itsachocolateslife · 1 year
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Oh we are SO CANON
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acourtofthought · 22 days
I think the moment WE all found out the whoever runs Elain week was banning ships we knew the week would not really be about Elain.
And it is now an even bigger shit show watching how they are ignoring the problematic and racially insensitive comments the artist made. The art ITSELF was fine, but what she said and how she's doubled down is NOT, and then for the mods to support her and allow other elriels do encourage those comments should honestly be called out. I know they don't care, they are already refusing accountability and trying to make it about Gwynriel, when Gwynriel is not even a part of this fucking shit show. The truly can't help themselves in finding ways to turn this on Gwyn stans.
Anyways, here is what I think, El/riels are paranoid that the fandom will perceive their ship as the minority and that is why they make everything about Elriel, they can't even celebrate Elain as ELAIN without some passive aggressive, OUT OF CONTEXT cheesy caption that reads like a school girl writing in her diary for the first time about a crush on a boy who only thinks you are hot but could care less about your personality, and because you have no standards for yourself or too naive, find that attraction is all it takes to win you over. Even if the boy never bothered to ask you once, how your day was, or bothered to get to know you, because like who cares, he is a cute boy right?
They are shallow and their lack of depth and understanding to how SJM actually wishes for her couples to be equals, and fully themselves is their downfall. But jokes on them, it does not matter how much they push Elriel, Sarah does not give a fuck.
We don't have just one book of contextually evidence of the type of romance Sarah prefers, not even two, three of even 10, we have 16 books of fated mates as endgame, because that IS THE TROPE. Have they ever read any other books? You read enough romance books, it is easy to pick up on basic set up like this:
Character A is not wholly herself around Character B. Boy wants to only protect fragile FMC, they hold back who they truly are, especially their ugly side, maybe they trauma bonded when FMC was too scared and fearful of her destiny, but eventually when the FMC starts to embrace her fate, the relationship is doomed because the boy can't handle who she is becoming.... like where have I read that before? oh in several other popular series, from Fourth Wing, Shatter Me, The Mortal Instruments, like babes, the writing is on the wall, it's the most basic set up there is, Tamlin and Chaol also fit the bill of this archetype doomed romance, and they refuse to see it.
I bet good money if they read other books they would be team jacob, team adam, team stefan, team simon, team dain...I can go on and on. I bet they were team tamlin and chaol before the next books if they were even around then. They lack depth and understanding of the most basic romance types in a vast majority of books.
Az wanting to keep Elain away from danger is not romantic. It is sniffling her. Just like Dain did not want Voilet to train. Just like Tamlin did not want Feyre to train. Just like Adam wanted to keep Juliette from fighting. Stefan refusing to accept Elena for who she was becoming, wanting her to be the girl he first met, to Simon wishing things would have been what they once were, only to realize Claire never would be and learning their love was never meant to be romantic.
Like this is not hard.
I'll see your thoughts and raise you one.
I think even before the banning of ships we knew this wasn't actually going to be a true Elain week based on the history of Elain Weeks. Most character weeks reserve a day for relationship prompts but instead, this week has always been E/riel Week 2.0 run by E/riels who limit the amount of other content that's featured.
And I agree, it is sad to see that the sum total of many of these posts are simply fanart of e/riel with a quote from the book (i.e., how handsome they would be together) and that's the entire thing. Because Feyre thinking what she did back in book 2 (though she clearly was encouraging Elain to get to know Lucien in the novella) somehow is important to the ELAIN Home Prompt. Because Feyre's words should somehow dictate where Elain will be most at home, not Elain herself when the text in SF (the most recent book) clearly shows that despite Elain's attempts at doing her best to fit in, she really doesn't.
I was talking to Luna earlier and we had discussed how Sarah set up Nesta's story like this:
Nesta was in the NC but she refused to try to acclimate to the NC. She hid herself away, would not interact with the IC, would not engage with Velaris outside of the bars and taverns she visited, did not want to participate in the NCs holidays such as Solstice (and the exchanging of gifts). She was in the NC but kept herself removed from what made it the NC. It wasn't until her book that she began to try fitting in with the things around her she found her home.
In comparison Elain is in the NC and she's trying to fit in. She's trying to interact with Feyre's found family, trying to show interest in an available NC male within Feyre's circle, participating in the holidays and traditions of the NC, trying to make friends and find a purpose there. But despite Elain doing everything she possibly can to fit in, the text supports that something still isn't working. Cruelty still bothers her, the others still don't rely on her for anything, nobody is asking her about her trauma, nobody is asking her to train her powers, she's constantly sitting by the sunniest windows and losing her color in the winter, she barely laughed in SF. Elain is doing her best but no matter how much she gives, it's not going to be enough because she's NOT where she belongs. Versus Nesta, who finally gave in and began trying and realized she was where she belonged all this time.
But as you said, they are so fixated on such surface level things (they wanted to kiss!! Feyre said they'd be handsome together!) that they forget about the deeper, more meaningful aspects of Sarah's endgame pairings. And you're right, it will not matter how many fanarts they make, how loud they are within the fandom, it's not going to change what Sarah writes. Sarah has spoken time and again about what a toxic relationship looks like to her (Tamlin / Feyre), what a true connection for her looks like since she feels she has that with Josh, and she set E/riel up to look exactly like the Feyre / Tamlin romance did. Ignoring what kind of author she is and what relationships she prefers isn't going to help them. I think I'd have more respect if they said, "yes, I see where Az's behavior with Elain is problematic but I believe Sarah will have him made amends". But instead, they insist Az is so romantic towards Elain, that they share in true love. ?!$!$%#% WHERE????? You said it above but he does not have faith in her, he does not give her credit for anything she did in the war, he was not there for her during any of her arguments with Nesta in the last year. That is not love, not in any of the books you mentioned above and definitely not in a Sarah J Maas book. It's even more noticeable because of how she wrote Az reacting to Gwyn through the book, thinking on how far she's come, showing pride and admiration for her, believing in her. He isn't in love with Gwyn yet but those traits are a much more beautiful and solid foundation to build a real relationship on than talking about seeds, appearances and wanting to eat her out after avoiding her for a year.
Side note, I know you were saying Az is "stifling" her but the typo reads Az is sniffling her and I can't stop smiling because it's so funny when you read it that way.
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highlordofkrypton · 4 months
ACOTAR tag game 💕
I don't think I've seen one around, and figured this might be fun to do!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
The myth, the man, the legend, the GOAT (sometimes) -- Tamlin.
Who's your least favourite character?
Feyre, but only bc I was trapped in her mind for too damn long before I DNFed.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
Honestly, book 1 Feyre and me would have had a fucking blast! We are both feral people who can't read. We would have bitten so many people to make a point, my god. Without a doubt, immediately banned from Prythian.
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Tarquin could rizz me any day. I'm so sorry, but when he was first introduced, I was ready for Feyre to abandon Rhys for him. I wouldn't even blame her 'cause me too, girl, me too.
Favourite MINOR character?
ANDRAS, OFC???? I'd be willing to make an Andras stan account and just make up shit about him and his life, let's GOOOOOO.
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
Tamsand to write, but I do like watching the Tamcien shippers go HAM with their content. I also wrote myself into loving Azriel x Rhysand's sister and Rhysand's parents so...
Favourite court and why?
Summer only because realistically, Spring would give me so many allergies with the flowers and stuff. I also think Summer probably has gorgeous beaches! OH AND WINTER FOR HEADCANON REASONS.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
UHHHH, NEBULA COURT. IT'S A SECRET COURT RUN BY A COUNCIL OF WOMEN, EACH OF THEM REPRESENTING A PLANET OR CONSTELLATION. They were hidden up until the second Hybern war because honestly, wtf are you High Lords doing give back the Cauldron it's not a tOY.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
Although I am dying on the hill of Cassian and Tamlin being himbo bffs BEFORE Tamlin and Rhys murdered each other's families, I wish we would see more development for ALL the faeries between one another. These people have known each other for centuries... Wouldn't they have favs? Or alliances?
What's your unpopular opinion?
