#Vote of Thanks to Retiring Members
johnbrace · 1 year
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority 9th June 2023 Part 1 of 3
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FNV Minor Character Poll - Quarterfinal Round 5-A, Day 1
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Left: Easy Pete, retired prospector residing in Goodsprings. —"[Dynamite's] too dangerous. Gonna kill all yourselves if I let you touch it. Better to leave it buried - safer that way."
Right: Harland, a member of the Bright Brotherhood, who probably enjoys waiting to be attacked any moment and eating nothing but roach meat. —"And I bet [Jason Bright] told you it's the creator's will for you to risk your ass, instead of him, right? Well, good luck with that! I'd give you a hand, but no thanks. I may look like a corpse, but I'm partial to living!"
Designated cheerleaders were not available for this match-up.
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hightownquccn · 2 months
Please VOTE on which one you think would be fun to play with.
Adding a little more description that I have thought out in my head. Some is canon from MCU/comics and some is the twist I want to put on the character for my portrayals*.
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Agent ???. ( I still have no name for him ) former SHIELD agent. best friend of Sharon Carter. or so he likes to claim. computer genius. skinny white boy. flirt. bisexual. he's annoying but really a sweetheart. not big on field work. but he can hack.
( ? (name undecided) is a former agent of SHIELD now mini-Tony Stark minus the suit and superhero status. Coming up through the academy he somehow befriended a woman by the name of Sharon Carter when they were put on an undercover assignment together. He was mostly just the support but made a few appearances in his undercover roll when needed to support Sharon aka 'Emily'.
A bit of a nerdy genius all he has ever wanted was to feel wanted and valuable. He was loyal to SHIELD until it fell thanks to HYDRA infiltrating and finally revealing themselves. With the fall of SHIELD, he used his knowledge to freelance and made a name for himself. He has been known to take on projects to help the likes of former SHIELD-loyal agents. He is very anti-HYDRA. )
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Alex. "Dove". literature professor. musician. Inhuman. pain manipulator. Guatamalan/naturalized American.
( Original mini description that may be tweaked: Alex received his nickname of Dove from his mother in what almost feels like a different time. She used to call him her little pacifist. Now a lot older ( and not necessarily a whole lot wiser ) he still holds that peace should be tried before war.
After terrogenesis, Alex discovered he now has the power to cause pain in others. It goes against a lot of what his parents taught him growing up and what he believes in...but he isn't an idiot. Sometimes if you have a gun in your face or pointed at a loved one you need to act. So as much as he hates his powers he does try and avoid it if at all possible. Known for his aversion to violence many have begun calling him the Dove. )
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Steve Rogers. captain america. the first avenger. the little guy. the man out of time.
( Steve is a World War II veteran, a founding member of the Avengers, and Earth's first known superhero. Rogers grew up suffering from numerous health problems, and upon the United States' entry into World War II, he was rejected from serving in the United States Army despite several attempts to enlist. Rogers ultimately volunteered for Project Rebirth, where he was the only recipient of the Super Soldier Serum. 
Fighting in the war, he served his country before supposedly sacrificing himself in a plane crash. Decades later he was awoken from his sleep and begins to readjust to modern life. Cap is needed once again and he picked up the mantel again, joining The Avengers. He served with his fellow members for a time before eventually post The Snap 2.0 retiring. He has passed the mantel on to a man formerly known as Falcon, Sam Wilson. Now he is trying to figure out what to do with his life. )
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Amora of Asgard. The Enchantress. asgardian. formerly exiled to Midgard by the Allfather. seductress. intelligent.
( Parentage unknown. While still in adolescence, she ran away to the land of the Norns and apprenticed herself to Karnilla, one of the most powerful sorceresses in all the Asgardian dimension. There she studied all the basic arts of Asgardian magic until Karnilla expelled her for being too undisciplined. She picked up further mystical skills from seducing other Asgardian mages and wizards. In time, Amora became one of the more powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, with her magical arsenal focused on (but not limited to) charming and mind-controlling people. Her by-then well-renowned beauty did not hinder in this.
Amora has always had an obsession with Thor. She has been used as a weapon by the Allfather to try and distract Thor from his love of the human, Jane Foster. But she has also done things unsanctioned by the royalty of Asgard. During one of her many attempts to make the God of Thunder hers she is caught and sentenced by the Allfather to Midgard. While there she took up the name of Sylvie Lushton. Stripped of her powers she is/was stuck in the realm until Thor is banished as well. When Loki appears they strike a deal and she regained her powers. )
I would not play Steve as having gone back in time to rejoin Peggy. He stayed in his current timeline and lives in New York.
I play Amora as having 'Sylvie Lushton' as her mortal name in tribute to the two different women that had the title of Enchantress in the comics.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
I’m so interested in your slashers! Do you have any more art or specifics for their stories?
I've got a Few unfinished works
KINDA LONG but it's got a lot of JUICY DETAILSSSS.
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-The Handler and Fursuiter have been known to spare victims, often time only taking what they need; that usually being a leg. Handler has gotten alarmingly skilled at amputation with a high success rate. Handler does the cutting, Fursuiter does the sewing. They'll often let the victim pick which one if they're feeling kindly.
-They travel cross country in a shitty van. They rarely settle in one place and their often choice to crash is seasonal cabin homes; places that have fully functional amenities such as showers, toilets, working stoves and fridges. If it's an off season for the area they may hang around for a month or two.
-They are both roughly in their 30s possibly approaching 40 in a few years. For Killer Cannibals, they're actually alarmingly smart about how they go about things and have an entire retirement contingency in plan should one of them get injured to the point where 'hunting' their food is no longer a viable choice.
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-Calvin 'Prom King' Black's father is actually a well known boxer in the area who tours the country. Although estranged from the family-Calvin knows how to efficiently fight thanks to him. So imagine you think you've disarmed the revenant slasher by knocking their weapon away only to get squared up on by a guy who actually knows how to throw a very solid punch.
-According to the school's legend, The Prom King and Queen always inevitably shack up after prom and become a couple. This sort of tradition is almost like a point of pride. However, Calvin, being a homosexual, rebuffed these advances rather quickly.
-Calvin's nomination to Prom King was actually sort of rigged. The student council at the time was sick and tired of the same popular people getting voted in as Prom Royalty and decided to secretly promote 'one of the lesser known members of the student body'. That being Calvin whose hobbies included skipping gym to smoke behind the building, reading Syfy Novels and having bad skin. None of it was actually done in malice, they genuinely believed they were doing Calvin a kindness.
-Calvin was around 19 when he was murdered-20 if he had lived to see the next summer.
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-Mortimer is Collage aged (around 19.) but has yet been able to go due to financial issues/his dad favoring his sister over him/his dad being a general ass hat. If he could, he'd study psychology or art.
-Mortimer is trans, AFAB. His transition was poorly received by his immediate family who insisted on dead naming him at every turn and it began to look more and more ridiculous on their part the more masc Mortimer gradually became over time.
-His favorite movies are The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Ginger Snaps.
-Mortimer's mother currently resides at a psych hospital where she receives assisted care for her condition. Mortimer hasn't seen her in years.
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-The Original concept for Ephriam was shortly after X was released where I wanted a more.....visually appealing killer to stumble on a porn set. (The Mormonism is non-canonical) And has the aspects most of the fandom loves in a Slasher. Built af, scuffed up, long hair, scary face, Tits to die for and often times a quiet disposition.
-Ephriam's family farm actually used to be a site for satanic sacrifices in the 60s and was abandoned in the 80s. This resulted in the area being a bit abnormal as well as Ephriam's sort of unconventional physical appearance and his survival of what should have been a fatal gunshot wound to the face. While it has no effect on his parents aside from them being in pretty good health for an older couple-Ephriam who has been drinking from the well water and eating the pigs they slaughtered on the property since he was born, resulting in a healing factor for him, enhanced strength and other perks.
-The area where they take the pigs for slaughter is abnormal as the pigs will willingly lay down on what appears to be a naturally occurring slab and fall into a slumber that they do not wake up from, making slaughter rather humane. Ephriam's family used this spot for slaughter because of the angle of the stone, the fact it was near the house and is a good wide surface to clean the pigs and carve them up. Invertedly-Ephriam and his family are sacrificing animals to hellish entities that reward them with good health (though they haven't made that connection yet, they just all chalk it up to luck and good clean country living.)
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These two don't have names yet.
-He's not really a slasher-though he does KILL Slashers. Mainly since his twin sister is often targeted by Slashers since she's a hot girl in a sorority at a big name collage.
