#Velvette x fem reader
experimentfae · 8 months
Hii I’m so sorry idk how to word this but can you maybe write a jealous Velvette dating a female reader whos always being hit on? and the reader never entertains these people she just thinks theyre annoying when they hit on her? Feel free to ignore this request if you dont wanna do it! ^^
Jealous Velvette x Fem! Reader
Oneshot / fluff
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Velvette knew that you are beautiful women, you are practically eye candy but she is still going to be jealous, especially if a demon keeps eye fucking you.
Another demon was flirting you, worst part they were trying to get in your pants in front of of her face, no shame in his face but you didn’t it give them the time a day but that didn’t deter the demon.
Then you velvet walked up to him “what the fuck are doing.” She growled out, she grabbed your hand “just hitting on this sexy girl, what want my attention.” You both rolled your eyes “do you know who the fuck I am.” Velvette questioned “um no what some whore or something?” This pissed her off even more “you’ll find out especially if you keep flirting with MY GIRLFRIEND.”
Then man smirked “that’s hot want a three way?” You had a disgusted look on your face this caused Velvette to laugh “yeah no way, I’ll give you something.” Just then Velvette took out ann angelic weapon “oh shit.” Gasped out the demon. “Fine I’ll back off your bitch.” Just then she sent him a warning shot near his leg “don’t fucking call her that, you SCUM, now don’t come near her again.”
The demon ran with his tail between his leg. “I love when you get jealous.” You stated she smiled “aw babe, but seriously if a demon flirts with you, you have to tell me.” You smiled “no worry I will next time.” You then kissed her on the lips.
The next time a demon flirted with you was only just one week later, like promised you told your girlfriend
[babe this bitch is flirting with me]You texted her just then suddenly the other women phone started getting a bunch of text, you immediately knew it was your girlfriend most likely threatening her. “What the fuck?” She female demon looked shocked to get text from Velvette herself.
That girl definitely left you after that just then you got a text from Velvette asking if your ok.
[no worry I’m fine babe. I’ll head to your place] [ok I’ll get your favorite made] you smiled she was always considerate. [alright I’ll see you home and thanks babe for looking out for me] you then sent a kissy emoji.
But you weren’t going to admit but her jealousy had your ego getting built up it was extremely sexy to you.
All you knew is that you couldn’t wait to see your girlfriend.
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kaisntbreathing · 7 months
I'm Defford gonna unintentionally spam you tonight so sorry about that babe, but what about velvette x model!female!reader? The whole concept holds a special place in my heart because it just reeks of soul mates yk? And basically it's just about a show, and how reader is always the 'main event'? (can you tell I don't watch fashion shows?) of the show and vel is always the one to get her all dolled up and it's basically just tooth rotting fluff? TYYY
Okay so I kind of modeled the reader after my OC because I love the concept of my OC and how like very feminine they are and they actually work for Velvette.
Sugar and spice
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You work for Velvette as a model of hers, and you immediately and she gets to doll you up for one of your big shows!
Profanity, Valentino
You were a model and a good one at that, you worked under the Vee's specifically under Velvette your close friend and boss, you were her favorite model since you looked good in almost anything she put on you, no matter the style, makeup or colour you always looked good, your body was considered 'tall' for a sinner but you had a very curvy waist and full hips, your shoulders were feminine but strong.
As you walked through the familiar building with the clicks of your heels against the floor you looked around as you hummed, today was a very big day, you had to go out and model infront of hundreds of sinners as you ran your hand through your fluffy hair.
You opened the door to your dressing room as you slipped in clicking the lights on as you say down by your vanity as you collected your makeup as you sighed.
"Doll? Whatcha think you're doing?"
You heard Velvette's smooth voice from behind you as she had her hand on her hip that was sticking out as she smirked.
"Vel, help me with my makeup?"
"Yeah my star, let me see"
With that Velvette grabbed your concealer and makeup sponge as she applied it to your face evenly as she moved onto your blush, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, and finally your eyeshadow.
As she stepped back satisfied with her work as you looked, drop dead gorgeous as you smiled as she tossed a outfit at you.
"Get dressed and knock them all dead Darlin, I'm rooting for ya."
You loved her, as a friend, a coworker, and as your girlfriend, you and Velvette's relationship was far from secret she made sure all of Hell knew you're hers, and she'd ripped anyone who tried to hurt you apart.
As you got dressed you looked yourself over in your body mirror as you swayed your hips lightly as you looked yourself over.
As you exited your room you walked towards the backstage as you shakily exhaled as your hands shook, big crowds were never your thing.
You felt someone touch your shoulder as you looked behind you and saw Velvette who looked at you with a smile.
"You look amazing, you're going to kill this. I'm rooting for my beautiful girl."
That filled you with all the motivation and courage you needed as you lightly peaked her lips as you walked out onto stage as you felt.
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 4 months
Vox: Can you be serious for five minutes?
You: Ok boomer
Vox, on the edge of malfunctioning: ...
Velvette, smirking: Can we keep her? I like this one
Valentino, blowing smoke into the air: This one's more tolerable than the last
You, grinning: Oh, this will be fun
I wanna write Vox with a Gen Z reader sooooooo bad but I have no ideas lmfao
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hazbinhotelxreader · 7 months
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Protective Carmilla x fem blind reader!
“Stay Away From Them”
(Requested by PoosayDestroyer on AO3)
A/n: I hope this isn’t disrespectful towards blind ppl since I’ve never wrote about them before-
Summary: reader is blind, and some perv tries to upskirt her, and Carmilla is there to protect the reader
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Noises, noises, noises. That’s it. The only thing you could ‘observe’ was noise. Reason for it? Your blind. You’ve been blind ever since you entered hell. The sinners in hell are based off of their insecurities, their deaths, and things they hate. You? You were always called ‘blind’ because you were so oblivious to a lot of things..and hell decided to ‘gift’ you with that.
It wasn’t all bad though. Hell did give you something that you don’t regret having, your lover Carmilla. She never minded that you’re blind, if anything she compliments you and appreciates you, even if you can’t see. And even if you can’t see her, you can just imagine how gorgeous she actually is, she sounds gorgeous too.
The weapon armer has always been so carrying and sweet for you. She’s basically your eyes. She helps you get dressed if you struggle, helps you get to places without bumping into anyone, and explains everything that’s going on that you cannot see. You really love her. Another thing she does for you is keep other demons away from you, she’s pretty darn protective.
Currently, you and her were walking around Pentagram cities streets in hell. She was with her daughters, and you, helping them out with orders in this part of town since she believed it was too dangerous for young girls like them to be alone. You decided to tag along because you just wanted to help and support.
While walking, she holds your hand to help you navigate through the streets and avoid demons. "Careful my love...there's.." she looked down at a dead sinners body that has been brutally gored by an exorcists spear, deciding to not tell you that theres a dead body right below your feet. "..a stump" she corrects and lightly pulls you around it.
"why's there a stump on the sidewalk?" you ask questionably, your head turned towards where her gorgeous voice was, trying your best to show your paying attention to her even if you can't see her.