Azriel would be a better character if romance was not factored in. As the only remaining character who isn't 'mated' of the guys, there's still room for his character to be salvaged? He has a lot of potential, but I feel like his characterization is bogged down by basically falling in love with ... available... women... and not in a funny way?
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
Any art or writing that makes the Faeries a little more magical! I love the horns, tails and wings!! Looking at u @copypastus and @thrumbolt
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
I would be a problem.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
If you think of other silly questions to add, do it!
Tagging everyone in the community I can think of and if I forgot you pls jOIN IN ANYWAY!! @achaotichuman @rin-u-pos @wingsdippedingold @thedickgraysons @fourteentrout @copypastus @thrumbolt @praetorqueenreyna @goforth-ladymidnight @taymartiart @lucychanart @darah-g @yaralulu @positivelyruined
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
So are we gonna talk about how we have to face homophobia on a daily basis online and it has not once been addressed by Netflix or the writers like ever. And it's not like they do not see any of that stuff happening. It's happening basically HD on Twitter.
And the way they do not even bother to say something, even though they were the ones who teased Byler during the whole pride month. Literally, multiple queer fans felt like they received a slap in the face, yet no one said anything regarding the treatment of Robin and Will in this season. And all this happening during the pride month was trash. Never once addressing any of this and the treatment Will got from the show and by the fans... was a choice. Not to mention them constantly fueling homophobia on twitter or queerbaity posts are... a choice.
It's just simply disappointing and makes it harder to respect the writers.
I just want to preface this by saying that homophobia is bad. Obviously. It will always be bad and how I feel about that doesn’t change just because I’m not acknowledging it every time it occurs.
I’ve had asks like this before where I say pretty much the same thing every time, and so I considered not posting this bc I just sound like a broken record.
To be clear, the writers have posted in the past about how fans should be able to ship whoever they want to ship, at a moment in particular when people were hating on byler and non-canon queer ships in general. And so we can’t expect them to come to the rescue every time something is blowing up on Twitter. Otherwise, they would never have a day off.
Twitter is a cesspool and giving attention to it only makes it worse, that’s what it really boils down to. Once you open up that can of worms, it never ends.
It isn’t even just homophobia on there. Every form of bigotry thrives on that platform, where everyday they’re mad about something and demand everyone to confront it or else. And that’s just not healthy. Its not sustainable at all.
And to be clear, all sides on there have really, really toxic stans, including bylers. Not all of them are toxic, but it’s really hard to get by on there unless you can handle seeing that stuff on a daily basis. Some byler discourse on Twitter is a large part of the reason people want to claim all bylers hate El. And it's because of the toxic ship wars on there, where they always take it too far and create division by hating on Will or El or Mike, and then it stretches to the actors and goes on and on. All of that drama is best to ignore for your sanity. Confronting it won’t solve anything. A lot of those people, even when faced with common sense, still choose the road that revolves around hatred and disrespect without any remorse. It’s not worth getting worked up over.
Also want to make clear that the original tweet Stranger Things posted had nothing to do with byler. Shippers on Twitter will make any and every post about their ship and pressure the people running the account to post something. The comments are always filled with all sorts of tweets like that so it’s not just bylers either. This means it arguably could have been anyone that was called out for commenting something unrelated to the post. It just so happens that byler is getting a lot more popular, to the point where they do dominate on Twitter as a platform considering most of the ga doesn't even like milkvan anymore anyways, and a lot more people are open to byler. So I would imagine most of the comments did look something like that.
When it comes to queer-baiting from official Netflix accounts last summer, I do think that the only reason they did that stuff, like make posts with byler in the literal caption on tiktoks, was because it was during an official promotional circuit that focused on byler in the penultimate season. If byler is endgame though they couldn't disclose that, they arguably did exactly what they had to do. They had to refer to it by name to get more people aware of it, but also keep it subtle, and they especially had to drop it post vol 2 because s4 closed off in a way that wanted us to think milkvan was endgame based on the monologue.
The thing about queer-baiting and why it is so fucking shitty, is because it almost always leads no where. They do all of that stuff, with the creators behind the scenes knowing it will never happen. They mock and hype it up and get people psyched, only for it to lead to nowhere. That's how it's always been.
The point of how they are approaching byler, is to give the impression it's like every other queer-bait before, only to flip the switch. The beauty of it, is all of these people that have been wrong before, and were told they were be going to be wrong again, weren't wrong this time. And that's going to be even more satisfying after they pull the rug under those that were telling bylers to know their place and to accept that it's like every other queer-bait. Once and for all when s5 comes out, the roles will switch and it will be much more satisfying than them just laying it all out there at any point in advance super obviously.
Like people who are paying attention, know the message of the show goes against all of those things and those that don’t and insist that doesn’t play a role, are the ones who have to wait to find out, with them tuning until the very end only to realize they were the ones wrong.
And there is a difference between the st writers account, who is often an intern directly in very close contact with the writers, or the writers themselves potentially at any given time. Whereas the official netflix accounts are run by various interns connected to Netflix, with people above them calling the shots for official major posts. Though stuff like replies is often given at the discretion of the person running the account at that moment. Sometimes they say stuff that doesn't land or that was inconsiderate. I'm sure there has been instances of people being fired in the worst cases of stuff going down. But in this case, it really is just a case of fans being chronically online and making everything about ships when it never was in the first place.
Also, in terms of the writers, there is a strike rn so under no circumstances will the writers be tweeting at all, bc that’s the whole point of striking, not participating in writers duties. And that is literally a writers account for Netflix’s Stranger Things.
I also try to keep this rule for myself on here, but believe me when I say, you do not need to follow the crowd and give input into every drama that arises.
We have our own drama over here on tumblr too, so it's not like we're by any means perfect at all times. Sometimes one person says something and suddenly people are saying that a bunch of people are saying that even though it was only one person and now everyone has to give their two cents and you can't go in the tag without being bombarded with the same posts rehashing it from every which angle.
But you can choose to not participate every single time something occurs. You can choose to live your life without reacting to every given thing. That's just a lot better of a way to live mental health wise too. Like I personally don't want to be confronted with a bunch of homophobia in the tag bc one person said something. And that's also why we try to encourage people to just block the sloppy seconds anon, bc most of us don't want to see that in the tag. We come here for appreciation and making connections not giving homophobes a platform to spout their bs.
I will probably make a post about this again inevitably when the next big thing happens.
But just remember, the back and forth in general with these accounts messing with fans in regards to ship wars is far from over (well at least 2 years max).
Also keep in mind, we are on hiatus rn, so anything from ST accounts is going to be related to like press and merchandise outside of the show itself, which we saw with this one today that ignited all of this, was related to a ST game releasing...
When the promotional circuit finally starts, like in the months up to release, that's when you're going to see really intentional promotion that was planned ahead of time, months in advance, by experts and graphic designers working closely with people from the ST production on their vision of what they want to hint at in promotion.
The first promotional post for s5 we can look forward to, is the picture they are bound to post when announcing the first day of filming. With the strike it's hard to know when that will be, but once the strike is over hopefully with a fair deal made for the writers, that post announcing filming will be dropping soon after presumably.
In the mean time lets try to make this a space that isn't like Twitter where everything is so deep and we need to call it out. More often than not it's not that deep and the trolls don't deserve our attention in the first place. The best way to piss them off is to keep having a good time and ignore them. They hate that shit more than anything lol!
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defending jm by making vile hashtags in return to one of his friends (idc what your opinion of th is, as far as we know they're still friends), how does that work? bc now y'all look just as stupid and hateful as the kths and tkks that started the hashtags towards jm.
ik that a pjm joking about charts is nowhere near as bad as what these people do to jm, but why do y'all (the ones hating on others and provoking nasty solos/fans) purposely set jm up and then when you see the nasty and vile bs in your quotes leave that twt up and laugh at how mad they are while they harass and defame jm??
y'all (once again, the ones doing this) are just as bad as dumbass armys that poke fun at blinks/jnk or use jm achievements for fan wars or involve him for no reason when everyone knows that those deranged fcks are obsessed with jm and will take any chance to be as vile as possible to him.
then when those same nasty hashtags that were used today are spread by blinks, other kpop fandoms, western stans, locals, and antis, they sit there and act clueless and refuse to take accountability for their own bs actions. and you wonder why jm isn't as active now?
also fck jjks (jk solos/agakes) for involving jk for no fcking reason to drag th and jm, thus getting him dragged by both pjms and kths.
i'm not saying don't defend or call out the hate against jm, bc lord knows armys won't unless it involved th (or any other member) so they can make it about OT7 or VMK and then start claiming it's only a solo issue and not army letting cultists and jm antis run rampant in this fandom, but still you don't need to set jm up for hate.
if you wanna giggle at chart positions or others' misfortune, invest in a private account or honestly just shut the fck up (at least online).
it's already hard to support and love jm in this fandom without being attacked or harassed, y'all don't need to make it worse.