-They were conjoined twins at birth. REALLY conjoined. And it was only sheer LUCK that the doner parts came through to keep them both alive at the time. They've both undergone numerous surgeries over the years to repair and replace parts. The Boy opted out of the surgeries eventually because he was so tired of it all while his sister doubled down and looks much more human thanks to plastic surgery.
-It's a concept of Killers always attack sororities; plot twist incel-There's already a 6'9 guy welding a knife ready to defend his sister to the death hanging out in the kitchen. You really gonna try your luck? Gonna try and kill these girls cause you have unresolved issues with women not liking you. Gotta get through THIS DUDE FIRST. (and he has put down QUITE a few. Not just for his sister's sorority.)
-He's actually good friends with his sister's sorority. They view having him around as having scary dog privileges. His unique face is a bit of a shock at first, but they've become very comfortable with him being around. Very much a 'NO BOYS ALLOWED.....except for him, he's very very polite to us.' vibe at this Sorority.
-She's studying fashion and design while he's opting for the trade course (Welding, car repair, etc. etc.) Though if he chose to, he could very easily make very high marks in any field he chooses.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Another optimistic result from last night. Michigan's state legislature went blue for the first time since the Reagan administration. Dems were a superminority four years ago and now we run the entire state government, thanks in no small part to the independent redistricting commission that was created via a statewide ballot proposal in 2018.
We also passed a measure to protect abortion rights and broaden/strengthen voting rights. Basically, last night I had stress dreams all night about the end of democracy and I woke up to some good news. Things still aren't great and I'm anxious about races across the country, but I'm hopeful for the first time in a long time.
Michigan, Colorado, and Pennsylvania all had particularly good nights. Michigan Democrats won the governor and secretary of state races against cuckoo crazypants Q-challengers, protected abortion access, flipped the legislature, and expanded voting rights and access. In Colorado, all the Democratic incumbents won in a walk and might get an extra House seat from newly created CO-8. The biggest news there is that MAGA Barbie Lauren Boebert is still behind by about ~3500 votes in CO-3 with almost all the votes in. This is a R+9 district and shouldn't even be close. In Pennsylvania, Fetterman picked up a Senate seat for the Democrats despite all the doom and gloom and the intense GOP focus on Dr. Quack, Democrat Josh Shapiro easily beat MAGA lunatic Doug Mastriano for governor, and the state legislature is agonisingly close to flipping Democrat or at least almost even control.
Other morning-after thoughts from about four and a half hours of sleep:
As I said last night, the Democrats and Florida are Charlie Brown and the football. This isn't entirely their fault, as DeSantis has made it into his personal fiefdom and redrew the already-red maps to be EVEN MORE RED, threatened voters with his own goon squad, and otherwise turned it into Fascist Disneyland, literally. He cruised to re-election (ugh), but we still don't know how that plays outside his carefully curated media bubble where he only does interviews with right wing hacks like Fox and never answers tough questions. Lil Marco Rubio likewise beat Val Demings. Double ugh. So yeah, Florida Democrats are MIA. At least we got the first Gen Z member of Congress, 25 year old Democrat Maxwell Frost.
Whatever its untapped demographics, and unfair restrictions from obviously nonsensical voting laws, on the institutional level, Texas is not a blue state either. It just isn't. Beto ran a good campaign, but yet again, it wasn't close and Texas is just... Texas.
Hey anyone else think we should just let Florida and Texas secede?
However, my heartfelt sympathies to sane Floridans and Texans who worked hard but still had to see the same old crazy win.
Ohio and North Carolina also had Republicans win their Senate races. Tim Ryan and Cherie Beasley ran strong campaigns but it wasn't enough to overcome the increasing reddish tilt of those states (especially Ohio, which is also starting to look lost for the foreseeable future). However, they were both replacing retiring Republicans, so no change as far as the balance of power. Still despicable that that carpetbagging hack JD Vance is in the Senate, though.
Jury is still out in Arizona, where both Democratic governor and Senate candidates have narrow leads (governor more narrow), but if Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly can pull this out, every single MAGA election denier candidate for governor/SOS will have lost.
That is GOOD NEWS for democracy.
Swingy Nevada is still looking dicey, though. As expected, its Democratic governor and Senate incumbent are behind after Election Day vote counting. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto is in a slightly better position than Governor Steve Sisolak. If big blue Clark County (Vegas) delivers its usual tranches of Democratic mail vote, they could both still probably win (CCM somewhat more likely since her deficit is smaller), but Nevada kept us anxiously waiting for days on end and seems fully set to do it again.
If Senate control comes down to yet another Georgia runoff between Raphael Warnock and Herschel "Me Good At Concussions And Abortions" Walker, I am going to scream.
Warnock is ahead but probably not enough to avoid a runoff under Georgia's ludicrous Jim Crow Senate rules where a candidate has to reach 50% to win outright.
Stacey Abrams also lost again to Brian Kemp. Ugh.
New York Democrats won the governor, AG, and Senate races, in not too much surprise but some of the late polling was close. They've had some struggles in suburban and rural NY, though managed to keep Pat Ryan's seat from the recent special election.
Way too many white people are still voting for Republicans, with the noted exception of 18-29 year olds, the only white age demographic to vote Democratic (by almost 2 to 1).
Looking at the data, 18-29 year olds from all demographics voting Blue are quite probably the only reason there wasn't a red wave. Good job, guys. I give you a lot of stick on here, but well done.
God, when will all those old white Republicans finally croak. They vote like clockwork every time and it's always bad.
Abortion access won everywhere it was on the ballot, including in deep red Kentucky (not overturning the current ban, alas, but rejecting a state constitutional amendment to ban it). Abortion rights are popular! Who knew.
This is an absolutely stunningly good result for an incumbent president's first midterm in any year, let alone with 8.5% inflation, economic pain, crazy fascists, and all the rest. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. So far, there hasn't really been a major change, and we still don't know who will control the House, after a lot of doomsters were insisting it would be Republican by 9pm ET on election night.
Democratic incumbents also won several tough re-election races in seats they would probably have lost in a red wave year.
Sarah Palin appears likely to lose in Alaska for the second time in three months. HA.
Trump was by no means the kingmaker. Almost all of his handpicked candidates have lost, with the exception of Vance in Ohio. Jury still out on Laxalt in Nevada (come THROUGH for CCM, Vegas, PLEASE).
Midterms are now not quite over, but at least moving to the rear view mirror. So when is Trump gonna get fucking indicted. That is the major next step on the Save Democracy checklist.
I likewise didn't think it would happen right after the midterms, regardless of who won; early 2023 remains my best guess. But also, like. Soon, please??
Anyway. If we lose the House (still not for sure) but keep the Senate, we can at least continue to confirm judges and other such important things. Having a tiny Republican majority (bleck) in the House would at least make it more difficult for them to do anything outrageously stupid, or at least have it succeed, as they would be sure to waste everyone's time with pointless stunts anyway.
Still, though. By any metric, a big failure for Republicans, considering what their expectations were and how goddamn hard the media tried to help them at every turn, and a good showing for democracy as Democratic control was retained in key swing states and election deniers did not win any of their targets.
Stay tuned for more Election PutinDestielNevadaNovember5th...uh...8th redux!!!
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coleskingdom · 8 months
Mine Pt 4
This will be a six part story. This chapter has no smut.
The Forbidden Door meeting
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I wake up before Jay, my mind refusing to shut off. I lay there in the early morning light watching him sleep. I’m overwhelmed by how much I’m falling in love with him my chest gets tight at the thought that he might get hurt because of me. A tear falls down my face. Jays eyes open “ Hey, what’s wrong?” Still half asleep, “Nothing”I say and try to smile. Now fully awake “We don’t do that remember” He’s rolls on his side facing me. “So I’m going to ask you again, what’s wrong?” I can tell he’s bracing himself. “ I’m worried you’re going to get hurt because of me.” His hand strokes my face moving a strand of hair, “It won’t be because of you, it’s real but we will all be professionals. Besides I’d bet you’d be cute in a nurses outfit.” I laugh and the tension is broken.
Jays phone rings, “Hey Will, she’s fine why? I don’t think she’s looked at her phone in the past two days. No that’s exactly what happened, yeah I haven’t talked to anyone over there yet. I appreciate it man, I’ll repay you the favor. You’re right an excuse to get Finlay out is a good enough reason. I’ll let her know.” he hangs up. “ Apparently you need to look at your phone, you’ve got a good portion of people worried about you.”
I sigh heavily and pick up my phone, and hand it to Jay. “Please, I can’t right now.” He scrolls through my messages and I can tell he’s deleting the ones that he knew I wouldn’t want to read. “Your dad texts like a psycho.” Handing me back the phone.
