#Vincent Nigel-Murray One Shot
h0nkch0c0late · 1 year
Vincent Nigel-Murray x Reader
WARNING: season 6 spoilers!!! Angst, character death, mentions of blood
SUMMARY: You always loved rainstorms. Now? You felt like one. And this time, you weren't so sure you liked it.
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It all happened so fast.
One moment, he was taking the phone from Booth, waiting for the 5th ring.
The next, he was being tackled to the ground by Booth in a panic.
"We're fine." Booth had said as he slowly began to lift himself up.
But as I walked closer to them, I could see the blood begin to spill from beneath Vincent's body.
I froze. My heart began to beat 10× faster than usual, my breathing heavy.
Dr. Brennan raced over, and the two of them began to panic. They were telling him to keep his eyes open, talking to him and trying to help him stay alive.
Before I knew it, my feet unconsciously began to drag me towards them, tears beginning to fight their way past my eyes as I crouched down, lifting his head into my lap.
I held his face in my hands, my thumbs rubbing gentle circles as I tried my best to fight the tears back, to prove to him that he'd be okay.
He looked back and forth between Booth, Brennan, and I as he continued to stutter out his words of desperation.
"I..pl-please dont-just don't make me go." He begged, his eyes meeting mine.
"No one's making you go anywhere, Vince. You can stay here as long as you like because you're going to be fine, okay?" I choked out, one hand letting go of his face and going through his hair.
I could feel Brennan and Booth's eyes staring at me, whether it was shock, sadness, or both I couldn't tell. But I knew this was the first time they had ever seen me so desperate... the first time they had ever seen my cry.
It's funny, really, I hadn't noticed I had let a few tears slip. I was so focused on keeping Vincent alive that I didn't care what I looked like.
"I-I don't want to go, I love-it's been lovely." Vincent stuttered, his breathe slipping away.
I could feel his head getting heavier on my lap, his skin feeling colder against my fingertips as Booth was saying something I couldn't quite make out.
My ears were ringing as I kept staring into Vincent's eyes.
But he wasn't staring at me anymore, He was staring through me. I wasn't met with the same comforting eyes he always gave me. Instead, they were cold. Dead.
Suddenly, someone started to scream bloody murder. I couldn't tell who.
Was it brennan? Me?
My eyes finally moved up towards brennan and Booth, and my question was answered.
I was the one screaming. And i couldn't stop. I couldn't stop the dam in my eyes from breaking, and the screaming couldn't be silenced.
Suddenly I felt myself getting wrenched up from the ground, but I didn't want to leave him. Ever.
I tried to fight against whoever was holding me in place, but it was no use.
They were trying to tell me to calm down, but I couldn't. Vincent was dead, and I was alone again.
How could I ever be calm about that?
Before I knew it, we were all sitting at the little conference room thingy where Booth and Sweets would usually meet with families and suspects in.
I had been zoned out, the image of Vincent bleeding out repeating over and over in my head.
It felt like there was a rainstorm in my body, sadness pelting through me heavily, soaking my entire existence.
Usually, I loved rainstorms. They gave me a sense of comfort. The soft patter of raindrops against the windows...covered in a blanket, snuggled up against Vince on the couch.
But now...this rainstormy feeling isn't so nice. And I hate it.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the door swing open. It was Booth,
"So...Brodsky got away." He began, "He was on a construction crane when he took the shot. We recovered the bullet casing." He showed the empty bullet casing to everyone as he leaned against an empty chair.
I only took a glance at it. Part of me didn't WANT to see the thing that killed my boyfriend.
He then threw it down onto the table, "it was an amazing shot."
"How did Broadsky see into the lab?" Brennan questioned.
"Thermal imaging." Booth looked down at the table, "he aimed for the guy who picked up the phone."
"He meant to kill you." Cam nodded.
"I'm the one who gave vincent the phone. I told him to pick it up." Booth stated, eyes moving towards Cam.
"You didn't know. I mean, there's no use..." Sweets tried to therapize.
I rolled my eyes, my hands clutching to the armrests of the chair I was sitting in. I could feel the anger starting to boil, turning my rainstorm of emotions into a giant thunderstorm. I knew that Booth wasn't to blame, but my views were skewed. I should be blaming Broadsky because he's the one who murdered Vincent, but... I felt as though if I looked at Booth even once, I'd try to kill him.
"I don't blame myself for this, Sweets."
God... even hearing him speak makes me wanna claw him to death.
"-I blame the guy who pulled the trigger."
Sweets nodded, "Okay."
"You still have blood on your hands." Brennan mentioned.
Booth looked away.
"Booth, she, she means literally."
As I looked to his hands, Brennan was right. Booth still had some of Vincent's blood on his hands. Somehow, that was my breaking point.
I jumped up from my chair, clenching my jaw as I quickly walked, stopping beside Booth. "No, actually, it is your fault. You could have given the phone to ANYONE else. But you chose Vincent. It is your fault. And I hate you deeply for it."
Without letting anyone get another word in, I stomped out of the room. I was fully aware that the pants I was wearing were covered in a crimson red. After all, I had been kneeling in his blood.
