#Very sad face the divorced keep losing :(
kanene-yaaay · 9 months
Secrets and the Pros and Cons of Not Running Away
Kanene's notes: I will receive no constructive criticism on this, I saw a character that just keeps being destroyed over and over because he loves and cares too much and since mah bros on that island only SUFFER, I *WILL* take the matters onto my own hands and give them all the tickles and fluff thank you so much for understanding.
Anyway, the Happy Pills Arc is my absolute fave until now, and this animatic is my new obsession. It doesn't has anything to do with the fic, really, but I think it deserves more love drtyuiklkjhg.
Warnings: This is a tickle fanfic. It has hurt/comfort, fluff and some angsty thoughts, but nothing too dark. It happens after the Happy Pills stuff and doesn't follow the canon timeline. Ticklish!Forever and Ler!Philza, Ler!Bad, Ler!Pac, Ler!Mike, Ler!Richarlyson, Ler!Tallulah and Ler!Chayanne. It is 8,000 words long.
Forever woke up. 
His eyes hurt when they opened so he kept them closed for a few minutes more, watching the flash of memories run behind his eyelids in blurry movements and sounds. 
For the first time in a while his mind was silent, clear from all the effects of what the Federation did to him. His feelings no longer exploded crazy in his chest as they often did during the last few days, fighting to survive before the chemicals from the drugs washed them over and got suppressed by a blinding, fake happiness.
Their kids were gone. 
Richarlyson was gone. His son disappeared in thin air and there were no clues or hints that showed any single way to get them back or even know where they went. 
The island was in scrambles, empty. 
There were explosions and grieving and chaos everywhere. Every parent doing any and everything to cope with the fact that from day to night they’ve got what was the most important for them ripped right from their fingers. 
The N.I.N.H.O, his project (his responsibility) didn’t work out this time and they lost everything because of it.
Badboyhalo was losing his colors. Baghera disappeared. Cellbit straight out begged him to not leave him alone during all of this. Mike hadn’t been seen in a long time. Etoiles was trying to keep their hopes up. Everyone asked him what they should do, now. What would he do as their president. 
And what did he do? He fucking lost it. He let his feelings get over his head, exploded everything that he could put his eyes on, demolished his base with TNT and threatened Cucurucho, forced the Federation to do a throwback just so they would have an island to put their feet on. Made the Federation see him as a threat and force those pills on him.
He left everyone. His family. His friends.
(What more could he do?)
And everyone should've left him too.
And yet…
And yet Pac jumped head first to save him. Accepting to go under Cucurucho’s “treatment” so he could analyze the drugs and find a cure for it. No matter how much he was shaking in fear the entire time, how bad the Federation treated him before or how there was just no certainty that his plan would even work
And yet Philza saw under his mask of smile, past the point of his gun and right into the pain in his eyes in his lowest moment and said that everything would be fine, that he still trusted him, that he knew who he was and how much he cared about the eggs. He said they would find a way to solve things out.
And yet Cellbit didn’t let him go for a single second. He followed him no matter the instability, during those painful moments of consciousness, beyond the fake minutes of happiness and slipped past his traps just to go and pull him out of it. He shouted and hugged and taunted and broke and fought dirty and did what he could to bring him back.
And yet Bad still talked and answered him, even with how much he was hurting, even with the bombs and screams and the dismissing he came back over and over again with his chats and banters and discussions that so easily led Forever to the trap that would come to save his life.
Once again, there were tears in his eyes. 
They were too his family. Forever was the one who put himself under Cucurucho’s radar by going apeshit and bombarding the entire island and they were the ones who saved him from that white fucking bear. From himself. From the Happy Pills.
He cried.
(What else could he do?)
Agony and hope danced in harmony in his chest, sucking all his other senses to nothing and filling his soul with every emotion under the sun at the same time. It was overwhelming but good to be free to feel so easily. It was horrible that he knew how it was like to miss this freedom so much. It was empty to feel this despair all over again. It was good, no, essential to know he was not alone.
Almost hopeful, even.
And yet their children were gone.
And yet everyone was kind of lost.
And yet they needed someone solid, a strong leader to step in.
Forever didn’t feel strong.
(What would he do?)
He wiped his tears. Sat on the bed. Got up. Put back the flag on his shoulder. Took a deep breath, listening to the very known voices coming out of the infirmary that made his entire face change to a (this time genuine) happy, tired and relieved kind of smile.
The president of Quesadilla Island woke up.
(And he didn’t have any idea of how much everyone had been waiting to show him how much they were happy about it.)
It all started in very tiny ways, as most things did, easy to miss if you didn’t know where to look. 
The first time it happened Forever was at favela. He had just finished fixing the elevator from the Karaoke and was watching the sunset (Hi, Bobby) wash over the beach in a dance of colors at the top of the building, resting on the parapet. Pac was somewhere close, building more houses or getting in trouble with Fit, but, besides them, it was just him, his memories and Copacabana beach.
Forever laid his head in his arms, with a long sigh, closing his eyes and just letting the wind mess his hair and clear his thoughts, enjoying the brief moment of peace before he started thinking about more plans and projects to fill his day and mind with.
It was hard, though. When every block he put down or decoration he pulled up made the blonde turn around with a call in the tip of his tongue, words disappearing when he realized that there was no set of small footsteps following him and probably never would again because they were all gone and he was not and how could he ever even think about-
A shiver ran down his spine and made his thoughts come to a halt when he felt a light tickle in the back of his neck, making him have to move a hand out of his comfortable position to wipe the leaf or whatever out of his skin. 
His fingers made contact with nothing. Uh. Must’ve flown away already.
He was tired. Maybe he should take the rest of the day to clean his base. There were still holes from the mine traps that someone has been spreading across the island lately. Another problem for him to resolve. Looked like those were never going to end.
The tickle came back, following him even when he flinched away, with a puffed snicker falling from his tongue. His hand shot to scare whatever insect it was from his neck again but the touch was as nimble as it was soft, lightly and skillfully dancing away from his hold before it could catch him.
“Que porra.” (“The fuck.”) He tried again and again, going so far as slapping his entire arm behind him, hitting nothing.
The sensation disappeared for a brief while before running all the way across his spine, making him almost jump in the air and finally give up his comfortable position to spin around. “Que que é isso, cara!” (“What is this, man!”)
“Pfff- hahaha!”
Forever turned just in the right moment to see his short friend, with sky blue eyes shining with a playful light, pulling a black, crooked and beautiful wing behind his back, his laugh ringing across the building.
“Philza! Really?” 
“What? You wouldn’t have that problem if you wore a shirt, you know?” Forever’s shouted “WHAAAAT!” did nothing to alleviate his laughing fit, a snort not taking long to appear.
“You, you’re, you’re bullying me, man! I just came out of the hospital and you treat me like this. I can’t believe it!”
“You come here, you hit me, you don’t let me rest after I get out of a coma… I am an injured, man, you know that, Philza? You’re bullying an injured man.”
“I literally,” his tune tried and failed to sound at least a tidbit serious before he descended in more laughter. “I literally didn’t even hit you!” 
Forever continued as if he didn’t hear the protest of the other, turning around and gesticulating dramatically. “You’re a bully, Philza. You’re such a bully.”
“I am doing that to remind you to put on a shirt! You just came out of the hospital, you’re gonna catch a cold.”
“Nah, nah, nah, you’re mean. You’re just so mean to me. Like, I thought we were friends, you know? But I see the truth now.” He tsked. “That is just sad, Philza. That is really sad, man.”
“Oh my fucking god.” The punch he gave on Forever’s arms didn’t even hurt, only making the president snicker louder. “Shut the fuck up.”
Forever chuckled at how done the other sounded, watching him roll his eyes and shake his head with a big smile before taking (he wasn’t resting anymore so might as well just finish his work here) the chance and walking in between the tables and chairs until he got behind the balcony. In no time he began filling the storage with drinks and food. The high, upbeat joy of banting with his friend slowly calming down.
“Actually, I am going to put back my old black suit soon. I am just taking a break from wearing suits so much, you know?”
He didn’t have to explain what the break was really for and how his old presential clothes didn’t have anything to do with it, Philza understood. 
“Take that time off, Forever, you deserve it.” His tune was soft. 
Forever smiled, wishing he could show Phil how wrong he was. A“break” definitely wasn’t on the list of things that Forever deserved at all. That anarchist was way too kind.
“Thank you very much, my friend.” He closed the cabinet door, turning around (and away), facing the entire restaurant. 
Each chair, each color and decor had been carefully picked by small , gentle claws. The building had been chosen by hand and even the balcony was built lower than normal, made so that a small child could go behind it and pretend to be a barman, sing with the melodies and enjoy the view with their family and friends. 
Signs were still spreaded there, on the restaurant, the rooms, the favela, the N.I.N.H.O, the Spawn, their home and island… None of it had been built to be just for the adults and it all brought a longing pang in his chest. 
They’re gone. They’re gone and he was here laughing and resting and doing nothing to rescue them and how could he be so usele-
Another soft sweep of feathers right under his chin made him flinch away with a surprised, bitten giggle, successfully making his line of thoughts disintegrate for a second time. A half smile painted his face.
“Stop with that, man! It tickles.”
Philza tilted his head slightly to the side, eyes sharp in concentration, as if just realizing something. But at the sound of Forever’s voice he blinked and let his expression become a tad more relaxed, with worried tunes.
“You just seemed to be thinking a whole lot back there. What is in your mind?”
“Nothing really important. It doesn’t matter.”
“Well, I’ve got some bad news for you then, mate. Because it will matter to me. You can tell me anything, Forever.”
And for a moment the other considered not doing that. Teleporting away or brushing his worries with another topic or a joke. But that was Philza. 
Philza, one of the most protective parents who still trusted him with Tallulah when he was away. Philza, who didn’t care about the elections but voted for him anyway. Philza, who trusted him with such a conviction and an unyielding loyalty that Forever had no idea of what he could ever have done to deserve it.
(“You saved my children.” Philza would say if he could listen to him. “You went beyond and further to save everyone’s kids for free over and over so no parent would ever carry the grief of losing them again. You did it for Richarlyson, for Tallulah, for Bobby, for Pomme, for you, for us, for free. I’m not forgetting that easily and I’m not letting you forget too.”)
And that was enough.
He stared at the beach again, the words coming easier when he was not looking at the other.
“Talullah was the one who decorated the restaurant. We were having a Karaoke Night and when we got up here she had already put all those nice trees and pretty flowers…It looks really nice.”
Philza sighed, looking ten thousands of years older.
“Yeah, she has an amazing taste.” Then he walked and stayed right in front of Forever’s view, staring right at his eyes, serious. “We’re going to find them, ok? Richas, Talullah, Chayanne, Ramon… Every single one, we’re going to get them back. So don’t let yourself give up and stay focused.”
The president, his friend, nodded.
“We will get them back.” Forever agreed. “No matter what it costs.”
But Philza was a discreet fella, so things continued to be shown in tiny ways for a while. A poke when he got too distracted and his thoughts too dark, a scribble to get his attention, a sweep of feathers when he refused to stop working so much and listen to the reason. Forever pretended to be annoyed, but the fact that the other cared so much and in such a playful way kept fishing fond smiles and amused chuckles out of him and that he couldn’t ignore.
His cute secret was secure with him, and so things took a while before it began escalating, all because of a different afternoon…
It started with a jumpscare.
“PUTA MERDA!” (“HOLY SHIT!”) The loud shout quickly descended in a series of nervous giggles. The blond holding his chest and resting in a wall to not fall, muscles trembling with the sudden shot of adrenaline. 
It took a couple of minutes for him to get back his composure and glare at the demon that was still snickering gleefully at him, tail swooping around in delight as he jumped around. 
It took exactly one second. 
In a blink Forever was getting his soul back to his body and then in the other he was throwing himself at him and both were rolling on the floor in a mess of pushes and kicks. “Tu se acha engraçadão, hein? Tu se acha muito engraçadão. Palhaço! Tá palhaço demais, hein, Badboyhalo.” (“You think you’re so funny, yeah? You think you’re so funny. You clown! You’re being such a clown, huh, Badboyhalo.”)
Forever didn’t care that his wrestling was uncoordinated enough so most hits didn’t even land on his friend, different from Bad that actually got more than one or two kicks right before letting himself be lost in a mix of too joyfully complains of “unfair attack” and “dictator” to have any true heat in them. 
Their playful fight was kept for a few pieces of a while before they were too distracted by their own amusement to not let the other go and try to recompose themselves.
“Where! is! it!”
“What?” Forever asked, staring with confused eyes at the black demon who crossed his arms and squinted at him in what Forever could swear was an annoyed composure if it wasn’t the way his tail swayed around and his eyes glinted in glee. Whether it was for being so unclear and successfully confusing the blond or for the original reason he appeared there in the first place it wasn’t clear. 
For a moment his eyes unfocused from the form of the other and watched the wall full of kind, heartwarming messages that he asked for everyone still awake at that night to write so he could make BadboyHalo a surprise. Suddenly all the pieces came together in his mind and formed such a cute picture that Forever couldn’t help but let out a delighted chuckle, lips curling in an amused, teasing smirk. “Ooooh, I see what you’re talking about now, Badboy.”
That chuckles almost became a crackle when the only response he received was a petulant huff and a hand extended in his direction, fingers twitching impatiently. Forever took out his backpack, rummaging through it until he found the compartment where he kept all his flowers, carefully pushing Richa’s favorite one aside so he could pull another one. His fingers clasped around a stem and soon a light purple grazed his sight. “Here. Your daily flower. It’s for until you get better, right?”
“Oh, nice, thank you.” Bad’s voice tinted with a softer tune, carefully gathering the gift and putting it on his own backpack, in a special place, together with the others, before his tune became agitated again, feet tapping on the floor with energy. “But that is NOT what I am talking about.” He got closer and repeatedly began slapping his arm, following the president when he shouted and started running around the enclosed space, jumping in attempts to escape from the sudden attack. “WHERE IS IT! GIVE ME, IT’S MINE!”
“What! What more do you want from me!” When no answer was given besides more chasing and (friendly) hitting, the blonde got the warpstone with an exaggerated sigh. 
“You know, Badboyhalo,” when Forever said his entire name, it wasn’t exactly sing-songing, but it had a little beat painted with amusement and tease, when the demons haven’t been able to successfully annoy him out of his mind, of course. “I really need to go, man, and since you don’t have anything to say to me… tsk, that is so sad, man, I was really feeling quite… generous today”
“No!” The demon tried to grab his shoulder, but the blonde dodged swiftly, still pretending to be looking busy and thinking hard about his next location. “Forever. Do not. You’re not running away. I know what you’re doing!” Forever smiled. 
Being friends with Cellbit, you learned a thing or two. Like how to disappear in the middle of a conversation, but, especially, how to do that in the most annoying way possible. “No, no, no, I’m not running away at all, Bad, I am actually…”
However, that was the thing: Bad was also Cellbit’s friend, and so realized the exact moment that glint filled the president’s brown eyes what was about to happen. His hand flew in another attempt of a grab, missing once again his shoulder when the other, a bit later than last time, dodged, which allowed his reflex to kick in and his hand changed the trajectory and lay on the brazilian’s side, squeezing.
None of them was prepared for the squeal that this action fished.
For a second, a blissful second, everything froze and both stared at each other. 
That is how Forever saw the exact second the demon’s eyes squinted and a playful flame alighted in them.
In a blink his other hand also flew to his waist and began attacking both sides with no mercy. Forever had no chance to even try to stop the barking loud laughter that exploded from him, immediately letting go of the warpstone to clue on Bad’s wrists, trying to push them away by sheer reflex even before his brain could process what was happening. 
“Nonono, stop that! BA-ad!”
Bad couldn’t help but giggle, half adoring and half malefically, at the way the laughter made most of his words get almost intelligible. Besides, Bad thinks he could grow accustomed to having his name being snickered in such an adoring - together with that cute smile and shiny eyes - way more often, really.
His fingers poked and prodded with skill and curiosity, looking for any sensitive spot that could create a new fun sound and concentrating there for a few maddening seconds and plenty of digging before looking for the next one. There was a very nice one juuust above his lowest rib that made the barking laughter become a string of snickers that seemed to grow higher and faster by the seconds. It almost made Bad forget his main job now as his friend and rival the second (actually, even before that, if he was being honest, but honesty was overrated) he discovered that little fun secret about their dear tyrant:
Tease him out of his mind.
“Huh? Stop what, Foreverrr?” “That! You’re ti-” Bad closed his hands in fists and pressed his knuckles on his ribs and rubbed as if his life depended on it, cutting the rest of the sentence with success and filling the room with much more shrieks than before. “What was that?” 
Forever couldn’t answer, his legs were failing and it made him get close to a fall if it wasn’t for the demon adjusting his hold on him and slowly lowering him to the ground, fingers still dancing in each and every rib, scratching and scribbling happily.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear what you’re saying, some muffinhead is laughing their heart out near here. Perhaps they heard a very good joke. Hmmm, what do you think Forever?”
Forever snorted, eyes almost closed with how much he was laughing, tears beginning to collect in the corner of his eyes. A few portuguese words got tangled with his crackling. Bad nodded seriously and slowed his tickle attack, not wanting to go too far.
“Uh hm, no, I get what you’re putting down here. We just need to ignore the laughter and keep up our nice conversation. I think that is a great idea!” He snuggled his hands cozily under Forever’s armpits, lightly wiggling and poking, which resulted in the laughter becoming a new dance of a calmer, but still high with adrenaline and mirth, string of snickers that made the blonde’s shoulders bounce in joy. “What were you saying before?” 
“Stop tickling me!” “What!” Bad gasped in offense. “How can you even accuse me like that! What the fudge, I thought we were friends. But, no, I see. I came aaaaall the way over here, did nothing wrong and you just treat me like that.” He gave a fake sniff.  “You’re hurting my feelings, Forever.” “Mentiroso!” (Liar!) It was quite difficult to see with tears and squinted eyes, especially when Bad’s hoodie always kept his expressions hidden, however, it was even harder to miss how those shiny eyes glinted with mischief and fondness and his smirk went from one ear to another. 
It was quite the sweet sight. Forever had to push his face away before it made him blush vomit. 
