#Very happy with his little pen fidgeting
aethiriarts · 4 months
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Local Gun Agent zones out during mission debrief, more at 5
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perlelune · 1 year
Tag, You’re It | Ethan Landry | v.
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Happy, carefree college days meet their abrupt end when every guy who approaches you mysteriously turns up dead.
Warnings: NON-CON, Stalking, Bimbo!Reader, Clueless Reader, Loss of Virginity, Incel Ethan, Cheerleader Reader, Skin Carving (w/knife), Canon Typical Slashing, Voyeurism, Kidnapping, Forced Masturbation, Filming, Blackmail
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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Peering outside the window, you unleash a melancholy sigh. The sky is bright and blue above campus, not one cloud darkening its expanse. 
A stark contrast to your somber mood. 
You wish you could soak up the warmth of the sun spilling through the glass window of the café, but you’re too high-strung to bask in the sunny weather. 
"Here you go," Ethan enthuses, yanking you away from your lugubrious train of thought. 
You give him a wobbly smile, accepting the steamy cup he slides between your hands. In the process, your fingers brush against his own, and Ethan’s throat bobs. His gaze lingers where your hand touches his for a few seconds before he scratches the back of his neck and sits in front of you.  The spicy, warm scent of the drink engulfs your senses in a blanket of comfort and familiarity. Your lashes flutter in awe as your eyes round.
"H-How did you know my coffee order?" 
He shrugs, a lopsided smile canting his lips. 
"I think Mindy mentioned it." 
"Did she?" 
His smile broadens. "I think. How else would I know it?" 
You press your lips together. You suppose it does make sense. Still, it astonishes you the heap of little things Ethan has noticed about you since you met him. 
Acceptance settles within you beneath his unflinching gaze. 
"You're right." You nod then spot the little plate Ethan placed near the edge of the table. Your mouth waters at the sight, your stomach wrenching. When’s the last time you had a proper meal, or something sweet? "Oh, you got me a pastry too." Fingers stretch towards the appetizing treat but retreat as Alana’s voice rings in your head. Sending Ethan a contrite glance, you twist your hands in your lap. "I'm sorry. That's very nice but… I can't accept it."
Ethan’s bushy brows draw together. 
"You don't like sweets? I didn't realize." 
You wave your hands before you as you rush to elaborate, "I do. It's not that." A deep exhale drops from your mouth. "Alana…the captain of my team. She said we all needed to lose five pounds before the next game. So no one on the team is allowed to have carbs."
Your cheeks come aflame under his intense stare. The anger in his tone startles you. 
"That's mean. Who does Alana think she is?" he scoffs. His tone softens as he adds, "Besides, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. You don't need to change a single thing about yourself."
A spontaneous smile blooms on your face at his compliment and the sincerity laced in his words. 
"Thanks, Ethan. That's so sweet." His chestnut gaze beckons you, drifting from your face to the pastry. You nibble your bottom lip, stomach clenching. Alana would be pissed if she knew…but you’re also starving. You don’t ponder for long before reaching across the table for the sweet delicacy. "I guess I'll have it anyway. Just promise me you won't tell her."
"My lips are sealed."
Ethan patiently watches you take a few bites, a grin etched on his boyish features. As soon as the sugar melts on your tongue, your spirits are lifted. 
When you’re done eating, he pulls out books, paper and pens from his backpack. 
You remember why you’re here and straighten your back. 
"So, where do you want to begin?" he inquires, unscrewing the cap from his ballpen and beginning to scribble on a piece of paper. 
You fidget and cast your eyes downward. 
"I'm not sure," you mumble. 
"What do you struggle with most?" 
Embarrassment tickles your insides. 
"Uh…Everything?" He gawks at you and your face heats. "This class is way too hard for me, Ethan."
He shakes his head, that gentle, encouraging smile never leaving his lips. 
"You're selling yourself short." At your crestfallen expression, Ethan offers, "We'll start at the very beginning and work our way from here. How does that sound?" 
You gape at him, your chest swelling with hope. For some reason, you nearly expected him to give up on you right here and there. 
You know you’re not exceedingly bright and that you narrowly got into college. If it weren’t for Chad and Mindy helping you study for the SATs and giving you tips…you’re convinced you wouldn’t have made it at all. 
"Amazing," you chime, plucking a chest-deep chuckle from him. 
Hours fly by at the café as Ethan takes time to break down concepts, make you flash cards and draw figures to help you understand the basics of economics. 
You lose track of time, hanging to his every slow, patient word. Every time you ask a question, he never gets upset or belittles you, instead going over everything again without ever losing his cool. 
While some areas are still fuzzy at the end, you feel a lot more equipped to understand the course material than before. 
Ethan encourages you, promising the more sessions you’ll have together, the more things will make sense. 
And you actually believe him. 
"You're like the best tutor ever." 
You bounce in excitement as Ethan giggles.
"I didn't do much."
"Not true. You make complicated stuff sound easy, Ethan."
His cheeks glow pink at your praise. 
Leaning forward, you confess, "Even Mindy gave up on helping me with my assignments. She didn’t have the time…or patience. And she’s my best friend." Slanting your head sideways, you beam at him. "You're the smartest guy I know so I appreciate you taking the time."
Ethan ogles at you before clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck. "Anytime," he says while putting his books back in his bag.
"Can I keep this?" you inquire, gathering the stack of papers covered in Ethan’s neat handwriting. You’re touched that he took the time to explain all this to you. 
"Of course, it’s all for you. If you need anything, just text or call me." His inflection lowers as he bashfully looks down. "Even nighttime is fine."
His words summon flashes of the night before. Overwhelmed, tears begin pricking behind your eyes. 
"Nighttime…" you quaver. You blink and salty water fills your gaze. Ethan immediately gets up and joins you on the other side of the table, handing you tissues and carefully putting a hand on your shoulder. Once again, you wipe your tears. You wonder how there’s still water left in your body considering how many times you’ve bawled your eyes out today. 
"I’m sorry," you blubber.
"It’s okay." He rubs your back, licking his lips before he whispers, "You don’t need to shed so many tears over him, you know?"
A shuddering breath cascades through your throat while you gape at him in confusion. 
His jaw clenches, his gaze darkening somehow. 
"That alpha douchebro Connor. He doesn’t deserve you crying over him."
"It’s not…" you trail off, shame creeping inside you. You have no desire to revisit the events from last night. Every time you recall them, a wave of sickness takes hold of you. 
Ethan continues, his voice even harsher than before, "Truth be told I bet he had it coming." Your jaw drops. Ethan’s shoulders heave and slump as he explains, "I heard he was awful to girls… and that you weren’t the only one he was texting before he died."
Shock ripples through you at this newfound knowledge. It’s dumb and irrelevant now, but you thought Connor genuinely liked you at least. 
Sure, he got carried away that night and got a little pushy, but you’re sure he just had one drink too many and wasn’t acting like himself. 
Your forehead wrinkles as you chide him, "That’s an awful thing to say. Regardless of what he did…no one deserves to die like that, Ethan."
Ethan sighs and lets out an awkward laugh. 
"You’re right. I shouldn’t have said anything. Murder’s like…fucked up, I guess."
"Y-Yes, it is," you reply, taken aback by his casual tone. 
Gaze still holding yours, he bends over you and adds, "But he was a lame dudebro, and you can do so much better. I hope you know that."
You sink in the depth of his warm, brown orbs, both flattered yet a little unsettled by his fervent statement. 
It’s something even Mindy told you before, that you only fall for douchebags that don’t deserve you, but you never felt that was true. 
Still, no one ever said that to you with such emphasis. 
"I…appreciate it," you reply, rubbing your puffy eyes as fresh tears threaten to spill.  
His large hand travels up and down your back. 
"Is there something else by any chance? I’m a pretty good listener."
Heat rushes to your cheeks. There’s no way you can tell him what occurred. The mere idea makes you want to die. 
Your mouth trembles as you dip your chin.
"No, there isn’t."
After a few minutes of silence, Ethan’s gentle voice sweeps over your temple. 
"Can I do anything to make you feel better?" 
Your eyes lift to his, deep brown pools filled with concern. 
You mull it over. There is one thing. A thing you sometimes do with your friends, but you’re a bit self-conscious about revealing it to him. 
"I…" You emit a thin, unsure laugh. "No, that's silly. You're gonna think I'm, like, so shallow."
His thumb settles between your shoulder blades, caressing softly. 
"I won't judge you, I promise. Just tell me."
"When I feel bad…" You squirm and evade his focus, gaze darting about the café as you mumble, "I like to go shopping and eat ice cream afterward."
Ethan snickers, but not in a mean way. Mirth lights up his features. 
"I don't think that's silly at all, especially if it helps you feel better." His face softens. "I can take you if you want."
"Really?" Surprise and happiness coalesce in your tone. You hate shopping alone. Your brows knit as a thought resurfaces. "But I promised Mindy and Anika we’ll meet up later..."
Ethan sends you a wide grin. 
"I’m sure they’ll understand."
Going on a shopping spree with Ethan is surprisingly fun. He doesn’t mind how many outfits you try, praising your choices every time. 
And if sometimes his eyes rest upon you a tad too long, that strange smirk playing on his lips, you let yourself ignore that. 
After all, a lot of the clothes you picked display quite a lot of skin. 
Boys always stare, you’re used to that. 
And it’s just Ethan looking. It’s not like he’s getting any ideas. 
When it comes time to pay for your purchases, he stops you before you can collect your wallet, placing a stack of bills on the counter instead. 
You give him an open-mouthed stare. 
"Ethan?! Are you crazy? That’s a lot of money. You don’t have to-"
He grabs the clothes from you and gestures at the cashier to put them in bags before you can even think of returning them. 
"No way I’m letting you pay. My treat, okay?"
His tone gets firmer, quieting your protests. 
"I insist."
Your body deflates as you’re stunned by the shift in him, particularly his staunch refusal to let you argue. 
"Okay," you concede. 
After leaving the store, with Ethan carrying your bags and refusing to let you lift a finger, you get on your tiptoes and plant a kiss on his cheek. 
Red spreads on his face as he peers down at you. 
"You’re so nice to me," you say cheerfully.
He just smiles at you in that lopsided, mysterious way he does. 
"Well, I'd say you more than earned it."
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circus4apsycho8 · 1 year
Getting brain rot from this shit rn. Ok so basically it’s Lloyd x reader with Both povs: reader is absolutely SMITTEN with Lloyd. I’m talking like staring at him with heart eyes in math class type shit. Unfortunately, he is not aware she even exits. HOWEVER, she does have a collection of love letters addressed to him, that she has not sent due to embarrassment. Her friends find out about it, and however do not approve of Lloyd, are like “whatever makes you happy” and urge her to start putting them in his locker, one/ a day as his secret admirer. Lloyd gets them, but is skeptical at first, because he thinks it’s just another form of bullying/public embarrassment. After a few days of getting them though, he shows the rest of the gang to see what they think. They are *very supportive* of him, and encourage him to find out who it is. And after a while of running around with no lead, he finds reader at lunch, writing one of those beloved pink letters. You can go from there!
Fem reader, school au thingy
Reader is described as smart, flustered easily, basically an awkward Highschool kid
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚑𝚒 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊; 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
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secret someone. | lloyd x reader
This isn’t like you at all.  
A quiet sigh escapes you as your fingers fidget with your pen, desperately trying to tune into the lecture. It isn’t exactly difficult material; you understand it quite well. It’s just the fact that the teacher only teaches using a monotonous PowerPoint, voice droning on and on and on. In short, your goblin brain has been focused on something else entirely. Something with far more visual appeal:  
Lloyd Garmadon. 
Yes, the blond-haired, emerald-eyed son of an Oni warlord had become the subject of your schoolgirl infatuation as of late. For a few weeks now – almost a month – you've had him on your mind. You’re not entirely sure what triggered it, but you’d caught yourself staring at him one day. It all got worse from there. 
Hell, you haven’t even really talked to him. Sure, he’s in a few of your classes, but you never were able to build up the courage to actually initiate conversation. Something about him was warmly inviting but also deeply intimidating, and you can’t quite put your finger on what that could be. 
It could be the rumors – whispers shared in the hallway while the “Garmadork Squad” passed, about how Lloyd would eventually share the same fate as his father and drag his friends down with him. But you highly doubt that. From what you’ve seen of him, he’s super sweet to others no matter how badly they may treat him. You’d always found that admirable considering how the majority of the school is against him.  
You’re snapped out of your haze when the bell rings, relief coursing through you. Thank the stars it’s the end of the day. You quickly gather all of your belongings before stuffing everything into your backpack, hauling it up on your desk so that you can zip it up. With that, you’re ready to go.  
“Hey! Sorry I’m late!” you yell, spying all of your friends already seated at the café. “You know how busy the school gets when it lets out.”  
“No worries,” one of them replies as you set your backpack on one of the empty chairs. You unzip it, grabbing your wallet before going to order a drink.  
While you’re waiting for it to be made, you hear a little bit of commotion at your table.  
You turn to see two of your friends crowded around the table, both looking down at something. Not thinking anything of it, you turn back around, idly scrolling through your phone as you wait.  
Once the barista hands it over to you, you thank her. Then, you make your way back to your table.  
Upon arriving, you find two of your friends fussing over a mess made on the floor.  
“What happened?” you question, peering through them.  
“I tripped and knocked some of our stuff over,” the first one replies, kneeling down to clean up the mess.  
Your heart skips a beat when you realize that some of the contents of your bag have spilled, including one of your personal binders.  
“Wait!” you squeak, pushing past them to gather all of the pink papers up. You shove them back into the binder, a blush adorning your cheeks as you pray none of them got the chance to read one.  
To your dismay, though, one of your friends has already grabbed one, eyes scanning over the contents.  
“Hey!” you say a little louder than you meant. “That’s...um...”  
“What is it?” another girl questions.  
“Aww...sorry, I didn’t realize this was so personal. Curiosity just kinda took over, I guess,” replies the girl that had been reading your letter. You grab it back from her, sighing heavily as you try not to be embarrassed.  
“It’s okay,” you mumble, re-packing your bag and making sure it’s completely zipped. “Did...anyone else see it?”  
“I kind of...told them. I’m sorry.”  
You groan. “I guess it would have come out at some point anyway.”  
You sigh, burying your face in your hands. You should have just left your letters at home. “Yeah.”  
“But he’s-”  
“Don’t say it. I know. I get it. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”  
“Are you going to tell him?” another girl asks.  