I didn't stop until I was in my room at the jeffersonian, the two stuffed animals Vincent had gotten me after his trip around the world sat against each other on my desk, and my anger began to slowly melt away.
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I smiled as I walked over to them, picking them up. The memory of how I got them began to flood through my mind.
Vincent had just come back from his trip around the world, his first stop back home was to my house. He had walked in with a giant smile, hiding something behind his back.
As I let him in, he kept whatever was behind his back a secret as best he could until we sat down on the couch.
"What have you got behind your back?" I asked curiously, eyebrows raised.
"Guess." He smirked.
"Is it a really expensive necklace that you know I'll feel bad about because I hate when you buy me things that are more than $20?"
he chuckled, shaking his head. "No, it's better."
My eyebrows laced together as I tried my best to think of something, but I ended up blank.
"Sorry, I've run out of things to guess." I shrug.
He laughs, rolling his eyes, "Alright, fine I'll show you."
My eyes light up, excited that I wouldn't have to wait any longer.
He pulls his arms from behind his back, and my eyes widen at the sight.
in his hands were two stuffed animals. Cows. The one in his right hand was the exact one I had when I was a kid. Well, it was a replica, at least. I grabbed both and hugged them tightly. A giant grin plastered my lips.
"Wha-how? How did you?"
He shrugged, "I remembered you telling me about the cow you had when you were a kid. Saw it at the store and just had to buy it. I felt bad just buying it by itself, so I bought the second one so it could have a friend. Did you know cows could have best friends? They have very complex emotions just like us."
I laughed lightly, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug whilst holding the two stuffies.
"Thank you, Vince. You are the best!"
"Well, I mean, I wouldn't say the BEST..." He says modestly, hugging me back.
A knock was heard at my doorframe, and part of me expected it to be Vincent as I turned around, holding the one with the black spots tightly in my arms.
Unfortunately for me, it was Sweets.
I frown, "What do you want?"
"I just wanted to ask if you were alright." He says, hands up in defense at my aggressive tone.
I sigh, "yeah-well, no-its just...its all too much. I didn't mean to burst out at Booth like that...I just... the anger got to me, and I couldn't control it."
Sweets leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, "do you actually blame him for Vincent's death?"
"What? No. No, of course not. It's fully Broadsky's fault. He was the one who pulled the trigger on Vince, not Booth." I look down to the cow plushy in my arms and let out a deep breath I hadn't even realized I was holding in. "I just miss him, Sweets. I keep thinking that if I just blink, he'll be standing right in front of me. And he's not. And it's like there's this rainstorm inside of me that just won't go away and I hate that feeling so much and I want to cry so badly but if I do, that'll make it real. I don't want it to be real, Lance." I say, almost desperately, clinging to the stuffed animal in my arms.
He frowns, walking his way over to me. He didn't say a word, pulling me into a tight hug.
I felt my entire body collapse into him, the walls I built beginning to crumble. I was so much more fragile than I had thought.
"It's okay to cry, you know. In fact, in this circumstance, it's needed." He suggested.
Would he ever stop being a shrink to his friends? Probably not. But it worked. And that dam broke.
Once the tears started, I knew they couldn't stop.
I had gone home that night, and cried even more. I cried until my tear ducts were dry, drank some water, then cried some more until I fell asleep.
It was over. Broadsky was defeated, and we wouldn't have to worry about him anymore.
But now, the group of us stood near the steps of the building, waiting for Brennan as the van to pick up Vincent's body arrived.
Booth and I had talked a little bit before. It mainly considted of me apologizing profusely for blaming him and him trying to calm me down and saying that it was okay. In the end, it was fine.
"Maybe she's not coming." Cam spoke up.
"No. She'll-She'll be here." Angela nodded.
"Dr. Brennan has been known to retreat into hyper-rationalism in times of emotional turmoil, which could very well result in..." Sweets began to explain, but I cut him off by elbowing him in the side.
"Okay, even I want to slap you now." Hodgins responded.
"Alright, guys. Bones said she would come. She will definitely be here." Booth stated.
And, Booth was right. Shortly after we had told the people who were carrying Vincent's casket that we would take care of it, Brennan had appeared with a vase full of flowers.
"Do-do you wanna say something?" Angela asks Booth.
Booth looks a little taken aback, "what? Me? I-I barely knew him."
"That's true." A voice rings out from across the street. Brennan makes her way over to us, her arms around a potted plant. "Booth only called Mr. Nigel-Murray 'The English Squintern'."
I let out a small chuckle at that.
"Well, some of us were worried that you wouldn't make it." Sweets mentioned.
Brennan lifted the vase of flowers up, "I stopped to get this."
"Right, because nothing says "rest in peace" like a potted plant." Cam chuckles.
Brennan sets the vase down onto the casket, "did I...do something wrong?" She asks, confused.
I started to feel the tears well up in my eyes again as I shook my head no.
"No, honey." Angela reassured, "You did something exactly right."
As Brennan took her spot with the group, I took that as my chance to put my own "rest in peace" thing onto his casket.
I looked down at the stuffed cow in my hands, the one with the black patches. It was the "best friend" that vincent had gotten the first one. A small smile appeared on my lips as I walked over to the casket, setting it down against the vase full of flowers that Brennan had put down.
