#Vulcan headcanons
purpleenma · 1 month
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Vulcan goddess T'Khut
Pencil sketch
A closer look below the cut ✨
*please click the images for better quality
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More Vulcan deities art here and here.
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spocks-husband · 7 months
Okay so I was just discussing it with my boyfriend and I decided that the Tumblr Hoard would appreciate some good food so I'll share this with you guys too
My personal headcanon about Vulcan babies is that they're a lot like cats. They're born with their eyes and their ears shut, plus they're typically a lot chubbier than other humanoid babies. When their eyes finally do open, though, they have big irises and they can't be differentiated from their pupils because they're so dark. Also they can't see super well so they tend to run into things really easily, which is why most Vulcan homes that currently or previously have held children in them don't have many sharp edges. They look like this basically.
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makeallthingsyours · 1 year
The Little Vulcan Handbook for English speakers
This is a book(let) containing the basic words and phrases needed for communication in Vulcan as well as the basics of Vulcan grammar. While there are resources such as the Vulcan Language Dictionary or the Vulcan Language Institute, this book's purpose is not to contain the entirety of the language but rather serve as an introduction and enable basic communication. It does not contain any guide regarding writing in Vulcan. There is also a complementing set of online flashcards.
The Little Vulcan Hnadbook for English speakers on Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/pl/818858277/the-little-vulcan-hnadbook-for-english-speakers-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=2dsg3x
Live Long and Prosper.
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spocksbrainworms · 6 months
I’m tired of every Star Trek show being set on a Starfleet ship. Where’s the VSA science vessel show?
What does their chain of command look like? What recreation activities do they have on board? What are their relationships like?
I hate that Vulcans are one of the species we supposedly know the most about yet we only know the bare minimum of what their day to day lives are like.
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indignantlemur · 2 months
Hello! i was was wondering if you had any head cannons on Vulcan society maybe their laws or marriage?
Thank you and glad you are feeling better.
Hello, Sky! Good to see you again!
I do not have a huge amount of headcanons for Vulcans, to be honest. They're fairly well travelled, as far as lore goes and there's certainly plenty of fanfiction about them already so I never really felt the need. I have some vague thoughts, if that's of any use to you?
Laws: Vulcan laws are an odd mix of social control, almost religious reverence for the teachings of Surak, and leftovers grandfathered in from the Before Times. Their goal is not, inherently, to punish but rather to correct and re-educate where possible. That being said, the older laws that survived the restructuring after the Kir'shara was found have a significantly different tone, which belies much darker origins. Many of these laws pertain to complications arising from pon farr.
Marriage: I don't have too many headcanons here, really. Mostly, I have the vague headcanon that Vulcans, when they restructured and rebuilt after Surak's time, became matriarchal by a combination of force and clever politicking rather than by nature - and the women from that point onwards maintained a draconian level of control over every aspect of marriage and marriage bonds. This was considered a vast improvement from the status quo of the Time of Awakening, particularly by the women who suddenly went from second-class chattel to first-class citizens.
Beyond that, I'm afraid I don't have much for you. Vulcans aren't my thing, but there's loads of amazing fanfic around written by wonderful folks with great ideas!
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
The Music of Vulcan
Relevant Kir'Shara Article: What Does A Vulcan Listen To?
Songs from T'Khasi
Songs created by Vulcans, primarily in Vulkansu
Nadordatoran na'o T'Khasi (Tribute to Vulcan)
A mourning dirge for the Vulcan home world composed after it's destruction in the Kelvin Timeline, performed by T'Prion.
The Ballad of Solkar The Slut
A chiding parody ballad recounting the historical event referred to as "First Contact", specifically the handshake transpiring between Ambassador Solkar and Zefram Cochrane. Written by @yel-halansu and performed by @axelastralis
Falor's Journey
An excerpt of the musical epic known as "Falor's Journey" performed by Tuvok (played by Tim Russ) from the Voyager episode "Innocence" in Federation Standard via Universal Translator.
The Works of Sidzhan T'Gai & T'Prion
Sidzhan T'Gai's youtube channel consists of 7 original compositions in various Vulcan musical traditions and styles performed by T'Prion. The titles consist of I'kushizhau Etek Salan (Now We Shape The Wind), Ken-tor Rik'faiyan, Dvel (Choice), Sochya (Peace), IDIC, Kaiidith (What Is, Is), Fmak t'Sochya (Sanctuary of Peace). For more information go to Vulcan Legacy.
Earth Songs in Vulkansu
See the Vulcan Linguistics Post for translation tools!
Ki'orentor (You & I Have Learned)
A poem written by Leonard Nimoy in 1981 and shared on Twitter a few days before his death, translated here into Vulcan (with English subtitles).
How to Save A Life
Original song by The Fray, translated and performed by Denatonia, title translated to "Remembering A Friend" for lyrical restructuring purposes.
Aluk-kumsu (The Wellerman Song)
A translation of the New Zealand whaling shanty that took the internet by storm earlier in the pandemic, translated and performed by myself.