Carmilla chuckles softly, she always found it cute when you weren't aware of many things, even if it was worrying too. "Oh well, it is hell afterall..something is going to be unexpected." she responds with a softer tone rather than her usual stern one.
"I guess your not wrong" you smile a little at her words and tone, oh god how much you'd do to see what she actually looked like, you know shes gorgeous. Odette and Clara came to a halt up ahead, Odette holding her clipboard as she checks off the territory, and Clara pulling an angelic spear out of a dead sinners body, lucky for you, you could only hear the spear pop out of the sinners side rather than see it.
Carmilla held your hand, then lead you over to a wall. She gently placed your hand on it, and told you to stay right there and to not let go. She wasn't going far, maybe 5 feet away from you wince her voice was pretty clear. She was talking to her daughters about some of the areas in the town they'd go to collect more of the angelic spears. You stayed quite, but also unaware. Lets just say today, wasn't the best day to wear a skirt.
While you were unaware, and obviously not paying attention to anything you can see-well, because your blind..a middle aged small imp approuched you. He was about half your size, maybe to your hips. he had a perverted smirk on his face as he sneaks up on your unaware and oblivious state. You gasp a little when you feel your skirt get lifted a little, there was no wind, so why..? Then you felt a hand on your rear, you jumped and spoke up "hey!" you exclaim with a gasp, catching your lovers attention.
Carmilla's head shoots over to your direction when she heard your distressed cry, and saw the hellborn, fury filled her eyes as she walked over and gave him a push, grabbing your hand to let you know your okay, as she glared down at him. "you little twit..touching girls? Do you really have nothing better to do with your pathetic little life?" the overlord threats with a dangerous look on her face, she would not tolerate such an act of disgust. "You have thirty seconds to run before i send a bullet through your retarded brain." she said calm, stern and intimidating with her arms crossed as she looked down at the quivering imp. The imp nods and scurried off fast, its safe to say he won't be coming near you again. Carmilla's tone and epression softened with concern laced with it. "Mi amor? are you alright? he didn't hurt you right?" she asked, both of her hands placed on the sides of your head as she tilted your head from side to side to check on you.
You let out a soft, shaken chuckle at her actions. "yea..im fine. Just a bit shaken.." you say softly, moving your hand up to hold one of her hands that were on your cheek, you looked in her eyes, even if you couldn't see her. "Thank you my dear..i probably would have been forced into something if you weren't here.." you say in appreitation.
"Anything for you my love.." she chuckled softly and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead while holding you close in her grasp. "Now lets get going, this town is already unsafe for the girls, and now you too. I don't feel comfortable putting you three in danger." she states worried, calling her daughters back over to you two as you both start to walk.
"fine by me.." you say as she takes your hand, leading you and being your eyes once again. Yes, being blind has its cons, you can't see, bumping into things are often, and you won't be able to observe things the ways others do...and it makes you feel left out. But, it also has its pros, its advantages, and sometimes the best thing that happened in your life, and for you, that Carmilla. No doubt about it.
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voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo part FOUR!
lets see what else is in store for y/n ... you didn't think Velvette was just going to let her get away now did you?
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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Seems Velvette had tagged your photo on her story with the hashtag #newmodel? Flicking your gaze back up to an amused Angel.
“Well toots … you might as well collect all three than just two. Here’s to you babe - you are so fucked”. He raised his glass. Raising your own you blink in shock.
Fucked was right.
It had been a few days since your exciting little adventure to the Vee Tower, coupled with the fact Velvette had not only shared your post on Sinstagram but followed you was helping you gain thousands and thousands of new followers and likes. But like your tequila, you took this with more than a pinch of salt. The Vee’s didn’t do anything for free. There was always a catch. You were waiting for this one to hook you sooner or later.
Unfortunately for you, it was sooner rather than later. You had finished your job for the night ready to head home, plus there was a bottle of whiskey and a hot bath with your name on it. Arm raised to wave a taxi you were distracted by your phone starting to buzz in your other hand. Unknown Number. Huh, weird. Deciding to answer it you lower your arm. What harm could it do?
“Is this Miss Y/n?” Frowning at the unfamiliar voice, hmm you were rather selective about who got your number. So … who was this?
“Ah Miss Y/n I am Velvette’s assistant, and she is insisting that you come in to meet her to discuss an opportunity that you really do not want to miss out on” huh. Okay. Was not expecting that.
“Uh huhh … and when is she wanting to meet?” Looking up at the darkening sky you had a horrible feeling you weren’t going to be going home anytime soon.
“Well, what are you doing now?” Ohhh nooo! Come on!
“I have just finished work and was actu-”
“Ah perfect so you are free. Come to the Vee tower now and we will sort everything. See you soon” your mouth opened and closed as they hung up on the phone. Right eye twitching you took a deep breath in before exhaling slowly. The bloody nerve! Grinding your teeth you raise your arm up again and wave at a taxi. Trying to calm your anger you shove yourself in the first one that appears, telling them to take you to the Vee Tower. Stewing in the backseat you think it must be nice to be an Overlord – just ordering small insignificant demons around. Shaking off the attitude you realise you need to tidy yourself up.
Looking down at your outfit, a sigh escapes you. Not exactly the outfit you’d want to meet the fashionista Overlord in – a leather bustier, leather pants and your customary neon pink accessories and heels matching of course with your favourite faux fur coat – but it was going to have to do. You didn’t exactly have time to prepare. Scurrying around in your purse to find your compact mirror, you quickly tidy up your eyeliner – snarling at the cabbie when he purposefully swerved nearly wrecking your makeup – and pop a new layer of dark pink lipstick on with a topping of gloss. A quick fluff to your blonde/pink hair and that was the best it was gonna get with such little time to prepare. Spying your perfume, you give a little spritz to your neck, wrists, and boobs. Noting that you’d need to get some more on your next outing as you were nearly out.
Thankfully you had just enough time to get all that done before the taxi pulled up at the tower, throwing the money at the demon you step out on the street. If possible the tower seemed even taller than before. Intimidating. Shaking your head you steel yourself for this meeting, how the last one went down with the other two is not what you want this time round. No unnecessary touching. No being cornered. And no flirting. Okay maybe a little bit of flirting, you were a demon after all. Wait – no! No! Bad thoughts!
Stepping in to the reception you check the board to see what floor Velvette was on, marching to the elevators you ignore the same receptionist who seemed surprised to see you again. Yeah, Bitch I’m back! In the elevator you press Velvette’s floor and breath deeply. It would all be okay. Perhaps they were just going to tell you how much they liked your post? Or they were wanting a thank you in person for all the followers? Or how surprised at how naïve and stupid you sounded. Shaking your head you groan softly. Of course it wasn’t doing to be okay, dealing with the Vee’s was never okay. Or safe.
At the soft ding you pulled your attention away from your depressing thoughts and instead to the scene in front of you. Velvette yelling at a load of models, other demons running around grabbing body parts off the floor and clothes being burned. Well. That was different. A twitch of your lips hid a smile – so the Vee’s weren’t as organised and poised as they’d like you to believe. Good to know.