"Did you know that cows grieve when their friends or family die? You were right, Vince. They have complex emotions, just like us." I tell him in a broken whisper.
I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I began to back away, fighting back the tears that threatened to surface once more.
We all stood in silence for a few seconds before Hodgins broke it,
"You know, Vincent gave me a great piece of advice. He said, "The busiest shopping hour of the entire year is between 3:00 and 4:00 on Christmas Eve." So..I never shop during that time."
"Oh." Sweets began, "He told me that Quebec City in Canada has the same amount of street crime as Disney World...so, safe place to visit."
Cam cleared her throat, wiping a tear from her eye, "Vincent informed me that the crack of a whip was actually the tip breaking the sound barrier."
"He told me that the top of the Eiffel Tower is actually six inches shorter in the winter time. So it's better to climb it then." Angela chuckled.
I smiled, "he once told me that even cows have best friends." Is shrugged, "not really useful, just good to know, I guess." I laughed lightly, sniffing as I felt a few teardrops fall from my eyes.
"Vincent's favorite song was "Da Lime and Da Coconut." Brennan chimed in.
Sweets' eyes widened, "Seriously? 'Cause that's like- that's my jam."
Angela and I chuckled together, and I glanced over at Sweets, shaking my head lightly at him.
We then continued our silence until Sweets started to sing Da Lime and Da Coconut, and then suddenly everyone was singing it.
As we sang, we lifted Vince's casket into the truck, booth closing the door and stood there, watching it drive off as we continued to sing.
The others headed inside, still singing as I stood there, staring off at the van that drove further away from my view.
Even Brennan and Booth, who had stopped only for a moment, had gone inside, leaving me to deal with my raging sadness alone.
As I heard the door close, I fell to my knees, letting the tears flow out again as I sobbed into my hands.
I would rather deal with this rainstorm alone than drag the others' sadness on longer than they should.
And it's okay because I've always felt better doing it alone, because that's how I function.
But man, do I wish Vince was with me.
😃😃😃😃I am not okay 😃😃😃 also i know its a little longer than my usual ones but <333
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Logo - Vincent Nigel-Murray
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Pairing: Vincent Nigel-Murray x Reader
Characters: Vincent Nigel-Murray, Camille Saroyan, Temperance Brennan, Jack Hodgins
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 620
Author: Hannah
Everyone had always told you how difficult long-distance relationships were; the fact that they never worked, someone would always cheat and many more things.
It was never nice to hear those things or to have such doubt put onto you, but you tried to make an active effort to never listen to such things.
When Vincent told you that he had accepted an internship in D.C. who were you to tell him not to go; you loved him, you were in love with him and had been for the past three years.
And so, he went, the two of you kept in touch all the time as best you could – you called whenever you could, texted when you couldn’t and visited each other at every available opportunity.
An opportunity had come up for you to be able to travel D.C. and so you had taken it upon yourself to surprise Vincent as the Jeffersonian.
It was easier to get to the lab in the Jeffersonian than you thought it was going to be, once you explained to security that you were there to see Vincent, they just let you in.
So, there you were walking into the lab with your suitcase behind you, dressed in one of Vincent’s university hoodies.
You spotted the platform and saw Vincent’s colleagues up there as you recognised them from photos you had been sent.
“Excuse me?” you called out as you reached the steps of the platform.
Camille turned around and looked at you in confusion. “How can I help you?”
You smiled slightly nervously. “I’m looking for Vincent.”
“Nigel-Murray?” Jack questioned, coming to stand by Camille.
Nodding, you smiled at them both. “Yes, I assumed he was here.”
Camille nodded as she walked off of the platform. “He is, I’ll go and get him, but I just ask that you wait here please?”
Again, you nodded, letting go of your suitcase as you put your hands into the pocket of your hoodie.
“Hey, I recognise that logo,” Jack pointed at your hoodie as he spoke. “Vincent has a computer case with the same one.”
Before you had a chance to respond you heard your name being called out.
“Y/N?” you turned to see Vincent walking towards you, confused but rather ecstatic.
You smiled at him as you ran to meet him and he caught you, enveloping you in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” he questioned, his hand splaying out on your back.
“Work gave me an at home assignment for a couple months,” you explained. “So, I thought, if you’ll have me, I’ll spend it out here with you.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course, I’ll have you my love.”
You smiled again as he leant down to kiss you but at the sound of a throat cleaning you pulled away.
It was then that you realised essentially al of Vincent’s colleagues had crowded you both in confusion. “Who are you?” Dr Brennan quizzed, crossing her arms.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
“And why are you here Miss Y/L/N?” Dr Brennan asked again.
Vincent cleared his throat and came to stand by your side properly, his arm going around your waist.
“This is my girlfriend; she’s come to stay with me for a couple of months.”
Jack’s mouth dropped open as he stared at you.
“Wait, you had a girlfriend back home this whole time?” he questioned, looking utterly shocked.
You giggled but nodded. “I’ve visited here a few times, but this is my first time in the Jeffersonian.”
Camille smiled at you before she gestured to Vincent. “I believe you should show her around Mr Nigel-Murray, make the most of your lunch hour, yes?”
