#Villains of TTK
Personally a big fan of restoring Kon's "Human with TTK" thing but making him a clone of Lex and Paul Westfield so that he can be 100% evil divorced dad genetically, but instead of having identity crises over whether or not he'll become evil he keeps getting freaked out because he'll have the sudden urge to buy a Tesla or something.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I'm so glad you like it! Honestly, I'm pretty jealous as well. Though, I don't doubt he has the white noise generator and uses it on more than just those trips. Could you imagine Bruce and the other Bats going to the Supers, Clark, Kon, Kara, and Jon (who if I remember correctly has the best ears out of all of them) and when asked to track him down by sound, all of them are just like, "Red Robin? Oh no we can't do that." and when asked why, Clark gets nervous and says, "well. None of us have ever been able to hear his heart beat. We don't know what tech or magic he uses but *none* of us have ever been able to hear his heart. Not since he was 15. I asked you one time why I couldn't hear him and you just hummed at me!"
Meanwhile panic is rising in not just the hero community, but also the villain one. Red Robin has a *lot* of connections and if someone took or heaven forbid killed him? The Gothem Rouges remember what happened when the second Robin died, they know how bad Batman got. Now the Robin who saved them from him is gone? And now Nightwing and Red Hood and Spoiler and all the rest are on a Hunt, getting more violent like Batman did? Oh no, they are all going into hiding until this blows over.
Then there's also the villains connected to members of Young Justice. The Flash's Rouges Gallery hears that one of the Mini Speedsters is in a grief spiral and could end up seriously hurting them because one of his best friends has gone missing and is presumed dead? Fuck No. They are keeping their noses clean until it's done. So are the people who tend to antagonize Metropolis because Kon is *not* holding back. He grabbed Matallo and used his TTK to make him fall into thousands of pieces and then just stared down at him with a cold look of anger before leaving. Dr Light when to the ER when he tried to mess with the Teen Titans while both Dick and Damian were still on call and Tim was missing.
On day four of Tim being missing, Damian's head suddenly snaps up and he says, "I need to check a tracker." and the rest of the Bats follow him to the bat computer. When asked what he is doing, Damian admits, "a few years ago when I still hated Timothy, I put a tracker inside of his favorite camera, which he just so happened to bring with him on his trip. It may still be there and if he has his camera-" a few moments later, there is a ping on the screen showing the tracker is o the move, currently crossing the boarder from Kentucky into West Virginia. Tim has no idea what hell is coming for him, mostly because he figured that the Bats knew he did this every other month to unwind and relax. Traveling on a train for 4 to 6 days is his version of a vacation.
Glad for the add on. However, I think the angst reason for Tim "not having a heartbeat" would be because Kon died.
After Kon died, Tim created the machine to make sure no one else could hear his heartbeat (especially because Kon wasn't around for that anymore). When Kon came back, it was still a rough time for Tim. He was practically a feral and distrustful raccoon. Since he's still working on trusting people again, his heartbeat is still hidden (plus Kon hasn't brought it up, so Tim kind of forgot).
The stuff about the rogues is so true! That's why a few fanworks call Tim the "heart" of the batfam. I think all members play important roles and will similarly be missed. The heart comment is a cute nod to his role as a bridge and leash (he helped B obtain a larger support group and prevented him from killing people).
I like that this has Damian being the one to find out. Though Tim is grateful there's was a way for his family to find him while they were freaked out (he thought they knew about it), he's also exasperated at the tracker's existence. He probably pulls a prank on Damian for it.
Also, Tim 100% brings this incident back up with Bruce whenever the man complains about Tim's habit of overworking. He looks his father in the eyes and says, "The last time I took a vacation, you freaked out and mobilized the entire hero community to find me." They both know that's not what happened, but Tim is also not wrong.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Hey, I would LOVE some Gotham Kid for WIP Wednesday! Thank you!
“Hey there, gents,” Candi says, and she and Trish bat their eyes at the strangers. “You new around here?” 
“That a threat, ladies?” the big guy asks, and does, in fact, sound Alley. Even if he didn’t have the accent, only somebody Alley would say that and smile like that. 
