#WAIT unless it was when my laptop decided to forcibly make me finish setting it up
tamagotchikgs · 5 months
finding norton on my laptop like,,, thats suspicious,,, thats weird,,,,
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dracosollicitus · 6 years
"i’ve seen you hanging around my apartment and i thought it was because you missed me, turns out you’ve been using my wifi you asshole" for rebelcaptain please :)
“…Is that…were you just talking to Jyn?”
The tall, thin man sighed and closed the front door behind him; chucking his keys into the bowl near the door, Kay Tuesso glared at his long time roommate, who was standing by the window, nervously peeking between the curtains every few seconds.
“Yes.” Kay rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen, where he took their filtered water from the fridge and poured a large glass. Setting the jug back on the shelf, he shut the fridge and turned around. Kay blinked slowly in response to his roommate’s proximity, his roommate who was now leaning over the kitchen counter, wearing a very intent, almost hungry expression.
“Believe me, Cassian, I do like your sudden decision to only compose one word sentences. They’re much more efficient.” Kay took a long sip of water and then regarded his friend once more. “But if you would like for me to respond adequately, I will need you to either pick better words, or provide more words.”
“Why is Jyn here?” Cassian demanded, his hair sticking up on end, as though he’d dragged his hands through it. “What did she say?”
“She said ‘hello Kay,’ and then I said, ‘hello, Jyn,’ and then we discussed the weather, which seemed forcibly polite at best. After that, we-”
“Not that.” Cassian scoffed and pushed off from the counter, and Kay moved into the living room, the shorter man hot on his heels. “I mean - did she tell you why she was here?”
“Ah.” Kay grabbed the remote and clicked the TV on; flipping through the recorded shows, he landed on a documentary about penguins. “Yes.”
The narrator began in a pleasant drone. “These majestic avian creatures have long fascinated mankind. In tonight’s episode of “Flocking Together,” we will dive into what makes these birds-”
Kay paused the television to address Cassian, who was now sitting on the couch next to him, leaning into his space and wearing a ferocious glare.
“…Yes?” Kay blinked and pushed his glasses further up his nose.
“I’m going to kill you,” Cassian decided. “I can make it look like an accident.”
“Good for you.” Kay hit ‘play,’ and the program resumed. 
“-tick. Watch as these brave birds survive bitter cold, vicious seal attacks, and-”
“Hey! I was watching that!” 
Cassian was fuming in front of the now-off television, gripping the power cable. “Kay! What did Jyn say?”
“You could text her and ask her,” Kay pointed out. Cassian half-screamed and threw the power cord down on the ground. 
“Why was Jyn here?” 
“…I can’t tell you.” Kay crossed his legs and looked at Cassian expectantly. “Will you please plug the television back in, you ridiculous cretin?”
“You can’t tell me? You … what, did you promise not tell me?”
“Something like that.” Kay shifted evasively, and Cassian growled something incredibly impolite in Spanish, under his breath. 
“Look.” Cassian took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. When he next spoke, he sounded much calmer. “I just want to know how she is. I mean, I spoke to her every day for three years, and since… since we…”
“Since she dumped you,” Kay finished, and Cassian looked like he was considering flipping him the bird. 
“Since she dumped me,” Cassian said through gritted teeth. “Since then, we haven’t spoken. Three weeks, and I see her outside this apartment every now and then, and - and why? Does she miss me?”
Hope seemed to leak out from around the carefully constructed mask that Cassian had spent years perfecting. 
“Yes.” Kay nodded, once. “Will you please stop holding the television hostage, now?”
“No, wait a second.” Cassian grabbed the cord as collateral and straightened up. “Did she say those words? Did she say I miss him?”
“Something like that.” Kay held the remote up and then jerked his head. “Plug it in, and move out of the way. Or I will move you.”
“Fine.” Cassian obliged forcefully and stalked to the door. “But I’m going out there to talk to her, unless you give me a good reason not to.”
“No. Wait. Don’t.” Kay spoke robotically, his attention already glued to the television once more.