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shuckfacedcarrot · 3 years
You know what's painful? The fact that I've been in love with Vincent Nigel Murray for almost ten years but no new fanfics have come out 🙃 I can only read the same ones/my own fanfics so many times. To the bones fandom writers, please, I'm begging you, bring back the love for human trivial pursuit 😔
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 years
Trust Me: Chapter 5
Hello again! I know it’s been a while- things got crazy with the holidays and my birthday, but things are calm now. Here we go!
Chapter One Chapter 4 AO3 Chapter 6
Warnings: mentions of violence, descriptions of torture
Word Count: 1865
Tag List: @ren-allen @ccecode @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @ilovemygaydad @bloodropsblog @funsizedgremlin @raygelkitty @roxiefox23 @thomasthesandersengine @spookyingarbageisland @band-be-boss-blog
Virgil made his way to Dr Vincent Nigel-Murray's lab with a bad feeling in his gut. He hadn't been able to meet with the pathologist about the first victim, as the doctor had left town suddenly shortly after Virgil arrived. But he was back, and it was time Virgil met the man he'd heard so much about.
"Doctor Nigel-Murray?" He knocked on the doorframe, peering into the lab. "Are you here?"
"Ah! Yes! You must be Detective Mason, yeah?" Virgil wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but a 6-foot-tall Brit with dark hair and startling blue eyes who was practically bouncing with excitement was not it.
"Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, doctor."
"Please, call me Vincent. Or Nigel. I also go by Vin, Vinnie, Vincenzo, any of those. My ex used to call me Vino Delectable."
"I'll stick with Vincent. And you can call me Virgil."
"A lovely name! Did you know that the famed Roman poet Virgil was homosexual and included erotic homosexual themes in two of his famed Eclogues?"
"I, um, didn't know that. Why would you bring that up? Have people been talking about me, gossiping about the gay new guy? I thought San Francisco was going to be better than this." Virgil narrowed his eyes, preparing for the worst.
"You're gay? I did not know that. What a coincidence! Fun fact-  in 2017, it was estimated that 8.2% of Millennials identify as LGBT+."
"You didn't know? Then what's with all the facts?"
"Facts are the stitches that hold the fabric of the universe together. I apologize if I'm being annoying; I've been told it's a rather bad habit." Vincent looked down and put his hands in his pockets; Virgil relaxed, suddenly understanding.
"It's an anxiety thing, right? Things get overwhelming sometimes, but facts are grounding."
"That is exactly right! If I may ask, how could you tell so quickly? Almost everyone gets there eventually, but it's only been a matter of minutes."
"I was one of the FBI's best profilers. Also, I do the same thing with sarcasm and hostility."
"It truly is a pleasure to meet you, Virgil. Now, follow me, I have two bodies with stories I think you'll want to hear."
Virgil followed the doctor into his lab. He was no stranger to morgues and autopsied bodies, but he could never get over the weird feeling in his gut when they were rolled out of the cooler. As always, he ignored the feeling and followed Dr Nigel-Murray to the first body.
"This is Orin Scrivello, the first victim. You can see the ligature marks on his wrists and ankles, and the scabbing indicates that he was tied up for quite some time and struggled a lot. This is just conjecture, but I'd wager it happened while the killer was inflicting these wounds." He pointed to the deep cuts on his legs and chest.
"Those look really deep. Cause of death?"
"You'd think, but no. The killer stayed clear of any major veins and arteries."
"So what's cause of death?"
"Blood loss."
"You literally just said-"
"He didn't bleed out through any of these wounds; he's got a single slice right along his brachial artery."
"Do we know what was used to cut him up?"
"Standard kitchen knife. Dime a dozen, available anywhere knives are sold."
"Great. Anything else interesting?"
"A couple of things. First, there were signs of dehydration, but not malnutrition."
"Any idea on how long they had him?"
"About two weeks, probably."
"The killer kept him fed while they tortured him for two weeks? Why would someone do that?" Virgil muttered. "The second interesting thing?"
"Particulates indicate that he was held in a warehouse. Nothing more specific than that, unfortunately; the killer did a really good job of covering their tracks."
"Just not good enough. Okay, let's talk about the second vic?"
"Indeed. Kyle Ren. Just finished his autopsy, in fact."
"Cool. Okay, let's start with what's the same between the two."
"Same ligature marks, although it appears that the killer kept him longer; I'd say closer to three weeks. He was also dehydrated but not malnourished. He was also tortured, but very differently."
"How different?"
"Orin had a relatively few, deep cuts. Kyle's arms are covered with dozens of shallow cuts.  Obviously, he was hit in the fact repeatedly, and the killer removed some of the flesh on his chest. Two rectangles, one on each pectoral."
"That's so weird. There was no flesh removal on Orin?"
"What was going on in this guy's head? Anyway, what are these on his thighs?"
"Electrical burns."
"So the killer cut, beat, and electrocuted him, sliced part of his chest off, and finally strangled him while also keeping him fed?"
"That's consistent with what I've found, yes."
"This guy is smart, angry, and escalating. Damn it. Okay, thanks, Vincent."
"My pleasure, Virgil. Hopefully we'll see each other again under better circumstances?"
"Maybe. By the way, and you really don't have to answer, but how did you decide you wanted to be a coroner?"