Taking a step into what felt like the Thunderdome your movement must have caught Velvette’s attention, she suddenly was advancing on you and quite fast for someone so short. You thought you were small, but she only came up to your shoulder. Of course her attitude, energy and that amazing hairdo made up at least a foot, if not more. And living with the other two Vee’s she needed as much attitude and sass to keep up.
“Ah so you are Y/n, totally nice to meet you face to face. Saw your post girl and I am in love with them – that last photo dump was so gorgeous and hitting all the trends so good on you.” Linking her arm with yours like you two were old buddies she pulled you further into the room, her voice so quick you had to focus so intently to understand what she was saying.
“So … any who, guess you are wondering why I brought you here?” She gently shoved you down on the chaise lounge, a small ‘offt’ escapes your lips when you hit the seat. Steadying yourself you turn your body to face the Overlord who decided to take a seat right next to you. Your knees almost touching. Okay then.
“Yes, I was curious why…” a glass of champagne appeared in front of your nose – accepting it gingerly you carefully held it in your lap thanking the demon who passed her boss a glass.
“Look, your style is cute but I think with my influence your style can be out of this world – I am in the market for a new model” - a glance to the pile of body parts in the corner of the room made you gulp - “and with your figure and my style we could totally rock this Hell, making us a tonne of money and you a star so whatcha think – whatcha say I can sort the contract out asap no problem, no fuss”. Blinking in a bit of shock at the speed of what she spoke and what she was speaking about you had to hold your hand up to stop her for a second. Information overload.
“Uh – wow that’s real generous of you Miss Velvette-“
“Please call be Velvette, or Vel! None of this Miss business,” Her smirk was widening, her black lipstick was shining under the florescent lights above us.
“Well, Velvette, I am really touched that you think I could model for you as your fashion range is just fantastic and I love it – but if I am to sign that contract what am I giving you?” You pretend to take a sip from your glass. No liquid entered your lips. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d heard of someone being drugged and signing their soul away – you wouldn’t be one of those.
“Oh, nothing big really. Just something tiny. Teeny really. You wouldn’t even miss it.” She wafted one of her hands around as the other was typing away on her phone.
“Uh huh and what would that teeny tiny thing that I wouldn’t miss be?” You hedged her for the answer what you knew was coming.
“Just your soul babes – nothing big.” Yeah, to her maybe. To you it was a massive thing. And you’ll be honest, you didn’t have masses in this Hell but you did have your soul which was more than some have.
“Then the answer is going to be no, Velvette” you placed your glass down on the table. Her fingers stopped twitching across her screen, her red eyes focused solely on you. Now normally you were one to bow your head and not make eye contact, but you’d had enough of the bullying attitude of these Vee’s now – not one but two now have tried to contract you into losing your soul and you weren’t having it! Matching her glare with one of your own.
“No?” Keeping the eye contact you nodded.
“Not to say I am not grateful that you thought of me, or the fact you even took the time to speak to me. But my soul is non-negotiable. Plus, I have a job already. One which I love and want to continue. So, thank you. But my answer is and will always be - No.” You might have held your eye contact, but your hands were starting to tremble a little. Clenching them together in fists you keep your gaze on hers. A small sneer was pulling on her lips, and you were getting ready to be dismembered like the model before you. But it never came. Instead, she laughed. Laughed?!
Not like an evil MWAHAHA laugh. But a genuine laugh. Confused you wrung your hands together as she lightly slapped your knee and wiped a tear from her eye.
“You got guts girl; I’ll give you that.” A strained smile tugged at your lips, dead heart thumping in your chest. “Fine then. No soul contract – which is a shame we could have had so much fun” her expression darkened with mischief sparkling in her eyes pulling a little heat to your cheeks. “But instead let’s make a little deal? No souls just two businesswomen making a deal, whatcha say?”
Raising your eyebrows in interest you place your elbows on your knees leaning forwards: “what do you suggest?”
“Your socials are starting to take off, people are noticing you babes, and I am here for it! You are a rising star, don’t think I haven’t been paying attention and seeing that people are using your hashtags and your name when they’ve seen you at one of the clubs singing performing”, surprised she had even looked you could feel your blush deepen. “So, here’s the deal – you wear some of my designs, tag them in your socials, etc and you come and do a catwalk for me and sing?”
“You want me to promote your clothes and sing at one of your Cat Walks?” you clarify because this evening was not going the way you had planned or thought it would go.
“That’s it gorgeous – whatcha think?” You think this was probably the longest Velvette had been off her phone.
“And that’s it? No loopholes, no contracts, no soul-binding – just for me to wear your clothes, promote them on my social media and sing at one of your cat walks – that’s it?” You narrow your gaze at the Overlord, there’s got to be some sort of catch here. The way she was gazing at you like a cat that had caught the canary you were sure you were screwed in some way.
“That’s it honey. No catch, no loopholes, just good business”. Humming under your breath, you racked your brains to see if there was anything that could go wrong.
“Okay, how long do I have to promote your clothes for and when is the Catwalk show?” you ask, tapping on your own phone bringing up your notes and typing away.
“Shall we give it six months and see what happens from there? The next Catwalk is in a one month’s time” her smile only got bigger. You couldn’t think where or what could be a loophole, it seemed like too good of a deal. And your mama raised you to believe if a deal was too good to be true then it usually is. But then again. When did you ever listen to her?
“So far so good, but what do you get out of it?” Her smirk grew, well that can’t be good. She reached over and squeezed your leg softly, your eyes flitted from her hand to her smug expression.
“I get exactly what I want gorgeous, but honestly helping rising stars get their fame is mainly it” her charming smile didn’t win you over. She was a lying. But let her keep her lies for now. You knew how to play the game and so far, you hadn’t been burnt. What’s a little risk.
“Okay Velvette, you have a deal”. Raising your hand, she slapped hers into yours and gave it a strong shake – red and black smoke erupted from her making you jump back a little but was stopped from the grip she had. Her grin was terrifying. Her hair was waving around her head like it was full of static. But as soon as the smoke and lights appeared, they disappeared as if you had imagined it. Pulling your hand away, the tingle of electricity ran through your fingers, you knew you hadn’t imagined it. Not at all.
“Well then gorgeous now that’s all done – you can pop back tomorrow and we will get all your measurements and go through colour schemes, styles, etc so keep you day wide open yeah!” Finishing off her glass of champagne we leaned back against the chaise lounge – never once had she let her gaze off you.
Nodding in agreement you thank her while rising from your seat, it was time for you to go and drown yourself in that bottle of whiskey. “You can stay if you’d like?” A flush covered your cheeks at her racking her gaze up your body.
“Thank you, but I better get home. Big day tomorrow I want to be rested” you give her your best winning smile, slipping your purse under your arm. Rolling her red eyes at you she huffed a little, “fineee be boring babes”. Happily!
Before you could even think of taking a step towards the elevator the doors slid open. An unimpressed Vox stood in the middle tapping away on his own phone, not tearing his gaze away from it he steps into the room.