“I haven’t even talked to him yet! I just...think he’s cute,” you mumble. “It’s probably just a temporary thing anyway. Besides, not one of us has even talked to him! Don’t you think people treat him a little unfairly?”  
“I guess you have a point,” she replies.  
“Why don’t you just put those letters into his locker? Like, you could put one in there per day or something?” another friend suggests.  
You take a sip of your drink, taking a moment to ponder the idea. Hm...  
“Yeah, you could be his secret admirer! That’d be cute!” someone else adds.  
“I don’t know,” you mumble, fidgeting nervously. “I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”  
“Come on! It’s worth a shot,” another encourages. “Just give it a try and see what happens!”  
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt? You’re not sure. But maybe she’s right – it could be worth a try. And perhaps it would make you feel better in the process.  
You nod. “Okay. I’ll put one in tomorrow, then.”  
“You got this! Good luck!”  
“Man, our math test is going to suck today,” Jay comments, groaning slightly.  
“Wait, what test?” Kai questions, turning to face the redhead with a puzzled expression.  
“You’re hopeless,” Nya comments, rolling her eyes as the group enters the school.  
Lloyd chuckles, attempting to match the high energy of his teammates. He can’t really bring himself to join in on the banter, though. Instead, he finds himself nervous to face the day.  
“Anyways, see you guys at lunch!” Nya yells, following Jay and Zane down one hall.  
Kai pats Lloyd on the shoulder before he and Cole go to their lockers. “Later, sis.”  
Lloyd approaches his locker, fingers going to spin the lock around until it pops open. He pulls the door open, getting out what he needs when a pop of color catches his eye.  
“Huh?” Lloyd mutters, spotting a red envelope resting on top of his belongings. He definitely didn’t put that in there. Someone must have slipped it in.  
He picks it up, reading the writing on the front.  
“Probably another prank,” he mumbles, deciding to open it anyways.  
Inside is a neatly folded piece of paper. It’s a vibrant shade of pink, with cutesy doodles lining the right side and a paragraph of unfamiliar handwriting on the left.  
Dear Lloyd,  
Hm…how do I start this? To be honest…I guess you can call me a secret admirer of yours? I hope I’m not coming off as creepy!! But I’m too nervous to actually come up and talk to you…  
So, for now, I’ll write about my feelings in the form of these letters!  
To make a long story short, I saw you standing underneath the sunlight about a month ago for the first time. And it just made me realize how handsome you are. You and sunshine go hand-in-hand; the way it casts your blond hair in a warm glow, complimenting your pretty green eyes…I wish I could see them up close. They’re such an encapsulating shade of green!  
Anyways, I won’t ramble for too long. I hope you have a good weekend! ^_^  
Your Secret Someone! ♥  
Lloyd stares at the letter for a few seconds before reading it again to ensure that he was reading it right.  
No…there’s no way he’d have a “secret someone”. This has to be another cruel prank, right? Yeah, that’s it. The bullies are just trying to get to him. The thought of it potentially being real crosses his mind, but he quickly shakes the possibility off.  
He sighs, stuffing the paper into his bag and getting the other items he needs before slamming his locker and zipping his bag. That’s a new low, even for the jerks.  
Letter forgotten, he makes his way to class for the time being.  
You make your way through the locker area to see if Lloyd has arrived. Sure enough, you spot him opening his locker. You grow more nervous by the minute. Would he be uncomfortable? Creeped out?  
The anxiety has quite a chokehold on you, but at the very least you wanted to give it a shot. Soon enough, he starts reading it. Oh stars…  
You slow down slightly, watching as his face contorts into something of a conflicted expression. Uh-oh, that doesn’t look good!  
He shoves it in his bag before he leaves, not sparing the letter a second glance. You feel your heart drop slightly, making your way to class.  
You pull your phone out, sending a quick text to your friend:  
He didn’t seem happy about it  
Idk he looks kind of conflicted??  
You shut your phone off as you begin your walk to class, hoping you didn’t make him uncomfortable.   
Relax, hes probably wary of stuff like that bc of the bullying  
And he might be shy too? So keep trying. If hes still not into it after a while then you can stop  
But I don’t think a few more will hurt  
You sigh, reading through the message before replying:  
Okay, fine...  
Lloyd thought the letters were going to stop after that.  
But he was wrong – they kept on coming. One after another, and he wasn’t sure how to feel. Would the bullies even go this far for a prank?  
He sighs, tuning out his teacher, who’s rambling on about something boring. Once more, he reads the latest letter:  
Dear Lloyd,  
I’ve seen the way that people treat you around here. I don’t think it’s fair at all. And despite their treatment towards you, you still are kind to them. I think that’s admirable.  
People shouldn’t treat you differently because of your bloodline. I wish there was more that I could do to help, but almost everyone is in on it. I’m sorry I can’t do more about it.  
I think you’re inspiring. Despite being subjected to their negativity, you still face them with a smile.  
You’re so strong. I like that about you too. Don’t let them get you down.  
Your Secret Someone! ♥
Lloyd pushes the paper to the side, wishing his stupid blush would go away. At this point, he’s not sure of what he should do. Part of him remains hopeful that maybe, for once, someone outside of his friend group is behind this. And, even better, doing it with genuine intention.  
The question lingers on his mind until lunch, where he finds himself squished between Kai and Cole at the group’s usual table.  
“What’s on your mind, greenie? You’ve been pretty contemplative today,” Cole questions as he destroys an unsuspecting bottle of chocolate milk.  
“Uh…” Lloyd trails off, debating on whether he should tell them. But then again…what else would he do? “It’s just…I’ve been getting these letters in my locker every day for almost two weeks now. And I don’t really know how to feel...”  
He shuffles through his bag before pulling the stack of letters out. Kai immediately snatches them, shuffling through the pile and reading them.  
“Damn, Lloyd. Looks like you have a secret admirer!” Kai notes, chuckling.  
“Awww!” Nya coos. Lloyd blushes, averting his gaze.  
“But, don’t you think it could be some sort of trick? Or another prank?” Lloyd asks, watching as Kai hands the stack to Cole.  
“You said this has been going on for two weeks, yes?” Zane questions.  
Cole hands the stack to Zane, who immediately scans the papers discreetly. “I find the likelihood of this being a prank very low. This handwriting does not match any of the bullies.”  
“How do you know that?” Kai wonders, staring at Zane with mild intrigue.  
“Because of the papers they have thrown at us in the past,” replies the nindroid. “All handwriting that I come across is automatically stored in my memory.”  
“Ah,” Kai mumbles. “Well, there you go, Lloyd. You should find out who it is!”  
“But how?” Lloyd wonders as Kai hands the papers back. He stares down at the pink papers, taking a moment to trace the handwriting with the tips of his fingers. Who could it possibly be? He wouldn’t even know where to start...  
“Well, when do the letters usually appear?” Nya questions.  
“When I get to school, usually it’s already inside,” Lloyd admits, studying the pink papers curiously.  
“Maybe we could try and arrive earlier?” Jay suggests. “That way, we can weed potential suspects out by seeing who gets here early.”  
Cole nods in responds, shifting his focus to a helpless pudding cup. “That sounds doable.”  
“Then let’s do it,” Kai encourages. “Let the hunt begin!”  
Day after day, Lloyd and the others arrive earlier to school, but to no avail. Whoever is behind this is better than Lloyd initially suspected.  
Even so, the group keeps their eyes peeled throughout the coming days. As the week ends, Lloyd finds himself losing hope despite his friends’ encouragement. 
Friday approaches, with Lloyd tucking the latest letter in one of his notebooks before heading to lunch with Jay. 
“Any luck?” Jay wonders. 
“No,” Lloyd answers. “I’m starting to think this person is a ghost!” 
“Aw, come on, greenie. You’ve got to have a little more faith! I’m sure we just missed something,” Jay responds. 
“I don’t know, Jay,” Lloyd mumbles as the two enter the lunchroom. “Maybe we should-” 
He’s interrupted by Nya rushing in front of him, yanking Lloyd by the bicep and pulling him towards the table. 
“Nya?! What is it?” Lloyd wonders, eyes wide as Nya hushes him. 
“Look over there,” she whispers, gesturing towards one of the nearby lunch tables. Lloyd frowns, narrowing his stare as he slowly turns around. 
At first, nothing seems out of place. The area is just filled with a few tables of students milling about, eating lunch and chatting. 
It’s then Lloyd notices one group of girls in particular, one of which is writing. Upon closer inspection, though, he finds that she’s writing on… 
“Pink paper!” Lloyd exclaims quietly. 
“And there’s a red envelope next to her too!” Nya adds, pulling both Jay and Lloyd to their usual table. “So it has to be her!” 
“Isn’t she in some of your classes?” Jay questions as the three sit down with the rest of the group. 
“Yeah, she is,” Lloyd says. Wow. It’s you? He never would have guessed… 
He hadn’t really spoken to you, but from what he saw within the classroom, you tended to keep to yourself. 
“Lloyd, did you see her?” Cole questions. 
“Yeah, I did.” 
“She’s in my science class, and she’s really smart,” Cole notes, as the group eats together. 
“Pretty, too,” Kai adds. “So, what are you going to do?” 
Lloyd thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea. “I know exactly what I’m going to do.” 
You sigh, your worries beginning to get the best of you as you head towards your locker at the end of the day. Maybe you should just stop? You’re starting to feel a bit silly. 
Momentarily you debate on texting your friends how you’re feeling, but decide to hold off. Well...you only have one letter left. Might as well finish them off before you make a decision.  
As per usual, you slip the envelope into Lloyd’s locker for what you believe to be the last time. With that done, you go to your own locker in order to get what you need.  
Sighing softly, you open your locker, about to exchange items when a flurry of motion captures your attention.  
Your gaze drifts down to find a red envelope on the floor.  
“What?” you mumble, frowning as you go to pick it up. Had you missed an old letter? That would make sense – perhaps one simply fell out of your binder?  
But, when you flip it over, you find that the handwriting is not yours. Instead, your name is scrawled across the front in childishly messy handwriting.  
Wait...no...this can’t...there’s no way...?  
You anxiously gnaw on the inside of your cheek as you tear the envelope open, pulling out the pink piece of paper inside:  
Following an addressal to you, it reads:  
Well...it took me a while, but I finally figured out who you are. You’re pretty sneaky, you know that? I thought it would be simpler to find you.  
But I figured it out at lunch yesterday – I happened to see you writing on a piece of pink paper when you were sitting with your friends. And...well, I was wondering how to answer all of the letters, and then I just thought: “Why not turn the tables?”.  
First of all, I just want to say that, while I was a little skeptical at first (I thought that it might have been a prank), I really appreciate you taking the time to write these and put them into my locker every morning. These past few weeks have been tough – you know, bullying, plus tests and stuff – but your letters have helped me face the day. I started to look forward to them, all while wondering who you were...  
...and now that I know, it’s made me realize that I want to get to know you.   
We have a few classes together. I know you’re really smart and kind. And pretty. But I don’t know much else.  
So, let’s change that.  
Look behind you!  
Your eyes widen, cheeks burning as you swivel around to face none other than Lloyd himself. 
You squeak, somewhat startled as you clutch the letter to your chest.  
“Oh, I’m sorry! I, um...I didn’t mean to scare you,” he notes, rubbing the back of his neck as he averts his gaze.  
“No, it’s o-okay!” you stutter. “I’m just...well, kind of flustered, I guess. I never thought that this would actually happen.” 
“You certainly didn’t make it easy,” Lloyd jokes, chuckling as he rubs the back of his neck. “So...want to go get coffee sometime? I mean, only if you’re able! And, if you want to...”  
“I would love to,” you mumble, smiling softly as your heart races. 
“Can you come now? I know there’s a cafe nearby,” Lloyd invites. 
“Sure! Just let me get my bag.” 
With that, the two of you head towards the café together, not knowing that this is the start of something wonderful. 
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚒'𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜. 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜, 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗; 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘!
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fairy-writes · 7 months
Hi! Me again, your friendly neighborhood Sean Renard lover! I was wondering if whenever you feel like writing if you would consider writing Sean being very protective over the reader and everyone is saying to him that he’s so in lover with them and he’s like “no I’m not” and then he’s like realizing that’s he’s like in love with the reader damn near devoted. Or whatever you’d like to write. I’d honestly be happy with anything you put out. But take your time, no rush needed. Just whenever you feel like it. Thank you so much!!!! Have an awesome day!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): NBC Grimm
Pairing(s): Sean Renard x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Wesen!Reader, Use of nicknames (little bird), Reader is implied to have longer hair, but it’s not explicitly stated
Notes: I hope you enjoy!
TW for violence in the latter half of the oneshot (I’ll add an extra trigger warning when that starts)
“Lieutenant Renard?” Sean looks up from his desk to see Cadet Drew Wu fidgeting with his button-down cuffs. He was nineteen and green in the gills, still exploring his options as a police cadet. But even though he hadn’t fully committed to the police academy yet, he was a hard worker. 
He’d make a good police officer.
Sean sets down his pen and clears his throat.
“What’s the matter, Wu?” The police cadet stepped aside, and Sean’s jaw almost dropped at the sight of you. It was as if you had come straight from a painting. It seemed you hadn’t changed at all. Well… not exactly. You had aged, being a handful of years younger than him.
But you were still as beautiful as the day he lost you.
After all, the last time he had seen you was when his mother took him, and they fled from the Royal family out for his blood. You were but a fledgling that hadn’t yet sprouted in your full glory.
You both stare at each other before Wu swallows awkwardly and takes his leave. Then, you take a seat at his desk and smile,
“It’s certainly been a while, Sean.” You say quietly, and he feels his heart stutter at your warm words.
It had been years since anyone other than his mother was so full of kindness for him.
He sets down his pen and leans his forearms on the desk.
“How did you find me?” He asks seriously, and you shrug 
“I have my ways. You should know this by now.” You tease, and your eyes flash a deep glowing blue for just a second. So quick, in fact, that he almost missed it. Feathers as black as pitch shuddered down your hairline before disappearing into your tresses.
Sometimes he forgot you were wesen. A Raub-Kondor, to be exact. And a brilliant one at that. You were often employed, even at a young age, by the Royal Families to track down and “take care of” certain traitors or deserters. It was how he met you in the first place. The thought of your job made him shudder,
“Are you here to get rid of me?” At this, you looked downright offended, eyes going wide and mouth dropping open ever so slightly.
“Of course not!” You hiss, and he feels his shoulders relax. He wasn’t in danger after all. You notice his palpable relief and smile that smile that makes his heart skip a beat. 