I start to read the text out loud
The Bang Bang Brats
“Are you our new mom?”
ELP <3
Tell Jay GOD is ready to join Gold.
Whatever you need it’s yours? I had no clue about your dad and Finlay, next time you decide to get married let a guy know okay. I’m sorry love I wasn’t there for you.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me Finlay really? Why didn’t you say something, I could’ve done something. You really got a thing for those Bullet Club boys, I warned you about them years ago. I have to say of the lot Jay is the best of them. Be happy love, it’ll all be fine, if you need anything let me know.
“I’m glad I read them”I sighed and smiled. I leaned my head over on Jays shoulder, he put his hand in mine brushing my knuckles. “ I’m glad you did to, it seems you have quite the fan club. Love” in the absolute worst British accent I’ve ever heard, his eyes showing his amusement when I turned to look at him. He kissed me softly, resting his forehead on mine. “We better get ready before, I cancel the meetings and we just stay here. “
We got ready and were downstairs when the first knock came. Matt,Nick, Page, Cole, Kenny Tony and Rocky were all there. Followed by a catering team , who asked where to set up . “ Just put it on the island “ Jay said casually winking at me, as he predicted my face turned pink.
I sat beside him at the table. Everyone else gathered with Tony at the head of one end with Kenny at the other. Jays body tensed as he stares down the table at Kenny. I put my hand on his thigh trying to give him support, he could never let being Kenny’s young boy go, mainly because Kenny insisted on reminding him of it at any chance he had.
Tony started “ Good Morning, I trust everyone had a good evening last night. Thank you all for being here. I was told the result of the private vote was to move forward with a forbidden door program. I’ve spoken with President Tannashi and he agrees that it’s time for the Bullet Club Civil War. The only stipulation is that it can be any member of the club that was current or retired prior to Saturdays incident. We will need rosters from each group and we will be preparing the matches out of interest and fairness. However the main event will be David vs Jay. Loser loses his club, the winner has the right to include or exclude the others current members, but only one club will be recognized after the match. “
A low rumbling went around the table as the words sank in.
Tony slides a contract towards me, “ I’m presenting you both with a talent and employment contract. You will see that the terms of talent are through forbidden door but that the employment offer for you to be in talent relations is a five year deal.You’ve worked hard and you deserve this. However, you will need to be on screen with Jay, I will leave that to the two of you to discuss how and what the presentation is going to be. “ My eyes were as big as saucers, I never wanted to be on screen talent. Jay took my hand under the table and gave it a squeeze.
“Thank you, I don’t know what to say other than thank you.” I said.
Kenny spoke next “ Jay, you really couldn’t let Japan go could you. I left the keys in your hands you had it all but you had to come here you had to bring Bullet Club with you. You’ve had to make your mess my mess. Now you’re trying to be the savior of bullet club because it’s all you have. I don’t even understand why I’m here or what I have to do with any of this. I’m part of the Elite and was part of the version of Bullet Club that brought this whole thing to prominence. The fact that this all over some girl who was making shitty choices because she has Daddy issues. “
With that Jay slid back from the table and yanked Kenny up by his collar. “Say what you want about me, but you keep her out of your mouth. You don’t even realize that your best days are behind you, Ospreay and I both made sure of that, and if I need to I’ll finish it myself. If you want to align with Finlay go ahead, I’ll take on the both of ya. As for now though get the fuck out of my house.”
Matt and Nick got in between both of them. Jay let Kenny go, but dared him to say anything further. “Matt Nick let’s go” Kenny said. “Not this time Kenny. You’ve gone too far.”Matt said regretfully . Kenny looked around the table for support , none of the other men will meet his eyes. I however refused to look away from him my jaw set firm, and hard. Kenny stormed out the front door slamming it behind him.
“He’ll calm down, he’s out injured anyway. He insisted on being here because he’s an EVP. I’m sorry I didn’t expect him to disrespect your home. The fact that you’re prioritizing someone you care about, is a regret he still has and has never gotten over“ Matt said .
“Who have you heard from?” Tony asked changing the subject .
“As for Japan, you really don’t have much support Jay. The War Dogs, Kenta, Owens , House of Torture are all together. GOD said they texted you to let you know that they will be aligning with Gold. You have a lot of support from United Empire and TMDK that have offered to do matches on the road to forbidden door in hopes that they can keep them fatigued. That’s about all you’ve got. “ Rocky said
“ So I need what 10 -12 guys? “ Jay said “Closer to 15 guys I’m afraid.” Rocky said.
“Matt, Have you heard from AJ , Deviit or Cody?”
“ they’re all sitting this out, which numbers wise works better for us. “ Matt confirmed.
“ What about Austin and Bey?” I asked trying to do the math in my head.
Jay picked up his phone “ Hey Chris, I need to know where you are on this whole thing. We’d love to have y’all. Thanks man talk soon.” They’re in . I think we have our numbers..”
“I want Gabe “ Page said abruptly, “he’s been running his mouth too fucking long about me. It needs to be a death match.”
“We want Connor’s and Maloney they keep shitting on our legacy. I’m sick of it. “ Nick added
“ I think Japan would be agreeable to this.” Tony said and Rocky nodding his head.
“ Cole do you have anyone you’d like to take out personally? “ Jay asked
“Coughlin, and if I’ve got to team with page to get to him then that’s what we need to do death match and all. “ Cole not loving the idea of a death match but wanting Coughlin more.
“What about you sweetheart, what do you want out of this?” Jay asked
“ I just want to y’all to come out safe.” I said.
“That’s no fun sweetheart, I mean who do you want to slap, or kick in the balls, something that you get to do on the talent side. “
“My father, and Finlay.” Laughing at the idea.
“Tony you’ve created a monster, I’m afraid . She’s been thinking about this a while. Britt can help her get ring ready..” Cole offered
“I think that’s it for a while guys I’ll get the paperwork to you for signature and review.” Which was the dismissal from Tony.
Everyone stayed a little longer. They wanted to talk about my on screen presentation. “ I never thought I’d be on screen, I was content in the background.” I said. “ Well you’ve been given two contracts from Tony so you’re in. Now it’s about your presentation, you’ll need one move that you can execute well. .” Matt said. “ What’s your favorite move of all time. “ Jay asked“ The Superkick” the other four men answered in unison. Jay looked at me “Seriously?” I shrugged my shoulders "I was an hbk fan what can I say. “
“She actually has a fairly decent one, we’ve worked with her on it before. She wanted Shawn’s so I worked on it with her it’s been a while though.” Cole shrugged “ What style is she going for asked Page, the bullet club bunnies aren’t going to work….” I’m not doing that hell no.” I cut him off abruptly. “ I think I just want a slightly sexy black and gold look. Jeans, heels a tank or bustier. “ I was actually feeling pretty pleased with the idea.
“ You’ll wear my jacket though, we can modify one, you can have either the switchblade or bullet club logo. If you go with the logo I’d like you to wear a golden switch blade necklace. Just on camera.” Jay said. "Now wait a minute, you don’t need for it to look like you own her.” Page said “ I’m okay with it, it’s pretty rock n roll actually. I’d rather look rock n roll than a ring rat, besides bullet club has always been cool. And it’s something we are all doing together. I’m going to go with the gold logo and the necklace. When I’m with everyone and if it’s just Jay and I I’ll have the switchblade logo. I need not to be damsel in distress.” The guys seem to be in agreement and they started working on story lines. I needed a break, so I excused myself.
I found myself a little place on the back porch in a rocking chair that overlooked the property. “ How are you doing Darlin?” Page asked handing me a glass of whiskey
“It’s been a lot, but I’m happy.” I smiled
“So you and Jay huh? “ he questioned
“He and I spent a lot of time together when y’all left for AEW. It was he and I and the new bullet club for a while. we hung out a ton he and I shared an apartment as room mates. It feels right, and honestly I was a little surprised how comfortable this all is. He gets me Adam, when I ran out of the wedding and I was in the car and started having a panic attack, he got me through it like it was the most normal thing in the world. He didn’t bring it up or make me feel shitty about it. I think I’m in love with him.”
Jay was stepping out on the porch, with a blanket.
“I’m gonna head back in, I just wanted to check on you.” as page started to excuse himself. “ Hey Adam, don’t feel like you’ve got to go on my account. I need everyone to understand nothings changed she still needs you guys. Honestly I was bringing her a blanket the wind from the north kicks up and it can get cool quick. “ Jay handed me a blanket and a kiss on the top of the head and disappeared back inside.
