foreshvdowing · 1 year
if the bitch is on antipsychotics you just know she has good pussy
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princessgaia · 2 months
mom thinks I need to change my medication. To vraylar. My psychiatrist said that I can change it any time but I don't need to. I've been feeling like people r against me and taking "signs" personal. Mom told me that my grandma was like this too, psychotic. I didn't know my grandma experienced psychosis. Like this morning I literally thought someone placed a sticker on a bench as a symbolic communication to me. My boyfriend said that's not true. That even if they left a sign that said F u gia it still wouldn't be true or personal. Hes kind and smart.
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joellesolo · 1 year
I did not have high hopes for today... but my strawberry friend (it's apparently a neurodivergent term we both have grown attached to) brought me a very very delicious slice of raspberry vanilla cake on her lunch break and it was just the sweetest thing 🥺
Also, today marks thirty three years I've been alive, and I still don't get the memes about "do you remember the twenty first of September" because... yes, that was the day of my birth, but obviously I'm missing something?
Anyway. I'm so fatigued, but starting to finally recover after my seizure over the weekend (did I mention that to you guys??) and I'm back on my regular bipolar meds, fuck caplyta. I get to have a spa day to celebrate with a few friends on Sunday which I am seriously looking forward to, this last month has just been so insanely shitty and I've been in so much pain so for the love of god, throw that cbd massage at me!!!
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artemismatchalatte · 5 months
I hate being obsessive over someone. I feel like I'm heading there and I don't want to be overly clingy either. Ugh. I don't know if it's a bipolar thing, a possible crush thing, a loneliness thing or a combo of all three. My medicine has been working pretty good so far but I'm a little concerned that someone is taking up a little too much room in my headspace. I like this person BUT I do not want to slide back into my weird obsessive loops like I used to when crushing. That's embarassing and unhealthy. Ugh.
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schizophelia · 1 year
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Day 1 of Vraylar. Here we go.
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cannibalsamruby · 8 months
My Vraylar was increased to 3mg and it's completely thrown off my sleep schedule
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thatawkwardbookthing · 11 months
what if
what if I just stopped taking my meds
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bpdrug-addict · 9 months
I think the medication is making me sick I can't keep doing this. I spent all of last night rolling around in bed feeling sick and so hot and cold. my stomach feels like it's gonna explode. why are my doctors insistent on poisoning me right after asking me "you don't think your medicine is poison or anything 👀". you're sick and I can't stand you the most out of all my evil psychiatrists
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brennacedria · 1 year
FUCK do I need to eat before taking vraylar? It says online "with or without food" but almost everything says that. I don't need to know if it works either way, I need to know if it's going to make me sick to take it on an empty stomach.
Cause, y'know, I just took it without really considering that and the only thing I've had so far is coffee.
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Feeling Deeply unwell tonight for the first time in a while
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vulpine111 · 19 days
I mostly just caught up on my sleep and napped all day. When I got up, I noticed my 6mg vraylar and "as needed" bottle of hydroxyzine was in my mail.
I am relieved I don't need a ride to the pharmacy. It's all the way downtown and it stresses people out to take me there.
My coffee subscription is also here. It has lions mane in it which I need to be careful with. Anyways, it came with a free sample of matcha which I am excited to try in the morning.
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stabbysideblog · 21 days
11 antidepressants??????? 11???????? :0 are you going to be okay?
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schizophelia · 11 months
My worker helped me get my medical travel forms from my disability.
She said she’ll see if there’s a group or if we can make a group for people with Schizophrenia or similar conditions. I hate feeling alone.
We also exchanged recipes and she’s going to try to make my vegan carrot cake. I hope it turns out okay.
She wrote down all my meds. She said she never heard of Vraylar and I said it just came to Canada in 2022 I think I read.
She said to call once my form comes in. She said that might be our last appointment.
She said maybe the group leader can meet with me a couple times a month to see and check on me.
I’m not okay. But I’m alive.
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frickfrackitback · 5 months
Thank you, Vraylar+antidepressant commercial, for reminding me to take my meds!
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groupnembutalstore · 6 months
How to Break Vraylar Capsule In Half
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Vraylar is a medication commonly prescribed for the treatment of various mental health conditions, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It belongs to a class of drugs known as atypical antipsychotics and is available in capsule form. Sometimes, patients may need to break Vraylar capsules for various reasons, but it's essential to do it correctly to ensure safety and efficacy.