"Oh, it's quite the story. I was studying to be a forensic anthropologist in DC, and I got shot by a serial killer we were closing in on. I survived, obviously, and when I recovered… I don't know. Flesh and blood was a lot more interesting. So I finished my anthropology doctorate and went back for pathology."
"That's nuts. I'm glad you made it, and even more glad you're out here. You're a cool guy, Vincent. I gotta go talk to Kyle's next of kin. It was great meeting you."
"You too!"
"Mason!" Virgil flinched when his captain's voice echoed through the bullpen. He took a deep breath before answering the summons.
"Yes, sir?" He asked once he reached Captain Sanders' office.
"Come in, it's time we talk about the case."
"Yes, sir." Virgil took a seat in one of the chairs across from Sanders' desk before continuing. "I met with the second victim's parents today- they confirmed the killer's assertion that he was a fascist. The pieces of flesh removed had swastika and Confederate flag tattoos. Apparently his grandfather was a high-ranking officer in the German military in World War 2. The victim was very vocal about his beliefs online; we have a tech team looking into his online interactions for potential suspects."
"Good. Now, tell me about the killer."
"He's wicked smart and almost certainly has a medical background. He's what we call mission-oriented, and his mission is vengeance. He's detail-oriented and covers his tracks well, but I don't think he has a criminal background before these kills."
"Killers usually do. Why not him?"
"How he treats the bodies after killing them. The things he did to his victims before killing them were violent and messy, but he cleaned them up and covered them carefully with leaves like a blanket. Yes, the cleaning served the purpose of eliminating most of the particulate evidence, but the clean clothes in the right size shows an extra step of care. He also kept the victims well-fed. He wanted them healthy, aside from the torture. It may seem illogical, but he has very high empathy. He punishes his victims because he genuinely cares about people.
Once he's punished them as he sees fit, they're human again, and deserving of respect and care. The violence is tied to the victim's crimes or sins, however he chooses to label them. Our killer isn't violent or malicious outside of the conditions that triggered the killings; he's probably perceived in his community as perfectly normal. Not creepy like Dahmer or manipulative like Bundy. Just an average person. He's probably lived in the area a long time, if not his entire life, and has a stable, long-term job."
"Sounds like he's going to be hard to catch. What's with the puzzle pieces, though?"
"He will make a mistake sooner, rather than later. The puzzle pieces are a taunt, daring us to solve the puzzle of who he is. He wants our attention, he wants to prove that he's smarter than we are. And that's what's going to hang him. He sees himself as an avenging angel, but he's just an Icarus."
"How does that help us catch him?"
"Honestly, sir, I'm still working on that part. I want to consult some papers from an old colleague before I add any more details to my official preliminary profile. I have a few ideas, but he was always better with mission-oriented killers than I am. I know it isn't the answer you want, but I learned the hard way how dangerous jumping to conclusions can be when dealing with someone like this."
"Mason…" Sanders started, softly.
"With all due respect, captain, don't start with that. I'm fine. I just want to make sure we do this by the book. Like you said on my first day- 'we can't let this become another Zodiac fiasco'."
"I can't say I like you using my exact words against me, but your work has been above reproach. I'm officially declaring this case yours and yours alone- I won't pressure you to partner up anymore. Just keep me in the loop okay?"
"Of course. Thank you, sir."
"You've earned it. Now shoo, you've got more important things to do than sit here with me."
"Okay." Virgil chuckled as he stood up and left.
"Patton don't do this. It's not a good idea. You don't know who this guy is, how much of a threat he might pose to us and our work."
"You do realize you sound just like them, right, Logan? Thinking you know best, trying to tell me what I can and can't do because of how it might affect you instead of thinking about what I want and need."
"That's not fair. You know that I love you, and they never loved either of us. I want you to stay safe; I can't protect you if I don't know who you're associating with."
"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to protect me any more? I know you mean well, but you have to trust me. You said yourself that I'm better with people than you are." Patton paused. "This isn't about protecting me at all, is it? It's about how you know that without me, you're alone. You have nothing without me, and you can't handle that."
"I… you're right. I need you, Patton." Logan admitted, falling to his knees.
Patton reached down and cupped Logan's face with their hands, tilting his face up. "Logan, you are and always will be the most important thing in my life. But I can't shake the feeling that getting to know him could change everything in the best way."
"That's exactly what I'm worried about, but I'll trust your instincts. I love you, Pat."
"I love you too, Logan. Thank you." Patton walked to their room, leaving Logan on his knees in the living room, alone with his thoughts.
Patton's right; this date changes everything. If we are deviating from the pattern in favor of indulging other desires, well, I would be a fool to let this opportunity pass.
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b-b-b-b-bones · 6 years
Here’s a thing I actually decided to do with my precious time
I made an Undertale AU where it’s all the characters from Bones (but that’s a whole other thing, don’t worry about that) then I applied UnderSwap logic to the original characters and made the resulting character hybrids in the Sims 4. Presenting BoneSwap!
(First names represent the character, last names represent which role they are filling.)
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That’s Seeley Brennan. He’s a forensic anthropologist and he has no discernible social skills. He is smart and adorable, though.