Hi anon,
Ah your ask is a little on the confusing side for me. Or maybe it's my anger that doesn't let me read. Maybe. But I feel like you contradict yourself and answer yourself in a lot of parts.
People will come at me like usual but that's how things are, I guess. My thoughts may change later but right now this is what my brain feels:
You acknowledge that what pjms initially said is nothing compared to what the kths and jjks said yesterday (and always). Ok.
Do you really think pjms care about looking stupid if it means defending Jimin when army always brushes it aside? But I didn't know defending Jimin was called looking stupid. For real.
You think pjms are setting up Jimin for hate? Really? The problem is not the other haters, maybe? You do state that other deranged people take any chance to hate on Jimin. Ok. Like tkkrs today with the interactions that we saw between Jimin and Jungkook.
If Jimin exists these people consider him a threat. And they should. Jimin is the best. So the blame is not pjms. Its the insecurities of the other solos and anger from other fandoms. And the fact that twitter is a dumpster.
It would be hypocritical of me to say that pjms should not have done that and they should have just reported. I'm kinda done being the bigger person when it comes to the hate Jimin gets and the way army and fans have normalized this. So pjms did what they had to do. It wasn't nice but it's what was done.
I support Jimin like crazy and state that in my blog all the time and people come and send angry rants like children asking why I only love him and not their favorite.
And you know what? I don't care about their opinion or harassing asks or their wannabe guilt trips they try to send me on. I don't care about army, other Jikookers, solos, whoever. I only care what I want and I care about Jimin. And what I want is to love and support Jimin. And I will say that over and over. If someone has a problem with my opinion, they can block me. And of course people have a problem with others loving Jimin or defending Jimin. Because it's Jimin.
If you want to scream to the world that you love and support Jimin, do it. Why would you be scared of people who hide behind the screen? If someone says something, block them and continue professing your love for Jimin.
That works for me and I don't find it hard at all.
Thanks for stopping by.
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orangeoctopi7 · 2 years
Take the Long Way Home
Previous Chapter
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Gravity Falls
For the third time that night, Zane closed his eyes to better concentrate on his magic sensor. He could definitely sense some magic in this basement lab, especially coming from the control console on the other side of the blast doors, but nothing as powerful as the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu.
So far in their search of the basement lab, they had found a book and a pair of glasses, both of which Stan said belong to his brother, but nothing else out of place, as far as they could tell. 
"It's not here." Zane finally concluded. "Perhaps it somehow was transported upstairs?"
"How would that even happen?" Stan asked. "Upstairs is a mess, we'd never find it." He was obviously eager to get going with the portal. "You're sure you had it with you when you fell through?"
"Yes." Zane insisted. It had only been earlier today. There was no way his memories could defrag that fast. 
"Well, Ford had his journal and his glasses with him when he went through. Maybe stuff like that just doesn't go through portals."
"Perhaps…" Zane agreed. He wished he could know for sure. This was too dangerous of an artifact to just leave behind in another realm. "If you do find it, don't open it. It has a powerful corrupting influence. If you can't send it back to Ninjago where it belongs, then destroy it."
"Sure." Stan nodded. "Now let's get that portal up and running."
He walked over to the large red lever standing in the middle of the lab and pulled it. Nothing happened. Stan grunted in frustration and pulled it again.
"Are you certain you know how to turn it on?"
"No, I don't know how to turn it on! I just got here earlier today!"
Zane sighed. Despite the fact that this was supposedly his brother’s home, Stanley knew very little about the place or how it operated. Although, he supposed that wasn’t too out of the ordinary. If Cole or Kai found themselves in a similar situation, they probably wouldn’t have a clue about such technical operations either. 
The nindroid decided to check out the control console on the other side of the blast doors. Hopefully that would give him some kind of clue of how this portal worked. He was taken aback by how old the computer equipment was. He himself was almost 40 years old, he’d been built not long after the old Serpentine War, but he hadn’t ever left the birchwood forest until his father’s supposed death. Up until about 8 years ago, the only technology he’d been familiar with had been his father’s other inventions. 
Obviously this portal was decades behind what Zane was used to. He was at a loss how he was supposed to interface with this computer. He didn’t see any access ports or cables. The best he could find was a sort of printer off to one side, and a continuous sheet of paper with data printed out on it. There had to be at least ten pages worth here, and while he could read faster than any human, it was still going to be much slower than being able to connect himself directly to the mainframe. 
Still, it was the best he could do for now, without attempting some creative wire splicing, which he was reluctant to do on his own. The data readouts were certainly interesting. The amount of energy it took to operate was tremendous, and the amount of strain it put on the fabric of the universe was concerning, but he trusted that whoever built this had taken this strain into account and had safety measures in place to counter it. Unfortunately, the readouts did not give him any hints as to how to turn the portal back on.
“Any luck?” Stan asked. He looked as worried as Zane felt. 
“I’m not familiar with this technology. I can’t find a way to connect myself to it. How was it turned on before?” He half expected Stan to simply say that his brother did it.
Instead, the stranger cast his gaze to the floor, almost like he was ashamed. “W-we were fighting. Knocked into a few consoles, must have pushed some buttons or something.”
“Do you remember which consoles you ‘knocked into’?”
Stan flinched and rubbed his shoulder, where Zane now noticed there was a serious, fresh burn. How had he missed that before?
“That one there, for sure.” Stan pointed to a console near the blast door with a red hot symbol embossed into the side. 
“Let me see your shoulder.” Zane changed the subject.
“It’s fine. I’ll worry about it after we get this portal turned on.”
The nindroid ignored him and walked over to take a closer look. A mirror image of the symbol was burned into his skin. Stan grumbled but didn’t pull away. It was bad, at least a second degree burn, and there were still bits of fabric welded to his skin. It was pink and puckered and starting to blister.
Luckily, Zane had plenty of practice treating burns. Over the years, Kai had occasionally been careless when practicing his elemental powers, especially when he was first getting used to them. He knew applying ice directly to the wound would do more harm than good, but something cold could help sooth the pain. He carefully laid a hand over the burn, lowering the temperature, but not actually generating any ice. Stan flinched at the initial contact, but soon let out a sigh of relief. 
“How’re you doing that? Is that a robot thing?”
“No, it’s not a nindroid thing. I’m an elemental Master of Ice.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
It was easier to show him than explain it. Zane reached his other hand out where Stan could see it and generated a small block of ice. 
“...Holy Moses.” Stan said with wide eyes. Apparently he’d reached his limit for being surprised by what Zane could do. “We’re wasting time, we gotta get that portal back on.”
“This burn needs to be treated. You’ve got pieces of fabric welded to your skin, it will get infected if it isn’t cleaned.”
“It can wait!” Stan insisted. “My brother’s in danger! Your friends are in danger! Every second counts!”
“...Alright.” Zane conceded with an annoyed sigh. “But if it still isn’t running after an hour, we need to take a break and clean that wound. I doubt your brother would be happy to come back to find you injured.”
A mixture of emotions Zane couldn’t parse flickered across Stan’s face at that comment. He strode over to one of the other consoles abruptly. 
“I’m pretty sure we knocked into this one first.”
Stan led him from one console to the next, trying his best to remember which ones he had knocked into during his fight with his brother. Zane did his best to examine each one for any clue of which button or lever or switch had been turned on. Finally, they tried to turn the portal on again. 
It still remained dormant.