“Who the fuck was that guy and what did you do with Jay ?” I just laughed , page took a seat on the wooden steps and looked out. The easy quiet. It’s always been easy to be quiet with him. He broke the silence as the sun started going down, “I’m happy for you. Kenny was out of line and you deserve what all the rest of us have a safe place that feels like home. Matt said he took care of you on the contracts, none of us want you to be obligated to be in a position that you need anyone but yourself.”“Thanks Adam”, he bent down as hugged me.
I followed him back inside realizing he was the last one leaving. As I walked him out Jay came out of the kitchen. “Everything okay? “ he said . “ Yeah, it’s what we do, we sit in silence, sometimes it’s a big conversation, sometimes it’s nothing.Its nice knowing someone is there.” I walked towards him his arms opened and pulled me in.
“So you’re in love me” he said softly, “ I am” I answered back.
I pull back and I’m trying to read his face, “”Are you okay ? I didn’t mean for you to hear that, I’m not trying to…”
“ Sweetheart , that was the best part of my day, I need you to know that. In answer to your question no I’m not okay, Kenny got under my skin again. He’s just a smug son of a bitch. “
I took his hand and led him to the couch I sat down, “ Sit down in front of me. I’m going to take care of you but go ahead and keep talking.” He sat down between my legs and faced the fire in the hearth. I began running my fingers through his hair massaging his scalp. “ He’s always been a dick, he was so mad when I wouldn’t join his club , he couldn’t stand that I wouldn’t bow to the great Kenny Omega. That I could do more outside of his shadow that I didn’t need his approval, I had Okadas. That’s when my game began to take what was his. Today when he started in on you that was it. “ I pull his hair a little bit just enough to break his tension, “That feels good. it’s been along time since someone took care of me. Sure there were women but they all wanted the character, not me. I got to the point I looked forward to the dinners you’d make in that tiny apartment, the way you’d stream terrible television, the way you’d watch AEW studying it, but also buying completely in. “ I move my hand to the back of his neck rubbing the knots out of his neck, he groaned, then continued “ I’ve been in love with you for years. Your selfless nature, your kind heart, the way you’d support and comfort all of us. I loved the way you put the jacket on me before I went out to the ring, the way you’d take care of me when I was injured . You’d listen to me rant, scream and breakdown.” He reached back and took my hands off his neck and turned around kneeling in front of me. “Marry Me, I mean will you marry me?”
I gasped at his words, my brain processing everything he said tears came down my face, “ Yes Jay I will.”
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oubliette-odette · 11 months
The Reluctance of Love Pt. 12
If you thought I'd make it easy for my boys to be together....honey, you've got another thing coming.
I'm so sorry 🙃
Orc Male x Half-Elf Male, Fated Mates, Forbidden Love, Slow Burn Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13 Word Count: 3349 (average 25 min read) Content Warnings: mention of mating, homophobia, fantasy racisms. Steamy scenes will come to those who are patient. :) All orcish is from orcishdictionary.com, created by Matt Vancil.
Altan POV
The Council was a group of old men who should have probably died or retired ages ago and they still believed their opinions mattered to generations much younger than them. I sat at the front of the long, rectangular room next to the seat of my father. There were nine council members, five on one side, four on the other, all regarding each other like they were better than all the others. I wondered if any of them even considered anyone else in this room their friend, or if they were all in this just to barter their way of life into this town.
I was equal parts frustrated by their traditional methodology and scared at the power they still held over a society that had evolved since their time. They were capable of so much simply because they had climbed up the ranks until there was nowhere else to go. 
My father had been summoning me to each Council meeting for the past week and I found myself bored to tears each time. I contributed very little to their conversations, and I already knew that I was doomed to disappoint all of them again today.
Most of the items of business were small, inconsequential things like adding more roads, where to expand for more homes as more people come to our town. With each one we offered our vote, when there really wasn’t much to vote on. I found my fingers itching to be playing with something other than the fringe on the hem of my sleeve. 
I couldn’t deny that my father - despicable as he is - was a committed leader. His attention was fully invested in each person’s comments, and he weighed all of the options equally. 
My father was an intelligent man, and a deep thinker and I think that’s why it hurt me so much every time that he didn’t seem to have the heart to make sense of me. I wasn’t worth his time mulling over and understanding - to him I was simply broken and in need of his repair.
Time moved slowly, but I did my best to keep my mind on the present conversation. I was surprised that my father didn’t ask more of me since he insisted that I be there, but I was also grateful to not be put at the center of attention in front of these old men. 
After a long laundry list of things, my father cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, “Council Orin, I seem to recall you mentioned to me an issue you were having in the Northern district?” 
I watched closely as the man named Orin nodded sagely towards the Duke. “Ah yes, thank you, Your Grace. Gentlemen, I’d like to discuss the matter of a newcomer that’s been in town. A well respected innkeeper came to me with some concern that an orc has been staying in his inn for the past nine days now. He doesn’t appear to be here for any particular reason besides to loiter in our streets. We’ve been good enough to attract very little of the other folk in Faerun, and I wonder if there is something to be done with this newcomer?”
I gripped the armchair of my seat as I was forced to listen to these men discuss their distaste for orcs. With one mention of Drun’s race, they suddenly all felt it was their right and permission to exclaim their opinion - all of the despicable and completely wrong. They were talking about Drunrag, my Drun. They called him unclean, and one of the cursed races because they had sided centuries ago with the enemy. A long dead enemy that Drun had nothing to do with. They were formulating plans to get him out of town. I had to say something, but I couldn’t, not when I looked over and saw the way my father was watching me with such a smug look.
He shifted in his seat again and cleared his throat, the room fell into expectant silence. 
My Father spoke, “Altan, son, what do you say is the best course of action? Perhaps your youth can help us see a different light?”
I refused to look back at him. He was mocking me. I knew he was cornering me to fold and not say anything. I knew if I said what I felt, it would fall on deaf and racist ears. Instead I sat straight and held my fingers tight like claws on the armchair. “Perhaps it would be wise to avoid making a rash decision until we learn why he’s here.”
“The innkeeper says the orc won’t speak when he talks to him. Says he’s practically mute.” Councilman Orin responded.
Another Councilman jumped in, “I thought I saw him working with that Dragonborn Doxxah in the Northern District, perhaps they’re plotting something.”
I couldn’t believe them. Doxxah had been here for years and had proven themselves again and again to be an honest, hardworking contributor to the town. I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by another round of the men exclaiming their dislike of Dragonborns, of Orc of all the races they felt uncomfortable around.
“It’s not as if we don’t want them in our town.” One of them said, “But it must be understood that our town was built centuries ago as a fortress to protect our ancestors from the dangers that these very same races brought outside our day every day. Do we ignore our past and history just to embrace these newcomers into our town?”
“I don’t see any reason why we should be the same as our ancestors from hundreds of years ago.” I replied. They all looked at me with furrowed brows. “Perhaps Berdusk is more than about keeping tradition, but about making traditions that provide comfort and safety for all folks who pass through. Neither Doxxah or this orc you speak of has caused any true offense that warrants this amount of distrust towards them. Perhaps change is not so bad for a town and we simply need more time.”
My father tapped his finger on his armrest, “So you would erase our history from us?”
I shook my head, “That’s not what I'm suggesting at all. I see it as an expansion of what we could offer.”
“But we can’t please everyone, young lord.” One man said, “We are not as impressive of a town as those larger, more advanced cities like Waterdeep, or Baldur’s Gate. We cannot easily accommodate them and our people would not be comfortable to change for them. Wouldn’t it be safer for them to not be here?”
“So you’re saying we force this gentleman to vacate our town?”
“I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a gentlemen, young lord. He’s an orc, he’s from the wild plains in the South. They’re undignified and so uncouth there.” 
My voice was shaking as I spoke. “I don’t see any sound reason to kick him out.”
“It’s for the safety of the town. You must remember that the North District is where families live. An orc living there is…well…it’s preposterous and it cannot stand.”
Tradition. Family. Protecting what’s always been. These were the grumblings that this town rested everything on. It was a narrative that had pervaded and infected the way the Council viewed anything. They had used the same disgusting rant on my mother when she had tried to change things here to help her children and other people's children. Remembering her then made my blood turn hot and I couldn’t listen to any of that bullshit anymore. I sprung to my feet, my chair making a loud clatter as it fell back. The room fell silent.
