mechanicalinfection · 10 months
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Are you kind baby or evil baby?
I'm a motherfucking evil baby. Watch yo backs bitches.
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sweetsforhikari · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Sakuya 🌸
Without you, there won’t be Mankai Company and our story together wouldn’t have begun. In honor of your birthday and the release of your second solo song, please read the letters that I wrote for you about how the troupe members think about you.
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I know the format might be weird, but I wrote this addressing Sakuya, so the ‘you’ here refers to Sakuya. I just thought of writing something for him to read so yes, do take note that you need to read everything below as if you’re Sakuya!
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Masumi Usui
Your days of taking care of him as a leader, as a friend, as a brother really made an impact to him. Although Masumi never explicitly reciprocated your love, he has grown to listen and respect you. Allowing you to be involved in his business, hugging him, choosing to depend on you, and taking the time to listen to your words are mere proofs of him considering you as part of his family.
Both you and Masumi never really knew what true family should be like, but I’m sure your time together made both of you understand what it meant to have a brother who would stick by your side no matter what.
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Tsuzuru Minagi
He has immense faith in you, Sakuya. All the scripts he had written for your role have definitely been adjusted to suit you and you alone. He would have never written a role where he knew you couldn’t perform in.
Without you as the leader, he would also have gone mad dealing with the antiques of the other members. As much as he acts as the mediator, the middle ground of the chaos ensuing in Spring Troupe from time to time, he appreciates your presence as the leader who has grown so much more dependable throughout the years. 
Dare I say, sometimes, he glances at you and smiles softly, proud you as one of his little brothers that he cherishes deeply.
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Itaru Chigasaki
Sure, he might view you as a token of gacha luck to bring that SSR home, but you’re definitely more than that. Him accepting his role as the father of Spring Troupe was his way of committing to the found family that he has now. The family that you have established.
Deep down, he’s eternally grateful for your ceaseless attempts to convince him to stay and perform with the troupe during Romeo and Julius. Without you, he wouldn’t have met this group of people with whom he could drop his mask and completely be his true self.
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He enjoys seeing your face light up with wonder and excitement not because he takes pleasure in teasing you, but I believe he wants to preserve that childlike innocence in you as much as possible.
Despite what others might think, I genuinely believe Citron only wants you to feel happy and ignore the negativity and evil that lie in this world. The greatest pleasure in his days has always been to see you smile right after you wake up and before you fall asleep at night. Don’t you think that’s why he enjoys telling you those magical, bombastic, wonderous stories?
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Chikage Utsuki
Admittedly, he still enjoys tricking you during your daily coin toss, but he will stop at nothing to ensure you do not need to worry about a thing in life.
After all, you were the first to not give up on him and still saw him favorably (or should I say objectively without any judgment) despite his actions towards Izumi and Mankai in general.
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Putting all the other troupe members under the cut so this won’t get too long! 
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Tenma Sumeragi
You do know this child actor genius took the audition for Mankai because of you, right? You, who thought your acting was sub-par, turned out to inspire a veteran to face his fears and took that step.
How could Tenma ever thank you properly for that? That’s why as a fellow troupe leader, he would make sure to practice often with you, giving you acting pointers whenever he could. Not to demean you, but to lift you up so both of you can bloom together on stage as equals.
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Yuki Rurikawa
He comments about your naivety, but I dare say he actually envies you for it. Being part of the minority and adopting a cynical approach to life proves to be tiring at times. The positive outlook in life despite your background is definitely something that he has considered to adopt at some point in time.
To him, you’re a reminder that being positive is an option. As much as he seems baffled by your innocence, he is part of the crew that does his best to preserve that side of you.
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Muku Sakisaka
You two are angels! I can only imagine both of you continue being the precious babies that you are. Muku adores you and definitely considers you one of his precious older brothers.
His enthusiasm is reciprocated with you around and your presence lifts up his spirit as well. You are each other’s healing spirit in a way. Always be there for each other, and just by being together, both of you remind all of us that staying pure is a choice and such sight heals us on a daily basis.
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Misumi Ikaruga
He’s off on scavenging triangles for your birthday! Apparently, he heard the cats sang praises about you the other day. As thanks for being his friend and for being kind to the kitties, he’s going to find a special triangle just for you.
Thank you for being so kind and understanding to him, and for becoming his faithful friend, one of his precious treasures in life.
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Kazunari Miyoshi
How many times have you appeared in Kazu’s Inste feed, I wonder. He always seem to find joy in sharing what he found that might be of interest to you.
Both of you are expressive so it’s no surprise either when Kazu wants to hear your opinion on anything. Hope you find those times to be exciting. It is after all, quite rare, to find someone to be candid with these days.
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Kumon Hyodo
Both of you are quite literally sunshine in human form. At times too bright for some, but that’s why both of you should continue being you.
Even Kumon admits watching you lifts his spirits, can you imagine the influence you have in improving the mood of those around you? Sakuya, as Kumon said, please stay true to yourself and keep being you. Your smile and positivity radiate and I honestly think we all need someone like you in our lives.
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Banri Settsu
Don’t feel bad if he lets you borrow his clothes, or if he buys you stuff! It’s his way of letting you know he cares deeply for you. Please don’t think that you’re not worthy of receiving such gifts or even having his company.
If anything, all he wants is to see you all happy with that beaming smile. Keep being the sunshine that you are because I’m sure that’s what Banri wants for you!
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Juza Hyodo
The passionate duo; both of you talk about acting a lot and I’m glad you have someone to share your thoughts and passion with.
Juza considers you as a companion of some sort, he seems to always asking you to practice or do etudes together. Just knowing that both of you can support one another in your endeavours is heartwarming. But, please don’t eat too much sweets if you can’t take it. I’m sure Juza would understand.
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Taichi Nanao
He likes to try out new things and he’s grateful that you are always open to his idea and agrees to accompany him whenever he tries them out.
Thank you for being a great friend for Taichi, but please make sure that you guys don’t go overboard and hurt yourselves. Wouldn’t want that to happen when you’re having fun, right?
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Omi Fushimi
How’s the Neapolitan that he cooked for you today? It must be delicious! All the love and affection he has for you has always been included in his cooking.
Thank you for being the best at helping him out in the kitchen and actually doing the chores. He appreciates it a lot, especially since the dishes don’t clean themselves and with more hands on deck, he is eternally grateful.
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Sakyo Furuichi
Both of you really have come along way, from him being doubtful about your potential until today. You did it, Sakuya! You proved him wrong, alright.
I believe you are his reminder to stay true to what your dreams are. In both of your cases, you both want to be an acknowledged actor. What a long way you two have come. Remember that you have the power to prove people wrong with your earnest determination and always remember that you manage to get Sakyo’s approval on your leadership and acting skills! 
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Azami Izumida
This kid needs to learn a lot from you and he knows that even though he doesn’t readily admit to it. Being a leader isn’t a walk in the park, he realises that as soon as he meets the other troupe members.
Although both of you come from an entirely different background, with him being rebellious and all, he is bound to understand that being earnest as Sakyo has said, will benefit him in the long run. You are a great example for him to follow, and don’t need to feel the pressure! You’re fine the way you are, and this kid will soon learn so both of you can bloom together!
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Tsumugi Tsukioka
I’m pretty sure the cherry blossoms in the courtyard are well taken care of by Tsumugi because it also reminds him of you.
He looks out for you in the smallest ways which you might not have noticed. I’m pretty sure you realise by now that you can talk to him whenever you’re troubled, right? He will listen and he will be grateful he could be an emotional support for you.
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Tasuku Takato
Have you been working out a lot with him? I could start seeing those muscle lines on your arms and legs. Keep up the good work!
He cheers you on by always thinking of training menus for you, knowing that your motivation to be stronger is to build your stamina for better endurance while acting. Tasuku might not say anything, but deep down he appreciates you depending on him for such matters. (Don’t tell him I said this, please. He’ll deny it anyway)
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Hisoka Mikage
Being in the Christmas play together must have made you guys closer. Hisoka even mentioned how he looks forward to acting with you again.
Your caring nature did not go unnoticed. I believe he even gave you some marshmallows to try? And if that’s not him accepting you as one of his own, I don’t know what is.
Thank you for always looking out for him. He has you to thank for all the times he slept and was protected by the cold weather. 
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Homare Arisugawa
I’m curious whether you actually understand Homare when he’s gushing about an inspiration for his poems. But, you always seem to listen intently and take the time to attempt at digesting the verses. 
Homare adores you for that; not everyone can appreciate his poems, he knows that very well, but those who put in the effort to understand his world will always be remembered. And you, Sakuya, are one of them.
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Azuma Yukishiro
Being one of the oldest members of the company also meant that witnessing youth in action is always something that he looks out for everyday. This might explain why he’s a bit sad you’re one year older and more mature now.
His wish for you is simply to let you have no worries in life as you experience youth and the splendour it brings. You’re still young, so many doors of opportunities left to open. With that in mind, feel free to embrace your passion and continue pushing forward to reach your dream, Sakuya. He has your back and nothing will ever get in your way anymore.
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Honestly, please convince him that you enjoy Citron’s company. I’m confident that you never once considered Citron to be a nuisance or burden of any sort.
Just know that Guy is at your service for all the trouble that Citron has caused you. And in times of need, he will always be ready to assist you.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| butterflies | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: you guys request such cute content and i’m happy that you trust me to write for you 🤧 i don’t know if this is good enough but i really do hope you enjoy reading this oneshot! 💕~j.
butterflies in your stomach.
your friends always told you about that certain feeling inside. it could happen in any situation though, but majority was with the person you like. often speaking it would either be out of happiness, excitement, nervousness, anxiety or whatever could make your stomach churn. in your previous relationship, you’ve experienced the first three. and the last one?
not yet but, you never thought you’d feel it now.
talk about wrong timing. your eyes trailed to the ground floor of the mall. the last person you wanted to see was your ex-boyfriend. he was leaning himself against a column, waiting for someone you assume was his new one. with the way how he treated you in a two-year long relationship, you despised his entire being and would scream on the spot to expose his cheatings on you. but you held yourself in, as you imagined how embarassing that would feel.
and today was supposedly your third year anniversary with him. that left your tongue a bitter aftertaste when a girl approached him and he opened his arms wide open like he used to do with you. it hurt and tore your heart into pieces and you wondered how you were easily replaced— when you did was to love him wholeheartedly.
thrills enveloped your body and you began to panic when he walked slowly with her to head up the escalator. meanwhile you stopped in your tracks at the opposite end, hesitant to step forward. all sorts of thoughts shot you like arrows; what should you do? have you moved on yet? what if you both made an eye contact?
jaehyun felt a soft tug yanking his denim jacket. it prevented him from walking further and that his heels stopped mid-way, creating a short obstacle in the crowd. “y/n what are you doing? we’re blocking people.” he said, turning around and had to lift his elbows slightly to see you.
you responded with sharp exhales that he swore was familiar. his lips then agape a little at the sight of you with your usual signature face whenever you sensed trouble. he looked over his shoulder, his eyes searching for whoever caused his best friend to make such a face.
he grabbed your arm and led you to the side so that he could have a proper conversation with you instead of bending down to hear your inaudible words. “look you gotta tell me what’s wrong. you’re making an ugly face, ugly.”
“your 9 o’clock. minhyuk’s there.” you said, eyes looking everywhere else and jaehyun took a quick glance; and double checked too see if it was true.
“oh then let’s go greet him-”
“n-no!” you hissed. “we fought again. and don’t ask why.” you lied.
jaehyun did his usual lifting of the brow in question. “again? do i have to make you both reconcile for the infinite time?”
you stayed silent, remembering how he was always the middle person to prevent you and minhyuk from fighting. he pulled you to head down the escalator and oh how you wanted to smack him. you pulled him back with force, eventually stopping him.
but he wasn’t having it.
the endless tug of war made each of your loose clothes more loose than before. people who witnessed the childish act probably concluded they saw idiots.
jaehyun didn’t show it but he was so close to flipping out based on tightness of his flattened lips. “you big baby. we’ll be late for the movie if you keep pulling me.” he grabbed to carry you like a stuffed animal he won at a carnival.
“put me down jae!” you continuously slapped his arm and managed to pinch his cheek, ending his evil smirk.
“fine.” he said, finally putting you down. he later pat your arms and dusted away possible dirt.
the act done by jaehyun earlier caused a slight diversion of your attention to your ex-boyfriend. you looked ahead to see him. yet again, panic showered over you. palms began sweating and it was the cold kind of feel.
you weren’t seeing things but you swore you had a milliseconds eye contact with the new girlfriend.
ugh what do i do?
from your view, it would take ten seconds to run into them approximately. given the long and slow escalator, you had little time to hide yourself. there was one idea in your head though, and it was crazy. really, really crazy.
jaehyun chuckled at your current state and brought out his phone to record you. he jolted after you sent his heart flying in shock with one sentence.
“don’t ask and just kiss me.”
“what?” he asked, completely frozen in his stance and felt your hands cupping his jaw.
you had to tiptoe to reach him. his hands held your waist and it seemed so natural that he deepened the kiss.
once you both reached the end, you took his cap and wore it out of embarrassment.
the golden hour beautifully shone at the sea’s horizon. if only you had the talent in art, you’d paint the sky everyday and compare to how different the ombrés were. jaehyun nudged you from behind, handing you an ice cream cone to cool your bodies from the sudden request and gesture.
you both went to the mall’s garden rooftop and decided to not watch the movie. it was a rom-com kind and there would definitely be kissing scenes. watching it with jaehyun would’ve been very awkward, especially after the kiss.
he sat down beside you, “how does it feel like to date someone?”
“really jae? you’re asking me? a person who recently broken up-” you cocked an eyebrow, using an elbow to lean on an elevated marbled landscape.
“i just wanna collect facts.” he shrugged. “and why didn’t you tell me about minhyuk before?”
tears welled your eyes. you trailed to the ice cream, chuckling how you were now eating to keep your mind occupied. you then asked yourself, why didn’t you tell jaehyun sooner? maybe showing up at his doorstep would give him the signal. it was actually his idea though, that when things ended with minhyuk, the first person you’d see was your best friend.
words couldn’t come out from your mouth, and you didn’t know why. silence was out of the dictionary with jaehyun. you both knew each other from the book cover, its contents and continuing chapters. you tilted your head upwards to prevent the tears from falling. remembering how minhyuk left a note wasn’t enough to convince you that all was over.
it wasn’t that jaehyun disliked him, but he knew the dude wouldn’t take you seriously. on the other hand he didn’t want to destroy the joy you had in your eyes whenever you would prep yourself for a date. he respected your personal life and would do anything to make you happy,
even if it hurt him inside.
jaehyun liked you for the longest time he could remember. seeing you break down before him had made him wrap you in his arms. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have asked.”
“it’s okay.” you pulled away from him. “what’s there to explain? i mean, he replaced me for someone he assumed was better and i think i can move on from that.” there was doubt in your voice and jaehyun noticed that than you did.
“you ‘think’? heck you should! y/n you deserve someone better. someone who could cheer you up with ice cream and hug you when you needed it the most-”
you giggles cut him off, and you ate the last bit of the cone. “did you just.. describe you?”
“and if i said yes? will you date me?” he noticed the blush on your cheeks and expressed his teasing eyes with a smoulder, lips puckered and brows furrowed high. “ah right, why did you pause?”
“i d-didn’t!” you waved your palms so you wouldn’t have to reason out further. “y-you asked me to d-date you when i-”
“you stuttered, hm? did you feel butterflies?” he attacked you with bickering words. he leaned in forward to smudge the ice cream just above his mouth onto yours.
“n-no i didn’t feel anything! ew go away!” you stopped him with your hands. “stop teasing me, ugly.”
“but this ugly..” he chewed on his last bit of cone as well, scooting closer to you. “..loves this ugly.” he rested his palms to support his weight onto the wooden bench, leaning in closer than he did earlier. his eyes boring into yours that you saw your own reflection.
you pinched his dimples, not believing what you just heard. “lies.”
jaehyun’s heart sank just a little at your cynicism. he had to make you realize he was— and still is in love with you. his head tilted to the side, the centimeters lessening between the two of you. “if i’m lying, i wouldn’t do this.”
he held your chin and closed in for a tender kiss. it was warm, sweet, and nothing you ever felt before. you stopped and looked down, where his lips now touched your forehead.
“and if i’m lying, i wouldn’t return the kiss when you kissed me.” he chuckled and sat back, leaving you alone in your own thoughts.
“that was just an act so minhyuk wouldn’t see me.” you fanned yourself from all sort of feelings jaehyun made you feel.
“but it wasn’t just an act for me.” jaehyun said in a genuine tone. “i really really love you y/n. and it’s more than being your best friend.”
this time he was holding your hand willingly, intertwining his fingers to capture yours. “but if i date you, i can’t help but feel like i’m giving you false hope in a relationship you wished to have.” you said. “jae, what if i couldn’t give you that?”
other than a best friend, jaehyun was a good listener. he’d open his ears to listen to your endless complaints and snotty cries. “that’s based on an ‘if’. why not give it a try?”
you turned to him at his crazy question. “what?”
“why not give us a try?” he smiled warmly and as much as you wanted to hide your smile, you eventually mirrored his. he always has a way with his words to melt your stone cold and stubborn heart.
there were butterflies in your stomach now. jaehyun made you feel all; anxiety for the relationship, nervousness for his possible actions, excitement for how things would go, and happiness for the treatment he had always done.
maybe things will be okay with your best friend. “o-okay.” you said softly.
jaehyun’s eyes widened at your stuttering word. he read the atmosphere a little tense, so he decided to play. “what? i couldn’t hear you.”
“i said okay!” you flushed red and covered your face. “you’re really mean. i feel like being your girlfriend will lead to more bickering and tease.”
“nah i wouldn’t do that.” he removed your hands to see you.
“oh well then, that’s great-”
“but i’ll do more of this. and this. and this-” he approached and gave a small kiss, followed by continuous peppers of kisses.
“jaehyun!” you landed a finger to his lips. “pda is still not my thing.”
“really?” he asked in disbelief but with a very mischievous voice. “you’re saying that after you kissed me in public first?” he took his bag and ran off, leaving you flabbergasted and your thoughts buffering at what was happening now.
well it seemed there’d still be the bickers and the tease.
“yah jung jaehyun! come back here!”
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cowboyguts-moved · 6 years
tell me about your new ocs ^^
so any and all artwork i show you is done by @shit-stains (: 
everyone listed is from a made up oregon beach town called Mystic Overhang infamous for its creepy bottomless lakes and a cliff that leans over the pacific called Mystic Overhang. the town is full of mysterious happenings and unexplained missing persons and something downright evil is going on under their noses..but more on that another time ha ha. the story takes place in 1989. and i just realized this is basically just IT but i didn’t exactly mean for that…they definitely are not plagued by a killer clown.
Church Shelton (my oc) is 17/18. His mom had him too young and didn’t want to have to raised him, frankly, so she ended up leaving him on the stairs of a synagogue. His biological family is Jewish even though Church doesn’t grow up with religion and didn’t even know he was Jewish, because Josiah (Jo), tristan’s oc, was about 2 years old when he and his mom came by and saw a baby crying on the steps and the boy wanted to keep him and name him Church because he thought it was a regular christian church and… it’s cute. And through a ton of convincing and considerations, his mom agrees to care for Church and adopt him. Its a simplistic way of putting it, but there’s a lot that goes into it. He and Jo grow up as brothers and Jo takes such good care of him (: sometimes he has to be a parent to Church even though he’s only two years older, especially when their mom gets UHHH murdered during a robbery in their own house… ……….and they come home and find her at about 12 and 10 years old and Jo makes the decision that they’re not going to tell anyone and risk him living with his father and Church being placed in foster care. so they run away and become street kids for 4 years. When they’re older, 14 and 16, they get caught for stealing when they weren’t careful enough and the social workers put them in foster care, seeing as Jo’s dad is very unfit. They stay there until Jo aged out at 18 and got guardianship of Church after getting them a place to live, that’s a long complex process as well… and was obligated to care for him and provide income and stuff and they live together, just them two in a trailer, for awhile.
Church’s whole thing is that he loves to read and write. He reads so many books and he’s not great at first and is in remedial classes, but then he advances a shit ton with how hard he tries and how much he wants his love for English to succeed. Uh he has narcolepsy!!! Meaning he has a lot of daytime sleepiness, falls asleep frequently in the day and has bad insomnia at night and this hinders him a lot. In some cases his narcolepsy comes with cataplexy, this is when he has muscle weakness/paralysis caused by strong emotion like excitement and laugher. His brother Jo helps him a lot through that. I theorize that it happened because of a natural immune issue he has, which was most prevalent when they were living on the streets. 
Church is really funny and sweet and sarcastic. He’s such a cute boy and everyone in their town LOVES him just cause he’s so charming. he gets really cynical and depressed sometimes and can be mean when he wants to be, however and it’s his biggest downfall. He’s a bit of pyro he loves to set shit on fire. Oh, and he has a southern accent (: he loves to eat too, he’s always down for snacks. He’s bisexual but he doesn’t really call it that, he doesn’t take much note of his own sexuality, he does what he does. He works at an amusement park most of the time and has to put up with Jo constantly coming to his work when he gets lonely and riding the roller coaster he’s operating. Then when he graduates he goes to University of Oregon and has a bit of a big depressive self destructive path he follows and ends up overdosing on drugs on what of his partying nights, he self harms by being uncaring and his many intrusive thoughts about his mother dying and his huge fear of not seeing the world and being too dumb and poor to get an opportunity to really live. He’s put in the hospital and goes to rehab and Jo is there with him every step of the way. He’s so sweet and caring and worries about him but Church is a little belligerent sometimes. He wants to get better and be better for everyone and himself, and he does through a long emotional school break. He doesn’t end up going to his previous college again but he transfers and gets in the Columbia in new york for his English degree (: he lives in an apartment with his boyfriend Mason. 
Church is white, 5′7 and he’s stout and chubby. He’s got green eyes, freckles, a piggy nose, big sunburnt cheeks, and auburn hair, mostly shaved into a curly mohawk. and he got a fat ass and killer thighs. 
His beautiful big dumb brother Jo Shelton (tristan’s oc) has a story that is obviously parallel to church’s, but i think it’s important to mention that he’s kinda slow, slow thinkin’ and a bit hyper…and an asshole to everyone but the ones he really loves like church, he’s as sweet as he can be with him. he loves working on cars and he has a beautiful truck that he put a lot of work into..that is until he crashed it horribly while drunk driving after he got into a fight with church when church was in the hospital recovering from his overdose. and he got mild temporary brain damage… so…and then had to spend 6 months in jail for a DUI. that really fuck him up for a good while! and that’s a huge dent in their lives.
but anyway lol… he also loves to meet chicks and do speed dating.. and he hooks up with a wide variety of girls, he’s not picky at all and doesn’t believe in types, he just loves dominant women. he does have one important stable girlfriend for awhile named Rosa that he met at his grocery store job! he spilled spaghetti sauce on her white shoes (: and they were truly in love and dated for 3 years until it became dangerous for her to be with him because one of her weird ass fuckinnnn dangerous ex boyfriends got out of prison and she didnt think he would be safe if they remained together and it’s devastating for him and hinder him for a good while. he kinda fills that void by becoming a big brother figure to church’s biological sister Jude, who is 12 and in need of good old fashion josiah guidance. jo has that natural dumb dad vibe to him. (by the way..church’s mother reenters church’s life very briefly and that’s why jude and church meet and jude eventually lives locally to the boys because she moves in with Her real dad.) Later jo works at a mechanic shop and his ultimate goal is to open his own! uh also haha important detail..jo struggles with his sexuality and on the low meets up with dudes in alleys and lets them smash cause he’s a big bottom so. and he has sorta of thing for someone he met in the mess of foster care, just one of the kids he hung out with in passing, and his names Riley and they meet up later on when they’re older and fuck around a bit.
jo is 6′3 and he has golden honey hair and blue eyes and he’s freckly and has some beauty marks on his face. he’s pretty darn hairy..and he kinda smells. he’s a real country bo. he’s super skinny and hes got huuuge hands!
here’s jo and church (:
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Mason Uley (mine), Church’s boyfriend, doesn’t meet church until he’s 22 and Mason is 13, and is a rich boy who’s siblings all died in one way or another…JDBSJD he’s the only child left and he is very neglected by his parents because of their coldness and grief and little regard for caring for their last kid. They’re never home and they ignore him completely which leaves him in search for attention in all sorts of wrong ways and he acts out. He does motocross at the local track. He loves rap music and is very embarrassing about it considering he’s very white..he loves flexin’ with that name brand clothing and shoes and wears skate shirts even though he doesnt skate which is a big smelly whatever but in general he’s a big poser. but its fine because we love him and its apart of his charm. He has a slight limp because at 13 he shattered his ankle and it never healed right. He loves Church very much and they’re SUPERR gross and lovey, their dynamic is so adorable, as you can imagine his goofy ass and church’s more dry sarcasm. He wants to be an architect and goes to college for that at Columbia later. He’s smart and has a very dry kind of humor and he hates Jo until he’s forced not to because of their mutual love for Church. He’s 1000% gay. He has blond hair and he looks like a 90s heart throb and Jo affectionately calls him “faggot” more than his name.
i dont have a Current drawing of mason all i got are old ones that tristan doesnt really like l o l
Okay……….. and then there’s Lewis. he’s 18. His full name is Aloysius St. Lawrence (AL oh wish iss) (mine), and he grew up in a deeply religious cult in northern California where many Horrible things happened to him that I’ll spare the details on but he’s a very traumatized boy and i thinkg about the complexity of him trying to come to grips with it and learning how to live with the immense pain he was dealt with! so. it’s really fun.
he was born with a sorta Purpose, his dads family started this commune, and the dad wasnt at fault, he’s not malicious he’s really sweet and a bit slow and is often mistreated, he’s forced to have relations with lewis’ mom, who was sort of a nomadic runaway girl perfect for procreation after she got caught in the entanglement of this commune business in california. theyre both really young when they have lewis and his twin sister, lewis being prime because he’s the Male. lewis grew up believing all kids in the commune were his siblings and so he never realized the one girl he’d see all the time was his biological sister. so bascially they take lewis from the mom, say he’s not only her child but the communities child, just how it is with all kids, and she betrays the commune in a way i havent figured out and goes beserk because obviously everyone there is insane and shes exiled and lewis, all the while has no idea shes his mother. so great childhood… full of hard labor and sleeping in a room with rows of beds and dreaming about a woman and not knowing why, not knowing its because shes your mom (: haha
In 6th grade he’s finally allowed to go to a school with other boys because before this he was homeschooled and his world was reduced to the confinements of his commune. He goes to a spooky and prestigious boarding school in southern Oregon and wears a uniform. The place is really huge and brick and creepy but it feels like paradise with this freedom he finally gets to some extent and he’s learning how to function as a regular boy, although he finds it kind of impossible. 