The Never Realm
The engine Stanford had pulled from the mech wasn’t a normal combustion engine like he’d hoped. It seemed to be closer to some sort of fuel cell. But it still gave off heat, which was his main concern in this frozen canyon. It seemed like it could run for a long time on little fuel, which was good, because he had no idea what it ran on. 
Ford’s stomach grumbled and he looked down at the fish he’d taken from Vex. He hadn’t been eating much since Bill’s betrayal. It was easier to stay awake when you were hungry. But he had to be careful to at least eat enough to keep him going. Passing out from a lack of nutrients would be just as bad as falling asleep. Now that he was stranded out here, he’d also have to try and ration what little food he had. Luckily, with the freezing temperatures, the fish would keep for a while. He had no firewood, so there was no way to cook them, but he’d had sushi a couple of times and liked it just fine. Of course, he supposed this would actually be sashimi, since there was no rice. 
He shook his head. He had to stop thinking about food. Instead the researcher turned his attention to the scroll he had found, and began to do his best to decipher it. 
It was a symbol substitution cipher, not unlike the one Bill had taught him soon after they met. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, but at least it was easy to translate. The first section of the scroll simply said “The Forbidden Art”, but he found more information as he unrolled it. It started with a warning that the scroll had a corrupting influence, which supposedly was why it was forbidden. Ford scoffed. He hadn’t felt any such influence using the thing. 
He hesitated as he thought back to the cave paintings where he’d first learned of Bill. Oh how he wished he’d heeded those warnings. Maybe he should heed this one. But when he looked back down at the scroll, those worries immediately washed away, like he’d never had them in the first place. 
As he continued to read, it went into detail describing the proper positioning, stances, and movements to perform the forbidden art. It was interesting, reading it when the magic of the scroll had already enabled him to perform it without a thought. He wondered if this description was a necessary part of the magic, if it somehow engrained this description into his mind subliminally. 
Eventually, he began to feel his eyes droop, despite his hunger and the cold. Ford shot up, intending to start pacing, but instead he felt dizzy, and his vision almost blacked out. So maybe he did need to eat. 
He did his best to clean the fish using his pocket knife and some scraps from the machine. It probably wasn’t sanitary, but he didn’t have a lot of options. The fish was rich and fatty, and he had to stop himself from eating the whole thing. 
As he’d feared, he was even more sleepy after eating. Even the fear racing through him at the thought of sleep wasn’t enough to drive off the drowsiness. He had to wonder if Bill would even bother with him now that he had no access to the portal. He shivered. He didn’t want to find out. 
Eventually, though, sleep did come. He was surprised when he woke with the sunrise the next morning. No unexpected pain, no bleeding from his eye, no nightmares even. The cave was untouched. Bill had actually left him alone!
The Nightmare Realm
“Why are we not going after your enemy?!” Vex complained loudly, his spirit floating along after him as Bill piloted his body back towards the ice castle he’d fled just days ago.
“The warriors of the north want nothing to do with me, how could you possibly hope to make them my reinforcements?”
“OH, YOU’LL SEE!” Bill replied in a singsong voice. 
It wasn’t long before a couple of guards found Vex, and dragged him before their king yet again. 
“Vex.” Grimfax glowered. “When you were last here, you had the gall to try and replace my advisor and stir up conflict with the Formlings. Out of courtesy and compassion, I offered you warm food, drink, and clothing before sending you on your way, but you rejected my hospitality, and even threatened that I would regret not treating you better. If you are not here for an apology, you will be the one who regrets your actions.”
“You see? You see how he treats me?” Vex whined, although Bill was the only one who could hear him. “Make good on our deal, and make him pay!”
“OH, BUDDY, YOU’VE GOT ME ALL WRONG!” Bill ignored Vex’s complaints and strode forward towards the king. Several warriors sprang to action and barred his way, but Bill just walked around them, lazily dodging each attack. “I THINK WE GOT OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT THE OTHER DAY, AND I JUST WANTED TO COME BY AND SAY I’M SORRY.”
“What!? No I am not! Stop your nonsense this instant!” Vex cried.
Grimfax raised a brow in surprise. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of this. He hated to turn people away in this harsh climate, so he wanted to believe that Vex’s apology was sincere. But his behavior was suspicious, to say the least. 
Grimfax hesitated. This definitely seemed like a trap. But he was a warrior, heavily armored and well trained. Even if Vex tried to stab him while they shook hands, he knew how to protect himself against such things. And then he would have a good reason to throw this troublesome wanderer in the dungeon before he caused more problems. He cautiously extended his hand, on his guard.
He’d been expecting Vex to pull out a dagger, or to have some kind of poison barb hidden on his person, but all he did was shake his hand. Then Grimfax felt an odd pulling sensation, and suddenly he was having an out-of-body experience. He looked down at himself, standing perfectly still, and at Vex, who had started sputtering indignantly. With a sickly flash of yellow, Grimfax saw his own eyes open, and an unfamiliar voice came out of his mouth.
"RELAX, VEXY, YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU WANT." Bill piloted his new puppet to stand and turned to the man standing just off to his right. "LET ME GUESS, YOU'RE THE ADVISOR?" 
The advisor nodded, confused.
Now it was the advisor's turn to sputter. "My Lord, what… why?!'
Gravity Falls
Stan wanted to throw up. He wanted to scream. He wanted to break down and cry. He wanted to bang his head against that portal until it started working, not sit here while a strange robot from another world insisted on treating his burn. All those years of his father pounding "Men don't cry" into his head and the complete stranger standing behind him prevented him from doing any of it.
Zane obviously knew what he was doing when it came to treating this kind of burn. Stan was actually a little annoyed at how gentle and careful the robot was being. He needed something to take his frustrations out on.
With that thought, Stan suddenly jerked his arm to see what would happen, and immediately regretted it.
"Please try not to move."
"I've been sitting here not moving for ten minutes, how much longer is this gonna take?"
"It will take longer if you continue to squirm and complain."
"We should be working on fixing the portal!"
"We have been trying to get it turned back on for over an hour. At this point, the extra time it takes to treat your burn now will prevent losing more time over the next several days. And, as I said before, the longer you continue to squirm and complain, the longer this will take."
Stan hated that this guy could just logic his way through Stan's argument so easily, it reminded him too much of Ford. The way Ford used to be when they were teens, not the hollow-eyed mess that had called his brother all the way out to the middle of nowhere only to send him away again with nothing but a book and instructions to get as far away as possible. It was like the universe had decided to send him a replacement as a cruel joke.
"Hold on, several days!?" Stan exclaimed while still trying to stay perfectly still. "This – this isn't going to take that long, is it?"
"I should be able to finish cleaning your wound in just a few more minutes."
"That's not what I mean! I mean the portal! If I was just working on it by myself, I could see it taking weeks, maybe even months, but – but you're a robot, you're smarter than me, you should be able to figure out how that thing works!"
"I am a Nindroid. I was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves, not to repair machines. I've had a little experience with building, but never anything as sophisticated as this."
Stan couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to hear it.
"So you're useless? Is that what you're saying!? I've got a freaking robot here and all you can do is make some stupid ice!? It's a blizzard out there, I can get that myself!" Stan yelled.
"I am not useless, and I'll continue to do my best to help you. I only want to manage your expectations."
Zane's voice was as level as ever. Maybe a little concerned. Maybe a little exasperated. But despite Stan's growing anger, the robot never raised his voice, and that only fueled Stan's rage.
"Manage my expectations!? This isn't some car repair! My brother is gone! And what did I get in his place, an emotionless hunk of chrome? Do you even care?"
"Of course I care." Zane still didn't raise his voice, but he at least had the decency to sound hurt by Stan's words. "I was separated from my friends when we were under attack, and I'm sure being separated from your brother hurts just as much. But as much as I want to fix this portal right away, that doesn't change the fact that I don't know how." He looked down and sighed, more to himself than to Stan. "I wish PIXAL was here. Or Nya or Jay. Any of them would be better at this than me."
That gave Stan pause. Zane seemed to have his act together. He'd been ripped from his home by a sorceress and he was calmer than Stan was when the Stanleymobile was running low on gas. And yet, the robot was sitting here, feeling completely inadequate for the job he now had no choice but to do himself, knowing someone else who could do it so much better. Someone who wasn't even in the same dimension anymore. 