“-predatory drilling practices by corporations.” 
“I hate corporations,” Kay said to himself as Cassian slipped his shoes on and snagged the keys. 
He slammed the door shut behind him with a huff and barreled down the stairs, knowing (from surveillance) that Jyn had still been on the bench out front as of forty-five seconds ago. But what would he say to her? Cassian hesitated at the door to the complex and then shook his head and walked out. He knew what he wanted to say to her. I miss you too, estrella. If you want me, I want you. I always want you. 
She was up ahead, sitting on the bench, hunched over her laptop, her nose wrinkled adorably the way it always did when she was thinking. Cassian rubbed his neck and walked swiftly to her, before his coward of a brain could talk his steadfast heart out of this decision. 
I love you madly. I could never stop loving you, even when the stars fall from the sky, I will love you. 
When he was close enough to count the freckles on her nose, Cassian spoke. “Jyn.”
It came out as a whisper, delicate, fragile. 
“Cassian.” She looked up, startled, green eyes wide. “I-”
He looked down and frowned - her laptop was open to a social media page. She bit her lip anxiously as he raised his eyes to her face.
“Were you-” He grabbed her laptop, ignoring her squawk of protest.
“Gimme that!” She swiped for it, but he held it over her head, glorying in their eight inch height difference - not for the first time, but for a very different reason than normal. Cassian clicked on the network tab at the bottom of the screen.
“Ah HA!” He stared down at Jyn in only mildly heartbroken victory. “You’re still logged into my Wi-Fi!”
“It’s faster than the coffeeshop,” Jyn whined, holding her hands out for the laptop. He handed it over with a reluctant scoff. 
“I can’t believe you.” He shook his head as she settled back into the bench and refreshed her page. “You ridiculous, little…” he searched for the word in English, “…Goblin!”
“You love me,” Jyn muttered, scrolling through her dashboard. Her cheeks immediately turned bright pink, and she raised her eyes apologetically to his.
Stupidly, Cassian opened his mouth. 
Stupidly, he said, “I do.”
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amymel86 · 8 years
The Wall -Part 2 - Jon x Sansa ficlet
Hiya people 😊 you can find the first part of this fic by searching my blog with the tag 'the wall'
He had left early the next morning and Sansa couldn't say that she blamed him for it - he was probably embarrassed - hell - she was embarrassed....unless....she had the situation all wrong? Jon couldn't really hear her using 'Mr Dependable' ..... he wasn't really listening to her get herself off... and he definitely hadn't been 'seeing to his own needs' just the other side of that wall - a wall that Sansa was only just now realising was waaay too thin.
But that was just it - what other explanation was there? It definitely sounded like he had come (and God help her if the thought of that hadn't caught her off guard as to how turned on she was by it) but she also heard him cry her name. HER NAME.... sleeptalking? No - that couldn't be it.
Even though she'd heard him leave the flat ridiculously and uncharacteristically early, she knocked tentatively on his door. Sort of hoping she'd misheard and he would open the door a crack with his adorable messy bed hair and that bewildered look she'd witnessed on his face the few times she'd woken him. Then again, perhaps it was better that he wasn't there Sansa concluded as she took one, then two steps into his room.
It was a complete mess by Sansa's standards but she was aware that they were stupidly high. Sansa sighed as she took in his open wardrobe door, the unmade bed, the near overflowing laundry basket and drawers left half pulled open - the urge to set it all straight coursed through her like an itch.
At least it smells good, Jon always smells good, she thought as she paused in the middle of his room listening to the radio she'd purposely left on in her own, perfectly tidy room. Not only could she hear the bass and tune of the song currently playing, she could clearly hear every word effortlessly sung.
Well shit. How had she not figured this out before? Jon was fairly quiet but seriously? How could she not have known? He doesn't even own a tv in here - he....he watches stuff on his laptop...with headphones - ah.
Sansa's eyes scanned Jon's desk for his dinosaur of a chunky laptop. That's strange... it's gone.