CHRIS!!!!! Is his roommate at this boarding school in 6th grade. Chris is a very goofy lovesick boy who believes heavily in the energies of the earth and charging his crystals his hippie mother gave him and he paints his nails black and pushes the rules of the dress code every single day and tends to break it completely. He’s a punk who loves to piss adults off. He was forced to go there by his very strict abusive father and there he meets sweet sweet Lewis (:
Lewis has never had a friend like Chris and he doesn’t know how to successfully keep one and it’s a really stressful emotional cycle of enduring the weekends at the commune and coming back to school and to Chris amongst all the happy boys that lead mostly normal lives. Chris sort of realizes that he has feelings for boys in this time and has strange urges to hold Lewis’ hand and kiss him and stuff, but he refuses to truly acknowledge his feelings about who he is.  but he does, in fact, hold his hand and Lewis lets him and they’ll just hang out for hours in their room holding hands and talking about silly stuff. They come to be really close and mean a lot to each other, chris invite him over to his house on the weekends and lewis sneaks off with him, risking being punished because he didn’t go back with one of the Father’s or Brother’s of his commune. Chris and lewis are very adorable and they play with makeup together in chris’s room and eat snacks and explore mystic overhang and chris teaches him about the ways of modern life. in 7th grade they grow apart when they don’t share a room or anymore and Chris gets involved with different people, starts smoking weed and eventually gets with a guy in 8th grade hhhh… and Lewis focuses really hard in class and it’s sorta the end of that. 
When chris gets expelled in 8th grade they don’t see each other anymore, the only departing thing being chris’s journal that he gave to lewis before he was escorted off the premises, and in it is filled with entries about him. this journal was taken and destroyed at his commune by one of the Fathers when it was found, though :/ so yes, Lewis goes back to the commune because they plan on keeping him homeschooled for high school but there’s a group of 5 kids and 3 men from the commune that are heading to Nebraska around the time he’s 16, and they force lewis to be the 6th child that accompanies them in their trip. once there, he’s kept in a creepy abandoned house, hardly set up for living in and he’s living with these other children, like an odd family that has to function around one another, him being the oldest of “siblings”. he finds out eventually that they’re there for a weird ritual/sacrifice thing.. probably the most horror-ish horror element i developed for him thus far, its frankly insane and disturbing and theres a lot of layers and rituals they must do and humiliating tasks they must do all for a Grander godly purpose. the sole purpose of it is to reach ultimate redemption in heaven after a sinful life ahahahaa.. so basically the whole time they’re there, they’re trying to accumulate sin by being unloving, disciplinary, neglectful, …uhh…and lewis kept in a dark room, only candles and daylight light the house and they’re severely mistreated and malnourished. Lewis runs away at 18…but, through constant mistreatments of his body he ends up having gangrene in his left leg and has to have it amputated above the knee by a doctor he meets whom he has to give a Favor to as payment because he doesnt have money. and he gets a real shitty wooden prosthetic that isn’t comfortable at all and its not healing right, it’s a bit botched actually.. and he has crutches and that’s how he gets around. He goes back to Oregon to the town Mystic Overhang that Chris is from because remembers the town name vaguely, not even who said it or when he heard it, but he goes there because he doesn’t know many towns, so he decides to settle there and he makes a living prostituting for awhile at an area called Mouth’s Edge. he sees Chris again when Chris pays him for a bj l o l. and Chris recognizes him even though chris is coked out of his mind because he had a really rough night and got his shit kicked in by his dad… and Lewis almost shits himself because someone from his past is back and he’s really paranoid and weird about it cause he just blew one of his only friends he used to have. and he wants Chris to fuck off, but eventually Chris keeps coming back just to talk to him and see what he’s been up to and stuff, cause he still feels this familiar need to protect Lewis that he had back in middle school. He’s very consistent about seeing him and does every single night even when Lewis is working. lewis’ love for him comes gradually, even through chris is in love with him pretty much instantly. It takes a long time for Lewis to want to be touched and held but he lets people do it anyway, including chris, it’s an unhealthy thing he obviously needs therapy ha ha. they don’t officially date until an entire year later
lewis is very sweet boy he’s shy and he has trouble making eye contact. He’s really smart and loves to paint! That’s what he wants to do with life. He’s not gay per se, he doesn’t really feel much romantically unless someone, anyone is kind to him and patient and reeeeeeeally really consistent or else he would probably never fall in love, but any gender has the potential with him. He loves 40s-80s music so much and dances to it really dorky when he thinks no one is looking and Chris has sooooo many records. he loves to rollerskate! and he’s really good at it. he’s pretty damn masculine, more so than chris. and he’s strong (: and he wears ugly clothes that he finds in dumpsters. eventually he gets enrolled in college for art and sees a therapist he grows to love like a dad to be honest.. lewis he dyes his hair a lot (: it’s naturally golden but at first when he’s prostituting its short and purple and then grows out very long and then he cuts it a lil and dyes it pink..orange..etc etc. he’s a hard worker and he gets a job at the Junkyard where he meets his best friend Cody (: 
This is Lewis :) he’s white, 5′4 and he’s soft but strong and handsome and he’s got golden eyes and hair and he’s sweet n freckly.
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Chris Russell (tristan’s) is 19… chris is greek and pakistani from his dad and white italian from his mom. he grew up an only child with them in an upper middle class environment because his dad … i don’t even know the legit title but he buys and sells properties for a fancy shmancy company. his mom is just a kindergarten teacher and that’s not a killer wage but. he’s very close to his mom he loves her to pieces, she’s a big stoner hippie (:. his dad on the other hand has always been really disciplinary and cold towards Chris, his dad is straight up abusive though, so there’s no excuses being made for him, but at first he didn’t do it just because he felt like it. he was just raised learning that it was the only effective way to discipline your kid and that it was the dynamic that Worked the best. Chris is a little problem child though, and not so much when he was a kid! he was so sweet and all he wanted to do was wear his mom’s makeup and clothes. he wore clips in his curly hair and pretty skirts and he loved music and being a mama’s boy and he loved her cooking. he loved reading and writing. but he was still abused by his dad, especially for his natural femininity. and as Chris got older he was such a rebel. he’s a mouthy, snarky, blunt little shit that never behaved or was cowered into doing things as his dad wanted. it wasn’t like he wasn’t afraid to get hit or anything but he didn’t show it and constantly provoked it. that’s in his teen years though especially
chris goes in and out of depression and mania constantly after middle school. he’s doing drugs, just weed at first but he’s always always high and he’s a big loner until he meets his Boys in 10th grade (: mikael ben and kylo. his parents divorce when he’s 15. he tries to convince himself he’s not gay and he gets with a girl but the ordeal is humiliating and she spreads the rumor that he was so bad at fingering her and touching her boobies that he must be Gay and so he retaliates by making photo copies of her nude pictures and spreading them. chris has questionable morality. you GOTTA know that about him.. he has problems and he can straight up not be a good person sometimes but overall he really is one and we be loving him or whatever. and he evens out in his 20′s and 30′s so it’s fine. HFSFSS but yeah! after awhile it’s sorta easy just to come out, and then he gets cocky and his gayness bleeds through everything he does. he starts dressing more effeminate again and he fucks around with a lotta guys and is really stupid about his recklessness. he gets into cocaine and gets so fucked up he doesn’t know who he’s banging half the time he just parties and is a big smelly butthead. and around the AIDS crisis no less… dumb ass. by some miracle he doesn’t catch anything or get anything so… this all happens, the worst of it anyway, when he’s 18 and stuff after he has this weird hook up relationship with Mikael his friend and our other OC hsdhbsd. and then he kinda just Takes himself off it after he bumps into Lewis again and goes through his withdrawals and smokes a ton of weed, i mean he’ll never quit that, its fine.
he loves to skateboard! he loves reading and writing. he aces his english classes and was in AP his whole life in that subject. he’s a big debater and critical thinker in those classes and the teachers love him and hate him for that. he writes in his journals constantly and he wants to be a writer someday.. he loves drag. he has a whole persona. her name is Crystal Balls. he’s really fuckin good at it too, he’s good at makeup and tucking and dressing up and caring for his wigs. he’s a big major faggot. he’s a top! even though everyone in the world does not think he is (: he’s a big top. and he can be masculine when he wants. he has masculine body language and a manly voice and he’s a big stoner skater but he can turn on that faggotry whenever he wants and its especially apparent in his Crystal persona. he plays piano and is very good at it (: he’s bipolar clinically but does not take meds (:  he self harms as a result of his polarizing emotions and his home life. he’s the horniest emo anyone will ever meet and legit is addicted to feel-good stuff and has a really addictive personality in general. so weed, food, sex, Lewis, etc. he’s really insecure and he thinks he is BUTT ugly but high key he’s the hottest OC either of us have like he’s just gorgeous that’s all there is to it. and he’ll go back and forth from Damn im fuckin hot to holy fuck i look like my dad i want to wear a ski mask everywhere. its mostly the latter though (: he hates his dad and hates that he looks so much like him. the only thing he likes about himself is his big dick and his legs that are straight up chick legs
here’s chris heh
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Cody Glorymoon (mine), Lewis’  best friend, is 20 and she’s very pretty and she has delicate features but she’s big tomboy and works for her dad at the junkyard. she’s a ginger and she’s very tall and slim and she’s a little rough and cynical but she’s super soft and loving and smart.  and she cares for lewis so much that she’s a little in love with him at one point and it hurts her to be that way because she’s having her own sexuality and identity crisis and shes knows they can’t be together. she hates chris…because the girl chris used to date and spread her nudes was her sister and she’s extremely protective of her sister because they grew up very close and had traumatic experiences being put through frequent pageant shows and training as little girls? their mom was a piece of shit and eventually dumped them on their dad who previously was kept away from them. she also, in general, just doesn’t like chris and his personality. he’s a huge douche to her. until she softens for him in later years when she sees him a lot because he’s her best friend’s boyfriend. chris actually needs her help pretending to be his girlfriend in order to please his dad and keep him off his back so he can see lewis on the low… and she does it because she’s the only girl he knows that tolerates him enough and would do it for him and she comes over for dinner and other events hsdfjsdf its really funny watching chris pretend to like her. they grow closer this way and become real friends even though they always have this love/hate dynamic.
heres cody and cody giving lewis a smoochie 
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here’s some gay and lesbian solidarity between chris and cody
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Mikael Taylor (tristan’s) is 19 and one of the boys in Chris and Lewis’s friend group. He’s a foster kid who has really long hair and smokes too much weed because if he doesn’t his adhd gets the best of him. He and church have an on and off thing for quite a while until they break up and church moves away and gets with mason, although mikael is sort of crazy in love with church whether he likes to admit it or not, he’s always sorta waiting for him and mason to be Done even though it takes a long ass time, he really misses his opportunity with him the beginning. He likes to fuck and be with all kinds of different people, though, and commitment is definitely a fear of his (hence the on and off thing with church). He’s really sweet though and he loves lewis to death. Hes funny and outgoing and cool and Everyone likes him. Everyone. He’s got a cool septum piercing and one of those gum piercings right under the lip as well. He’s also huge gauged ears and he wears a beanie and hawaiian shirts with dad shorts and socks and sandals (which are like the only shoes he owns). He’s half native american and half caucasian, he sleeps a lot and he has a huge thing for milfs. (chris and ben’s moms especially)
mikael is 6′4, and pretty lean and has got some muscles. he’s got sharper features and he has green eyes and gross facial hair wispies
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Benjamin Jacobs (tristan’s) is 19 and is another one of the boys from the friend group. He’s a big, heavy jock who really enjoys theatre and foootball. He’s from up north, so he has an accent thats quite strong and pretty cliche. He’s got pretty short blonde hair and freckles spread across his soft cheeks. He’s quite angry most of the time and he can be very loud, especially with chris whenever chris is being himself and annoying the shit out of him. He does have a temper but he tries his best to control it around lewis. Oh yeah and he also loves lewis a lot (: he lives in a really nice suburban neighborhood and his home is loudly occupied with his mother, dawn, who is your classic 80’s rhode island mom complete with the big poofy curls and the hoop earrings, and his two brothers and one sister. He has a man cave which is the entire home basement that he and the boys all hang out in 24/7, filled with beanbags a television, a pool table and a blow up doll named Patrisha that chris drew a penis on. Again, he hates chris. ALSO he’s in love with kylo’s sister named Leslies and he pines for her 24/7
ben is big chubby and blond, he’s 6′1 and hes so hot i think he’s so hot bro. he’s juicy he’s a thick quarterback with blue eyes
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Kylo Cavillo (tristan’s) is the last member of the boys group. Kylo is a sweet Hispanic boy with vitiligo who has a hard time expressing himself. He’s very excitable and he falls in love with people very easily… he has this weird crush/obsession with chris that’s not talked about within the group much but it can be more than obvious at times even though he denies that he’s gay. He and lewis get along very well and he loves him a lot, they both were deprived of a lot of the modern things like certain tv shows and games and phrases and ways of doing things so they’re able to bond on that fact. Kylo lives at home with his mother and father, who is a big part of the Mystic Overhang Tiburón’s (a gang) and he owns their family restaurant called El Baño HHHDSF which kylo comes to take over himself when he’s older. He has three sisters and he is the youngest of all siblings, so he grew up with girls his entire life and definitely has some femininity to him. He’s very sweet and innocent, though, and means well with all his endeavors. He likes to grease his jet black hair back and wear gold chains with his baseball jerseys and blue jeans. OH he also has epileptic seizures and it’s very scary but mikael knows well how to deal and handle them when they happen because he has experience both with his foster siblings and kylo himself because mikael knew him the longest!
and here’s mister kylo, he is very small about 5′1 and skinny, he has big pretty expressive brown eyes and lil cute mustache and unibrow (:
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X21 AND 3X22 - “Snow Drifts” AND “There’s No Place Like Home”
Watch what happens when Miss Swan tries to EMMA-ncipate herself from Storybrooke! 
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Anyways, let’s do the time warp agaiiiiiiiinn!
You better WATCH yourself because we’re going back to revisit the Season 3 finale below the cut! XD
I’m sorry this is so late! Super Smash Bros Ultimate kind of stole my life for a few weeks, but I’m back now!
Press Release
While Mary Margaret and David celebrate the naming of their son at a coronation in Granny’s Diner, Emma and Hook are pulled into Zelena’s time portal and find themselves in the Enchanted Forest of the past. But in their quest to discover a way back, they must be careful not to change ANYTHING or risk altering the lives of their friends and family – as well as their very own existence.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
Past/Present/Everything (?) XD
“Back to the Future” is my all time favorite movie, so is it any surprise that I fucking love this two parter? No? Well, good! Now let’s talk about why!
Revisiting this finale really shows me just how many story and plot points were set up in those first few minutes in such a natural way. This is easily one of the tightest finales in the show’s history in that regard. The story and plot here is so well paced. Never does anything, even for a second feel off or poorly spoken or anything of the sort! It’s just good! The absolute best instance of this is the two Hooks scene. Like, that was just so fucking CRAFTY for how Killian and Emma organize and enact the plan to get Snow to work for him.
I like how the opening of the episode finally lays out all the cards: Emma’s decision to go back to New York is a selfish one. She plainly admits this and spells out why. It’s framed as a bad thing to do and the episode’s goal is to tackle that. It’s the heart of the episode and it’s incredibly effective thanks to those opening shots that show just how much pain Emma’s been in throughout her past.
Oh my fucking God, all of the actors are just amazing here! EVERYONE gets a great moment! I talk a ton about Emma and Jen, obviously, so let’s give a shoutout to the others! Robert Carlyle gets to put all of Rumple’s delicious character aspects on display, from Rumple’s silliness to Mr. Gold’s snarkiness to both of their more sympathetic sides. Lana gets some fucking delicious ham as we see her Season 1 Evil Queen come out! Josh pulls off the perfect mix between being everything that Prince Charming is supposed to be with a more modern snark that makes him human. The same goes for Ginny, though the placement of this episode has Snow showing off a more believably cynical side to the character, which she nails! Jared Gilmore performs a fantastic Henry, understanding though still always tugging at Emma to come and stay home. Emilie de Ravin’s heart and soul during the wedding scene is just so present, so much so that I just feel myself bursting out in tears throughout the whole scene. And Colin, who boy! Colin had to take on two versions of himself and every moment of that was just delicious!
”Lovely ball the other night.” ...Is this to say that there was a day break between Emma being caught by Regina’s guards and being put in her cell? It makes sense, but WOW! I never thought of it like that!
The execution scene. The fucking kills me. I know Snow’s alive, but I don't fucking care. I still feel every bit of that sense of dread and disgust as the fireball takes her. And how that affects Emma, she can barely speak and when even the possibility of Snow being alive comes to light, Emma’s immediately back to full energy! Emma’s love for Snow is such an effective driving force behind the solving of her conflict of finding home. The moment that choked me up this time was Emma shouting “you’re alive” to Snow right before hugging her. Just...and then we have to sit on the reaction when Snow doesn’t recognize her. It’s just too much.
And Emma’s revelation. I love how slow and emotional the moment gets to be as she tells Killian why she wants to stop running and how she values her mother and life in Storybrooke. It’s so heartbreaking and heartwarming in the same vein. It’s this gentle breakdown that understands that yes, Emma has been selfish, but she wants to do and be better for everyone, including herself. She wants to be like the rest of her family. She wants to be a part of something. And the smile on hers and Killian’s face as she comes to terms with that lesson...it’s just the best kind of payoff! And then the reunion, accompanied by that GORGEOUS melody as Emma finally remedies her behavior towards her parents. It’s one of the most beautiful moments in the entire show.
So let’s talk about Baby Neal briefly, or rather, his name. This is one of the most contentious points in the entire fandom. I...don’t love it (but don’t hate it), but only because Snow and Charming didn’t interact with Neal all that much. Had they had any meaningful time together, I think this naming would’ve been not only good, but great. Even still though, I don’t really care too much one way or the other. I’m one of those people who is completely fine with kids on this show being named after the dead. Maybe that’s because it’s the case in so much of the other media that I’ve seen throughout my life and apart of the Jewish culture I grew up with, but I don’t understand the fandom’s hangup with that reason for names. People are named after the dead. It’s not that big of a deal.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-Guys, that is just cruel and unusual punishment to make all of the kids stand outside and watch a kid get adopted right in front of them. I get they’re trying to be polite and inspire hope, but they’ve GOT to know that that’s difficult for the non adopted kids to watch! Like, the actual fuck?!
-Dammit. The cameraman who kept the shot on Emma as she sees a kid driving off with a new family fucking is an evil genius and fucking WRECKS me! *sobs into infinity*
-Do you think Lucy had a coronation ceremony?
-Potluck at Granny’s, huh? I don’t know if that’s good because you’re thrusting less work onto Granny or bad because you’re denying her the business.
-Okay, I know Emma’s running away from her problems and all, but that retort about Snow and David stalling for time was fucking hysterical! XD
-Robin, that is one luxurious spread! But why are you guys sitting on the floor?! Don’t you know that Regina’s a queen and a bit more refined? XD
-”I would’ve walked through hell to be with my Marian again.” ...Dammit. I really want a Robin/Marian Underworld fic.
-”That [vault] was only for the most dangerous and unstable magic.” Then that sounds like a GREAT place for the dagger! “And this doesn’t qualify?” “No.” YES!
-To tell you the truth, I guess when you factor in both Rumple’s sacrifice AND the fact that he’s scary powerful, it makes sense that Maurice would bless the marriage. Like, he’s still a shit person, but the decision makes sense. I do feel though like they just stuck him in so that there was one extra person at the wedding, but I’d honestly think Ruby would’ve been a more appropriate choice since she was closer to Belle and even helped out Rumple on occasion, especially since she was actually in the episode.
-The entire back-and-forth about the origins of Snowing is the greatest thing in the world! XD
-KATHRYN! My sweet cinnamon roll!!! You look so happy and you’re talking with Best Matriarch!!! <3
-Okay! The Captain Cobra moment here is so fucking underrated! Henry trusts Killian with his fucking storybook! Like, this book just gave him back his memories and Henry trusts Killian with it to help his mom! Just...YES PLEASE!!!!
-”Stubborn like her...all of our family.” To be fair, have you MET your family, David? That correction is pretty accurate.
-”She would curb any homicidal tendencies.” ...I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works, mate!
-I love RC’s “oh shit” face.
-...To tell you the truth, now that we know Zelena survived, that corrupted footage isn’t that far off the mark.
-”You defeated the bloody Wicked Witch. You defeated Pan.” ...You’re not fully on the mark, Killian, but I do agree that she had a big part in taking them down.
-Lana! Lana! There’s so much beautiful ham here and I love you for it!!! This scene where she’s intimidating the villagers! Just...this is perfection!
-BOOBS! I mean...Emma’s EF attire looks great! ...BOOBS! <3
-I just LOVE Emma’s smile as she watches the set up for her parent’s first meeting. Like, I legit reared up because that smile alongside the Snowing theme just...it was fantastic.
-”It’s a miracle you two fall for each other.” I love that ‘da fuq, Emma’ look Killian gives Emma.
-I love that look Killian gives Emma when he says “me.”
-...Damn, Killian looks good funny encased in shadows.
-And then he has to say “privacy” in only the way Killian Jones can do.
-”Ooh confidence. I like it.” And I like your confidence. ...Damnit, OUAT men! Stop being so attractive!
-Regina just ROCKS her every entrance!
-”It’s all about the tumblers.” I spell it differently, but I feel you, man. XD
-I love the way Neal describes his past with Rumple. The tragedy of their separation comes from the fact that they loved each other so much, but Rumple couldn’t overcome his demons in a way that could help them stay together.
-I LOVE this Captain Charming scene. The bros are so supportive of one another, though David doesn’t fully grasp who Killian is to him!
-”Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up with them again.” ...That hurrrrts!
-Ruby is such a badass!!!
-”Hook!” How strange must this nickname be to everyone else in this room?! XD
-*Snow sneaks up on Regina* Oh SNOW you didn’t!!! XD
-Aww! I love that Red Snow hug!!!
-You know, I really like the design of the trolls and am sad that they weren’t used more often.
-”I’m devilishly handsome again.” Yes you are!
-Gee! Is that urn important?
-I love both Rumple and Emma’s reactions to Neal’s name. That subtle happiness, especially on Rumple’s face, is just so beautiful!
-So I have so many feelings on Killian ‘ditching his crew.’ I actually wrote an entire fic about it. BUT that having been said, I think the choice he made was the right one.
-Archie, they’re getting married, not going ice skating. Wear a fucking suit!
-I can’t get as swept up in the OQ tragedy because Roland says “mama” and that is too fucking cute!
-Okay, that reveal of Elsa was SO FUCKING WELL SHOT! I love the slow buildup to her reveal, from the icy blue liquid in the urn to the forming of her dress to the shape of her hair to the dismissal of the liquid and finally, to the reveal of her powers! What an EPIC intro! Best one ever! Now I know you’re upset about that, Regina, but you just have to *takes deep breath* LET IT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (And THAT’S how you close out a season!)
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
Emma Accepting Home - So look, I love how every season touches upon another aspect of Emma’s acceptance of people into her life, but on some level, I do get how the fandom got sick of it after a certain point. I firmly believe that this was the best and ultimate moment of culmination of this aspect of Emma’s character. That’s not to say that I didn’t like it in other seasons. Fuck no, I loved it in other seasons, but this was the best handling of it. The idea of those Emma loves and their philosophies on home and family all come together in this beautifully blended way. Emma’s parents, Henry, Killian, Neal, and more all contribute to her outlook on her life in Storybrooke and how her walls can be detrimental. And seeing Emma realize that makes for such a beautiful journey.
Killian’s Redemption - “That man sitting there, you don’t know him. Just be careful.” I feel like this line speaks to Killian’s improvement. He doesn’t want someone he cares for to see how lousy he was. And Killian’s redemption really gets its proper payoff here. With many of his past wrongs righted, Killian is finally given appreciation for helping get Emma back to Storybrooke. I think there’s an added layer to “you traded your ship for me.” Basically, Emma has to press him unyieldingly in order to find this out, meaning that he was never going to tell her on his own. He was willing to give up his home and have the act go anonymous.
Regina’s Redemption - ….Fuck. So, I’ve gone on about how I loved Regina’s Redemption this season. That is completely true. And this is where we take a GIANT step back. I GET that Regina feels resentment towards Emma. In this episode, it’s even at an okay level. BUT, going forward, this gives way to perhaps my least favorite Regina arcs. Thankfully, it only lasts for five episodes and I like the handling of it in the first four...you know what? We’ll talk about it when we get there! Apart from that aspect, I felt like Regina had reached a good place here! Her character is becoming more concrete.
Rumple’s Redemption - This is one of those episodes where Rumple’s decision to hide the real dagger and the truth about Zelena’s death makes things really sticky. And don’t forget, I was on his side for her death, but now’s the time to come forward! Apart from this aspect of it, something not at all glossed over in the episode itself, Rumple is framed as good. His wedding is a moment of character payoff and the happiness he feels as he gets married and Snowing’s son is named after Neal feels earned in a lot of ways. And the weirdest thing is that that’s Rumple for you: Undeniable someone with a big heaping helping of darkness, but a fuckton of character in there too. Like, this doesn’t ruin the episode by any means, but it’s there and it’s weird.
Neal’s Death - “Home is the place when you leave, you just miss it.” I think it was a fantastic story element to make one of the most poignant and thematically present lines in the episode something Emma learned from Neal. Not only that, but even some more of Neal’s minor advice comes in handy, like how to unlock the prison cell!
Favorite Dynamic
Emma and Killian. ...Look I work hard not to incorporate too much shipping into the meatier parts of the review and I’ll keep the romance out of it, I promise. So just give me this one. Cool beans? Cool beans. But seriously, I do actually have completely non-shippy reasons to love this dynamic as it works in this episode. For a time travel story to really work, there needs to be at the heart of it characters who know what’s going on and can interact with one another. It’s the most important dynamic in the story and if they fucked it up, the rest of the tale would’ve fallen apart, but thankfully, with Emma and Killian together, the special thrived. Killian and Emma both bring something to the table. Emma brings that fresh face and serves as a focal point for the story. Her naivete of some of the fairy tale elements and personal relationship to the people from the past is what keeps the story going and engaging. And Killian in a lot of ways helps to keep her grounded. While he cares deeply for Emma, his existence is not the one on the line and his lack of a familial relationship allows for some space between him and the events. He gets to be the clear thinker when Emma panics and her guide since this is his world as well as the voice of reason. And in return, Emma gets to perform the cool stunts, save people, and stand up to the past version of the Evil Queen. She even gets to save Killian’s ass in the case of royal balls and keeping his past self distracted. Together, they get to bounce around ideas, make jokes, and share moments of revelations that other characters in this episode aren’t and can’t be privy to. These two characters come together and make for a good and balanced dynamic for that reason. Additionally, Jen and Colin’s chemistry allows for a balance between things being lighthearted and serious when they need to be. Whether you like them as a couple or not, I don’t think it can be denied that they are the reason for why the main story was as entertaining as it was.
We have four writers here, two per episodes. David Goodman and Robert Hull worked on “Snow Drifts” and Adam and Eddy wrote “There’s No Place Like Home.” And they all did so freakin’ well! You can tell how careful these guys were with most every writing decision ever made. They managed to rework a fantastic episode, “Snow Drifts,” while still keeping to the dignity of it at the same time. It gels so well into also being a family story and allowing for as many fun character interactions as possible.
Double Golden Apple! What more can I honestly say? It’s as close to perfect as OUAT can get for me!