Just like Stan.
"...Sorry." The anger slowly drained out of Stan. "I didn't mean – I know you must care, you attacked me when you showed up trying to figure out where you were."
"You attacked me first." Zane corrected him.
"Whatever." Stan waved his comment off. "So how long is this gonna take then?"
Zane was quiet for a moment before answering. "It's impossible to say when I know so little. I need more data. That book your brother left behind, would it have more information on the portal?"
Stan tried to think back to what Ford had said about the journal earlier that day. He'd kind of been fixated on the part where Ford told him to take the book and get on a boat and sail as far away as possible. But he had said something…
"I remember Ford said the journals, plural, explain how to operate the portal. And this was the last one left."
Zane smiled with relief. "So we do at least have some information available to us. Where are the other journals? How many are there?"
"I dunno." Maybe Ford had convinced some other estranged friends to get as far away as possible with them.
"Oh." There was a hint of annoyance in Zane's voice. "Well, hopefully the information in this first journal will be enough. And I'm sure there is more information in this lab and upstairs as well."
"Right. Uh, I'll look upstairs, you can search the lab."
Zane lightly patted the edge of the bandage he'd just finished tying on Stan's shoulder. "You should rest. This needs time to heal." Stan opened his mouth to protest but Zane cut him off. "If you feel you must keep working on the portal, at least do something that you can do lying down. You read through this journal, I will look for more information upstairs."
Stan grimaced. Upstairs was a mess. Like, murder hut mess. And it felt wrong to let a stranger just sift through the shambles of his brother's life when Stan himself didn't know what had happened to make Ford leave his house in such a state. Ford had always been more cluttered than clean, but whatever was going on upstairs was well beyond even the worst clutter.
But at the same time, Stan was exhausted, physically and mentally. He doubted he could sleep, but just sitting and reading seemed a lot more doable than trying to find anything useful upstairs.
Stan picked up the journal and Ford's glasses, then showed Zane the way upstairs. After more searching than he would have liked, Stan found a couch they could clear off. He laid on his side opposite of the newly bandaged burn and started reading. Zane must have thought Stan needed privacy, because he left as soon as Stan was situated.
For the first time that day, Stan allowed himself to cry. At first he tried to hold it back, but what he read in this journal was just so Ford, so excited to discover new things, filled with needlessly long vocabulary and stupid puns on the same page. And it all served as a reminder that he hadn't seen his brother in over ten years before today, and now he was gone.
Soon Stan was sobbing so hard he couldn't keep reading, and he knew Zane must be able to hear him, but now that he'd started it was impossible to stop. If the robot came in to check on him, he was too busy bawling to notice. It felt like hours before finally, he cried himself into an uneasy sleep.
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baehaar · 3 years
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nosowoso · 4 years
Layshia Clarendon also follows that account I’m yelling
So does Sami Whitcomb💀💀
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itsallyscorner · 2 years
࿔*:・゚Co-Stars | H.S
↝ pairing: Actress!reader x Harry Styles
↝ faceclaim: Daisy Edgar Jones
↝ summary: You and Harry are co-stars—that’s it.
↝ warnings: spelling errors? Some mistakes, cursing.
↝ a/n: There’s a high chance that this will be a series made up of social media aus, blurbs, etc :) probably a little boring since it’s the first post but you guys can decide, my asks are always open if you want more of this :)
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liked by imsebastianstan, harryfan1, and 20,309 others
enews Tastes like strawberries🍓! Harry Styles and Y/n L/n were spotted sharing a smooch on the set of “Sunshine” in London. Link in bio for a sneak peak of their new film together✨
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harryfan1 how do you manifest being Y/n???
harryfan2 she’s so lucky ugh😩😩
ynfan1 I too would be gripping onto Y/n like that if I were in her presence
critic1 How do you have a talented actress like Y/n work on the same film as a wannabe actor like Harry???
harryfan3 if he was a “wannabe” actor, he wouldn’t have been in a Christopher Nolan movie🙄
ynfan2 don’t know who I wanna be, Y/n or Harry 😭😭
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liked by ynupdates, harryssideboob and 35,937 others
view all 292 comments
harryfan4 HE’S SO??????😭😭😭
harryfan7 bless whoever did his hair today😮‍💨
harryfan8 on my knees rn🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
harrysh0use what a colorful pretty boy🥺
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liked by harryflorals, ynscloset, and 43,833 others
ynscamera Iubi on set today!💕
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ynfan3 someone tell her to stop running, she’s clumsy😭
ynfan4 tag yourself, I’m the bag of crisps
ynfan5 Genuinely excited about the movie, but I have no clue what it’s about💀
ynscamera Everyone’s very hush hush about it, I’ve literally tried figuring out the plot through the clothes but I’m still confused🙃
harryfan9 what does iubi mean?
ynscamera it means sweetheart, baby, or darling in Romanian:) Sebastian Stan gave her the nickname after they worked on Fresh together!
harryfan9 @ynscamera oh, that’s actually so cute🥺
ynfan6 They’ve been filming for like months I need the trailer😩😩
ynfan7 her side profile is just perfect I’m jealous
ynfan8 The fact that Harry gets to work and talk with her everyday
ynfan9 I wanna be Harry Styles
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liked by ynscamera, shroombloom, and 68,383 others
view all 683 comments
ynfan10 a couple of babies❤️
harryfan10 cuties literal cuties
ynscamera I wanna know what they talk about
harryfan11 I bet they talk about their favorite types of wine😌
ynfan11 @ynscamera do you think she’s shown him pictures of her dog yet??
ynscamera @/harryfan11 I’d be surprised if she hasn’t done it yet
harryfan12 Can she pls release pictures from set, I know she has them on her camera👀
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liked by harryflorals, cou_cou, and 67,497 others
ynscamera Y/n and Harry out for dinner in London!! 🍽 #sunshine
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harryflorals LOOK AT MY FAVES
harryflorals I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
ynfan13 I know we said we weren’t gonna ship them—but guys😩😩
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liked by ynscamera, florencepugh, and 78,837 others
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ynscamera not them being in a silly goofy mood together😩
ynscamera @/yourinstagram miss ma’am I can’t be shipping you with another white male PLEASE
harryfan15 sleeping on the highway tonight🤪
ynfan16 I love how the major Harry and y/n fan accounts are just merging and becoming one
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liked by harryflorals, ilovemitchrowland, and 78,936 others
ynscamera Y/n and Harry spotted on set today✨ (submitted by @/ilovemitchrowland)
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ilovemitchrowland Guys I saw them with my own eyeballs
harryfan17 YOURE SO LUCKY
harryfan18 I’m so jealous😭
ilovemitchrowland they were literally so adorable, you can hear the two of them laughing from across the street🥺
ynfan18 hear me out maybe it’s not a bad idea to ship them👀
harryfan19 God, I’ve seen what you do for others—
ilovemitchrowland and Harry’s so sweet, Y/n was practically jogging to catch up with him so he slowed down so they can walk together🥲
ynfan19 bless them🥺🥺🥺
harryfan20 I’m crying that’s so fucking sweet
ynfan20 I forgot how tall Harry is and seeing him next to Y/n’s short ass reminded me of how much he resembles the height of a bloody tree
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levihan-drabbles · 2 years
3rd Levihan Week! June 4th - June 15th
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Hello, Levihan stans! The admins are back with another installment of the Levihan drabble week (the first event we ever held ;))  Starting right off, I want to mention that the drabble week is open to all kinds of content creators and not just writers. We just stick with the name of drabble week because that was what we started with. The levihan week will run from 4th June to 15th 2022. Read on for the theme for each day and a FAQ at the end!