“So what unfortunate soul have you managed to convince to work with you now Vel?” His charismatic voice lacked his usual flare and instead sounded bored. Not something you usually would hear from the TV Demon.
Clearing your throat, you were frozen in place when his eyes connected with yours. Uh oh.
“That unfortunate soul would be me” you smile nervously at him, watching as his screen glitched slightly. That was weird. His bored expression disappeared with the glitch and in its place was his usual charming smile.
“Ah Miss Y/n what a pleasure to see you! What was that you just said?” Velvette appeared at your side, wrapping an arm through yours you watched his screen glitch a little again.
“She’s mine now Voxxie” she smirked at the glitching demon.
“She’s WHAT?!”  
Taglist: @tasha-1994 @azullynxx
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unforgettablewhvre · 4 months
★ All For Us ★
★ The Vees ★
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Such a pretty thing you were. Walking around hell not knowing the eyes that were on you. At least one of them was tame-ish. This wasn't the worst fate you could've suffered in hell. Come on you're being taken care of and pampered, all you have to do is let them keep you. That's not hard.
Valentino was mean. He'd make you cry every chance he got. You were so pretty when you cried. Especially when he forcefully fucked your ass. Cooing at you. 'its okay baby, Daddy's here. Daddy will take gooddd care of you' he'd coo in your ear. His words never matched his actions as her forced his cock into your tight hole.
Vox was a little tamer. He'd never 'force' you into anything. He's so nice to you, don't you want to suck him off. Just this once though. Just because he's so sweet to you. He's so nice to you, why don't you let him fill you up huh? He's so nice, why don't you stay with him forever? v
Velvette was the tamest. The worse she would do to you was sit on your face. She didn't try to hide her intentions or treat you nicely. You were her whore. You'll get use to it one day.
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★ Masterlist ★
★ Navigation ★
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Masterlist... part 1
Masterlist part 2
Personal Introduction
Rules for Requests (must read before making requests)
Wip Masterlist
Ultimate Ask Game
Hi!! This is my master-list blog, including any and all info you'll need before making a request. Tells you who I am, who I write for, submission rules, and works I've already done! I'll try to keep this as updated as possible; if I somehow miss something don't hesitate to tell me! || Requests open!
Meangirls (2024)
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Regina George
Janis Imi'ike
Gretchen Wieners
Legend of Korra
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Avatar Korra
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Caitlyn Kiramman
Hazbin Hotel
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Carmilla x Velvette x Reader
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Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Totally Killer
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Pam Miller
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Wednesday Addams
Reneé Rapp
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Renee Rapp
Brooklyn 99
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Amy Santiago
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Nia Nal
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astrid-sama · 8 months
Velvette x fem reader headcanon
(hi, I hope you like this headcanon, I know I have to write the requests but my best friend asked me for this headcanon; however my great love in Hazbin Hotel remains Carmilla in fact after this post I will post a Carmilla x fem reader request).
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•Your relationship started out as a one-night stand; you worked as a model for Velvette and the sexual tension between the two of you was clear to everyone, one day you went to bed together and so your relationship began.
•The day after you started your relationship everyone in hell already knew it, after all Velvette is the queen of social media.
•Velvette loves to spoil you, she will shower you with gifts such as clothes and jewelry.
•She introduced you to Vox and Valentino because even though she would never admit it, she really loves those two and cares that they meet her girlfriend (in my mind Vox is Valentino, they are two gay dads and Velvette is their daughter).
•Some days all he wants is to be in your arms forever.
•Velvette is extremely possessive and will make sure we all know who you belong to.
•She will create an entire line of clothes just for you (because as I said she loves to spoil you).
•Velvette loves relaxing with you on the couch after a long day at work.
•After every meeting with the other overlords she complains to you about how the other overlords are boring and old-fashioned (the overlord she complains about the most is Carmilla Carmine)
•She loves when you comb her hair.
•Velvette has no qualms about showing her love for you in public.
•Velvette will never ask you to marry her because she considers marriage a useless formality.
••She is both top and bottom it all depends on what she feels like at that moment; most of the time, however, she prefers to receive rather than give, but she will still want the command.
•She loves to curl up with you after sex.
•Velvette loves making love in the bathtub or shower.
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greenandsorrow · 5 months
~Her man child~
Headcanons 📺
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Vox is the definition of a manchild and I think it's kinda obvious.
He's the mean kind, acting with so much spite, sometimes without it being necessary or justified.
He NEEDS to be taken seriously. He tries so hard, blurring the lines between respect, fear and tolerance.
But when you two are alone... the telly-head man is a whiny boy.
He complains like it's a form of art. You can't help but roll your eyes playfully when he lets out a too loud sigh, but after doing so you're always ready to give him all the reassurance and attention he desperately craves.
Your man prefers being the little spoon. He's like a lap cat.
If anyone finds out about his cuddly nature, he's gonna die a second time...
Vox feels the need to constantly prove himself to Velvette and Valentino, but with you he feels safe. He can be overly emotional. And weak. And needy.
Very needy.
If you're not somewhere behind the camera admiring him and boosting his confidence, his day is ruined.
Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.
In the mornings he doesn't even turn on his screen... settling for the protection setting instead.
You have to be patient with him.
Bring him a steaming cup of coffee and hug him from behind and he might as well start giggling like a schoolgirl.
He's too sensitive for harsh jokes. Being in Hell means ONLY dark and cruel humour, but Vox can't take it sometimes.
His ego is fragile.
In order to feel loved, Vox has to be showered in extravagant compliments on a daily basis. Whether it's about his appearance, his job, his amazing and very interesting personality... He needs them.
When you tell him he's better than the radio demon.... he literally gets rock hard.
Vox is in a constant dilemma between showing you off for all Pentagram City to know you're his, or keeping you secret.
It's the same as a boy with his favourite toy. If other kids see his toy, he's gonna have to share.
What if someone steals his favourite toy?! Or even worse... BREAK IT?!
That being said, he doesn't objectify you, but he's terrible at showing affection or appreciation.
He's gonna be there for you, help you with anything you need, laugh with you, spend quality time with you. Still, deep communication is a difficult subject for him.
Thank god you're observant enough to catch all the messages he tries to pass to you.
Such an attention seeker though.
Have you ever seen a six year old trying to impress his crush?
Just look at Vox trying to woo you. It's the same thing.
But he's not that bad... His self-esteem is an obstacle alright, but he becomes a rug for you to step on and use as you wish most of the time.
Vox would definitely go out of his way if you asked something from him. You're his rock. It's the least he can do.
The guy even whimpers in his sleep.
Vox loves to fill his hands with your thighs when it's bed time. They're warm and soothing to him, like stress toys. Being a walking television has its disadvantages temperature wise.
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He would bend you over and take you in front of a mirror so he could see himself while at it, but he hasn't done so yet. He wants to ask you beforehand and make sure it won't make you feel weird.
Vox is easy to rile up. A breathy compliment and a squeeze of his thigh and he's more than ready to go.