The two of you part ways with the promise of meeting up for coffee. Your number is stored safely in Sean’s phone, and you even send him a text saying, “It’s me :)” and he can’t help but smile at the little emoji. You were always lighthearted despite all the blood on your hands. 
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You shift in place, eyes scanning every face in the small coffee shop as you wait for Sean to arrive. You check your phone and scroll through the brief messages you had shared with your childhood friend. He wasn’t the best conversationalist via texting. He typically preferred a call over texts. 
“Have you been waiting long?” Comes his voice, and you jump, knee jerking up and hitting the underside of the table. Your eyes meet his, and he offers a half smile, clearly amused by your reaction.
“Not at all. I just got here a few minutes ago. I took the liberty of ordering you a coffee, black with one sugar, if I remember right?” You say, ears burning at your surprise at his arrival. He sheds his long overcoat, drapes it over the chair across from the booth you were in, and takes a seat. 
“You remember correctly. I’m surprised you remember after all this time.” 
At that, you duck your head, ears burning even more in embarrassment. 
“I try to remember everything about you.” You say quietly, so quietly that he can barely hear it. But obviously, he does because his face splits into a warm grin. 
He looks so handsome when he smiles. 
The waitress brings over your drinks and a slice of chocolate cake that you ordered. You visibly brighten at the sight of the sweet treat and nearly dig in when you remember your manners. 
“Would you like some?” You offer, noting the waitress had gone through the trouble to give you an extra fork for the occasion. Sean, sipping his coffee, shakes his head. 
“Thank you, but I’ll pass for now. I know how much you adore your sweets.” He teases and you roll your eyes, secretly happy that you get the chocolate dessert all to yourself. 
The cake is absolutely demolished in a few minutes flat, though you were careful not to get any crumbs on your clothes. Then, you start on your coffee. 
“I see you still are a sugar addict,” Sean says as you add sugar to your bitter drink. You huff but stir and take a sip of the sweetened beverage. Perfect. 
“I prefer the term sugar motivated.” You say, and he chuckles, making your breath catch, but you hide it quickly by taking another sip. 
You thought your crush on the bastard prince had died over the years. 
Clearly not. 
“So…” You start, and he looks up from his coffee, eyebrow raised. “How’s life here in Portland?” He hums, glancing around the coffee shop before answering. 
“It’s certainly different than Vienna. But enough about me… Why are you here?” He asks, suddenly serious, and you have to fight the urge to sit up straight. 
You should’ve guessed he would ask something like this. It had taken you years to track him down to the Portland area. And for what? But you knew better than to lie. 
You didn’t. 
“I missed you. As stupid as it sounds, I missed having someone to talk to. Well… that and your mother is concerned about you joining the police department. She’s worried it’ll put a target on your back.” You say, and Sean sits back in his chair, stirring his coffee absentmindedly as he mulls over your words. 
“I appreciate the concern, but I’ll be fine. I’m surrounded by good people.” He says, and you raise an eyebrow skeptically. Thankfully, Sean takes your concern seriously. He always has. 
“But what if things go wrong?” You ask, and he shrugs a shoulder. 
“If it makes you feel any better, you are more than welcome to stay here in Portland to keep an eye on me.” You smile at his words, 
“I’d like that.” 
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Despite your promises to keep out of the way, you quickly become absorbed into his little work family. As the years go on and the precinct grows, you are always a constant at his side. You attend his promotion ceremony from his previous ranks to precinct captain, and he holds your gaze the entire time as he gives his speech. 
Even as people come up and congratulate him, he finds himself only wanting your attention. He couldn’t care less about everyone else. 
He feels a smaller hand slip into his, and he looks to find you smiling up at him. He sets down his glass of champagne, still mildly embarrassed that the precinct threw this shindig for him. 
“Congratulations, Sean.” You whisper, and he hides a smile, but you still catch the twitch of his lips, and your smile widens. 
He’s about to say something, but you are both interrupted. 
“Is this your spouse?” Hank Griffin, homicide detective, and one of the most senior staff at the department. He’s followed by the newer homicide detective and his new work partner, Nick Burkhardt. Sean huffs out a dry laugh and shakes his head,
“Nothing like that. They’re a childhood friend, that’s all.” He says, and Hank nods, not entirely convinced.
Why was everyone doing that when he introduced you? Hell, even Wu didn’t seem to believe him.
Later, Sean spies you chatting with Nick as you raid the dessert table. You’re polite, and he feels his heart clench as Nick says something to make you laugh. Feathers shift down your hairline like they did whenever you half-woged, and he sees Nick’s face drop, but he hides the expression by the time you look up from your sweets. And that makes the clenched feeling in Sean’s heart twist more. 
Was he a Grimm?
He’d have to look into this more. 
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Sean, ever the gentleman, walks you to your car after the celebration of his promotion. You, feeling adventurous, slip your hand into his and swing them back and forth ever so slightly. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain. He even squeezes your hand. 
“I just wanted to say congratulations again.” You say as he opens your car door. You squeeze his hand once more, and he offers a quick quirk of his lips that you almost miss. 
“I couldn’t have done it without you, little bird.” He says and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. You feel your cheeks heat up and hide an embarrassed smile. 
He always was the cheeky one. 
Feeling a bit bold, you lean out our car window just as he leans down to presumably tell you goodbye and kiss his cheek. He freezes, eyes widening ever so slightly in shock, but he doesn’t say anything. 
He remains like that as you drive away, brushing his cheek with his fingers.
You chew on your lip as you watch him disappear in your rearview mirror. 
Hopefully, you didn’t mess things up by doing that. 
You don’t hear from Sean for several days. And it’s making you nervous. Had you overstepped your boundaries? Had you misread the signs from all your little coffee outings? 
The book in front of you failed to hold your attention as you glanced from the words on the page to the cellular device next to you. After another thirty minutes, just when you were about to give up on reading, your phone buzzed. 
Buzz… buzz buzz… buzz buzz…
The book was hastily bookmarked, and you scooped up the phone and swiped right to answer the call.
“Hello?” You said, trying to seem… well… not breathless or like you were anticipating the call. 
“Are you busy?” Sean asks, sounding ragged as if he had been working for three days straight. 
His new promotion must be wearing him down.
“I was just reading. Is everything okay?” You ask and hear a quiet hum on the other end.
“Might I invite you to dinner tonight?” Your heart skips a beat. 
Dinner… that was a step up from coffee dates. 
A big step up. 
You make a noise to let him know you hadn’t died at the suggestion (though you certainly felt like you were about to pass out).
“I suppose I might be free tonight. Let's say we eat at seven o’clock?” You tease him gently and hear him write something down. 
“I’ll pick you up.” He says, and you can’t help but smile. 
“That sounds lovely.” 
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Dinner doesn’t go as planned. 
Sean’s car rumbles as he waits for you to come out of your hotel room. He had offered to let you stay with him at his new house; he had a spare bedroom after all, but you had declined. Instead, you had told him you were a big kid and could take care of yourself. 
A shadow moved inside your hotel room on the second floor, and he looked up, a frown pulling his lips down. What was taking you so long? You hadn’t even responded to his text saying he had arrived. Should he call you? 
He pulls up your contact and is about to press the call button when you come exploding through the window in a rain of glass and chaos. 
Coincidentally, you land on the hood of his car, and his airbags deploy as you cave in the metal.
There’s someone on top of you, hands wrapped around your neck and squeezing like your life depended on it. He can see your hands going limp, and he darts from his car and draws his gun that he keeps with him at all times. 
“PORTLAND PD! DON’T MOVE!” He bellows, and the person jerks their head up to look at him, eyes wild and glowing yellow. 
A Mauvais Dentes.
The sabertoothed wesen leaped at him as he felt his face change in his woge. 
He fired. 
The man fell, his woge rippling across his skin and retracting the fangs and fur into his body until he looked like a regular man again. 
Sean ran to your side, where you lay gasping on top of his car, pulling out his phone and dialing 911 as he went. 
“911, what’s the location of your emergency?” 
“This is Captain Sean Renard of the Portland Police Department. There’s a man who’s been killed and someone else who is gravely injured.” He started and rattled off your address, begging first responders to hurry because you looked terrible. 
You had been in the middle of getting ready—a blouse stained in blood and shredded to bits, trousers, and you weren’t wearing shoes. Your throat isn’t much better. Sean can see where the Mauvais Denetes had punctured your skin, and its oozing blood at a sluggish pace. Your woge ripples under your skin and the tar-black feathers retract into your face. Your beak disappears, and when you open your eyes, they’re glassy. 
“Stay with me, little bird, stay with me.” He says as he sheds his suit coat and tears it into strips to tie around your wound to hopefully staunch the bleeding. 
“Sean?” You gurgle, and he hushes you,
“Don’t speak. An ambulance is on the way.” He says, and you nod once, closing your eyes again, and he listens to your breathing. 
It doesn’t sound good. 
He only hopes that you make it to the hospital.
Time slows. The ambulance and police arrive after what feels like hours. Blood has stained Sean’s trousers, but he doesn’t care. All that matters is you. 
The first responders load you carefully into the ambulance and stop Sean before he can get in with you. 
“I’m riding with them.” He snarled, and the two workers looked at each other before one stepped aside and allowed him to sit beside you. He holds your hand until they hook you up to get your vitals. You open your eyes again and wheeze,
“Sean?” You gasp, and he holds your grasping fingers.
“I’m here, little bird.” He whispers, and his heart is broken as he hears you whimper. 
“Don’t leave me.” You whimper, and he stands as the ambulance rumbles into motion and presses a kiss to your forehead,
“Never.” He says and knows deep in his soul that he means it. 
Because he loves you too much to let you go.
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ec1ips3 · 1 year
-;༉‧₊˚✧  𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐝𝐨 𝐢?
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⚡︎ pairing: megumi fushiguro x reader
⚡︎ summary: megumi doesn’t have crushes, he didn’t think he could have one. but he doesn’t think this feeling is normal.
⚡︎ warning: this is so fucking fluffy it’s sickening, “pretty”, “beautiful”, “gorgeous”, “stunning”, i told ya this was fluffy. 
⚡︎ word count: 4370
⚡︎ a/n: heyyyyyy guyssssss….. okay i know it’s been foreverary. i’m sorry. i got sick, had major tests, lost motivation, got sick again, still had a writer’s block, went on vacation, got sick AGAIN, and still had zero motivation. but alas, we are here. we have motivation. and we aren’t sick. I know i should’ve spent my summer writing, but i did not and school starts back up this month, so this is 1000% bad timing, but hey who cares. but yeah sorry i was away for four months. hopefully, i’m back this time. enjoy and happy reading <;33
masterlist | megumi’s masterlist | taglist
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Despite the fact that he has a lot to say, Megumi Fushiguro is quiet. Very very quiet. It isn’t that he didn’t know what to say, he does. He just doesn’t feel like talking unless he absolutely has to. And even when he does speak he’s always so calm, his voice always sounding like he was bored, even if he isn’t.
But not with you.
Of course not with you.
He always engaged in the conversation when you were there. He actually sounded like he wanted to be there too. It was obvious that he only preferred the conversations you were in. He hadn’t even noticed this until it was pointed out to him. 
“Why do you only talk when Y/n’s around?” Nobara asked him once you had finally walked away. She was one of the first people to notice it. Two weeks ago when it almost seemed like the two of you were having your own conversation, even when the both of you were with other people.
Megumi looked at her confused. “What are you talking about?”, he turns away but Nobara follows him.
“You only ever talk when they’re around”
“That’s not true”
Nobara huffs, “That is true.”
Megumi rolls his eyes, “I’m talking to you now.” He says plainly.
“Yeah, but only because you have to. You actually want to talk to Y/n”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re being weird.”
This comment offends Nobara, “I’m not being weird! You’re being weird, Fushiguro!” She crosses her arms.
“Okay Nobara,” he says unphased by her comment.
After that day he really thought about it. Was he really like that? He knew he was quiet. He just assumed he was quiet with everyone. He would’ve noticed it by now, wouldn’t he? He would’ve caught on that he talks to you more, right? Why did he talk to you more?
Once he got to that question he rolled his eyes to himself. That’s the most simple answer. It’s because you and he had more in common. Why else would he talk to you more? That is the only answer, right?
Plus it makes more sense. He spoke to you more because the both of you have more in common. Which is why he didn’t notice before. Duh, obviously. No other reason.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
He hadn’t thought about it for a while. Not after he came to his conclusion. Not his conclusion, the conclusion. It was the last thing on his mind while he was walking to his room, fidgeting with the pen in his hand. 
No, of course not he’s not thinking about how comfortable he is when talking to you. How easy it feels to talk to someone he thinks is thinking the same thing as him. Cause that’s stupid. Why would he think that? 
He drops his pen thinking about it. He curses himself before crouching down to get it. When he puts his hand out another hand brushes his. Wait, what was that? He immediately pulls away and stands up. Once he’s up he realizes the person’s hand it belonged to was you. 
You looked up at him, still crouched down, and laughed a little before picking it up. “Sorry, Megumi. I didn’t mean to scare you” you say, offering the pen back.
What was that?
That thing that happened, what was that? He couldn’t explain it.
“I didn’t get scared. Thanks.” He takes the pen from your head. But his mind is so clouded.
What was that? That feeling when your hands touched. Something weird happened.
He was used to feeling something he couldn’t quite put his finger on whenever you accidentally touched each other. Or whenever either of you were close to one another, he got used to that feeling.
But this.
This was different. What was that? It was like, his stomach did something. Something it’s never done before.
You laugh lightly at him, “You alright? You seem like you have a lot on your mind.”
That was a nice laugh he thought before he snapped out of his trance. Wait, you’re still here? “Uh, yeah. I’m alright. Just something weird happened.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Weird?”
“Yeah, weird. It’s probably nothing.”
“Are you sure? Seems like it’s bothering you.”
Megumi shakes his head, “it’s nothing. Thanks for picking up my pen”
You smile and nod as a quiet you’re welcome. You start the opposite way he was walking. “I’ll see you around, Fushiguro.”
Megumi looks back and smiles a bit, “see you around.”
You look back and give him the usual kind smile you always give him, before looking in the direction you were going. Megumi still looking at the direction you were leaving in.
“Whatcha smilin’ at?”
Megumi jumps and looks in the direction of the voice. He rolls his eyes once he sees it’s Gojo. “I’m not smiling.”
Satoru smiles, “So you weren’t just smiling at Y/n”. He points in your direction.
Megumi shakes his head no and shrugs. “Why would I be smiling?”
“You tell me,” Satoru says, walking away shortly after.
