#Vladimir Character Study
onexeyedxtwin · 11 months
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So a mutual liking one of Vlad's musings got me thinking. Vladimir is a hellhound. While lore around hellhounds varies around many different cultures and folklores. I'd like to think that they're symbols of the sins wrath and gluttony. Mostly cause it aligns with Vlad's backstory.
Vlad's goth, doom-and-gloom appearance/attitude, mostly comes from his fear of having hope. Hellhounds are usually seen as bad omens and warnings that something bad is about to happen.
With his princely and protective mannerisms around his family, Hellhounds are seen as guardians of the gates of the underworld/hell.
With this hole in the pit in his very being that seems to never be filled and his tendency to break his facade of calmness and lose control of his emotions frequently, Hellhounds are used as a symbol of wrath and gluttony.
I love how things come together~
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Talia took a 20+ Year Undercover mission a while ago
So! Talia is the Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, and has been alive and at his side for many years now. Decades even. She is well into her 100's, even though her physical Body looks like that of a 20 yr old.
And in all the years that she has lived, what's to say she didn't take a few years off as a vacation? Even Ra's must take a few years off every once in a while, leaving to spend time on some remote island he can relax on for once. So, one day in the Early 80's she decided to do the same.
But she wouldn't be completely relaxing, she would take the break to further the League's goals still. She decided to Dye her Hair, change her Name, get into an acceptable College, and study Lazarus Waters to their scientific limit. She decided to name if Ectoplasm, to avoid any unwanted attention.
And while there, she met a pair of men doing the exact same.
Jack and Vladimir were nice enough. Although their Research was more focused on Ghosts, or as she would call them, Pit Demons. They were convinced that Ectoplasm and Ghosts came from another Dimension, and if they could find a way to open a Dimension Gateway to this theoretical Ghost Zone, they could aquire Limitless Clean Energy (and maybe find a way to contain the Ghostly threat).
Over the years, Talia Maddie would fall for Jack. Eventually, even after she had completed her College Studies and Vlad had left contact with them, she decided to extend her Vacation to further study Ectoplasm with Jack. One thing led to another, and eventually she found herself pregnant. And then it happened again.
Jazzmine and Daniel were the cutest little babies. But she knew the danger they would be in if it was ever discovered that she was their Mother, so she trained them in everything she could so they could survive. She knew her time as Maddie Fenton was coming short, but she resolved to stay, at the very least until Jazz was an Adult.
She didn't account for Daniel becoming a Small Town Hero, but those were just the Trials of motherhood.
Then, the day came. She left a note on her bedside table explaining that she regretted what had to happen, and left in the middle of the night. It was better this way.
The year right after she returned, her Father forced her to have a Child with his most prospective Heir. The Bat, he called himself. Oh he was Charming, there was no denying that, but unfortunately she was still working through her feelings about Jack.
She treated her resulting child poorly because of that, and that she regreted it deeply. She loved him, honestly she did, but it was hard to look at him and not remember Daniel. Still, she persevered.
The day she once again had to give up her son for his protection was the hardest of her life.
But it was unavoidable. The Coup that had taken her Father's life had also fractured the Organization, anyone could have taken their shot at her Son as the rightful Heir. She needed to protect him as she took care of the Traitors.
Damian always knew he was the One True Heir. It was his defining character trait for his early years of life. Even though he had grown to be more than just that over recent years, he always felt like it was a key part of his identity.
Until now.
Because the BatComputer had just finished running a DNA Test on the Blood of a man who he had spotted on his Patrol the previous night.
A DNA Test that had come back, with results claiming that the man, who looked almost exactly like a younger male version of his Mother, was his Half Brother.
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Do you love my daddy?
Vladimir Makarov x babysitter fem Reader
Let's imagine Makarov has a daughter, he's a single dad and you have been his daughter's babysitter since... The first time he saw you holding her in your arms, what if during these years you not only developed feelings for the little girl but also for her father too? What if one day your secret is discovered by her and runs to spill the Beans?
Warning: I know it says 'x Fem reader ' but I think you can read it as a Neutral, there's no physical description. Spelling and grammatical errors, as always I think is not probably the best story but I haven't posted anything in a while because I've been feeling a little depressed and this one was waiting on the list. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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From the moment the little baby was in Vladimir's arms, he knew he needed someone capable enough to protect his daughter, someone strong but also with a warm and noble heart to love the girl as if was hers.
He spent long days and nights trying to find someone with those characteristics and spent long sleepless nights with the newborn baby, it was a hard mission, until he found you, totally unexpected, he was driving while his precious baby girl was in the backseat, he was so focused on the baby who was crying disconsolately that he almost hit you with the car, you reacted quickly and yelled at him.
«HEY! Focus on the road asshole!»
That's when he saw you, he was ready to put a bullet in your precious skull until he remembered there was a baby with him who suddenly stopped making noise. The baby was still crying but not breathing. He stopped the car right there and ran to open the door, you thought he was going to give you problems but he totally ignored you, that's when you saw him carrying a baby in his arms, something was wrong, you saw the baby's red face changing to purple. It wasn't breathing, a sobbing spasm.
«Baby, come on, breath, what's going on!?»
Without thinking too much you walked to him and took the baby from his arms.
He didn't try to protest, you put the baby in the next seat, you started to talk to the baby with a soft voice, in calm, while she was laying on one side, you were giving her small pats and rubbing her back with your free hand.
- It's okay baby, breath, I need you to take air, come on honey, you can do it, you're scaring your daddy.
The baby was getting more purple so you increased the intensity of the pats In her back and held her, positioning her tiny body over your forearm with her head resting over your palm.
Vladimir didn't know the fear until that moment, he was afraid, pleading you could do something when finally, his daughter made a noise again, a strong and loud whimper. You smiled, clearly you were as worried as him.
- Oh yes! That's it baby, good girl, you made it!
There was something about the way you held his baby that made Makarov realize you were the answer to his pleas. He was lost in thoughts until you brought him back.
- Hey, here you have. She will probably fall asleep... These tantrums leave the babies exhausted.
- Ah, yes, thanks.
- Sorry, I suppose that's why you weren't paying attention to the road, I'm really sorry.
- It's okay, you saved her... How did you do that?
- I'm a nurse, your baby was having sobbing spasms, we have to learn those things if we don't want to lose them during their tantrums.
Like fallen from the sky, that's how everything started, he almost begged you to work for him, he didn't care if you didn't know about personal defense or combat, he paid you the most expensive course. And the payment was three times more than what you asked him for.
Time flies, and the girl and you create a strong bond, she's such a precious pearl, you adore her as much as Vladimir, the man can't say no to his little princess, you go wherever they go, you cook, play, study and do everything with the girl, you feel like her mom, it's no longer a job, she became part of your life, she lives in your heart just like her dad, who's a gentleman, he treats you with kindness and tender all the time, you try to convince yourself it's only because you're raising his kid, but even those thoughts can't help you to not develop that silly little crush on him.
And He makes it more difficult, he sends flowers every morning for you and his daughter when he's not at home, he brings presents for both when he's back, joins you In the kitchen to help with the dinner or wakes up before you to make the breakfast, takes you and his daughter to the park so the three of you can have a picnic afternoon, joins to the playing time and reads fairytale stories for the girl every night. Out of home Vladimir Makarov is fierce, brave, strong and chaotic but when he's with his daughter and you, he's the opposite, you love both sides of the coin.
It's late at night, you're sure the little girl is deeply asleep so you decide to call your best friend, and as always you're talking about your crush.
«Y/n, I swear that man considerate you as his wife at this point, the kid is almost 6 years old, you're with them since she was a newborn...»
You feel your cheeks getting red, maybe your friend is right but... you can't create fake hopes In your head, this job is the best thing that ever happened to you and you don't want to lose it for those silly feelings.
- I don't think so, he's merely a gentleman. But oh god! It is hard to not love him! He's everything I always wanted, and the little girl... I seriously consider her as my own daughter! God... I'm so in love with Vlad...
Suddenly a gasp interrupts your words, you turn around and see a small figure on the doorframe, your kid has been listening every word you say.
Both are speechless.
«Y/n? Are you still there?»
-I'll call you later, bye.
You put the phone on the bed and walked quickly to the girl who is still surprised about what she heard a few seconds ago. You try to act silly, pretending nothing of that happened and kneel down in front of her.
- Honey, what are you doing awake? It's almost midnight.
- I had a nightmare... Y/n... Is it true? Do you love my daddy?
You shiver, unsure of what to say because there's no sign on the girl's face that can tell you what she's thinking or feeling.
- I... Ummm...
There's an evil smirk on her chubby face and a bright in her eyes that makes you feel afraid and at the same time happy.
- Can we keep it as a secret? I don't want your father to feel uncomfortable with this...