Saturday June 4th - Trope Fest Sunday 5th June - The Zoe Household Tuesday 7th June - Levihan : Around the world Thursday 9th June - Levihan : Randomized Saturday 11th June - A trip down memory lane Monday 13th June - Levihan letters Wednesday 15th June - Free spot
Saturday 4th June - Trope Fest create fics & arts based on popular fanfiction tropes! here is a list of popular fanfiction tropes to choose from! 1. Enemies to lovers 2. Royalty AU 3. Hurt/Comfort 4. Forbidden Love 5. Unrequited Love 6. Childhood Friends 7. Love triangles 8. Arranged Marriage and etc! (You don't have to stick to this list, as long as its a fanfiction trope, go ahead!) Sunday 5th June - The Zoe Household create fics & arts revolving around your interpretation of Hange's backstory! If Isayama can't give us Hange's backstory, we make it ourselves. Tuesday 7th June - Levihan : Around the world multicultural levihan! create fics & arts in a setting with aspects from your own culture. Bring our favorite abnormals to your own country! Thursday 9th June - Levihan : Randomized It wouldn't be a drabble week from us without our traditional oddly specific prompts! write or draw Levihan in stupid prompts we handpick for you! This time, we have chosen 5 prompts for you. Please choose any one to your liking. 1. Levi and Hange are a pair of ghosts haunting a house, and every day they try to outcompete each other in scaring whoever comes in. 2. Hange making a video 'proving' that Levi is the Illuminati, complete with The X-Files theme. 3. Levi and Hange reading mean tweets/comments about themselves 4. Hange tossing snowballs at Levi's window, not knowing the window is open and has no screen. 5.  Our deity was kind, benevolent, and perfect in every way. They protected us.” The priest looks to Levi who stands before him, holding a weapon stained with divine blood. Then he asks, “Why did you kill them?”
Saturday 11th June - A trip down memory lane revisit your first levihan fic or art and redraw or rewrite it (a small section of it if not the full thing!) Just how vastly has your writing style/art skills changed? Monday 13th June - Levihan letters draw or write something based on your favourite levihan fic or levihan art! Wednesday 15th June - Free spot Free day! create whatever you want! — FAQ 1. Is NSFW allowed? Ans. Yes! Just tag your work properly! If its a NSFW art, put it under a read more or warning. 2. Is there any word limit? Do I have to write only drabbles for this week?
Ans. Nope! There is no word limit! Everything from a 200-word drabble to a 15k one-shot is welcome!
3. Do I have to tag your account when I post my work?
Ans. Yes, please do so! When you post your work, please tag our account (@levihan-drabbles) or use the hashtag #levihanweek22 so we can find it and reblog it! We also have a year-end project where we compile all the works we ever received in the drabble weeks in a portfolio!
4. What if I can’t post something each day?
Ans. That’s completely fine! We want you to have fun, not feel pressured. You can post your work at your own pace, and take more days if you wish to. Just make sure to mention which day in your work so we can organize it accordingly! If you have any other questions, please feel free to send them in our ask box or message us privately! We will reach you asap!
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technowoah · 3 years
Hi! If you do tommyinnit x reader (romantic), I would like one where reader is tubbo's sister perhaps? She would have the feature reader has still not tubbos. Maybe they meet when tubbo and tommy meet up and he just kinda starts to like her? If not that's ok! -paw <3
Prepare For Trouble Make it Double
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I hope this suffices 😋
Tommyinnit x Tubbo's sister!reader (blurb?)
⚠︎ its tommy so it'll be slight swearing-
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It wasn't a secret that Tubbo had siblings, he had Lani of course, but what people didn't know that he had another sister closer to his age.
You tended to stay out of the spotlight, for reasons. Streaming was interesting but not your fortè. You usually tended to stay behind the camera when Tubbo was streaming or off to the side quietly talking to him as he did his own lore or sitting on Lani's bed doing your own thing listening to her talking to her viewers.
Your siblings never tried to convince you to go out of your comfort zone and appear on streams, only once in a blue moon you would talk to Lani out of frame. Lani of course would respond, the chat would freak out asking if you were a friend, finally the moment was gone as fast as it came.
Thats how days go in their household. Tending to hover around eachother and whatever they were doing at the moment. But it was this one particular moment when Tubbo was streaming and he suddenly decided to bring you on to show his 700k viewers that he had another sister.
He had pulled up a brown folding chair next to him and patted it beckoning you to sit down in frame.
Tubbo was currently streaming on the Dream SMP, you didnt think he was doing lore today so you hesitated a little bit. Other days you wouldn't have budged out of your spot out of sight, but he looked so excited in his yellow jumper you had bought for him whe going to out to the shops.
In a unrelated note You remember saying that "yellow is your color" and he ended up buying it, and his stans loved the jumper. So a win win.
"C'mon Y/N!" He yelled as continued to pat the folding chair next to him.
You ended up shuffling over to the seat next to him and smiling at the camera. Over in the corner of your eye you saw the chat which was going 1 million miles an hour. You saw some comments that were basically copypastas of other comments in the chat. It was basically nonsense, now the only thought in your mind is that you're going to make an uproar on twitter.
"This is my sister chat!" Tubbo said while shaking you around by the shoulders making the both of you laugh.
"Yes chat! I have more siblings" he continued while rocking back and forth in his gamer chair.
He continued to answer more questions and ask you some too, wanting to include you in the stream.
"Lani isn't the only one! My big sister is just shy."
"I just chose not to be on their streams! I was in the background of Lani's streams though."
"Out of frame. Dosent count." Tubbo said bluntly while still walking around SnowChester in the Dream Smp not looking your way.
You could still see the chat in the corner and you couldnt tear your eyes off of it. It was slight glare from the lights and the sun shining in his gaming room. He always had the lights bright in his room. The chat was spamming purple hearts and either still freaking out that Tubbo had a sister. It was getting old to you, so you decided to lean into Tubbo's space focusing on his screen as he quickly hopped around the map.
He continued talking to chat about anything else, but your presence. He continued to talk about gathering supplies and what he needed to bring back to SnowChester. You knew a lot about the Dream Smp lore because you weren't in it. Spending time on Twitter interacting with people and their theories and also making theories and showing them to Tubbo and him debunking them, or accepting them in some way.
"So we need some more lapis." Tubbo said suddenly after being quiet for a while.
"I can help you!" You said wanting to be apart of the stream.
You might as well, you're already here.
"I dont think you can help, 'cause you're not on your account. Plus it'll be awkward with your laptop." Tubbo said while speeding through his water transportation system.
"Well I can just point it out to you." You said while leaning back into your seat.
"Talk to the chat while I go mine for lapis."
"Fine then." You smirked as you turned your attention to the speeding words in the chat.
"Is there a slow mode on this?!" You laughed.
Tubbo laughed as well. "This is on slow mode!"
You both screamed in fake agony and then turned your attention back to the chat where the you caught a few questions. You were about to answer until the chat stopped for a quick second and you saw one comment out of all for a quick second.
After that comment the whole chatt was just spamming the word 'TOMMY' or 'TOMMY IS IN CHAT'. That confused you even more than that comment.
When you did know about the Dream Smp you also knew a little bit about who Tubbo hangs out with. You knew about the time Tubbo had met up with Wilbur Soot, Philza, and Tommy. And that prompted you to look up their individual accounts and get into their content.
You knew about Tommy and his character and channel, you enjoyed his content a lot as well, but you wanted to play around a little bit. Hopefully Tubbo will play along.
"Why is the chat spamming Tommy?"
"Tommy? You know Tommy don't you?" Tubbo asked with a small bit of shock in his voice.
"No I dont, who's Tommy?" You asked again, acting oblivious.
"Oh. Oh well then, Tommy is like my best friend, we're actually meeting up soon!" Tubbo said with excitement.
He continued. "You hear that chat! You get Tommy and Tubbo content!
You had lost interest in Tubbo talking with his chat about hanging out in Brighton with Tommy again. Your eyes drifted towards the chat again and saw Tommy comment in the chat again.
"Well Tommy I dont have an account so, sorry I cant get you views whoever you are." You said responding to Tommy with a smirk.
"Woke up and chose violence huh?" Tubbo laughed and you joined in as well.
"Tommy chose violence today too."
"You both are violent you will be nice together." Tubbo said with his focus still in his screen.
"Together?!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah together!" Tubbo said matching your energy.
You rolled you eyes and continued answering other comments instead of thinking about Tubbo's answer.