“You are the ones who are preposterous. Look at you! You all live in denial that times have changed since you were young. Times have changed since our ancestors. Time changes people, it changes us. We have a chance to be more than just Berdusk, a town where all Men live and thrive. Why must it just be humans? Because you’re more comfortable looking at someone who looks and thinks exactly like you! It's easier, isn't it? It’s too uncomfortable to have to consider that other races could be better at your job than you! It's too uncomfortable to have to recognize that maybe your traditions are worse than outright violence. You don’t like that the world is changing to make you less important and you would drive out every last race that isn’t human if you had the chance, wouldn’t you? Including me.” 
The silence in the room was deafening and none of the Councilmen would meet my eyes as I let them have a taste of what I thought of each of them.
I turned to look at my father, who was looking at me with a smug look. 
“I’m dismissing myself from this meeting.” I said, before stepping down and racing out of the room. 
I caught the eye of Commander Gideon who was standing outside the door into the room. He didn’t move, but I caught something in his eyes that I hadn’t noticed before. I didn’t bother dwelling on it as I continued my march out of the room, out of the building and down the steps towards the town below me. 
The guards weren’t prepared as I barreled passed them and down the street. They tried to follow me, but I shook them off quickly as I wound through the crowds and into another crowded street. My head was pounding, my heart was racing and I only had one place I wanted to be. 
I burst into Doxxah’s bakery, out of breath and heaving. “Where is he?” I asked.
Doxxah broke into a grin and pointed behind them. “In the back, young lord.” 
I didn’t wait for permission to walk around the counter. I wove my way through the various obstacles until I found my way into the back where the room was so much more warm with all of the ovens burning. There was Drun, covered in flour and sweat. He hadn’t seen me and was bent over a tray of rolls, sprinkling a dusting of cinnamon over the top of them. He was biting his bottom lip and was deep in concentration.
All of the tension inside of me loosened at being able to see him. He was adorable in that moment, and I would have loved to take in the image of him like this, but I needed him. I cleared my throat and waited for him to look at me. 
His eyes, his beautiful stormy grey eyes found mine and he raised to his full height. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked. He looked behind me with a worried expression. He seemed afraid to approach me.
“I just needed to see you.” I said. “I’m…” I felt hot tears as I looked at him. Why couldn’t they see him the way I saw him? He was gentle, he was beautiful, he carried himself so carefully and thoughtfully. How could someone look at him - sprinkling cinnamon on a roll with such care for gods’ sake- and tell me he was of a lesser race? There was nothing about Drunrag that I didn't find lovely and safe and good. I closed the distance and barreled into him, wrapping my arms around him with my head buried in his chest. “Please, let’s go.”
“Where?” He asked.
“Anywhere,” I said, my voice was muffled in his chest and I felt like some pathetic child. 
I felt Drun’s hands settle around me. Holding me around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. His body was so warm.
“Will we be safe?” he asked.
I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to answer.
“Altan.” he said and he pulled me back so he could look at me, he took my hand and placed it on his chest. Oh all of the nine hells consume me, my name on his lips was sin. Gods I needed him.  “Do you feel it?” he asked, using the same words I had said to him.
And I felt it, the quick beating of his heart. It was strong and steady and purposeful. I pressed my hands there, feeling comfort in its power.
“Do you understand?” He asked.
I nodded.
“Do you trust us?” He asked.
“I trust us.” I said. “But my father will never allow me to be with you. We’ll never be safe.” I looked up at him, “The city intends to kick you out, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they plan to do worse. If I can’t go with you, then promise me you’ll go and be safe.”
He shook his head, “Not without you.”
“Then let’s go.” I said. “I’ll leave it all behind, right now.”
I heard Doxxah’s throat clear behind me and I whirled around to see Commander Gideon standing next to them. 
“Your grace.” He said, his voice was gentle. “Your father asked that I get you…he wanted me to inform you that you should say your goodbyes now.”
It was a threat. Say goodbye to your lover and come back repentant or face the punishment. My body tensed and I resisted moving. 
“It’s alright, Altan.” Drun said softly, his hand was on my arm, and he gently coaxed me to return my attention to him. 
I nodded, my face wet with tears. “Drun…I love you.”
He nodded, his hand tightened around me. “And I you.” He leaned forward and his forehead was pressed to mine. “I’m yours, djenifad. Don’t give up on me.” 
He pushed me gently towards the door and I resisted every time. I saw the pain reflected in his eyes as I was being pulled away again from him. “Drun, Drunrag. I love you. I love you...” I could only say it again and again as Commander Gideon took my arm and gently began to pull me away. Drun was standing there, watching me and I saw a faint glint of wet light in his eyes. 
Commander Gideon was gentle as he pulled me discreetly into the carriage that was waiting outside the bakery’s steps. Of course there were still many eyes on us as I pulled myself in. 
“Commander,” I managed to say, struggling to stay composed. “What does my father intend to do to him?”
He remained calm, and he was gentle in his answer, “The Duke did not make any mention of the young orc, only to return you home.”
Somehow, that left me more scared, but I could do nothing else but nod and utter my gratitude to him. He was being surprisingly gentle and kind about all of this. 
Doxxah stood at the door, but not before approaching me and placing in my hands a small box. “He made this one, he added so much cinnamon I couldn’t sell them. I think they’re for you.” 
I laughed before immediately coughing and choking on my tears. My Drun, he remembered I loved cinnamon. I couldn’t speak. I was so overwhelmed with emotion. Doxxah closed the door and backed away, waving gently at me. They didn’t say anything, but I saw an ally in them. They would take care of Drun while I couldn’t be by his side.
The ride was silent, uncomfortable and the Commander was once again patient and gentle as he told me that I was to be escorted to the Duke’s chambers to meet with him. In all of this, I could sense a reluctance in the Commander’s actions. I’m sure he felt a bit like a babysitter and could easily resent me for making his job such a headache, but he continued to remain neutral and impassive. 
My father’s chambers was a room I only saw when I was in trouble and I only ever associated it with bad memories. I never remembered seeing it until I started to disobey my father’s rules and resist his instructions for me, and then I would be taken there to be given a stern talking to. When stern talkings to didn’t work for him, it turned into ridicule, chastisement and sometimes physical punishment. I hated that room.
The room was all dark wood panels, red velvet curtains that kept the room dark and moody. He had little furniture in there, just a round room that was dark and shadowy. When the Commander let me walk in, he waited outside and I stepped in alone.
“You made quite the impression in the Council meeting today.” The Duke said. He was sitting at a chair, a scroll in his hand that he was reading.
My jaw was tight as I took in the sight. “You can do anything you want to me, but you can’t hurt him, do you understand?”
“By our laws, we have no grounds to do anything to him yet.” My father said coolly, not looking up from his readings. “But if I hear or see that he has touched you in any way…I can promise you that I will remove him from your life in one fell swoop and ruin any chance of you seeing him again. I have him right where I want him to keep an eye on him. And you, my son, will be kept under a more severe supervision. So I know where you will be at all times. Be careful of your actions.” 
“Why is it so important to you to control me?” I asked, fighting back the emotion in my voice. I had to stay in control. “There is no love lost between us. Why must we suffer ourselves through this? I’ll never be the person you want me to be. Just let me go, let me be happy with him. I’ll never speak your name again. I’ll change my name if I must. But we don’t have to keep doing this anymore.”
“You ungrateful, insolent boy.” My father seethed, “You have been given everything since the day you were born and I have been the one to give it to you. I could have taken you from your mother as soon as I saw how she was turning your mind against me. But I let her keep you. You were always hers and I was gracious enough to let it be that way. But she is gone and you are mine now, and I will see you thanking me for the mercy I continue to show you.”
“I’m not grateful.” I spat, “How can I be grateful when you intentionally keep me from being who I am? Just…please…let us go.”
He sighed, feigning exhaustion. “I know the moment I set either of you free, you’ll be crawling right back to each other. I see it in both your eyes, you're sick for each other.” 
“I’m not sick, I’ve never been sick. This is my choice.” I pleaded back, “Your Grace…Father. I love him, he means more to me than my own life.”
His eyes became wild at those words, “You would bring yourself this low to get the attention you so crave? If you desire to be nothing more than a whore, then I will find you someone better than this. You depraved child.” He rose to his feet. “I do not see how you became so wrong as you grew, but this would disappoint even your mother to see you as wanton as you are for that beast. You will not see him again, and if either of you seek each other out, it will cost him his freedom.”
I flinched, the words bit into me and I felt tears form once again on the surface of my eyelids, but I did not blink, nor back down, “So what will you have of me, now that I am your depraved, sick, deranged prisoner?” I asked “Should I worship you? Kiss your feet for your bounteous generosity for saving me from my own choices? Or would you prefer your prisoners to stay silent, meek and submissive?”
