom first — it feels good to see herself making progress and the civilians are nice. Eugene catches her standing at the infirmary door most nights... And she suffers a lot as she tries to stay happy and positive. Drives people away by her determination to keep going.
4) Varian suffers a lot™ and is unconscious for days. His main visitors are Eugene and Quirin, with Lance who usually sits with him. It's a miracle he's alive, though he's far from unscathed [A broken arm, brain injury that leaves his memory spotty] and worst of all... A broken back + a spinal injury that leaves him without any feeling in his legs.
Though the injuries are bad he's doing ok! They're devastating, and he shuts off for a while. When Quirin returns is the first time he really reacts to anything, but from there there's progress. He gets help he needs. Assurance he's been cleared of crimes — Eugene forms a good friendship with him, but... Rapunzel still hasn't visited, and no one really explains Cass to him.
Honestly? Quirin is impressed by how Var draws up blue prints for wheelchairs and supports as soon as he can sit up for long enough. There's tough times... But he resolves to see it as a challenge, he needs a wheelchair or something so he can go back to work and start making it up to the people of Corona. After a couple of months he moves back to Old Corona with Eugene issuing him the Demanitus scroll to try translate
5) Whilst Varian starts improving, Rapunzel has managed to get most the castle repaired & shines as a Queen — though that's just on the outside. Cass' betrayal is still fresh, as is the guilt of Varian. Eugene tries to convince her to visit but it's too much. She's sure he's broken beyond repair and is terrified of that.
Eventually... She has to, she goes to Old Corona convinced that her friend will still be bitter and bedridden, only to be greeted by an explosion coming from the lab. Runs in panic. Sees Varian grinning to himself over some new formula. Asks what he's doing, Varian awkwardly explains... There's some tension and mostly exchanging pleasantries. Until Rapunzel finally apologizes — and once she starts she can't stop.
Rapunzel rants and raves about everything — how the kingdom is a mess, how Cass betrayed her, how she felt so bad because she thought HE died and she couldn't protect him. She's so sick of everyone else doing well while she feels like she's shattering to pieces.
That's when Varian speaks up. He gets the chance to explain all his frustrations in full — how now his life is changed forever, how he felt betrayed and bad and that Rapunzel still couldn't face him for what he'd done! He hasn't told dad or Eugene but of course he's struggling to... And it's just a sorta level they can connect on. They both struggle admitting they need help... And that things are far from perfect.
After that conversation is easier. Their friendship starts getting better + become good advisors to each other, Varian taking Cass' place as Raps' advisor / confidant and Varian getting the chance to feel like he is working on getting better.
These... Are long points but I didn't want bad end. I think rest of canon works — BVA happens in a similar way + Cassandra's Revenge is Cass stealing his wheelchair tho she's more aware of being the bad guy. Worries Varians replacing her which makes her a bit bitter and regret it less. I'm not sure about the finale? He could get healed, but honestly Varian doesn't feel the need to be healed — he's adjusted, and can still use his hands.
IF he did get healed he'd still need months of reablitation afterwards and still rely on a wheelchair a lot! It's not just a snap and fixed. Either way he gets a lot of love and support, and it deepens his bond with Punzie
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 37 - Happy Birthday!
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"What if we gave her some jewelry?" Varian asked. "Like a necklace and some matching earrings?"
Hiro shot the idea down. "Naw, she already has a whole jewelry box full of that stuff and she hardly ever wears it."
The two boys were standing in the lunch line at the cafeteria discussing what to get Aunt Cass for her birthday.
"Hmmm...what about a new cookbook, then?"
Once again Hiro turned the idea down. "Can't she just look up recipes on her phone?"
"Well then.. I don't know. Why don't you come up with something?" Varian huffed as he grabbed an apple off the bar.
"Ooookay. What about… something sentimental, like a hand made card?" Hiro suggested.
"That's lame."
"Is not. Listen, she'll cry her eyes out over it. Trust me."
"Oh come on, we're not four year-olds. We got money now, let's actually buy her something nice."
The two teens stopped in front of the salad bar where the head lunch lady was busy cutting up vegetables. They continued their debate while they waited on the container holding the salad to be refilled.
"Like what?" Hiro asked. "She hasn't said what she wanted, and I'm sure if there was anything she did want she could just go out and buy it herself."