He’s amused. Actually amused, and not in a nasty or patronizing way. The guys with him just frown, looking wary. 
The big guy really is big, for a civilian. 
But also he’s not a civilian. He’s dressed to hide it, but even Kid’s passive TTK can feel the well-maintained muscle and scars of a fighter on him–a vigilante or a villain, who knows? But definitely not just some guy who’s real into muay thai. The other guys are standing like they defer to him. 
He’s maybe nineteen or twenty, max, and has dark hair and pale skin and is wearing dark glasses, never mind that it’s twilight in Gotham, and a heavy hooded coat. Kid’s TTK counts two magnums, a derringer, a garrote, and six knives. Boots are steel-toed. There’s body armor hidden under the coat. The other guys are just as armed. 
Technically, Kid knows that isn’t necessarily a problem, but it could very, very quickly become one. 
The guy has a streak of white shocked into the front of his hair. Not bleached–it’s too perfectly white, and it goes all the way to the roots, and there’s a couple stray white hairs not quite contained in perfect shape. It’s not relevant, but it sticks in his head a little, for some reason. 
Trauma can do that to somebody’s hair, Superman’s memories tell him.
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Superman (2023) #7
Holy shit. Holy SHIT. New possible villain with TTK and delving into new secrets involving Kon's creation. I am extremely excited for this story to unfold.
I am also excited to see TTK once again being utilized to its full potential, and it being explored because what IS the full potential? We have seen some terrifying glimpses in the past and I definitely am eager to see more.
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whywoulditho · 5 months
ough... sorry for jumping in when you said you're still reading stuff, i hope this doesn't come off annoying or anything! but that thing the prev anon said about timkon is... a WILD take.
tim wasn't trying to "replace" kon, he was having a grief-induced mental health spiral and was doing anything and everything to get a chance of getting his best friend back. (the "resurrection of ra's al ghul" event goes over this too - tim and dick have a short fight that ends in tim crying in dick's arms because tim was tempted to use a lazarus pit to try and bring back his dad, steph brown, and/or kon.) it's an unhealthy coping mechanism he exhibits during a period of his life where he's experienced several catastrophic losses back to back, and he's coping poorly. moreover he literally apologized to kon for trying to clone him in adventure comics (2009) #3.
also saying that kon is created as a replacement for superman is true, but acting like he never has an established character outside of "replacement for superman" or that other characters treat him as just a replacement superman, is not. in world's finest three (tim and kon's first meeting) we literally see tim initially turn to kon for backup with metallo, a superman villain, and at first he's dismayed that kon doesn't have all of superman's abilities, but over the course of the two issues, he admires kon's use of his ttk and they establish a mutual respect with each other (they both save each other's lives at the end).
and generally, kon & clark have a very positive relationship in postcrisis comics (aka the continuity that the cloning stuff with tim happens in) - if you want to see more of it, i'd rec "adventures of superman" #506 and superboy (1994) #59 and #70. kon definitely has plenty of issues, but his identity and relationship to superman aren't really the ones in question. (although i'll admit there is the caveat that kon's [lack of] superman-related identity issues is kind of soft retconned in teen titans (2003), which is where the lex luthor retcon is introduced - fun fact, luthor has nothing to do with kon initially!)
this got long i'm SO sorry - it just gets my goat when people tell straight up lies about comics to people who are just getting into reading comics 😭😭 i hope i didn't come off aggressive bc thats def not my intention but i'm sorry if i did!! and i hope you enjoy your comic journey and have fun with it overall!!!
do NOT apologize! i really appreciate this!!
i have a couple more people on my inbox yelling things like "how dare you even entertain the thought of them together!!!" i wasnt expecting to see so much passion on this subject when i first talked about it but it seems like DC comics fans have very strong opinions about that pairing hahaa
as i said in my previous reply to that anon, i really need to do my own reading before i form an opinion on the ship but your reflections seem very fair and i really appreciate the comic recommendations! and honestly, the whole reason i was interested in timkon was that their relationship seemed very complicated, and therefore very angsty, which is what i live for. so i do really understand why some people like it and some hate the idea of it. from what i've seen so far.... i like it. but i can't really speak on whether or not it is compatible with the canon dynamic of the characters. does that make sense?
also like on another note. HOW do you guys give such specific references when talking about these things?? 😭 DC universe seems HUGE and i have no clue where to start and then i see people giving like the exact issue number of events and stuff and i'm like.....HOW?? and also like. teach me. guide me. i'm lost 😭 HQJSKFKCJDJ
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
38 for the dialogue prompt… maybe with some bart and kon?
also prompted by an anon!