“You will be grateful and you will follow my instructions with obedience. Do you understand?” His eyes were cold and heartless as he regarded me. “Your life will be easier once you start to see what I’m doing for you and you’ll thank me someday.”
I could not bring myself to beg anymore. I saw the finality of his words in his eyes. He intended to break me, and I was afraid there was no hope to be free this time.
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kiwianacats · 1 year
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Introducing the Dawnclan deputies versus the Duskclan senior warriors council!
The deputy system works differently in each clan from each other and from Warriors canon, so I’ll include a bit of context (and some introductions to these characters) below.
(thanks to @nanistar who I adopted Windwhispers design from, isn’t she pretty??)
Three deputies are chosen upon the election of a new leader; one chosen by the leader, one chosen by the clans elders and one chosen by the healers. Deputies manage patrols, camp upkeep and oversee training between themselves. If a deputy retires or dies they may choose and train their replacement, otherwise the two remaining deputies will decide for them. When the leader dies/retires the new leader is voted for by any fully named warrior/healer from the pool of deputies. The current deputies include:
Windwhisper, the youngest deputy (35 moons), a social she-cat who likes to stay current with clan gossip/news which informs her decisions as a deputy. She primarily organises hunting and border patrols.
Morningstorm, the oldest deputy (108 moons), who was Magpiestars controversial choice of deputy upon her election (because he killed Burningstar, the previous Duskclan leader, as he was healing). He is externally cold but is surprisingly patient in his role of overseeing apprentice training.
Drizzleleaf, the other one (57 moons), who was selected and trained by the deputy he replaced. They are known for being fidgety and awkward and feel like they have to compete with the younger Windwhisper to have enough cats to properly defend their clan. They are in charge of Dawnclan’s camp defenses.
Since Duskclan’s leadership succession follows the line of clerics/healers, Duskclan lacks the traditional deputy role. Instead a group of senior warriors, known as the council, decide matters such as patrols, battle strategy and apprenticeships. This council selects their own replacements when a member retires/dies which needs to be approved by the leader. It’s common for the kits of council members to be mentored by other council members and later be selected for the position. The current members include:
Slugbelly, one of the kinder members but only when seperate from the rest. He’s known for his humour which is often given at the expense of others and for ultimately following the group consensus with little independent thought.
Willowwind, the only she cat of the group and one of the more senior warriors. She’s uptight and pedantic, almost obsessive over following the clans rules and traditions. As a young warrior she discovered her kin in a cross clan relationship that bore a kit; not wishing to shame her family she kept the secret and the kit was raised in Dawnclan. She’s never been able to look at Windwhisper in the eye since.
Stoatbite, the oldest member with the most power over decisions. He’s incredibly experienced, particularly in battle and has a strong distrust of cats outside of Duskclan, as well as being known for his recklessness and arrogance.
Thunderclaw, a generically xenophobic older warrior who is strict and severe, believing of the effectiveness of “tough love” which he extends to his kits. Ironically he gained his position entirely though nepotism and has experienced little in terms of severe hardship.
Dappledshade, the newest and youngest council member. He considers it an honour to be included with his young age and although he has some discomfort with the views of the other members he lacks the backbone to stand up to them. Well liked and popular amongst other young warriors and is a bit of a player.
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minato-division03 · 4 months
Results are in! Shall we see who is the fan favorite among Minato’s R.I.P Märchen?
Stay in your seats, ladies and gentlemen…
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Queen Card!
So truthfully, I knew who wasn’t going to win this, I just wasn’t sure who was winning this. Not to say it’s one-sided, it seemed that each member has garnered a vote, with Reiaki in second place and Miku in third.
I see all the people who think Her Majesty is suspicious as hell (yes, I see them all), so in that regards… why? No matter! I’m glad to see the eccentric but regal Queen favored!
Queen Card: “We couldn’t be here without the help of you readers and the people who helped got us this far. Two years is quite the milestone. Make no mistake, this shall be the year we as a team get our happily ever after, as stated in those fairytales children adore so much. That we shall achieve all our goals and take that glory that Minato has been robbed of.”
Reiaki: “Even if we aren’t the only team representing Minato, we— I mean, I can’t speak for the others, but at least I hope this milestone is just a little step to a better future. These other girls drive me nuts on the daily, but I couldn’t think of better teammates to have! And thank you guys for being so invested in our little grand ol’ tale so far! Mwah! Thank you guys so, so, so, so much!”
Miku: “It’s been a tough little while since I only retired from entertainment recently, but it’s a warm welcome back, and I gotta thank you guys for the support so far. Our fairytale is pretty… broken, but you still keep up with us anyway. Here’s to many more years to come, as a team and as a community.”
Oh, but this isn’t over just yet!
We have one more surprise from Minato Division!
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Yes, you read that right! The second part of “Behind the Glass Stains” will be released shortly after a year and a half! We will be taking a quick trip down memory lane to the time before R.I.P Märchen was formed.
Last we left off, we had been introduced to Juri and Ayato Yumesato, Reiaki’s roommates. Seemingly best friends with Buster Bros!!!, though she refuses to take on a hypnosis mic and take part of the Division Rap Battle in any way.
And just the day after little Ayato’s first birthday, an active Miku is sleepily waiting to get home after a long day of rehearsals and performing. Her own manager, Shohei Ikeishi, is encouraging to take a break from idol activities, to which Miku refuses due to her loyalty to her fans. She and her manager soon realize that they are being followed by an unknown person. It is revealed the next morning that the vehicle crashed into a container yard, resulting in Ikeishi’s death and Miku’s disappearance.
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sigridstumb · 5 months
An open letter to NATCA and RNAV
An open letter to RNAV and NATCA:
Hello. My name is Sigrid Ellis. I was a NATCA member for twenty-five years, and now that I am retired I am a member of RNAV. I have believed my entire adult life in the power of organized action to effect change.
The people, most of them college students, occupying college campuses are trying to use the power of organized action to effect change. They are, for the most part, asking that their universities stop paying for a genocide. This is exactly the attitude and approach that we as proud union members WANT to see in the next generation of young adults. When these people graduate college they will remember the feeling of solidarity, of picketing, of boycott, of protest. They will have direct experience of the power of organized action.
They will want to join unions.
We should support these people, these very young adults, as they take their first steps towards the power of the people united. I ask that we as individuals do what we can to support the protesters near us. They need food, water, medical supplies, shelter, and money to buy those things. But more than that, I ask that NATCA make a public statement of support. The UAW is already voting on how to best support the encampments. We should do so as well.
These people are the future of organized labor. We must, as organized labor, be vocal in our praise and tangible in our support.
Thank you,
Sigrid Ellis
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deepspacedukat · 8 months
Alright, I've (accidentally) stalled long enough: Romulan Government Time! Keep in mind this seems mostly interpretation from the Way of D'era book, but Beta canon is still fun.
Part/Ask 1: The Praetor. Here's hoping Tumblr doesn't eat this for being over 500 characters...
Praetors are elected (and can be removed) by the Senate. Candidates to become Praetor MUST be full-blooded Romulans (From D'era: "Praetors represent the Empire and Romulan people, and no alien can possibly do so"). They are often military heroes, popular within the rank-and-file and the public opinion.
Praetorship is for life unless they retire, are removed by the Senate by a 3/4 vote, or are...eliminated (likely by the Tal'Shiar). Removal by vote seems rarely done in fear of public outcry if said Praetor is popular. So, the Senate (possibly with help of the Tal) will orchestrate scandals to sully the Praetor's image if they want said Praetor removed.
The Praetor has supreme power over the military, authority to interpret and enforce laws. and the authority to inflict the death penalty. To the Senate, the Praetor's most important role is acting as an inspiration to the Romulan people.
The Senate keeps the Praetor in check.
I'll speak about the Praetorian Guard later (likely after I cover the Senate, Proconsul, and Chairman).
Omfg THANK YOU, STAG!!! 💖 I've been taking notes on this ask for future reference. This is so detailed and amazing!!! Thank you for taking the time to type all this out and send it in!!
Now to seduce all the Romulan government members...
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darkwingphoenix · 12 days
Some Ascendance lore for my @loominggaia AU: Extended Lore (And some minor spoilers, especially Great Rulers)
Context: Ascendance is a Kingdom founded by monsters after an event known as Project Starblast, where Serafeen of Damijana turned it into a nuke attempting to leave Gaia. This event gave monsters souls and drew them to the ruins of the city.