Varian crossed his arms and cupped his chin in thought. Then his eyes fell on the elderly lunch lady, who was still busy preparing the salad.
"Hey Miss Itamae, I don't suppose you could give us any womanly insight into what a lady turning 37 might want for her birthday?"
The grumpy cafeteria worker didn't answer. She just glared at them both as she deftly sliced a head of lettuce in two. Then went back to cutting up more vegetables with practiced precision.  
"You're sparkling conversation is delightful as always Miss Itamae." Hiro said deadpan.
"Hey, wait, no, that's it!" Varian nudged him excitedly. "We'll buy Aunt Cass some new kitchen knives!" He then turned back to the lunch lady with a smug smile. "Thank you for the idea, Miss Itamae. You're always so helpful."
The insincerity dripped from his voice like honey and Miss Itamae only pursed her lips in irritation as she began to chop the lettuce even more fiercely.
Hiro rolled his eyes. The, quite literally, unspoken feud between them and the head lunch lady had only ramped up these last two weeks. True, she had been a little too gleeful when she pulled out the pan of leftover Monday's Mystery Meatloaf to give them, after handing the last hot ham sandwich to Karmi right before them, but Varian antagonizing the woman with his phony politeness probably didn't help matters.
"Aunt Cass literally has several sets of chef knives. I think she, like, collects them at this point."
"Well what if we just expanded her collection then? Does she have a machete yet? Or perhaps one of those big butcher axes?"
Hiro narrowed his eyes at the other boy. "Are you serious? What would she want with a machete?"
Varian shrugged.
"Yeah, no." Hiro continued. "I doubt we could even legally buy one."
"Really? Man, you can't do anything in America." Varian sighed.
Hiro gave Varian another irritated look of disbelief, but before he could say anything else a voice shouted out to them.
"Clear the way! Look out!" Fred yelled.
He was barreling right towards them on a pair of roller skates; careening out of control.
He couldn't stop and both boys had to quickly scramble out the way. Miss Itamae was not so fortunate.
Fred hit the salad bar and toppled over the edge, sending the vegetables flying everywhere and knocking over the poor woman.
"Ooops. Hehe… my bad." Fred said sheepishly as the lunch lady stood back up with a salad bowl on top of her head, lettuce stuck in her hair net and a slice of tomato dripping off her nose.
Miss Itamae stared at him with flame in her eyes and seethed with gritted teeth. Fred tried to helpfully brush off the bits of vegetables that sat on her shoulders, but this only made her even more angry.
She hissed at him and Fred scurried back over the railing as quickly as possible before ducking down on the other side of the bar. He cautiously peaked his head up just long enough to watch the cafeteria lady storm off in a huff; presumably to go get a broom.
"Are those Gogo's skates?" Hiro asked once the lunch lady had left.
"Uh, yeah." Fred admitted guiltily.
"Does she know that you have them?" Varian asked.
Fred dodged the question "Ummm… maybe?"
"Do we even want to know what's going on?" Hiro asked in a weary manner.
"Hiro, as your friend," Fred said as he placed a bracing hand upon the other teen's shoulder, "I feel it's my sworn d- woah, duty to protect you. The less the two of you know the better." And with that solemn proclamation the skates gave out from under him and Fred flopped to the ground.
"In other words she doesn't know, and when she finds out she's going to kill you." Varian confirmed.
"'Kill' is such a strong word, ya know." Fred strained as he gripped the bar and hoisted himself back up.
Varian and Hiro exchanged confused glances and just shrugged.
Hiro sighed and decided to set the matter aside. "Well, Varian and I were just discussing what to get Aunt Cass for her birthday. Got any ideas?"
Fred hummed in thought as he gave the matter some consideration. "Well mom always wants to be taken out to some new fancy restaurant on her birthdays."
"Hey now there's an idea," Varian enthused. "We cook dinner for her!"
"Oh no, you are not fixing any more weird Coronian recipes." Hiro replied.
"Hey, my cooking isn't weird. Besides all you know how to make is cereal."
"Yeah, I'm not a chef, neither of us are."
Varian pouted at that but before he could respond Hiro continued on. "Look, why don't we take her out? It's something she doesn't get to do often and we could both split the bill, deal?"
"Well alright," Varian agreed, "at least it'll save us from having to do the dishes."
"Great!" Fred cheered. "I even know of a place you can take her. Mom loves it."