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
CAPTAIN SWAN, MOFOS! - THERE IS A REASON THIS BEAUTIFUL EPISODE IS CALLED THE CS MOVIE BECAUSE HOT DAMN IT IS A CS MOVIE!!!!! As I said in the “Favorite Dynamics” section, Killian is a constant source of support for Emma. He knows that she belongs with her family, respects her ideas, and challenges her. And just, let’s get through the moments, okay?! Like, he goes through a time portal for her! “One of these days, I’m gonna stop chasing this woman.” The fuck you are, buddy. You’re chasing her for all eternity! And just, he’s got her. He keeps her sane as she freaks out. He helps her relax. And just...the LOOKS he gives her! Like, look at how they joke around when Emma changes clothes, those little flirty looks! XD And speaking up, how about that loosening up of the corset and “you and I both know I’m his type?” Because that kills me. It utterly kills me! Someone drag my soul out of the Underworld because that scene destroys me in the best way possible! And the dude gets jealous of Emma kissing his past self, so fucking jealous that he needs to take his-fucking-self out! XD AND NOW WE GET TO THE BALL! THE FUCKING BALL THAT OWNS MY ETERNAL ASS! First, look at those smiles as Killian compliments Emma. THEN look at how Emma covers for Killian like a mofo’in boss! FINALLY, THE DANCING. IMMORTALIZED IN THE BOOK FOR ALL TIME IS MY FAVORITE CS MOMENT! EMMA GETS TO PLAY PRINCESS AND FEEL LIKE A ROYAL. KILLIAN GETS TO TREAT HER TO SUCH AND TEACH HER HOW TO WALTZ. AND THEY”RE SMILING AND HAVING SO MUCH FUN. IT”S PERFECT! HONESTLY PERFECT! Okay, I’m semi-recovered from that. Now, I also LOVE how Emma holds that ring to Killian and it looks just SO much like she’s proposing! And THEN “I’d go to the end of the world for her. Or time.” Just...you need to stop loving Emma so much because my heart cannot take it! And notice Emma’s smile when she says “Hook.” Then, we get an interesting callback to the Neverland Arc. When Emma asks Killian about his brother, Killian’s unwilling to talk about it, but here, knowing she needs that, he tells her what she needs to know. AND “I always knew there was a little pirate in you Swan.” She’s certainly getting there! And just...I love how Killian’s both harsh and gentle with Emma as she has her moment of realization. And THEN, Emma, after being with Killian for most of basically two or three days, goes out to see him again because he’s all alone! Just...the confession about giving up The Jolly Roger for love. I love how Killian never intended to reveal this and how Emma knows the weight of that choice. It just makes the subsequent kiss so satisfying!
Rumbelle - Oh yeah...There are other couples in this episode too! XD Sorry, but yes, I ADORED the Rumbelle in this episode. Like, in the past, I love how Rumple gets so embarrassed by Belle thinking that he talked about her and how he dismissed her. It’s so cute! And now, that wedding! That wedding! Just...what can I say about these vows? They’re perfect. The editing allows them to encompass every other couple while the lines are still completely their own and work perfectly for Rumbelle as a couple. Rumbelle is every other couple at their best and worst, a mix of best and worst traits and I feel like this wedding is a celebration of that fact. On a funnier note, I love how Rumple and Belle didn’t even wait for the fucking “I do’s” and just went at each other with  a kiss!
Outlaw Queen - Robin and Regina’s office picnic is so adorable and honest and open and beautiful! Like, they put everything on the floor, emotionally speaking.
Robin/Marian - Talking about Marian is difficult when you know that she’s actually Zelena, but this episode allows for her mostly to be herself, allowing for an accurate take on her. And to tell you the truth, I like this couple in a lot of ways. I love how much Robin misses Marian and that while he has moved on from her death, still cares for her so deeply. And Marian adores Robin! As soon as she’s free, she basically says “fuck it” to the stipulations of her freedom in order to be with him and Roland. Their love for each other is such a subtle and prevalent thing!
Snowing - Okay, so before we get to the past, let me say that I LOVE all of the Snowing banter at Granny’s! You can just TELL that a couple’s truly great when they can just joke and bicker about how they met and they have that down in SPADES! And in the past, I love the care that went into re-making Snowing’s story, but in a way that was still true to the original version. Though Emma, Killian, and Rumple are pulling the strings, Snow and Charming’s love is so carefully made to be all their own doing and that was so important. And I love the mix of new and old content so much. The repetition of lines just shows how true Snow and Charming’s love really is! And honestly, there’s something so special about Snow and Charming’s daughter being the one to bring them together!
Golden Hook - ...There’s so much FOETP goodness in here. Just, those hate-filled looks in the forest, that suffocation, the quips about burying the hatchet! There has never been true hate in all the lands! <3 Also, when Emma asks about how Killian got his hook, Killian’s next response is to say that she knows “who he is.” This hook and it’s origins, Rumple, are who he is.
Swanfire - That amusement park date was too cute and I really love how Neal’s advice is something that sticks with Emma. It shows Emma’s nuance as a character, as she can accept good and bad things about Neal, even during periods of time where she hated him. And I legit fucking BAWLED when Emma was telling Rumple about how she loved Neal and how he was a hero. Like, just...don’t talk to me! That was too much!
Again, I am SO sorry this review took so long and wasn’t as deep as some of my others! Super Smash Bros, guys. Fucking dangerous. There was more that I wanted to talk about in this episode, but I’d rather you get the review than spend any more time! Thanks, as always, to @daensarah and @watchingfairytales!!! Love you guys so much!!! Hopefully, I can get the Overview done within the next few days and then we can get to season 4!!!!
Season 3 Total (207/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (59/60)* Kalinda Vazquez (34/40)* Andrew Chambliss (42/50)* Jane Espenson (28/30)* David Goodman (39/40)* Robert Hull (40/40)* Christine Boylan (20/20)* Daniel Thomsen (28/30)*
* Indicates that their work for the season is complete
Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. They take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
21 notes · View notes
ibangtanthings · 6 years
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credit:gif (taegilly)
Chapter 6
“Hi love.” He smiled, holding his hand out and you took it without much fear.
They said he loves physical contact in any way and at all times.
With his enemies, that meant bruising them but with girls, that meant anything from holding hands to screwing them.
“You look beautiful.” He said spinning you around, pleased that you were delivered to him with the outfit he had given Hoseok for you to wear earlier.
It was a pink silk dress that was as tiny as a nightgown. Every step in it threatened to expose your bottom.
“There’s one more thing I would like you to wear.” He let go and pulled out a small fabric from this drawer.
A matching pink choker with the words “do not touch” engraved on it.
You turned around and picked up your hair so that he could put it on you. When he did, he kissed your neck without warning, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Jimin.” You said quietly in protest, turning around to face him. “You guys act as if I’m yours, I know that but I also know you like to work fast. Can we just take it slow for now? I don’t mind you hugging me, and touching me but kissing me like that...it makes me anxious.”
“Of course.” He smiled gently. “I heard what Taehyung did...It was kind of unusual. Taehyung’s hypnosis is usually on the violent side, never on the erotic side. I bet he didn’t even know he could do that. I’m sorry if he hurt you. ”
“I forgave him already...”
Jimin sighed. “Taehyung has his moments, there are times when he transforms into someone else. Someone evil and unrecognizable. It’s useful...Anyhow, his hypnosis doesn’t necessarily work unless he manipulates feelings are already there, at least somewhat.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Are you in love with Namjoon?” Jimin asked.
“No. I just...find him attractive...objectively speaking.” You cleared your throat.
“Good. You’re being honest.” He smiled. “You’re a shy one though, it’s a good thing Namjoon’s giving you a free day, but I wonder if you’ll take advantage of it.”
“What do you mean he’s letting me have a free day?”
He spun you around so that you faced the mirror. “Look at you. You’re more than enough to drive anyone of us crazy. Namjoon controlled that dream but you can control reality. It’s what he wants you to do. At least for today. Who could say no to that face? Look at yourself Baby, tell me you’re not perfect.”
You stared back at the mirror, it looked like a model was staring back. The dress hugged you perfectly and your flushed cheeks added color to your face. If you added some lipstick and a bit of eye-shadow, you’d feel perfect.
Pigtails were your most requested look, especially from Hoseok.
Sometimes it seemed like playing doll wasn’t so bad.
But Namjoon wanted to give you a sense of control just for today. He felt that much pity? Maybe he was just trying to make things up to you.
Either way, you craved control. It made you feel somewhat sane. You felt lost all the time and any sense of control made you feel better. What Jimin was saying however seemed weird.
“He will never just apologize will he?” You asked Jimin.
He shook his head. “Namjoon uses actions to show how he feels instead. As a matter of fact, his apology comes in the form of a party this time. A party doesn’t always happen here, it’ll make the dolls really happy. A night without Namjoon’s rules or threats. It’s a gift.”
“It doesn’t feel like a gift.” You sighed. “I’m not really in the mood to party.”
“That’s what alcohol is for.” He grinned, fetching a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket near his bed.
He poured you a glass and played some old ballroom tunes, offering you a couple of dances. Champagne in hand, he opted to place his hands on your hips as you guys slowed danced for a while.
You remembered that Hoseok said Jimin wouldn’t pressure you to do anything. He would back off if you told him too. He was the most trustworthy but because he valued loyalty over everything else. It was clear that he meant well with every touch. You got used to his adoring gazes.
For a second, just talking and dancing with him made life feel a bit normal. For a moment it felt like you weren’t trapped. He was just a stranger you met one random moment.
“I don’t understand this.” You pointed at your choker.
“It’s a warning to the others and a bit of a warning to you.” He became a bit more serious.
“A warning?” You asked.
“Baby, I don’t want anyone else to touch you. Even accidentally. Okay? It means a lot to me. You’re mine for now, so be mine in every way possible. I’ll be just as loyal to you.” He said desperate for you to understand, placing your hand on his cheek.
It was a seemingly simple request.
“Of course.” You agreed.
“You’ll grow to like it here Baby.” He assured.
You laid your head on his shoulder and continued to dance in his arms. “Maybe.”
“Give him a chance. He’s trying. I know you think we’re all fucked up but it’s not like we just do it for fun. We run a business here. We have a lot of success stories.”
You wondered if that’s what they had to tell themselves to sleep soundly at night.
“What about deaths? How many girls have died?”
“No idea, only Namjoon keeps track. I just make sure they’re ready to be sold. Last year we sold a Brazilian doll and she became engaged to the Russian mob’s most eligible bachelor. He was obsessed with her. A few years ago we had a doll become a real model. She died a few months ago but it was due to an overdose. She didn’t pick up that here though. It’s not allowed. But if you want something to help you take the edge off, don’t hesitate to ask. I can help you as well.“ He rubbed your back with feather light touches.
“The alcohol is doing its job for now.” You smiled, taking in the scent of his cologne.
It was amusing to see him hold back. He was trying really hard to keep his hands from roaming elsewhere and it was kind of sweet in a way. 
Hoseok made it clear that Jimin always got what he wanted from the dolls because he was charming as hell but right now, he was totally different than Hoseok’s description. He was much more relaxed, probably scared of scaring you off.
The two of you went downstairs to tell the dolls the news of the party.
You were horrified to find out their living space was an actual jail. A custom built jail underneath the lounge.
“They get two meals a day, one bathroom to share, one shower to share, one tv to share and nothing else to themselves except their wardrobes and a bed.” Jimin gave you the grand tour of the long hallway which contained cells on each side and ended with the living room space and bathroom.
Everything was well kept, and two cells were stripped bare of everything. One of them must have been Angel’s and the other must have been Kat’s.
The other girls had some decorations along their bars, an earned privilege according to Jimin. He dealt with them the most, making sure they did their chores and that they were keeping up with their diets.
Some waved as you passed by, others were asleep.
“Do they stay in there all day?” You whispered to Jimin and he shook his head. “Just for right now. They might try something against you since Namjoon isn’t here.”
“No we won’t.” One of the girls walked up to the bars and extended her hand out. She seemed so excited.
You quickly took it before Jimin could stop you and the girl pulled you closer with a smile.
“Is it true Baby? Are we having a party? Why would we hurt you when you’re so good to us? Can we do your hair or makeup?” She begged.
The way she talked seemed so innocent and unafraid. They weren’t so afraid of Jimin until he pulled you away from her harshly.
“What did I say before? Only I can touch you.” He glared at you, gripping your wrist tight with anger.
No...it was jealously.
“I’m sorry.” You said calmly but your heart was beating fast. It all happened so fast.
“How could you forget? Do I mean nothing to you? How can I trust you at the party when you can’t even keep your hands off someone else?” He pulled you closer to him. “You’re mine. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” You replied never once looking away from his eyes. “I’m yours.”
“Show me then.” He said sternly.
“Let him mark you.” The dolls whispered.
You wanted to look around at who said that but you couldn’t leave Jimin’s eyes which were filled with betrayal.
It took you a second to realize what they had meant. When you did, you held your breath and blinked in shock.
Jimin’s real kink was marking the body. His favorite way of doing that was with his lips. Hickeys were a sight he adored. Hoseok said that Namjoon wouldn’t allow Jimin to mark you like that....but today was a free day. 
Could you disregard the rules, or you were being forced to disregard them now because of Jimin?
“Jimin.” You whispered stroking away the lone tear rolling down his cheek. “Namjoon wouldn’t approve.”
The dolls stared in horror. It was probably the first time they had seen him so upset. You almost didn’t believe that a real tear rolled down his cheek.
“I can’t trust you then...you’re just like the rest of them.” He smacked your hand away.
How funny everything seemed in that moment. With just one action you made him so upset. And with another action you could make him happy, like when you cried on purpose to get Jin’s attention. This was the kind of control you craved in its most cynical form.
All the while, you were rejecting Namjoon, replacing his love with each of theirs. It felt good to have their affection because you could take it and use it as you wished. If you wanted to you could reciprocate their love and never show Namjoon any affection.
Yes, that’s exactly what you planned on doing.
“Jimin I’m sorry.” You finally breathed out. “I’m yours, I promise.” You reached for his hands and placed them around your waist again, then you ran your thumb over his lips.
He watched your eyes for any fault.
“I want you to do it.” You said fearlessly. “It’s okay.”
You hoped it would hurt Namjoon. The dolls were watching and so were the guards. They would tell Namjoon what happened if he wasn’t already watching.
He quickly pressed your back against the nearest cell as the pit of your stomach formed a knot but you closed your eyes, and leaned your head back. His fingers pulled the choker away.
He pressed his lips against your neck gently at first but then he kissed you with more force. Then he sucked at the skin, marking you and making you bite down on your lip.
Your face flushed bright red the second time he sucked on the same spot but he quickly stopped and admired his work.
“Namjoon won’t see it by the time he comes back, don’t worry.” He said kissing your burning cheek and letting you go.
“I’m not worried.” You stared back at him. “I want to make him jealous.” You said, defeated. “Maybe then he’ll stop loving me.”
“If making him angry is what you want then surprise doll, you’re already broken and that’s exactly what he wants.”
“He wants me to love him but what can he do once he realizes that I don’t and never will?”
He remained silent for a moment, frozen in place. His gaze hardened.
“He’ll blame me or any one of us but he’ll never stop loving her.” He sounded broken and frustrated.
“You. I meant you. Fuck.” He turned away from you, shaking his head and blinking.
He walked back to one of the empty cells. The name Kitten was engraved into the wall with scratches.
It was now clear that it didn’t belong to Kat or Angel.
You took a closer look at the writing on the walls and Jimin’s name was in a few places.
“She’s gone...he took her away. It’s okay though. What did I expect? That’s how it was supposed to be.” He sat on the bed.
The other dolls were now minding their own business, probably remembering her but pretending like they didn’t. The entire place was quiet except for a few whispers.
The guards called them out for a run. They quickly got changed into sweats and then left.
“Sorry. It’s been years since I remembered her.” He said. “It was young love.” A smile grew on his face again. “It was stupid.”
You sat down next to him, taking his hand. “But you don’t hate him do you? You value loyalty over everything don’t you?”
He placed his fingers between yours.
“I did it to myself. He said never to fall for them because they’re always for sale.”
Jimin had a hidden anger towards Namjoon like the rest of them but he was still hurting. The others had put their grudges aside and continued on with their business. Jimin still hurt.
“If he was family then he wouldn’t have done that to you. Why don’t we make him a bit jealous. It’s what he deserves isn’t it? After what he did to me? After what he did to you. He needs to feel what you felt when he took the one thing you loved away from you.” You said laying down “That’s why you’re like this now isn’t it? You don’t believe in love anymore so you just use the dolls for affection. They also told me you like showing off what’s yours.” You ran his fingers over the hickey he just gave you. “I’m yours for tonight and there’s nothing Namjoon can do about it. Who knows when you’ll get another chance like this.”
“They always say, don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Am I being used or am I using you?” He eyed your hickey with a satisfied smirk, looming over you.
“Your loyal to him but he isn’t loyal to you. Seems pretty unfair...You’re going to show him what that feels like, just for one night. No rules, no threats. Plus," You pulled him closer, until his lips almost reached yours. “He’s already mad no? You did your damage so what’s another one?” You whispered, exposing your neck for him again.
He kissed his way to your lips and pulled you back up. “Let’s get ready for tonight’s show then.”
“Perfect.” He smiled as you stepped out of the bathroom all dolled up.
Jimin gave you a dress to wear similar to the pink one you wore but now in gold. Your pigtails were traded in for a long wavy look and you put extra effort into your makeup.
The way he looked at you with those lovers eyes seemed so genuine.
“You look very handsome.” You smiled back fixing up his hair.  
The party would be held in the usual lounge.
Everyone was dressed to the nines, including the dolls.
Somehow they seemed a bit happier. Perhaps it was the first time they would entertain without being afraid of catching a buyer’s eye.
The guys were invited as well but they knew to keep their distance. Jimin never left your side. His arms held you close, keeping you attached to his body the entire night.
That didn’t keep the guys from devouring you with their stares.
Jimin let you dance with the dolls.
You took initiative, introducing yourself and getting to know their names, their personalities.
They had a weird admiration for you. It was surely driven by envy and fear of getting on your bad side.
A few of them gave you a bad feeling. They reminded you of Angel for some reason and maybe they blamed you for her death. They were right to do so but they didn’t show any hostility.
“Take me out to dance.“ You tugged on his hand, feeling a bit tipsy.
“I might lose you.” He said, leaning against the bar.
“Not if you have your arms around me the whole time. Please.” You pouted.
Jimin knew how to throw a good party. You never liked going out but this night felt like you had just walked into a whole other place. The DJ was great and the alcohol was definitely already in your system. Tae might have given you a good memory but Jimin was making this special night your reality.
“We can just dance here then. Just the two of us.” You grinned, spinning yourself around with his hand.
He took another shot and slowly led the two of you into the crowd.
You sang the lyrics to him, making sure to always have your hands on him. He let his hands roam over and under your dress, smiling as others stared, getting turned on.
You guys were like two sex deprived teens, putting on a show.
You danced for half an hour before you felt someone pull you away from Jimin. It was Hoseok.
Jimin pulled you back towards him, not making a scene but giving him a glare you’ve seen before.
“Hey, relax. I won’t go with them. I’m yours remember.” You kissed him.
The others stared, wondering what the hell you were doing but Yoongi just smirked when you met his eyes.
He motioned towards the corner ceiling where a camera blinked in your direction.
“He’s watching.” Jimin said with a grin.
You leaned in to whisper into his ear. “So do something.”
“Not here.” He said.
He led you to the VIP section surrounded by a large curtain so that no one could see inside.
It was dark and a long couch circled around a table with a pole in the middle. A small purple light provided only the minimum visibility.
“Are there cameras here too?” You asked.
“Yeah. He’s watching for sure.” Jimin said as he pulled off your choker. “Close your eyes.”
You did as you were told and felt the fabric cover your eyes.
After he put it on, your hands searched for him.
He guided your hands over his chest and to his face.
“I want you.” He kissed your left palm and wrist.
You ran your fingers through his hair and hated not being able to see.
“I want to see you.”
“No. Feel me.” He said before his lips met yours and moving to your neck. He created new hickeys, not taking any moment to pause and admire his work.
Little gasps escaped your lips, muted by the music but he began grinding into you pushing you against the edge of the table, taking things further.
“Jimin.” You breathed, needing his lips against yours for a moment instead of the sweet spot on your neck but he didn’t stop.
It felt so good the music dimmed out and your vision became hazy. You couldn’t help but to arch your back, trying to press against him however possible, feeling the bulge in this pants.
You didn’t even care if Namjoon was watching anymore, but if he was, you hoped he had a good view despite the dim lighting.
“Tell me if I should stop.” He breathed against your lips.
“He didn’t so why should we?” You said, sadly recalling when Namjoon beat Yoongi. At this point you were willing to do anything for Jimin.
Your hands found the buttons on his shirt and you began unbuttoning them impatiently.  
His hands practically ripped your dress apart, the flimsy fabric fell to the sides in an instant exposing your naked breasts and lacy underwear.
Jimin lifted your ass up onto the table and had you lay down. He fondled your breasts as he kissed lower and lower down your body, spreading your legs out and kissing your thighs with the intention of marking them up.
You were on fire now, pulling on his hair and whining as he was teasing you.
In a second he was gone.
“Enough!” A voice said pushing him onto the floor.
You yelped and removed the choker for your eyes, covering yourself with nothing but your hands.
“Stay out of this Jungkook.” Jimin stood up, trying to get closer to you again but Jungkook yelled ever harsher.
“Namjoon said enough!”
Jimin walked right up to his face, taking quick heavy breaths, furious, but after a few seconds he took a step back and ran his fingers through his hair, defeated.
“Let me have a few more minutes.” He asked.
You felt too scared to protest in front of Jungkook who was much more intimidating despite seemingly letting his guard down already.
“Don’t have a quickie.” He told Jimin before looking at you. ”He’s still watching.”
You looked away but his hand grabbed your chin making you look up at him. Jimin took a step forward but Jungkook’s other hand stopped him.  
“You’re mine now.” He said taking off his blazer. He put it around your shoulders and left.
“I had every intention of letting you go once Namjoon said so.” Jimin said before you could say anything.
“It was just one night. Like you said.” He helped you put on the blazer.
You felt betrayed. “It’s only been a few hours. Let me stay with you, please.”
“Namjoon changed his mind.”
“It’s not fair.” You yelled, embarrassed and more frustrated than ever.
“He never will be...You just want to hurt him so he doesn’t hurt you again...it won’t work.”
“Because he’s never felt the pain you’ve felt. The pain I feel. I just wanted to feel a little better.” You cried. “What’s wrong with easing our pain just a little? I’m not betraying him, I never promised him anything, and so what if you did? He owes you more than you owe him. I don’t want to leave you.”
“That’s why I said I had every intention of letting you go. He said no rules, he can’t take it back, I’m not going to let him take my doll away from me again.” Jimin took a gun out from under the couch. “Stay close. Don’t be afraid.”
His hand gripped your wrist and without hesitation he walked out of the VIP room, shooting once into air and causing everyone to panic.
They ran left and right, trying to find an exit all the while Jimin led you straight towards the stairs that led to the floors above.
You ran along side him, hand in hand, all while a pain in your back began to grow.
“Run faster, don’t let go.” He squeezed your hand but you felt your grip weaken significantly.
“Something’s wrong.” You gripped the handrail, falling onto the stairs but trying so hard to hold onto him. “It hurts.” You gasped.
Your whole body was aching terribly.
“Don’t let go Baby.” He pulled you to the top of your stairs before throwing you over his shoulder. “I’ve got you.”
He ran up another flight of stairs and swung the door open. The light made your eyes shut, and a few moment later you were through another door.
You opened your eyes to see a familiar setting. The hallway and elevators near the dolls’ cells.
You buried your face into his shoulder, trying to deal with the pain throughout your body.
When you got into the elevator, he put you down but you fell onto the ground.
“I can’t walk.” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
“What’s wrong Baby? Where does it hurt?” He looked at your legs.
“Everywhere.” You groaned.
He took off his shirt and took the blazer. As he buttoned the shirt on you, it became harder to hold your head up.
You never felt more lethargic than in that moment.
“It’s him. He’s doing this to me.” You said through harsh breaths.
Suddenly Jimin’s grunted as his back arched as he fell to the ground right next to you, grinding his teeth in pain.
It was obvious from the beginning that you and Jimin weren’t going to get far. If this wasn’t happening, if everything had gone well then the farthest you guys would have made it was the penthouse, maybe even the roof. But maybe he had a place to hideout. Jimin of all people wasn’t scared to try to escape. But it all went to shit.
All you saw was the top button in the elevator, illuminated but the letters were blurred from your poor vision.
“Jimin.” You whimpered, reaching for his hand.
It was the only thing you could do.
You wanted to ask him to not regret his decision. That even though you both knew you weren’t going to make it far, that it was worth it.
It was worth going against Namjoon in a way he would never expect.
“I would have made love to you Baby, in the sweetest way possible.” He laughed through the pain.
“I know.” You frowned and watched his fingers wrap around yours. “Thank you.” You whispered.
The light reflected off his ring, making pretty dots of color in your vision.
When you opened your eyes again, you hoped Jimin would still be alive.
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lyricfrost13 · 6 years
Supernatural 14x06
it’s me, ya girl, back with the reactions
oooh ticking clock flashback.  Lots of backstory reminders
mm that ragtime piano tho. AW cute librarian! Probably going to die or be the main villain huh
“Put the stapler down” me, attempting to look threatening in any situation
THEY’RE CUTE GOSH no he’s probably going to be the one to die :(
Jack, you wish they were on cool adventures, but honestly no that takes a hot minute. 
“I blame me” is the story of your life Dean
The dichotomy of Dean and Sam on this is hilarious. Sam you with the fidget spinner lol 
YES JACK you tell him! Dean’s getting the self-blame thrown right in his face and I’m living for Jack standing up for what he believes in and wanting to do good in the world
Sam you precious overprotective dad of a bunch of interdimensional hunters
Jack taking notes is hilarious. Omg those two are the best investigative team. The small town gossip ugh what a cute montage. 
Charlie.  CHARLIE. I missed you and I love this introspection/observation. 
Okay now Dean with “the Talk” and the dad moments. The PIE thank you for this moment.
Jack, what an actor. “Old man.” Omg. No no no okay. Jack. You’re so cute. The charm. You cinnamon roll. You lovely little hero and Dean using a weird creep factor I really don’t know whether he was attempting to be a sleazeball with Jack planning that or whether that was improv and honestly I’m okay with either
Miles is a creep but he’ll probably end up being a victim too tbh - *dies on screen* aaaaand called it.  
I’m trying to read all of the books says Charlie, and I am the same. “As long as there’s good WiFi” yup. 
Even Charlie calls you a nerd Sam
Oh Jack oh Jack how cute that worked a bit too well huh?
*crashing at the door* Welp now that escalated quickly
And honestly I’m totally for Charlie quitting hunting and occasionally calling in. I also get Sam’s point about social creatures. Ugh I’m torn. 
okay zombie time
and heroic little Jack time omg now there’s zombie romance?
“No apparently my dead high school boyfriend attacked us and I forgot” you are the smart side character you were meant to be and I appreciate you
The flies are really uber bothering me. I don’t know why that aspect specifically does but there you go.
we’ve covered the alien bit of Marie’s musical, haven’t we. Was there not an alien bit? This has got to count fight me it looks like something out of Doctor Who when Capaldi’s doctor was going through that weird time loopy labyrinth thingy
“We got creative”, well, don’t hug me I’m scared rn this is the same vibe
(seeing Crimes of Grindelwald trailer and dying cause I wanna see it)
Oh my goodness gracious Jack you are surprisingly an okay actor when the situation calls for it. Your naivety is what really works for you. 
Poor zombie boy tho
Sam trying way too hard with the metaphor, true. 
“With all the tears and death, it’s worth it.” BEST SAM QUOTE OF THE SEASON SO FAR
Omg is this necromancer girl Harper basically evil Becky for Jack? I can’t handle this
HA Jack got you there Dean
but seriously Jack needs to not be sick please do not kill my baby
the coughing was way pre-1945 tuberculosis kind of vibes and I was not having it then and the blood on the hand in the way it was was giving me stigmata vibes and NO Jack doesn’t get to die I just know the writers would make it permanent
Overall, not a bad episode for feeling kind of (very) filler/case-related. Emotional talks that worked well.  I wouldn’t watch it on its own for the heck of it like I would some episodes (Changing Channels, looking at you) but not one I’d necessarily skip through altogether. Harper was way too sweet not to either get killed or be evil, so yeah, a bit obvious, but her flirting with Jack was just . . . wow. His attempt at being undercover was cute and awkward. 