Five days he'd been gone. Five days since Robb received a text message saying that Jon would be working on a joint presentation with Sam and it was easier to crash at his place to get it done. Five days since 'the incident'.
Sansa somehow found it damn near impossible not the think upon his absence. More than once she wandered into his room, perusing the books on his shelf and running a finger over the surface of his desk.
Over the period of Jon-less days Sansa found that she became less and less embarrassed about what Jon had been listening to. His continued absence however, was very telling.
Sansa had always thought Jon was hot - his awkward shyness only adding to his appeal and once she got to know him - know that he was also kind and pretty intelligent, she had gathered a healthy amount of annoyance at the whole 'living together' arrangement. Don't shit where you eat, Sansa.
So she had resigned herself to that fate. Complicating things with Jon would only make it weird with Robb or worse still, unbearable if things ended up badly. No. Sansa would continue doing what she was good at - just being the friendly girl he lived with.
And that was almost enough, for a time. Sure, she allowed herself an indulgent peek every now and again - he looked particularly good when he returned from the gym, all sweaty and pumped up OR on the odd occasion she caught him leaving the bathroom after a shower with a towel slung low on his waist, his wet curls kissing his shoulders with droplets of water which seemed to race each other down his back and chest.......(not that she looked much of course).
But now? Now she'd heard her name on his lips, called in such a carnal needy way - all she could think about was all the ways she could make him cry out her name like that again. Those thoughts were the ones that flooded her mind while she continued to use 'Mr Dependable', and Good God did she come the hardest when she thought of shy, unassuming Jon Snow using that hot raspy voice to whisper filthy words in her ear as he fucked her hard and fast.
It was on day seven of 'The Great Jon Revelation of 2017' - as Sansa was now referring to it in her head - when her imagination needed more.
She knew she shouldn't. She knew she was taking a risk as she tucked 'Mr Dependable' into her robe and slipped next door into Jon's room. But Robb was away for the weekend - gone back home. Sansa only declined the invitation to join him because she had so much coursework to get through... that and she sort of, maybe wanted to see Jon when he returned.
Slipping off her robe and placing it neatly over Jon's desk chair, she clamoured into his unmade bed wearing only a tight baby pink camisole top and white lacy knickers.
She hummed pleasantly as she was surrounded by the scent of Jon, pressing her face into his pillow. Turning her head, she couldn't help but smirk when she caught sight of a balled up used tissue on his nightstand.
Sansa shimmied out of her panties and twisted the base of her battery operated friend to make him kick into life.
"Shit!...Fuckity-fuck"! Came the voice in the dark, followed by the loud thud of something being dropped on the floor.
Sansa's eyes flew open and a chill flashed within the marrow of her bones - the kind of quick fear that only comes from being forcibly awoken from a deep, pleasant sleep.
Oh shitshitshit! She thought as Sansa began to realise that she'd fallen asleep in Jon's bed after her little trip to 'self-pleasure town'. And now, right now, she was watching Jon hop about clutching one foot as he cursed whatever he had stubbed his toe on. He flicked on his lamp.
Jon had not yet noticed Sansa burrowed deep under his duvet but she only had a few more seconds to decide what the hell she was going to do before he did.
Come on Sansa! You can do this. Seduce Jon fucking Snow and enjoy a real man and not your silicone friend!
You CAN do this!.....or maybe not.....
Oh fuck it! Here goes nothing...
"Well if you'd kept your room tidy it'd be a bit less of an obstacle course".
Jon wheeled round so fast Sansa barely saw the movement. His eyes were wide with fright and rather comically, he adopted some sort of martial arts/kung-fu defensive stance which caused Sansa's brow to raise and the corner of her lips to twitch into a smirk.
"Sansa!...wha...what are you doing...here"? He gulped.
She could almost hear his inner monologue as his cheeks flamed into red blotches - what are you doing here.... in my bed... after I know you heard me moan your name while I jerked off?
"Waiting for you Jon.... I missed you... why did you stay away"? She finished her purring with a little pout and hoped she didn't look and sound ridiculous.