38. "I'm going to be sick."
There are upsides to getting sent to New Orleans to deal with a surprise villain attack, starring Metallo. Like the pecan pralines from this one shop near the French Quarter that Wally has never shut up about since Bart's known him. Or the cajun fries. Or the beignets.
There are also downsides. Like the heat and the humidity. Seriously, how does anyone live down here? Running interference, and then helping with cleanup, has never been sweatier. Why'd that asshole have to damage so many buildings, anyway?
At least Café du Monde is still intact. Rob promised he'd buy everyone beignets and coffee when everything's settled, and Bart's gonna hold him to that.
...Except that right now, he kinda doesn't want to eat. Probably 'cuz it's so hot out. But it is kinda weird to not be hungry after a big battle.
Oh well. Shit needs doing, so shit's gotta get done, and Bart's gonna be a shit-doer. He chugs some tepid water from the bottle at his hip, grimaces as nausea pulses through his stomach, and starts to run again.
Five minutes later, his legs give out.
It comes as a shock: one moment he's moving some debris to free a couple trapped cars in an alleyway, and the next, his leg cramps up so bad that for a second he swears he's just gotten shot again, and he goes crashing to the ground before he even realizes he's falling.
What the fuck?!
Sweaty, exhausted, nauseous, in pain, and miserable, Bart gives up. Something's wrong, but he can't figure out what. Someone else can handle that; he digs his thumbs into the meat of his calf and whines, "Kooooon..."
A whoosh of air and a red, blue, and black blur drop out of the sky almost instantly. Kon, damn his Kryptonian genes, isn't sweating at all; his cyan gaze pierces right through Bart as he drops to his knees next to him. "Imp! What's the matter?"
Bart groans, stomach churning. His leg still hurts like a bitch. "I think," he says, "I'm gonna be sick." He whines again.
Kon's eyes widen. He reaches for Bart's shoulders to help him sit up, then hisses. "Shit, dude, you're burning up! Have you had any water?"
Bart nods miserably. Now why the hell is he shivering? That seems wrong. Uuugghhh, he's so nauseous. "Jus' a minute ago. Made me feel more sick. I don't think water's supposed to do that. It's just so fucking hoooot..."
"Oh, man. Okay. I think you're overheating, buddy." Kon exhales slowly; the air he blows out over Bart's face is blessedly cool, and Bart almost topples over from his precarious sitting position just trying to lean further into it. "Yup, okay. Gotta get you somewhere cooler."
"But... the cleanup," Bart balks.
"Dude." Kon gives him a disappointed look—aw, beans, that's his disappointed Ma Kent look. Bart would squirm under his gaze, if he wasn't so close to puking. "It's, like, literally a hundred and ten degrees out, and super humid, and you've always run hot even without strenuous shit like a villain fight. Muscle cramps? Nausea? Feeling faint? Classic symptoms of heat exhaustion."
As he speaks, he gathers Bart up in his arms; Bart whines again, just to reiterate that this sucks balls, but then a tendril of TTK works its way along his cramping leg and presses in against his aching muscle just right, and he shuts up instantly. Fuuuck, that feels good.
"What are you?" he mumbles, a full second or two late. "WebMD? Why do you know all that off the top of your head?"
Kon snorts. He blows cool air against Bart's sticky forehead again, rising into the air in a smooth arc (Bart appreciates that, because neither of them would have a good time if he emptied his stomach all over them both mid-flight). "Imp, c'mon. They programmed field medicine into my head back in the tube, man."
"Oh." Bart huffs. "That makes sense." He lets his head loll against Kon's shoulder as Kon picks up speed; the Mississippi River sparkles in the sun far below. "Where're we going?"