The Sam and Charlie thing felt a bit forced for some reason? but I’ll hand it to both of them, excellent points were made on either side, and Sam’s hopefulness shining through was awesome. They would be the intellectual friends that debate seriously about humanity with Charlie as a cynic and Sam as someone who believes in people ultimately. I don’t know what to do with their actual case - it could just as easily have been a werewolf thing as a weird bug thing imo; they didn’t need new monsters for this. *shrug*
14x07 Trailer:
Jack no you are not allowed to have a mid life crisis and die so soon nope. I swear to your grandfather you are a child this is not okay. 
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embersrevived · 5 years
Questions Meme 
Tagged By: @sunflowercecil​
1. What is your name? “Nadir Darvish.” 
2. Do you know why you’re named that?” “Well ... I believe my parents specifically wanted their first and only child to have a name that either honored an important aspect of Parzian culture and tradition or was an homage to a renowned monarch in Parzian history, and eventually they decided on the latter. Nadir (Nader) Shah, if I recall correctly, was a king from a former dynasty who was renowned for his ingenuity and acumen, both as a statesman and military general. His military campaigns and exploits during his reign were so great that he has actually been dubbed ‘the second Alexander’ by some historians. I think my parents had been betting on having a male child at first, but then just decided to roll with it after I was born, haha.”
“Funny thing is, a lot of people just automatically assume that my name is meant to be some sort of ‘edgy’ moniker, like the antithesis of the word ‘zenith’ or something when that actually isn’t the case. Though that certainly doesn’t mean I appreciate the endearing little opposite-nickname that I was recently given, Zen-Zen, any less...~”  She furtively winks at @plague-doctor-jules
3. Are you single or taken? “Single. as a Pringle” 
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“Besides bringing all around me to their knees groaning with my tacky humor? Well ... incantation-wise, I feel I am somewhat proficient in spells that have to do with small-scale, temporary immobilization, like temporary stunning. Though I really refrain from utilizing such spells unless I truly feel the need to do so. The stunning spells really only are effective on small creatures, e.g. rats, roaches, etc. that I feel need to be halted in their tracks before being able to deal with them accordingly. Also some might argue that my horrendous jokes and puns constitute some sort of low-key ‘evil’ ability in themselves, haha.”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“Stop being an ‘idealized, seemingly perfect character? ... Hahahaha! How droll of you, when everyone knows that I’m practically the most awkward and gauche potato turtle in this here town. That’s a facetious jab at how I’m actually the complete and utter opposite of that, right? Right, it must be.” 
6. What’s your eye colour? “Very dark brown.” 
7. How about your hair colour?
“Very dark brunette, almost appearing even black from a distance.”
8. Have any family members?
“Yes, my mother and father, Setareh and Bardiya,  along with my maternal grandmother and grandfather, Roshanak and Cyrus. No siblings, though. I think after I was born, my parents decided that one was more than enough, hahaha ... I’ve been told that I was quite the troublesome little stinker as a tot.” 
9. Oh! How about pets?
“Well, I’m not sure if I should go about referring to my familiar as a pet, but my  albeit adorable call duck, Ordak is the only one I have currently. Back when I lived with my parents and not the magic shop, I did used to own a boisterous blue budgie, though ... someone forgot to close the door to his cage, and the little poopsie just chirped his wee heart out before suddenly taking off, never to be seen or heard from again.” 
10. That’s cool, I guess, now tell me something you don’t like.
“Well ... I must admit I don’t really appreciate people who are overly snippy or snarky just for the sake of it when it isn’t really necessary, or because they find it ‘quirky’, ‘trendy’, or ‘edgy’ to do so. Basically people who show little consideration for others’ feelings in general, especially if they do so because they believe their elevated social status or sense of ego gives them a pass to do so. And people who just find it absolutely acceptable to do away completely with common courtesy when dealing or speaking with you just because they decide they don’t like, click with, or understand you as a person, or they personally find some attributes of yours irksome.”
“I mean, I feel you must always at least try to put a conscious effort into politely and tactfully dealing with even those you don’t jive well with or like much, I think. Especially because there will always be people you find yourself not being overly fond of, or who aren’t overly fond of you, there is just too much effort and negative energy to be put into going out of one’s way to not be civil towards others, at least initially.” 
“Also overly arrogant and condescending individuals, lord knows I’ve dealt with more than a fair share of those in my time, both in and out of  the realm of academia. Overly pretentious and critical individuals in general also. Though ... perhaps I have been too verbose and ranty in giving this answer, I do apologize. I ... I do tend to talk a lot, haha. In summation: just overly inconsiderate individuals in general.” 
11. Do you have any hobbies/activities that you like to do?
“Writing poetry at times, sketching, drawing, reading, occasionally engaging in mischievous antics, etc. ...” 
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“Oh, I’m sure ... I mean, I have certainly gotten into disagreements and all that with people in the past, and in doing so the distressed, angry tone that I may have utilized in the heat of it all may have hurt some feelings in the past. And I’d almost always feel some sort of guilt afterwards, even if things wound up being patched up and resolved betwixt myself and the individual with whom I’d had the spat. Though it is never my intention to go out of my way to make anyone feel badly about themselves or hurt anyone’s feelings.”
“But if you meant physically, no I don’t think - ... Wait. Wait. That one time, when the Ginger Floof  Julian barged into the shop and scared the bejeezus out of me with his overly dramatic, villainous entrance, of course how could I so easily forget ...” However, she does avert her gaze to the ground in shame as she recalls the events of that fateful night. “Well ... I did hurt Julian that ... one time when I threw that glass bottle during the invasion that one night, but I ... I didn’t know who he was at the time, and I certainly had zero idea as to what his intentions were ... though that doesn’t mean I don’t still feel the occasional pang of guilt, especially when I specifically recall that graphic image of the blood pooling and dripping down his cheek as a result of the injury inflicted around his eye.”
A sad, remorseful look engulfs the apprentice’s face before she snaps out of the flashback. “Ah ... I do apologize, ehr ... next question, please.” 
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“No. Though I’ve perhaps come close to doing so with my barrage of gods-awful puns” 
14. What kind of animal are you?
“I have been told by a few in the past that because of my more timid nature, I can be akin to a small rodent, like a mouse or a hamster, at times. Though my familiar is currently a wee baby call duckling who, though rather sweet and cute, can be quite the boisterous little stinker at times, which I’ve been told is apparently another side of me that is ‘unlocked’ once I get to know people and am coaxed out of my shell. So I guess it’s somewhat fitting in that sense, haha.” 
15. Name your worst habits?
“I tend to become distracted fairly easily, I reluctantly admit. Also, I ... I tend to allow my insecurities and anxieties take control and cause me to make decisions or act in ways that ultimately prove to be counterproductive. Also over analyzing things, people, and situations almost to the point of obsession, to the point where I find myself often skeptical and cynical of other’s motives and sincerity, allowing my insecurities and fears to hinder and inhibit me mentally and socially.” 
16. Do you look up to anyone?
“I look up to any individual who remains steadfast and dedicated to their cause or line of work, whether it be academic, scientific, humanitarian, etc. in nature, and shows a genuine interest in acquiring knowledge in their selected field of interest and applying that knowledge for the betterment of others. I admire anyone who has defined themselves and devoted their purpose to the likes of altruism, benevolence, and kindness. A certain auburn-haired, fugitive physician would be the quintessential example of this, along with his lovely and equally sweet sister.” 
“I also admire those who yet manage to be levelheaded and resolute in the face of adverse situations, those who seem to know how to improvise, adapt, and persist in the face of any given hardship, or who devote themselves to supporting and assisting others finding themselves in such situations. My father comes to mind.”
17. Are you straight, gay, or bisexual?
“I believe I’m straight ... Though these sorts of things have been said to not be entirely black and white, with it being a spectrum and all, so who can really say for sure?” 
18. Do you go to school?
“Been there, done that, haha.” 
19. Ever wanted to marry and have kids one day?
“I’ve never even really ... been in a relationship before, so I must admit that the thought of marriage has been a more distant one, and children even more so. One step at a time I guess? Ahahahaha ...” Sweat drop. 
“Though me, in any sort of relationship, with my awkward and anxious tendencies? Is that even possible” 
20. Do you have any fans?
“Why yes, I do as a matter of fact.~” And with that, she proceeds to whip out an intricately designed, vibrantly hued hand fan that Asra had brought her back from one of his previous travels. And yes, she knows very well that is not quite what the question meant. Something of a cheeky grin forms on her visage shortly after giving this response. 
21. What are you most afraid of?
“...Failure. My internalized insecurities and anxieties mentally obstructing my path and goals and clouding my vision and perception of the future. Not being good enough, ineptitude, then possibly dying after having ultimately accomplished little more than becoming carrion for the microbes and worms to feast upon. ... Wow, that definitely came out darker than I had initially intended, ehr ... sorry about that.” 
22. What do you usually wear?
“Ah, just the usual casual dresses, shirts, and pants, truthfully nothing fancy in the least.” 
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Ohh ... I’m sure there are a myriad of dishes that could be used to answer this, but if I had to settle on one? Pomegranate chicken, especially like my mother makes it, especially when coupled with this fizzy carbonated yogurt beverage that we have back home in Parzia ... you’d have to actually see and try it if you don’t know what I’m referring to, haha; it sounds a bit weird to those who didn’t grow up with it.” 
24. Am I annoying to you?
“Ah, no, not at all ... am I annoying to you? I do hope ... that I haven’t been overly loquacious or rambling in giving my answers? If so, my apologies.” 
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“Aha, great. Wait ... that wasn’t meant sardonically, I promise, a-apologies if it came out sounding like that. Please continue.” 
26. What social class are you?
“I’d say more of the middle class, perhaps more on the lower end. Though we know that in the eyes of a certain gilded and flamboyant noble, that we are all seen equally as commoners and peasants, haha.” 
27. How many friends do you have?
“Uh ... well, I definitely consider Mas- ... I mean Asra to be a kind companion and friend ... and then there is Julian, whose company I’ve come to be rather at ease with to the point of engaging in regular banter and teasing. Portia is positively delightful and lovely as well. The Devorak duo is a true blessing, seriously. Such sweet, benevolent siblings. Selasi is rather amiable too, and I’ve had many a pleasant conversation with him every time I venture out into the market. Nadia has always been kind and polite to me, though I am not too sure if she’d regard me as a ‘friend’ just yet ... And I don’t think Muriel likes me very much, unfortunately.” 
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Aha, I’m not picky at all when it comes to saccharine treats, I pretty much think they’re all savory, cakes, pies, candies, etc. Though that doesn’t mean I indulge myself in them of course, haha. Certainly could do without anymore junk in the trunk” 
29. Favourite drink?
“Something known as the Parzian fizzy yogurt drink, basically exactly what the name says, plain yogurt mixed with carbonated water, with a pinch of salt and some mint to top it off.” 
30. What’s your favourite place?
“I don’t have one favorite place, to be honest ... Basically any place that is picturesque, serene, and allows me to pacify my nerves and be alone with my thoughts and away from the commotion of the general public, I guess. And I also must admit that the forbidden gardens in the abandoned courtyard that I visited with Julian that one time were quite lovely, I certainly wouldn’t mind revisiting that place.” 
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Er ... W-well, I’m interested in a lot of people! Each and every individual has their own intriguing persona, a-after all ... Especially those towering, swaggering, cockily grinning types who tease yet become tomato-blushing, flustered messes the instant you give them even the smallest sample of their own medicine.” 
32. That was a stupid question…
“Ah, no, not really actually...” 
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“The lake, at least I’m less likely to be encountering any aquatic creatures bearing sharp teeth in a freshwater body as opposed to the saline, haha. Also already having to experience one type of “shark week” is more than enough.” 
34. What’s your type?
“Er ... Well, I guess just someone who’s kind, sincere, considerate, with a good sense of humor. Because honestly, even if someone is generally perceived as being ‘classically attractive’ or whatnot, it really matters little if their personality is unpleasant or lacking in general. To be honest, I really don’t have a specific ‘type’ so to speak...” 
35. Any fetishes?
Something of a dumbfounded expression appears on the apprentice’s face, though she is quick to vehemently shake her head. “What? Uhhh .... no? Not that I ... know of? No. Ahem, next question, if you please.” A crimson hue proceeds to engulf her cheeks. 
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Uhh ... wait, camping takes place outdoors? ... Unless you mean camping vs. just walking about and enjoying the outdoors in general, in which case I must say the latter. Just ... the thought of all sorts and species of creepy crawlies clambering over me while I’m trying to sleep in a tent would make camping the less preferable option.” 
Tagging: @plague-doctor-jules​ @conceitedxglory​ @nevivorona​ @asrage​ @humortremors​ @caesiis​ @unlicensedmartyr​ @bluemoontm​ @mnemosys​ @bitters-enthusiast @strsha
1. What is your name?
2. Do you know why you’re named that?”
3. Are you single or taken?
4. Have any abilities or powers?
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
6. What’s your eye colour?
7. How about your hair colour?
8. Have any family members?
9. Oh! How about pets?
10. That’s cool, I guess, now tell me something you don’t like.
11. Do you have any hobbies/activities that you like to do?
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
14. What kind of animal are you?
15. Name your worst habits?
16. Do you look up to anyone?
17. Are you straight, gay, or bisexual?
18. Do you go to school?
19. Ever wanted to marry and have kids one day?
20. Do you have any fans?
21. What are you most afraid of?
22. What do you usually wear?
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
24. Am I annoying to you?
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What social class are you?
27. How many friends do you have?
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
29. Favourite drink?
30. What’s your favourite place?
31. Are you interested in anyone?
32. That was a stupid question…
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
34. What’s your type?
35. Any fetishes?
36. Camping or outdoors?
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fanfictionsrookie · 7 years
Family Photos
It's been five minutes already. She should've gotten out, but as Cinder stared out the car's rain splattered window, she couldn't bring herself to do so. Silently her single amber eye bored through the glass at her girlfriend's house, now painted with the setting sun's faint orange and murky purple.
"Miss?" The cab driver's voice sounded tentively, as if trying not to provoke the nervous woman any further. In an instant her golden glare flickered over to the young man. Glaring as if it was his fault that Ruby's mother had found out that her daughter had started dating, and was now all too eager to see her in person.
With her intense stare one would think that she wanted to burn him alive because of it, but that wouldn't be far off either since Cinder did threathen to run him over herself if they were late. And yet there she was. Cinder Fall staling what could be one of the most important nights of her and Ruby's relationship, by wondering if she could pursue the driver into fabricating a car accident.
As she snapped out of her thoughts Cinder sighed and rubbed her temples, eyes closed. This was getting ridiculous, she needed to leave…now!
So with her mind made up Cinder opened the door and stepped out, her pair of black heels looking rather out of place in the suburban area. Then after shutting the door more harshly than inteneded she made her way up a few stairs before coming to a standstil in front of the wooden door. Quickly the woman took a few glances at her dress, it was free from even a single crease or strand of hair but Cinder still wasn't satisfied with how she looked. The woman always made sure that her appearance was sure to turn a few heads, even if she only cared for the attention of one particular pair of silver eyes. But her current attire, a simple black dress that fell to her knees, although still hugging her curves wasn't doing that any time soon.
Not that she had much of a choice for if it was her usual lenght, cut and colour Mrs. Rose would surely give her doubtful glances. But as much as Cinder despised the idea of dressing up for the aproval of a woman she never even met, Cinder knew that it was needed.
The woman checked her handbag to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything, but caught a glance of the burnt skin that couldn't hide under black fabric and her mind was instantly thrown into turmoil. Although she had long ago accepted the scars of her past, Cinder knew that people regularly shot skeptical glances her way. She only hoped that it wouldn't bring up painful memories.
Just as she could feel her stress levels rising, the thought at the back of her mind started to nag for a nicotine fix, but there was no time. The woman's finger barely brushed against the door bell before it was flung open by a hurricane of red and black, instantly wrapping around her waist.
"Cindeeeerr!" Came the excited squeal from the other girl and as she looked up into her silver eyes, the young woman was instantly reminded of why she was putting herself through all of this.
It was all for her.
"Hello Love." Cinder murmured as Ruby pulled her down into a kiss, the woman smiling against her lips as the agitated feeling faded into affection. And once their kiss broke, Cinder turned the the doorway where Ruby's father stood smiling.
"Mr. Xiao Long." The woman spoke as she held out her hand. "It's a pleasure to see you again."
The man chuckled to himself as he shook his head slightly. "Come now Cinder, we've been over this." He joked, curlean eyes smiling.
Cinder sighed but couldn't help it when a small smile graced her lips. "Tai Yang then?" She offered, still not used to how casual he could be at times.
"Much better." He grinned, ignoring her outstretched hand to give her a hug before ushering her inside. "Please come in, dinner's almost ready."
As they walked down the hallway Cinder couldn't help but to look at the numerous of family pictures framed on the walls. Scattered about like a broken mirror, the fragments of time went from Tai Yang's wedding, Ruby's first day of school up until Yang's graduation.
Cinder wondered what her childhood would've looked like but it wasn't like her own mother cared enough to remember.
"You nervous?" Ruby asked and took Cinder's hand in her own upon noticing her somber expression and offered her a comforting smile.
"I suppose I'd be lying of I said no." She admitted, glancing down the hallway at the yellow glow coming from the kitchen.
"Don't worry she'll like you." The girl assured before squeezing her hand and wrapping her in a hug. "Thanks." She mumbled into her chest before pulling away. "For doing this for me."
Cinder smiled slightly in return, her velvety tone no more than a whisper. "Only for you."
With a glittering smile Ruby pressed a quick kiss to the woman's cheek. "Now come on mum's in the kitchen." The girl chirped and then scampered down the hallway with Cinder following close behind.
From what she knew Ruby didn't talk about her mother often ,but when she did her words were full of praise. To the younger girl her mother was her rolemodel a 'super mom' she once said. Home one moment baking cookies and gone the next to fight the 'bad guys.' Ruby's mother was in the military, or so Cinder understood. Which was why she was gone for such long periods of time when deployed. It was also the reason the two of them were never formaly introduced.
Cinder didn't like the idea of a mother leaving her children to fight some kind of 'evil', the idea seemed too irresponsible for her. But when looking at her own mother Cinder knew that she was in no place to judge, no matter how she wanted to. And was why she decided to see what Summer was like for herself.
"Ah! There she is, the woman of the hour." Came the joyous call just as Cinder rounded the corner into the kitchen, enveloped by the smell of spice and cooking. And when the same familiar silver orbs landed on her, Cinder knew that there was no escape. The woman was on her in a flash and if she wasn't so cynical she would've called it downright magic.
"So you're Cinder!" The woman exclaimed in a sugary sweet tone. "Oh it's is so nice to finally meet you." Cinder barely had time to react before she was pulled into a tight embrace, now understanding very well where Ruby got it from. Seeing her now, there was no doubt in her mind that Ruby was Summer's child.
And the younger girl couldn't help but to giggle at the sight of her usually composed girlfriend in a tense and flustered state. "Ah…Likewise, Mrs Rose."
That's when she let go, her cheeks a rosy red, either natural or from the heat in the kitchen. "Oh stop it, you're making me feel older than I already am." She chided. "Summer is just fine." And turned towards the kitchen, ushering for Cinder to follow with Ruby trailing from behind, smiling to herself as she did so.
Cinder found herself standing against the opposite counter where where Summer was dicing tomatoes at a lightning speed. Ruby bounded over to her and hopped onto the counter.
"So I heard you're studying at the University of Vale?" Summer quiped as an attempt to drown out the 'tack' 'tack' 'tack' of metal tapping against wood. It was a simple question to get to know her better but Cinder knew that it also served as a way of passing judgement. Although that might be putting a bit harsh.
"That's right." The woman affirmed, her amber gaze never leaving Summer.
"Oh no wonder my baby girl is working so hard for that scholarship." The woman teased, flashing both girls a smile as she glanced over shoulder.
"Mooom!" Ruby groaned, kicking up her legs as if trying to get blood rushing to her feet instead of her cheeks, now wearing an embarrassed tint of red. At the sight Cinder could feel the corners of her mouth twitch upward.
"Oh I'm only teasing." The woman laughed as she scraped the tomato slices into a wooden bowl full of lettuce, cucumber and olives. She then made her way to the fridge, looking for the feta cheese that seemingly disappeared.
But Cinder's attention quickly turned back to her girlfriend when she felt her poke her side, sending a ticklish jolt shot through her body. But even so she didn't so much as move, only giving Ruby a raised eyebrow. Almost as if trying to ask what she was up to ,but all reply she got was a mischievous grin and a quick peck on the nose as she swinged back an forth on the countertop to kiss her again and again. On her nose, cheek and forehead but never quite catching her lips.
Each touch made Cinder's smile grow until she had a fullout grin on her features, finally understanding that Ruby wanted attention. With a similar glint in her eye, her gaze flickered over to Summer's turned back before she leaned in to capture her daughter's lips.
"Ruby!" Came Summer's yelp, the sound practically throwing the two to opposite counters before their lips even touched. "I-I didn't do anything!" The girl blurted out, hearing nothing but her own hearbeat hammering in her chest.
"Where are your manners? We have a guest and she has nothing to drink!" The woman scolded and Cinder could practically hear Ruby's internal sigh of relief.
"Oh uhm…right on-on it!"The girl stuttured before scrambling out of the kitchen and nearly tripping over the tiles on her way. Cinder couldn't help but to smile to herself. There was honestly no one else that could be socially akward, clumsy and still be that loveable.
"So do you have a specific career in mind, Cinder?" Summer asked after a few moments, cutting up feta cheese and snapping her out of her thoughts. The woman couldn't tell whether the question was just there to fill in the silence…
"Explosives Engineer."
…Or whether Summer was genuinely interested.
"Oh that must be so exciting!" The woman bellowed, catching Cinder completely off gaurd as she whirled around, silver eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "It reminds me of the first time I fired off an AK, and let me tell you if the recoil doesn't knock you out then the adrenaline sure will."
There was no questioning it anymore Ruby was definately Summer's child.
As if on cue the girl came skipping into the kitchen holding up a bottle of champagne in one hand and Pumpkin Pete's Pinapple and Pomegranate drink (Which Cinder was certain didn't contain any of those ingredients) in the other.
"So I couldn't find any red wine since we drank- I mean never had to throw it out cause it was…old." She explained sheepishly in her clumsy attempt to cover up their annual 'Wine and Pizza date' and the fact that she wasn't a little girl anymore.
"We'll save that one for another day." Summer joked and pointed at the champagne before mentioning to Cinder, instantly flustering her daughter who then looked to her girlfriend for some back up. But all Cinder did was smile playfully back at her, rather enjoying the thought. Athough it was bittersweet for a mother, she on the other hand felt proud seeing her girlfriend develop from a self conscious teenager into an aspiring young woman. Of course that didn't mean Ruby was without her childish moments. Not that Cinder minded, infact it was one of Ruby's many charms that she had come to cherish.
"Honey? Can you bring me some of that spice please?" Tai Yang's voice sounded outside, followed by a sigh from Summer as she rumaged through a spice rack. "I told him to do it first." She muttured to herself before disappearing out the back door, only for her head to pop around the corner again with a finger pointed at Ruby. "Keep eye on those potatoes for me okay?"
For a few minutes while Summer was seasoning the chops outside, Cinder watched Ruby dunked potatoes into the bubbling water.
"Are you jealous of the food again?" The girl joked when she felt Cinder's arms snake around her waist, then pulling her close.
"Well they are taking a lot of your attention." The woman murmured as she burried her face into the crook of Ruby's neck, inhaling that sweet flowery sent that mingled with the strawberry of her champoo.
"I can't help it those potato skins look so sexy." Ruby giggled and shuffled under the feel of Cinder's touch, almost jumping up when she felt a grin against her neck. "Mmmnn, but I would rather have you looking at my-"
"Okaaay I think that's enough you two." As she snapped her head to the side Cinder was faced with the sight of Yang Xiao Long along with her signature grin and jungle of blonde hair. "Don't want another episode of 'Kitchen Porn: The Ruby and Cinder Edition.'"
In an instant Ruby's face ignited with a blush, "We…we didn't- it wasn't like that." ,and she shook her head fervently to clear the images from her mind.
"Yes, just like we should avoid the fact that you have taken quite an intrest in that riveting series Belladonna gave you." Cinder jested, her subltle warning easily hidden in her even tone but Yang quickly picked up on it. "You wouldn't dare."
"Wouldn't I?" The woman's eye squarely met Yang's lilac glare but it's playful glint remained. "I'm sure your mother would love hearing about you reading for a change."
"Ruby your girlfriend is ganging up on me." Her older sister growled, not liking that her harmless teasing could be so easily shot down by Cinder's sense of humour, or rather her lack thereof.
"Yeah cause you're being gross Yang." Ruby shot back, sticking out her tongue in a rather childish matter to which her sister defended with her arms crossed. "Not as gross as you and Cinder making out in uncle Qrow's-"
"Oh that's not true,Yang." Summer chided as she walked in again, luckily mishearing what their conversation was about. "I think Cinder is a beautiful young woman." Then successfully leaving Ruby stunned with embarrassment. "Mom!" She yelped, looking everywhere except anyone in the eye.
"What?" Summer defended rather innocently. "I was completing you on your taste in women, sweetie." That's when Yang doubled over and burst out laughing, even Cinder couldn't help but to chuckle at the flattery when Summer turned to her.
"Just the other day Ruby was gushing about how beautiful you'd look at her prom night."
"Is that so?" The woman ventured, watching Ruby's face visibly heat up at the statement and the look Cinder was giving her.
"I should honestly thank you for that." Summer confessed while rummaging through a cupboard for a few plates and bowls, her tone suddenly nostalgic as she spoke. "I've never seen Ruby excited about a school dance, reminds me of the first time I managed to get my baby into a dress and let me tell you she was no-"
"…So then I had Cardin and his goons blindfolded and strapped and to a chair." Yang recited excitedly, grinning from ear to ear as she retold what she dubbed 'The Greatest Prank in Vale History.'
"They were all big talk, acting tough until Cinder started putting those apples on their heads and I think Dove actually started crying" Soon Tai Yang found himself snickering with Summer not far behind. Even Cinder had a content smile gracing her lips, a sight Ruby couldn't help but to stare at.
"So obviously the practice arrows wouldn't kill the guy but they didn't know that so…so each time Cinnabun fired off an arrow one of them started shitting themselves." And as she continued talking Yang's grin only grew wider, struggling to keep from laughing. "I…I still think I have it on my scroll. There's this…this one part where Cardin…" But only bits if words came out in between her hysterical laughter. "An…and she said to him: 'If you don't hold still then then…Then I might pierce…" But any attempts at communication was lost in her laughter and fish slams against the table.
Leaving her parents with a content sigh, knowing that they won't quite ever get the story out of her…which Cinder was a bit relieved at.
"So I've heard you got another tournament coming up." Tai Yang added after his eldest daughter had calmed down a bit and the only sound to be heard was the scraping against plates.
"That's right." Cinder affirmed and passed him the salad. "The 12th if I remember correctly."
"I've heard there's a new shooter in your team ah what was her name…Nikos?"
"Pyrrha Nikos." The woman nodded, only Ruby noticing the way she pursed her lips and tightened her grip.