"I err....I..." he stumbled.
Sansa slid out of his bed and thanked the stars that she had put her panties back on after her session - something told her that Jon's head might explode if she'd greeted him with her lady parts on display.
As it was she was watching Jon's brain short-circuit as she tried to 'saunter' seductively towards him while his eyes danced over her body - Landing for quite sometime on her legs, her lace panties and her rapidly hardening nipples poking through her camisole top.
"I.....Sam...." gulp "....project....".
Sansa had to giggle then. Good God he was adorable and his bumbling reaction only made her feel like some sort of sexy minx.
"So it wasn't because you got caught listening to me touch myself"? She asked with a bold look into his eyes - his eyes that quickly darted away from hers as his breathing shallowed.
"That..." he raked a hand nervously through his hair "....that...Sansa I..."
"I've been thinking about you, you know" she saved him from his own stuttering.
"You....you have"?
"Mm-hmm" Sansa nodded "I thought about you and how you moaned my name....I thought about it a lot while stroking myself...I also thought about what you were doing to yourself on the other side of that wall while getting myself off with my favourite toy".
"Sansa" Jon breathed, his voice hoarse and raspy. It sent a small shudder down Sansa's spine and she wanted to see how much further she needed to push him to act.
"Jon" she answered as she swiftly crossed her arms about herself, gripped the hem of her soft pink top and lifted it over her head.
Jon took a sharp inhalation followed by a shuddering exhale as he stared at her bare breasts.
Sansa took a step into his personal space and witnessed his hands twitch at his sides as if he were to lunge for her. He licked his lips still staring down at her breasts. Sansa could feel her nipples harden under his gaze.
"See anything you like"? She teased.
At that, Jon let out a feral noise - not dissimilar to a full on growl and crashed his body into hers, seizing her lips with his own - hungrily and with roaming hands. They bit into her waist, smoothed over her back and reached down to squeeze her ass cheeks whilst pulling her tight up against him. Sansa squealed and giggled into their kiss, she'd never seen this Jon Snow - he'd always been full of a kind, calm energy - even when he was being awkward and stumbling over his words.
This Jon was all over the place - or rather, all over Sansa. His mouth was currently on her neck, one hand cupping her breast with his thumb stroking her nipple. The other hand was bunched in her hair, grasping at it and tugging ever so lightly.
Sansa hummed pleasantly and rubbed her thighs together trying for some friction.
"You have too many clothes on" she almost barked out as a command.
Jon released her and studied her face for a few seconds. When all he was met with was Sansa's playful grin, the biggest, goofiest smile spread across his face briefly before his hands were a flurry shucking himself of his tshirt, unbuckling his belt and flustering at his jean buttons.
Jon was quickly stood before her in nothing but tight, pristinely white boxer briefs that did absolutely nothing to hide his thick cock as it strained against the fabric.
Whoa - that's big, Sansa thought whilst trying not to stare and lick her lips - she failed at both and it did not go unnoticed as Jon crashed into her once more, this time walking her backwards towards his bed.
Sansa fell back onto his pillows and Jon swiped his balled up duvet out of the way and onto the floor, causing 'Mr Dependable' to roll out into the middle of his bed.
Jon cocked a brow and licked his lips "you know, all this time I never imagined this thing would be purple and sparkly" he said as he regarded Sansa's toy before setting it aside on his nightstand.
"All this time?.....how....how long have you been listening to me"? Sansa asked with a furrowed brow.
"Ummm..." Jon looked rather sheepish and a little worried as he hovered over her. "Since we moved in" he said quickly before wincing, perhaps waiting for Sansa to blow up at him and end whatever was about to happen.
"Since we moved in?.....eight months? You've been listening to me get myself off for eight months?! Oh GOD" Sansa covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. All this time? All this time she's been merrily trying to keep their relationship quite clearly in the friend spectrum and Jon had been listening to her during her most intimate moments?
"Are you mad"? He asked like a scolded puppy.