After that whole, incredibly longer than you thought, stream Tubbo decides to invite you along to their little meeting. Which you didnt know how you found yourself walking along Brighton's rocky shore in old Crocs. You were walking along the shoreline letting the cold water come up and hit your feet every so often.
He was waiting for Tommy at the moment, but you wanted to walk for a bit, he let you ho on by yourself while he waited for Tommy by himself.
You were quite a long way from where Tubbo seated himself on the rocks, you were doing your own thing looking at people who stared back at you for temporarily blocking their line of view of the shore, and little kids who decide to run away from their parents who weren't paying attention. Your peaceful walk got interrupted by your thoughts because you were quite a long way from Tubbo's resting place.
You started to head back, following back the way you came, but this time picking up the pace a bit to reach your destination. As you came upon Tubbo you saw a taller figure approach Tubbo and they seemed to greet eachother, it was hard to see where you were standing. Of course it was Tommy so the two of them started talking about who knows what, until Tubbo pointed your way.
As you kept walking, Tubbo continued to wave you over enthusiastically. You waved back with the same energy, finally making your way over to the both of them.
"What's up?" You asked the two of them with a smirk.
"Nothing much! Apparently you two haven't met before! So Tommy this is Y/N! Y/N thjs is Tommy!" Tubbo user hand gestures to introduce eachother.
You held your hand for Tommy to shake it, "Hey Tommy! Im a big fan."
"Big fan?! I thought you said you didn't know me?" Tommy exclaimed.
He was a lot less shouty in real life, than online. He was still loud, but to a lesser extent.
"Yeah I lied back then." You sent him a huge grin.
Tommy scoffed and groaned a little, "I cant belive you fuckers lied to me."
"Im actually a big fan. Well not big, but a fan at least." You laughed.
Apparently you and Tommy were the only ones standing while Tubbo typed on his phone while sitting back on the rocks not paying attention and letting you both talk amongst yourselves.
"Oh! That's an honor that Tubbo's big sister like my videos." Tommy's eyes widened slightly as he talked to you.
"Big sister only by 1 year! It's close!" Tubbo complanied, looking up from his phone.
"It still count big man." Tommy said to his friend.
"Thanks Tommy!" You thanked the tall man standing next to you.
"It's only a year! It dosent count! We're the same age!" Your brother continued to complain.
After the laughter and joking around calmed down you and Tommy stood there awkwardly until he spoke up again.
"Well good thing I know what I have to deal with. I cant deal with one of you, now I have to deal with two." Tommy joked around taking a seat next to Tubbo.
The exact moment when Tommy took a seat next to Tubbo, Tubbo shot up from his spot on the ground.
"Do you think we can do Uber Eats here?" Tubbo asked as he stood up.
You say down next to Tommy. "Yeah maybe if you go to a certain place and not say "the beach".
"I'll go to the pizza place and order there. What do you both want?" Tubbo asked, ready to put in any order.
"Just get McDonald's really." You sighed leaning back on the rocks.
"Im not hungry." Tommy said bluntly.
Tubbo nodded and walked away from you both leaving you two to sit in silence for a while with the small waves crashing, and kids having their own fun. It was a comfortable silence to you, but Tommy kept figeting over where he sat criss-crossed.
Tommy finally spoke up. "Im actually fucking starving ya know?
"No I don't! You should've asked for food!" You laughed in disbelief.
Tommy sighed. "Do you want to get some food and ditch Tubbo for now?"
Your eyes widened, not opposed to the idea, but was this his plan the whole time?
He continued on, "We could go sit at that pizza place and order some food there. Just the two of us until Tubbo freaks out."
You opened your mouth to protest leaving your brother in the dark, but he beat you to it.
"Dont worry about Tubbo! Stuff rolls off his back easy."
"No it dosent-"
"Yeah it does! You wanna just go out with me now?!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Are you getting annoyed?" You asked amused at his words.
"No I am not I just-"
"Yeah I want to go to the pizza place now. I would love to Tommyinnit." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
Both of you got up and made your way over to that small pizza diner close to the beach. You only could hope this goes as well as you wanted it to
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msginnymalfoy · 2 years
Many people (even me, i am not saying i am a saint) comment/joke about other’s appearance and body which most of the times can pass as body shaming / So you body shaming people – especially Derek, Stiles and Sterek fans, because you are bitter and obsessed like that – is not disgusting but pointing out that Tyler Posey looks like those creepy that would assault you at the gas station is just because he is your personal favourite? Lmfao how very convenient for you
Not only do you use various twitter accounts to stalk, bully and harass anyone who dislike your shitty favs Scott and Posey, or prefers Stiles and Derek to him, but you also body shame them. Thanks for admitting you are a bully and an abusive piece of trash, I guess. We already knew, but it's nice of you to finally expose yourself even more 
First of fucking all... and this is the FINAL time i am saying. i don't have "various" twitter accounts. i am not taking other's credit. i am only taking responsibility of @\alphamccaII & @\msginnymalfoy on twitter cuz they are MY accounts which I use. i have no other account on that app.
and whoever else you are mistaking me with or if they are making you think those accounts are ran by me, they are not. i have free time but not enough free time or free fucks to give about fictional characters or people i don't like.
I hope whoever you are or the other stalking anons reading this fucking stop filling up my submissions/asks with "oh you have various twitter accounts" "oh you harass sterek stans" and such other bullshit because i only say anything hateful when i am provoked to do it. if you are an asshole intentionally badmouthing or saying hateful negative shit about my fav and people i love, i WILL be coming for your ass.
oh, and disliking my "shitty" fav and constantly saying racist hateful shit about him are two different things btw. idc if you dislike posey. but if you run those fingers writing shitty tweets about him and hit send on it. you better pray it doesn't show up on my tl.
and stop throwing around the word "abusive", cupcake. stop being a cry baby lol. if you can hate tweet, you can fight people attacking you for it.
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
You can tell that whoever runs the Layton Series Twitter account ( or whoever translates the tweets) really loves the series and they bring the spotlight to a lot of different characters, settings and games. However, I have some questions...
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I know that this is from the scene where Luke meets Arianna... and I know we see Clark and Brenda there with Mr Barde... but WHEN DID CLARK TOAST DRINKS WITH MR BARDE? This scene looks like it’s in HD too! Can we PLEASE get PL4 in HD as well?
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“Middle-aged”? He’s TWENTY-SEVEN. That’s younger than Alfendi is in Mystery Room! Maybe twenty-seven was considered middle-aged in the 1960s or whatever parallel universe the original trilogy takes place? I don’t know...
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Ok, I’ll forgive them for Barton since they’re a Sammy Thunder stan.
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Thanks but I think I’d rather if the real Flora walked out of the wardrobe...
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
its not even *just* kristen which is why its so funny. LS had all of those interviews, a huge billboard in times square, promos up the wazoo... i get that the OG cast is newer/younger so oliver gets punted to do all the interviews, but its fascinating that they dont even get good promos or key art. legit we got that wacky zoo art and ? not much else
You're absolutely correct, nonnie. The lack of effort is problem for (almost) everyone involved. - Oliver being the go-to for interviews is understandable, but how are people supposed to get invested in the other characters' storylines when he isn't the one to ask??? That's where Kristen comes in, and yet she's been glaringly quiet. - Which brings me to the cast. Everyone has a right to engage with fans in the way that is most comfortable for them, but not posting about the show or their character is a...strange look, imo. What's going on over there?? Is anyone having fun anymore?? - The person in charge of the twitter account does the bare minimum when it comes to live blogging. They post clips of various moments during the 8 PM EST airing, and then repost them while "watching" with the west coast. Retweet fan reactions or something to at least ACT like you care about your target audience. - Whoever runs the insta account is a Buck/Oliver stan first and foremost unless someone twists their arm. PSA to that person: Not everyone watches the show for Buck! You're alienating your viewers! - The promotional photos are, simply put, a joke. We get less than 10 images to "analyze" each week. In comparison, FBI, one of the highest-rated shows on television right now [and in its fourth season], released 45. Yes, the pictures are different angles of multiple scenes, but here we are begging for scraps while another series is *literally* giving everything they got (WITHOUT SAYING TOO MUCH) as a way to repay the fanbase. Honestly...I want this show to end when the mains' contracts are up because if we're feeling like nobody gives a fuck in season five...what will be dealing with two, three years from now? How much worse can it get?
