#WELL the fandom usually makes Mind a robot
Gently setting Chonny Jash in front of DCA enjoyers.. so you like characters with sun and moon theming that share a body and argue but eventually reconcile right
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pikp0kcas3 · 7 months
The Hazbin Hotel fandom’s issue with accepting aromanticism and asexuality
Now that it is officially Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, I want to talk about this!
I find that, as an aroace myself, I am constantly grasping at good representation and coming up empty— it usually ends up in one of two ways.
One: the character is portrayed as emotionless, cold, and robotic in nature. It’s the question aromantic and/or asexual people are often asked: “Are you heartless?” The answer is no, of course, but general media makes it out to be the opposite.
Or two: Their lack of attraction is seen as something to “fix” because they “haven’t found the right one yet”, and they end up with a partner as a “happy ending”.
It frustrates me greatly because of how little people actually see aromanticism or asexuality as a true part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
So when I watched Hazbin Hotel, and I found out about Alastor being aroace, I was over the moon. I was on cloud nine. I also saw how his voice actor has looked up the term as an attempt to learn about aroaces, which makes me OVERJOYED?? Amir is truly a blessing, and I love that he’s proud to embody a character that’s part of our community. It’s so beautiful to finally have a proper character, a fan favorite at that, who just so happens to be aroace— and that’s another thing I love about this.
It’s never explicitly stated in the show (though it is stated in interviews), but it’s rather clear when you’re watching, isn’t it? Alastor’s aversion to any sort of sexual advancement, coupled with Rosie’s blatant “I know you’re an ace in the hole” comment sort of spell out his asexuality pretty clearly, as well as what side of the spectrum he falls upon. In addition, his Valentine’s day card was strictly platonic, which caters to his aromantic side. It feels so validating to finally be represented, to finally have a character in media who shares the same lack of interest in romance and sex as I do.
When I entered the fandom to look for more content, I kind of expected to see the same respect for Alastor’s orientation there too. But that… wasn’t the case? I am fully aware that aromanticism and asexuality are both spectrums— of course, aromantic and/or asexual people can enter those kinds of relationships. I’m not denying that and they belong in the community as much as anyone else on the spectrum.
But, the more I see the same line again and again and again, the more it feels like an excuse to just ship what you want.
Usually I don’t mind shipping? I’m often a firm believer in people shipping what they like as long as it’s harmless and they don’t go crazy over it. I also know for a fact that Viv doesn’t have a problem with people shipping her characters. They are fictional, after all.
But in this case, people are ignoring the very thing that makes Alastor a part of the aroace community! People are ignoring his lack of romantic or sexual attraction!
Is this not the same as changing a gay character’s orientation to suit a straight ship? If not, how so? I’m told that we are a part of this community, so why aren’t we being treated like it? Why is it so hard to accept the people on the end of the spectrum who aren’t interested?
Something I’ve been noticing throughout my life is that society has not exactly progressed very much on the idea of accepting asexual or aromantic identities. Maybe we have, a little, since the old days— but hell, people in “the old days”, which in truth wasn’t very long ago, believed that asexuality was a medical condition to be “fixed” by taking the right medication or having sex. That’s a pretty low bar to clear. And on the romance side, you’re seen as a “late bloomer” or “boring” if you don’t express interest. These days, being friends with someone is treated like a gateway to them possibly becoming a lover. Not getting married, not going on dates, not wanting a partner— it’s all treated like a crime when it’s not.
Maybe I’m selfish, or sensitive, or I’m butthurt over nothing, or I’m making it all about me. Maybe I’m gatekeeping or whatever the term is. But please, please, please, I just want an aroace character like me who simply is not interested in sex or romance.
And I want fandom to respect that. I admire the creations that fans make— the art, the animatics, the writing and the character analysis. And I want people to keep creating because creation is indeed a beautiful thing.
But I really would like people to treat aroace identities like they’re important. Like it’s more than just a spectrum to get wiggle room to wrangle in another ship.
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i think i've said this before but i want to elaborate on it. i genuinely feel like the spop crew wrote c//a as some sort of torture p*rn. they know that people usually find an enemies to lovers arc sexy and intriguing. but the problem with c//a was that their fights were never equal. i don't know about y'all but when i think of enemies to lovers, i think of a dynamic where both individuals are at least somewhat on equal footing. i don't think about a relationship with a huge power dynamic where one of the characters is helpless and weak while the other takes every opportunity to torture them.
adora never tried to harm catra apart from self-defense, she always held back when she was fighting catra. she tried to reason with catra or just hold her off. meanwhile catra never held back on hurting adora. not once.
and all of this is framed as “hot”. it's framed as “sexual tension”. it's framed as “gay pining”, even though it's not. not to mention, most of the “homoerotic” fight scenes are where adora is either weak or helpless in some way. she's either restrained or too scared to fight back or actively stopping herself from injuring catra. and catra takes advantage of her kindness.
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so what's the torture p*rn part of this? well. torture p*rn is basically a trope where a person (or multiple people being tortured) is the main attraction of the plot. c//a is supposed to be enemies to lovers, meaning they should be fighting equally, right? especially since adora is stronger and the “chosen one”, you'd think she'd definitely be defeating catra a lot more.
but no, most of their conflict is catra taking joy in harming adora. these scenes are framed in a more “intimate” way, with catra often touching adora without consent, saying vaguely flirtatious yet threatening one-liners and overall fueling the whole “sexual tension” part.
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just take a look at these scenes. i can't completely blame the fandom for thinking these are sexy or erotic because they are framed that way. the crew themselves have admitted that c//a were supposed to have some sexual tension (despite being teenagers for at least two seasons, mind you) and it shows. adora may look scared or uncomfortable but it doesn't matter because the writers wants us to think that this is hot.
villains being creepy and borderline perverted is not a new thing, it's something that mainly came with queer-coding villains. but people often only do this to villains who are supposed to stay villains. and especially with the context that catra supposedly “loved” adora during all this, it just adds another layer of discomfort. it just feels like catra is taking the opportunity to not only hurt adora but also make her deeply uncomfortable by touching and interacting with her in a way that she did not consent to.
keep in mind that whenever adora has the upper hand, the show never frames their fights as homoerotic or weirdly intimate.
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most of the time, she uses long range attack or she just goes on defense. the one time she attacked catra head on, she just decks catra in the face and is done with it. she doesn't cross catra's boundaries, she doesn't act flirtatious or touch catra inappropriately. the only scene where she can be described as “flirtatious” (though i would say she was just being smug) was when she wasn't attacking catra, but instead destroying one of entrapta's robots.
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(and of course with no remorse, catra orders entrapta to activate the self-destruct on the robot so that adora could be blown to bits.)
so yeah. just because catra is a villain doesn't mean she has to be a creep. if the goal was to make her sexy (which is still weird since she was a teenager but regardless), there are other ways. there have been plenty of villains who are attractive and have a charming personality without being a total creep to the protagonists. for example, azula from ATLA is widely known as a queer awakening for many young girls because of how attractive she was (i know she was also a teenager. these are not my words, i'm just quoting the general public). and yet, you never see azula being creepily intimate with any of the protagonists. she often used long-range attack and she only goes as far as using some condescending language. it's just weird to write a villain who we should sympathize with, but then also make them a total creep.