(Continued under cut)
After getting off the ground economically, in 6069 (Nice) they challenged Zareen Empire, which was extremely weakened by continued Industrialist terms and wound up attempting to fight the new Kingdom, but wound up getting its ass whupped by healthier and overall better equipped soldiers (In that their gear wasn't prone to breaking after 3 seconds of use/needs electricity to function/Both of those) with higher morale (Many Zareenites were going into the military for the free education).
Skylie planned the invasion for 6040. Until then, the Ascendance army was able to slowly grow and gain alliances with Folkvar (A deal made by Saraia for the kingdom), the Unseelie Court (Something done proactively by Morgause, as she was essentially betting on Ascendance's success to prove monsters had souls for the world via a unique culture), the Aquarian Alliance (Mostly as a desperate way to stop leviathan/koholasaur feeding frenzies on globeholders by having Saraia teach mages in the Kingdom her leviathan repellant spell, and Skylie explained they were gonna target Zareen anyway), and Evangeline Kingdom (Being wracked by a rebellion/civil war by the adherents to the House of Humanity and those loyal to Indiga as well as Kelvingyard's military, Skylie wanted to help the Kingdom for her nieces and nephews). Most of these were mere economic alliances with defense pacts, however.
Anyway, when Ascendance finally invaded, Zareen was fucked. They were still trying to contain the plague, the solar flares ruined their infrastructure, and their people were fleeing to Mogdir or Matuzu as they had no way to feed themselves. The Ascendance Army smacked the shit out of the few Zareen soldiers at their border, and Zareen had to raise an army fast. This... Did not happen fast enough, and by the time the Zareenite military managed to get its pants on most of Zareen was captured and under Ascendii rule (Ascendii is the word for a citizen of Ascendance/The national adjective).
Qara, who was still ruling thanks to the Kuzapa rigging the votes in her favor, was attempting to convince the Kuzapa to let her surrender and cut a peace deal, but the Kuzapa refused... Until a retired member called Bob Nick destroyed the entire upper command of the Kuzapa a week before the Ascendii army pulled up to Zareen Capital's gates to destroy Zareen and eat pancakes, and they ate the last of their pancakes the day before (They ate sausages and oatmeal for breakfast the day of the actual attack, thus why Skylie said to record the final day of Zareen as them doing that)
The army was told to raze the city once Qara surrendered, and Skylie tied up Qara and her husband, poisoned them with the venom of a monster she made that slowly killed its recipient over hours, and played the saxophone to them for their final moments, tied up and dying from a excruciatingly painful venom as they watched the capital burn and listened to Skylie's saxophone playing (Like that Squirtle saxophone meme)
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After Skylie and the army returned to Ascendance Capital, Skylie got to work making a million monsters that could breed with themselves and made a buncha monsters to help purify the land and keep it so, as well as getting a million and 12 saraians ported in from Folkvar and Evangeline Kingdom to help rebuild the ecosystem/Economy.
Thanks to the hard work of the Ascendii people (And them porting literally all industrial work to Yerim-Mor), on the eve of 6100, the first wild nymphs since the rise of Zareen were born.
It helped the land was almost hard reset to no life more advanced than grass and bugs and no pollution in 6036 when Project Starblast happened and scoured the land, so the land only underwent 4 years of pollution.
Ascendance's first and closest ally is the Unseelie Court, for pretty obvious reasons. Their relations are hella friendly and buddy buddy, and Morgause often refers to Skylie as her bestie.
The Aquarian Alliance is... Fairly friendly with Ascendance, as they took down Zareen and were built on Damijana's ashes. They aren't fighting Ascendance, especially once Sovereign fucking explodes (More on that later).
Beyond this, Ascendance is friendly with Folkvar, Evangeline, Matuzu, and Yerim-Mor. Everyone else is neutral or unfriendly.
The Order of Love and Light is a pretty big thing here as it's heavily subsidized by the government, which gives the Order a ton of money (But still less than needed to get their Zareenite territories back up to prime productivity after disease and technological/ecological destruction) and allowing them to work their peaceful welfare stuff as the Kingdom focuses on other stuff.
The Cult isn't around anymore after Mankind's Disgrace was destroyed. In fact, their leader dying killed the entire cult in only a few decades, as the masks and armor of the higher ups started failing, resulting in mass deaths. Yerim-Mor, under High King Jaq after Ascendance destroys Zareen in 6041, was also able to get back up after Ascendance started putting their dirty work there, and his reign saw the last Crescent Cultist killed in 6075. It was basically like 12 people and a dog with a golden mask on to serve as Mankind's Disgrace. The dog was put into shelter and eventually adopted by Jaq himself.
The Communion is a somewhat rare but still extant religion in Damijana-controlled regions, although it's slowly dwindling. Its conversion rate is low, and people are leaving the cult about as fast if a bit faster.
Verminism isn't as common, but it's around.
One of the biggest religions in Ascendance is actually Arjukam. It really rings out to the various peoples of the land.
There's also... a lot of divine cult presence in the kingdom, from Allmother and Reaper to smaller/lesser known divines, as well as a very strong cult dedicated to Skylie herself. Saraia's cult is also pretty strong as well.
Cool Shit
Ascendance has not signed the Nymph Pact, but carefully dances around it by shoving their dirty industry to Yerim-Mor for them to do, and have essentially restored nature. Many nymphs from other regions respect Ascendance for this, and allow some dirty industry, although the Ascendii people do this for on reason only: Entertainment.
Their welfare basically run by the Order of Love and Light (And Karenza lives in Ascendance as well now, having anchored the Ethereal City permanently south of Ascendance Capital above the sea), Ascendii people often have plenty of leisure time due to their Kingdom's wealth. Some researchers picked up notes on clean energy, radio, TV, and even early schematics for video gaming consoles from Damijana ruins, Slegelse, and Zareen labs and cities, and succeeded in making a small console similar to the Atari in 6048. Skylie saw huge potential in them and had the High Ruler dump cash on it, resulting in the first game like the original Mario showing up in 6060.
Clean energy, meanwhile, took the form of almost solely solar panels. Many gaming systems wound up getting solar panels tacked on for easy energy, while making them also mostly compliant with the Nymph Pact (Enough to where most nymphs don't care so long as you don't throw it out).
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Alex Cooper at The Advocate:
Delaware state Sen. Sarah McBride is likely to make history yet again this November. The lawmaker first made U.S. political history by becoming the first out transgender state senator in 2020. Now, she's heavily favored to win the state's only seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Associated Press projected McBride will win her primary with the majority of the vote counted. She received 80 percent of the vote, according to the news wire. She beat out Earl Cooper and Elias Weir for the primary win. "With a heart full of hope - and because of tens of thousands of Delawareans who turned out to the polls - tonight I’m proud to become the Democratic nominee for Delaware’s sole seat in the United States House of Representatives. Thank you, Delaware!" the lawmaker posted on Instagram. She'll face John Whalen III, a retired police officer and former business owner, in the general election. At a victory celebration on Tuesday night in New Castle, McBride pushed for more joy in politics while condemning former President Donald Trump, MAGA, and Project 2025.
[...] A former Human Rights Campaign national press secretary, McBride was the first out transgender person to address a major party’s national convention (the Democratic convention in 2016) and the first one reelected as a state senator (in 2022). She interned at the White House when Barack Obama was president, and she was a staffer for former Delaware Gov. Jack Markell and the late state Attorney General Beau Biden, son of President Joe Biden. She worked for the Center for American Progress before joining HRC. [...] The Delaware U.S. House seat is being vacated by Lisa Blunt Rochester, who’s running for Senate to succeed Tom Carper, who is retiring. Both are Democrats.
Delaware State Sen. Sarah McBride (D) is set to make history as the first out trans Congressperson.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: Sarah McBride just won her primary & is likely to become the first trans member of Congress
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peachyblkdemonslayer · 6 months
Gang name: The Gozen Bridage
Name meaning: "Young Lady" a historical title that was given to female samurai or very skilled noblewomen.
Group symbol: A war fan crossed over a Tanto knife with the words "Gozen" on top and "Bridage" on the bottom.
Years in operation: 15
Leaders: Mai Yamaguchi(1st generation), Sumiko Nakajima(2nd generation), Yui Hayashi(3rd generation), Niko Gūre(4th/current generation)
Amount of divisions: 8
Uniforms: The Gozen Bridage have long sleeved jumpsuits with their signature colors being midnight blue, royal blue, and burgundy red. Every uniform has a pocket on the left breast side with two pouch pockets going down the legs on both sides. The group motto is embroidered on one arm along with their rank and positions on the right side of the front of the jumpsuit. Shoe ware tends to stay within the boots or sneakers' side for comfort and effectiveness. Though it's a member chooses to change the bottom of the uniform, such as into a skirt or shorts, they have to prove that it won't hinder their ability to fight, ride their motorcycle or running before getting approved to do so.