He doesn't actually feel dominant, but he tries to act like it. This Vee member has the stereotype man = dominance engraved in his subconsciousness and so he fights to live up to it.
But between you and me... Treat him like an inexperienced and innocent boy and he'll be crying out in pleasure.
Aka... be a femdom. Even a soft one. You won't even have to try that much.
Another thing. Vox is loud. (Like his name implies 🫣)
He also pants a lot. Almost like he's hyperventilating.
Unlike Alastor, this man is very insecure about both his performance and... size.
I'm not saying he's lacking in either though. It's just how his mind works. Always comparing himself to his opponents and in this case, his opponents are other men that could perhaps satisfy you more thoroughly than him.
Allow me to say that he fucks in an anxious way. Hands shaking and his mantra "Does that feel good to you darling?"
You just need to praise him a little. (A lot)
He doesn't last that long but he'll be sure to rub your clit so you don't either.
When it gets too real, he tears up at the end, like a baby that's holding back from crying. But you're there to hold him until he calms down.
He's usually too tired (and still nervous) afterwards for proper aftercare. Vox likes to be babied though. It's more personal attention after all.
Oh to be cleaned up and tucked to bed! Only then will he feel comfortable enough to run his fingers through your hair and mumble a faint thank you.
Vox's head has a bit of an awkward shape for cunnilingus. However, he has a surprisingly long tongue that can reach more than enough to have you moaning out how good of a boy he's being.
He usually cums in his pants while eating you out.
And when you return the favour it's usually to relieve his stress at work. He feels like a teenager when you do it. It's an act of service, really.
He low-key fucks your face, not enough to choke you but you do gag around him. It makes him feel in control. It makes him feel like a man.
To sum up, Vox is a bit dependent on you and on your validation, but he would never hurt you or become too overbearing.
He's needy, but not stupid.
He is the definition of a manchild and I think I proved my point.
But he's your manchild sis!
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Support a struggling university student! Thank you so so much🫶 CLICK HERE (PayPal link)
my masterlist || Hazbin Hotel masterlist 🦷
Vox divider by @rubra-wav
Support divider by @cafekitsune
The explicit content one... I don't remember :(
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alldoll3dup · 8 months
Hello there! I loved your Rosie headcanons! Can you do the same romantic headcanons for Velvette (HH) with fem!reader? I just love her sm 😭😭 thank you in advance!
- 🥀
▐ Hello there anon! Of course I just love Velvette and her somewhat provocative personality, I'm going to love writing this
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໑୧﹒★﹒Velvette x FEM!Reader - Headcanon's ᰍ﹒∿
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - Romantic headcanon's for our dear Velvette
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 - Hazbin Hotel
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - FEM!Reader, swearing, jealousy, fluff
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– So to start, my biggest headcanon for Velvette is that she she teases you all the time
– You don't have a second of peace with her, she loves to irritate you and then say something like
"What's the matter darlin'? We can sort this out later okay?~"
– She flirts a lot, especially at inappropriate times, she thinks it's very funny and a little cute when you blush because of something she said
– She mixes insults with compliments
– She uses cute nicknames too, but only when she's making fun of you or wants to try to be more affectionate
– When someone makes her jealous, she literally humiliates the person in front of you so you think that person is pathetic (and it works)
– She gossips a lot with you, after all she knows all the news and of course you have to know
– On the day of the overlords meeting she told you horrible things about Carmilla and of course you had to agree with her
– She loves when you create new hairstyles for her hair, even the craziest ones
– She's a total brat and makes a big deal out of anything
– If you two fight, her ego will NEVER allow her to apologize, you will have to do it first (It would take her a long time to accept the apology)
– She takes photos of you all the time (sometimes even photos of you distracted for no reason)
– Velvette thinks you are very beautiful and you have appeared in several of her fashion shows and always in the best clothes
– And when talking about clothes, she puts together looks for you all the time
– For me, Velvette is a very good designer, so she always draws you in the outfits she desings
– Defends you a lot she's like "Excuse me your dumbass she asked for no pickles"
– She loves grabbing your waist at random moments, the biggest waist fan is her
– She shows a lot of PDA, I feel like she is someone who doesn't care what others think
– She thinks it's funny when you get flustered over a little kiss
– Ok and to finish she is the biggest spoon, she loves to feel in control
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▐ Heya my lovely readers! Forgive me for taking so long to write this, I hope yall like it
▐ Sorry if there are any grammatical errors love you guys ♡
- Read this before making a request thanks for reading 🫶
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0strawberrysorbet0 · 6 months
𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑓𝑒𝑚!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟!
𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (𝑜𝑏𝑣𝑖)
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Was clearly goin for a pink thing with this today 🤷‍♀️
Pls enjoy this! Velvette is becoming a very unhealthy obsession of mine 😁
Please do not use/steal my work on this site or any other! Reblogs and likes are appreciated greatly!!
Warnings: Crazy oblivious, Jealous Vel, cursing, Valentino, my rushed ass writing
How did you get this gorgeous overlord wrapped tightly around your finger? Well, it all started when she recruited you for modelling, I mean you were gorgeous!! 😍
She had instantly made you her top model, pasting your face on every fashion magazine and billboard.
She even let you be in her live streams!!
In your head she was such a sweet boss, you felt like she was honestly your friend at this point!
But she wanted more, she wanted you to comment with hearts whenever she posted pictures of herself,
She wanted you to post pictures of you and her and caption them: 'with my beautiful girl❤' instead of 'with my beautiful boss ❤'.
She just wanted to be bae :/
She even got to the point where she'd leave you new dresses custom made for you, they'd be layed neatly on your bed with scribbled little notes about how "a pretty girl like you shouldn't dress so tacky!"
Gift giving was something she loved to do with you, dresses, flowers, shoes, chocolates, ect. If you even mention wanting or needing something it'll be on your bed at the end of the day.
She even (after throwing a fit and breaking a lot of shit) got your room moved closer to hers, she stated that it was just so another slimy bitch won't steal another one of her models.
"Doll.. Doll wake up!" "Huh?.. Vel it's 6am.."
She had gotten into the habit of waking you up early for extra shoots, not that they'd ever be published. She'd put those in her room, just for her 😙
It got to the point where Vox and Val were trying to get her to ask you out! "I just don't get why you won't ask her out? Hm? Nervous princesa?~" "FUCK OFF VAL" Meanwhile Vox was just laughing his ass off.
She hadn't even meant to confess 😞 she was just screaming about you over the phone to Vox without realizing you were there the whole time.
" You don't like me? 😢"
"(Y/N)! Holy shit don't you knock?!" Girl is terrified tbh.
She had to confess now 😞 TWICE! Your oblivious ass didn't get it at first. "Oh I like you too! (≧∇≦)/"
Safe to say she turned the same shade as her hair. She was now your girlfriend! 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 girlfriend! She'd Brag about to everyone.
You think she spoiled you at first? Oh no. It's even worse now. Bags filling in your room, you dare mention a product? She bought it. Oh you like that dress? Take it.
Despite her tough act, she was a totally different person around you, still bratty but super clingy, she'd want you to hold her while she complained about her day.