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Seeley with his wife, Temperance Booth. Temperance is an FBI special agent, and unlike her husband she is very friendly and outgoing and socially aware.
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Jack Sweets, FBI psychologist. Sort of a goofball. He loves Seeley and Temperance and just wants to help them out so they can be happy. They make fun of him sometimes though.
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Colin Montenegro, Seeley’s best friend. He’s a free-spirited painter and he has never been sad a day in his life.
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Lance Hodgins, another friend and coworker. He grew a beard so people would stop mistaking him for a twelve-year-old but it only kind of worked. Very kind and soft-spoken, but he also loves gross nature-y things.
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Arastoo Saroyan is everyone’s boss. He’s actually really cool but sometimes he has to put his foot down and scold someone. Sorry he looks so wonky, I couldn’t get a good screenshot.
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Daisy Addy used to be Seeley’s assistant, but then she went mad and had to be institutionalized. Before that happened, she lived with Lance and they were planning to get married.
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Dr. Wendell Edison is one of Seeley’s interns. He is very professional (that’s a nice way of saying “high-strung”) and gets very uncomfortable whenever anyone talks about personal matters.
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Clark Bray, another intern. He is much more laid-back than Wendell. He’s smart and had to work hard to get where he is now, but he also knows how to bro out and have fun.
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Camille Vaziri, yet another intern and also Arastoo’s girlfriend. She is a shy and sweet expat (idk from what country, but she’s probably not Iranian) who writes a lot of poetry.
(There are ten more of these under the Read More, if you are not already cringing too hard.)
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Zachary Wick is an excitable, talkative intern who pretty much worships the ground Seeley stands on. He and Jack become best friends. (Also I chose that dress for Camille because it seemed modest, but oops, it has no back apparently.)
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Angela Fisher is emo and has depression. She is relatable and definitely has her own Tumblr. Also she is an intern.
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One more intern, Christopher Nigel-Murray, a book-smart young man who communicates through useless trivia. He is awkward and a little annoying but he’s a sweetheart, and if he were to hypothetically get shot in the chest and die, everyone would be sad about it, not happy.
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Jacob Julian, an FBI prosecutor from ‘Nawlins. He’s a close friend to Temperance, tolerates Seeley, and dresses very colorfully. He also looks the absolute least like the character he’s supposed to be. Old men are really hard to make in Sims, guys.
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Stephanie Booth, despite not resembling them very closely, is Seeley and Temperance’s daughter. She’s precocious.
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Heather Clemens, bartender. Temperance goes to her for advice sometimes. In an alternate universe where Muffet gets swapped with the Mad Dummy (as I would have totally done instead if I’d been the first to come up with UnderSwap, but I wasn’t), this would be a picture of Heather F. Gibbons, Colin’s crazy mother.
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Vincent Pelant is an evil hacker who is also British. If he got shot in the chest everyone would probably be okay with it. Also I am weirdly attracted to this Sim I made, help.
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Aldo Taffet is a smooth-talkin’ lawyer man who buries children alive for fun. (I think that’s a potato in the picture, don’t worry.)
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Caroline Broadsky, an ex-military vigilante. She used to be Temperance’s friend but now she’s evil. She seeks justice, but decided that being a lawyer was too tedious. 
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FINALLY, our last BoneSwap character is Christine McNamara, a little rich girl who grew up to be a serial killer that rips off her victims’ fingernails. I blame her parents for not bringing her up in an intellectually stimulating environment.
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Best Friend
Title: Best Friend
Pairing: Vincent Nigel-Murray x friend!reader, Sweets x reader
Based on this anon request:
I know requests are closed but I really needed to send you this while it was in my head. Could you please (when requests are open) do a one shot where sweets comforts the reader after Vincent is killed who was your best friend
A/N: I love Vincent and I miss him so much. Requests are still closed.
Warning: ANGST, character death
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“I don’t want to die.”
Those were the last words out of Vincent’s mouth. You were holding his head in your lap, begging him to hang on until help arrived.
Those words still echoed in your mind. You could still hear the fear in his voice. You couldn’t hear anything else. His blood was still on your hands.
There was someone trying to talk to you, but you couldn’t hear them. It wasn’t until his hands were on your shoulders.
“Y/N.” His face came into focus.
“He’s gone.” Your lip quivered.
“I know, Y/N.” He rubbed your shoulders. “We’ve gotta get your hands cleaned up. Can you come with me?” Sweets held his hands out to you.
“They’re covered in blood.” You looked down at them. Flashes of his face appeared in your mind. You started sobbing again. It was loud. It broke Sweets’ heart.
“Just come with me, okay?” He helped you off the floor and walked you to the break room. He started the water and rubbed his hands over yours, scrubbing the blood off. He helped you take off your lab coat and sat you in a chair.
You stared down at the white table, your reflection staring back at you. You still felt like the blood was on your hands. His blood. Vincent’s blood.
Sweets brought you some water and wiped your face. “Can you hear me, Y/N?”
You nodded.
“I am so sorry, Y/N.” He rubbed your hand.
You stood up quickly. “I need to sit… I need to sit on the floor.” You moved towards the back wall and slid down. Sweets followed you. “He was my best friend. He still is. What? What am I supposed to do?”