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mod-kyoko · 3 months
phone calls w/ kokichi oma
fandom: danganronpa
tags: drabble(?), fluff, reader is g/n, established relationship
a/n: happy belated birthday, kokichi
kokichi oma does not like phone calls. or texting, even. he prefers irl interactions. so when you call him he always makes sure to answer with an audible sigh. dramatized, of course. and truthfully, even though you're the only one he can stand calling, it still tanks his social battery.
you, on the other hand, love calling your boyfriend. at the end of a busy day, all you want is to hear his voice, and laugh at his silly antics. it's hard to tell whether his exaggerated moaning and groaning about being on the phone is real, because he has said before he doesn't like talking over the phone.
one time you had a particularly bad day. you spilled your favorite drink all over yourself, dropped your food on the kitchen floor, tripped and fell over. pretty much every tiny bad thing that can happen to a person happened to you that day. though they were little things, every inconvenience piled on top of your heart until it felt like it would collapse. at the end of the day when you'd fulfilled all your responsibilities, and could finally relax, you flopped over on your bed, phone in hand.
it rang three times before your boyfriend answered, and greeted you with the usual "y/nnnn, what do you want?? i was about to go to bedddd.."
any other day and you would disregard his whines, but this time his complaints only weighed heavier on your heart, and it might have well been your breaking point.
"kokichi!" you couldn't help raising your voice as the rage boiled over. "i had a really bad day, and all i wanted was to hear your voice! because..." your voice cracked, and before you knew it tears were spilling down your cheeks. you audibly hiccuped into the phone. "because hearing your voice makes me feel better! that's all i wanted. but if you don't want to talk then i'll go. good night."
you left him no chance to respond, and he was silent during your tirade. after jabbing the end call button, you tossed your phone across your bed and shoved your head into the pillow. the cushion muffled your cries and covered your ears, and because of that you almost couldn't hear the ringing from the other end of your bed.
"ugh, who is it..." hastily wiping your tears, you retrieve your phone, and gawk at the screen. the caller id shows that kokichi is calling you. kokichi, who has never dialed a number in his life, was calling you back. with a sniffle, you answered the call, and waited for him to speak.
"y/n, i'm sorry. i didn't know that phone calls were so important to you. although, if you wanted to hear me talk, you should have just said so. i guess i don't mind gracing you with the opportunity to listen to my perfect, angelic voice."
his apology might have turned egotistical, but you knew he genuinely cared. a chuckle escaped you, and you leaned back into your comfy bed.
"i really do love the sound of your voice, i could listen to it for hours. it's so soothing," you knew this would only inflate his self-image, but you had to let him know. soon enough, your muscles relaxed and you sank into your mattress.
"say less! how about i tell you about my day? i had the best idea for a prank, and actually pulled it off! my victim was keebo. god, he's so dumb i can't believe he fell for it!"
as you listened to him ramble, you felt your eyelids droop. your body was ready to get some sleep, and you figured kokichi wouldn't mind if you fell asleep during the call. he would probably be excited to get off.
"and so i pulled the string, and he chased after the dollar like a dog! what an idiot! apparently robots can't run really fast, so i ran away with the dollar. watching him slouch over in defeat and give up was gold. oh! i got it on video! i'll send it to you."
by the time he finished his story, you had already dozed off.
"y/n?" he called out. "y/n?" he was met with silence again. "oh, you're asleep." he lowered his voice into a whisper. "i guess i'll go to sleep too." those were the last words he said that night, before the both of you were asleep.
the next morning, when you awoke and grabbed your phone to look at the time, you realized that neither of you had ended the call, and were delighted to hear kokichi's low snoring on the other end.
your face heated up at the thought of kokichi left leaving the call going all night just for you, that he was so vulnerable to sleep next to the phone with you. you didn't want it to end, so you put the phone down and closed your eyes, listening to his steady breathing.
all-night phone calls became a frequent occurrence between the two of you after that.
-mod kyoko
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shrimp-buffet · 4 months
(Headcanons after the cut, I ramble for a bit)
*head pops out of grave* I'M ALIVEEE
Yeah I know I say this in practically every post but I finally got something again! school and other stuff kicked my ass and honestly i wasn't sure how interested really was in making these until I missed them! So while I can't guarantee any consistent posting knowing me, I can at least say that I do plan to keep doing these and I'm hoping to branch out into other fandoms so that me making these doesn't fully depend on me having a Brawl Stars hyperfixation.
Anyways as a sort of apology for the lack of content, I bring you the follow up I know many have been waiting for: LARRY AND LAWRIE PART 3 BABY!
Hope you enjoy!
Fair warning: this one may be a small bit angsty in some spots. Nothing that would need an actual warning but didn't want to jumpscare y'all with surprise sadness.
Larry based, Lawrie based, both
•Larry's most rebellious action would be putting a soda can in the non-recycling bin... Then feeling extremely guilty and fishing it back out to put it in the correct bin when no one is looking.
•Lawrie has an apocalypse bunker hidden somewhere in the park. It's only for them, Larry, and RT.
•Lawrie likes Bob Ross! They don't like to paint all that much though. Larry does like painting but he's really bad at it.
•They've never been outside the park before. Lawrie is pretty content with that fact and doesn't want to leave, but Larry wants to see what's out there and occasionally asks parkgoers about it.
•Larry gets along well with animals (add this and the last one and Larry is a fricking Disney princess- /j)
•Lawrie is the exact opposite, all animals hate them and they hate all animals in return.
•As somewhat implied already, Lawrie is kind of leaning towards a "hate all biological life" mindset. They don't actually full-on hate lifeforms entirely, but people don't really like them so they don't like people, that kind of deal. This leads Lawrie to sometimes say stuff teetering on the "kill all humans" line but Larry calls it out and Lawrie would always agree they're going a bit too far.
•Larry as usual is the opposite. He finds life and people to be so interesting and envies their experiences. They even somewhat avoid hanging out with other robots because it reminds him that he's also just a robot, though he doesn't even realize this thought process. He would never admit it, but he kind of wishes he was human. Lawrie can sense this so it causes some arguments between the two.
•On a more light-hearted note, Larry has a bit of a crush on Melodie! She's very pretty, sings beautifully, and does whatever she wants and says anything on her mind, all of which Larry loves and admires.
•Out of all the people in the park, Lawrie gets along with Draco and Hank the best. Draco is more of a frien-emy that can get on their nerves a lot but they have a lot of similar interests like music taste. And Hank is a semi-friendly rival.