Just then Gogo burst through the cafeteria doors.
"Hey! Give me back my blades!" She yelled.
"Uh oh." Fred said and clumsily skated away as Gogo furiously ran after him.
"Come on, we better make sure she doesn't actually murder him." Hiro sighed as he started to run after them.
Varian followed, but paused long enough to cheekily wave goodbye to Miss Itamae, who had just finished cleaning up Fred's mess and was back to chopping vegetables once more.
"See ya, Miss Itamae."
The woman never answered back. Instead she just scowled at him as she menacingly held up her knife before slamming it back down hard upon a head of lettuce, severing it in two.
Varian gulped as he backed away and hurried out the door after his friends. Maybe they were pushing the little old woman too hard, he thought.
"Are you sure it's not under Hamada?" Hiro asked the maître d' who stood at the front of the restaurant's door. "Then try Templeton."
No such luck.
"Hey, tell them to check under Quirinson." Varian nudged him.
Hiro, Varian, and Aunt Cass stood in line at the Aragosta; the fine dining place that Fred had helped them make reservations for. Only the host was having trouble finding said reservations.
"Okay, how about Quirinson?"
The host shook his head.
"Frederickson?" Hiro squeaked hopefully. The matradee frowned.
Hiro sighed in resignation as Aunt Cass gently scooted the boys out of the way of the other guests who were also waiting to get in.
"Hey, it's okay." She encouraged, "So they lost the reservations. It happens. We can go someplace else and still have tons of fun. How about karaoke instead?"
"Let me check back with Fred first, before we decide to leave." Hiro said as he pulled out his phone.
The phone went straight to voicemail and Hiro hung up in irritation. Things weren't going as planned.
Just then Krei, of all people, walked up next to them on the sidewalk. He was also on his cell phone and didn't seem to notice them.
"But mother, I had these reservations for weeks!" He complained. "Yes I know your annual fundraising event for Helpers Helping the Helpless is important…. Yes I understand that the juggling seals canceled last minute... but surely you could just hire a new act? Why, Judy, my secretary, she can juggle fire for ya, I mean how hard can it be if a dumb seal can do it, right?" He frowned as he listened to the other end of the call, and then sighed deeply, "Alright, you win, as always. Love you too, mother." And with that he hung up.
That's when Keri noticed their little group.  
"Oh, uh, hi Cass. Intern. Intern's new cousin-brother-whatever... Fancy meeting you here."
He gave an awkward grin and rocked back and forth on his heels, like a school boy accidentally running into his crush at the mall.  
Aunt Cass gave an equally awkward smile. "Hi, Alistair. Trouble with your date?" She joked.
"Oh well, you know mom. Lovely woman, but can't not take charge when there's a crisis." He nervously chuckled. "So what brings you to Aragosta's?"
"We're taking Aunt Cass out for her birthday." Varian replied.
"Oh, it's your birthday!? And here I didn't bring you a gift. Well, happy birthday, Cass. You look great tonight."
Aunt Cass blushed, "Oh well, thank you, but unfortunately the restaurant's lost our reservations, sooo…"
"So it looks like we'll just have to go elsewhere." Hiro interrupted. He gave Krei a hard glare as he tried to quickly shuffle away his aunt. "Bye, Krei."
"Oh now wait a minute," Keri stopped them, "You lost a reservation, and I got a table waiting for me that I'm not going to use anymore. Why not take my spot on the list?"
"Oh, that's nice of you Alistair, but-"
"No buts, I insist. Call it a birthday present."
Keri gave his most charming smile and Aunt Cass looked at the two boys questioningly. Varian enthusiastically nodded yes, while Hiro silently pleaded 'no' to her.
"Weeelll, if you insist." She agreed.
"Wonderful! I'll go square it with the matradee." And with that he hurried off to speak with the host.
"Aunt Cass, why?" Hiro whined as soon as the businessman was out of ear shot.
"Why not?" Varian spoke up. "He's giving us a free table. Just cause you don't like the gu-"
"Boys, boys," Aunt Cass interceded before an argument broke out. "Look, I know Alistair can be a little… hmm.. difficult to get along with sometimes, but he means well and this is a nice gesture. It'd be rude to turn it down."
With that final word Krei returned.
"You're all set. Table number five, and just tell the waiter to put the meal on my tab."
"We were going to pay." Hiro grumbled.