"Ah that's right. I've heard great things about her, is she a top tier contender like everyone says?"
They weren't enemies per say but recent events made things between them tense at best and it didn't help that Pyrrha was always in a good mood. It made Cinder want to punch that smile off her face even more. Luckily Ruby was able to step in before anything escalated to the point of anyone being shot.
"Although I'll admit she shows promise Nikos lacks experience. She's was originally part of the track team, javelin I believe until a recent leg injury made her take up archery instead."
"Well if you're looking for experience you know where to find the best sharpshooter in Patch." Tai Yang smiled, tilting his head and pointing at his wife who grinned back.
"She won't know what hit her." Summer winked at her and Cinder smiled in return.
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
It made Ruby's chest swell with warmth at the sight of the two getting along so well and with the rush of affection she took hold of her hand under the table with her girlfriend squeezing in kind.
"Speaking of sports have you told mum at what base you and Cinnabun are at?" Yang blurted out of nowhere, nearly making Cinder and Ruby choke on their food.
"That- baseball has nothing to do with archery!" Ruby spluttered, her voice growing a pitch higher along with the scarlet shades of her cheeks. Cinder's dagger like glare made it very clear that this was not a subject to discuss in front of a seemingly clueless mother. And she preferred to keep it that way since this night had been going rather well, the last thing she wanted was it ruined thanks to Yang blabbering about her and Ruby's private... activities.
"Awww don't be so embarrassed little sis." She teased, enjoying this far too much to even care about the looks Cinder was giving her. "I mean everyone knows you got the hots for each other, remember the 'Office Incident?'
Cinder gritted her teeth, grip tightening around the cutlery in her hands as if to keep her from strangling the woman while the adults could only glance at each other and wonder whether it was a good idea to interfere.
"Yang if you don't stop talking now I'm gonna...gonna-"
"Unless Cinder took you to second base and you decided on a homeru-"
"I'm gonna kill you!" The girl screeched, nearly flying over the table to tackle her sister to the ground, both of them now caught in a wrestling match with Yang laughing the entire time.
When Cinder looked at the two adults she half expected them to interfere, Summer at the very least but then again it was most likely not a good idea to unleash 'The Mother of Hell' apparition that Ruby had described to be so terrifying.
Instead the three of them continued to eat in silence…or as much silence possible with Yang catching Ruby in a headlock while the other pulled at her sister's hair.
If it was any other night Summer would've ripped them apart but frankly she missed this, both her children and their playful banter…if that could be described as playful. The woman wondered if other mothers stationed abroad were like this too, surely she couldn't be the only one who adored and missed her children's antics?
"So what do your parents do for a living, Cinder?" She found herself asking.
The question, although seemingly harmless came out of nowhere and shot Cinder like a bullet, dazing her for a moment before she let the words sink in.
The woman swallowed, putting down her knife and fork to think how she was going to respond and in that instant Ruby and Yang had stopped their bickering looking at her then each other with a concerned look in their eyes. It was a question Cinder mentally prepared herself to answer but even so that didn't make it any easier.
"Well I have no memory of my father and I wish I could say the same for my mother. As for her occupation, she was Remnant's largest drug and illegal weapons distributor."
Cinder's eye never strayed from Summer as she tried to get a glimpse of what the woman was thinking. Shock, embarrassment, regret and perhaps…a hint of fear.
"She's been prison for five years now so I suppose you could say she's in between jobs at the moment."
Cinder meant it as a joke but the tense atmosphere remained and somehow ushered the sisters back to their seats.
"I never realised." Summer all but managed to choke out and even though all the moments of silence Cinder could tell that her mind was in turmoil. Curiosity and suspicion, countless questions swirling in those pools of molten silver.
"I'm here thanks to a corrections scholarship." The woman went on casually, having decided that she was tired of evading the subject, if Ruby, Yang and Tai could accept her for the person she was now then she honestly couldn't care less what Summer may think of her. But still…this wasn't easy and could potentially end like all the other meet-and-greets, with the parents bidding her farewell with those tight lipped smiles and honeyed words. They never told her that's she's welcome back again and to Cinder the silence was a message enough.
"The University of Vale is one of the few institutions besides Menagerie that offers such a course, and because of that I had to move from Mistral."
Cinder wasn't going to stop there if Summer wanted to know then she wasn't going to let it bother her anymore. But just as she opened her mouth to speak an old memory flashed through her mind.
Fire everywhere. The red and orange tendrils of searing heat and agonizing screams surrounded her and left her mind with a black void. There was no words, no emotions and suddenly all irritation that she once had was extinguished.
"Please excuse me for a moment." The woman found herself muttering before getting up and leaving for a bathroom. And while Ruby wanted to reach out for her, all she could do was stare with a pang in her chest as Cinder disappeared from sight.
As she turned her attention back to the table Ruby couldn't tell who looked more uncomfortable, and when the silence became too much to bear she got up with a nervous smile. "Imma go check on her."
When Ruby didn't find her in the spare bathroom she was struck with the fear that her girlfriend had left, until she found the closed door to her and Yang's shared bathroom upstairs.
"Cinder…you in here?" The girl asked after a few tentative knocks to which she received no answer. "I'm coming in okay?"
When Ruby shuffled inside she was nearly knocked out by the smell of smoke wafting in the air and found Cinder sitting on the edge of the sink with her half lidded eyes staring out the open window, cigarette between her fingers.
It seemed as if she was in a trance, caught up in her train of though before she heard the soft 'click' of the door closing, only then noticing Ruby.
As she stood there, swaying on the balls of her feet with her eyes darting about she didn't quite know what to say, until she met Cinder's eye and the words came spilling out in an uncontrollable stutter of words.
"I'm really, really sorry about that Yang was being…well Yang and my mom…ugh I guess I should've told her some stuff before you came, but I also didn't want to cause it didn't feel right." Throughout her ramble of confessions and regrets Ruby didn't once look up as her shut eyes stared shamefully at the floor, clenched fists shaking ever so slightly. "…You were right and I was too excited… I guess I should've just waited and give you some space cause now you're all bummed out and my mom's feeling awful andnowyouprobablyneverwanttocomehereagaincauseit'smyfaulteverythingsso-"
But before she could say anything further Ruby was pulled into Cinder's embrace that enveloped the girl in her warmth.
"Sshhhh." The woman hushed, her free hand combing through her girlfriend's crimson tipped locks. "None of this was your fault. Not you nor your mother did anything out of place, It was I who let my emotions get the better of me and for that I'm sorry."
"But I-" The girl tried to protest but was cut short when Cinder's thumb and forefinger cupped her chin, slowly tilting it upwards so that she could dive into those pools of silver.
"You are not under any circumstances allowed to blame yourself for a thing that went wrong tonight." Her tone was stern but not harsh, rather protective in a sense. And when Ruby thought about when Cinder used to be so distant she couldn't help but to smile at how far their relationship had gone.
"I love you." She murmured and closed her eyes with a radiant smile on her features when she felt Cinder press a kiss to her forehead.
"I love you most."
And for a few moments the two of them just stood there enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence between them.
"You know Yang's gonna kill you when she finds out you've been smoking in her bathroom again."
"She wouldn't dare after all the things she said tonight." Cinder growled and her amber eye narrowed to a slit when she thought about how she was going to repay the young Xiao Long for all the private details she spilled about her and Ruby's relationship. And just before her attention turned back to said girl who was still wrapped around her waist, the cigarette's ember bit at her fingers and Cinder jerked out of Ruby's grasp.
"That's what you get for smoking." The girl giggled as she watch her mutter cuss words and fumble to put it out before throwing it into the dustbin. "You know you said you were quitting, right?"
Cinder gave her an apologetic smile. "Old habits die hard I'm afraid."
"Your lungs are gonna die if you don't stop." Ruby didn't mean to sound like she was scolding but it was a habit that she didn't particularly like. The girl tried numerous times to get Cinder to stop. And although it was going better the addiction proved harder to kick than Ruby had thought.
"The only things those lips are supposed to touch are food and me!" The girl stated with her arms crossed, trying to look as stern and intimidating as possible and for a moment she wondered if something like that could actually work. At the very least it meant that she got to kiss Cinder more.
"Oh?" The woman's voice sounded, snapping Ruby out of what could potentially become a fantasy and as if she could read her thoughts, Cinder slinked back over to her. "Getting possessive are we?"
When the woman's whispers brushed against her skin the girl couldn't help but to giggle, making Cinder grin when she felt Ruby's arms wrap around her neck.
"Well your lips do kinda taste good." She muttered and daringly met the woman's gaze although her beet red blush betrayed her. But as Cinder leaned forward, their lips a mere inch apart Ruby slipped out of her grasp with a 'nope' and snicker before kissing her on the check.
"Mouthwash first."
"And this is Ruby at her preschool play." Summer gushed, voice ringing with adoration throughout the living room with the women seated on the couch. All of them staring at the photo of the four year old dressed in a homemade red riding hood costume after dinner Yang decided that it was the perfect time to bring out the albums containing Ruby's baby photos, knowing very well that her mother won't ever say no to the idea. Not only was it her chance to embarrass her sister, but the tension in the air completely disappeared as Summer and Cinder quickly started gushing over the little girl in the pictures whereas Ruby just wanted to be swallowed up by the ground.
"So pretty." Cinder murmured to her girlfriend who somehow managed to bury her face deeper into the pillow at hand.
"Nuh uh."
"This was when my baby just started walking." And when Summer turned the page, a two year old Ruby was sitting on the floor with one chocolate smeared hand in the container and the other in her mouth that was half open with delight at her new discovery. The sight was enough to make Cinder's heart melt. "Got her hands on some chocolate icing and let me tell you it was not easy getting that out of her hair. Oh now where's your father when you need him?" Summer muttured to herself upon noticing the next picture with the words 'Bath time!' Scribbled underneath. With the little girl splashing away at the glittering bubbles around her, silver eyes shining with glee, while her father laughingly tried to get her to sit still.
"Mom!" Ruby shrieked at the sight after taking a peek. "Stop showing Cinder my nudes!" She then desperately tried to shield Cinder's eye from the sight to which the woman couldn't help but chuckle, Yang joining in soon after.
"Why?" She asked seemingly innocent before breaking out in a grin. "You do it all the time, don't you little sis?"
"N-no I don't!" She stuttered in protest, only making her sister laugh even more.
"Yang stop teasing your sis- Oh I remember this one…" It was as if she couldn't believe what she saw and when Cinder noticed the despondent look in her eyes, her attention shifted to the next photo. 'Happy birthday Yang!' Read the overhanging banner. Both the six year old birthday girl and her sister struck what Cinder guessed to be a cool pose. Next to them were Tai Yang and their uncle Qrow in similar poses, with only Qrow managing to pull it off. Judging by the cake and outfits Cinder guessed the theme to be Yang.
But it was the photo next to it that tugged at her heartstrings. Clad in khaki gear and strapped with pouches, gauges and firearms Summer stood smiling atop a mountain with massive letters reading: 'Love you!' Trudged into the sand dunes bellow.
Whether she was at home or over a thousand miles away it was clear that Summer always made sure that her kids knew she loved them and that's where the line between her and Cinder's own mother was drawn. It was then when she realised that her own preconceptions about Ruby's mother was wrong after all, and for that she was glad.
"Awww look how cute my baby's bunnies are."
It was nearing midnight and although looking through old photo albums proved to be very entertaining and the coffee and cake afterwards delicious, Cinder decided to take her leave. Not wanting to keep the parents up any longer, even when they constantly told her that she was welcome to stay for the night.
"I never got to thank you." Summer stated when she and Cinder were standing outside near the front door, waiting for a cab while Ruby ran around inside, searching for an umbrella to ward of the ever continuing rain.
"You have nothing to thank me for ." Cinder tried to protest but all Summer did was wave her off. "Oh of course I do." She insisted and for a few moments the two women were silent in each other's company, listening to the pattering rain and 'whoosh' of vehicles driving past.
"You know Ruby has always been so optimistic and full of life but she never knew what she was going to do in the future." Summer finally broke the silence. "So when I heard from Tai Yang how hard she was working for a scholarship I knew that you had something to do with it."
The confession caught Cinder of guard and for a second she didn't know what to say. "…I'm sure Ruby can be hard-working through her own decisions, at the very most all I did was nudge her in the right direction."
"It was more that I could've ever done." Summer sighed and looked up at the pitch black sky with gleaming silver orbs. "She must hate me for never being part of her life and now that I've finally come home for good she's all grown up and doesn't need me anymore."
When Summer's voice cracked so did Cinder's calm and collected demeanour, words tempered when she spoke. "Ruby adores you Summer, and has always considered you part of her life, that will never change."
"Oh you're gonna make me tear up…I'm sorry." The woman waved her off and Cinder couldn't help but to smile at Summer who tried to keep from tearing up.
"You have nothing to apologize fo-." But Cinder was cut short when the woman grabbed her out of nowhere and pulled her into a rib crushing hug before letting out a sigh. "I do... I can't imagine how awful I must've made you feel at dinner."
"I'm dating your daughter, it's only right you know what kind of person I am." Cinder didn't know if that was the sort of statement to make when you're caught in an ex- member of the military's grip, but none of that seemed to matter at the moment.
"But I could've asked better than that." Not even the fact that she desperately wanted to get out of the uncomfortable embrace that only seemed to grow tighter as Summer went on. "I can only imagine how hard it must've been to pull your life together after all the things you've been through."
And suddenly memories of her past flashed through her mind, but Cinder pushed them back as soon as they resurfaced. "I've…come to terms with it but I won't lie and say it has been easy, to be honest I have your daughter to thank for a lot of good in my life. I can't phantom as to what she saw in me at first."
"Now don't sell yourself short." The woman scolded and pulled away, adding teasingly. "I can see why my baby girl is so head over heels for you."
Cinder smiled to herself and she found herself wondering what things Ruby said to her mother about her. And just as her thoughts wandered over to her girlfriend, Ruby's footsteps drew closer.
"And it helps that you're such a good looker too."Summer winked at the woman, stopping Ruby dead in her tracks as she stepped outside. The girl's silver eyes drifted from her mother and then to Cinder from under a confused frown.
"Whaaaat weird thing are you two doing?"
"Oh nothing you should worry about dear, just some woman to woman talk."
Although Ruby wasn't quite sure what topics such a talk consisted of she didn't let it bother her. "Ooh okay well uh…I found the umbrella and uhm Yang got her hair stuck in her brush."
"Again?" All Summer could do at that moment was sigh, already knowing what she was most likely going to do for the next half hour. Sometimes she really wished that her daughter wasn't that protective of her hair.
"Mom!" Came the anguished cry from the bathroom, nearly shaking the walls as it made its way down stairs and out the front door.
"I'm on my way!" Her mother yelled back, then turned to Cinder with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that, you'll have to excuse me for the night."
"It's no problem at all. Thank you for your hospitality Summer." Cinder held out her hand, but Summer flat out ignored it and went in for another hug, only letting go when the other tentatively returned the gesture. And when Cinder caught her girlfriend's gaze Ruby was beaming back at her, no doubt happy about how things ended tonight. That alone made Cinder feel that it was worth it after all.
"I hope to see more of you soon, you're welcome here any time Cinder." And with that said Summer disappeared down the hallway with a small wave and a knowing smile.
When Ruby was sure that her mother was gone she turned to her girlfriend who was suddenly out of sight before creeping up behind her, nearly making Ruby jump in surprise.
"So how much did you pay your sister?" The woman's velvety tone instantly drew all blood to Ruby's cheeks, and as she looked up at Cinder, words nearly failed her.
"Uuuh...Thirty Lien?" She stuttered with a sheepish smile, earning herself a grin in return.
"Bribery? My my what will your mother say?"
"Nothing cause there's no way she could've figured out my plan." She stated confidently, to which Cinder only raised an eyebrow, doubtful that someone from such a background could be that easily deceived. Perhaps it was another thing she should be thankful to Summer for.
"I kinda missed you tonight." The girl confessed and wrapped her hands around Cinder's neck, wanting to be close to her in the last moments of the night.
"I'm here now." The woman reassured and wrapped her arms around Ruby's waist in return, letting the girl lean against her chest while she gently tested her chin atop the girl's head.
"Did you have a good talk with mom?"
"Yes, I think so."
Ruby smiled and nuzzled into Cinder's neck. "I'm glad" She breathed, igniting her girlfriend's chest with affection at the sound her happiness and relief. "You're an amazing person so I knew she'd like you…but mom kinda had to cause there's no way I'm cancelling our cuddly dates...or our chocolate dates." The girl muttered and tightened her grip, not noticing how Cinder was smiling at her.
"Mmmnn I like those."
Another one of the many things she loved was how possessive Ruby can be at times, at how she could catch glimpses of her personality that was lost to others.
"Me too."
Like how the girl could be so forgetful at times and yet she remembered everything else. Like their giggles as they tried to wipe off the aftermath of Ruby's science projects, her strange and sudden feather allergy after their blanket feud resulted in an all-out pillow fight war, even how the healed and burnt skin connected on Cinder's hand when she held it in hers and she loved every moment of it.
And both of them couldn't wait for what might become of their relationships in the years to come…
Even if it was around dotting, but still loving parents and rambunctious friends that always made her feel welcome even if they get on her nerves at times.
"So you guys are good, right?" The girl asked tentatively as her gaze wandered about in search for the right words. "You're still gonna come here even if my mom acts kinda...crazy weird?"
"Of course." Cinder assured, then added with a sly grin as her voice drifted towards Ruby's ear. "In fact I rather enjoyed seeing those photos about you frolicking in the garden without an-"
"Aaaah don't say it!" Ruby squeaked and covered her ears while trying to avoid any further embarrassment by shaking her head. "Next time I'm making sure that you never see those again."
"Pity, you were such a cute little girl back then." The woman teased and poked her girlfriend's cheek, making ruby giggle and her cheeks turn a darker shade of scarlet.
"Do you still have pictures like that lying around?" She chirped, eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You'd look so cute in tiny Grimm pyjamas."
"I don't think so, but if I found one I'll be sure to turn it to dust."
"Nah no fair!" She groaned in frustration to which she only got a chuckle. But when Ruby met her eye the girl couldn't help but to wonder if there was something else hiding behind the golden gleam of amusement.
And while the girl tried to dig up the right words the two women stood silently in each other's embrace, listening to the other's rhythmic breathing soft 'ba-dum' of their synced heartbeats.
"Do you ever think about it?" Ruby carefully broke the silence, her words nearly beaten down by the falling rain before it reached Cinder. "You being a kid y'know…before everything that happened?"
The girl half expected her girlfriend to be upset at the question so she was surprised when Cinder tightened her embrace and gently tilted her chin so that their eyes met. The woman knew that Ruby was worried about her, and just the fact that one person in this world loved her made all the wrong in her life fade away
"What matters right now is the memories you and I make together, because those are the ones that will stay with me forever." It seemed like an eternity but for a moment her gaze never left the other's she leaned closer to lock her lips with Ruby's, as if she wanted to keep those words just between them. To hold onto that one moment that was her fingers tangled in crimson tipped locks, tugging as she tried to taste every bit of those soft lips.
And when Ruby returned in kind it was with utter adoration, pouring all of her love into one brush of their lips, a touch that could set hearts ablaze with no rain ever hoping to extinguish it. Her shaking hands reached to cup Cinder's face, pulling her in and gingerly tracing every inch of skin until she could clearly picture the woman she had fallen in love with.
Neither wanted to part for their need for each other burned more than their lungs for air. Even when lips parted their breaths reached out, mingling and tickling skin before Cinder captured Ruby's lips once again.
The girl shivered when she felt slender fingers ghost patterns over her neck, leaving goose bumps in her wake and gently started biting and sucking on her bottom lip, asking for permission to enter.
Once Ruby opened her mouth to let Cinder slip past a new kind of warmth invaded her. One that teased and dominated as their tongues danced to the perfect sync of their heartbeats, eliciting moans from Ruby that shuddered down Cinder's spine and echoed in their ragged breathing that sent mist up into the chilly air.
"Whoa…" The girl breathed once they parted, now gently leaning her forehead against Cinder and staring into her eye as she tried to catch her breath. "That was…" But still the words failed her.
"Amazing?" Cinder finished and gave Ruby a quick peck on cheek.
"Yeah…but our kissing has always been amazing." She murmured and leaned towards her comforting touch.
"You tell her Rubes!"
Both women's blood instantly ran cold when Yang's voice called out to them, followed by a couple of wolf whistles to where she stood. Grinning from year to ear Summer and Yang half leaned out the window of the second floor behind them, both holding a camera and phone in each hand.
Ruby stood there, a beet red and stuttering mess. "It's...it's not what it looks like."
Cinder on the other hand desperately tried to keep herself from burning Yang at a stake as she closed her eye and pinched the bridge of her nose.
Summer couldn't help but to laugh at the sight, suddenly remembering just how beautiful young love could be as she snapped another photo.
"It's for the album sweetie!"
Cinder let out a defeated sigh. This woman was going to be the end of her.
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strangerevan-blog · 7 years
Sucking His Fingers//most Evan Characters
This is my first imagine of almost all of Evan’s AHS characters. It’s not smutty but I plan on writing some of that in the future. I did not include Rory/Edward because these are super stereotypical of the characters and I wasn’t sure on how I wanted to write them at the moment but I wanted to go ahead and put this one out here to get started. I know Evan and Tate’s aren’t as long or in depth as the others but I will work on those as well. THIS PROBABLY SUCKS BUT WHO CARES I ENJOY EXPRESSING MYSELF AND EVEN THOUGH I DON’T ACTUALLY THINK IT SUCKS, IT MAKES ME FEEL BETTER WHEN I SAY IT DOES AND THEN PEOPLE SAY IT DOESN’T bitch don’t act like you don’t do the same thing aaye. Anyways, enjoy this! Also, peep the aggression at the end of Kai’s because that’s the kind of shit I live for.
Evan - That morning you both had decided to walk down to the local coffee shop and grab something to drink before starting a day of shooting more episodes of AHS Season 8. You were waiting in line looking at the different displays of cupcakes, muffins, and breads as you heard your order number being called. You grabbed the drinks and sat down at the little table next to the window. He began stirring his iced coffee with his finger since he was too lazy to get up and retrieve one from the front. You rolled your eyes as he began to talk about the upcoming part he had to play. "So Ryan told me I should maybe act more cynical for the part but I don't know, I feel like the character would want to be hyp-", he suddenly stopped and looked up at you when you slowly sucked the finger he had stirred his coffee with. You looked at him through innocent eyes, though it was far from that. "Carry on.", you muffled as you continued to lick and suck his finger. He couldn't catch his breath and began looking around for paparazzi and you laughed.
Tate - He busted through your bedroom door and jumped onto your bed while you were laying down listening to music. You weren't in a bad mood but you did want to relax and enjoy the drumming sounds of Nirvana playing all around you. Tate waited a few minutes until he got bored and wanted your attention. "I know we have a lifetime in this house, but I really want to talk to you now.", he whined. You just giggled and continued to listen to the music. He exaggerated a sigh and started poking you in the face. You became playfully aggravated so you grabbed his hand and stuck his pointer and middle finger in your mouth. You laughed around his fingers as he let out a gasp of surprise.
Kit - He had come home from a long day at the shop and you wanted to make him feel special. And what better way to do that than by making him a homemade chocolate cake! You had just finished frosting it when he opened the front door. He dragged his feet into the kitchen and smiled when he smelled the sweet treat. He rested his chin on your shoulder and swiped a bit of frosting from the cake and laughed. You turned around and swatted at his chest, giggling. You then stood on your tippy toes and licked his frost-covered finger. He was surprised at first but then raised an eyebrow as he pushed more of his finger against your tongue. You sucked his finger until all of the frosting was gone.
Kyle (pre-death) - You arrived at the frat party pretty late in the game so almost everyone was already fucked up. You left your two friends, who were already grinding on some guys you didn't know, and found some tequila. You grabbed a shot glass and a lime wedge but you couldn't find the salt. "Looking for this?", you heard a voice say behind you. You turned around and saw a member of the fraternity holding the margarita salt, wearing a innocent grin. You tilted your head and winked as you gently lifted his finger to your mouth and licked it. Quickly, you dripped it into the salt and pulled it back out. You grabbed your shot of tequila and line wedge and then whispered "cheers". You sucked on his salty finger and then threw back the shot. You began walking away, now chewing on the lime, and glanced back over your shoulder. You say him dazed as he just stood there in the frat house kitchen wondering who you were.
Kyle (Post-death) - As you slipped inside Kyle's room, you could still here Madison and Zoe screaming at each other about who he actually belonged to in the other room. They always did this - they would start one by one trying to make Kyle choose who he wanted more sexually. But how could he choose when he had no sense of anything after he came back from the dead. He would start to spaz out while Madison and Zoe left him high and dry. You saw him sitting on the end of his bed looking down. You softly stepped in front of him and dropped to your knees. He looked away from his pants and stared at you. You smiled and grabbed his right hand. "I would never leave you like that if I were Zoe or Madison.", you said before placing his middle finger in your mouth. He opened his mouth and made a incoherent noise that sounded like a mix of a moan and a gasp. You were determined to finish what the two girls had started.
Jimmy - "Head to your seat folks, the show will start in 5 minutes!", you heard Jimmy say into the backstage microphone. You had attended the freak show for the first time 3 years ago and had loved every second of it. Especially Jimmy, he was so fascinating to you. You loved his personality, his good looks, his dedication and loyalty to his friends and family, and you really loved his hands. But even after 3 years, he was still nervous to go on stage and perform with them. "What if I screw up and drop the ball? What if they are disgusted and repulsed? What if they start ma-", you stopped him dead in his tracks by taking his hand and shoving his morphed pointer and middle finger in your mouth. It was a lot to hold but you closed your eyes and moaned against it. The tip of his middle finger hit the back of your throat and you gagged as you looked up at his face through your eyelashes. He had turned red and bashful as you released his hand and winked at him. "Screw them, baby. I love you and your hands and there is nothing I would ever change about you. Now, get out there and show them what you are working with!", you shouted as you heard the applause of the show starting. He walked out on stage and turned back around to you. He smiled and laughed because he knew he had found the best person in the world to be with.
James - You and James had a love/hate relationship ever since he killed you 4 years ago. It all started as an actual kill on his part just for the hell of it. You had stopped by the hotel for just one night as you were making your way across the country on a road trip. You wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and intended on ending at the coast of California. "I need a room for just one night, preferably the cheapest you have - I'm down to the last few dollars from this trip.", you said exhausted. "Well, we have a great deal for you! We have a room half priced tonight.", a grey haired lady, who's name tag read Iris, said. "Great, I'll take it!", you smiled. "Room 64 dear, up the stairs to the left.", she said already turning her attention back to adjusting the keys for the other rooms. You practically ran up the stairs and found room 64. You jumped and slammed your body onto the king sized bed and closed your eyes. You wanted to sleep as much as you could before finishing the final few hours of your trip the next day. As you tried to fall asleep, you could vaguely hear a drink being poured in the corner of your room. You sat up on your bed and screamed when you saw a man dressed in a nice suit with a pencil mustache. "Oh dear, don't be frightened.", he said shaking his head. He gulped his strong drink and slammed it down on the table, shattering it to pieces. He mischievously laughed as he walked towards you, pulling out a knife. You were frozen in a trance. He grabbed you by the throat and slammed your head back into the bed. He brought the knife to your chest just above your heart. He drug the knife across the skin and your blood oozed out. He swiped the red liquid on his finger and rubbed it against your lips. "It's the perfect shade of red for you, don't you think darling?", he cooed. You, not really understanding his game, licked your lips and popped his finger in your mouth, sucking the rest of the blood off. "Yes, I think it is.", you said smiling, showing your blood stained teeth. James only stared back with a hint of a smile before he kissed you. As you felt the rush of his tender kiss, you also felt the pressure and sting of the knife he jabbed into your heart. As everything went black, you heard him whisper, "I'll see you on the other side, my dear."