•Larry, Lawrie, and R-T were all made on the same day. When it comes to the birthday though they celebrate it as R-T's day cause they just love their "baby" sibling. (Plus in Lawrie's case they just don't like the idea of having their own birthday)
•Larry is scared of Cordelius. He just gives them the creeps and somehow always manages to accidentally sneak up on Larry. (Same goes for Lily)
•Larry has a notebook they carry around to do made up math problems in when they're bored.
•Lawrie usually never wishes they could eat food, but he does wish he could try chocolate.
•They tend to play "road trip" games when they're bored on a patrol together. Things like Eye Spy, 20 Questions, Alphabet Game, etc. They both really enjoy it!
•They also listen to true crime podcast together.
And that's all I got for now! Thank you for reading this far!! As always if you'd like more let me know!!!
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randoimago · 6 months
Could I request general fluffy relationship HCs for the SEES girls (Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka, Aigis) ?
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Aigis, Fuuka, Mitsuru, Yukari
Note(s): I already did Mitsuru's here but I added a couple more that came to mind.
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Kind of just goes with whatever you suggest. Dating is a foreign concept to her, same with romantic relationships, so you have to take the lead and she'll go along with it without complaints.
She's a very protective partner. If she notices someone making you sad or uncomfortable then she is quick to ask if you want her to eliminate them. Her robotic tone and the threat are usually enough to make them leave. Some of the time she'll clarify that she was making a joke.
Aigis is a fan of dates that are also like hangouts with the rest of the group. She enjoys including your friends when you go out. Even if Junpei complains about being a "third wheel" (she has to bring up the fact that he doesn't have two wheels), she just likes being around all the people she cares about.
Boy does she really try to bake you things. Probably has Shinjiro or Kotone around to help her, but she's learning to cook and what better way to show her affection then attempting to make you something.
She likes being in the same room as you. You two don't have to be doing the same thing or even sitting next to each other. But knowing you're close by makes her feel happy.
Fuuka likes having you in her room while she's reorganizing plants. Music is playing softly in the background which she'll change now and then, but it's just nice to hang out like this. Especially since she makes sure to make a nice bouquet for you with her flowers.
She doesn't know much about dating or being in a relationship. Probably googles popular date ideas or gifts to give.
She has brought you flowers on more than one occasion. She just saw flowers were a classic gift and so she went for it. If you're allergic then she'll apologize so much and revise her list of gift ideas.
Yukari can be a bit clingy. Not in public, but in private she doesn't want to be alone. Will hold the hand or just sit shoulder to shoulder with you while she studies or something.
When she has archery competitions, she looks for you (if you said you were able to go). She just has to make sure you're watching because it's a boost to her confidence.
Likes to tell you everything that's going on with her. It does usually end with her ranting and going off on tangents, but she's so comfortable with you that it's easy to just tell you everything. And please, don't hold back if you need to rant too, she'd love to hear you vent as well.
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@reo-the-leo @abellaheart-blog
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Fandom: FNAF - Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria Simulator
Character: Lefty
Pairing: Platonic
Type of Fic: Concept
Other: Lefty gets attached to a new gender neutral mechanic reader and tries to steer them away from henry and michael as well as trying to get them to see the two as threats and dangerous
Hey! Thanks for using the request format I gave ^^ I'll see what I can do :) This may be a bit short and I am pulling from my previous Lefty concept, I hope you like it!
Dubious on if there's dead kids in this or not, I didn't think about that in this- Platonic anyways so whatever floats your boat.
Yandere! Lefty Concept I am pulling from
Yandere! Platonic! Lefty with Mechanic! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Forced companionship, Stalking implied, Violence, Blood, Implied murder.
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Lefty is a tame yandere for the most part.
When it comes to their darling they don't wish to harm them at all.
Lefty has hatred for those who have wronged them, which is not you.
Lefty may even think you're being manipulated by Henry and Michael.
In Lefty's mind, they see you as a friend.
Michael had to hire you to make this Pizza Place thing believable enough to lure all the needed bots.
Lefty may have even met you, a mechanic, during the salvage test.
If darling makes them feel safe there's a good chance they'll stick around you.
There's no doubt the bot sees Henry and Michael as threats.
It'll take time before you can even trust the bear bot.
You're surprised their sensors still work due to the shape their in.
Truthfully... Lefty is blind out of one eye but besides that everything works well.
Who knows, maybe that eye is what you're trying to fix on Lefty.
Most of Lefty's obsession over you is quiet.
When they first meet you, they watch you from a distance.
You could assume their a shy bot... that isn't entirely true.
It's more like they're studying you to see if you're a threat.
Once they know you're not they decide to consider you a friend.
A friend supposedly being manipulated by some bad men-
Lefty likes to watch you repair other bots in the Pizza Place from their stage.
They roam sometimes but they mostly just like to be quiet and watch.
They will admit... your skills are nicely refined.
When you do talk to Lefty it's short conversations.
They mostly like to listen to you before responding curtly.
The more you chat, the more they open up.
It takes many meetings before Lefty can successfully get you to listen to them.
Before they can steer you away from your employers that have bad intentions, Lefty acts very friendly.
They follow you during work and carefully watch you do your tasks like usual.
During lunch breaks they go to find you before standing by you and offering quiet chatter.
You may actually learn Lefty is playful.
Each meeting with you is treated like a play date.
Which you thought was fitting and a bit cute as these bots are meant for children.
Lefty most likely plays Hide & Seek along with sneaking up on you to scare you.
Towards you they aren't malicious in the slightest.
They act like a close friend despite being a clunky robotic bear.
It's when the topic of Henry, Michael, or even William comes up that sets them off.
They often claim they are "bad men"
Once you and the bear bot become friends, Lefty begins to try and convince you of the "truth".
True or not, Lefty tries to find evidence to tell you that can paint your employers in a bad light.
They try to make you distrust them by telling you things they "overheard".
You can see the bot's whole demeanor and tone change when discussing the two men.
They hate them and you aren't really sure why.
All you know is you should be cautious of them according to Lefty.
The bot claims they'd hurt you, that they don't really care for you.
You're just collateral.
Instead the bot urges you to trust them.
Out of any of the salvage bots, they are the safest.
Lefty would never hurt you.
After all, you two are friends!
Friends don't hurt each other...
Henry and Michael aren't friends.
With enough convincing surely you'll believe them?
Speaking of Henry and Michael, they are confused as to why you're so hesitant all of a sudden.
They've seen you and Lefty talking recently...
So what has that robot put in your head?
They could try to separate you from Lefty, but that just makes things worse.
If the bot realizes their being kept from you their hate only grows.
In fact... they may just snap.
They won't stand for this.
Not when they could lose their new best friend.
It may even get to the point the bear bot is violent and tries to attack your employers.
See? They're bad!
They don't like the friendship between you two!
You shouldn't like them anymore, right?
In that case... you should stay with Lefty.
The bear bot promises to stay beside you and never harm you.
Even if they are covered in the blood of your employers... the crimson dripping from their maw and hands due to their little tantrum...
They promise they did it to protect you, their dear friend...!