Why’s he acting weird? Scratch that, he’s always weird. Megumi shakes his thoughts and walks back to his room. Why has everything been weird lately? It’s starting to annoy him.
Once he relaxes on his bed he picks up one of the books he has lying around. While reading though, he can’t get that feeling out of his head. It wasn’t like he felt butterflies but it felt like something. He couldn’t explain. There has to be something for it. Some sort of word or phrase for it. It was like that one feeling he always felt around you was enhanced.
He hadn’t even asked himself why it happened. Why did it? There has to be a solution to this problem. Maybe it’s because he wasn’t expecting you. Yeah… that sounds right. He was too much in his thoughts, didn’t see you, and didn’t think you would be there to grab his pen. Duh.
Then why was he thinking about your laugh? To be fair, it was a cute laugh. But you always laugh cute so. How couldn’t he think of it? 
See? There are simple answers to these stupid questions he keeps asking himself. 
He’s too much in his mind, he needs to stop thinking about them. 
It’s not like he hasn’t time to think about anything anymore when the pink-haired boy bursts into his room. He groans but doesn’t object. He needs to get a few things off his mind anyway.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara were just talking to one another. Well, more like Nobara and Yuuji were talking to one another while Megumi just stood there and watched.
When Megumi glanced around, he noticed you talking to Panda and Maki. You looked pretty-- happy. Yes, pretty happy. It didn’t seem like you even noticed the rest of the students.
He hadn’t even noticed that Nobara had walked away until he saw her walking in your direction. When she had arrive you had that big smile and laughed at something she had said. Cute. 
“You’re staring again”
Megumi turned his head to face Yuji. “Staring? At who?”
“Y/n.” he smiles.
“I’m not staring at Y/n.”
“You are.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I’m not doing this with you” Megumi rolls his eyes.
“But you have to” Yuji pouts at him.
“I don’t. I wasn’t looking at Y/n.”
“Then why were you looking over there?”
“Something caught my eye.”
“You mean, Y/n.” Yuji smiles, he knew he wasn’t wrong. But he knew Megumi would just deny it.
Megumi huffs “No, I mean something.”
“Well whether it was something or a special someone. Y/n’s looking at you.”
“They are?” Megumi looks up immediately. Yuji was right, you were looking at him.
Once both of you shared eye contact, you smiled a bit more but didn’t steer away. There goes that feeling again. You seem to giggle a bit before pointing down. He raises an eyebrow and looks down next to him. Yuji just looked at him with a big smile. Megumi rolls his eyes and turns back to you, but you weren’t looking anymore.
“Did you see that? They only looked away when you did. Bet that made butterflies in your stomach. Oh! Even better, it feel like your stomach was doing flips.”
That was it. His stomach felt like it was doing flips. That-- that’s perfect to call it. That’s what it’s been feeling like recently.
Meumi rolls his eyes, “shut up.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
You and Megumi were sitting on some steps alone. It’s been a long time since the two of you have been together, just the two of you. So, he’s feeling a bit nervous, even when he’s not showing it.
Megumi had brought up a topic that he knew you really liked. A topic you knew a lot about.
And that’s when you went off. Like a complete switch from being so calm and comfortable. To be so excited to be talking about this topic and quick because there’s so much to talk about. 
He kinda found it cute. 
It was cute.
You were just rambling about something you really really liked. He didn’t dream of interrupting you, he didn’t want to. He just wanted to watch talk passionately about something you cared deeply out.
“Right?” You say, sounding out of breath.
“Yeah, yeah. Right. I agree.” Megumi had no idea what he was agreeing to.
You laugh lightly at him. “You didn’t hear a word I said.”
“No, I did.” He lied, he was too busy admiring you to hear.
“You’re such a liar” You laugh. “I could’ve said anything and you would’ve just agreed to it.”
Megumi smiles at you, “Okay maybe I wasn’t listening to everything. You were just talking too fast, I couldn’t keep up. I’m sorry.”
You smile back at him, “It’s okay, I was speaking really fast”. He can’t believe you bought that. You look at your wrist and huff. “Great, I don’t have a hair tie.”
“Oh, I have one.” 
Megumi takes one off of his wrist and hands it to you. You just stare at him like he’s insane.
“Why do you have a hair tie?”
Megumi shrugs, he knows why he has a hair tie. “I don’t know. Just had one on my wrist”
You take the hair tie from him and start putting your hair up. “Is this the one I told you to hold for me like two weeks ago?”
You smile softly at him, “You sure?”
“Yeah, why would I hold a hair tie for you from two weeks ago? That’s like, I really long time to have one. Especially since I don’t use one.”
You giggle at him, “Oh really? That’s a shame. I was just about to talk about how cute you would’ve been if you did keep it on you.”
Megumi’s face feels hot. Why does it feel hot? It only ever feels hot when it’s hot outside. It isn’t hot outside. Why does it feel hot? 
“Okay, maybe I did keep it on me just in case you or anyone else needed it. It’s a decent thing to do. It doesn’t-- it doesn’t mean anything” He says, his face feeling even hotter.
You giggle at him and smile as you look at him. “Are you blushing?”
He hears you giggle again, oh now those are butterflies in his stomach. “I’m not blushing.” He insists.
“You’re totally blushing”
“Am not. Why would I be blushing?”
“Because I indirectly called you cute”
Oh, now his face is even hotter. What is going on? Why is it doing that? Stop that.
“So? That doesn’t mean I’m blushing.”
“But it means it’s making you blush.”
Megumi rolls his eyes, and you laugh at him. 
“I’ve never seen you blush before.” You tell him, a light laugh still in your voice.
“That’s because I never blush” he grumbles.
You smile softly at him, “Sure. Well, the ‘not-blush’ on your face looks really handsome on you.”
“Y/n!” A new voice is heard. When the both of you look over you see Maki waving you over. You look back to Megumi and smile again, rising from the stairs. “I’ll see you later Megumi,” you say before walking away.
What did you just say? You just say that and then walk away? That’s not fair. You can’t do that. Now he’s blushing more. This-- this isn’t fair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
Megumi’s in his room, reading now. But you literally called him cute and handsome. In a span of 5 minutes. On the same day.
And you didn’t even seem phased by it. Like you said it was so causally and like it was normal. 
How was he not gonna blush? It was cute.
He puts his book down. Now that he thinks about it. From everything he’s read, heard, or seen. Is he, crushing on you?
Cause if he was he would like… know, right?
Like he would know he has a crush on you. That’s like the whole point. He’s supposed to know he has a crush on you. 
Then why doesn’t he?
Well, there’s a simple explanation, he doesn’t really crush on people. He doesn’t pay people mind that much to actually have a crush on them. It isn’t his thing.
Maybe, it’s his thing now. Could it be? With everything happening. Talking more around you, his stomach flipping when you’ve touched, liking the sound of your laugh, smiling at you, staring at you, admiring the way you ramble about something you’re interested in, having a hair tie for you, and now blushing around you.
Could he have a crush on you…?
Megumi shakes his head and the thoughts away. There’s no way. No. He’s just, going through a phase, it’ll go away.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。・ ───
It didn’t.
If anything it got worse. Megumi’s now paying attention to the little things. The little things he’s starting to enjoy more and more. Like the way, you run your fingers through your hair. Or the way you scrunch your nose when you smile sometimes. Or the way you fidget with your necklace when he compliments you. Or the way you look away before you try not to laugh at something.
But this doesn’t mean he likes you. Nah.
This just means he finds you… interesting?
Yes! That’s it.
He finds you interesting, that’s all. 
“Oh look! I think this fits here” You say, putting a puzzle piece in. Looking at him and smiling.
“You’ve always been better at this than me” 
You laugh a little at his comment. The two of you are used to doing puzzles together. Granted, you only do it when you’re bored out of your mind. But either way, both you and Megumi actually kinda like this activity. The quiet music in the back just adds to the comfortable atmosphere.
But when you both started doing puzzles, you insisted on making it a challenge to see who can put the most pieces on the board. The both of you did the edges together, that was the safety round. But once the edge was done everything was fair game.
You actually started to get quite good at doing puzzles too. You were winning more of the challenges than Megumi was. He would always get you some sort of snack after as well because you won. Even when you rejected it, he always got you a prize. Even when you did win, he obviously didn’t mind. Seeing you happy and smiling at the expense of his failure sat well with him. 
There were times when Megumi would put the most pieces down and win. But he would still always get you the small snack prize. Using the excuse of “you tried your best” to give it to you.
“That’s not true. You’re good at this” You reply to him with your usual soft smile. God, that smile.
Megumi just shrugged. “Maybe I’m good but that doesn’t mean you’re still not better at solving puzzles than I am.”
You don’t want to admit it to him but you are a little better than him. Just a little. You’ve convinced yourself at this point that he just lets you win. It just seems like he’s always wasting time not trying to put the pieces together but getting distracted by looking at something. And Megumi rarely gets distracted. So that just means he lets you win. 
“That’s cause you don’t try hard enough,” You say, turning back to the puzzles.
“I try plenty enough”
“If you did, maybe you’d win more” You laugh a little at his expense. 
Megumi rolled his eyes with a small smile on his lips. You weren’t wrong. He never tried too much when doing puzzles with you. He doesn’t mean to. It just so happens he gets preoccupied with looking at you.
He can’t help it. I mean, look at you. Seeing you concentrate on something like a puzzle is a cute sight. Watching the gears in your head turn to try to solve something is nice. 
He’s starting to get what Yuji meant about him staring at you. He does like to look or stare at you. But like he’s convinced himself, he can’t help it. There isn’t a real possible answer.
Now that you’re next to him. He’s really thinking about the idea of liking you.
It can’t be. He would have to know. Everyone knows when they like someone. That’s what people like the most about crushing on someone.
That would explain why he’s currently feeling all tingly or his stomach doing that weird thing. 
He doesn’t like you, does he? He would know.
It isn’t an impossible idea. I mean you’re- unbelievable. Looks and personality-wise. You’re beautiful, gorgeous even. You’re stunning. Plus you’re so easy to talk to. Like, he feels the most comfortable talking to you. It’d be easy for anyone to crush on you. He’s certain there are other people out there that are crushing on you. Other people out there that are would be more than lucky to be around you. Other people that want to be close to you.
He’s happy that he gets to the one close to you. Thankful that you choose him to be around. And although he’s a little shy about the idea, he’s excited to have a crush on-
Hold on a second.
He couldn’t. That-- no. No way. Is he serious?
“I don’t like you, do I?”
“Excuse me?”
His eyes widen. Did he just say that out loud? That wasn’t meant to be said out loud. Wait you look angry. Oh my god did you think--
“Oh no no no no. Not like-- No I do like you. I just--”
“Are you sure? It seemed like you had to think about it.” You crossed your arms. Oh no. You didn’t believe him.
“No, I swear! I love being around you. I promise you. I do like you.”
“Then how come you had to question it?”
“No, I wasn’t--” he sighs. “I wasn’t questioning it like that. I was questioning it, in a different… Way”
You pause, now your thoughts are racing. A good different or a bad different? “What… kind of way?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously. He couldn’t lie to you. He’s lied to you enough about little things. He can’t do that now. “Romantically?” he says, sounding more like a question.
There’s a pause in the room. A long pause. He thinks he blew it. He knows he blew it. You’re never gonna talk to him again.
“Romantically?” You ask quietly.
This is the end. This is the end of everything. Of the puzzle days. The hanging out together. The having a hair tie on his wrist. The blushing, stomach flipping, butterflies. All of those days. Gone. 
“Hey, look this piece goes here” Megumi trails off the topic, putting a piece on the puzzle. It fits perfectly.
You shake your head and gently take his hand and from the possible. “No, we’re talking about this. Now.” 
Megumi sighs and turns to you. He doesn’t want to ruin this. He would prefer if you brushed past it and acted like it never happened.
“What do you mean romantically, Megumi?”
He really didn’t want to do this. He’s never had to do this. “I’m trying to figure out if I like you or if I like like you.”
There goes that pause again. This silence is so loud. It’s deafening. Megumi’s body feels cold from how worried he is. “You’re trying to figure out if you have a crush on”
Megumi just nods in response. He doesn’t trust his voice to try not to sound too desperate. He looks down at the floor from the seat he’s in. he’s contemplating if he should just leave. Never leave his room again and just rot in his own embarrassment.
Then he hears your small quiet laughter. His head picks up. Great, now you’re laughing at him! Maybe you’re just laughing at how funny this situation is. You wouldn’t laugh at him… would you?
“Are you laughing at me?” He asks.
You continue to laugh and nod. 
Oh… that’s awesome. Wow, that’s so cool. Yeah, he’s gonna rot in his embarrassment now.
“I am laughing at you, but not for the way you think.”
Not for the way he thinks? He raises an eyebrow, confused.
“Megumi, I’ve been showing you I like you for months now. And you’re just here, in your head. Trying to figure out if you have a crush on me.” You laugh again. “It’s a bit funny.”
Wait… did he hear that properly? 
Megumi… showing… like you…. Months… head… figure out… crush--
He did hear it correctly!
“What do you mean you’ve been showing me you like me for months?”
You laugh. “You’re kidding. You haven’t noticed?” Megumi shook his head no in response. “Everyone has noticed. It was painfully obvious.”
“It was not.”
“It was.”
Megumi huffs. “No way it was obvious. That doesn’t make any sense. I would’ve noticed.”
“You were too busy in your thoughts. Maybe because you were trying to figure out if you like me or not” You laugh.
Megumi was silent. He didn’t know what to say. Was he too distracted with figuring out his own feelings to even realize how out and open you were with yours?  
“But let’s not talk about that, yet. Let’s talk about if you’ve figured out if you like me or not.”
“I haven’t. Not yet anyway. I’ve never really had crushes. This is all new to me.”
You smile softly at him, “That’s fine. We can figure it out together.”
“What if I don’t like you?” He didn’t even want to think of that outcome.
You sigh and run your fingers through your hair. “I’ll get over it and we’ll act like this never happened.”
Megumi smiled and nodded, “Alright. How do we find out?”
“Well, firstly. You have to be 100% honest.”
“Honest, got it.”
You smile, “Alright so. With you, I get butterflies in my stomach whenever you look me in the eye.”
“Like this?” He smiled.
You giggled and nodded, “Yeah exactly like that. Or I get super nervous when our arms touch.”
“You don’t seem to get nervous.”
“I’m a good actress.” You smile. “I also sometimes go out of my way to see you. Like I actually want to be around you.” 
Megumi blushes lightly but nods, “So what does all of that mean?”