The princess started to run and jump around the room while you hid your face with your hands, you felt embarrassed and nervous, excited but afraid.
After a few minutes convincing her to keep the secret and taking her back to her bed, Makarov's daughter finally went back to sleep.
The next morning the smell of butter, pancakes and honey woke you up, you looked at the clock on the wall, 9 o'clock, you put on a hoodie and went downstairs as fast as you could to the kitchen and saw Makarov and his daughter cooking pancakes.
There's some fruit and juice on the kitchen's table, also a small bouquet of flowers decorating the table. You're observing everything cautiously when Makarov's voice brings you back to earth.
- Morning, sleepy beauty... Did you sleep well?
He smiled and wink at you, you once again felt your cheeks getting red.
- I'm so sorry, we had a tremendous night full of dreams and nightmares. Sorry, I can finish the pancakes if you wish.
- No, it's ok love, come on, take a seat, do you want some coffee or tea?
- Ahhhh...
Your little kid interrupted you.
- Y/n, look! Daddy made heart shaped pancakes!!!! He loves us a lot!
She smiled mischievously at you, you gasped and pretended to be surprised.
- Oh it's beautiful!! he certainly loves you a lot my sweet girl!
You kissed her forehead and went to the table, the girl followed you and took her seat in the middle, Makarov joined both of you minutes later with two cups of coffee and a glass of chocolate milk for his daughter.
The girl was strangely happy, more than usual, observing you and her father's interaction, Makarov is also acting more sweet and kind than normal, he's talking a little about how his week went, he's more focused on you, there's a different vibe that you can't describe in words, you only know it feels good, so good.
There were a lot of laughs, jokes, compliments and delicious food but by the end of the breakfast Makarov asks his daughter to go upstairs because he needs to talk with you in private.
She doesn't look at you, nods in silence and disappears. Automatically you started to take the dirty dishes and glasses to wash them when Vladimir caught your hand and softly directed you to go back to your chair.
Why do you feel so guilty? Are you in trouble? What kind of game is this? He treats you nicely and then needs to talk to you in private? What is going to happen?
All those questions were running through your mind when he, squeezed your hand, you looked at him and... He was smiling, there's a different vibe in the way he's looking at you, in the way he's holding your hand.
- Are you ok, love?
- Yeah, just... I feel like I'm in trouble. Am I?
He laughed softly and neglected with the head.
- No, you're not, you're fine y/n, but... There's something I recently found out, I was expecting you could help me to confirm this information...
You felt like you were going to pass out at any moment, you weren't sure about what was happening.
- I found out, this morning that... You've been hiding something from me.
- Wh...
- My daughter, has informed me about certain feelings you have for this little family and about your fears about me knowing about this.... And I think it's time to...
You didn't let the poor man finish to talk, you started to explain yourself, you let it all out.
- V... Vladimir I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I thought she was already asleep but she woke up and listened to me on a phone call and... Please don't fire me, you and that precious girl are too important to me, I love you guys, so much and I wouldn't know what to do without you at this point of my life...
You didn't know when you stopped talking, you only felt your mouth crushing against another one, a warm kiss intoxicating your system, while a hand is rubbing your back slowly, without thinking too much about what was happening you let your hands go and take place to the neck and shoulder of Vladimir, the way he kissed you was electric, you felt your body on fire, fireworks in your chest and a strong desire to not end the kiss.
After a while, both separate to take air, you were already missing his lips on yours, he smiled and sighed with some relief.
- I wanted to do that so bad. Y/n, for the moment we met, I started to think about you all the time, you and my daughter became the main reason to stay at home as much as possible, when I'm working I just want to finish and drive home, because I know my daughter is here, because I want to hear her laugh and see your smile, for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm on my knees ready to please someone else's desires.
You feel tears filling your eyes and a big smile on your face, you don't have words to express the happiness you're experimenting but luckily Makarov's daughter appears again yelling and running everywhere.
- Daddy loves Y/n, Y/n loves him too! Daddy and y/n are in love, daddy and y/n are in love!
Makarov catches her and hugs her, then he approaches you and kisses your forehead, you return the kiss but on his cheek and kiss his kid's forehead.
More than obvious that all that time she wasn't upstairs, she was all that time listening to her two favorite persons confessing their feelings for each other.
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siilvan · 1 year
bloodsport – interlude
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prologue | one | two | three | four | next
characters: vladimir makarov
summary: while waiting for your answer, makarov ponders on your unusual relationship and his yet-unknown motivations.
genre: angst, slowburn, enemies to ?, fem!reader (callsign: petra)
warnings: semi-proofread, cursing, canon-typical violence, descriptions of blood/injuries, makarov’s pov, he’s a bit fucked up mentally, light obsession?, couple mentions of sex, it's like a character study idk
word count: 2.4k
note: shit's officially hitting the fan in the next chapter, so... enjoy this sorta-kinda character study? dive into makarov's very odd "romantic" side? idk what to call it. hope you like it! ( ̄▽ ̄)
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"i suppose i could protect you."
"i'm not joining your side, even for this."
vladimir makarov has never been a patient man. when he wants something, he takes it. strength, respect, power— he's razed cities and ended lives for less than that.
but, he's learned patience. his time in the military proved fruitful in this endeavor; being a captain forces a person to wait for things, to work smartly and plan for the future. ever since he left those days behind, he's continued to learn, and now proudly declares himself a master of self-control.
few things can break the restraint that he's put on himself. few people can.
makarov examines the board tacked up on the wall across from him. he leans back in his arm chair and reaches for the tumbler at his side, the whiskey in the glass sloshing against the sides as he lifts it to his lips. he furrows his brow, his attention flitting between the images on the board.
the one-four-one. the task force he technically has to thank for his ascension to the top of the ultranationalists - well, he mainly has his own efforts over the years to thank for that, but he won't deny that the group made things easier by eliminating zakhaev's incompetent heir back in verdansk.
pictures of the members of the squad - and, a handful of allies - stare back at him. his longtime enemy, captain price, ghost, soap, gaz, "nikolai," commander karim...
and, yourself. lieutenant petra. your real name briefly flashes through his mind as he shifts in his seat, his focus now solely on you.
his eyes linger on the photo of you pinned alongside your teammates' portraits. he's well aware that his personal vendetta against price causes him to act irrationally, but you... for whatever reason, makarov is easily influenced by you. he'll die before admitting it aloud, but he's become somewhat enamored with you.
makarov sets the glass aside once more and stands, crossing the small space and stopping in front of the board. he all but ignores any information not pertaining to you. his eyes find you in group photos, he relentlessly scans dossiers and files of information on your professional and personal lives, he reads through your messages with each other and replays the conversations you've shared...
his mind drifts back to your first meeting, just two weeks ago.
the al-mazrah sun is violent overhead, beating down on him and his men. makarov's grown accustomed to the heat, but the few mumbled complaints that he overhears from his soldiers threaten to make him snap.
he would, if not for the good news overriding the frustration being imposed on him right now. everything has been going to plan— the few bumps in the road have ultimately done little to deter him from reaching his goals. the only worry is the task force in the city; shadow company is an annoyance, but the one-four-one is a true threat to makarov's plans.
when he comes across the scene of destruction, it's almost as if his prayers for the team's elimination are answered. three members of it are in the area; the two men - sergeants gaz and soap, he recognizes fairly quickly - lay pinned under rubble or incapacitated, while the third member stares at him in a daze from a spot closer by.
makarov fights back a twisted grin when he notices the fear gloss over your disoriented expression. you can hardly stay conscious, much less put up a fight, and as one of your teammates frantically shouts for you, he realizes he may have an opportunity here.
you're already fading in and out of consciousness when he orders his men to remove any of the wreckage covering you and, by the time makarov crouches down to gather your mangled body in his arms, you're out cold. the only resistance he faces are weak protests from the sergeants.
in his benevolence, makarov decides to spare the two. they'll dig themselves out of this or succumb to their injuries - either way, it's not his concern.
you, however, take in shallow, ragged breaths in his arms, and he knows that you require care if he intends to keep you alive. the squad accompanying him are soldiers, not doctors— they can do nothing to help, but he can stabilize you in the meantime. that's what he tells himself as he orders his men to evacuate, clutching you close to his chest until the transport plane arrives. he lays you across a section of the seats, barking at one of the soldiers to grab the medical supplies, and rolls his sleeves up to his elbows with a heavy sigh.
he's no medic himself - quite the opposite, in fact - but makarov knows enough from his years in the field.
he ushers his men away from you once the supplies are delivered, forcing them to huddle up at the opposite end of the plane as he works. your injuries are severe, but still remarkably mild compared to what they could have been. it's a small miracle that every limb of yours is still intact.
you don't stir at all, even as he peels your gear off and carelessly discards it on the floor, before dragging your shirt up to your chest and examining the sizeable gash running down your side. steady hands clean and disinfect the dirt-stained wound and stitch it closed before his focus shifts to the burns starting to bloom on your skin.
it's a nasty sight, but it hardly fazes him. makarov rolls your sleeves above the afflicted areas on your arms and loosely wraps them in gauze, making a mental note to put you in something with shorter sleeves once you arrive at the prison. he's hurried in wrapping the burns covering your back; not because he is impatient, but because he can sense the prying eyes desperately trying to peer at your partially uncovered form after he removes your shirt.
if they weren't still flying above contested territory, he'd punish his men for their lack of diligence.
makarov carries you into the prison and to the small office that the doctor was permitted after finally arriving. tarkovsky sends him a curious look when he sets you down, already pulling on a pair of sterile gloves and preparing his equipment.