Sweets wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed. He didn’t say anything. He knew that you just needed someone to hold you while you let it all out.
“I need to call his mother.” You said through labored breaths.
“Cam did that already. They’re making arrangements now.” He rubbed your shoulder.
“I have to…  go with him. To England.” You sighed.
“That’s something we can work out, okay? Just sit here for a minute. Breathe.” He felt you lean up against him fully.
“Thank you. For everything.”
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cortexifansquint · 7 years
@ cordially-nethescurial asked:
Top 5 favourite characters: Angela, Brennan, Cam, Hodgins, Caroline
Other characters you like: Clark, Daisy, Aubrey, Jessica, Sully, Karen... literally everyone Least favourite characters: don’t really have Otps: B&B, Hedgela, Camastoo, Brengela Notps: Bones x series finale, but unfortunately it went canon Favourite friendships: Booth x Cam, Hodgins x Zack, Angela x Sweets, I could go on forever! Favourite family: Booth family and Jeffersonian Squad Favourite episodes: *takes deep breath* The Movie in the Making, The Doctor in the Photo, Signs in the Silence, Aliens in a Spaceship, Parts in the Sum of the Whole, The End in the End, A Day in the Life, Two Bodies in the Lab, The 200th in the 10th, The Mystery in the Meat, The Blackout in the Blizzard, Double Death of the Dearly Departed, TheLoyalty in the Lie, The Hole in the Heat, The Man in the Cell, The Pain in the Heart, The Murder in the Middle East, The Recluse in the Recliner,  Nightmare in the Nightmare, The Pathos in the Pathogens, The Man in the Fallout Shelter, The Shallow in the Deep Favourite season/book/movie: 2, 5, 6, 9 & 11 Favourite quotes:  Best musical moment: Too many! Always love the music on this show. First “Hot Blooded”, “Light on a Hill” when Brennan & Hodgins are pulled out of the sand, Hodgela running out of their wedding to “Give me all your lovin’“, montage of everyone boxing up their office in the series finale, B&B slow dancing to “Kiss from a Rose”, Everyone cooing over Hodgela & B&B babies to “Make you feel my love” & “How Bad We Need Each Other”
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: B&B getting together, “I’m pregnant, you’re the father” and wedding vows. All the births and weddings because I’m a sap. When it really disappointed you: Very rarely. Forever bitter about the lack of Michael Vincent. I was originally bummed we didn’t get “the scene” of B&B getting together, but couldn’t care less at all by S7.   Saddest moment: Sweet’s death.  Most well done character death: I guess Vincent Nigel-Murray? Favourite guest star: Cyndi Lauper, Betty White, so adorable seeing David and Emily’s family make small appearances also!  Favourite cast member: Emily Deschanel Character you wish was still alive: Max! One thing you hope really happens: I got pretty much everything I wanted out of this show! Most shocking twist: When it looked like Zack might be the Puppet Master (even though I guessed where they were going weeks before), that that’s how they’d bring him back anyway.  When did you start watching/reading?: Late S5/early S6 Best animal/creature: we didn’t have any! I wish someone had gotten a dog or something.  Favourite location: Mighty Hut Trope you wish they would stop using: they inverted or did opposite of a lot of tropes for the most part (not going with the cheating bisexual/cheating storylines in general, Strong Independent Black Woman, token characters etc ). I used to get annoyed with the “let’s have brennan behave childishly so we can teach her a lesson” formula at times.  One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Funniest moments: double death of the dearly departed in general, angela being hit with the flying frozen turkey, cam being a victim of hodgins’ experiements and constantly walking in on hodgela, brennan’s bachelorette party, hodgins’ “giving birth” to a bot fly Couple you would like to see: I’m good Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: it’s kinda over so. Favourite outfit: Anything Angela wears tbh.  Favourite item: Jasper, Cat salt and pepper shakers Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: The DVD’s. The two companion books that were made (I wish they’d done them for S6 and on as well!), a Bones and an Emily & David buttons, that’s about it. This show has zero merch! What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Most boring plotline: The Ghost Killer arc maybe. The show rarely bored me outside of a few slow episodes here and there. Most laughably bad moment: The dream Brennan had about all the Pelant’s and the falling Bones in S9 omg  Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Parts in the Sum of the whole. Also in love with the way A Day in the Life was shot with all the different POV’s!! Most layered character: Brennan I think. Most one dimensional character: I don’t think he’s one dimensional, but Booth is probably the only character with the least noticeable development. Scariest moment: Right before the Jeffersonian blows up was really intense. Grossest moment: The gooey type bodies Best looking male: Arastoo, Booth, Hodgins Best looking female: Brennan, Angela and Cam, there’s no choosing okay Who you’re crushing on (if any): Finn probably, when he was around. And Angela is my babe.  Favourite cast moment: Paleyfest panels, all the gag reels, the retrospective interview Favourite transportation: Hodgin’s toy car lol Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Lots of shots from the Pilot. Whenever David directs there’s some amazing shots.  Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: The fact that Michael Vincent never got to speak one word (they really couldn’t delete a few minutes of something and thrown in a few Hodgela family scenes?) Angela’s mom never being even mentioned once in passing. What happened to Finn? The Pelant story was a bit all over the place motive wise, but I still really enjoy the individual episodes of the arc. Didn’t get the puppet master’s random obsession with Brennan or a few other things.  Best promo: Dead Man’s Party!  At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Mid S6 
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bones-imagines · 8 years
Fights (Vincent Nigel-Murray x Female! Reader)
“This is what I was trying to avoid! All of this!” I like this one I had many ideas. (Also BLESS I love Vincent) This one-shot should be intense if I wrote it right. This one-shot is written for a female reader by the way. Please enjoy! Vincent may be a little pic in this, but I just thought that in an argument he would forget what he is really like and all that.