Kai - You sat on the basement couch as you waited for Winter to come down and get you. You two had planned on studying in her room for your college final in women's studies but her brother, Kai had called an emergency meeting for his "group". Though no one told you, you knew it was a cult. How could anyone NOT see it was a cult. Kai was an evil, malicious, conniving leader who manipulated and twisted everyone's thoughts. But damn, he looked good doing it. You heard shouting from up stairs as the door to the basement swung open and Kai came rushing down. "Don't do it! Don't answer his questions!", you heard Winter scream and plea. Kai slammed the door shut and locked it before turning around and smiling at you. "Come, sit and talk with me.", he said sitting at the table under one light. You obliged to his command as you were scared to do anything other than what he said. You assumed the position by grabbing his pinky in yours. "Now tell me woman, what fills your heart with dread.", he said staring intensely into your eyes. "The sounds of whining children.", you bluntly said without even realizing. He laughed, "I'm glad we are on the same page with that. Now, what are you most afraid of?". You shook your head, "You already know this...I know Winter tells you everything about me.". He had tried to recruit you into the "group" for a while but you just weren't ready. Now you were. "I want to hear it from your own mouth.", he said glaring. You waited a few moments until you found the courage to say it. "The thought that I might be in love with someone so wrong for me.", you said finally making full forced eye contact. He smiled and whispered, "Well, don't be afraid of that anymore." You smiled back knowing you accomplished what you had wanted to and found a new sense of relief. You started to smirk as you realized that you were now his. With your pinkies still locked, you brought his pinky to your mouth and slightly sucked on it will his face remained the same. "This is going to be fun.", he said as he began to pry your mouth open and insert the rest of his hand.
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witchinthewind · 7 years
Post 1; the signs as I see them now
I see astrology as a tool to see people in a more inter dimensional way, and the signs are all based on my personal POV on the signs now
Aries; Frustrastion is a key word here, wether it’s at themselves or the world or their own emotions/love life they get mad and stay mad. But thing is it’s not always an external blow up it’s usually internal, now some may be more showy than others, but most will have a charismatic youthful attitude. Always the one cussing up a storm (will probably try and fight you and then pussy out) and most times love showing off how pretty they are. I read somewhere how Aries ruled the Amazonian women, powerful and strong warriors full of wisdom, yet full of youth and beauty, if only they could contain the fires long enough to make them roar. Their emotions heat up and stay on until their gone, they probably need space and time to think it all through. They cry a lot more than people would think they do, they feel very set on fire by emotions and that all the arguments and ordeals are “stupid” in a lot of ways. It’s like they need a moment to scream it out till they reach the epiphany that they know how to deal with it. Always feeling like they need to be strong, or that their feelings are “stupid” or wrong.
Taurus; champagne kisses tbh; being a Taurus stellium myself I try not to over exaggerate the Tauren vibe. We have a sense of pride attached to it all, not wanting to admit fault in order to change. We take pride in what we attain and achieve; most times we haven’t had the chance to obtain for ourselves or don’t normally buy things so when we do we make it worth while and nice. That’s why we savor it all, Love, food and travel for some, nature and spirituality for others. Cause at some point it’s all over and we’re left just feeling empty about it, a moment of bliss is impermanent and that pains us. I can be a total mom friend or drunk friend lost at a party. Some of us business inclined to a fault, always on a call and dealing with something emotional or business. Lots of worry. Becoming comfortable with feminist ideals and feminine aspects of yourself at some point in life maybe even obsessed. Having confronted or trying to confront feeling on love; Always learning in love. The emotional side can feel like we want to keep common sense about feelings but when it’s too much I can’t take it anymore and bellow out in frustration. Trying to be loving, to learn, to be peaceful and sociable can seem daunting at times. Some Taurus are lost in vanity and superficiality, other their mind and thoughts. A Taurus always has deep thoughts and most times loves to write them down or dwell on the past or pains. Probably needs to talk about it but is eitherresisting out of guilt or fear. They don’t wanna speak unless they know for sure. And that leaves them vulnerable to problems with love and lost opportunities, it’s almost like a Scorpio in a sense of endless thoughts that leave you darkened in the soul and restless. It’s a melancholic Lana del Rey/ Adele vibe, a beaten Aphrodite and damsel in distress.
Gemini; most say evil, I say if aspected tbh. Gemini energy I will say is fickle, and can run rampant and fast and if you can’t keep up, out of your reach. Honestly sweet babies tbh always learning something, music, art, litterateur, but could be math and sciences. Really any Gemini can be added to a persuit of knowledge for gained efforts. If they’re docile they’re sad, feeling trapped, unfulfilled. Probably has gifts or trophies of new things or places. inquisitive and most times giggly as hell when they make a pun on accident or run into a funny fact. But at times problematic at the end results they come to, probably got lost and forgot to pay attention to E V E R Y detial and fact. Did I mention they think fast or not at all? it’s like they’re running with all they’re facts reading them out one by one but they dropped a scroll in their mind on the way to tell you. Prone to a brain fart, LOVES to PARTY, can be on different levels but they at least love alcohol. The emotions can be ignored completely at times as they go about life but at some point they realize their actions have consequences, very trial and error approach to life. the emotions well up in an instant as things clicked and all made sense.
Cancer; charts that lack water like mine seek out water energy. It’s like a subconscious counter balance. Don’t eat me alive but i think all water signs are here to kill us 💀(another story). Of the three water signs cancer is like white energy or benevolent magic. They’re loving and sweet. Always remembering the little things. Its inviting like this warm milk bath full of rose water. You feel calmed in its embrace you’re at peace. But then something changed and you don’t know what. You start to pay attention and you notice the bath went cold. Their eyes went from warm and inviting to wide opened and cold. Wether it’s distance, manipulation, or just sadness that flows into everyone. They take you back to the past, remembering every relationship, every word, every moment they held close to heart. Taking you though all that and almost drowning you in words to either hurt you or truly express their hurt, it’s a fine line. They then settle and the energy returns and it’s like it all never happened and you wonder so much “how??” it’s beyond words. Sometimes they’re the most sensitive, other times they’re the coldest people alive until you pry them open. This pure light looked the same even when it felt like nothing was there, no warmth, just chills.
Leo; showmanship is a broad term with them. Wether it’s sun or moon they want to shine somewhere. Sports can be a typical one, they can have serious careers and want to have a known reputation. The recognition of their actions keeps them fueled. In some cases they’re this vain archetype. Plain and negative, they can’t let themselves shine because they feel the need to second guess themselves and blend in or they just put others down for their own self esteem so they look better . In other cases they shine so bright they lead thorough natural ability in whatever they do , they don’t say they’re the leader everyone else does. They invent and create new and inventive ways to do things and most times want to help people and have a kind and enthusiastic sense of being. Most likely found with Aries energy. Things can feel dramatic from their point of view, feelings feel like a Whitney Houston song. A melody of beautiful sadness or a symphony of selected songs plucked on heart strings. They don’t like to heat up when they shine, anger can come out of direct need to express how undone or unjust they feel and can feel limited in expressing it at times. A very inner monologue that sounds like a lifetime movie with a “why me” attitude. It’s like one upsetting thing brings a wave of emotional issues, like cancer they remember all the little things but it’s not consuming like ice cold cancer waters that freeze the heart, it burns them alive in a consuming frenzy of thoughts emotions and half played scenes of melodrama in their head.
Virgo; the one I really can’t say the most about bc I’ve had the adsolute worst experience. But what I can say is that you’re tactful, and like libra about balance at times. Virgin and the vixen is how I like to describe it. Everyone sees this well put together type of person, nice strong, politely nice but nothing too deep unless you’re close. But on the inside of things it’s a lot different most times. Cascading hallways of memories and experiences. Since it’s an earth sign ruled by mercury I see it as like the daughter of Gemini and Taurus, strong mind but deeper thoughts. Propbably stresses patterns and watching others and cares a lot about how people see them (family most important at times) so they limit themselves instead of seeking to change bad habits or express their true personality.
Libra; this is my 7th house and I fucking love Libras. I hate them at times because if aspected (and lord is it usually) they’re self centered and have a tendency to go on and on about themselves. No one can tell me they aren’t ruled by venus. Taurus is the introvert Libra is the extrovert. Libra teaches Taurus how to stunt and become more confident and outgoing and Taurus helps reaffirm a Libras confidence and keeps them grounded and not too far from earth and in the air. Probably loving to debate shit back and forth, “um lemme look that up because I don’t think so”, “oh my god I’m....” “do you think I should...” “help me decide...”; They need affirmation of their talents and sense of outgoingness, sometimes they don’t do it until they’re comfortable but they most times need a little push. And can be a bit eccentric if aspected. They can leave emotions on a shelf somewhere and never attend to them again or be the ones that have emotions like ALL the time but just keep them at bay. All in all they can be extra but they are most definitely worth it. They always feel bubbly like the foam around Aphrodite.
Scorpio; if cancer is benevolent magic Scorpio is maleficia. It’s like the waters went dark, focusing on the bad in others not in themselves. With water energy it’s like in a moment it’s all around you enveloping and then at times it’s consuming. With Scorpio the envelopment is in the darkness of it all. Cynicism and sarcasm from a point of view you would have never guessed. At times a wall flower unknown by most, or a loner with a bad reputation. Being a Taurus sometimes I just see them or they see me. Its either I click with them or I don’t but there’s always this sense of understanding out of respect. When they open their world you’ll see the pain and the sorrows and in between it births light, brilliance and beauty it’s like their addicted to it. They most times are reborn through pain and loss. The personality becomes whole again and striving to stop what they’ve experienced, but they tend to get into old habits very easily. Always accused of the crime when most times theyre the victim. Very “no snitches” or “I’ll use your secrets against you” attitude when mad, coldness and distance is in their nature. This dark water felt calming and soothing, it knew the weight of the world and sought to cool your tensions and let you breathe and escape it all. But the mars water heated up little by little till you boiled alive. The intensity grows with them in whatver they do and that’s the one thing I always feel with them, intense.
Sagittarius; experience is a key word here; lack there of or too much of it. They have this fire too live life to the fullest and want to feel it running through their veins. They hate looking back at the past to feel pain or face themselves, but they at times give the greatest advice based on experiences. Fast fire temper that flickers out quick. They love to see the world from the common perspective but also love to come back with material items and or expensive gifts from travels to rememeber moments in time. Probably messy or hoards things with emotional ties or value. They try and radiate warmth and a giving attitude but most times seem like a solitary traveler with many tales to tell. Very sad in some tales they tend to downplay the emotions they feel until they well up in a frenzy, it’s like their heart is on fire, tears beyond comprehension. You wonder how they ever made it through what they did.
Capricorn; All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. First line of defense is the innocent seemingly unknowing attitude, the next is sarcasm and witty comedy that can always have some undertones of sexual humor. They tend to ignore emotions, letting them go on and on until they can’t contain them anymore. Probably has had restrictions and a rigid sense of structure or harsh discipline put upon them. They have a disdain but respect for it and tend to lash out when no one is looking. Manipulation and a tendency to play dumb and relying on a superiority complex tends to be their downfall. They’re always surprising in the way they are, no one truly “knows” them. They’ll reveal dark parts about their past you never would’ve thought possible like Scorpio. But now it’s even more unbelievable because with this person they put out a sense of authority and darkness but with structure and respect like saturns energy. Neptune in Capricorn in the early 90s made heroin and opioids go up in usage they went away during age of Aquarius and it’s sad to see the rise again in Pisces. Restrictiveness can lead to needing emotional intensity or intense experiences. But since they have had this sense of restriction they rebel in silence most times hurting themselves in the process. Very successful and business mined at times and knows how to help people and probably puts family above a lot else.
Aquarius; either conventional or not at all; it’s like I see the age of Aquarius as the “ideal society” (barf) and that people of Aquarian traits are either the covential ideal of beauty or something that challgenes beyond that standard. Same with the emotional side at times they hit moments of regular teenage dealings but at the same time it’s beyond that, it’s intensity beyond words. Unlike Capricorn they don’t restrict their emotions or they can’t at least; it’s like the air makes them burst. They can usually seem pretty far and distant or cold but that’s kind of the first wall around them, like an air of mystery. But once you get past it you realize they’re not quiet or cold at all! They can’t just let emotion sit or be quiet or it over takes their personality and it becomes quite sour. They rule over rebellion and unlike Capricorn they don’t rebel or get angry silently. Giving and idealistic and pretty charitable. If not well informed very one sided in the mind and won’t change. Loves to protest and show displays of idealistic love and affection. Eccentric if aspected they can feel outcasted or unwanted by people around them for being or showing uniqueness.
Pisces; the waters of light and dark became one and it was all done; like the magic of the world settles and is still. You see the magic stirring underneath you fall into the stars you see and become enveloped by the neptune tide. A Pisces in my opinion can do anything they ecompass all the signs. Their emotions are so broad and long it’s beyond my comprehension, they give love, strength, wisdom, and moments of clarity to themselves or others. They also can give the greatest advice on emotion. Problem is they can be led by emotional sense so much they ignore plain facts in front of them. “I feel this way so it must be right” attitude. They themsves are lost in Neptunes delusion. They have the eternal old hippie soul about them. Wise beyond their years can leave them yearning for shallows and make them superficial as a person. The thing is being in their world is like being underwater, you see all their monsters swimming around and you get out shaken and gasping for air telling them all about it, they don’t know what you mean, you go on and they push you back in. The waters are dark and all consuming, scary, and heart pounding, but in the midst of the minds rampant darkness there’s a sense of clarity. Its up to whomever attempts diving in to find the light in the sea of darkness and smoke.
(I’m bad at typos btw lemme know k bye thanks for reading 💝)
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pocket-anon · 8 years
A Fairytale Beginning (7/9)
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Here it is, friends - Chapter 7! Apologies for making you wait, as always. We had a death in the family last week and had to make an emergency trip out-of-town in order to say our goodbyes in time, and the muse was rather slow for a while after that. In addition, these chapters just keep getting longer and longer! For those of you (all of you, it seems) waiting for The Ball, we’re not there yet, but we’re definitely building toward it, and you’ll still find some goodies here that I think/hope/pray you’ll like. 
Find it on AO3 and FFN.  Missed a chapter?  Get caught up here.
Summary:  Killian Jones, the notorious Captain Hook, has been on a quest to kill the Dark One and avenge the death of his first love for over one hundred fifty years. But when he crosses the Evil Queen, he’s magically transported to New York City, a strange land full of fascinating wonders, the foremost of which is Emma Swan, a cynical single mother with no time for fairy tales, real or imagined. A Captain Swan Enchanted AU.   (Captain Swan modern AU, Captain Swan Enchanted Forest AU.  Romance & Adventure.  Rated T.)
Tags as requested: @timetravelingpotatoast, @piratesails, @storybrookeswans, @optomisticgirl, @juneqparis
Pizza, Killian soon learns, is food, which, like the sandwich he had for lunch, is hot, smothered in melted cheese, and utterly delicious.  His mouth waters in response to the aroma that hits his nose when he follows Emma and Henry into Marco’s, a little establishment housed in an aged red brick building a few blocks from their home.  The interior of the restaurant is a mixture of warm lights and cozy shadows, the walls consisting of exposed brick or wood beams, and between the happy chatter and the heady scent that hangs in the air, it’s little wonder why Henry enjoys coming here every week.
Just as it was at Granny’s, they’re warmly greeted by the owner, an wiry older man with a polished head, a short white beard, and a kind smile.  “Henry!” he says with a rich accent as he meets them at the door, “You’ve grown another inch this week!”  He glances up curiously at Killian.  “Brought a friend?”
“Marco, this is Killian,” Henry explains.  “He’s staying with us, and,” he leans closer to the old man conspiratorially, “he’s never had New York pizza before.”
Marco’s gray eyebrows go halfway to the top of his head with mock astonishment.  “Oh?”  He chuckles genially and shows them to a corner table.  “Well, we can certainly fix that.  What should I get you today?”
Henry glances between Emma and Killian while they circle into their seats, and Emma simply grins back and shrugs.  “Your call, kid.”
It’s wonderfully strange to sit with Emma and Henry and listen as Emma questions her son about his day, his teachers, and his friends.  To be fair, Killian has never really had the opportunity to watch mothering up close like this, to see the fond looks Emma gives her son when the boy is and isn’t paying attention or the glint of amusement in her eye as he rambles excitedly about “trick-or-treating” and something called a “sleep-over” at his friend Avery’s house tomorrow.  Killian finds himself enchanted by the way she smiles at Henry, the soft joy on her face leaving no doubt that for all her grit and sarcasm, Emma Swan also loves being a parent.  It makes his heart hurt a little, and he isn’t sure if it’s because the she’s so bloody beautiful or because he wishes he could remember his own mother well enough to know whether she looked at him or his brother the same way.
A long strip of paper strikes his cheek head-on, and Killian turns to see Henry giggling with the tip of what looks like a translucent tube between his lips.
“Henry!” Emma scolds. The effect is somewhat diminished by the upturn of her mouth.
Killian grins and pulls the wrinkled scrap from his lap, inspecting it with a peaked eyebrow. “What’s this?”
“Straw wrapper,” Emma supplies, pulling another one of the tubes off the table, this one wrapped in an identical white paper sleeve.  She tears the end off the paper and puts the exposed end of the tube inside in her mouth, turning toward Henry and giving a little puff.  The wrapper shoots off the end of the straw and nails her son square between the eyes.
“Hey!”  Henry winces and laughs.
The boy continues to entertain Killian by introducing him to soda, a miraculous beverage that tastes like an over-sweet, effervescent nectar.  Henry demonstrates how to use a straw to suck the liquid from the cup and, much to Emma’s chagrin, how to blow bubbles in the bottom of the glass.
Dinner arrives, the enormous, shield-sized pizza covered with a golden layer of melted cheese and dotted with uniform cuts of a crisp, red sausage.  Marco sets it up on a little metal stand so that the pan hovers a few inches above the table and then distributes plates before acknowledging Emma’s thanks with a nod and giving Henry a little pat on the back as he walks away.  Henry is adamant about showing Killian the proper way to consume a slice, folding his in half lengthwise and then flopping the tip of the triangular piece into his open mouth, a huge, satisfied smile pulling at his ears when he rips off the bite and chews.  The lad appears quite happy with Killian’s first attempt to copy him, and Killian is unsure which is more pleasing, the taste that explodes on his tongue or the brilliant smile on Emma’s face as she watches them eat.
Between the three of them, they polish off their supper in short order.  Stomach sated, Henry hastily wipes his hands and asks to go play a hulking, mechanical game in the back of the restaurant.  Emma benevolently hands him a few coins out of her purse before he scampers off.
Killian grins at the boy’s back as he disappears.  “He’s a good lad,” he comments.
Emma beams.  “Yeah.”
Killian suddenly finds himself wondering how Baelfire’s life might have been different had he grown up with his mother, and he folds his lips against the pulse of guilt that rises in his chest.  “Does… does he ever miss him?” he asks, tapping a finger against the tabletop.  
It’s obvious by the subtle way Emma tenses that she knows the answer when she clears her throat and asks, “Miss who?”
“His father.”
A sardonic smile flashes briefly at the corner of her mouth.  She reaches for her straw and begins stirring the ice in her cup in lazy circles.  “You can’t miss someone you never knew,” she answers.
Killian’s forehead creases. “He died?”
Her brows lift, even as her gaze remains fixed on the swirling liquid.  “Nnnope.”
His eyes narrow.  “He left.”
Emma presses her lips into a grim line.  “More or less.”  She shoots a look at her son, making sure he’s still across the room engrossed in his game.  “He doesn’t know about Henry,” she says soberly, her eyes falling back to her glass. “And given the kind of guy he turned out to be, that’s probably for the best.”  
Killian frowns, concern written on his features.  “What did he do to you, Swan?”
Emma chuckles bitterly and shakes her head, still avoiding his eye.  “You have your own sad story,” she says, “You don’t need mine.”
The word causes her to look up with an expression of quiet surprise, her questioning gaze darting across his face.  At last, she sighs heavily and sits back.  “I…  I was an orphan,” she starts.  “A baby left by the side of a road.  I grew up a ward of the state, moving in and out of foster homes, never in the same place for more than six months.”  She wets her lips.  “The last place… it was bad.  I was seventeen, and the dad… he tried to get me to…”  
Killian’s jaw tightens, his hand clenching into a fist beneath the table, and Emma looks up, slightly taken aback at the silent fury she reads in him.  Her features soften.  “Nothing happened,” she reassures him, sitting up and leaning forward on her crossed arms.  “I reported him.  And then I ran.  Caught a bus to someplace far away and never looked back.”  Her eyes grow distant.  “I lived off the street and met a few kids there who taught me how to survive, how to steal, how to not get caught.  And that’s how I met Henry’s dad.”  
For the first time, there’s a hint of nervousness in her voice when she looks up at him and asks, “You know my car?”
Killian nods.
“We stole it,” she admits guiltily.  “And by ‘we,’ I mean that he stole it first and then I stole it a couple hours later, not knowing he was asleep in the backseat.”
Killian’s mouth curls involuntarily, and he suppresses the urge to laugh, though Emma’s chuff and the way she ducks her head indicate that she, too, appreciates the ludicrousness of the situation.  
“We decided to pair up. Pulled some basic two-person cons and got enough to scrape by.”  She shakes her head again.  “We were young and stupid, and we had almost nothing, but every time we got away with something, it felt like we were on top of the world.”  There’s a trace of nostalgia in her tone.
“You loved him,” Killian says softly.
A pained look skirts over Emma’s face, and she clears her throat again.  “Like I said, young and stupid.”
“He didn’t love you back?”
Her brow twitches sadly. “He said he did.  And I believed him,” she replies, “right up until he let me take the fall for a job he pulled.” She pulls the straw from the cup and begins to trace designs on her empty plate with the tip.  “The cops were looking for him, so I went to go get some stolen watches he’d stashed so we could fence them and get out of town.  But he tipped them off – told them where to find me.  I got caught, and he…” she pauses, her eyes growing wet,  “he was dust in the wind.”  She blinks furiously, sniffling once before she succeeds in plastering on a look of cool indifference.  “Anyway, I went to prison for eleven months.  That’s where I had Henry.”
Killian absorbs her words, revulsion coursing through his veins at the idea of Emma suffering such devastation at the hands of anyone, much less a man she loved.  How she could have come through it and been strong for her son…  “How did you do it?” he asks.  “How did you go from that to this?”  He gestures between her and Henry.
He’s pleased when her face lights, the moroseness giving way to a humble little smile and the hint of a blush.  She looks up at Henry.  “I had him.” She bites her lip.  “I almost didn’t.  I was going to give him up for adoption.  I wanted him to have his best chance at a good life, and I didn’t think that was with me.”
“What changed your mind?”
She chuckles.  “Ironically, the foster system.  One of the prison guards who was always really nice to me convinced me to delay the decision to give him up until after I got out.  I had two more months left on my sentence, so Henry was temporarily put into foster care until then.  I spent that time imagining him growing up like me, bouncing from home to home, wondering who his real parents were and why they didn’t want him, and I…  I just couldn’t do it.”  Her mouth sweeps into a watery smile.  “Plus, as hard as it was to be a new mom while trying to put my life back together, it was really nice not to be alone.”  She darts Killian a meaningful look.  “It was nice to have somebody worth fighting for.”  
Killian acknowledges her words with a modest smile, hoping it covers up the heaviness growing in his heart. He’s lived a lifetime without someone worth fighting for, known the dull, unrelenting emptiness of remembering a joy that is no longer his.  But now, sitting here next to Emma, resentful of this man who treated her badly and ridiculously proud of her for having risen above her circumstances, he realizes there may be something worse – finding someone he knows he’d fight for in a heartbeat, if only the chance were his.  
Henry comes bouncing back to the table.  “Mom!  Killian!  I got a new high score!  Come see!”
That last of Emma’s solemn mood evaporates, and she laughs as he grabs her hand and impatiently hauls her out of her seat.  She throws Killian a haphazard grin over her shoulder as Henry drags her away.  “Coming?”
Killian blinks at her invitation and glances around with some uncertainty before he rises and trails after mother and son, feeling as if this is both the closest to and the farthest from happiness he’s been in over an age.
*                             *                             *
They celebrate Henry’s victory with a stop at their favorite ice cream place on the way home, grabbing cones and a couple of pints of cherry vanilla and rocky road for good measure. Henry goads Killian into telling them about one of his adventures, and Killian, to his credit, interprets the look Emma gives him correctly and keeps the tale relatively kid-friendly.  Her son’s eyes shine with delight, his face covered in an ice cream-smeared grin as he listens to Killian animatedly describe how the Jolly Roger once simultaneously out-maneuvered and disabled three warships belonging to the corrupt tyrant, King George, stripping them of all their canon, weapons, and other valuables before sending them limping home to their master with regards from Captain Hook.
When they arrive home, Emma shoos Henry upstairs to get a head-start on his weekend homework before tomorrow’s Halloween festivities begin.
“Thanks for the story, Killian!” Henry calls as he thunders up the stairs.  
Killian chuckles.  “Anytime, lad,” he returns, watching Henry’s sneakers disappear from view.  He turns and joins Emma in the kitchen just as she’s crouching in front of the open freezer drawer and starting to shift some items around to make room for the ice cream.  
She looks up as he approaches and holds up an ice pack.  “Need another one of these tonight?” she asks.  “All that excitement in the park today couldn’t have been kind to those bruises.”
He nods, looking touched. “Aye, Swan.  That’d be nice.  Allow me to wash and change clothes, and I’ll return for it shortly.”  He flashes her a grateful smile over his shoulder and heads down to the apartment.
Emma watches him descend with an uneven brow and a plaintive sigh.  She silently curses.  She likes him.  As much as she’s tried to resist it, she likes Killian Jones – likes his charm, likes his wit, likes his sad, lonely heart and the goodness she sees in him despite his self-professed occupation and his quest for vengeance.  And, as disturbed as she was by it initially, there’s something about his ability to see her for what she is – his penchant for understanding both her strengths and her vulnerabilities – that she thinks she might like too.  It makes his enthusiastic embrace of who she is feel more… real.  Odd to think that a man whose reality she questions seems to understand hers better than anyone.
There’s also the small matter of how a smile or intense look from him can take her breath away.
Emma packs the ice cream pints into the drawer.  She can’t do anything about it – can’t talk about it, can’t clarify it, and certainly can’t pursue it – without risking her relationship with Walsh, her hope for some normalcy in Henry’s life, and her heart on a man whose origin she still doesn’t understand.  She grimaces. And (she can’t believe she’s considering this) if what he says is true – if he is really from some magical realm, then there’s no telling how long he might be with them.  What the hell is she supposed to do?  
The freezer drawer begins to beep angrily after being ajar for too long, and Emma wearily slides it shut and climbs to her feet.  She plods upstairs to put on her pajamas, resigning herself to the fact that she’s probably going to spend more time tonight with that rocky road than with her pillow.
She takes a few extra minutes to check on Henry before returning downstairs to find Killian back in the Mets T-shirt and seated in the kitchen engrossed in The New York Times, his wet hair matted to his forehead and discouragement in the downward pinch of his eyebrows as he tries to make sense of the headlines.  She can’t help but grin when she notes that he’s already strapped the ice pack to his middle.