“Those are a few signs that prove I have a crush on you or like you. So now you tell me how you feel, and we’ll figure it all out from there.”
Megumi nods and takes a deep breath. “Well… my stomach does this uh-- thing where it feels really weird. Like it flipped” he says sheepishly.
You giggle but nod, “That’s good. Anything else?”
He nods again. “Yeah, you know when you said you want to be around me? I feel the same way. I really want to be around you. Like a lot. And also, I think you’re really pretty. And cute. I like the way you laugh and smile as well. It’s really-- uhm. It’s really nice”
You and he match blushes. But Megumi doesn’t stop. “Yeah and like, sometimes I plan my conversations with you. Only sometimes though. Just because I don’t want to say the wrong things around you. I really like spending time and talking to you because I think I feel the most comfortable with you. Like it’s so easy to talk to you, it’s crazy. And you always make spending time with you a good time so. It’s no surprise why anyone wouldn’t want to hang out with you.”
“Yeah, you’re easy to talk to too.” You giggle.
Megumi sighs shortly, “Like that. That laugh you just did. I really like it. Or when you’re talking to anyone, you always sound like you know what you’re talking about. It’s nice to hear. Or when someone’s talking to you and you’re listening to them. You have this look that’s just. Captivating.”
There’s a long pause. You don’t need to say anything. You just smile at him, letting him process. He knew.
“So, I think I do like you.”
You laugh at him and nod. “Yeah, I think so too.”
Megumi blushes brightly, “Now what do we do?”
“Now we plan something. A date. How about Saturday, we go to the arcade. Together, obviously.” You give him a kind smile.
Is this really happening?
“Saturday. Yeah, that sounds-- cool.”
Is he actually going on a date with you on Saturday? And doing it so casually.
You smile, “Perfect.” You turn back to the puzzle. “Now, let me show you how much better I am than you are at completing puzzles.”
You pick a piece and place it to the piece he placed down not too long ago. The pieces fit perfectly together.
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aaaaaaa! how cute was this?
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geekyarmorel · 2 years
RE8 Characters quirks and habits
Had a habit of checking her reflection and making sure everything was still in the perfect place whenever she found something reflective.
Sometimes it only took her a split second to deem herself fine and sometimes it took longer.
It annoyed her if she couldn't find a mirror or something soon after she dealt with a maid or hunter.
So you took to carrying around a custom made compact for her.
The first time you presented it to her, she blushed just a little embarrassed. She worried you thought her vain but you honestly didn't mind.
Now she accepted this little habit that you started for her, occasionally asking for the compact when she feels she needs to check.
She thinks it's thoughtful of you to pay attention to this little detail of her. And is never short on thanking you for it.
Had a habit of picking at the skin around her nails when she was nervous.
Sometimes she would pick so much she would pick a sore open.
To help her combat this you made sure to carry a small thing of lotion so that the moisturized skin would be harder to pick at.
Then you started carrying small little fidget items around, offering her different ones until she settled on which one was perfect.
She wore two different ring fidgets that you had gotten her. One had a section that she could spin and the other turned into a a puzzle of seven rings when removed from a finger.
Donna loved these and was sure to show you her thanks everyday.
The man had a habit of chewing on things when bored or stressed.
Sometimes it was his nails, sometimes it was his hair, sometimes it was the end of a pen. Really nothing was off the list when came to his chewing.
You thought and researched things that could help, but your search wasn't conclusive. So you aimed for at least finding something that would be better for him to chew on.
You're answer to that question came from the Duke. You had asked to find something that perhaps would be suitable for Heisenberg and he nodded and said he'd look for something.
That something ended up being a dog tag looking necklace that was made out of some type of rubber called silicone.
You paid him and took it with you back to the factory.
At first Heisenberg just looked at it and dismissed it. But at your insistence he plopped one end into his mouth and started chewing on it.
Turns out he loved it, it was just the right texture and helped tremendously with him not chewing on other things.
You got multiple different chews from the Duke after that. Different shapes and colors that ended up being spread around the factory.
The only time he didn't use one was when he was at a meeting or showing up somewhere as a Lord.
You though would end up carrying one in your pocket for after the meeting for him.
She was very concerned with keeping her imagine as an unobtainable goddess so she meticulously groomed herself.
That included preening her own feathers to make sure nothing was out of place.
Of course this took a while and made her grumble, especially when it came to the feathers out of her reach and pin feathers.
You were watching her one day, struggling to reach certain places when you got up and went over to her. With her watching you began to help preen her feathers. She never said anything and went back to preening the feathers she could reach.
After that she let you continue help her with her wings.
The pin feathers came off easier after a shower, so being the efficient woman she is Miranda took you in with her. Of course there were other benefits to that as well.
Sometimes she would just plop down on the bed and fling her wing over to you. You didn't mind, fixing her feathers it made you feel happy to help her in any way possible.
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multimilfs · 2 years
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader: One, Two, Three Strikes 
Summary: "You're the only one who gets to call me that, you know."
A/N: Prompts found here!
This... got a little out of hand. I wanted to include the throwaway line from this last episode where Jacob mentioned Melissa getting pissed about the bartender at the batting cages cutting her off. I felt that wasn't appreciated enough! I also ended up doing some research on places in Philly so I could give names of real places.
So Phield House and JinWei are real places. However, I altered Phield House to fit what I needed from it. I couldn't find any actual batting cages in South Philly to use, just baseball fields. This was the closest I could find. Anyway... little ramble over. Please enjoy!!!!
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix @escapetodreamworld @greenawaysprentiss
Warning(s): None
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“Hey Melissa, what’s the address for the batting cages?” 
Janine pops her head into Melissa’s class during quiet time, doing a very bad job of whispering her question. The redhead rolls her eyes as all of her students look up. Awkwardly, Janine smiles and waves. 
“It’s Phield House, near Chinatown,” Melissa says. When Janine only stares back blankly, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, “Near the Vine Street Target?” 
Her eyes light up with recognition and Melissa wants to sigh again. No matter how long they’d been in the city, these kids would never know how to traverse it. Just last week she’d had to break down the way to City Hall to Jacob. City Hall! And didn’t they have Google like everyone else? She’d never understand why they couldn’t do a search, but hey, she was happy to help. 
“I know where that is!” Janine says eagerly, “Thanks, Mel!” 
Melissa’s neck snapped as she glared, jaw clenched and lips pursed as she narrowed her eyes. The younger teacher jumped slightly and held her hands up, “I mean–Melissa, thanks Melissa.” 
Turning and rushing from the classroom, Melissa didn’t relax until she was well out of her sights. 
When grading papers, Melissa has a tendency to grumble under her breath. The habit goes unnoticed by her and usually it's soft enough that it doesn’t disrupt lunch. Today, though, she’s practically growling as she marks with her red pen; damn Ashley for distracting her class, these quizzes are atrocious. 
Jacob pulling up a chair and flipping it so he can sit backwards is the last thing she wants or needs, but it happens anyway. He folds his arms on the back of it and she can see him smiling in her peripheral vision. 
“Melissa,” Jacob says, extending the end of her name, “Mel, what’s up?” 
She pauses to put her pen down, taking off her glasses and folding them. 
Her voice is calm, “What did you call me?” 
But her eyes are hard and dangerous. Jacob’s own widen and he stutters, scrambling for some kind of explanation, assuring her that he didn’t mean anything by it and he wasn’t meaning to hit a nerve. When her stare doesn’t change, he stands abruptly and trips over the chair, stumbling back to his own table. Melissa isn’t satisfied until he’s sitting and avoiding her eyes at all costs. 
“You gave that boy a heart attack.” Barbara says, shaking her head. 
“Nothing, Melissa, nothing.” 
Gregory looks awful—like he’s seen some shit he can’t unsee. He’s staring at the wall when Melissa happens to pass by and glance in. The room is empty and he should be grading the newest round of quizzes before meeting everyone at the batting cages, but he’s staring blankly at the wall instead. 
His trance is broken when Melissa steps into the doorway. The young teacher can’t bring himself to straighten his posture or his clothing, his tie hanging loosely around his neck. 
“Sup, Mel.” 
“Try again.” 
The intense look on her face and her arms folded over her chest finally make him sit up. He nervously straightens his tie, hands fidgeting. 
“I mean Melissa–uh, Schemmenti–Ms. Schemmenti. Hello.” 
She’s silent, staring him down. Then she nods. Backing out of the room and continuing on her way, it isn’t until he can no longer hear her heels that he lets out the breath he was holding. 
The Abbott crew is surprised at how busy the Phield House is when they walk in. It’s a Thursday, why on earth are so many people out this late? They weave their way around the basketball courts to meet Melissa who is leaning against one of the batting cages, drink in hand.
“Glad you all made it,” She nods, “Anyone been here before? Just me? Alright well, choose a bat that works for you and we’ll set up the speeds on the machines, I reserved two cages.” 
Some of them start at the bar, but it doesn’t bother her too much. They’ve got plenty of time. The next day is a holiday so they all have an extra day off, meaning it won’t hurt them to stay out late. Melissa can feel herself yawning anyway. Damn school nights. 
Janine and Gregory are picking out their bats, Janine giggling over some comment that she can’t hear, but the way Gregory looks at her is like a scream in the face; it’s a soft, fond smile she’d know anywhere. She wonders when he’ll work up the courage to ask Janine out. They’d be good for one another. 
Jacob has sauntered over to the bar and ordered himself a large, neon-colored drink with an umbrella. He’s leaning against the bar while Ashley loudly flirts with the bartender; a young guy with big biceps that must be new. When he slides her drink across the bar—also large and neon—Ashley tactlessly puts her hand over the bartender’s when she takes it. The action makes Melissa cringe. 
Caught up in a date with her Husband, Barbara is notably absent. Melissa can’t help but miss her best friend. She was the only one from work who’d come with her before and they had a pretty good system to keep things fun; whoever missed the most baseballs bought the next round. Melissa was usually pretty good and tipsy by the end of it and they’d call Gerald to drive them home. 
When the doors to her right fly open and she catches the scent of familiar perfume, Melissa looks up to see you in the door, looking around, clothing and hair haphazard. You smile when you catch sight of her and rush over, “Mel!” 
Everyone’s heads snap to look at you, fear freezing them in place, but you remain oblivious. Melissa’s face is soft. 
“Hi, honey,” Melissa greets you, taking your hand as soon as it's offered and placing a quick kiss on the back of it, “Nice to see you showing up on time.” 
“Don’t start, alright? The parking situation here is awful.” 
“Maybe it would have been better if you arrived on time.”
“If tardiness bothers you so much, you could have picked me up. Listening to your road-rage is one of the seven wonders of my world.” 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s the first?” She raises an eyebrow, sipping her drink.
“Don’t fish for compliments, Schemmenti,” You laugh, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, “Now, introduce me to your coworkers so we can crush them?” 
Melissa has always been open and proud of her love for both men and women, but showing affection—or being shown affection—around her coworkers makes her blush. She’s got a reputation to uphold. Blaming the blush on her drink, she introduces you to everyone while dodging every knowing glance from Janine and Jacob. 
A round of baseballs is under your belt and a few drinks in your system when Melissa catches the glint in your eyes. The two of you have just crushed Jacob and Ashley; the pair missed nearly every baseball—Jacob flinching from every one and Ashley insisting she’d been a dancer, not a baller. 
She’s wary of the look in your eyes. It’s too similar to the one her brother gets when he approaches her about money, insisting this will be the time the Jets win. She’s started to tell her brother to piss off, but she hasn’t worked up the ability to say so to you. 
“Behave.” Melissa murmurs as you pass. Your smile tells her you’re going to do the exact opposite. 
“I have a proposition,” You say, making sure everyone is paying attention, “Losers next round pay for drinks.” 
There’s a murmur of excited agreement and one ear-splitting cheer from Ashley. Melissa just sighs. She wishes absently that Barb was here to help manage everyone, but knows with a few drinks in her system that the woman is just as bad. 
“Prepare to be well and sufficiently liquored up, gorgeous.” You smile and hand her the bat she chose, stealing a kiss. 
“Like I’m not already?” 
“Liquored up for free, then.” 
Melissa purrs, “Now that is more my speed.” 
Your knees go weak when she takes the bat from your hands and tips back the remainder of her drink. It’s sexy watching Melissa do something physical; the way her hands flex around the grip and she swings with precision like she’s sober. Watching her drop and swing the bat between balls makes your mouth water. It’s almost as good as the time she delivered a right hook to a guy who was a little too eager to get in your space. 
She’s such a dreamboat. 
When Janine and Gregory start swinging, you’re a little nervous about your wager. The pair is good. Janine’s a little off, the alcohol in her system helping little, but Gregory is like a machine. His form is mechanical and stilted but he hits accurately every time. 
Melissa has started to notice too. Her grip is white-knuckled and her body impossibly tense. Your stomach twists. Losing honorably is not a trait Schemmenti’s have and when she misses a swing, you can feel this going downhill very quickly. You step up to the chainlink separating the two of you. 
“It’s just a friendly wager, honey,” You say, “If we lose I’ll pay for your drinks anyway.” 
She glares, “We are not going to lose.” 
And so it goes on. Melissa hits and so does Gregory, both snapping the balls back like a missile. You hit and Janine misses. Gregory hits and Melissa gets a little too angry, missing by barely an inch. On… and on… and on. You want to bite your nails. 
It comes down to the last hit when Jacob tells you this will decide the round. If either misses, it’ll go to the opposing team. Melissa squares her shoulders and Gregory fixes his feet. Both are gearing up to swing. 
You remain silent, not bearing to disrupt the redhead’s focus, no matter how badly you want to tell her it’s just a game. Damn your moment of cockiness. 
“You got this, Gregory!” Janine cheers right as the ball launches. 
Melissa swings. Gregory does too. 
Melissa makes contact. Gregory misses. 
A cheer goes up around you. So focused on the pair, you failed to realize that a crowd had formed to watch. Melissa doesn’t acknowledge them when she steps out of the cage and hangs up the bat. Her eyes are set on you. When she’s close enough, she fists two hands in your shirt and yanks you into a mind-numbing kiss. 
God, you love it when she wins. 
She’s a confident woman on any given day, but winning gives her an extra boost. The smile on her face gets impossibly smug and she holds herself like she’s infallible and she kisses like there will never be another opportunity. 
“Well done.” You whisper, feeling her shiver. 
Melissa drags you to the bar and orders—the cheapest drink she can get, you notice with a knowing smile—but the mood dissolves when the bartender denies her. She’s been cut off, he says. If it weren’t for your hold on her arm, she’d be pulling it back to throw a punch. 