Orgin: The Gozen Bridage was founded by first generation leader, Mai Yamaguchi, was out with a friend and they stumbled across a group harassing a girl who was by herself. It was clear that the girl was terrified of what may happen and despite there being people around no one came to help her at all. So Mai in a fit of righteous anger take it upon herself to deal with the boys herself, and deal with them she did. From then on she escorted the girl home for the rest of the girl's time in high school. She insisted that she give Mai some money for her doing so as a way to say thanks Mai accepted after some back and forth. Seeing the systemic issues of there being no protect for women and girls Mai saw this as an opportunity to fill up that gap on a smaller scale. From the time she entered high school onwards she along with her captians would build a very intricate but smooth running system. As time went on the group began to turn a profit and make a name for themselves amongst other gangs from their bodyguard business. Most of their clients being girls from upper middle to upper class families which in turn covered the cost for other these services to lower income and poor girls.
Leader/Commander: this position is in charge of all gang members and operations with the help of a few trusted companions. With this difficult job comes a lot of respect and admiration from these followers as being a girl in this male centeric gang world takes a like of heart and determination. Most leader stay in this position for 5 years on average making the Gozen Bridage stand out from other groups.
Captian: this position are in charge of their own portions of the group and reports to the main heads for any and everything. Their often voted into their position by their peers by the pervious captain.
Co- Captian: this position act as a right hand for their captian and an emotional support system for them if things ever become to much for them. And because of that their often offered the position of captian when the current was is retiring or stepping down from that post.
Bodyguards: this position is usually for the strongest and older members of the group though there are exceptions to this rule. Because of the main task at hand being to protect their clients from danger at any cost the mental fortitude one most have for this job is very high. The added bonus is that these gang members are paid for their services while the other money either goes back into the gang, used for mutual aid and or forns other charity work.
Members: this is the most common position most take in the gang but no less important. The main members are what make the Gozen Bridage who they are and there is a very strong sense of sisterhood and family amongst the girls. And no manner how small, new or inexperienced someone may be they should and will be treated with respect at all time.
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best-nun-tournament · 24 days
Loser Bracket Round 1, Match 12
Sister Julienne (Call the Midwife) vs Clarice (THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls)
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Sister Julienne is an Anglican nun of the Order of St. Raymond Nonnatus and is Sister-in-Charge at Nonnatus house. She is a midwife and hospice caregiver.
Sister Julienne
She runs Nonnatus House and fulfills the duties of being a member. Time and again when things looked over for the nuns, she managed to find a way to stick around for her community. She is an experienced midwife and fights for all those in her care--including keeping sister Monica Joan in Popular instead of sending her "into the country" where retired nuns usually go
Have you seen an idol? Like, those idols that sing and dance and dress up in cool outfits? You know nuns too, right? Then this is who you should vote!! Her introduction: "I am very thankful for having the chance of meeting you. To save the church, and to bring these unhappy times to a halt, I will sing. I think music can bring joy to people, for me at least, there is nothing that brings me more joy than singing…" She also uses her money from being an idol for charities and church stuff and I think that's very sweet :)) It is also said that she feels like food waste is bad, she even ate a disgusting banana and sushi mixture by a younger colleague idol. She's unfortunately unvoiced though :( Let's hope she wins the next Cinderella Girls election! Overall, Clarice is my favorite nun of all time.
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 102: Caution
Mao: My report.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Grounds
Mao: My report.
There's nothing wrong in the A ward, the grounds and the garden terrace.
It seems that the garbage is piling up a little, so we should ask the cleaning staff to clean it up.
Souma: There's nothing wrong in the B ward, the reception and the vicinity of the school, either.
As expected, it's heavy work to walk and guard around the borders of the school. I needlessly trained my legs.
Kuro: We don't have enough people, it can't be helped. Don't complain, Kanzaki. …There's nothing wrong in the C or D ward either.
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Keito: Thanks for the hard work.
I'm sorry, Kanzaki, Kiryu and Isara too. For having you help me out with my student council duties.
This time almost all students… Which almost means almost all official student council members, are participating in this DreamFes with their units.
We have less people who can perform the routine tasks than we have with a normal DreamFes.
The teachers are also being made to help out, however, under the pretext of having to maintain fairness, they are involved with things such as the tallying of the votes.
It's incorrigible, but we have to do things like patrolling.
However, it's quite difficult. Imagining there will be voting each hour makes me restless.
Constructing a large amount of outdoor stages and having a great number of units perform at the same time… It's the first time we tried something like this.
There is also a large audience. The students who usually quietly watch S1s and such in their classrooms are now walking around as they please as well.
It's all as Eichi commanded, so I can't complain.
I can't respond properly at all. It's hard for a normal person to understand what Eichi is thinking. I wish he'd also consider how it feels to be in my shoes, how it feels to be swung around by him.
The DDD… It'd be nice if everything would come to an end in a harmonious manner, without anything happening.
Kuro: Well, half of the units will have to retire each hour after all.
Can't you just pick reliable guys from there and leave some of the work to them?
It'll get better as time goes on.
Souma: Hmm. If we had decided to participate in the DDD, I would try to enjoy myself as an audience member after losing.
To be honest, I wouldn't even feel like working.
The DDD is a great battle never seen before in the long history of Yumenosaki Academy, it makes my blood boil…☆
Keito: Don't swing your sword around, Kanzaki.
Well, we shouldn't expect much from other people. We will support the DDD and, while also preparing for emergencies, we will solve all problems that arise.
We are going to set the stage so that Eichi and the others can shine to their limits.
We of AKATSUKI will be the unsung heroes of the DDD.
Kuro: Don't get too worked up, Hasumi.
The high and mighty student council president has come back, isn't it fine to make him responsible and just assume an easygoing stance?
Keito: Allies whose thoughts are impossible to understand are even more incorrigible than your worst enemy. Eichi is such an ally. He makes my head ache.
He also started this whole DDD thing without telling me anything about it.
Souma: So even Hasumi-dono doesn't understand the president's true intentions.
I'm sure that is the same for everyone who's participating in the DDD too… Most of them must also not really know anything and are just being led around by the merry atmosphere.
Keito: Eichi's true intentions… Even though it may not look like it, Eichi and I are childhood friends, so I do vaguely have an idea.​
That's exactly why I will stand in the background this time. I do not want to stand in his way. That's the only thing I can do for him.
According to the rules of the DDD, if AKATSUKI where to keep winning, there's a chance we have to compete against Eichi's fine.
We won't accomplish anything if we clash with our allies. That's something I do not wish for.
If there's anything else I can do for Eichi, then that's taking care of the routine work in order for the DDD to proceed smoothly.
Souma: Right. No matter what, the fight has already begun. Even if I were to say something like 'I want to participate in the DDD', it's already no longer possible to enter.
We won't stand on the battlefield this time. We should devote ourselves to our own duties.
If it were possible I wished we of AKATSUKI could also show off our spectacular military prowess on this battlefield as a yunitto.
However, if Hasumi-dono chooses to prioritize work, then there is nothing to be done.
Hasumi-dono is our AKATSUKI's leader. We will follow Hasumi-dono whether it's alive or in death.
Luckily, AKATSUKI has members familiar with armed struggle, so patrolling the venue is one of our strong points.
Keito: …I wouldn't have minded if you had participated in the DDD without me.
Choosing not to enter us in this DreamFes and choosing to prioritize my student council duties is my selfishness. You guys shouldn't feel obligated to follow me in that.
Kuro: Don't be so distant, aren't we comrades? Comrades are people whose mistakes you wouldn't mind getting caught up in.
Isn't our AKATSUKI a unit like that?
Not much time has passed after that S1, we should let our muscles rest. It's not like we're so young that we can put out our full power each and every time.
Life isn't only about winning DreamFes.
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Souma: Though, if possible I wanted to retrieve the honor we lost in that S1.
Torikkustaa is on the verge of breaking right now, it's on the verge of death. If we were to defeat them as they are now, I would not feel relieved at all.
Defeating an enemy that isn't at their best won't be anything to write home about.
Although the president seems to feel differently about that. Like 'It's fine as long as we win'… I just can't sympathize with that.
Creating a fissure in Torikkustaa and making them unable to do anything before the battle has even started is a filthy way to do things.
Dorifessu is a war between aidorus, although that most likely is just lip service.
Torikkustaa has been made much too miserable. I can't bear looking at them, it's disgraceful.
…Oh. That isn't something I should have said while you are with us, Isara-dono.
Mao: ……
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