Understanding Vraylar Capsules
Vraylar capsules contain the active ingredient cariprazine, which helps to regulate certain neurotransmitters in the brain. These capsules are designed to release the medication slowly over time, providing a steady dose to the patient. Each capsule typically comes in various strengths, and the dosage is determined by the prescribing healthcare professional based on the individual's condition and medical history.
Importance of Breaking Vraylar Capsules
There are several reasons why a patient might need to break a Vraylar capsule. One common reason is to adjust the dosage as per the doctor's instructions. Sometimes, a lower dose is required, and breaking the capsule allows for precise dosage adjustments. Additionally, some patients may have difficulty swallowing whole capsules, making it necessary to break them for easier administration.
Ways to Break Vraylar Capsules
Breaking Vraylar capsules should be done carefully to ensure the integrity of the medication and to prevent any accidental spillage. It's essential to use the recommended methods and tools to achieve accurate results. Patients should always consult their healthcare provider before attempting to break or alter their medication regimen.
Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking Vraylar Capsules
Consult your healthcare provider: Before attempting to break Vraylar capsules, it's crucial to discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist. They can provide specific instructions based on your individual needs and medical condition.
Gather necessary supplies: You'll need a clean, flat surface, a sharp knife or pill cutter, and a clean container to hold the remaining portion of the capsule.
Inspect the capsule: Carefully examine the capsule to ensure there are no cracks or damage. Breaking a damaged capsule can lead to uneven dosing and may affect the medication's effectiveness.
Position the capsule: Place the capsule on the flat surface and hold it steady with one hand.
Use the knife or pill cutter: With the other hand, carefully cut or slice through the capsule along the seam. Take care to apply even pressure to avoid crushing the capsule or causing the contents to spill out.
Separate the halves: Once the capsule is cut, gently pull apart the two halves. Be cautious not to spill any of the medication.
Administer the dose: Take the required portion of the capsule as directed by your healthcare provider. If necessary, you can sprinkle the contents on a small amount of soft food, such as applesauce or yogurt, to make it easier to swallow.
Store the remaining portion: Place the unused portion of the capsule in a clean container and seal it tightly. Store it according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Alternative Methods
If you're unable to swallow whole capsules or have difficulty breaking them, there are alternative methods of administering Vraylar. Your healthcare provider may suggest alternative formulations, such as liquid or orally disintegrating tablets, which are easier to swallow.
Safety Considerations
While breaking Vraylar capsules may be necessary for some patients, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and side effects. Improper handling or administration of the medication can lead to adverse reactions or reduced effectiveness. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions carefully and seek medical advice if you have any concerns.
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
What is the correct way to break a Vraylar capsule?
The capsule should be cut along the seam using a sharp knife or pill cutter, and the halves should be separated gently.
Can breaking Vraylar capsules affect its effectiveness?
Breaking Vraylar capsules may alter the release mechanism of the medication, so it's essential to follow your doctor's instructions carefully.
Are there any risks associated with breaking Vraylar capsules?
There is a risk of uneven dosing or spillage if the capsules are not handled correctly.
How should one store the remaining portion of a broken Vraylar capsule?
The unused portion should be stored in a clean container according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Can Vraylar capsules be opened and sprinkled on food?
In some cases, yes. However, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider before altering the medication in any way.
Breaking Vraylar capsules can be necessary for some patients to ensure proper dosage and administration. However, it's crucial to do it correctly to avoid potential risks and maintain the medication's effectiveness. Always consult your healthcare provider for guidance and follow their instructions carefully.
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floriumm · 6 months
I just want to read but the semester is almost over (well in like a month) and I have so much homework and studying to do. I’m thinking about taking the next semester off, it was actually my husband who suggested it.
I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and this semester has been filled with setbacks due to trying different medications that just made everything harder. Also my psychiatrist wants me to consider trying Vraylar but she told me to take some time to look into it before deciding which is good because trying new medication in the middle of the semester is NOT a good time. I fell so behind this semester because of it. Which btw does anyone have any experience with taking Vraylar?
Anyway, I kind of want to take the time to figure that situation out so that I can fully focus on school but at the same time I don’t want to put school off because it just means it’s going to take that much longer to finish my degree.
This was a really random post but I just kind of had to get these thoughts out of my brain and I don’t see my therapist until tomorrow. 😅
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