"i trust that you will give her the best care, doctor," makarov utters, stepping back from the operating table. "i will accept nothing less."
tarkovsky hums in acknowledgement as he carefully cuts your uniform open and looks over the freshly completed work. "you've never brought me a prisoner in a condition like this," he replies, referencing the dressings that he starts to unravel. "is she a special target, commander?"
"one-four-one." he says, curt. the doctor seems to understand and nods in response, already beginning to tend to your wounds.
"she will receive nothing but the best, commander makarov."
it barely takes a day for you to awaken, a fact that surprises even makarov himself. he personally handled delivering you to your cell, not trusting any of the depraved prison guards with such a task, and occupied himself with other matters until he received the news that you were awake.
you were as spirited as he expected from someone of your caliber. stubborn, confident, and competent in what you do. it took you over a week to finally kill one of his men, and the one you did kill...
he was pleased with your performance, and he did not spare the rod with the guards assigned to your surveillance.
makarov had been in the middle of dealing with one of the general's men that managed to slip under his radar. he was attacked after a private meeting with his council, earning several cuts from the man's blade before he successfully disarmed and pinned the agent to the floor, beating him into submission. his fists were bruised and smeared red from the force behind each swing, perhaps a bit excessive, but he didn't pay it any mind.
until another man came sprinting down the hall, briefly pausing at the sight of his commander standing over an "ally" beaten to a bloody pulp, only snapping out of his shock after makarov turns to face him. the soldier opened his mouth and practically vomited out his words, something about "the prisoner attacking the doctor."
the sight that he was greeted with upon arriving at your cell could only be described as stimulating.
you, the ever-disciplined lieutenant, disheveled and staring back at him with a wild look in your eyes, refusing to falter even as you're outnumbered and backed into a corner with guns drawn and pointed at you. makarov tore his gaze from you and allowed it to fall to the man lying dead in a heap - the younger, less experienced doctor that tarkovsky insisted on keeping around despite knowing that his commander wanted to wring the brat's neck.
needless to say, he wasn't disappointed with your choice of victim.
"i'm assuming you're not here to share the fun story behind those obvious self-defense wounds?"
if he didn't know better, makarov could almost mistake the question as coming from a place of concern rather than contempt. you have no reason to feel anything but hatred for him, though - nor does he have a reason to feel anything but the same for you.
still, he steps back from the board and reaches for his drink again, beginning to pace around the room as the interaction plays in his head. your sarcasm and attitude only serve to wear out his carefully-crafted patience— but, the way you responded when faced with almost certain death, the blood smeared across your skin, the proficiency that you maintained despite your condition...
he stops in the center of the room, fingers clenching and unclenching around the glass.
fuck, you were beautiful.
his jaw tenses, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows down the unfamiliar sense of desire that sits thick in his throat.
it's not like makarov is unacquainted with this side of himself. he's bedded a fair number of women in the past, he is far from a virginal saint. he seldom spends nights with company, however. it's just more convenient to deal with his needs alone and get on with his work; he's never wanted anything more.
but then, there's you.
you make his blood boil and frustrate him like no other. not even the captain, his sworn enemy, can rile him up as easily as you do. he's fascinated with you and the rage that you seem to awaken from somewhere deep inside of him. he feels nothing but anger towards you— even as he sits alone in his quarters, bringing himself to his peak, imagining you before him, under him, pleading for more.
a sudden pain in his hand distracts him from his thoughts, roughly yanking him back to reality. makarov looks down and blinks at the sight of blood pouring from his palm, unceremoniously dripping onto the floor below. the tumbler that was nestled comfortably in his grasp now clatters to the ground in pieces, leaving behind a small collection of shards embedded in his skin.
the amber whiskey mixes with the crimson that slowly pools at his feet, a sickening color combination that brings a smile to his lips.
this is your fault. he flexes his fingers, brow twitching from the pain that shoots through the area, and revels in the misery that you've indirectly caused. he wants more of it.
you are loyal to your team, loyal to your cause— on one hand, he admires it. on the other, it only tempts him to see how far you're willing to go, how far he can push you before you break. everyone has their weakness, even you. all he has to do is find it.
he could see the hesitation in your eyes the last time you spoke - in a collapsed building in the middle of a war zone, with enemies and allies both scattered in the streets, surrounding your location. you were covered in a layer of dust and ash, having narrowly escaped the collapse with your life, and all he wanted to do after coming face-to-face with you on the battlefield was push you to your limit.
as always, though, he restrained himself. you won't give in like this. makarov has to play his cards right and take his time with you. he's unsure of the role you'll play in his grand plans, but there is one thing that he knows for certain: you'll be his greatest accomplishment yet.
you're already wavering, standing over the edge and staring into the abyss. all he has to do is convince you to take the leap.
he clenches his hand into a tight fist, savoring the pain that binds him to you. every matter is easier said than done, he reminds himself. you may teeter over the edge, but it's clear where your allegiances lie - with the captain, not him.
for a reason that he can't quite place, that angers him. it's to be expected— no amount of information given in good faith can make up for the fact that he's your enemy. even so, he feels like he deserves your fealty, your skills, your attention; the lack of it makes his skin crawl. it's a thought that refuses to leave his head, a pit that settles deep in his stomach and twists like a poison-tipped knife whenever he's reminded of it.
vladimir makarov does not chase. he does not ask for what he wants. nothing will change that, not even you. he'll find a way to make you seek him out. he doesn't care what it costs, both in funds and lives, it's all the same to him. it's only a matter of time.
a buzzing from his phone on his desk catches his attention. makarov approaches it in a lazy saunter and picks it up - with his uninjured hand - and reads off the name on the caller id. your real name flashes across the screen, staring back at him. a low chuckle escapes him before he answers the call and lifts the phone up to his ear.
"i'm surprised you've called so quickly." makarov concedes with an amused huff. "have you come to a decision?" he asks, cruel satisfaction swiftly displacing any of his prior emotions.
you inhale and exhale deeply, audible over the phone. he can imagine how you look— eyes held tightly shut, hand clenched into a fist at your side, your thoughts entirely consumed with him.
after a long moment of silence, finally, you speak.
"i have."
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taglist: @sofasoap, @roosterr, @rohansregret, @lonesome-doves, @thorrsexual, @miss-nob0dy, @woodeelf, @fbs-fc-ur-mommy, @soap-mactavish, @itsyellow, @johfaam0, @cumbermovels, @chxe-zdechnac, @imagineswritersblog, @emorgz33, @sparda-ly, @ponyboys-sunsets, @frazie99, @chensipstea, @thriving-n-jiving, @preciouslittlecreature, @infinitewhore, @jade-jax
⋆ feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist! (18+ only please <3)
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god adult antis are so embarrassing
I saw a 20 year old post something about a study that proves why people like villainous characters. The study didn’t prove anything they were saying later on then, about how proshippers “romanticize” age gap relationships, and how shipping a 13 year old and a 20 year old is pedophilia. I don’t get why they linked sources that had absolutely nothing to do with what they claimed?
Tbh I don’t think antis can even agree with one another what romanticization is, the only thing they have in common is parroting each other and spreading misinformation about proshippers doing this for some reason, while ignoring works of big names such as GRRM game of thrones, VC Andrew’s Flowers in the attic, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, psycho pass, etc
Or they will see romantic actions between FAMILY, like platonic hugging, a child sitting on their parent’s lap, telling them they love them. It’s disturbing
Well, they don't seem to ignore Lolita, but they do wildly misinterpret it. But yeah, no, nailed it.
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They have no standard. No terms that have an agreed meaning. It's confusing.
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leahsflwer · 1 year
Twilight - Them finding you crying 🌧️ pt. 3
Warnings: Mentions of $uicidal thoughts, depression, insecurities, angst topics, fluff
Twilight characters x Y/N (Your/Name)
Go read part 1 and part 2!!!! GO GO haha
Victoria -
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She would watch you and Riley argue and just stay entertained until he slapped you. An anger building up inside her and pinning Riley to the wall, threatening him. Afterwards she came to you and cupped your face looking at every detail to see if she can see how bad the smack was. Smiling at you and letting you know that Riley won’t be coming near you with such disrespect.