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titanic-titans · 3 years
Started 2-1-21 (World) 1/2/2021 (US)
Are we active?
Daniel/Squeaks. They/She/Bo, Minor, Neurodivergent, Asexual, POC/mixed
Are my DMS open?
Yes! Dm me if you would like to be friends! Dont be shy if you just wanna chat ❤
English and broken Spanish. Learning French and Italian but dont chat with me in those just yet. I also speak/understand 🇯🇲 Patios
Fandoms that I post on
Most old movies just like Titanic, Terminator, Back To The Future, The Goonies, Home Alone, you name it. Also might post about cartoons and TV if I'm feeling brave
The admins fandoms
I love classic pop culture movies, cartoons, books, history, and art. Some anime too, though not toooo many. I prefer manga when I can access them. I love drawing and cooking too. Trying to pick up scrapbooking!
Scene and image posts, memes, maybe some fan theories, scene break downs, Easter eggs, behind the scenes, ect. Fanfics? Potentially
DNI list
The basics. No racists, homophobes, sexists, ableists, antisemities, proshippers, """MAPs""", LGBT exclusionists (Aphobes Panphobes and Enbyphobes type beat, ect.) and whoever just likes to bully or discriminate against innocent or random people.
If you dont like what I say just because you dont agree, dont follow or over react. Just block, dont report. Though if I accidentally say something insensitive, please dm me about it and I can take action.
How to contact me
If you wanna talk to me, dm me on my main. This is for friend requests and complaints
Also ANOTHER stan account I help run
Thank you everyone for considering following me!
Take care 👋
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silverwhiteraven · 4 years
Beauty and Self-Expression in Wing Culture
So it's like 3am as I start to write this, and instead of sleeping at 2am I was thinking about the Wing AU I've been seeing for Miraculous Ladybug, courtesy of these three lovelies: @justaferal-bastard @thechatsmeow @tizzymcwizzy
[Warning: I got carried away and this goes from analysis, to idea, and then into a short fic-snippet.]
Actual Warning: It gets kinda, like, minor-angst about how the idea works?? More of a potential hurt/comfort at the end, IDK? But it has character growth! We stan Adrien rebellion against Gabriel! And healthy use of beauty products!
I love AUs like this that are saying 'What if Idea! What if apply Idea to World!' And then there's me, who likes to say 'Yes, yes! Now lets take World, and apply it to Idea.' And this is what happens.
So I was having some thoughts and things about Adrien and his wings, ya know? The wings are always tucked in close to back, always straight up, always prim and proper and stoic, as his Father and social economic class dictates. It puts people off at first because wings are one of the first things you see, one of the first things you subconsciously assess and judge and take into account. But to anyone who actually looks at the rest of him and stays around him and pays attention to him notice, there's a clear disconnect between how he holds his wings and how his actual personality is. It becomes obvious that his wings are like that from years of following a rule of conduct given to him, and a lot of birdie-see-birdie-do behavior of being around his own family and the Bourgeois.
Basically, wings, too, are subjected to self-images and self-expression. People of higher classes use their wings to show their class, power, and wealth; 'I don't fly' is basically 'I don't have to work for what I want'. Lower classes do that sort of thing less and less, and their wings are used more freely to express the self; not just free in actual movement, but with decorations as well, with things like feather-dyes, jewelry, and fake/decorative feathers and down to make themselves more unique and more like themselves.
Then I thought, well, what else? What about cultural beauty standards?
Well wing-types likely will be subjected to this, much like body-types. Already certain wings already have inherent uses. Falcon-like wings for speed, goose wings capable of long distances, hummingbird's for agility; all these physical traits that may or may not even match up with the main body that on its own also gets told has types meant for certain activities (tall people and basketball anybody?). Imagine all those wings that are colored and shaped like those of Birds of Paradise, though, swoon. But those weren't the thoughts I had.
My thought was the techniques in which beauty standards are met and maintained. Physical things that alter the looks. For the normal body, we have things like paddings, corsets, binders, and lifestyles, too, like dieting and working out. Extremes can even go to surgery.
So here was the specific thought I had about Adrien:
Using unseen binds like netting, straps, or even cords, hidden underneath the feathers and down, to hold the wings in place and in whatever form is wanting to be presented.
Everyone should know that long-term and over-use of anything that restricts the body is unhealthy and can cause damage, even permanently. And I imagine Adrien has been modelling since he was small, too, so he would have been subjectes to it since before he even knew what it was, what it could do. Before he could comprehend what was happening and give consent to it.
Shealtered and with all his social and media intake controlled, he would have no clue that these are things he should be allowed to not do. And, sorry to anyone who liked the picture-perfect Mother Image Adrien paints of Emilie, but just like with him not being allowed to go to school or socialize outside of Chloé, or having to work a job and take unwanted extracurricular lessons and activities, Mama Agreste, at the very least, enabled Gabriel to doing something such as Wing-Binding to their unconsenting amd still-growing child.
Given! It isn't absolute in how bad it is, he can remove them for physical activities like P.E. and Fencing, or when photo shoots are doing Wing-Fashion, and when he's at home, too, but still, all that time in public having to use them because his Father says so sucks, a lot.
And again, the damage it could cause, both to his wings as they grow, not being allowed to stretch and strengthen, but also to the feathers, having to grow past and rub and push against what's holding them or sitting below.
It's kinda heartbreaking thinking how lovely he looks but just how much getting to that pleasing image might have just crippled him.
And then I thought about Chat Noir.
Chat, with wings free to move as he pleases, free to droop and drag, free to stretch and feel the wind, free to puff up and shield another.
And when he stretches those wings, be they magically dyed a new color or made bigger, they now have an emphasis on the burden they bear outside of the magic.
The feathers once unseen when tucked are now out and bare, spread out as he makes himself look bigger while he hisses and intimidates an Akuma. Everyone can see how the edges of his feathers are jagged and don't smooth out, some of the shafts are crooked or even broke, and as he beats his wings, they swear some will simply come out, from the quil and all, and disintegrate before they even touch the ground.
Ladybug asks him about it, and he grins and shrugs, "Probably a stylistic choice on my Kwami's part; they aren't actually that bad when I'm out of the suit."
"Mon gryffon," she calls his attention to her with one of her nicknames, a serious and sad look in her eyes. "Not that bad is still bad. Why are they like that?"
"Bindings kinda chaff sometimes, I think the suit just makes it look really bad," he answers, but he doesn't understand, why is she looking at him like that? A little bit of it clicks. "I thought most did it?"
She shakes her head, spreading her own, beautiful wings to him, and he can't help but reach out and run his claws gently through them. Her's don't show the signs of the Wing-Bindings his do. His head snaps to look down to the Parisians on the streets and those above them in the air, looking for signs of his own condition in the open wings. His heart beats hard and it almost hurts as another piece clicks.
"No, Chat Noir," Ladybug answers softly, "that isn't normal... Whoever makes you use those, they shouldn't have. No one still growing their wings should ever use those, ever."
He nods in understanding. His grin, long gone, comes back as he whipes away the tears that has built and he holds out a hand to his partner. "Care for one last fly before we part ways? I think I still need the practice." Especially since I've never flown outside of the suit, and I don't think I'll get a chance to yet, either, goes left unsaid.
But sometimes realizations like this are a part of the recovery. Chat Noir flies with his Lady, and thinks about how Adrien is going to tell his Father he won't wear the Wing-Bindings again, or at least about how to hide the future fact that he got rid of them all so that he can't anyways. He thinks about how he's going to practice flying, maybe ask Marinette for tips.
Chat Noir, the Gryffon of Paris, adds a new determination for the future, alongside winning Ladybug's heart and defeating Hawkmoth: Let his wings be free, and heal, because he'll be damned if he lets Chat Noir be the only time he ever flies, and, once his role as the Black Cat is over, with no suit to aid him, he will simply burn his Father's company to the ground if he never gets to fly again because of what Gabriel had done.
Anyways!! That was the thoughts I was having, it's 4:30am and I hope y'all really like, uh, whatever this is!!!!
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