"Oh that's so cute," Krei laughed, "you boys, wanting to do something nice for your aunt. But seriously though, you'll have to take out a loan just to afford the hors d'oeuvres."
Varian raised a worried eyebrow while Hiro only gave an annoyed huff.
"Look this is my treat. Dinner is on me." Keri continued, "Just give the host up there my last name."
He then gave another awkward smile and waved goodbye before turning to leave.
Aunt Cass frowned and Hiro's stomach dropped as he realized what she was about to do. He tried to say no. He tried to speak reason with his aunt, but before he could stop her she was already calling after Krei.
"Oh, won't you join us?" She asked.
"Naw, I couldn't." He sheepishly kicked the ground.
"Good." Hiro said, but was completely ignored as Keri immediately followed up with a, "But if you insist."
He and Aunt Cass shared a smile as they stared into each other's eyes transfixed and Hiro could only let out groan.
The lavish interior of the eatery was adorned with Tuscan columns, high vaulted ceilings, and expensive oil paintings that hung upon the walls depicting the ocean. The restaurant was known for its seafood and so there were also aquariums everywhere you looked, tucked away in the most unlikely of places.
Varian couldn't help but curiously stare at one particular aquarium lodged into the center of one of the columns. It didn't look like the most efficient place to house costly and rare tropical sea life to him, but hey, he wasn't a millionaire restaurateur, so what did he know?
The little party was seated near said column at a table covered in white linen and with gold plated cutlery already laid out upon it. They were then given menus bound in black leather by the waiter who was dressed to the nines in a tuxedo, complete with a bow tie.
Varian self consciously looked down at his own plain button down shirt and grey vest and felt hopelessly underdressed in comparison. This place was far more ostentatious than he had been unexpecting.
Well at least he had put more effort into his outfit than Hiro, who's idea of dressing up was to wear his black cargo shorts instead of his usual tan ones. Not that the other boy cared in the slightest. Hiro wasn't the least bit embarrassed about standing out in high society. He was too busy giving Krei the stink eye as the businessman flirted with Aunt Cass.
Varian rolled his eyes in dismissal of Hiro's petty disapproval of their aunt's choice in men and opened the menu. What he saw made his jaw drop.
"Ninety dollars for lobster!?" He sputtered. "Who pays nearly a hundred bucks for freakin' lobster?" He hissed at Hiro under his breath.
Hiro only shrugged, "Yeah, lobster is expensive. So what?"
"But it's lobster." Varian reiterated.
Hiro only stared at him blankly.
"You live right next to the ocean." Varian explained. "You can literally just walk down to the docks and catch yourself one to eat."
"Yeah, but who wants to do that."
"I would. I would much rather catch it and cook it myself than pay a hundred dollars for a lobster ." The disdain in his voice was evident.
"Yeah, but you're weird." Hiro quipped.
Varian gave him a hard look of annoyance, but Hiro only smugly smiled back; knowing full well that Varian wouldn't jump him in such an esteemed establishment with Aunt Cass right there looking on.
Varian grumbled under his breath and went back to looking at the menu. He was going to find at least one thing on here that didn't seem like a colossal waste of money, he swore it.
Back home, seafood was one of cheapest meats you buy at the market. Freshwater or salt, it didn't matter, anyone could catch a fish. Shellfish in particular were deemed low class.
In fact boiled lobster tail was one of the few proteins he could eat in prison. Every once in a while the chef would feed it to them as a 'treat'. But that was only because no one else in the castle wanted it.
He shook the memory away as he tried to calm himself. Never again was he going back to gruel and stale bread; and if he wanted a lobster for dinner, he was sure as heck going to fix it himself the way he liked it and not have to beg for it from anybody!
Aunt Cass and Keri, however, did not notice Varian and Hiro's discussion involving lobsters. They were completely engrossed with each other, giggling over some in-joke that only they two shared. Hiro had gone back to sulking while eyeing the adults disapprovingly.
The tension was only dispersed when the waiter returned to take their orders. Krei rattled off a ridiculously intricate and flamboyant entrée as a suggestion and Aunt Cass agreed to try it. Hiro ordered the most expensive thing he could find on the menu, just to spite Keri, and Varian chose the steak.
"Well it looks like it'll be a while before dinner arrives, so I'm just going to go powder my nose. Be right back." Aunt Cass excused herself.