"Back to base," Kon answers. The air up here is cooler; Bart sighs in relief. "You're gonna sit in a cool shower, and I'm getting you some Gatorade."
Kon's always so good at taking care of him, Bart thinks. His leg already feels way better. Of course, he can't just say that normally. "Okay, mom."
Kon scoffs. "Excuse me for being a good friend who worries about you!"
"You're excused," Bart assures him, closing his eyes.
For a few moments, the whistling of the wind is the only sound. Then Bart heaves a massive sigh.
"Hey, Kon?"
"Yeah, bud?"
"I still want beignets later. Can you make sure Rob remembers?"
Kon's rumble of laughter reverberates through his chest as the clouds pass them by. "Yeah, Imp," he promises. "I'll be sure to let him know."
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pinkcreatorshark · 2 years
So, I skipped a bunch of issues because I got lazy, but here's my thoughts for DCYJ the finale, and my overall thought of the run at the end.
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First of all. Look at them all ready for battle and this mf out here posing and looking directly at the camera.
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So Im not sure why the comic turned into the "Cassie is the greatest hero ever" power hour but I mean sure, I guess. Literally everyone the past like three issues is just "Cassie you're so great and amazing and smart and pretty" it started to feel like a Cassie book and not a YJ book.
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Imagine getting told by both guys you dated in a span of a few minutes that they were never really in love with you
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Never getting over Tim admitting he had romantic feelings for Kon, and then Kon saying he didn't have it in him to live anyone. Unrequited timkon is real. (I'm saying this as a timkon, timber, AND timberkon shipper)
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I'm sorry but Human!Red Tornado looks like Ric Grayson in a dramatic cape
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So Conner being invisible is honestly the saddest shit. Being unseen is his biggest fear, and that was who's whole thing in this run, as well as where the new Superboy comic is going. His fear of being unseen, unheard, and unneeded. He needs to feel needed or he doesn't know what to do with himself. He feels like he HAS to be the one to save the day or what's the point of him being there? That shit broke me.
Overall Thoughts:
So, the comic run overall was. Not very good from a character perspective, but was fine? I guess?
It felt like the writers understood some characters and completely butchered others. It went from being a Cassie hateclub to Cassie is the best hero ever in just a few issues and that. Felt weird. It did have some funny moments, like homophobic Batman, and literally everyone including Bart realizing how gross his writing was towards women back in the day.
It also addressed some stuff, albeit a bit heavy handed, that I think doesn't get talked about a lot like how Tim and Kon tend to third wheel Bart a lot and how Bart is just treated as some dumb kid when he's probably one of the smartest on the team. It also remembered kons TTK which I call a win. But it also completely misunderstood some things, like Cissie saying why she left the team.
For a moment it showed what YJ used to be but it quickly became a parody of itself. And I think that was intentional because of who the villain was, but also it was too much so and it felt forced which hurt it in the end.
There also was a lot of hating on the new generation characters that have been giving a lot of poc and LGBT rep, which. Was not the way they should've gone about it. I don't think that's what they were intending, they were trying to make the villain make a different point, but it was toeing a very controversial line.
Overall, I feel like the run had a lot of potential, but leaned too heavily into the parody of nostalgia. It focused too much on what WAS and not enough on what IS. I think they were trying to make a YJ comic that re-solidified the bond between the characters, which I guess it accomplished, but it didn't in such a way that it made it seem like their relationship was flimsy at best to begin with and that their trauma was just something they could apologize for and everything be okay again.
I'm giving Dark Crisis: Young Justice a 5/10
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transgnckon · 1 year
I’m very excited though bc villain w ttk abilities only has me thinking omg Kon’s time to shine
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Comics this week ?
Batman #137 - Jimenez art is carrying this hard. If he wasn't drawing this I would skip it. Bruce's actions make sense given what Zdarsky has been doing with him, but the rest of the Batfamily are morons.
Steelworks #4 - Superbooks don't get enough credit for how well they're handling interconnectivity right now. Genesis pops back up here and is relevant to the plot, but it's handled in a way that is surprisingly organic. Dorn has shown improvement with each issue, DC should give him another book after this if he's interested.
