drawer-of-socks · 1 year
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*yeets this at you and crawls back to bed*
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dammarchy211 · 2 months
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Per the description of the heartless perk “robots are now confused by you”
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Also chapters 2 and 3 are out for that post game fic I’m writing 👍👍
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lilbitofmac · 9 months
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toastedjeans · 4 months
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Almost forgot Mermay is still a thing, had to do something with my AU since. Feesh.
Anyway i dunno if i like this or not. The composition and poses are shit but i kinda like the shading. Tried blurring the background characters but it looked even worse so uh. This is what you get. Hurray for mediocrity.
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krynutsreal · 2 years
looks around
read left to -> right :]
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ok . explodes
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old-man-spine · 1 month
i have seen your tua posts and would like to befriend you
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friendship offering ^
I love isopods a crazy amount. My favorites are powder blues I love them aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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waywardsalt · 3 months
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No, actually, I think you guys really should apologize for deliberately trying to hurt each other
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 1 year
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When you die in dnd so you make a pact with @/underdew-official’s Nightmare, Pitch, so you can still live.
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i gave Cross to my cat Mochi to see his reaction and...
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yeah, they get along :)
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sparklyslug · 1 year
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The Salem Witch Trial Memorial was dedicated in the 90s by Elie Wiesel
It is absolutely crazy that more 20 people died in the span of like 3 months, and then, what—you just went back to normal? Looked these people in the eye afterwards?
One dude made like 84 of the tombstones in the old Salem cemetery. He favored the skull with windows decoration or the more distinctive urn with a willow frond coming out of it.
Cemetery drama: the only Mayflower pilgrim to settle in Salem is buried between his second wife and his “CHRISTIAN WIFE”
Also buried there: the Judge Hathorne who was the only one of the witch trial judges to never recant his judgement, an ancestor of Nathanial Hawthorne, who threw that w in there himself out of shame of association with the guy
Salem’s huge maritime industry meant it was a place for goods from India, China, Japan, all around the world—it was actually a super cosmopolitan and international spot.
According to my tarot reader, it’ll be an eventful but rewarding and exciting year, and when someone from my past reappears at the beginning of next summer all contrite I should NOT BELIEVE THEYVE CHANGED, THEY HAVENT, I GOTTA TELL THEM TO GTFO
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wuwubean · 8 months
oh btw how are we doing silksong fans? great day to be a silksong fan, am i right? i mean look at the subreddit! we’re all completely normal! everything is a-okay over here! /s
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crisis averted, i guess.
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monomanart · 16 days
Nearly puked when watching yt earlier today lmao (Also yes this is supposed to me. Also my new glasses look really nice.)
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myriahkamm · 3 months
Having a rough time at the new job (for lots of reasons, but theoretically it'll get better and be a worthwhile change).
To cheer myself up, I'll share some Je'von pics (because how else does one feel better other than looking at cat pics on the internet?).
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hexanchu · 7 months
Flower Agate and Mauve Pearl ! My first time really rendering anything tbh
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 11 months
inoue has cursed me in many unique ways but one way that comes up a lot is being like YOU GOTTA CHANGE BREAKING THE CHAIN
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gunchamber · 1 year
what makes you love krissy so much? why did you choose to have her as your muse?
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man  ,  i've  been  stuck  with  this  girl  since  2013  !!    &    even  coming  back  after  my  big  tumblr  break  ,  i  couldn't  think  of  writing  anyone  else  .    i’ve  always  loved  badass  female  characters  ,    girls/women  who  don’t  stand  aside  and  let  other  people  (  men  )    take  care  of  their  problems  when  they're  fully  capable  of  taking  care  of  themselves  .    not  only  that  but  she’s  selfless  ,    she  didn’t  let  dean    &    sam  take  down  vetalas  alone  to  save  her  father  .    when  she  was  with  aiden    &    josephine  ,    they  became  her  found  family    &    she  made  sure  they  stayed  safe  ,    she  helped  them  try    &    get  revenge  for  their  murdered  families  (  even  though  it  was  a  staged  ploy  made  up  by  victor  oof  )  .    she  even  stayed  behind  with  them  ,    knowing  that  she  had  an  aunt  she  could’ve  easily  went  to  &    had  a  somewhat  easier  life  by  doing  so  but  she  CHOSE    to  stay  with  aiden    &    josephine  ,    because  she  couldn’t  fathom  leaving  them  behind  after  everything  they’d  been  through  .    also  the  way  they  left  her  story  so  open  ended  ,    it  gave  me  such  a  wide  range  of  opportunities  to  flourish  her  story  even  more  !!    it’s  just  the  little  things  you  know  ??    not  to  mention  she’s  such  a  sarcastic  little  shit  LMAOO  my  bby  also  despite  the  fact  how  much  she  literally  despised  vampires  with  every  fiber  of  her  being  ,    krissy  looked  at  this  woman  who  was  in  the  middle  of  transitioning  into  one  of  the  things  she  hated  most  right  in  front  of  her  eyes    &    stopped  her  friends  from  killing  her  when  she  realized  there  was    HOPE    left  .    that  not  all  of  it  was  lost  ,    &    she  ended  up  saving  a  life  because  she  pushed  aside  what  had  been  embedded  into  her  since  the  day  she  was  FOUR    &    went  against  the  grain  .  AHHHH I LOVE HER 
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