(For a second, he could almost swear that the blue that covered the other’s figure dimmed a little for a piece of time.)
“You’re such a liar.”
“Oh why, thank you.”
Bad freed his hands and softly attacked the back of the elf’s ears, still too lost in the lovely sound of his delightful giggles, crackles and snickers to actually let him go. That was the true sound of Forever’s happiness, not that forced, explosive laughter created by those pills. 
Besides, Forever also wasn’t pushing him away.
Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the only one missing that freeing sound. Maybe Forever also longed for those moments of playful fights between them, of pushing the buttons and teasing and caring and always, always being there, for the better or the worse.
Eventually, the president held his hands and stopped the attack, left over giggles still pouring from his lips like a waterfall. 
Their eyes met.
Forever’s smile got relaxed and small before growing bigger. 
Bad just hummed, tail starting to sway fastly from side to side.
“So, Badboyhalo…”
Forever’s grip got more firm. 
Bad’s pull got equally stronger. 
They kept smiling.
“Are you… uh.” His voice lost the undertone of playfulness, brown eyes focusing with true curiosity for a moment. “Coceguento? How is it in english? Tickly?”
“Oh, it’s ticklish. For example, you are very ticklish, Forever.”
“Hehehe,” he snorted, and his curiosity was satisfied. “Yeah, yeah, I got it. But what about you, Badboyhalo? Are you… ticklish?” The word came slowly and playfully, tinted with a nice accent.
Bad’s tail opened his backpack, rummaging in search for a very specific item.
“Hmmm… no, actually. I’m not.”
The blonde’s smile got more dangerous. “I don’t know… I don’t believe in you, man.” He found it. 
“Then why don’t you try to find out?” 
Forever pulled him closer and with a swift move the enderpearl that had been in his bag was thrown to the other side of the room, successfully freeing the demon from his hold. Not a second later, though, Forever was jumping on his feet, ready for another chase.
Lots of laughter filled the afternoon, that day.
After that, the avian wasn’t the only one who now randomly poked, prodded and attacked the outgoing brazilian when he wasn’t expecting, anymore. Even though Badboyhalo’s attacks were much more out of the blue, following him in those lonely afternoons when he was distracted in his adventures or too lost in a project to realize the other invaded his base in the middle of a sleepless night. 
But, you see, the difference between Philza and Bad and knowing that Forever is actually pretty ticklish is a very single detail: Bad is a fucking gossiper who loved to set chaos just to see where it would go. 
And, therefore, the main reason why Forever was so screwed right now.
“Que isso, moço, tá fugindo da gente por que?” (What is this, bro? Why are you running away from us?) 
Forever didn’t even have to turn around to see Mike’s giant smug grin. It was almost palpable in his tune. But if anyone could have any doubt about its existence, they just needed to listen to his crackles as both him and Pac chased their friend through the Spawn, leaving a very amused Bad and  Bagi, who shouted a “Boa sorte aí, Forevinho!” (Good luck, Forevinho!) in the wind behind.
“Pois é, a gente só quer um abraço apertado do nosso presida da galera! Cadê o espírito da Favela Six?” (That’s right. We just want a tight hug from our favorite president! Where’s the Favela’s six spirit?) Pac, however, questioned with a genuine tune, almost naive like as he followed the other closely, getting closer and closer by the seconds. For a moment he almost tricked the president into thinking that he was the merciful one, then he remembered about that one tickle fight he, Mike and Tubbo had in the Favela.
Let’s just say it was just a very quick thought, really.
“Favela six é o caralho, ceis querem é me roubar. Eu já disse que não vai ter Armazém da Galera nenhum! Isso é ataque à autoridade, hein!” (Favela Six my ass, you just want to rob me. I already said that there won’t be any Free Storage! This is an attack on authority!)
“A gente só quer o que é nosso por direito, Forevin.” (We just want what is faithfully ours, Forevin.)
The blonde didn’t even have a chance to answer before an arm grabbed his shoulder and pushed, disbalancing him enough so Pac was able to sneak behind him and lock him in a hug, snickering gleefully in his ear.
“Que isso, cara, achava que tu era compromissado! Vou falar pro Fit, hein!” (The hell, man! I thought you were compromised! I’m going to tell Fit!) Forever’s struggles only grew stronger when he saw Mike getting closer, wiggling his hands in the form of claws as he stopped running and instead began to approach slowly, chuckles falling freely from his lips and making shivers run across his spine and giggles to pile in his chest. 
He tried again to free himself from the hug, showing no success. Pac’s hold was firm as a mountain.
“E desde quando que tu tá malhando? Tá todo mamadíssimo aí, né, eu tô sabendo.” (And since when you’re ripped? You’re all ‘mamadíssimo’ now. I see what’s going on.)
Pac let out an amused, with drops of shyness, snort. “Pois é, né, moço. Sabe como é né… Tô indo na academia do Fit bastante esses tempos e tudo mais, aí dá nisso.” (That is right, bro. You know how it is… I’m visiting Fit's Gym a lot these last days and that is what happens.) His tune lost a bit of the light and became more serious, cracked in the corners. “Também, né, a gente nunca sabe quando vai precisar. Eu não quero que quando chegue a hora…” (Also, we don’t know when we’re gonna need it. I don’t want that, when the time comes…)
Forever knew exactly what he was talking about, the same cloudy thoughts that filled everyone’s mind in the island the second he warned that the kids had ran away because a danger greater than everything they’ve seen before was coming, the Federation choosing to announce the train station’s opening in just a few days also did not help their nerves.
He looked at Pac’s shadows under his eyes, suddenly remembering that his friend also went under the Happy Pills Treatment, the horrible withdrawal, the exhaustion of recovery, all to save him. 
His struggles became just a little, a little less strong, heart melting and hurting like it did for every single member of their dysfunctional family since they arrived in that boat.
The scientists deserved to have their own silly fun, even if the fun was destroying their friend and president in a mess full of giggling pieces.
And so Forever let out a loud laughter, wiggling his eyebrows and giving him a knowing smirk. “Tu tá praticando bastante exercício com o Fit é? Aham, hehehe, tô sabendo.” (Doing a lot of exercise with Fit, yeah? Uh hm. Hehehe, I see.)
“FOREVER!” This time the snort that came out from Forever’s mouth was more of a result of Pac's unfairly squeezing his belly non stop instead of a reaction to the affronted shout, the one with blue hoodie not throwing any other remark or getting lost in any dark thought. The blonde counted that as a win for him. 
“Tá bem engraçadinho, mas você não vai conseguir me distrair. Sabe, o Badboy me falou algo muito interessante sobre você que ele descobriu mês passado…” (You think you’re being funny, huh. But you’re not going to distract me. You know, Badboy told me something very interesting about you that he discovered last month…)
Mike finally got right in front of him and Forever immediately started kicking in his direction to keep those offending fingers away from his torso at the same time that he continued to attempt to pry Pac’s hands - that somehow seemed to sense the exact spots he was the most sensitive and concentrate all their pinches, scribbles and tickly efforts on them over and over again - until the attack forced Forever to press his lips on his shoulder to contain the blossoming laughter and embarrassing squeals that tried to escape from his mouth.
His efforts to not let any sound out, however, were demolished when, in his distraction, Mike grabbed his ankle and grinned like a shark that finally got his prey. 
“Eu preferia uma mãozinha, mas já que é isso que você tá oferecendo…” (I’d rather you gave me a hand, but since you’re offering…) And, locking the leg in a headlock,  his fingers began dancing across his sole, walking around his arch and giving some special attention to the extremely ticklish space right under his toes, skillfully dodging any kicks that this move resulted in and breaking Forever’s barriers instantly.
Forever’s booming laughter filled the air in a free dance of joy, mirth and a warmth that filled his heart when he remembered just how long had it been since all of them could just get together and goof around a bit, no kidnappings or imminent dangers in their minds for a blissful pieces of time.
“Soooo, guys, I think I’m heading out, now.” Forever kept jumping on the trampoline, restless energy running on his veins after talking to Phil about his journey in the Nether. The virus hadn’t spread a lot those last days, but the conversation was hard, not only because of how, primarily, exhausting it was to go through all of it, but because for some reason something in him made he almost feel compelled to shut his mouth and not say a single word about the infection to anyone else.
They played and gave each other a few remarks and pokes of fun when Philza asked for Forever to take off his shirt in the bunker, careful touches analyzing the skin around the ébano substance glued on his back and in the nape of his head. Even so, it made the blonde want to hide away the result of his journey. Forever never have been ashamed of his body. He used to walk around shirtless, on the good old, first days on the island, afterall. But if he was being honest... he was afraid about that infection, and Philza didn’t seem very relieved about it either.
It was a literal mark about how he had failed in absolutely every single sense and chance he had out there. In finding any clue, in getting their kids back, in saving Walter Bob or even himself. In the end, he was not able to do any of this.
That is the President of Quesadilla Island, everyone.
(“We’re going to talk with Cucurucho and demand answers about what the fuck is this.”
Forever gave a humorless chuckle, happy that the children were outside playing so they weren’t here to witness how defeated he sounded for a second before adjusting himself to a playful grin that didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, Philza, he is very good at this. Giving us answers, right?”
“We have to try. If someone knows about this it is the Federation.”  Philza brushed the other’s sarcastic ‘há!’ easily and moved until he was right in front of the brazilian, capturing his eyes in a firm stare. “And if they don’t have anything, we’re going to find our own answers.”
Forever nodded, not really believing.
“You worry too much, my friend.”
“Exactly. I already told you but I will repeat it until it gets through your thick skull: I always will worry and I’m not leaving you side, mate.”
For a moment words escaped from his tongue, a mix of feelings of ‘safe’, ‘happy’ and ‘embarrassment’ filled his chest before he got a hold of his senses. 
“Alright, alright, alright.” 
This time, when he smiled there was a light back into his brown, tired eyes. 
“You know, Philza, you really need to get over me, man. The line continues, I’m already moving forward and you still try to romance me, it’s- what is the word? Oh, embarrassing, hehehe”
The avian took advantage of his position to hit the other upside his head, a surprise snort being fished from his lips. 
“Oho, shut the fuck up. You’re the one who is still on this!”)
And yeah, maybe he was just making a strategic retreat after showing vulnerability, but who could blame him, really? No one, that’s who. He would be out before they did try.
“Come on, Richas, vamo de Megabase.” (Let’s go to Megabase) He called, getting out of the trampoline when the boy kept painting and paid him no mind. Tallulah, however, stopped writing on a book to go to him, Chayanne turned to look from his place next to the grill nearby, already testing a new recipe.
The girl placed a sign and stared at him with attentive eyes, lips firmly pressed in a shadow of disappointment. ‘You already going?’
(God. He really missed the sound of little steps and signs being placed. They missed it all so much.)
Forever internally winced. He really didn’t spend a lot of time with Chay and Talullah since they’re back, letting them enjoy more time with Phil and just making quick check ins once in a while. He also took the last days to spend as much time as he could with Richas, afterall.
“Yeah... sorry, Talullah, but me and Richas still have to finish our project, right Richas?”
Still no answer from the younger one, too concentrated in every stroke to pay the conversation any mind.
Forever chuckled, sensing a chance for some mischief. Cleaning his throat, he lifted his voice from the usual soft tune he always used with Tallulah to a more taunting tune, making it louder so Richas could listen perfectly well.
“Ohhh, but maybe you can go and help me to make it, right, Talullah? You’re such a nice, helpful egg who listens to your parents when they call you, just like Chayanne. Richarlyson could take some examples from his older siblings more, tsk.” The president had to hold the snickers when he saw the red cow head stop and slowly, threateningly slowly, turn around to face him, Richas letting go of the brush to squint their eyes at him. Talullah and Chayanne rolled their eyes, amused, already used to the playful banters between father and son. “But ahh, he just never listens. Oooh, I have an idea! While Tallulah helps me with the decoration, Chayanne, you can go too and make your delicious barbecue there to keep us- AH!”
The surprised shout was a direct result for when the younger launched himself at his father in protest and began roughhousing immediately, both descending in growls and portuguese for a few couple of minutes before Forever laid a satisfied Richas on the floor, who immediately placed a sign.
‘Pai, stop. I’m making Pepito’s birthday present, let me finish it >:0 we can go Mebase later :D’
“Ok, ok, I get it, I get it. You like Pepito more than your own father. Yeah, yeah, no Richas, no, I get it.” He began fake sniffing and making crying noises, leading to a Richas kicking his leg in a clear message of ‘stop the dramatics’ before going back to the canvas. “Ok, ok, warn me when you finish your drawing then, we can stay a little more.”
The three kids danced in excitement.
He is not sure how exactly he had ended up in this position.
Talullah and Chayanne were secure and cozy his arms, half because of a poke of fun at Philza that started with a joke ten minutes ago and they just kept it running and half as a parting hug that was stiffly (but still very carefully) answered by Chayanne and warmly by Tallulah. Forever enthusiastically squeezed and hugged them even tighter. A bit jealous of how Philza could shield them both with his wings during their own hugs and how he could only wish that his arms would be strong enough to defend them when the time comes.
“OK, now it’s for real. Richas, let’s go!”
But, when Richarlyson appeared in front of him, paints and canva already put inside his backpack, his smile had a different tint in it and, between his curls, Forever could recognize the flame that always appeared when that kid’s inner demon - not his terrifying artistic alter ego, though, the general demon that lives inside every rascal kid - woke in search of chaos.
He immediately became wary.
‘Chay, Talluh, can I tell you a secret about Pai Forever? 0-0’
Both siblings immediately nodded.
“Ohh, gossip. I like, I like.” Philza snorted at the affronted look in Forever’s face. 
“Vai contar nada, vai contar nada, seu muleque atentado! Nem sei o que tu vai falar, mas não vai falar não. Que que é isso, Richarlyson, tá se virando contra o seu próprio pai?” (You’re telling nothing, you’re telling nothing, you absolute brat. I don’t even know what you’re about to say but you’re telling nothing. What is it, Richarlyson, are you turning against your own dad?)
During the entire scold Richas kept jumping around in circles with the utmost, simple delight, wiggling his body and tail in sync in front of Forever, as if daring him to let go of the other two eggs to go and actually catch him, like a cat looking deep into your eyes before throwing the cup right off your table.
He put a sign on the ground.
‘Pai Forever is absurdly, awfully, very, very, ticklish. And it’s so funny because he always agrees to give us anything when we tickle attack him at home.'
His kid, his beautiful, beautiful baby boy that he would explode the entire island for and go through the literal hell all over again if it meant that he would be finally safe, only looked at him in a confused expression - as if the lil shit just couldn’t tell why his dear pai was running away from him as he tried to get closer - and began following his steps as Forever tried to put distance between them, holding Chayanne and Talullah the farthest away from his torso that he could while the two squirmed trying to escape and attack.
In the end his back ended up hitting the tree and, without being able to get his items to flee, he had nowhere to go.
“Wait, wait, wait, don-” A chortle escaped the very exact moment Richas began drilling on his sides, making Forever want to bounce up and down with the sudden tickly energy that shot through his entire body, leaving his mouth with a big, dazzling smile and his arms to fall in an attempt to protect himself from the tickling, which inevitably brought the other children close and sealed his fate.
Tallulah was bold, briefly looking at his face for any sign of discomfort before carefully shoving her claws under his armpit, scratching the ticklish skin with ease, but for the loud shriek that this resulted one could think that she just unlocked a full, unmerciful on a tickle attack.
Chayanne took a bit longer, giving his surroundings and sky a wary look, as if a monster would appear the very second he lowered his guard, only to end up finding his father’s gaze, who was watching at them with a soft expression and nodding encouragingly. The little (way to young) warrior relaxed and also took the job of scribbling, encircling and digging (just the tiniest bit, he had to be mindful about his claws after all) the other armpit, fish just more squeals and plenty of gleeful laughter with that.
Forever felt like he was about to jump out of his skin, his body going crazy at the ‘it tickles, it tickles so so much!’ feeling while his brain was still caught in the need to not move around too much to not hurt any kid with his squirms. All of which ended up with the blonde doing a weird little dance around the spot that brought plenty of giggles and amused snickers from the young ones.
Now, the similarity between Philza and Bad is that, while he wasn’t exactly the one who created it, Philza was more than inclined and wouldn’t necessarily refuse to add to a chaotic situation it if the chance came, if he felt like it.
That is why he stepped close, winking at them. “I think it’s better if you just agree to their terms, Forever.”
“I-I” the adult tried to bite back another giggling fit, but their tickles were so goddamn light and maddening- “I don’t even snk know what thehey want!”
“Just agree to give them anything then.”
Forever shook his head. He knew his son enough to understand how much of a pain in the ass that decision could become.
“Needing more convincing? Well, kids, you saw it.”
“Filho da puta-” (Son of a bitch-), and Forever threw his head backwards in more laughter, more squeaks, more half squirms.
Now, Philza may not know Portuguese. However, six months sharing an island with 7 brazilians and plenty of reasons to swear taught him well what some words meant. He snorted, half amused and half affronted.  
“Do NOT swear in front of the children.” Then, a wicked grin was formed in his expression.“You know what? I think the eggs need a little help.”
Forever’s eyes got wide when he saw the avian stepping close, cracking his fingers, making an electric shiver run across his spine and spread through his nerves, making his fingertips tingle with adrenaline and anticipation. 
His legs tensed in preparation for the chase, unfortunately, his son knew him too well.
In a blink Richarlyson threw himself on his legs and hugged them, successfully stopping him from even trying to escape. And those extra pieces of time were all that Philza needed. As fast as he was to defend and attack, he positioned himself right in front of the president, firmly pressing his shoulder to the tree and not really, truly, preventing him from escaping, but successfully securing him in place, in the same time.
“Ok, kids, what I know for a fact is that his neck is a very bad spot…” He demonstrated it by lightly tracing and wiggling his nails on said place, all of the dragon hybrids watching attentively as the action made Forever lose himself in a sea of snickers and yelps, a stronger reaction only coming out when two more tiny hands got mixed in the fun when Chayanne and Talullah tried mirroring their dad.
“But a spot that could make him cave…” Philza hummed before turning to the young one with a red mushroom cow head. “What do you think, Richarlyson? His hips or the back of his ribs?”