Superboy: Man of Tomorrow #5 - Trav is my favorite new villain for Conner in ages. Such a delightful little sociopath, and this issue was extremely 90s in an entertaining way when it comes to the fight scenes. Conner using his TTK to deflect Trav's blasts, ripping off Trav's arm (it's not something Clark would ever do but that's why I liked it!), Trav rigging his own arm to blow, then transferring his consciousness into the Kryptonian clone body was great. One more issue to go!
The Riddler: Year One #6 - Great ending to a great mini. Makes me want to rewatch The Batman.
Birds of Prey #1 - Solid first issue, but it didn't wow me. Normally I'd keep reading through the first arc, but I have to cut back so this gets dropped.
Fire & Ice #1 - Beautiful art, decent comedy book. But again, I gotta cut back so I'll drop this.
Blue Beetle #1 - Mandatory to read Graduation Day if you want to read this, but the quality is at the same level as the mini so that’s not a problem for me! Bummer that the movie wasn’t a bigger success so we could hopefully get a longer run. I liked seeing old Ted foes show up, I’m curious if they’ll be bringing in Jenny Kord from the movie here too since they already moved Jaime and his cast to Palmera City.
City Boy #4 - Pak played up Cameron's moral grayness, and this is the issue that focuses on that. He's practically a supervillain in how he enslaves Bludhaven to attack Nightwing, with the only saving grace being that he was trying to do right by someone else. That, and I couldn't help feeling bad for him when he saw that his mom ditched him because she didn't want him. Heavy stuff, hope the Swamp Thing showing up is Levi. He had family issues too, I bet he and City Boy could have a good back and forth about dealing with your parents.
Immortal X-Men #15 - Even Gillen is starting to decline in enjoyment for me at this point. Still I think end is in sight for this book, and I want to see what the plan is for Xavier since he’s going to get off his ass at some point.
Fantastic Four #11 - Everlovin’ Thing indeed. Nice to see Ben be the one using his brains to get the F4 out of a trap.
Dr. Strange #7 - Strange has always been his own worse enemy, making that literally true has been quite exciting. Kind of funny how much Marvel touts that they’ve never rebooted and everything is canon when they still pick and choose what to acknowledge. Feels odd to not bring up the OTHER time Strange destroyed himself out of desperation to achieve his goal, during Hickman’s New Avengers run.
Scarlet Witch #8 - Winning a duel of words with Loki? Hopefully the Wanda fans will take that feat as much cooler than a magic contest. Oh and Joseph is being used as a pawn again, since they beta you over the head with that this issue I’m sure no one is surprised. I am looking forward to how the fight with Hexfinder goes. Wanda could use a good rival and she shows potential.
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reggielias · 1 year
Okay, so, what if?
In a fight against however(bc i know nothing about superman villains sorry) they have like a large piece of kryptonite or even a weapon made of it and Kon just
Take a bite of it?
Like i know when he was created originally he wasn't a superman clone, but a Paul Westfield one (i think) just made to look like superman and his TTK is what give him some of superman powers
So in conclusion, i think he should totally ate the kryptonite and take a nap in Hawaii while waiting for his body to detoxify
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supurman · 1 month
i love all kryptonians having the same base similar powers amongst all eachother. but i also love the idea of each one unlocking a different power from their own experience in life that was forced out of them. for kon, i believe that is TTK when that power was forced out of him through emotion. for clark, its his solar flare when he was out of options. kryptonian's adaptability is also one of the key things that make them perfect for their environment - to their villains, for their city, whatever it may be. i also do dabble in the idea of varied solar absorption between kryptonians as they get older and open up their cells to more durability to their powers. like a cub growing into their claws... (thinking)
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suzukiblu · 11 months
(in your Clark panic adopts his clones-yes even the villain one fic) Does Match sleep? Does he need sleep? If he does need sleep do they let him fall asleep or do they (the agenda) knock him out with something? Like he sleeps on their schedule, and if he doesn't/can't they make him sleep kinda thing?
Honestly, I hadn't thought about it but now I might have to, hah.