“Anything good happening in the world?” she asks.
He glances at her with a sheepish smile.  “Honestly, I’m not sure I can tell,” he admits, gesturing feebly at the newsprint. “Your world seems infinitely complicated.”
“Don’t I know it,” she deadpans.  She hums and skims the front page as she passes by.  “Trust me.  You’re not missing much.”  She moves around to the corner cabinet and reaches for her wound care supplies.  “Need a new bandage?”
Killian’s face lights up, and he slips off the barstool.  “If you’d be so kind.”
Emma steels her resolve as he comes near, willing her heart not to beat so fast when she takes his hand in hers and unravels the old dressing.  “I, um, have some errands to run tomorrow afternoon before the ball,” she says nervously.  “Would you stay with Henry while I’m gone?”  
Part of her wants to laugh hysterically.  She’s just asked Captain Hook to babysit her kid.  What the hell is her life?  In truth, Henry is fine staying at home by himself, but as willing as she is to let Killian come along while she runs down suspects and breaks into Walsh’s car, she really doesn’t want to have a curious pirate in tow when her to-do list includes picking up what Henry calls “girl stuff” at the drug store and going to the salon to have her hair put up for the ball.  And, bewildering as it might be, she’s grateful that she already trusts said pirate enough to leave him alone with her son for a few hours.
Surprised delight appears on his face.  “I would be happy to, Swan.”
“Thanks.”  Her forehead creases.  “Um, no pillaging or plundering while I’m away, okay?”
He rumbles cheerfully. “Very well.  I suppose we can keep the misconduct to a minimum.”
Emma gives a little laugh, her posture easing a bit as she winds the clean bandage around his hand. “Good.”  She tips her chin toward his wound.  “This is looking better.”
Killian hums in agreement, wiggling his fingers when she finishes.  “Indeed,” he agrees, “Thanks to your excellent care.  I owe you and Henry a debt for all your kindness.”
The sincerity in his voice causes heat to rush to her face, and she responds with a shy smile and shrug. “Well, I owe you for running Rathburn down today for me,” she points out, slipping around him to toss away the used bandage.  She clears her throat.  “I’d say that’s worth something.”
“It’s been a while since I played the hero,” he muses, scratching behind his ear, a grin curving his lips.
Emma gives him a quick look of approval over her shoulder as she cleans her hands.  “Maybe you should try it more often,” she suggests.  “It’s a good look on you.”
Killian straightens, his smile intensifying, and she can see him shift into flirt mode.  “Is that so?”
She rolls her eyes. “Shut up.  You know what I mean.”  She shakes her head, grasping for a change of subject.  “So where does a pirate learn to dance?  Don’t tell me you like to crash parties when you’re not capturing warships.”  She leans back against the counter with her arms crossed and one eyebrow arched inquisitively.
He chuckles.  “I may or may not be guilty of such a thing,” he answers coyly.  “But it was actually my brother who taught me.”
Emma’s brow wrinkles with interest.  “You have a brother.”  She winces inwardly when a shadow passes over his eyes and she realizes that as lonely as he seems and as old as he claims to be, there’s little chance his brother is still alive.  “Sorry. You had a brother?” she corrects gently.
Killian nods somberly. “I did.  My older brother, Liam.”
“And he taught you to dance.”
A quiet smile crosses his face, the memory keeping him from becoming too maudlin.  “He did.  We were young naval officers then.  There was a ball to celebrate the retirement of our ship’s captain after a very distinguished career, and Liam made sure we both knew how to dance so we wouldn’t embarrass ourselves.”  His eyes gleam, and he ducks his head, his cheeks turning slightly pink.  “We practiced late at night so no one would see us. I’m sure we looked ridiculous, but he also taught me to use a sword, and learning to dance was far less difficult,” he laughs.
“It’s difficult enough,” she huffs.
Amusement plays on his features.  “On the contrary, love.  It’s rather simple.  There’s only one rule.”  He steps forward and executes a formal bow, extending his left arm to her.  “Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.”
Emma feels her heart rate jump as her eyes dart between his face and the proffered hook.  “Okay.  What are you doing?”
“Offering to teach you how to dance,” Killian says simply.  “Come.  It’s the least I can do.”  When she continues to hesitate, he gives a little sigh and glances at his prosthetic with a slightly hurt expression.  “I don’t bite, Swan.”
“No!  I…”  Emma forces an apologetic smile.  “It’s not that.  I’m…”  She steps forward and tentatively wraps her fingers around the cold steel, trying to suppress her tremulousness as he draws near and pulls her other hand onto his shoulder before draping his arm around her side.  He holds her at a polite distance, but she swears if he comes any closer he’s going to be able to feel the way her heart threatens to beat right out of her ribs. Her eyes fall to the cleft between his collar bones.  “I’m… I’m not good at this,” she stammers softly.
Killian dips his head and forces her to look at him, encouragement written on his face.  “You will be.”
The patient conviction in his words surprises her, and she looks up again with anxious eyes.  “You think so?”
He grins, though she catches some inexplicable sadness in his expression, and he walks them back a few paces toward the living room before she realizes she’s moving with him. “I’ve yet to see you fail.”  
She snorts.  “You mean like how I almost lost my guy in the park today?”
Killian shrugs, his shoulder rising and falling beneath her hand.  “Well, you had the good sense to bring me along to help,” he says blithely.
“Right.  I’m a genius.”
“I can teach you how to ride a horse for next time, if you like,” he submits with a little smirk.
Emma rolls her eyes again. “One thing at a time, okay?”
“As you wish.”  He hums low in his chest.  “Now, just follow me.”
Emma looks down while Killian leads her through the basic waltz box step.  Even in the intimate lighting provided by the solitary end table lamp, there’s something innocent about the sight of their bare feet stepping back and forth, their toes sinking into the thick pile of the living room rug, and she’s glad to have something to focus on other than the feel of his hand pressed solidly to her back or the proximity of his head to hers.  
He counts out the beats, his voice on the edge of a murmur as they practice, at last making a satisfied sound.  “Very good, love.  You appear to be a natural.”
“What’re you guys doing?”
Emma nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of Henry’s voice, and she springs back from Killian and whirls around to see her son paused halfway down the staircase behind them.
“I’m teaching your mother to dance for the ball,” Killian explains.  “Care to try?”
The prospect of dancing with her son strikes Emma as much safer and less confusing than continuing to dance with the man in front of her, and she holds out her hand eagerly. “Come on, kid.  You can do it.”
Henry rolls his eyes like he’s eleven going on fifteen but obediently drags himself down to the living room.  “Don’t we need music?” he asks, eyebrows quirked with skepticism.
“Oh.  Um…”  Emma breaks away to fetch her laptop from the dining room.  “Maybe we can find something.”  She sits on the couch a moment while she locates a playlist of modern waltzes on YouTube, and a slow, acoustic version of Kelly Clarkson’s “Breakaway” begins to play, the guitar twanging in a smoothly marching melody.  
Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I’d just stare out my window Dreamin’ of what could be And if I’d end up happy I would pray
“How’s that?”
She and Henry assume position, and, after a nod from Killian, Emma begins to count and lead her son through the steps.  She relaxes and even giggles at his first awkward stumbles, but, as reluctant as Henry was to start, he picks it up quickly and grins once he, too, has mastered the rhythm.
Henry cranes his neck toward Killian.  “What now?”
“Try leading her around the room,” Killian calls back amiably, arms crossed as he watches them from the corner.
Emma follows clumsily as Henry tries to pull her with him across the floor, and more laughter ensues with every stop-start, stop-start they make.  Their struggle lasts a minute longer before Killian saunters forward and taps Henry on the shoulder.
“May I, lad?”
“Yeah.” Henry chuckles and lets go of Emma’s hand, taking a step back.
“It’s all about leading with your body.”  Killian moves in front of Emma expectantly, and she obligingly sets her hands back in the curve of his hook and on his shoulder, trying to ignore the shower of tingles that sweeps across her skin when he wraps his arm around her and pulls her back into the box step again.  
“Your partner also needs to let you lead,” he adds, arcing a eyebrow at her.  “A dance is often about being willing to surrender.”
Emma cocks her head back, her eyes narrowing.  “Are you asking me to surrender, Pirate?”
He laughs softly.  “I’m not asking you to give up your free will, Swan.”  He steps a little closer, searching her face, his smile fading into an expression that borders on imploring.  “I’m just asking you to trust me.”
She swallows thickly, her lashes fluttering as her gaze falls to his chest and she finds it in herself to nod.
I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly I’ll do what it takes till I touch the sky And I’ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change And breakaway
Killian turns them a little and then travels backward, guiding her gently around the small space. She focuses on the movement of his torso, on tracking him and mirroring him, and it does indeed go better.  It’s amazing how graceful he is on his feet, she thinks, how easily he navigates them back and forth across the carpet, and despite her reservations about dancing (and about dancing with him), she finds she’s actually enjoying herself. A little.  Maybe.
He grins his approval. “Very nice, Swan.  Care to try a turn?”
Henry’s cell phone ringer interrupts them, and Emma glances over in time to see her son check his screen and flush a deep crimson.  “I’m gonna go upstairs,” he blurts, and they watch him beat a hasty retreat, his feet pounding the path back up to his bedroom like the devil is on his heels.
“Say hi to Violet for me,” she calls with a knowing smirk.
“Violet?” Killian asks curiously.
Emma hums, staring after her son.  “A friend from school.  Henry’s had a crush on her for months.”
“Ah.”  Killian’s eyes spark with recognition, and he grins. “Young love.”
“Yeah, it’s cute.  You should see the way he looks at her,” she says fondly.  She turns her attention back to Killian, and her smile falls away as they lock eyes.
“How does he look at her?”  His voice is quiet.
The song ends, and they stand there in temporary silence while she takes in the awe in his stare, the hopeful bent of his brow, and the slight color in his cheeks.  Like this.  She licks her lips.  “Like she hung the moon.”
The next song begins with a simple folksy melody on piano before Adele’s throaty voice begins to croon an R&B-style tune.**
You’ve been on my mind I grow fonder every day Lose myself in time Just thinking of your face God only knows Why it’s taken me so long To let my doubts go You’re the only one that I want
Killian wordlessly begins to lead her around the room again, their tandem sway feeling more and more natural to her despite the incessant pounding of her pulse in her ears.
“Try a turn,” he tells her again, his voice a little coarse this time.  He raises his hook above her head and nudges her into a turn with a gentle press of his hand to her shoulder blade.  Emma spins accordingly, her right hand releasing his hook and catching it again, and when she returns to him, they somehow both deign to draw closer together, her fingertips grazing his neck as her hand settles higher on his shoulder and his arm tight enough around her that she’s nearly flush against his chest.
They freeze, their feet forgetting how to move, and now she knows he can feel the drumming of her heart and the shudder in her breath as she gapes up at him, falling into the depth of his questioning gaze.  
I dare you to let me be your Your one and only I’m promise I’m worthy To hold in your arms So come on and give me the chance To prove I’m the one who can Walk that mile Until the end starts
 “Love?” he asks softly. “Do you want to stop dancing?”  His eyes become tinted with longing and sadness, and she reaches up and ghosts her thumb shakily across his cheek.  He turns his head into her touch, as if drawn to the contact, and they inch closer until his nose nearly brushes hers.  
“I don’t know,” she whispers.  
I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart Nobody’s perfect (I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart) Trust me, I’ve learned it
 And, God, he’s right there, his breath on her lips, skin and scruff beneath the pads of her fingers, and every nerve in her body is screaming to press forward, her eyelids growing heavy with the intoxicating nearness of him.
And then he’s gone.
The air seizes in her lungs when he suddenly pulls away.  He takes a step back to re-establish the space between them, flexing his jaw and putting on a mask of stony regret before he offers her a half-hearted smile. “Apologies, Swan,” he murmurs.  Cold surrounds her when he releases her completely, his arms dropping to his side like lead.  “Perhaps that’s enough for one night.”
Emma manages a nod, trying to look appreciative despite the hurricane of emotions rising up to fill the emptiness left in her chest.
Killian angles toward the kitchen.  “I’d best get some rest,” he says.  He takes a single step and then pauses, glancing back at her with a forlorn smile. “You’re going to be lovely tomorrow.”
She blinks away the burning sensation behind her eyes and forces a small grin.  “Thanks for your help.”
He bobs his head pensively and walks away.
*                             *                             *
What the hell is he doing? Killian settles himself on the edge of the bed with his flask in hand and hangs his head, the electricity of Emma’s touch still burning on his skin and the scent of her shampoo lingering in nose. It isn’t a matter of not knowing what he wants when it comes to her.  He supposes, if he’s being honest, it’s never been a matter of not knowing.  But what to do about it?  He has no bloody idea.
He unstoppers the flask and tips back a mouthful of rum, exhaling audibly at the familiar sensation of alcohol searing down his throat.  It brings him no answers – it never does – and he doesn’t have enough rum (or the desire, really) to get well and truly drunk, but he prays for whatever numbness he can garner from this small draught to come quickly as he sets the flask on the nightstand.  
Destroy the stone and go home, he repeats to himself mechanically.  He turns out the light and lays himself down with a low moan, the only glittering thing on his mind a certain pair of green eyes.  The memory of the smile that accompanies them forms a lump in his throat as his eyelids fall shut to the darkness.
The following morning he finds Henry in the kitchen yet again, this time pouring orange juice into a glass from a fat rectangular carton.  
“Good morning, lad.”
“Hey,” Henry greets him brightly.
“Have a nice chat with your friend last night?” Killian asks as he settles on a stool.  A wide smile splits his face as Henry’s cheeks goes ruddy.
“Uh, yeah.”  The boy glances around, proving as proficient as his mother at changing the subject.  “Want some juice?”
Killian chuckles. “Please.”  He reaches out with a finger and rotates the carton a bit in order to read the labeling while Henry retrieves a clean glass for him.  “Where’s your mum?”
Henry pours and slides the juice over to him.  “Running.”
Killian frowns, the glass halfway to his lips.  “Sorry?”
“She went for a run,” Henry says again, putting the carton back in the refrigerator.  “She’ll be back soon though.”
Killian gestures for him to wait, looking confused.  “What is she running from?”
“Huh?”  Emma’s son scrunches his nose, the little gears in his head visibly turning before comprehension dawns on his face.  “Oh!  No. She’s fine.  She’s running around the neighborhood.  For exercise,” he adds.
His explanation leaves Killian only slightly less perplexed.  “She runs.  For exercise.”
Henry leans his elbows on the counter.  “Well, yeah. Lots of people do.  A lot of people think it’s fun.”
“Henry, no one runs for fun,” Killian counters.  “You run because you need to get somewhere quickly or because something is chasing you.”
Henry snickers.  “Well, here, people also run to stay healthy or have fun.  Mom’s getting ready to run the New York City Marathon next month.”
“It’s a big race. Twenty-six miles.”
Killian’s brow furrows. “How far is that?”
“Super far,” Henry says dramatically, draining his glass and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “It takes her, like, four hours.”
Four –  Killian grimaces.  “All due respect to your mother, lad, but that’s madness.”
Henry shrugs, putting his glass in the sink.  “She kind of loves it and hates it at the same time.  Says it gives her time to think and keeps her fit.”
As ridiculous as running for exercise sounds, Killian realizes he can’t argue with the results.  “I suppose,” he manages, rising to deposit his glass in the sink beside Henry’s.  He clears his throat before he starts to ruminate too much on the various aspects of Emma’s svelte form.  “What are your plans for today?”
“Mom’ll make pancakes when she gets back,” Henry says with an eager grin.  “She’s always hungry after she runs, so Saturday morning is pancake time.  Then I was gonna play video games until it’s time to pack for my sleep-over and get dressed for trick-or-treating.”  His eyes widen with sudden excitement.  “Wanna see my costume?”  
He’s running for the stairs before Killian has a chance to say yes, and it’s less than a minute before he hustles back brandishing an outfit that resembles a knight’s hauberk and tunic in one hand and a toy sword and shield in the other.  Henry sets the clothes down and strikes a pose with the shield, slicing at the air a few times with his sword.  “What do you think?”
Killian laughs. “Prepared for a quest, I see,” he says.
“Uh, yeah?  A quest for candy.”
Killian points at the sword, which Henry is now wielding like a club.  “Do you know how to use that thing?” he asks with a smirk.
Henry glances at it and swishes it through the air a few more times.  “Sure.  Slash and stab.”
Killian’s eyes roll toward the ceiling as he shakes his head.  He slides off his stool and catches the sword mid-slash with his hook.  “There’s a lot more to it than that, lad.”
Henry straightens, unperturbed.  “Well, fine. Can you teach me?”
Killian surveys the boy with a thoughtful jut of his lower lip, feigning indecision before nodding magnanimously.  “Very well.”
They’re in the living room working on Henry’s grip and stance when Emma arrives a short while later, damp with perspiration and looking a little tired, but with a healthy glow in her cheeks.  Killian nearly drops the detached broom handle he’s using as a demonstration sword when he gets an eyeful of her running attire – a gray and black close-cut jacket and what could charitably be called trousers if they didn’t resemble a second skin more than an actual garment.  Bloody hell.  He knows Emma to be a compassionate soul, but he decides, while she toes her funny-looking white shoes off at the door and gives him a clear view of her tempting curves in profile, that she must now be determined to torture him.
His breathing borders on ragged when she turns toward them.  Emma blinks as she takes in the scene – Killian modeling a defensive posture with his broom handle held aloft and Henry trying to copy him with his toy sword.  “Um, hi,” she says slowly, looking simultaneously amused and concerned.  “What’re we doing?”
“Killian’s teaching me how to use a sword!” Henry reports proudly.
“Well, right now I’m just teaching him how to hold it,” Killian clarifies.  “Actually crossing swords comes much later.”
The hint of a grin tugs at the corner of Emma’s mouth at her son’s very vocal disappointment.  She narrows one eye at Killian, though he’s gratified to see that she’s clearly not angry.  “I thought I said no pillaging,” she says archly.
He abandons his stance, giving her a little bow.  “And I gave you my word, Swan – we’ll do nothing that would land us in the brig.”  He allows himself a boyish smile and hefts his broom handle, loosening up his wrist by swinging it in a series of alternating rotations before he launches into a complicated set of cuts and blocks that make up a movement drill he’s known so long, he could do it in his sleep.  “Swordplay is a noble art that takes practice and discipline,” he says as the wooden rod swipes purposefully through the air.  He shoots a dry look at the large screen where Henry had been staging his imaginary battle the day before.  “And it seemed like a better use of the lad’s time than any game.”
Henry’s mouth is agape with delight as he watches the demonstration, and Emma, to Killian’s smug satisfaction, also appears suitably impressed.  She stares at him, looking dazed for a moment before turning to go upstairs. “Right.  Well, maybe you swashbucklers could take the lesson downstairs or outside where there’s less you can break,” she says hurriedly.  “I’m gonna go grab a shower.”
“Pancakes?” Henry reminds her hopefully, a well-timed gurgle from his stomach causing her to chuckle.
She grins and amends her statement.  “Shower, then pancakes.”
Killian tries to avoid ogling the sway of her hips as she and her indecent clothing make their way up the stairs.  Admittedly, it’s a poor effort, but his imagination has blessedly little time to take the image and run with it before Henry pokes his arm with the fake sword.
“It’s cold outside. Can we go downstairs?”
They resume their lesson in the front part of the basement apartment, and Killian abandons his broom handle in favor of continuing with his cutlass.  
“Whoa…”  Henry’s awed smile stretches ear to ear as the blade hisses out of the scabbard and glints in the morning sun that streams through the window.  “Can I see it?”
Killian grins.  “I don’t think your mother would take kindly to you losing a limb,” he says.  “This is no toy.”  He gestures toward Henry with the weapon.  “That said, when you have completed today’s exercises, you may try the grip just to a get a sense for the weight of it, yeah?  But you are not to touch it without my permission.”
Henry nods solemnly. “Okay.”  
“Good lad.”
He sets Henry practicing a beginner’s cut over and over again in order to get him accustomed to the forearm movement.
“What are you going to do while Mom’s at her fancy party tonight?” Henry asks, his sword wagging up and down as he works.
Killian gently uses the side of his hook to steady Henry’s upper arm so that his strikes come from the wrist rather than the elbow or shoulder.  “I’ve also been invited to the party,” he replies.  “One of Walsh’s friends was in need of a dance partner.”
“Oh!  Cool.”  A crease appears between Henry’s eyes.  “Wait. What are you going to wear?  It’s a costume ball, isn’t it?”
Killian shrugs. “People seem to think my regular clothes will be adequate,” he replies.
Henry’s frown deepens. “But that’s not a costume,” he points out.  “You’re an actual pirate.  You can’t go as yourself.  Halloween is about dressing up as something you’re not.”  He pauses and shakes out his tired arm.
“Well, what would you suggest?”  Killian lifts an eyebrow.
Henry thinks quickly. “What are you doing this afternoon?”
“Your mother asked me to stay with you while she attends to some things,” Killian replies, initiating another movement drill.
Henry squints.  “Did she say we had to stay here?”
Killian cocks his head at the boy’s calculating expression.  “I don’t believe so,” he says cautiously.
Henry’s face erupts in a grin.  “Great!”
“Henry,” Killian’s voice grows wary, “where are we going?”
Henry’s mystery destination that afternoon turns out to be a costume shop called Andalasia Fashions which is located about a twenty-minute walk away.
“My friend Avery’s aunt and uncle own it,” Henry explains excitedly as he reaches for the door handle. “She named it after some old Disney movie, I think.  They have lots of good stuff.”
A merry bell rings as they enter, though it can barely be heard above the busy hubbub being generated by a dozen or so other customers searching for last-minute get-ups for Halloween.  Killian doesn’t have any idea where to begin looking as he trails after Henry, overwhelmed by the racks upon racks of colorful costumes that surround them like jungle undergrowth.  
Fortunately, the boy appears to know exactly what he’s doing, heading straight for a man with silver hair and black glasses who has just finished helping a pair of middle-aged ladies.  “Hi, Mr. Castro!” he calls.
The man turns and looks down with a broad smile.  “Henry!”
Henry grabs the sleeve of Killian’s duster and pulls him forward.  “Mr. Castro, this is Killian.  He needs a costume that’s not so… pirate-y,” he explains.
Castro studies Killian’s clothes with fascination.  “Why? He makes a great pirate!  That costume is amazing.”  He adjusts his glasses eagerly.  “Where did you get that?”
“Er, I’ve had it a very long time,” Killian replies.
“It’s not from around here,” Henry says impatiently, “Look, it’s kind of a long story, but he can’t be a pirate for Halloween.  He and my mom are going to that big fancy ball at the Woolworth.  Do you have something else?”
The man brightens. “Oh, you’re going with Emma?”  He looks Killian up and down one more time before snapping his fingers and beckoning.  “I’ve got just the thing.  This way.”
They fall into step behind him as Killian mutters in Henry’s ear, “Lad, I’m not your mother’s– ”
“It doesn’t matter,” Henry says airily, waving it off.  “Let’s just see what he’s got.”
Avery’s uncle guides them to a corner in the rear of the shop and sifts through a rack of men’s costumes before pulling out a long doe brown coat with a high black collar, dramatic black cuffs, and a long line of small, gold buttons; the coat overlies a black waistcoat and a white collared shirt accented with a lacy cravat.  “We got this costume for the Hamilton craze,” Castro says, pulling away the cravat and unbuttoning the top buttons on the shirt so the collar hangs open wider, “But the coat collar is a little tall, and I’ve always thought it’d do better,” he holds it up to Killian’s shoulders and takes half a step back to appreciate the effect, “On a prince.”
Killian laughs and shoots the boy a side-eye glance.  “I’m no prince, Henry.”
“Which is why it’s perfect,” he declares with gusto.  “We’ll take it.”
*                             *                             *
The air smells increasingly of fish and brine as the forbidding black and white carriage tears along the wide dirt path that bisects Longbourn on its way toward the docks.  Distressed cries ring out at the sight of the telltale ebony steeds and the knights who drive them, the air around the sleepy port town suddenly swelling with palpable tension at the unexpected arrival of the Evil Queen.
From the carriage’s plush, inky black interior, she sneers at the humble thatched-roof buildings and the plain, dismayed faces of the resident commoners that fly past her oval windows.  The Queen curses the insolent pirate yet again for forcing her to come to a place like this in order to pursue him and reclaim what he stole.  It’s taken a day and a half of traveling at a punishing speed for them to come all this way, and she doesn’t relish the idea of having to make the trip back.  She sighs heavily.  At least she can spend the return journey admiring the Sea Star and planning the last details of when and how she will execute her curse.  Not to mention dwelling on the satisfaction of having made the Captain pay most dearly for his betrayal.
She feels the carriage slow as it pulls up to the harbor and hears the muffled “Ho!” of one of her knights. Her eyes land upon the twin masts of the Jolly Roger moments later as she climbs down from the carriage.  The ship’s sails are gathered, and fewer than half a dozen men move about her decks.  The Queen narrows her eyes with anticipation.  Sitting ducks.
Her sudden appearance in their midst in a swirl of purple smoke is met with panicked yells and the drawing of swords, but it’s a simple matter to disable every man in sight, steel thudding to the planks and bodies flying backward with a wave of her hand. Her magic flows freely, fueled by the power of her fury, and the look of terror on the faces of the pirates surrounding her, the eyes of otherwise fearsome men now shining with capitulation – well, she does rather enjoy this part.
“You are the men that sail under that wretch, Hook?”  Her voice echoes on the afternoon breeze, and even the gulls fall silent in the presence of such obvious danger.  “Pathetic.” She spins lazily, her eyes scanning the men in search of her quarry.  “Your first mate.  Where is he?”
She follows the darting glances upward and spies the red knit cap peeking over the edge of the crow’s nest above her head.  With an annoyed flick of her wrist, the man poofs into place in front of her, his blue eyes enormous with shock and dread as he recognizes his change in surroundings and the threat of the woman that stares him down.
The Queen studies him with distaste.  “What is your name?” she demands haughtily.
“S-Smee, your Majesty.” He folds his lips and stands at attention in spite of his clear intimidation, and she begrudgingly notes that Hook has properly trained his man to behave well in the face of authority.
“Smee,” she repeats, frowning scornfully at the bland little name.  “I have a job for you.”
He blinks at her in disbelief, his mouth falling open like a fish.  “A-a job?”
She nods curtly.  “I had a deal with your idiot captain, but rather than deliver the Sea Star as he promised, he’s instead decided to steal it from me and flee to another realm.”  She watches as Smee tries to process this information.  “You,” she continues, “are going to get it and him back for me.”
His chin quivers.  “Me?  Go after the Captain?  In another realm?”  He shakes his head nervously.  “All due respect, you Majesty, I—I don’t know if I can manage that.”
The Queen narrows her eyes, and she catches the familiar scent of abject horror rolling off him in the split second it takes her to reach back and plunge her hand deep into his chest.  Her fingers close around the solid, magical surface of his heart, and she yanks it free with a grunt of vicious pleasure.  Smee’s eyes nearly bug out of his head as he stares at it, red and glowing, in the palm of her hand.  
“You will,” she informs him, giving the heart a demonstrative squeeze and smiling with cold satisfaction at his strangled gasp, “or you will die trying.”
**One and Only (Adele)
You’ve been on my mind I grow fonder every day Lose myself in time Just thinking of your face God only knows why it’s taken me So long to let my doubts go You’re the only one that I want
I don’t know why I’m scared I’ve been here before Every feeling, every word I’ve imagined it all You’ll never know if you never try To forget your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only I promise I’m worthy To hold in your arms So come on and give me the chance To prove I am the one who can walk that mile Until the end starts
If I’ve been on your mind You hang on every word I say Lose yourself in time At the mention of my name Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close And have you tell me Whichever road I choose, you’ll go?