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i-am-lakuna · 3 months
[‼️TW: This post is not sexual content itself however it talks about asexuality and thus also discusses sex.‼️]
Before pride month ends I want to talk about Transformers characters that are on the aroace spectrum!!
I want to clarify that since Cybertonians don't reproduce sexually that makes them all asexual in cannon!
...However the fandom still has a lot of different interpretations and headcannons. Some of these include procreation while others are robots being sexual for the sake of "fun" rather than biology. I personally feel VERY uncomfortable with the idea of sexual reproduction in transformers but fandom is fandom and I am well aware of how it ignores the cannon so this list is made with that in mind.
As for the aromantic part of this post....
Sadly none of those are actually cannon since the creators haven't said anything about it and it's never said out loud in the media these characters are from HOWEVER I feel like most of these are very heavily implied. If you're confused about labels please look them up!
Sorry this post only contains three characters, I'm writing this literally last minute before going to the airport lol. I feel like there are maybe some more that I've missed so you're welcome to comment or reblog if you want to add to the list!
Shockwave: aromantic, asexual, could be aplatonic in some continuities.
I HAD to start with him. Speaks for itself really, if you're in the fandom you're probably familiar with how little emotion Shockwave expresses in general. Sadly though most people either see him as a completely emotionless monster or make him the super ooc :( He has no interest in sex or romance and some versions of him do not care for platonic bonds either.
The fandom sadly does not understand this, I'm not completely against him being shipped with other characters I just wish it was written properly and with his sexual/romantic orientation in mind. I feel like there's some interesting queer platonic lab partner shipping potential here but again this fandom is terrible at not sexualising him for some reason.
He does show care for others in SOME continuities, in Cyberverse we see that he used to be friends with Wheeljack and possibly some other characters. He does have emotions, even in other shows/media, we see him get visibly angry in TFP and Earthspark. So just saying that he doesn't feel anything is a straight up lie. He follows logic although we do see him make non logical choices when influenced by emotions, it's rare but it has happened.
I'm planning to make more content about him and being aroace spec soon. I want to show people that just because you don't feel forms of attraction or love towards others doesn't mean you're completely heartless. And yes I know an extremely stereotypical evil robot probably isn't the best character to use to prove a point like this but I just need people to stop mischaracterising him.
Shadowstriker: aromantic, asexual.
[most of this is refering to her in Cyberverse, thought I do mention IDW briefly]
What is it with clearly aroace female characters, usually villains, and being called masc lesbians? No offence to lesbians but please y'all let us have some representation. Sorry pooks she doesn't want a girl, she doesn't want anyone actually. Which doesn't mean she doesn't value friendship, just look at how she interacts with Soundwave and Lazerbeak! That's found family if I've ever seen it!
I think she's someone who struggles a lot with emotions and intimacy just in general, though we do actually see her emotions slipping through the "mask" more towards the end of the show, even being happy [thought it was quite bittersweet] and part of a group hug in the last episode. Well done her for actually accepting physical touch that isn't punching someone in the face! She's a very untrusting character who tends to assume the worst in everyone and is really aggressive for most of the show. She has absolutely no interest in romance or sex and is probably apothisexual/apothiromantic. But as previously stated I think platonic love is really important to her. She's the type of person who would kill for her found family, in fact considering she's a Decepticon she probably has.
She's one of those extremely interesting and emotionally complex characters and yet somehow she's always overlooked. I see people talking about wanting more well written female characters and HERE SHE IS! Honestly I'd recommend watching Cyberverse even if you're just doing it for her, it's worth it. I could write a whole essay all about her. Can y'all tell she's my favourite? Because she is.
As for shipping I do like the idea of her being in a queer platonic ship with Flamewar and Slipstream in the IDW comics they're in, though again, I don't think people know how to write qp relationships...
TFP Soundwave: demiromantic, asexual.
This one is only specific to one continuity and that's Transformers Prime. Not saying other versions aren't on the spectrum, I have a quite couple headcannons, though I feel they might be a bit ooc/self indulgent so I'm not including them since I'm trying to keep this list as "likely to be cannon" as I can.
In the show he doesn't speak and doesn't really have a face so he doesn't really express himself a lot. Though he still definitely shows emotion, just, differently I guess? He is uninterested in sex, I think he could be in a romantic relationship but it would have to be someone he's already emotionally attached to. Platonic love is extremely important to him but specifically his cassettes, they're his family. Others however.... I feel like he doesn't really care for a lot of the characters in the show but then again he doesn't show emotions much so he could just be hiding it.
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xyoonx · 6 months
𝐎𝐂 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 # 🪻
Featuring: my OC, Edwin Anselm. (VEGA-1228)
Fandom: Lovebrush Chronicles.
Warning: might contain spoilers of Cael's cards + future worlds/stories.
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Name: Edwin Anselm
Codename: VEGA-1228
Given Name: Edwin Dahler.
Age: 20
Pronouns: He/Him.
Birthplace: planet named “Cosmos”.
Appearance: tall, lean, gloomy. Has long black hair which is usually tied up. Purple eyes.
Personality: calm, reserved, observant. Can be grumpy, sarcastic, impatient, and lazy at times.
Major: Astrophysics.
Hobbies: Writing. Researching topics he finds interesting. Learning cooking recipes.
Likes: Space, writing, learning new stuff. dumplings, hehe.
Dislikes: bugs, bossy people, people who are too clingy, people who simply just can't follow a simple schedule.
birthday: December 28.
Pets: Beanie.
MC: sister (?). He saw her grow up since the day Cael took responsibility of looking after MC. Edwin continued to see MC as his sister since then.
Cael: Guardian. Edwin doesn't remember how he came to be, or who his exact parents are; but his most primary memory is of Cael bringing him to meet MC.
Alkaid: Friendly. They are good friends; they hang out after class often and chat about physics theories and all. Alkaid inspires Edwin to be more outgoing.
Clarence: somewhat hostile. Edwin doesn't like how Clarence appears to be strict and bossy, and Clarence doesn't like Edwin’s lazy ass either. But, they get along as time goes by.
Ayn: Friendly. Edwin does not talk to Ayn much, neither does Ayn, but they are still on friendly terms.
Lars: Unknown. Edwin knows Lars to be a manga fan as MC describes.
𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
All he remembers is meeting MC when she was 15. Edwin remembers himself to be 17 by that time. He can't remember anything else about his childhood.
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
Edwin, also known as Adjutant Vega, worked under Prefect Silver until he lost his life in a battle whilst harvesting a world. To preserve his memories, Prefect Silver was suggested to convince the Chosen One to make a bionic of his Adjutant. Thus, several bionics resembling Edwin were made. The bionic VEGA-1228 had his memory erased and then sent to Earth to accompany MC as she grows up; some of his cognitions were also modified so that he can appear to be more humane; such as aplearing more sensitive to others' miseries, and more sympathetic to people. Recently, he has made several choices of his own will against his master, which is unlikely for a bionic like him.
𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
He is a loner who doesn't have many friends. Alkaid is his closest friend (or so he thinks). And Ayn, William, O'Connor are acquaintances who are on his good terms. He is also one of the top students in his major as he is able to memorise things easily and able to do a large amount of sum in his mind.
(Students call him a “robot” as a joke.. get it?)
Has shown signs of psychic dreams. He often goes to Cael to tell him about his weird dreams, but Cael says it's merely a dream, and that there are no other hints behind it.
Can fight well despite not being so athletic.
There's actually another bionic, VEGA-1227, who is now actively working as the Adjutant of Prefect Silver.
Affection Items: Puzzle cube, kaleidoscope, assembling robot, book of physics. Dumplings.
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downbadperture · 2 months
You said you're more likely to do obscure characters so I'm curious: can you write something short about a male reader and The Announcer(it's the guy who talks in the background saying stuff like "you've been in suspension for 9 9 9 9 9")? I'm just curious about what you could come up with.. I imagine it's him as a robot (more like body less) and like, maybe the reader just walks around aperture talking to random unanimated stuff and the unanimated stuff starts talking back. It could be platonic or romantic, whatever you want
DUDE THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOOUUUTT. I LOVE THIS, i love this a lot like actually. This is what we as the fandom need in this day and age. I fully support this, and I will totally do this.
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~Male!Reader x Announcer~
~No warnings apply~
You might have officially lost it.
After the events of 'The Incident', you were the only living soul wandering around in this godforsaken facility. Maybe it was the humidity when you were only a floor separated from the incinerator below and making your work shirt stick to your skin, maybe it was the silence that threatened to make your mind feel hollow if it weren't for the facility constantly reminding you of how it was digesting your very being with every little scrape of metal or gear grinding in the distance.
But maybe you finally lost it when you started talking to inanimate objects, anything to make that aching loneliness numb for a few minutes. It started with talking to the cubes when you would hide out behind the walls of a testing chamber, it didn't even have to be the pink ones with the little hearts that were put in place to boost test subject morale, sometimes it would just be the dull blue ones staring at you with pure indifference. For some reason you felt more comfortable around those ones.
Then it started turning into having lively conversations with a can of beans you were eating, then sitting on the floor by a chair and talking about your day with it, and you started talking with any object that you deemed friendly enough to talk to. Never really talking to the Turrets though, they gave you a sick feeling whenever you heard their voices.
But talking with objects helped you stay sane or as sane as you could be while in this hellhole.
You were wandering the corridors of the dorms the test subjects used to reside in when they had to stay in the facility for multiple days at a time, the company not wanting outside forces interfering with the testing. The halls reminded you of a hotel almost, the nicely carpeted floors and the lights lining up against the ceiling. They even had some fake plants lined up in some places too, usually near the broken elevators or a vending machines. You were about to get some soda for your parched throat, after not having drunken anything in days the thought of some carbonated orange soda sounded like an oasis in a desert.
As you walked up to the machine, the artificial plants caught your eye. The greenery gave you an aching yearning from a time before, but it also made you feel a warmth that was so rare in a place like this.
You stopped mid-way, your lab coat swaying behind you as you turned towards one of the artificial potted plants. There was a little smirk hidden behind your tangled and overgrown beard.
"Come here often?" You ask with no hesitation.
"Heh I hear that. it's one of the more nicer parts around here," You replied flippantly. "Not many areas you can get carpet and chairs besides the offices, but who wants to hang around at work all the time am I right?"
"Yeah..." You let out a small dry laugh, "Well, i'm gonna get some soda from the vending machine right over here. You want one? I'm guessing since you're all plastic and foam you have a different diet from real plants,"
"Whoa! Take it easy there," You lifted and waved your hands defensively, taking a step back. "Sorry, I mean OTHER TYPES of plants. Didn't mean to press a button there, just wanted to see if you wanted some soda" your smile stretched into more of a jester like grin.
"Yeah yeah, now the soda is definitely on me," You playfully rolled your eyes and stared at the glowing orange machine. Citranium was written in small white letters, the logo being the Aperture brand but in the shape and color of an orange. Shame really that there wasn't really much variety, but you can't bite the hand that feeds you unless it starts choking you in the process then definitely bite it. But there was no biting required in this specific circumstance.
You pressed a button to see if maybe someone accidentally left a few dollars in the machine and forgot to order, but suddenly a speaker on the ceiling was triggered and your spine shot out of your back from the piercing hiss of the old intercom.
"Aperture science proudly announces it's newest and sweetest product since the m-" it cut out, leaving a horrible garbled mess of static before clearing up, "- Citrianium! Now test subjects can experience the wonders of science with every sip. Citrianium sources it's oranges from the farms founded in the agronomy department within Aperture Science itself. So we guarantee that by supporting Citrianium, you are also supporting your local farmers and is sourced organically. Note: The measures of organic may vary with each can and may cause unprecedented side effects depending on the amount,"
The voice from the intercom was robotic, but not monotone. The best way you could describe it was that you could feel the toothy smile the man had while talking. It had a pep to it to put it simply.
You must have triggered some sort of advertisement for the soda. It was almost foreign hearing an actual voice after so long of just faint sounds and inevitable silence as responses. But as you stared at the speaker with your head craned up high, it felt like a friend talking to you.
"W-well, do you think you can do a guy a favor and get me a soda? I'm kinda on the broke side right now," You asked the speaker, digging your hands into your lab coat pockets. You can feel the lint and dust at the bottom starting to pile up.
There was a small silence, but then there was a response.
"Citrianium can now be found in grocery stores and gas stations near you! Science in a can now at the low low price of two dollars each in American currency," The Announcer semi-replied cheerfully.
"Well, I don't really have two bucks on me right now," you huffed, sighing as you started eyeing a cushioned chair near an elevator. A smirk creased your lips when the light bulb went off. You cracked your knuckles, meandering towards the unsuspecting chair.
"Sorry pal, but a guy needs his drink," you mumbled before picking up the chair by the wooden armrests, it surprisingly being so light you could hold it over your head. You stared at the vending machine with determination, starting to charge towards it and preparing to smash it with the chair until it finally gave you a damn soda. But before you could take the swing, a bright shiny can was dispensed immediately.
"All staff get a complimentary Citranium for the hard work they give here at Aperture Science!" The Announcer chirped, "We appreciate your commitment, complacency, discipline, and respect! Keep up the hard work and remember that science starts with you,"
You almost dropped the chair on your foot when you fumblingly placed it on the ground. You couldn't tell if this was just coincidences or if you were finally going crazy or something else. Your attention drew to the speaker hanging over the machine. You couldn't recall the announcements themselves ever being sentient, but then again this place loved giving things sentience even when if it would be more humane for it to just be a simple object or mechanism.
You hesitantly picked up the can, the tin shimmering from the ceiling lights. It was still chilled in your grip. Your gaze lifted up to the speaker hanging over the machine once more, your mind flooded with intrigue and curiosity.
"Thank you," You chirped.