Well, since this is more the TTK and less the Kryptonian physiology at this particular time of Kon and Match's lives, I would assume he'd need at least SOME sleep and the Agenda would have him on a schedule for their own convenience but also not particularly care if he actually SLEPT or just laid there very quietly in the dark until it was time to get up again. They'd probably keep track of if he actually slept or not, but I don't know if they'd CARE if he actually slept or not, unless it noticeably affected his performance in some way. At which point, yeah, they'd probably sedate him if he didn't just sleep when ordered to. Like, whichever option they considered necessary/easier.
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inky-duchess · 4 years
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Villains of TTK~ Ilyan
"Let us give Mael a reason to rage, yes?" He hisses into my ear, hand latching against the column of my arm. "After all, it is nothing I did not have before."
Taglist: @authoressasusual @you-reblogged-from @word-by-word @trapped-inadystopianovel @wanderingalonelypath @mysthicrider @thebestmollygrue @reignnyx @writinglyra @anomaly00 @thewordsinthesky-andstars @heldinhishands @ladywithalamp @scribonaut @dawnoftheagez @writing-in-rain @paperandredink @saxoniowrites @writeblrfantasy @mayawritesbooks @valiant-wielder @treesandwords @nicopeppah @ink-and-stories @ezra-ezra-ezra @dragonauthor @violetcancerian
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empressofthelibrary · 3 years
Popped up on my Spotify.  Took me way back to middle school, sitting in the big computer chair and listening to hours of filk music while I wrote and wrote and wrote
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
I just saw this hank green thing that explained a weird thing that can happen with migraines:
and first off I wanna say I'm sorry to every person with migraines holy shit. that shit really does just Fuck Up All Your Shit huh. my god
but then SECOND I wanna say, do you think Kon would get anything like this!!! like. omg first he's overextending himself using TTK because there's SHIT happening and people are in DANGER he's gotta be a HERO and then. the Aura. and Shit now he knows he's got about an hour MAX before shit gets REALLY fucked for him. I imagine him frantically trying to herd a crowd of people in the right direction without being able to talk properly and it's just all fucked
yeah migraines can really fuck you up! a few years ago i had a migraine and was trying to say "wow my mom made some really good cashew chicken curry, i would love to share this with all of my friends except for jo, because jo is very allergic to nuts." what i actually said, which is still memed on in our gc to this day, was "i'd give some to all my friends except jo because jo can't nut." the pre-migraine "brain function: get fucked!" phase (called "prodrome") has also seen me do such things as "pour orange juice into a bowl instead of milk for cereal" or "put my phone in the fridge and take the cream cheese to my room" and many other such things. it also makes me incredibly irritable and grouchy, which is a hallmark i usually use to go "oh shit i need to go take my meds Now" sdkhf
but all of that to say. yeah i do hc kon as a migraine girlie. (linda/mae too - its the telekinetics. theyre migraine girlies. i dont make the rules sorry wait i do actually.) LUCKILY for him, he can probably get it across more or less by gesturing and going "there! go!" or other Very Simple sentences (which sometimes lets me cheat when my brain Can't make words go, but not always), and if all else fails its just time to swallow his pride and yell for superman.
i really don't envy him the idea of having to fight a villain with a migraine though. definitely a nonzero chance of him just puking on them 😭😭
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 “i’m so hot..” “loving the confidence.” “oh shut up.” 
For Kon/Bart (Only if you're interested/up to it)
“Wasn’t hot-boxing supposed to be, I dunno fun?” breathed Bart as he felt sweat cloy on his forehead. “Helen said it was supposed to be a party. Not… this.” 
Tim wrenched his arm free from under Bart and took calculated breaths. “This is not what she was talking about, oh my god.”
Kon was wedged as far back as possible in the tiny box, Bart on one leg and Tim on the other. “Hey, it’s not too late, we could make it a party,” he gulped as Bart shifted in a way that was dangerous. Had this been any other scenario, had they not been tossed in together by a breakthrough villain, this might have been exciting. 
Kon loathed new villains. At least with Hot Streak or Captain Boomerang he could anticipate what could happen. But oh no, they had to deal with Iron Wrapper or whatever it was. 