Rom-halan Mahk (The Parting Glass)
A translation of an old Irish drinking song into Vulkansu by myself, since dedicated to Nichelle Nichols and all beloved Star Trek actors now departed from us.
Inspired by Vulcans and Vulkansu
Songs of T'Khasi
A five playlist Masterpost composed by myself of short playlists meant to depict the grander overarching history of Vulcan. From when they first evolved into thinking humanoids in the unforgiving T'Khasi desert, to their ever changing and enlightened future among the stars.
Aluk-kumsu (The Wellerman Song)
A translation of the New Zealand whaling shanty that took the internet by storm earlier in the pandemic, translated and performed by myself.
Pon Farr: An Amok Time Tribute
A fan re-interpretation/playlist recounting the events of of Star Trek: The Original Series' "Amok Time", each song depicting a particular chapter in the narrative.
Vulcan Performance at Unifision
Theoretical waxings on the various stylings of performance from Federation worlds at a United Federation of Planets "Eurovision" instigated by @goddamnshinyrock and @swordfern. With particular description on the Vulcan performance by @aceofwands. Fanart depiction can be found here, created by @sleepysnowfinch!
Click Here to Return to the Vulcan Masterpost (Coming Soon!)
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crack-canon · 11 months
Thinking about Vulcans being the equivalent of Indian Men doing math tutorials if Vulcans ever decided to do (live) streaming
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zero-way-out · 2 years
I just had the idea of what if after Vulcan is destroyed, instead of becoming very isolationist like you'd might assume of a culture who was almost entirely wiped out by outward dangers, Vulcan looks out to the universe to see what they can give back to the countless peoples and cultures who came togethor to save what little was left of their own. And what can they really give? A miniscule amount of the population survived and all of their resources and knowledge are being used inwardly on New Vulcan.
But you also have an entire culture of people who hold family in the highest regard, who a vast majority, if not all have had all of their family bonds broken.
In short, the galaxy sees the largest influx of cross-species adoptions in all of known history on New Vulcan. It's just been constructed, creating its own culture out the the ashes of Vulcan and has already earned the reputation as the orphanage of the galaxy.
This also has the happy coincidence of nearly completely stomping out Vulcan xenophobia, when vulcan/non-vulcan family bonds become just as common-place as vulcan/vulcan family bonds after a generation or two.
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One of my hcs for Vulcans is that they all really love learning (not that they would admit to hobbies), just because I really like thinking about like a worker explaining something to a small Vulcan child and then they look up and see a whole group of adult Vulcans watching the interaction intently, suddenly they’re a tour guide!
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kalinjdra · 2 years
do i know anything about trek? no. am i still gonna talk about this? yes.
like okay, this might be completely incorrect but i believe that the vulcans, pre-surak, had a people that they considered insuperior and that people was entirely wiped out. surak came, created the whole logic thingie and people forgot/covered up this genocide.
well, you may be asking, why do i think this? because vulcan has no metaphors. at least not outright metaphors. it has no inner language, certain cues that can point to traits and ideologies that other can agree with. metaphors, allegories, figurative language forms when one party needs to hide something from another. certain key phrases are passcodes and who else would start this type of deception other than a mariginalized people? but. there's not much figurative language left like said. so. vulcan had marginizalized people that the oppressing party commited genocide against.
just a thought, a headcanon if you will :)
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purpleenma · 8 months
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Vulcan Deities
When I saw this post by @timcurrysteeth about Vulcan Spirituality and their deities I inmediately knew I had to draw them.
I took it as a personal project to picture each deity and, in the future, create a series of illustrations of each one of them.
These are the initial sketches of the first 10 in the list, the designs are not final but I had a lot of fun working on them and thinking the elements I would add in each one based on their descriptions.
I highly recommend you give a read to the post, it's absolutely fascinating, as well as this second part.
This is going to be a long term project since I have several deadlines for other works but I hope to be able to update you soon enough with more sketches of the remaining deities!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
Vulcan teen on Vulcan [tiktok] saying "I have just lost track of my father in the grocery store." The camera turns to show the viewers the grocery store in which almost every single older middle-aged man has a bowlcut and long robes. Camera turns back to show the teen's face which is expressionless and yet communicates all it needs to.
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makeallthingsyours · 1 year
Differences between day to day life on Vulcan and on Earth
• Weekdays
On Earth, traditionally, week lasts seven days. Typically, five of those are working days and two are not. On Vulcan, the week lasts five days, honoring the five basic tenets of Vulcan philosophy (See: 'Surak's Construct'). Four days are working days, and one is a free day. It is meant to honor the fifth tenet - privacy, as it allows a person to tend to their private affairs.
• Workday
On Earth an average working day would last eight hours out of the twenty four there are in the day. On Vulcan, the day is slightly longer, but the average Vulcan still works about eight hours a day. That is, however, often divided into two four hour periods with a two hour break in the middle, when the temperature piques. It is a well liked carry over from times before climate. control.