Richas looked at his dad. 
At how dark have been the circles under his eyes since he came back, at how he kept chatting with the islanders but never truly talking to them, how he always kept running off to another project or meeting, always saying that Richas was his son and his best friend and the only one he could trust when they got caught up in the middle of the night building and decorating his base.
He saw how, until now, he hadn’t run away. Through the teases, the attacks and tickles, he stayed.
And so, he smirked. 
Placed a sign.
“Geez, I’m never getting into a tickle fight with you, mate.” Even so, the avian reflected his smirk right back at him and both turned to look at Chayanne and Talullah, who nodded in understanding and placed their claws on the back of his ribs. 
“Nononono! Wait!” Philza placed his free hand on his hips, thumb pressing the spot right above the bone, the palm resting on the back of his spine. Forever’s speech became more high pitched and much faster, with nervous, delirious chuckles already spilling and spinning in the air. “None of you said what you wanted from me! That is not justo, uh, just, huh, fair! Calma aí, come on, wait, wait, wait!”
They did not, in fact, wait.
For a second, once again, everything else in the world disappeared. There were no code monsters, no Federation, no Purgatory or anything else but the warm, electric feeling of fingers and claws prodding, pinching and scratching that took over his entire senses, making his laughter ring free in a song composed of yelps, shrieks, squeals and snickers that filled the air. There was nothing else but the fun, the joy and the warmth of a careful touch and silly taunting smiles that his heart melt with care over and over again.
In the end, after more laughter, plenty of teasing and lots of snorts, they finally agreed to ask him to visit them again after a couple of days for a nice picnic. A request which, in between leftover chuckles, plenty complains and a few gleeful tears, Forever agreed, a plan of vengeance already forming in his brain.
#Ler!Philza#Ler!Tallulah#Ler!Bad#Ler!Richarlyson#qsmp tickling#Ler!Chayanne#Ticklish!Forever#Ler!Pac#Ler!Mike#I loved the idea of Philza using his feathers for evil tickly purposes ok like PLEASE it has so much potential!!!#Also I didn't add a tickle scenario with Cellbit and Forever and yeah I am sad too but I couldn't imagine it so :(#Very sad face the divorced keep losing :(#cheer up tickles#I don't think Tallulah and Chayanne were too true to their character here but I tried. I only started watching Phil's pov recently :")#Phil and Forever at every second around each other: he is so not over me like god that is so embarrasing how much he still wants me geez#Bad and Forever actively annoying each other gives me so much happiness like <3 <3 <3 yeah yeah get insufferable plssss#Look I am all but a simply person who LOVES hurt/comfort and an entire arc that showed us one of my faves characters going thro hell and-#-being SAVED by his friends and family who literally refused to let him lost himself no matter how much he was forced to push them away?#HECK YEAH#Look look I still lay awake in my bed thinking about Phil saying 'Forever. I know you would've never agreed to that if it wasn't for a-#-good reason' and Forever laughing and saying 'That is the funny part Philza. I never agreed to anything!!'#And he saying that he promised to Chay that he would protect Tallulah no matter what and then he starts laughing 'Isn't that funny Phil?'#AUGH#And don't even get me STARTED about his and Cellbit's screaming match in the end OWWW HOW CAN THEY BE SO GOOD AT RP FUCK MEEEE#Also yeah I am actively ignoring what is happening in canon rn while still adding the virus to my fic like we give them the ol razzle dazzl#qsmp tickles#Kanene's fanfic#Kanene's fic
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izzabela · 2 months
Hello! I love your writing, I'm glad to see a new talented mk1 writer :D if requests are open, can I request goodbye sex with bi-han before a divorce? very strange idea, you can ignore it :>
Good Luck, Babe - Bi Han x fem!reader
in which you wake up in the middle of the night, reminiscing over your past
a/n: you think me talented? you're too kind, dearest.
ship[s]: bi han x fem!reader
warning(s): bi han perspective(ish), angst, slow sex, goodbye sex, f!reader = f!genitalia, i'm tweaking the lyrics a bit
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It's fine, it's cool
You can say that we had nothing, but you know the truth
And guess I'm, the fool
With her arms out like an angel through the car sun roof
Bi Han pins you between himself and the bedroom door. After taking you inside, he attacked your lips with address and longing, as if you were going to disappear before his very eyes. His hands travel from your face, down to your shoulders, tracing the curvature from your belly, snd finally making its place at your hips.
You, on the other hand, had your arms explore his back, traveling up to his neck, before settling down in his hair as you hold on for his rough kisses. Bi Han lets you tug at it, allowing him more access inside your mouth as he kisses even deeper.
Bi Han pulls away, hands rested on your shoulders as you look up into his sad, brown eyes. He's vulnerable, truly, and his walls have been broken at the fact he is losing the last remnant of normalcy. One of your hands is at Bi Han's cheek, the coolness of his skin being rather warm to your touch
"Are you most certain of this?" you asked Bi Han, and he only nods to answer you.
"Very well, my love."
I don't wanna call it off
But you don't wanna call it love
You only wanna be the one
that I call baby
Bi Han brings you to the bed, gently laying your back down as he crawls over you. From your mouth, he kisses down to your chin. He makes a quick pitstop at your neck, sucking on your flesh gently to leave a couple of hickeys to remind you of who you belonged to.
Even though you would no longer be his by the end of the night.
As he keeps going down, he undoes the wrap around your shirt and slipped your shirt off your body. He continues his journey down your body, and he leaves more kisses down the dip between your breasts, gently tweaking the buds on top of your fleshy mounds. You bite your moans back, a hand over your mouth, but Bi Han stops his affections to face your hesitancy on allowing your true feelings to shine.
"Do not cover your voice," Bi Han whispers. "On our last night, do not do such a thing."
It's not a command, Bi Han can't bring himself to see the fear in your eyes as he once saw. His voice, still gruff and deep, held softness for you in this very moment. As did all moments he had with you, from meeting you, marrying you, even now, he will speak to you with the softness of a kiss to the cheek.
Removing your hand, you allow your voice to echo in the bedroom as he resumes the trail of kisses down your body. As he makes it to your bottoms, he slips your pants and underwear off in one go. You lift your head up to meet his gaze, and his eyes remain on yours as he goes down on your aching sex.
You could kiss a hundred boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You could it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
You moan at the skill of Bi Han's tongue, delving deep inside your warm insides. It's a feathery feeling, his tongue and mouth all over your wet pussy. He's so tender, so soft, so slow with you, relishing in almost everything about you. Bi Han adds some fire to it all, his thumb rolling and rubbing over your sensitive clit.
You gasp at the touch, and you begin to wriggle around as you feel a peak coming soon. Bi Han stops, though, lifting his mouth from your cunt as he begins to strip himself down. Slowly, he begins to remove pieces of his traditional garb.
Like Bi Han, you take in everything about Bi Han. How his body holds every knick, scar, and ridge from his battles. How beautiful his hair is down, and how you often played with it. How his eyes carried love and determination for you, how he did almost everything for you. Even now, you knew he was doing this for you.
He's diligent to his family, and though you would be leaving, he would keep his oaths. It drove you mad, really- you're leaving, and he remains so loyal to you? It almost makes you feel bad, regretful even.
You're drawn out of your trance when Bi Han locks lips with you once more. This time, though, you could feel a prodding at your groin area, right next to your pussy.
Good luck, babe
Good luck, babe
You'd have to stop the world,
just to stop the feeling
As he continues to kiss you, Bi Han hands play with your breasts softly. Your nips are puffy and slightly swollen, but Bi Han takes great care in making sure it isn't uncomfortable.
He's always been this attentive. Even before your marriage, before dating, you had seen his diligence in caring for his people, family, and clan.
You knew how much it hurt him to come back home to you, without Shang Tsung, without his family. The way Bi Han held you after that mission, the way his shoulders tensed as you stroked his back.
You stop him in the middle of your pleasure, pressing your forehead to his. His breath is warm, and it mixes with your ragged breath as you lean in for another kiss.
He laps your mouth a bit with his tongue, and the kiss is slower than usual (is that possible?). It didn't matter though, as Bi Han is trying to immortalize everything about you.
I'm cliché, who cares?
It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair
And I cry, it's not fair
I just need a little loving,
I just need a little air
As Bi Han is exploring your mouth, his hand sneakily heads down to your hearth, and two fingers dug themselves into your wet heat. Your eyes are wide at the feeling, but its welcome, and your insides begin to shape itself around his fingers.
You honestly got lucky with him. Never in the realms, your lifetime even, that you'd score such a loving, caring man. Not only to your feelings, but to your physicalities.
You gasp at the pressure that you felt in your belly. It seems Bi Han had pressed into your good spot, eliciting another gasp and stifled moan at the blissing feeling.
Bi Han lets go of your mouth, watching you jerk and wiggle at the intense pleasure you're getting from him
By the elder gods, he was going to miss this. But he's not as shallow to miss only the late night tangoes you two had.
He was going to miss your late-night rambles before you slept, miss your excited cheers as you bested him in spars, miss your welcome home and goodbye hugs- miss everything about you.
Think I'm gonna call it off
Even if you call it love
I just wanna love someone
who calls me baby
Bi Han lets go again, finally about to relieve the pain his cock had been feeling since the second he kissed you.
You watch him grab a plastic square wrapper from the nightstand's drawer, and he rips it open to reveal a condom. For some strange reason, you're crying.
As Bi Han slips the plastic protection on, he hears your muffled cries that you try to hide behind your mouth. He stops everything, sitting you up as he rubs your back to soothe your sorrow.
"Oh Bi Han," you call his name. "Bi Han I'm scared."
It wrenches his heart to hear your hesitancy. Your usually fired-up spirit had been diminished by the entirety of your upcoming separation. He should be angry at you, since you're the one who called for it, but he isn't- he can't be.
Not when, he too, feels the dread deep in his soul.
Bi Han kisses your forehead, then kisses your eyelids as he wipes the salty drops off both sides of your cheeks. You smile sadly, and Bi Han can feel it as yours and his lips weave together.
This would be the last time he would have such a person close to his heart. The last time someone would share his bed, the last time a person would see him cry, the last time a person would see the real, true Bi Han.
Finally, you calmed down, and you tell Bi Han you're ready for him. He lays you back down once more, and lines himself to your aching, narrow entrance.
As he buries himself deep inside of you at the first push, your warm cunt instinctively squeezes his hard length. He groans in response, and you swear you heard a pitchier croak from his throat.
Almost like he was begging you to stay.
As he tries to loosen you up with deeper thrusts, you throw your arms around his neck, holding onto him as his cock splits you apart.
You let all the noises out of you: high-pitched cries, keens of pleasure, and moans of joy as he begins to pick up the pace.
You could kiss a hundred boys at bars, but Bi Han would make sure he was the only one you'd remember.
You'd have to shoot another shot to really stop this feeling. Bi Han is making this harder for you, harder for you to let go. He wants you to know that he'll be the only one to make you feel this good.
You could really say it's just the way you are. That you are of noble heart and good cause, that this is not the way the Lin Kuei should go.
Bi Han knows this is an excuse, another stupid reason someone leaves him. He knows you better than that, more than you will admit.
But since you called it off, he can no longer play that card.
First, his brothers, now you.
As Bi Han drills into you, his eyes are locked on yours as he fills you up. His member fills every corner of your loving insides, and you squeeze at it to get more friction, feeling- anything.
He's taunting you at this point, he smirks and keeps going at it, and you can't help but wonder if this is a message.
Good luck, babe. Yes, that's what he's trying to tell you. Good luck, babe.
You may be leaving him, going elder gods knows where, but he's truly wishing you good luck on finding a partner as good as him.
But you and Bi Han both know that won't happen.
And now you wake up next to Kuai Liang, in the middle of the night. You're sweating and panting, like coming out of a marathon. Your heart twists at the odd and erotic memory. Why you were thinking of the past is unknown, but what is known is that your head is in your hands.
You've become nothing in your new marriage, nothing more than a wife.
Bi Han never put you in that box. He always made sure you would shine, making it known you were the most important thing to Bi Han. He'd polish your skills with you, sparring whenever you'd like. Bi Han wanted you to have the best, in order to flaunt the beauty that won his heart. After all, he was the only one who was able to touch you, not anyone else.
You get off the bed, walking the creaky floors of the compound to make it outside. The moon shines brightly, ironic to your dull situation. Leaving Bi Han, traveling to Japan to meet Kuai Liang and Tomas and Harumi, falling in love again, only to be put back into that box.
As you walk the grounds, breathing in the fresh scent of Japanese spring time evening air, you stop in front of a small pond. You sit on the edge of the wooden path, leaning over enough to see your reflection. You're not alone in the water though.
Bi Han is there, and he's looking back at you with dead eyes and a straight face. You gasp but don't turn away.
"Now you think of me, all of those years ago," Bi Han's reflection speaks, but the voice is monotone.
Almost like he's standing face to face with you, saying I told you so.
You face your reflection with hardened eyes and a scowl. Splashing the water, you get your sleepwear wet and drench bits of your face with the excess water droplets. You get away from his face, but you feel a shadow over your body and soul as you run away.
You can hear his voice whisper in your ear, "I hate to say it, but, I told you so."
You shake your head, running at full speed to go back to yours and Kuai Liang's bedroom. Your throat is all closed up, and you try to erase the imaginary Bi Han from your thoughts, but he's persistent in its pursuit of your torment.
"My love, I truly hate to tell you," your mind is imagining his hand stroking your head, "However, I told you so."
You slam the sliding door open to find Kuai Liang's hair half up, in the middle of tying it to go and find you. He's tired, but his eyes light up at your semi-okay person. He's serious once he sees how distressed you look, though.
"Darling?" He calls, arms open as he walks to you. You crash into him, quietly sobbing into his chest as you babble nonsense. Kuai Liang just rubs your back, gently walking you to the bed to bring you to sleep.
However, even as you slept, the feeling wouldn't leave you. It pulled at your heart, gnawed at your soul, and ate away at your brain.
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.
Elsewhere, on the other side of the world (realm, even), Bi Han stares out in the distance as his initiates shout and scream the clan's chants.
The world keeps spinning, people keep moving, and Bi Han just keeps his eyes on the piercingly blue skies of Arctika. He told you that night, that once you left, you would never be able to shake away his touch, his feelings, his love.
Bi Han reveled in the fact that though you were gone, he left such a deep impression on you.
There was no way that your feelings about him would leave.
Until you could stop the world, the feeling would relent.
Yes, you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.
Chappell Roan is love, Chappell Roan is life
btw, are you guys ready for Takeda to come as part of the buyable characters? im just excited that the wait is over, and the DLC expansion will be soon approaching
kk, i'll see yall in the next fic!
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drefear · 1 year
Based on this ask, have some angst and smut.
Miguel goes on a mission and hears some of his biggest fears become reality for this villain, then coming home to you.
TW: Sad story, angst, fear, smut, crying.
Bright red webs shot out of Miguel’s wrists as he yanked himself higher, bloodied and wounded from the mission he was currently on. He didn’t have backup often, but today he needed it, and Hobie was late. He held off the anomaly for as long as he could before Hobie got there, then calling in one more spider as the two could barely hold their own. Lyla sent Ben to help and the three were currently having issues with the beast, a Sandman that was rampaging and aiming straight for a hospital. 
“He’ll break the canon!” Miguel’s voice was hoarse as Hobie webbed the Sandman, him and Ben grabbing the enemy as Miguel threw a trap at its feet. 
“Let me out!” He bellowed as lazers surrounded him and kept him trapped in the nanotechnology. Miguel’s shoulders heaved as the sandman pounded on the buzzing tech and finally fell to his knees. 
“Please let me out… I just… I lost my family.” He froze at the villain's words, eyes glancing back at the cowering man. “You lost them?”
“My wife was going to divorce me and take my daughter, and I lost it… ended up killing them both and now I’m here.” Miguel’s eyes widened at the admission and he felt his heart ache. He knew what that was like, to make an accident and lose everything. 
“You’ll be back home soon.” He answered, trying to keep a straight face and now frown too much. He didn’t want the other two spiders to see any type of vulnerable reaction. 
His mind ran back to Gabriella, to how she smiled and the day she disappeared in his arms from his own doing. 
And then he thought of you. 
You with your soft hair and magnetic smile, melodic voice that made him feel easy when he needed to calm down. 
As Hobie went to take the villain away, Miguel stopped him. 
“Why was she going to divorce you?” He looked down at the man curiously. 
“She said I worked too much, I neglected her and our daughter…” He rambled and Miguel stayed quiet, then letting Ben and Hobie take him back to HQ. 
His mind was racing from the villain's words. 
Had he been neglecting you?
He did work a lot, and recently, you’d both been very busy. The spot anomaly was taking up most of his days and nights, usually leaving you alone for long periods unless it was just cuddling your sleeping form and waking up to you gone, cooking him lunch and wrapping it up in a bag for him to take to HQ. 
See, you both were busy, it wasn’t just him. 
But the nagging in the back of his mind didn’t stop. 
He finished the paper work he needed to in a frantic rush, scribbling and typing as fast as he could. He needed to see you, talk to you, hear you say that you still loved him. 
He’d almost failed to ‘thread the needle’ like he taught all recruits, on his way home, almost in a manic state as he climbed up the side of your shared apartment building with his claws. Hopping onto your balcony, he quietly slid open the glass door and heard you humming quietly, the shower running. You hummed when you were thinking, which worried him. What were You thinking about? 
“Mi reina?” He called out, testing if you seemed upset with him or not. 
“Miguelito?” You answered, popping your head out of the bathroom and smiling. “You’re home early, did something happen at HQ?” You inquired, going back into the bathroom to get back in the shower. He pulled his clothing off as he followed you like a puppy, hands itching to touch your celestial skin. A trail of his clothes could be found from the living room to the bathroom door, as he saw your frame behind the glass shower door, scrubbing your scalp. His hands found the bathroom door as he tapped gently, watching you turn and give him a gentle smile. “Hard day?” 
He slides open the door and wraps his arms around you as he steps inside, tucking his head into your shoulder as the warm water heats up the air around you both. You can feel the tension in his shoulders as he leans his head on your shoulder and slumps forward to lean a bit on you. You let out a little surprised laugh as you card your fingers through his hair and hear him give a soft sigh of comfort. 