"That bitch spilt something on that new dress! What am I going to do!? We have a shoot tomorrow!!"
I feel like she'd like her hair brushed, she'd love to be pampered and pamper you. She'd sit with a face mask on as you painted her nails.
In summary, the girl just wants to love you and be loved back. Even if you're a little slow sometimes. ❤
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gothmikasagf · 7 months
Velvette x fem!reader
Warnings: mommy kink, dom!Velvette, top Velvette
Summary: You find yourself unable to stop staring at your friend's new boss.
Notes: spreading my lesbian Velvette agenda
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"Isn't this what you wanted?" Velvette asks you. Her stare pins you in place and you don't dare move from the chair she ordered you to sit on a couple moments ago.
"Do you think I wouldn't notice your eyes on me" she whispers seductively. She grabs your chin in her hand and forcefully maneuvers it up so you don't have any choice but keep looking at her.
Her thumb swipes over your mouth and lingers on your bottom lip. You open it obediently and whatch how her mouth contorts into a smirk.
"Good girl" she says as you keep her thumb in your mouth and lightly suck on it.
"Let me see what else that mouth can do. On your knees." She demands. You lower yourself on the floor and watch her as she gets rid of her pants and underwear and sits on the bed.
The vision is downright sinful, you would have never thought that you would find yourself in this position when you entered in the club prior tonight. You just wanted to celebrate your friend's successful first job as a model for Velvette when you actually met the fashion designer herself. She was really hot, that you couldn't deny, but she was an overlord while you were a simple sinner trying to get by another day in hell without being exterminated. Still, she must have noticed your interest in her and a couple of drinks later here you were.
She spreads her legs more and you crawl towards the foot of the bed.
"Now let mommy come and I'll consider rewarding you" the moment the words are out of her mouth you bury your head between her legs.
You start tentatively giving a small lick and kisses to gauge her reaction. She locks eyes with you and pushes you in even more, locking you in with her legs.
You lick a long stripe and take her bud into your mouth, adding a finger into her entrance to help. She throws her head back and moans, her hand going into your hair and tugging it while her legs try to close in on your head.
You force her thighs open with your other hand while adding another finger. You have no idea what she was talking about when she mentioned a reward but you really wanted to make her happy nonetheless. You would have regardless, even if she didn't mention a possible reward.
Velvette starts grinding her pussy on your face and you start sucking harder and fingering faster to get a taste of her cum. Her wetness is spread all across your finger and lips but you don't find yourself caring at all. The sounds she is making are so hot you find yourself involuntarily humping the floor.
She comes with a loud moan and settles back into the bed, panting. You stay on the floor waiting for her orders, not wanting to displease her.
She looks at you curiously when she hears you pop the fingers covered in her juices in your mouth and then smirks.
"You really are mommy's good girl, aren't you?" She coos at you, standing up. "Now take off your clothes and get on bed, on all fours."
You strip as fast as you can without tripping and position yourself on the bed, ready for whatever Velvette has in store for you.
"Aww look at you, such a pretty baby. Don't worry mommy will take care of you." You hear her positioning herself behind you and feel something poking at your folds. A strap.
"Already all wet just by eating me out. I'm gonna have so much fun with you." And have fun she did, making you beg and cry for a release, only for her to overstimulate your poor cunt all night long.
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 3 months
Day In | Vox x Fem Gen Z!Reader
A/N — f/c = favorite color. It's used like once, but I thought I should clarify for anyone who might get confused <3. Just a little nonsense drabble showing what a classic day off could look like.
Warnings: Valentino existing
Word Count: 440
Summary: Spending a day with the Vees in the tower — only so much could happen
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"I hope when you microwave those leftovers later, the container is piping hot but the center of the food is colder than your dead heart." Your cool tone pierced the silence of the room, with your arms crossed over your chest, noting how Vox didn't even look in your direction, instead glancing to Valentino to see his reply.
After what happened in your first month, you weren't all that surprised that he was avoiding you as much as humanly possible.
"I can just mix it up and put it back in for a couple more minutes, I thought you were smarter than that." The moth demon replied.
"That's not the point I'm trying to make, asshole. And you know it."
You had been forced into spending 'quality' time with everyone on the very rare day off.
Avoiding talking to Velvette about the design concepts you drew up for her, and your obvious problems with Vox that stemmed from you being, as he put it: 'a disrespectful little shit'; your only other option was to immerse yourself in spending time with Valentino.
Not your greatest moment.
The bitch wouldn't let you touch the f/c jewels to bedazzle your phone case because he was insistent on using them for his new gun.
It was downright hoe behavior.
"You should calm down, Miel."
You cringed and reached for the glue and the jewels that happened to be your second favorite color. "Don't call me that."
"Why are you taking those ones?" Valentino questioned, glancing at the box of jewels that now laid before you.
"Because I fucking can, Mothman."
"Voxy ~ she's being mean."
The TV demon groaned and looked as if he wanted to slam his screened face into the table until he blacked out from damage to the motherboard.
Velvette snorted and took pictures 'for memories'.
"I wouldn't be mean if you weren't hogging the best color." You huffed, annoyed.
"That's a lie, you and I both know it, babes." Velvette piped up, the sketches before her long abandoned.
"Fine, I'd be less mean. . . What should we eat?" You questioned.
"The flat faced prince picks tonight." Velvette announced.
"Go fuck yourself." Vox said smoothly, although he glitched.
You groaned.
"Pick something good. Or else." You threatened lightly. The boys had a habit of picking stuff only they liked, which left you and Velvette to be the more considerate ones so that you didn't have to hear their bitching.
"Italian?" Vox questioned the table.
"Sounds good." Valentino hummed, placing the last jewel on his gun.
Sounded better than steak for the second night in a row. . . For the second time that week.
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Master List and Requests
Hi Everyone!
Please see the below pinned post for most of the common questions I receive <3 Know that I am ALWAYS open to PM's and Requests!
That being said, while I believe this blog is a Minors DNI type of blog, I am powerless to stop anyone from scrolling through and reading. As an author, I can only request that if you are under the age of 18, please do not interact with this blog.
The floor is always open for requests! When you send in your requests, please be sure to make them as detailed as possible. I write for pretty much everyone within the Hazbin series, though I cannot promise I will be quick about anything sent in. Creativity sparks at the most random of times! Rest assure if you send me something I don't write on, I will either direct message you or if its anonymous, I will respond to the request. No message or request will go actively ignored- that's just not who I am.
My process is simple: I receive a request, I put it in a running google doc and when inspo hits, I yank the request out of the google doc and put it into works!
Please bear in mind in Outside the Office, it is a strictly romantic relationship with Val in the story, platonic with Valentino and Vox, and platonic/family with Lucifer so I'll stick to writing those relationships as such. That being said, I encourage all the creativeness, slices of life, day to day situations, fluff and kinks.
