#Veganism (Diet)
edianilki · 2 months
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nyc40z · 2 years
DISCIPLINE can really take u to new levels.
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tumbler-polls · 10 months
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angelsdean · 4 months
ok but the way jack is immediately like "don't tell sam" abt the cookie crunch like yes it's a funny moment but thinking abt it for one second longer it's like ohhh so sam is annoying abt Everyone's eating habits, not just dean's? insufferable man. to quote dean: these are your issues, quit dumping them on [others]
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veganfoody · 1 year
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Vegan Yaki Udon
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So I was thinking about how Steven, Connie and Stevonnie all have a duet with one of the main Crystal Gems and I realised how masterfully these songs are deployed to tell us things about them.
First of all, On The Run for Steven and Amethyst.
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Amethyst is the Crystal Gem who relates the most to Steven's experiences and vice versa. They're both the 'juniors' in their household, they've both been struggling with being respected by the older Crystal Gems for a while now, and though Amethyst is very much Steven's guardian when it comes down to it, she's also Steven's peer in a way that Garnet and Pearl just aren't even when they try to include Steven.
And now this song sets them up as parallels in other contexts, too. They're both from earth! They both don't wholly belong in one category (Steven as a half gem, half human, Amethyst as a Crystal Gem who never fought in the rebellion and whose existence runs against the Crystal Gems' original wishes for Earth), and as we are about to learn, they both came into existence at the cost of other life and might harbour guilt about it, even though they had literally no say in this.
And then later on they continue to be parallels, especially in season 3 (though they share the child of divorce energy during the Sardonyx Arc). They both compare themselves to impossible standards of what they 'should' be (Steven to the idea of Rose, Amethyst to Jasper) and it is their recognition of their own struggles in each other that allows them to at least partially overcome them. No wonder Smoky Quartz is Steven's first fusion with another gem!
Next up: Do It For Her, sung by Pearl and Connie.
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Speaking of parallels! It's pretty obvious watching the episode that Pearl is spending some time in projection city regarding absolute devotion to a beloved, if not revered partner, but she might actually be closer to the truth in some respects than she realises.
Remember Lion 2: The Movie? When Connie said that she didn't understand why Steven would hang out with someone as normal as her? Doesn't this remind us of someone else who feels like she's objectively inferior to a special (in several ways) someone? Someone who stepped out of the predetermined role she was supposed to fill to join her loved one on their dangerous path? Who lived a double life to avoid retribution from controlling authority figures? Couldn't say.
Also, they're both the knowledgable planner to their all loving goofball partner.
With all of this, I think Do It For Her both draws parallels between Pearl and Connie as well as Pearlrose and Connverse, and shows us how the example of Pearl and Rose's unresolved dysfunction could stop Steven and Connie from falling into the same trap before it was too late. I think seeing Pearl demonstrate the end of the road they were beginning to walk was what enabled Steven to step in before they got to Pearlrose's point, where Pearl was to deep in her self sacrificing mindset for Rose to reach her.
And finally, Here Comes A Thought for Garnet and Stevonnie.
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First of all, obviously, Garnet and Stevonnie as an embodiment of the love and harmony between Ruby and Sapphire and Steven and Connie respectively.
It also draws parallels between Ruby and Connie and Steven and Sapphire though. (I saw a great meta about that in my lurking days, which I will link here if someone could kindly direct me to it). Sapphire and Steven as people who would rather bury negative feelings, like Sapphire tries to in Keystone Motel and Steven in... the entirety of suf to name just the most prominent one. Which of course only leads to more problems in the long run, because they haven't processed the feelings at all.
On the other hand, the comparison with Ruby draws attention to a trait of Connie's we maybe wouldn't have noticed otherwise: She is, for the lack of a better term, much more confrontational about things that make her unhappy. Just look at The New Crystal Gems.
Also, letting Ruby and Sapphire demonstrate their conflict resolution for Steven and Connie gives us an insight into what goes into keeping Garnet together through everything. Love takes work indeed. It's also worth pointing out that Connverse have been paralleled with both Pearlrose, Rupphire and (a little bit in We Need To Talk) Gregrose this way.
This show has so many layers, I swear, I'll be on my deathbed and I'll still find new nuances to write an essay about. Well done, Crewniverse.
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acti-veg · 4 months
If you are promoting any variation of the ‘carnivore diet,’ you are advocating for people to make their diets more environmentally destructive. No ifs, no buts - you just are.