“Just need you.” He mumbles and closes his eyes, gripping your hips tightly. You understood the unspoken confession; he needed comfort. 
Turning to face him, your hands tangled into his brown curls as the water bounced off of his broad back and you planted soft, gentle kisses to his shoulder while his forehead creased deeper. He couldn’t turn off his mind, the curse of being brilliant, but you knew how to at least quiet the thoughts. Pulling his face to yours, you finally collided your lips with his and kissed him in languide, relaxed strokes of your tongue against his. 
“Bebe…” He whispered against your mouth and sank deeper into your embrace, needing the comfort and love you gave him. 
“I know.” You moved to turn off the water and pull him out of the shower towards your bedroom, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Lifting you up, he sat you on the counter and tucked his head into the crook of your neck, kissing his way down toward your naval and between your thighs. His tongue licked flat against your folds and your spine shot up straight with electricity, eyes fluttering shut from pleasure. His eyes caught the sight of you blushing from his mouth and continued to slowly dine on you, a never ending dinner of sounds he could eat up and not once get full. His fingers held the plush of your legs and moved one calf over his shoulder, pushing his nose against your bundle of nerves and making you whine louder, flicking his tongue into your hole with practiced movements he knew you loved. His pretty little wife was his biggest weakness, and he was yours as well, always addicted to being on him, around him, full of him. Miguel sucked on you and made your head feel light, snapping your hips a bit into his face and turning even more red from not being able to control your own body because of him. Your orgasm hit like a wall and you shivered, clenching on his tongue as he slowed to let you roll through it with ease. 
Standing up once more, he slotted himself between your legs and you held his face in your smaller hands, eyes connected and refusing to look away from each other. 
“Miguelito… Did something happen?” You whispered and he just nodded, his thumb finding your clit and forcing a pitiful sound from your throat. He didn’t want to talk about it, that was now clear, and you would do anything to help him feel better. “So beautiful…” He mumbled as he pushed the head of his cock against you, sliding against your wet juices now soaking him and finally pushing into you. The stretch burned for a split second before his cock nudged a spot that made your vision blur around the edges and your mouth drop open. The grunt he released was one of need, of relief, and it made you even more hungry for him, to sooth him. His hands fell to your waist as he began a steady, even pace and rocked against you as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Leaning your forehead to his chest, you could barely breathe as you felt so imbued with him and only him. Every pent up emotion seemed to pour out of him when you two had sex, and right now, his upset dripped from his skin like honey. The tension was thick with underlying love and urgency. 
The pace never got much quicker, he continued to move in tandem with you as you cried out and felt him hitting every spot he knew you loved, the soaked cavern of your body becoming a home for him now. 
His eyes watched as your face contorted and flinched at every pull of his cock inside of you, gasping a bit every thrust back in. You felt the hot sensation building in your lower body once more, the flex of your leg muscles as your body shook, heels pushing into his back and egging him to keep going. “I’m so close…” You whispered, pitching becoming higher and higher as you felt tears prick your eyes from stimulation of his head bumping your sensitive spots continuously. 
“Let go, mi vida.” He instructed you and just his words had a masterful effect on you, shaking and sobbing through the slow orgasm that held your mind in a chokehold and your body captive. He followed behind you, feeling your whole being convulse and shudder because of him. White painted your insides as he stilled and forced the combined essence of you both as far in you as it could be. He huffed and panted with you, the sound of your heaving breaths all that could be heard. Your eyes scanned him over to check on him, and that’s when you noticed his eyes becoming glassy and wet. 
“Oh, darling…” You spoke and cupped his face again, leaning your head to his and hearing him sniffle. “Please don’t leave… I love you, I’m sorry…” A cold sweat broke over you at his begging and you stared at him, confused. 
“What did you do?” You asked, fear lacing your veins. 
“I’ve been neglecting you, I haven’t been good enough for you-” 
“Oh, no no, Miguel.” You interrupted him and pressed a finger to his lips to quiet him. “You haven’t neglected me, you’re busy. I’m here, I promise, stop worrying about us. I love you.” You assured and pet his cheek a bit, trying to give him some peace of mind.
“I’m right here.”
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all-pacas · 4 months
I think one of the similarities between House and Chase that doesn't get mentioned that much is how fucking allergic they BOTH are to opening up. House is pretty obvious. But Chase? He's such a liar. He will do anything to NOT tell people about his personal shit. He lies to patients about it. He crafts a backstory. It's not as obvious as with House, because Chase is quite good at the Pleasant Facade, but like.
Here's a couple!
"I had a great time getting my tonsils removed, it's why I became a doctor!" Foreman, annoyed, points out he still has his tonsils. In S8, Chase explains the real reason: his mother used to lock him in his dad's study for hours on end, and he'd get bored and read textbooks.
"I did some antics as a teen, but my mother thought I turned out alright!" No, she didn't, she died when he was 17-18.
That one gifset from One Day, One Room. "Keep her asleep," Chase says, incredulous, because why in the world would you ever tell a patient about your past trauma? Why tell anyone?
His dad dies and he kills a patient. He clearly cared about Kayla, he'd bonded with her and her family. He pretends he was hungover and didn't give a shit. He refuses to tell Stacy or the board "I messed up because I was in shock/grieving," even though it ends up saving his job, until House pushes him to admit it. He would rather be sued and lose his job than admit "I was sad my dad died."
Most of his lies are actually meant to deflect from his personal life. He's much more private than I think he's given credit for: in the s1 episode with the nun, he lets it slip he hates nuns, and doesn't correct House when House (correctly) assumes he's a Catholic School Kid, but he doesn't tell House or anyone but the patient he actually went to seminary.
Socratic Method? He's clearly got some Issues with alcoholism, and, frustrated, calls Foreman out for assuming he doesn't know just because he's a rich kid. Foreman asks him directly, did you know someone like that? Chase doesn't answer. He spends the episode clearly identifying with the underage son of the patient, but never once utters the words "my mother was an alcoholic."
In 'Cursed,' when Cameron is prodding him about his father, he straight-up refuses to engage. She tries sympathy: nothing. She tries to relate: nothing. She gets frustrated: nothing. He tries very hard to avoid both his father and dealing with House, only opening up when forced. House also spends about half the episode trying to get the truth out of Chase, at one point even declaring they're going to talk about it now -- only for Chase to use the stairs to get away.
S6? He refuses to discuss the divorce, no matter who confronts him about it, no matter how gently. He claims he's fine, as he lies in the lounge, rubbing his ring-finger. He punches House just to get people to stop asking questions.
S8? He gets stabbed. Whenever one of his collogues ask how he's doing, he recites the same polite "thank you for your concern, but I'm doing very well" line in the same polite way.
The one running theme is that House is very good at getting the truth out of him. Half of these examples end with Chase losing it at House, telling the truth or blowing up or punching him in the face. Because. You know. Who else does that? Who else spends so much time avoiding talking about himself and his past and all the ways he's fucked up?
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Happy Ending
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @natsbraids
Word Count: 3.4k+
Y/N always found themselves sitting at Lily’s bedside, reading her favourite book. A small smile on both of their faces, since Lily’s mother had left the two once they found out the severity of her illness, Y/N was there with her everyday.
Everyday, they passed a red head who always disappeared into the room down the hall. Sitting beside her sister who had severe liver disease, although the blonde had never done any form of drugs or alcohol abuse, she was dealt a bad hand.
“So, the doctor said I can take you out for some fresh air today.” Y/N told Lily who beamed. “Of course it will only be to the hospital gardens but it is out of this room.”
“Thank you O’Pa.” Lily spoke as she looked at Y/N.
“You have nothing to thank me for.” They told her as they helped her get her coat on.
“You’re always here.” She started. “Everyday, you even do your work here too.”
“I would do anything for you.” They told her. “You’re the most important person in my life and I don’t know how I will cope once you leave me.”
“I’ll never truly leave you O’Pa.” She told them softly. A smile on both of their faces. They helped her get situated in the wheelchair, placing her fluffy blanket over her lap to help keep her warm.
Once the two sat side by side in the garden, Lily’s smile faltered as she thought deeply.
“Do you think mom will miss me?” She asked them as they sighed. Not really knowing where their ex was, even though they weren’t yet divorced, they only thought of Lily.
“Yeah.” They answered unsurely. “I’d like to think she wouldn’t be completely heartless, but she doesn’t deserve for you to think about her, not when she abandoned you.”
“She left you too.” She pointed out as they nodded.
“She did.” They spoke thoughtfully. “But the reason she left allowed me to truly see the person she is, and I don’t want someone like that around my sweet girl.”
“Do you think they’ll find me a liver?” Lena asked as she and Nat walked through the gardens.
“Maybe.” She whispered, although she was unsure, she wanted Yelena to have a little bit of hope. “I believe they will.”
“I don’t want to die.” She whispered, a tear escaping her eye as Nat was quick to wipe it away.
“You’re not going to die.” She told her firmly. “I am not ready to lose my little sister.” Nat’s eyes soon caught sight of the tired parent who sat beside their teenage daughter, a sad smile on her face as she could see the pain in their eyes, even as they smiled and laughed.
That evening, the two escaped to the canteen, both Lena and Lily were sleeping and the adults were in need of a coffee.
“Hi.” Nat greeted them as she stood beside them in the que.
“Hey.” They gave her a small smile.
“I saw you earlier, was that your sister?” She questioned as they chuckled.
“No, Lily is my daughter.” They told her as they walked back through the corridors. “My wife and I had her when we were in school, the marriage was the most stupid decision I ever made but Lily is everything to me.”
“Where is your wife?” Nat questioned as they chuckled lightly.
“You're very nosey for a stranger.” They teased as she nodded with a giggle.
“Well, I spend pretty much all of my time here, so I need some form of adult conversation.” She answered truthfully. “My baby sister has severe liver failure.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that.” They whispered as she nodded. “I guess it is lonely being here all of the time. I usually work from home but I brought my work here with me. Lily has a degenerative heart condition and has been on the list for the better part of a decade.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She spoke tenderly as they shook their head.
“She’s not afraid.” Y/N whispered as they stopped outside of Lily’s room. “She knows that the likelihood of her getting a new heart within the next few months is extremely slim. So she’s made peace with it, and I guess I have to make peace with it too.”
“But it’s good to have hope.” Nat told them as they sighed.
“I did have hope, for many years I had hope but day by day, I started to lose it.” They looked up at Nat. “I’ve lost hope that she will get better, but I know that she won’t be in pain. She will be free of her pain.”
Both Y/N and Nat had spent most of their days together, even taking the two girls out to the garden. There was only a couple of years of age difference between the two of them, so they had got on like a house on fire.
What they never thought would happen would be that she would start to deteriorate rapidly through the night.
“I’m sorry.” The doctor spoke after giving their prognosis.
“Wouldn’t a transplant work?” They questioned urgently as the doctor shook his head.
“Her heart is barely beating, she is barely holding on.” He told them.
“There must be something you can do to give us more time.” They pleaded as Lily tried to call out to them. “I’m not ready. I’m not ready.”
“O’pa.” She called as loud as she could. “You’ll be fine.” They shook their head as they looked away, allowing the tears to fall freely. “How do we know if I am a match for Yelena?” She asked him as Y/N turned to look at her.
“You are a match.” He answered her. “But she isn’t at the top of the list.”
“What if I want to give my liver to her.” She told him. “Isn’t there some sort of waver that I can sign?”
“Yes.” He said as Y/N sighed before he turned to face them. “But I need your permission.”
“She has my permission.” They stated shakily. “If this is what she wants to do then I will sign whenever I need to.”
“Thank you O’Pa.” She smiled as the doctor left the room, soon returning to her with papers to sign.
As the days went by, Y/N never left her side, afraid that every second could be her last second.
“Promise me you will find happiness O’Pa.” She rasped out as they nodded, holding her hand.
“I promise.” They smiled tearily. “I love you so much Lily.”
“I love you too O’Pa.” Lily smiled before smirking. “Lena’s sister is pretty and single.”
“Lily. I am not looking for a relationship.” They told her.
“Maybe a friend then, you could use one.” She told them as they nodded.
“Maybe.” They whispered as she took a deep breath.
“I’m tired.” She told them as they gave her a tight lipped smile, tears filling their eyes.
“Sleep sweetheart.” They ran their hand through her hair, humming the lullaby she had always loved since she was a baby. Time felt as though it had frozen as they waited for the machines to beep constantly before stopping. Once the doctor had entered the room, muting the monitor before calling time of death. Y/N cried silently as they kissed her forehead one last time. Soon getting up and leaving the room for a moment as they prepared her for organ donation. Racing against time as they hooked her up to a bypass to remove the available organs.
“Y/N?” Nat questioned as she approached Y/N, a coffee in her hand. “No.” She whispered as they just nodded.
“She’s gone.” They spoke barely above a whisper. “The only person I had is gone. I have nothing left.”
“I’m so sorry.” Nat rested her hand on their back as they leaned forward.
“I’m going to be sick.” They started to run towards the bathroom, hurling themselves into an empty stall and vomiting the contents from their stomach. They collapsed to the floor beside the toilet, sobbing as they hugged their legs.
“Y/N!” Natasha ran to them, hugging them as they cried. “Is there someone I can call?”
“Pietro.” They whispered. “He’s been my best friend for years.” They handed her their phone after unlocking it. She soon found Pietro’s contact in the phone and dialed it.
“Hey Y/N/N.” He spoke as he answered the phone.
“Hi, is this Pietro?” Nat spoke.
“Yeah, where’s Y/N?” He questioned.
“They’re at the hospital, it’s bad.” Nat told him.
“It’s Lily isn’t it.” He spoke as a mere observation.
“Yeah.” She whispered. “They need you, Pietro, or someone.”
“I’m on my way.” He told her as soon as he hung up, heading straight from work to the hospital.
“He’s on his way.” Nat told them as they nodded.
“Thank you.” They whispered as they looked up at her. “How’s Lena?” They asked as they got to their feet.
“She is in surgery.” Nat told them. “They finally found a liver.” She watched their expression through the mirror. “It was Lily’s.”
“It was what she wanted.” They told her, a sad smile on her face. “She knew she was dying, she had known for years. She was ready.”
Y/N had soon accepted their daughter’s death, slowly moving forward with their life as she wanted. Returning to their apartment and work, slowly getting everything back to normal.
Of course, their ex never showed up, even after they had sent her a simple text, explaining the whole situation. She still never came to say goodbye to their daughter.
“Hey.” They heard a familiar voice as they waited in line at the coffee shop.
“Nat, hi.” They smiled at her. “How are you and Lena?”
“We are both great.” She beamed as she joined their side. “She is now cleared from the hospital.”
“That’s great to hear.” They beamed as Nat smiled.
“How have you been? I wanted to try and reach out to you sooner but.” She started as they shook their head with a small smile.
“That’s ok, and I have been coping.” They told her. “It’s slowly getting easier to get up as each day comes but I still miss her.” The two soon ordered their coffees and sat down at a table outside. Nat watched as Y/N lit up a cigarette. “But being back in the office has made it all bearable.”
“That’s great.” She smiled proudly at their progress.
“A friend of mine is hosting a barbecue this Saturday, would you and Lena like to join me?” They asked her as she smiled shyly.
“Yeah, Lena would love it too.” She answered them as they smiled.
“Great, here is my number, text me your address and I’ll pick you both up.” They told her as they handed her a card before getting up with their coffee in their hand. “I have to get back to the office. I’ll see you both on Saturday.” Nat waved goodbye as she watched them walk away through the crowded streets, a smile on her face as she watched them disappear.
“Do you think this is a good idea?” Wanda asked Y/N as they joined her and Vis for dinner. “Lily gave her liver to her sister.”
“I know.” They nodded. “But I just feel at ease with her, at the hospital, she was my only friend.”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered as Y/N shook their head no.
“Wanda, you have the twins to think about, Pietro has work and Mon is pregnant. I didn’t expect any of you to put your lives on hold for me.” They told her confidently. “But Nat was a friend to me during the hardest time of my life.”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She told them as they kissed her head.
“I know.” They smiled before helping her set the table. Everyone tried to make them feel as normal as possible.
“Y/N.” Vis spoke up as they all sat at the table. “I found her, Sharon.”
“Yeah?” They questioned curiously.
“I still have the divorce papers you had written up and signed, ready to send to her.” He informed them as they nodded.
“Send them.” They told him. “I am ready to cut all ties with her.”
“I will be sure to deliver them myself.” Vision told them as they nodded, a small smile on their face as everyone sat down, eating dinner as normal as can be.
The day of Wanda’s barbecue came around and Y/N was nervous about picking up Nat and Lena, bringing them to meet their family you may as well say.
“Hey.” They greeted as Nat answered the door. “Are you both ready?”
“Yeah, Lena’s just getting her bag.” Nat told them with a smile. Once the three of them were situated in the car, Y/N started the journey to Wanda’s. Nat was bouncing her leg up and down nervously as Lena listened to her music through her headphones.
“It’s going to be ok Nat.” Y/N reassured her, giving her knee a squeeze.
“I know I shouldn’t be nervous because it isn’t like we’re in a relationship.” She thought she said something wrong as Y/N’s smile faltered. “Not that being with you would be a bad thing because quite frankly, I would consider myself lucky if I was with you.”
“It’s ok Nat.” They smiled. “Although Wanda may be the tough one to convince, she is like a sister. Her, Pietro and I grew up together. She was the one who helped me adjust to helping Lily even though she had the twins.”
“She sounds special.” Nat whispered as Y/N nodded.
“She really is.” They confirmed as they soon pulled up in Wanda’s driveway. Helping both Lena and Nat out of the car before leading them up to the door, letting themselves in and heading straight to the yard, Pietro manning the grill, the twins running around as Wanda conversed with Monica.
“Y/N!” The twins ran straight towards them, running straight into their arms, catching the attention of the three adults.
“Hey mini Maximoffs.” Y/N beamed as they hugged the two of them.
“Y/N.” Monica smiled as she greeted them with a hug, soon followed by Wanda.
“This is Natasha and Yelena.” They introduced the two as Monica smiled, introducing herself before she decided to help the twins with something.