Everyone at the bar seems to freeze when he says it. This is Melissa Schemmenti he’s talking to, not just any broad in Philly. A Schemmenti. You try to explain this, putting yourself between Melissa and the young bartender, but he just waves you off in a way that makes your blood boil. You ache to let her at him. The usual bartender—Vinny—would never dare to cut her off, especially not when she was barely tipsy like this. 
“I don’t know who you think you are,” Melissa says, “but you have no idea who you’re dealing with!” 
“Ma’am either you walk away peacefully or I have to call security.” 
“Security?! Who the fu—” 
You can see in your mind exactly how this is going to go. Putting your back to the bartender, you wrap your arms around her neck, moving her away from the bar. It’s enough to make her pause. 
“Mel, gorgeous,” You whisper sweetly, “He’s not worth it. We can go to Ricky’s and get takeout from Jinwei after, alright? Don’t let some dumb kid undercut your win.”
Melissa doesn’t say anything. She stares you down, almost glaring, but you’re unphased. You pull her into a secluded area and run your fingers through her curls until her muscles relax. Leaning forward, a quick kiss turns her to putty in your hands. 
It takes a few moments before she says anything. She takes a second to look you over and appreciate the view, wrapping her arms around your waist. 
“You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” Melissa says, surprising you. 
“Call you what?”
You can’t help the sweet smile that spreads across your face, “Softie.” 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
“Mm. Name the time and place.” 
Melissa rolls her eyes, but looks at you in the way you know and love. She is a softie on the inside though she may try to hide it. You love every bit of her and can’t help but feel touched at the information she’s shared with you. 
You can’t help but kiss her again and she accepts it eagerly. Before it can get too intense, though, she pulls back. 
“You said something about Jinwei?” She grins. 
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yolothh · 10 months
When they were little, Leonardo hated that sometimes he couldn't go talk to Donnie - Raph and Dad used to say that D was really tired from all the playing and needed some rest. For what reason, little Leonardo's head could not comprehend.
He would go in D's room and see what he was up to, without saying a word as he promised his older brother. For a short while he would just observe his twin sitting on his bed with headphones on, watching his favorite show and playing with some random things in his hands (zippers, stress balls, slimes or his cool fidget spinner).
So one day Leo had an amazing idea. It was probably around his and his twin's 7th birthday, he had gathered a lot of "toys" for Donnie, and in his favourite color too: a purple zipper, a skateboard's wheel, a clicky pen, a switch and a couple other things.
Then he asked Mikey to help him make a board of some kind, a very purpley one with all of Donnie's favourite Pokémons on it.
When their birthday came around, Leonardo was so proud to gift his brother with all of his favourite things in the world, so proud to show what he made to him that he was overjoyed when Donnie hugged him, unable to contain his happiness.
Donatello still uses the board to this day. It's almost completely ruined and he has to constantly stick some parts back on, the fidget spinner on it not spinning anymore while the drawings are slowly fading away.
But he cannot ask Leo to make him another one now, to draw on it again, to put a new toy on it. He can just hope that the board is going to stick with him longer.
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Could you do a MK1 Scorpion Kuai Liang regressor moodboard and headcanons please? If not, that's okay!!
Sure thing! I hope everything looks okay and you enjoy! C: Thank you for the request! :D
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Age Regressor Scorpion/Kuai Liang moodboard and headcanons for anon! ^0^
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🏵Would definitely have an littlespace to-do list, full of reminders to brush teeth, bathe, eat, etc. To make sure this little one is happy and healthy! :3
🍯Might journal all his hard feelings out, to help himself ease into that littlespace mindset, using the journal like a venting exercise, a healthy coping mechanism.
🧸Smoke would watch over Kuai Liang, either as a big brother regressor or Caregiver.
🏵Smoke is almost always sharing plushies with Kuai Liang, it makes both of them extremely happy to share with one another, showing their trust with the other.
🍯Coloring/writing 'thank you' notes or handing out thoughtful hand-drawn pictures to each of his friends, very creative little one!
🧸Always found messing with something to keep his mind busy, whether that be a fidget, plushie, pen and paper, or toy!
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🌻Moodboard made with Picsart! ☆
🌼Click moodboard for better quality! :)
🏵Requests: CLOSED!
▶Dividers by: @saradika
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
outsiders // colin and penelope (pt 2)
A/N: part one was surprisingly really easy to write, fun fact. i did it all in one sitting which has almost never happened before. and this part took a bit longer, but i got it altogether in the end. this is the carriage scene, aka the best scene ever, with just a bit of vampire!colin thrown it to make it even sexier lol lmk what you think and i hope you enjoy it ! thank you for all the love on part one, both on here, ao3, and wattpad :)
also i plan to make a sequel and prequel
prompt: Colin is trying to deal with the fact that he is not only in love with his best friend, but that he is incredibly lost as to who he is as a person. It also doesn't help that he's a monster; a vampire. Pen just wants her freedom, her ability to be Whistledown without anymore people finding out. And in her mind, Debling is the solution to her problem. But one fateful night brings Penelope and Colin together in ways they never imagined.
trigger warning: SMUT, it's the carriage scene yall, jealous!colin, protective!colin, AU!vampire, formal english, angst, idiots to lovers, mentions of blood/blood drinking, colin "my wife" bridgerton is in the house, happy ending
word count: 3625
The silence was eating at him. Neither of them had said a word in over a minute, but it had felt like an eternity had passed. Colin cleared his throat, finally speaking. "So... you have been Whistledown all this time?"
She nodded, avoiding his gaze still. "Yes."
"Why, on God's green Earth, would you think this was a good idea? What were you thinking?" He demanded, his voice low.
"I beg your pardon?" She caught his eyes, furrowing her brow.
"Do you know how many people in the Ton you have upset over the seasons? How long did you think you could get away with this, Penelope?" He asked, his voice almost shaking with frustration.
"I am very well aware of what I have done, Colin. I was hiding quite well, all things considered," her mind moved to El, wincing at the thought. "Until tonight."
"This could ruin you. You have already spoken of having little to no prospects; Whistledown shall not help you on that front. Imagine when..." Colin blinked hard, his jaw tensing, "He finds out."
"He?" She repeated.
"Debling." He grimaced. 
"He cares very little about Whistledown," she commented. "Not only that, but he plans to be gone for three years. And that is too far ahead in the future to know what I would do with Whistledown."
Colin swallowed hard, "So, you've already accepted his proposal?"
She stared at him, puzzled, "How did you-?"
"You are not the only one who listens to gossip." He sassed.
She held back an eye roll, fumbling over her words. "He... asked me. Well, sort of asked me about asking my mother for permission. He plans to do it soon."
"How soon?" He inquired.
"Tomorrow morning." Pen stated plainly.
"T-Tomorrow?" He scoffed, "That's rather quick."
"We have been courting for a couple weeks. It makes sense." She mumbled.
Colin couldn't help himself from asking, "Do you love him?"
She shook her head instantly, "No. But I think with time I could."
He stared at the floor of the carriage, fidgeting his hands in his lap, "Does he love you?
"I... do not know." She answered.
He narrowed his eyes, appalled, "You will consent to a marriage with a gentleman for whom you hold no affection, and who will be absent from you for years... solely because of Whistledown?"
She glared back, "That is not the only reason I would marry Debling."
"Is she really worth all of this? Why would you bring such terrible luck upon yourself by being her?" Colin questioned, leaning forward.
"Do not speak of her like she is someone else," Pen snapped. "I am Lady Whistledown."
"My apologies, it is just a little hard for me to accept that as fact." He sat back in his seat, crossing his arms. "How could you write such things about my family?"
Her anger melted away, her eyes watering. "I thought I was doing the right thing."
"By divulging Eloise’s affairs? Or by speaking ill of me? And what of Lady Crane?" Colin retorted.
"I did not know what else to do. When I started Whistledown, I did not realize how much power I would hold. I did not think everyone in Mayfair would care about what I had to say. It turned into something unexpected. And I should have been wiser, yes." She wanted to reach out unexpectedly, to grab his hand; but she stopped herself, "But I never ever meant to hurt you or El."
"Is that why she hasn't spoken to you since last season?" He queried.
Pen swallowed hard, glancing out the window of the carriage. They really were taking the long way home.
He exhaled, rolling his eyes. "God, how long has she known?"
"Since my mama's ball." She blinked.
"And you still continued to write Whistledown, even after losing her?" He remarked.
She choked out her response, "Whistledown is truly all I had left, Colin."
"That is simply not true. I have always been here for you." He argued.
Her mouth fell open, her eyes burning into him. "You spoke disparagingly of me to your acquaintances, and then departed for the entirety of the summer. I thought I had nothing left. And then when you returned..."
"What?" He uttered.
"You returned as someone you're not." Her lips fell into a tight line.
He tensed his jaw, lowering his gaze, "Is that your line of thinking or Whistledown's?"
"We are one in the same in that regard. I think you are hiding who you really are because you are hurt. You returned as someone you have never been, not in all the years I've known you. You came back... stoic, acting arrogant and above it all, caring for very little. And you did all of this, for what? To make life easier for yourself?" She caught his eyes, "Well, has it?"
Colin's hands clenched against his legs, his eyes falling to the floor of the carriage once more.
"I did not think so." She whispered.
"You should have told me you were Whistledown," he rebutted. "Why did you do all of this instead of just talking to me?"
"There are many things I was misguided about," Pen frowned. "But how often did I come to you, trying to tell you what was happening, only for you to not listen?"
He shook his head, "You ruined Lady Crane. You should have just told me of her scheme."
"Would you have believed me?" She paused, the silence taking the air out of him. "You were in love with her, Colin. I did not want to see you hurt. Not only that, she could have easily painted me to be jealous or a little girl making up stories because her crush was marrying someone else."
His mouth twitched, a smile almost appearing. "Her what?"
Pen changed the subject quickly, her face flushing, "When were you going to tell me you're a vampire?"
He sighed deeply, "For a moment there, I forgot I was one. I felt normal. Thank you for reminding me."
"You have never been normal, Colin. That is why we get along so well. Because neither am I." She jested.
Colin half-heartedly smiled, "The outsiders."
Her body relaxed, the tension easing for a moment. "Precisely."
"You know, for finding out monsters exist, you are surprisingly calm." He mentioned.
Pen's lips pursed, shifting her gaze away from Colin. She cursed herself internally, unable to keep her heart from speeding up from his stare.
He cocked his head, studying her, "...You knew."
Her eyes widened, "What?"
"You knew," he repeated. "That is why you are not scared of me."
"I have no idea what you are referring to." She laughed nervously.
He sat back against his seat, taking her in. "Which one of my siblings told you?"
She squirmed in her seat, breathing deeply, "...Eloise."
"You cannot be serious. El has been aware you are Whistledown, and you have known of our vampiric nature for years." He groaned, "Does anyone care to inform me about anything whatsoever? Am I that forgettable?"
"El told me when we were children. Do not blame your sister." Pen argued. "I am truly sorry I never told you about Whistledown, or that I knew what you were."
His voice was soaked in pain, "Clearly you have so little respect for me."
She winced at his words, her heart aching. "Colin, that is not true. I care about you so much. I will never be able to express it into words how deeply I care for you, for your family. Please, you must know I am being honest."
Colin glared out the window, praying that Pen was speaking the truth. He felt she was, but a small part of him was scared it was yet another lie. They fell silent, unable to look into one another's eyes.
She bit her lip nervously, "Do you plan to tell Debling I am Whistledown?"
"I thought you said he would not care." He deadpanned.
Pen hesitated, "I just want to know if you plan to do it before or after the proposal."
He narrowed his eyes, his chest heaving, "You still plan to marry him?"
Her face scrunched up, confused. "Yes. I just explained to you-"
"That you have been courting for weeks, I heard that. I have seen it myself," he scowled at the images replaying in his head. "But... he does not love you. He's planning to be gone for years. You will be alone."
"But at least I will be married," she replied. "I won't have to worry about my family, the marriage mart, or coarse mamas mocking my standing in society. I will be secure." 
"He's... particular and odd and not right for you. You won't be happy!" Colin exclaimed.
She inhaled sharply, "What other option do I have, Colin?"
"Me! You have me. You've..." His face twisted, his eyes watering, "Always had me."
Her mouth fell open, unable to form words.
Colin fell to his knees, placing his hands on either side of Penelope's seat, desperately. "You are absolutely right, Pen. I have been pretending to be someone else. I have spent so long trying to feel less, trying to be the kind of man society expects me to be. And for a moment, I thought I had succeeded. It is clear, however, you have always been able to see through that."
"These past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings. Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you." He glanced from her lips to her eyes, taking in all of her beauty, "About that kiss. Feelings like dreaming of you when I'm asleep. And in fact preferring sleep because that is where I might find you. A feeling that is like torture. But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to, give up."
"Please." She closed her eyes tightly, shaking her head. "Do not say things you do not mean."
"But I do mean it." He pleaded, begging for her to believe the truth, "It is everything I have wanted to say to you for weeks."
Her eyes scanned his face, "But... Colin, we are friends."
"Yes, but we..." Colin's chest squeezed, realizing his mistake. "Forgive me. Um... I do not know what I was thinking."
Penelope's breathing picked up, her body warming instantly. "But I'd very much like to be more than friends." This is what she had been waiting for. This was her time to say everything in her heart. "So much more."
A rush of emotions hit Colin as he heard her words. He leaned forward, lips parted. He breathed Pen's air, her doing the same to his. And as their lips finally met, Colin felt his dreams come true. But this was so much better than anything he could have dreamt of.
Pen's heart thudded loudly against her ribcage, almost exploding from excitement. She never imagined such a thing would happen tonight. Not even in her wildest fantasies did Colin kiss her like this. Scorching and romantic.
Colin wrapped his arm around Pen, pulling her closer to him. Their kisses slowed, until they each pulled away from one another. Colin breathed heavily, staring into Pen's eyes. She gazed at him in wonder, studying all of his features. She glided her fingers along his face over the curve of his ear. As she raked her fingers through his soft brown locks, Colin's jaw fell slack. He ardently smiled, and his fangs pushed outward suddenly in ecstasy.
"Oh." She gasped.
He pulled back covering his mouth, "My apologies. I-I do not know why that happened."
"It's alright, Colin." She hushed him, smiling. "I am not worried. You do not scare me."
"Your pounding heart says otherwise." He noted, teasingly.
"That's because of your... actions. Not your teeth." Her face warmed.
His jaw tensed, "Your blush is not helping me."
"Please Colin." She whispered.
"What, Penelope? Tell me." He commanded gently.