A FEW SPOILERS FROM SEASON 6 (they aren’t direct, it just talks about the main antagonist of s6)
Though you and Vincent have not been on the best terms lately, both of you still lived in the same apartment. The air was always tense, and a full night of sleep became rare. Neither of you wanted to sleep on the couch, and you didn’ have a guest bedroom, so you still slept in the same bed. You could have kicked him out, but you couldn’t find the heart to do it. You still loved Vincent; you just were in a rough patch. It would pass, and your relationship would be better again.
The day began as normal; you and Vincent had gotten ready as normal. Today was Vincent’s day at the lab, and you had gone to work at the F.B.I. building. Everything was normal up until You and Vincent got home that night.
Admittedly, the case definitely wasn’t the easiest case you had been on. It was one of the hardest. The victim didn’t have much family, and the only person that they could talk to was their boss at work, who wasn’t much help. You couldn’t be sure, but it was likely Vincent was having a hard time too.
It could have been the stress.
Or maybe it was just the fact that you both snapped.
You couldn’t be sure.
You walked into your apartment, placing your keys on the kitchen table and taking off your shoes. You stopped, sighed and walked to your fridge, grabbing a water bottle and a frozen dinner. You placed the frozen dinner in the microwave and turned on the t.v. You got out another frozen dinner, preparing it for Vincent.
Vincent, on most days, arrived about ten minutes after you. There were some days it was earlier, and others were he was late by a long time. But 5/7 Times a week, it was strictly ten minutes.
When Vincent didn’t come back for twenty-five minutes, You had become nervous. But when he walked through the door, you began to be angry. He had just decided not to tell you, his girlfriend and the person he lives with, that he would be a little late. He couldn’t talk to you, not even a quick text that would take 30 seconds.
“So, where were you?” You asked, folding your arms over your chest.
“Uh, I stayed late at the lab?” He replied in a way that questioned why you were quizzing him.
“And why was that? Couldn’t you have given me a quick text? So I knew You were okay?”
“I didn’t think about it at the time. Sorry,” Vincent answered, walking into the kitchen for whatever reason.
“So you didn’t think to let your GIRLFRIEND know where you were, you didn’t think about telling her anything?”
“Okay, WHAT is your problem?” He gave out a breath, “Yes, I forgot to mention that I was running late. It’s not the end of the world! I’ve done it before, and it wasn’t a problem.”
“Well, it’s a problem NOW because there’s a crazy sniper out there!” Though you knew it wasn’t the way the killer worked, you added more to the thought. “For all I knew, you could have been killed by the guy so it would get to Booth!”
Vincent rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like the sniper would come after me of all people! Booth likes Brennan whole lot more than me, and You and I both know that!”
You gritted your teeth. “Maybe that’s because he actually cares and takes the time out of his day to think about the people he loves, unlike you.”
“Oh, don’t even go there. You’re-” Vincent Angrily brought his hands down from the sides of his head, “being so bloody ridiculous!”
“This is what I was trying to avoid! All of this! THIS is why I didn’t want to get into a relationship with you!” You yelled, tears trickling at your eyes.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have! Maybe we shouldn’t be together! Oh, I have a brilliant idea! Let’s break up.” Vincent requested.
“Yeah, let’s break up! Best idea you’ve had in a long time!” You replied, already going to the bedroom to grab some clothes and a bag.
Once you had essentials, you were at the door. “I’ll get the rest of my stuff later,” You said, slamming the door.
By the time You got to the lobby, what had happened sunk in.
You and Vincent were no longer together. Just like that. You guys were done.
You walked to the two doors that lead outside. Biting your lip, you thought of where you could go. Not to Booth’s or Brennan’s. Absolutely not Sweets, he would want to talk about what happened immediately. Maybe Hodgins and Angela will help you out.
You decided yes on the last one. You and Hodgins were friends, but you and Angela didn’t talk much. Not at you didn’t like her, you just didn’t relate to her as much as you did Hodgins. The phone had ringed three times before you heard running footsteps behind you.
“(Y/N)! Hold on- please-” Vincent painted and tried to even his breaths out. “I didn’t- mean to say that. I still love you I’m sorry I-”
You cut him off by hugging him, dropping your phone in the process. You let go of him, and he smiled weakly at you.
“Did you know, after an argument with their partner 85% of people think of all the clever things they could have said?”
You lightly hit his shoulder and grabbed your phone off the floor. Apparently, it went to voicemail, so you just apologized and hung up.
“So, we’re good?” Vincent asked.
You nodded, kissing his cheek. “We’re good my loving and caring boyfriend.”
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