Marcus -
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His abilities allowed him to see mates and he knew you were his, but would wait until you fell for him. But knowing you were his mate made him protective. When Caius was blaming you for letting a human free, he could feel your anger, none of the others believed you and that shot a pain throughout you, he noticed it and shook his head, telling everyone you were with him that night so you couldn’t have done such a thing, even if you weren’t actually with him that night. He needed you to not cry in front of everyone, it hurt him. Later on when you asked him about it he just sat with you and let you play with his hair as he spoke.
~”I don’t know where you were last night. But I couldn’t have you standing there with that painful expression. I want to make sure you’re safe at all times”
Seth -
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You came to him. He was with the boys out in the woods playing around when Jacob pointed you out. He immediately ran over to you and pulled you into a hug, spinning you around lightly, but when he put you down to see you crying he froze up. He was quick to wipe the tears and kiss your cheeks, letting you know that he’s there for you and will listen if you wish to speak. Once you told him what was on your mind he kissed you hands and pulled you into a more soft and warm hug, whispering slight praises to calm your mind down.
Kate -
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She had been out hunting and came back, into the kitchen washing some blood off her mouth by the sink, that’s when she heard the sniffles from in front of her, you sat on top of the kitchen bench, staring out the window with tears just casually rolling down your cheeks. She felt bad and dried her hands and face. Coming over to you and asking what’s up. Putting on her lip gloss while listening, only to boop a bit on your nose with a little giggle. Trying to make you smile, which she accomplished.
Vladimir -
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When he spotted you sniffling and looking up at the night sky before the fight with Volturi he sighed out of annoyance for becoming soft for someone. But came over to you and smiled, kissing your tears away, getting shocked by you suddenly laying your head on his chest and crying. He was hesitant but eventually patted your back and when you calmed down he pulled you back to the camp fire and let you sit on his lap to feel safe and protected.
Tanya -
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She spotted you run outside having what one could call a panic attack. She was worried and didn’t know what to do when she followed you. Tanya gently made you look at her and take deep breaths. Reminding you to keep your eyes on hers and not look away. Being patient with you as you slowly calmed yourself down. She gave you the sweetest smile and kissed your forehead, letting you just stare into her eyes.
Carmen -
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You were both out in the snow by her home and as she looked down in the silence between you both, spotting little water drops falling into the snow. She looked at you instantly and felt worried. Panicking almost. She took her fur coat off and wrapped it around your body, kissing all over your face.
~”Tell me Princess. What’s the matter? What’s hurting you so badly?”
Angela -
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You came by her house to help with studying as she was very intelligent compared to most students. It made you stressed that you couldn’t get it but didn’t notice until she asked if something was wrong. That question had you breaking down on her bed. She hurried over and hugged you. Soon it just ended up with you both cuddling and her playing with your hair and making sure you sleep peacefully.
Eric -
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He was crying at the same time as you, you were both emotional at the cute couple dating in one others arms in the film. He thought he was the only one being an emotional puppy until he heard your little sniffles. Eric was a bit taken back but smiled and let you lay you head on his shoulder as he kept his hand on your waist. Both of you enjoying the movie and his always checking that you’re alright.
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katieroo28 · 2 years
this doesn’t get mentioned enough either because it’s very blink and you’ll miss it but we do know goncharov’s first name.
throughout the film he’s only called by his last name because his first is “complicated.” we, the audience, think that’s just a rare cheeky line from an otherwise sullen, stoic character. it���s poking fun a bit at how he’s trying to keep a low profile AND how his first name might be difficult for his italian acquaintances to pronounce.
but briefly we’re shown some papers in his study addressed to vsevolod and in katya’s final chance for him to turn back and maybe change himself, she doesn’t call him goncharov like she usually does. it’s hard to catch but she whispers “sevochka” which is, you guessed it, a diminutive for vsevolod.
now this name is actually an interesting choice from scorsese. he could have just been picking a much more rare and interesting sounding russian first name BUT if he did this to be clever (which i believe to be the case), there’s quite a bit to unpack here.
vsevolod is an ANCIENT russian first name that directly translates to “ruler of everything.” it’s believed to maybe be the origin of the more modern name vladimir and was frequently used by royalty but is now considered very uncommon, even in russia.
this whole film is about goncharov’s misguided quest for power and structure and identity so him being given a prophetic name like vsevolod is certainly interesting and almost tragic. he’s quite literally destined for power but it keeps eluding him because of both his own flaws and the way others seem to not see him fully and clearly. he’s destined for greatness but he’s also turning away from it by forgoing his given name in favor of the simpler surname he possesses, goncharov.
it’s almost a wolf in sheep’s clothing kind of deal. he himself doesn’t always seem so sure in his fate either. he doesn’t realize until the very end when andrey comes for him but by that point it’s already too late. he accepts this, though. it’s beautiful the way he lets death come for him. it’s not just because its andrey of all people but because he’s finally making a choice. he’s not dying as some great and powerful leader like he always thought he would or even as sevochka the loving husband: he’s dying as simply goncharov, the man who wanted so much and fought so hard to be ruler and master over everything in his life but realized too late that none of it was worth it in the end.
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Edward Cullen x reader
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes
Request: @jamiebarnesws
Your new life as a vampire started shortly after turning eighteen years old, knowing you’d be stuck on that number forever, you wanted to make the best of it and bring good into this world.
However, because of the age you were at the time you had changed, it had you developing a mental trauma. A little while later, you started hunting down newborns, mostly teenager ones who couldn’t control themselves as you brutally kill them. It didn’t feel right in the beginning, but than you started seeing this more of a calling and what you were meant to do for the world. You believed you were doing a good deed for the world by making the streets a little safer to walk on day or night.
As you would hunt them down, you would turn it into a little game as a source of entertainment. At first, you start out by chasing them mockingly as you knew they were very much aware of your presence, which is followed by a hysteric and manic like laughter sprouting from your dead lungs. When it finally leads to the deadly encounter with you in dark alleyways, you take that opportunity to sneak up behind them and rip their heads from the rest of them before starting the fires. This activity unexpectedly begins to scare you a little, but fighting against the urge for a kill is stronger than your resistance as you continue doing so. You kept this up until after meeting your mate, Edward Cullen. Even the first little while of your relationship with Edward started off a bit rocky, as you both realize how mentally unstable you are and soon enough, the rest of the family had become aware before they had started to do whatever to help you overcome these urges.
Instead of giving up on killing completely, you had switched from killing newborns to killing the criminals that walked the streets, some even involved the most dangerous street gangs. You kept this hidden, or at least you tried to as you keep forgetting Edward can read minds. After finding out this side of you, he confronts you and you admit it with such shame you never felt before. Once the dark secret was out, Edward had come up with a solution that could either work in your favor or do the complete opposite. The idea was to attend Forks High School together as new students, and that’s where you meet best friend, Bella Swan.
You shared more classes with Bella than you did with Edward. How you meet is quite amusing, it was during gym class and you were playing volleyball. When she smacked the ball over the net, it hit you and she immediately comes to you with rushed, yet sincere apologies.
“I’m sorry! I told them not to let me play.” Bella says.
“It’s fine, really. No harm done.” you promise, smiling reassuringly at her.
From them on, you both become about as much inseparable as you and Edward were, loving the fact you studied at the same school together.
Not long after Bella learns of the vampire world, you trusted her enough to tell her of your past while expecting harsh judgment. But you were pleasantly surprised when she sat there with you, listening to you with any judgments whatsoever. Bella was your next go to for a shoulder to cry on, she was a good listener, best friend. In return, you offer her your ears as well and little advice.
Edward was pleased with the fact the solution was solved, and so it was.