• Meals
On Earth, the typical schedule includes two bigger meals, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Due to the high temperatures many Vulcan regions reach in mid-day and Vulcan physiology, it is customary to eat two meals during the day, one early in the morning and one late in the evening.
Meals are usually taken in silence, however, conversation is commonplace when only drinking beverages.
High and low tables are equally common on Vulcan, however the low table setting is considered more traditional and hence, formal.
The idea of 'cocktail party' has been introduced to Vulcans early in the Earth-Vulcan relations, however, it didn't stick, mostly due to the fact that the art of dividing time between eating and talking was never discovered on the planet. During the few that did take place, most of the Vulcan guests either talked and didn't eat or ate and didn't talk.
As it is custom on Vulcan to avoid touching food with one's hands, there are many more kinds of utensils that enable one to eat almost every conceivable type of food that way.
• Letters
Vulcan has, essentially, four separate alphabets - El'ru-Kitaun (handwriting), Vanu-Tanaf-Kitaun (calligraphy), Gotavlu-Zukitan (standard print) and a modernized print that gains popularity in bigger cities. While most citizens are capable of reading all of them, it is common for city residents to only be able to write in calligraphic script by hand, as every-day handwriting is not as popular there as it is in rural regions.
• Clothes
It is, to say the least, not customary for adult Vulcans to wear split garments in a way that is visible. If one is wearing any kind of trousers or bloomers, it would ussually remain hidden underneath a long robe. The only circumstances, in which it wouldn't be considered a bit unusual to wear visible trousers are sports, manual labor, travel by foot or on beastback, and work in which loose fabric could cause danger, for example on a space vessel That is the reason for the skin tight garments commonly worn by the crews of Vulcan spaceships.
• Windows
It is something that might easily confuse and Earthling, but Vulcan buildings often lack glass in the windows. It is very common, especially in houses, that windows are only covered with curtains, as it allows better air circulation without unnecessary air conditioning. Glass is, however, used in a different manner. Many houses have a basement with a glass roof, functioning as an indoor greenhouse.
• Holidays
Vulcan Clan holidays (weddings, betrothal, historic anniversaries, successful kahs'wan celebrations, etc.) as opposed to the common holidays, which are ussually celebrated in private, are typically long and involve gathering tens or even hundreds of people in a Clan Home. (It is a big building belonging to someone in the clan, most often the Matriarch. Every member of the Clan has the right to come and stay there however long they please.) If the Clan Home is too small by itself, tents would be put up on the grounds.
Vulcan employers are typically very liberal with granting leaves of absence for Clan/House/Family reasons (Vulcan, similarly to Earth, is considered to be a post-scarcity world, so with the exception of people bound by contracts eg. Starfleet, the majority doesn't strictly need to work. It has its benefits, of course but missing a few weeks worth of pay doesn't change much.), so one can often expect to stay at such celebration for days, or in some cases, weeks.
• Laundry:
Vulcans have a slightly different attitude towards it then the one cultivated on Earth. Outermost garments are generally only washed if they get dirty and even then, they would ussually be only spot cleaned with water and detergent. Traditionally, one would only wash their underwear with water, while the rest of the clothes would be regularly aired and layed out in the sun. While in the modern day, sonic cleaners are getting more and more popular, the traditional route is still very much in use, as it is very much sufficient to maintain both hygiene and neatness.
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spirk-trek · 6 months
imagine amanda watching how mothers on vulcan share a telepathic bond with their children and not being able to do this for spock
imagine how it would break her heart, how she might worry they'll never connect when she sees a mother touching her daughter's face or holding her son's hand with purpose, without words
imagine spock melding with her as soon as he's able, showing her he loves her because he can't say it, he'll never be able to say it
imagine her being so proud of her little boy for researching and teaching himself to meld with a non-telepath just for her, all for her
holding him after when he's so exhausted he goes boneless in her arms and she strokes his hair and thanks him
and he mumbles something about it being illogical to thank him before falling asleep and she holds his little hand and feels the tiniest sparks of love still there, so small she might've imagined them before he's snoring softly
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concept: vulcan who’s gifted a t-shirt that says “milf” and legitimately thinks it stands for “man I loathe feelings”
they wear it to every formal event
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spocksbrainworms · 5 months
Saw a post about teeny tiny humans headbutting to show affection after witnessing cats doing it. And I instantly thought of Vulcans.
Vulcans who have big cat bears hanging out in their house as the family pet.
I’m just imagining baby Vulcans, so used to touch because of telepathy and early childhood bond forming. So used to having their parents touch their psi-points to initiate a bond.
And they have a cat teddy bear who loves rubbing their face all over their favorite person. So Vulcan toddlers press their psi-points to all their favorite things. Trying to telepathically connect with their stuffed animals, butting their head against their mom’s hand, forehead connecting with a shoulder while sitting at a tea ceremony. Unfocused early meditation lessons where the kid just gets up and smacks their head against dad’s a little too hard
I love Vulcan babies. I need more headcanons of Vulcan kids and family dynamics
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