One Final Thing:
The list of things I won't write about is minimal. As of right now, there is only one item on that list: I will not write sexually explicit content involving underage readers. While I believe this blog is a Minors DNI type of blog, I am powerless to stop anyone from scrolling through and reading. At most, I can request that you don't interact if you're over the age of 18. It's the reality of the internet. So please, out of respect for me as an author, do not request content involving things I've noted I won't write about or interact with this blog if you're under the age of 18.
The list has grown slightly. I also don't write incest- though I haven't received any of those requests, I wanted to make that distinction clear.
As always, it might take me a hot minute, but please send in those requests!
Hope to hear from y'all!
I know the master list links don't work, I'm in the SLOW process of redoing them. So far I'm through OTO and Valentino, Vox and Velvette's Master Lists. If you come across a link on either of these that don't work PLEASE let me know!
Due to a link limit on a post I have updated my master list to subcategories. Please note that the Vee's will appear across fics, but I organized them based on the primary Vee requested/involved in the story.
Outside The Office Master List
Currently Posted: Chapters 1- 40
Master List Valentino
Master List Vox
Master List: Velvette
Valentino's Son x Angel Dust
Valentino's Daughter and Vox's Daughter
Valentino's Daughter x Valentino (Similar)
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hazbinhotelxreader · 7 months
Heya I saw your GN Child headcannons and I pose this to you:
Reader is the youngest child of carmilla, adopted and wears a cute little horn headband to look like their sisters. I'd love fluff with not only Carmilla but Odette and Clara too!
-Monke Anon 🐒
A/n: yes! This gives me really big Star vibes from SVTFOE lol!
Pairings: Carmilla, Odette, and Clara with a reader that wears horn headbands
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-She finds it adorable. She loves having you wear those little headbands, you just too cute in them!
-She also doesn’t have any horns, her hair is just put up like that, so you two have something in common or similar to each other, you both wear or put something to act like you have horns.
-She probably bought you a small pair when you were younger at some cheap store since you wanted it, but after seeing how often you’d wear them, she started to buy you better ones, more sturdy and longer lasting, and in any color you want.
-She does always remind you that you look gorgeous even without your horn headbands, and that it didn’t matter how you looked, you’re always part of the family.
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-She finds it adorable too. She loves the fact you’re trying to copy her and look like her.
-She seems like the type of person to help you decorate or help you with the horns, and even make personal horn headbands for you that look like her actual horns.
-She definitely starts a small competition between her and her sister of which horns you like the best, she’s always trying to beat her sister and makes you as much headbands as she can that looks like her horns.
-By the looks of it she’s a teenager. So she’s definitely got some other teen friends, and if their over at her house (which is rare since I doubt Carmilla would let other teens over), and if they make fun of you for your headband and tell you to “grow up”, then she’ll talk them Off and kick them out, and then comfort you afterwords
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-She thinks they’re cute, but probably won’t express it often. She seems like the type of person who’s more closed off and serious?
-Though either way she definitely loved having you trying to copy her, she thinks that she’s a great role model for you, and having you want to look like her too? It’s felt great
-She definitely joins in the small competition with her sister, replacing the headbands she makes for you with hers, she just thinks her horns look better on you.
-She’ll comfort you too if anyone has done you wrong by saying your a baby for still wearing headbands, she’ll speak to her mother about after too, she wants this problem resolved not make it worse.
A/n: I hope this is okay! I don’t know much about the daughters and I’ll have to more research! Sorry this request took a while too!
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voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part NINE
PHHEWWW this seems a bit of a filler but I wanted to show you some little moments she had with the Vee's - after all not everything can be big dramatic happenings - how else will we get to the good stuff if they dont build some trust together ;)
Plus what do you think is Y/n's surprise?
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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It had been a week since that last meeting with the Vee’s and it had flown by. You were singing at the clubs, having meetings with Velvette to get your measurements done correctly, being more social on Sinstagram and other socials, you had a few interviews with small time magazines promoting you. You were a busy bee. And you loved it!
Tonight, you were going to a club opening that had asked you if you wanted a part time contract there as a singer – before you agreed you said you’d like to see what the night life was like first, which they then invited you to their opening night. Once you had the date set, Vel had been nonstop harassing you with pictures, sketches and videos of her designs and then letting you know all the progress when you chose the outfit you wanted. Sometimes you caught Vox or Valentino in the background of her videos; both rolling their eyes dramatically or pulling faces making you laugh. Or sometimes they took over the video and had a little chat with you pushing Velvette out the screen completely.
It wasn’t just Vel that you were in constant contact with either: Vox had taken to messaging you every day letting you know that certain media outlets wanted to talk to you (after he ‘persuaded’ them) about an interview or have you on their show. He also, a few days after you complained that your phone had such a crap camera, sent you a brand-new state of the art VoxTek phone. You laughed for ages when you turned it on as he set the background as himself standing proud with that charming grin of his. No matter how many times you tried to change the background, after a few hours it always switched back to that photo so after a few days you just left it.
Valentino, he was a bit more subtle than the other two. Sending selfies of himself and the other two on SinsChat with flirty little messages to you, a few text messages here and there but nothing too ‘Valentinoish’. When you mentioned that you were going to the club opening, he actually suggested some ideas to talk about if you were stopped by the paparazzi. Which you doubt would happen but better to have the ideas and not use them, than need them and not have them. Right?
You were in the elevator heading up to Velvette’s floor, you had a few hours to get ready and she was already in boss mode ordering everyone about when she phoned you this morning waking you up. You could only imagine what she was like now. Which is why you have brought the coffee: one for her, one for you, and two more in case the other two appear. They seemed to have a habit of appearing when you and Vel were having a meeting, usually causing Vel to have to kick them both out as they tried their best to distract you.
Striding onto Vel’s floor you hide an amused smile at everyone running around like headless chickens and Velvette in the middle orchestrating the mayhem. Your phone buzzing in your pocket distracted you, walking over to one of the tables with no fabric on – you were not risking your undead life by getting coffee near Velvette’s designs – you pop the coffees, your purse and jacket on top. Yanking your phone out your leggings leg pocket (thank you Vel for that genius invention) you spy Angel’s face pop up on a notification. Pressing it you quickly read the message, frown appearing on your face. He was letting you down tonight, so much for your plus one. Now you think about it, all this week you hadn’t see hide nor hair of him and his usual constant messaging was getting less and less. Hmm. Reminding yourself to call him tomorrow to speak about it you pop your phone back in your leggings pocket. Okay no plus one, you can totally do the opening by yourself. Wouldn’t be the first time.
A hand grips your wrist and swirls you into a seat. No longer surprised at Velvette’s ways you just get comfy and sit up straighter in your seat. After the third or fourth time she’d done this to you, it’s easier to just accept the gentle manhandling.
“Finally, you are here. You know you were meant to be here an hour ago, right?” She raises an unimpressed eyebrow at you, lips pulled down in a scowl. Yanking her coffee from the holder you hold it up as a peace offering, your best sorry expression across your face.
Taking the cup off you, a quick sip later she hummed under her breath before smirking: “fine you are forgiven! But do it again and I’ll start cutting that pretty hair shorter and shorter – an inch for every hour you are late” she threatens, swirling away to grab another sinner to start on your hair while she got her make up out ready. She had determined she was getting you ready for this club opening before you even thought about how you were going to get ready.