Requests: open
• Edward Cullen
• Carlisle Cullen
• Emmett
• Jasper
• Alice
• Rosalie
• Bella
• Benjamin
• Vladimir
• Stefan
• Jacob
• Victoria
• Riley
• Aro
• Marcus
• Caius
• Alec
• Jane
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unolvrs · 9 months
When you first write your story and that story has your OC in it OR it's a self-insert, which POV do you usually use? Second or Third pov? And how do you write your story so delicately, you write their emotions and feelings so well and I'm trying to study how you write that kind of story, just like this one
(I'm very very sorry for not asking permission and reposting this narrative even tho it's no excuse of me trying to mimick or study your writing style T^T please delete this immediately or send a message to me to delete this if you find this offensive to your writing)
Mikado's name means 'emperor'—his green eyes are the symbols of the bloodline in his veins. The strongest Zen'in always have eyes so sickeningly green it is almost poisonous. (At first, it was a bad omen. The last one who had eyes this green was the son of the Family Head's older brother. He does not know what happened to him nor does he want to know, but his esteemed mother sometimes curses his name, and it is the only time he hears his, in a way, uncle's name.) Mikado is the emperor and accompanying him is what makes the emperor an 'emperor'; Mikoto written as 'decree', and Mikuji as the fortune slip of the gods. Everybody knows that an emperor cannot have a stable reign unless
OH THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥹💗 i’m gonna cry right now, literally falling to my knees and sobbing.
i primarily use third POV definitely—that, or second pov. i’ve tried first POV which i believe is the hardest, btw. because it’s kind of complicated coming up with that delicate way of writing that i prefer without making it too much. (i will forever be envious of vladimir nabokov, my idol in prose writing.)
and omg, it’s totally okay to grab some excerpts to study it as long as you have good intentions! i definitely don’t mind that, and thank you so much for thinking it good enough to crack open and study! i might sob. so i'll use the excerpt as a basis for your question!
so first line:
Mikado's name means 'emperor'—his green eyes are the symbols of the bloodline in his veins. The strongest Zen'in always have eyes so sickeningly green it is almost poisonous.
it's the introduction to the character and usually, people get this sense of intimacy when names are involved, especially when you go to the etymology of it. so just like that, the reader gets an immediate sense of connection with the character, or the build-up to it. and in addition to this, mikado's existence, as we eventually find out through that one paragraph, is heavily intertwined with his name.
elaborating more on his appearance and his connection with the family, brings more depth too. here, you play on familiarity and history. you know what they say about how you shouldn't give names to things you don't want to get attached to? it's like that, in a way. learning how important mikado's name is and how putting in the subtle pressure on the family line which is the first thing that comes in mikado's introduction immediately shows how much this is important to him.
so there's one and two things you know about him now: his name and what he holds the highest.
At first, it was a bad omen. The last one who had eyes this green was the son of the Family Head's older brother.
now, writing third person while maintaining the centralized perspective and the emotional tone. just write like it's someone talking, simple as that. i didn't use excessively fancy words here but there are subtle indicators that we're still in mikado's perspective.
first, the usage of this, not that. a normal third person perspective without a centralized character as the voice, would normally say: "The last one who had eyes [that] green was the son of the Family Head's older brother." using this instead of that, implies closeness and lets you know that it's mikado's eyes that mikado is talking about, not that it's mikado's eyes that the narrator is talking about.
using that, puts distance. this, closes the distance.
He does not know what happened to him nor does he want to know, but his esteemed mother sometimes curses his name, and it is the only time he hears his, in a way, uncle's name.)
He does not know what happened to him nor does he want to know, but his esteemed mother sometimes curses his name, and it is the only time he hears his, in a way, uncle's name.)
just like what i said previously, write like it's someone talking and in this case, it's a bit of an ongoing and almost too long sentence. it resembles a thought more than an descriptor. it's basically how you format your punctuations.
(He does not know what happened to him nor does he want to know) is grouped and this thought is straight, before it pauses and continues to: (but his esteemed mother sometimes curses his name) then: (and it is the only time he hears his, in a way, uncle's name). the grouping of the clauses guides you into the flow of his thought.
it offers a line then introduces a contradiction. mikado thinks this, but then, he thinks that.
then comes his specific way of addressing the people around him. instead of a normal third person narrative structure which would say "his mother", he adds "his esteemed mother". this quickly shows distance, the overformality. immediately, it shows that there's some tension; it makes you think if it's out of reverence or just distance. and of course, his perspective towards his uncle.
Mikado is the emperor and accompanying him is what makes the emperor an 'emperor'; Mikoto written as 'decree', and Mikuji as the fortune slip of the gods. Everybody knows that an emperor cannot have a stable reign unless he is accompanied by his title and the approval of the gods.
and then the repetition! i never get sick of saying this but SUBTLE! REPETITION! or just outright repetition.
this elaborates more to what makes him him, the essence of his personality which is his siblings—his whole life. but this is more character-specific as it adds a layer of intimacy since his siblings' names are associated to him. so here, you're given another personal fact, an intimate detail, an elaboration to how important family is to him.
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so how do you write something 'delicately', especially in third person?
using simple words and grouping the clauses with intention, making it look like a thought more than a normal descriptor.
choose what to share and what not to share just yet, thus planning the flow of the narrative
focus on little details! this, thats, his, hers, theirs, etc. colors, what they're wearing, the twitch of their fingers, the tucking of a lock behind their ear, a shine in their eyes, the tilt of their lips, how the tip of their curves so softly they almost don't look like they could cut through skin—things like that!
ask yourself: what makes you get close to someone? is it finding out their names? what colors they like? what clothes they're wearing? how they write their letters and their alphabets? do they put a slash on their 7 or do they keep it plain? human things like that offer a delicate and intimate approach!
it boils down to yourself, making your writing human! i hope this helped :)
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apenitentialprayer · 1 month
I was asked why someone should be Catholic if they're Orthodox and therefore can participate in the Eucharist. I didn't have a good answer for him, but I was wondering if you did?
The Russian Orthodox philosopher Vladimir Soloviev never technically converted to Catholicism, but he was a major advocate of the reunification of the Churches and believed that the Pope in fact did have primacy over the Universal Church. He wrote a book in 1895 called Russia and the Universal Church, which you (or the person who asked this question to you) can read in its entirety here.
Soloviev emphasizes that the church is supposed to be universal in nature, but since the East-West Schism the Eastern Orthodox Churches have taken on increasingly nationalistic characters. Without union with a visibly global Patriarch that transcends national borders, he argues that the Eastern Churches will become subjected by the secular state.
This fear is highlighted by the Holy Synod established by Emperor Peter the Great in 1721, which abolished the office of the Patriarch of Moscow and established a ruling body more amenable to Peter's Enlightenment-inspired Church reforms. Over 150 years after this event, Soloviev can quote Ivan Aksakov, who says:
As is well known, the Russian Church is governed by an administrative council called a Spiritual Conclave or Holy Synod, whose members are nominated by the Emperor and presided over by a civil or military official, the High Procurator of the Holy Synod, who has complete control of the government of the Church. The dioceses, or eparchies, are nominally ruled by the bishops nominated by the Head of State on the recommendations of the Synod, that is, of the High Procurator who may subsequently depose them at pleasure.
So, Soloviev argues that without the universal jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, there is no one to appeal to in the event that a secular authority seeks to usurp ecclesial authority.
Soloviev also recounts a story about a potential convert who despaired of finding his place in the Orthodox Church and became Catholic instead:
William Palmer, a distinguished member of the Anglican Church and of the University of Oxford, wished to join the Orthodox Church. He went to Russia and Turkey to study the contemporary situation of the Christian East and to find out on what conditions he would be admitted to the communion of the Eastern Orthodox. At St. Petersburg and at Moscow he was told that he had only to abjure the errors of Protestantism before a priest, who would thereupon administer to him the sacrament of Holy Charism or Confirmation. But at Constantinople he found that he must be baptized afresh. As he knew himself to be a Christian and saw no reason to suspect the validity of his baptism (which incidentally was admitted without question by the Russian Orthodox Church), he considered that a second baptism would be sacrilege. On the other hand, he could not bring himself to accept Orthodoxy according to the local rules of the Russian Church since he would then become Orthodox only in Russia while remaining a heathen in the eyes of the Greeks; and he had no wish to join a national Church but to join the Universal Orthodox Church. No one could solve his dilemma, and so he became a Roman Catholic.
Soloviev points here to what he sees as another severe problem in the Orthodox Communion: "The Eastern Church is not a homogeneous body. […] If the Russian and Greek Churches give no evidence of their solidarity by any vital activity, their 'unity of faith' is a mere abstract formula producing no fruits and involving no obligations." The disagreement over whether Palmer's baptism was valid or not placed the man in such an exasperating situation that he straight up left for Rome.
The question becomes, when you have varying customs and disciplines that are causing problems and contradictions with something as essential to the faith of baptism, whose authority do you turn to in order to find a solution? Saint Irenaeus answered Soloviev's concern over 1700 years earlier: "For it is a matter of necessity that every Church should agree with this Church [i.e., Rome] on account of its preeminent authority."
Soloviev believed that "on the day which the Russian and Greek Churches formally break with each other the whole world will see that the Œcumenical Eastern Church is a mere fiction and that there exists in the East nothing but isolated national Churches." Soloviev paints an incredibly bleak picture here, I think, but even if it's exaggerated, well, it's also an important question now that Particular Churches within the Eastern Orthodox communion have been in schism since 2018. It's not the first time a schism has occurred between Moscow and Constantinople (one lasted slightly less than a hundred years), but, y'know...