"I need you...." She gulped, her breath shuddering, "to kiss me."
He groaned, "You have such a way with words, Miss Featherington."
His mouth slammed back onto hers, both moaning into the heated kiss. He lifted and pressed her back against her seat, a gasp falling from her open mouth. His hand drifted up her covered leg, resting firmly on her hip. She gripped the lapel of his jacket, kissing him fervently. 
Separating from her, his hand glided up to the puffy sleeve of her gown, lightly pulling the sleeve down to reveal the soft, creamy skin of her shoulder. They met each other's gaze, his stare intense and her eyes wild. His mouth latched onto her throat, nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin. His fangs scraped against her, her body shaking with lust. Her quiet cries grew louder as his hand cupped her breast, squeezing ever so tightly. Her hand found his, keeping his hold on her. Her eyes shifted down to their hands, her lower half buzzing with pleasure.
Colin's hand left her breast and slid down to her thigh, pausing. Their lips found one another, pressing open mouth kisses. He then kissed and sucked along her exposed chest, her bosom covered only slightly by the hemline of her gown. She whined, resting her head back against the seat, letting him explore her skin. Their mouths connected once more for a brief kiss before slipping away from one another. They locked eyes, breathing in tandem.
His hand snaked down to the edge of her dress, lifting up the bottom at a tender pace. He cupped her leg, touching the smooth skin of her calf. She nodded her head at him as her pleading eyes connected with his. His hand continued up her leg, gathering the fabric as he went. His touch grew more gentle as he reached past her knee. Higher and higher his fingers danced across her. Their eyes remained fixed on each other as Colin's fingers finally met the soft skin of Pen's inner thigh, and then finally her aching core.
Her mouth dropped open as he found her nub, rubbing slow circles with the pad of his fingers. Her eyes widened as he pressed further, fingers tracing along her folds. Her eyes fluttered closed, allowing his actions to take over her body. Pen had never felt this good before in her entire life. Even in her wildest fantasies, she never imagined that Colin would be this fantastic with his hands.
As his finger teased her entrance, she jolted in her seat. She clutched onto him, her hands gripping his forearms. Colin watched her, his eyes taking in every inch of her flushed face. The light gleam of sweat on her furrowed brow, her plump lips parted and swollen from his kisses, and her moans. God, her moans. If he died right now, he would still be the luckiest man to ever exist - strictly because he got to hear her say his name like that. And to feel the heat of her wrap around him that tightly.
As he pumped into her slowly, her forehead brushed against his, her eyes wild and wide. Colin's mouth fell open as he continued to watch her, her moans falling into his. He took her bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling on it ever so. Her eyes fluttered closed.
He kissed along her chest and neck, finally connecting his mouth right on her pulse. She whined as his mouth sucked on that spot, her hips now meeting his hand with each thrust.
"Colin," she whimpered. He almost didn't want to pull back, afraid this was the part where he would wake up from a dream. "Colin... please."
He hummed, "Please what, Penelope?"
She searched his face as she spoke, "Bite me."
He felt his heart stop, his breath hitching. "Pen, I-"
"If you do not want to, I understand. But I have always wanted to know what it would feel like." She admitted unabashedly. 
He could feel her squeeze around his fingers, her pupils dilating. He thanked the Heavens above for not being able to read minds, because God only knew what was going through hers in this very moment.
Or maybe it was the Devil he should be thanking.
"It might hurt, Pen." He stated.
"That's okay. I know you will not hurt me. Not intentionally, at least." She giggled.
It was so very hard to say no to her, especially when she looked this beautiful. Deep within himself, he knew how badly he wanted to taste her; in more ways than one. "Alright. If that is what you wish."
She arched her neck, allowing him more access. He lowered himself back against her, pressing her into the seat. His hand began to move again, his fingers soaked in her arousal. His mouth watered at the feeling, and from her blood pumping even more quickly through her veins. He had thought of this more times than he could count. But this was far above anything he could have conjured up in a dream or fantasy.
His fangs protruded from his gums, ready. He kissed softly against her neck, a light sigh falling from her lips as he did. Then finally, he sunk his teeth in. A depraved moan fell from Pen's lips, and Colin suddenly could taste her blood in his mouth.
In that moment he knew, Pen was his. However she would allow him to have her, that's how he would take her. This was his Penelope. Only his.
He slowly drank from her, not allowing himself too much of her blood. She cried out in absolute pleasure, completely overwhelmed by it all. Her hips bucked against his hand. He could tell she was drawing closer to her release, and he wanted nothing more than to feel her come undone around his fingers. 
Colin pulled his mouth away, licking at the bite and lapping up any spilt blood to make sure it wouldn't get on her dress. As he cleaned her skin, he pressed his palm to her clit. Her body spasmed against his as her moans grew louder and constant. Penelope dug her nails into Colin's shoulders, holding on for dear life. She wasn't sure how much more pleasure she could take, and she knew she was close.
"So beautiful," Colin murmured in her ear. A light blush creeped down her cheeks and neck. How was it that even with his fingers inside her was he able to still make her blush? She almost felt embarrassed, if it wasn't for how wonderful everything felt.
His mouth kept attacking the skin of her neck, peppering sloppy kisses everywhere. He sucked little marks under her chin and along her throat. Feeling his fangs graze her skin made her body convulse with more pleasure.
She whined and whimpered, unable to form any coherent words. He knew what was happening, and he sped up his movements. He circled her clit over and over again, curling his fingers inside her as they went deeper than before.
Pen shuddered out a breath and suddenly an explosion happened within her. Her body bucked and shook against Colin, her sobs filling the carriage loudly. Colin watched her as she orgasmed, memorizing every detail he could. This was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his entire life. Nothing in this world would ever turn him on more than Penelope coming around his fingers and crying out his name. 
And he was damn sure that his would be the only name she would ever say again in that manner.
Her eyes fluttered open, her hands pulling him back into her by his lapels. They kissed lazily, their tongues dancing with each other slowly. Colin sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, needing the taste of her. As their kisses grew more and more passionate, a knock on the roof of the carriage caused Pen to jolt back in her seat, pushing him off of her.
"C-Colin!" Pen shrieked. Colin was dazed, unaware of what happened. "We are at your house!"
"Oh God." Colin glanced around, suddenly realizing they were, in fact, not the only two people in existence. He sighed, "Could the carriage driver not keep on driving?"
Pen snorted, covering her mouth as she giggled. Colin followed suit, laughing quietly and shaking his head with her.
"Do you think anyone saw us? I was not paying much attention to anything." She smiled brightly, biting her lip.
He smiled back, watching her through darkening eyes. He brought his face close, resting his forehead against hers. He slowly lifted her sleeve back into place, making sure to only use clean fingers. He smoothed out her hair, and her face scrunched up for a moment. "What are you doing?"
He leaned back, looking at his beautiful Penelope. She stared at him in amazement, and they both met with a quick and earnest kiss.
Colin gazed at her for a final time, and jumped out of the carriage.
"Colin?" Pen questioned. Her chest squeezed for a moment, her nerves kicking back in.
His eyes couldn't stay off her for long, needing to see her again. He smoothed out his jacket, placing a hand out for her. "Are you coming with me?"
She furrowed her brow, "What? Your family will see us."
He grinned smugly, "For God's sake, Penelope Featherington, are you going to marry me or not?"
The only sound Pen could hear was the pounding of her heart in her bosom. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at Colin, her mind racing. The man she was in love with loved her back, and not only that, but wanted to marry her. 
God's humor surely wasn't as wicked after all.
Finally, Penelope choked out gleefully, "Yes. Of course I'll marry you, Colin."
<< Part 1 ||
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mk-writes-stuff · 5 months
OC Interaction Tag
Rules: describe an OC of yours, then describe how that OC would interact with the OCs of the people who tagged you
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling for the tags!
Kaylin’s OC: Maddie is an 11-year-old girl who is quiet, curious, and a bit of a risk-taker. She's generally well-liked but isn't sure why people like her. She fidgets and squirms and likes to remain active, especially with her hands. She's a STEM kid through and through, loving each letter in the acronym. Maddie takes things apart, such as pens, to see how they work and eventually joins her school's robotics club. She believes in direct fairness - will match your tone with her - and gets a little upset if she is misunderstood, which is often, since she thinks she's straightforward. Her honesty leads to her being nosy, as she believes everyone should be open. Maddie is an animal shapeshifter, and enjoys the physical sensation of morphing as well as pushing her limits a little too much. She's a gamer who prefers consuls with buttons and enjoys old sci-fi shows and modern cartoons. Despite not quite understanding emotions, she does try to be there for the people she cares about, and usually tries to defuse a serious situation with a little joke.
Katie’s OC: Astra DuClaire is a 25 year old witch. She was too poor to get a proper education, so she snuck into lecture halls and bribed her way into labs to learn her trade, eventually taking on the specialty of runic mechanics. After learning all she could, she slapped some steel baba yaga legs on a vardo wagon and began her business as a traveling mage in the sketchy land of her birth. As a person, the first thing one would notice about Astra is her arrogance. She's prideful to a fault when it comes to her magic, though this is mostly a front to cover up some deep insecurities regarding her lackluster education. She loves helping people, is hungry to learn new things, and has a deep, angry sense of social justice. She believes all people have inalienable dignity. In her dialog, she's coarse and has a raunchy saying for every occasion. It doesn't matter that she's five nothing, her argumentative streak stretches into next week and she will be a bitch about it. But as angry as she can be, she has just as big a capacity for wonder and love. Her hobbies include tinkering, embroidery, and pirating music.
My OC: Stellaris is a disliked nobleman, the younger brother of Sixth Station head Cassiopeia. He’s a scrawny-looking blond man with big purple eyes who wears shabby nobleman’s clothing and has a permanently flat affect. Stellaris is autistic, which makes him unpopular among nobles due to his complete inability to understand social cues and perform social niceties such as eating food he dislikes because it was offered to him. He has a kind heart but struggles to express it and communicate well to others. His special interest is history and he loves telling others about it and asking them about anything they know about it, but he doesn’t mind taking turns talking about interests if people are willing to take their turn listening to his. He is extremely blunt and honest at all times, even when it might come across as rude, although he frequently doubts or disparages himself because of how people have treated him.
How Stellaris and Maddie would interact: I think they’d get along very well! Stellaris wouldn’t understand Maddie’s interests, but he’d be happy to listen to her talk about her interests and tell her what he knows about Seven Stations technology, which I think she’d really enjoy. He’d definitely want to tell her about his interests and would be delighted to know that she’s from what he considers historical times and would probably ask her a bunch of questions. I think their communication styles are really compatible, he wouldn’t mind her being a bit nosy and trying to be straightforward. She might end up mimicking his tone and accidentally talking way louder than she should out of a misinterpretation that he was yelling at her (he tends to talk a bit too loud), but I think they’d get along despite this.
How Stellaris and Astra would interact: Honestly, I think she’d scare him at first. Astra has a very forceful personality that I think he’d find intimidating. I feel like Astra would initially find him a bit weird but would quickly figure out that there’s a lot more to him than his “strange” mannerisms and take a liking to him. I think if he ever talked about how the other nobles treat him, she’d get really angry on his behalf and he’d take a whining to that real fast. He’d start off just doing what she told him to because he’s a bit afraid of her, but I think he’d start chatting with her after she realized she wouldn’t hurt him. After that, I think they’d talk a lot about their interests, and he’d interrogate her about her life too, because her life reminds him a lot about history. He might accidentally pry a bit far and get her to bristle by asking about something she’s sensitive about, but he’d apologize profusely enough that I think she’d be willing to let it go.
I love this game! I hope y’all like the interactions, lmk what you think of them :)
@elsie-writes @rkmoon @televisionjester y’all want to play?
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
@inklings-challenge here is my contribution for day 18's prompt, "friendship."
This is another piece of what will hopefully turn into a full story about Amarantha's visit to Elystan during his holed-up at Endean era. We get to see more of what their friendship looks like at this point, but something is off...
Elystan sank back into the pillows and went silent longer than was strictly comfortable. Amarantha shifted the parcel under her arm to a more visible angle. That got his attention.
“What have you got there?” he asked listlessly.
She shoved it into his hands. “Happy Christmas!”
“It’s not—”
“I know it’s not, but I had no way of getting it to you then. I’ve been waiting for so long.”
He turned it over a few times. “Well, it’s not a stereoscope. Pity. I wanted one of those.”
Amarantha rolled her eyes. “You probably already have at least five.”
“Or six.” He shrugged. “I’ve lost count. And it’s too flat to be one of those souvenir statuettes of Queen Edella that they sell. ‘A Gift from What’s-the-name-of-that-town.’ That sort of thing. That would have been my second choice. You really are dreadful at knowing what to give me.”
“Just open it!” she nearly shouted, bouncing the mattress a little. She couldn’t help fidgeting as she watched him tug at the ribbons and slowly slit the paper with one finger.
Weeks of careful work had gone into this gift. It was in fact her fourth effort, after the first three tries had failed to capture the image in her mind’s eye. Her father had taken her to a shop to have it framed and had even chipped in with the difference when the cost had turned out to exceed her funds. This portrait was the pinnacle of Amarantha’s work to date, and she was almost sorry to have to give it away. But of course Elystan more than anyone else ought to have it. She had spent weeks imagining the look on his face when he saw it, until she could almost have constructed another portrait from that image.
The last of the paper fell away. He kept his head down. She couldn’t see his reaction.
Her portrait depicted the Elystan whom she had observed at Chandemothe Castle just a few months again—an Elystan laughing uproariously at something she had said. His head was thrown back, his eyes were shining, and a broad grin filled out his narrow face. Every feature was delicately outlined in pen strokes, and pencils highlighted his dark hair, pink cheeks, and blue eyes. She had tactfully left out the slightly reddened nose and the dark circles under his eyes. They were not essential to the character she was conveying.
But perhaps they were essential to the Elystan who was now looking from the picture to her and back again with an expression that Amarantha couldn’t read. The presence of the portrait only made it more evident how much he had changed in that short time—how the face had further hollowed and lost its color and the eyes had become red-rimmed and enormous.
“It’s a good likeness,” he said at last.
“Thank you,” said Amarantha.
“Was it a pencil sketch first?”
“And then you inked it?”
He nodded. “It’s good work.”
“Thank you.”
He set her portrait on the bedside table, face down. “Thank you very much. It was thoughtful of you,” he said in an addressing-diplomats voice.
“You’re welcome,” she said. “I hope you like it.”
“I do.”
He hated it.