I don’t know why I’m scared ‘Cause I’ve been here before Every feeling, every word I’ve imagined it all You’ll never know if you never try To forget your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only I promise I’m worthy, mm To hold in your arms So come on and give me the chance To prove I am the one who can walk that mile Until the end starts
I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart Nobody’s perfect (I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart) Trust me I’ve learned it Nobody’s perfect (I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart) Trust me I’ve learned it Nobody’s perfect (I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart) Trust me I’ve learned it Nobody’s perfect (I know it ain’t easy giving up your heart) Trust me I’ve learned it
So I dare you to let me be your, your one and only I promise I’m worthy To hold in your arms So come on and give me the chance To prove that I am the, one who can walk that mile Until the end starts
Come on and give me the chance To prove that I am the one who can, walk that mile Until the end starts
Thanks for reading!  Ready for more?  Click here for the next chapter!
61 notes · View notes
scribbles-by-kate · 8 years
Thoughts on 6.7 “Heartless”
This was actually a very sweet Snowing episode. The flashback was nice and there were lovely reminders of Snowing’s story. I could’ve done without a certain scene in the back room of the shop, though…
My Fan fiction My Once Upon a Time episode reviews, essays, and meta
The Evil Queen’s hatred of Snow - it really runs soooo deep. It makes her crazy. And Regina’s obviously still been carrying that around with her even with her and Snow on better terms. It’s very interesting because part of it obviously connects with Regina/the queen’s perception of Snow as this pampered princess who got everything she wanted. It’s not just about Daniel: it’s also about how spoiled and petted Snow was in comparison to Regina.
‘Prince Farming’ - ha! That was funny.
Snowing flashback - it was sweet. It didn’t add a whole lot to the story: Snowing flashbacks generally don’t any more, but I liked that moment at the end where she was in the cart and wouldn’t let him see her for his own safety. I also liked her giving him her money, which explains why she was still in the Enchanted Forest long enough for them to meet for real. Wilby was adorable also. I love dogs on this show. The Woodcutter was scary.
Longbourn - Jane often puts some literary reference into her episodes. In “Skin Deep”, it was Avonlea from the Anne books; now it’s Longbourn from Pride and Prejudice. Eventually, it’ll be Thornfield or Middlemarch, or something like that :)
The vision can change, but the death is certain - so Emma’s kind of down about her fate and feeling like there’s nothing she can do to change it. I think this is also a hint that the vision will change, but what of the outcome? Will Emma die in the end? I’ve wondered for a long time if it’s Emma’s fate to die in the end. You don’t use a term like ‘Saviour’ without making that link.
Water from the River of Lost Souls - how’d you get that back, Rumple? And without anyone knowing? Did you stash it in the box with Belle? Or was it always a bluff? Did the queen really have enough to destroy the whole town? Perhaps she and Rumple knew Snowing would surrender their heart.
Love means nothing: only things hold their value - a reminder of cynical Snow from season one. That’s a nice bit of continuity.
He’s not acting like the man he could be - yes! When I heard this, I thought ok, they really are going for the ‘Rumple is better than how he’s behaving’ idea. He is better than wallowing in darkness. He’s acting so complacent right now and I want him to snap out of it and start behaving like the man his wife and son deserve, the man he always wanted to be for himself. He’s just given up on being better, and it’s frustrating and sad for me because I love him. I agree with Belle: he is better than this.
Reactions to Rumple and the EQ - the Charming crew’s faces pretty much said it all. I liked Emma, Hook, and Henry’s reactions in particular. Like ewwwwwww!
That’s a very ominous-sounding noise for a family show - that was my reaction when I heard the creaking when Zelena was in the shop. Like, seriously, show? I knew then that Rumple and the queen were up to something. Thank goodness it was just kissing! Though Rumple didn’t seem averse to taking it somewhere more comfortable, since he kissed the queen again after she suggested that. Thank goodness for Zelena’s interruption! At least she’s good for something! Part of me wonders if Rumple knew she was there and got hot and heavy with the queen because he knew she’d interrupt them. Was he trying to drive a wedge between the queen and her sister? He’s definitely not emotionally into the queen - he looks like he’s going through the motions with the kissing, so is it just about cutting her off from Zelena? Or is he just desperately lonely and missing Belle, and trying to lose himself in the arms of someone he thinks understands him? I wish I knew what he’s up to.
Jealous Zelena - so, even though they gave her Hades last season, and he was supposedly her True Love, she still wants Rumple. Or is she jealous because the queen’s teaming up with him instead of her? I suppose it could be both. All I know is we can’t completely trust anything she tells Belle because she likely wants to get back at Rumple. I definitely think giving Belle the sleeping curse was also about getting back at Rumple too, though Belle being so desperate maybe didn’t think of that. Or maybe Zelena on some level does want to help Belle as well, though that might be ascribing too selfless a motive to her.
Hook and Emma in the vault - this was actually a sweet scene. Hook has his moments, usually when he’s being written by Jane, where he is all about Emma for real, rather than just trying to get her attention or wanting something for himself. No one else writes Hook the way Jane does. She kind of twists his character to make him less selfish and more healthy boyfriend material for Emma. It’s kind of jarring, actually, since when everyone but Jane writes him, he comes across as selfish. If he’d been written the way Jane writes him from early on, he’d be more acceptable as Emma’s boyfriend (he’d be more like Neal, interested in what’s best for her and not himself), but for the most part, he only wants her for selfish reasons, to validate his character development, which makes it weird when we get a scene like this. The show thinks it’s writing him the way Jane writes him, but it’s not: there’s a difference. Jane writes him differently than everyone else.
The True Love sapling - it’s really sweet this idea that Snowing invented True Love, and I love the montage when they picked up the sapling, but shouldn’t the sapling be rooted in the ground? No wonder it hasn’t grown in years! And what does it mean for Snowing that the queen was able to break the sapling? I’m sure it’s not the end of their True Love, but the queen breaking the sapling still seems ominous.
Zelena and Belle - so, yeah, Zelena wants to dish all about Rumple and the queen to make other people miserable. That look on Belle’s face when Z asks if she wants to know what else Rumple and the queen have been up to is interesting, though. I do wonder if Belle has been wondering about Rumple and the queen since Jekyll said Rumple had an ‘arrangement’ with the queen on Hook’s ship. Belle got this look on her face then, so maybe she’s been wondering about it for a while. And obviously she does ask Zelena what she knows, so that could partly be because she wants her suspicions about Rumple and the queen confirmed, but it could also be because she’s worried about what he might be planning in relation to their baby. Belle’s paranoia is probably at maximum levels here, and she’s probably also hurt that Rumple’s romantically involved with another woman when she, his wife, is having their baby. All of this doesn’t make for very rational thinking, even when you’re as smart as Belle. Being intelligent doesn’t necessarily mean you’re emotionally intelligent anyway: I think Belle proves that.
But aren’t Snow and David immune to sleeping curses? - They were both under one before, so I thought they should be, but maybe because the curse is on their heart it’s different? It’s not in their blood, so it’s different, maybe. That one asleep while the other is awake thing is so cruel. Like they can be in the same room together, but they can’t talk or be really together. It’s really sad. Hope they’re able to undo it soon. If Emma kissed David and baby Neal kissed Snow at the same time, would that work?
‘It doesn’t mean anything’ - ok then, Rumple, could you please explain why you’re messing around with the queen, then? I know I’d like to know why you’re plotting with and kissing her instead of trying to mend your relationship with your wife. Does he think he has no shot of fixing things with Belle any more? Has he even tried? He’s been holed up in his shop for days. Wouldn’t it have been better to go see Belle the moment he found the ultrasound picture instead of plotting to unleash the River of Lost Souls on Storybrooke? What are you up to, Rum? I don’t understand.
Belle, sweetie, you’re not fooling anyone - you don’t care what he does or with whom he does it? Really? Belle, darling, you are jealous. There’s no point denying it. I’d be jealous too if the love of my life was getting cosy with some beautiful, elegant queen. And I’d be hurt and angry about it too, and saying I didn’t care when I cared very much. And I’d be lashing out at him with angry words and telling him no way can he do what I think he wants to do to our son.
What does Rumple want the shears for? - So, Belle believed Zelena that he wanted to use them to make sure their son didn’t hate him and Rumple didn’t deny it, so are we supposed to believe that’s what he wanted them for? I think we are supposed to assume that he did want to use them, but maybe not for the purpose Belle was led to believe? How much knowledge did Zelena have about why Rumple wanted the shears? The queen told her she’d made a deal to give them to him, but did she tell her anything else about his plan, maybe off screen? How much did Zelena know for sure, how much did she surmise, and how much did she make up? Can we trust that she gave Belle accurate information? Maybe it only matters that Belle believed what Zelena told her. I won’t be angry with her for that. Rumple isn’t showing her she can trust him and no one else is giving Belle information about what Rumple is doing, so even if Zelena’s got ulterior motives, I can understand why Belle would believe her. I’m not saying she’s right to, but it’s kind of a case of any port in a storm, and Belle’s got no one, really, who will tell her the unvarnished truth (not saying that’s what Z’s doing, but that’s what Belle THINKS she’s doing). Belle, rightly or wrongly, thinks she has some reason to trust Zelena’s word, if only because no one else is telling her anything. Belle feels like she’s entirely alone, so when she gets information, even if it’s wrong, she runs with it. She should really think about what Z’s motives might be, but she isn’t, because she’s too caught up in worrying about her son’s fate to think clearly, and she thinks Z helped her before with the sleeping curse, so maybe she’s not all bad. I do think also that Rumple could have cleared the air and explained what his motivations are, why he wanted to use the shears if he had another reason for wanting to use them other than preventing his son from hating him, but he didn’t do that, so, in Belle’s mind, and mine, I have to say, a lack of denial is as good as an admission of guilt. If he has another reason for wanting to use the shears, out with it and let’s clear away this misunderstanding.
Belle still believes in Rumple’s goodness - after everything they’ve been through, this is huge. It’s amazing to me that she can still see that he’s capable of goodness. The difference now is that she doesn’t have it in her any more to stay with him in hopes that he’ll act on his good side. He’s changed and changed back and said he’d be more honest and courageous, and they still end up with lies and secrets, so she can’t do it any more.  If it were just her she was thinking of, maybe she would give it another go and be with him, but Belle has made it clear since the first episode of this season: she’s thinking of her son’s welfare. She believed ‘Morpheus’ in their dream and she’s trying to do what’s best for him. For her, right now, that means not being with Rumple. I’m not saying she’s right, but I won’t say she’s wrong either. I will never say a mother is wrong for wanting to do the right thing for her child, even if she thinks the right thing is not being with the father of that child. I think Rumple asking about failing is an excuse not to try. He’s too afraid to try and I find that so sad. I know he lost a son and being a good man couldn’t save Bae, but is he happy the way he is now? All signs in the show are pointing to no, so why not try another way and maybe, just maybe, find that happiness he so desperately wants? At some point, he’s going to have to take a leap of faith and just try for something better, even with his fear. Everyone gets afraid sometimes, but they still have to try. Being afraid is no excuse not to try, and I think that’s what Belle means when she talks about fear of failing being worse than being evil. He’s made so many promises and so many failed attempts to be better that she’s just tired. He has to try himself now. He has to want it for himself. Because if he can’t try for himself, without her there to support him, he’ll never be able to do it at all. The fact that the moment Belle leaves, his first thought is to be angry at Zelena tells me he has a long way to go before he can decide he wants to be better for himself.
Belle is harsh - but she’s not abusive. She actually doesn’t have to take Rumple’s traumas into account when she’s hurt and worried and has her own issues. She doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around Rumple. Belle is acting now on behalf of the one person she believes truly loves her: her son. She doesn’t believe she can trust Rumple. She’s probably not even sure he loves her any more since he’s carrying on with the queen. She also believes he wants to use magic on their child to make him the way he wants him to be, take away his potential, decide what his fate should be. She is allowed to be harsh and mistrustful and say ok I’m done. She’s allowed to not be perfect. She’s allowed to be impatient and react badly. She’s allowed to walk away and be paranoid and angry and bitter. Rumple isn’t giving her any reason not to feel those feelings. Until he does, things aren’t going to change. And he’s perfectly within his rights to express anger at her too.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X08 - Think Lovely Thoughts
We’re nearing the end of the arc and it’s just utter PANdemonium!
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Shut up, Rumple! That was funny!
Anyway, to find out why, venture below the cut!
Press Release
Pan leads Henry to a secret cave, where he has convinced the boy that he alone can save magic and Neverland itself. But a showdown between good and evil is about to go down as Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr. Gold and Hook find themselves directly on a path to Pan in an effort to save Henry. Meanwhile, back in the Fairy Tale Land that was, young Rumplestiltskin is given a magical item that could help him make a fresh start with his father – who has been anything but a good dad.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
This flashback may have one of OUAT’s most mature messages: Sometimes, family can be bad and they need to be cut away from you. There’s no hope of reconciliation and not even a removed heart to blame for it all. Sometimes, they’re just garbage people and trying to keep them in your life will only hurt you.
Malcolm’s abandonemt is one of the most malicious abandonments ever shown on the show. Like, had it not been for Gothel, it would probably be number 1. Malcolm sneers as he tells Rumple he’s the only thing holding him back and then just throws him to the metaphorical wolves. It’s the meanest kind of break up and making it familial just makes it so much sadder.
Our present segment is kind of like “Into the Deep.” Like that episode, its character work is expressed not through more open-and-shut story, but through character interactions in the midst of plot progression. For a series like OUAT, I think these episodes are important because there’s always so much going on and this style keeps up the momentum of the season and of the two I’ve seen, I’ve liked them both!
It’s fantastic seeing everyone come together, flaws and and anger and all. We haven’t reached the “look how far we’ve come moment” yet, but the payoff is starting to emerge. We see bits of hope of reconciliation between Rumple and Neal, Neal forcing Rumple to do right by David, Neal and Killian working together better...yeah, there’s a lot of Neal, and I like that! Neal’s becoming a real favorite of mine and I’m really sad we’re gonna lose him soon.
But honestly, Pan is the true star of this episode again. What makes Pan such a good villain is how well he exploits tropes. He knows what buttons to press to make heroes do what he wants them to. “All heroes are tested.” He knew Henry would go tip over to his side with a line like that. Because Henry loves these tropes so well, Pan has been able to play him like a fiddle and that bit of manipulation is terrifying and fascinating.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-”Follow the lead, gents.” Not even being subtle (And I use subtle loosely), are we? XD
-”You’d be better off without him [Rumple’s Papa].” Fuck yeah, he would be!
-Wow, watching this again shows me just how much “The Black Fairy’s” flashback fucked us over. Like, here, Malcolm doesn’t outright detest Rumple, there are just a million things he’d rather do than take care of Rumple. In “The Black Fairy’s” flashback, well, he outright hates Rumple from the second he learns of Fiona’s fate.
-Pan’s influence and manipulation, not over just Henry, but all of the Lost Boys, is incredible!
-I fucking love the Spinsters. They are such sweet old ladies! They offer to teach Rumple and they’re so friendly! Rumple, stay with them forever. Tell Malcolm to fuck off!
-”Names always make things better.” FUCK. YOU.
-”I didn’t think I had any talent.” Damn! That is so sad! Baby Rumple went through a good chunk of his childhood without any real positive reinforcement. Like, I want to say what that does to a person, but we already know and...DAMNN.
-”Your father will always be your burden, Rumplestiltskin.” Honey, you don’t know the half of it.
-OMG! Malcolm did the Rumple laugh! I love this show!
-”But you trust me. Don’t you son?” “I want to.” Holy shit. That line could’ve come JUST AS EASILY out of Rumple and Bae’s mouths.
-Rumple’s family is so freakin’ ass-y with fathers and sons! Gideon, either don’t have kids or have those Belle genes kick themselves into high gear!
-”You suddenly interesting in what I have to say? Thought I wasn’t to be trusted.” Rumple, shut up. Your karma evaporated for a damn good reason! Don’t act hoity toity!
-”No deals, no favors, understand?” YESS KING! This is what I’m talking about with Neal. He’s not giving Rumple a fucking INCH and why should he? I said this before and I’ll say it again. Neal’s death had nothing to do with Emma but EVERYTHING to do with Rumple because Rumple would never be allowed to be sleazy again had Neal stayed alive.
-*Rumple grabs Killian’s sword right from his waist* *Jenna grins like a fucking idiot*
-”Thanks mate.” *A bro nod is exchanged* *Jenna grins harder*
-”You did that for me?” Let’s talk about this line. This fucking line! Neal never had anyone try to save him like this as a kid and now he learns that the Darling family was even more amazing than he ever thought! I love this show!
-”You told her I was dead?” NOT NOW, RUMPLE!
-”It was easier than telling the truth -- my own father abandoned me.” *Jenna cries like a little bitch*
-*Malcom falls* KARMA, BITCH!
-God, Malcolm is creepy as fuck as he remembers Neverland. He looks like he belongs in an asylum.
-”Well apparently, that’s the only thanks I need these days.” *sighs* You don’t get it now, Rumple, but you will in about four seasons.
-”You promise not to be long?” More like, “You promise not to BELONG?”
-“Because you don’t belong.” Holy crap! I wasn’t wrong!
-”Are you okay?” Neal, Emma just did a fucking back flip! You tell me!
-Blocking the moon out to get rid of shadows? Emma, you are a fucking genius! <3
-Is it any coincidence that I’m fucking humming “Brandy” while watching this episode? Damn, Guardians 2 hit me.
-”Oh, it’s for the best, Rumple.” Part of me isn’t sure if that’s the best bedside manner or not. On one hand, Fuck Malcolm with a rusty nail-covered bat. On the other hand, he’s an emotionally distraught child.
-”Pleasure to see you too, Baelfire.” Pan is such a little shit!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Mission to Save Henry - “We’re all going back. Together.” I love how everyone is together for the crescendo of the arc’s “climax” (Or one of like, three of them)! As I said before, it really delivers on the payoff promised at the end of Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3.
Emma Accepting Your Parents - “Maybe it’s just you rubbing off on me, but I refuse to believe that.” Until that line was said, to be honest, I was torn between being cynical of Emma for her rigid thoughts on family and her inability to understand the nuance of the situation and prideful in the character development she showed by fighting for her family. But once that line was said, I was on the latter side HARD! Also, this follows Emma’s line of thinking throughout the rest of the episode! She really wants to keep her parents!
Regina’s Redemption - Another small, yet big sign of Regina’s redemption is Regina apologizing for insinuating that Emma shouldn’t have rescued Neal right to Rumple’s face. Good job!!!
Killian’s Redemption - If my arch enemy called me a “cowardly pirate,” I wouldn’t smile. I’d gut him. I’m gonna give Killian points for being better than me in that regard!
Rumple’s Redemption - Rumple’s redemption is handled so well here! He’s still an asshole, almost charging David for the Dreamshade cure, but he’s really cooperating with the group because he knows he’s the center of a lot of bad blood. He’s trying to earn their trust because he knows Henry’s life means more than him being the top dog. And seeing him overcome his internal issues with Pan only to still lose hurts so much as a result!
Favorite Dynamic
The Nevengers and Rumple. Oh My Stars! The group teamup against Rumple was dramatic in the best way EVER. Just...everyone slowly making these points against Rumple as he weakly tries to throw a case for himself together was dramatic, tense, and incredible. All of Rumple’s bad karma comes to a head at the worst possible time and it is GLORIOUS! And the tense peace they reach is just as great! All of that distrust still remains, threatening to shake things up going forward. ”You life so much as a finger to perform magic, you’re gonna spend eternity in this box.” YESSS, Neal! And eventually, Rumple’s honorable decisions are recognized by Emma, Neal, and Regina!
David Goodman and Robert Hull are today’s writers and after their stellar start this season with “Nasty Habits,” I had high hopes for them. And they did a fantastic job here! Everything comes together very naturally, the dialogue is super en pointe, and the pacing for the packed story is just amazing!
Golden Apple. What an awesome episode. It’s a great rush seeing the final pieces come together for the grand Neverland rescue, seeing everyone work together as a team and sniping at each other while cooperating, and getting a great and comprehensive flashback at the same time! Also, everyone feels really intelligent and earnest to who they are and want to be, making this episode feel more real. It’s honestly such a great time watching it!
Thank you for reading and sorry again for the smaller review. I got caught up by my backlog after coming home from the con and losing two of my review days, so it looks like you’ll probably be getting four reviews next week. Still, I promise I’ll make something a lot better for next time to redeem myself! In the meantime, I really appreciate your patience with me! <3
Also, thanks as always to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales for putting this project together!
Season 3 Total (76/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (19/60) Kalinda Vazquez (17/40) Andrew Chambliss (17/50) Jane Espenson (10/30) David Goodman (20/40) Robert Hull (20/40) Christine Boylan (10/20) Daniel Thomsen (10/30)
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iluvtv · 6 years
Political Power Outage
We all know there is plenty to be outraged about these days. But I think it’s high time to make a vote for joy!
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Maybe it’s feeling decidedly grown up while possessing very, very little responsibility. Maybe its the shit-storm that is the world and my very tiny confidence that there is much hope to cling to (I’ll try for a moment to muffle my cynicism here and at least make a rah of enthusiasm for the assumed effectiveness of Ms. Pelosi paired with the newly vacated Sessions). Maybe it’s just my nature. No matter what induces it I increasingly seem to give about zero fucks beyond my commitment to having and spreading this emotion.
And when my own humor fails there’s more good TV than I know what to do with. If the apocalypse is near I hope the last thing that crashes at my house is the cable line and streaming services. This way I can at least sneak some uninterrupted guilt-free time to beat my way through at least like 20% of what’s  left on “the list.”
It’s not all jaw droopingly perfect (admittedly some of my most frequent followings are viewed through a somewhat evil eye whilst reading the news) but there’s just enough bullshit on all of our periphery to make even the most basic satire hard to truly fuck up.
Case in point: Modern Family (am I seriously not only still watching but still publicly talking about this show?! — If you don’t watch don’t start and I’ll be brief here, but….). This sitcom which was cutting edge when it premiered is now mainly sleepy and rather cliche. There’s a moment early in this season where Hailey actually says to a large black woman “thanks girl, your hair’s on point!” to which I was so baffled by I took to #blacktwitter in hopes of some dialogue on this exchange  only to realize black people don’t seem to bother with Modern Family #smarterthantheJews? (like how I managed to marginalize and generalize two “kinky-haired” minorities right there? Clearly I’m learning from the fine folks running our country these days...)
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But my vote’s for joy so let’s address more positive matters; despite all odds Modern Family has still managed to take on White Boy Privilege with a delightful bit of charm (and underlying vitriol)…
The week of October 5th (noteworthy in as much as it aired during the Kavenaugh hearings) Modern Family ran it’s second episode of its 10 year  (and I assume finale) run with a certain je ne sais quois… not entirely shocking but certainly on par with my zero fucks ‘tude . When Jay wonders why Phil is being so rude to him Luke looks at his grandfather and earnestly retorts “I dunno, but its not easy being a white man these days. You feel me?” And yes, I do believe this line was written in at the very last minute as the Trump Boys raged against the machine (aka crazy women making it “so dangerous to be men these days”).
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Similarly, when Alex wonders if she should continue her lifetime pursuit of a science fellowship or change career paths and become a singer she considers the money she’d be giving up.
Alex: “I could make half a million my first year out of school.”
To which her Grandfather wisely replies: “Wow, what are they paying male scientists these days?!”
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In other “sitcoms that once broke the mold and now barely blip the controversy radar” news, Will and Grace took on the once taboo topic of sexual harassment with an avant garde “grace” I had yet to witness from network comedy. Last week Grace confronted her father for not knowing just how skeezy his bestfriend had been to her when she was in High School and even more to the point assuming that she had been the one at fault when the summer job she’d had for this man had gone sour. Unfortunately, the “inappropriate old man” experience is all too universally relatable and the layered approach to Grace’s trauma some 30 years later combined with her father’s eventual apology was a fabulously welcome and important commentary. But if all that’s too heavy for your bliss Karen’s lip synching to the Wicked Witch of the West Monologue will 100% make this episode worth it. 
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Moving past the predictable sitcoms that are either ready to be retired or are newly resurrected is TV making me far happier. Since we can’t all get work visas and escape to Canada I guess you’ll have to settle on your couch for a few Canadian exports. First and foremost, Letterkenny, a special little satire I’d been planning on getting to for months. This show along with the Netflix debut of season 4 of Schitt’s Creek are so special they deserve a HAIL CANADA blog all their own so we’ll save them for a rainy day. Suffice to say they make me very, very happy. And if you too need joy run to them with open arms.
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Speaking of shows worthy of quoting literally every line their genius writing staff composes (and fabulous actors deliver) while also being completely unafraid to address pretty much every single ‘Merica terror -- I finally got around to the first half of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’s season 3. As per usual Tina Fey produces popular culture and political commentary entirely on the nose while still being rib achingly funny. I mostly appreciate that this show is entirely willing to offend everyone. As a human largely offended by politics as a whole I find this a hugely relatable and fantastic tactic.
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Like in the season premier when sweet little innocent Kimmy, victim of years of captivity gets a sexual harassment suit filed on her (been there girl!)
Titus explains to Kimmy there is a reckoning going on even though she’s not “a Weinstein or the president” she still needs to watch her step.
“It’s not about you it’s about your coworkers.”
Advice we all need.
Or, when lily white, baby boomer, radical Lilian sits on her Brooklyn stoop  drinking malt liquor, holding her late husband’s ashes and lamenting to a young ethnic kid about gentrification her brown neighbor pushes back. The shift is lucrative for him: “I’ve gone from selling rock to powder.”
This is humor offensive on a bipartisan level, right?
The cleverness hardly stops at episode one though so don’t wait until the world is ending and all the power goes out (no please no!!!) sit down and get compfy, this may be the best season yet!
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Just a quick PSA, do be wary of getting sucked into Netflix’s next recommendation. Algorithms aren’t nearly as wonderful as my suggestions. Just take Titus’ word for it...
“You know how Al Gore invented internet? He also invented a rhythm for it. It’s named for him and it learns about you and picks things you like.”
I die.
And to go completely off brand here I’d be especially remiss if I failed to mention one of my greatest TV joys these days: Meghan McCain’s return to The View! As a rather unlikely fan I suppose I’m just compassionate enough to appreciate the lengthy time the network allotted McCain to take to grieve “The Maverick” but good golly am I overjoyed to have the betch back at the table. Truthfully, I’m pretty enamored with the whole cast and their lively dynamic (how refreshing to listen to smart women respectfully discussing real issues — the empathy they bring to the current rhetoric is sorely hard to come by)! All cast considered, there is something marvelous about this girl who was raised so differently than me, with such different political ideals and yet I still just feel so connected to. She is an incredibly intelligent, well read, self-actualized bad girl. She speaks her opinions with conviction and poise and even though I mostly disagree with the sentiment I so aspire to argue with that kind of eloquence and confidence. I look forward to sipping a thimble of gin with her as I cook  dinner each night. Here’s to you (and your Pops) Ms.McCain! God knows the more divisive the country gets the more I rely on these women!
And if all that wasn’t enough my new satire god R. Eric Thomas (if you aren’t subscribing to his weekly email you fail at life) actually tweeted that my new Schitt’s Creek election t-shirt was “perfect”.
I guess we all can see satire was the real winner this (and every) week!
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