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onexeyedxtwin · 1 year
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Redoing Vlad’s tag because they make my brain hurt
0 notes
cherrylng · 3 months
Muse Archive [CROSSBEAT (November 2009)]
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The definitive edition! The Muse Archive
Everything about Muse in keywords, columns and a timeline. Text by Sumi Imai
01 - Muse's musical background Muse was formed in Teignmouth, Devon, South West England. All three moved to the area when they were around ten years old and attended the same secondary school. Matthew first joined Dom's band around 1992, when he was in his mid-teens. Following its break-up, the two approached Chris and the prototype of Muse was born.
Teignmouth, on the south coast, is a holiday resort town, crowded with tourists in the summer months, but usually "a boring town with nothing going on" (Matthew). Physically separated from the big city scene, the three were baptised in grunge, but the Britpop wave never reached their hometown, and this environment worked to their advantage as they forged ahead on their independent rock path.
Their first show was in 1994. The sound at the time was Nirvana with a little bit of Rush-style progressive metal, and the melodies and harmonies were UK pop-punk (both Dom and Chris had done cover songs by Mega City Four and Senseless Things in their previous bands). Matthew's diverse tastes played a big part in the unique evolution that followed.
His roots are very varied: Jimi Hendrix and alternative metal (Primus, Rage) for guitar, folk (Jeff Buckley, Simon & Garfunkel) for melodies and singing, and experimental Anglo-American and European alternative (Deus, Sonic Youth) for a hunger for innovation. His roots in electronic music are diverse, including Aphex Twin.
The biggest factor that makes their musicality unique is the classical influence. Matthew returned to the piano at the end of his teenage years and gravitated towards Rachmaninoff, Chopin, and Liszt. He also studied Spanish guitar for a while, and his flexible attitude and rich background in folk music and folk songs form the basis of Muse's diverse and brilliant sound.
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Pic: 'Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 3/Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43' Vladimir Ashkenazy, Universal UCCD-3493. "The piano solo in the introduction to Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No 3 was a great influence on Butterflies and Hurricanes" (Matthew).
02 - The backgrounds and characters of the three members Matthew Bellamy was born in Cambridge, UK, in 1978. His father was the rhythm guitarist for The Tornados, who had an international hit (in 1962) with their mysterious space sounding single "Telstar", and became the first UK band to reach number one in the US and UK. Although he grew up in a musically privileged environment, his main instrument as a child was the piano. As well as classical music, he mainly preferred to play boogie-woogie/R&B, and only started playing guitar seriously when he was 14, when his parents divorced.
His mother, on the other hand, is a medium by blood and used to hold family séances when he was a child. Such experiences are the source of his interest in spirituality and science. He is also a thinker and reader, but he is not a liberal arts student and likes to exercise and fish. He is also surprisingly physical, having worked part-time as a painter, interior decorator, demolition worker and campsite cleaner.
He is usually a gentleman, a bit shy and quite mischievous. On stage, he gives it his all without fear, with the question of "what would I want to see if I were the audience?" in mind, and gives a performance so extreme that it is almost theatrical: "I want people to forget everything and just have fun".
Dom was born in Stockport, just outside Manchester. He is the same age as Matthew. He originally came to drumming from jazz. He likes to be organised and is somewhat stubborn when it comes to music. Loves Queen. During interviews, he follows up on Matthew's stories, who talks too fast, and they are on good terms with each other.
Chris is from Rotherham, near Sheffield. He is a year younger than the other two. He used to be a drummer, but took up bass when he was invited to join the band. He has a mild-mannered personality and is somewhat of a tosser. He is the only married man in the band or has four children and still lives in Devon.
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Pic : These are the Tornados!! Matthew's dad, George Bellamy, far left.
03 - Sources of inspiration for lyrics A look at Matthew's lyrics from his early days to the present day reveals themes of body (matter) and spirit, death, religious beliefs, apocalypticism, conspiracy theories and the universe …… These themes appear repeatedly alongside pure love songs.
First, conspiracy theories. This was influenced by the shooting death of his uncle, a British Army officer, when he was four years old. The authorities told the family that it was an IRA terrorist attack, but the truth is still in the dark, and Matthew has since come to believe that some force or organisation (political, economic, religious, etc.) may be working in the dark to brainwash people and influence society through the media, etc. for their own benefit.
Space and science fiction are his romantic interests, but they are also linked to his religious views (Matthew is an atheist or agnostic). Scientific (or science fiction) explanations of the origins of mankind and the nature of all things seem to arouse his interest more than the "fantasy" of the Bible. For example, NASA's cover-up of the connection between pyramid-like debris in the "Cydonia" region of Mars and Egyptian ruins? Or the curiosity of the hypothesis that humans were created by alien genetic manipulation of apes? Matthew's favourite book by Zecharia Sitchin (The Mysterious Twelfth Planet and others) is a good source of information on this subject.
For Matthew, who has been aware of death and the soul since he was a child, death means returning to nothingness. But the feelings of the creator expressed in music remain forever. He sees music as a spiritual act in that it brings people together in a way that transcends the material.
He is also interested in survival techniques and recently bought a week's worth of emergency food and an axe in case the Earth is threatened with extinction.
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Pic: 'The Mysterious Twelfth Planet' by Zecharia Sitchin, edited and translated by Ken Kashiwabara, published by Goma Books (out of print).
04 - A taste or two! Muse gossip Muse is hardly ever in the tabloids for their celebrity antics or scandals in the social world. However, they often surprise the public with their outlandish behaviour and fearless actions, which are extreme, exaggerated, and sometimes even laughable.
A famous incident occurred in 2006, when Matthew cancelled a whole day of interviews in the US because he had to evacuate out of the country due to the threat of an asteroid hitting New York. The truth is that he was mentally and physically unwell that day, but this incident added fuel to Matthew's 'eccentric and weird' legend.
The band also had a reputation for giving an all-out stage performance, but when Matthew threw his guitar in excitement, it hit Dom between the eyes, sending him to hospital. Conversely, Matthew hit himself in the face with the guitar in the heat of the moment, bleeding profusely and causing the show to be abruptly cancelled.
While they like to do big things, they are also willing to make enemies of big names and big business, which is typical of them. In 2002, when they found out that Celine Dion was going to use the name 'Muse' for her show, they demanded an injunction, saying they didn't want their music to be confused with that kind of music. They successfully won, as the band's name was already registered and trademarked. In the same year, when Nestlé used a Muse song in a coffee commercial without permission, the band, distrustful of the company's policies, were outraged and filed a lawsuit. They won this too, and the settlement was donated to charity.
Their eccentric fashion is also an "incident" in a sense? Matthew has dyed his hair crimson, blue, and bright yellow before. His "blue hair and red shirt" is legendary. Dom likes to wear loud coloured bottoms such as pink, yellow-green and yellow, as well as cosplay.
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Pic by Teppei: Intense stage performances can sometimes lead to injury…….
1970s 7th December 1977 - Birth of Dominic James Howard. 9th June 1978 - Birth of Matthew James Bellamy. 2nd December 1978 - Birth of Christopher Tony Wolstenholme.
1980s Mid-1980s - The Bellamy family moves to Devon. All three of the members of Muse meet there.
1994 The band that would later become Muse is formed by the three of them
1998 24th December - Gigs in NY and LA lead to signing to Madonna's Maverick label.
1999 4th October - Debut album "Showbiz" released.
2000 1st March - First Japan tour (Shibuya On Air West) 5th-6th August - Performs at the first Summer Sonic Festival 10th-15th October - First Japan tour in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka (Shibuya Quattro, etc.).
2001 17th June - Second ablum "Origin of Symmetry" released. 11th-15th July - Unusual invitation-only gigs in Tokyo and Osaka (Zepp Tokyo, etc.) 28th November - 2nd December - Second Japan tour in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka (Zepp Tokyo, etc.).
2002 26th June - Pre-release of "Hullabaloo Soundtrack" in Japan (1st July in the UK) 26th July - Appearance at Fuji Rock Festival
2003 22nd September - Third album "Absolution" released.
2004 7th-14th February - Third Japan tour (Tokyo Bay NK Hall and others) June - Grand finale at Glastonbury Festival. The show is a huge success, but shortly afterwards Dom's father dies suddenly of a heart attack.
2005 2nd July - Live 8 charity event in Paris. 12th December - DVD 'Live From Absolution Tour' released.
2006 28th June - "Black Holes and Revelations" released in Japan first (3rd July in UK). 12th-13th August - Appearance at Summer Sonic. August Headliners at Reading/Leeds Festivals
2007 10th-19th March - Fourth Japan tour (Tokyo International Forum Hall A etc.) 16th-17th June - Sold-out shows at the newly refurbished Wembley Stadium for two consecutive days. Attracted around 160,000 people. The performance is recorded on 'HAARP'. 27th July - Live performance at Fuji Rock Festival. 28th October - Popular game series Guitar Hero III, with the song "Knights of Cydonia" included, was released.