"I'm embarrassed" Sansa admitted behind her hands.
"Don't be....it's fucking hot...hand on heart the best part of my day - 10:30 weekdays, sometimes at the weekend...sometimes multiple times if you've been drinking".
Sansa's hands dropped from her face as she stared up at him. "I had a schedule"?!
Jon smiled his brightest of smiles before answering "you're a creature of habit" he shrugged.
Sansa narrowed her eyes "why didn't you DO anything about this"? She gestured between both of their bare chests.
"I... I guess I didn't think you'd be interested...and if you've not noticed I'm no Casanova with the ladies" he chuckled.
"I don't want Casanova" Sansa breathed as she hooked her long legs about his waist to draw him down to her. She swivels her hips to rub her lace clad centre against Jon's cock. "I want you".
His kisses are ferocious now, as if he's trying to prove a point. His mouth branding her where it lands and laps, nips and sucks. Mouth, jaw, neck, collarbone, breasts.
"God you are perfect Sansa. So fucking perfect" Jon growls into her skin as she arched her back off of his bed and into his touch.
"Jon" she whines, rubbing herself more forcefully on him, pleading for more.
Jon takes the hint and without breaking his concentration or contact with her breasts snakes a hand down and slips it into her panties to play with her clit, rubbing in delicious circles with just the right amount of pressure to make Sansa moan and clutch at his hair.
"Mmm oh Jon"! Sansa groaned as his fingers slipped lower and pushed into her cunt. She knew it was her wetness that made his breath hitch at her throat.
Sansa's orgasm started in her toes and ran up her spine as Jon continued to pump his fingers as the heel of his hand kept the pressure on her clit.
"Oh God"! she squealed before her mouth formed a silent scream as her eyes stayed shut tight and she shuddered under his hand.
"Fuck Sansa! I need... if I don't..." he huffed in frustration.
Sansa gently pulled his face up so that she can look him in the eye. "Tell me... I want to hear you say it" she implores.
A few breaths pass between them, their faces so close as his eyes flit from hers, down to her mouth and back again. He swallows. "I want to be inside you... I want to fuck you". He watches her face for her reaction and must be pleased by the sharp intake of breath and the way she bites her lip so he rolls his hips into hers to add emphasis to his statements.
"Yes" is all she can breath out as she moves to rid herself of her drenched underwear and very uncharacteristically tosses them on the floor.
She cries out before biting down on her tongue when Jon sheaths himself fully inside her all too quickly.
"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry"! Jon whispers through his panting.
"No"she lies.
He did - he's quite the size. But Sansa wasn't about to tell him - she doesn't want him to hold back.
"Do I feel good"? She asks him over the rattling of his headboard against the wall.
"So good Sansa, so good....Fuck" he growls through his slack jawed look of savouring bliss.
"Fuck me hard Jon" Sansa pleads.
Jon raises himself up and back so that he is kneeling. He grasps Sansa's legs under her knees and pushes them up and back as he pounds into her.
"Like this? Is this what you want sweet girl"? He rasps over the obscene noises of slapping flesh and wet cunt.
"Yes Jon! YES! Like that" Sansa cries.
Jon's breathing becomes ragged as he admits that he's close to coming.
"Mmmm yes come inside me Jon" Sansa purred. Jon gritted his teeth and shook his head. He wanted her to come too.
Jon suddenly let go of Sansa's legs and reached over for 'Mr Dependable'. With Jon still thrusting into her he pressed the head of her buzzing toy against her clit - it didn't take long and Sansa swore that people would most likely be able to hear both their cries for miles around.
"So that's why you like that thing so much" Jon said to the ceiling whilst still panting - laying next to Sansa, all sweaty with one arm draped across his forehead.
"You could feel that"?
"I could feel that" he nodded "I can see why you have a regular scheduled session with the thing".
Sansa batted his arm lightly as they both laughed.
Sansa moved to straddle Jon and lowered her lips to his. "Can I schedule a regular session with you"? She whispered with a grin.
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