She had handed him a tangible reminder of a self that apparently he had lost somewhere, a visual slap in the face. And he hated it so much that he couldn’t even insult it.
Amarantha wished she had never come.
His brow furrowed. “But I don’t have anything for you. I was—Christmas was very different this year, and I—I suppose I forgot.”
He had been ill, of course. He had to know that she would have heard about it. Why was he so cagey about admitting it?
“That’s all right,” she said. “I didn’t give it to you to receive anything.”
“But it’s only fair. I know—go to the bookcase. Pick out whatever you like. It’s yours.”
Amarantha didn’t budge. “I am not taking any of your books.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my books. They’re in excellent condition. Well, aside from some notes here and there, but that makes them more interesting. Go on. Take one.”
“I can’t accept something like that. They’re your books. You love them.”
He flipped a hand dismissively. “Take one. I don’t need them anymore.”
“What does that mean?”
Something in his face frightened her. She couldn’t say why.
“I suppose…you’re going to get new ones soon?” she said cautiously. “Is that why?”
He half-shrugged. “Take as many as you like. I don’t care.”
His eyes welled up just enough to be noticeable. She knew exactly what he was doing. Elystan never cried unless with strategic intent. He probably wasn’t even capable of it. And he knew that she knew that, so this must be desperation indeed.
“Well, if you’re going to make all that fuss about it—” She slid off the mattress and approached the bookcase reluctantly. Staring at the shelves long enough would convince him she was making a thorough search of his collection, like a vulture ready to scavenge. When she couldn’t stand it any longer, she selected one at random and returned to the bed.
Only then did she read the title.
Farewell to Phelep Farrowmere.
The cover illustration was a closed door with the key fallen out of the lock.
Elystan glanced at it. “That’s what I thought you’d choose. You’ll like it.”
Perhaps she would leave it on a table on her way out. Perhaps one of the staff might be able to slip back onto Elystan’s shelf without his noticing.Whatever the case, she knew in her bones that she couldn’t take that book. She shouldn’t.
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a-living-canvas · 9 months
Monkey Board
You shift slightly on the chair, uncomfortable. This place is suffocating. The doctor writes something on his clipboard, he looks calm and yet…a little scared.
Scared of what? You?
"Can you please repeat back what you were saying just now?" You sigh, "We are playing hide and seek, but I couldn't find my friend. And they never come out. That's it."
Can I go now?! You thought. 
The doctor seems sceptical for a moment, "Are you telling the truth?" 
You roll your eyes but then your attention shifts to the red light coming from the CCTV on the right end of the ceiling. Glowing. Pretty. 
"I am." You say, but your eyes stay on the camera watching you. You know someone is inspecting you right now, and you hope your gaze burns right to the person's head.
Doctor Law chuckles, "You are not paying attention to me." 
Your eyes slowly dart back to him. It's blank now. No emotion. Not like when you first came to this room. You wonder why.
"I'm scared of the dark." You suddenly say, and Law nods slightly at that. He smiles, as if to reassure you. But, it's not really. "Can you tell me more about that?" He asks. He is kind.
Doctors are kind. 
You smile, like you just remember some childhood memories. "Lola and I used to play hide and seek in the dark." 
You fidget with your hands. It's cold. It's suddenly so cold. "Who is Lola?" Law asks, he seems interested in your story. Does he really?
"Lola is my childhood friend. We grew up in different houses, and went to different schools. We…we always wear different clothes."
Your mind feels clouded. It's heavy. Actually, it's  always been heavy. You don't know why. 
"How do you meet then?" His voice. Law's voice. Very…distant. Like he's sitting 5 metres away from you. You were close with him. Very close. Where is he going?
"I don't know." You say. Who is Lola? 
"You look tired. Do you want to end this session?" 
"If you want to, I can walk you back to your room. Do you want that?"
"Or maybe, if you don't mind, we can discuss about your other friends. You remember them right? You must be. It's impossible you don't. You just talked about them."
"What do you say? Do you want it?"
Want…what do I want? 
"We live at the edge of the cliff," you start. "I'm supposed to count until ten but the numbers started to mix and I need to start it over again and again and again."
Silence enveloping the room, and you stare back at the red dot. As if to warn it to stop listening to the conversation, or just to silently say, help me.
I need help, I really do. I–
"Sweetheart, pay attention, and look at me. Okay?" Law gently squeeze your hand. You blink a few times. 
"There was a loud sound coming outside the house. They fell off the cliff." You cocked your head to the side. "It's too bad. If I didn't hear the sound, their hiding places would be perfect."
Law clears his throat, he's forcing a smile. "You like playing hide and seek, huh?" 
"I do. Lola and I used to play it when we were little. " You sigh dreamily. Lola was a really beautiful girl. She always had some makeup on when you met. She put lipstick on her lips the way mom used to do it to her friends.
"I don't remember growing up," you say. "My hands are so big now, is this how I will look like if I'm a grown woman?" 
Law put down his pen and black clipboard on the floor. He kicks it until it ends up under the bed. Your bed. 
"I think you need to sleep now. You must be so tired." Law smiles, and you smile too. The room is melting as Law walks you back to your room. You glance slightly at the bed before going out of the room. Your bed. Room. Your room.
When you both arrive, your eyes widen. It's your actual room. It's not heavy or melting or spinning. You lay down on the bed. Law sits beside your bed, and says something. You can't hear it at first, but he's trying his best so you must too.
You slowly open your sense of hearing. Oh, it works this time. You are happy, so you smile. Law looks confused but smiles too regardless.
"Why are you smiling?" He asks. He sounds genuine. He's really kind.
"I love my mom." You say. But then, you can't keep your eyes open. "Count numbers backwards for me, darling?" 
You frown, "Where do we start then if it backwards?" Law simply cups your face with his hand. You can feel his fingers on your face. He exists. You're glad he exists.
"We can start from ten if you want to," 
I don't want to start from ten. I want to start from zero and go through the negative numbers.
"Or we can count it together, ten…nine…eight…" 
His voice grew louder each time. You want to ask him to stop, but then you realise something. You are not counting together with him. Maybe that's why his voice is overwhelming you.
You smile. It's calming. To count numbers like this. It's like it will never end. You like that.
Someone shakes your body gently, and you groggily open your eyes. "Hey, let's play hide and seek." Lola says, she smiles widely.
Her lipstick looks messier this time. Why is that? But you smile, almost convincingly.
"Sure." You say, "Where is mom?" 
Lola turns around facing you, "She's making breakfast for us. Come on! It's snowing outside." 
I don't like breakfast anymore.
You follow her from behind, going outside. But then you see your mom in the kitchen. She smiles when she looks at you. You almost run to hug her. But you stay still.
"Welcome back to us." She says.
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beecanons · 2 years
Percy with a stimming reader
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a percy x nd/stimmy! reader hc post.
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reader stims, mostly physical stims for the sake of this hc post
percy doesnt exactly stim himself but he does fidget, so he'll perceive your stimming as fidgeting at first and assume that maybe youre just nervous. he'll ask whats making you nervous, and if youre still doing it even when theres nothing to be nervous about he'll get curious, maybe a little worried "you keep tapping your fingers like that, are you alright love?"
he'll notice most of your major stims but pass them off as fidgeting, anxious habits and so on, it wont occur to him that youre just stimming at least until you start stimming when youre really happy, flapping your hands and rocking back and forth
he'll find it adorable especially after you tell him what it is and why you do it he notices all your little stims too after that he'll try and pick up on all your stims, he finds them cute and wants to learn a bit more the only stimming he really does himself is your classic restless leg syndrome /hj
if you have vocal stims and youre all trying to be quiet but you really need to stim, he'll hush you at first and try to get you to stim some other way he'll tell you its okay to vocal stim later when you guys arent trying to be quiet
he does his best to be respectful of your stimming sometimes he'll accidentally say something that might sound insensitive but he definitely didnt mean it that way.
if someone dares make fun of or mock your stimming, he'll give them a very cold glare as a warning, if that doesnt do it he'll tell them off. scanlan made the mistake of mocking one of your stims and he earned a threat from percy
he'll make the first ever fidget cube for you just an object for you to play with it doesnt make much sound but it does have little things that go click so theres still an audio stim for you (esp if you'd be a pen clicker he'd take that in account) he might fixate on this and make more for you as little gifts sometimes going a little overboard he loves you and thinks your stimming is adorable so he's going to express that as much as he can
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requested by @syth-de-rolo !
feel free to share your headcanons or request more!
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kingsdespair-if · 1 year
Please I need the reaction to the MC telling Khalid that she is indeed pregnant. Why do I feel like he would be like "yeah, I did that."
Hello, dear.
Of course, here we go.
You walk towards Khalid's luxurious tent, which is the farthest as the youngest child of the High Prince. This allows you to enter and exit without attracting much attention. You often avoid his family at his request.
Looking down, you catch a glimpse of your wedding ring shining under the scorching desert sun. The sand slows your steps, but you don't mind. It gives you more time to think about how to break the news to your husband.
You push open the cloth door and step inside the tent, dragging sand in with you, your heart races, growing faster as your eyes fall on him. Khalid is seated at his desk, diligently writing letters. You can see how stressed he is - a frown forming between his eyebrows as the pen dances across the pages. His eyes slowly lift from the papers as he hears you enter. "I see you forgot to clean your feet before coming in... Again," he remarks with a heavy sigh.
"Yeah... I'm sorry. Look, I have something important to tell you, honey," you say, fidgeting with your ring as you come stand beside him.
He puts down his reading glasses and leans against the back of the chair, wearing a stoic and regal expression. He gestures for you to sit in the chair next to him.
Only after you sit down does he finally take your hand in his, lightly kissing your knuckles. "Yes, my lovely. What do you need to tell me so urgently that you forgot to not bring half of the desert with you?"
You smile at the sweet gesture and his attempt to joke. You know Khalid is usually serious, but he's been trying to be more lighthearted for you. Feeling your nerves calming, you enjoy the soft and warm touch of his hand against yours.
"So... I just returned from the healer's tent," you say, diverting your gaze to the outside of the tent. The endless expanse of golden sands creates a breathtaking view when the sun hits it just right, giving the illusion of molten gold beneath your feet. The air inside the tent carries the scent of fresh oranges, causing your mouth to water at the thought of biting into one. The baby must be hungry today.
Khalid's regal posture transforms into one of concern. He leans closer to you, his back no longer perfectly straight.
"The healer? Why? Are you feeling okay?", his voice carries worry.
"I'm perfectly fine. We're both healthy and happy," you say, biting your bottom lip and looking into his eyes.
"Oh, thank the Gods. But if you're okay, then what did you want to tell- Wait, "both?" What do you mean?" he asks, looking at you with a puzzled expression.
You give him a sweet smile as you hold his hand and gently place it on your stomach.
"I'm pregnant, Khal. That's what I mean. We're going to be parents. You and I are going to have a little one."
"P-Pregnant?! Are you sure?" His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open.
"Yes, quite sure, honey. The healer said it's been a month and a half."
"I… I mean, of course you are! We've only been married for less than six months. I must be that good, right? The best. You are too. And you, my little one, you're going to be even better," he said, gently stroking your belly. "We'll call our child Khalen."
"Khalen? Khalid, we're not going to name our child Khalen," you laughed, looking at him with fondness.
"Why not? It's a very regal name!" His face brightened as he continued to touch your belly, a soft gaze in his eyes.
"Alright then… You can choose the name for the first child. I will decide the name for the second."
"The second?", you ask, surprised by his proposal.
"Yes, indeed! You have already persuaded me to have one, haven't you? So why not have more?" His tone is light, playful, and affectionate.
"When did I ever try to convince you?"
"You didn't have to try, honey. The moment you told me that you're carrying my child, I decided that I wanted a large family with you. I don't want it to be an obligation, and it isn't. Not anymore. You are not my duty, you are my everything." He gently holds your face, leaning in for a long kiss.
In an instant, the once selfish prince transformed into a selfless one, as he discovered the art of sharing his heart and life with you.
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galaxies-and-gore · 3 months
Twst Ocs: Stims and fidgets
Discussing the stims and fidgets that my ocs do! Inspired by a headcanon post by @twistedwonderlandshenanigans talking about the stims that the twst cast do!
ADHD icon. Their brain is usually all over the place so they have a LOT of trouble focusing and keeping his energy down. Especially if she's expected to "behave well". If he needs to keep it more subtle, he'll stretch a lot. It's definitely not the same as how she normally stims, but stretching helps a little at least. If he's free to stim as he needs to, then oh boy he's not holding back. Most notably, making weird noises. Xenio does chirps and trills in her normal speech pattern regardless, but that gets turned up to 11 when he's especially happy. When they really need to focus on something that they aren't interested in, he might pull at his hair or have a fidget cube on hand.
Because they work as a waiter at the lounge and get important information for Azul, they do have an act to keep up. But considering that persona is someone cute and ditzy, there's definitely room to fidget. Lumi doesn't really stim much. More so they can be very restless and find it hard to not do as they please. Lumi sways a lot and frequently changes which foot they put most of their weight on. Someone please give this mer a weighted blanket. They don't know that they exist, but they could really use one.
This boy recklessly puts things in his mouth. If it's a small object with a potentially good or interesting texture, then he's chewing on it. Marbles, rocks, bottle caps, pen caps, straws . . . the list goes on and on. He accidentally ate part of a straw once and gave Jack a heart attack. He also just leaves to go jog for a minute. Desmond will literally be in the middle of a conversation, then the Need to Move feeling will kick in, and he'll just say "Brb I need to jog down the hall a few times and then I'll feel better." Another thing is that he always has his bandana on his neck, he loves it because it mimics feeling in a smaller space. If he doesn't have it, he'll start rubbing and squeezing his neck.
He doesn't like stims that draw too much attention, so he might do several subtle stims at the same time. He also bites his tongue a lot, and has made it bleed because of his fangs before. He also bounces his leg a lot. He likes pop boards and fidget rings, but he doesn't like using them in public because of the noises they make. Corvus wants to stim so badly, but normally he won't allow himself to do much unless things are Bad.
He doesn't stim too much when he's happy, just mostly when something's wrong or Bad. He picks at the skin around his nails or scabs a lot. He knows that he shouldn't, but he just can't stop himself. If his intrusive thoughts get really upsetting, he might hit the heel of his hand against his forehead.
Mallory's stims usually have a lot to do with his face. They'll make popping noises or clicks a lot. A common one is that he'll scrunch up his nose or blink a lot. When Mallory stims, he frequently gets stuck doing it and finds it hard to stop. They might pull at their lips a lot as well.
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