There was a loud hiss like it was struggling to give a proper response, "Ap- welco- Aperture Science welcomes yo- Wel- Welcomes you," was all he said before cutting out.
"Ha Well... I'll see you around," you sighed, shrugging off as you popped the can up to reveal the citrus smelling fizzing liquid inside. Maybe it was science in a can considering how long this soda was able to last.
You started walking down the corridors, going to go find stairs to hopefully find your way to the cafeteria the test subjects would lounge in every once in a while. But in every corner there was an intercom of some kind put in place, including the rooms as well if you could actually get inside them (Not that you particularly wanted to, not really in the mood to see a possible dead body).
But then you got another idea.
"Hey uh... Announcer guy? You don't happen to know where all the food is stored right," You ask, your eyes once again fixed onto the intercoms.
"Aperture Science cares very deeply about their test subject's and staff’s health and well being, which is why we found the food octagon back in 1965," he immediately replied, "Breakfast, lunch and dinner that have all categories of the food octagon are held in the dining hall on the first floor of the building,"
“Hm,” you hummed, “Are you gonna be sticking around me for a while?”
“Aperture Science constantly surveils their staff to see if they’re keeping up with their company mandated work quota to make sure science is being done throughout the day and they are following company policy,” he responded
“I’ll take as a yes,” you smile, happy that you’re finally talking to someone that talks back somewhat.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
I don't even understand what there is to gloat over? (antis) Why does him saying he had Covid serve the narrative? (shippers) Lots of people got Covid (including Cait), it shouldn't be a surprise. Honest to god, both sides of this fandom do the absolute most! He could have had Covid and quarantined, he could have spent it with Cait, he could have blah blah blah. It was 2 years ago. SO WHAT? He was going to be in New Zealand over Christmas away from family and friends regardless. It's just a story, there is no need to take everything so personally. That last sentence isn't directed at anyone in particular, but sometimes this fandom gets deep in their feelings and it's just not necessary.
Dear Both Sides Anon,
I have no idea if you are new or not in here and to be honest, I don't think it's relevant. The reason I am answering your ask, while I currently send a good 75% of them to the bin, is because it sums up very well the puzzled look on the face of a complete stranger who stumbled by chance on our blogs.
This is an adversarial, even gladiatorial fandom. Kindness (🙄) abounds, as you can see. No one in here is probably never very far away from it (🤬😡🤢🤮👺💀☠👻👽👾💩). Irony aside, I don't think I have ever seen, in my entire life and in any other social context., such a consuming passion for the tiniest detail and such a nuclear spending of energy, on a daily basis. And mind you, everything is usually taken on a very personal level and how could it be otherwise, given the rich bullying and harassment history of this damn place?
Upon entering, it's not exactly lasciate ogni speranza, but rather - place your bets intelligently. Speak to the right people, which means 'speak to the people you personally feel the most comfortable sharing things with'. Never assume you are away from a faux-pas. Think twice before posting and always try to imagine you're talking to people, not sheep or aliens or robots or pawns. And by Jove, never imagine everybody will like you: this is not a popularity contest, this is sometimes Beirut.
Last, but not least (and I think you've noticed it, by now), this fandom just loves drama. Justified or unjustified - it doesn't really matter. That makes the good fortunes of 💩👻, who zip between the combat lines faster than the Venetian commute vaporetti. Carelessly light a match and the whole gunpowder warehouse goes 💥 in a matter of seconds. So yes, Anon - I understand what you mean. But I also know very well the equanimity you vouch for is never to be found here.
So, we should be grateful for small graces: someone who asks you if you are ok or about your #silly day at the office. Or someone who drops two lines just to say your posts made her smile, while riding an overcrowded bus on the other side of the world. That is the real beauty of this strange place, Anon. The rest is Byzantine politics and the Mighty Circus that keeps us all in here, riveted.
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fanficmaniatic · 1 year
You know, I am really cautious of people that say they like Jazz and say that Jazz is their favorite character because how come am I the only Jazz fan I see that complains about how this fandom treats him?
I see people overly sexualize him left and right, describing him in fics as promiscuous and a slut. You guys made fun, criticizing or down right demonize the way he speaks by calling it thug or gangster or having characters make fun of how “improper” he is.
Never mind the fact that he is using AAVE, an actual dialect with rules which I am tired of seeing fanfic writers butcher, and when I complain people are just like “Where?” And Is like… are we not in the same fandom? Because I am over here struggling to find fics with Jazz in it where the character has some sort of autonomy, and finding racist trope after racist trope.
is always:
-“ He is promiscuous and implied to have slept with a ton of people” and is looked down and criticized by other characters for this. Not to mention the fact that tfs are a cannonically an asexual species, but lets focus on the fact that our most prominent Black-coded character is seen as a slut by the fandom. Or how this feeds into the “Black Dom” trope.
-“Jazz is speaking [And the writer obviously has no idea AAVE is a thing because they are writing gibberish]” and another character goes “Omg he is so improper 🥰” How much does it cost to research AAVE? Or better yet, not use it and describe the accent?
-“Jazz is said to come out of the gutter” and how this is shown as the reason why he is so overly violent and promiscuous.
-“He is a racer frame he always runs hot” Are you guys even hearing what you are saying? how do you write this and not realize how othering this is?
-“Jazz does a bunch of morally dubious actions until a higher ranking Autobot shows him the good way [particularly Prowl and/or Optimus]” What happened to characters, this character, having autonomy? Please I am just asking. Why can’t our black coded character have autonomy and think for himself? Why does a “white” perceived character (one of which is usually a cop) have to string him the right way when Jazz in cannon, is not just highly capable and intelligent, but always shown as competent.
And it wouldn’t be so frustrating if the fics where this happened other characters seemed to get a similar treatment, but no, is always Jazz and or characters that are also Black-coded.
And don’t come at me and say “He is a robot” because if the fandom can agree with something is that the pretender figure might have had light skin, but that wasn’t Jazz. At least 90% of the Humanformers fanart done in America, as well as cannon media, depicts Jazz as a dark skin Black Man. Choose another excuse as to why this fandom mostly writes their most prominent Black Coded character under racist stereotypes.