You closed your eyes as they got to work, the sinner working on your hair was sectioning it off and placing it in large curlers to make bouncy waves in your waist length hair and Vel was cleansing your face. At ease you barely notice anyone else until you smell the distinct aroma of a certain cigarette.
“Good evening, Valentino” you murmur, completely docile because of the fingers combing through your hair. You didn’t realise you liked it so much, not remembering if it felt this way when you were human or if it was a new thing now you were in Hell.
“Evening Princessa, it looks like you’re getting all the works tonight”, opening your right eye you smile at the Moth Overlord. Over this past week you’ve settled into a more relaxed relationship with each other. Less threatening and overbearing sexual innuendos and more flirty banter, which you could cope with.
“Yes, Vel was determined she was the best one to get me ready even though I offered to do my hair and make up myself” a small tap to your nose with a brush made you scrunch it.
“Well darlin’, if you want something done right, sometimes you just gotta do it yourself!”
Humming in agreement you close your eyes again at the feeling of the sinner sorting your hair, sighing happily. Or you did until you heard a snarl and the fingers stopped combing through your hair: “enough. Fuck off!” Blinking in shock you look up to see the sinner running quickly away and a glaring Velvette stood with her hands on her hips. She flashed you a smile when she caught your bemused stare, “she was taking the piss bae, Val is gonna finish off your hair. It only needs a few more curlers put in and then to set”. Hmm … a smile tugged at your lips from her behaviour. Was she jealous that you were enjoying someone else touching your hair?
“Like you said, if you want it done right, you got to do it yourself. My hair is in your talented hands Val” you close your eyes again at Velvette’s instruction as she starts on your eye make-up.
Fingers raked through your hair that hadn’t yet been pinned up and curled, nails scratching at your scalp caught you off guard as a moan nearly escaped your lips. Okay. You learn something new about your body every day. Even in Hell. Clearing your throat when you hear him lowly chuckle you try to distract yourself from the luscious feeling that he was pulling from you by playing with your hair.
“There’s a coffee on the table for you Val if you want one. I know you are usually up late with shoots so figured the caffeine fix might be what you need” you tell him, nose twitching when Vel turns and her hair tickles it.
“You are so kind to us, mi cariño” humming your agreement you allowed them both to work, chuckling every so often as the bitched and picked at each other. A week or two ago you would have thought they’d hated each other the way they spoke – now you realised this was just how they showed each other they cared. Toxic and not your style but it worked for them so who were you to stand in the way and judge.
You must have dozed off as the next time you opened your eyes Velvette was putting the last touches to your make up and Val was taking the curlers out of your hair. Closing your eyes you felt yourself being blasted with a fuck tonne of hair spray. Not a hair would be out of place and your make up would not be smudged. You’d be surprised if you could move your own face with the amount they used.
“Now who is your plus one to this opening Princessa?” Opening your eyes you look in shock at yourself in the mirror that a random sinner was holding in front of you. The demon who looked back at you from the reflection looked like some kind of Siren. Velvette and Valentino worked miracles. In awe of their skills, you mumble how your riding solo tonight as Angel cancelled on you, missing the look they both shared behind your back as you twisted to see how the waves rolled down your back.
 “Guys you are miracle workers, thank you so much! I don’t think I’ve ever looked this good even when I was alive!” Spinning in your seat you clap your hands giddily as Velvette giggles with you.
“Now for the outfit babes, then we’ve gotta get some photos of you posing before you go”, pushing you towards the dressing room you spy Valentino aggressively typing on his phone. Strange. But too excited to put on your clothes to give it another thought you barge into the room. A small shriek of excitement escaped your lips as you saw it finally. A black feather bustier with accents of the pink that you are starting to be known for, high waisted black leather pants which flared at the bottom, your favourite black stilettos with the pink bottoms were waiting for you. Pushing Velvette out the room to get ready you wafted away her complaints that she wanted to help you get ready saying you wanted it to be a surprise when you finally were all done up.
Carefully putting on the bustier, wriggling into it into place making sure it hugged your curves and synched your waist in but didn’t expose anything you didn’t want exposing. No nip-slips here people! The leather pants were a little easier to put on but again there was a lot of wriggling and jumping to get them completely up. And men thought we looked sexy putting these outfits on? The heels were the easiest thing to put on thank Lucifer. Slipping on the black choker you check that the little pink sapphire crystal was dangling correctly at the front of your throat, matching bracelet and ring then added. A quick spritz of your favourite perfume on your neck and wrists you were finally ready. Turning around to look in the mirror you grinned happily. Never in a million years did you ever think you would look this good.
Opening the door, you step out into the studio. Velvette and Valentino both talking about something heatedly together with their heads turned so you can’t read their lips. Hmm. Clearing your throat at them both to get their attention. Velvette was the first to look at you, beaming she claps her hands together as Valentino just licked his lips in a flirtatious manner.
“GIRL! You look AMAZING!! Right, we’ve gotta get some pics ready for your Sinstagram – you are gonna be trending tonight!” Suddenly there was a flurry of movement around you, lights blinding you as you were shoved in front of a backdrop. A photographer appeared from behind a big camera, him and Velvette directed you how and where to stand. Blinking in amusement you give your best seductive smile from over your shoulder to the camera, catching Valentino and Velvette watching you intently. Both of their gazes dark, Valentino was puffing aggressively on his cigarette. Blushing at their attention you lower your gaze before winking at them both. Screw it, you were going to have fun tonight! A few more photos turned into hundreds with you in different positions, places and sitting on different things. Your last set was you lying against the pink (you noticed this was a new addition in Vels studio) chaise lounge, back arched and your hair rippling down your back.
When you finally finished with the photographer you grabbed your phone and took a few selfies of yourself while you still had the light. Velvette appeared at your side, pulling your phone down a little you both took a few cute selfies together until a huff was heard from behind you. Smirking at the pouting Overlord you pull him closer by his hand.
“Come on you big baby, you’re gonna have to take the photos though as you’ve got the longest arms” you tease. Velvette clutching your arm on your one side and Valentino with his arms wrapped around your waist on the other you took a few selfies, laughing at how some of them turned out. Though you were having a blast with them both you couldn’t help but miss Vox’s sarcastic comments and charming smile. Shaking that thought from your head you check the time and squeak. It was time to get moving!
Thanking them both for helping you get ready and promising Velvette you would take loads of photos tonight you grab your purse and phone – glancing at the lone coffee left on the table you sigh a little under your breath. It woulda been nice to have seen Vox’s reaction to your outfit. Rolling your eyes at your own thoughts. Jeez y/n get a grip! Walking to the elevator you miss the smirks crossing Vel and Valentino’s faces. If you had, you’d have known you were walking into a big surprise.
@tasha-1994  @azullynxx  @reath-solia @leathesimp @klorinda @twinklethewarrior @wonderlandangelsposts @th3rizzler @martinys-world @rosiethevoxobesser
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