“Hi.” Nat squeaked out as she shook Wanda’s hand, holding her firm gaze with a smile on her face.
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Wanda smiled as she looked between the two sisters. “Thank you for looking out for this one when we couldn’t.”
“Wanda.” Y/N groaned. “I.” They started before Wanda cut them off.
“She was still the one who helped you through it more than the rest of us, and Lily would be thankful for this woman.” She told them firmly as Y/N nodded, giving Wanda another side hug before disappearing to help Pietro. “So, what is your relationship with Y/N?” Wanda asked as she and Nat disappeared inside to prepare the salad.
“I don’t really know what we are.” Nat spoke honestly. “We’re friends I guess but is it wrong to want more?”
“No.” Wanda smiled at her. “It’s never wrong to want more than you get.” She turned to look at Nat who was watching them talk with Yelena. “I watched them go through heartbreak, three times in their life.” Nat listened to her words intently. “I watched their life slowly slip away when they received Lily’s diagnosis, then when their ex left the two of them, and thirdly only months ago. Lily was the best thing that they had in their life and how they remained by her side everyday up until the very end. It shows me just how strong they truly are and they need someone to remind them of that, especially when they get sucked back into the darkness.” She looked at Nat. “Maybe that person could be you, you could be their light in the darkness.”
“So, what is it with you and my sister?” Lena questioned as Y/N sat beside her.
“We’re friends.” They started as they soon heard some commotion from the house. Getting up and heading straight inside to see the woman they never wanted to see again.
“Y/N, can we at least talk about this.” She asked as she held up the divorce papers.
“They need to be signed by you and then I can be free of you.” They told her bluntly.
“Can we at least work this out?” She asked as she pointed between the two of them. “It’s what Lily would want.”
“You have no right to say her name!” They growled as they stepped closer to her. “She was my daughter! Not yours because you ran away as soon as it got real. You abandoned her when she needed us both.” They took a deep breath as tears formed in their eyes. “Do you want to know what she asked me before she died? She wondered if you would miss her! Even though she hadn’t seen you in years, she still had good thoughts about you, and I never had the heart to tell her the truth about you being a fucking coward.” They took a deep breath as everyone listened. “So do me one favor and sign those god damn papers because I don’t want to be married to you. I haven’t for years because I lost hope that you would come home years ago. Hell, I was stupid to hold onto that hope that you would return.”
“Y/N?” She tried again shakily.
“JUST FUCKING SIGN THEM!!” They yelled as they stepped closer. “I WANT OUT!!!! SO JUST SIGN THEM!!”
“Sharon, I suggest you sign them and leave.” Wanda told her firmly as Pietro held Y/N back against the wall, allowing them to calm down. Sharon looked over their broken state, seeing that the Y/N she knew was gone, she no longer knew who they were.
“Ok.” She whispered as Wanda handed her a pen, watching over her as she signed them before leaving.
“Are you ok?” Wanda asked them as they looked in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry Wanda. I never wanted to lose myself. Not in your home.” They whispered as she shook her head.
“It’s perfectly understandable.” She told them before pulling them in for a hug.
The drive back to Natasha’s apartment was silent, once they had pulled up, they walked the two of them to the door. Lena gave a quick wave before disappearing to her room, leaving Nat and Y/N alone.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” They told her. “Neither you or Lena should have witnessed that.”
“It’s ok Y/N.” She told them as she took their hand in hers, they looked at their hands together and it felt right. “I understand why.”
“But it was disrespectful.” They pressed on.
“I can see how Lily was so caring and mature for her age.” Nat whispered as Y/N’s eyes snapped to hers.
“Lily.” They nodded as they took their hand away from hers. “I have to go.” They told her, walking away towards the elevator, Nat closed the door, leaning against it as Y/N made it all the way to their car. “Fuck.”
With that, they ran inside the building and up the stairs, running as fast as they could before knocking frantically on the door.
“Y/N?” Nat spoke confused, only to be cut off by them cupping her face and kissing her passionately. “What?”
“I needed to do that.” They whispered. “I don’t know where or when I started falling for you but I have and I made a promise.” They told her as their foreheads pressed together. “I promised Lily and I intend to keep that promise.”
“What was the promise?” She asked softly.
“To find happiness again.” They told her. “And that’s how I feel when I am around you, I feel free to feel how I feel.” They sighed as they looked in her eyes. “I am free to find myself again.”
“When you do find yourself, then take me on a date.” She told them as they nodded. “But not until your divorce is finalised and you know who you are again.”
“I will.” They nodded before kissing her once more, walking away with a wide smile on their face. Finally free to feel more than just pain and grief.
@natsbraids was it better and happier than my others? ;)
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girlscoutbrownies · 10 months
sbg headcanons!
(i had to put a title because it keeps just showing up as “aiden” in my notifs)
some of my favourite school bus graveyard headcanons! (in celebration of 101 followers) some are mine, some belong to other people that i’ve taken as well
these got really, really long so ill split it into two parts: aiden, tyler, and taylor for this post and ashlyn, ben, and logan will be in the next
(bit of a tw for disassociation around the end)
- uses he/any pronouns, he mostly doesn’t give a fuck. also doesn’t care if you stick to he/him because he likes it. he also tries out mirror pronouns every once in a while and flipflops between any
- unlabelled energy. also doesn’t care abt that type of stuff, but he’s asexual and it takes him a while to grow feelings. he’s afraid of letting people close to him but it really doesn’t matter to him, not that much. he’s pretty apathetic about it
- generally smells like shittily applied cedarwood cologne. it’s one of those cheap drugstore brands and sometimes he forgets to apply it in the morning, and he doesn’t spray it very well. also smells like grass sometimes
- his favourite subject is psychology/maths/anything logic based (he likes those puzzles). growing up with his bitchass karen mom who probably twisted all the words he said, he doesn’t like cryptic or vague language or poetry (english class) because it reminds him of her. in math, there’s only one answer. in english, there’s hundreds. also the words swim on the paper and he finds it hard to focus
- he has his ears pierced. he begged his parents to take him to an ear piercing studio they just ended up taking him to claire’s but he was still so happy about it
- he BEGGED for a dog or a pet when he was very little but eventually stopped at some point. he asked for stuffed animals and never got any because “it would be too hard to keep track of when we’re moving and you would lose them and get sad” and he’s still very upset about it. used to hug like three pillows when he slept
- he was told they were settling down in georgia and now his current room has millions of stuffed animals i will not hear any arguments about this
- he’s a kicker in his sleep (when he gets any). he kicks plushies off his bed like all the time, he’s not apologetic though he’s just like “oh shit”
- worst and best guy to have a sleepover with. super clingy
- he knows very few actual life skills other than operating a microwave for frozen meals because he largely grew up alone without his parental figures in his life. ashlyn and tyler eventually teach him how to cook
- his growth is stunted bc of that period in his life and he’s short like ashlyn
- he is a HORRIBLE gossip addict. they’ll be sitting at the lunch table eating in silence and he drops “did you hear that samantha’s parents are divorced and madison dropped her bc samantha’s mom doesn’t drive them to the mall anymore” like HUH WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS?
- he gets school lunch and very rarely (if ever) brings lunch from home. sometimes ben makes him lunches
- plays with his food (this is canon) but he makes storylines out of whatever he does its like his personal roman empire
- big fan of extreme foods (spicy, sour, etc) ((he grew up eating plain ramen)) and loves weird food combinations. everyone always makes weird faces at him when theyre at the mall and he orders weird shit
- he doesn’t know proper meal etiquette until someone has to tell him, his parents didn’t teach him anything (I HATE THEM)
- he’s a really bad cook like ben because he always ends up getting distracted, and somehow manages to skip over steps in the recipes.
- he probably likes cooking shows though and is like “yeah i could do that” (he can’t do that)
- the first time someone (tyler) made aiden a homecooked meal he started cry laughing (it was mostly crying) (nobody talks about it)
- the few times his mom has made him meals whenever she’s home they’re really bad. they don’t taste anything like home, but he didn’t know what home tasted like so he just cried. his mom thought it was because of how good it was (it wasn’t) and he just cried harder
- he dislikes bitter flavours, especially like, orange juice that you make from scratch but you don’t put any sugar in it (it’s because his mom once tried to make homemade orange juice/lemonade to feel more like a “real mom” and it was horrible
- he’ll still eat bitter food though he just wouldn’t like it that much
- likes crunchy food or food that pops in your mouth (poprocks) bc he thinks its cool
- probably needs glasses from how long he’s spent staring at screens (his backstory)
- the one thing his parents consistently did as a kid was take him to his doctors appointments so he has stellar teeth
- he’s fit and fairly athletic (jumping off walls and all) but he doesn’t play sports because he just. isn’t interested in any of it. he tries everything but nothing really sticks that much
- he eats his greens but probably wouldn’t care much for the healthy vegan lifestyle, not that much of a picky eater (this part is canon)
- his favourite holiday is halloween because 1. candy (which he didn’t get much as a kid unless he specifically asked for it or ben brought it over) and 2. he loves dressing up it’s so fun to him
- understimulation is the BANE of his existence he genuinely wants to tear out his own hair every time he gets like that. gets really irritated
- he disassociates a lot, generally experiences a lot of derealization. he doesn’t feel like he’s in his own body sometimes
- insomniac
- chases thrills so that he can “feel” something. doesn’t care if it hurts him or not, because at least then he’ll remember he’s a real person and that his life matters
- really bad at telling when people are lying/are irritated with him. he just keeps pushing until they explode
- good with secrets (his own) but isn’t good at deflecting if asked about someone else’s. he’s just like “ummm. would u look over there. a bird!”
- runs really fast, he wakes up early in the morning to take a walk around the neighborhood. he sometimes encounters tyler if he happens to go into his city (which is often, because he doesn’t like being in his house)
- his house is always really cold, which is why he tends to run really warm (his body is compensating). he knows how to turn the ac off, but it always ends up turning back on in the middle of the night
- he grew up learning The Gifted Child instrument; the piano. he dislikes classical music (he says it’s boring but it’s because of this). he also almost got forced to learn the violin but he once practiced so hard his fingers started bleeding which is how he got out of it
- likes verbal validation bc his parents never told him they were proud of him
- she/they cis demigirl, gets a bit upset at being misgendered though (people think she’s the transfem twin because tyler passes really well)
- bisexual fem pref
- decorates her locker for almost every occasion. halloween, christmas, easter, birthdays. also decorates other people’s lockers for their birthdays before school starts with sticky notes
- has tons of stuff in her locker (except food because tyler won’t let her) just in case anyone needs anything but she’s not very organized so she doesn’t know where anything is
- because of this she’s one of those people that barely makes it to the door before the bell rings but she’s trying to fix that habit
- enjoys crime documentaries/true crime, horror stuff. used to make tyler watch with her but his anxiety gets really bad and he started getting paranoid
- adores christmas bc it’s a family holiday she makes tyler and her mom homemade gifts every year
- loves dogs with every bone in her body she asks santa for one every year but alas. tyler always has to write “a letter from santa” back saying they ran out of dogs at the north pole
- uses emoticons like “:D :] :3” all the time when she types, downloaded a bunch of sticker packs too. especially cat ones
- had her future all planned out as a kid and told her dad she’d be a mechanical engineer and build trains and rockets to bring him places when he started getting really sick and couldn’t move anymore
- her hair is actually kind of dry (compared to aiden’s or ashlyn’s) because they couldn’t afford great shampoo or anything
- has an ehh skincare routine and doesn’t care much for her fashion sense, just wears whatever’s comfortable
- knows a lot of random facts as conversation starters, she’s surprisingly good at small talk ( + comforting people)
- gossips with aiden aallll the time bc she’s super sociable and knows lots of people who tell her secrets. she doesn’t tell any of the important ones but just little drama things
- her and aiden are bffs
- really likes kids because they’re funny, she has a big imagination like them so it’s easy for her to play with them
- she’s a swiftie and whenever someone asks her if she likes taylor swift as a joke bc of her name she says “i like all music!” (she loves tswift)
- really likes sweets over most types of food, she’s healing her inner child guys
- has always ALWAYS wanted to go to a circus/carnival/festival when she was younger, but they couldn’t afford tickets. she still has that dream but she obviously has bigger priorities now…
- transmale he/him
- doesn’t care that much about dating, he actually doesn’t think about it that much until he meets The Gang. he always too busy taking care of his family to bother with relationships
- dislikes heavy meals, eats in small portions. it’s a habit
- used to be a picky eater but isn’t anymore, when he was younger they struggled to put food on the table so
- he’s like tigris from ballad of songbirds and snakes; when he prepared food for the family he’d eat bits and pieces of it while cooking. eats raw meat sometimes but once got sick from it so never again because he doesn’t want people taking care of him
- he HATES being sick. HATES HATES HATES it, hates having to burden people
- stress cooks because he likes having things to do with his hands. he also runs laps/paces around when he’s stressed
- runs his hands through his hair so it’s always messy
- he doesn’t bother combing his hair unless it’s for a special occasion like the first day of school, he just doesn’t care that much
- gets up early like aiden to keep up his physical fitness, doesn’t stray far though because his mom wakes up around the same time he does
- is VERY punctual. will be furious if someone makes plans and then is late. always arrives somewhere like, fifteen minutes early. he’s trying to break taylor’s habit of being late
- occasionally scolds taylor about how messy her locker is
- is extremely (and kind of scarily) meticulous. clean backpack, clean locker, clean room. it’s a habit
- book smart and figures things out pretty easily. he has an internal computer inside his head i swear. latches onto concepts very quickly
- likes math because he’s good at memorizing concepts but biology is his worst enemy, he gets queasy very easily
- motion sickness
- doesn’t actually have a set plan for the future, other than “help his family.” will probably do something related to sports (sports scholarship) or will do something math/analytical related
- spams people when they don’t respond to him but quits eventually (semicanon)
- has some sort of separation anxiety i swear he does
- keeps every single promise he makes because he hates broken promises (his dad told him he’d be fine and out of the hospital soon), he also doesn’t make a lot of promises
- dislikes nicknames like “champ” and “buddy”
- he’s ambidextrous
- he always seems to be like, tense? can’t relax at all. it might be because of his anxiety (HE HAS ANXIETY)
- only ever relaxes if he’s at home
- rarely watches television, he says it’s a waste of time (he always gets distracted and gets up and goes to do something else) he can leave it in the background though
- i think he has chronic pain, i don’t know where but i just think he does. everything just aches sometimes and he’s so young fuck life
- he’s okay with kids like his sister, not as good as her but he’ll take care of them (habit x37362828) he’d probably say everything really monotone though “there’s santa claus, wow.”
- he and taylor both have a pretty strong southern accent from living in middle of nowhere georgia (i think someone made an art post on this a while back :D)
- is really bad at video games because he gets frustrated easily
- he grinds his teeth when he sleeps and has jaw pain what a loser
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amphitriteswife · 6 months
Sounds Of Broken Memories
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Pairing: ! Loki x Sigyn reader
Warings: latest chapter incident
Disclaimer: Sigyn belongs to @miss-seanymph-pani. This shit kinda badly written tbh
Setting: normal au!
Source: shuumatsu no Valkyrie/ Record of Ragnarok
Characters: brunhilde, Sigyn reader, Loki
Genre: angst
Tags: @shark-queen-101 @tinyy-tea-cup @vilereign @monstertreden @nicasdreamer @jonquilclegane @riseofamoonycake @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @gabelesimp @sigyn-foxyposts @heldril @bromeliae @brokensenseofhumor @telvess @salmonpoki
Language: English
Note: I got inspired by my own feelings? Mostly sadness cause i just tried to put feelings into words.
How long has it been since the last time he saw you? He doesn’t remember, all he knows is that he knows that’s it’s way too long. Loki closed his eyes and plopped onto his bed. The feeling of regret and embarrassment flooding over him. How could he ever show his face? Not only did he piss off the gods by wanting to side with Brunhilde, his wife divorced him in the process which only pissed the Nordic gods more, but some gods of other pantheons too. The image of the other gods looking at him with pity worried him more than their anger. Odin had been quiet but his silence spoke enough for him to know that he shouldn’t do anything reckless. Thor could only look at him with pity, he was never one to show many emotions but it was clearer than ever. Though, he rather had Thor’s pity than the anger of his gold haired wife Sif, who could possibly murder him with one gaze of her anger. It felt as if everyone was against him, and it bothered him greatly. He couldn’t help but feel even more emotions, it scared him. How could someone as mischievous as him feel like this? He never cared how other’s felt by his antics…so why does he care now? He didn’t know. He never felt this way…not until now…He sighed again and put his arm over his eyes. He felt a wave of strong emotions overwhelm him, in a way to hold himself together he bit his lower lip very hard. He was sure that was going to leave a mark. He closed his eyes wanting to get away from everything. The feelings. The hurt. The confusion of what he feels.
Loki felt his eyes water a bit and pushed himself of the bed. He paced around the room a bit. His hands finding it’s way to his face. His breath got heavier. The realization and the weight of the situation getting even more intense. It feels suffocating, it felt as if there were a million hands on his body, all representing things it could be. Guilt? Regret? Hurt? Realization? He couldn’t pin point it. But there was one that he could…one that made him suffocate….The hands gripping on his neck, it felt as of someone was choking him…or was it to tell hom that it was his really his fault? Or was it to tell him that the guilt was weighing on him? He tried his best, he really tried, to not let the suffocation get to him. But it got too much…so much and he bursted in tears. It looked so pathetic doesn’t it? A person who hurt others crying for something he done. Knowing he can’t take it back. Knowing he’ll have to live with this guilt. The guilt of hurting his Sigyn, the guilt of his family being broken up because of him. The guilt of the pantheon losing a precursor Valkyrie because of him, the guilt of acting as of he is a victim, when in reality he is the one who hurt her. It’s pathetic. So pathetic. A god isn’t supposed to be like this. A god doesn’t cry. A god doesn’t show mercy or remorse. A god doesn’t care what he does. Especially not the Loki, the got of mischief. Then why was he here doing all the things he wasn’t supposed to do? Why was he being pathetic? Is he pathetic?