“Superboy, is your TTK able to do anything helpful?” Tim asked and it was clear he was desperately trying to not breathe. Kon put his hand on the side of the metal box and pushed out with his TTK, it crawled along all sides and he pushed, straining. After a full minutes of bracing against the box he let up. “Nope, looks like we’re stuck. Babe?” 
Bart shook his head and started to answer Kon, but Tim interrupted. “No compromising language! We don’t know if they’re listening!” 
Bart rolled his eyes. “We’ll come out on Twitter later. Anyway. Sorry babe but I’ve been trying to vibrate through since we got trapped in here. Nada.” 
“Damnit! Okay, Rob, you got any ideas? What about your bat-communicator?” Kon asked. “Imp and I have done all we can, time to pony up.” 
Tim was quiet for a couple moments before he answered him. “No reply,” his voice was raspy and he too began to sweat. Of all the traps he got himself in this should not be this difficult. 
Bart attempted to lighten the mood. “So two boys, an enby, and a box-” 
“No.” Tim was not in the mood. 
“Just trying to lighten everything up, damn it’s hot.” Bart shifted in Kon’s lap and Kon wrapped one arm around his waist and he pulled him closer to him. 
The movement was obvious to Tim but he declined to comment on it. Getting them to keep their hands off of each other while suited up had been impossible since they got together five months ago. “It’s hot because we’re running out of air. We need to find a way out of here. So uhm, if either of you have some shocking new way of using your power please speak up.” 
Silence, and breathing.
“Besides, you’re literally against my leg, gross.” Bart pointed out and Tim backed down. 
Tim grew concerned. “Guys?... Oh you better not be-”
Bart and Kon both recoiled at the same time. “What?!”
“Come on man, we could really die in here you think we’re-  that’s low, Rob. Real low.” Kon grumbled defensively. 
“Sorry, sorry. Just on edge. I’m serious though. Any ideas?” 
“Y’know, maneuver 7.” 
Bart considered it as the sweat on his forehead finally began pooling and falling down his skin in streaks, and the skin under his body suit felt swampy despite its moisture wicking being the best on the planet. “Well… Babe, you wanna try it?”
Kon was momentarily lost. “Try what?” 
“I don’t think we ever named them,” Kon huffed in a lazy, heat hazed laugh. 
The back of Tim’s throat feel like he had taken a bite of oatmeal and it was just stuck there, dry and unmoving and he was desperate for water, and air. They couldn’t keep this up. “I don’t care if you were inspired by Looney Tunes, please just try it!” 
When Rob snapped, which was actually pretty common, both of them knew to pay attention. 
“Okay, Bart what are you thinking?” 
“Vibrating force field. You get your TTK up, I vibrate it, you push.” The plan was simple and combined unimaginable force with blinding speed and kinetic energy. 
Kon immediately threw up his TTK to surround them, one hand on each side of the box. Bart reached and covered Kon’s hands with his own hot fingers and he concentrated, and began to vibrate. 
As he did, little pops and flashes of electricity flickered every now and then in the dark. They were blue, then white, then yellow as he used more and more of his attachment to the Speedforce. All the while Kon pushed as hard as he could with his tactile telekinetic barrier. 
The air was so thick. 
There was no air left and Rob could feel his mind blanking, he thought he was hallucinating when he suddenly saw bright assaulting light envelop all of them. 
The deep gasp was completely involuntary when fresh and pure air filled his lungs, and he quickly began to assess their situation. 
The box they had been trapped in had burst from within and debris had been flung in all directions. Meanwhile Bart was laying backwards on top of Kon, his goggles steamed up as he laughed lazily. 
“Toldja that would work! That was so cool!” Bart boasted. 
“Hell yeah,” Kon croaked, his face was red as he took low breaths. “I’m so hot.” 
Bart grinned. “Loving the confidence.” 
Tim rolled his eyes. “Oh shut up. Come on, we have a perp to track down, you two can flirt later.”
“He’s never gonna change, is he?” Kon wondered aloud. Bart finally shifted off of him. 
“Nah. But we like him like this.” 
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