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waitineedaname · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
tagged by @buffintruder thank you!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
89 ! that feels like a lot
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
355,274 which also feels like a lot!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
usually whatever I'm hyperfixating on at the time! right now it's mdzs/the untamed, but I've got some scum villain wips in the works
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Handsome Mystery Boy -- Skam soulmate AU
hot dilfs in your area (not clickbait!!1!) -- HLVRAI modern au
Strider Bros Feelings Jam -- Homestuck post-canon
Let's Get This Over With -- HLVRAI dream-sharing
The Secret Boyfriend -- TAZ Balance modern au
5. Do you respond to comments?
usually! it might take me a bit, but I usually try to respond, especially if it's a more recent fic. if it's an old fic or the comment is just, like, a string of heart emojis or something, I usually don't respond. doesn't mean the comment doesn't make me smile though!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
tbh I don't write a whole lot of angsty endings? even if it's an angsty fic, I try to end on at least a hopeful/bittersweet note, y'know? I guess the angstiest ending would be Frayed Seams because it's in the middle of the series and is giving context to the strained relationship between the Kageyama siblings. they do eventually begin to mend their relationship by the end of the series! just. not in this fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is once again rather hard because I mostly write happy endings! and I have a lot of short fics that are just. pure fluff. I guess if I'm looking for a fic that's long enough to Earn a happy ending, it would be a tie between Plant Their Hearts In Community Gardens or the sun in the summertime! I love how much Mob and Reigen's lives have improved by the end of the show <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not that comes to mind! I don't think I've ever gotten hate comments, so if people don't like my stuff they at least only complain about it somewhere I can't see it, which I appreciate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not really! I am usually a genfic writer lol though I have had wlwangxian robot sex on the brain lately for. reasons. and also I have a feeling some of my bingqiu fics are going to be like, scenes in the Middle of them having sex, because [gestures] bingqiu
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't done a whole lot of them, but I think the concept can be fun if executed properly! crossovers where the two casts meet don't generally appeal to me, but crossovers that function more like an au (characters from Series A in the universe of Series B) are more my speed. I have been pondering a svsss/hlvrai crossover....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
god I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! I've had a couple fics translated into Russian, way long ago
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not in a "we both were writing the fic in its entirety" way but I have written some aus and fics where I was bouncing ideas off friends so much that they might as well be a co-author. Let's Get This Over With would not exist without @neonlav's help
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
oh christ I have no idea. I'm a genfic person. bingqiu is doing something vile to my brain chemistry lately though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so many... so so many......... do not look in my google docs folder, there are too many untitled documents that have been abandoned........... I guess a more recent example would be a mdzs fic where wei wuxian is the juniors' camp counselor. I think the idea was v fun but I could not figure out where to take it. man I wish I was an artist so I didn't have to write plots for my silly little aus
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue! I love writing dialogue, especially when I feel like I really Get a character
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
fight scenes.... also pacing and figuring out how to end a fic, final lines are so hard
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am not fluent enough in another language to pull off writing whole chunks of dialogue in another language! sometimes I'll use terminology from another language, especially if it doesn't translate well (like Japanese or Chinese honorifics and family terms) but otherwise I don't write in another language bc I would be too worried about it being incorrect
19. First fandom you wrote for?
it was, embarrassingly, for the since disgraced video game youtuber Cryaotic. in my defense, I was thirteen. the first fandom I posted fic for was for Hetalia, which is just as embarrassing. once again, my defense is that I was fourteen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I am genuinely so goddamn proud of Let's Get This Over With. I had so much fun writing it, there are some concepts in it that I'm really proud of, and I just really enjoyed writing for hlvrai. those character voices were fun to play with
I'll tag @patron-saints, @scribefindegil, @localdisasterisk, @thatneoncrisis, and @notedchampagne!
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maydayissleepy · 1 year
Creation lore for my AU GO!! !
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For those of you who thought this au was a recent thing for me I'm proud to say it's not. Just ignore the fact that I have less than half of the plot written I am chronically unable to finish projects
. Anyway it was ORIGINALLY just about the visual themes in my mind but then that lore bit about Chen and Clouse got me Thinkin and. Well. Yeah
I'll likely have a second post with like actual story and plot things but for this one I just wanted to show off the aesthetic stuff, because as much as I loved the vermillion and snake theme it did not mix in my mind with time travel.
So, for my AU, the Twins do not have the vermillion for their villainous faction (respectfully, I would still love for them to exist with the rest of the serpentine because their concept is so so cool) and, instead, I've created some steam powered robots to go with Krux's theme! And also attempted to redesign the Iron Doom to resemble a dragon more so than a snake. However for both of these I was once again realizing that I have a tad bit trouble designing robots and mechs
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Aaaaand the last visual aesthetic change I think I made was changing the swamp to an ancient city's ruins in the desert? Because, yknow, desert, sand, hourglass theme? But also I think a past city's ruins plays on Krux's past theme a bit
WAAH I don't have a good drawing for the ruins city so here take this and also a lego build of the clock tower
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I do plan to push the ninjas' outfits for the season more twoards steampunk or cyberpunk individually, but that's something I have yet to work on
But of course, as I will also note when I eventually make a post for the story things over my au, I do my best to write and draw these things as respectfully as possible! I genuinely appreciate feedback on my work and I want to create things that everyone can enjoy, though, having not really interacted with the fandom I may be a bit out of the knowledge on what you guys like and accept. Though I try very hard not to, I tend to be a bit oblivious at times, which is usually my main deter for interacting with fandoms. So being said, I would love and appreciate kind pointers if you guys have any feedback!
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annabannnananana · 2 months
☆ anna? never heard of her ☆
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well boom now u have
(new pinned post bc i hated my old one hehe :3)
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⋆。°✩ welcome to my blog! i don’t really care what you call me, but i usually go by anna, or banana, onion, etc! anything’s fine by me tho!
⋆。°✩ i just turned 23 (🎈bday: july 7)! being an adult is very boring but tumblr makes it better :) i’m not a minor but my blog is safe for minors, everything is sfw here! (my nsfw sideblog is @annasgarbagechute, MINORS DNI!!)
⋆。°✩ guess what guys, yippee i have a fnaf themed sideblog now, it’s called @annas-arcade go follow it rn or i‘ll be very mad at u 😾😾😾😾 /j
⋆。°✩ she/her please and thank you! btw i’m bi bc girls and guys are both hot, why pick one when you can have both? god said adam AND eve not adam OR eve (i’m also catholic, but i’m not super intense abt religion, you do you)
⋆。°✩ born & raised in the usa, descended from france & ireland. @bingbammboom is making me say i want to move to australia with her, but in reality i wanna move to paris so badddddd 💔💔💔 (don’t tell her i said that)
⋆。°✩ i have adhd & t1d, i post abt it occasionally but it’s not the focus of my blog :) but i will have you know i hate t1d with every fiber in my being, it sucks ass. i gotta give myself fucking shots before i eat, what the fuck
⋆。°✩ basic dni (racist, sexist, ableist, bigot, pedo/zoo, etc) + vanilliam shippers and jk rowling supporters + just please don’t be rude/unkind or try to make people uncomfortable on my blog. thank you!
⋆。°✩ hey did you know i write and draw stuff? maybe you should send me an ask sometime if there’s something you want me to write or draw for you <3
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☆ rules for sending art & writing reqs ☆
what i will write & draw:
⋆。°✩ i will write sets of headcanons, oneshots, reader inserts, & multi-chapter stories (on occasion) for any fandoms your heart desires :D
⋆。°✩ i will write reader of any gender identity and sexuality (if unspecified i will default to gn!reader), kid! or adult!reader, reader of any species or robot!reader (fnaf fics i’m looking at you)
⋆。°✩ i will draw busts, half bodies, and full bodies as sketches, with lineart, or with full shading & color.