2008 17th March - Live DVD release of "HAARP". 12th April - Appearance at the Teenage Cancer Trust charity event at the Royal Albert Hall. 17th August - Headliner at the V Festival.
2009 14th September - Release of fifth album "The Resistance".
Translator's Note: I've basically nearly covered all the known Muse articles in this magazine. The only one left is... the Top 100 Guitarists article. [shudders] God, that has so many parts to sift through...
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vtoriacore · 2 years
༺𓆩 valentine’s brutal, darling! 𓆪༻
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♡‧₊˚‎ the inner working of the heart:
this event will only contain pieces that will either be yandere or nsfw! bear in mind, nsfw will only be written for afab readers and will use she/her prns but yandere pieces will always be gn! i do write wlw for nsfw.
now that we have gotten that out the way, here is some info regarding this valentine’s event! the entire selection of prompts (or rather lyrics which will be used as inspiration for the writing) is based on chase atlantic songs! there is no requirement for you to know about them or their music however, as the simple rules will explain everything you have to do! <3
these will be posted in instalments that will be sorted by fandom and nsfw/yandere! so it may take me a lil’ while to get everything out and ready. please be patient <3
‎♡‧₊˚‎ follow the heartbeat:
have i captured your interest? great! let’s move onto the rules shall we? don’t worry, they’re quite simple! all you have to do is send me the song title and the character you want it with after reading the lyrics from either the yandere section or the nsfw section! 
however! i will only write for a specific character once. and the same applies for the song title! so if, let’s say, the song ‘moonlight’ was chosen for ‘azul’, neither the song nor the character could be requested again! 
therefore, this event will work on a first come, first served basis. i will regularly update what characters and songs have already been chosen, so stay on the lookout for that dear! if your request doesn’t get written, this will be the reason why.
requesting nsfw for the twst first years is strictly prohibited <3!
‎♡‧₊˚‎ to your heart’s desire:
        ❥ twst [riddle, ace, cater, leona, ruggie. azul, jade, floyd, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, lilia, sebek]
        ❥ genshin impact [albedo, cyno, hu tao, kazuha, kaeya, eula, ayaka, ayato, lisa, mona, nilou, ningguang, ei, kokomi, heizou, childe, tighnari, venti scaramouche/wanderer, xiao, yae miko, yanfei, yelan, zhongli] 
        ❥ hetalia [feliciano, ludwig, kiku, lovino, gilbert, antonio, yao, alfred, ivan, matthew, francis, arthur, vladimir, elizaveta, tolys, lukas, matthias, emil, tino, lux, natalia, feliks, yong soo, allistor // luciano, allen, zao, flavio 
        ❥ ikeprince [yves kloss, clavis lelouch, chevalier michel, silvio ricci, gilbert von obsidian]
❥ 25/25 slots taken <3 thank you to everyone who participated! i will be writing these until april between my studying and by then everything will be out and this post will get a masterlist!
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♡‧₊˚‎ vtória’s playlist [yandere]:
❥ now paused [SCARAMOUCHE];
"friends - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ and what the hell were we?
tell me we weren't just friends
this doesn't make much sense, no “
❥ now paused [FELICIANO];
"numb to the feeling - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ heard you got a heart, let me see
heard you got a heart, let me see
i need you to split that thing with me
yeah, i need you to split that thing with me ”
❥ now paused [KAEYA];
"slide - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ slide, i can see the pain in your eyes
i don't wanna say that I'm good, but
i'll take you to heaven if you die “
❥ now paused [LOVINO];
"right here - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ it's happening again
well, i don't give a fuck about your friends
i'm right here, here
oh, baby, take a look around
i'm the only one that hasn't walked out “
❥ now paused [FLOYD];
"swim - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ you picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out
the water's getting colder, let me in your ocean, swim
out in california, i'll be forward stroking, swim
so hard to ignore ya, 'specially when I'm smoking, swim “
❥ now paused [XIAO];
"consume - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ and I know there's a blade where your heart is
and you know how to use it
and you can take my flesh if you want,
but baby, don't abuse it “
❥ now paused [IVAN] [tw - SH];
"uncomfortable - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ my head could be a vessel for your own mind
all you gotta do is talk
a flood is slowly building at your wrists now
and death is just a thought “
❥ now paused [LEONA]:
"paradise - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ it feels like heaven on the inside
you’re calling my name and, oh, it sounds nice
the way that you're dancing in the moonlight
i think I'm falling in love with all these big signs “
❥ now paused [ANTONIO];
"falling - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ oh, we've lost it
screeching off with no names
you said, ‘watch this’
with your hands in the rain “
❥ now playing [CHILDE];
"what u call that - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i'm sorry that i took my time to call back
well, i don't wanna spend time with your family
'cause i'm afraid i'll run my mouth and start rambling
wait, i know that your dad doesn't like me “
❥ now paused [YELAN];
"you too - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ knew you had a heart
didn't know that i would break it, off
don't choose
if you love it, then you cut the thing loose, yeah “
❥ now paused [ALFRED];
"triggered - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ telling you, i won't slow down, won't slow down
you gotta know right now, there's no way out
i’mma pull the trigger off
and i’mma let these bullets talk “
❥ now paused [RUGGIE];
"dancer in the dark - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ oh baby, maybe it's that look in your eyes
they been telling me you wanna leave
you’ve been dancing with the devil all night
it's like hell is where you wanna be ”
❥ now paused [ALBEDO];
"cassie - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ shit i probably tore their heart right out
at least that's how it feels right now (yeah)
but we're holdin' on, we're holdin' on
we say some words, we land them wrong “
❥ now paused [VIL];
"her - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i'm getting feelings that i didn't before
and all i wanna do is stay with them
but i know all i have is one day with them “
❥ now paused [AZUL];
"moonlight- chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ we're diving through the bottom of the ocean
swimming through a bottle of emotions,
maybe i was thinking you would notice “
❥ now paused [GILBERT];
"heaven and back- chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ well, you lied
you said you were fine
but now you're terrified
say you don't wanna die
then you start to cry
you wish that you could take it all back “
❥ now paused [HU TAO];
"23 - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i can't believe this is happening
what did i do?
what did you do to me?
this isn't true to me “
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♡‧₊˚‎ vtoria’s playlist [nsfw]:
❥ now paused [LUCIANO];
"slow down - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
   ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i don't know if you already know how
but, i got the feeling that you know now
you're buried in the pillow, yeah, you're so loud
but i'm about to show you, baby, slow down“
❥ now paused [JADE];
"church - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ▶ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ and I'll keep leading you on
if you keep leading me into your room
the drinks are all gone
but that's fine, baby, so am i “
❥ now playing [ALLEN];
"devilish - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ sever off the head and watch the body fall
see you in the depths, that ain't a metaphor
sex, blood, fashion, dripping holy water
holy shit, she worshipping my dick like it's the Holy Father “
❥ now paused [JAMIL];
"okay - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ i can feel it in my brain
hit the tongue, watch it dissolve, just take a taste, yeah
she gonna make decisions either way
i swear ever since i hit it i ain't ever been the same, yeah “
❥ now paused [ROOK];
"meddle about - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
  ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ no, i wanna to see you undress now
i wanna hear you confess now
we only met each other just the other day
but you already got me feeling some type of way “
❥ now paused [YAE MIKO];
"too late - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ slide in, came with perfect timing
she climbed in, picture-perfect timing
slide and put her right beside me
sing this, i'm gon' bet she’ll date me “
❥ now playing [AYATO];
"oh mami - chase atlantic"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ mamacita, i can see the devil in your eyes
muy bonita, tú quieres estar by my side
she might make me stay in for the night “
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akyivanov · 7 months
Day 5 (?) - Madness
I realised something important while playing this game, in a strange and disturbing way the characters are exactly them.
They could never live together.
So, welcome to a new day!…which starts at midnight.
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Of course, when do you sleep? At night? Nooo… night is not for sleeping. Julia works out at the gym, Ivan has locked himself in his room to work on his PC, joining the other inhabitants of the house only when he hears shouting "dinner/breakfast is ready!". Boris gave vent to his fantasies in some online chat by talking weirdly to Julia afterwards….(which sites did you visit?)
Sergey, poor soul, at one o'clock a.m realised that if he doesn't take care of cleaning and cooking they will soon die of some strange disease. Fortunately Yuri took pity on him at least in clearing away the previous day's lunch.
After all, they forced the only university student among them to study at night. How's the nervous breakdown Sergey?
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Dinner/breakfast went well and I lingered over the seating arrangement, it is so random and perfect for my sick mind to see how Yuri and Boris always end up sitting next to each other * ^ *
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Oh yeah, as soon as the sun came up everyone went to sleep.