As soon as she was out of sight Hiro lunged at Keri.
He grabbed the older man by the shirt collar and held up his fork up menacingly.
"Okay, spill it Keri! What are you up to?" He ordered.
"Nothing." The man insisted. "Can't a guy do something nice for once?"
"Not when the guy is you he can't." Hiro said. "Aunt Cass dumped you, remember? It's over."
"Wait, they used to date?" Varian asked, clueless as to what was happening.
"One date," Keri corrected, "and no I'm not trying to get back together with your aunt. Honest."
Hiro eyed him suspiciously and Keri met his gaze steadily. Finally, Hiro relented and let go of the other guy's shirt.
"Then what do you want?" He asked, confused.
"I want your aunt to have a good birthday. Nothing more. So can we please just have a nice dinner without any more threats, or revenge plots hatched by disgruntled employees, or any other weird superhero-y stuff going on?"
Hiro reluctantly sat back down in silent agreement and that was when Aunt Cass returned. Soon thereafter the food arrived and dinner proceeded smoothly for the rest of the night.
"I tell ya work has been a nightmare since production started on this new phone line." Keri complained. "I'm at the office everyday it seems like."
"Oh I hear you," Aunt Cass agreed. "The Luck Cat has been swamped for weeks now. I haven't had a day off in almost a month."
Dinner was over and the little group stood outside waiting on their rides. The two boys looked on as the adults chatted. Aunt Cass and Keri had barely stopped conversing with each other the whole night and even Varian was starting to feel just a little left out.
But he had little right to be. When did Aunt Cass get the chance to just hang out with people her age and have fun? By her own admission she was usually either at work all day or taking care of them.
"Sounds like you could use a break." Keri said. "Oooh, crazy idea, I got a membership to a spa retreat up in Napa. They got hot springs and a killer buffet. I'm too busy to go right now, but I can schedule you a trip. You could bring a friend and have a weekend off. What do you say."
"Weeell I don't know... I mean it's tempting, don't get me wrong, but I got the café to take care of and who'll look after the boys?" Aunt Cass said.
"Well surely they're old enough to be on their own for a few days, and I can be on hand if they need anything."
"We can manage the café if you want to go to Aunt Cass." Varian chimed in, happy to help.
Hiro nudged him the ribs, hard.
Aunt Cass pouted and then forlornly shook her head.
"You sure?" Keri asked. "Cause it's no trouble to me. It's the least I can do after.. well, after what happened last time."
Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow and Keri held his hands up defensively.
"I'm not trying to ask you out again. Honest. I know that ship has sailed, and I also know that it was my fault. I just would like to apologize that's all."
"Oh Alistair, you don't need to buy me expensive things just to say 'I'm sorry'. "Aunt Cass smiled warmly at him before continuing on. "But the answer is still no. I just can't right now, not with everything that's going on."
"Well alright, but if you change your mind just give my secretary, Judy, a call. She'll arrange everything." And with that Keri handed Aunt Cass a business card and got into his limo which had just pulled up.
He waved goodbye to everyone before driving away.
"I think you should have taken Keri up on his offer." Varian said as they returned to the Luck Cat.
"Why, just so he can try and weasel his way back into Aunt Cass's life?" Hiro grumbled under his breath.
However, Aunt Cass heard him anyways. "Hey now, I can take care of myself, thank you very much." She admonished him. "But no, I'm not going. There's too much to do around here."
"Oh come on, I can look after the café for a few days." Varian insisted.
"And who's going to look after you?" Aunt Cass asked.
Varian looked hurt by that reply. "We can take care of ourselves."
"Oh like how you took care of my toaster?"
"That was an accident, and I put out the fire."
"Umm hmm, and the alarm clock?"
"I fixed it, and it works even better now."
"..and the dishwasher."
Varian opened his mouth to argue but then shut again quickly as he really had no excuse for that particular mishap. They were still finding pieces of broken china to this day.
Hiro snickered at their argument as he reached down under the counter to grab a donut.
The food he had ordered at the restaurant was some weird seafood monstrosity made of jellyfish, kelp, fish eggs, squid tentacles and other unidentifiable fishy bits and bobs. Rich people were weird, was all he had thought as he picked at his meal all night. He was still half starved.
"Oh laugh it up, mister 'I never wash a dish'." Varian shot back.