⋆。°✩ i will draw canon characters and ocs (yours and mine) of any species, including animals, humans, robots, supernatural beings (ghosts, zombies, vampires, and the like), etc.
what i will not write & draw:
⋆���°✩ i will not write or draw nsfw, selfh@rm, relationships with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, abusive, incest/stepcest, ddlg, omorashi, emeto, scat, age regression, oc x canon (just for writing). please do not request these! thank you. <3
⋆。°✩ please keep in mind that it may take me a while to respond to or even see your request, as i’m not the best at frequently checking my inbox, plus i don’t always have motivation or good ideas to write/draw so i might need time to come up with something. i also always have the right to not write/draw your request if it makes me uncomfortable or if i don’t want to do it for any other reason. thank you for understanding! :)
⋆。°✩ also, please do not repost my art or writing! to clarify what i mean in case anyone confuses the terms “repost” and “reblog”, it’s fine to reblog my stuff when i post my art or writing. but please don’t copy/paste my writing, or save images of my art, and then paste them into a new separate post completely unrelated to the original. even if you would intend to tag me, just please don’t, it makes me uncomfortable. thank you!
⋆。°✩ also, if you see my art/writing and like it but don’t reblog it, guess what? blocked. if you like my art/writing, please reblog it for more people to see! it only takes 5 seconds, and it really helps a small artist/writer. thank you!
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my tags:
⋆。°✩ #banana writes - my writing
⋆。°✩ #banana art - my art
⋆。°✩ #banana talks - my txt/talking tag
⋆。°✩ #banana ask - my responses to asks
my other socials:
⋆。°✩ ask me before adding! thank you <3
⋆。°✩ twitter/x: here
⋆。°✩ discord: annatherat707
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so that’s pretty much all you need to know to navigate my blog, you’re all good to go now! have fun looking around!
⭑𓂃 anna
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13 notes · View notes
like rabbits ; 18+
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requested by ; onehellofashadynerd (kinktober entry)
word count ; 1062
content ; sexually explicit content, breeding kink, unprotected sex, robot character being capable of breeding (suspend your disbelief here lol), overstimulation, slight dumbification kink, slight size kink
fandom ; dark deception
pairing ; lucky the rabbit x cis female reader
read also on ; ao3
note ; please ignore how logically impossible this scenario is, i’m just working with the original request and trying to find something that fits lol
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Everyone and their mother has heard the old adage ‘at it like rabbits’, as well as the handful of related jokes involving the floppy eared fluff balls and their talent for multiplication, but you’d never really payed it much mind. Not when you were alive and going about your daily habits back in the human realm, not when you stumbled through the portal to Joy Joy Land, and not even when you ended up in an on-again-off-again relationship with your noncommittal robotic lagomorph boyfriend, Lucky.
So really you only had yourself to blame for not noticing all of the (in hindsight embarrassingly obvious) signs that the age old saying was more than just metaphorical. For not realising that all of the times you caught him staring at you randomly and the way he started to get snappier at Hangry and Penny was more than just him being in a grumpier mood than normal. For brushing off all of the not-so-innocent touches and the way he managed to work innuendos about ‘starting a family’ into your every conversation as him just being his usual perverted self with you.
Yeah… looking back you felt more than a bit silly for missing all of that. But at least the consequences for your obliviousness were more ‘play’ than ‘punishment’ (as Lucky was so very fond of handing out usually), so you supposed you could grin and bare it for however long you needed to.
After all, how bad could it be? It was only sex.
Five hours in and you were a complete and utter wreck: body limp and trembling and covered in sweat whilst you absentmindedly dug your nails into the raggedy sheets beneath you, tearing the paper-thin, drenched material to shreds in your hopeless attempt to try and steady yourself; eyelids heavy and barely able to stay open for more than a few brief seconds at a time before fluttering closed once again, the edges damp with tears and crusted over with sleep as you just barely kept yourself awake through the overwhelming stimulation and exhaustion that coursed through your very being; spent pussy and trembling thighs coated with sweat and cum, yours and his, from all of the positions he’d had you in and ruined you in, and from cursory glances down with bleary eyes you could tell that the faux fur of his suit was also absolutely drenched with your juices (completely his own fault for insisting on making you squirt as much as possible a hazy dozen rounds ago, the prick); chest heaving and bruised from all of his misguided attempts to grope you with his unnaturally strong, unnaturally large hands and forgetting how fragile you were in comparison to his robotic frame; lips bruised and bitten bloody, parted in a wet ‘o’ as you moaned and panted and gasped and sobbed with a hoarse, broken voice, barely able to even recall your own name through the fog of overstimulation that had swallowed your mind several hours ago.
And then there was Lucky, blessed with the stamina only an afterlife as a chaser and a robotic body could give, who looked insultingly unaffected by everything he’d done to you. Still more than capable of manhandling your prone body into whatever position he desired. Still more than capable of pounding into your used cunt and filling you to the brim with his seed over and over again to make sure it would stick. Still capable of talking to you and teasing you and praising you and goading you with a voice that only sounded slightly more strained than usual. What an asshole, or that’s what you would have thought had you been capable of thinking anything coherent about anything other than the feeling of his thick metal cock stretching you out and his large soft hands tossing you around like you weighed less than the air you breathed.
Hell you were so far gone that you could barely even register his touch or his voice.
The way he called you his ‘breeding bitch’ in a half-gasp as he bent your legs back and manoeuvred your body into a mating press.
The way he pressed down on your stomach right where your womb would be and talked about seeing you carry your ‘litter’ and how ‘hot’ you’d look all swollen and heavy with his kids, still pounding into you like his life depended on it.
The way he pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach before plunging his dick back into your gushing hole as he remarked on how ‘sexy’ you look when you spread your legs for him. Holding you up by the hips to give him a better angle as he thrusted into you.
The way he chuckled and called you his ‘hood girl’ when you came all over his cock for the umpteenth time, slowing down just enough to make sure you wouldn’t be in too much pain whilst you rode out your climax. He was a sadist, but he didn’t want to push his luck when you couldn’t say your safe word.
The way he groaned when he looked down and saw his own cum leaking out of you alongside yours, sliding over his shaft and dripping down onto the bed to make a growing damp spot just beneath you. And the way that he thrust forward again by just a few centimetres just to watch even more of your combined juices leak out of your spent hole.
For a few seconds after that he paused, giving you ample time to catch your breath and start to come down from your verging-on-painful high and even offering some shred of hope that he was finally about to let you take a break or that he’d escaped his heat-induced-trance. But, alas, that hope was dashed as he looked straight into your eyes and told you that you were gonna be ‘the best mom ever’ once he’s done with you before going straight back into his relentlessly fast, endlessly rough, treatment of your abused pussy.
It was going to be a long night, or maybe even week, for you, and all you could so was sit back and enjoy the ride for however long it lasted and savour the short breaks he’d give you to eat and drink — waiting for him to tire himself out.
Wait… do robots even get tired?
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