Sergey, man destroyed by life in that house.
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With the sun high in the sky, Yuri after starting and leaving yet another snowman unfinished (seriously Vladimir, you didn't understand the real talent of these guys), decides to go to Ivan and Sergey's room to make sure that the first guy didn't die in front of the pc and that the second guy has adequate rest by reading him a story (no, he didn't, but in the picture it looks that way so who cares).
At the same time the toilet and sink in the main bathroom break, the pipe to the toilet downstairs bursts. Sergey with a huge smile said goodbye to everyone by running off to the university "goodbye my friends!" leaving Boris with the thankless task of fixing everything (Boris come exactly like this to fix things in my house) and Julia to enjoy the restored service after kicking him out…knitting (oook).
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Finally, night falls.
Boris inspired after talking and laughing alone in front of a wall went to paint, Yuri to look at the stars lying in the snow with Julia (I don't have a picture ç.ç), Ivan…I don't know what Ivan was doing because Sergey distracted me. I had left him in front of the TV watching a funny movie and found him angry in the garden about the mistakes noticed in the movie (seriously?) destroying Yuri's snowman. o.o
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The cat ran away.
Someone save him 🥹
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 2 years
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Mock funerals of Morana and Yarilo belong to the exact same type of a holiday - a rather common form of ritual found in many cultures that is supposed to end one season and bring about another, and can be performed at the cusp of any season. There are many other rituals of this kind among the Slavs: funeral of rusalka, of a cuckoo, Maslenitsa, etc. The details and the character dying will vary but the principle remains the same.
Basically, every season of the year could have its special provody ritual that ended it. We can find the most striking similarities with the mock funeral of rusalka in the Kupalo festivities which took place on the summer solstice, that is on the Eve of John the Baptist, Ivan Kupalo (23rd–24th June), and in which a male ithyfallic effigy, called Kupalo, Jarilo, Kostroma, etc., was buried and sometimes resurrected again. Kupalo festivities took place near water and were replete with erotic symbolism, bathing, fire jumping, and dancing on the ritual fields called igrišta – church literature reprehended the orgiastic nature of this ritual.
Rusalki: Anthropology of Time, Death, and Sexuality in Slavic Folklore by Jiri Dynda
In some regions the start of spring was seen as domain of Yarilo (his very name is built from a word denoting spring or a year, which for the ancient Slavs most likely started in springtime). Western Slavs however seem to mostly celebrate Morana around this time, though of course we know Polabians had spring celebrations of Yarovit that didn’t survive the trial of time.
Similarly the summer solstice could be the domain of either, depending on the region. And so Kupalo/Kupala, another character belonging to the body of summer solstice rituals could be identified as related to either of them.
Some slavists studying Slavic midsummer rites came to the conclusion that they may represent a union of two deities, one of death and water the other of life and fire, and on the basis of some folk stories they further speculated the deities might perhaps be siblings connected by forbidden taboo love.
The idea that Morana and Yarilo as well as Perun and Veles need to remain separate at all times seems to me to be a neo-pagan addition. The concept of having to keep Perun and Veles separate was born because Veles was not among the deities whose effigies Prince Volodymyr placed on a hill outside his palace in Kyiv:
And Vladimir began to reign alone in Kiev. And he placed idols on the hill outside the palace: a Perun in wood with a silver head and a gold moustache, and Khors and Daždbog and Stribog and Simargl and Mokoš. And they offered sacrifices and called them gods, and they took their sons and daughters to them and sacrificed them to the devils.
- Tale of Bygone Years as translated in Sources of Slavic Pre-Christian Religion by J. A. Álvarez-Pedrosa
At the same time we know Veles did have an effigy in Kyiv but in a different spot.
And he himself (Vladimir), on entering Kiev, ordered the idols to be destroyed and beaten, breaking some and burning others, but he ordered the idol of Volos, who was known as the god of cattle, to be thrown into the River Pochaina, and the idol of Perun to be tied to a horse’s tail and dragged down the mountain by Borichev towards the river, appointing servants to strike the idols with sticks: this was not because the wood could feel, but to outrage the devil for deceiving us in that way. The infidels wept over this, as they had not yet received holy baptism.
- from the fragments of Life of Vladimir as translated in Sources of Slavic Pre- Christian Religion by J. A. Álvarez-Pedrosa
This is it - this is the reason people decided Perun-and-Veles-can-never-touch, even though we clearly also have sources mentioning them being invoked side by side:
Thus the Emperors Leo and Alexander made peace with Oleg, and after agreeing upon the tribute and mutually binding themselves by oath, they kissed the cross, and invited Oleg and his men to swear an oath likewise. According to the religion of the Russes, the latter swore by their weapons and by their god Perun, as well as by Volos, the god of cattle, and thus confirmed the treaty. (…)
But if we fail in the observance of any of the aforesaid stipulations, either I or my companions, or my subjects, may we be accursed of the god in whom we believe, namely, of Perun and Volos, the god of flocks, and we become yellow as gold, and be slain with our own weapons.
- Russian Primary Chronicle, Laurentian Text
It’s perfectly possible for gods to be opponents - functionally and mythically - and still be worshipped concurrently by the same people as part of the same pantheon. Additionally it’s important to remember that the pantheon of Volodymyr was likely a political tool and slavists have long debated how good of a representation for popular Eastern Slavic beliefs at the time it may be.
In principle, Vladimir’s pantheon was a response to internal socio-political changes and the external needs of the emerging Eastern Slavic state. It was a henotheistic and dynastic cult focusing on the deity which best served state building purposes - Perun. It was a product of the long evolution of the Eastern Slavic religion which in post-migration times diverged from relative conceptual unity of the common Slavic beliefs. Eastern Slavic beliefs evolved in specific geographic, ethnic and political conditions, characteristic of Eastern Europe. Its development was the response to those circumstances. Serving new needs and purposes, the Kievan cult had to incorporate new attributes and acquire a new dimension.
- Organized Pagan Cult in Kievan Rus’. The Invention of Foreign Elite or Evolution of Local Tradition? by Roman Zaroff
So tldr instead of solely looking at Morana and Yarilo separately as divine opposites I think it’s beneficial to look at both of them in the context of a larger body of similar Slavic rituals, some of which I presented in this post. Knowing how flexible those rites are can actually help significantly in building one’s personal sacred calendar to one’s needs.
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vostok3-ka · 5 days
your words taste as though they’ve been scooped from the pages of old classic novels and rearranged and molded into something Bucky-shaped. There’s this ambiance to your writing that I really enjoy. My question is pretty general, but what are some of your favorite things to do or revisit when you’re looking for inspiration?
Okay oh my GOD, this is flattering as heck, Jo, oh my goodness I smiled SO hard when I saw this ask AHHH! Sorry it took so long to get to, I had a whole wave of classes that just killed my braincells because of how hard it is to study social studies in a language I only half-speak 😭.
But, complaining about school aside, this ask is so lovely omg. I'm SO glad that you enjoy my writing, I'm always so insecure about it honestly, because I tend to fall over to what I'm comfortable with and simply like what I read. I read a lot of books with long, run on paragraphs, and I read poetry. Somehow those two have mushed up into my writing style, which I, quite frankly, have no idea how it sounds when I'm writing about modern things like a freaking comic book character, but I am so delighted to hear that it works!
When I look for inspiration, I usually look to the books I enjoy. The Terror by Dan Simmons. The North Water by Ian McGuire. Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Morphine by Bulgakov. And I sorta just- emulate their style? In a way? I try to write the way my favourite authors write, while, at the same time, I like being very gently violent with words? If that makes sense? I enjoy comparing very very awful things with very beautiful things, and I think that is something I get from writing and reading poetry such as Vladimir Mayakovsky and Konstantin Simonov. I enjoy writing brutal things but in a way that sort of throws a calm shade over it.
I also, and this is a very big part of my inspiration, love writing while listening to music. I'll make a playlist with the vibe that I am going for and I'll play it on repeat while I write in order to stay in that headspace, and I find it incredibly fun to imagine the scenes and all that and how they fit into the sound of the song. I have synesthesia which is when you connect things that really normally don't connect (which is why sometimes i will slip up, and write things like "gray pain, yellowish taste, smells of round dots" and so on) so I think that also serves as a sorta inspiration, especially when it comes to writing metaphors!
The last thing I often do, is I will look through images, photographs and paintings that also suit the vibe, and I'll hold that feeling that I feel inside of me when I see them and try to spill them in to words (also a thing synesthesia plays a role in). I often have boards on pinterest lmao, or I will see a picture and feel the vibe of it and be like HOLY MOLY i want THIS DOWN ON WORDS. But yeah, that's some of the things I do hehe. Hope it made some sorta sense! And thank you so much for the really really sweet words about my writing they completely made my day!! Hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night!!
Byeee ;)
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