He doesn’t know. He can’t deny, not confirm. All of this is too much. It’s too much. He can’t handle it. He can’t. It’s too suffocating, too heavy, too strong, too confusing. He doesn’t know. He takes deep breaths. Trying to keep himself together. His breath slowly steadied…a bitter laugh escaping his lips as he lets himself fall to the ground, his back against the wall. Is this what it feels like? ‘Is this what you felt at that moment Sigyn?’ He understands now. It’s a dark pit. A void. A void that crushes you heart, it makes you feel so much yet nothing at the same time. It’s simple yet complicated. It can be your milestone and you’ll get out stronger…or it’ll be your end. He sighed again and pulled himself to his feet. Loki’s eyes drifted to a portrait. A portrait of her. How could he ever have done this to her? She was a strong woman, even when she was human, a Valkyrie or a goddess, during all of them she was strong. He felt so much guilt, instead of being the one she can rely on, the one she can turn to, he was the one who ended up being the one who hurted her. He hated that. He hated that he ever liked brunhilde. He only liked her because she represented his wife. Brunhilde had her own lover and her loyalty to him. He hated it. He hated what he did, he hated what he caused. But above all he hated himself. Loki walked up to the painting, his fingers lingering on the dried paint. It touched it as of it could crack if he put to much pressure. His eyes scanned over the painting, taking in every detail. Her hair, her face, her eyes, her lips, everything. He needs to remember it. He needs to know. He needs to see her again. He must. He has to. Yet he can’t. He’s to scared. To afraid. Afraid of facing what he caused. Afraid of seeing hurt and sadness in her eyes that once held love and kindness for him.
Loki felt his stomach drop. He began to doubt everything. What if he wasn’t going to see her again. What if she moved on…then…he has nothing left. He’ll lose everything. He doesn’t want it. He knows now. He knows. He knows that he wants only her and not Brunhilde….is it to late? Too late to say sorry? Too late to tell her how much he loves her…how much he would take it all back? Too late to choose for her? He doesn’t want that to happen… He suddenly realized that he was gripping the golden frame of the painting too hard. He missed her…he can’t explain it. This room…this floor…this palace…it doesn’t feel like home anymore… he sighs and softly pressed his forehead against the glass of the painting. He won’t hear her laughs anymore. He won’t see her smile or her scoff when he pulls a prank, he won’t see her look at him again…he won’t see her enjoy the nature of the Norse landscape again… Loki’s form trembled against the painting. That’s right. What made this a home. His home. Was her. She was the one that felt as of he was at home…not the palace or the broken memories they shared…Just her. She was enough.
Parallel lines never meet. They go on forever and ever, but never touch. Same goes for perpendicular lines. They meet once, but they’ll drift apart forever…perhaps they were meant to drift apart…
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kaita0 · 2 years
Moral of the Story
Moral of the Story Masterlist
Character: Kaeya x Wife Reader Warnings: Cheating, Heartbreaking, Angst, Divorce Au: Modern Au Summary: You and Kaeya have been married for 4 years and the past year you guys have been getting distant. You love Kaeya with all your heart and try your very hardest to get it to back how it was. But then you realize the cause. You are done and it seems as though Kaeya doesn’t like that.
You sit and wait for Kaeya, dinner done before you. When the food was originally done there was a bright smile on your face. But as the minutes pass by and turns into hours, the smile begins to faulter. You have been feeling the small drift between you and your husband, Kaeya. You made this dinner for when he came back from the office to rekindle with one another. But as the clock goes from 5 to 8, you begin to lose hope. Once the clock hit 9 that’s when you begin to place everything away. A few tears rolling down your cheeks as you clean up. You weren’t even able to eat your own food as the sadness has altered your appetite. The travel to your bedroom was slow and agonizing. The pit in your stomach never leaving. The very least you could say was that you tried something today.  
The next morning, you woke up to your bedside empty. A heavy sigh leaving your lips as you bury your face into the pillow under your head. You finally take the courage to slip out of your bed. Eyes fall upon the picture of both you and Kaeya on your 2nd year anniversary. The memory brought back both fondness as well as sadness. A pang to your chest as you clutch your heart. Your bottom lip pressed harshly against your teeth while you try to keep a hold of yourself. An idea pops into your head. Maybe you can try another method. You begin your travel to the kitchen where you had placed the dinner from last night into a box for lunch. Your bright idea was to go to Kaeya’s job and give his lunch there. And it wouldn’t be too much because it is just simply a drop off and a hi and a go home process. A smile formed on your face.
You quickly went in the shower, placing the scent that Kaeya loves on you. As well as Kaeya’s favorite clothes on you. You peer into the mirror and place the last touches of lipstick on your lips. You pucker and smile. It has been a minute since you felt so beautiful, and you couldn’t wait to see Kaeya’s reaction. The drive to Kaeya’s job was filled with light music. The excitement ran through your body, it being evident as your fingers twitch against the steering wheel. Once you finally reached Kaeya’s department you couldn’t wait to hand him the meal. You had rehearsed your lines. Which sounds sad saying aloud. Having to remember what to say to your own husband. You shake the thought away and open Kaeya’s office door. The sight before your eyes made you drop the meal onto the floor, resulting in it spilling on the ground. Before you Kaeya had a woman sitting on top of him, kissing on his neck. When Kaeya’s eyes fall onto yours, he is more than shocked to see that you were here. You stood there for a few seconds. Trying to convince yourself that the things you saw wasn’t true. The scene you see right before your eyes is fake. It can’t be real. It shouldn’t be real. But finally, you took the reigns and quickly flipped away. While you stormed away, you were cursing yourself for every believing that you could’ve fixed whatever had happened.
Being back in the car, you bump your head repeatedly against the steering wheel, yelling stupid constantly. The drive back home was lifeless but once you got home, you immediately began packing your bags. There was no way you would breathe the same air as this man, let alone stay in the same house after the scene before you. As you pack, you couldn’t help but to batter yourself. All the times he came home smelling strongly like a woman. It had raised suspicion in your head, but you trusted Kaeya. You trusted him and looked where that got you. Your body shook with anger as you replayed the scene in your head. The many suspicious behavior. If you had known any better, he was probably with her last night. You were done in only 2 hours, packing everything that could remind Kaeya of you. By the time Kaeya did come home, it would be an empty home. You take one last look around the house before you slam the door close. You have no intention of ever coming back.
Kaeya opens the door slowly. The whole house was dark and he kind of figured you went to bed. Slowly walking into your bedroom without turning any of the lights on. Turning the room light on, the bed was empty. And so was the closet. Kaeya quickly opens every drawer of yours just to find them empty. Kaeya’s heart rate begins to spike as he realizes how serious the situation is. You’re gone and it’s because of his own stupidity. Kaeya picks up his phone. "Yes, I need another favor."
Note: This will be a small series in the making. It will showcase Yandere themes later on in the series.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
A new kind of love 🐾
Tommy Shelby x Reader one shot
🐾 I wrote this story as part of my 900 followers celebration 🥰 as you know by now, one of my dogs (and light of my life) got sick with pancreatitis back in December and my baby girl was hospitalized at the vets clinic for two nights, she had never been sick before and it felt horrible to not have her home, she’s doing so much better now, taking her meds so well and back to her usual self 💞 around those days I reached 900 followers which is crazy so I thought that making a celebration involving pups would be a good idea, and so far, I’m quite happy with the response! Thank you all for keeping her (us) in your thoughts!
Warnings: none just this got a bit longer than I expected 🐶👑
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“Charlie?” You looked at him through the rear view mirror, he was so serious, so unlike the chatty little boy he usually was.
He flicked his green eyes at you, uninterested.
“Do you want to get something to eat? I could stop on the way back home for a hamburger or”
But he really wasn’t in the mood. “No, I like what Frances cooks.”
“Do you want to tell me how did school go?”
Turning off the music from the car, you tried to find a way to get more information from Tommy’s son.
“Do you need to buy anything for your homework?”
He was harder than his father, at least with Tommy you could bat your lashes, or make him talk during sex, but the same technique couldn’t be used with Charlie.
“How about you invite Daniel on Saturday, we can go to the country house and ride the horses?” You proposed.
But Charlie’s face showed you sadness instead of the excited reaction you were hoping for.
“Daniel is not my friend anymore.” Charlie stated looking down.
His tone worried you. Passing your arm to the seats behind, you offered your hand to him. Charlie doubted at first, but his little hand reached yours.
You cared about him deeply, after losing his mother and the long hours his father worked, you couldn’t help but get attached to him, he was a great child and it was a natural thing to love him.
“How about we go for a walk?” You proposed pulling over in an empty parking spot, changing your original plans to go back home. There was a small stream close, a spot you found by chance in one of your daily runs.
Charlie sighed, nevertheless he walked by your side in silence.
“I come here every time I need to clear my head, people don’t seem to stop by very often.” You pointed out gently after a few moments.
Leaning on the small bridge, you thought it had been a while since you visited this place.
“Don’t tell your Dad I do this or he will send one of his bodyguards with me.” You joked earning a surprised look from Charlie.
“My Dad doesn’t know about this place?”
“Nope, he’s too loud for this peace.” You winked. “Should we keep this as a secret for us?”
Charlie nodded throwing a rock to the water.
“Daniel told me his Dad got a girlfriend after his parents divorced and she’s mean to him and threatened to send him to school overseas.” Charlie confessed after sitting on the edge of the bridge next to you.
His confession took you by surprise, why was his serious attitude related?
“Y/N… would you send me overseas? If I piss you off?” You saw him rubbing his leg, the wind moving his blonde hair.
Suddenly it clicked in your mind.
Tommy and you got married a few months ago after dating for two years, Charlie had the time of his life at the wedding, since the beginning he was the most adorable bonus child you could ask for, he stole your heart from the very first time Tommy cooked for you in his country house and Charlie was so excited to show you the reading room his father made for him.
Touching his shoulders gently, you moved him to face you.
“Charlie has your Dad ever raised a hand on you?” You saw him shaking his head. “Has he ever lose his temper with you?” Again, the same answer. “He shouts at other people, yes, but he has never put a hand on you… just like him, I could never do anything to hurt you, because I love you.” It broke your heart to see the tears accumulating in his beautiful eyes. Gently you wiped them away from his cheeks. “I would never send you somewhere else. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
Bringing him close to your chest, you rocked his body from side to side.
“I want you to always trust me okay? And I need you to understand that I would never do anything to get in the middle between you and your Dad.”
“Daniel told me you would be just like his step mum and he laughed when I told him you were the coolest.”
“Daniel is fighting his own battle, and unfortunately we hurt people in the process, but you don’t have to worry abou-”
Your words were interrupted by something moving behind Charlie.
“What’s that?” He asked turning around to see better.
A little creature appeared sniffing around.
“It’s a doggie!” He shouted and tried to get close to the animal, but you pulled him apart.
He was small, but he could be dangerous or hurt Charlie.
Taking off your sweater, you wrapped it around the muddy pet, feeling it shake and wriggle under your arms.
“Where did it come from?” Charlie asked walking next to you, trying to keep up on your way back to your vehicle.
“I don’t know, looks like this little friend got lost.”
“Can we keep him?”
Reaching your car, you took one of the boxes you bought to use as storage for the Christmas decorations you just took down.
“Charlie, the owners will probably want their pet back, first we’re stopping at the vet.”
Taking the dog to the vet, they informed you it was a female Yorkshire Terrier, little over a year old probably and seemed to be in a good condition. But as you tried to look for a number you realized there was no necklace.
“What if they never look for her, Y/N?” Charlie asked looking over at the dog resting in the box curled on your sweater. You left your number at the vet’s clinic in case someone asked for a lost dog.
Stopping the car in front of the house you were more worried about Tommy’s reaction.
“We’ve to keep trying buddy.”
“But Y/N, we rescued her.” Charlie pouted again.
“I know sweetheart, first we need to give her a bath, so go to the kitchen and bring me a bowl, I’ll meet you in your room.”
“Mrs. Shelby would you like me t-” but the maid stopped mid sentence when she looked at something moving in your arms. “Prepare you something to eat?”
“Just a sandwich Frances, please.” As she kept her eyes locked in your arms, you explained. “Let me handle Mr. Shelby, you didn’t see anything.”
But your answer and wink worried her even more.
“I’m afraid of his reaction.” Frances stated.
“Relax Frances, is only a tiny pup, Tommy has worse problems than this.” You tried to hide your nerves. “He won’t even notice.”
But he did notice when you rushed out of your bedroom with the front of your blouse wet holding the hairdryer in your hands.
And now he was pacing from one side to another as you and Charlie were seating at the last step of the stairs. While he scolded you both.
“What was I supposed to do? Leave the poor dog there? Or at the vet?”
The dog sneezed, probably from the bath, but as you and Charlie told her Bless you, Tommy rolled his eyes.
Tommy looked down at you, hands on his hips, his cigarette hanging from his lips.
He knew that look in your eyes so well for your own good. It wasn’t only that his son wanted to keep the dog, you wanted as well.
“How many times do I have to tell you we can’t keep the dog?”
The small Yorkie yawned as Charlie tried to cover her ears.
“But Dad is small, she will be good.”
But Tommy was already shaking his head.
“We have to find a way to give it back to the owners.” Tommy stated as if he was planning his next move in a business.
“No! If they wanted her, they would’ve taken care of her.”
“Don’t raise your voice.” Tommy pointed his cigarette at his son. “We can’t -“
“You’re mean! You don’t want me to be happy!”
You were torn between comforting Charlie or calming Tommy as the kid went outside.
Sighting, you tried to reason with him.
“What damage could a small dog like that cause?” You touched his tie, deliberately playing with it. “I think it could benefit Charlie.”
“What if the owners want the dog back? Have you considered that Y/N?” He asked walking inside his office. You following his steps.
That seemed to take you by surprise, Charlie had been very adamant of the fact that the fluffy dog found you both.
“Unfortunately for the owner, there’s no phone and name…” You knew you had to choose your battles carefully, but you also knew you were on Charlie’s side in this one. “We can’t give it back without it.”
“We’re so busy all the time,” he tried to make you see his point, “dogs need time, patience, effort… who’s going to clean up the mess? And don’t think of Frances, she’s already busy.”
“I can help.”
“Food, daily walks, vet check ups, we can hardly keep up with everything we do, Y/N.” Groaning, he leaned back on his chair. “I’ve a zoom meeting with a vendor in China.”
Truth is his meeting got delayed, but Charlie’s words were on repeat inside of his head.
He didn’t want his son to look at him as a monster who didn’t care.
But having a dog wasn’t part of his plans either.
Pouring himself a drink, Tommy looked at the window, to the front garden. He could’ve gotten the penthouse, but you chose this one because you fell in love with the view to the fountain and garden.
Outside you joined Charlie and the dog as you allowed the small black creature to sniff on every flower. After a couple of seconds, Tommy saw his son posing with the dog in his arms, smiling for your phone camera as you clicked several times, trying to get the dog’s attention.
“Y/N, do you like dogs?”
“I do Charlie.” You answered while petting the adorable yorkie’s head, it had little parts of golden hair. “They’re one of the purest creatures out there. They give back all the love they get.”
“Why don’t you ask Dad to keep her?” Charlie asked as the dog licked the back of your hand, showing gratitude for the head scratches.
“Because your Dad doesn’t like dogs.”
“But he likes horses!” He folded his arms against his chest.
Motioning the boy to follow you back inside after spending the afternoon out, you told him; “Charlie is not nice what you said to your Dad, he wants you to be happy. You’ll need to apologize to him.”
“But is only a little dog.”
“Is not a toy, they’re a huge responsibility.” Running a hand gently over his head, you tried to ease the tension. “Maybe we can ask your Dad for a couple of days, while we find her family or someone who wants to adopt her. You can enjoy her as much as you want in the meantime.”
Charlie wasn’t convinced, but reluctantly he agreed. Over dinner, he kept asking endless questions about the dog, who wanted a bite of your food. And after helping him to pick up his things, you took the pup with you to the living room, in front of the fire, so Charlie could go to sleep. Tommy was still working locked in his office.
“Where did you come from ey?” You asked the cute pup, enjoying the soft hair against your palm. Using the brush you bought for her at the clinic, you brushed her hair, she seemed to enjoy the pampering session a lot, because once you stopped, she looked at you with pleading eyes and with her cold nose, tried to make your hand touch her again. “You’re so cute you know?”
It had been a long day, so you went to your room to change your clothes for something comfortable to sleep, taking your time to remove your make up as well, but as you went back, the little yorkie wasn’t sitting on the couch as you left her, no, she was curled in a ball next to Charlie, who brought his sleeping bag to the living room and the pair were sleeping together.
How could a small fluffy thing like that steal your heart in a blink?
It was a beautiful scene that melted your heart.
Tiptoeing into Tommy’s office, you pulled him by the hand without telling him anything.
“I didn’t have the heart to wake him up.” You turned then, to kiss Tommy on the cheek and left him to fight alone his own battle.
Several minutes passed by as Tommy stared at Charlie sleeping peacefully next to the dog, he couldn’t wake him up either. So instead, he took off his coat and placed it over the sleeping bag.
One brown eye spying on him, checking his every move, once she decided Tommy wouldn’t hurt them, she turned her back at him and with a loud sight, she got comfortable again against Charlie.
Saturday was the same, Charlie asking his father to let him keep the dog, Tommy ordering to let the dog locked in a room since he didn’t want any accidents on the carpets, if something was going to smell bad, it would be Charlie’s room.
The apartment was one more time, a battlefield. He got even more mad at you when he saw the dog wearing one of his socks as sweater, you took one with the pair missing and using some scissors, you opened three holes for the front paws and head, for the size it fitted her perfectly, but Tommy thought differently.
You though he was acting a little bit irrational and exaggerated, but by now, you knew him better than that, so you really tried to keep things as smooth as possible.
The following morning, Tommy woke up to an empty bed. It was something unusual that you were up before him, specially on a Sunday, but either way, he got ready but just as he was stepping out of your bedroom, he heard your voice.
“Look, we should be grateful that it will be us taking care of her at least for these days.”
Without making a noise, Tommy got closer to listen the conversation, staying outside of his son’s room.
“I just don’t understand, if she’s a good pet and alone in this world, why can’t she stay with us? I mean, I have you and Dad, and my aunts and uncles, and Frances! But she’s alone.” Charlie pouted showing his hand to the black and gold dog, as she stretched her neck, Charlie caressed her gold chest. “We should take her and go live somewhere else.”