"I've cleaned dirty dishes before." Hiro said with his mouth full.
"Boys…" Aunt Cass groaned, ending their argument. "Look, I know things have been stressful these last few weeks, what with finals, and the café being busy… and well, everything else, but we can get through this if we stick together, as a family, and not have anymore petty squabbles."
She wrapped an arm around Varian's shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze as she smiled.
The 'everything else'  comment didn't go unnoticed by the two teens. Ever since Varian had come to live with them life had been turned upside down inside the Hamada home, in more ways than one, and while everyone was trying their best to adjust, there was still clearly friction over minor things, like chores and little mishaps here and there.
"That's why you should Aunt Cass." Varian insisted. "Finals end next week for us, but the café is still going to be busy no matter what. Why not let me and Hiro run the Luck Cat for a weekend? We can get along for just two days, surely."
"And we can call Chief Cruz if anything goes wrong." Hiro piped in.
Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow "I thought you didn't want me to go?"
"I just don't think you should fool with Keri, but of course, I'm all for you taking a break. Varian's right, you deserve a rest and a few days' of fun."
"Well, I mean, I could ask Tracy what she's up to next weekend, I guess…gee I haven't seen Trace in awhile..." Aunt Cass said as she mulled over their proposal.
"Who's Tracy?" Varian asked.
"She's Aunt Cass's roommate from college." Hiro answered.
"Ah…" Varian nodded in realization, but as soon as he was done Aunt Cass snapped out of her wishful reprieve.
"Oh no, I couldn't. It's too last minute. Besides I can still have fun here with you two." She flashed them a huge grin before walking upstairs.
Hiro ran after her, with Varian following behind. "Well in that case, you can open your presents then." He said.
"More presents?" She asked with a smile as she sat in her favorite comfy chair in the living room.
"Yup!" Hiro said as Varian brought out a gift bag that was hidden in his room, and Baymax, having heard his humans return home, came down the stairs carrying a wrapped box with a bow on top.
"Oh boys, you shouldn't have." She said.
"For you Aunt Cass. Happy Birthday." Baymax said in his usual clipped voice.
"Honey Lemon, Gogo, and Wasabi helped me pick something out for you."
"Oh how nice of them." Aunt Cass exclaimed as she opened up the gift. It was a cute apron with a matching headband and dish towel. In the pocket of the apron was a little booklet of printed recipes that Baymax had downloaded.
"See I told you that a cookbook was a good idea." Varian whispered to Hiro. The other boy shushed him.
"Oh thank you Baymax. I love it." Aunt Cass said as she flipped through the book. As she was reading Mochi, curled up in her lap.
"Do you have a birthday gift for me too, Mochi." She cooed at the cat as she scratched under its chin. The cat of course gave no answer other than a purr.
"I doubt he does, but I think Ruddiger made you something." Varian said in all seriousness.
With that the raccoon popped his head up over the top of the chair, startling Aunt Cass. The forest creature gave her an affectionate nuzzle, causing her to laugh, before jumping down and running off.
Only to immediately return dragging something along the ground with it's mouth.
Once the raccoon had made it back to the chair, it turned around and lifted the thing up with it's paws, as if offering it to her.
It was a plate, and on the plate was an apple inside a cupcake liner with whipped cream swirled on top and a single lighted candle stuck in the center.
"Ooooh how adorable!" She laughed.
"Make a wish!" Varian insisted.
She did and blew out the single candle easily.
"An apple cupcake; oh how did you ever come up with such a clever idea?" She asked of Varian.
"Oh I didn't. It was all Ruddiger. I saw him in the kitchen earlier today putting it together."
This gave Aunt Cass pause. Raccoons were smart, true, but the idea of one actually cooking was ridiculous. But the sheer earnestness of Varian's comment left her confused as to if he was pulling her leg or not.
Ruddiger for his part, looked as proud as he could be, for a raccoon, as he crawled up Varian's back and perched himself on the boy's arm.  
"I guess he figured you'd enjoy the same stuff he likes. Oh and don't worry I rescued the cool whip can from him before he could eat the rest."
Aunt Cass tried very hard to keep the smile on her face as the news of the wild creature rummaging in her food stores, again, was made known. She gave a tense laugh, "Well I hope the kitchen is clean by tomorrow before the rush."
The implication in her voice was not lost on Varian. "Already done."  He chirped and Aunt Cass sighed in relief.