It is hard to imagine a diet that would not be made far less sustainable by swapping common plant-based staples for more meat and fish. I don’t care what influencers have convinced it will do for your body or your workouts; your health is your business.
However, I do care that high-meat diets require far more water, more crops, more land, more animal deaths, and produce significantly higher emissions in a world that cannot support the amount of meat and dairy we are already consuming.
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lowcarbloves · 1 month
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**Low Carb Pizza Bowls 🍕🥣**
🙏 Follow for more 🔃 Share this recipe with friends and family members 😋
- **Ingredients:**
- 1-2 tablespoons of pizza sauce
- 1 cup of mozzarella cheese (adjust to your preference)
- Toppings: Choose from pepperoni, cooked hamburger, cooked Italian sausage, onions, bell peppers, black olives, banana peppers, ham, pineapple, spinach—the possibilities are endless!.
📚If you want to buy my recipe cookbook then write yes in the comment..
1. Select your favorite toppings and decide whether to mix them all together or layer them in your bowl.
2. Top with mozzarella cheese.
3. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese is golden brown.
Enjoy your delicious low-carb pizza bowl!
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edianilki · 2 months
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vegan-nom-noms · 4 months
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Tempeh Burritos
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sunkissed-abs · 2 years
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mactiir · 6 months
My sister-in-law is a vegan. And before you get weird about it, let me tell you I was at first too. My first question when my brother started dating her was, "Does she believe in like, modern medicine?" Because the general zeitgeist about vegans is that they are insane extremists who eat nothing but salad.
And my sister in law taught me single handedly that this is a propaganda lie.
Four years on, both me and my brother eat some type of plant-based diet, holidays are primarily vegan, and me and my sister in law have really interesting discussions-- ALWAYS initiated by me, not her -- about food ethics (cannibalism is oddly an favorite topic; she's pro, with consent, and I'm con, because prions) and environmentalism.
And I realize that the way she's swayed us to her philosophy is not through debate or preaching (she never brings up her diet unless asked or she wants to know if she'll eat an unknown food item) or judgment (never once has she even flinched about meat being eaten in her presence, although now that I'm veg-ish too I understand how uncomfortable it can be) but simply by being quietly warm, friendly, open, and by helping to cook the most incredible dishes I've ever had in my life for holiday dinner (credit also to my omnivore mother's plant based cooking). I actually like vegan food better than most omnivore food, which i never would have known if I'd just listened to the "haha-vegans-only-eat-rabbit food" teasing.
I'm not sure what I'm getting at except to observe: sometimes the best way to sway people is not through guilt, ultimatums, fear mongering, or debate. Sometimes the best way to sway people is through simply living your complete truth with a smile, by being kind yet uncompromising, and by introducing people to absolutely INCREDIBLE food. It's by connecting to people who aren't like you as a member of their community.
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ricoydelicioso · 6 months
Mushroom Shawarma Recipe
Mushrooms are life aren’t they? They need to be appreciated more for everything they do to the human mind, body and soul!
This mushroom was so meaty and so incredible you won’t even think about needing meat ever again! 🤯
1 Punnet oyster mushrooms 1 Tsp Cumin 1 Tbsp Thyme 1 Tbsp Cajun seasoning 1 Tsp zaatar 1 Tsp smoked paprika 1 Tsp garlic powder 1 Tsp Celery salt
Oil Pita Some salad, olive oil and lemon Yoghurt, cucumber and lemon Chillies Pickled red onions
Start by mixing together your spices. Add a glug of oil to your mushrooms and then sprinkle the spices on top. Mix well to coat every bit of the mushies.
Now grab a skillet and a bit of oil add in the mushrooms. Add something heavy on top, like another pan or a bowl and press down, let cook for 3-4 mins until charred slightly and then flip the mushrooms and repeat the process.
Now mix together your salad ingredients in a bowl and your yoghurt ingredients in another bowl.
Heat up your flatbread, load on the salad and yoghurt, then the mushroom shawarma and then top with Chillies and pickled red onions and ENJOY!!
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veganfoody · 2 months
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This vegan spin on shakshuka is made with spinach and lemony pan-fried tofu (in place of eggs!) in a smoky tomato and red pepper sauce. It’s perfect for breakfast or dinner, easy to make, and absolutely delicious scooped up on crusty pita wedges. 
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the-iron-duck93 · 2 years
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margaretcruzemark · 4 months
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Diet goal: go green forever and ever.
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