You chuckled at his proposal, he simply didn’t care you were married to his father. Trying to keep the hair away from her face, you brushed it and did a little bun at the top of her head. She looked at you with those beautiful eyes.
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“She has been a really good dog, to be honest, but Charlie, we can’t hold a daily fight with your father over it, he’s got his reasons and we need to do as he says.” The dog then walked over you and getting comfortable, she walked in circles three times only to then laying on your lap, she turned her belly at you.
“She likes you.” Charlie smiled as your fingers tickled her stomach.
“When they do this is because they feel secure.”
“When I grow up, I will buy my own house and have lots of doggies!”
Standing up, you asked him to keep an eye on the pup. Opening the bedroom door without a notice, and that’s when you found Tommy startled.
Playing with your necklace, you avoided his piercing blue eyes. “I hope you find someone soon, because it’s going to be harder…”
It was so hard for him to see you serious like that, he could tell you were getting attached.
Was he acting extremely strict? Selfish? Perhaps.
Frances announced he had a phone call waiting, so Tommy walked towards his office. Spending most of his time there, he could hear outside Charlie playing in the hall, other voices and laughs at times, focused on the email he was typing, he thanked Frances for the tea she brought at some point.
By the corner of his eyes, he saw the heavy door moving, but no one walked in, a little sound made him stop, looking suspicious at the door, if the windows were closed, why was the door moving?
Slowly, he took his gun from its holster, pointing it at the door, alert.
Then he heard a little cry, as he looked down, he found the small yorkie walking in, wriggling its tail and jumping excitedly towards him.
“Ah it’s only you, ey, was going to fucking shoot you.”
Standing up in her little back paws, the pup scratched his leg.
“What are ya doing here little rat? You don’t look like a real dog.”
As the dog looked at him with her bright brown eyes, he stared back, trying to scare her. But it didn’t work.
“Y/N really likes you, so does my son… they’re both a little off with me because of you.” He felt ridiculous talking to a dog, but she tilted her head to the side, as if she could understand what he was saying.
“Should I let you stay?”
Another head tilt.
“Your puppy eyes, do nothing to me, ey?”
A little whine came out from her, as she was trying to get comfortable on Tommy.
Walking out from his office, he found Polly chatting in the kitchen with you.
“I really don’t want to push anything Pol…”
Both of you stopped your conversation as Tommy appeared in the room, but it wasn’t because of him, you were surprised to see him holding the precious doggie against his chest.
“I found this little gatecrasher in my office.” Tommy cocked an eyebrow. “She asked me if she could stay with us permanently.”
“Y/N…” Charlie entered the kitchen looking pale, “I can’t find-” the kid gasped as his eyes found the puppy in his father’s arms.
Then, everything happened in slow motion; Tommy looked at the dog, and the dog looked back at him, then a pink little tongue could be seen and the pup licked Tommy’s cheek.
Polly’s hand dramatically came to rest over her mouth, while you held your breath.
But as you saw Tommy throwing his head back and letting out a loud laugh, your heart skipped a beat.
“I think that’s a yes,” he announced handing you the puppy. “But there will be some rules, though.”
Charlie started jumping around, he could barely hold his excitement.
“Listen to me carefully, you’ll take care of cleaning her mess, and she’ll need training…” Tommy warned, but Charlie wasn’t listening, his arms circled his father’s body.
“Thank you,thank you! I’m sorry I shouted.”
“I’m sorry too son.”
“Aunt Pol! Can we go and buy a bed? She needs a leash… oh! And a name too.”
As Charlie pulled Polly by the hand, you walked towards Tommy, smiling.
“Really? All I had to do to see you smile like that was getting a dog?”
“Thank you.” Your hands moved up and down his chest, kissing his cheek with a playful look.
“It doesn’t sound like you’re extra grateful you know?” He joked winking at you, pulling your hips towards him, kissing you with passion.
Until a little bark interrupted your kiss.
“You already know the love you feel for Charlie, and it’s different from the kind of love you feel for me.” You told Tommy. “But now you will learn about a different kind of love.”
“Really? You think a dog will love me?” You smiled at his doubts, he really didn’t know.
“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn’t know we had.”
Master list
A/N: if you made it this far, thank you!!!! ♥️ it means a lot, I hope you enjoyed this pup celebration as much as I did!
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @gypsy-girl-08 @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @the-forest-witchh @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @zablife @peakyscillian @evita-shelby @raincoffeeandfandoms @midnightmagpiemama @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @rangerelik
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
Visitations by Vir_Abelasan
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by Vir_Abelasan
M, WIP, 18k, Wangxian
Summary: "Wei Ying-" Lan Zhan says, stutters, "I'm sorry." And now Wei Wuxian sees it, the red rimming Lan Zhan's eyes, the rumpled edges of his blazer. There is an old, familiar urge for him to reach over, to hold Lan Zhan's hand and smooth his hair, to tell him that everything will be fine. "We're all a bit sorry about this, I think," he says instead, and finds that he means it. For Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji and everyone else in that Guanyin temple, the pain must be unbearably fresh, like skin just flayed open. But Wei Wuxian's chest had been cracked open a long time ago, his wounds licked and cauterized and sewn shut over five long years - Ever hurting, but a dull, constant ache, "It's really alright, Lan Zhan." Five years after being accused of corporate espionage and losing everything, the Guanyin Scandal breaks open and Wei Wuxian finds a familiar face at his door. Kay's comments: An @angstymdzsthoughts inspired Corporate Espionage AU and one I enjoy very much and find myself re-reading every few months because it's just that good. In which Wangxian were married in the past and had A-Yuan, but then Wei Wuxian was tried for corporate espionage against the Lans. They were forced to get divorced, Wei Wuxian went to prison and lost custody and evertyhing went horrible, but at least he had the Wens by his side and now, five years later, his innocence is finally proven and everyone has to learn how to live with that and has to decide how to go forwards. The hurt/comfort and angst is strong with this one and just perfection. Bonus shout-out for He Su and his role, really enjoyed how this character was integrated in the story! Excerpt: The moment Lan Wangji opens the door - mindful of the throngs of people and press still milling about at the end of the trials - A-Yuan runs towards Wei Ying, a blur of white and blue that hits Wei Ying's chest with a loud off and a bright laugh from his baba. For a moment, Lan Wangji is struck with the thought that the last time Wei Ying sees A-Yuan, the boy had only came up to his stomach, and not the willowy pre-teen that he is now. "Baba," A-Yuan's voice is wet and garbled, hands fisted on the stiff black of Wei Ying's blazer. His A-Yuan, who never cried when he has a fever, or when he fell down, or when Shufu's words are particularly demanding and biting. His A-Yuan buries himself on the safe cradle of Wei Ying's arms and crumbles. "Baba-" A-Yuan hiccups, then sobs back into Wei Ying's chest "I missed you so much." "Oh, my little radish," Wei Ying is crying too, unabashed and unashamed, fingers gentle on A-Yuan's hair, smoothing the unseen creases of their son's white shirt, "Baba has missed you so much too. If your A-Die's family is alright with it, then we'll work out something so we can meet regularly, alright? Would you like that, A-Yuan?" Lan Wangji barely manages to snap out of his own head, something caving in painfully inside him at Wei Ying's words. For Wei Ying to think that he won't be allowed, even now, to meet his son - But hadn't Lan Wangji sat by, all those five years when Wei Ying and A-Yuan was denied each other? Hadn't he agreed with Uncle and Brother that it would be safer, simpler, kinder for A-Yuan and the Lan family to keep Wei Ying away from their lives?
pov alternating, modern setting, modern no powers, post-divorce, reconciliation, father-son relationship, families of choice, angst and hurt/comfort, sad, custody arrangements, past abuse, past xiyao, angstymdzsthoughts, healing, hurt/comfort
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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bloomingpresent · 1 year
Ferro Rosso Chapter VI
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc/Female reader digital artist older woman
Summary: on your mids 30’s you never imagine you’d be divorce. To help with the healing process you decide to return to you first love: digital illustration. Posting videos of your art online leads you to work for Ferrari. But you never thought it’d lead you to find somebody that’s going to bring you back to trust again in love.
Warnings: none, this one it's pretty much fluff. Some swearing.
Disclaimer: Again, this one it's fluff but these two did get something out of their chest that they wanted to get out. And I’m pretty happy with how their conversation went.So after this one, things are getting spicier. So bear with this fluff chapter one more time, please. I promise spicy stuff is coming. It's a short one.
All the previous chapters are here
“You think you can play me like this .. like I don’t understand anything? You think just because you’re older I won’t feel like you’re using me and I’m some stupid kid? You think you can take me for a joke?”. Charles's words ramble out of him. He’s been keeping all inside.
You walk back inside the room pulling him with you, you can’t have this conversation out in the hallway.“Using you? For what? I got where I am because of me! Be very careful Charles” you warn him.
 “You know what? You’re right! You don’t need me because you’re older, wiser, and more experienced. You just wanted the fun times with the cute boy with no strings attached.” Charles says, even if that’s not what he really thinks, frustration had taken a toll on him.
Now you’re not sad or frustrated anymore. You’re mad. “We both enter this physical relationship knowing what we were getting into it. You're not a boy you're an adult as same as I am. So don't give me that crap ok?”.
Charles crossed his arms on his chest. “I thought it would be just that. A physical relationship. We’d meet, we’d have fun, and go back to our lives. And it’s funny because I’m usually the one who doesn’t get attached…”
You cut him “When I tried to contact you you ran away from me, ignore me!”
 “It wasn’t like that! I got scared. I was too out of control. So I just stopped talking to you, to everyone” he says lowering the tone.
“Very mature of you Charles” you say in a mocking tone.
 “You can make fun of me if you want to, but this is me being honest!" He points at you near your face "I am out of control! You seem to be so much ‘older and wiser’ and I’m just this young dumb kid…” he says mocking you now.
“I didn't say that. I felt so stupid wanting to contact you, wanting to know how you were, feeling sorry for the horrible races and you just ignored me. Can you understand that?!” now you were getting things off your chest.
“ Can YOU get it? Or you’re pretending?  or maybe I’m some kid you can use and throw away like a piece of trash? That fucks all the women he can without even caring” Charles feels like his head is going to explode. Blood pumping into his system like crazy.
Both of you are so into your own battles.
“Oh god! you are not getting me. I come from a divorce, a bad one, you are the famous f1 driver, rich and famous and you can have any girl you want. You came to me we had fun and we agreed that it'll be just that. And then when I try to contact you and you show up with your girlfriend showing her off. How did you expect me to feel?” There it is, this is what’s been bothering you really. 
 “Oh, so this about my fame and my money now? You think I’m taking all the advantage, is it? You think I’m just playing around like a kid because I can have any woman I want? You seriously think I don’t have any feelings? Just because I’m an f1 driver?, you think I don’t get hurt? Don’t suffer?”. The pressure it’s real for Charles, and he is slowly losing his mind, and you’re not helping either with all of this.
“Well, that's what you are showing me lately.” you just reply and wait for his answer.
“Damn it y/n! You have no idea what I’ve been through in my career! All my pain, all my tears and all the hard work I’ve put in to make me one of the best drivers on track. You have no idea how much I’ve suffered and you think you get to judge me? You think you can tell me how I should act, when you have never been in my place? You have no idea the pressure, the stress I have to go through… and yet you think you can judge me?!?” Charles answers you with holding his head between his hands, eyes open in shock and frustration. 
Maybe he is right, you don’t really know it, but still you think he is not right. And he still thinks you’re being unreasonable. 
“You know what Charles is fine! You win, you're right I'm the bitch here, I'm the one who's wrong...this (pointing the space between you two) isn't working. I was right that we should keep our distance from each other.” It’s all you have to say at that. There is no argument anymore, neither of you is willing to let go of whatever is holding you back from each other. And he has a point.
“And there you go again! Trying to run away. You just want the fun and games… and then when someone gets hurt or gets too close to your emotions, you blame them for having feelings. Well, you’re not gonna run away that easily from me. I want you to admit that you care.”. Charles says stepping closer to you.
“For the love of god! when did I say I didn't care! I do, and that's the problem!.” you answer him looking into his eyes. And he is taken by surprise. You do care, and he does too.
 “Okay, then show it to me! Show you care for me! You wanted me to show I cared and here I am. So now is your chance, show you care. Don’t just say it, don’t run. Show you care.” He says grabbing you by the wrist preventing you from move away, which you try, but he wont let you. 
You feel so expose, he is looking into your soul now.
 “Tell me the truth. Am I just a toy for you? Because if it’s just about the fun times, I can leave you right here and never talk to you again… Answer me” Charles is slowly disarming you.
"No, you're not..." your words bearly audible.
He moves even closer until his lips are just a few inches from yours. All his anger has subsided and now he looks at you with fiery eyes “Then why do you push me away... Why?”.
You smile and look down. “The same reason you did it. Because I thought you didn't want any more than sex with me.” I whisper.
 “So we’re both cowards, huh?” he says looking at his feet.
"We're both proud assholes..." you admit.
“Then we should stop being so proud. What do you say?” Charles finally says as he slowly leans in and kisses you. 
You just respond with another kiss, this one it’s deeper. Hands everywhere. Things start getting out of control rapidly.
“We should stop. You have to go back” you say between kisses. Snapping both of you out of the frenzy.
“Right!” he says stepping back and covering his mouth trying to control himself.
“We have a three-week break, we should take this time to think.” You look at him trying to figurated what he is thinking.
“Or…” he comes back with answer “I can visit London, you know for my vacation, and if you happened to be there, then…” he comes closer “...we can hang out”
You nod taking his suggestion. “Right ok…sounds like a plan.”
"All right then firecracker...I'll text you ok," he says resting his forehead on yours.
It takes more than a few minutes for you two to say goodbye. 
The 3 weeks break ahead is looking pretty good.
Now that they got their mind straight how will this relationship develop? Will it develop? How will they manage to keep all the balls in the air? Will passion and romance betray the secrecy of what they have? There is a whole lot of things to deal with.
Let me know what you think, please.
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dark-raven-666 · 1 year
Baldwin IV x reader Angst!
Warnings: Angst, Guy says a bad word
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After three years of being married to your love Baldwin IV, he asks you to a private chat
"My dear, you wanted to speak to me" you said popping your head into the room.
"Yes I do" Baldwin replied quietly with a sigh leaving his covered mouth.
Sitting in front of your husband you give him a gentle smile, as a sign for him to tell you what was the matter.
" (Name) we need to get an annulment " Baldwin said
At that moment you could feel your heart drop to your stomach.
"What, why?" You asked, voice cracking.
"I can not tell you, but it is a must" he spoke trying to hold back his tears.
"Baldwin, please, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, I beg of you, please don't do this to us" you said loudly tears that were once filling your eyes, spilling over your cheeks.
Oh how he wanted to wipe them away and tell you to stay with him forever, but he couldn't. He didn't have many years left and he knows it. He doesn't want you having to live with an ill man until he dies.
He has to let you go now, so when he dies, you are no longer in love with him, and don't have to experience the anguish of losing your love.
He knows you will hate him for this, but it's the best, he keeps reassuring himself
"I'm very sorry (name)" he said getting up.
"The guards will escort you into your new home, that I've provided and you will get money monthly from us. Baldwin said, leaving you.
Watching your numb face, with tears streaming down your cheeks hurt him very much he tried to not show any reaction.
The moment Baldwin closes his bedrooms door he fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.
What had he done, he let go of the one person that actually cared for him. Was it selfish to keep them or was it selfish to let them go?.. He couldn't figure out.
Baldwin then heard a knock at his door. "My king, is everything alright? " it was Tiberias, the man who practically raised Baldwin. Baldwin got up and opened the door. Before Tiberias could understand what was going on, he was embraced by an anguished Baldwin sobbing in his arms.
"Ahh! Ti.. Tiberias... I.. I did a terrible thing! " is what Tiberias could make out of his kings sobbing.
Tiberias guided Baldwin to his bed, closing the door behind him.
"Baldwin, what did you do? " Tiberias questioned, worry clear in his voice.
"I.. I left (name) Tiberias I left them!) Is what Baldwin said still sobbing.
"Wha- , why would you do such a thing?" Tiberias said.
"They deserve better than me, Tiberias *hic* they shouldn't have to live married to a *hic*leper. Baldwin responded still crying.
"Oh, Baldwin, you poor poor kid" "You know that (name) loves you more than anyone, no matter if you were ill or not" Tiberias said trying to calm his sad king.
"But.. But- "*cough cough* Baldwin was interrupted by a coughing attack, the pain he felt was too much for his poor body to handle.
"Baldwin!" Tiberias exclaimed loudly.
Tiberias got up and called the guards standing outside to go and get the physicians.
*time skip*
After a few hours of the physicians caring for the king, he was finally asleep in his bed. His mask was now off. Revealing his sad face to the old man sitting next to him (Tiberias)
Your POV:
"Baldwin, please, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, I beg of you, please don't do this to us" you said loudly tears that were once filling your eyes, spilling over your cheeks.
Your love, now ex husband stood up and told you something, that you could not focus enough to hear.
What does he mean divorce, did your late nights caring for him mean nothing, did the poetry you wrote him mean nothing, did the soft kisses you would leave on his scarred face mean nothing? Was it all for nothing?
After what felt like hours sitting on the side of the table, two men came in, they were Guy de Lusigana and Balian de Ibelin.
"Come now, you need to pack your bags so we can escort you to your new house" said Guy rather harshly.
After getting no reaction from you, he got angry and grabbed you by the armpit pulling you up.
"Listen here, you little bitch, you are no longer the kings, partner so what I say, you do understand!? " Guy yelled at you.
You got up and packed your bags, earning a pitiful look from Balian.
*Time skip*
Your bags were now packed, and you were being escorted to your house by the two men.
"You will be staying here" Balian said dropping one of your bags on the floor of the new house. It was small but it will suffice for an unwed person like you.
Balian and Guy brought in your last bags and left. Balian gave you one sad glance before leaving, whilst Guy didn't even give you a glance.
You looked around you, and out of the window, two birds were there cleaning each other. You let out a small sad laugh, thinking. Is that how people saw me and Baldwin..