"There's one more present." Hiro said as he took the gift bag from Varian. "It's from the both of us."
A lump formed in Aunt Cass's throat as she pulled out the gift. It was a framed photograph, of all three of them hugging.
"I had Baymax snap the photo earlier so you wouldn't notice and had prints made." Hiro explained.
"And I bought the frame so you could hang it up." Varian added.
She couldn't stop the tears from flowing as she choked back her gratitude. Instead she excitedly jumped up and ran around the room looking for the perfect place to put it. T'was a difficult task as she already had so many photos scattered throughout the home.
Finally she decided to hang it up on the wall next to the staircase, right alongside an earlier family portrait, this one depicting Tadashi as a young kid and Hiro not much older than a baby.
"I love it." She finally said through her tears, as she stepped back to admire it. "It's the best birthday present I've ever gotten."
The two boys walked over to join her and she wrapped them in a hug that mirrored the one in the picture.
Hiro carried the tray full of dishes into the cafe's back kitchen. He placed the heavy load onto the counter and let out a sigh. He then took a moment to gather himself before heading back out into the fray.
The Lucky Cat was packed today; more so than usual. He had volunteered to help out now that his final project was done ahead of schedule, only for them to get slammed with a bus load of tourists in the first 10 mins of opening, on top of the  regular customers who usually ate breakfast there.
No good deed goes unpunished; he dryly thought.
Just then Aunt Cass walked into the kitchen as well.
"Phew, it's like a madhouse out there. Have you seen Varian this morning? I know I told him he could have the day off, but I might have to ask him for a rain check on that."
Hiro shook his head. The other boy had left before sunrise, leaving only a text that he was going down to the pier. For what reason though, Hiro could only guess.
He didn't have to wonder for long however, for Varian returned at that moment.
"I didn't!" He sang as he burst through the back door carrying a small wooden crate in one hand.
"Did what?" Hiro asked.
"I caught a lobster." Varian eagerly replied. "See?" And with that he held up the fisherman's trap close to Hiro, who jumped back when a claw emerged from between the gaps in the wooden planks and snapped at him.
Unfortunately there wasn't anywhere to run to and so Hiro wound up crawling onto the counter to escape the creepy creature that Varian teased him with.
Hiro wasn't the only one in the household who didn't care for the lobster either. Ruddiger popped out of the storage cabinet he had been hiding in and crawled up upon Hiro's shoulder and hissed at the invading new animal.
This did not make Hiro any more
Varian though was blissfully grinning ear to ear, too proud of his accomplishment to notice or care about their disapproval.
"I caught him this morning. He's got to be at least 16, no 17, pounds! I've never seen one so big. He barely fits into my homemade fishing crate."
"That's great sweetie," Aunt Cass said with a strained smile, "what are you going to do with him? Have lobster thermidor for supper?"
Varian's smile deflated somewhat as he sheepishly tried to explain to Aunt Cass the circumstances that he found himself in.
"Well that was the plan when I went out fishing this morning, buuut, I kind of, sort of, named him."
And with that admission he hugged the crate as if cuddling a kitten.
This proved to be a bad idea though. As the lobster did not like to be cuddled. It turned its claws to snap at Varian instead who dropped the crate in surprise. The fishing trapped shattered and broke apart upon hitting the ground, freeing the creature inside. Then before anyone could stop it, the overgrown crustacean scurried out the swinging doors and into the café.
"Lorenzo!" Varian called out after it as he ran to catch it once more.
Both Hiro and Aunt Cass stood there dumbstruck as the screams of customers and loud clattering noises, that sounded suspiciously like china breaking, could be heard through the other side of the door.
Hiro snagged a weary sidelong glance at his aunt wondering what she might do. All she did was just stand there, wide eyed, unblinking, with shocked dread upon her face.
The clean up of this mess was going to be a nightmare. She'd probably have to spend hours refunding customers, apologizing profusely to them, and practically begging them not to give her a bad rating online.
Hiro took pity on her, and fished out Keri's business card and her phone out of her purse which was hung up on the coat rack by the back door.
"Here," he said as he handed the phone and card to her, "maybe you should take up that offer." Then he also ran back into the café to help Varian catch the wayward lobster.
On his way out the door he heard Aunt Cass say over the phone, "Hello, is this Judy? Hi I was calling back about the spa…"
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