Tears were once again streaming down your face, you laid on the floor and slept there for the night, not even a mattress under you.
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 10 months
Hi Jalebii, Hope you're doing well firstly lots of loves and warm hugs. I've been fangirling behind your podcast and blogs, they're just so fun to read listen.
I actually have 2 questions that I wanted to ask
1) Why didn't Anrav tell Khushi why he married her immediately after getting married? Was it because it was too hard for him to admit that he knew about her and Shyam in front of her? Do you think if it wasn't for suicide attempt of Khushi he would have even told her anything?
2) Do you think makers should have shown Anjali ending up with a good man like how many other fans wanted? Also what are your thoughts on Anjali going for therapy after divorce? Should they've shown it on screen?
Hope to read your answers soon ❤
And BTW when's the new episode of podcast coming?
Hellloooo Anon!
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For #1 - This is interesting cause I thought a lot. I think there are two things going on. First, on a logical standpoint, just what happened when he confronted Shyam and told him that he knows the truth (whatever version it is, Arnav didn't know that it was half truth) - Arnav lost all leverage over Shyam. And in his eyes Khushi is, equally, a villain then telling her the reason would make him lose all of his leverage on her as well and Arnav cannot afford that. Her not knowing serves him more and gives him further control of the situation and its outcomes. And there's also that fear, what if he sees Khushi's real face? Will he be able to bear it? (this is a very small part, it largely is to control whatever bit of the situation he can and thus keeping your villains in the dark is the best way to deal with it - he already lost hand with Shyam, he cannot afford that with Khushi).
To be honest I have NO idea how, when, why Arnav would tell the truth to Khushi. Some plots were laid that Khushi is getting an idea that Arnav is responding to a misunderstanding but they scrapped that. Then Shyam would exploit the misunderstanding he fully knows between the couple and they scrapped that too so boy went soap hunting. So I actually don't know AT ALL how this would've been dealt with from the OG POV. I have my theories which are in the back burner for fanfics, lol.
For #2 - Only if it's Aman. And I genuinely say it out of interest for a good plot. Because it would nicely deal with Arnav's intrusion in Anjali's life and very well pit his cynicism against Khushi's optimism. And it would deal with a lot of their underlying issues. Why does Arnav have a problem with Aman - a man he otherwise trusts a 100%? Why is his interruption in Di's life alright, but Khushi's isn't? It would really evolve their characters. But otherwise - I am absolutely HAPPY that they left Anjali single. Cause you see shows nowadays can't keep a woman single at all. If she's a widow there's a new male character. If she's divorced, a better man is going around. Okay, I love the destigmatization of second romances but God... let a woman live as an independent person and they really let Anjali live. She had her moments of genuine pain, of that trauma flaring up in between her sadness, but she really lived for herself and I'd take that any day over a romantic plot for her. And regarding therapy, it would've been a good plot if they tied it into Arnav-Khushi.
Like with Anjali going to therapy, she would want Khushi to seek it as well who would get agitated at that because she doesn't think she needs therapy and well... she does. And that opens a Pandora's box that she had deeply stuffed away.
And the new episode of the podcast is up!!!
Do give it a watch and let me know!
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fenikorg-talks · 1 year
jujutsu kaisen chs 235,236 spoliers!
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no but like i truly believe he actually forgot a chapter
you cant tell me otherwise why the heck in chapter 235 gojo was winning and then in ch 236 out of NOWHERE he's in heaven. it doesn't make any fucking sense
this is how 235 ends:
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gojo just released purple on sukuna destroying everything in its path, including himself, he healing slowly but steady, and sukuna on the verge of death, without a single hope of winning. everyone else is so sure that gojo won that they arent doubting the fight, they have 100% trust that gojo already won, without any but's or if's.
and THEN 236 starts like this:
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at first i thought it was a memory, but then gojo brings up the comment that dying was something to do alone, and I thought it was an hallucination or something like that, but then EVERY SINGLE DEAD PERSON THAT WAS CLOSE TO GOJO started to appear telling him that it was just damn time for him to finally die. Then gojo brings up the bullshit that he didn't do anything to protect the others, that he only did it for fun, to not be bored anymore, to finally fight with an opponent without holding back because he was the strongest and blah blah blah and I was certain it was bullshit. that man right there wasn't gojo it was someone else and gege was trying to get us off balance, something like a distorted reality or mixed thoughts that arent quite true and all that, but then they throw me this on the face:
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and we dont fucking know what shit happened. think about it: gojo's winning, sukuna almost dies, there's a very suspicious scene on the airport with teen gojo and everyone who he cared in his teenage years, and now he's dead, half body lying on the ground with a smirking sukuna declaring how the hell he won the match. IT DOESNT MAKE FUCKING SENSE. WERE WAS THE BATTLE? WERE WAS THE ACTION? WERE WAS EVERYONE ELSE COMMENTING THE SHIT THAT WAS HAPPENING? alright, it might have been a surprise attack, BUT WITH WHAT FUNDAMENTS DID SUKUNA ATTACKED??? there are too many plotholes in just these fifteen pages alone and I need answers. there is no need for a great explanation, I just needed a one single panel with the worried expressions of everyone who was watching, screaming even, for gojo who was in danger. if it was really a sneak attack and gojo couldn't see it, at least everyone else did, but noooooo they just showed us maki and yuta holding back themselves from literally murdering sukuna, and that was during sukuna's speech. where was higuruma's, yuji's, hakari's, miwa's, hajime's, ANYONE'S REACTION. JUST ONE WAS ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT SOMETHING BAD WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
another thing that had been bugging me: sukuna was fucking dyyiiing how the fuck did he healed himself if he didn't have enough cursed energyyyy reallyyy this is fucking insaaneeee, there are tooooo many plothollesss I insist. And then there's that, fucking piece of information, that sukuna "was holding back".... my dude, he was LOSING. i don't know if it just came to gege's mind that, "oh i hate gojo so much i cant keep writing this fight its giving me nausea, i know, lets fucking kill him so i don't have to see him again, yey!" ...... I'm sorry that's not how gege thinks. he may hate gojo but he KNOWS he's important for the story, otherwise he would have him gone a looooong time ago, i mean have you seen all the bullshit sad backstories he gives to this man?? the divorce?? the fushiguros???? yuta and mika????? itadori??????? shoko, utahime, masamichi, the elders??????? the DEPT that this man carries???? gege might hate gojo, but lets not forget that he is a well written character. and that also makes me overthink a little about the very first chapters of the manga, when yuji asks gojo if he can defeat sukuna, AND JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK HE RESPONDS??
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EXACTLY!! HE WOULD WIN! so that was a fucking lie, gojo was keeping yuji safe from wondering, or gege is planning something sick (there's also the option of gege just forgetting it, but for the sake of my mental health I wont elaborate on that) there are still things I do not understand and I NEED gege to explain.
also, there is this things that keeps coming to my head: sukuna isn't the type of sorcerer to brag about his power, like gojo did before, he releases his power when he needs it, and with the cards he's given. with itadori he couldn't do much because yuji could control him so the little things he did was due to the circumstances, like when yuji asked for help, he didn't want to help but the curse wanted to fight so sukuna killed the curse, then he ASKS YUJI TO RETURN TO THE CONTROL like damn that man has matters. and then, when jogo makes yuji eat the other ten fingers, he's overpower and starts to do whatever he wants because he has been in yuji's control way too much, and after he defeats jogo, who willingly wanted to fight sukuna, he literally gives yuji the control of the body again. it might be to lower yuji's motivations but still, he took advantage of the momentum to move on with his plan. another time he took the opportunity was when yuji died and made the contract that allowed him in the shibuya incident take control of fushiguro's body. this guy is smart, and he doesn't waste opportunities, so I can see him winning the battle. we all know by now that he did in fact won the battle, but we don't know with what kind of plan or tricks did he do it. i still don't buy the thing with mahoraga
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i feel like it's something else, something is missing, then again there isn't enough information, probably lost on the chapter gege forgot to release.
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THE FACT THAT THIS MOMENT ALONE MADE ME SCREAM INTO THE VOID. and it wasn't because gojo was dead, neither because sukuna gave him the credit he deserved, NO, its because gojo's smiling, he's FUCKING SMILING. that man doesn't want to fight anymore, its written all over the page, that man is tired, satisfied, and is hallucinating. and the fact that I can see that is what makes me scream. WHAT ABOUT FUSHIGURO MAN, ARE YOU JUST GONNA LET HIM DIE IN THE PIT OF DARKNESS HE'S IN?!! WHAT ABOUT THE PROMISE BRO WTF I know you didn't like Toji, but you got way too close with the kid you wanted to protect him you wanted him to live DUDE. he's just gonna leave all the work to the others, he wants to rest, he doesn't want to do anything with curses or sorcerers or anything like that, he will LEAVE them alone helpless because gojo was their last hope he was the strongest the only one who could win against the king of curses damn it aaaallll.
and THAT just makes me think... what are the others thinking? the only reactions we got from the last chapter were from maki, yuta, yuji and hajime, and they're veeeeery different
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yuta is fucking angry and worried and obviously scared, but still grabs his katana so anxious as he wants to go to the battlefield. maki is holding him back, with a more steady and severe expression, because she knows they cant defeat sukuna. the background around them is dark and still meaning they're still in the same place, holding back and waiting for the next move. yuji's expression is fucking scared, he's worried and he's sweating, and I'm certain he's trying not to cry, his background is moving which can mean he's moving to the battlefield even if he knows he's going to die, no one is holding him back which can mean either they are letting him go (such a shitty friends really) or haven't noticed he's gone. and hajime Is already IN the battlefield. that slash that cut gojo in two had enough time for him to move from wherever they were into the battlefield and he's EXCITED HE'S SMILING LIKE THE FUCKING IDIOT HE IS idk if he will be able to win against sukuna given the fact that he literally killed gojo, but oh well...
this is madness, i need the forgotten chapter
let me know about other things you notice too pleasssseeee
this also gave me A LOT of things to think about, like what will happen with itadori and his powers and all the rage he has and all the dead people he has seen and... well, all the tragedy
i might as well post something about itadori, we'll see
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bombingqueen · 1 year
Season 2 and 3: The Winchester's and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Demon Deals
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Season 2 rating: 9/10
Best episodes from S2: Simon Said, RoadKill, and AHBL I & II
Worst episode: Hollywood Babylon (Just boring)
Season 3 rating 6/10
Best Episodes from S3: No Rest for the Wicked and The Kids Are Alright
Worst episode: Red Sky at Morning (just boring)
Sterling K. Brown is amazing his role as Gordon Walker is great.
I wish the special children plot line lasted longer. I believe so much more could have been done with them.
Ellen and Jo are not the best written characters on a re-watch. I liked them first time but not anymore.
Love episodes with 'human' monsters
Law enforcement episodes are some of my favorites
Dean doesn't have the best mental health in season 1 but in season 2 and 3 he has really started to derail. Couldn't keep his father save and he might lose his brother to an undetermined future.
Sam does stupid shit when he is emotional especially when Dean is involved.
Bella Talbot is a Boss Bitch. I like her more this time around.
Ava is adorable even if she turns into a little serial killer. "I just helped steal some dead guy's confidential files! I'm awesome"
I want to know the story behind 'funky town' Did happen before Sam went to Stanford or when he started hunting with Dean again?
Honestly, Gordon acting like Dean wasn't gonna hunt his ass down for murdering Sam is hilarious
Sam always blames himself for situations out of his control. Makes me sad.
I'm pretty sure that the hotel in Playthings is an Antebellum home.
2.12 Everytime I watch Nightshifter, I can only think of this:
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2.12 Dean is such a simple man :" I like him. He says okey-dokey." What a fuckin dork. I love him.
2.12 Sam is so exasperated and bitchy this episode
2.12 Victor Henriksen was short-lived. Would've have been nice for the boys to have an ally in the feds.
2.12 The ending is amazing
Sam continues to believed that he can't be saved
Jared Padalecki is amazing and terrifying in 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
2.14 Demons really be trying to make the boys divorce
2.14 The Jo scene is so uncomfortable and the actors did amazing job of portraying it
2.14 I literally read a fanfic where Dean was in the place of Jo. It was some good shit not gonna lie
2.14 I'm pretty sure Meg was shocked that Dean would literally help his brother get away with murder. What's one more crime?
2.14 I have to give it to Meg. She was really trying to get Dean to turn against Sam and kill him. Hell, if she stopped possessing Sam after using his body to kill Dean, Sam would have embraced his dark destiny
Poor Sam. Dean knows what Madison meant to him in more ways than one
Wish we saw more of the lawyer and Deacon from 2.19 Folsom Prison Blues
2.19 Dean having fun in prison and fitting is so well is such a vibe. Sam's being disturbed by it was amusing.
2.20 Even in a world where they were never hunters, Dean still becomes an alcoholic
2.20 Wincest fics having DJINN are my favorite. Good shit right there
2.20 Dean wants Sam to be happy but not at the expense of losing their relationship with one another. Bruh, that shit is depressing.
Aww! Sam is Azazel's favorite
Andy is me in AHBL
Sam flexing his leadership skills in cold oak. Feel like a proud momma
Sam's first death hits hard. The relief on his face when he sees Dean coming for him. The last thing before death he sees is Dean allowing him to let go safely. And Dean just holding onto his world with desperation as his soul dies along with Sam.
Sam finding out about Dean's deal is heartbreaking. He was taken from his brother by a demon, finds out about his demon, he was killed violently, and then he is resurrected only to find out his brother sold his soul. Poor Sammy.
I forgot how shocking Sam's descent into savagery is. Blood thirsty little giant. Don't blame him though. I would be pissed off to if I was stabbed in the back literally and metaphorically
John really climbed out of the bowels of hell, saved his boys, and yeeted to Heaven
Dean becoming catatonic after Sam's death is so sad; his entire world just ended. Family may not end in blood but he is sole survivor of his own blood
Jensen Ackles flexing his acting chops with his emotional scenes begging for his brother to be okay and then having a monologue over his corpse is so fuckin good. Makes me cry everytime.
Demons calling Sam the Boy King or any alternative will never not be cool but it will continue to be funny
I like episodes involving their childhood and baby Dean tried so hard for Sammy
I actually didn't care for blond Ruby the first time I watch the series but I like her more during the re-watch. She is awesome and snarky
As much as I like Bella, she is fuckin dumb for stealing the colt like what the hell man. She reaped what she sowed right there
I used to find mystery spot funny but is more depressing than anything. Sam was barely holding on to his sanity and his moral compass was derailing fast
The way Dean begins to become more unhinged as his deal grows closer made my heart hurt
Lilith poked a goddam bear torturing and killing Dean in front of Sam's face. Gotta give her props; she had fuckin balls considering Sam's future. Guess Lucy didn't give her the memo or just didn't care since he was stuck in the cage. Having Sam Winchester on your ass is probably worse than facing Dean. Unhinged Sammy is somethin else
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
A pleasure to hear from you Milk! I hope you're having a wonderful evening!
😭- angst or sad WIP snippet
“Here you are.”
SQ looked at the book she was offering him.
It was his father’s book on happiness.
“I’ve been handing them out to everyone who looks nervous,” she explained cheerfully. “This book changed my life. The author, Dr. Curtain, is a visionary and genius. I promise, it’s well worth the read.”
“Oh…” said SQ slowly, looking down at the face of the man he was trying very hard not to think about. “Thank you, but um…I’m actually not feeling nervous at all really.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, grinning at him. “I really must insist you take it. You need it. We all need it. Because we all deserve happiness.”
SQ did his best not to shudder at her unsettling gaze and forceful tone.
😍published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
Hm...a lot to choose from here. I was debating between a couple passages, but in honor of you and Maren, I decided to include some prime Garrison and Curtain divorce drama content. I loved writing all the friendship breakups in SOS (because I'm just silly like that <3), but Garrison's and Curtain's is especially fascinating because of how alike they are in the way they use their intelligence to try to solve their own traumas and violate ethical boundaries. It's like they're constantly in this game of chess together and they're both losing but so is everyone else because they refuse to stop playing. That's the best way I can describe it. Please enjoy!
From Chapter 16 of SOS, "Moving Forward"
“And all I want,” continued Garrison carefully, “as your friend, is for you to be happy too. You deserve it. You’ve sacrificed so much for so many years…for all of us…for your family…you deserve to experience the profound joy that you have worked to give to so many others.”
Curtain felt it again. That feeling he got whenever people complimented, praised or supported him. The feeling of the world around him getting brighter, calmer, safer. Finally, Garrison was acting like his friend again. She wanted to support him. She wanted to help him. She cared about him. And the more Curtain listened to her voice, the more he wanted to keep hearing it.
Perhaps he should listen to her advice more often.
Garrison carefully began to synchronize her body movements.
“You are brilliant,” she continued, “a visionary. And all I want, more than anything in the whole world, is for you to be happy. For you to choose the happiness and joy that you deserve after so much suffering, frustration and pain. To be free of your burden.”
Curtain relaxed, he smiled at Garrison. This was what he wanted. To be free of his burdens. To be here again, with his friends, who cared about him, who would never hurt him again, who wouldn’t betray-
…who wouldn’t betray him.
But they always betrayed him.
They always abandoned him.
Curtain closed his eyes and shook his head, doing his best to shake Garrison’s voice and influence from his mind.
She had come close, far too close for comfort.
Well of course she had. Garrison knew him. She knew what he wanted to hear. She knew just what to say.
And really, should Curtain have expected anything different? Nicholas betrayed him. Wetherall betrayed him. Why should Garrison be any different?
Garrison watched as Curtain abruptly broke his gaze away from her, squeezed his eyes shut and began to shake his head. Upon realizing her plan had failed, she felt an overwhelming sense of despair.
Her technique had been working! She’d come close, so close, and yet… somehow Curtain had broken out of it. Garrison didn’t know how that was even possible, but she should have known something like that was bound to happen. What had she been thinking? Curtain was surely going to do something awful to her now.
“How dare you?” Curtain whispered angrily, his eyes still shut as he struggled to get the words out. “How dare you try to…to…”
Curtain paused, eyes closed, still trying to pry his mind free from the temptations that Garrison’s words had offered him.  
Then something else occurred to him.
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